Why is dermatitis how to treat. Skin dermatitis: photo, etiology of diseases and the main causes of occurrence. Tablets for the treatment of atopic dermatitis

Dermatitis is a group of inflammatory diseases of the skin arising from the damaging effect on the factors of the external environment. Manifested by rashes and itching in the contact zone with stimuli. They may proceed acute or chronically.

Causes of dermatitis

Dermatitis cause bond and elective annoying factors of physical, chemical and biological nature. Bondnate agents are capable of causing a reaction from any person, optional - only in sensitized to them. The first group of factors provokes the development of simple contact dermatitis. Second - allergic dermatitis.

Physical stimuli - predominantly bond. These include:

  • mechanical factors (friction, pressure, etc.);
  • high and low temperatures;
  • ultra-violet rays;
  • electric current and others.

Bonde chemical stimuli are infrequently found in the life of ordinary people. Mostly contacts with them occur in working conditions. These include:

  • mineral acids, alkali and their salts;
  • liquid hydrocarbons;
  • poisoning substances;
  • rocket fuel components.

Optional chemical factors are more common. Special:

  • rubber (gloves, shoes and other products from it);
  • plastics;
  • rubbers;
  • soap and cosmetics;
  • chromium salts (as part of clothing, shoes, washing powders, etc.);
  • antibiotics and other medicines;
  • formalin;
  • turpentine;
  • some plants, etc.

Biological factors are associated directly with the patient's body. These include:

  • burdened heredity in allergic diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • reduced immunity;
  • regular stress;
  • chronic fatigue, etc.

All of them cause a predisposition to the development of different types of dermatitis.

Types of dermatitis

The international classification of diseases divides all dermatitis on simple contact and allergic.

Depending on the cause that provoked the disease, simple contact dermatitis can be called:

  • detergent;
  • cosmetics;
  • medicines when their skin contact;
  • plants;
  • food products with their skin contact;
  • solvents;
  • uncomfortable etiology, etc.

Allergic contact dermatitis, in turn, can also be called:

  • cosmetics;
  • means of household chemicals;
  • dyes;
  • medicines;
  • contact with metals;
  • uncomfortable etiology, etc.

Separately, the classification distinguishes exfoliative dermatitis and dermatitis caused by substances taken inside (toxidermy).

Earlier to this group of dermatoses attributed atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, but in connection with the clarification of etiology, they are now considered in another section of dermatology.

By the nature of the tremitis flow, there are sharp and chronic. Acute options are characterized by the rapid start and rapid development of the disease. In the absence of treatment or regular exposure to the stimulus, they can go into a chronic form with a long flow and seasonal exacerbations.

Total symptoms of dermatitis

As mentioned above, all forms of dermatitis are manifested by rash. Their localization depends on the place of exposure to the irritant. With a simple contact dermatitis, rash is located clearly in the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the provoking factor. Especially good is visible on the example of burns.

With allergic dermatitis, the rash borders can be distributed far beyond the contact zone with an irritant.

Depending on the duration of the impact of the provoking factor on the skin and individual reactivity of the body, the disease can occur in three forms:

  • erythematous;
  • bullosis-vesiculse;
  • necrotic.

The erythematous form of dermatitis is characterized by the occurrence of edematous spots of the red color of various intensity.

With a longer action of the stimulus on the skin against the background of erythematous spots, bubbles and vesicles of various sizes appear. With their autopsy, a wet surface with cracks is exposed. As drying in this zone, crusts are formed, which are gradually exfoliated. The rashes at the bullosis-vesiculous form of the disease are very similar to rash with eczema. But with an eczematized process, false polymorphism is observed (the plugness of new elements passing all the stages of development of the rash), which is not in dermatitis.

In the case of a necrotic form in the rash zone, Strap is formed, which is ulcerated. This is a severe type of disease, difficult to treat and ending with the formation of a scar.

With the termination of the contact of the stimulus with skin, dermatitis is independently resolved. If the impact continues or often occurs short intervals, the disease can become chronic.

When the dermatitis is turned into a chronic shape on the spot, the skin becomes modified or in the direction of hypertrophy (hyperkeratosis, liquidifications are formed), or towards atrophy (skin thinning).

Features of individual types of dermatitis

The clinical picture varies quite significantly depending on the type of dermatitis.

Simple contact dermatitis

This type of disease occurs mainly under the action of bondnutant stimuli, less frequently optional. Most often they are high or low temperatures (burns and frostbite), ultraviolet rays (solar burns), chemicals (household chemicals, cosmetics, metal jewelry), friction (corns and scuffs), insect bites, some plants (net burns) .

Symptoms from the side of the skin with this form of dermatitis occur immediately after contact with the stimulus. Localization of the lesion corresponds to the exposure zone of the provocation factor.

Simple contact dermatitis is usually manifested by erythematous spots or a bullosis-vesiculous form. But with prolonged action of the stimulus, necrosis may occur. In this case, not only skin symptoms are observed, but also general disorders - an increase in temperature, weakness, chills, nausea, the phenomena of intoxication of the body. This problem can be eliminated when eliminating the source of infection.

At the same time, dermatitis skin symptoms are not manifested immediately after exposure to the stimulus, and after some time. Depending on the nature of the rashes, this type of disease is subdivided into allergic contact dermatitis and urticaria. Previously, they also attributed atopic dermatitis.

Allergic contact dermatitis

Most often arises as an allergic reaction to cosmetics, household chemicals, clothing and shoes from artificial materials, insect bites. Manifested by erythematous and bullosis-vesiculous forms in the exposure zone of allergen or beyond. The rashes are accompanied by pronounced itching, which leads to mass and trauma of the skin.

With allergic contact dermatitis, hereditary heredity is often detected from parents of patients.


This type of disease received its name because of the rash, similar to clinical manifestations from burdens' burns. Hardwriter is an acute inflammatory response of the skin of allergic nature. It is characterized by the sudden appearance of itchy blisters, the localization of which is not connected with the zone of exposure to the irritant. Such a reaction is often on drugs, insect bites, clothes from non-trial materials, pollen of plants and food allergens.

Independently passes after stopping contact with a provoking factor.

Atopic dermatitis

Previously, dermatologists were isolated atopic dermatitis as a chronic form of allergic dermatitis. It is now considered to be an independent disease, since in its occurrence, the leading role belongs not to allergens, but endogenous reasons (hereditary predisposition, neurogumoral reactions, changes from the immune response, etc.). It is they who form a pathological reaction to the irritants from the skin.

Toxidermy or toxic-allergic dermatitis is a sharp inflammatory lesion of the skin due to allergen ingestion. Most often, this type of disease provoke drugs, less often - chemicals and food.

The rashes with this form of illness are diffuse character - spread throughout the body. The rash consists of erythematous spots, papules, bubbles and bubbles of various diameters accompanied by a strong itching. The general condition of the patients is noticeably affected - the temperature with chills, weakness, nausea, expressed symptoms of intoxication rises.

Toxidermy is dangerous to the occurrence of large bubbles, their opening and detachment of large sections of the epidermis. In this case, strong dehydration of the body develops and the risk of infection is increasing. Without treatment there may be a fatal outcome.

Exfoliative dermatitis

Exfoliative dermatitis - infectious skin disease. Causes its golden staphylococcus. It occurs mainly in newborns, but also in adults. In the risk group - older people, especially male.

It is manifested by erythematous and bullous-vesiculous stages, following each other. Often takes a serious flow - with huge bullies and large sections of the epidermis. This disease is not pronounced, but the rashes are very painful.

The outcome of exfoliative dermatitis depends on the severity of the disease and the timeliness of treatment. Often leads to death. But in the case of uncomplicated flow, it ends with peeling and regeneration of skin without traces and scars.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is not associated with allergic processes, therefore allocated to an independent disease. Its main reason is the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands caused by endocrine, autoimmune, neurohumoral and other endogenous reactions of the body.

Manifested not typical of dermatitis with rashes, but the appearance of gray-yellow plaques and scales on erythematous skin.

Treatable treatment with difficulty. Most often takes a chronic current.

Treating dermatitis

Approaches to the treatment of dermatitis depend on its species and features of the flow. But the basic principles of therapy are reduced to:

  • eliminating an irritant factor;
  • appointment of antihistamine drugs;
  • receiving sorbents;
  • diet compliance;
  • use of glucocorticosteroids;
  • local treatment;
  • hospitalization in the hospital if necessary.

Treatment of dermatitis is usually carried out in an outpatient basis. But in the case of the development of toxidermia, exfoliative dermatitis or complications of other forms of the disease, the mandatory hospitalization of patients in the hospital is required.

Elimination of an annoying factor

In most cases, this measure is enough to relieve dermatitis. But with the allergic nature of the disease, it is not always possible to identify a specific provocation factor. In such situations, pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment comes to the rescue. In the first case, exposure to the tracks of pathogenesis in order to prevent further development of the disease. In the second - the specific symptoms are eliminated.


These drugs affect the mediators of allergic reactions, not allowing the development of allergy symptoms. During dermatitis, assign:

  • Supratine;
  • Phenkarol;
  • Zetrin;
  • Claritin;
  • Dimedrol and others.


These drugs have a comprehensive effect - quickly remove inflammation, itching and skin manifestations. They are often prescribed in dermatoses of various nature, but it should be borne in mind that glucocorticosteroids have a large number of contraindications, side effects and cause cancellation syndrome. Therefore, when they are taken, you need to clearly follow the recommendations of your doctor.

For treating dermatitis use:

  • Medrol;
  • PolcorTolon;
  • Kenacort;
  • Coleleton and others.

In most cases, sufficiently local corticosteroids. But with severe diseases (toxidemiya, exfoliative dermatitis, etc.) requires systemic hormonal therapy.

Local treatment

Local treatment is used to dry the wet process, skin softening at the stage of crusts and stimulation of regeneration at the final stage of the disease.

When weaving, agents with tar, zinc, salicylic acid and other knitting and drying agents are used.

To mitigate, humidifying the skin and its fastest wounded use:

  • Cycaplast;
  • Losterine;
  • Bepanten et al.

In the case of attaching a bacterial or fungal infection, local therapy is complemented by antibiotics and antifungal external means.

Diet and sorbents

Patients with dermatitis in history it is necessary to observe a hypoallergenic diet. In the case of an acute episode of the disease, such a diet becomes the basis of therapy.

Premotitis Prevention

The prevention of dermatitis is aimed at extending remissions and minimizing the amount of exacerbations.

With an allergic dermatit, you must eliminate allergenic factors - stick to diets, use hypoallergenic cosmetics, wearing clothes and footwear from natural materials, etc.

With all the types of the disease, it is recommended to conduct a healthy lifestyle, play sports, walking outdoors. This will lead to stimulation of the protective properties of the body. It is also necessary to sanitize possible foci of chronic infections, if possible, it is possible to take sanatorium-resort treatment annually and hardening.

Dermatitis is an extensive group of diseases with similar manifestations and causes of occurrence. To accurately distinguish one form from the other and appoint proper treatment can only doctor. When any spindles appear on the skin, it is recommended to immediately sign up for the reception to the doctor and not engage in self-medication. This will help to avoid complications and the transition of dermatitis in chronic form.

Video about dermatitis

Skin dermatitis is a fairly common disease, which is characterized by inflammatory reactions of skin on external and internal stimuli.

Causes of dermatitis

As a rule, all varieties of dermatitis have individual causes of the development of the pathological process. For example, toxidermy provocates are nutritional allergens or medicines (antibiotics, sulfonamides, etc.). The probability of the appearance of skin dermatitis increases sharply in patients with mental history and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is able to develop with an unregulated reception of oral contraceptives. The reasons for this in violation of the hormonal background, which leads to endocrine changes.

Causes of an exogenous nature:

  • irritation of skin buttons, buckle, coppes, etc.;
  • the use of synthetic tissues;
  • the use of poor-quality household chemicals;
  • the effects of low temperatures on the skin;
  • the use of poor-quality decorative cosmetics on the face;
  • contact with some plants;

  • perfumery products;
  • hygienic tools (most often shampoo for washing hair on the head);
  • chemicals, etc.

Directly allergic dermatitis is possible not only to unknown allergens, but also for well-known products that previously did not cause the symptoms of dermatitis. Especially often such a reaction can be observed in a child.

Symptomatics of the disease

As a rule, all dermatitis have characteristic manifestations, expressed:

  • hyperemic skin covers;
  • melkotochny vesiculse rash;
  • tormenting itching, leading to the formation of an ulcer;
  • dry skin with subsequent peeling.

In addition, allergic dermatitis may be accompanied by rhinitis, increased tearing, frequent chihanas and spastic cough. The manifestations of acute form are often accompanied by rash on the face, for the treatment of which special ointments are used, gels and cream.


Before treating skin manifestations, it is necessary to conduct a diagnostic study to determine stimuli, which provoked outdoor inflammation.

For this, it is performed:

  • blood fence to clinical analysis;
  • urine on overall analysis;
  • immunological and serological examination;
  • if necessary, biopsy and histology are recommended;

The symptoms and causes of the development of the disease determine the decision on how to treat dermatitis and which internal and external means, including ointments, can be applied in each case.


Depending on the cause of the disease, dermatitis is classified for several subspecies. It may proceed with the same symptomatic basis, both in adult patients and children. Localization site and symptoms may indicate direct causes of dermatitis.

Types of dermatitis are divided into:

  • toxic shape;
  • bacterial;
  • herpetic;
  • drug
  • steroid dermatitis;
  • allergic (, eczema, etc.);
  • focal form, etc.

Manifestations of dermatitis, its symptoms and causes should be considered individually. It depends on the further use of certain drugs and ointments.

The course of the disease in childhood

The most common types of dermatitis in children are:

CONTACT. It may appear as a result of the use of low-quality hygienic tools and external stimuli (coarse seams on clothes, poor-quality ointment and skin treatment creams), which cause skin disorders, especially in infants (in the photo). As a rule, in children, contact dermatitis may disappear after the termination of interaction with the provoking factor. Symptoms of contact dermatitis are held in three stages: erythematous, vesiculous and necrotic.

Diaper. This form of the disease develops in infants when violating the rules of care. External irritation is most often appearing on the berry region, as well as on the hips. Its manifestations are expressed by redness of the skin, rash and peeling.

The behavior of the baby becomes restless, he can refuse to eat, try to remove the diaper, sleeps restlessly and often crying. Sometimes infection is possible in the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis. In all cases, the child should be shown a pediatrician who will examine the baby and hold a conversation about the rules for the care of the skin of the child. Relying on symptoms, the doctor may prescribe treatment with the help of special creams or ointments with the addition of Lanolin. Healing diaper dermatitis in infants with medication therapy follows only in extreme cases. Preventive measures must be observed (after bathing the baby, lubricate the skin with moisturizing creams, it is not necessary to dry the infants, preventing normal air exchange).

Atopic form. Allergic dermatitis is characterized by leather redness (especially on the face) and peeling. In addition, the atopic solution for the development of the disease may therefore, to prevent exacerbations, it is necessary to diagnose symptoms in a timely manner, after which it is necessary to carry out appropriate therapy. Symptoms of atopic dermatitis proceeds with small differences in children of different age categories.

Most often, pathological symptoms on the face and all body arise in children 5-6 months and are expressed by hyperemic rash in the field of buttocks, on the face and neck. In a child, allergic dermatitis is accompanied by a strong itching and a child can comb this place that can lead to infection. At the same time, the child may have an increase in temperature and restless behavior.

Atopic dermatitis in an older child can be localized in the groin area, traded and elbow grab. In addition, skin dermatitis at this age is often found in the field of palm and stop. The skin in places of the lesion is thickened and becomes swelling. During the period of satisfying atopic dermatitis, the child's skin can be dry, so it is recommended to use moisturizing ointments.

Dermatitis quite often can provoke the development of intestinal disorder. The reasons for this manifestation are explained by the fact that atopic dermatitis in children arises due to violations of feeding conditions and non-compliance with hygienic measures.

If children have changed changes and restless behavior, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist, as atopic dermatitis needs to be treated at the initial stage. If the atopic type of disease is diagnosed, it is necessary to revise the diet (especially in infants). In addition, it is recommended to use only hypoallergenic products and detergents. Antihistamines and other drugs are prescribed with atopic dermatitis only in case of emergency.

Seborrheic form. It occurs at the increasing of mycosis activity with impaired conditionally pathogenic microflora. Children often the pathological process is localized in the head and face (redness, skin seal, hair loss on the head and other characteristic symptoms). The appearance of white cesks on the head is accompanied by a slight itching and bubble.

Atopic dermatitis and seborrheal form are characterized by periodic remissions and exacerbations. With initial form, it is necessary to conduct a medical examination and further treatment.

Tactics of treatment (tablets, ointments)

To remove intoxication, the use of enterosorbents (activated carbon, enterosgel, polypefan, etc.) is recommended. In the serious case of the disease, the intravenous administration of sodium thiosulfate is used, but before administration (especially when dermatitis develops according to an allergic type), it is necessary to test individual sensitivity. It is important to take into account that any drugs with calcium are able to reduce the processes of sensitization in the body.

Outdoor treatment of the disease involves the use of hormonal cream or ointment (Diprosalik, Sinaflan, ointment acrider, etc.). When the antiseptic processing of the affected areas of the skin is recommended using a chamomile infusion and decoction of oak bark. You can process seborrhea on my head with a solution of these grasses, especially on the head in the child. In addition, a good effect of reverending papulas is noted for treatment with antiseptic ointments.

In the event that the disease proceeds with complications, formed vesicles and pustulas are recommended to open and process, observing all the rules of antiseptics and asepsis. Treat dermatitis (especially on the head lyceum) with the help of drugs for external use with the addition of iodine is prohibited.

Sometimes unbearable itch is accompanied by neurological disorders. In such cases, treatment with sedative preparations on a vegetable basis (Valerian, mother-in-law, new passite, percean, etc.) is recommended. If the reasons for dermatitis are in dysfunctional disorders in the work of the pancreas, it is recommended to treat dermatitis by Mezim, Creon, Festal, etc.

With the development of dysbacteriosis requires a special diet, including the use of fermented milk products. Such a diet helps to improve the overall condition of the body, removing the rash on the face and on the body. In addition, allergic dermatitis involves treatment with probiotics (probe, lines, etc.). It is important to note that as the intestinal microflora is restored, the symptoms of the disease almost completely fade.

Diet with skin dermatitis

All types of dermatitis, and especially allergic, must be treated by conducting power correction. For this, a special hypoallergenic diet must be observed. Balanced nutrition of an adult patient and child warn an allergic dermatitis. The diet should include the following products:

Low allergy products

  • Proteins are some kinds of fish products (sea bass, cod), horse, lean beef, lamb, cottage cheese, offal, butter creamy.
  • The diet provides for the use of vegetable products (pearl graft, rice, corn, cucumber, cabbage, gooseberry, zucchini, spinach, vegetable oil, pear). You can eat white currants and a white gooseberry.
  • From drinks It is recommended to use fermented milk products without dyes and preservatives, mineral water, compotes from green fruit. In addition, the diet permits the use of dried fruits.

Products often causing allergies

  • The diet eliminates the use of pork, oily beef, milk, caviar, chicken eggs, smoked and canned foods.
  • From plant products, plant marinades, legumes, sauerkrauts, berries and bright orange and red vegetables are not recommended. In addition, the diet recommends refraining from the use of tropical fruits and vegetables.
  • It is impossible to drink sweet carbonated water, yogurts with preservatives, coffee, cocoa. It should be limited to the use of sweets, baking and sharp seasonings.

It is important to note that all dermatitis and especially allergic must be treated only after the prescription of the doctor. Universal recommendations do not exist. All methods of treatment (diet, drug therapy and prevention measures) are important for maximum effect. This approach will help to avoid various complications.

Skin problems are quite common in modern society and bring trouble and trouble to people. Rash, redness, itching - these symptoms beyond what worsen the state of health, affect the appearance. Among the skin diseases, skin dermatitis is often found, the photo of the symptoms of which can be considered below. The development of the disease is associated with inflammation of the skin. Symptoms of dermatitis at an early stage are limited to itching, redness, swelling. The disease does not carry a danger to human life, but when it is ignored, it can deliver a patient with a mass of discomfort.

The reasons

Skin disease dermatitis can be caused by a number of reasons unrelated. All of them can be divided into remote (acquired and genetic) and close (provoked).

The first group includes causes, the main characteristic of which is individual predisposition (genetic or acquired). At almost 50% of infants, skin dermatitis arises due to the fact that this ailment has previously transferred someone from parents. Acquired predisposition arises against the background of infectious, invasive diseases (especially in chronic form), unfavorable living conditions, mental concerns, physical illness, weak immunity.

The second group includes pathogenic reasons that caused the development of dermatitis in the body, which theoretically did not have a predisposition to this disease. These include stress, physical factors (frost, heat, solar energy), chemical substances, protein allergens.

Not all people under the influence of pathogenic causative agents develops skin dermatitis. Causes due to individual stability are mandatory and optional. Mandatory are those that cause dermatitis, regardless of the resistance of the human body. These include aggressive fluids, low or high temperatures (from 60 degrees Celsius), strong radiation (radiation, quartz, sun), strong allergens. Optional factors affect people with individual hypersensitivity. This is a temperature of +4 degrees, some allergens (insect bites, cosmetics, oil and liquids, medicines, food, pollen of plants).


Skin disease dermatitis can flow in acute and chronic form. Symptoms are divided into obligatory (regardless of the reasons) and additional (depend on the cause). The obligatory feature is itching. Acute form is characterized by swelling and redness with fuzzy edges. In the chronic course of redness, there may be absent. On the most movable parts of the body (the groove region, the sides of the body, the sickness of the head, the face, the skin on the joints) are rashes (eczema).

The mandatory symptoms in chronic form include liquidification - this is a state when the leather areas are thickened, and a rough drawing appears on them. Self-sessions and cracks on the surface of the skin can also be observed. Under the acute form of dermatitis, there is an exudative inflammation. In addition, peeling appears in the patient due to the insufficiency of the sebaceous glands and dehydration of the skin.

The presence and nature of additional symptoms is important for the differential diagnosis of specific dermatitis. They are detected as a result of functional samples, laboratory studies, inspection and patient survey.


Depending on the nature and causes of the occurrence of the disease, skin dermatitis is divided into several types. The following are the following: Contact (allergic and simple), seborrheic, toxico-allergic and atopic. Each of these species has its own symptoms, features of diagnosis and treatment.

Depending on the acting factor, such dermatitis varieties such as perianal, acticine, block, infectious, bullous, polymorphic, caterpillar, symmetrical dysmenorrheal, lallotype, gold, are distinguished. In addition, empty, sunny, purple, follicular, churchaean dermatitis is isolated. At an early childhood, the most common diaper and exfoliative dermatitis of newborns are most common.

All these types of skin differs from each other, but they all invariably bring discomfort and trouble with the patient. In order for the treatment of the disease as efficient as possible, it is necessary to establish the cause, and then the type of skin dermatitis. If you start counteracting the disease on time, that is, the chances of preventing its development and protect yourself from unpleasant problems.

Contact skin dermatitis (simple)

Contact dermatitis is simple and allergic. The reasons for the appearance of the first type disease is the impact of biological, mechanical, physical and chemical factors.

Simple dermatitis can flow in acute or chronic form. Acute skin dermatitis (the photo of the skin of the skin can be seen in our article) has pronounced symptoms. First of all, swelling and bright red skin appear. Then small bubbles and nodules are formed. In some cases, crusts and scales are observed. The patient's condition is characterized by pain, itching, burning, a feeling of heat.

The occurrence of chronic form of simple dermatitis is associated with constant friction and pressure of a small force. Infiltration, liquidation and skin seal occur due to the thickening of hyperkeratose and epidermis. For example, ionizing radiation contributes to the development of radial dermatitis in chronic or acute form. The radial view of the disease can manifest itself a bullous reaction, hair loss, erythema. Further progression leads to atrophy of the skin, impaired pigmentation, resistant alopecia, the development of the necrotic reaction to the formation of ulcers and erosions, which are difficult to heal.

A simple skin dermatitis on the face, on hand, legs, torso can appear. The disease caused by the impact of the chemical factor proceeds especially sharply: scurps are formed on the surface of the skin, in the place of which ulcers remain. Ignoring the disease can cause its distribution throughout the body, and then get rid of it will be very difficult.

Allergic dermatitis

Allergic skin dermatitis occurs as a result of the immediate effects of allergen. The development of the disease can be caused by causative agents of chemical origin (washing powder, cosmetics, perfumery, paints and varnishes, synthetic materials), drugs, plants, animals. The course of the disease largely depends on the degree of impact of allergen on the skin, on the state of the body and the immune system of the patient.

Acute allergic contact dermatitis causes a change in the skin area that directly had contact with an allergen. The exposure zone can be slightly expanding depending on the nature of the pathogen. With allergic dermatitis, clear contours of the lesion zone appear. Symptoms appear gradually. First, the swelling of the tissues and redness of the skin is observed, then bubbles filled with liquid, which form areas with erosion after opening are observed. Healing begins with skin coating with crusts and ends with peeling. Allergic skin dermatitis is accompanied by a constant itch. The chronic form develops as a result of a long exposure to allergen on the skin after the allergic reaction manifested itself. As a result of a strong itching, external damage to the surface of the skin, her thickening, peeling and dryness occur.

Atopic dermatitis

Skin atopic dermatitis is an inflammation of an allergic skin. This chronic disease is due to genetically. Factors that can be involved in the development of the disease, a lot: allergens entering the body of the patient with respiratory (when inhalation of dust, pollen), contact, edible. Most often, the disease is developing at an early age and can remain for life if it is not cured in time. In most cases, atopic skin dermatitis in hand appears first (the photo is attached in our article). Hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions contributes to raising the risk of developing the disease.

The emergence of atopic dermatitis is associated with internal problems in the body and problems in the operation of the tract. The body cannot cope with some substances falling into it: the intestine does not digest them, the liver is not neutralized and the kidneys are not taken, after which they become antigens, antibodies are working to combat. Antigens along with antibodies and are the reason for the appearance of rash.

Dermatitis in children

Very often occurs skin dermatitis in children. Its appearance can be associated with the state of immunity, the human lifestyle during pregnancy, the immaturity of the body of the kid. There are chances that the child will turn his allergies ", but parents need to take action immediately when the first signs of the disease appear. It is worth paying attention to manifestations that may precede the development of skin dermatitis. These include violations in the intestines, peeling and increased dryness of the skin, hyperemia of a certain area of \u200b\u200bskin cover, burning and itching of an inflamed area, nervousness, irritability, insomnia.

Children most often arises skin dermatitis on hand, legs and face. Caused by the penetration of allergens into the body. The paths of their hit are three: when breathing, exposure to skin and meals. It is worth remembering that skin dermatitis in a child can cause complications and affect its further livelihoods, so preventive measures are recommended. So, the baby needs to provide breastfeeding for the highest possible time, and the mother in the lactation period must comply with the correct power mode. At the first symptoms of the intestinal disorder, it is necessary to carry out appropriate treatment. It is important to correctly compile the menu of the child so that it does not contain products that could cause allergies.


As a rule, the diagnosis of simple dermatitis does not require special research. An experienced doctor in appearance can determine the presence or absence of a disease, its appearance, degree. The surface inspection of the affected skin can be insufficient if allergic dermatitis occurs. Then the dermatologist can assign a common blood test or take the scraver from the affected skin surface.

Diagnosis of the disease depends on its type. The first thing you need to determine whether it is dermatitis, because some forms of illness may have symptoms similar to psoriasis or some other skin disease.

Traditional medicine

If a person faces this disease, then he has a question "what to treat skin dermatitis?". It is recommended to immediately appeal to the doctor, which can find out the causes, appearance, degree of illness, and then appoint effective drugs.

An important step towards recovery is to get rid of the patient from the impact of an irritating factor. With any form of skin dermatitis, the condition can be improved using a hypoallergenic diet. Reduce swelling and infiltration, antihistamines ("Telfast", Claritinide, Claritin, "Tuewell") will help eliminate itching. Skin dermatitis, the treatment of which should be carried out comprehensively, in the later stages can cause a number of problems in the patient. For neutralization of allergens from the inside, detoxifying therapy (sodium thiosulfate, "Polypefan", activated carbon are prescribed.

For local treatment, hormonal ointments are prescribed ("acrider", "Diprosalik", "Sinaflan"). Moching dermatitis need to be treated with oak bark tincture, camomile, antiseptics. To prevent neurological disorders that occur due to burning and itching of the skin, they prescribe light sedatives of plant origin (tincture of peony, valerians, dyeing, "new-passite", "percean"). If the cause of dermatitis is the disorders of the stomach, then it is necessary to take drugs to restore the normal intestinal microflora ("Mezim", "Linex").

Treatment with folk remedies

Not only traditional, but traditional medicine has recipes that help to overcome skin dermatitis. Treatment with plants in some cases is even more efficient than the reception of medicines. To improve the state, folk healers use plant properties that have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-allergic, light sedative effect. Skin dermatitis requires a comprehensive approach to therapy, therefore funds of traditional medicine can act as auxiliary and alternative.

To eliminate irritations, eczema, itching is used by decoction of birch kidney. In case of skin diseases in Tibetan medicine, decoctions and champions of grape leaves are externally used. From the bark of oak prepare decoction for compresses and wickers. Juice of the Zverboard lubricate the skin-affected areas for the purpose of disinfection. Purulent wounds, burns, eczema will faster under the influence of raw potatoes, grated on the grater. With purulent focal inflammations, sweating, skin sodium externally used ointment, cooked from Vaseline and fresh cranberry juice.

Among other plants, the properties of which are used in the treatment of skin dermatitis, the following are also allocated: chamomile, plantain, dandelion, linden, celery, yarrow, heel, thyme, pine, black currant. All of them have their scope. Some are intended for outdoor, others for internal use. And if you have some of the listed plants at your hand, simply make a decoction, wet them the affected areas and the skin will immediately become easier. If, in the treatment of dermatitis, use in complex diet therapy, drug drugs and means of traditional medicine, then you can very soon forget about this unpleasant problem.

Dermatitis is a skin disease associated with an inflammatory process that manifested during the influence of irritants. These include internal and external phenomena.

The lesions in the field of skin are accompanied by the presence of biological, physical, chemical factors. Currently there is dermatitis in adults and children.

The disease can be manifested in acute and chronic form. In medical practice, based on the type of stimulus and nature of the lesion, they share simple dermatitis and ailment with an allergic manifestation, while not one allergen can act as an irritant, but several.

Other types of disease are explained by the fact that it is manifested in other forms, and during allergies there are basic symptoms of dermatitis.

  • Hives;
  • Allergic dermatitis;
  • Eczema;
  • Toxidermy;
  • Atopic dermatitis.

In contrast to the traditional disease, the dermatitis of the allergic plan is not appropriate immediately after interaction with a negative influencing factor, and after a while. At first, the formation of allergies occurs, the level of sensitivity of the body increases, and the disease itself is formed during the second contact.

If foreign pathogens get inside the body, the body reacts in the form of redness and skin rashes. Any of the diseases can be localized at different parts of the body - on the face, neck, back, abdomen, hands, on the buttocks in adults, legs.

Causes of phenomena

Before appointing dermatitis treatment in adults, a specialist is engaged in diagnosis, and the first step towards eliminating the ailment is to establish its reasons. Sources of irritant, as we have already noted, quite a few. These are factors having a chemical, physical, biological nature.

  • An important role is given to the so-called bondan stimulus - pressure, exposure to alkali and acid, plants capable of causeing simple dermatitis. It is possible to draw an analogy with skin inflammation and with its burns (for example, burned burn). The severity of the disease in this case has a dependence on the force of the factor and the duration of its influence. Symptoms of simple contact dermatitis occurs quickly - after the first interaction with an annoying component. If it acts longer, the disease gains a chronic form.
  • Optional stimuli - they can cause an inflammatory reaction only in those skin types that are characterized by increased sensitivity to them. In this case, it is proposed about contact and allergic dermatitis. The number of representatives of this group of stimuli can constantly increase.

For sensitization formation, a few weeks will be required. The inflammatory process on the skin does not correspond to the intensity of the influence of an irritant. The area of \u200b\u200bchange in the skin is often beyond contact.

Symptomatics of the disease

Acute dermatitis: Signs

Acute dermatitis are accompanied by a bright inflammatory process, accompanying itching, pain, burning, the appearance of necrosis, after which the scars remain.

Chronic dermatitis: Signs

In this case, there is a stagnant swelling, blue skin and thickening of the skin in the field of lesion. Often the peeling is manifested, cracks and enhanced oroging, atrophy.

Allergic dermatitis: Signs

The skin of the lesion becomes bright red, edema and small bubbles appear on it, which blowing up, form eczema. Fabrics may be affected, the disease has a property to spread to adjacent skin areas.

General symptomatics

For all types and manifestations of the disease, there are general symptoms that allow the differential diagnosis of the disease.

During the healing inflammation on the skin, scales and noticeable peels may remain, which has a certain effect on the overall condition of the body.

Dermatitis: Patient Action

Considering such a disease as dermatitis, its photos and symptoms, as well as treatment in adults, it should be noted that it is categorically not recommended to engage in self-medication. The base for which the doctor and patient needs to be focused - eliminating the focus of defeat.

There are situations where the patient can cope with the manifestation of the disease independently, but in practice there are often cases in which medical intervention is necessary.

Doctor's actions when detecting a disease

Dermatologist, allergist will be able to assist in eliminating the ailment. If there is a need or difficulty in diagnostics, you will be able to send to other doctors - a gastroenterologist.

Treatment is reduced to the detection of allergen and its destruction.

The doctor must ask a patient in detail about the style of his life, the dangers of professional activities used by cosmetics. If we exclude the stimulus, the symptoms of the disease usually subside.

An exceptionally experienced allergist is engaged in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. It prescribes antihistamines for internal and external use, conducts immunotherapy and applies other treatment methods.

Therapeutic process during dermatitis: features

Dermatitis is a disease, symptoms and the treatment of which in adult people differ, depending on the features of manifestation. However, general techniques are based on the identification of an irritating factor and on its subsequent elimination.

Principles of treatment

  • Removal of irritant;
  • the use of antihistamine (for an allergic disease);
  • consumption of strong sorbents (activated carbon);
  • external treatment with disinfecting and corticosteroid ointments;
  • compliance with the principles of proper nutrition;
  • acquisition of special cosmetics;
  • stationary treatment (for especially difficult situations).

In the acute form of the disease from the medical unit, a number of common procedures are appointed, relevant to any stage and symptoms.

  • Conducting outdoor treatment in the area of \u200b\u200baffected area;
  • Piercing blisters while preserving a tire;
  • Treatment with compresses and bandages with drow liquid;
  • The appointment of corticosteroids of a weak action outside and inside.

In view of the special duration of the flow of chronic diseases for eliminating the inside, potent drugs are prescribed. In each case, it is necessary to appeal to a competent specialist who can identify the main factors of the disease.

  • Degree of lesion;
  • Source of irritation;
  • Methods of therapy.

If there is a difficult case, it is categorically impossible to neglect hospitalization, since the patient will need qualified long assistance.

Preventive measures

If you independently detected symptoms of the disease, for example, dermatitis on buttocks or in other parts of the body, it is necessary to take a number of measures to independently eliminate the action of the stimulus.

Thus, if the disease was formed, it is necessary to take a number of independent measures and visit the doctor.

  • tansy
  • sagebrush
  • garlic
  • carnation.

Choleretic means

In order for the best effect, you can drink choleretic effects in the form of infusions and decoctions.

  • immortelle

During treatment with these herbs, they do not eat sweets, and also need to refrain from the use of baking.

Funds for outdoor use

The external use of folk remedies usually implies rubbing the affected skin areas with herbs.

Liquid infusions and special ointments based on these natural substances are used. Herbs can be added to the creams against dermatitis, but do not experiment, it is best to consult with your doctor.


If it is necessary to remove the voltage before bedtime, the disease can be treated with special compresses based on healing herbs and fees.

  • melissa
  • elecampane.

Other funds

The affected areas can be processed using special ointments based on sea buckthorn, goose fat. Well established himself honey, which can be added to the children's cream and applied to damaged skin areas.

Baths against dermatitis

Bath treatment is popular due to its effectiveness. For this purpose, the tinctures of the souls, chamomiles, valerians are added to the water, both separately and together.

There is a list of contraindicated in dermatitis products.

  • fried food
  • smoked
  • sharp spices
  • alcohol
  • hazing
  • tobacco.

It is practiced during dermatitis fractional nutrition, involving the breakdown of the main diet on 6 receptions per day. To improve the work of the liver and intestines, in the morning, an empty stomach is recommended to drink a glass of water.

The most useful products for the disease include elements of plant food, fruits and vegetables, some dairy products. In winter, to actively maintain the balance of vitamins and minerals, dried fruits are used in the form of decoctions. For this, the rosehip, water with honey and lemon.

Thus, compliance with the treatment measures and nutrition principles will significantly increase the body's protective forces and get rid of dermatitis. Any manifestation of the disease must be accompanied by a campaign to a doctor who can identify the cause and appoint the therapy.

Group dermatitis Combines inflammatory diseases of the skin of different character. Classm dermatitis depending on the causes of the occurrence and localization of the lesion. Healthy human skin has protective functions, but with prolonged exposure to aggressive substances or with a decrease in immunity, the protective properties of the skin are reduced, as a result of which dermatitis occur. The group of dermatitis includes atopic dermatitis, simple and allergic contact dermatitis, actinic, drug dermatitis, etc. The general principles of treatment of any dermatitis are: eliminating the progress of the dermatitis of the factor, local anti-inflammatory therapy and detoxification.


Group dermatitis Combines inflammatory diseases of the skin of different character. Classm dermatitis depending on the causes of the occurrence and localization of the lesion. Healthy human skin has protective functions, but with prolonged exposure to aggressive substances or with a decrease in immunity, the protective properties of the skin are reduced, as a result of which dermatitis occur. The cause of contact dermatitis can be a contact with any irritant: physical, chemical, biological and mechanical. As a result of strong irritation, an inflammatory skin reaction occurs, which flows along the type of allergies or mechanically due to inflammation. The degree of clinical manifestations depends on the type of irritant, the exposure time on the skin and its features. That is, dermatitis can manifest themselves both easy redness of the skin and deep peptic lesions.

In persons with allergic predisposition, as a result of contact with sensitizing substances, allergic contact dermatitis usually occurs. When a contact with antigens occurs, a delayed delayed type response is developing, the allergen comes into interaction with the cells of the dermis and are produced by the antigen antigen complexes, that is, the body's immune system becomes hypersensitive to this irritant and with re-contact with the antigen there is an inflammatory skin reaction or dermatitis. With the allergic nature of dermatitis, the response may occur immediately after contact with the stimulus, upon subsequent meeting or after 5-7 days; The speed of the immune response and the intensity of manifestations depend on the concentration of antibodies in human blood. In the development of allergic dermatitis, the hereditary predisposition and the presence of an allergic disease (polynomosis, bronchial asthma) is of great importance.

In women with long-term therapy of vulgar acne and rosacea with corticosteroids, the skin is thinned, its structure and the chemical composition of the skin is changing, which leads to perioreral and periorebital dermatitis, as the skin in the mouth and around the eye is the most sensitive. Periioral dermatitis are found in children with increased salivation and in the period of teething. Provocative moments in the development of perioral dermatitis are chronic diseases of the digestive organs, dysfunction of hormonal background, the presence of chronic infection in the body. In people who suffer from bulimia or neurological disorders, dermatitis can be observed in the perioral area due to the frequent contact with the acidic content of the stomach, due to the provocations of vomiting.

In children of early and middle age, in the presence of a burdened allergic history and in essential nutrition, atopic dermatitis occurs. Atopic dermatitis has a chronic course, even if only one episode was diagnosed; In adult people under adverse conditions, atopic dermatitis can recur.

Manifestations dermatitis

Symptoms of dermatitis depends on the severity of the disease. Thus, with a simple contact dermatitis, there is a slight redness of the skin, the local temperature rise and minor infiltration, in some patients it is possible and a feeling of tingling on the affected area. But with prolonged contact with the stimulus, dermatitis can manifest itself in the form of ulcerative-necrotic lesions, mocking bubbles, after the opening of which the secondary infection can be attached. Although in the history of the disease, the triggering factor is still a contact with the stimulus, which distinguishes complicated forms of dermatitis from pyodermia. An important clinical moment for diagnosis is a clear limitation of the lesion zone, contact dermatitis appears only at the exposure to the irritating factor, it is necessary to differentiate it from allergic dermatitis.

With an allergic dermatitis, the course of the disease is more acute, swelling and redness expressed brighter, itching joins; An important symptom in the development of allergic dermatitis is considered to be the spread of clinical manifestations of skin sites, which has not contacted with an allergen irritable.

Periioral dermatitis is manifested in the form of small nodules and guns, which are localized around the mouth, on the cheeks, in the nose folds and on the bridge. The presence of a narrow rim of healthy skin around the red border of the lips is an important diagnostic sign. The course of such dermatitis is long, rash appears gradually, itching, peeling, dryness and feeling of skin tightness. For women, especially young, cosmetic defects add a feeling of psychological discomfort.

Atopic dermatitis is characterized by erythematous rashes with a tendency to exudation and vacculation, elements are localized in the knee-elbow bends, on the buttocks and on the face. In adults, during recurrences of atopic dermatitis, the rashes are also noted in the bending places, but Papulse infiltration develops on peeling dry skin with a tendency to dermograph.

Causes of dermatitis

The pathogenesis of dermatitis is based on the impact of exogenous and endogenous factors. Exogenous belongs to external causes, and to endogenous - internal.

External reasons are mechanical effects, such as friction and long-term squeezing, which leads to cracks, scuffs and swelling. The physical effects of high and low temperatures, ultraviolet, radioactive and x-ray radiation are also provoking dermatitis factors. The cause of dermatitis due to contact with chemicals is salts of heavy metals, acids, alkali, household chemicals, combat poisoning substances. Some plants, mushrooms, bacteria and viruses also cause local inflammation of the dermis, most often it is the primroses, the plants of the Familic family, Borschevik and the Yasenets.

Endogenous factors that reduce the protective functions of the skin are hypo- and avitaminosis, metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, such as Addison's disease and sclerodermia. Reception of drugs of a group of antibiotics, sulfonamides and the use of novocaine-containing drugs most often provokes drug dermatitis. An allergic dermatitis may arise as a result of a power impairment (strawberries, chocolate, coffee abuse). Diseases in which autoinoxication is noted are often complicated by dermatitis, which are characterized by dryness, peeling and severe skin itch.

Periioral dermatitis arises due to the abuse of cosmetics, irrational local treatment with hormonal preparations, sometimes the cause of such dermatitis are therapeutic toothpastes that contain fluorine. The lack of vitamins A and E cause dry skin, which can trigger the appearance of perioral dermatitis.

The main causes of atopic dermatitis is a nutritional disorders in infant age, a disruption of the food of pregnant women, the presence of an allergic diseases of the anamnesis and neuropsychiatric disorders. Statistical data on the incidence of atopic dermatitis in adults confirm that people of asthenic physique with psyche disorders by type of anxious-depressive states and with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by low enzymatic activity, dyskinesia and dysbacteriosis are included in the risk group.

Diagnosis of dermatitis

Clinical manifestations and presence in the history of contact disease with irritating factors are usually enough to diagnose dermatitis. From laboratory research, a clinical analysis of blood is carried out to confirm the diagnosis (eosinophilia is in the blood), determining the concentration of immunoglobulins and the conducting of skin allergic samples. With allergic dermatitis, skin tests help to install an allergen or a group of allergens that cause dermatitis. To diagnose concomitant dermatitis, diseases may be required by the consultation of the gastroenterologist, therapist, allergist and other specialists.

Basic principles of treating dermatitis

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the impact of an irritating factor in order to prevent further skin lesions. The hypoallergenic diet improves the condition of the skin, both with allergic and other types of dermatitis. To eliminate itching, antihistamine preparations, such as clelestine, Loratadine, Fexofenadine are prescribed to eliminate itching, decrease in infiltration and swelling. At the same time, antihistamine preparations of the last generation do not cause drowsiness and violations of attention, which makes it possible to sick dermatitis to lead a normal lifestyle.

If necessary, detoxification therapy is prescribed - activated carbon, hydrolysis lignin, intravenous sodium thiosulfate injections. But with intravenous detoxification therapy, especially if an allergic dermatitis, it is necessary to pre-conduct samples on sensitivity to drugs. Preparations containing calcium reduce the sensitization of the body, but if there is a bronchial asthma in the history of such drugs, it is better to refuse.

Local treatment of dermatitis is to apply hormonal ointments. If the dermatitis is waving, with the presence of vesicles, then treatment with antiseptics and influence of chamomile, the bark of the oak has a dry effect, wet drying bandages with antiseptics and ointments give a good result in the treatment of wet contact dermatitis.

If the flow of dermatitis is complicated by the formation of vesicles and empty, the bubbles are opened with compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, and the surface is treated with aniline dyes. The use of iodine solutions on the affected areas is prohibited, they can be processed only by the edges of the wound to prevent the spread of infection.

Since itching and unpleasant sensations in dermatitis cause neurological disorders that impede the speedy cure, the appointment of light sedative preparations of plant origin is shown to all patients. This is the tincture of the mother-in-law, Valerian, Peony. Glycine and combined phytopreparations also have a good sedative effect.

If the main cause of dermatitis is the pancreatic dysfunction, then essential enzymatic therapy is necessary. In this case, the reception of pancreatine preparations are needed after each meal. During the dysbiosis, it is advisable to incorporate in the diet of fermented milk products, therapy with prebiotics. As soon as the normal intestinal microflora is restored, the symptoms of dermatitis usually fuses.

Prevention dermatitis

Rational nutrition, compliance with personal hygiene and sanitary and hygienic standards in organizing labor are fundamental moments in the prevention of dermatitis. From the diet it is necessary to eliminate citrus, chocolate, nuts, fish and fish dishes. Coffee, cocoa, sharp spices and sauces, vinegar and mayonnaise is also not recommended to eat during dermatitis. Eggplants, mushrooms, eggs, whole milk, strawberries, strawberries, baking, smoked, fried and baked dishes during the treatment of dermatitis should not be present in the menu. And the use of low-fat dairy products, green vegetables and lightweight soups make medicine therapy of dermatitis more productive.

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