How to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of eye inflammation? How to treat cunning disease. Fuck eyes - how to treat at home

Eye inflammation is complex adaptive reactions. Develop as an answer to the impact of irritants and infection. Localization of inflammation - eye corner, sclera area, eyelids. Moreover, the inflammatory process in each region indicates the availability of various pathologies. Signs of disease should be known to be able to distinguish them.

Conjunctive is a mucous membrane, an external cover around the eyeball. Covers eyelids from the inside. Inflammation of the mucous membrane is called conjunctivitis. Developed due to injuries, infection, allergies and influence of chemical stimuli.

Forms of pathology

There are various types of diseases:

  • Bacterial inflammation of the mucous membrane around the eyeball. It is characterized by redness and swelling, small hemorrhages. At the same time develops tearing and lights. Complications - keratitis and loss of vision.
  • Hemorrhagic eye inflammation. Characteristic signs - hemorrhage on centuries, followed by hemorrhage to the eyeball area. If timely treatment has been carried out, there are no complications.
  • Adenovirus inflammation around the apple. Develops against the background of the lesion of the upper respiratory tract. Signs: Tearing, Eveny, Redness of the mucous membrane, point hemorrhages. If not to be treated, then there will be such complications as Belmo to the eye, loss to see.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis. Mostly characterized by burning, redness, itching in the eye area. Complications are absent, except for discomfort.
  • Purulent conjunctivitis. Arises against the background of the eyes of the dirt, malicious infection. Symptoms: the eye is inflamed, the vessels are expanding, the mucous membrane blues, the eye is itching, yellow purulent discharge is observed. Complications - damage to the cornea.


The treatment of the mucous membrane is carried out depending on the cause by which inflammatory eye diseases develop.

  • If this is a bacterial form, then doctors prescribe antibacterial therapy, which will help to quickly eliminate infection.
  • In the viral form of inflammation of the casing of the eyeball, it is advisable to proper a course of anti-inflammatory preparations and dripping drops with anti-inflammatory properties.

More complex forms of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball in adults are treated in each individual case. General therapy provides for washing the eye with a solution of furacin.

In no case cannot be engaged in self-medication, especially if conjunctivitis is developing in newborns. Making compresses to children to relieve inflammation, also contraindicated without consulting a doctor.

First of all, it should be found out the reason and only then prescribe the drug.

What drugs can be treated with eye inflammation:

  • Albucid.
  • Interferon.
  • Ophthalmferon.
  • Locking.
  • Indocollyr.
  • Lacrycinic.
  • Mundanan.
  • Halfdan
  • Dexamethasone.

  • Sofradex.
  • Floresan.
  • Norsulfazol.
  • Vigamox.
  • Floxal.
  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • Cipromed.
  • Ciprole.
  • Lacrycinic.
  • Taufon.
  • Gentomicin.
  • Indocollyr.

These drug preparations have different properties and have a number of contraindications, prescribed under different types of conjunctivitis. As you can and need to take them, it is better to ask an ophthalmologist.

Do at home compresses in order to relieve inflammation, it is also possible only after consulting a specialist.

Inflammation sclera

The sclera is a protein outer dense couch shell around the eye.

Inflammatory diseases in which the inflammation of the shell is developing (sclera) - very common. And the disease often affects the female floor. But there are cases of lesions of a sclera in men and children.

What are the reasons for the development of internal inflammation of the sclera:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • syphilis;
  • bekhterev's disease;
  • infection;
  • metabolic disease.

Varieties of inflammation of the shell

Types of inflammation Schlera:

  1. Front scarlet. Bars both eyes. There is bloating and redness in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cornea, sharp pain when pressing. When untreated treatment, the pupil is closed with fibrous cloth, the cataract develops, the secondary glaucoma, the vision is reduced.
  2. Rear scarce. The movement of the eye is limited, pain appear when moving the eyes, the swelling of the mucous and age. The consequences are astigmatism, an abscess sclera.
  3. Purulent scarce. Actually this form is abscess. This type of sclerite is very heavy. Proceeds intensively. Symptoms: Tearing, pain in the eyes, fear of light, eyelid, swelling in the corneal area. Over time, swelling becomes purulent infiltrate. Subsequently, an affinity is formed in the eye. Consequences: sclera perforation, decline in vision, complete loss of vision.


The doctor's treatment prescribes depending on the form of pathology.

The following drugs can be applied:

  1. Betagetot.
  2. Gentamicin.
  3. Dexazone.
  4. Deckon.
  5. Levomycetin.
  6. Medopred.
  7. Prednisolone.
  9. Cycled.
  10. Ropyrin.
  11. Butadion.
  12. Saluside.

In the event that purulent scarce is diagnosed, treatment is carried out in the hospital. At the started stage, surgical intervention can be carried out to open an abscess.

Inflammatory process on centuries and in tear canals

Inflammatory diseases are very often developing around the lower and upper eyelids, tear canals. They need to distinguish: inflammation of the century and inflammation of the tear canals. Since treatment will be held differently.

Inflammation of the century

This is inflammation under the eye, around and above the eye. And almost always affects the two centuries - the bottom and top.

Symptoms look like this:

  • there appears swelling;
  • redness of the eyelids.

Age diseases, symptoms, treatment:

Barley. Eye inflammation, developing most often on the background of the blockage of the row or hair follicles. Causes: Golden Staphylococcus, the blockage of the duct. Barley is very often a phenomenon in children due to reduced immunity and as a result of respiratory viral pathologies.

Symptoms: itching, burning in the field of redness and swelling of the century, an increase in lymph nodes. Over time, a prominent purulent head. Almost always barley passes on his own during the week. Many begin to treat pathology by folk remedies, applying hot boiled eggs and other items, which cannot be categorically impossible!

Important! Gray barley can not. This can cause even greater development of inflammation and suppuration!

Treat the barley should be albacide, tobrase, hexa-gentamicin drops, levomycin, tetracycline or erythromycin ointment. As well as drugs to enhance immunity - alviron, immunoglobulin. You can remove inflammation by a rumome chamomile.

Blepharitis. Characterizes multiple inflammatory diseases that proceed with chronic inflammation of the edges of the age. Treat such pathology is very hard.

Causes of eye inflammation:

  • the defeat of the age of fungi, ticks, bacterial infection;
  • allergy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis;
  • hyperity;
  • astigmatism.

Since the causes of the inflammation of the century is very much, the treatment is prescribed in each individual case after identifying the cause. The basis of therapy is everyday hygiene of the eyelids.

Herpes. Eye inflammation Very often causes herpes virus. There are many types of herpetic lesions around the organ of vision. But almost all of them have the same symptoms: redness on the eyelids in the field of damage, itching, burning, increasing body temperature, swelling around the eye. Over time, bubbles filled with liquid appear.

As you know, it is impossible to destroy herpes virus in the blood, as it lives in nervous cells. Therefore, the virus is not available for the immune system. Treat herpetic inflammation of the eyelids is needed by anti-inflammatory, antiviral ointments (zovirax, virus, uoddeoxyuridine, oxoline, florenthal, helepin); Preparations that increase immunity.

Halazion. Slowly developing eye inflammation. Causes: Song clocking or colds, blepharitis, chronic gastritis, colitis. Education is very similar to barley in appearance. Since the halazion is very similar to barley, many begin to heal education. Do this it is impossible!

Treatment is to hygienic processing and a century massage. Physiostaries are also appointed. If the therapy does not give the result, surgical intervention is carried out. At the same time, education is removed.

Inflammation of tear duksovs

In medicine, this inflammatory process is called dacryocystitis. The tear canal is complex and winding down. Moreover, the duct in some places is narrow and closed. It is these areas that are the most "best" for stagnation and blocking of the outflow of tears. With a stitching fluid, an infection develops, as a result, an inflammatory process occurs.

Causes of narrowing or infection of the lacrimal channel:

  1. Anomaly for the development of channels.
  2. Consequence of injury.
  3. Infectious pathologies of the nasal cavity, incomplete sinuses accompanying inflammation.
  4. Foreign body - Cilia, Sorinka.

With untimely treatment, pathology goes into a chronic form. Diagnosed in middle and old age. Sometimes inflammation of the lacrimal canal can develop in newborn children if a pregnant woman was infected.

The following symptoms of pathology can be distinguished:

  • tear;
  • redness in the corner of the eye;
  • swelling;
  • sharp pain in the corner;
  • from the corner of the eye can be released by pus when pressing.

The swelling is sometimes developing to such an extent strongly that the eye gap narrows. Usually pathology affects one eye.

For treatment, massages are used, hot compresses, antibiotic course, washing. If these techniques are not effective, you will have to resort to an operation that will help restore the passability of the lacrimal channel.

Inflammatory eye diseases have different symptoms. But, nevertheless, many of them are similar. Determine which inflammatory diseases develop in humans, it is possible only in stationary conditions. Therefore, doctors are not recommended to carry out self-treatment. We should not forget that vision is a very fragile external feeling that can be lost without applying timely treatment.

Folk remedies successfully help with the treatment of many diseases, this site will help you find the right recipes and will introduce readers with reviews.

The cataract of the eye is the clouding of the lens of the eye, which prevents the passage of light beams into the eye and leading to a decrease in visual acuity.


Cataract can be located in various locations of the eye lens:

1. In a capsule covering a lens.

2. In the peripheral layers of the lens.

3. In the central layers of the lens.

Cataracts are congenital and acquired. Congenital are rare, they usually do not progress. More often acquired, most of them are older. In addition to old age, the cause of acquired cataracts may be common diseases, eye disease, eye injury, radiation.

Stages of development of senile cataract

Most people who overshadowed the 60-year-old frontier begins to develop a cataract eye. First, the clouds appear on the periphery of the lens, then the number of clouds increases, they grow and merge among themselves, vision is significantly reduced, but this stage of development is also called an immature cataract.

In the future, all layers of lens, the color of the pupil instead of black becomes grayish, pearl is one of the symptoms of cataract mature. The eye becomes almost blind.

Key symptoms of cataracts

1. The items begin to see blurry, look blurred. I always want to wipe your eyes or glasses, a feeling of pellets before my eyes appears. These are symptoms of cataracts at the initial stages of the disease.

2. Sick cataract (if the central part of the lens has climbed) begins to see better in dusk than in bright light.

3. Around the light sources of the patient cataract sees halis, glare

4. When reading, letters begin to merge

If the cataract is not burdened by concomitant diseases and is only in the initial stage, the disease can be suspended.

With the help of proper nutrition, reduce the level of cholesterol and blood sugar, to put the exchange processes in the body, saturate with its necessary vitamins and microelements.

This cabbage will help in any form, black currant, strawberry, sea buckthorn, blueberries, green peas, corn, sin.

In parallel, the eye drops are prescribed with courses, affecting the normalization of metabolic processes in the lens: Kathotrom, Quinax, Taufon plus tablets with Lutein complex.

In more launched cases, the disease is successfully treated with the operation. Cataract is used in the Facoemulsification operation: the old crystal is crushed with ultrasound into dust, removed through a special tube. In a capsule bag, an artificial lens is placed in a folded form and is introduced inside the eye. There he spreads out. All of these manipulations are carried out through a section of 1.2 mm, with such a context, the seams are not even required. Artificial crystal when venturing does not cause neither rejection, nor inflammation (Zozhe 2010 No. 10, p. 6-7)

Popular treatment of cataracts eyes with honey

In the folk treatment of cataracts in the initial stage (the mature honey drops will not slow down) very often use honey. Honey satuates a smooth crystal by vitamins, braking the development of the disease. Honey must be taking quality, fresh (this year), May

We divorce honey sterile water (better for injections) in a clean bubble in the ratio of 3 parts of water to 1 part of honey. Drink 3 times a day 1 drop in both eyes. (Zozoz 2011 № 12, p. 16, 2007 №6, p. 26)

But some doctors do not recommend using honey in the treatment of this disease, since honey is a wonderful sweet environment for the development of various microbes. With a weak immunich, cataract treatment may end with chronic conjunctivitis. (2010 No. 10, p. 6-7).

Although another part of ophthalmologists proposes to treat this disease precisely with honey drops. For the first course of treatment, honey is divorced in a 3: 1 ratio, for the second 2: 1, for the third 1: 1. Each course of treatment is 1 month, drip 2 drops 3 times a day. After a break in 1 month, continue treatment over the same scheme. Store drops of no more than three days in the refrigerator. And it's better to make fresh every day. (2006 No. 7 p. 6-7).

The woman was treated with honey drops, breeded water three times. At first she dripped Taufon 2 months, then 2 months break, then honey drops 2 months, then 2 months break. The treatment lasted for five years, as a result of the cataract did not develop, and vice versa - vision improved significantly (2002 No. 10 p. 19).

Eye cataract - treatment with honey-egg drops

Often in folk remedies come across such a recipe: cook fresh egg, cut in half, get a yolk out of it, and put in half a protein for 1 h. Honey. After a day, a liquid is formed in the midst of the protein, strain it, drain into a bottle and put in the refrigerator. Store no more than three days. For the treatment of cataracts, you can dig up this medicine 2 times a day 2 drops in both eyes. The woman hurried such drops for 3 months, as a result removed glasses that wearing 15 years (Zozhe 2009 No. 22, p. 30).

Another woman used this folk remedy for 4 months. As a result, the glasses on +5 had to be replaced with glasses +3 (2003 No. 2, p. 19).

Cataract Eyes - Treatment with honey and apple juice

Sometimes instead of eggs take two halves of the apple, cut out the recess in the center and pour honey. Two days later, honey-apple juice merge into a jar and bury 2 times a day 2 drops. (Zozhe 2006 No. 2, p. 12).

The woman was diagnosed with eye cataract in the initial stage. Instead of droplets, prescribed by the doctor, she began to treat the disease with medical and apple and honey-egg drops. When after three months came to the doctor, the vision was much improved (2006 No. 5, p. 29).

Honey and carrots

Also, the eye cataract in folk medicine is treated with a mixture of honey and carrot juice in a 1: 1 ratio. Break 2 drops in both eyes in the morning and in the evening. Thanks to this medium, a man managed to restrain the development of the disease at the same initial stage. (Zozhe 2005 No. 6, p. 30).

A woman managed to stop the development of cataracts - she has not progrested for a year. (Zozhe 2007 No. 13, Art. 34).

Drops after cataract operation

In the first 2-3 weeks after the operation to remove the cataract so that there is no bacterial infection, so that the seams are not inflammed and the seams are not intimidated, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drops are prescribed, antibiotics in the form of droplets. Patients with diabetes are used by drops longer than 6-7 weeks, since they are much slower healing.

After the cataract operation, 2-3 months cannot be lifted in gravity more than 3 kg, then you can increase the load, but more than 5 kg is not recommended for life.

Exercises and exercise

To completely eliminate the slopes head down, if you need to raise the subject, then squat.

Limit the thermal procedures (bath, washing the head of very hot water, staying on the heat with a uncoated head)

Exclude for 2-3 months all loads, accompanied by shaking and tide of blood to the head: Running, swimming, bike

Caring for eyes

In the first days after the removal of cataracts will be abundant tearing. You can not wipe your eyes and the skin around your eyes - only soft sterile tampons. To wash, too, with a sterile tampon, moistened in boiled water or a solution of furacin. No soap and shampoo! Wash my head, directing the water from the shower from behind, tilting the head back.

Wear sunglasses.

Food after cataract operation

In the first 2 weeks after replacing the lens, the fluid receives up to 1-1.5 liters to avoid the tissue swelling. Refuse sharp seasonings, solvents, fatty products.

Vegetable juices during this period are very helpful. Here is one of the recipes. Skip through the juicer 200 g of carrots, 150 g of celery, 100 g of beets, 100 g of cucumbers, 50 g of parsley. Drink this portion during the day, regardless of food.

(Zozoz 2011 № 7, p. 22)

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Amberopia is a violation of a visual function, as a rule, a secondary nature that cannot be corrected by points or contact lenses. Amberopia is also called "lazy eye", because the violation of the visual function is not associated with the structural changes in the visual analyzer.

Why arises amblyopia?

There may be several reasons:

  • Strabismus. If the binocular vision is broken, then the development of dubular ambulopia occurs.
  • Far album, myopia, astigmatism. In the presence of these deviations, refractive ambulopia can appear.
  • Belmo, cataract, scars after injuries of the eye can cause obscuration amblyopia.
  • Strong stress can cause the appearance of hysterical amblyopia.

There are one-sided and bilateral amblyopia. In the presence of this pathology, the eye is obtained by various visual loads. This may lead to the fact that gradually one of the organs of vision "turns off" from the process. The decrease in its functions leads to a decrease in visual acuity in a particular body. Therefore, the disease is called "lazy eye".

The changes occurring at this time in the visual department of the brain are characterized by the perception of distorted information. Indeed, in this case, visual information from the "leading" organ of vision comes to the brain. At the same time neurons that are responsible for the function of view, gradually reduce their functions, their activity is inhibited. There is a violation of binocularity of vision.

How does amblyopia manifest?

Children begin to complain about headaches, a sense of discomfort and cutting in the eyes, quick fatigue. The educational process is worse. Such patients are poorly focused on unfamiliar and unusual places and conditions. The coordination of movements is disturbed, patients become clumsy. While reading, one of the eyes can noticeably deviate or closed.

Depending on the significance of reduction of vision, five degrees of amblyopia distinguish:

  • The first degree of visual acuity of 0.8-0.9 DPT.
  • The second degree is 0.5-0.7 DPT.
  • The third degree is 0.3-0.4 DPT.
  • The fourth degree is 0.05-0.2 DPT.
  • At the fifth degree of visual acuity below 0.05 DPT.

How to treat?

For the successful treatment of this disease, mandatory treatment of the original source is necessary. Thus, the vision correction should be prescribed using glasses or apply contact lenses at myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism. Cataract, squint or clouded cornea is sometimes treated with surgical intervention.

And only then the treatment of amblyopia is already beginning. Then make a correction of amblyopia. In this case, they resort to stimulation of the functions of the "lazy eye". For example, we use the method of occlusion when the bandage is superimposed on a healthy eye and the entire visual load goes to the lagging eye.

Also, there is another method when an atropine is injected into a healthy eye, which leads to the fact that the image for a healthy eye becomes blurred and fuzzy, so the "lazy eye" is forced to mobilize its functions.

In addition, weak eye is stimulated using color. light therapy, etc.

How to treat amblyopia at home?

The treatment of amblyopia at home is possible with the help of special exercises. Parents must strictly monitor the exercises and recommendations of the ophthalmologist regularly and correctly.

Here is some of them:

  1. The child is at the window. Closes a healthy eye, brings a sheet of paper to a weak eye on which the text is printed. It follows to the moment until the text becomes difficult to discern. Then slowly move back to the moment until the text can be read again.
  2. On the light bulb (60-70 watts) paste a paper black circle with a diameter of 6-8 mm. The child closes a healthy eye and looks at the lamp of 30 seconds. Then translates the look at the sheet of white paper on the wall. To look at this sheet until it appears the image of a circle from the lamp.
  3. A table lamp is used (100 watts). It is put on with a black paper cap, in which the hole is cut with a diameter of 5 mm. This hole is closed with a red film. The child sits at a distance of 40 cm. From the lamp and looks at this red point 3 min. Weak eye. Someone should turn off every 2-3 seconds and turn on the lamp. Exercises are carried out in a dark room. It is necessary to perform them every day for 3 months.

There are still a number of exercises for the treatment of amblyopia at home. It is recommended to look at your nose or the tip of the nose with two eyes. Circular rotations are made to the right, then left. There is another exercise that is not recommended to do more than once a day. You need to sit down, put your hands on your knees and look straight. Then look left and then down. Blinking is impossible. Follow the tears from the eye.

Directed to the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision. Compliance with the requirements and norms of the organization of the educational process.

Cataract treatment by folk methods

Eye diseases. Cataract treatment by folk methods.

Infusion calendula. 2 h. Spoons of flowers pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, strain. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day. To wash your eyes in the same way with Cataract.

Fullable field. Fresh plant juice, mixed in half with honey, bury 2-3 drops into the eyes 2-3 times a day. With cataract, cloudy is absorbed.

Pedotchka medicinal (eye grass). 50 g Herbs pour 1 l boiling water, insist 2 hours. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day. To wash your eyes in the same way.

Liviza Fir Siberian. Perhaps 1 drop in each eye overnight, while felt burning. Zhivitsa is also dissolving even forged Belmo.

Worms rainy. Collect 0.5 cups of worms, rinse, float 2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar and 30-40 minutes tomorrow in the oven. Filtering liquid formed in a glass and dug 2-3 times a day for 2 drops. Course treatment - 2 weeks. Belmo is absorbed.

Eye diseases (gem)

Clover juice meadow and flower pollen during cataract. Fresh-free juice from the grass of a meadow red clover heat to a temperature of 85-90 ° C (but not boiling!) And immediately remove from the fire. Make the instantaneous pasteurization of the juice into the bottle camp with the fire, well close the plug and store in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Pipette to bury juice into the eyes of 2-3 drops 1-2 times a day at Cataract (the metabolism is improved in the eye leak). At the same time, take flower pollen at 0.5 h. Spoons 3 times a day. Treatment is long.

Silver from the infusion of herbs and pollen during cataract.

Prepare a collection (d):

Calendula Drug, Inflorescences - 35

Vasilek blue, inflorescences - 35

Radiatful squeeze, grass - 30

2 tbsp. Spoons of dry crushed mixture pour in the thermos 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 30-40 minutes, strain and use for a lobby on the eyes at night. At the same time take 0.5 h. Spoons of flower pollen. Treatment is long.

Cataract treatment at home

Cataract is a disease. Independently arising from most older people. The disease characterized by partial or complete closet of lens with a violation of visual acuity up to its fullest loss.

In young, it develops extremely rarely, mainly as a result of injury of the eye or with any other disease. The basis of this disease is clouding (reduction of transparency) lens of the eye. At the same time, the lens becomes lowered for light rays, and, consequently, the appearance of cataracts is very much reflected in vision. The scratch dimensions are much larger than the sizes of the pupil, therefore, if the closet of the lens begins with its peripheral part, it may not yet be shown for a long time and, accordingly, remain unnoticed.

A significant impairment of vision occurs when the central part of the lens is affected, directly conducting light rays to the retina. If the development is not to stop the development in time, vision will progressively decrease that in the end can lead to full blindness, requiring only surgical treatment.

Causes: Congenital cataract and purchased. The acquired can be due to mechanical damage to the lens, long exposure to physical factors (various radiation), chemicals, senile cataracts.

Symptoms: Patients complain about reducing visual acuity, image distortion, multiple vision of objects, an increase in intraocular pressure, accompanied by strong pain in the eye.

Treatment: conservative and operational.

Folk ways of treatment

1. Parsley juice.

2. Lomonos Vinogradol (root). Young roots with a diameter of 23 mm in the fresh form apply as tea 1 teaspoon on 1 glass of boiling water. Infusion is used as eye drops for the treatment of cataracts.

Official medicine to delay the growth of cataracts recommends Take Riboflavin (Vitamin B), and to eliminate it, practice operations. The non-operative way offers People's Healer Juna E. I. Davitashvili. Her recipe from cataracts and generally from loss of vision after 45 years of age. You need to cook a chicken egg, plug in cold water to be easily cleaned. From above (nose) on 1/3 eggs make a cut with a knife. Remove from both parts of the egg yolk. In the well of the main part of the egg pour a teaspoon of sand sugar. Cover the cut-off top. Place the egg on something end and put for 3040 minutes. In the glowing fireplace with a temperature of 100120.

After that, the contents in the well of the eggs melted sugar honeycomb and the same consistency merge into some clean vessel. Eyes to bury the sterile pure pipette 2 drops 6 times a day. You can irrigate a well-washed finger, often blinking, thereby helping to penetrate the fluids to the eyeball. A rather fast thick liquid is enough for no more than two days. Thus, every two days it has to prepare a new medicine. It is possible to dilute the effect of the cooled boiled water with a cooled boiled water.

The liquid described above is good nutrition for the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. First, carbohydrates. Secondly, hygroscopic sugar, moreover, at high temperatures, pulls out of an egg, which is protein, which includes vitamins and mineral salts necessary for the treatment of blindness of substances, including solvent calcium salts, deposited on the lens and fit it. In addition, the instillation causes abundant tear, which contributes to washing the channels, purify them from mucus, the same calcium salts.

This prescription Juna and Professor V. I. Rykov helped many to remove the grid from the eyes, eliminate the dark spots, return their eyesight and even improve it.

Treatment with juices, vegetables and fruits

The main component is, of course, carrot juice containing a large number of vitamins' useful. It will not be superfluous to recall that in carrots there is a large amount of provitamin A, as well as vitamins of group B, vitamins C, D, and many others.

Mix 4 glasses of carrot juice, 1 cup of juice and endivia juice, 1/3 cup of parsley juice. All juices should be fresh. The resulting mixture is taken before eating on a half package 34 times a day.

Mix 3 glasses of carrot juice and 1/4 cup of parsley juice with 250 ml of water. Take a 3/4-year-old food 3 times a day.

Mix 5 glasses of carrot juice, 1 cup of spinach juice. Take 1/2 cup 34 times a day before eating or immediately after eating.

It is possible to use pure carrot juice, without mixing it, but the effectiveness of such treatment is much lower than in the treatment of mixtures of various juices. This juice can be drunk on 1/2 cup no more than 6 times a day before meals or while eating.

Treatment of beekeeping products

Honey one of the most useful products. It has a huge number of healing properties. 1 teaspoon of honey dissolve in 1 cup of hot water. Boil for 5 min. The resulting liquid was sauing gauze, bandage or wool and apply to the eyes in the evening for 5 minutes.

Decoration of Sage


1 teaspoon of grass sage, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Herb sage pour water to boil and boil on low heat 3 min. Leave for 20 minutes, strain.

Take a decoction of 1/2 cup 23 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The duration of the course of treatment is 2030 days.

Pour 2030 drops of tincture on the bottom of a flat plate breathe over it. Pay attention to the fact that inhaling only your nose. Keep the tincture in a closed dish, as the tincture evaporates very quickly and all useful properties are lost.


1 tbsp. Spoon of flowers calendula medicinal, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour calendula flowers with boiling water and insist 30 minutes, strain.

Mode of application.

Take 1/2 cup 34 times a day 30 minutes before meals. To wash your eyes 23 times a day to the day, you can put pictures of gauze (bandage), moistened with this infusion, and keep it 23 minutes a day. The duration of the course of treatment is from 40 to 60 days. If there is no effect on treatment, consult a doctor.

Requires: 3 teaspoons of grass horsetail, 1 teaspoon nettle, preferably young, spring, 2 teaspoons of ledge grass, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method. Raw Mix. 1 teaspoon collection to pour boiling water, put on a weak fire for 3 minutes. Cool and strain.

Mode of application. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 23 weeks.

Prepare the mixture: Take 10 g of sea cabbage, the grass is a turn and dying machine of ordinary, daisy flowers pharmaceutical, cornflower, 15 g of the fruits of a hawthorn of red and rowan blackfold. Fill with boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. A spoon of a dry crushed mixture for 1 cup of water and insist for 5 hours. Take 1/3 cup infusion 3 times a day after meals. Course treatment month.

Take on 35 g of orers of ordinary, the mistletoe of the white and unfortunate of the ordinary, mix well. 23 tbsp. Fill the mixture spoons in the thermos of 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 2 hours, then strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals. Additionally, a reception is recommended for half an hour before the meal of 0.2 g of mumion on 50 ml of beetral juice. Course 10 days, then break for 5 days. The course can be repeated 3 times.

Take fresh juice of aloe leaves, calangean and a whole plant gorget for 2: 1: 1. Mix the components carefully. Use for an instill in both eyes 2 drops 3 times a day. The tool is effectively at the initial closer stage of the lens.

Prepare a mixture: take 20 g of the roots of the rhodium pink and lubricants high, rose hips. 15 g of the grass of the dummy and the fruit of the hawthorn of the Red, 10 g of the Grass of the Hypericum. Fill 1 cup boiling water. Drink 1/4 glasses 3 times a day before meals. Course 3 weeks.

Blue Cornflower Flowers, Kohr Kolotnaya Rhizome, Ruta Grain Grass, Dandelion Dandelion and Blueberry Leaves Take 2: 2: 1: 3: 4. Fill 3 tbsp. Spoons of a mixture of 1 glass of boiling water, place on a water bath and withstand for 1520 minutes. Well strain. Install the eyes of 3 drops 4 times a day. The means is effective with a deterioration of vision associated with the initial development of cataracts.

Take 15 g of rose hips, in 10 g of grass of marshes and mint peppers, birch leaves, fruits of carrots sowing, Eleutherococcus roots and a large burdock. The fruits and leaves of the cassia of the ostrooty, renal tea. Take the form of 1/2 glasses 3 times a day after meals for a month. After a two-week break, the course can be repeated.

Prepare the collection: Take 1 part of the birch leaves, 5 pieces of loungers. Plantain, flax, disposal, turns, horsetails, nettle, 3 pieces of hormour grass, 2 pieces of rowan and rosehip. Method of cooking the same. Drink 3 times a day 1/2 cup before meals. Course month.

Take 30 g of rose hips and carrots fruits, nettle leaves, 10 g of black currant. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of mixture filled 1/2 l boiling water and boil 10 minutes, and then insist 4 hours in tightly closed dishes. Strain, drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day. Course 2 weeks.

Treatment with Livitsa

Use the bivice of the fir either pine (not fir). What is Liviza? Carefully examining the trunk of the tree, at the same time spend on it with hand: in some places, elastic and elastic sections of the cortical layer are determined. There you need to make cuts and collect the juice. He is called in the people of Livita.

The obtained gils should be used in a fresh form with long-term storage, it loses its healing properties. Juice is diluted with vegetable oil (it is possible and purified sunflower, but the sea buckthorn is recommended) in the ratio of 1 part of the Allowers on 3 parts of the recharge oil and mixed very thoroughly. The eyes obtained are drunk: no more than 1 drop in each eye 1 time per day, but the course itself should last at least a month. The most often recommended a number of 6 weeks. It is necessary to warn in advance that this means when entering the eye causes an unpleasant feeling, in particular, burning, but you have to endure. The people say that the Allbiz helps in Cataract especially at the very beginning of the development of this disease.

Treatment of biliary

Another popular method of treating cataracting bile use. In the old annals, where individual Skarkov tips are also given, it is argued that the bile goat is equally good from the stall in the ears, from dental pain. From darkness in the eyes. It also gives such a recipe: the stone is a biliary wolken and drink two choption per day when yellow. And being applied to the patient, the eye makes clean and the pain takes away. It should be explained: it is not only about the stones that are formed in the bustling bubble of various animals (mostly antelopes, goats, horses), but also about the so-called wild-chief, who is found in their stomach and intestines.

Nightly famous healer Porfiry Ivanov offers the following recipe for the total cure of the cataract. Every day in the eye (or both, depending on the disease), you bury one drop of bile, to take it from certainly still pikes. It is better to do it for the night before bedtime. The tool may cause pain and burning, but should be patient. The treatment scheme is as follows: instill a day ten times. Then take a break for ten days and the course repeat. As a rule, this turns out to be sufficient. If there is no renewer such treatment, only after a two-month break.

Folk recipes

Many healers advise to pay attention to Maryan root. Prepare such an infusion: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dried and well-chopped root fill 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist 34 hours in the dishes with a dense lid, then open, put on the stove, bring to a boil and boil on low heat for 5 minutes. Remove from the fire, thoroughly strain, let it cool to room temperature. Such infusion you need to drink 1 tbsp. Spoon 3 times a day before meals. Take it to improve the condition, but not more than 2 months in a row: after that it is necessary to take a monthly break.

But another way to treat cataract. Take the fresh, just baked rye bread, cut in it on top of the hole in the magnitude of the glass and put the glass into this hole up the bottom, tightly spinning. After some time, drops of liquid on the walls of the glass are formed. This liquid must be assembled and injected with it (23 drops 3 times a day). Improvement must come after 2 weeks; If it does not happen, treatment should be discontinued.

You can use for the treatment and liver of the Nalima. Cut the liver of a lively liqueness on the pieces, put in a glass container with a lid and pour clean river, spring or melt water. After that, closely close the lid and insist during the week, exposing the day in the sun. A week later, fat formed on the surface; It needs to be merged into separate glass dishes through four layers of gauze or rare fabric. Install in a sick eye of 1 drops a day for a month.

Make enemas in the evenings in the first week of the Great Post daily. They must be combined with rubbing with a wet sponge or cool seating baths in the morning.

If you do not want to use worms or liver, you can resort to a more traditional hot tub with English salt (bitter salt or sulk acid magnesia). The procedure is carried out 23 times a week. After the bath, rinse the closed eyes with a hot solution of the English salt (1 dec. Spoon on 500 ml of water), after which you carefully breathe cold pure (better than melt) water.

Consider some other recipes. Regular use of blueberry berries has a positive effect on vision and enhances its sharpness, and in case there is a disease, it reduces any of its manifestations. The substances contained in this wonderful berry have also a calming effect on the eyes after long work, removing fatigue. Today, it has already been scientifically proven that blueberries accelerates the process of updating the retina of the eye. Blueberries are useful both in fresh form and in the form of jam.

With a decrease in twilight vision due to a greeted cataract, such a means was used in the people: several glasses of tar and the patient were poured into the pelvis and the patient was to continuously look at it for about 5 minutes. This procedure was repeated three times every 3 hours, after which they gave 1 tbsp. Spoon fish fat. Course of treatment from 7 to 10 days.

Many healers emphasize the magical power of honey to cure eye diseases. In the early periods of ripening, the cataracts are well helped to get rid of the unpleasant sensations of the eyes for the eyes by the next recipe. Take a 20% honey solution (approximately 1 h. A spoonful of liquid honey per glass of water), stir up and heated on a weak heat for 3 minutes, without bringing to a boil. You can additionally lubricate each time the eyes of the Anemone juice, the burned with the same honey solution.

But another recipe. The juice from the living colors of the wilderness of the field Mix with the May honey in proportion 1: 1. Install in a sick eye 2 drops 3 times a day. This folk remedy contributes to the resorption of clouding of eye lens at the initial stages of the cataract development.

Take 1/2 h. Honey spoons per 1/2 cup of milk, boil, cool. In the solution, moisten the napkins, attach to the eyes all night and remove only in the morning. Cataract Cataract course for two weeks.

Prepare the mixture: take 3 ml of dandelion juice, 2 ml onion juice of the onion, 4 g of May honey (better than fresh). All components blend thoroughly and insist in a cool dark place at least 5 hours. Lay this mixture for the eyelid eyes 3 times a day.

When treating the course duration one month; For the prevention of cataracts three times a year, the courses for the same week.

With starting cataract, honeycomb shadows are used on the eyes of a 2030% solution of May honey. The duration of the course is determined by the therapeutic effect.

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Cataracts at home

Reliable ways to improve their health at home are chosen in this section of the magazine. In this topic, we will study how to conduct cataract treatment at home.

To find out how vitamins help in the fight against cataracts, let's visit the laboratory of Dr. Wormam and his colleagues. Here, in animal experiments, chemical processes are studying, causing this eye disease. Dr. Varma discovered that free radicals are the main cause of the appearance of cataracts. So-called radicals are highly active compounds with a strong destructive effect. They are formed when light in terms of lens, as well as as a result of biochemical processes occurring inside and around the eye. Free radicals play a major role in the development of cataracts, notes DR Varma. And the antioxidants received by us with food are similar to the detachment of the sappers: discharge free radicals before they manage to harm the eyes.

Fortunately, these nutrients are not necessary to go far: you will find them in the nearest grocery store.

More fruits and vegetables. Studies show that people who consume three five portions of fruits and vegetables daily, the risk of cataracts is reduced five times compared with those, whose diet is deprived of this number of vegetables and fruits, approves by Dr. Floor Jacques from the University of Taffeta. Antioxidants contained in fruit and vegetables, primarily vitamin C and bioflavones, are able to prevent the destruction of the fabric of the lens of the eye.

Strengthen vitamin S. Scientific research, in which 247 residents of Boston participated, showed that the reception for 10 years vitamin C in the form of a dietary supplement reduced the risk of cataracts by 80%. However, notes Dr. Jacques to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to take vitamin from a long time at least 5 years.

What is the prophylactic dose of vitamin C? According to the Zhack Drum, the dose of 150,200 mg per day will be sufficient for the prevention of cataracts: it will ensure the saturation of the fabrics of the eye vitamin C.

Facilitate life with your eyes. Cataract prevention also contributes to Vitamin E. Numerous studies show that the risk of cataract develops in people accepting additives with vitamin E decreases by 50% compared with those who do not accept them. What dose of vitamin E should be taken in preventive purposes? The exact number, as in the previous case, nobody knows. DR Varma believes that the daily dose of vitamin E can be 200 me (international units). If you are going to take over 200 me, consult your doctor. In one of the studies using vitamin E there was an increase in the risk of stroke.

Corticosteroids is a group of potent anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat various diseases, including asthma, kidney disease. Arthritis and chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Unfortunately, they have side effects, including those can lead to the development of cataracts, says Dr Robert Speto.

Cataract treatment at home. Increase the number of protective factors. To preserve the health of the eyes and warning cataracts, not only antioxidants are needed. There is evidence that the risk of cataracting is reduced in persons taking multivitamin additives. Perhaps the basic role in this is played by vitamins of group V. For example, thiamine and riboflavin included in the vitamins group B are needed to maintain overall health of the eyes, which is an indispensable condition for maintaining the crust function.

Try not to fully. Overeating can adversely affect the eyes. Excess weight contributes to the development of diabetes, and diabetes, in turn, the emergence of cataracts, explains Professor George Buns from the Virgin Polytechnic Institute. In patients with diabetes, cataract develops three times more often. Therefore, control over its own weight helps to reduce the risk of this disease.

Avoid wines. We found that people drinking more than two portions of the alcohol per day are more susceptible to the risk of cataract development, says Dzhianna Seddon from Harvard Medical School.

Remember Hollywood heroes. The ultraviolet radiation of the Sun can also harm the eye lens and increase the likelihood that with time you have a cataract. To protect the eyes from bright sunlight it is useful to wear dark glasses or hats. Here is the research data in which 838 fishermen took part, for many years who worked in Chesapeake Gulf: Among those who during work were dark glasses or a hat with patches, the risk of cataracts was three times lower than among those who did not defend in any way Eyes from the sun.

Cataract treatment at home. It is especially important to protect your eyes if you live in high latitudes, where the atmosphere is weaker delaying ultraviolet rays. Try to acquire glasses on which 99% of ultraviolet rays are delayed, the American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends. Hat with field shades, reduces the impact of the sun on the eyes by 50%, says DR Swords.

Stop smoking. Scientists have discovered another type of light harmful to the eyes when you light a cigarette. Smoking is one of the most convincingly proven risk factors for the development of cataracts. In part, it is its impact due to the fact that smokers suffer from metabolism and, therefore, below the level of antioxidants in the body. The more cigarettes smokes on the day, the higher the risk of cataracts, warns the Seddon. Cataract is expressed in the closet of the lens of the eye, which loses its transparency. The cause of cataracts can be: eye injuries, myopia. glaucoma. Sugar diabetes, etc.

I look in the fish eye. As the month is reflected in the river, it looks at himself, admires how the sunshine rolls on the sunset, rolls, I wash off my evening, splashes, I would reflected in the eye of fishing. And both fish with the eye does not blink, there is no warm body, and I will not be sick with my eyes, do not cry, do not suffer. Amen. Fish discarded away from themselves and leave the river. Cataract - clouding of the lens of the eye. In the norm, the crystal is absolutely transparent. However, with age, its nutrition can cause persistent clouds and impairment. The development of the disease contributes to the disruption of metabolism (in particular, diabetes mellitus), toxic or traumatic eye effects, diseases of the inner shells of the eye (inflammation, high degree of myopia, glaucoma, etc.).

Two main groups of drugs for conservative treatment of cataracts are proposed: means for resorption of turbidity or delaying their development; Tools Improving lens exchange processes.

To this end, Cataline, Offanta Katova, Taufon, Quinaqs are used.

Kathotrom, providing an improvement in oxidative and energy processes in tissues, practically does not affect the resorption of the back of the rear capsule and at the same time gives a positive effect during turbidity in the cortical layers of the lens. Quinaqs provides an anti-colonutary effect with rebonapsular cataracts and a more pronounced effect with cortical cataracts.

Surgical treatment of cataract is the main method of returning vision to the patient. The techniques of surgical removal of cataracts are constantly being improved. Together with them, the testimony for the removal of cataracts is changed, which allows not to cope with the patient on a long blindness.

However, there are such states of patients who do not allow them to expose their operations - the extraction of cataracts.

These include severe somatic and mental illness, aged age, panic fear of the patient before surgery.

On our portal you can find topical information on the treatment of certain diseases. Only here you will find an effective method of eliminating your problem. You can treat both traditional and non-traditional method. In most cases, cataract arises as a result of age-related changes of the organs of vision. Surgical intervention is recognized as the most effective means of treating this disease. But from cataracts there are less radical means, the time of centuries used in folk medicine and include only natural ingredients.

One of the most popular folk recipes is the use of onion and honey droplets and alternating them throughout the course of treatment. To cook onion drops, you need to grasp white onions on a large grater, squeeze juice and divorce with boiled warm water in proportion 1: 1. Store in a cool dark place. Daily prepare fresh. Honey droplets are preferably prepared from honey of white acacia with propolis and boiled water dissolved in it, also in proportion 1: 1. Such drops can be stored in a cold place for three days. When drops are cooked, instill onion first, and in an hour - honey. Repeat such a procedure three times a day for three months. After a seven-day break, repeat the treatment. And so to complete recovery! Cataract treatment by folk remedies at home using honey and onion droplets is very simple and efficient. Cataract is expressed in the closet of the lens of the eye, which loses its transparency. The cause of cataracts can be: eye injuries, myopia, glaucoma, diabetes, etc.

According to many scientists, the treatment of elder cataracts should be started only by honey, laying it out for the lower eyelid 34 times a day for 10 days. In the future, if the improvements do not occur, then medical therapy alternate with traditional drug treatment.

According to observations, medical therapy of the beginning elder cataract gives a positive effect in 83.4% of cases.

To wash the living rainworms (1015 pieces) from the ground in flowing cold water, then in boiled, decompose on the filter paper and those who remain alive, fold into the bottle, fall asleep with sugar and salt, close and put on a dark cool place on the night. Then it should be filtered, the resulting liquid must be transparent.

Store in the refrigerator, drip 1 drop in the sore eye; If it really burns, it means or the remedy is poorly prepared, or there is individual intolerance. It is a potent tool and need to handle it carefully. Course of treatment 510 days. At the same time, it is recommended to take garlic and other lining agents.

Also, rinse your eyes with honey water well (1 teaspoon of honey is brewed in a water mug of 35 minutes). Rush 35 times a day.

Folk healers advise to take a submission complex of multivitamin plants: sea buckthorn, fruits in any form; Rosehip, fruits (fresh and dry, flew on the coffee grinder) in any form; Tea: 1 tablespoon of dry crushing fruits on 2 glasses of boiling water, boil on low heat for 10 minutes, insist 23 hours. Take on half a glass 34 times a day; currant black, fruits (fresh and dry) in any form; It is advisable to use the healing leaves of this plant: 34 g of dry leaves of currant per 1 glass of boiling water, wandering 1020 minutes, strain. Take as ordinary tea in half a glass 23 times a day.

It is useful in fresh primrose grass in the form of salads, soups, okroshek. Recommended strawberries Fruits and leaves insisted in boiling water about 2 hours (take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day).

The food is better to cook on vegetable oil, as small as possible is fried.

Take a live fish that is still fighting in her hand, look at her eye that you are amazed (in the left, if you are struck by the left), read at a decreased month.

If you are hit by both eyes, then treat your eyes in turn.

I look in the fish eye. As the month is reflected in the river, it looks at himself, admires how the sunshine rolls on the sunset, rolls, I wash off my evening, splashes, I would reflected in the eye of fishing. And both fish with the eye does not blink, there is no warm body, and I will not be sick with my eyes, do not cry, do not suffer. Amen. Fish discarded away from themselves and leave the river. It is believed that surgery is the only effective way to treat the loss of vision due to cataracts.

Cataract surgical operation is a conventional procedure that includes the removal of closets of the lens of the eye lens (cataracts). The crystal allows the eye to focus. It can be replaced by an artificial, called an artificial lens implant (IIH). IIh is not always used, glasses or contact lenses can compensate for a remote crystal.

Not in all cases it is necessary for surgery, or it can be postponed for months and years. Many people with cataract are perfectly coped with the help of glasses, lenses and other optical instruments.

The choice of the method of treatment of cataract in children depends on how much the cataract prevents the development of normal vision.

The need for a surgical operation in adults depends on the degree of loss of vision and its impact on the quality of life and the ability to perform conventional functions.

Sometimes cataract must be removed due to other diseases of the eye, such as diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration. In some cases, the cataract must be removed for the treatment of an ophthalmologist of the retina, the layer of nerve cells in the rear of the eye.

There are frequent misconceptions on cataracts. An increasing number of medical centers are built, in particular, for surgical operations to remove cataracts. Marketing campaigns, aimed at the population of elderly, incite people to conduct an operation when they do not need it. Bezing Fear to go blind or lose independence, many older people believe that they need surgical intervention, despite the fact that cataract does not affect their quality of life. In many cases, it is enough to wear glasses or contact lenses and use other optical devices, which will also be effectively without any risks of the surgical operation.

Only you can decide whether enough cataract affects your vision or everyday life to treat it surgically. If the operation does not improve your vision, you can decide that this method is not suitable for you.

Facts indicate that certain lifestyle changes, such as cessation of smoking and eye protection from sunlight can help slow down the development of cataracts.

The attending physician will instruct you what to do after surgery. Caring for eyes in adults After a surgical change of cataracts, includes the use of designated eye drops, eye protection and monitoring of possible signs of infection.

After the operation, blurred vision and small swelling are considered normal. To reduce swelling, time is necessary. After the operation, your recipe for glasses can change.

A small number of adults and cataract children can benefit from eye drops that increase (expand) pupil. Such drops increase the flow of light falling into the eye. Sometimes they are used to prevent the loss of vision in completely small children who need to be waiting for the operation.

Currently, there are no drugs for the treatment of cataracts.

Cataract surgical operation involves removing closets of eye lens (cataracts). Crystal can be replaced by an artificial, called an implant of artificial lens (IIH). Or, if the achievement cannot be used, the lens will be removed, and its absence can compensate for contact lenses or in rare cases. Many people implan the artificial lens during the operation.

Before surgical intervention, consult with your doctor about the types of feathafing for your eye. Or, if you do not implant artificial lens, then find out about the pros and cons of the use of contact lenses or points.

The choice of the method of treatment of cataract in children depends on how much the cataract prevents the development of normal vision. You may need a surgical operation to remove cataracts.

For adults whose cataracts in both eyes, a surgical operation is carried out at once on two eyes. First must heal one eye. Before proceeding with the operation on the second eye, your attending physician will determine how improved vision as a result of surgical intervention in the first eye.

If you have glaucoma, and cataracts, most likely you will spend a surgical surgery for both diseases at the same time. Depending on what disease caused a loss of vision, it can be improved after surgery.

There are two types of surgical operation to remove cataracts. Both operations are carried out in the outpatient center. The decision on the type of operation depends on the type of cataract and surgery experience in the conduct of both types of surgical interventions.

In the past, the cataracts were removed by the intracapsular method, at which the lens and the lens and the lens capsule were removed. To date, such a surgical method is very rare, if at all is used. It is more complicated, and there is a higher risk of complications than with an extracapsular method.

The most common problem after conducting a surgical operation to remove cataract is toasting the rear of the lens capsule (called the secondary cataract) for 5 years after surgery. Such a zamdom is not a serious problem and, if necessary, treatable with the help of laser surgery.

For adults, the cataract surgery surgical operation is almost always an effective procedure, and can be taken at your discretion. A surgeon or a specialist familiar with surgical practice will usually conduct subsequent surveys and treatment.

You may recommend a surgical surgery if you want to continue driving a car. If you live in a home for elderly or pension with care, you can refuse surgical intervention and use optical instruments.

If you do not have an additional eye disease, such as glaucoma or retina problems, you have good chances to improve vision after the operation. But you can need a reading glasses or for myopia.

If you have a cataract, it does not mean that you will have to remove it. Only you can decide whether enough cataract affects your eyesight and life to remove it surgically.

Thank you

Inflammatory diseases of various human organs are found in the daily life of each person quite often. The inflammatory process may be infectious or noncommunicable. Signs and manifestations of any inflammatory process regardless of the cause and characteristic features are the same. Any inflammation leads to a violation of the body function due to the development of specific manifestations of the process - redness, edema, seals and pain. Since the person's eye performs indispensable functions, collecting a huge amount of information from the environment, then the violation of its functioning due to inflammation is very seriously affected by the quality of life.

Localization of inflammation in the eyes

The eye is a complex organ that consists of several tissues and elements that perform strictly defined functions. Under the designation inflammation of the eye Typically implies the entire set of various inflammatory processes that can affect any part of the eye. Inflammation of the eyes actually manifests itself in redness of the connective tissue elements of the organ, and with a sharp severity of the vascular pattern due to the full-blood. Also, the inflammatory process may affect both the inclusive areas, for example, the eyelids, which is characterized by extremely uncomfortable phenomena.
So, all inflammatory diseases of the eye can be classified into several groups depending on localization:
1. Inflammation of the eyelids.
2. Inflammation of conjunctiva.
3. Inflammation of the tears.
4. Inflammation of the cornea.
5. Inflammation of blood vessels.
6. Inflammation of the orbit.

It should also be distinguished by true inflammation of the eye and redness caused by the impact of physical factors. Redness is caused by various external stimuli, for example, wind, sand, bright light, headache, dust, smoke or injury. Such redness, which is essentially ordinary irritation, will be held independently after eliminating the provoking factor. Redness of the eye can move into true inflammation when the infectious agent is attached (bacteria, virus, fungus, etc.) or during the recurrence of the chronic pathological process.

Eye inflammation classification by type

Eye inflammation also varies by the type of pathology, and includes the following types:
  • catarrhal;
  • rheumatic;
  • granular (Egyptian);
  • periodic;
  • golden;
  • honory;
  • syphilitic;
  • quinted;
  • inflammation of newborns;
  • inflammation due to mechanical damage;
  • inflammation due to the overvoltage of the eyes;
  • inflammation due to light-friendly;
  • inflammation after rapid infections - measles, pieces, scarletins.
Almost every type of above-mentioned inflammation can flow in acute or chronic form.

Eye inflammation of various localization

To combine the types of the inflammatory process and its localization, it is necessary to know which nosological units (diagnoses) relate to a particular area of \u200b\u200blesion. Data on inflammatory processes in various eye tissues are presented in the table.
Localization of inflammation Name of pathological processes,
referring to the specified localization
Inflammation of the Century
  • Barley
  • Meibomit
  • Impetigo
  • Abscess
  • Phlegmon
  • Furuncle
  • Blepharitis
  • Contantagious mollusk
Inflammation of conjunctiva
  • Bacterial conjunctivits
  • Blennorya (gonorial conjunctivitis)
  • Viral conjunctivitis (herpetic,
    adenovirus, hemorrhagic)
  • Pararahoma
Inflammation of tear organs
  • Dacryocysta
  • Canalikulit
  • DacriooDenit
Inflammation of the cornea
  • Keratitis
  • Creeping ulcer cornea
  • Viral Keratitis (Faringokonunctival
    Fever, keratoconjunctivitis
    Herpetic or adenovirus)
  • Mushroom keratitis (keratomicosis)
Inflammation of vascular eyes
  • Iridocyclit
  • Horoidit
  • Endophthalmita
Inflammation of the socket
  • Abscess
  • Exophthalm.
  • Tenonite
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Phlegmon

As can be seen from the table, inflammatory diseases of the eye are quite varied, and the various departments and tissues are affected.

Causes of eye inflammation

Despite such a variety of affected parts, the causes of inflammatory processes in this body are quite banal and few.

The entire set of causes of eye inflammation can be reduced to several main groups:
1. Infectious inflammation (tuberculosis, syphilis, herpes, staphylococcal, streptococcal infections)
2. Traumatic damage (blow, ingress of the foreign object in the eyes, etc.)
3. Impact of aggressive substances (acid, alkali, dust, etc.)

Consider the widespread and most common inflammatory processes in the eyes of Read more.

Conjunctivitis - causes, species, symptoms, treatment

One of the most frequent inflammatory diseases of the organ of vision is conjunctivitis. The inflammation of the conjunctivans develop due to the impact of physical, chemical and bacterial factors.

The main reasons for the development of conjunctivitis:

  • irritant effect of dust, smoke and chemicals in suspended state in the air;
  • defective nutrition;
  • violation of metabolism;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • inflammatory diseases of the surrounding organs (for example, blufarites, etc.);
  • violations of the selection of a tear secret;
  • inflammatory diseases of ENT organs (rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.).
Conjunctivitis can be sharp and chronic. The acute process is usually caused by bacterial, viral and fungal infection. A chronic conjunctivitis is due to a decrease in immunity against the background of a persistent infection in the eyes or ENT organs. Chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva can also be caused by inadequate treatment of the acute process.

Conjunctivitis can develop due to the path of the pathological microbe directly into the eye, or when transitioning infection from the nose, pharynx, throat, etc. This process is possible in the presence of diphtheria, gonorrhea, herpes and other infectious diseases whose pathogens can go to the eye, and also cause an inflammatory response. Viral conjunctivitis develops against the background of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is transmitted through public items, and the virus is very contagious. The trachoma and paramatom are caused by the PL virus, which is also transmitted through common items.

The manifestations of conjunctivitis are the same regardless of the cause or microorganism - the pathogen. People feel painful itching in the eyes, rubbing, burning, tingling, the feeling of "sand", eye fatigue, photophobes, increased tears. All of the above phenomena in the morning are expressed less than in the evening. When signs of conjunctivitis appear in one eye, it should be immediately proceeded with treatment, since the pathological process is able to spread very quickly to the second. Inflammatory discharge can be mucous membranes, purulent or mucous-purulent. The nature of pathological discharge depends on the type of inflammation, which can be purulent or catarrhal. Ophthalmologist at inspection detects swelling and hyperemia conjunctivities with the presence of separated.

In some types of conjunctivitis, films can be formed in front of the eyes, which are most often easily removed, and have a gray-white color. Often, conjunctivitis take place without a trace without the development of complications, however, diphtheria, gonorrheal or trachom can be complicated by inflammation of the cornea, eyelids, etc. Under the action of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis virus, inflammatory infiltrate develops, which is very slowly absorbed. Trachoma and pararathoma are serious diseases that flow in several stages with the formation of inflammatory granules and subsequent scarring. The trachoma or pararathoma are complicated by the inflammation of the cornea or the inversion of the age.

Treatment of conjunctivitis is due to the cause of its development. This means that in the therapy of chronic conjunctivitis, developed under the influence of chemical or physical aggressive agents, it is necessary to eliminate the provocation factor. Against the elimination of the causal stimulus, local treatment should be carried out with disinfectants (for example, zinc sulfate solution of 25%, boric acid, resorcin, etc.). Local therapy with antiseptics is carried out a long period of time. If there is an aggravation of chronic conjunctivitis, it is necessary to use eye drops with antibacterial effect (sodium sulphacyl, sodium sulfapyridazine, a solution of leftomycetin or furacin). It is also recommended to use hormonal eyebounds (hydrocortisone or prednisone). If conjunctivitis is complicated by blufaritis or other eyelinity, it is necessary to attach antibacterial eye ointments (for example, yellow mercury, tetracycline, gentamicinic, calendulovaya, etc.).

Conjunctivitis in children. Blennorye

Kids often sick conjunctivitis, especially in places of mass accumulation, for example, in kindergartens. Infection comes from one sick child to another. Among the children's conjunctivitis there is a special meaning of a hymeal, which is called Blennorya. Newborn children are infected with Blennorea when passing by the generic paths of the mother, sick gonorrhea. The infection of an adult also occurs when the infected content of the genital organs is transferred to the unwashed hands.

In newborns, conjunctivitis of Honory is manifested by 2-3 days after the appearance of the light, both eyes are amazed at the same time. Signs are the same as in all conjunctivitis, however, there is an abundant release of serous fluid with an admixture of blood. After 2-3 days from the beginning of the disease, there is a strong edema of conjunctiva, which acquires the type of roller, and the separated becomes purulent. If you do not start the treatment, the conjunctivitis can be complicated, and go to the cornea and inside the eye with the development of endophthalmita.

Blennorea in adults flows the same as in newborns, only one eye is affected, and the infection proceeds to the second organ only in the absence of treatment.

Inflammation of the eyelids - barley, abscess, phlegmon, meibomit, furuncle,
blepharitis, contagious mollusk

In addition to conjunctivitis in everyday life, inflammatory diseases of the eyelids are often developing, such as barley, meibomit, abscess, phlegmon, furuncle, blepharitis and contagious mollusk.

Such a common disease as barleyIt is a purulent inflammation in the edge of the Eye Age, which occurs when the causative agent appears - the staphylococcus of the row. The barley is manifested by the pronounced swelling of the lower edge of the century with the soreness of this section, as well as sharply expressed redness of the adjacent skin and conjunctiva. Such a dust is formed for several days, after which a breakthrough of purulent contents outside. Typically, barley is formed by one, but there are cases and multiple development on one eye or century.

Meibomit It is inflammation of the gland cartilage (meibomy glands), which develops as a result of the effects of kokkock microbes. By the nature of the flow, meibomit can be acute and chronic. Acute meibomit has the same manifestations as barley. The difference is that inflammation is located in the depths of the cartilage of the century, and not from the edge. The breakthrough of purulent content can be delayed, then it is necessary to open the inflammatory focus by surgical methods. In chronic meibomit, inflamed glands shine through the conjunctiva, which is thickened and has redness. Pathological allocations of the Mabery glands lead to the attachment of chronic conjunctivitis. In the corners of the century, crusts of yellow or gray colors are collected.

Contantagious mollusk It is a viral disease that develops under the action of Pokvirus. The name of the disease "Mollusk" does not reflect its essence, since its viral nature is now established, and previously believed that the cause of the development of pathology is the effect of the simplest microorganism (mollusk). Infection with the virus occurs in contact path, i.e. Through general items or direct contact with the carrier. The contagious mollusk is characterized by the appearance on the skin of small formations, painless and dense. The presence of this infection leads to the development of chronic viral blufaritis, conjunctivitis or keratitis. Viral blufarites, keratitis and conjunctivitis proceed without features.

Treatment of inflammation of the Century
The principles of the treatment of inflammation of the eyelids depend on the peculiarities of the pathological process, and its nature. Purulent inflammations of the eyelids (barley, abscess, phlegmon, furuncul) are treated locally and systemically. Antibiotics (ampiox, oxacillin, ampicillin, etc.) or sulfonamide preparations are used inside, and local treatment is reduced to irrigation of the affected surfaces with antiseptic preparations. Recommended by alcohol with alcohol solution of 70%, diamond greens. In the future, it is possible to use antibacterial eye drops (sodium sulphacyl, erythromycin solution or penicillin), as well as solutions of glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone emulsion, prednisone, dexamethasone). A good therapeutic effect is an eye ointment of antibacterial action - a yellow mercury and tetracycline ointment. If necessary, it is necessary to open the affection to the surgical way.

In globia therapy, success largely depends on the elimination of provoking factor. Regularly conduct local events - the scales pre-treated with mercury ointment are removed. After removal of the surfaces, the surface is treated with antibacterial preparations - tetracycline, furaciline, yoletrine, gentamicin and other ointments, as well as calendula or alcohol solutions, 70%. Droplet sodium sulfacyl, zinc sulfate, amidopyrin, "Sofradex". In addition to treating pharmacological preparations, nutrition, labor and recreation mode should be normalized.

Therapy of acute meibomit is the same as purulent inflammation (barley). And chronic meibomit is treated, like blefarites.

The impetigo is also treated locally. The skin of salicylic alcohol is treated, revealed guns are migrated to a diamond green, methylene blue, iodine, manganese or furacilin. Gnoves can also be treated with antibacterial ointments - syntomicin, erythromycin and others. After the overlay, ointments it is necessary to cover the treated areas with sterile napkins. The eyes are irrigated by a solution of an antibiotic (benzylpenicillin) or sodium sulphacian, in the eyelids they apply ointment with antibiotics - tetracycline or erythromycin. The patient must take vitamins and eat fully.

The treatment of contagious mollusk is carried out by mechanical methods - the contents of the nodule scrape, after which the surface is treated with diamond green. After the full cullet of the mollusk on the skin, the inflammation of the eyelids pass on their own.

Inflammation in the tears: dacryocyst, canaliculitis, dacryoadenitis

Inflammatory processes in the tears of the eye are often found in children, and include the following pathologies:
1. Dacryocyst (inflammation of the lacrimal bag).
2. Canaliculite (inflammation of the tear tubules).
3. Dacryo adenit (inflammation of the lacrimal gland).
Dacryocyst It is an inflammatory purulent process, localized in the wall of the lacrimal bag. The acute form of the disease is characterized by the redness and swelling of the skin over the tear bag, while the eyelid swells very much, reducing the lumen of the eye or completely closing it. Dacryocyst flows a few days, the pus is assembled in an abscess that is revealed, and the process is completed with complete recovery. Chronic dacryocyst develops with a violation of the outflow of a tear fluid, which leads to stagnation and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, which form an inflammatory response. In chronic dacryocysthe symptoms The same as in acute, however, there is also abundant constant tearing. Chronic dacryocyst may be complicated by the inflammation of the cornea and its ulceration. Dacryocyst of newborns is one of the most common inflammatory diseases in children, which develops due to a violation of the patency of the rosal canal. Dacryocyst newborns is due to a violation of intrauterine development, as a result of which the plug in the nose-butter canal is not resolved. This obstacle disrupts the free selection of tears, which causes swelling and suppuration.

Canalikulit It is inflammation of the tear tubules, developing in complication of conjunctivitis or dacryocyst. Leather over the tear canals edema, thin, painful, and the tear points are increased in size. A person is tormented by increased selection of tears and purulent discharge.

DacriooDenit It is inflammation of the tear gland, which is a typical complication of infectious diseases, such as influenza, angina, measles, scarletins, etc. The disease occurs sharply, and manifests itself with a strong redness, swelling of the upper eyelid, as well as soreness. The eye does not move up and the duck. In this case, there are general manifestations - temperature, headache, weakness, etc. Dacryoaches forms an abscess that is revealed with complete recovery.

Treatment of inflammation of the tear bodies
Therapy of inflammation of the tear organs is different. A sharp dacryocyst is treated with local means - Penicillin electrophoresis, solux, quartzing, etc. Antibiotics intramuscularly used (benzylpenicillin, ampiox) or in tableted form (tetracycline, yoletrin, norsulfazole, bispetol, etc.). Chronic dacryocyst is treated surgically. After the operation, antiseptic treatment with sodium sulphazyl, leftomycetin or gentamicin 2-3 times per day is carried out. Also used drops "Sofradex" or hormonal drugs (hydrocortisone, dexamethasone). Dacryocyst newborns treat massage actions aimed at the early breakthrough of the obstacles film. With the ineffectiveness of the massage, the Bowmen probe is served, after which the channel is treated with solutions of antiseptics or antibiotics - penicillins, sodium sulphacian, leftomycetin or collargeol.

The therapy of the canaliculite is reduced to the removal of inflammatory content with extrusion and subsequent treatment with solutions of furacin, manganese, rivocol and boric acid. Sulfacyl sodium, Levomycetin, Sofradex drops and prednisiolone or hydrocortisone solutions are used.

The treatment of dacryojaenitis is reduced to therapy of the underlying disease. Apply antibiotics inside (ampicillin, oxacillin, norsulfazole, etc.), and the local eye is treated with solutions of antiseptics - furaciline or manganese, and impose eye ointment - tetracycline, sulphacyl sodium, etc.

Inflammations of the cornea (keratitis) - species, causes, symptoms, treatment

Due to the huge role of the cornea, its inflammation can lead to serious complications up to the loss of vision. Inflammations of cornea eyes are called keratitis.

Keratitis There are bacterial, that is, caused by pathogenic microbes (streptococcus, gonococcus, a blue rod, fungi, adenovirus, herpes virus, etc.) or traumatic. Surface keratitis, developing as a complication of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, meibomit, chronic dacryocyst, detect surface kerats. Keratitis is characterized by the development of infiltration in the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, which can merge with the formation of ulcers. The ulcer heals, and in her place can develop turbidity, which, however, does not worsen vision. Subjectively Keratitis is manifested by a tear, pain in the eyes, fear of light. Keratitis may be complicated by the development of endophthalmite and panofalmite.

Keratitis develop in adults and children. Children more often suffer from viral keratitis, especially herpetic. Herpety keratitis is a serious disease that has several forms, and in the absence of treatment leads to serious complications.

The treatment of keratitis depends on the type of microorganism, which caused the pathological process. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed against the pathogen: antibiotics of a wide range of action, sulfonamide products, antiviral or antifungal drugs. Also carry out local eye treatment with irrigation with antibiotics and sulfonamides - a solution of penicillin, tetracycline, leftomycetin, gentamicin, neomycin, furacin, sodium sulphacian, norsulfazole, etc. After treatment, antibiotic-containing eye ointments are laid - penicillin, tetracycline, gentamicin, erythromycin and others. Frequently used drops with vitamins - citral, thiamine ointment. With the ineffectiveness of local agents and tableted preparations, they resort to intravenous or intramuscular administration of antibacterial agents. Corneal ulcers must be treated in the eye separation of the hospital, as well as herpetic keratitis.

Inflammation of the vascular shell eyes - species, causes, symptoms,

Diseases of the vascular shell of the eye (iris) of an inflammatory character are called irita and iridocyclites. Irite is called inflammation of the rainbow shell itself, and cyclitis - ciliary body. The causes of these pathologies are common infections, such as rheumatism, brucellosis, diabetes, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, teeth pathology, sinusitis, or traumatic damage to the organ.
Irites and iridocyclites are separated by the nature of the pathological process into several categories:
  • serous;
  • exudative;
  • fibrinous plastic;
  • purulent;
  • hemorrhagic.
Irites and Iridooclites have a number of common symptoms, and also manifest themselves with individual characteristics that depend on the main disease that caused the development of inflammatory pathology of the eye. Signs common to all Irites and iridocyclites are a symptom of inflammatory eye damage to which the following: acute pain in the eye, redness, swelling, imperceptibility of bright light, abundant tearing, the closure of the century (blefarpasm). The doctor during examination will detect the narrowed pupil on the background of a dark iris, which slowly reacts to the change in the intensity of light.

If adequate treatment has not begun, the process can go into purulent inflammation, which is fraught with the development of glaucoma. Independent purulent inflammation of the iris develops when driving infections with blood flow or lymphotock in the presence of an acute infectious disease of the body, for example, meningitis, angina, faces, sneaming, etc. Purulent inflammation of the iris gives her a green-rusty shade, and quickly spreads to other parts of the eye.

The principles of therapy of iris and iridocyclites are reduced to the use of hormonal eyebounds - hydrocortisone, dexamethasone and prednisone, hydrochlorizing agents - atropine, homatropine, mesaton, and antibacterial - antibiotics, sulfonamides. Antibacterial drugs are most effective when they are introduced into the conjunctival (for example, irrigation of sodium sulphacyl sodium). Also needed adequate treatment of the main disease. Treatment is made in several courses.

Retina eye inflammation - causes, symptoms, treatment

The inflammation of the retina is called retinit.

Reasons for the development of retinitis:

  • survival of blood infection in eye from other organs (tuberculosis, syphilis, influenza, etc.);
  • heart, kidney, liver pathology;
  • radiation damage;
  • eye injury;
  • burn the eye of the sunshine.
Retinit sharply reduces vision - separate fields fall out (skate). The eye hurts much. Retinite treatment must be carried out by antibacterial drugs administered to the eye. It is also necessary to adequately heal the main disease. The eye is irrigated by antiseptics, hormonal preparations are introduced, expanding the pupil. In addition to fixed assets, vitamins are used.

Endophthalmite and Panofalmite - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Purulent inflammation of the eye can lead ultimately to the development of endophthalmite, which is a pathological process, exciting internal shells of the eyeball. Endophthalmite develops with complications of inflammatory diseases of the eye, injuries of the organ or operational interventions, as well as when driving an infectious agent with blood flow. Endophthalmite is manifested by a sharp pain, eyelids, cornea, iris - swelling, vision dramatically deteriorated. Pump in the endophthalmite is assembled into the glass abscess, which is manifested by the glow of pupil yellow. Complications of endophthalmite are very serious - it is a panofalmite and retinal detachment.

Endophthalmite therapy is carried out by antibacterial means of locally and systemically. The antibiotics of a wide range of action (gentamicin, polymyxins, cephalosporins, tobramycin, etc.) intramuscularly and inside the eye. The eye is washed with antiseptics or antibiotics.

With inadequate therapy or the absence of such purulent inflammation, it is capable of covering all the structures and fabric of the eye. This condition is called a panofalmitomit. Panofalmite develops as a result of injury of the eye with the penetration of infection, or as a complication of somatic inflammatory diseases, for example, sepsis, typhoid, pneumonia, meningitis, hymorite, etc. Panofalmite is characterized by eye and common symptoms.

Eye signs of Panofalmita:

  • strong pain;
  • fear of light;
  • tear;
  • redness of the eyelids and conjunctiva;
  • edema and conjunctiva;
  • purulent content in the vitreous body;
  • turbid cornea.
Common symptoms of panofalmite are headache, high temperature, vomiting. Strong pain in the eye torments a person while there is a pus. After breakthrough and leakage of purulent content, pain subsides. Panofalmite can spread to brain shells, causing the development of meningitis.

Panofalmite treatment should be carried out only in the clinic, since surgery is necessary. After the operation, the system and local use of antibiotics and sulfonamides is necessary. In this case, antibacterial agents are administered intravenously, in the form of tablets, in the eye, and irrigate the surface of the organ.

Inflammation of the eye nerve - causes, symptoms, treatment

Often there is such pathology as the inflammation of the nerve in the eye, which is called neurith.

The reasons for the development of neuritis are quite varied:

  • neurological diseases;
  • infectious diseases (influenza, angina, typhoid, syphilis, brucellosis, etc.);
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic diseases (gout);
  • blood diseases (leukemia);
  • inflammation of the kidneys;
  • inflammation of brain tissues;
  • alcoholic intoxication.
Neuritis is manifested by a strong decline in vision, including decrease in fields, soreness when moving by the eye and non-dissolution flower. Data eye symptoms are joined by general - temperature, nausea, headache.

Neuritis therapy is aimed at combating the main disease and to relieve eye symptoms. Antibiotics are used systemically and locally with corticosteroids. The swelling of the tissues is removed by systemic drugs - diaklab, urotropin. Also use vitamins and immunostimulants. If necessary, surgical treatment of neuritis is carried out.

Eye inflammation in children

So, we reviewed the basic inflammatory diseases of the eye. Consider the features of eye inflammation in children. Newborn children most often suffer from a dacryocyst. Older children are often infected with conjunctivitis from other patients. Finally, the most common category of inflammatory processes of the eye of children is irritation that can be several types:
  • bath inflammation;
  • pool inflammation;
  • dusty inflammation;
  • light inflammation.
Thus, inflammation develops under the action of provoking factor. Therefore, in the treatment, the influence of the cause should exclude, and reassure the irritated eyes as quickly as possible. First, do not wash your eyes with saliva or breast milk. Children are not recommended to use ointment with antibiotics. It is best to take advantage of the "Ovomistel" eye drops, which are a solution of Mozymistine. Also justified the use of sodium sulphacian. In addition to drug drugs, rinse your eyes several times a day with chamomile decoction or tea. Remember that you need to process both eyes, even if one is affected, as it is necessary to prevent the development of inflammation of a healthy body.

If a child or adult got a burn burn (solar rays, welding, etc.), then it is necessary to dig in the eyes of dicane or adrenaline, as well as impose cotton wool, moistened with food soda or tannin. To put on a dark bandage.

Inflammion of the orbit - abscess, phlegmon, tongue

In addition to the defeat of the very eye, there are often inflammation of the shag-eyed space, for example, a soccer. In the eyeboard can develop purulent inflammation - abscess, phlegmon or purulent tongue. The causes of abscesses or phlegm are infectious diseases, especially on the skin of the face, complications of inflammation of other parts of the eye or injury. Abscess and phlegmon begin sharply, vehicles. The eye signs of abscess and phlegmons are similar, and are expressed in pain, swelling, the redness of the eyelids, the violation of the movement of the eye, a decrease in vision, the escape of the organ (exophthalm) and conjunctiva. Open eye at phlegmon is impossible. Abscess is not accompanied by general symptoms, and phlegmon causes temperature rise, weakness and headaches. And abscess, and phlegmon can be complicated by the neuritude and squeezing of the optic nerve. The phlegmon can also be complicated by the cornea ulcer, panofalmite, meningitis or sepsis.
Abscess passes after opening the gland and leakage content. If the abscess is not opened on time, then the development of phlegmon. The positive outcome of phlegmon is the organization of inflammation with the formation of an abscess that is revealed. If phlegmon is not organized, complications are developing.

Abscess, if necessary, open surgically. Conservative treatment is carried out by antibacterial drugs aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. Penicillins, gentamicin, erythromycin, ampiox, etc. are used.

Phlegmon is also treated with administration of antibiotics intravenously, intramuscularly or in tablets. Penicillins, gentamicin, kanamycin, ristomycin, ampiox are also used. Plots of the suppuration are opened and carried out a rejection with drainage.

Tenonite is an inflammation of the Tenon Capsule Eye, which develops due to the spread of an infectious hearth with an angina, influenza, hyimorite, furunculese, rheumatism, etc. Tenonite can be purulent or serous character. Serous is developing as a result of an allergic reaction. The symptoms of tononite are the same, and the difference is in the presence or absence of purulent content. So, the tongue begins suddenly, one eye is amazed, and there is a characteristic triad of signs:
1. Moderate emf eye.
2. Infringement and swelling of conjunctiva and century.
3. Limited and painful mobility.

In the treatment of tononites, the main disease should be eliminated, for which antibiotics and sulfonamide preparations (penicillins, sulfapyridazine, indomethacin are used for

Honey is a unique tool that is a magnificent dessert and is used to treat various diseases, including the eye.

What treats honey?

Honey eye treatment at home is characterized by high efficiency. This product removes redness and tear, eliminates inflammation and swelling, eliminates pain, itching and burning, activates blood circulation and improves metabolism, provides tissues with nutrients, destroys the pathogenic microflora, accelerates cell recovery. It forms a thin film that protects against the negative environmental impact. Thanks to the presence of vitamin A (Retinol), sweet amber is able to increase visual sharpness.

Preparations from honey treat:

  • inflammation of mucous membranes and cornea;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blufarite;
  • belmo;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • impairment;
  • broken tissue nutrition;
  • increased intraocular pressure (but only in the early stages);
  • degenerative changes in the vitreous body.

But before treating the eyes of the people, it is necessary to consult with the doctor to avoid complications.

What variety use in treatment?

In case of eye diseases, it is best to use, as it is able to stay in liquid state for a long time. But if you do not have acacia honey, you can take it.

How to apply?

How to treat eye diseases with honey? You can use healing delicacy inside, or applied externally. By applying honey for view, several rules should be followed:

  • take only;
  • strictly adhere to proportions;
  • be sure to breed a healing product;
  • increase the concentration of the solution gradually;
  • use only sterile tanks and materials;
  • keep therapeutic solutions in glassware in a cool place;
  • in addition to applying outdoor tools, use honey and internally.

Is it possible to drip honey into the eyes? Only if it is fresh (not older than six months). It is advisable to start processing from a river, and then move on drops.

At the same time, they delay the lower eyelid to the fingers of the left hand and guide the look up. Drip 1-2 drops on the conjunctiva with a pipette.

Then the finger presses the eyes with honey in the inner corner of the lower eyelid. Otherwise, therapeutic solution can find out through the nose.

Exterior means

Folk remedies from honey have a beneficial effect on vision, even if they are applied to the skin.


Recipe 1. In water (250 milliliters), the delicacy is dissolved (5 grams). The remedy is used for loving, compresses and applications: well-dipped tampons are placed on the eyes for 20-30 minutes. You can use a healing solution for washing or driving into the eyes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day for one or two weeks. The remedy helps well with tears and pains.

Recipe 2. Aloe juice is added to the previous recipe (several drops) and insist in the dark for several hours. Compresses are used 2 times a day at a quarter of an hour. Recommended by burning and itching.

Recipe 3. Honey (5 grams) is added to the chamomile decoction, turning or cleanliness (250 milliliters). Make a stamp 4-5 times a day for one and a half weeks. Recommended with inflammation and redness of the eyes.


An effective result is capable of rendering an ointment:

  • The beekeeping product (4 grams) is stirred with onion juice (2 milliliters) and dandelion root juice (3 millilita). Insist 3 hours. Ointment allows you to improve vision.
  • Connect in equal ratios of honey and fish oil.
  • Ointment is laid out for century 2-3 times a day for a week.

Honey baths

The product is applied to the cervical area and rub on the skin before redness (about 5 minutes). Repeat 2-3 times. Then filled with a bath with warm water and plunge into it by a quarter of an hour. Baths are recommended to receive 2 times a week, which will allow the crystal of the eye by all the necessary nutrients.

Internal reception

In preventive purposes, it is recommended to use honey for the eyes internally 2 times a day (in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime). The delicacy is gaining in a tablespoon and resolve in the mouth until complete dissolution. The remedy will strengthen the walls of the eye vessels, improves visual sharpness and prevents the development of eye diseases.

Also before going to bed you can drink honey water.

Folk recipes

Eye honey preferably pharmacy drops:

  • suitable not only for adults, but also for children;
  • less often causes allergies;
  • it is much cheaper.

Honey water treatment

Effective action is capable of rendering honey water for the eyes. This amazing agent eliminates inflammation, relieves pain, thumb and burning, returns eye pressure to normal, improves eyesight.

How to cook honey water? It is necessary to dissolve the useful sweetness (20 grams) in boiled water (250 milliliters). Therapeutic agent is taken inside (before bedtime), used for washing the eyes, for rings, compresses and as drops.

Treatment with honey droplets

You can prepare drops in several recipes (depending on the purpose):

Recipe 1. Dilsert honey with water in a three-time volume. The fluid solution is stored in the refrigerator. Used in cataract and increased intraocular pressure.

Recipe 2. Bee nectar is diluted with water in a twofold volume.

Recipe 3. Honey and water are taken in the ratio of 1:10. Apply with eye fatigue.

Recipe 4. In water (200 grams), a acacia or product is dissolved (9 grams). Drip 1-2 drops twice a day. Apply for tears, burning and cutting in the eye area.

You can combine honey for treating eyes with other means:

  • From the apple remove the core with the pulp, so that the semblance of a cup is formed. Then poured the cavity with honey (better linden) and leave for 3 days. The resulting honey juice is used to bury the eyes.
  • A sheet of 2-3-year-old aloe is placed on 8-9 days in the refrigerator. Then the sheet is cut into pieces and squeeze the juice from it. Juice in equal proportions are stirred with a bee nectar (better than Akaciyev) and put on 5 days in the refrigeration chamber. Drip three times a day. Apply with inflammation and fatigue of eyes, insufficient nutrition and hemorrhages.
  • Boil the egg and cut into 2 parts. Remove the yolks and honey poured into the liberated space. The halves are connected and baked for about 30 minutes. The resulting solution is dripped (2 drops) 2 times a day for a week.
  • The dry grass of chamomile (5 grams) is poured with boiling water (liter) and leave it to be for 20 minutes. In the effects of the infusion dissolve honey (10 grams). I bury 2 times a day, after which it is recommended to lie down with closed eyes 10-15 minutes. Drops will remove redness, we will have a disinfecting and soothing effect.
  • Squeeze juice from one bulb and stirred it with honey (5 grams), a little boiled water is added.
  • Clover juice is connected to a bees nectar in a 1: 1 ratio. Drip twice a day. Apply when cataract.

With inflammation

With an ulcer of cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye and its inflammation will help honey water rows. In the warm solution, walked cotton discs and impose them to the eyes by a quarter of an hour 2 times a day.

With inflammation of the eyelids, you can use therapeutic infusion. For its preparation, water (200 milliliters), honey (5 grams) and geranium flowers are well stirred. Answer day. During the week, the solution is wiped before bedtime.

Under Katarakte

It is recommended to make drops on the first recipe. Hard eyes (2 drops) you need 2 times a day (in the morning and before bedtime) throughout the year without a break. You can also use drops with aloe and apple.

The compresses for which in 200 milliliters of water dissolve 10 grams of sweetness are used. Heat in a water bath minutes 5. Apply to centuries for a quarter of an hour 2-3 times a day.

In conjunctivitis

You can apply the same tools as when cataract.

When glaucoma

When glaucoma uses drops with disasts of chamomile and cooked with eggs.

Drops can be alternating with compresses. The dried nettle (30 grams) is stirred with lily of the valley (2-3 grams) and poured with water (250 milliliters). Increase for 12 hours in the dark. Make compresses 2 times a day for 10 minutes. Procedures repeat 7-10 days.

There is another good tool. Mix a delicacy with juice sharply in a ratio of 1: 1 and eat, drinking with milk, 2 times a day of 10 grams before adopting food.

With a belly on the eye

To get rid of Belm, you will need eye drops with honey and onion juice. Drip twice a day before the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

To remove fatigue

To relieve fatigue and severity, prepare drops on the third recipe. In the eyes drip in the morning for two weeks.

With high intraocular pressure

At elevated pressure, honey eye fluid prepared on the first recipe. Drip one drop for 10 days.

Dry pressure and compresses from dry medicinal herbs are capable of lower. Mix birch leaves, horsetail grass, vegetables and turns (one part), plantain leaves and mother-and-stepmother grass (2 parts). Brewed boiling water (half liters) and insist in a thermos 12 hours. Add honey (10 grams). Tampons, wet in the infusion, apply to the eyes 3-4 times a day.

Cosmetic problems

Natural product will benefit and with dark circles, bruises around the eyes, the appearance of "goose paws". He will get rid of dryness, smooth wrinkles, whiten the skin, give her freshness and velvety.

Many species of masks for the skin around the eyes are known. Apply them for a quarter of an hour. Procedures are repeated daily within 2-3 weeks, making 1-2 weeks.

With Hercules flakes. Beesh nectar is stirred in equal proportions with flakes and apply to the face of the face.

With parsley. Squeeze juice from parsley (10 milliliters) and stirred it with the same amount of grapes or avocado oil. Add honey (5 grams). The mask has a whitening effect.

With citrus juice. Stirred honey (5 grams) with the same amount of citric or orange juice or with lemon essential oil (2-3 drops). Lemon perfectly whiten the skin, removes dark circles and bruises.

With cucumber. The cucumber is crushed in a blender either with a grater or squeeze juice from it. Stirred with bees nectar in a 1: 1 ratio. The mask is bleaching and refreshing the skin, and if you cool it, it will eliminate fatigue from the eyes.

With protein. Sweet amber (20 grams) melted on a water bath and stirred with a protein from one egg. Add wheat or corn flour, thoroughly stirred. This mask is an excellent tool to deal with wrinkles.

With oatmeal. Connect in the same oatmeal ratios, strong tea (green or white) and honey, add a bit of water and heated. The mixture is applied to the whole face, including the skin around the eyes. Tea can be replaced with milk and butter. The mask will cleanse the skin from pollution, remove toxins, reduce wrinkles.

With banana and cream. Stir into blender or mixer banana (half), honey (10 grams) and cream (20 grams). Add lemon or rosewood oil (6 drops). The mixture is distinguished by an unusually tender and lightweight consistency, perfectly smoothes wrinkles.

With aloe. Aloe leaf for about 10 days withstand in the refrigerator, and then squeeze juice from it. Stirred in an arbitrary proportion with honey. Mask stops inflammatory processes and smoothes wrinkles.

With essential oils. The bee nectar (10 grams) is stirred with essential oil incense (1-2 drops), almond oil (5 grams) and grape bones (10 grams), essential essence of dill seeds (2 drops). The agent is great fighting wrinkles.

With cosmetic oils. The eye honey is stirred with any oil (almond, peach, avocado, olives, grapes) in a 1: 2 ratio. The mask has a moisturizing effect.

With avocado. Connect sweet amber with chopped flesh avocado in equal proportions. Optionally add lemon, orange or lavender oil (1-2 drops). The tool perfectly moisturizes the skin.

With potatoes. Potatoes are drunk and kneaded in a puree, stirring with honey in any proportions. Optionally add cream or egg protein. This mask will provide skin cells with nutrients.

With cream. Connect cream, olive oil and honey in the same ratios. Mask will have a nutritious action.


It is impossible to use honey with individual intolerance to the products of beekeeping, asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema of light, cardiac and pulmonary failure, as well as at high body temperatures.

Video on the topic

22-02-2012, 19:13


Eye- This is an organ of view, thanks to which we see the world around. Eyes are in the eyeballs of the skull. The diameter of each eye is about 25 mm, the weight of 7-8 of the eye is protected by centuries and eyelashes.

In front of the eye there is a pigmented rainbow sheath or iris, adjusting the amount of light penetrating the eye.

It contains muscles that are reduced with bright light and reduce the hole of the pupil, thereby reducing the light flux penetrating into the eye, and at twilight relaxes, so that the piping hole increases, passing more light. The iris is a lens that collects the light and directing it to the retina located on the back wall of the eye. The crystal focuses the luminous flux assembled by them on the retina, creating a clear image on it.

When you need to consider objects located on a different distance from the eye, the eye muscles deform the lens, changing its curvature and, therefore, the focal length in such a way as to still get a clear image on the retina. It often happens that the lens cannot be equally correctly focused on the image of items located at different distances.

If the ability to clearly see distant items is broken, They talk about myopia and are used to correct such vision glasses with concave lenses. If a person knows the objects well, located close to the distance, they talk about the far-sightedness and correct such a defect with the glasses with convex lenses. The lack of the refractive ability of the eye, when due to the inhomogeneity of the refraction of light on the retina, the vague image of the subject under consideration is called astigmatism. Correction is made using special glasses.

The retina is filled with a large number of photosensitive cells that perceive the light falling on them and transmitting the corresponding signals nerve endings. The photosensitive cells are two species and are called according to their shape with chopsticks and columns. Their functions are different. Thanks to the wands, more sensitive than the columns, we see at dusk. With the help of the colums, we perceive the color and see, mainly in the daylight.

Exist three views of columsSensitive to the three main colors of the spectrum: red, green and blue. The most clear image occurs in the central messenger of the retina, where the highest quality cells are located. The retina does not have photosensitive cells only on the only small area. In this place - a blind spot - all nerve fibers of the eyes are connected together and go to the optic nerve, transmitting signals from the eye to the brain. Each cell perceives only a small point image.

In order to arise a single picture of the surrounding world, the brain must analyze and bring together thousands of individual details, perceived by the eye.

Six strong muscles join the eyes with the bones of the skull and lead it in motion. Any of these muscles can function independently, but most often they work together.

Muscle groups of both eyes, as a rule, act synchronously, so the eyes move coordinated.

Protect the surface of the eye and maintain its humidity tears produced by tear glands. Ombol with eyeball, tears flow through two small tear ducts located in the inner corners of the eyes.

In the eye, As part of the visual analyzer, also includes the visual nerve and visual core centers of the brain. Sometimes congenital underdevelopment of the eye or its parts, having hereditary reasons or arising from the effect on the fruit of various harms of factors. Most often, this is due to the disease of the mother during pregnancy. Outdoor parts of the eye are available to hit microorganisms, as well as for physical "and chemical impact, which can lead to inflammation of the edge of the eyelid (blepharitis), mucous membrane (conjunctivitis), cornea (keratitis). If eye damage, severe consequences are possible - a sharp decline in sight and Even blindness. The serious consequences are fraught with stupid items, chemical burns are very dangerous in their consequences.

To preserve good vision, it is necessary:

Keep your eyes from dust, smoke and wind;

Do not watch for a long time on the same subject or small items;

Refrain from overflowing the stomach and from wine;

Avoid hobbies poorly digestible food: fish, coarse meat, bow, garlic, basil, ripe olives, dill, cabbage and lentils, acute food. Cabbage causes turbidity of vision, although it is sometimes put in ointment for eyes;

Portige to visit the bath;

Avoid strong crying;

Avoid frequent sexual intercourse;

Avoid prolonged sleep on the back, sleep on a crowded stomach, too long sleep and too long awake.

Eye diseases are treated with various methods:summies, drops, hygienic measures, power supply and exercise.


* Regularly wet the eyes of Anis's infusion.

* Regularly make a grenade juice with a pomegranate juice, squeezing it with the flesh and welding with honey in the oven.

* With vision disorder, it is useful to drink carrot juice or eat daily 10 berries rowan for two weeks. You can use in this case and infusion of rowan berries.

* To improve weak visibility: For 100 days, drink a decoction from 100 g of a lamb liver, eating her. Do it better in the morning or at lunch for 30 minutes. before meals. If there is no bay lance, you can use beef, but it acts weaker.

* To improve view: 2 times a day, rinse your eyes with the infusion of herbs of orders or apply compresses from this infusion. At the same time, take inside the infusion of 2 tbsp. l. Or powder from this grass taken at the knife tip. When the Eye of the Eye passes, you need to blow into the eye to the eye of the sugar powder, if the eyes are blushing after that, the procedure should be temporarily stopped. In the same way you can treat Belmo.

* When impaired violations on the nervous soil: weld the chicken egg, cut it in half and the protein half factor to impose on a sore eye for a few minutes so that the protein fits tightly to the skin around the eye, but did not touch the eye itself.

* The dosage bandage on the eyes of the Coriander leaves is a good means of preventing eye diseases.

* Eyes are washed with fresh clover juice.

* From the dill prepare eye water: 1/2 art. l. A dill powder to boil in 1 cup of water and rinse with this decoral eyes 2-3 times a day. Even better there are steam baths for eyes from the brave of dill or its powder.

* Using fresh fennel seeds, you can improve vision, because it opens the blockage.

* If the lily root is put on the eyes, it improves and clarifies vision.

* Chicken blindness (loss of vision in the evenings) is more likely to have black-eyed people with a narrow pupil. This patient is allowed to eat hypoly syrup and dry root in the form of powder, it is advisable to drink a little old wine for better assimilation.

* In the treatment of cornea's cornea ulcers, hardening the juice of the plantain leaves 1-2 drops 3 times a day.


Belmo (Lakes)- Resistant torment of the cornea. It develops most often as a result of various inflammatory diseases or corneal injuries. Congenital turbidity is observed less often.


* For the treatment from Luma patients with a "loose body", it is recommended to make long-lasting hot water karticles and swim in a hot bath. Very well helps washing the patient with marine foam.

* Soased Belmo is treated by parires, kneading and ointments with the addition of infusion. Mazi is applied to the eye in the bath. And if it does not help, an ointment of a deer horn is used.

* For the treatment of Luma, it is necessary to dig a 1 drop of fresh bivitsa fir on the eye every day. With severe eye burning, they are not lost and not frightened - this is a natural reaction of the body. With this method of treatment, even the soased Belmo is absorbed.

* When the hazard is the hazard of the formation of Belm, onions, mixed with honey are used as a prophylactic agent: 1 medium bulbide juice dilute in 1 cup of boiled water, add 1 dec. l. Honey and thoroughly stirred. The resulting composition is injected into the eye.

* Rinse 1 cup of red rainworms, decompose with layers, sprinkle with sugar each layer, put up with good sunny weather in the glassware in the sun and keep until the liquid mass is formed in the dishes. After that, the liquid is filtered several times until it becomes transparent. The resulting liquid should be bought into the eye of 1 drop 2-3 times a day for two weeks. If the improvement is insignificant, after a week, treatment should be repeated, replacing sugar with salt. If there are no worms with sugar or salt with sugar or salt in a saucepan (bowl) in the oven at low temperatures also before the formation of liquid mass.

* This method helps with eye diseases such as Belmo and Cataract, even quite so-old. Castle worms in May or July, in June, during the period of reproduction, they become poisonous. Therapeutic effect of worms is associated with the content of biologically active substances in their organisms.

* Belmo can be removed, lubricating it with honey mixed with rascal grains of wild poppy.

* To remove the belma, cut in loaf just a baked rye bread hole on the diameter of a glass and put in this hole glass upside down. When a glass is from the inside, the wicking is made to collect and bury every day in a sore eye.


Glaucoma- Chronic eye disease, the main sign of which is to increase intraocular pressure. Due to various reasons, most often due to vascular and vascular-nerve disorders, the circulation of fluid in the eye is broken, its outflow deteriorates. This, in turn, leads to the accumulation of intraocular fluid and the rise of intraocular pressure. One of the early signs of the developing glaucoma - the appearance when looking at the sources of light of the apparent rainbow circles around these sources, the contours of the examined objects are seen fuzzy. Sorely glaucoma can not wear dark glasses, it is impossible to take preparations atropine, as they can raise intraocular pressure.


* When glaucoma drinks the infusion of a mixture of herbs: ordinary souls - 35.0 g, - White mistletoe herbs - 35.0 g, ordinary blossomy - 30.0 g 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals. Infusion is prepared as follows: 2-3 tbsp. l. Mixtures fill in a thermos 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 1-2 hours, strain.


Cataract- clouding lens eyes. Normal lens is completely transparent. The main role in the development of cataracts, in all likelihood, plays a disorder of a lens, leading to its turbidity. By 50 years, the crystal loses elasticity.

The ciliary muscle seems to be working, and the lens does not change the focus.

Muscle overvoltage, and so starving due to blood flow reduced with age, leads to an overwork. That is why many who even wear well-chosen glasses are quickly tired, they often have a headache.

Cataract development promotes diabetes mellitus, long-term eye diseases (inflammation of the vascular shell, retinal detachment, myopia, glaucoma, etc.), eye injuries, as well as long-term operation at high temperatures.

For the treatment of cataracts, it is necessary to choose the moment when the head does not hurt, otherwise the brain sheath tumor may occur.

The patient should not cough and irritate: irritation and rage contribute to the return of cataracts.


* Prepare an infusion of calendula medicinal flowers: 3 h. Dry crushed flowers pour 0.5 liters in the thermos of 0.5 liters of boiling water, to insist 1-2 hours, strain and drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day. This same infusion is used for washing the eyes.

* Pouring a fresh valerian root into a jar with a capacity of 80-100 ml and pour 75% alcohol for 10 days. Before bedtime, inhale valerian couples through the nose several times.


Conjunctivitis- Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelids and the eyeball. Its occurrence is promoted by polluted air, dust, smoked, poorly ventilated room, tense visual work with poor lighting, defective points optical flaws of eyes, diseases of the nose and throat, metabolic disorders, alcoholism, etc.

Conjunctivitis- an infectious disease that can move from the patient to healthy when using common towels, dishes, etc.


* When conjunctivitis, you can make a row from the Drug Altea. Pour 1 cup of cold boiled water 3-4 tbsp. l. crushed root and insist 8 hours. You can also pour 1 glass of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. Leaves and colors of Altea and insist 30 min. In addition, you can apply to the eyes of the leaves of the bones of the strawberry.

* Installing the infused infusion of tea mushroom helps with pneumococcal conjunctivitis, chronic bluffar conjunctivitis, launched forms of purulent carotes. Treatment time this method is accelerated by 3-4 days compared to other methods of treatment.

* To purify the eyes, it is recommended to drink a mixture of informs of blueberry herbs and hops with a young month. Infusion can be prepared as follows: mixes equal part of the grass of blueberries and hop cones. Brew 1 glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. Mixtures and insist, shitting, 1 hour. Drink 3 throat 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals.

* Summons on the eyes of a dog bile remove a tumor and pus.

* When isolation from the eye of the pus, use the gums from the decoction or infusion of a rose hips. Brew 1 glass of boiling water 2 hours. Berries, warm on low heat 5 min. And insist 30 minutes.

* With a thickening of the eyelid, lubricate them with the infusion of dry rose petals. Roses also help with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, if removed the white tips of the petals, for the preparation of inflammable 1 cup of cold boiled water 1 tbsp. l. Rose petals and insist 6 hours. or brew 1 glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. petals and insist 30 min.

* With a decrease in visual acuity and inflammation of the LAZ mucous membrane, the fresh berries of cherry, used inside and in the form of a pulp of pulp.

* When inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye helps the rods from the infusion of flowers of the blue cornflower. Brew 1 cup boiling water 1-2 h, l.
Flowers, insist 1 hour. and strain. With therapeutic goal, completely blossomed flowers of cornflowers without baskets are used.

* When inflammation of the eye, rinse them with influence of the following composition: brew in 1/2 cup boiling water Agava sheet, insist for 1 hour, add 1 dec. l. Honey and well stir.

* When highlighting a pus from the eyes: I need to tempt the knife and hang the liver goat over coals. When the juice began to stand out from it, sprinkle it to the Indian salt with long pepper. This composition should smear the eyes. Sometimes the liver is cut with wide stripes, fold them with layers: a layer of long pepper, a layer of liver, fry in the cast iron, but not fried too much, push the juice and lubricate the eyes with these juices. Also come with a haresty liver.

* Even better than the liver, the lubrication of the eye with honey with the addition of alum or ammonia is.

* When eye inflammation (blepharitis, conjunctivitis), rinse your eyes with dilutes1m of the juice juice or making a mow of the infusion of the cherry flowers: 1 tsp. Flowers pour 1 cup cold boiled water and insist for 8 hours.

* You can make a rumor from the ragger of the root of the hoofing: brew 1 glass of boiling water 5 g of chopped root, hold on low heat for 15 minutes. And insist 30 minutes.

* It is useful to rinse sick eyes with a leaf decoction of linseed grass or gathering from the grass of flaxwood, flowers of cornflower and flowers of ease: take 20 g of every grass, mix, pour the collection of 2 glasses of boiling water, insist 8 hours. And straighten or apply such a decoction in the form of a rice or Drops. This reduces inflammation, eliminates shoi and improves eyesight.

* For a risk or washing, you can also use the infusion of plantain seeds: 10 g of pounded seeds pour 1 glass of boiling water and insist 30 min; Or a solution for washing the eyes: 1 part of the grass of the chamomile diskidal pour 20 pieces of boiling water and insist 1 h.

* For the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane, pour into the glass dishes 10 g of the seeds of the plantain (2 hours l.), Pour them 2 hours l. Cold water, shake, add 90 ml (6 tbsp.) boiling water, shake again, withstand to cooling, strain and apply in the form of a mow.

* Dilute bee honey warm (no higher than 45 ° C) boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2 and use as eye drops and rods during conjunctivitis, keratitis and corneal ulcers. Simultaneously with the local application, honey and inside can be used (it has a stuffing effect and a diverse positive effect on organs of vision. At the same time, the adaptation of the eyes to the dark, visual acuity, color vision and expands the field of view). The effectiveness of treatment is increased, if used in blueberries and rowan red with honey, carrot cocktail with honey, Chinese lemongrass with honey, sea buckthorn juice with honey, as well as raw carrot salad with walnuts and honey.

* With other inflammation of the eyes, as well as with fresh cataracts to make bulls on the eyes of a 20% solution of honey: 1h. l. Pure honey for 1 cup of water and boil 5 min. On low heat.

* With pain in the eyes: Applying a sparkling grass of Celebre with honey or a decoction of grass Celebre with honey. Brew 1 glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. Herbs, warm on small fire 5 min., Insist 20 min., Strap, add 1 tsp. Honey and stir.

* When inflammation of the eye, making a bummer of donumana: brew 1 glass of boiling water 20 g of grass and insist 30 minutes.

* In chronic conjunctivitis, eat daily 1 tbsp. l. Fresh or dry blueberries. It also improves eyesight.

* Eye pain passes, if you hungry and breathe smoke through the mouth dried and burned Aloe leaves and rinse it with a decoction mouth: 1 glass of boiling water brew 1 tbsp. l. Grinding fresh aloe leaf and insist 30 minutes.

* When eye inflammation, apply a row of raspberry flowers: pour 1 cup cold boiled water 1 tbsp. l. colors and insist b h.

* With the eye tumor from the wound, apply a cold water heating pad or swab, moistened in cold water.

* Raw 0.5 liters of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. dry crushed flowers Blue cornflower, boil on low heat 10 min., Insolates half an hour - an hour, strain and use for washing eyes and rims with high fatigue, with conjunctivitis and blufarites,

* The decoction of the fenugreeka dissolves and communicates to the ripening of the tumor, the pain quenches. Pink oil also acts. Very helpful of a rumor of donon dollars of the drug and a fenugreek.

* With pain in the eyes as an analgeal agent, an egg whitewash can be used in the form of a row, whipped with water in which the poppy was cooked. You can add a fenugger. Well cleanses the eyes to instill egg squirrel or pair milk in them. Egg protein should not be removed for 1 hour, and milk must be removed soon after the instillation.

* When inflammation of the eye from the wind, use Pli Posh.

* When eye inflammation: cut in half a completely rotten apple, take out seeds from it, and attach the pulp to the inflamed eye.

* With patients, muddy, inflamed and flexible eyes, etc. Do eye aloe rods: Purple into a glass of aloe powder on the knife tip and pour hot water. This infusion is needed 3-4 times a day to diligently wash your eyes.

* The leaves of the grapeter with barley teples are applied in the form of a dosage bandage on swollen eyes,

* In case of eye diseases: Apply the rods from the steamed yarrow flowers in an acid kvass with honey.

* In case of eye diseases: Pour water into the eyes, in which there was a clean smooth river stone, taken in running water.

* With eye diseases, including those who are difficult to be difficult or completely incurable, a long-term injection of warm pair milk has been helped with simultaneous wetting with milk.


Trachoma- infectious chronic disease conjunctiva and cornea. It begins unnoticed and develops slowly. The first symptoms are the thoughts of the eyelids, their redness, feeling of the foreign body under the centuries. If the fuck does not treat or treat badly, gradually deform the edges of the eyelids, they begin to fuse or turn out, eyelashes grow incorrectly and injured the eyeball, the cornea is inflamed. Mutnets, visual acuity decreases sharply. Trachoma usually arises when non-compliance with the rules of hygiene and the absence of proper care of the face and eyes.


* For the treatment of trachomas, you need to pour a strong heat-hot-hot infusion from the leaves and young erections of black currant. The same infusion (decoction) should be drunk as tea many times during the day. Raw 1 liters of boiling water 5 tbsp. l. Leaves and young shoots, warm on low heat for 15-20 minutes. And insist 2 hours. The means is very effective.


Barley is a sharp purulent inflammation of the hair bag or a rowing gland at the root of eyelashes. Often appears in weakened people with reduced resilience of the body.


* Apply a compress from the prokobivashi on a gauze bandage or impose in the eyelid handkerchiefs, moistened in prostrip.

* Ring 5 leaves of the plantain large, rinse them in cold water and put in turn on the sore place, changing the leaves every 5 minutes. On the leaves of the plantain, you can make a heating or hot, welded with screwed egg and hold until the egg cools. The egg is not necessarily free from the shell - so warm in it will last much longer. After 2 hours. The procedure (a collection of sources, or from the plantain leaves, or heating with a boiled egg) repeat. And so several times a day. Barley soon matures and leaving.

* To get rid of barley, heat the linen seed in a pan, pour it into the handkerchief, tie a nodule and warm the sore place.

* At the beginning of the disease, wipe carefully barley or eyelid cologne.

* When barley, apply to the patient the place is broken down fresh root of the burdock.

* Effective folk remedy for barley: bow in the belt on 4 sides of the world and, straightening, put under the very eye (barley) Cushion, murkering conspiracy: "Shock, shock, on you cushion, honey mashed smoke, shock, shock, Sit on the top, the wind behaves, the sun priges, the bird will arrive, the grain turns off, it dispels into the light, the pit will be put in the pit, the pit on the edge of the earth, where people do not walk, and wolves are spent. And there is a dance around the patient, laughing at the same time.

Article from the book: Celebration. Folk Methods (Maznik, 2001)

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