Strong dandruff causes. Hormonal failure is one of the causes of dandruff on the head: how to treat? How to cure dandruff on the head at home - methods of treatment and my reviews

Translated by S. latin language "Dandruff" means "bran." And indeed, externally extended epidermis particles are similar to this product. Arises this phenomenon, as a rule, on the scale and characterized chronic flow. In some people, dandruffs on the head without treatment may not pass throughout life.

When dandruff, the skin may be overlooked and or vice versa - pathologically fat. In any case, the hair becomes thin, brittle and dull. For severe course Patology in patients may have gray-yellow spots and crusts on the skin.

Pathogenesis of dandruff today is not fully studied. However, most scientists believe that the cause of this disease is an infection. Namely - mushrooms genus Malassezia. Normally, they are part of a healthy microflora, live in the mouths. hair follicles and feed on the spree products of organic acids and skin fat.

In the presence of negative factors This fungus can start quickly and become excessively active. This, in turn, provokes an increase in the growth of epidermis cells and accelerate the process of eliminating skin cover. So, if healthy man The skin is updated for about a month, then a patient suffering from dandruff, this process takes about a week.

Increased activity pathogenic microorganisms May cause itching the scalp.

At the same time, combing the skin, the patient makes a microtrauma. As a result, further to this process can join infectious process, the consequence of which will be inflammation.

Causes and diagnosis of pathology

To the main factors that can cause a lot of dandruff on the head can be attributed:

It is noticed that the strongest big Dandruff manifests itself in the cold season. This is explained by the fact that this period a person is not exposed to UV radiation, which can destroy pathogenic fungi.

It is worth saying that too large dandruff It is very similar to dermatitis, microsporia, psoriasis, and many other dermatological diseases. That is why it is so important not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, but to go to a qualified doctor. IN this case He will hold a thorough inspection, and then assign:

If a patient has a lot of dandruff, then after that, the consultation of the immunologist, an infectiousnessist and a gastroenterologist may be needed. Only after that the doctor will be able to understand what to do with the patient in a concrete case.

Traditional therapy

After identifying negative factors that have become an impetus for the development of the pathological process, all necessary measures To eliminate them. To this end, the patients need to undergo the treatment of the main disease, change the lifestyle and care of the scalp.

In any case, patients must follow their nutrition. In their diet should be a large number of Products containing vegetable fiber, zinc and vitamins of group B. It is recommended to limit or completely eliminate fried, smoked, sweet, salty and fatty dishes. The same rule concerns alcohol, strong coffee and tea. The use of vitamin and mineral complexes and water consumption in large quantities is welcomed.

Hair shampoo must be a specialized, aimed at treating dandruff. It is better if the patient buys it in a pharmacy, and it will contain antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components. So, the preparations are effective:

  1. Dermazol.
  2. Loworded.
  3. Sulsena.
  4. Vichy.
  5. Musmale.

In deferred cases, the use of caratolytic drugs may be required. For example, salicylic acid. If the pellow flakes are too tightly adjacent to the skin, dermatologists recommend first to apply vaseline or any cosmetic oil. It will help soften the scales and contributes to their separation.

After that, the hair is thoroughly washed. When the head is completely dry, medications should be applied to the skin, as part of which there is a nipper and ketonazole (lamisyl, lowland). Sometimes it may be necessary to receive system antifungal drugs. If they do not bring the desired result, the doctor may appoint the therapy hormones (dexamethasone). For strong inflammation It is possible to use tablets from the NSAID group (diclofenac).

Physiotherapeutic procedures in this case will help improve blood circulation in the head of the head and normalize the process of delaying the cells of the epidermis. The greatest effect in this case can be achieved by cryoissage of the scalp and darsonvalization, during which follicle stimulation is carried out. By-effect Data procedures is to accelerate hair growth. Patients making these procedures quickly get rid of skin itch and inflammation.

Even if the patient has already completely got rid of the disease, it should have been used for 2 months to apply shampoos intended for the fight against abundant dandruff. In the future, these funds should be regularly used 1-2 times a month. Thus, you can prevent the risk of recurrence of pathology. These patients should be extremely gently changing hair care products. It is not recommended to abuse styling, chemical staining and twigs.

Folk treatments

The question of how to get rid of this pathology must consider experienced, qualified doctor. Folk remedies can also be used in severe dandruff therapy only after the survey.

People's methods of treating dandruff quite a lot. Here are some of them:

In conclusion, it is worth noting that all these folk masks, decoctions and lotions, as well as specialized pharmacyshould not be applied from time to time, and regularly. Only in this way you can achieve a really good, resistant effect.

The causes of dandruff in each individual case Can be completely different. Most often, the source of the appearance of such a problem with the skin of the head is the weakening of immunity and hormonal malfunctions in the body, but factors that can become a decisive impetus for the development of pathology, a huge set. Anyway, to prevent the disease and not shy your hair, you need to know about where the dandruff is taken.

Proceed to the treatment of this dermatological disease And a serious cosmetic flaw can, only having understood with the sources of the problem. Search true reasons Causes difficulties also because unpleasant seborrheic scales on the head can spoil appearance Man at any age, regardless of gender. It is believed that dandruff does not appear:

  • in children under 12 years;
  • persons over 50 years old.

The mechanism for the formation of pathological particles on the head can be explained by the peculiarities of the regeneration of the skin. Ideally, this process takes place for each healthy person, the surface layer of the epidermis is updated every 30-40 days. When the body for any reason gives a failure, skin cells begin several times faster. The increased amount of damaged scales accumulates on the head, after which they are extended by large flakes.

But why dandruff appears and what serves as the main impetus for accelerated cell die - on this moment Science cannot definitely answer. Almost 150 years ago, scientists were able to prove that the pathology of the head of the head occurs as a consequence of the life of the fungus. Derma is an ideal microflora for the settlement of various kinds of bacteria: and useful, and harmful.

Why does Sebori appear?

1. Changes in metabolism - one of the factors.

When the balance is broken and pathogenic microorganisms becomes more, disorders occur in song hardware. Dandruff and itching the scalp arises due to the increase in the number of the executed secret, which is best nutrition For fungi. Metabolic disorders - one of the most frequent reasons Development skin disease. One should not be wondering why dandruff appeared on the head if at least one of the following reasons had a place for the origin of metabolic imbalance:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • frequent overeating;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • compliance with rigid limiting diets and starvation.

2. Lack of hygiene or its excess - the factor of the occurrence of seborrhea.

Features of the appearance of scaly particles, as a rule, do not communicate with the frequency of passage hygienic procedures. It is noted that the head is strongly drawn, anyone can: and those who bathe regularly, and those who approach the born process occasionally. At the same time, constant washing does not allow the protective lipid layer of the hasty part to be held on the surface of the curls. It suggests the elemental conclusion: the more often wash the shampoo natural fatty cover, the faster sebaceous glands Start restoring a new protective shell. In this case, there is an overload in the functioning of the sebaceous glands and seborrhea occurs.

Meanwhile, neglected by the wash of the head or making it extremely rare, a person creates all the conditions for the accelerated accumulation of a seven. When mixed with oroging cells of the epidermis, the first signs of seborrhea appear. Strong dandruff, conjugate with peeling and itching, gives a lot of discomfort and aesthetic problems.

3. Problems of fatty and dry type of scalp.

Dry skin of the head is also considered one of the most common factors of seborrhea. The reasons for the formation of dandruff lumps in increased peeling upper layers Derma. Most often, such manifestations find the surprise owners of dry scalp in winter time year due to insufficient fluid consumption, use heaters that dries air. Distinctive feature - No stickiness. As soon as she appears, a person can immediately learn about it on the dressed up "snow".

Oily skin can also play a more significant role in the development of pathology. Due to the stickiness of the abundant sealing substance, larger dandruff compounds occur. Slossing head skin often provokes more serious diseasewhich often serves the cause of itching - seborrheic dermatitis.

Possible pathology

Chronic diseases - another confirmed potentially dangerous factor. Seborrhea's head occurs most often due to the flow of the following pathological processes in organism:

  • nervous overvoltages, stress, protracted depressions;
  • regular lathers;
  • continuous execution excessive exercise;
  • diseases of neurological etiology;
  • allergic skin reactions;
  • dermatological pathologies (eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies leading to intoxication;
  • weakened immunity.

Disease in men and women

Despite the fact that dandruff can appear both in men and women, dermatologists allocate the features of the development of pathology, characteristic of each floor. In particular, Seborrhea in women arises simultaneously with significant hormonal interruptions. Paulic ripeningThe period of pregnancy and menopause are the main stages of rebuilding in the body that can lead to the formation of white scales on her hair. Often, dandruff in women appears due to inept care in pursuit of beauty. Negatively on the state of hair and scalp skin reflects the effects of a hairdryer, coloring substances, means for laying and fixing hairstyles.

Medical practice suggests that men are at risk of occurrence of illness to a greater extent compared to women. Here also a predetermining role in the occurrence of the disease belongs to hormones. Great amount The testosterone produced by the body has an impact on the operation of the sebaceous glands, which, by the way, is superior to female.

Formation and maturation young youth in puberta period - One of the main reasons for the manifestation of seborrhea. At the stage of growing hormonal background Teenager also contributes to the emergence of other dermatological problems. Acne acne And dandruff are a consequence of the blockage of the sebaceous glands, which occurs throughout the body of the teenager.

Seborrhea, caused age features young male organismIn most cases, no extraneous intervention and specific treatment. Dandruff passes alone as soon as the level of the thrown hormones is stabilized. This usually happens to 20-25 years.

How to get rid of dandruff?

Deciding why Seborrhea arose, it is important to start the treatment in order to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. It is possible to get rid of a strong dandruff and itching with medicinal and folk agents. The doctor will help determine the treatment of seborrhea. Self-medication can bring a lot of harm and only aggravate the patient's situation. The long therapeutic process is also important to start with fundamental measures:

  • radically revise the diet;
  • carefully approach the choice of cosmetic products and passage procedures;
  • news healthy image Life.

Traditional treatments are the use of special antifungal shampoos. Line pharmacy drugs, accessible to today everyone, includes a lot of relevant medicinesaimed at eliminating dandruff and itching.

Best pharmacy means

The doctor, assigning a specific drug, is guided by its composition. The main components that possess the most effective action against seborria:

1. ketoconazole. Antifungal agentwhich quickly and reliably copes with the causative agent of seborrhea. It is present as part of such shampoos as a nipper, dermaazole, neoto-farm, semozol, etc. However, with long use, fungal microorganisms can be adapted to its effects, which affects the final result.

2. Bifonazole. In contrast to the above active substance This component does not cause addiction. It is contained in antifungal lotions, in particular, in a befeon.

3. Salicylic acid. The antiseptic effect allows you to eliminate the manifestations of seborrhea, that is, the dandruff itself, but the substance is not able to eliminate the fungus. Sulsen Pasta is the most famous and convenient preparation in its composition of salicylic acid.

4. Zinc pyrithione. It has sufficient antibacterial effect. Present in many healing shampoos, one of them is keto plus.

5. Birch tar In the complex with gray. Frederm shampoo is the most common item in a piece of prescription patients with dandruff. At the first manifestations of seborrhealis, it can be quite enough to determine it.

Literally a few decades ago, the choice of pharmacy preparations was not so wide. To cure dandruff, men and women had to contact the secrets folk Medicine. Despite the fact that doctors relate to alternative treatment With a considerable share of skepticity, in most cases it is often included in the basic therapy scheme as an auxiliary method.

People's methods to combat dandruff

Before using the tool cooked according to one of these recipes, it should be consulted with a doctor about security.

1. Vodo-leek mask is prepared from juice on Luka and vodka. Prepare the tool is necessary, based on the ratio: on 2 tbsp. l. alcohol 1 tbsp. l. Low liquid. Rub into the roasting zone and skin of the head before washing, leaving for 10 minutes.

2. Also effective from dandruff countdown low husk. Bay 1 liter of boiling water 50 g of dry agent, give it to him about an hour. After washing as a rinse, apply 2 times a week.

3. Calendula's infusion prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. Collection of two glasses of boiling water, it is necessary to rub the hair after washing the hair. Leave to impact half an hour, then rinse warm water without shampoo. Conduct a procedure for a couple of times a week.

4. Get rid of seborrhea, itching the skin and dry hair will help the ray or castor oil, mixed in equal amounts with a calendula tincture. You need to rub such a medicine 15 minutes before washing the head.

Dandruff is dead skin cells. Normally, they are present on the head and in their hair constantly, but in small, almost inconspicuous quantities.

Important! If you notice a lot of white scales on your head, they are noticeable, and you can not remove them, even having frowning your head - most likely, it says about the presence of such a disease, like seborrheic dermatitis.

Seborrhea is associated with a violation of the sebaceous glands. They begin to allocate too much or vice versa too little skin salary, and this leads to the emergence of a plurality of detached cells of the scalp.

Causes of dandruff

What to do and what to treat?

Many ignore the appearance of dandruff, thinking that it will pass by itself. This is not true. With a long seborrhea on its background, others may develop unpleasant consequences: for example, hair loss. Therefore, seborrheic dermatitis must be treated.

Important! Will never be superfluous to visit a trichologist's doctor who will definitely determine the causes of your seborrhea and will appoint competent treatment, individually suitable for you.

If you have such a possibility, you must choose a means against dandruff.

Pick shampoo for your hair type (fat, dry and normal).


Folk medicine is also able to help cope with dandruff. True, all natural resources are not so effective, and the result can make it wait for yourself. But in such funds there is nothing harmful and toxic.

Do not forget about oils. Very helpful and for the skin of the head, and for hair to rub the dip or castor oil.

Duration of the course of treatment

The course of treatment from seborrhea can last differently, depending on the state of your hair and on the effectiveness of treatment. Finite, any means, especially with chemical composition, it is not necessary to use continuously. Give your skin a break. Be sure to carefully read the instructions for the use of these funds, the course of treatment should be registered.

If you are using folk remedies, I do not wait for a quick result. Natural means Almost always act slowly than chemicals.

If a month later you do not even see the slightest changes - it makes no sense to try to cure something. Choose something more, more efficient for you. If you are trying to achieve a result for more than a month, but the dandruff is still much - it is better to contact a specialist who will help you in the fight against this unpleasant disease. Do not let your health on samonek.

Do not forget about periodic prophylaxis so that Dandruff could not return to you so simple. For example, Sulsen's paste, which has already been mentioned earlier, is recommended for use every six months for a month for prevention.

Be sure to use folk remedies. They are not always effective during treatment, but very useful to maintain the health of your hair and scalp. And, of course, always follow your hair, take care of them correctly and try not to harm yourself.

The condition of the hair is a reflection of your health. You will never have a gorgeous chapels if you do not take care of your body as a whole. And even such common and unpleasant diseaseAs Seborrhea, will pass by you by the side, if you follow the health of your hair and scalp.

Dandruff on the head can appear as a result of both external and internal factors. In this case, there is a so-called risk group - people who are more susceptible to the disease.

Dandress on the head (Medical name "Sebori") is not only a cosmetic problem, it can appear for a number of reasons and requires professional advice of a trichologist or dermatologist.

With absence timely treatment White flakes form a dense crust, which overlaps the oxygen access to the skin of the scalp. Follicle nutrition is broken, and the hair begin to fall out.

Symptoms and clinical picture problems

In case of disease, removable skin particles are peeled and become similar to bran. Actually, the name of the disease is translated from the Latin language. Dandruff becomes noticeable only when hundreds of oroging epidermis cells glued together. About 1000 their pieces constitute only one tiny white plate.

The following symptoms are indicated about the appearance of dandruff:

  • the formation of small "poroshi" on the hair, shoulders and top clothes, which is detached cells of the epidermis;
  • dry or, on the contrary, oily scalp, as a result of metabolic disorders;
  • dull, brittle hair;
  • itching on the hairpiece of the scalp and the appearance of the crust of the yellow-gray shade.

Dandruff can appear with improper skin care, hormonal disorders, in some diseases or inappropriate diet.

Types perchot

Depending on the intensity of the semination of the skin of the head of the head, two types of dandruff are distinguished: dry flakes appear on dry hair, while the glossy look has white flakes on the chapels, prone to fatty.

This type of disease occurs at the low intensity of the salo-waste. At the same time, exhausting particles of the epidermis are small and dry. They have appearance of powder and usually "scattered" on all hair or localized in the forehead and tephions.

Dry dandruff can also appear when sensitive skin Heads prone to irritation not only from the use of unsuitable hygienic and cosmetics, but even from dry air indoors. In this case, the phenomenon takes place in itself, after the external sources of its appearance are eliminated.

The cause of dry seborrhea may be disturbed water balance in organism. The human body constantly loses moisture, to replenish which is recommended on average drinking about two liters of warm net non-carbonated water per day.

To aggravate the situation with the disease can: stress, overheating or hair supercooling, long fatigue, reception hormonal drugs, lack of vitamins B6, B12, F and Selena, as well as the use of unsuitable hair care products.

Fat dandruff

Grease dandruff appears with an increased sickness of the scalp. It has a kind of fatty large flakeswhich fasten with each other, cling to hair and are badly combed.

The chapelur acquires a greasy look, and the skin itches. This is because fat fills out the sloping and sweat glands and provokes irritation of nervous endings. When fat decomposes and oxidized, stand out fatty acidwhich also cause the feeling of itching.

If you notice the tendency to the fatty skin of the scalp, especially if this phenomenon recently appeared, consult a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will identify the reasons for changing the skin properties and prescribe appropriate treatment. Unskilled therapy can harm the curls.

Frequent washing fat hair The problem does not decide, but, on the contrary, can aggravate it, because it provokes the increased work of the sebaceous glands.

For home care Use shampoos for fatty hair. Apply directly on their roots. Wash your head with warm water, avoiding intense massaging movements. Combing strands, try not to touch the scalp.

External factors of dandruff

Wrong head skin care

One of the frequent causes of the appearance of "white flakes" is wrong care Haired, including:

  • Frequent washing them.
    In the frequency of hygienic procedures should be moderation. When washing from the skin, a protective lipid film is washed off. After some time, the sebaceous glands form a new protective barrier, but if the head washed too often, they do not have time to fully perform their function. As a result, the skin dries up, which provokes the disease. Wash your head according to its degree of pollution. The optimal is the frequency of 1 time in 2-4 days. The more often washing, the silent must be shampoo.
  • Excessive use and incorrect selection of hair care products.
    Regular application of equipment for styling and coloring substances contributes to drying hair and provokes the formation of dandruff. Incorrectly selected cosmetics There may also be caused by the disease.

    Remember that styling tools are not intended for daily use.

  • Badwicked hair.
    Skin head is exposed annoying action poorly washed fine pieces of shampoo or balsam. Hard water is another reason for which the "white stovery" can occur. Mitigate its action can any acid rinse. Hygienic means It is necessary to thoroughly wash off under a large jet of warm water.
  • Hot laying.
    Regular laying of the chapels with iron and hair dryer promotes dryness of the epidermis. Therefore, as prevention, and, moreover, in the presence of the first signs of the disease, refuse hot laying.
  • The use of artificial or dirty combs.
    The best option is a wooden comb or brush with genuine bristles - such devices will not cause harm to the skin. The cleanliness of the tool is an important means Seborrhea prevention.


Bad ecology is another factor for the emergence and development of the disease. The effect of contaminated air, the use of products treated with pesticides and pesticides, we provoke a whole chain of diseases, including dandruff. With bad ecology, the head fungus can develop. In this case, the skin itches, and the hair becomes brittle.

Lower the impact of contaminated indoor air can help room flowers, air conditioners with good filters and air cleaners. Check the living room regularly and use only filtered water.

As for nutrition, if you live in a polluted zone, you will have to comply with strict rules when choosing products and cooking:

  • Broth with meat and fish after boiling twice.
  • Machine vegetables for 3-4 hours in salt water.
  • Mushrooms boil 10 minutes in boiling water, then drain the water. Repeat twice.

Such simple actions reduce the risk of organism contamination with radionuclides, insecticides, herbicides and other poisons.

Supercooling or overheating of the scalp

Regular walks in frost with uncoated head, as well as overheating skin coverlead to power impairment hair Lukovitz. The hair becomes thin, dry and begin to fall out.

Therefore, going out into the street in hot or frosty weather Do not forget to wear an appropriate headdress.

Internal causes of dandruff

Problems with the immune system

A favorable foundation for active development of a fungus that lives on the skin of the scalp is also reduced immunity. Fine life cycle Cells last a month, and with mushroom disease it is reduced to one week. As a result, a large number is going to the head of the head, and they form white flakes-flakes.

To strengthen the immune system:

  • Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals: a, b5, c, d, f, pp, selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine and manganese. They are contained in plant food of yellow and red, as well as black currant, rosehip, citrus, nuts, seeds and germinated cereals. Do not forget to eat seafood, dairy products and green tea.
  • Take herbal infusions And lemongrass, echinacea, ginseng and licorice. This can be done both with therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
  • Start. Swimming, pouring and adolescent shower greatly strengthen the body.
  • Choose an active lifestyle. For moderate physical exertion, any sport, dances or simulators will suit.
  • Let the body rest. Daily visit the time to relax and think about something pleasant or just to be in silence. This soothes nervous system And is good stress prevention.

Failures in the hormonal system

One of the reasons for the appearance of dandruffs are hormonal changes In the body during puberty - both floors, as well as during pregnancy and menopause - in women. Interestingly, as a result of restructuring hormonal system White scales can both appear and, on the contrary, disappear, if before that there was a cause of concern.

Diseases of gasts

Many diseases originate in working disorders gastrointestinal tract. Dandruff - no exception. In the event that the cause of its occurrence is fungus, you need to observe a strict diet. Favorite for fungus: Sweet, flour, oily, fried and smoked food. That is why problems with the skin of the head often arise in people who have listed taste addiction.

Unbalanced nutrition, lack of certain vitamins and microelements, excess proteins and fast carbohydrates, lead everything to the same dandruff.

Dandruff risk groups

For any disease, a substantial risk group. The risk group of perchotypes includes:

  • men, since their sebaceous glands produce more fat than women;
  • owners oily skin heads;
  • people with harmful habitssince alcohol and nicotine violate the metabolism;
  • people aged 10-14 to 40 years are due to the production of hormones;
  • people with reduced immunity Or those who recently suffered strong stress.

These people are more susceptible to the disease and must observe preventive measures To prevent it.

With dandruff necessarily you need to fight. This is not only aesthetic problem, but also a signal of violation in the work of the body. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, do not be lazy to consult a doctor, find out the cause of the phenomenon and get rid of it on time.

Why dandruff appears on the head: video

The problem with dandruff affects any person at least once in life, for some of us this problem is daily. We prepared a video to which the doctor dermatologist will tell in detail what the reason for the appearance of this ailment and methods to combat it.

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