Phyloid or leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland: how to treat the pathological proliferation of the glandular and connective tissue of the milk ducts. Leafy fibroadenoma - watch out for the threat! Leafy fibroadenoma of the mammary gland what


Leafy fibroadenoma of the mammary glands is a neoplasm of the fibroepithelial group.

At the initial stage of development, the neoplasm is benign, but without timely treatment there is every chance of developing into a malignant tumor.

Leafy fibroadenoma acts as a transitional stage from a simple fibroadenoma to a malignant tumor of the connective tissues of the mammary gland. Therefore, specialists need to accurately differentiate leaf-shaped fibroadenoma from other similar gynecological pathologies and start adequate therapy on time.

Leafy fibroadenoma is also called a leaf-shaped tumor of the mammary glands, phylloid or giant myxomatous fibroadenoma.

Pathology can develop regardless of the patient's age. At risk are people with hormonally active periods, that is, the age of puberty (from 11 to 22) and the onset of menopause (from 37 to 52).

Fibroadenoma can be suspected by seals in the mammary glands of different sizes, sometimes they can be giant. It is by size that the leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is divided into two groups:

  • The diameter of the neoplasms does not exceed 50 ml. The neoplasm has a coarse-grained or lobular structure, grayish-white in color. Fibroadenoma does not overlap with adjacent tissues.
  • Diameter over 50 ml. It differs from the first case by the presence of cystic cavities filled with gelatinous liquids. The surface of the neoplasms is dotted with polyps. They develop suddenly and rapidly. This is due to the good blood supply to the fibroadenomas.

Leafy fibroadenoma can be single or multiple. If there are many neoplasms in the connective tissues, then they can affect two mammary glands at the same time.

Leafy fibroadenomas have three stages of development:

  1. Benign. At this stage, neoplasms do not start metastases and develop slowly.
  2. Transient. The neoplasms are invasive and do not metastasize. In such lumps, a secondary change is often formed, for example: hemorrhage, dystrophy, necrosis, or tumor decomposition.
  3. Malignant. The neoplasm consists of cells dividing uncontrollably. They can metastasize to nearby tissues.

You can distinguish them by their symptoms. Depending on the stage of development of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma, the therapy technique is chosen.

Causes of leafy fibroadenoma

Experts have not determined exactly why leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland begins to develop. But there are certain factors that activate the process:

  • disrupted work of the endocrine system and thyroid gland;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • puberty;
  • pregnancy;
  • one or more instrumental abortions;
  • physical and nervous overload;
  • strong stressful situations;
  • pathological disease of the ovary or adrenal gland;
  • diabetes mellitus and obesity;
  • improper oral contraceptives;
  • contraceptives;
  • various injuries of the mammary glands, improper massage;
  • solariums, sunbathing or other thermal influences.

The main factor that provokes the rapid growth and division of connective tissue cells is a disturbed hormonal background. Due to hormonal disruption in the female body, the level of estrogen increases significantly.

Basically, this occurs when a girl starts puberty, or when a woman is carrying a child.


When leafy fibroadenoma begins to develop, the woman may notice the first signs.

  1. When feeling the breast, you can notice a small seal; when pressing on it, the woman does not experience pain or an unpleasant sensation.
  2. The sizes of the seals range from 10-30 ml. Without timely treatment, neoplasms grow and increase in size.
  3. In whatever position the chest is, the seals are clearly felt. Phyloid fibroadenoma is palpable only in the supine position.
  4. As a rule, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma manifests itself in the form of one seal, but it is possible that several neoplasms appear.

For a long time, fibroadenoma may stand in one place and not grow, but this does not indicate that over time it can completely dissolve.

When a patient in her 40s and older is diagnosed with nodular fibroadenoma, the neoplasm is most likely to be malignant.

Often, nodular fibroadenoma of the breast is diagnosed in combination with diffuse mastopathy. This is due to the improper production of the female hormone. When several diseases are diagnosed at the same time, then further cysts are formed, which are filled with a transparent liquid.

Modern diagnostics

In addition to probing and external examination of the breast, the specialist prescribes several more examinations of the mammary glands in order to accurately diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

  1. Ultrasound examination of the breast. With the help of ultrasound, doctors will be able to differentiate fibroadenoma from cysts. Also, neoplasms with a heterogeneous structure, different cavities and numerous gaps are visible on the screen. An ultrasound examination examines the structure and the exact diameter of the seal. Often, when Doppler ultrasound is additionally prescribed, this is one of the types of ultrasound, which studies the network of blood vessels responsible for the nutrition of neoplasms.
  2. Mammography. An x-ray of the mammary glands is performed, on which the neoplasm, its size and edges will be visible. Allows you to determine the exact outline of the seal (recall that leaf-shaped fibroadenoma does not have an exact shape, it can be round, oval or semicircular). A lobular structure is also determined.
  3. Puncture biopsy. Such a study allows specialists to study the composition of the cells of the neoplasm. Doctors harvest the connective tissue of the tumor and conduct a cytological examination.
  4. Histological examination. Such an event is carried out after the fibroadenoma is removed, this will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis.

For an adequate course of treatment, specialists must accurately distinguish leafy fibroadenoma of the mammary gland from another pathology. It is also necessary to accurately determine the development process of fibroadenoma, or rather, whether it will develop into a malignant tumor.

Is breast fibroadenoma dangerous?

Nodular fibroadenoma is not dangerous to a woman's health. The seal is removed only when it develops with positive dynamics.

The neoplasm is removed so that it does not reach a larger size, because when a node with a large diameter is removed, a scar may remain. The phylloid form of breast fibroadenoma is considered dangerous; it leads to breast sarcoma (a rapidly growing malignant neoplasm).


Doctors select the method of therapy depending on the size of the seals. When the seal does not exceed 10 ml, then it is not removed, but the patient is under the strict supervision of doctors who monitor the dynamics of the neoplasm, periodically prescribe mammography and ultrasound.

In another case, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is removed using surgery.

The operation is carried out in the case of:

  • rapid growth and increase in the diameter of the tumor;
  • cosmetic defects;
  • the size of the neoplasm exceeds 50 ml;
  • planned pregnancy.

To remove phylloid fibroadenoma, doctors prescribe enucleation (doctors take out the neoplasm, make a small incision) and resection. No scars remain on the female breast after surgery.

When doctors perform a sectoral resection, they remove the lump and surrounding soft tissue.

When an operation is performed, a biomaterial is taken for a histological examination, which will allow to determine whether the neoplasm does not degenerate into a malignant tumor (sarcoma). If the leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary glands is surgically removed, then the chance of recurrence is reduced to zero.

Leafy fibroadenoma of the mammary gland or myxomatous is an uncommon disease that is a two-component formation. It is dominated by growths in the epithelium and in the connective tissue, and the latter is many times larger. Among all breast neoplasms, myxomatous fibroadenoma can be found only in 3-5% of cases. The disease is rarely diagnosed on time, so the risk of malignancy is very high. In one case out of ten, fibroadenoma degenerates into a sarcoma. In addition, the tumor is rapidly growing, often recurs, and one cannot do without surgical intervention.

Fibroepithelial formation, dense in structure, without capsular limitation. The structure is lobular, not involving the skin. However, in giant forms, ingrowth into the pectoral muscle can occur. A histological examination of the tissue reveals the presence of viscous mucus, which is contained in the cystic cavity. Slit cysts can be either in a single specimen or represented by a variety of polypoid inclusions. The color of the tumor is gray-white or pink with coarse-grained components and lobules. Also, the neoplasm can be in one breast or in both mammary glands. Cases of leaf-like formation have been reported in men, despite the difference in the structure of tissues with the female breast.

The classification of a leaf-shaped tumor depends on the size, growth rate and forms of damage to the stroma of the mammary gland.

Small, up to 5 cm in diameter, leaf-shaped neoplasms have a structure of slit-like depressions, clearly localized. When the tumor is more than 5 cm, histology shows cystic "cluster" growths, which consist of more than one node.

The classification of forms of leaf-shaped neoplasms is approved by an international degree. Distinguish:

  • Benign
  • Intermediate, or borderline
  • Malignant

The growth rate does not depend on the malignancy of the process. Even a small education can be life threatening. Phyloid fibroadenoma is characterized by a rapid pace of development.

How dangerous is she

The danger of a tumor is the possibility of the development of proliferative processes that carry a carcinogenic threat. The risk of progression of cancer cells in phylloid fibroadenoma is several times higher than usual fibromastopathy.

Also, this formation is characterized by a rapidly growing tumor. The rapid replacement of healthy tissue with tumor-like growths contributes to the deformation of the breast shape. A leaf-shaped neoplasm grows to a gigantic size if there is no adequate therapy.

Metastasis of tumor cells in phylloid fibroadenoma occurs along the intracanalicular pathway - through the canals and ducts of the mammary gland. Neglected cases are very difficult to treat.

Even after surgical treatment, the disease is capable of recurrence, therefore, a woman who has had leaf-shaped fibroadenoma should be observed all her life.

The diagnosis of the disease is very low compared to other breast tumors. It is determined completely by chance during an examination using an ultrasound scan.

Reasons for development

One of the main signs that contribute to the proliferation of pathological leaf-type tissues is the hormonal factor. The active production of hormones falls on the reproductive age - from 20 to 40 years. It is during this period that the possibility of the formation of the progression of phylloid fibroadenoma appears. Also, disruptions in the work of the hormonal system, and precisely estrogen and progesterone, are observed in the premenopausal period of a woman's life. The risk of developing the disease is high from 50 years.

The provocateurs of pathology are:

  • Frequent aborted cases.
  • The lactation period and its disorders (for example, abruptly interrupted breastfeeding).
  • Disrupted metabolic processes, including metabolic malfunctions and obesity.
  • Cancers of other organs, including the ovaries and uterus.
  • Chronic diseases (type I and II diabetes mellitus, hepatitis and others).
  • Possible disturbances in the activity of the endocrine system.
  • Reduced protective functions of the immune system.

A special cause of leafy fibroadenoma is a genetic predisposition to the formation of mutagenic cells and heredity.

Manifestation symptoms

Leaf growths in a woman's chest are of a two-stage nature: a long-term current disease may not make itself felt for many years, but with a certain impulse (hormonal, immune and others), progressive tumor growth is provoked. It has a rapid development and is called myxomatous giant fibroadenoma.

The initial period is characterized by the absence of symptoms of leafy fibroadenoma. Often, a chest lump is identified as a small, movable ball by touch, or by diagnostic procedures such as ultrasound or mammography.

The second stage is the growth of cells, which can take oncological form. This is manifested by the following symptomatic triad:

  • Allocations
  • Burning

Chest pain with leafy fibroadenoma can be constant, aching, or occur after physical exertion or stress and a sharp change in the emotional background. Discharge from the nipples is an interlobular effusion of cancer cells and can be yellow, light gray, or milky. With a large tumor, the discharge has a reddish tint or with admixtures of blood streaks, since the pectoral muscle is affected.

A burning sensation is present in the chest, where a small fibroadenoma nodule is located. At the same time, the skin above it begins to thin and turn blue. The dilated venous ducts are clearly visible, which also extend to the armpit.

In giant or advanced cases of leafy fibroadenoma, the formation of ulcers on the skin is considered a rare phenomenon.

The general condition of the body also suffers. Among the symptoms of well-being, there is an increase in temperature to subfebrile numbers, weakness, malaise, deterioration of appetite or its absence at all. With further malignancy of the tumor, anemia develops. Medicines to relieve pain and other symptoms do not work.

With metastasis of leafy fibroadenoma, neighboring organs are affected, then the symptoms will be associated with them - pain in the liver, lungs, and so on.


Diagnosis of leafy fibroadenoma is difficult, since it has been in "dormant mode" for many years. When determining any size seal in the breast, you should immediately seek medical help by visiting a mammologist.

The doctor will prescribe an extended diagnostic examination, which includes:

  • Ultrasound examination of both breasts.
  • X-ray mammography (it is done depending on age - nulliparous women are often not done).
  • Doppler ultrasound to study the blood flow of the mammary glands (in the presence of a tumor, the blood flow will be impaired).
  • Magnetic resonance imaging scans the breast tissue layer by layer.

Examination of the mammary glands using an ultrasound machine allows you to determine the boundaries of the leaf-shaped fibroadenoma. The photo clearly shows an inhomogeneous structure with numerous cavities and cystic fissures. In appearance, phylloid fibroadenoma can be compared with a head of cabbage. Also, ultrasound allows you to identify the structure of the neoplasm and the exact size and localization.

Symmetrical examination of the breast is also characteristic of mammography, which will very accurately characterize changes in the tissues of the mammary glands, will reveal the smallest formations at the earliest stages of progression, and will also give a complete description of the tumor about its structure. The structure can be coarse-grained, lobular, or in the form of a variety of cystic inclusions. The results are described by a competent specialist, it depends on him what the result will be:

  • Positive
  • Negative
  • False positive
  • False negative

To eliminate errors, mammography is always supplemented with other non-invasive examination techniques.

MRI of the mammary glands is a unique study, which, according to doctors, is the most informative. It can be carried out with or without a contrast agent. In the first case, you can check the presence of cystic elements, tissue density, expansion of the milk ducts. When using contrast, MRI helps to find out what is the nature of the neoplasm - benign or malignant, reveals enlarged and enlarged nearby lymph nodes, assesses the size and location of overgrown pathological tissues.

In fact, MRI is the most accurate method for identifying abnormal cells in places where other diagnostics were not informative.

For optimal therapy, a progressive tumor should be clearly differentiated from a malignant process. In this case, biopsy sampling of the tumor is performed in different places using a puncture. Then the obtained tissue sample is sent for a cytological laboratory examination.

Treatment method

The only and most effective way to treat foliar fibroadenoma is surgery. Only with excision of pathological tissues can the development and growth of the tumor, as well as its degeneration into a malignant process, be prevented.

The volume of surgical intervention directly depends on the size of the tumor-like formation. If the process is benign, then it is done:

  1. Sectoral resection - the organ is preserved, performed under general anesthesia or with the help of local anesthesia. Differs in a faster recovery period. Benefits include a subtle scar along the edge of the areola or a sub-sternal suture.
  2. Quadrantectomy - excision of the breast quarantine where the tumor is located. It is an organ-preserving operation.
  3. Enucleation - the operation looks like the process of exfoliation of the tumor, it is carried out through a small incision, applicable for small sizes of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma.

Complete excision of the mammary gland with leaf-shaped fibroadenoma occurs in the following cases:

  • With a malignant process, which is dangerous in terms of rapid metastasis.
  • With a gigantic size of education.
  • When the skin is necrotic, which is often overstretched.

When receiving data on malignancy of the process, it is necessary to treat phylloid fibroadenoma according to the principle of cancer therapy. After surgical treatment, the body is exposed to chemotherapeutic drugs to increase the prognosis of survival and avoid relapse of the disease.

The prognosis for leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is varied and depends on the type of tumor. In case of a benign course of the disease, the prognosis will be positive if measures are taken in time to remove tumor cells and further monitor the woman. In case of a malignant phenomenon after radical mastectomy, fibroadenoma can recur in the other breast, therefore, regular visits to the mammologist-oncologist and the necessary diagnostics are strictly mandatory.

Fibroadenoma is a benign type of nodular mastopathy.

Under the influence of etiopathogenetic factors, the connective tissue of the mammary gland begins to proliferate, and neoplasms - fibroadenomas - develop.

At the same time, cellular structures do not change their characteristics, and do not grow into surrounding organs.

In terms of consistency, fibroadenomas can be soft - immature, which are mainly diagnosed in young women under 27 years old, and dense - mature, covered with a capsular membrane, they are most often observed in women after 40 years.

The essence of pathology

Leafy fibroadenoma is formed due to excessive growth of fibrous and glandular tissue of the milk lobes and ducts.

In fact, this is a knot, which consists of connective (fibrous) fibers and a number of glandular cells.

The leaf tumor is divided into cystic cavities that resemble leaves in shape.

Each cavity is filled with a thick mass, and polypous neoplasms can grow on the inner side.

The leaf-shaped node easily moves when probing, this feature distinguishes fibroadenoma from oncological neoplasm.

Leafy fibroadenoma can degenerate into a sarcoma - this is the main danger of pathology.

Leafy fibroadenoma is divided into forms, according to which the potential danger of the tumor is determined:

  • benign;
  • malignant;
  • intermediate.

In some cases, the neoplasm is represented by a single tumor, but it happens that the pathology is diagnosed in multiple numbers.

The tumor develops over the years, often after the detection of fibroadenoma, it can take several years before it begins to actively grow.

The growth and development of pathology is associated with an increase in estrogen levels and a decrease in progesterone.

Leafy fibroadenoma is the most unfavorable form of a benign tumor in the mammary gland from an oncological point of view. It is considered borderline, if certain processes occur in a woman's body, a benign pathology can cause cancer. According to statistics, this phenomenon is observed in 10%. Leafy fibroadenoma is most often diagnosed during puberty or with the onset of menopause. In the reproductive age, the formation of this pathology is much less common. As a rule, the tumor does not exceed 7 cm, but in medical practice there have been tumors up to 40 cm. The nature of the tumor does not depend on the size of the neoplasm. A large tumor may be benign, and a tiny one may be the cause of cancer.

Symptoms of the disease

When the tumor reaches a significant size, the skin over it becomes thinner and becomes bluish, dilated veins are clearly visible on the chest.

The growth of the neoplasm is accompanied by:

  • the presence of dense spherical neoplasms in the chest;
  • the appearance of pain, the intensity of which depends on the size and location of the neoplasm;
  • discharge from the nipples;
  • if the growth of the tumor becomes rapid, the general condition of the woman worsens - weakness and dizziness appear.

Causes of occurrence

The reasons for the appearance of leafy fibroadenoma do not differ from the reasons that provoke the occurrence of other forms of pathology, namely:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the presence of tumors in the adrenal glands or pituitary gland;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid nodules;
  • fibrocystic breast disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • liver ailments;
  • failure in metabolism;
  • tumor processes in the ovaries;
  • excess weight;
  • prolonged and uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs;
  • frequent abortions.

Is the disease dangerous and can it develop into cancer?

As already mentioned, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is a dangerous pathology that can transform into oncology.

The tumor rarely leaves the breast, but with aggressive development, metastases to the liver, lungs or bone structures are possible. In the lymph nodes, metastases are not observed.

Another danger of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is its recurrence.... As a rule, it occurs 2-4 years after the tumor has been removed.


With a relapse of the disease, the risk of a malignant form increases, so doctors recommend a mastectomy, which will reduce the risk of cancer.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnostics of the leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is as follows:

  1. Breast examination and palpation.
  2. Mammography.
  3. Biopsy, which allows you to accurately determine the nature of the pathology. A small incision is made on the breast in the area of ​​the neoplasm, a puncture is performed - a collection of tumor tissue, which is then transferred for histological examination. If the analysis reveals the presence of atypical cells, the tumor is considered malignant.

What does an ultrasound look like?

On ultrasound examination, a leaf-shaped tumor looks like a cystic neoplasm with a complex structure.

If the patient is overweight, then there is no clear picture on the ultrasound scan, since the adipose tissue scatters the ultrasonic rays.

To get the maximum information, it is better to carry out an ultrasound of the breast on the 5-9th day of the menstrual cycle..

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is not carried out, the disease is treated exclusively by surgery.

The indications for surgery are:

  • carcinophobia;
  • rapid growth of neoplasms and progression of pathology;
  • suspicion of a cancer process;
  • aesthetic unattractiveness of the breast - an increase in size and other cosmetic defects.

Upon confirmation of oncology, radiation or chemotherapy is mandatory.

Surgical intervention

The optimal type of surgical intervention is chosen by the mammologist.

If there is a suspicion of a malignant process, it is necessary to consult an oncologist. In this case, it is impossible to hesitate with the operation - the formation will rapidly increase and give metastases.

The operation can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. Enucleation... This method is used for small benign neoplasms. The surgeon makes a small incision and removes the tumor body.
  2. Sectoral resection... Lumpectomy is the optimal method of intervention to exclude the recurrence of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma. The surgeon removes not only the neoplasm itself, but 1-3 cm adjacent to the swollen tissue.
  3. Mastectomy... This is the removal of the breast (shown in the photo). Full or partial resection is possible. Such an intervention is indicated with active tumor growth, with large neoplasms, with multiple nodes. Also, mastectomy is performed with a small breast size, since it is not possible to remove the tumor without damaging a significant area of ​​the gland.

Possible consequences

Surgery to remove fibroadenoma refers to interventions after which negative consequences rarely occur. But, as with any other operation, the risk of complications cannot be completely ruled out.

Possible complications of the field of removal of leafy fibroadenoma may be the following:

  1. Hematomas and bruises. This is a consequence of the individual characteristics of the body - poor blood clotting, a tendency to edema. If bruising is observed, the postoperative wound will take longer to heal.
  2. Puffiness, redness. Most often this is a normal reaction to the intervention, but it may also indicate an infection.
  3. Inflammation and ulceration. This phenomenon is observed with a serious lesion of a bacterial infection, in this case, antibiotic therapy is necessary.
  4. Seroma. Blood plasma and serous fluid accumulate in the postoperative cavity. In fact, this is a local hemorrhage. In this case, drainage is required to drain fluids.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent the development of fibroadenoma, it is recommended to adhere to the following prevention rules:

  • follow a healthy lifestyle;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • minimize the number of stressful situations;
  • choose the right underwear;
  • avoid abortion;
  • breastfeeding the baby;
  • have a full sex life;
  • do not take hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives and emergency contraception, without a doctor's prescription;
  • timely treat chronic and infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • prevent the development of endocrine pathologies;
  • once a month, conduct an independent examination of the mammary glands;
  • every six months to be examined by a mammologist.

Every woman should be very careful about her health.


Fibroadenoma is a rather insidious disease that develops slowly and without symptoms, however, over time, the tumor begins to grow dynamically and actively.

This phenomenon can lead to very dangerous consequences.

If a woman knows that she has a hereditary predisposition to tumor diseases of the breast, she needs to be especially careful - leaf-shaped fibroadenoma in this case can begin its development at the slightest provoking factor - even with a normal pregnancy.

Predictions after treatment of foliate fibroadenoma depend on the characteristics of the neoplasm.

In general, with timely removal of the tumor and with proper prevention of possible relapses, the prognosis is favorable.

In severe and advanced cases, complete removal of the breast will most likely be required, with the possibility of subsequent prosthetics.

Useful video

From the video you will learn about the treatment of leafy fibroadenoma:

In contact with

What is it: leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the breast? This is a tumor that some doctors call phylloid. By its nature, it is a fibroepithelial neoplasm, initially of benign origin.

It can be confused with a cyst, but in fact it looks like leaf-shaped lobular veins with small cysts. The neoplasm does not have a separate capsule, and its contents are a jelly-like mass.

The leaf-like form is more complex than other types of fibroadenoma.

In advanced cases, the tumor can reach a significant size. At the same time, it becomes visible visually, since the skin on the chest acquires a bluish tint and becomes thinner due to the existing tension. Changes also occur inside - polypoid growths are formed.

Forms of the disease

Important! The leaf-like form of fibroadenoma is the most dangerous, as it can become malignant within a short period of time.

In total, there are three types of it:

  • Benign. It does not threaten the health of a woman, since the tissues do not undergo pathological changes.
  • Border. This is an intermediate stage between benign and malignant neoplasms.
  • Malignant. It acquires the properties of oncology, turning into a sarcoma of the mammary glands, capable of metastasizing.

Reasons for development

The exact causes of the onset of pathology, as well as its transformation into oncology, are unknown, however, a number of provoking factors can be distinguished:

  • hormonal surges during puberty;
  • diseases of the reproductive system, for example, ovarian cysts or uterine fibroadenoma;
  • pathology of the endocrine system, incl. diabetes;
  • fibrocystic breast disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • previously performed abortions;
  • excess weight;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • liver pathology;
  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • decreased immunity;
  • other circumstances that affect the level of hormones in the body.

Important! Leafy fibroadenoma is very sensitive to hormone levels in the body. If the balance of estrogen and progesterone is imbalanced, the risks of developing a tumor in the mammary glands increase.

Manifestation symptoms

Depending on the factors affecting the tumor, it may not manifest itself clinically for a long time and grow at a slow pace. There are cases when the tumor has not manifested itself for more than 10 years. As long as its dimensions are insignificant, it does not cause anxiety in the patient. If the growth is larger than 5 cm, it causes significant discomfort. In addition, such a development of pathology raises a lot of suspicion and requires immediate medical intervention.

Symptoms of leafy fibroadenoma of the breast are as follows:

  • probing a movable seal in the chest;
  • the appearance of a subcutaneous tubercle;
  • thinning of the skin, a change in its color at the site of growth of the neoplasm;
  • the appearance of painful sensations and discomfort in the chest;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of discharge from the nipple;
  • increased fatigue;
  • expansion of the saphenous veins;
  • a slight increase in body temperature is possible;
  • loss of appetite.


If a woman has noticed similar symptoms or simply has suspicions about the presence of a pathological neoplasm in the breast, she should immediately contact a medical facility.

Important! In rare cases, the disease is diagnosed in men.

After examining the patient and palpation of the neoplasm, the following diagnostic measures can be prescribed:

  • Ultrasound. On ultrasound, a leaf-shaped fibroadenoma looks like a cystic neoplasm with a complex structure.

  • Doppler ultrasonography. Allows you to additionally examine the vessels in the pathological zone and reveal the hypervascularization of the neoplasm.
  • Mammography. X-ray examination of the mammary glands, revealing changes in their structure. Especially recommended for middle-aged and older women.
  • Puncture biopsy. It is performed under ultrasound guidance. The taken material is sent for histological and cytological examination in order to find out the exact type of neoplasm and the degree of risk to the patient's health.

Treatment method

There are many ways to treat fibroadenoma. With an insignificant size and the absence of intensive growth, conservative methods are sufficient.

Important! It is necessary to establish a correct lifestyle in order to naturally align the patient's hormonal background.

Medicines are prescribed according to individual indications. For the rest, it is important to regularly see a doctor in order to monitor the condition of the tumor.

Advice! Traditional methods can only be used with the approval of the attending physician. For example, a cabbage leaf with fibroadenoma is applied at night to the affected breast to relieve discomfort and tissue inflammation.

If the size is more than 1 cm, as well as the identification of the risk of degeneration of the neoplasm, surgical intervention is required. You can remove the tumor in the following ways:

  • radio or laser enucleation;
  • quadranthectomy;
  • sectoral resection;
  • cryoablation;
  • mastectomy.

If necessary, mammoplasty is performed in the future to restore the shape of the breast. In the future, it is necessary to be regularly examined by a doctor, since the disease can relapse.

Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor that can develop in the tissues of any organ, including the female mammary glands.

Despite the fact that, in general, this formation is not considered oncological, some of its types have a high risk of malignancy (malignancy) and are potentially dangerous to human life.

These include leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary glands, which is quite rare, but requires special attention.

Leafy fibroadenoma occupies an intermediate position between normal fibroadenoma and breast sarcoma. It consists of fibrous and glandular tissue and can reach different sizes - small formations are up to 5 cm in diameter, and giant ones extend beyond the boundaries of the mammary gland.

Education has clearly defined boundaries, lobular structure and a tendency to sudden, uncontrolled growth. A small, leaf-shaped fibroid is usually located in the upper square of the breast, and over time can take up most of one breast or both.

Localization of the tumor

This type of tumor is observed in all age groups, but there are two peaks in the incidence associated with active hormonal changes in the female body - 11-20 and 40-50 years old. In representatives of the stronger sex, leaf-shaped fibroadenomas are found in isolated cases.

There are three main types of leaf-shaped formations: benign, borderline (not yet cancerous, but quite aggressive tumors) and malignant. It is important to note that, due to their specific structure and good blood supply, even benign fibroadenomas can degenerate into borderline and malignant ones.

Leafy fibroadenoma is diagnosed quite rarely - the frequency is 2% of all fibrous formations, and malignancy of the formation occurs in 3-5% of cases, and the malignant tumor quickly metastases to nearby organs.

Causes of occurrence

The exact reasons for the development of leafy fibroadenoma have not been clarified - the tumor is associated with a hormonal imbalance (an excess of estrogen and a lack of progesterone).

Factors capable of provoking such changes include:

  • tumor diseases of the ovaries and uterus;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes;
  • frequent abortions;
  • late pregnancy;
  • refusal to breastfeed;
  • trauma to the mammary glands;
  • liver disease;
  • abuse of hormonal contraceptives;
  • obesity.

In the presence of a hereditary predisposition to the formation of neoplastic diseases of the mammary gland and one of the factors favorable for the growth of leafy fibroadenoma, the ailment can even be caused by a normally proceeding pregnancy.


The danger of leafy fibroadenoma of the mammary gland is that in the early stages it grows slowly and practically does not make itself felt.

This is followed by a stage of active and dynamic growth.

Symptoms that may indicate education include:

  • pain, discomfort and a feeling of fullness in the mammary gland;
  • changes in the skin (thinning of the skin, cyanosis or redness);
  • strengthening the pattern of the saphenous veins;
  • sometimes - fever, weakness, deterioration of the general condition.

If the process of malignancy of the tumor begins, a woman may feel pain that cannot be stopped by conventional medications, rapid fatigue, and loss of appetite.

The size of the leaf-shaped tumor does not have any prognostic value - small nodules may be malignant, or, conversely, giant fibroadenomas are often benign.

Fibroadenomas are the result of hormonal imbalance in a woman's body. can be found by self-examination.

Read what myxedema is and how it manifests itself.

Most often, the fibroadenoma of the mammary glands must be removed. You can read about the indications for surgery.


Most often, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is diagnosed by chance, by the woman herself or by a doctor during a routine examination. If a seal or a small nodule is found in the tissues of the mammary gland, it is necessary to consult a mammologist as soon as possible and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, consisting of an external examination, palpation of the mammary glands and laboratory techniques.

  1. Ultrasound. Ultrasound examination allows you to determine the size of the formation and distinguish it from other types of formations.
  2. Mammography. The examination shows the contours of the tumor and gives a complete picture of its structure.
  3. Puncture biopsy. Determines the type of disease (benign, borderline, malignant) and makes it possible to differentiate fibroadenoma from sarcoma.

Leafy fibroadenoma of the mammary gland - photo ultrasound

Leafy fibroadenoma is practically indistinguishable from cystic formations, sarcoma and other similar pathologies, therefore, a biopsy is required to clarify the diagnosis.


Since leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland entails a high risk of malignancy, the only treatment for this formation is surgery. The exception is small (up to 1 cm) benign formations, which require regular monitoring by a specialist, mammography and ultrasound.

Immediate operation is especially necessary for women who are planning a pregnancy, since hormonal changes in the body can trigger the process of tumor growth or malignancy.

Conservative therapy (hormonal treatment) in cases with leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is ineffective, and the use of folk remedies is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. Radiation therapy is also not used for this diagnosis.

Removal of breast fibroadenoma

With leaf-shaped fibroadenoma, the following types of operations are performed (the choice is made depending on the stage of the disease and the size of the formation):

  • enuclation, or peeling of the formation - removal of fibroadenoma through a small incision in the breast, the surrounding tissues are not affected;
  • sectoral resection - removal of the tumor along with the surrounding tissues about 3 cm from the edge of the formation (the appearance of the breast remains practically unchanged);
  • quadranthectomy - removal of the area of ​​the mammary gland in which the fibroadenoma is located (about a quarter of the total volume), usually accompanied by radiation therapy;
  • radical mastectomy - complete removal of the breast along with the surrounding tissues.

In the case of malignancy of the tumor, the same principles of treatment are applied as in the treatment of oncological diseases. If necessary, after the operation, mammoplasty (restoration of the shape and appearance of the mammary glands) is performed using one's own tissues or prostheses.

Leafy fibroadenoma tends to recur, which usually occurs over several months to five years after surgery, and the benign form often degenerates into the borderline, and the borderline - into the malignant one.

To avoid recurrence of the disease, a woman should regularly visit a doctor for an external examination of the mammary glands and undergo a mammogram every six months.

Preventive measures to prevent the disease do not exist today. To reduce the risk of developing fibroadenoma, you need to monitor the health of the reproductive system, undergo preventive examinations and have a regular sex life.

The prognosis for the diagnosis of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma depends on the main characteristics of the tumor. Due to its specific characteristics, it is considered potentially dangerous, but a timely visit to a mammologist will help to avoid operations that deform the mammary gland.

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