Frontitis: symptoms, treatment and home treatment by folk remedies. Treatment of Frontitis at home: Folk recipes and procedures

The disease front refers to the category of sinusitis and is considered the hardest form. This is a serious inflammatory process that flows into the galonial sinuses, namely in its frontal part. In the absence of timely and correctly prescribed treatment, it flows into meningitis, in which the brain shell is inflated. Talk about what you need to know about such a disease like a front, treatment folk remedies And consider the symptoms on this page We will talk about everything that will help facilitate the condition of the patient and prevent complications.

Causes and Diseases Preceding Frontitis

Absolutely all diseases are a consequence of any violations or changes in the body. Many of us prefer during a cold do not lie down and do not comply with bed rest, but by high-speed tablets Faress yourself a fortune and go to work. Rhinitis, it would seem the most harmless and usual runny nose, and often it is precisely the preceding factor in dangerous frontitis. Explicit symptoms pass, and the inflammatory process continues, as a result of which complications arise.

Another reason is the resulting nasal injury, which resulted in breathing. Most often, professional athletes face, regularly receiving physical damage to the nasal partition.

The next provocation factor is the weakening of immunity and attack viruses on the body. Difficulty microbes can be in the body and not to know about themselves, but as soon as the immune system becomes vulnerable, they begin their active activities. So begins the inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses.

Doctors argue that one of the common causes of the front is adenoids. They are very vulnerable and easily inflated for any viral and infectious diseasesAt the same time increasing in size. As a result, the mucosa swells, breathing is hampered due to the overlap of the channels, the person has to make breaths and exhalations through the mouth. In this way, bacteria easily penetrate into the body. Yes, and just cold air weakens local immunity The bodies of which passes. Which changes in well-being can be recognized by the front, the symptoms of its first what?

What are the symptoms to recognize the beginning of the disease?

Frontitis can manifest various symptoms Depending on the stage of its development. So, at the initial stages, the disease makes itself felt painful sensations near the nose. The nose is laid, to highlight the contents problematic. The increase in temperature does not always accompany the disease, but it can reach 39 degrees. General health Worsen, weakness and apathy appears.

When the front turns into an acute form, he makes itself felt by other symptoms. Most often these are strong, sharp headaches that are provoked by a large amount of accumulated pus in the inflamed sinuses of the nose. To the touch, the blasting area is very painful, and it even makes the impression that a tumor was formed in that place. When touching is fissile, very sharp pain. Periodically, when turning and inclined heads, dizziness is observed.

One of the bright pronounced symptoms - Pain in the eyes and elevated intraocular pressurewhich is especially felt in prolonged work at the computer. Discomplete sensations can be more brightly manifested in morning time. The sense of smell is weakened, allocations appear purulent origin.

The front can also be accompanied by conjunctivitis, swelling of the eyelid, suffocating the cough (especially at night).

Traditional methods Treatment

For those who have already been afraid of the upcoming operation, immediately say: it is not radical surgical intervention, and simple piercing nasal sinuses to remove pus. Done this procedure In the hospital under local anesthesia. In parallel with this, the course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines is appointed, as well as antiviral drugs.

Frontitis - homemade treatment

Immediately, we note that the treatment of frontitis at home is not at all replacing the drug method. Leave the disease without attention and can not be allowed. But at home can be facilitated by the health of the patient and prevent possible complications.

Each house has several laurels. They will help themselves in treatment: throw a few pieces in boiling water, bring to a boil, tenth minutes to remove from the fire. It is necessary to breathe over a capacity with this champs before bedtime, in the morning and in the afternoon for 15-20 minutes, covered with a head with a towel.

Effective is the next collection of herbs that can be bought on any pharmacy: we take a tablespoon of the Cmina, the Pijmas and the Golder. All mixed, brewing in 250 ml of boiling water, 45 minutes inspect. The resulting means is used for compresses and washing the nose.

Good to a tool It is considered the usual sand scored on the river bank. A small handy must be heated in a frying pan, pour out into a cotton bag or a scarf, apply to the bridge. In the same way, a warm, cooked egg can be used. With such procedures, you can not warm the forehead, but only the domain area!

To rinse the nasal passages, you can use the following solutions. Grinding the bulb of medium size, pour 250 ml of boiling water, let cool and add a teaspoon of honey. Wash with such a means in the absence of allergic reactions on honey.

You can prepare a solution for washing from: Two tablespoons of dry collection brew and boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Give cool, strain and rinse the nasal sinuses several times a day.

Any treatment methods are better to discuss with a doctor, putting him known about the additional home therapy. Only a complex approach Allows you to quickly get rid of the disease without complications and the transition to a chronic form!

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Perhaps no one likes to hurt, because it will be necessary to walk in doctors and for a long time to take counter medicines, the price of which can significantly hit the pocket. And if I began to disturb the banal runny nose, then we do not pay attention to it at all. Meanwhile, our dismissive attitude towards his health can turn into front.

Frontitis is an inflammatory process that flows into the nasal region, namely in the olfactory body. Symptomatic picture This disease is similar to other sinusitis and manifests itself in the nasal mortgage, pain over the bridge. Frontitis, the treatment at home which is quite possible, should be first diagnosed by the ENT (otolaryngologist). And then you can already use one of the prescriptions below.

Frontitis. Treatment with folk remedies: inhalation

Recipe 1. boil in a small pan with 7-10 laurel leaves. This spice, which we used to add to soups for fragrance, has a mass useful properties, in particular, antivirus and antibacterial effect. Reduce the fire to a minimum, bow your head over the pan and cover the towel. Inhale the pairs of 5 minutes. Since the likelihood is great, which will return a few days later, it is not necessary to do this procedure once again, but to repeat over the week. It is advisable to warm up in the evenings when you no longer need to go out.

Recipe 2. Effective will be in the treatment of front and the following inhalation. Boost water in a saucepan and pour the daisy flowers there (this tool can be purchased on any pharmacy literally for a penny) and remove from the fire. Draise chamomile with infusion drops essential oil tea tree or eucalyptus. Then act as in the previous recipe. Close over the pots, cover your head with a towel and inhale the composition with your nose for 5 minutes.

Frontitis. Treatment at home: washing

Recipe 1. Rinse your nose sea water. If there is no one at hand and did not find it in the pharmacy, then just do brine Alone from the water and the usual salt. Although the effect of this will be much smaller.

Recipe 2. Dissolve the tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm (but not hot). On the shallow grater, soda one small bulb, press onion juice and pour it into the honeymoon. Rinse the nose with this composition four times a day.

Frontitis. Treatment at home: massage

This massotherapy It is integrated and starting it from the legs below the knee. Pass the feet and caviar, then hands to elbow, special attention By paying to brushes and forearms. Such actions are designed to help strengthen the body's immune forces. Now massage frontal shareTo improve the bloodstream in this area. If you appear painful feelings, do not be afraid - it is necessary. First massage carry out light touches, and then gradually increase the pressure just on painful sites. Take it until it starts sickness.

The next stage is the massage of the periosteum. It is done by the same principle. Very good, if you will sneeze, thereby cleaning the frontal sinus from the accumulated pus. For this you can rinse in the nose cotton stick.

Cut the massage 3-5 times per day until you recover finally.

Acute Frontitis: Treatment

Like any disease, for which people often close their eyes, like a non-serious, frontititis may soon turn into a real problem. Never forget that the front is not a runny nose at all, and its treatment requires a patient compliance bed regime. Insufficient I. incorrect treatment This disease can grow into a chronic or acute form. Frontitis in acute form is already characterized by not only symptoms such as headaches and tears of the eyes, but serous (and if you run, then serous-purulent) discharge from the nose. And if in a light form, the front treatment at home allows, then with an acute form it should be addressed to the help of only traditional (i.e. medication) methods of treatment.

In no case, do not listen to the stupid advisers who have only one answer for seven troubles, namely, to heal the cold and other such sores should be heating. Thermal procedures in acute front will certainly be promoted by the spread of purulent processes from the nasal sinus on neighboring organs and fabric. But there is already very nearby the brain! It can really really threaten meningitis, brain abscess and other intracranial complications.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Be healthy!

A headache in the forehead is most often in the morning, nose is laid, reduced performance - most likely, it is a front. But to put accurate diagnosis, We must consult with Laura. And if suspicions are confirmed, it is necessary to start treatment. If the disease occurs in light form, the doctor will recommend spending comprehensive therapy At home, but the treatment of frontititis by folk remedies is an addition to the methods of official medicine.

The role of folk agents in the treatment

The inflammation of the frontal sinuses is accompanied by a headache, increased fatigue, heat, strong intoxication. In this disease, especially if the sinuses are affected on both sides, breathe hard. But the exudate from the nose is practically not allocated. Frontitis usually quickly progresses, almost instantly can blocked the sinus, as it is connected to narrow passages with a nasal cavity. And so that you can cure the front without a puncture, it is necessary to use not only medications, but also additional ways. With their help:

  • restore nasal breathing;
  • remove headaches;
  • lower body temperature;
  • clean the symptoms of intoxication.

For therapy, grain rags are used, solutions for washing the nose. If not high temperatures and contraindications are used heat collecting.

Folk Methods Treatment of Frontitis should be used to appoint a doctor. P they only if they are used in a comprehensive drug treatment.Hemps and teas cannot be replaced, anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs. All folk ways are needed as an addition to traditional methods.

Folk remedies for the fight against nose

The main therapy at the front is aimed at restoring nasal breathing. It is necessary because most medicines It is necessary to enter the cavity. Well, so that they give therapeutic effect, It is necessary that inside there was no accumulated pathological secret.

In addition, hypoxia arises due to nose. And when the cells of the body lack oxygen, they die. Restore nasal breathing not only with traditional medicine, but also people's methodswhich sometimes turn out to be even more efficient. To begin with washed nasal cavity.

For this use:

  1. Isotonic solution sea salt. It contains a lot necessary trace elements, including iodine, who removes inflammation. To obtain a solution of the necessary concentration, 9 g of salts are bred in 1l warm water. This tool may cause discomfort in the nasal cavity during washing, especially if the mucosa is damaged by the resulting crusts.
  2. Brigade of herbs. For the treatment of the front, plants are brewing with anti-inflammatory and aseptic properties (chamomile, calendula, mint, pine cones, needles, eucalyptus). On 2 tbsp. l. Dry mixture should be 0.5 liters of boiling water. The grass is falling asleep in the enamelled saucepan, poured with water and boil on a slow fire, without bringing to a boil of 10 minutes. The finished decoction insists half an hour.
  3. Soda solution. Sodium bicarbonate breaks too thick mucus, facilitates its elimination. To prepare effective tool for washing, 1 tbsp. l. Soda is dissolved in 1 liter of water.

Fluid for washing must be filled with gauze, folded in 6 layers so that there are no solid particles in it. The solution for conducting the procedure should be warm (about 37 0 s).

The nose is washed with various devices:

  • syringe for 20 ml;
  • syringe;
  • frenkel chairs;
  • bottle with dispenser.

Select the necessary device individually - the main thing is that it is convenient to use.

Sometimes during washing, the liquid flows into one nostril and flows out of it. Such a situation may occur if there are polyps, cysts in the nasal passage, the sinus is clogged. In this case, the washing at home can harm. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to consult the Laura.

If rinsed the nose does not turn out due to the fact that crusts were formed in the nose cavity, then they are neatly removed before the procedure. First, the bow is lubricated by oil:

  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn;
  • creamy;
  • corn;
  • from the seeds of richness;
  • sunflower.

You can use even oils designed to care for the newborn. From the gauze, a thin flagery twist, it is dipped into the oil, and then carefully lubricate inside the nose. After 15 minutes, the crusts are removed.

To remove crusts in the clinic in the nasal cavity, a cotton swab, lubricated with vaseline, is administered, and leave it inside for 15 minutes. Ointment softening crusts. And the tampon itself is annoying the mucous membrane, and the glandular cells begin to highlight the mucus. The crusts not only soften, but also are twisted the secreter allocated, so the nose is cleared faster.

If the nose is laid with a dense secret, then you can sneak it with:

  • aloe or calanchoe juice;
  • soda solution;
  • carrot and beet juice.

The liquid is injected with a pipette of 10 drops or with a bottle from a spray (2-3 times) into one nostril and try to breathe in, then in the second. After 5-10 minutes, the pathological secret is high.

Often these means for injection of the nose doctors recommend instead vesseloring dropletsthat cannot be used for a long time.

In addition, in front of the patients, the nose is laid, they are very worried headacheAnd the analgin and other medicines do not strongly help, but it is possible to alleviate the patient's condition at home.

How to get a headache

Usually pain passes, as soon as the sinus is cleared of the pathological secret, but only if it is caused by the pressure of the exudate on the walls of the sinus. At the front, the head is sick due to intoxication, hypoxia. You can get rid of headaches using:

  • lBA massage;
  • warming ointment (Rosteur, Dr.);
  • warm compress.

Massage forehead with finger pads, making circular movements. It helps to learn pain. Also, the massage contributes to the outflow of the exudate from the cavity.

At the front, if there are no contraindications, smear the wings of the nose, the nose, the forehead of the warming ointment. It warms the sinus, reduces painful sensations and help cope with infection. Instead, it is possible to use heat compresses:

  1. From potatoes. Boil potatoes in uniforms, tick. At 500 g puree add 0.5 hours l. Mustard, thoroughly mixed. The hot mixture is laid out on a h / b fabric folded in 2 layers. Before applying the forehead compress, it is better to lubricate with oil so that there is no burn.
  2. Saline. The bag is swept off in the oven or microwave salt and applied on the forehead.
  3. Phytoapplication. For its preparation, the collection from the daisy pharmacy, eucalyptus, calendula, peppermints are used. The dry mixture of herbs falls asleep in enameled dishes, poured boiling water (on 2 tbsp. L. It is necessary to 1 liters of water). The infusion is tightly closed, closed in a terry towel, turn on the plastic bag on top and leave half an hour. Then the drug is filtered. Liquid can be rinsed with the nose, and the residue from the grass is laid out for gauze and apply the compress on the forehead.
  4. Paraffin. It is melted in a water bath. Then cool to 50 0 s and with the help of the brush are applied to the forehead. From above are covered with cellophane film, then layered 4 times a warm scarf.

Only using these funds can be pre-consulted with a doctor. In the event that the sinus is clogged, the patient can harm these procedures by provoking the development of complications. BUT thermal proceduresThe use of warming ointments is prohibited if the patient has a body temperature above 38.3 0 C.

If there is no temperature, it is necessary to walk on fresh air. This will help to cope with the headache, if it is caused by hypoxy. But usually the front is accompanied by fervor. And very often tablets (paracetamol), do not contribute to the decrease in temperature. In this case, you must necessarily call a doctor to the house. And it is possible to alleviate the patient's condition using a cold compression from vinegar and water. It is not recommended for children, as the vinegar is literally absorbed by the skin, which helps strengthen intoxication.

Removal of toxins and fighting infection by people

Basically, the front is called various infection. Therefore, always accompanied by intoxication. Alignment of the patient will help various decoctions.

  1. If a thick, viscous exudate is highlighted from the nose, better drink tea from elderberies. For its preparation it is necessary:
  • 2 tbsp. l. Flowers of elder;
  • 4 chopped walnut kernels;
  • 0.5 liters boiling water.

The nuts and flowers of elderber are falling asleep in enameled dishes, poured boiling water, closed tightly, carefully wrapped and put in a warm place for 30 minutes. Before drinking, tea is diluted hot water (1: 1), add 1 tsp. Honey (if there is no allergy on him). Drink gradually throughout the day.

  1. In the chills, the usual warm tea will help if add 2 tbsp. l. raspberry jam. It is necessary to drink it before bedtime to wrap up and not to go anywhere, otherwise you can hyproof and worsen the course of the disease.
  2. Remove the symptoms of intoxication and remove harmful substances from the body will help sweet saturated cherry compote.
  3. For treatment bacterial infection As a supplement to antibiotic therapy, it is recommended to drink tea from the Hypericum. It is brewed, pouring 1 tbsp. l. Mixtures 0,5l boiling water.

The main rule of the treatment of the front at home is not to forget to take those medicines that the doctor appointed. Inflammation of the frontal sinuses is treated only in comprehensive, using all available and efficient ways.

Few know how to treat the front at home, and what does this disease act really? Frontitis is the presence of inflammation in the apparent part of the frontal nasal sinus. This process occurs and develops in the field of the forefront of the skull. Today, medicine is diagnosed with chronic and acute form of the disease. Each of them has its own symptoms. In the treatment of pathology, special attention is paid to the form of pathology.

Frontitis or affects the mucous membrane. This disease is considered very serious and dangerous. If you do not start it on time, it can lead to various complications. The most dangerous is the hymorite, abscess of age and brain. Also, as a result of inaction, the patient may begin sepsis, which in frequent cases leads to a fatal outcome.

Pathology may arise on the background of various reasons. Among the main it is worth highlighting:

  • congenital or acquired pathology in the process;
  • an abnormal structure of the sinuses;
  • smoking;
  • availability allergic rhinitis and asthma;
  • the presence of streptococcus patient;
  • caries and others.

Also, pathology may result in:

  • damage to the nose;
  • bacterial disease;
  • miscalculation;
  • long or narrow nasal passage;
  • presence foreign object in the aisles;
  • serious supercooling.

Depending on the peculiarities of inflammation, the front can be catarrhal and purulent. Catarial form accompanied by high pressure In the frontal part, a serious runny nose, as well as a feeling of gravity. If the treatment of pathology was carried out incorrectly or absent at all, as a result, this could lead to complications. In the future, the patient develops acute form Diseases.

A distinctive feature purulent octitais the accumulation of pus in the nasal sinuses. As a result, the patient has bad state of healthAnd also is in pre-corrupt state. Ultimately, he can often lose consciousness. Therefore, it is worth seriously considering the symptoms of the front and its treatment at home.

Symptoms of acute frontal sinusitis

Inflammation of the nasal sinuses may occur both on the left and with right side. Regardless of this, the symptoms of pathology in two cases is one:

  • strong headache, which exacerbates under head slopes;
  • afraid of bright light, including daylight;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • decline in appetite;
  • the emergence of edema in development places inflammatory process;
  • frequent tearing without explicit causes;
  • flooded emotional state.

The main symptom of pathology in adults is a headache whose intensity changes with harsh change body position. If for two months it does not pass therapy, then the front is flowing into a chronic form.

Symptoms of chronic sinusita

The development of chronic frontal sinusitis is accompanied by certain symptoms that arise gradually:

  • immunity of almost all odors;
  • conjunctivitis, which is rapidly evolving;
  • the appearance of the edema of the eyelids and areas above the eyebrows;
  • permanent cough;
  • fast fatiguability.

Also in the nose in the patient, polyps are formed, which make it difficult respiratory processes. aims to maintain and strengthen immune system, as well as preventing complications.

Medical therapy

As already noted, the treatment of frontitis at home directly depends on its shape. The main task of therapy is to suppress the symptoms of illness, as well as the elimination of inflammation. IN this case Patient is appointed comprehensive treatmentwhich may include such medications:

  • Antibiotics. These drugs appoint only the attending physician on the basis of the inspection and conduct required analyzes. For the treatment of pathology used the most effective drugs, such as azithromycin, bioparox and others.
  • Homeopathy. Via treatment You can skip the contents of the sinuses. It also makes it possible to suppress inflammation, strengthen the immunity and greatly relieve breathing. In this case, sinuspensing, cinnabsin and other drugs with similar effects enter the struggle.
  • Vaconishing drugs. With their help, you can get rid of the nasal congestion and release the nasal ducts. Among popular fundsIt is worth highlighting naphtizin and rinazoline.
  • Antipyretic medicine. If the patient has an increase in temperature up to 38 and higher, then it is prescribed drugs that lower the heat. Particularly popular among specialists, drugs such as Nurofen and Naz are used.
  • Mulitatic means. Used to disperse the contents of the nasal sinuses.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are effective in combating the spread of the inflammatory process. As a result, this makes it possible to free the nasal passages from the mucous clusters formed as a result of the damage to the nasal passages.

If the patient is undergoing treatment in the hospital, then he can be appointed:

  • washing the nasal channels;
  • puncture;
  • probing;
  • quartzing;
  • sticks that have a warming effect.

Important: Puncture is carried out only if without a puncture it is impossible to achieve positive dynamics in the treatment of the disease.

Before proceeding to medical therapyThe patient is passed full diagnostics At the attending physician. Just due to careful research and inspection, the specialist will be able to appoint effective treatment.

Popular Medicine in the fight against the front

Having a certain information, you can independently diagnose signs of the disease. At the same time, treatment is carried out at home with the use of funds folk Medicine. In particular it concerns chronic sinusita. Fast treatment Frontitis at home includes the following processes:

  • nasal washing;
  • inhalation using certain preparations;
  • application of ointments and drops that are made on the basis of therapeutic herbs.

Regular use of certain methods, allows you to forget about the nasal congestion for a long time. Also, such procedures allow you to stop the symptoms of the ailment, which deliver some discomfort to the patient.

Washing aisles

Before carrying out the treatment of frontititis by folk remedies, it is necessary to clean the nasal channels and driving it with drugs that have vasoconstrictor properties. The following solutions can be used for washing:

  • Take 2 tbsp. l. Sinking chamomile and pour hot water. The resulting decoction is composed to room temperature. It is used for washing every two hours.
  • For the preparation of the solution will be needed 2 hours. L. Salt, some soda and a little tea tree oil. Everything is poured 0.5 liters of water and thoroughly mixed. The solution is worth using every 3 hours.
  • Make it easier to cook therapeutic composition Based on cook or sea salt. To do this, take 2 h. Salts and dilute in 400 ml of water. Washing is carried out every 2 hours.

Washing is carried out above the sink. Regardless of the place of the appearance of the inflammatory process, the treatment of folk remedies is carried out with two nostrils.

Frontitis is a disease affecting nasal putinous sickles. The disease, in contrast to other varieties of sinusitis, is hard enough. Frontitis manifests such symptoms:

  • pain B. frontal sinusesah during pressing;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • nasal mortgage, as well as difficulty breathing;
  • drowsiness and fast fatigue;
  • highlighting sputum;
  • an unpleasant smell of selection.

If there are similar signs, it is advisable to refer to the otolaryngologist, who can solve the question of how to treat the frontier in natural homework.

Folk recipes

The use of folk remedies is characterized by a number of advantages. First of all, these methods were checked not in one generation over the centuries. In addition, the arsenal of such simple methods Very varied.

Therefore, when a doctor believes that it is possible to treat the front at home, it should be safely started to study folk recipes. Treatment with the help of traditional medicine is conditionally divided into three directions:

  • drops;
  • washing;
  • inhalation.

For washing the sinuses and the nasal cavity, a nasal salt solution is often used. To prepare this composition, we need a teaspoon of the ingredient and a liter of water, necessarily boiled. Wash the nose with a cooked solution is often necessary, then you can get a good slope of the mucus, which accumulated in the sinuses.

Effective is a solution of soda, salts and tea tree oils. You need to take half a teaspoon of kitchen salt and some soda, add a couple of drops of an oil hood of a tea tree to them.

Often in the treatment of the front is the decoction of the Zverboard. This plant contains a lot of phytoncides, that is, vegetable substances that have bactericidal properties. To cook this healing compositionYou should take a teaspoon of the product and a glass of water. Wash nose with solution.

Important: The solution must be sufficiently warm.


In recent decades, it is very popular, but at the end of the extraordinary way it was the direction involving that it is best to treat the front in the natural homemade urinet. Sometimes, especially at first, urine can be too concentrated, therefore, it can lead to some discomfort that manifests pain and burning. Then in this case it is desirable to breed it with boiled water. After time, these manifestations will disappear. Of course, it is best to suffer to achieve the result. The action will become strong, but from the ailment you can get rid of the shortest period. As a rule, after two procedures, everything subsides, and the rinsing process no longer causes unpleasant discomfort. Rinse sinuses need at least four times a day. The course can be up to seven days.

Rubber pear with rubber pear should be washed, neatly poured a large number of The solution into the nasal cavity. Then there will be not only the mucosa is washed, but also the contents of the sinuses will occur. When difficulty breathing is observed, to treat the front in natural home conditions is better than vasoconducting drops.


It turned out to be techniques for the use of honey compresses, for which you need to take a complete spoonful of a sweet product and put a gauze bandage with him for the night. At the same time, the sweet version of the compress must be fixed with the plaster.


As a treatment, the doctor can attribute to use at home inhalation.

Important: It is allowed to conduct a similar procedure only in the absence of increased temperature.

The simplest I. affordable treatment With the help of inhalation, the use of potatoes. It is necessary to boil the root roof in the skin, remove from the stove, drain the water, and then wrapped with a towel over the container where potatoes were cooked.

Inhalation can be carried out in natural home using lavra leaf. He works well on the front. For this, it takes a little water and put on fire, a leaf of Laurea is added there and a little boils. It is possible to cure the disease in a couple of days, using the next Council.

Treatment of Frontitis in just 2 days

Need to grind garlic, add to it apple vinegar And steep boiling water, then the mixture is boiled. Breathe a prepared solution for 15 minutes. Literally after a couple of days, the well-being will noticeably improve.


In some situations, a specialist may advise to warm up the frontal sinuses. The fabric impregnated with heated water must be put in the area of \u200b\u200bthe frontal sinuses and cover it with a dry handkerchief, adding the heating on top.

IMPORTANT: After such an event, it is impossible to leave the house for about an hour.

The same effect can be obtained from the warm-up sinuses welded with boiled eggs or a bag with a heated salt, sand.


Special attention to the patient should pay massage. After all similar treatment contributes to improved blood circulation in different parts Persons. As a result, such actions, the focus of inflammation subsides and are absorbed. A positive healing effect gives massage the area of \u200b\u200bthe sinuses and nose.

Another variety of massage helps to remove painfulness At the front and referred to as point, that is, a slight pressure or tapping in the damage zone is performed.

Sometimes for the treatment of such a problem, prescribe therapeutic ointment or drinks. A fairly common ointment, which can be made independently, is honey. This tool will help reduce inflammation. The recipe is very simple. Honey, onions, aloe juice and the ointment of Vishnevsky, which can be bought in a pharmacy. All ingredients are used in equal parts that are mixed, and then impregnated in it cotton swabs need to be placed half an hour in the nostrils.

Also from honey can be done healing drink. It will take the juice of two oranges to be cooking, to which there is a teaspoon of honey and cinnamon. Drug drink daily before meal every morning.


The issue of treating front in natural home conditions requires care and high degree Patient responsibility. In the process of recovery, you should constantly consult a doctor. Only the doctor can follow the changes occurring and, if you need, change treatment methods, it will always indicate which patient needs to be needed at this moment.

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