Entertainment script in the senior group “Spring! Spring! We are glad to see her! Spring fun for dhow seniors

Scenario of spring leisure for senior preschool children "Meeting of spring and summer"

The recording sounds like foliage noise. Then it is replaced by the singing of birds. And finally, we hear a cheerful spring-summer melody.

Spring and Summer appear on the stage from both sides. On their heads they have wreaths of green leaves and bright flowers. With them on the site appear: birds, butterflies and flowers.

Choreographic sketch.

Spring. Hello girls and boys!

Summer... Good afternoon, our young friends!

Spring. I am a young, green and warm, colorful beauty Spring!

Summer. And I - Summer, dressed up with fruits and flowers!

Spring and Summer. We want to invite you to visit, To spin in a round dance!

Spring... It's my turn to start - to entertain the kids! So, the first competition "Spring Primroses". Now you, my friends, will list the names of the spring flowers that are the very first to appear in the spring! Whoever names the most colors won! Well, let's not talk for a long time, but rather get down to business!

The competition "Spring Primroses" is being held. Children list spring flowers. The one gets the prize. who can name them most.

Spring. Well done, children, there are so many flowers you, it turns out, know, and the one who did not know, from your stories, learned the knowledge for himself! Let's all dance together.

Children with Spring and their teachers dance to the melodies of spring songs, and the best dancers receive prizes from Spring-Red.

Spring. And you, friends, can dance very well too! Well done, and more! Just wonderful kids! Now try to guess my spring riddles!

We start in order

Mysterious spring exercises.

We listen to the riddle and study,

Then we answer the question!

On a thaw in spring

He was born under a pine tree.

He looks very gentle

Called ...

Children... Snowdrop!


That's right, a snowdrop! Let's continue.

The children brought the boards

They were making them in the yard!

Take a closer look all then -

It turned out to be a house!

A tenant settled in it,

And his name is ...

Children... Starling!

Spring... Very good! You are smart kids. Hear another riddle and guess correctly!

Runs on the ground, sings,

Lives wonderfully!

Hey boy, don't be shy

Jump over ...

Children... Creek.

Spring... Correct answer again! Great exercise for the mind!

They live in heaven

Like they are sailing on the sea

Very soft sides

Their name ...

Children. Clouds!


I sincerely congratulate you,

I reward the children!

The answers are very correct,

You guys are exemplary!

We will start dancing with you

And let's continue our story!

Summer will take over

Dressed in bright paint!

Spring and Summer dance several dances with the children to the melodies of songs about spring and summer. The best dancers are awarded prizes.


I am sunny Summer

Dressed in green footed!

I invite you all to visit,

I respect kids!

I will show you different games,

I will enchant you with a fairy tale!

Take part in them

And receive gifts!

Drawing competition "My Summer".

Children draw summer-themed illustrations on large sheets of paper using markers, pencils, felt-tip pens or crayons. Then the work is evaluated by children and educators. The best "artists" receive prizes.

Summer. And now, kids, let's play the "Summer fun train" game.

Summer Train game.

Children take each other by the belt and to a rhythmic melody, into which the sound of wheels and locomotive whistles are "interwoven", going around various obstacles (pins, hoops, cubes, toys, etc.), travel throughout the playground. There can be several compositions. The best of the merry line-ups wins a surprise prize.

Summer. And now, boys and girls, try to guess my riddles! The best answers are rewarded with prizes! So, we start guessing and, of course, guessing!

It sleeps in the crib at night

And yawns sweetly.

It is worth the morning

His light will immediately be!

Answer me to my question: who heats us all summer - hot?

Children. Sun!


On the sheet, like a beacon,

A small bug is crawling.

Red and black beacon -

This little bug!

What is the name of this beautiful bug?

Children... This is a ladybug.

Summer. Yes! Yes! This beacon is, of course, a ladybug! She crawls deftly on the sheet. Another mystery! Listen carefully and answer it diligently!

They live under the leaves

They take care of everyone's health!

All are beautiful.

The vitamins in them are great!

What do you like to eat in the summer? Fruit and ...

Children... ... berries!

Summer. Oh, well done! Receive gifts!

Olga Kucha
Entertainment script in the senior group “Spring! Spring! We are glad to see her! "

Scenario of Spring Fun in the Senior Group"Kolobok"

« Spring! Spring! We glad her

Music sounds (there is a song in the recording «» ) children run into the hall, line up scattered.

Leading. We gathered in the hall today, so that oh spring to start a story.

We waited all winter long and very glad her now.

1 child. So winter is over, rejoice, it has come Spring!

The sun woke up first, smiled at the kind people.

2 children. Spring she took up her post, gave warmth to the whole earth.

And she entered every house with a bright sunbeam with a smile.

3 child. Spring is me, spring is you!

Spring is the sun and our flowers!

4 child. We will collect a bouquet of flowers and this spring day,

We thank all the guests for it, congratulations!

Performed "Dance of Flowers"(there is a song in the recording « Spring-Red» )

(the presenter collects flowers in a bouquet

Leading: The holiday starts and we meet spring!

Music sounds, enters the hall Spring.

Spring... Hello guys, here I am, Spring.

I walked along the ground with warm steps.

I brought the sun, hot, radiant

And it walks across the clear sky.

Glad me, guys?

Spring... Join hands then.

Let our spring round dance sing!

A round dance is performed « Vesnyanka»

Spring... We will all go to the spring forest, where there are many fabulous wonders.

So, follow me, do not lag behind and sing the song together.

Song is performed - dance "Happy Travelers"

(children sit on high chairs in their places)

Spring... The path led to the forest. It is full of fabulous wonders.

Listen, there is a bird noise in it, the birds have returned to us again.

(in the recording sounds birds singing "Fly" birds, become in a semicircle)

Birds. Hello children!

Children. Hello welcome friends!

Spring... Where have you been to the birds?

Tell the birds what have you seen?

1. In hot countries, hot summers, no winter, no snow there.

2. Giant elephants roam there, monkeys cry all day.

3. There are vines, there are bananas on the palms.

Spring... Did you live well away from home?

Who were you friends with in unfamiliar countries?

4. We missed the village, the ringing stream,

In the birdhouse, in the trees, in the neighbor's sparrow.

Leading. All of us glad you, friends, you will always be with us!

You would dance for us, we have been waiting for you very, very much.

Performed "Dance of the Birds"

But let's not lose heart, we will play the game!

The game is being played "Cross the brook"

Spring... The sun is shining brightly and streams are running

Flowers grew in a clearing in the forest.

Child. If only white flowers bloomed in the field,

Soon you and I would get tired of admiring them.

Child. If only yellow flowers bloomed in the field,

You and I would be bored with such beauty.

Child. It's good that there are daisies, roses, asters, cornflowers,

Dandelions and porridge, forget-me-nots and frying.

Child. And now we will make wreaths from flowers.

Of daisies, cornflowers, here's our wreath and ready.

The game is being played "Merry wreath"

Child. One cannot live in the world without music and songs.

We will always be friends with music and song!

The song is being sung "Song of Friends"

Spring... We will continue the holiday, we will have fun playing.

The game is being played "Fold the flower";

A music game is held "We walked in the forest";

The game is played "Burn, burn clearly"

Child. The sun is shining since the morning, it's warmer everywhere.

So she came to us Spring, the song rang!

The song is being sung "Spring"

Spring... So the time has come, I say goodbye to you.

Smile, have fun and treat yourself to gifts!

(children receive a treat, return to group)

The holiday is over.

Related publications:

Summary of OD on cognitive development for senior preschool age “Spring is red. Spring is beautiful " Abstract of educational activities for cognitive development, for older age on the topic: “Spring is red. Spring is wonderful ”Use.

Summary of entertainment for children of the older group "Spring is red" Spring is red Objectives: * develop creative imagination, encourage creative self-realization in song and plastic improvisations;

Synopsis of the thematic walk "Spring, spring on the street, spring days" Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the season - spring about what changes have occurred in nature. Objectives: To clarify and consolidate the presentation of the children.

Entertainment script for the older group "Spring has come, the birds have arrived"(Children enter the hall to music) Educator: The earth is awakening from winter dreams. Sunlight, dazzling, is reflected in the streaming streams.

Entertainment script "Spring is marching towards us, with brisk steps" Purpose: to create a joyful mood in children with the arrival of spring, to induce emotional responsiveness, to promote the development of interest in the environment.

Scenario of entertainment "Spring - Easter" for senior or preparatory group SPRING-EASTER Children enter the hall to the round dance music: "Spring was called" 1. 1. Where are you, sun, wake up! Where are you, skvorushka, come back! Sprinkle.


Scenario (2015) of the spring holiday for the older group

The roles are played by children: Gingerbread man, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox

The roles are played by adults: Host, Grandma, Spring

Children enter the hall to the music.

Leading: Spring has come. Nature awakens from winter sleep, and with the arrival of spring we have a bright, good mood, right?

Reb: Who came so quietly? Well, of course, not the Elephant.

And, of course, the Behemoth Tycho could not pass like that.

It's raining - knocking on the roof. We also hear the clock.

The clock has the usual step: Tick-tock. Tick ​​tock.

Reb: But none of you heard how the leaf came out of the kidney.

And of course, and of course, in the morning sometimes spring

You could not hear, Like green blades of grass,

Taking off their green shoes, Quietly came out of the ground.

Reb: Who there looked silently Up with a white cap?

Looks Hare and Hare, Like a snowdrop came out quietly.

And everywhere there is silence. This is so, and not otherwise,

It means, it means, Quietly of all, Spring has come.

Song: "Vesnyanka"

Individual poems about Spring


Grandma comes in.

Granny: Yes, soon Spring is red, she needs to cook a treat, bake koloboks. Well, the dough has risen. Oh, what is this? ( One gingerbread man bounces.)

Apparently, the gingerbread man wants to tell me something. Where is my magic scarf?

(Covers the kolobok with a handkerchief and waves his hands.)

Akaty-bakaty, one-two-three! Tokaty-mokaty, revive! ( The gingerbread man “comes to life”.)

Gingerbread man: Hello grandma! Are you waiting for Spring to visit? How great it will be a merry holiday! I'll swing along the path towards Spring.

Granny: Wait, bun, don't rush. Something your barrel is not very brown. Sit on the window. The sun is bright, so it will bake a barrel for you.

Gingerbread man(sits down, sings): I am a funny gingerbread man, gingerbread man, gingerbread man.

I brown the barrel, I am the barrel, I am the barrel.

Leading(addressing children): Are we going to meet Spring-Red together with Kolobok? Look, he's already on the track. Rolling and rolling, and towards him the Hare.

Hare: Hello Kolobok. I will eat you.

Gingerbread man: Don't eat me, Hare. I'll sing you a song.

(Sings.): I am a merry gingerbread man, I have a ruddy side,

And I roll along the path To meet the red spring,

Then we will all sing and dance together!

Dance: "Chamomile"

Hare: You sing and dance well, but still I will eat you.

Although ... If you guess the riddle, I'll let you go.

Gingerbread man (addresses the guys): Can you guys help me?

Children: Yes!

Hare: Well, listen to the riddle.

A warm south wind is blowing, The sun is shining brighter and brighter.

The snow grows thin, withers, melts, the loud-throated rook arrives. What month? Who will know?

Children: March!

Hare: Right! Okay, gingerbread man, go further and give me hello to Spring!

Leading: And Kolobok rolled on. Rolling and rolling, and towards him the Wolf.

Wolf: Hello, ruddy gingerbread man! We met in time!

I'm so hungry ...

Gingerbread man: Don't eat me, Wolf. I'll sing you a song . (Sings his own song.)

Wolf: Eh, eat well! Well, if you guess the riddle, I'll leave it alone.

The river roars fiercely And breaks the ice. His starling returned to the house,

And in the forest, the bear woke up. There is a trill in the sky. Who came to us?

Children: April!

Wolf: Right. Well, run on, and give me hello to Spring!

Leading: And Kolobok rolled on. Rolling and rolling, and towards him the Bear.

Bear: Gingerbread man, Gingerbread man, I'll eat you!

Gingerbread man: Don't eat me, Mishenka. I'll sing you a song, do you want it?

( Sings the song again.)

Bear: I'll eat it anyway. (The gingerbread man stands sad and sighs.)

Okay, though, I'm kind today. If you guess my riddle, I will let it go.

The distance of the fields turns green, The nightingale sings.

The garden is dressed in white, Bees are the first to fly.

Thunder rumbles. Guess What month is this? ..

Children: May!

Bear (surprised): Right. Well, let me go. Say hello to spring!

Leading: The bear left on his important business, and the Kolobok rolled on. Rolling and rolling, and towards him the Fox.

Fox: How rosy and delicious. Wow, he came running to me! I'll eat you!

Gingerbread man: But what is it, they won't let you meet Spring! Fox, you are so cunning and smart, you know a lot of wisdom! Let’s do this: if I don’t guess your riddle, eat me, and if I’ll guess it, you’ll let me go. Good?

Fox: Okay, try to guess.

She comes with affection And with her own tale.

Wave with a magic wand, In the forest, a snowdrop Blossoms.

Gingerbread man (thoughtfully): Children, help me again!

Children: Spring!

Fox: That's right, spring. Eh, I was left without lunch. But I will not break my word, I will not touch you. Say hello to Spring! ( The fox runs away.)

Gingerbread man(To children.): Thank you guys for helping me out.

Let's all call Spring together now!

Together: Spring is red! Spring is red!

The chirping of birds is heard from afar, Spring appears.

Spring: Spring sends greetings with a smile to the awakened nature;

Everything after winter storms and troubles Sighed free.

Powerlessly angry and grumbling, Winter, an evil old woman,

Runs, from a hot ray Burning under the sun.

Gingerbread man: Hello Spring-Red! Finally you came! The hare, the wolf, the bear, and the fox conveyed greetings to you. Everyone was waiting for you! Do you want to play with us?

Spring: I'll play, buddy. (To children.) Become all in a circle.

1-2 games with Spring

Individual poems about Spring

Song about Spring: "Yaz life"

Dance: "Spring is red"

(Grandma comes in with a treat)

Granny: I baked a cake for the holiday. Children, dear guests, I ask everyone to the table!

Congratulations from the host!

Olga Gabelko

Spring fun for older children.

Spring has come to visit us

Children enter the hall to the cheerful music and become a semicircle.

Veda: Dear Guys! Today we are gathered in this hall to fun and friendly

to meet the arrival of Spring.

Reb. The sky is lighter, the snow has melted

We will tell everyone about spring

How birds fly to us from the south

As streams run, ring.

And, of course, we want

Launch the boat over the waves.

And so, we all start now

Our amazing story.

Reb. Today we meet Spring here

And with a bow we invite

Everyone who loves have fun

And laugh and frolic.

Reb. Everyone flew to us again

Nightingales from across the seas

On the ground from sonorous trills

It immediately became more fun

Reb. The sun laughs tenderly

Shines brighter, hotter

And it pours loudly from the hillock

A talkative stream.

Reb. The last snow melts in April

Everyone is happy with the sun and spring

Spring arrives in April

With a cheerful swallow to me.

Spring will disperse evil clouds

April is our best month

Reb. How many sounds, how many singing

On this bright day spring.

Echoing the songs of the nightingale

Here we will sing you and me.

Song "Sunny song"

(sit on the chairs)

Reb. The sun gives everyone warmth

To make everything bloom around.

So that the leaves bloom

And the animals woke up.

Rays run in.

1. We flew from the sun itself,

So that the icicles from the drops began to sing.

2. To put on greenery forests

3. Grasses, trees, flowers wake up

Birds from distant lands return.

Birds fly out.

1. We flew across the seas,

We flew through the mountains.

And our flight was difficult, and we dreamed

Ah, soon there will be a ray and soon there will be a river.

Fly, fly quickly, buddy,

My heart was pounding.

2. And the cold took away strength,

And the sun is like a stove.

Fly, fly quickly, buddy,

My heart was pounding.

3. And here is the reward - we are at home

Friends are waiting at the door.

And even houses for us

Many, many are ready.

4. We will quickly settle the house

And in a moment we will bring comfort there.

We will love you very much

And wake me up with a ringing song.

Ved. Skvorushka, come fly

Choose a house for yourself

On a tree high

With a wide porch.

You whistle verbally

More chirping.

Song "Skvorushka"

The game "Take the house"

Reb. May Spring come soon

We missed her so much

The sun will become kinder with her,

And the days are brighter and longer.

Ved. Spring is Red!

Come in grace

With the hot sun

Heavy rain

Bring the harvest

To our happy land!

Reb. What a nice day

Become a round dance.

Let's walk around

Yes Spring to amuse!

Round dance "Ay, yes Spring!"

Spring enters

Spring. Hello my friends!

I am very glad to meet you.

I flew over the forest with rays,

So that the forest turns green with leaves.

The gentle sun warmed everyone

For everyone to wake up and sing.

How glad I am to be with you

Always sing and dance

Dance, games, poetry

Holiday fun to meet

Ved. We are also very glad to see you.

We invite everyone to the holiday

The kids are ready for it

We greet friends with smiles

And we wish you all the best.

Song "Spring"

Spring. I brought a magic bell with me, as soon as

you call, a guest will appear right away. I'll ring the magic bell

I will invite cute bees to visit.

Bees Run in

1. There is a lot of work for bees in the spring

It is necessary to fill the honeycombs with honey.

2. We fly over the garden as a friendly family

We collect sweet nectar from flowers.

3. We do not get tired of work

We collect honey and sing songs.

Spring. What good fellows you are, bees, you bring a lot of benefits to nature and people.

Stay with us for the holiday.

The game "Bear and bees"

Dance with flowers

Spring. And I'll ring the bell again.

I see a magic house

Who lives in it?

A gnome sleeps in it (knocks)

Gnome get up quickly

Meet your guest as soon as possible.

Gnome. Oh, and for a long time I slept

Who woke me up and called me?

Spring. Everyone has a long time to sleep

I came, Spring!

Sonya little look

All your friends have come to you.

The guys wanted to give you a very good song about you.

Song "About the Gnome"

Spring. Well, how did you like the song? Then stay with us on the holiday, it's enough spring to sleep already.

Gnome. Thank you my friends

You helped me wake up

Now let's have fun.

I invite everyone to dance.

Dance "Polka"

Spring. And I'll ring the bell again.

The Sun appears

Sun. Hello guys!

I am a radiant sun!

I give you my warmth

To make everything bloom around

So that the leaves bloom

The birds from the south were returning.

Reb. The sun looked tenderly

And the rays warmed the earth.

Has become green everywhere

Thank you, Sunny, you.

Reb. Affectionate Sun in the blue sky

Children's smiles are glowing around

Spring. Sunny, guys know a beautiful song about you, please listen.

Song "Sunny dress"

Spring. Now it's time for us kids to play

The game "Burn, burn, clear"

Spring. Stay with us on the holiday, Sunny, because with you we are happier and

warmer. Guys, I want to ask you riddles now.

The painted rocker hung over the meadow (Rainbow).

They won't wait for me, but when they see me they will scatter (rain).

He was a tight fist, but unclenched - he became a flower (bud).

Without hands, without a hatchet, a hut was built (nest).

Who comes, who comes, everyone leads her by the handle (a door).

Nobody sees him, but everyone hears (echo).

There is a palace on the pole, there is a singer in the palace, and his name is ... (starling).

Near the bumps covered with snow, under a white snow cap, a small flower grows there, half-frozen slightly alive (snowdrop).

Reb. I walk along the path, right next to the pine tree

The snowdrop is turning blue, the flashlight of spring.

Signals that soon in a green outfit

The forest will dress and the fields will rustle.

Song "Snowdrop"

The game "Collect daisies"

Ved. We, guys, met Spring, with her had fun

Spring and I were funny and she stayed with us.

Let's give her a last dance.

American polka

Spring. I see you were waiting for me, you missed the warmth for a long time,

Now grow faster, do not be bored, do not be sad.

Sing funny, play, summer is red all expect

Well, and I, my friends, go to distant lands. Goodbye

Ved. Let's shout goodbye to the kids

May, the sun and spring our loud Hurray!

Preliminary work: Educators introduce children to the tale of A.N. Ostrovsky's "Snow Maiden" or with the plot of the opera by N. Rimsky - Korsakov

"Snow Maiden".

The central wall is framed in the form of a spring forest. Icicles are melting, drifts are visible in some places. Before the start of the holiday, Berendey enters the group and invites the children into the hall. Children are dressed in Russian folk costumes.

Berendei: Hey, honest berendei! Get ready, get ready, celebrate a merry holiday, meet the wide Maslenitsa! Let's go to the fairy forest, there is full - full of miracles!

Children, stomping, enter the hall and sing "LIKE IN OIL WEEK"

They walk in a circle, stop with their backs to the central wall. The Snow Maiden emerges from the snowdrift, imperceptibly for the children, and stands in a circle towards them.

BERENDEUS: Wow, you, lady! And where did you come from?

Snow Maiden (bows to the belt): Hello, honest berendeys! I am the daughter of Frost and Spring - Snegurochka. I love to listen to your songs and watch you dance in circles. I begged my father and mother to let me go to you to meet Shrovetide.

BERENDEY: You are welcome, dear guest, to our holiday.

Hey, good fellows, but the girls are red!

Get ready, equip, meet the red sun,

Spring - call me red!


Spring enters the hall to the music.

SPRING: Hello guys! Hello, my daughter, Snow Maiden!

Are you having fun? Be careful not to fall under the rays of Yarila - the sun, otherwise you will melt!

You called me, called, waited for a visit. So I came, brought three lands; the first land - floods in the meadows, the other land - the sun in the courtyard, the third land - green expanse.

CHERIST "VESNYANKA" A. Filippenko. Spring and the Snow Maiden are dancing in a circle. Children sit on high chairs. Winter enters.

WINTER: What's the fun without me?

BERENDEY: And we celebrate Maslenitsa, we meet Spring!

WINTER: How is Spring? Who ordered it? I didn’t let you into my magic forest so that you would meet Spring.

SPRING: Your time, Winter, is over. Go to your bed.

WINTER: Well, no! I'll show myself! As I twist, as I notice, I fall asleep with snow.

Here are my servants hanging icicles. So my time is still!

SPRING: What are you, Winter! Icicles are a sign of Spring. Where have you seen icicles throwing drops in winter?

Children stand in two lines GAME "Naughty icicles".

After that, a sandpiper - a child - flies into the hall. He circles around Winter.

WINTER: Why did you come here? What are you spinning under my feet?

KULIK: I flew in to meet the spring, to close you, Winter!

WINTER: Look, how brave! As I blow on you, I will freeze!

KULIK: Catch me first!

BERENDEUS: Guys, let's help the sandpiper, we won't let Winter out of the circle.

Children stand in a circle, join hands, the sandpiper flies around. Winter walks inside the circle. Children walk in a circle and sing, raise their clasped hands up, a sandpiper flies in, Winter tries to catch him, a sandpiper flies out of the circle. Children put their hands down, Winter remains in a circle. Winter is closed. The children sit down.

WINTER: Well, you won me! Apparently it's time for me to leave!

Bows to Spring in the belt. Reign, Spring for glory, your time has come!

BERENDEUS: Forgive me - goodbye, Winter - mother!

Forgive me - goodbye, don't be angry with us!

We are waiting for you in a year, on our autumn threshold!

Hey, good people, majestic mother - Winter!

CHOROVER “And who is white here?” Winter is in the center of the circle.

WINTER: For remembering the customs of the old days and playing my farewell, I give you Shrovetide. She will give you drink, feed, amuse you. Hey, my faithful servants, bring here Madame Shrovetide!

Goblin and Gnarled stump enter the hall to the music. They are carrying an effigy of Shrovetide. They give it to Zima with a bow. Winter hands him over to Berendey.

WINTER: You take Shrovetide celebrate, amuse it, and the time will come - burn it! If the smoke goes up, then the year will be fruitful, and if the smoke goes down, then the year will be lean. Now it's time for me to leave, goodbye!

Winter leaves with Leshim and Stump.

BERENDEY: Oh, you, the annual Pancake week, our dear guest!

She fed us pancakes, treated us to pies.

She treated everyone in a row, both animals and children.

Cubes - cubes - kubaks, mice ate pies.

Children stand in a circle, walk in treads and sing "MOUSES - KUBYSHKI"

“OH, LADUSHKI, LADU” Snow Maiden with children. The children sit down.

SPRING: Snegurochka, are you having fun among people? Do you like to lead round dances?

Snow Maiden: Oh mother - Spring, I do not feel anything, neither joy nor fun. Snegurochka's cold heart cannot love and rejoice! Give me love and joy!

SPRING: I can't, because if you feel love and joy, Yarilo - the sun will destroy you and you will melt!

Snow Maiden: Oh, mom, have pity on me! I want to be like people!

SPRING: Well, I'll help you. Just beware of the rays of Yarila - the sun, take my wreath of snowdrops and meadow flowers, it will give you the feelings that people experience.

To the song "VESNA - VESNUSHKA" two girls lay a towel on the floor, go up to the Snow Maiden, take off her hat, take it by the arms, bring her to the towel and put her on her knees. Then Spring, with a wreath for the Snow Maiden, walks around the hall with the words "I will collect the flowers of the snowdrops, I will give it to my Snow Maiden." Then two girls lift the Snow Maiden from her knees and take her aside. Remove the towel.

SNOW Maiden: Oh, mom! I feel warm, I am happy, I want to sing, give all people my love, I want everyone to be happy! Let's have fun!

Berendey: Hey, honest berendey, it's time to praise Yarilo - the sun!

Children sing "GLORY" At this time the sun slowly rises on the central wall, the soundtrack "BELL RING" sounds.

BERENDEUS: Shine, shine, Yarilo - father.

Illuminate the road to Spring - mother!

The plants are strong instead of snow,

Present everyone with abundant bread!

Hey, honest berendeys, majestic Spring - mother!

Children stand in two lines CHAIRMAN "LIKE WINTER WITH SPRING"

CHILDREN: How we met winter and spring.

As winter said goodbye to spring.

Ay, lyuli - lyuli, we met.

Ay, Lyuli - Lyuli said goodbye.

As the spring flooded in streams.

As the spring blossomed with flowers.

Ay, lyuli - lyuli, it was overflowing.

Ay, lyuli - lyuli, blossoming.

As the sun rose early red.

As it shone on people, it is affectionate.

Ay, lyuli - lyuli, the sun is red.

Ay, lyuli - lyuli, it shines tenderly.

We praise the spring for her deeds.

Words to her that she gave us warmth!

Ay, lyuli - lyuli, for her deeds.

Ay, Lyuli - Lyuli, that she gave me warmth!

At the beginning of the last verse, the children walk in a circle and gradually raise their hands. At this time, the Snow Maiden removes the wreath from her head, leaves it against the central wall and hides. She must have time to do all this to the words “How we praise Spring for her deeds” to the words “Glory to her for giving us warmth! “Children come out of the circle, sit on chairs. Berendey notices the wreath and shows it to the children.

BERENDEY: Guys, look, the Snow Maiden has melted! Not protected from the rays of Yarilo - the sun! And only one wreath remained from her ... Well, no one can resist the forces of nature. Glory to you, Yarilo - the sun! Your rays, giving warmth and life to everything around us. Hey, honest berendeys, stop sitting there and bored, go out and dance!

"BARYNYA" free dance to the soundtrack.

Berendey: Honest berendei, our holiday is not over yet, let's burn Maslenitsa outside!

CHILDREN DRESS AND GO OUT ON THE STREET. Berendey and Spring are ahead, they are carrying an effigy of Shrovetide. A small fortress and a hillock were built on the site, where Maslenitsa is stuck.

BERENDEY: Here, our Maslenitsa! Now we will burn it and find out what the year will be like?

At this time, Leshy and Crooked stump leave the snowy town, grab a scarecrow and hide in a snowdrift.

Leshy: Hey, Berendey. What are you going to burn? Shrovetide - then, that, bye - bye!

BERENDEUS: Oh, guard! Shrovetide was stolen! What are we going to do?


BERENDEUS: That's right, we'll throw snowballs at them.

Children, Berendey, Vesna are throwing snowballs at Leshy And Crooked Stump, taking the fortress by storm, taking Shrovetide, putting it in place.

Goblin and Stump are crying ...

STUMP: Oh, my poor crooked little twigs, you almost broke (shakes off)

Leshy: And they got me a bump, they gave me a bruise. Oh, I'm a poor, unfortunate orphan ... (crying)

BERENDEY: Serve you right, you will not interfere with our celebration!

Leshy: Forgive us, we won't be anymore!

SPRING: Let's forgive them. You can have fun with us.

BERENDEUS (addressing the scarecrow):

Empress, Maslenitsa! We boasted of you.

We ate pancakes and had fun. Now your hour has come ...

Please make us all happy! Gri, burn clearly so that it doesn't go out!

Berendey sets fire to the scarecrow, when the flame is well lit, Berendey draws the attention of the children to where the smoke goes, asks what year will it be? After that, dressed up in Russian costumes, they bring out pancakes.

The holiday ends with games and horseback riding.

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