Prayer or conspiracy for menstruation to come. Prayers to cause menstruation. With severe menopause

Complete collection and description: Stepanova's prayer to cause menstruation for the spiritual life of a believer.

My grandmother's golden recipes

The second time, by the holy Savior,

Come, Lord, Your help

The sun melts from God

So let it be gray

It disappears from my words.

Like all the names of angels

No one knows God

So let it be gray

They disappear from my words.

I will go (name), blessing,

I step out of the house, crossing myself.

From doors to hallways, from hallways to gates,

There the Lord will take me under protection,

Shelter me from the thunder, from the hail,

Save from gluttony and gladness,

Feed me my fill without food

And give me drink without water.

I will not languish from hunger,

I will not strive for food.

The water of God is my food,

And cruel hunger does not matter to me.

My word is strong.

My work is done.

There is no shortening either word or deed,

There is neither my words nor my deeds to redistribute.

Be all my words are strong,

Become all my affairs fast.

Key, lock, tongue.

Three winds, three brothers walked,

All three were blown away.

Blow three winds blow three brothers

But not in the back of the head, not in the eyebrow,

And blow on female blood.

How the light in the sky knows its time,

And how it begins to shine in its hour,

So the blood of the slave (name) know your days

And on other days and hours, do not run.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

As the smoke goes from the fire.

Key. Lock. Language.

I speak to myself (name)

God's words, molded deeds.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The fire is burning, wriggling,

God sees how my soul toils.

And how the fire burns out in the stove,

So the Lord will heal me.

Key, lock, tongue.

Take cancer to your new home.

You will live there from now on,

From now on you will be there,

And let the slave (such that) go.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

You will meet in one place,

Then only cancer (such and such) will eat!

v After saying “Amen,” turn around and walk away without looking back.

v 1 tbsp. a spoonful of herbs for 1.5 cups of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain and take a quarter cup five times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 week. This collection is also good in that after a week of taking the infusion, boils no longer appear, which cannot be said about the treatment with pharmaceutical preparations.

How to cause menstruation: prayer and conspiracy

All women want their bodies to work like a clock. Not even the whole organism, but the reproductive system in particular. And this is possible only when your periods are on time, and there are no inflammatory diseases.

How does a woman's brain work when periods are delayed? Panic begins! Some act competently and go to a specialized doctor. Others begin to delve into herbalists, look for a conspiracy or an appropriate prayer.

Is it possible to induce menstruation using witchcraft rituals? Let's figure it out!

One, two, five - we begin to conjure

In order for the necessary discharge to begin, you will need to collect tumbleweed seeds.

This herb is like that. Grows in the southern steppe regions. After the growing season, the course dries up and the wind carries it over considerable distances. So, you should take a pinch of seeds and tie it in a clean scarf. Put a bundle in your panties and go to any intersection.

They came, pulled out, burned a bag of seeds. It is important to make sure that the smoke from the fire does not drift towards you.

“I burned what I brought with me at the crossroads. Amen".

Turn around, go home and say hello to no one. Conspiracy must be carried out after dark.

For menstrual flow to go, you need to collect fresh urine. Attention! The volume of urine is 1 glass.

“Urina-uritsa, pure water.

Flame up, send me a toast.

Month, my dear friend,

You are a gilded horn

Hurry home soon.

Stand in front of me

Like a leaf in front of a grass.

Received a charmed potion. It should be applied to the lower abdomen. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are not uttered. Do not rinse the resulting magical infusion, the urine must be absorbed into the skin.

Traditional religions and periods

People often place increased obligations on God. Prayer is, in fact, a request to higher powers. There are various prayer requests for the health of the female reproductive system.

Requests for monthly allotments to go are few in number. Most likely, this is due to the fact that a woman is considered unclean during menstruation. She should not appear in the church, there is even an opinion that at this time it is impossible to pray and confess.

So, one of the requests to the Lord:

“Dear Lord Almighty, hear me and my simple requests. The days of female identification do not come, and I don’t want to show myself badly in front of all the people close to me. Hear my prayer, speed up my period, let it be even more painful than usual. I am ready to withstand anything, just not to lose my dignity in this life. Amen".

Prayer for menstruation. conclusions

See your doctor and find out the reason for the delay. Only the right treatment will help to evoke the desired response from the body.

How terrible is the conspiracy for menstruation

The conspiracy for menstruation is considered a very powerful magic, since any ritual using blood attracts unclean spirits as close as possible, which perform what the conspirators expect of them. Each person's blood is unique. This is not just DNA, it is personal energy, which, if directed in the right direction, can give tremendous results.

Period conspiracy

Not a single ritual of summoning spirits took place without this component. Previously, all rituals of black magic were performed using blood, both fresh and menstrual. And in the modern world this has not ceased to be relevant.

Benefits of using menstrual blood in rituals

As the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova says, this is a great power with which you can commit literally any magical crime. Victim's Best Choice: There is a golden rule that applies to all types of conspiracy - to take something, you have to give something. Many witches insure themselves by donating blood. If you do not give in return blood that can be renewed, then magic will take away what is really valuable for the rite of passage.

The sorcerer, during the ritual, in order to get blood, must be deliberately mutilated. But the woman was lucky in this regard. Most often, the purpose of rituals using menstruation is an attachment or binding. Every girl, girl, woman dreams of great love. But, not always it turns out to be mutual. A woman in love is ready for anything in order to persuade the man of her dreams to herself, because the result is important, and not the process of achieving it.

Sexual attachment

In order for a girl to become desirable for her chosen one, she can use this method to attract him. On the second day of the cycle, you need to take a small amount of menstruation (three drops will be enough). Then pour any drink into a glass, adding those drops. Next, stir the drink counterclockwise with a spoon (just not a silver one! Silver - takes on all the negative of black magic).

“My blood is for you. Your strength is for me. You want me - I'm yours. You want me - take me. My will is strong, I will conquer you. I conjure, I command - I want to see your desire. Amen".

Offer a charmed drink to your boyfriend / husband. He must drink every last drop.

This conspiracy is suitable for wives whose husbands go "left". This ritual is so powerful that a man will forget about the existence of other women. Even if it so happens that he ends up in bed with someone, there will be a guarantee that he will not succeed. The conspiracy begins to operate on the same day, no later than 12 hours later (pay attention to the time). It is best to carry out the ceremony on the waning moon, on Tuesday or Thursday. The ideal drink for this ceremony is alcoholic, but not beer or vodka. It should be a noble drink - wine or cognac. Observing these conditions, the binding will be stronger, and the period will be longer. After a couple of months, the attraction may weaken, so it is advisable to repeat this procedure again.

Love spell with a needle

Not always, a man lives with a woman in the same house so that she has the opportunity to treat him to a bloody drink. This man may have a relationship, or even a family. In this case, you can make a love spell with a needle. On the second day of the cycle, you need to get about a teaspoon of menstruation. Pour into a small, narrow vessel (something like a test tube flask). In special stores, or on the Internet, buy six black candles. It is necessary to take a gypsy needle and a full-length photograph of the victim. If it is not possible to get a photo from his house, it is enough to find it on social networks and print the photo in any printing press.

At one o'clock, after midnight, put 6 candles in such a way that a circle is formed. Put a photograph of a man in the center of the circle. Lower the needle into a vessel with blood, so that the needle enters at least 75%. Next, you need to pierce the photo in the groin area with a needle. The next step is to read the spell:

“I sew you to me. Sewing you off from others. You dream of me. No excuses. Sewing off craving for others. Sewing desire to me. You will fall at my feet. I sew you to me. Whatever you do, wherever you go, the road will lead to me. Amen".

After reading the prayer, you need to make a means to secure the binding. Ingredients:

  • vodka - 50 grams;
  • three seeds of green sweet pepper;
  • 5 drops of menstrual blood.

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients. Place in a dry, dark place for 30 days. According to verified data, a man will appear on the doorstep of the house of the woman who made the love spell, a month after the ritual, even if he lives at a great distance from the woman. Moreover, the reason may be some kind of "accident" - a car broke down near the house, mixed up the address, walked nearby, etc. This is a sign that you need to start taking action. It is imperative to invite a person into the house, offer to eat. Drop 5 drops of the tincture into the food. Such visits will become more frequent. Each time you need to do this procedure. And one day, at the next visit, the man will remain forever.

Love spell on white fabric

This method is suitable for girls who want romance in a relationship, recalls how her husband made pleasant surprises that have long been forgotten. You need to purchase a white cotton fabric. If there is no cotton one, you can take another one. The size depends on the desired amount of raw materials. Cut the fabric into small pieces, about 5x5 cm. When your period starts, a piece of fabric should be placed on the pad. When the fabric is completely saturated with menstruation, take it out, put it in a metal container and burn it.

For dinner, add a pinch of ash to your husband / man's meal. Read the following prayer:

“My soul is as pure as a white linen. My blood is strong, will do what is destined. Love with your soul, heart, head. I'm all for you, be you with me. Amen".

After dinner, you need to go to bed, without sex. The procedure can be carried out every menstrual phase. The reviews of the girls about the fashion with the fabric are the most positive. Everyone who performed this ceremony wrote that they managed to evoke love.

Conspiracy with negativity in the family

Couples living together have a relationship peak that is difficult to overcome. Constant quarrels, scandals, leading to depression, mutual resentment. About 50% do not stand up and diverge. But, if a girl intends to maintain a relationship, and wants to evoke past love, you can use a magical ritual. For a conspiracy, you will need a thing donated by your husband. Some valuable small item is best suited - a gold pendant, ring, earrings. When your period starts, you need to collect as much blood as you can "get". After another scandal, you need to close yourself in the room (it could be a bathroom). The husband should be at home at this moment. Take an attribute in the form of a jewel, a small container of blood. Dip the gold into a container. And speak the remedy.

“Happy times will come, adversity will go away. Anger will be forgotten, joy will come true. Malice will leave us, a good hour will come. Quarrels will dissipate, the positive will remain. Where to put, fasten there. Amen".

After getting the charmed thing, do not clean it. Hide it in a small cloth bag, which is also hidden from her husband's eyes. Gradually everything that is said in the prayer will come true.

Potential consequences is a topic that you should be aware of before taking action. The consequences can be the opposite of the expected ones, for several reasons:

  • the one who makes a conspiracy should not notify anyone of his intention;
  • it is impossible to read incorrectly, in the wrong order, mixing up the words;
  • with heavy or painful periods, it is undesirable to carry out a love spell;
  • it is not worth doing magic when the arrival of menstruation is later than the expected date.

Love spell for menstruation is carried out by the witch Tatyana Mosk

Magic video portal: Famous magician,

A love spell on monthly blood is carried out by the witch Stefan

How to remove the magic seal

If the ritual is not followed correctly, the consequences can be fraught. It is necessary to stop the action of the love spell in time. To stop the influence of magic, you need to wait for your period. When they started, put a candle on the windowsill every evening, and say: “Lapel - turn, lower it, run, take care of yourself. Amen". Doing so will help you remove the magic and turn things around.

When your period is over, go to church, light a candle for your health and the health of the victim. Ask God that the magical powers of the performed rituals are over. Before doing such things, you need to think about whether that person is worth it to bewitch him? And if the victim is a husband, then isn't it the best "love spell" with the help of menstruation - a delay? With a delay of 9 months, very good "consequences" of true love are born, which from time to time are overtaken by minute thunderclouds.

7 different conspiracies for periods

A regular menstrual cycle speaks not only of a woman's health, but also of the absence of pregnancy. For some, the absence of pregnancy is desirable, but for others it is a whole tragedy. We will talk about how to get pregnant using magic in another article.

Now consider conspiracies to induce menstrual blood.

Induce your period

You can summon blood to tumbleweed seeds. To do this, take a pinch of seeds and tie them into a new handkerchief. Put this bundle in your swimming trunks and go to the first crossroads. At the intersection, you need to burn a bundle of seeds.

“What I brought in my pants,

Burned at the crossroads.

Make sure that the smoke does not touch you. Leave the intersection without looking back, do not greet anyone, do not notice anyone. The consequences of an incorrectly performed rite can be negative.

It is better to choose the time for the ceremony after sunset.

Dawn Rite

If your periods are delayed, and you are afraid of the consequences in the form of an unwanted pregnancy, do the following rite.

To cause blood, in the morning dawn, put your fresh urine into a glass and read the conspiracy:

“Urina-uritsa, pure krinitsa.

Dawn-charger, red maiden.

Month, my dear friend,

You are a gilded horn

Hurry home soon.

Stand in front of me

Like a leaf in front of a grass.

In order for menstruation to come quickly, they rub their belly with charmed urine. You can do this in the bathroom. While rubbing the abdomen, the conspiracy does not need to be read.

Let the urine be completely absorbed into the skin, it cannot be washed off.

Abundant periods

If profuse menstruation has gone, blood is flowing all the time, then you can read the conspiracy.

Get up before the first rays of the sun, take a spool of red thread, look out the window (you can open it) and read the plot so that the blood stops:

"I will rise, the servant of God (name) at dawn,

I will turn to clean water.

You, water, flow out of the earth,

You dry out in the bright sun.

So it would be in me (name)

The frisky blood subsided

My disease is baked.

As a red thread breaks in my hand,

During the third reading, tear off the thread from the spool and throw it out the window.

The consequences of the ceremony will pleasantly surprise you.

If your period is painful

If painful periods have gone, then the consequences may not be desirable.

On the first day in the evening, pour clean spring water into a glass.

The body is not painful, do not hurt!

Woman's ailment, get out of the womb!

As the river washes its banks

So I would have been washed in woman's blood.

In order not to get pregnant

Monthly blood is also used in order not to become pregnant. To do this, you need to bury a rag (or gasket) after menstruation under the roots of a dried up fruitful tree.

"What blood I give birth to,

Like a tree without fruit and seed,

So I will be without burden.

This rite is valid for exactly three years. After that, you can fake (re-conduct the ceremony with a new rag).

Amulet for a relationship with her husband

  • oak branch;
  • green canvas;
  • "Silver water".

On the night of Ivan Kupala, you can put a strong amulet for marital relations. To do this, cut off a small oak twig (no more than five centimeters), peel it of leaves and bark. After processing, wrap the twig in a green cloth (you can use silk) and hide.

Take a bath in the morning with silver water added. This water can be prepared in advance by simply placing a silver object in a vessel with spring water for three days.

When your period comes, rub a couple of drops of your blood into a twig and hide it in your husband's things. If suddenly you notice that your husband has begun to pay less attention to you or discover the consequences of infidelity, just stir the drink prepared for him with a twig.

And if you are completely sure that your spouse is cheating, then secretly put a twig in the glove compartment of a car or his bag, a pocket of outerwear. You will find where to hide this twig, if you want. The consequences of treason will quickly disappear. This is such a magic twig!

Healing rite

Blood is used to induce healing from illness. In order to cure a seriously ill person, it is necessary to take a rag soaked in blood after the first wedding night of the married couple.

A sick person is washed by three people: a child, an old man and a widow. After that, wipe with a cloth with blood. The ceremony is carried out at three dawns: morning, before sunset and after sunset. There must be a full moon time, and the weather is calm.

When they wipe the patient, they read the conspiracy:

"The soul of the servant of God (name)

I was baptized until noon,

I fasted in the afternoon,

And at the last red dawn

She was released from her death.

At the same time (after the third reading) a rag with blood is buried under a tree so as not to cause trouble or other bad consequences.

Many girls are familiar with the situation when menstruation is delayed. To prevent unwanted pregnancy and provoke menstruation, it is read that the monthly conspiracy goes. Such rituals are effective with a delay of several days. If the critical days do not come longer, additional alarming symptoms appear, you should not risk your health, it is better to consult a doctor. Since this may indicate any disease of the organs of the female reproductive system.

Traditionally, magical help is needed in cases where it is impossible to cope with the situation on your own. But remember that before using any rituals, you should consult a doctor, exclude possible pathologies and diseases. Magical influence is necessary in a situation when you need to improve your health, cure a disease, change your destiny, and prevent unwanted events.

In order for rituals and ceremonies to bring the desired effect, they must be carried out following certain recommendations of experts in the field of esotericism and occultism:

  1. Perform all actions strictly following the instructions in the instructions. Do not change, remove or add anything on your own.
  2. During the performance of the rituals, it is necessary that no one and nothing interferes and distracts. This applies to family members, pets and the noise of household appliances.
  3. If no other time is indicated in the instructions, rituals to induce menstruation are performed during the growing moon. And rituals in order to get rid of diseases are carried out during the waning moon.
  4. Never tell anyone that they used magic, regardless of whether the rituals worked or not. Higher powers do not like publicity and boasting, they can punish for this.
  5. To exclude negative consequences, it is imperative to seek the help of traditional medicine, undergo the necessary examinations and, if necessary, treatment.
  6. Believe in the positive result of the actions performed, clearly visualize the final result.

Effective rituals

There are various rituals to induce menstruation. A prayer with an appeal to the Mother of God can also be read. Rituals for calling menstruation should be carried out sequentially, in compliance with all instructions in the instructions.

Into morning urine

To start menstruation with a delay, the following ritual is performed. Early in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen in the sky, it is necessary to collect a small amount of fresh urine into a container. Speak words on her so that menstruation begins:

“Urina-uritsa, pure krinitsa. Zoryushka-zornitsa, red maiden. Spread blood, flare up zdorushka. And you, a month, are my assistant, my friend and protector, hurry home, don't bother me. Let the blood begin, and my soul rejoices. Let it be as it is said, said. "

Rub the lower abdomen with spells of urine. Wait until the urine is completely absorbed into the skin. Usually, menstruation after such a ritual begins on the same day or the next.

On tumbleweed

A conspiracy to make menstruation come can be carried out using tumbleweed seeds. Take a handful of tumbleweed seeds, tie them in a new handkerchief. Put it in your underwear, go to the first intersection. In the middle of the intersection, face north, burn the tied scarf along with the seeds. When the bundle burns, pronounce the words of the hex three times:

“What I brought with me in the hem, I will burn at the crossroads at a time. Let the menses go, come what happens every month. Not to the detriment of my health, but for the benefit of future motherhood. Let it be as it is said. "

You need to stand so that the smoke does not fall on you. Go home without turning around or talking to anyone. It is best to perform such a ritual to induce menstruation after sunset.

Old conspiracy

A centuries-old conspiracy to induce menstruation has been used for many centuries. Take the following medicinal plants in equal amounts:

  • Melissa;
  • clefthoof;
  • sorrel;
  • deciduous mass of blackberries;
  • bloodroot.

Make a decoction based on medicinal plants, speak it with the words:

“Grass, grass, become my helper. Krovushka, go from my body as smoke comes from a fire. I will drink a potion of healing, my wish will come true but as quickly as the blood flows through the veins. I lock the words with a key, hide it under the black stone. Amen".

Such decoctions will also help if the delay is caused by various hormonal disorders.

With too heavy periods

If your periods are very intense, blood is abundant, rituals can also be used. Get up with the first rays of the sun, open the window. Take a spool of red thread in your hands. Read the next conspiracy:

“I will rise, the servant of God (name) at dawn, I will turn to clean water. You, water, flow out of the earth, dry out in the bright sun. So it would be in me (name) The frisky blood subsided, my disease was caked. As the red thread in my hand breaks, so let the blood break. Amen!"

Repeat this text three times, then tear off a small thread and throw it into an open window.

Vanga's conspiracies

Retire to the room. No one should interfere or distract. Light a candle, quietly pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“The blood boils and rages in my veins. I will call the blood, let my little head be calm. Blood flow out and spread, I am waiting for you, I call and cry. Start quickly, my body does not hurt. Women's pain come. I was tired of waiting for you, worn out. Menses come, may there be no diseases, ailments in my body. I will quietly read the conspiracy, I call blood. "

Let the candle burn out completely.

There is another conspiracy option. Break off a twig from a female tree, bring it into the house. Read these words:

“Let this twig dry up, go out. As the twig dries-dries up, so the ailments leave my body, dry up. Let there be no illnesses, menstruation will come as an alert about my women's health. There will never be problems. May it be so".

Put a twig under the bed. When it dries, break it into small pieces and throw it away in a deserted place.

Prayer for delayed menstruation

Go to the temple, endure the morning service. Light candles for the health of all relatives and friends, pray for their health. Stop at the icon of the Virgin, ask her for help for your women's health:

“Mother of God, I ask you to help me. Grant me your help, let the disease go away forever. In return, I will ask for women's health, help me to know the happiness of motherhood. I don't want to know the pain. Holy Parent, take me under your protection, grant help in a difficult matter. Stand up for me, help me in a difficult hour, let the female ailments go away. Amen".

With the help of simple but effective magic rituals, you can prevent unwanted pregnancy, cause menstruation when delayed. Performing magical actions, experts recommend that you must go to church, pray for health, light candles and order a prayer service for health. And be sure to believe in the help of higher powers.

My grandmother's golden recipes


With the onset of age, the strength of the body weakens. As a tree, preparing for a long, difficult winter, sheds its leaves and slows down its life process, so the human body during the aging period, redistributing its capabilities, gets rid of those functions with which it becomes difficult to cope. At a certain age, when it is already difficult to bear and give birth to a child, a woman has a natural menopause, during which she may experience severe headaches, insomnia, dizziness, irritability and nervousness. Some women complain of constant tinnitus, aching joints and lower back, almost all women experience sudden chills or intense fever (hot flashes).

Most women during menopause become extremely touchy or suspicious. This new character trait often spoils their relationship with loved ones.

In order to somehow reduce and eliminate the throes of menopause, I advise you to use simple, but rather effective means that were used to treat people in our family. After treatment, the patients seem to be reborn and are always very grateful.

From neurasthenia during menopause

Rub valerian root (½ teaspoon). Finely chop a peppermint leaf (1 tablespoon) and pour 3 cups of boiling water over. Let it brew for 1 hour and take half a glass of the infusion 3 times a day before meals.

For sweating and hot flashes

White lilac flowers - 30 g Alder buckthorn bark - 20 g Bird cherry leaves - 20 g Common fennel fruits - 10 g Peppermint leaves - 20 g Wormwood herb - 10 g Potentilla goose herb - 20 g

Chop and mix the collection. To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of the collection (with top) and pour 1 glass of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Take with meals a quarter of a glass of infusion in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

With severe menopause

Collection number 1

Celandine herb - 20 g Yarrow herb - 15 g Centaury herb - 30 g Horsetail herb - 15 g Potentilla grass - 30 g Blueberry leaves - 30 g Mint leaves - 20 g 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the collection mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour and drink in small sips, a quarter of a glass 2 times a day before meals.

Collection number 2

Blackberry leaves - 20 g Fragrant woodruff - 20 g Motherwort herb - 10 g Swamp desserts - 20 g Mallet flowers - 10 g Prepare a decoction and use it in the same way as in the first recipe.

Climax male

Men also have menopause, and it usually lasts up to two years. During menopause, almost all men experience headaches, arrhythmias and fluttering of the heart. Many men complain of unreasonable fears and apathy. Almost all men during menopause suffer from pain in the bones and in the back of the head. To reduce menopause and relieve a person from ailments, use the recipes below.

Tricolor violet flowers - 20 g Anise fruits - 15 g Pharmacy chamomile - 10 g Hawthorn flowers - 20 g Calendula flowers - 10 g Horse chestnut - 20 g

To prepare the infusion, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of collection for 300 ml of boiling water. Insist 40 minutes and strain. Consume half an hour before meals 2 times a day.

Collection number 2

Elderberry flowers - 30 g Buckthorn bark - 10 g Hernia herb - 10 g Licorice roots - 20 g Veronica spicata - 10 g Rose hips - 20 g

It facilitates and helps well with menopause drinking a seven-day infusion of kombucha, which, if desired, can be purchased from an advertisement in the newspapers, or ask around from friends.

Early gray hair

People turn gray for a variety of reasons. If a person has turned gray after living for more than fifty years, then this is considered normal by the laws of nature. But often you can see gray-haired people who are completely young in age. The main reason for early graying is heredity or severe stress and anxiety. Gray hair also appears from medications aimed at treating, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, malaria, etc. Diseases associated with hormonal disorders, for example, thyroid disease, provoke early gray hair. Those who lack copper in the body also suffer from early gray hair. Parents of young girls of sixteen to seventeen years old, whose heads were full of gray hair, came to see me. This was due to the fact that they tortured themselves with a protein-free diet.

Products containing zinc, copper, tyrosine will help you to stop and even eliminate gray hair. Here is a list of these foods: pumpkin seeds, apricots, almonds, baked potatoes, mushrooms, cocoa, sprouted wheat, sorrel, blueberries, corn, sesame seeds, and seafood.

I strongly advise: cook brown rice with the addition of sesame seeds. Do not salt the rice during cooking and then during meals. Cook like rice for a side dish, but add 25 grams of sesame seeds for every 1/2 cup of rice. I saw personally how, according to the teaching of my grandmother, people ate sesame rice every day, and their gray hair became the same, as the hair pigment from this remedy returned to them.

It is useful and should be rubbed into the scalp from premature gray hair mixed juice of white cabbage, onions and juice from apricots, with the addition of burdock and almond oil. Having smeared the hair roots with this mixture, wrap your head with a warm scarf and after an hour rinse off the medical compress with hot water, using egg yolks instead of shampoo. Your hair will be luxurious and healthy.

Conspiracy from gray hair

As you can let gray hair on a person with witchcraft, you can also speak it. The conspiracy is read with the waning moon:

First time, God's hour,
The second time, by the holy Savior,
Come, Lord, Your help
Rabe (name). Amen!
Like white snow
The sun melts from God
So let it be gray
It disappears from my words.
Like all the names of angels
No one knows God
So let it be gray
They disappear from my words.

Amen. Amen.

Slimming collection

Dandelion root - 30 g Parsley fruits - 30 g Buckthorn bark - 50 g Peppermint leaves - 30 g Fennel fruits - 30 g Nettle leaves - 20 g Dill seeds - 20 g

Grind the entire composition of the collection well and store in a cardboard box. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of collection for 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 1 hour and take an infusion of 2 glasses in the morning before meals.

A decoction of corn stigmas well reduces appetite.

Conspiracy to curtail appetite

If a person suffers from gluttony, let him read this conspiracy, and hunger will not torment him:

I will go (name), blessing,
I step out of the house, crossing myself.
From doors to hallways, from hallways to gates,
There the Lord will take me under protection,
Shelter me from the thunder, from the hail,
Save from gluttony and gladness,
Feed me my fill without food
And give me drink without water.
I will not languish from hunger,
I will not strive for food.
The water of God is my food,
And cruel hunger does not matter to me.
My word is strong.
My work is done.
There is no shortening either word or deed,
There is neither my words nor my deeds to redistribute.
Be all my words are strong,
Become all my affairs fast.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Uterine bleeding

The good thing about this method is that the collection that I recommend not only stops bleeding, but also eliminates the very cause of the disease.

Collection number 1

Highlander pochechuyny (grass) - 30 g Adonis - 20 g Wild strawberries (whole plant) - 50 g Viburnum bark - 30 g Cat's foot - 20 g White step - 20 g Burnet (roots) - 20 g Grind the entire collection. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of collection for 3 cups of boiling water. Insist 40 minutes, drink a quarter of a glass in the morning and at night.

Conspiracy from female bleeding

On the sea, on okiyane, on Buyan island
Three winds, three brothers walked,
All three were blown away.
Blow three winds blow three brothers
But not in the back of the head, not in the eyebrow,
And blow on female blood.
How the light in the sky knows its time,
And how it begins to shine in its hour,
So the blood of the slave (name) know your days
And on other days and hours, do not run.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

With irregular periods

Collection number 1

Lemon balm leaves - 30 g Potentilla goose herb - 30 g Shadra grass - 20 g Sorrel seeds - 10 g Blackberry leaves - 20 g Valerian root - 20 g Clefthoof root - 10 g

Chop the collection thoroughly and store in a dry place in a cardboard box. To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of the collection for 1.5 cups of boiling water. Insist 40 minutes. Take a quarter cup before meals.

Collection number 2

Sorrel grass - 40 g Parsley seeds - 30 g Sagging birch leaves - 30 g Yarrow herb - 20 g Peppermint - 20 g Rhizome of creeping wheat grass - 20 g St. John's wort herb - 20 g

For preparation and use, see above.

Conspiracy to call menstruation

Mother blood, come out of me
As the smoke goes from the fire.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.

From an unknown ailment

When doctors cannot determine the disease, and a person toils, speak for him an infusion of the following three herbs and give it to drink, first at sunrise, then at sunset. Three herbs are brewed: elecampane, Bogorodskaya grass and Adam's root. When you put plants in water, say their names. They put herbs in the order in which I wrote them.

Inflammation of the urethra

The signs of this disease are very similar to those of cystitis: the same painful urination, frequent urge, purulent mucous impurities in the urine, often with blood. In no case should the disease be started, as it is dangerous. I will teach you a wonderful and not at all complicated recipe, which was used to treat sick people in our family.

Collection number 1

Linden flowers - 3 tbsp. spoons Black currant leaves - 3 tbsp. spoons Parsley leaves - 5 tbsp. spoons Rhizome wheatgrass - 4 tbsp. spoons Calendula flowers - 3 tbsp. spoons Dill seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Mix the whole collection well before preparing the infusion. To prepare a medicinal infusion, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of collection with a top and brew with 2 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour and take half a cup warm drink half an hour before meals.

Collection number 2

Cornflower flowers - 3 tbsp. spoons Marshmallow roots - 3 tbsp. spoons Birch leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon Chamomile - 1 tbsp. spoon White cat flowers - 1 tbsp. spoon Pink flowers of yarrow - 3 tbsp. spoons Sunflower root - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Dry the entire collection, chop well and store in a cardboard box in a cool dark place. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of collection with a top on 2 cups of boiling water. Insist for half an hour and take on an empty stomach in a warm form.

First time, God's hour,
I speak to myself (name)
God's words, molded deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The fire is burning, wriggling,
God sees how my soul toils.
And how the fire burns out in the stove,
So the Lord will heal me.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Well relieves inflammation of the juice of white mulberry berries and a decoction of the whole plant of wild strawberries.

Bladder cancer

Take an old silver coin, such that the people who held it in their hands have long since died. Rinse the silver coin thoroughly and heat it over the fire. I know from experience how inconvenient it is to take such a red-hot coin, so carefully so as not to burn yourself, put it in a glass of water. The water will bubble, hiss, and you say:

Heat, go to hell, under the fire,
Take cancer to your new home.
You will live there from now on,
From now on you will be there,
And let the slave (such that) go.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.

This method is proven and very reliable, but when the sick or sick person recovers, it will not be possible to tell anyone why his illness has disappeared.


They pick one leaf from seven different birch trees and at the same time say on each leaf the day of the week: when they pick a leaf from the first birch, they say the word "Monday", tearing off a leaf from the second birch, say "Tuesday", etc. Thus, leaves are thrown at different intersections, but the intersections should be pedestrian - those where people walk, and not cars. As soon as the last sheet is thrown, you need to immediately say:

When you, all the days,
You will meet in one place,
Then only cancer (such and such) will eat!
v After saying “Amen,” turn around and walk away without looking back.

With boils

Collection number 1

Sage - 20 g Elecampane (root) - 20 g Field horsetail (grass) - 20 g Plantain - 30 g Swamp desserts - 30 g Warthog (grass) - 10 g.
v 1 tbsp. a spoonful of herbs for 1.5 cups of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain and take a quarter cup five times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 week. This collection is also good in that after a week of taking the infusion, boils no longer appear, which cannot be said about the treatment with pharmaceutical preparations.

Collection number 2

Medicinal sweet clover (herb) - 30 g Pharmacy chamomile (flowers) - 20 g Medicinal calendula - 20 g St. John's wort (herb) - 30 g Field horsetail - 10 g Marshal's thyme - 10 g

It is necessary to store, prepare and take the infusion, as in the indication of the first collection.

On the Azy river there is a viburnum bridge,
There is a coffin on the bridge
A boil sits on the tom's coffin.
Staff, teal, die,
Roll up three times in half
Roll off the body (name), skip.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.
Another conspiracy from a boil

On the sea, on the ocean
On the island on Buyan
There is an old oak oak.
On its branches, on its roots
The old dryness falls
The new one does not grow.
So let the boil disappear,
The body (name) of the slave does not suffer.
For now, for centuries, for all times.

Diabetes treatment

Fresh alder leaves collected in May are mixed with spring leaves of nettle and quinoa. The proportions of collection are equal. To prepare the medicinal infusion, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of collection for 1 glass of boiling water. In half an hour, the infusion is ready. This glass of infusion is drunk throughout the day, before meals. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.


Prepare the grass and barberry root for future use. To prepare an alcoholic infusion, you need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed collection in half a glass of medical alcohol. Insist on the remedy in a dark place for 10 days. Drink the infusion according to the scheme: the first 10 days - 30 drops 3 times a day; the second 10 days - 40 drops 3 times a day; then a break - 10 days, and then all over again. This treatment not only soothes joint and muscle pain, but also reduces the lumps that grow with gout.


With weak veins, a simple, affordable plant, Kalanchoe, infused with vodka, helps a lot. Fill a bottle with chopped Kalanchoe leaves, then fill with quality vodka. After 10 days, drain the infusion and rub the sore spots with it. It is better to do this in the evening or at night, before going to bed. After a month, you will notice visible results.

We will try to answer in detail the question: a prayer so that menstruation goes when there is a delay on the site: the site is for our dear readers.

To make your period come in a timely manner, confidently read a strong magic conspiracy. Lovely women, perhaps you suffer from ovarian dysfunction. Urgently to the gynecologist!

Self-medication is a monstrous risk, like an irrepressible desire to quickly cope with the problem.

Unstable onset of menstruation can be caused by a number of female diseases.

After you see a doctor, in your free time, read the strongest magical conspiracies.

They are the ideal support for basic treatment.

I declare that you will not have to go to the Temple.

Church candles are not required.

Retire in a locked room.

Mumble diligently with specially selected occult lines.

The blood is bad - the head is sick. I appeal to menstruation, so that they come on time, do not linger, do not scoff at me. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

As women's pains torment, so menses come on time. I am treating a disease, I whisper words. So that the ailments do not torment, health is not broken. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

In silence, I repeat the conspiracy, for menstruation I conjure. Let them come and shed blood, but they will not return in terrible pain. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Read each magic conspiracy 13 times in a row.

After about a week, repeat all occult activities.

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Prayer for menstruation

Every woman sooner or later in her life begins to experience such a phenomenon as menstruation. At the age of thirteen to sixteen years old, young girls for the first time feel discomfort in the area of ​​intimate parts of the body. This is the so-called sign of growing up. This is often very unpleasant, especially at an early age and during the hot season. Women will understand.

If you look at this from a religious point of view, then menstruation is that sign or symbol that a woman is ready to produce her own kind in this world. It is often said that a woman who has had her period and is very profuse, moreover, does not have the right to visit sacred places such as church, for example. This is very difficult to explain.

There are many prayers for this feminine phenomenon - menstruation. Some of them are created so that this process is not so painful and painful, some in general in order to cause menstruation if you are afraid about your feminine dignity and health. In addition, there are also such prayers that are intended so that a woman can get pregnant more quickly and get rid of menstruation, which interferes with this female happiness.

Here is an example of a prayer for your period. “Dear Lord Almighty, hear me and my simple requests. The days of female identification do not come, and I don’t want to show myself badly in front of all the people close to me. Hear my prayer, speed up the menstrual cycle, even if it is even more painful than usual. I am ready to withstand anything, just not to lose my dignity in this life. Amen".

All women promise themselves and the Lord not to defile themselves before their wedding. Everyone swears to the Lord that they will take care of themselves only for their only future husband. But the times are not the same. Both lust and passion took possession of the world and opened their hands. Both women and men fell under their influence. And it is not their sin.

Prayer will always help you to feel yourself easily and to feel God in your soul in a new way. Turning to the Lord will cleanse your soul, just as the process of menstruation cleanses a woman's body.

Do not hesitate to pray, hear the Lord, talk to him, and he will reciprocate your wishes and requests.

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How to cause menstruation: prayer and conspiracy

All women want their bodies to work like a clock. Not even the whole organism, but the reproductive system in particular. And this is possible only when your periods are on time, and there are no inflammatory diseases.

How does a woman's brain work when periods are delayed? Panic begins! Some act competently and go to a specialized doctor. Others begin to delve into herbalists, look for a conspiracy or an appropriate prayer.

Is it possible to induce menstruation using witchcraft rituals? Let's figure it out!

One, two, five - we begin to conjure

In order for the necessary discharge to begin, you will need to collect tumbleweed seeds.

This herb is like that. Grows in the southern steppe regions. After the growing season, the course dries up and the wind carries it over considerable distances. So, you should take a pinch of seeds and tie it in a clean scarf. Put a bundle in your panties and go to any intersection.

They came, pulled out, burned a bag of seeds. It is important to make sure that the smoke from the fire does not drift towards you.

“I burned what I brought with me at the crossroads. Amen".

Turn around, go home and say hello to no one. Conspiracy must be carried out after dark.

For menstrual flow to go, you need to collect fresh urine. Attention! The volume of urine is 1 glass.

“Urina-uritsa, pure water.

Flame up, send me a toast.

Month, my dear friend,

You are a gilded horn

Hurry home soon.

Stand in front of me

Like a leaf in front of a grass.

Received a charmed potion. It should be applied to the lower abdomen. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are not uttered. Do not rinse the resulting magical infusion, the urine must be absorbed into the skin.

Traditional religions and periods

People often place increased obligations on God. Prayer is, in fact, a request to higher powers. There are various prayer requests for the health of the female reproductive system.

Requests for monthly allotments to go are few in number. Most likely, this is due to the fact that a woman is considered unclean during menstruation. She should not appear in the church, there is even an opinion that at this time it is impossible to pray and confess.

So, one of the requests to the Lord:

“Dear Lord Almighty, hear me and my simple requests. The days of female identification do not come, and I don’t want to show myself badly in front of all the people close to me. Hear my prayer, speed up my period, let it be even more painful than usual. I am ready to withstand anything, just not to lose my dignity in this life. Amen".

Prayer for menstruation. conclusions

See your doctor and find out the reason for the delay. Only the right treatment will help to evoke the desired response from the body.

A conspiracy to make your period come.

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7 different conspiracies for periods

A regular menstrual cycle speaks not only of a woman's health, but also of the absence of pregnancy. For some, the absence of pregnancy is desirable, but for others it is a whole tragedy. We will talk about how to get pregnant using magic in another article.

Now consider conspiracies to induce menstrual blood.

Induce your period

You can summon blood to tumbleweed seeds. To do this, take a pinch of seeds and tie them into a new handkerchief. Put this bundle in your swimming trunks and go to the first crossroads. At the intersection, you need to burn a bundle of seeds.

“What I brought in my pants,

Burned at the crossroads.

Make sure that the smoke does not touch you. Leave the intersection without looking back, do not greet anyone, do not notice anyone. The consequences of an incorrectly performed rite can be negative.

It is better to choose the time for the ceremony after sunset.

Dawn Rite

If your periods are delayed, and you are afraid of the consequences in the form of an unwanted pregnancy, do the following rite.

To cause blood, in the morning dawn, put your fresh urine into a glass and read the conspiracy:

“Urina-uritsa, pure krinitsa.

Dawn-charger, red maiden.

Month, my dear friend,

You are a gilded horn

Hurry home soon.

Stand in front of me

Like a leaf in front of a grass.

In order for menstruation to come quickly, they rub their belly with charmed urine. You can do this in the bathroom. While rubbing the abdomen, the conspiracy does not need to be read.

Let the urine be completely absorbed into the skin, it cannot be washed off.

Abundant periods

If profuse menstruation has gone, blood is flowing all the time, then you can read the conspiracy.

Get up before the first rays of the sun, take a spool of red thread, look out the window (you can open it) and read the plot so that the blood stops:

"I will rise, the servant of God (name) at dawn,

I will turn to clean water.

You, water, flow out of the earth,

You dry out in the bright sun.

So it would be in me (name)

The frisky blood subsided

My disease is baked.

As a red thread breaks in my hand,

During the third reading, tear off the thread from the spool and throw it out the window.

The consequences of the ceremony will pleasantly surprise you.

If your period is painful

If painful periods have gone, then the consequences may not be desirable.

On the first day in the evening, pour clean spring water into a glass.

The body is not painful, do not hurt!

Woman's ailment, get out of the womb!

As the river washes its banks

So I would have been washed in woman's blood.

In order not to get pregnant

Monthly blood is also used in order not to become pregnant. To do this, you need to bury a rag (or gasket) after menstruation under the roots of a dried up fruitful tree.

"What blood I give birth to,

Like a tree without fruit and seed,

So I will be without burden.

This rite is valid for exactly three years. After that, you can fake (re-conduct the ceremony with a new rag).

Amulet for a relationship with her husband

  • oak branch;
  • green canvas;
  • "Silver water".

On the night of Ivan Kupala, you can put a strong amulet for marital relations. To do this, cut off a small oak twig (no more than five centimeters), peel it of leaves and bark. After processing, wrap the twig in a green cloth (you can use silk) and hide.

Take a bath in the morning with silver water added. This water can be prepared in advance by simply placing a silver object in a vessel with spring water for three days.

When your period comes, rub a couple of drops of your blood into a twig and hide it in your husband's things. If suddenly you notice that your husband has begun to pay less attention to you or discover the consequences of infidelity, just stir the drink prepared for him with a twig.

And if you are completely sure that your spouse is cheating, then secretly put a twig in the glove compartment of a car or his bag, a pocket of outerwear. You will find where to hide this twig, if you want. The consequences of treason will quickly disappear. This is such a magic twig!

Healing rite

Blood is used to induce healing from illness. In order to cure a seriously ill person, it is necessary to take a rag soaked in blood after the first wedding night of the married couple.

A sick person is washed by three people: a child, an old man and a widow. After that, wipe with a cloth with blood. The ceremony is carried out at three dawns: morning, before sunset and after sunset. There must be a full moon time, and the weather is calm.

When they wipe the patient, they read the conspiracy:

"The soul of the servant of God (name)

I was baptized until noon,

I fasted in the afternoon,

And at the last red dawn

She was released from her death.

At the same time (after the third reading) a rag with blood is buried under a tree so as not to cause trouble or other bad consequences.

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◄ Attention! is just a guide, we provide information for informational purposes only, in no case use black methods in practice in order to harm others!

How to induce menstruation?

How can I cause menstruation? Today is my 40th day.

My cycles are not regular, more than 30 days (32-34-36), but this time it was too long.

There is no pregnancy, BT is low, according to folliculometry, there is a cycle without ovulation, the test is negative.

Of course, I have such failures once a year, especially in the spring. But I want to somehow bring them closer. The day after tomorrow we are still leaving for the sanatorium. I so wanted them to go to the sanatorium.

Take a cup of morning urine (you need to collect it until seven in the morning, until the second roosters) and read over it:

Uritsa-uritsa, pure krinitsa,

dawn-charge, red maiden

month month my friend

hurry home soon

endometrium all down

stand in front of me like a leaf in front of a grass

Your period should be in the evening

In general, they cause progesterone. But I think we have to wait a little longer. I called often, as the delay - so I call. And now they don't go at all. Well, at least I'm already 60-some day.

Something I do not want to rub my stomach with urine.

Conspiracy to make your period come

To make your period come in a timely manner, confidently read a strong magic conspiracy. Lovely women, perhaps you suffer from ovarian dysfunction. Urgently to the gynecologist!

Self-medication is a monstrous risk, like an irrepressible desire to quickly cope with the problem.

Unstable onset of menstruation can be caused by a number of female diseases.

After you see a doctor, in your free time, read the strongest magical conspiracies.

They are the ideal support for basic treatment.

I declare that you will not have to go to the Temple.

Church candles are not required.

Retire in a locked room.

Mumble diligently with specially selected occult lines.

The blood is bad - the head is sick. I appeal to menstruation, so that they come on time, do not linger, do not scoff at me. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

As women's pains torment, so menses come on time. I am treating a disease, I whisper words. So that the ailments do not torment, health is not broken. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

In silence, I repeat the conspiracy, for menstruation I conjure. Let them come and shed blood, but they will not return in terrible pain. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Read each magic conspiracy 13 times in a row.

After about a week, repeat all occult activities.

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Prayer for menstruation

Every woman sooner or later in her life begins to experience such a phenomenon as menstruation. At the age of thirteen to sixteen years old, young girls for the first time feel discomfort in the area of ​​intimate parts of the body. This is the so-called sign of growing up. This is often very unpleasant, especially at an early age and during the hot season. Women will understand.

If you look at this from a religious point of view, then menstruation is that sign or symbol that a woman is ready to produce her own kind in this world. It is often said that a woman who has had her period and is very profuse, moreover, does not have the right to visit sacred places such as church, for example. This is very difficult to explain.

There are many prayers for this feminine phenomenon - menstruation. Some of them are created so that this process is not so painful and painful, some in general in order to cause menstruation if you are afraid about your feminine dignity and health. In addition, there are also such prayers that are intended so that a woman can get pregnant more quickly and get rid of menstruation, which interferes with this female happiness.

Here is an example of a prayer for your period. “Dear Lord Almighty, hear me and my simple requests. The days of female identification do not come, and I don’t want to show myself badly in front of all the people close to me. Hear my prayer, speed up the menstrual cycle, even if it is even more painful than usual. I am ready to withstand anything, just not to lose my dignity in this life. Amen".

All women promise themselves and the Lord not to defile themselves before their wedding. Everyone swears to the Lord that they will take care of themselves only for their only future husband. But the times are not the same. Both lust and passion took possession of the world and opened their hands. Both women and men fell under their influence. And it is not their sin.

Prayer will always help you to feel yourself easily and to feel God in your soul in a new way. Turning to the Lord will cleanse your soul, just as the process of menstruation cleanses a woman's body.

Do not hesitate to pray, hear the Lord, talk to him, and he will reciprocate your wishes and requests.

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Prayer for the end of menstruation

If a woman is relieved of the burden of a dead child every time, this should be done.

Conspiracy from female diseases

Kalina broke, at the servant of God (name)

Drain, rinse with water

Grandmothers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles,

Fathers, mothers evil whispers,

Evil talk, witch conspiracies. Amen.

A conspiracy to mend a cycle

Get out of the womb of a woman's ailment.

As if the river flowed, washed the steep banks,

It would be so easy to wash.

Good pregnancy conspiracy

Dear place, I am your bride.

How were you born today

so that I, God's servant (name), give birth to a child.

In the name of Otia and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy to get pregnant

How you gave people the sun and the moon,

stars and light clouds are frequent,

so that I, God's servant (name),

carried and gave birth to a child.

How you, a month, were born in heaven today,

so would my womb be born as a child.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Painful periods

Foul-smelling discharge conspiracy

Find such a bump in the field so that it is covered with dried grass. Piss on her and say:

so let my panties be dry.

Perineal fever conspiracy

my deeds, be strong.

The first is seven, the second is seven,

the third is seven, the fourth is seven,

the fifth is seven, the sixth is seven,

Morning dawn until noon

evening dawn until midnight,

and the fever is up to my word.

Speak a breast of unequal size

If a girl has one breast much larger than the other, you can help this way: they sit her opposite him at the table. They put two candles in front of it, having bought in advance a high candle and lower. A tall candle against a smaller breast, and a smaller one against a larger one. First, they light a high candle, and after reading the conspiracy, a low one. Do this for seven days. The cinders from the candles are taken to the church, put, as usual, in a tray for cinders:

Conspiracy with menopause

Give me your face, so that there is no dashing.

Did Mother Mother of God look at you? -

Did you endure women's torment? - No, I didn't.

So I would, slave (name), look at you in the water

Yes, women's torment can not be tolerated.

The stars are frequent, the Lord is the throne.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Bleeding from the uterus

The definition of cases requiring medical attention for this disease is as follows.

Menses, lasting a long time with the release of a significant amount of blood, can turn into real bleeding from the uterus; the latter, on the other hand, can occur irrespective of the monthly cleansing. In both cases, the flow of blood from the uterus is more accurately determined not by the amount of blood flowed out, which, being in essence insignificant, may seem abundant, especially on a woman's clean underwear.

Too abundant menstruation can manifest as follows: a woman feels general weakness in the body, noise and ringing in the ears, darkening in the eyes, dizziness, a tendency to faint, or faints when raising her head; the patient has a pale, sunken face, cold hands and feet, cold sticky sweat, weak, slow breathing; heart palpitations when moving; weak, fast, intermittent pulse; lack of appetite; sad, dull state of mind; swelling of the legs in the evening.

If monthly bleeding lasts 7-8 days, returns very often, after 1-2 weeks, or finally appears after 2-3 weeks, or becomes continuous at short intervals, then in these cases bleeding from the uterus is a disease requiring medical intervention.

Internal reasons predisposing to this disease - obese, loose, full-blooded physique, as well as scurvy thinness (anemia).

External reasons(producing):

♦ a sedentary lifestyle?

♦ frequent childbirth, improper childbirth assistance;

♦ mechanical damage to the abdomen, tremors when falling, riding, etc .;

♦ sexual excesses, especially during the course of menstruation;

♦ juicy, spicy, intoxicating food and drink (meat, game, chocolate, coffee, wine, vodka, spices);

♦ diseases of the uterus (inflammation, cancer, polyps),

Outcomes: recovery with the removal of causes, especially external ones, after proper help. Diseases arising from excessive uterine bleeding (general weakness, exhaustion, thinness, girlish pallor, tendency to dropsy, diseases of the viscera, tabes, consumption).

Treatment painful menstruation consists in eliminating the producing causes and requires compliance with the following rules:

♦ protecting themselves from this disease, women, from the time they have bleeding (between 13 and 16 years) until the end (between 45 and 50 years), should avoid all causes that can stop, intensify and make monthly cleansing incorrect;

♦ a woman suffering from a quick, sudden cessation of monthly cleansing should stay in bed in a warm room, keep her feet warm, do not consume anything intoxicating (wine, beer, strong tea, coffee), meat and sour milk, raw fruits; light soup, porridge, water, kvass are recommended;

♦ with a slow cessation of monthly bleeding or its absence in due time, one should pay attention to the cause of the disease, general health and complexion. It must be borne in mind that young unmarried women, having become pregnant, try to assure that they do not have their periods from colds, fright, etc. no obvious painful changes (seizures) are noticed, no means should be used to restore the monthly cleansing, at least during the first three months from the time it stopped. If, after 3-4 months, no abdominal enlargement is noticed, then you need to invite a doctor or visit a polyclinic. If, in addition to general weakness in the body, pallor of the face, a good reason for the origin of the disease, upon examination, stopping the monthly blood flow turns out to be really painful, the doctor will prescribe the patient sufficient movement in the fresh air; you should eat healthy, digestible, and even strong drinks, spend time in a good and pleasant society for her;

♦ with heavy monthly bleeding, a woman should remain in bed in perfect peace of mind and body. She should lie on her back, on a low headboard; her bed should consist of a simple hair mattress: any feather bed or down bed, because of its intoxicating effect, is considered extremely harmful in this case. No movement is allowed, it is even better to refrain from talking, if only possible. The most useful food for her is light and cool: the patient can eat cold stews of veal, chicken with a little bread; for the first two or three days it is better for her not to eat anything, but to drink cold water. Shown is oxalic whey made from oxalic juice with milk and strained. This remedy, with prolonged constant use and observation of caution (abstinence from the matrimonial bed, excitement of passions, the use of wine and meat food), cures this disease;

♦ with abruptly stopping monthly cleansing, if the patient is not full-blooded, has already given birth to children, feels only fever, slight pain in the abdomen, enough warm poultices of hay dust and other softening and stimulating herbs for treatment. They are applied to the lower abdomen several times a day. It is recommended to inject into the vagina a warm decoction of flaxseed, egg grits with milk, the root of prowort, marshmallow, emollient washing from the decoction of the same means. Also prescribed are cooling laxatives, consisting of prunes, cinnamon, cremortartar, serum with honey and saltpeter, warm full and foot baths with bran, hay dust.

Often stopped monthly cleansing is cured by one external irritation of the breasts. To do this, apply a mustard plaster to the outside of each breast for 15–20 minutes. Cleansing from this soon appears, and the redness and small swelling that has occurred on the breasts from mustard plasters disappear in four days. This remedy is useful in delayed cleansing and when it is in small quantities.

If a woman is full-blooded, has not yet given birth to children, has a strong fever, abdominal pain or difficult, rapid breathing, hard, rapid pulse, then you must first put 10-30 leeches near the entrance to the vagina, depending on how abundant the patient has a month cleansing.

With severe bleeding from the uterus, which weakens and debilitates the body, this treatment is not enough; the patient falls into a fainting state, while it is necessary to give a sniff of vinegar, rub whiskey with it. It is necessary to put your feet in cold water, apply a towel soaked in cold water to the abdomen and on the pubic bone; the thighs should be tied moderately with a belt that compresses the saphenous veins, which will slow down the flow of blood to the abdomen.

Peasant women have great confidence in the operation of this dressing. They use another method of treatment. As soon as after bandaging the thighs with a belt, uterine bleeding stops, the patient should keep this belt. At the beginning of spring, when birch trees are in sap, a woman goes into a birch grove and girdles her belt three times around the trunk of a birch, saying: “I showed off, paint you too>”, then ties it with a tight knot and leaves. They assure that the disease does not return after this, and the birch dries up.

The uterus itself can be syringed with plantain juice or vinegar. Heavy and prolonged bleeding from the uterus, which is not inferior to all these funds for 1-2 days, requires the help of a doctor. In this case, injection into the vagina of a decoction of willow, oak, cinchona bark with alum, iron vitriol (10 g per 400 ml of broth) is used, inserting into the vagina halves of juicy lemon, a sponge soaked in oak broth with alum. Inside give thoroughly strained alum whey (600 ml of milk and 10 g of alum), tea with cinnamon (5 g of cinnamon per 200 ml of tea).

With plethora and excitement of the blood, iron vitriol is prescribed, 0.1–0.2 g each, as well as saltpeter, cremortartar (tartar), and bitter salt.

In case of an old illness, iron mineral waters - Caucasian and Lipetsk are useful.

Postpartum uterine bleeding

They stop only due to the tight contraction of the uterus.

Rub the lower abdomen with a cold hand, or better with Hoffman drops or ether; douching with cold water; inside give ergot.

If severe bleeding occurs before the discharge of the placenta, it is necessary to first remove the placenta, and then to achieve contraction of the uterus.

Monthly painful bleeding

Monthly bleeding, as the main manifestation of the full development of the female body, has a great impact on the health and diseases of women; it is considered painful when it either stops prematurely, or intensifies and turns into real bleeding from the uterus.

The painful condition of monthly bleeding is of two kinds:

♦ stopping monthly blood flow;

♦ bleeding from the uterus.

The cessation of monthly bleeding is rapid, sudden, or slow, latent.

A quick stop of monthly blood flow during its course occurs most often from a cold, especially the abdomen, hypothermia of the legs and the whole body, often from mental shock (fear, fear, joy, strong and sudden grief), sometimes from an error in the diet, burdening the stomach with fatty heavy food, especially sour, sour fruits, sour milk.

Following the cessation of menstruation, which did not last even half the term (3-6 days), there is severity, pain in the lower abdomen, full, fast, tense pulse, fever throughout the body, thirst, fever. If, moreover, the stopped monthly blood rushes to other organs, then stabbing, headache, nausea and vomiting appear.

Premature stoppage of monthly blood flow is a dangerous disease, and it is even more dangerous the younger, stronger and more full-blooded the patient is, who has not yet given birth to children, the more she is prone to shock, consumption, hemoptysis. In weak, anemic, giving birth women, it is not so dangerous and is easily cured.

A slow painless stopping of monthly bleeding or its absence on time always comes from weakness in the body, anemia and a lack of blood corpuscles in the blood ("girl's illness").

Monthly cleansing is wrong

In addition to the sulfur receptions described above, take 6 times a day for 1 tablespoon of carrot or rare juice in half with milk or honey fed; it is useful to sit for a quarter of an hour every day in a lukewarm bath, or instead of a bath, in the evenings, put your knee-deep legs in a lukewarm bath with hay dust, but no more than five minutes.

Stop monthly cleansing

Causes: colds, severe mental shocks, pregnancy.

When prescribing menstruation, you need to be quite sure that there is no pregnancy. Also, you can not prescribe them for consumption, pale sickness, during the recovery period after serious illness.

The most effective are: Chernobyl, which is usually consumed in the form of tea, brewing a large pinch of 1-2 glasses of water; in powder give 0.5 g per dose.

Cinnamon and saffron are taken as a tincture of wine.

Foot baths (about 30 ° C) for 2030 minutes are very useful. A handful of salt and 23 handfuls of ash are added to the hot water; after the bath, pour over your feet with clean lukewarm water, wipe dry and put on woolen stockings, into which it is useful to pour dry mustard.

Warm hay poultices are also helpful. dust. Take hay dust, brew it in cast iron with water, squeeze it out so that water does not flow; apply warm to the lower abdomen, changing as often as possible.

Inject a warm decoction of flaxseed or marshmallow root into the reproductive parts.

Take 1/2 teaspoon 3 times a day with combustible sulfur in powder, washing down each time with 50 ml of sorrel, red currant or cranberry juice.

Take 7 cups of fresh milk and brewer's yeast, mix together and drink every day in the morning.

The surest remedy for stopping or ending your monthly cleansing is by drinking rainwater. Drink a bottle of rainwater every day for 6-12 weeks or more. It is best to take water immediately after the thunder. In view of the fact that it is not always possible to have fresh water, it is necessary to collect it in reserve.

Take anise oil on an empty stomach in grape wine.

Green tea is also helpful.

The monthly cleansing is too strong

Causes: local inflammation of the uterus, ulcers and growths on the uterine cervix, growths on the uterus itself (polyps and fibroma), as well as miscarriage and its consequences.

❖ Important means include applying ice to the lower abdomen, cold douching with water and vinegar or a solution of ferrous chloride (1 teaspoon in a glass of water).

❖ The common people drink a cold broth of spruce moss growing on the trunks of old firs (whitish color).

❖ Take 6 times a day with a glass of poppy juice. As an astringent for bleeding, iron sesquichloride works well. Inside, give 2.

3 drops in a glass of water two or three times a day.

❖ Take 1/2 cup 5 times a day juice of blackberry leaves, sorrel, sour cherry, bird cherry, rhubarb with wild strawberry broth.

❖ In case of severe and persistent bleeding, apply rags on the stomach, smeared with thick kvass, brewer's yeast or fresh clay, diluted with water, or soaked in kvass, in which the lead has been lying for several hours, four times a day.

❖ It is also useful to inject into the uterus a decoction of oak or willow bark with alum or iron vitriol (4–8 g per 400 ml of decoction).

Urinary incontinence

In this condition, urine flows out involuntarily: constantly, drop by drop (complete urinary incontinence) or only if you want to urinate, which happens suddenly and is so strong that the patient cannot stop him and is forced to urinate in bed, in a room, in linen (imperfect urinary incontinence). Finally, another type of urinary incontinence is that the patient urinates during sleep in bed.

The causes of the disease are varied. Continuous dripping of urine depends on the opening of the bladder opening and is a sign of paralysis. Such paralysis can be the result of difficult childbirth in women, bruises of the lower abdomen, back, sacrum, tabes dorsal, expansion of the bladder from prolonged urinary retention. Also, urinary incontinence may remain after the removal of the urinary calculus or appears in the elderly. In young people, the disease is caused by sexual excesses, the presence of urinary stones and other reasons.

Temporarily involuntary (imperfect) outflow of urine depends on irritation of the bladder with urinary calculus, sand, small worms, rush of hemorrhoidal or monthly blood to the bladder. It also occurs from hardening of the bladder walls, hardening and swelling of the rectum, anterior tilting or drooping of the uterus, ulcers and fistulas in the bladder, as well as frequent urination, which results in narrowing of the bladder and inability to hold large amounts of urine. ...

Self-treatment is rarely successful, especially in the elderly. Therefore, all sufferers of perfect and imperfect urinary incontinence should consult a doctor.

In the treatment of urinary incontinence, various fasteners (astringents) are used internally and externally: oak, willow, cinchona bark, iron vitriol, alum in the form of a decoction, lotions, cold baths - simple, rain, with the direction of the rain stream to the perineum; cold iron mineral waters are applied to the pubis.

Imperfect urinary incontinence can be cured by eliminating its causes: hemorrhoids, worms, diseases of internal organs.

Incontinence of urine during sleep in children, as a result of bad habit, laziness, cold housing, poor bed, the habit of sleeping, wringing their legs, is cured by the fact that children are not allowed to drink at night, they teach them to sleep on their side, and not on their backs or stomachs, wake them up 2-3 times at night. In boys, covering the glans of the penis with a film of egg white sometimes helps.

❖ Water the genital members with cold water three times daily; in the evening, drink as little as possible and take three or four times a day, 6 g of plantain seed powder per 50 ml of poppy juice.

❖ It is useful to drink a decoction of fresh or dry blueberries and blackberries, 100 ml 4 times a day.

❖ Take an arbitrary amount of rose hips and the fourth share of drupe berries against them, cook for half an hour or more in sufficient water, then add four pinches of rose hips, let it boil 2 times, then strain and drink 1 glass cold 2 times a day.

❖ Take the slag, grind it into powder, sift through a sieve. Take 2 g of powder mixed with bread crumb. This powder also helps to strengthen the bladder channels. There is another way: put rusty nails in a strong vinegar solution, wait until the rust dissolves. Drink 10 g of vinegar mixed with 50 g of water. The treatment is carried out for a long time. Refrain from eating spicy, sour and salty foods.

Energy and magical treatments

Energy Healing

Brief information about energy centers

Energy centers, or chakras, are responsible for the work of all systems and organs of the human body.

1st center is located on the crown of the head and is responsible for communication with space, controls the duration of a person's life, the level of his intellect, the boundaries of knowledge of the world; has a purple glow. Never work with this center!

2nd center located between the eyebrows and is responsible for the work of the central nervous system, is the center of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairaudience. Only a teacher works with this center, he can treat neuropsychic ailments. The center is blue.

3rd center located under the throat, in the jugular fossa, and is responsible for the work of the throat, larynx, thyroid and thymus glands. Behind it has a projection on the spinal column. Has a blue glow.

4th center located in the chest cavity at the level of the nipples; responsible for the work of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, heart muscle and pleura. Has a green glow. Behind it has a projection on the spine.

5th center located two fingers above the umbilical cord, behind it has a projection on the spine; responsible for the functioning of the stomach, pancreas, liver, spleen, small and large intestines; has a yellow glow.

6th center located two fingers below the umbilical cord, behind it has a projection onto the spinal column, is responsible for the work of the bladder, gallbladder, urinary tract, kidneys, adrenal glands, genitals. Has an orange glow.

7th center located on the tailbone (back). Responsible for the work of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, fatty layer, muscles of the bone skeleton, peripheral nervous, lymphatic, circulatory systems, tendons; has a red glow.

For example, if you have a sore crown of your head and problems with the bladder, then this indicates poor performance of the 7th center and the presence of a skin disease.


If the patient does not have a woman, do not treat. Energetically relieve the stress situation caused by the first inept and unsuccessful intimate contact (fear relief), and then code the patient. Give full name, for example: “Nikolai Ivanovich, I inspire and inspire you that you can be with your beloved woman as long as she wishes or you wish. Do you understand this? What did I say?" At the same time, the healer clasps the patient's head with both hands (level of the 2nd energy center), smoothes the brow ridges and speaks in one key, without blinking his eyes, the words of the code (see above).

Combine the 2nd energy center, color the subcortex in blue and represent sexual intercourse. The first sexual intercourse should take place at 4-6 am.

Recommend the patient to give up alcohol, drugs and tobacco smoking. Find out if the patient has fecal "blockages", compression of the prostate gland. It is recommended not to have breakfast once a week, not to have lunch once and not to have dinner once.

Start the treatment on the new moon. There are many fish, better steamed or boiled.

2-3 times a day to carry out self-massage according to the following scheme: with the thumbs of both hands, massage the tips of the toes for one minute; massage the back of the ankle with the ribs of the palm for 1 min.

In a clockwise direction, massage the outer part of the knee joint (cavity on the left) for one minute. Take a testicle in both hands and squeeze them synchronously: one squeeze per full year lived. With the index and middle fingers of the working hand, massage the area from the scrotum to the anus with translational movements for one minute.

With both thumbs, massage the area of ​​the prostate gland, the fingers themselves find active biological points.

With the index finger of your right hand, clockwise massage the area of ​​the 6th energy center for 1 minute.

If the patient suffers from impotence for more than one year, additionally energetically influence the prostate gland (position of the patient - lying on his back with bent knees, the so-called elbow-knee ligament, supporting himself by the knees).

Program: " Thoughts of the patient's prostate gland cells (name), wake up, normalize your function, eliminate inflammation (the healer works rhythmically and clearly), and I will help you!»

❖ Assign to eat a raw blue (purple) onion. Before going to bed, eat 1-2 red apples. Do not eat meat four hours before intercourse (blood rushes to the stomach). If the patient is over 50 years old, you need to have the youngest woman at the age of 18–20 years. Fast once a week, using only freshly prepared vegetable and fruit juices with the addition of 50% spring water. Drink a decoction of schisandra chinensis, cardamom grains, talaban herb and 50–80 ml of pumpkin juice per day.

❖ If the patient has prostatitis and prostate adenoma, sexual weakness, prescribe decoctions of the following collection of herbs: warty birch buds - 2 tbsp. spoons, adonis - 1 tsp, Dzhungarian aconite roots - 12 drops (alcohol infusion), lingonberry leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon, bearberry - 1 tbsp. spoon, bird highlander - 1 tbsp. spoon, mustard, ginger, calendula, Kalanchoe - 1 teaspoon each, corn silk - 5 tbsp. spoons, onion, lemon balm, dandelion root, parsley, blue cyanosis, pumpkin seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon, horsetail, sage - 3 tbsp. spoons, field talaban, sandy sainfoin and field rape - 2 tbsp each. spoons, the root of Echinacea purpurea and the fruit of Chinese magnolia vine - 3 tsp.

The mixture should be infused in 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos for 2 hours. Dose: 75-100 ml 4-5 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1-3 months. Follow a strict diet, drink 200 ml of pumpkin juice daily, tea from stinging nettle, infusion of celery and parsley roots.

❖ Take baths from the following decoctions: swamp honey, St. John's wort, Datura, talaban, lemongrass, thyme, toadflax, blackberry leaf, birch, ivan tea, plantain leaf, chamomile and calendula flowers - 1–2 tbsp. spoons for 2 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Procedure time - 20 minutes. The temperature of the water with the broth is 35 ° C. Take such baths 2-3 times a week.

❖ Drink also red wine with cardamom and echinacea - 50 ml 5 times a day 1 hour before meals.

❖ Lubricate the prostate area with toadflax ointment. Take flax flowers 2 tbsp. spoons and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of 70% - new alcohol, leave for 4 hours, add 10 tbsp. tablespoons of warm pork lard, rub for 2–2.5 hours, strain through cheesecloth. Lubricate the perineum, prostate and anal area. The ointment gradually dissolves the prostate tumor. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Be sure to follow a strict diet, eat cranberries, drink tea from the flowers of calendula (marigold), string, consume 40 drops of alcoholic tincture of Echinacea purpurea root daily, do not lift weights of more than 3-5 kg.

It is especially important for the patient to avoid stress. Remember that stress and impotence are siblings.

The position of the healer's hands: shielding - on the lumbosacral region of the spine, and working - in the area of ​​the ovaries (testicles). Working hand - the first phalanx (ring, middle and index fingers) is located at the entrance to the perineum. Imagine how a golden ball comes out of their tips, which is mentally guided by the healer along the movement of sperm to the ovaries. Having reached the input of the adhesion of the fallopian tube, the ball hits the place of entry into the uterus several times and bounces off it 2-3 times. Finally, it breaks through the entrance to the fallopian tube, "absorbs the information of the disease" and changes its color.

Then the magician-healer should take him back, evacuate to "magma" and "burn". The second ball has a similar effect on the second fallopian tube. Form two golden balls that move synchronously to the fallopian tubes and do not change their color. At some point, when the balls are inside the tubes, they must be simultaneously "blown up", imagining how their mass is "sprayed" on the inner walls of the fallopian tubes, giving them rigidity.

Then you should work with the reproductive organs with flowers according to the scheme with the program: "Thoughts of the cells of the reproductive organs of Ivan (Anna), wake up and normalize your functions, do your duty, and I will help you with this." During the session, present the patient to a pregnant woman at the 3rd, 4th, 6th months, "see" her fetus with the developing lactation passages of the mammary glands. Sessions are held in the period from the 7th to the 13th day from the moment of the 1st day of the onset of menstruation; the egg, which lives for twelve hours, is already ready for fertilization. The number of sessions per month - 1, 3, 6, 9.

Recommend the patient to organize her intimate life in such a way that at least once every two days she was with a man. If the girl is unmarried, then recommend that she choose a man 58 years older than herself (from the mother - health, from the father - intellect).

During sexual intercourse, the patient should imagine:

a) if the healer is a woman, then in her place I am not - the patient, but the healer;

b) if the healer is a man, then I, the patient, will be in the place of the healer of the man.

❖ Recommend a herbal decoction to the patient: medicinal sage - 4 parts, common hop cones - 4 parts, dioecious nettle leaves - 3 parts, prickly hawthorn fruits - 2 parts, cinnamon rose hips - 2 parts, oregano - 3 parts, black elder flowers - 2 parts, rhizomes of elecampane high, yarrow, sandy immortelle - 2 parts each, corn stigmas - 3 parts, blue rhizomes blue - 4 parts.

Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 4 hours. Dose: 100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

The course of treatment: 6-12 months with a monthly break of 7 days.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

Nephritis and pyelonephritis are treated as follows.

The position of the patient is lying on his stomach, Place the shielding palm of the right hand on the projection of the kidney to be healed, and with the index and middle fingers of the left working hand, with a light tap, work with a red glow and draw attention to the thoughts of the kidney cells (right and left alternately) to enhance their functions; work according to the program: Z-Z-O-Z-Z-Z-O (where O is orange, 3 is green and Z is yellow). The number of sessions is 4, 6, 9.

If the second kidney does not need treatment, it must be energetically influenced according to the program-scheme: P-Z-Z-O-Sd (where P is stroking, 3 is green, W is yellow, O is orange, and S is silver rain).

There is a rule for twins: if one twin is bad, then the other twin is also bad. So it is in paired organs (lungs, bronchi, chest, eyes, arms, legs and kidneys). When working with kidneys, a magician should remember that a patient with diseased kidneys should not shave, but wear a mustache and beard, long hair protects the body from harmful, unnecessary energies.

If a woman shaves her hair under her arms, which is very fashionable today, then she may have problems with the lymphatic system, and if she shaves her pubis - problems with the genitals. It is not for nothing that priests who wear long hair, like women, live 5–8 years longer than ordinary men.

❖ For nephritis and pyelonephritis, the following phyto-collection can be recommended to the patient: heather - 4 parts, lingonberry leaf - 2 parts, ivy budra - 2 parts, upright signet root - 4 parts, flowers (fruits) of prickly hawthorn (blood-red) - 2 parts, sandy immortelle flowers - 4 parts, Veronica officinalis - 2 parts, common hop cones - 2 parts, medicinal lungwort - 2 parts, corn silk - 4 parts, oregano, thyme (thyme, bedstraw) - 2 parts each, marshmallow root and bird knotweed (knotweed) - 4 parts each. Then 1 tbsp. a spoonful of this collection must be poured over 200 ml of boiling water and insisted in a thermos for 2 tsp.

Dose: 100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

Bladder diseases

Enuresis can be treated as follows.

The position of the patient is standing, the healer is sitting. The healer puts the shielding hand on the back of the lumbosacral region, and the working hand on the area of ​​the bladder, ureters and urinary tract.

"Close the energy ring" with your hands and keep your hands in this position until (up to 1–2 minutes), until the healer feels a slight tingling sensation in his fingertips.

After that, imagine how from the tips of the fingers of both hands come out counter energy streams of orange color, forming in the center of the bladder with appendages "energy tornado". This fiery tornado "burns out" the patient's ailment and is represented by the healer in the form of a gray or black spider. The whirlwind "burns" six legs of the spider, and the body explodes (bursts), its contents turn into steam and evacuate naturally through the urinary tract outward. The number of procedures is 7 and a multiple of 7 full inhalation and exhalation. Further, the healer should work with flowers according to the above program: “ Bladder cells thoughts, wake up and activate your functions, extinguish the flame of disease».

❖ In addition, you need to drink a decoction of bearberry leaves (bear ears) - 1 tbsp. spoon, blue cornflower flowers - 2 tbsp. spoons, leaves of large plantain - 1 tbsp. spoon and 1 teaspoon of celandine and St. John's wort. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over everything, leave for 15–20 minutes. Dose: 30-50 ml 4-5 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is a month.

When treating enuresis, energetically relieve stress (fright) associated with the aggressiveness of a werewolf-shaped dog, due to fright on the street, in a nursery, or on a bus. Energize the bladder by laying on hands (see above), representing instead of a bladder, a melon with a crack at the bottom. Imagine how a "silver needle" as long as this phalanx emerges from the first phalanx of the middle and index fingers of the working hand, pulling out a "silver thread" that is seven times longer than the needle itself. Use this "needle" to mend the crack in the "melon". Do not tie a knot, after which the "needle" with a blunt end "returns" to the finger.

Then work with the bladder with flowers according to the above scheme and with the program: Bladder cell thoughts, wake up! Normalize (restore) your functions, force the bladder sphincter to contract". Let the patient listen to the alarm clock ringing, then "place" an "energy alarm clock" in his bladder, for which put the shielding hand on the lumbosacral region, and rotate clockwise with the index finger of the working hand in the area (projection) of the bladder.

Simulate a red glow (red circles on the patient's orange bladder), while the patient should look into the forehead (second zone) of the healer, and the healer, without blinking, looks into his eyes.

The patient can look into the eyes of the healer in the area of ​​the 2nd energy center. Say again: “I put an“ alarm clock ”in your stomach, which will certainly wake you up at the right time, and you will wake up dry. Do you understand what I said ?! "(Repeat phrases 1-3 times.)

"Pump" the patient's energy from the hips to the head, rotating the patient 90 ° three times. The number of sessions is 1–4.

❖ Drink a decoction of plantain seeds before going to bed (10 g per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes). Dose - 100 ml 1 hour before meals. Every other day, add one part of St. John's wort to the broth (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water).

Healing with conspiracies

A conspiracy is a kind of speech formula with the help of which the healer turns to those forces that are able to help in this particular case.

Any conspiracy, regardless of its utilitarian meaning, size and other indicators, usually consists of three parts. The first- appeal to the force (or those forces) from which help is expected. The second- a direct statement of requests and wishes, which necessarily includes the name of the person to whom help will be addressed. The third part conspiracy - the so-called "castle", which carries the suggestive function and, as a rule, ends with the word "amen", which means "true" (according to another translation - "so be it"). Healing conspiracies belong to the field of white magic: it is assumed that help in this case is provided by angels, saints, the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, etc.

The circle of medical conspiracies also includes those that are designed to neutralize various harmful influences that can cause discord, drunkenness, material disorder, etc. in the family.

It is not excluded that the patient himself, his relatives, and friends may draw up conspiracies: according to folk healers, such conspiracies are very powerful, especially if the patient and the author of the conspiracy are in consanguinity.

How to plot

Before starting your magical work, you must memorize the “Our Father” (if you don’t know this prayer) and the prayer to the Saint, who is your patron saint or the patron saint of a person close to you (the saints will help to determine this Saint).

For the first part of the conspiracy, the following appeals are suitable:

2) “Lord Jesus Christ, I pray you for mercy»;

In the second part, state the essence of the request. The best fit here is a figurative description of the disease itself, its main signs, where the denial of "not" is used. For example, if a conspiracy is drawn up for a patient with chronic heart disease, you can form a request like this: “So that the heart does not burn with fire, the hoop does not sting, the needle does not prick". The second part of the conspiracy can be quite voluminous: details will not hurt here.

The third part of the conspiracy should summarize everything that has been said, give it a complete form. For the third part of the conspiracy, the following formulations are suitable:

1) “There is a stone on the mountain, a seal on the stone. My word is strong»;

2) "I said the word, I locked the doors, hung the lock, and the key is in my hand."

3) “The horse galloped along the path and lost its horseshoe. I picked up a horseshoe, nailed it with a copper nail. My word is strong».

At the end of the conspiracy, the word "amen" is pronounced.

How to pronounce a conspiracy

As a rule, the conspiracy is pronounced three times: three times the verbal formula will help to make it more effective. Please note that you have a very powerful tool in your hands with which you can heal a sick person. You need to concentrate on this thought; otherwise, the conspiracy may not work. Prayer spoken from a pure heart and with any words will be of great benefit here.

The conspiracy must be pronounced aloud (you can whisper it), clearly pronouncing each word. It is advisable that the person on whom the conspiracy was drawn up was nearby and heard the words you utter. You achieve two goals at once - you turn to external forces for help and instill in the patient himself firm hope for recovery.

What time of day is it recommended to choose for pronouncing a conspiracy? There is no single recipe, it all depends on the nature of the conspiracy itself. Some of the conspiracies can be pronounced several times a day, almost at any time, others at dawn, still others at sunset, and still others at midnight. Healing conspiracies are pronounced more often in the evening. There is another recommendation: if a chronically ill person who lacks vital energy is undergoing treatment, then the conspiracy is pronounced at the moment of sunrise. If the conspiracy is pronounced over a patient experiencing an excess of perverted vital energy (these diseases are often accompanied by high fever), then the best time for treatment is sunset. In any case, a conspiracy drawn up with a deep understanding of the importance of this matter will be valid at different times of the day.

« Nicholas, the saint of God, the helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the way, on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil».

❖ Time favorable for conspiracies: very favorable - May, October and November; less favorable - April, December and June; contribute little - July, August and March; absolutely unfavorable - all the rest.

❖ Full moon days are good for conspiracies - the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th and 13th and the days of the lunar crescents.

The waning period provides material benefits, while the waning period provides spiritual benefits.

The rest of the days are not suitable for treatment with conspiracies.

❖ Days "sacred to the gods" are the 6th day of each half of September, the 13th day of the dark half of October, the 9th day of the light half of November.

❖ Conspiracies on Thursday bring death, on Saturday - death, on Monday in the dark crescent - powerless, the rest of the days are good.

Below are conspiracies that have been tested in practice for many decades. They were compiled by experts in the field of folk magic and became known to a wide range of readers due to painstaking research work.

If a woman or a man is spoiled by such damage, cut 12 rods and every day, taking three rods in your right hand, hit them against any fence with the words: “ I beat you for infertility. Help lime. Give fruit to the garden, and give birth to the slave (name) of children. As I say, so it will be. "

Do this for four days until the rods run out.

Before the conspiracy, it is necessary to massage the legs, rising from the feet on the sides up to the perineum.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

There is a holy ocean-sea, on that holy ocean-sea there is an island, on that island there is a damask oak, that damask oak has damask roots, damask twigs, a damask top, the circle of that damask oak will not bend by the wind, it will not break with a whirlwind, so the servant of God (name) had seventy lived and a single vein x ... on the female face of a red girl, on old women, on young young women, on gray mares, hedgehog under that damask oak the body of rage and youth, I dissolve rage and youth on the servant of God ( name) in a zealous heart, at seventy-seven lived, and one vein of the heart, and one vein x ...

Still at the top of the damask oak sits a cheerful bird of heels, gets up early, raises its head and sings merrily, just as if the servant of God (name) had seventy-seven lived and lived one ... maidens, old women and an evil, corrupted man. Whoever thinks and thinks evil of me, hit his knees on a stone, kill him.

I, the servant of God, became seventy-seven lived and one lived x ..., they became better than the old, braver than the former, like a turiy horn, like a spruce branch, so that that servant of God (name) was ardent and bright for female lust, for a hollow place in eyelids of centuries. Amen".

Help with childbirth (for relief)

Read between contractions: “Christ was born, and we are waiting for the baby. Amen".

Open all curtains and locks. Light a candle and say: “ While the candle burns out, here she will give birth. Amen".

There are all sorts of births: one does not groan, and the other does not come to life for several years. Such people need to be treated, otherwise, in caring for the baby, the mother will lose her last strength and, having undermined her health, she will not live much. If you are asked to strengthen such a patient, do not refuse. Go to a heated bath (where it is not very hot), put a stool in the middle of the bath and sit the patient on it. Draw a circle around her with a bar of soap, stand up from your back and gently pour water at a pleasant temperature on her head. Read aloud, loudly, loudly:

“I pour bath water, gray ash, forest broom, wipe it off, dissuade. I put the young girl's silushka in its place. I beckoning the bathhouse brownie to her feet, to her arms, to her breasts, to her body. Put it on, housekeeper, her body is white. Amen, amen, amen. "

Let her wrap herself with what she came to the bath in, put on new clothes and leave in silence. And you wipe the stool with what she wipes and throw your clothes into the oven. (Warn the patient in advance to put on in the bath what you do not mind. And do not forget to say about leaving in silence.)

Heal uterine bleeding

Read on drink, drink in the morning, afternoon and evening: “ Morning hours, daytime hours, evening hours, collect my blood in one stream. Send it through the veins, through my body, so that I was flawless. Amen".

❖ A lot of people were cured with this conspiracy. The kidneys, surprisingly and joyfully, come back to normal, take on a healthy shape, fall into place.

Wait for the full moon, lay the patient face down, bless him from the back. The fingers of the right hand are tightly clenched into a fist. Move your fist over your back. With each word, "dissolve" your hand so that by the end of the conspiracy, a straight palm becomes a fist. Read the conspiracy:

“You were born and baptized. You have a heart to beat, lungs to breathe, kidneys to drive urine out of your body. I raise and restore the place of urine in your body. I bless and strengthen and heal. Amen, amen, amen. "

❖ Let the patient lie on his stomach, drive a willow branch from Palm Sunday along the lower back, draw crosses and say:

“The earth does not hurt, the sky does not hurt, the sun does not hurt, the month does not hurt, and the slave's (name) kidneys do not ache, do not hurt, do not press, do not inject. I would spit on this pain, on this whining, on this stitching, on every scrap. As I say, so it will be, and the servant of God (name) from this hour will forget his pain. Amen, amen, amen. "

A woman should fast for four weeks before starting treatment. There are very few and only vegetables. Anything that previously had blood, such as meat, should be excluded. Avoid the conjugal bed. Keep yourself clean.

Treatment takes place at the first rays of the sun in the house where the patient lives. Three wedding candles are lit, the patient is seated in front of the candles. While they are reading slander, they cut off locks of hair from the head three times, transferring the hair to the patient's palm.

“I will marry you, servant of God, with life and health, with twelve joys, with twelve hopes, with twelve hours and twelve days, with Christ's disciples, with their strength and help, I will take away from you, servants of God (name), a serious illness , evil ailment, the Lord is with you. I trust you in the hands of the Lord and his Mother, the Most Holy Most Pure Theotokos, she will cover you with her canopy, with an honest payment, she will illuminate your path-path so that you walk, do not stumble, so that you do not succumb to illness. The Lord Christ himself will heal you. My word cannot be interrupted or destroyed. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If the abdomen is weak and there is a threat of miscarriage, this conspiracy will help strengthen. Speak to the water, and let the patient drink 12 sips per day: “ Mother Mother of God, intercessor of mothers, come out of the heavenly doors, strengthen the servant of God (name), the fruit of the womb and the womb of the fruit. Amen".

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