Treatment of the house of abstinence syndrome during alcoholism. Abstineent syndrome with alcoholism - treatment, how long does

Today, people know a lot about how harmful is alcohol, what severe consequences For health, it can cause systematic use. One of the dangers faced by a person who decided to quit drink is an abstine alcoholic syndrome. Many people often hear about such a concept as alcoholic abstine syndrome, but few can correctly explain what is meant by this term. In the meantime, people inclined to abuse with alcoholic beverages, at least once in life, and to face this unpleasant syndrome, especially if suddenly decided to drink.

What it is

People suffering from alcoholism, as well as their relatives, it is important to understand what is an abstineent syndrome. Under it usually understand the condition of severe intoxication, which has developed on the background regular use Products containing ethanol.

Abstineent syndrome the signs of which are manifested by a set of physiological and psychological disorders It is considered classic for its current and meets most often.

The symptoms of the abstinence syndrome are usually well expressed, so the diagnostic search is not difficult. In some cases, this condition can create a significant threat to human life and health, and then to him in obligatory I need urgent honey help. The relief of the state of the patient is usually coming if it takes another dose of alcohol, but it is necessary to understand that the pathology from such methods of "treatment" is only aggravated.

It is believed that alcohol abstineent syndrome is a consequence of the exhaustion of the resources of the whole organism in general and the liver in particular. This means that the authority can no longer fight the toxic effects of ethanol, its active transformation into acetaldehyde, which is strong poison For the human body.


To better understand what is an abstine syndrome in chronic alcoholism, it is necessary to understand how this mechanisms are developing pathological condition. Norma ethanol, enrolling in human body, There is a splitting of two main ways: either using alcoholdehydrogenase, or with the help of catalase - special enzymes that ensure neutralization of this toxin. In the course of transformations, acetaldehyde is also formed, which is very harmful to the body and is responsible for the development of hangover syndrome.

If a person is healthy and uses alcoholic beverages not too regularly, the main load on the splitting of ethanol is accounted for by alcohol dehydrogenase, which forms fewer acetaldehyde. However, the amount of this enzyme is gradually depleted, and if chronic alcoholism Enters the catalase and others additional mechanisms Neutuality of a harmful substance.

As a result, acetaldehyde becomes more, and the damage caused by the body is expressed more and more.

Another important mechanism involved in the abstineent syndrome is a violation of dopamine synthesis. If on early stages The development of the addiction of this mediator is not enough, and it is replaced by alcohol, then in the later stages, if the use of alcoholic beverages stops sharply, dopamine begins to be produced, on the contrary, too much.

The abstine syndrome of the symptoms of which are directly related to the number of dopamine, is felt by a person, the sharper, the more it becomes in the body after refusing to take alcoholic beverages.

If the level of the mediator rises three or more times, the doctors speak already about full white hot.

Abstineent syndrome in alcoholics can continue for quite a long time. If the hangover disappears in a few hours, then in order to get rid of intoxicating the body requires more time and strength. Sometimes it takes up to several days.


Alcohol abstineent syndrome is taken to divide into three main stages, which depend on the severity of symptoms, the duration of the attack. These include:

  • The I stage accompanies the transition of chronic alcoholism from the first stage to the second, is usually expressed not strongly and develops after the swallows ongoing within a few days. Help assistance during this period to the patient is the easiest way, since the dependence has not yet formed to the end. Usually accompanied by sleep disorders, healing of heartbeat, sweating.
  • II stage usually accompanies the feeds with a duration of up to 10 days inclusive. It is characterized by a deterioration of symptoms that occur in the first stage, the addition of neurological symptoms.
  • III stage develops in the event that the blind lasted more than 10 days. Accompanied by the fact that not only neurological syndromes are developing, but also a variety of.

The manifestation may be at the attacks of aggression, the appearance of guilt, sleep disorders, etc.

Differences from hangover

Miscelter and alcohol abstinence syndromes are often confused by patients with each other. People tend to mistakenly believe that these are two terms for the designation of the same concept, but this is fundamentally incorrect. The fact is that the hangover is the body's response that can occur in any person consuming ethanol inside. At the same time, he does not have to be a winding alcoholic, he can generally try the drinks of this type for the first time in his life. Conduct with this state is usually possible without additional honey help.

Manifestations of abstinence alcohol syndrome Can resemble a hangover, but this condition is not characteristic of people who use alcohol rarely or for the first time in life.

A set of symptoms that manifest themselves in the development of this pathology is peculiar to wind alcoholics, which are used to drinking in large quantities, without worrying about own health and life. It occurs in the event that a person sharply moves to the abstinence from ethanol after its lengthy use. It is also important to remember that the removal of the abstinence syndrome often requires the intervention of professionals, which you can not say about.


The signs of the abstineent syndrome in many ways depend on what the individual characteristics of the body, as long and in what quantities a person is applied to the bottle. Basically, patients will be as follows:

  • redundant desire to drink again to improve your own state at least for a short time;
  • asthenia, feeling a lack of forces;
  • insufficient blasting skin Pokrov;
  • Against or without dizziness;
  • tremor (trembling) not only hands, but also the whole body;
  • attacks of tachycardia or arrhythmias that may be accompanied by sweating, losses of consciousness;
  • the change mental state as increased aggressiveness, the loss of the ability to find compromises and others.

Many of the listed features resemble a hangover, but are usually expressed much stronger .

The classic type of flow of the abstinence syndrome is white hot.

In this state, the patient is a danger to others, treatment of alcohol abstinence is required under psychiatric hospital.

Methods of therapy

Many are asked about what type of honey help is relevant with the development of a particular state in a patient inclined to alcoholism. It all depends on what the severity of the symptoms and how dangerous people are dangerous. If with the patient's hangover can help simply pills, then the treatment of abstineen syndrome with alcoholism is better to trust professionals.

If the abstineent syndrome has developed with alcoholism, the treatment of the house can be started with the use of drugs such as Alcoselser or Mediguronal. These drugs are able to effectively facilitate the patient's condition, especially if we provide it as additional conditions calmness abundant drink and healthy sleep.

Treatment at home is becoming impossible when alcoholism is chronic.

In this case classic drugs From the hangover effect will not be provided, hospitalization in the hospital is recommended. In the conditions of the hospital, the doctors will introduce salt preparations to the patient who can cope with intoxication. For example, a solution of glucose, refooliglukin, B vitamins or vitamin C in large dosages can be used.

How to facilitate the patient's condition if it is annoyed, dangerous for others? To do this, use such drugs such as relaigns, amitriptyline, sonopax in hospital conditions. Treatment of abstinal syndrome in the form of white hotness is not held at home, it is possible only in hospital conditions!

If the alcohol abstineen syndrome has developed treatment does not help get rid of alcoholism.

A medical worker usually does a special emphasis on it. However, helping therapy is still capable of: thanks to her the body is cleared, it can slightly decrease the thrust to alcoholic beverages. An important element Treatment is considered to be such a means of conversations with a psychotherapist. It is considered an important attempt to remind the person that the complete abolition of alcohol will have a positive effect on his life, insured from new hits to the hospital.

What is the danger

The treatment of alcohol abstineent syndrome should be carried out by professionals.

It is impossible to ignore this pathological condition, hoping that it will be held independently.

It is important to remember that against the background of the abstinence. Develop various violationsStarting from irritability attacks, and ending with the episodes of memory loss. Sometimes there is so irreversible violations that no medicine to improve the situation. Because of this syndrome, not only the nervous system is suffering, but also cardiovascular. The risk of diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, arrhythmic attacks increase greatly.

As a result, such pathologies are possible as hepatitis, and then cirrhosis. Treat hepatitis of alcoholic origin in modern conditions It is possible, but cirrhosis of the liver is a disease that differs not only by rapid progression, but also the lack of effective treatment to this day.

Abstineent syndrome is dangerous statewhose therapy requires the intervention of professionals.

If it is incorrect to choose drugs to improve the patient's condition or fully ignore the symptoms, the consequences can be unpredictable. Especially dangerous such a form of abstinence, like white hot. In suspected of its development, it is necessary to cause ambulance medical care!

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- Complex pathological symptomsArriving in alcoholics in case of refusing to eat alcoholic beverages. For manifestations resembles a hangover, however, differs from him a number of additional signs, including a duration. Develops only in patients with 2 and 3 stages of alcoholism, in the absence of alcohol addiction not visible. Accompanied by sweating, palpitations, hand shake, disruption of coordination of movements, sleep disorders and mood. Possible transition to alcoholic delirium (white hot). Treatment - infusion therapy.

Usually, early symptoms Preceded late, but this pattern is not always noted. In easy cases late symptoms may be absent. In some patients, late symptoms develop suddenly, amid satisfactory general status, in the absence of or weak severity early manifestations abstinence. Separate late symptoms can gradually reduce, without moving into alcoholic delirium. With the appearance of all signs and progression of late symptoms, white hot chuck develops. In some cases, the first manifestation of the abstinence becomes epileptic seizure, and the remaining symptoms (including early) are joined later.

4 variants of the flow of alcohol abstineen syndrome with a predominance of symptomatics from various organs and systems. This division has a big clinical meaningbecause it allows you to establish which organs suffered stronger as a result of the abstinence, and pick up the most effective therapy. This classification includes:

  • Nearegetal option. The most common variant of the flow of the abstinence syndrome, the "base" on which the remaining manifestations are "extended". It is manifested by sleep disorders, weakness, lack of appetite, rapid heartbeat, hesitations of hell, hand shake, edema, increased sweating And dry mouth.
  • Cerebral version. Vegetative disorders nervous system complemented by trimmed states, dizziness, intense headache and increased sensitivity To sounds. Possible seizures.
  • Somatic (visceral) option. Clinical picture formed due to pathological symptoms from internal organs. The light yellowness of the scool is revealed, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, pain in the epigastric area and heart area.
  • Psychopathological option. Dominate mental violations: anxiety, mood changes, fear, pronounced sleep disorders, short-term visual and auditory illusions that can move in hallucinations. Worsters orientation in space and time. Thoughts about suicide and suicide attempts are possible.

Regardless of the variant of the course of abstinence, this condition always accompanied by impaired psyche and patient thinking. During this period, all identity changes characteristic of alcoholism go to the fore, become "more convex", noticeable from the part. The inertia and the unproductiveness of the patient's thinking attracts attention. The patient does not perceive explanations and instructions, often acts and responds to the nefple, there are no lightness in his responses and speeches characteristic of ordinary informal communication. Humor and irony are missing or simplified and coated.

In young people, anxiety prevails, the elderly is a decline in mood. Patients feel hopelessness, suffer from a sense of guilt due to the inability to resist drinking alcohol and their actions committed in a state of intoxication. In some cases, panic attacks arise. The depression alternates with the episodes of the purposefulness caused by the increase in thrust to alcohol. In this state, patients without remrections of conscience are cheating relatives, open the locks or run away from the house through the balcony, they give up money from acquaintances and strangers, they make thefts and so on.

Treatment of alcohol abstineent syndrome

The treatment of abstinence syndrome is carried out by specialists in the field of narcology. Patients S. light shapes Abstinences can get the help of narcologist at home or outpatient. Treatment scheme includes intravenous drip infusion salt solutions, vitaminotherapy, disintellation therapy (intake inside of activated carbon), means to restore the functions of various organs and improve the activity of the nervous system. Patients are prescribed benzodiazepines - preparations that reduce the anxiety, have a sedative, sleeping pill and anticonvulsant effect and at the same time affect the vegetative nervous system, contributing to the elimination of vegetative violations., Alcohol depression) and when identifying the episodes of alcohol psychosis.

Patient assistance program in stationary conditions includes medical therapy. (Schema ambulatory treatment complemented by neuroleptics, anticonvulsant drugs, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, nootrops, means for correction of mental and somatic violations), special diet, and other non-drug methods of therapy. Treatment is carried out after the appropriate examination. Patients are under the supervision of a narcologist.


In easy cases, all phenomena of the abstinence syndrome without treatment disappear during up to 10 days, in treating without hospitalization (at home or outpatient) - in the period up to 5 days. The forecast for severe abstinence depends on the form of disorder, the severity of mental disorders and the severity of somatic pathology. Most heavy flow It is observed with the predominance of psychopathological symptoms and the transition to alcohol delirium. Neurovegetive and visceral options are easier and have a smaller duration.

It should be remembered that abstinence is a sign of an already developed alcohol dependence. If the patient continues to take alcohol, with the time of the phenomenon of the abstinence will be aggravated, and alcoholism will progress. When an abstineent syndrome appears to contact a narcologist, which recommends the most effective scheme The treatment of alcoholism (installation of a coding implant, drug treatment of alcoholism, hypnomhydrate therapy, coding on duzhenko, etc.) and will advise a suitable rehabilitation program.

The relief of the abstineent syndrome allows as soon as possible Regardless to get out of the feed. Alone, at home to make it extremely difficult, since the abstine syndrome with alcoholism differs little from breaking, which is observed at the addict after the abandonment of drugs. He also appears a few hours after the alcoholic dramatically stops the use of alcohol, accompanied by nausea, psychosis, extremely oppressed state, hallucinations. Therefore, the question of which treatment of the house provides for an abstineent syndrome with alcoholism, with a sharp relevant more than ever.

An abstitent syndrome is called the development of neurological, mental, physical disorders that appear in an alcoholic after stopping the filing or reducing the number of doses used. The main reason for the ailment is that the alcoholic body is used to constant intoxication, and therefore protests when alcohol toxins are proceeds into the body. In addition, it makes itself felt. It enhances the need of a person in drinking, so it is often not able to resist - and the hand stretches to the bottle.

This disease occurs only on the second, but the first of its manifestations is noticeable initial stage Dependencies. The syndrome has similar symptoms with a hangover, only in a repeatedly increased degree. The presence of an abstineent syndrome is an irrefutable symptom of alcoholic dependence from alcohol and signals that at home, without medical care Conduct with an illness is extremely difficult.

Abstineent syndrome is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • strongest headaches;
  • vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • dizziness, coordination loss;
  • increase body temperature, fever;
  • trembling hands and even the whole body;
  • rapid pulse, shortness of breath;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • lack of appetite;
  • pale skin face;
  • anxiety, psychosis, depression;
  • insomnia, nightmares, hallucinations.

Symptoms are manifested six hours after the cessation of alcohol use, it is very hard, lasts four to fourteen days. How many exactly, largely depends on the amount of alcohol, method of treatment and health of the patient. If he can resist during this period from drinking, eventually signs of syndrome disappear. With the inability of alcohole-dependent withstanding the temptation, he again goes into pie.

Specialists mention several stages of such a state. Most easy degree - This is an uncomplicated abstinence. It is characterized by a thrust for alcohol, eyelid shake, tongue, elongated hands. Also dependent strongly sweats, it is sick, vomiting appears, heart pulse is studied. Arterial pressure Usually rises, the alcoholic is very excited, he has a headache, there is insomnia, depression, apathy. Unlock auditory, visual or tactile hallucinations are possible.

A heavier stage is accompanied by the same signs, but complicated by convulsions. The worst of everything is transferred by an abstineent state with Deliirius: all the signs described above are accompanied by the hardest form of mental disorders, for which the obstacles of consciousness, nonsense, hallucinations, as well as the violation of the work of the internal organs are characteristic.

Why better consult a doctor

Alone, without medical it is hard to get out of the binge. To reduce its manifestations, it is necessary to relieve alcohol abstinence. So called drugs. What kind of drugs will be cope with the task, largely depends on the symptoms, for which it is first necessary to undergo a survey.

Then, based on the results obtained, the signs of illness, the doctor appoints comprehensive therapy. It is categorically impossible to act at your own fear and the risk of taking medicine, independently determining the dosage: it may aggravate the situation.

The treatment of abstinence syndrome may provide for the use of droppers, injections, tablets that are used to treat poisoning. These can be the following means:

  • absorbents (activated carbon and other means);
  • hemodez and other medicines for disinfecting the body;
  • reopolyglyukin and other drugs, which contribute to a decrease in blood viscosity, which thickened under the influence of alcohol, improves blood circulation in capillaries, prevents the formation of blood clots from erythrocytes and platelets;
  • 5% glucose solution that provides an energy;
  • osmatic diuretics for accelerated withdrawal together with the urine decay products;
  • medicines to strengthen damaged liver toxins;
  • when chills, sweating, tachycardia is discharged by Pirroxane or Grandaxin;
  • if the feeling of anxiety accompanies depression, coaxil or amitriptyline can be appointed;
  • with insomnia, which is accompanied by heavy sleep, hallucinations will help Tizercin;
  • if a person feels aggression, tensions, prescribed incredible.

All alcohole depends on vitamins of groups in, by paying special attention Thiamine (B1), the lack of which catastrophically affects the work of the brain, as well as memory. He is prescribed to accept during the week.

We treat yourself

If the patient categorically refuses to see the doctor (and with alcohole-dependent it is quite possible), you can try to save it from the problem at home. But this process will be much longer and can stretch for two weeks. To remove the manifestations of the house syndrome, the patient needs to be given to drink as possible more water (Especially this method is effective with an uncomplicated abstineent state).

During the fight against alcohol toxins, the body loses great amount Liquids, therefore, needs to be replenished with water reserves, which signals dryness in the throat and some other symptoms.

Getting Started, it is necessary to keep in mind: the faster alcoholic toxins be withdrawn from the body, the faster the ailment will leave. This will help drugs. This medicine contributes to the conclusion from the body of poisons, and also improves metabolism, strengthens the nervous system, relieves the symptoms of the syndrome. Release the drug in the form of a water-soluble powder. Therapy at home provides for the preparation of the drug for two to three days. According to reviews, it is effective toolapplied only when sugar diabetes and allergies to the components of the drug.

To relieve alcohol abstineen syndrome, it is successful, necessary full Son.which is deprived of alcohole-dependent during the coming out of the cabin at home. Tranquilizers are prescribed for this. Close alcohole-dependent must be consulted with a doctor and comply with the recommendations must necessarily, otherwise, addiction will arise the new kind Dependencies. If a person is categorically against such strong drugsRemove the nervous system will help Valerian extract.

If you are worried about the heart, you can take rollergardine, Corvalol or Validol. But it should be borne in mind: they are incompatible with alcohol, so it makes no sense to apply before a person came out of the binge. Alcohol neutralizes the effect of drugs, and their combination will cause serious side Effects.

Folk Methods and Food

If we talk about how to remove the abstineent folk remedies, then it is possible to do this with the help of a dying from the mother-in-law, as well as sedative fees, which include various medicinal plants. Also folk remedies They will help restore the work of liver, kidney and other internal organs. To work digestive system Positively affects the decoction of rosehip, birch or grape juice.

Vitamin and mineral complexes will be useful, normalizing metabolic processes in cells. Especially the attention should be paid to the vitamins of the group B and C, which contribute to the normalization of the nervous system. For this purpose, such folk remedies are recommended by chamomile, mint, risks, as well as orange, apple, tomato, carrot juices.

Special attention should be paid to the diet. When a person comes out of the binge, in most cases he absolutely does not want to eat. Bananas, chicken broth, rice or vegetable soup will help restore the forces. Also useful will be dairy productswhich neutralize alcohol toxins. As the appetite returns, special attention should be paid to porridge, vegetables, fruits. It is undesirable to drink coffee and other nervous drinking system, as they can provoke a pedestinated syndrome and return the thrust to alcohol.

What to do next?

You need to know: the relief of the abstinence syndrome although it removes physical symptomsFrom psychological dependence does not cure. Moreover, a pedestrian syndrome can be manifested. He comes immediately after acute. Manifests pedestrian syndrome in difficult thinking, bad memoryexcessive emotionality bad sleep, nervousness. Podbastine syndrome lowers human self-esteem and contributes to his return to the bottle.

When leaving it is forbidden to sleep. Even small doses are dangerous, including low-alcohol drinks: dependent towels and will leave again.Therefore, it is very important that relatives do not bother to buy alcohol, and continued the treatment of alcohol abstinence syndrome. At the same time, it is necessary to follow the patient: it may well persuade a friend or a neighbor boy to run behind the bottle.

If it becomes obvious that the abstineent syndrome acquired heavy form, convulsions, psyche disorders, hallucinations began, it is better to immediately send an alcoholic to the hospital. There he will pick up the optimal scheme of therapy, they will quickly remove the symptoms of the illness.

For this reason, if alcohole depened decided to get rid of alcohol thrust, he needs special treatmentwhich will remove the pedestrian syndrome. Therapy in this direction provides for courses of psychotherapy, the purpose of which is to teach the alcohole-dependent live anew, find pleasure in life without alcohol.

Success in the treatment of the patient largely depends on his friends and loved ones. Even after a person get rid of thrust to the bottle, they should not offer him a drink, and not to drink himself in his presence. If the dependent even a few years later drinks at least beer, it will come up, and the nightmare will start first.

How to remove the abstineent syndrome at home? The answer to this question interests those who have fun at the last evening. Different doctors have their own hangover removal techniques, and each of them is built on certain principles.

How to remove the abstineent syndrome? What features can be designated? What should the patient remember?

First aid for abstineent syndrome

Alcohol abstinence syndrome can affect suffering for a long time. If you do not assist any help, his condition may worsen. In the first hours after awakening, doctors advise to reduce the amount physical Loadsbecause they can lead to deterioration of cardio-vascular system. Throughout the day you need to take cold and hot showerwhich will tone the body.

After the primary manifestations of the abstineen syndrome will be held, it is necessary to increase the number of physical exertion. They will help you quickly remove alcoholic metabolites. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to get into the bath or sauna. In this case, you can achieve a quick improvement in the house.

Today on pharmacy counters you can meet a large number of Preparations guaranteeing the elimination of the abstineent syndrome in a couple of hours. These include:

  • Zerax;
  • Proproen-100;
  • Alka-Seltzer.

Of course, the preparations presented can reduce the intensity of the symptoms of symptoms, but their effectiveness is too embedded. IN similar drugs Include:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • aspirin;
  • unitiol or sodium bicarbonate.

People who can be seen in advertising drink high-quality alcoholic beverages, not abusing an excessive amount leading to serious consequences. Alcohol abstinence syndrome can be eliminated with the help of the funds described above, but not only in the case of a long binge.

Aspirin, about which many have heard, helps not only eliminate headaches, but also accelerate the process of removing toxins from the body. Drinking before the departure to sleep one aspirin tablet, you can count on the fact that the consequences of the hangover will be insignificant. It should be noted that the abuse of pills is not recommended because it can lead to disorders in the operation of the gastric mucosa.

It should be understood that urgent Care It is required to man who is in severe intoxication. As practice shows, vomiting will not bring any pleasure. In addition, the patient may develop:

  • dehydration;
  • electrolyte violation.

In particularly serious cases, the Mallory Weiss syndrome is developing, which leads to a break of the gastric mucosa with subsequent bleeding.

Such a patient is waiting for emergency assistance with subsequent hospitalization in surgery department. Doctors insist that thumping syndrome At home, you must begin to treat from stopping vomiting. For these purposes, it is necessary to take the following drugs:

  • Cerukal;
  • Metoclopramide.

After use, for several hours it is necessary to refuse to receive any liquid.

What drugs take and what can I eat?

If a person really torments strong thirst, purph cavity You can rinse with water. Further removal of the abstinence implies restoration water salt balance. The patient should drink at least 2 liters of mineral non-carbonated water, as sweet soda can only aggravate the current state, leading to vomit.

Emergency care is necessary in the event that electrolyte disorders (rapid heartbeat, "goosebumps" on the skin) are observed more than 3-4 days. To remove these symptoms, you can take asparks or panangin. The dosage should be determined by the attending physician on the basis of the current state and features of the body.

We must not forget that the treatment of alcohol abstinence should include and receive sorbents (enterosgel, Activated carbon etc.). Removing the abstinence implies the recovery of appetite. Doctors do not advise there are large portions, it is better to replace them with multiple reception. In the diet, it is better to add simple and non-large products:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • vegetable broths and pickles.

It is strictly forbidden to use oily and fried food on an empty stomach, because the attack of pancreatitis can be triggered. To improve digestion, you can drink mesim or festal. The funds presented turn the stomach, accelerating the process of digestion.

If a person has anxiety or excitement, you can resort to the help of plant reassuring agents. Unlike pharmacy drugs They have a soft impact and the minimum number of side effects. We must not forget that alcohol takes vitamins from the body. The resulting deficit must be compensated by vitamin complexes. The greatest emphasis must be done on the vitamins of the group in, without them it is impossible normal functioning nervous system.

After removing the house syndrome, it is necessary to comply with all the recommendations to prevent such a state in the future. Uncontrolled reception Alcohol can lead to a deterioration in human health. The earlier the hangover is removed, the better for drunk. Observing the above-described rules, one can count on the fact that the first days of the hangover will be comfortable.

Accompanied to alcohol occurs with constant use of alcoholic beverages and is considered a disease that is characterized by three stages. Abstineent syndrome with alcoholism is a combination different symptoms And the degrees of gravity, which is manifested by violations of the physical and mental plan at 2 and 3 stages of chronic alcoholism. It arises at the time of stopping the admission to the body of the next dose of alcohol or with a decrease in its dosage.

Unlike standard hangmel signs after one-time abuse of alcohol, which go through the day, the abstineent syndrome with alcoholism develops after more or less long-suffering of the feed, with a complete cessation or a significant reduction in the number of ethanol applicants. In terms of duration, it is initially 1-2 days, with further progression of alcohol addiction can reach 6-10 days. Often, an alcoholic cannot often go out of this state, he needs medical care.

The cause of the syndrome is the inxication of the organism by the intermediate products of ethanol decay, which are able to accumulate and poison the body.

W. healthy man Enzyme-neutralizers are produced, with the help of which alcohol is converted to non-toxic connections through a series of intermediate stages. In chronic alcoholics, these enzymes have reduced activity and cannot neutralize a large amount of toxic substances suction through blood and broadcasting through all organs. There is chronic poisoning of the body.

Answering the question of what it is, the abstineent syndrome can be described as a state after a long-time loss with the loss of human ability, the appearance of auditory and visual hallucinations, manifestation of aggression, psychosis.

In a mental dependence, a person thinks that without alcohol it will not be comfortable, so he drinks to improve his psycho-emotional state. Physical dependence encourages a person to increase the dose of alcohol and constant need for it.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of abstinence depend on the duration chronic poisoning alcohol (months, years) and degree of damage to the central nervous system.

The main features include an unbearable headache (rises intracranial pressure, there is a spasm of vessels), tremor (trembling) of hands, chills, nausea and vomiting, rejection of food, cramps, tachycardia. Also signs of the disease are different types Arrhythmias, shortness of breath, saliva, involuntary urination or, on the contrary, urine delay.

Alcoholism is chronic illness With three stages of development. At the stage of the stage, a person cannot refuse alcohol, hangover here continues for several hours.

How long does the abstinence of alcoholic last? In the 2 stage, the syndrome with brightly pronounced pummers lasts from 2 to 5 days.

At 3 stages are characterized by constant filing, for the abstinence, a long-term course (from 6 to 10 days), complications that can end with death are characterized.

The patient has a blush eye sclera, skin skin, top of the body; There are edema, the expansion of pupils, the drops of blood pressure, dizziness; sweating, pain in the right hypochondrium and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach; The coordination of movements is disturbed. Later can join the convulsions, cold sweat, Cardiovascular failure arises, the formation of some parts of the body (lips, nasal tip).

In chronic abuse of alcohol in the state of abstinence, patients are characterized by neurological and mental signs. Present psychomotor arousal Or, on the contrary, a breakdown and fatigue, increased irritability.

Thinking is broken, attention and concentration dissipate, the sleep is short or goes into insomnia, the inadequacy of the surrounding world appears, asthenia arises. The patient is disturbed by nightmares, hallucinations, phobias, aggression, alcoholic delirium, psychosis arises.

By severity, alcohol abstineent syndrome is:

  1. Easy degree - a person is broken and unable to concentrate on simple things, inattentive, is observed by the symptom of running eyes.
  2. The average degree is characterized by insomnia, tachycardia, shortness of breath, refusal of food, possible hallucinatory state.
  3. Severe degree joins all the symptoms of the middle plus in the patient appear enhanced sweating, cramps, the impossibility of holding the visual contact.

Important! After long rods, with the presence of hallucinations of auditory and visual nature, medication therapy, in the interests of the patient, are carried out in the hospital under the cover of soothing (sedative) drugs!


The consequences of the abstineent syndrome for the body are characterized by violations in the work of organs and systems - heart, liver, kidneys, brain vessels, pancreas, intestines, receiving household injuries (during convulsion).

Complications are characteristic:

  • alcoholic delirium ("white hot");
  • hepatic or renal failure, jaundice, toxicosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • cardiomyopathy, muscle dystrophy;
  • aspiration pneumonia;
  • internal bleeding (from stomach, intestines, hemorrhoidal nodes);
  • recurrence of somatic diseases;
  • brain swelling and fatal outcome.

To warn the emergence of complications is possible only in the hospital.

Alcohol Delia with abstineent syndrome

The abstitent syndrome by the 4th day of the manifestation of signs is often characterized by psychosis. Alcohol delirium (white hot) is a very dangerous state that can end with death. Characterized by delirium hallucinations, excitement, insomnia.

How does the white hot man manifest? Deceptions of auditory and spectatic perception, Voices in the head, nonsense. The patient is lost in time, sees unfamiliar people, animals, strange events, he is distorted by thoughts, the memory is broken, depressive moods arise. Alcoholic depression is characterized by pronounced anxiety, panic, thoughts of suicide. The behavior of alcoholics during delirium is individually.

Clinical signs of delirium are considered headache, disturbed, seizures, vomiting, redness of the skin of the upper half of the body, high blood pressure, hyperthermia, tachycardia, tremor, sweat with an unpleasant odor.

At home, a patient with this state is close people can help before the arrival of doctors with such events:

  • try to put the patient to bed (even sometimes binding) to avoid injury and yourself, and others;
  • drink soothing (Valerian, dye) or any singlegrass (if there);
  • put the patient on the head of a cold towel or ice, let drink a lot of any liquid (or water), and if it turns out, drop the cold shower;
  • call a doctor and stay with a person to a medical arrival.

Upon arrival of the ambulance brigade, the patient has the necessary therapy in the form of the withdrawal of symptoms of intoxication, and is sent for treatment into narcology or specialized separation of a psychiatric dispensary.

On the way to the hospital, there is a relief of alcohol arousal intravenous administration Oxybutirate sodium, sybazone; 5% solution of glucose and vitamin C, sodium hydrocarbonate, Reopolyglyukin, Panangin are introduced.

If necessary, normalize the process of respiration, eliminate hemodynamic disorders, contribute to the disappearance of hyperthermia, carried out prevention to prevent the occurrence of brain edema (Furosemid, Laziks).


In the hospital, a laboratory express analysis of blood for alcohol is prescribed. Then make all the necessary research. Take measures to prevent or eliminate a variety of complications, vitamins are introduced, carry out therapy concomitant diseases And drugs for the treatment of alcoholism, which require compulsory medical control by a specialist.

Clinical guidelines and therapy of the abstinence syndrome during alcoholism are under the control of narcologist. The specialist observes the patient and determines the progress of improvement. How long does the recovery last? In the hospital, the patient can stay up to 3 weeks.

How to remove this condition knows only the doctor, he also defines the dosage medicinal preparations. Narcologist, in accordance with the inspection, history, these analyzes and the assessment of the general condition of the patient will select necessary treatmentAnd also take into account the presence of somatic diseases.

It is beginning to stop the abstineent syndrome from restoring the functions of the nervous system, which in each case individually. Treatment of such patients is complex and requires for them, in addition to drugs, and psychological assistance.

Therapy of abstinence is to cancel the admission of alcohol, drip administration of solutions that take toxins from the blood. Taking into account allergological anamnesis.

  1. Use sedatives, sleeping pills, expanding drug vessels in the form of tranquilizers - Grandaxin, Medigarlan, diazepams, pyazepams, phenazepam. Grandaxin (Tofizopam) eliminates the disorders of the vegetative nervous system. Medigarl is sedative, removes insomnia, reduces psycho-emotional tension and bright severity vegetative disorder. Diazepam has a pronounced anticonvulsant effect.
  2. Dehydration, saline and diuretic products, glucocorticoids, sometimes antibiotics, hepatic enzymes, as well as cardiovascular means are introduced.
  3. Beta-blockers (propranolol), calcium antagonists (nifedipine), magnesium preparations (sulfate magnesia), anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, sodium holproate) are used.
  4. Use the prophet in electrophoresis by the Elektroson apparatus. Several such healing sessions facilitate the patient's condition twice as fast.
  5. Appointed oxygen phytotherapy with the base of the eggs and herbs (rosehip, hunter, chamomile, etc.), which in a couple of hours it removes psycho-emotional and physical discomfort, normalizes hell and the work of the heart.
  6. Give vitamins, especially group V.

Modern medicine has a huge selection of drugs that suppress the patient a common painful state, gradually removing the thrust to alcoholic beverages.

Folk medicine also has a huge arsenal of anti-abstinence. At home do natural juices From grapefruit, beets, carrots, apples, brew grass. Give honey, cabbage dishes, boil oatmeal Or decoction, porridge.

The alcoholic should have a desire to recover, then the result of the fight against abstinence will be noticeable in a short time.

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