Interdigital dermatitis in dogs occurs in the autumn-spring period, with a lack of vitamins. Interdigital dermatitis in dogs: types and methods of treatment

With this disease, the animal exhibits the following symptoms:

  • The dog constantly licks the paw pads
  • Between the fingers, on the pads, redness, bubbles, seals, ulcers, pustules form.
  • Swelling of the fingers
  • The dog is limping, paws drawn up
  • Dogs get restless

The causes of the disease can be:

Name of veterinary services

The development of an inflammatory process on the paws of an animal may be a sign huge amount systemic diseases. Consequently, any attempts by dog ​​owners to alleviate the suffering of their pets using a variety of means for topical application, selected mainly independently or on the advice of other breeders, do not give results.

Thus, depending on the cause of development, they distinguish different types diseases, each of which must be dealt with in its own way.

Signs of seborrhea and how to treat it in dogs

With this form of dermatitis, back side paws in the wrist area are visible thickening or sites of ulceration. Plaques can be found on the ankles and sometimes even in the interdigital spaces.

Acral dermatitis on a dog's paw.

Acral dermatitis is more likely to affect large dogs. Characteristic signs dermatitis:

The main symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis in dogs are:

  1. The characteristic dog smell emanating from stray animals can also be present in pet when he has seborrhea.
  2. Matte shade of wool. Usually the coat is shiny, and with this disease it immediately fades.
  3. The coat is brittle, which causes excessive hair loss.
  4. Dandruff in large quantities visible to the naked eye.
  5. The itching is accompanied by constant swelling of the animal.
  6. Black spots on the skin.

Seborrhea in a dog.

Treatment activities

To improve the condition of the skin and coat, special shampoos containing tar are used, salicylic acid and sulfur. If the diagnosis revealed a lack of nutrients in the body, vitamin preparations are prescribed.

Antifungal (Fluconazole) and antimicrobial (Ceftriaxone) agents can also be prescribed. Corticosteroid medication can be used to relieve itching.

Fluconazole is an antifungal drug.

Particular attention should be paid to the dog's diet. The veterinarian will be able to choose a diet. It should contain the necessary nutrients and do not cause allergies in the pet.

Flea Dermatitis Symptoms and Treatment

Flea dermatitis is accompanied by hair loss.

Treatment of interdigital dermatitis in dogs is carried out depending on its form, since the key to the animal's recovery is the elimination of the factor that caused the development of the disease.

The best way a professional will cope with the selection of the type and nature of therapy. Only a competent veterinarian will be able to assess the severity of the situation and prescribe the treatment that is optimal for a particular pet.

Treating a dog for interdigital dermatitis

If symptoms are found, you need to seek help from specialists.

Atopic is chronic illness skin, annoying pets with itching and rashes on the body. It develops as a result of a pronounced reaction to allergens, which have a pathological effect on the body of animals. Therefore, atopy is called. According to numerous studies of veterinarians, the disease of four-legged friends is associated with a genetic predisposition.

Allergodermatitis in dogs: risk group, causes and signs of pathology

The disease often affects young individuals from 1 to 5 years of age. According to the breed criterion, the main share of the risk group is:

  • Shar Pei;
  • pug;
  • boxer;
  • Cocker Spaniel;
  • chow-chow;
  • beagle;
  • Labrador;
  • German Shepherd;
  • setters - English and Irish;
  • bulldogs - American and French.

Regardless of its source, the allergen is introduced into the pet's body as a foreign substance, which causes the immune system to actively produce antibodies that neutralize the irritant. The first manifestations of blood pressure in dogs are observed at 6 months of age, and subsequently the disease recurs periodically throughout life.

The factors provoking the development of atopy may be:

  • seasonality or habitat of the pet. Unusual air temperature, high humidity, features home furnishings and other conditions environment can affect the health of the animal.
  • The microclimate of the habitat. Most allergens are concentrated in the yard, house or apartment, that is, where the animal is located. It may also suffer from food allergies and reactions to household dust or houseplants... The absence of changes in the habitat threatens the pet with persistent dermatitis.
  • Comorbidities as a cause of the development of atopy in dogs are hypothyroidism, giardiasis, urolithiasis disease, biliary dyskinesia, etc.
  • Reception medications prescribed by a veterinarian for any purpose.

How do they manifest clinical symptoms dermatitis, shown in the photo.

The owner can recognize the disease by a number of signs:

In case of severe itching, the dog is worried, licks problem areas, tends to scratch. Pathological zones are easy to see on the paws and between the toes, on the muzzle, in the outer ear, in the groin and under the limbs. The coat becomes greasy, the body is covered with scales and begins to peel off.

A clear sign of atopy in dogs is the frequent incidence of otitis media and pododermatitis. In the second case, the legs of the pet are affected so much that it develops lameness.

The basics of treating dogs for allergodermatitis

A pet with signs of atopy should not be treated on its own, it should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible. At the first visit, the veterinarian will ask the owner about the peculiarities of the course of the disease and clarify the living conditions of the dog. The collection of anamnesis continues with an examination of the animal. If there is a suspicion of the influence of a hereditary factor, samples of stool, blood, scraping from the skin and bacterial cultures are taken from the pet.

If the doctor catches the connection between allergic dermatosis and the food of the dog, he prescribes a diet for him that makes it easier to identify the food irritant. For an accurate assessment, it will have to be observed for about 6 weeks. Subsequently, the dog is transferred to hypoallergenic food.

Treatment success atopic dermatitis in dogs depends on how quickly it is removed from the environment. The owner can easily exclude a reliably definite and only pathogen from the conditions of keeping a pet, so the problem is easily solved. If an animal is affected by a whole group of stimuli, it will be difficult to cope with them. You can reduce the number of relapses by doing the following:

Treatment of BP in dogs can be prescribed as a long course of immunotherapy. In 70% of all cases, hyposensitization completely relieves the animal from itching sensations. The therapy is carried out by subcutaneous injection the identified irritant with a gradual increase in the concentrate. In this case, the veterinarian must take into account the data of anamnesis and allergic tests.

Drug therapy for atopic dermatitis in dogs

Symptomatic treatment allergic dermatitis in dogs it can be carried out as on initial stage immunotherapy, and after it, if the effect is not fully manifested. The specialist prescribes medications for internal use from different groups, for the care of the dog's body, he offers special shampoos. Dosages of all drugs are calculated based on the pet's body weight. They are given at intervals of 1 time in 24, 48 or 72 hours.

From glucocorticoids for atopy in dogs are shown:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Triamcinolone;
  • Methylprednisolone.

Possible side effects their uses are: polyuria, skin calcification, drowsiness, shortness of breath, polyphagia.

From antihistamines appoint:

Drugs in this group have a sedative effect. While taking them, the dog may develop polyuria or polydipsia.

Excellent antipruritic agents are:

  • Fluoxetine;
  • Misoprostol;
  • Cyclosporine;
  • Oxpentifylline.

These medications can cause nausea, agitation, drowsiness, diarrhea, skin rashes, polydipsia and polyuria. They are given to the animal once every 12 hours or once a day.

To treat atopic interdigital dermatitis in dogs, polyunsaturated fatty acids are prescribed.

These are:

  • Linoleic acid;
  • Eicosopentaenoic acid;
  • Linseed oil;
  • Safflower or sunflower oil.

Oils must be cold pressed. Acids are found in fish oil or supplementation with omega acids (3 and 6). Diarrhea can be a side effect of their use. The dosage is set taking into account body weight. The frequency of admission is once every 24 hours.

Topical treatment for atopy in dogs

How to treat dermatitis in a dog externally? Doctors recommend using cold herbal teas as lotions. To relieve itching and pain relief, you can apply applications with echinacea infusion. To accelerate skin regeneration, decoctions of chamomile are used, which is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties.

For effective treatment dermatitis in dogs great importance has a correctly diagnosed, timely identified cause of the disease. In addition, most modern bacteria are highly resistant to antibiotics and other medicines, if it is necessary to prescribe this type of treatment, it is important to choose the right drug and its dosage. Therefore, it is extremely important to contact a specialist in time and draw up an individual treatment regimen for dermatitis in a dog.

Types of dermatitis in dogs, their symptoms and treatment

Common symptoms of dermatitis in a dog are itching, redness and damage to the skin, thickening, ulceration of the affected areas. Behavior may change. The animal becomes restless, often licks certain parts of the body, looks for opportunities to scratch on pieces of furniture.

Manifestation different types dermatitis depend on the causes of their occurrence, and on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The correct treatment regimen can only be chosen by a specialist, sometimes after long-term communication with the dog and its owner. Glucocordicoids and topical therapy are often prescribed for the damaged area. Auxiliary means for recovery - a special collar so that the dog cannot lick the damaged area again.

The prognosis is good, but treatment takes a long time.

For successful treatment food allergic dermatitis in dogs must be shown to a specialist. Food allergy is characterized by severe itching, often not amenable to therapeutic effects. Skin lesions are secondary, and purulent papules are often found in the lower abdomen. Dogs of all ages can experience symptoms of food allergic dermatitis. A key factor in successfully treating food allergic dermatitis in a dog is eliminating the allergen from the food. Often it is quite difficult to do this, since the financial and time resources for identifying the irritant are very significant, only long-term cooperation with a competent doctor will help here, who will help you choose a selective (exclusion) diet and teach you to adhere to it correctly. This diet will help you identify the food allergen.

Atopic dermatitis in dogs is an itchy inflammation of the skin that occurs as a result of the body's excessive production of a personal response to external allergens. Such allergens can be pollen, dust mites, animal hair and fluff, bird feathers and so on. The disease has many synonymous names, for example, atopic eczema or neurodermatitis.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in dogs is complicated by genetically determined causes of the disease and the process of identifying the allergen. It is found by elimination, alternately isolating probable sources.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis in dogs begin with itching. The animal can become restless, start to lick excessively, try to scratch on objects. In places of localization, secondary damage may appear - scratches and even bites, as the dog tries to relieve the itching. If you do not pay attention to the primary signs in time, atopic dermatitis in a dog can be complicated by secondary infections, and treatment will be even more difficult. The foci of inflammation are localized on the face, around the eyes, in armpits, on the stomach, between the fingers.

Neurodermatitis in dogs requires constant attention and systemic treatment... Supportive and preventative therapy can help alleviate symptoms as much as possible, especially if an allergen is identified. Into the scheme complex treatment Atopic dermatitis in dogs often includes corticosteroids to relieve itching. Only a doctor can select an effective minimum dose with minimal side effects. As an additional long-term or preventive therapy use drugs with high content omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids... True, their effect begins to show only 8-10 weeks after the start of the intake. Treatment of dermatitis in dogs at home involves a very attentive and careful attitude towards the pet, for the timely detection of symptoms. Over time, the owners, as a rule, learn to determine the periods of the disease, and quite effectively stop its manifestations.

Contact dermatitis can take two forms in dogs: irritant and allergic. The first type occurs during prolonged mechanical contact of the skin with a foreign object, for example, with a hard collar. Allergic contact dermatitis occurs in dogs as a reaction to prolonged contact with objects or things that contain an allergen. A skin reaction can be caused by textile fibers, dyes, cleaning agents. household products, plastic softeners and so on. Symptoms include the formation of small ulcers, crusts, and redness on hairless areas of the body. Primary signs may hide under constant licking patches. The treatment regimen for contact dermatitis in dogs is to identify and isolate the allergen. This is not always done quickly, so hydrocortisone ointments are used to relieve symptoms. Treatment for irritant contact dermatitis in dogs is to eliminate the rubbing object, and in some cases, treatment of the damaged area is recommended.

Bacterial dermatitis in dogs is in most cases a secondary condition. Bacterial flora, getting on already damaged areas of the skin, begins to multiply rapidly, penetrates deep into the tissues, provoking inflammatory processes. The most common cause of the disease is staphylococci.

Symptoms of staphylococcal dermatitis in dogs are damage to the surface of the skin, induration, and ulceration. They can grow in size over time; the depth of the lesion also grows. The spread of the inflammatory process to hair follicles leads to pustular dermatitis associated with folliculitis in dogs.

Treatment mainly includes various antibiotics but assign the right antibiotic and only a doctor can correctly calculate its dosage. If treatment of staphylococcal dermatitis in a dog does not bring the expected effect, then it is necessary to carry out bacteriological examination... It will identify the type of bacterial pathogen, determine the resistance, and help to more accurately determine how to treat dermatitis in a dog.

Yeast dermatitis in dogs is caused by overgrowth of the fungus Malassezia pachydermatis. By the name of the fungus, this condition in dogs is sometimes referred to as malasionic dermatitis.

The fungus belongs to the usual microflora of the skin and ear canals, but it multiplies quickly in warm and humid places. Dogs with chronic otitis media, seborrhea, chronic skin lesions. Frequent bathing can also create conditions for overgrowth of the fungus.

Symptoms are itching, redness, bad smell, education oily dandruff on the wool. Treatments for yeast dermatitis in dogs can be topical, using ointments or shampoos. In more serious cases, malaiseous dermatitis requires systemic treatment, and the dog is prescribed antifungal agents.

Interdigital dermatitis in dogs is a lesion of the skin between the toes. Inflamed areas turn red, can become covered with abscesses, ulceration is common. In advanced cases, the damage spreads to other parts of the paws. The dog begins to limp, to demonstrate painful movement - to tighten its paws, whine, refuse long walks. Interdigital dermatitis in dogs can be caused by various reasons: allergy to the mixture, which is sprinkled on the roads in the autumn-winter period, staphylococcal infection, food allergy, fungal diseases... Owners need to pay special attention to the condition of these areas of the skin, inspect them more often so as not to miss alarming symptoms... Treatment of interdigital dermatitis in dogs will be effective only if the cause of the disease is established, therefore, if this ailment is suspected, the animal must be shown to a specialist. Self-treatment dermatitis on the paws of a dog, produced on the basis of the advice of acquaintances or friends, can lead to a worsening of the condition. Due to the variety of etiology of interdigital dermatitis in dogs, effective scheme treatment can only be selected by a specialist.

Wet dermatitis can be accompanied by clumping of the coat from discharge, an unpleasant odor.

Weeping dermatitis in dogs needs accurate diagnosis and an individual treatment regimen for each patient. The hair around the affected areas is shaved off, the skin is sanitized daily, compresses are applied to relieve inflammation, and glucocorticoid creams are used. If the dog is too restless, then therapy is supplemented sedatives, and a special collar is put on against licking. Treatment cutaneous dermatitis in dogs it takes time, patience and attention. Sometimes therapeutic measures last more than one week. Therefore, it is so important at the first symptoms of dermatitis in a dog to turn to a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and selection effective means fight the disease.

Seborrheic dermatitis in dogs appears as rough, scaly patches of skin. Often accompanied by inflammation due to infection. The causes of this type of dermatitis in dogs are not yet fully known, and the treatment consists mainly in relieving symptoms. Distinguish between primary and secondary seborrheic dermatitis. The first can be hereditary or idiopathic, the second develops against the background of skin diseases and internal organs... Treatment seborrheic dermatitis in dogs it can be topical, using special shampoos, and systemic, with the use of medications as prescribed by a specialist.

External inflammation ear canal in dogs, it is often referred to as ear dermatitis. In some cases, it is a particular symptom of general clinical picture dermatitis. Sometimes it is a specific reaction of the body to allergens, colds and other reasons. Only a doctor can determine the exact picture and prescribe an effective and safe treatment regimen ear dermatitis in a dog.

Interdigital dermatitis in dogs is inflammatory disease, in which all layers of skin are affected in the folds between the fingers of the animal, on the pads of the paws and around the claw. Moreover, sometimes the process extends to the hairy areas of the upper surface of the paws. Despite the seeming frivolity, such an ailment is capable of delivering significant discomfort to the dog, to the point that the animal begins to limp. Therefore, interdigital dermatitis requires timely and comprehensive treatment.


The development of an inflammatory process on the paws of an animal can be a sign of a huge number of systemic diseases. Consequently, any attempts by dog ​​owners to alleviate the suffering of their pets using a variety of topical agents, selected mainly on their own or on the advice of other breeders, do not give results. This is not surprising, because with such self-treatment, the factor that was the reason for the development of pathology is not eliminated. Its role can be played by:

Thus, depending on the cause of development, different types of disease are distinguished, each of which must be fought in its own way.

Symptoms and features of therapy

Treatment of interdigital dermatitis in dogs is carried out depending on its form, since the key to the animal's recovery is the elimination of the factor that caused the development of the disease. A professional will cope with the selection of the type and nature of therapy in the best way. Only a competent veterinarian will be able to assess the severity of the situation and prescribe the treatment that is optimal for a particular pet.

Interdigital dermatitis

Most often, there is the occurrence of inflammation due to injury, since literally every walk of the dog is fraught with the risk of injuring the paw with fragments of broken glass, construction waste and other "benefits" of civilization. Therefore, after each walk, you should carefully examine the animal and, if necessary, immediately treat the wounds with antiseptics. It is best to go to your veterinarian after that and follow his recommendations. It is necessary to continue treatment until complete healing in order to prevent the transition of the inflammatory process to a chronic form.

Dog owners usually have to deal with contact dermatitis in the cold season, when the roads are treated with special anti-icing agents. They are able to provide irritating effect on the skin of the animal's paws and become the cause of the development of inflammation. Therefore, in such cases, the first priority is to eliminate the interaction between the dog's skin and chemicals - special shoes are best suited for this task.

Allergic is recognized as one of the most difficult types of dermatitis in diagnosis and treatment. His hallmark the spread of the inflammatory process to fairly large areas of the dog's body is considered, and often the primary foci are formed behind the ears, near the mouth or eyes. In such cases, a change in feed and diet may be required. If, within a week after changing the diet of the animal, no improvement is noticed in its condition, then it is worth suspecting increased sensitivity to factors external environment, for example, dust, pollen, etc. In such situations, therapy is carried out aimed at correcting immunity, as well as the prevention of bacterial and fungal complications.

Treatment bacterial dermatitis start after confirming the presence of infection. As a rule, it consists in:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • normalization of vitamin and mineral metabolism;
  • elimination of hormonal imbalance;
  • the use of antimicrobial agents;
  • the use of staphylococcal bacteriophage.

As for psychogenic dermatitis, it is the most difficult to cope with it. Of course, in such cases, the veterinarian selects for the animal sedatives, but the key to recovery is acceptance of the current situation and adaptation to new living conditions, which, unfortunately, is not always possible.

All you need to know



Interdigital dermatitis in dogs occurs in autumn-spring period, with a lack of B vitamins

Interdigital dermatitis is quite common in many dogs. Usually, this pathology occurs in dogs in the autumn-spring period, with a shortage. This is due to the fact that during this period the animal's immunity suffers from changes temperature regime, decrease in solar activity, increase in humidity outside, exposure to various infections. Dermatitis is called inflammatory process that affects all layers of the skin.A rash is usually uncommon for him.

Interdigital dermatitis characterized by damage to the pads of the paws, interdigital folds, the area of ​​the claw bed. In some cases, in pathological process the hairy surface of the paws is involved. The visual sign of the disease is the limping of the animal, respect for the injured paw and licking of the inflamed areas of the skin. Note that inflammation of the interdigital area may indicate some systemic diseases dogs. In such cases local treatment does not lead to the elimination of pathology.Diseases and recommendationsYorkshire Terrier

Causes of the disease of interdigital dermatitis

1. Traumatic injury limbs. Sharp objects, scratches, bruises and cracks may be involved in its development.

2. The action of physical or chemical factors. We are talking about contact dermatitis. In this case, the skin is directly exposed to irritating agents. Redness, swelling, mild itching, and the formation of bubbles are noted. When the cause is eliminated, the dermatitis disappears.

3. The influence of allergic drugs.

4. Bacterial contamination. Most often, staphylococcus is involved in the development of bacterial dermatitis.

6. Separation from owners or abrupt change of habitat.

Prevention and treatment of dermatitis

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