Why face and head sweat: possible causes of discomfort. What to do if your face and head sweat a lot - where to go. Pathological causes of profuse sweating. Causes of weakness and increased sweating at night

Sweating performs essential function protect the body from overheating. Sweat glands are located over the entire surface of the body, their work is regulated by the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Intensity normal discharge sweat gland fluids different people is not the same. Therefore, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is only spoken of when profuse sweating causes constant discomfort, which significantly reduces the quality of life.

Today we will talk about those conditions that cause hyperhidrosis.

Changes in the level of female sex hormones

Hyperhidrosis is often one of the manifestations climacteric syndrome... The woman periodically experiences hot flashes in the face, neck and upper chest, accompanied by increased heart rate and sweating. This can happen at any time of the day or night. If attacks occur no more than 20 times a day, the situation is considered normal and does not require medical intervention... When others join hyperhidrosis unpleasant symptoms(pain in the head or chest, increased blood pressure, hand numbness, urinary incontinence, dry mucous membranes, etc.), a woman should consult a gynecologist regarding compensatory therapy.

Excessive sweating the whole body is typical for the first two trimesters of pregnancy. It occurs against the background of hormonal changes and is considered normal. Hyperhidrosis in the third trimester is associated with an acceleration of metabolism, the accumulation of large amounts of fluid in the body, or weight gain. Alarming signs there may be an ammoniacal smell of sweat and the appearance of white marks on clothes, indicating impaired kidney function.

Source: depositphotos.com

Thyroid pathology

Hyperhidrosis is one of the symptoms of abnormally high production of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism). It occurs with the following diseases:

  • nodular toxic goiter;
  • Graves' disease (diffuse goiter);
  • subacute thyroiditis.

Excessive sweating, provoked by malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, sometimes manifests itself with pituitary tumors. If hyperhidrosis is combined with a sharp weight loss in the background increased appetite, hand tremors, heart rhythm disturbances, irritability and anxiety, it is necessary to urgently consult an endocrinologist.

Source: depositphotos.com

Fluctuations in blood glucose

Excessive sweating often occurs when diabetes mellitus... In this case, it is associated with a violation of thermoregulation. Diabetes of any type leads to the destruction of nerve endings, as a result of which it becomes impossible to adequately transmit signals to the sweat glands. In diabetics, hyperhidrosis mainly affects the upper half of the body: the face, neck, chest and abdomen. Characterized by increased fluid secretion at night.

Hyperhidrosis may also indicate an insufficient level of glucose in the blood (hypoglycemia). In patients with diabetes mellitus, the cause of the problem is usually a violation of the diet or an overdose of hypoglycemic drugs. Healthy people sometimes lack glucose after strenuous exercise. In hypoglycemia, cold, clammy sweat appears predominantly on the back of the head and on the back of the neck. The attack may be accompanied by dizziness, nausea, tremors, and blurred vision. To quickly get rid of the ailment, you need to eat something sweet (banana, candy, etc.).

Source: depositphotos.com

Heart and vascular problems

Almost all diseases of the heart vascular system to one degree or another accompanied by hyperhidrosis. Increased sweating is inherent in the following pathologies:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • transient ischemic attack;
  • vascular thrombosis.

In addition, sweat glands with increased load work in people with pericarditis or myocarditis.

With the onset of summer, many begin to suffer from increased sweating. Abnormally profuse sweating in medicine is called hyperhidrosis. He is often accompanied by unpleasant odor and leaves unsightly stains on clothing. Although the condition is physically burdensome in the first place, it can also impair quality of life psychologically, emotionally and socially.

What is hyperhidrosis?

Sweat glands are located all over the surface of our body. Most of them are found in the forehead, armpits, palms, perineum and soles of the feet. There are two types of sweat glands. These are eccrine - they perform their function from birth, participate in the thermoregulation of the body. It is thanks to them that sweating increases. There are also apocrine glands. They develop during puberty, they do not take part in thermoregulation, they begin to work only in a stressful situation. It is they who give the characteristic odor to sweat.

Sweat glands - skin glands that secrete sweat

Sweat is produced by the corresponding glands of external secretion, odorless and colorless, contains mineral salts, urea, ammonia, as well as toxins and by-products of metabolic processes.

The regulation of sweating occurs through special centers located in the brain and spinal cord. During their irritation, a signal is sent to the sweat glands and they begin to function more intensively, increasing sweating. Thermoregulatory sweating is more manifested on the body (back, abdomen), and stress sweating - in the armpits, palms and feet.

Hyperhidrosis - profuse sweating that exceeds the body's need for thermoregulation

Hyperhidrosis translated from Greek means "increased excretion of water." Sweating is a bodily function that normally serves solely to cool the body when overheated. But it so happens that more moisture is released than necessary, or the mechanism of its release is violated. So, sweating can occur in non-standard situations, for example, in cold climates or without any apparent reason, regularly causing a person to inconvenience to one degree or another. Hyperhidrosis can result from an underlying medical condition or condition, such as menopause or overactive thyroid gland.

Types and forms

Two types of hyperhidrosis are: primary local and secondary generalized. Primary localized hyperhidrosis (about 90% of all cases) refers to excessive sweating that is not caused by others medical condition, and is not a side effect of medications. This type of sweating occurs on specific areas of the body (localized sweating) and is usually relatively "symmetrical". This means that both the left and right side bodies sweat about the same. With primary hyperhidrosis, the following areas are most often affected:

  • palms (palmar hyperhidrosis);
  • soles of the feet (plantar);
  • armpits (axillary);
  • face and / or head (cranial).

It should be noted that most people with hyperhidrosis experience excessive sweating on more than one area. So, sweating of the palms is almost always combined with sweating of the feet.

In primary local hyperhidosis, there is no perspiration at night, while in secondary generalized hyperhidosis, nocturnal hydrosis is a frequent occurrence.

Primary hyperhidrosis often begins in childhood or adolescence, especially with sweating of the hands and feet. It is noteworthy that although people with primary local hyperhidrosis experience episodes excessive sweating at least once a week, they usually do not sweat while sleeping. It has been proven that primary hyperhidrosis is inherited: many members of the same family may suffer from this condition.

Doctors distinguish the so-called gustatory hyperhidrosis. This is the state when increased sweating provokes the use of certain foods: spices and herbs, chocolate, coffee and other hot drinks, peanut butter.

Another major disorder is called secondary generalized hyperhidrosis. This type of excessive sweating is caused by an underlying medical condition or a side effect of a medication. That is why it is called secondary - it is secondary to the main state. Unlike primary localized hyperhidrosis, people with secondary hyperhidrosis experience sweating over large areas of the body (generalized sweating) and often sweat during sleep. In secondary hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating usually begins in adulthood. Sweating with secondary hyperhidrosis is an important symptom of the underlying disease. Therefore, it cannot be eliminated in isolation by medical or surgical methods. You need to treat the underlying condition.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

Sweating occurs naturally in response to certain conditions, such as hot climates, physical labor, fright or stress. With hyperhidrosis, a person sweats more than usual, including in the absence of the above reasons. Sweating causes a condition that depends on the type of hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating can be a symptom of many diseases or medical conditions.

Primary local hyperhidrosis, starting as early as childhood, is in most cases hereditary. This sweating is caused by:

An unstable psychoemotional state can cause the manifestation of hyperhidrosis. In this case, sweating occurs as a natural reaction of the body to surges in the level of adrenaline in the blood.

With the secondary - the situation is more complicated. It is almost always a sign of one of a number of possible medical conditions, including:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, hypotension, heart failure);
  • oncology, in particular, malignant formations of the brain;
  • disturbances in the work of the adrenal glands;
  • neurological diseases (stroke, Parkinson's disease, seizures);
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, toxic goiter;
  • kidney disease (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis);
  • diabetes;
  • obesity (metabolic disorders);
  • menopause (both female and male);
  • spinal or craniocerebral trauma;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • infectious diseases that are accompanied by sharp changes in body temperature, such as tuberculosis, inflammatory processes of a different nature, HIV.

Excessive sweating is a common side effect of psychotropic drugs used in the treatment of depression (tricyclic antidepressants - Nortriptyline, Protriptyline, Desipramine).

Excessive sweating is the result of acute or prolonged intoxication from alcohol, chemical or narcotic substances. These substances act like poison in the body. In order to eliminate toxic substances as soon as possible, our body switches on the mechanism of profuse sweating. People who abuse alcohol are characterized by a state of "cold sweat" and nocturnal attacks of hyperhidrosis.

Alcohol has a vasodilating effect, which disrupts the thermoregulation of the body

A sleeping person may sweat in response to the adrenaline rush due to the negative content of dreams. In this case, taking a mild sedative at night may solve the problem. Often people do not think too much about the air temperature in the bedroom, whether they are too warmly covered, and about such banal, at first glance, things. But even such little things, if they become a habit, can cause nighttime bouts of hyperhidrosis.

Bad dreams can cause occasional night sweats

Causes and treatment of excessive sweating: video

How does the disorder manifest

The skin in places prone to hyperhidrosis is moist and cool to the touch, sometimes a bluish color of the limbs can be observed due to insufficient blood circulation in them. High humidity in such areas often provokes the occurrence of concomitant fungal or bacterial infections.

The secret of the sweat glands itself is colorless and odorless. An unpleasant smell of sweat can be the result of the vital activity of bacteria that make up the microflora of the skin. Substances with a specific odor can also be released through the skin after eating onions, garlic, alcohol, smoking tobacco, inhaling vapors of chemical compounds at work, etc.

Features in women and men

Most common reason female hyperhidrosis is associated with hormonal changes at certain periods of life: the onset of menstruation, pregnancy and lactation, menopause. The increased production of estradiol can cause sweating and facial flushing, moisture release on the palms and armpits. Including possible attacks of nocturnal hyperhidrosis in pregnant women or women who have recently given birth. Such changes are completely physiological and are reversible, stopping after the restoration of the woman's hormonal background.

Hormonal disorders are not limited to women. Decreased production of testosterone in the male body can lead to an imbalance of male and female sex hormones towards the growth of the latter. Such conditions can be accompanied by hyperhidrosis and sudden flushes. This is a condition when suddenly a person is thrown into a fever, the face and neck turn red, and sweat is hailing.

Features during menopause

Unstable hormonal background due to age-related changes in men and women, it entails a disorder in the work of the vascular system, which does not always have time to adequately respond to temperature the environment, why thermoregulation suffers. Therefore, bouts of hyperhidrosis during menopause are a fairly common phenomenon that should not be scared. In addition, there may be a number of associated symptoms, such as:

  • emotional instability;
  • increased body sweating;
  • general weakness;
  • attacks of tachycardia (heart palpitations);
  • dyspnea;
  • sharp jumps in blood pressure;
  • problems with coordination and balance.

Discomfort can be reduced by medication adjustment of hormonal levels, which is prescribed by the attending physician. However, unpleasant phenomena gradually subside with the onset of the postmenopausal period.


If a person experiences episodes of hyperhidrosis for at least six months for no apparent reason, then a dermatologist should be consulted. The doctor will review the medical history and inquire in detail about the accompanying symptoms and medications taken.

If at least two of the following criteria are present in a patient, then his hyperhidrosis is likely to be primary:

  1. Sweating is relatively symmetrical, which means that both sides of the body sweat approximately equally.
  2. The patient experiences at least one episode of hyperhidrosis per week.
  3. The problem arose before the age of 25.
  4. Sweating causes noticeable discomfort in daily activities (during work, in relationships).
  5. There is a factor of heredity (other family members suffer from similar problems with sweating).
  6. During sleep, any manifestations of hyperhidrosis cease.

Based on what he heard, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis. V mandatory the patient will be referred for delivery clinical analysis blood and urine. If you suspect an endocrine origin of the pathology, a blood test from a vein will be required for the content of certain hormones. Additional tests to confirm the presence of excessive sweating, but rarely useful in practice, include:

  • applying special absorbent paper to the sweating area, followed by weighing it to determine the amount of absorbed moisture;
  • applying a special loose substance to problem areas, which changes color with profuse sweating.

In most cases, the diagnosis is nevertheless made on the basis of a clinical examination and questioning of the patient.


If hyperhidrosis is not a consequence of any disease or accompanies natural changes in the body (pregnancy, menopause), then you can try to reduce the intensity of its manifestation to begin with simple methods... Sometimes, in order to get rid of sweaty armpits, it is enough to reconsider the diet, stop eating too spicy and salty foods, give up alcohol and caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, Coca-Cola). It is useful to enrich your diet with plant foods (vegetables, herbs, fruits) and drink at least two liters of clean water daily. It is recommended to choose underwear and clothes made from natural fabrics, dress for the weather, take a shower with antibacterial soap at least twice a day or as needed.

It is important to remember that hyperhidrosis can be a sign of more serious disorders, such as metabolic processes or hormonal imbalance. In this case, therapy should be directed primarily at the root cause of the pathology.

Modern methods of treatment are subdivided into conservative and surgical.

Conservative methods

Conservative therapy is used primarily and is often effective.

Antiperspirant use

As a rule, the effect of conventional mass-market antiperspirants for people with hyperhidrosis is insufficient. For persons who chronically suffer from profuse local sweating, a group of special medical supplies are concentrated aluminum chloride antiperspirants. They include increased amount(up to 40%) aluminum salts, which is several times higher than in conventional antiperspirants.

Aluminum chloride antiperspirants contain an increased amount of aluminum salt

The product is applied strictly at night on dry skin of armpits, palms or feet, after evening hygiene procedures. In nighttime active substance penetrates the pores, forming protective plugs that block perspiration. The effect of one such application is sufficient for a day, sometimes for two to three days. Medical antiperspirants are not recommended for use in areas not intended for this (back, abdomen), so as not to cause chemical burn on contact with moisture or heatstroke.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy for excessive sweating includes two main groups of funds:

  • anticholinergic (anticholinergic) drugs (Atropine, Glycopyrrolate, Oxybutynin, etc.);
  • beta-blockers and benzodiazepines (Propranolol, Verapamil, Diltiazem).

Anticholinergics are prescribed for generalized hyperhidrosis. They block the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is produced in the body and stimulates the sweat glands. Sweating under their influence does not completely stop, but its scale is significantly reduced. These drugs do not start working immediately, but after about two weeks. Can cause very wide range side effects in the form of constipation, dry mouth, blurred vision, dizziness, etc. They are not used for local hyperhidrosis due to the systemic effect on the body.

Beta-blockers and benzodiazepines are drugs that act on the central nervous system... In fact, fighting perspiration is not their main purpose, but practical use this group of drugs has been shown to be effective against episodic sweating caused by anxiety or stress. Side effects can occur severe sleepiness and delayed response.

Any medication must be prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the appropriate indications and taking into account the general state of health.

Botox injections

Botulinum toxin treatment temporarily stops the work of the sweat glands at the injection site. Botulinum toxin solution is injected into the skin axillary area, or rather - its hairy part (or another area of ​​local hyperhidrosis). With very small needles (insulin syringes are used), the drug is sequentially injected into the problem area. Such a procedure can be very painful, resembling mosquito or bee stings in sensations, therefore it is performed under local anesthesia... But at the request of the patient, anesthesia can be omitted. The effect of one procedure lasts about 4-8 months, occasionally - a year or more, after which the manipulation is repeated. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not always effectively eliminate the unpleasant odor associated with sweating. The disadvantages include the high cost of the procedure (on average from 500 USD), given that injections must be done on average once every six months.

Botox blocks the sweat glands at the injection site

Iontophoresis is a physiotherapeutic method of percutaneous exposure to an ionized substance using a constant electric current low voltage. The method is recommended as the simplest and most affordable for non-invasive treatment of hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet. The procedure effectively cleanses the skin and improves the function of the sweat glands. Its essence lies in immersing the hands or feet in baths with electrodes and a small amount of water of sufficient mineralization (not soft). The doctor sets a certain level of current required to obtain a therapeutic effect. During the procedure, which takes about half an hour, the patient feels a slight tingling sensation. The course is 10-12 procedures with subsequent support once a week or as needed. Achieved good therapeutic effect in the absence of a negative effect on the body.

Iontophoresis - available method non-invasive treatment for sweating

Surgical methods

Surgical treatment is indicated in case of unsuccessful experience of conservative therapy.

Sympathectomy is a surgical resection of the sympathetic nerve trunk, which is responsible for excessive sweating. The method is used for palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis. The operation is considered minimally traumatic and refers to minimally invasive surgery. The method is highly effective with regard to the treated area: it becomes "dry" already on the operating table. The main disadvantage of the operation is the risk of side effects, including the development of compensatory sweating of the trunk (chest, back, abdomen).

Sympathectomy - an operation in which part of the branches of the sympathetic nerve trunk is cut

Surgical curettage is indicated for patients for whom Botox injections did not bring the expected result or are not affordable, as well as those suffering from a pronounced odor of sweat. In fact, the procedure is used exclusively in the fight against axillary hyperhidrosis. Sweat gland curettage is prompt removal by scraping the subcutaneous tissue in the pathologically profuse sweating... At the same time, there is a process of destruction of the nerves, through which the work of the sweat glands is controlled. As a result, the sweat glands remaining after the intervention stop producing secretions in the same volume.

Sweat gland curettage - destruction of sweat glands and their nerve endings in the problem area

The intervention is most often performed under general anesthesia. A special instrument is inserted percutaneously, then the inner surface of the axillary zone is scraped with mechanical movements. After the operation, a small puncture scar remains on the skin, which gradually becomes invisible. Complete healing can take up to 3-4 weeks. According to statistics, the effectiveness of curettage in most patients is still inferior to the course of Botox injections, and does not completely guarantee the achievement of the desired effect of "dry armpits".

Laser treatment of sweat glands

The laser effect on the sweat glands is performed under local anesthesia... A small puncture is made and a special needle is inserted through which the laser fiber is passed and the tissue is processed from the inside. In fact, the sweat glands are burned out. A side effect of this method may be minor burns at the site of manipulation.

Surgical excision of areas of hyperhidrosis

Surgical excision is indicated exclusively for those patients who are not helped by conservative or minimally invasive methods, and also if there is a sufficient volume of skin in the problem area. The method is used to treat axillary hyperhidrosis and is a surgical operation under general anesthesia, during which the surgeon uses a scalpel to remove the area of ​​the hairy armpit area that contains the largest accumulation of sweat glands. After the operation, a rather long (up to a month) recovery period follows and there are noticeable cosmetic defects in the form of scars. Such intervention is not like thin people who have armpits there is no "extra" skin. For thin patients, the intervention is at risk of contractures and limited mobility. upper limbs... Therefore, the method has not found wide application.

Treatment with folk remedies

Situational or episodic hyperhidrosis can be significantly reduced with simple home treatments. Folk remedies from excess perspiration are accessible and easy to use. They can be used at home as needed and not be afraid of significant side effects, as from taking medications... However, before applying any new remedy it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

  1. Chamomile infusion is one of the easiest home remedies for hyperhidrosis. Some people experience excessive sweating due to sudden hormonal changes in organism. To cope with this problem, it is recommended to take several servings of chamomile infusion daily. Plus, chamomile tea is also a great way to get rid of body odor. To prepare a drink 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile flowers are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and insisted under a lid for 20-30 minutes. Healing infusion you need to drink three times a day before meals. Alternatively, you can add a few drops of chamomile oil while taking a bath.
  2. A natural remedy for perspiration based on horsetail. Horsetail has natural antiseptic and disinfecting properties. To prepare home remedy from excessive sweating, you need 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of herbs with 250 ml of hot water and boil for 5 minutes, let it brew, then strain. Add a teaspoon to the cooled broth apple cider vinegar... Dip a cotton pad into the resulting product and wipe problem areas several times a day instead of or before using deodorant.
  3. Decoction of leaves walnut... The nut (more specifically, the leaves of the tree) has antiseptic and astringent properties that naturally regulate the intensity of sweating. It is necessary to boil a mixture of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped leaves and 0.5 liters of water for 5 minutes. Then cool and drain, then apply with a cotton pad on the area of ​​hyperhidrosis 2-3 times a day or as needed.

Folk remedies for hyperhidrosis - gallery

Taking chamomile infusion inside is a simple remedy for hyperhidrosis caused by hormonal imbalance. Horsetail - natural antiseptic A decoction of walnut leaves is used externally

Treatment prognosis

Symptoms of primary hyperhidrosis are significantly reduced or disappear under the influence comprehensive care and healthy way life. The prognosis of secondary hyperhidrosis depends on the underlying condition causing the disorder. Endocrine or metabolic disorders may require long-term treatment and drug adjustments. But in most cases, sweating returns to normal within a month from the start of treatment prescribed by a specialist.

Prevention of excessive sweating

Unfortunately, not all causes of hyperhidrosis are preventable. This applies to an inherited disorder or sweating associated with underlying medical conditions. But adherence to simple preventive measures will help to significantly reduce the negative manifestations of excessive secretion of sweat glands.

  1. Maintain an optimal temperature in your bedroom (about 18 degrees Celsius) and keep the air clean and fresh. The same applies to other rooms in which you spend a significant part of your time.
  2. Use only natural fabrics and bed linen in accordance with the climatic conditions. Change your laundry in a timely manner.
  3. You should not eat too much at night, and meals in the main diet should not contain a lot of salt and spices. It is better to exclude alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
  4. Take a shower or bath as needed, but at least 1-2 times a day. Use antibacterial agents to treat the most sweating areas.
  5. It is recommended to choose shoes made from natural materials, especially for interior trim and insoles. Shoes, like clothing, must be selected for the season.
  6. Minimize the amount of stress in your life as much as possible, engage in meditative practices. In case of unforeseen psycho-emotional situations, it is better to have lungs with you sedatives, for example, an infusion (or tablets) of Valerian or Motherwort extract.
  7. Exercise (sweating during activity is natural), control your body weight. Eat sweet and starchy foods on a limited basis, which can negatively affect the metabolism.

Excessive sweating has very practical negative consequences in the form of objects slipping out of your hands, including car steering wheels or sports equipment, which can be associated with health risks. Without treatment, these problems can continue throughout life. Fortunately, a wide range of modern therapy methods allows everyone to get rid of the signs of hyperhidrosis for a long time.

Often we hear the phrases: "I'm so nervous that I pour out in streams of sweat", "It's hot, already sweat is flowing in streams", "Sweat flowed in drops", "Sweat poured like a hail." However, we do not ask ourselves the question - why is this happening, what is it connected with?

On a trip to hot countries, a visit to a bath, physical exercise, stuffy room, emotional shock, the body gives out a natural reaction - sweating. By secretion of sweat, the body regulates body temperature, metabolism, and maintains normal water-salt balance, removes the products of metabolism through the sweat glands. In other words, it works like a clockwork.

If sweating appears without obvious action on your part, this indicates that the body has failed and is called "profuse sweat". Doctors divide sudden dousing into forms:

  • hyperhidrosis of the palms and soles;

  • armpit hyperhidrosis;

  • hyperhidrosis of the head or dousing of its individual parts;

  • hyperhidrosis of the perineum;

  • back hyperhidrosis;

  • hyperhidrosis of the torso.

The site of the manifestation of sweating and accompanying symptoms indicate what exactly you react to then, and therefore how to get rid of it.

Profuse perspiration accompanied by a large amount of offensive perspiration. Colored (red, blue, yellow, purple) sweat is sometimes found. The person becomes covered with streams of liquid, feels chills or fever. Sometimes sweating causes weakness, dizziness. Excretion of sweat is profuse, it literally pours in a stream, regardless of the time of day.

An unexpected and prolonged drenching of the secreted liquid injures the skin, it becomes moist, cold to the touch. Constant moisture in these areas leads to pathological changes skin... Hyperhidrosis causes the patient to lose a large number of moisture and this leads to dehydration.

In order to combat hyperhidrosis and to cure unexpected fluids, it is important to determine the cause of the disease. It is recommended that you do this with your doctor.

Thyrotoxicosis causes increased nervousness, weight loss, hyperhidrosis, weakness rolls over, and heat discomfort occurs.

Hypoglycemia is accompanied by hyperhidrosis, light-headedness, palpitations, tremors.

Carcinoid syndrome. Symptoms include sweating, characterized by skin change- tumors with a silvery color. They occur on the entire plane of the face and neck, appear in the form of blisters on the palms, soles.

Pulmonary tuberculosis is characterized by profuse sweating at night, combined with loss of weight and appetite, severe chills.

With brucellosis, there is a pathological change in the lymph nodes, hyperhidrosis, painful sensations in the joints, an increase in the spleen.

Those who have crossed the threshold of 40 years are susceptible to Hodgkin's disease. The disease affects the lymph nodes, fever appears, accompanied by high fever in the late afternoon. People sweat at night, get tired quickly, and lose weight. Malignant lymphomas have general symptoms with Hodgkin's disease, but less pronounced in strength and duration.

Sweating is regulated

autonomously, however, hyperhidrosis sometimes appears due to disruption of the central nervous system. Parkinson's disease is accompanied by profuse facial sweating. Strokes are often accompanied by a violation of thermoregulation, as a result of which sweat, literally, pours.

Riley-Day syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that is passed down from one or both parents. It manifests itself with early childhood in the form of a violation of eating habits due to nausea and vomiting, as well as poor coordination of movements. Due to disruption of work vegetative system hyperhidrosis appears, salivation increases, the mechanism of lacrimation is disrupted.

Hyperhidrosis is sometimes one of the symptoms of cystic fibrosis. Characterized by depletion of sodium chloride reserves, heat intolerance (profuse dousing with liquid) and shock in response to it.

A sharp painful sensation or a truck suddenly jumped out from around a corner lead to a natural reaction - a person is profusely covered with sweat. The reason lies in sympathetic hyperactivity, which is caused by intense emotional stress or stress. Sleep disorders, emotional frustration, depression, neuroses contribute to the appearance of hyperhidrosis.

Sweat with an unpleasant odor is an obvious inconvenience to social life... Sweating is unpleasant in principle, and if the palm is sweating, it becomes uncomfortable to shake hands. It's one thing when this happens after visiting the gym or bath, and quite another when dousing is completely beyond your control. Sweat runs down the back or chest very often, irreversibly spoiling and staining things.

Deodorant or other cosmetical tools... With active physical exercise, when traveling, you must have it with you. To get rid of sweat on your head, hands, armpits and soles, you can use wet wipes that can be used as a deodorant. Special creams can help with sweat. It is worth remembering that such remedies will only hide the manifestation, but will not eliminate the source of sweating.

Water will help to cope with the loss of fluid from profuse sweating. Drinking plenty of fluids will replenish internal stores, preventing the dehydration of the body that causes douches. Fruit drink, weak tea, mineral and still water, juices are vitamins that increase disease resistance.

Surgical intervention saves from profuse sweating. The sympathetic trunk in the sternum / armpits is eliminated, preventing the elimination of sweat through the sweat glands. Drug treatment(also after diagnosis) eliminates or reduces the source of excessive sweating.

When you sweat for no reason, it is important to understand why profuse sweating appears and consult your doctor to find a remedy for treatment. To keep yourself in good shape, you need water, vitamins and a properly selected deodorant.

Sudden profuse or profuse sweating under the armpits and in other parts of the body takes a person by surprise and causes uncomfortable manifestations. The patient feels sweat streaming down the head, arms, legs and other parts. People can sweat profusely for a variety of reasons, some of which are serious and require medical attention. You should consult a doctor, find out the source of the problem and individual methods fight profuse sweating.

Pathological causes of profuse sweating

Endocrine Disorders

Sudden sweating occurs for various reasons, which often have pathological character... If sweat pours down all over the body, then it can be endocrine disorders in the human body. The reason why there is a sharp profuse sweating may lie in diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system:

  • Thyrotoxicosis. The patient is actively leaving water through, there is nervousness, a sharp loss of weight, weakness.
  • Hypoglycemia. A sharp and constant drenching with sweat during hypoglycemia is accompanied by fainting, frequent heartbeat and tremors of the limbs and the whole body.
  • Carcinoid syndrome. A person sweats heavily, tumors are formed on the skin, colored in a silvery color. Blisters affect the area of ​​the face, neck, palms.

Can an infection manifest itself profusely?

Profuse sweating of the head and body is noted in patients with infectious lesions. A patient with various infections in the body loses a lot of fluid, which leads to a significant deterioration in the condition. Patients sweat profusely with such infectious diseases:

  • Tuberculosis. In addition to profuse sweating, the patient begins to lose appetite and dramatically lose weight against the background of tuberculous lesions.
  • Brucellosis. Sweat pours out in a stream with brucellosis, which can be transmitted from the animal. With the disease, profuse sweating, swollen lymph nodes, and joint pain are noted.
  • Malaria infection. Patients sweat profusely, fever, complain of headaches and fever up to 41 degrees.

Tumor signal

Tests should be taken to determine the root cause of the disease.

Abundant discharge sweat is often associated with neoplasms that the body has undergone. So, sweating of the armpits and other parts of the body often signals the development of Hodgkin's disease, in which the lymph nodes are damaged. The patient suffers from elevated temperature, complains that his sweat poured profusely in the evening and night hours. Profuse sweating is also associated with malignant tumors, but in this case it will not be so pronounced.

Neurological and mental disorders

Often the patient asks the question "why I am soaking in sweat" and does not suspect that the answer may lie in neurological or mental disorders. Profuse sweat is the first sign of Parkinson's disease, stroke. Mental and psychological deviations are capable of influencing the occurrence of profuse sweating:

  • neuroses;
  • regular depressive conditions;
  • sleep disturbance.

How do hereditary diseases affect?

Sweat often drips for a reason hereditary disorders... Sweat pours out in a hail of Riley-Day syndrome, in which eating habits are disrupted due to regular vomiting and nausea. The patient additionally suffers from impaired coordination, increased saliva separation and increased lacrimation. In addition, patients pour cold sweat with cystic fibrosis, which is characterized by a lack of sodium chloride, intolerance to a hot climate and shock state in the heat.

Why do you sweat in the absence of pathologies?

Genes determine our life, and sometimes our existence.

Profuse sweating is also often observed in healthy people, mainly in the stronger sex. The period of andropause, during which testosterone production is reduced, can influence the development of profuse sweating in men. If the patient notes that sweat flowed at night, then, perhaps, the source of profuse sweating was the wrong temperature in the room or fake bedding. Profuse sweating may appear in the background unbalanced diet, which contains a lot of garlic, onions and other spicy foods. In addition, the abuse of tobacco, drugs or alcohol affects profuse sweating.

Profuse sweating: features of manifestation

In case of a violation of this nature, the patient profusely flows out sweat, which has a fetid odor. He has different color: bluish, reddish, yellowish, which can also indicate a specific disease. A patient with profuse sweating has a constant chilliness, weakness and dizziness. Sweat pours in a stream during the day and night. With prolonged profuse sweating, the integrity of the skin is damaged, and small blisters often appear in sweaty places.

Most dangerous consequence profuse hyperhidrosis - dehydration.

Sweating during exercise or heat - natural process... But why does the head and face sweat at normal times, for example, when a person is sleeping? This result can be caused by health problems, a large amount of stress, poor nutrition and bad habits... Improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, in which the level of sweat secreted is higher than the norm, is called hyperhidrosis.

How dangerous is hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is of two types:

  1. Common when the whole body sweats completely.
  2. Local, sweat appears on certain parts of the body, for example, when the face or head sweats a lot.

Important! Sweating of the face and headmay not pose a particular threat, but sometimes it indicates the presence of internal diseases in the body, which can be quite serious.

Such an ailment can cause psychological discomfort, because a sweaty person feels at least untidy. If the patient has passed necessary examinations and no diseases were found, there is no reason for concern.

It happens that the situation is complicated by erythrophobia, when a person is afraid to blush in the company of other people. At such moments, not only sweat may appear on the face, but also red spots. All this leads to serious stress and neuroses, which can affect the defense system of the mechanism, as a result of which a person becomes more susceptible to various diseases.

Excessive sweating can lead to some inconvenience:

  • you have to wash your hair more often,
  • choose special cosmetics that are resistant to a humid environment,
  • and wear dark colored clothing so that damp spots are not visible under the armpits.

Head hyperhidrosis can occur with sweating of the palms and feet. In addition to excessive sweating, the patient may suffer from migraines and increased fatigue.

To get rid of hyperhidrosis,

Causes of the disease

Stress is a common cause of hyperhidrosis

Frequent head sweating is usually caused by:

  • Hereditary factor.
  • Anxiety, excitement, stress, dizziness, memory gaps. If a woman is very worried and nervous, she may experience increased head sweating. This also happens after prolonged depression or frequent stressful situations.
  • Disruptions in metabolic processes, this phenomenon is called "cranial hyperhidrosis". This is usually due to endocrine diseases... Often the head sweats in an adult who has excess weight or suffers from diabetes.
  • Diseases of viral origin, especially chronic form. Heavy sweating head can be observed with high temperature, since the secretion of sweat contributes to thermoregulation. But sometimes facial hyperhidrosis signals viral and fungal diseases.
  • an irritant can manifest itself not only in the form of irritation and rashes, but also as an increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, because toxic substances are excreted from the body along with sweat.
  • Low-quality cosmetics, such as powder or foundation.
  • Hypothermia, which can lead to walks without a hat in winter frosts.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • A variety of complex hairstyles also lead to head sweating.
  • Hypertension or hypertension.
  • Cancer diseases. If the head sweats quite often, this may indicate the presence of a malignant tumor.
  • Hormonal disruptions. The face and head are often damp with sweat during pregnancy and menopause.
  • Spicy foods and certain beverages, such as tea and coffee, can increase hormone production.
  • Bad habits. Especially when a person constantly drinks alcohol or uses drugs. Often, facial hyperhidrosis is observed in patients with tuberculosis.

The baby's head sweats while sleeping or feeding, what should I do?

Important!Why does my head sweat a lot?in babies? Often wearing synthetic fabrics leads to a similar result. It can also manifest itself with rickets.

Sweating at night

"Why does your face sweat at night?"- people come to doctors with this question more and more often. The following factors contribute to perspiration at night:

  1. A stuffy unventilated room.
  2. Viral diseases such as ARVI or bronchitis.
  3. Bed linen made from low-quality and unnatural fabrics.
  4. The use of some pharmaceutical preparations.
  5. Obstructive sleep apnea. In case of illness, a person snores very much, his breathing is delayed.

Getting rid of sweating of the head and neck is possible without the use of medicines, you can simply paint your head with basma or henna - this method is not particularly effective, but some people note a positive result.

Hyperhidrosis treatment

Conservative ways

Treatment of facial hyperhidrosis is carried out depending on the cause of the disease:

  1. If your face sweats during anxiety and anxiety, or after stressful situations or depression, you need to take sedatives.
  2. With overweight and metabolic disorders, the diet prescribed by the doctor will help.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine system can be treated by an endocrinologist, sleep problems - by a somnologist, ailments infectious origin several categories of doctors are involved.
  4. It happens that the face sweats a lot if a person suffers chronic infections... In this case, the doctor may prescribe immunostimulating drugs and vitamins.
  5. Physical therapy is effective for persistent sweating on the palms of the hands and face.
  6. If the patient has problems with thyroid, in connection with which his face and even his head sweat, you need to contact an endocrinologist.
  7. It is possible to normalize the hormonal background during menopause with the help of special hormonal medications.
  8. Often the back of the head sweats in women who are breastfeeding. This usually happens when lactation is underway.
  9. If a person has head hyperhidrosis, treatment can be carried out with Botox or Dysport injections, which block nerve cells... The disadvantages of this method include high price and a short-lived result - the procedure should be repeated 1 time within 6 months.

What to do in case of excessive underarm sweating?

It is imperative to treat hyperhidrosis!

How to get rid of sweating surgically? Sometimes, for the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the head and face, one has to resort to surgical methods:

  • Endoscopic sympathectomy is a fairly effective method. During the procedure, the doctor pinches the sympathetic ganglion with special device- endoscope.
  • Thoracoscopic sympathectomy is more risky, more traumatic and painful procedure, as there is an incision in the skin and muscles. If the doctor was negligent or the body did not tolerate the operation well, complications may arise.

Important!TO surgical methods you need to resort only in extreme cases and it is better to entrust the matter to a professional- an inexperienced doctor may pinch the wrong nerve during sympathectomy, which will lead to negative consequences... Also, after the operation, hyperhidrosis can begin in other areas, for example, on the feet or under the armpits. Thus, the work of the paralyzed glands will be compensated.

Alternative medicine methods

How to treat head hyperhidrosis at home? Increased facial sweating can be easily eliminated using the following methods:

  1. If your head sweats a lot, you can make cosmetic masks from chicken eggs and lemon.
  2. Fill hot water 2-3 tablespoons of sage, after which the broth should be infused for an hour. Drink infusion better in the morning on an empty stomach. The course continues until the person stops sweating.
  3. Eat Natural Antioxidants - Berries Chinese lemongrass, which stabilize the work of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Do soda solution, for this you need to stir one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.
  5. For the treatment of facial hyperhidrosis, add to food linseed oil, but only when the food has cooled down. This helps to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, removes substances harmful to the body, and also lowers cholesterol levels.
  6. Wash your head and face with oak bark and tar soap... But it should be borne in mind that birch tar causes dry skin, so it is worth stocking up on a moisturizer and hair balm.
  7. Get rid of spicy foods and foods: onions, peppers and garlic. Excessive and frequent sweating can be caused by drinking alcohol, carbonated drinks and coffee.
  8. Rinse your head with a solution of apple cider vinegar.
  9. Add 2 teaspoons of acetic acid to honey. It should be consumed several times a day before meals. This method is very effective for facial sweating.
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