How long does it take for a dog to get a swallowed object? A foreign body in a dog. How to tell if your dog has eaten a foreign body

A foreign body in a dog in most cases is tennis balls, small toys, buttons, paper or foil, plastic bags, rags. In this situation, there is a high risk of developing a complete or partial obstruction of the stomach, volvulus of the digestive tube, and intestinal obstruction. If the objects are sharp, then the development of internal bleeding, perforation of the walls of internal organs is possible. If foreign objects enter the respiratory system, the pet may die from asphyxiation.

Symptoms in a dog: the animal makes frequent jaw movements, there is profuse salivation, gagging or full vomiting, or food flows out without active movements from the abdominal press, the dog refuses food, it is strong, if there is a complete blockage, then it does not consume water at all, if the intestines are damaged by acute objects, diarrhea with an admixture of blood is observed, the act of defecation is difficult, has difficulty breathing, cyanosis of the mucous membranes develops, soreness in the abdomen, apathy and lethargy.

Laxatives, antiemetics are strictly prohibited. You should not put a sick pet and cleansing enemas, which can lead to the advancement of a sharp foreign object along the intestinal tube and perforation of internal organs.

Owner must to provide at home complete rest. It is not recommended to independently pull out swallowed objects from the throat, as well as sticking out of the rectum. It is strictly forbidden to feed and water the animal.

In a specialized institution they will conduct a full examination, prescribe an ultrasound scan and an X-ray examination. In most cases, X-ray diagnostics is used with the help of preliminary watering of barium salts (more often this is done with kefir). The contrast method allows you to determine the presence and localization of foreign objects that are invisible on a conventional X-ray.

Once the item is found, the veterinarian proceeds to remove the foreign body from the dog. The operation can be performed using several techniques. The simplest and most effective is gastroscope application equipped with operational functions. With its help, the veterinarian-surgeon performs defragmentation of a foreign body and its removal. The disadvantage of this method is the high cost.

Extraction of chicken bones with an endoscope

If no accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is found in the image, there is no perforation of the esophagus, and no more than 3 days have passed since the object was swallowed, carry out intra-abdominal gastrotomy... The esophagus is accessed through the stomach. During the operation, the introduction of a gastric tube is used. After extraction, sutures are placed on the stomach, fluid is removed from the abdominal cavity, then sutures are applied to the peritoneum. If a perforation of the esophagus is detected, its walls are sutured first.

If a foreign body is in the digestive tube for more than 4 days, a life-saving esophageal perforation is performed. intrathoracic esophagotomy... Operative access to the esophagus is carried out on the right side in the region of the 7th rib. After removing the foreign object, a vacuum drain is installed for a period of at least 5 days.

Get a foreign body out of the intestine by laparotomy... In some cases, the veterinary surgeon resorts to resection of a section of the intestinal tube if necrosis has occurred. In small pets, the intestine is sewn up with a one-story suture; during surgery, in large individuals, a two-story suture is used. Postoperative care is carried out according to the generally accepted surgical technique with adherence to diet and antibiotic therapy.

If a foreign body is found in the throat, the veterinarian can remove it using long surgical forceps or forceps.

Read more in our article on helping an animal, options for removing a foreign object by a veterinarian.

Read in this article

Symptoms when a foreign body is swallowed by a dog

One of the most common emergencies in the life of a four-legged pet owner is swallowing an inedible object. A foreign body in a dog in most cases is tennis balls, small toys, buttons, paper or foil, plastic bags, rags.

The danger of such a situation is that there is a high risk of developing a complete or partial obstruction (blockage) of the stomach, volvulus of the digestive tube, and intestinal obstruction in the animal. If the object is sharp, then the development of internal bleeding, perforation of the walls of internal organs is possible. If foreign objects enter the respiratory system, the pet may die from asphyxiation. Knowing the symptoms of a foreign body in the dog will help the owner to recognize the danger.

Veterinary experts, based on many years of practice, believe that one can suspect that a pet has swallowed an inedible object by the following signs:

The owner should be aware that if a foreign body is in the dog's stomach, clinical manifestations of obstruction may occur some time after ingestion.

What to do if swallowed

The owner, suspecting that a four-legged friend has swallowed an inedible item, must first of all know that it is strictly forbidden to give any laxatives or antiemetics. You should not put a sick pet and cleansing enemas, which can lead to the advancement of a sharp foreign object along the intestinal tube and perforation of internal organs.

When asked by the owner what to do if the dog has swallowed a foreign body, veterinarians first of all recommend giving the animal complete rest. It is not recommended to independently pull out swallowed objects from the throat, as well as sticking out of the rectum. Foreign bodies can be sharp or jagged, which will entail injury to the mucous membrane of internal organs.

Diagnostics of the animal

In a specialized institution, a sick pet will undergo a full clinical examination. If the veterinarian suspects that the animal has swallowed an inedible item, an ultrasound and X-ray examination will be prescribed.

In the event that there is a possibility that the pet has swallowed radio-opaque substances (metal objects, sharp bones), it is easy to detect them on a regular X-ray. The procedure is usually performed in a lateral projection in order to detect the level of fluid in the peritoneum.

The foreign body is located in the stomach

In most cases, in veterinary practice, X-ray diagnostics is used with the help of preliminary watering of barium salts (more often this is done with kefir). This contrast method allows you to determine the presence and localization of foreign objects that are not visible on a conventional X-ray.

Foreign body (toy rubber ball) located in the esophagus

Differential diagnosis is carried out in relation to poisoning, acute viral infection, intestinal intussusception, not associated with the penetration of a foreign body, etc.

Removal and operation of a foreign body

Having discovered with the help of a foreign object and determined its localization, the veterinarian immediately proceeds to remove the foreign body from the dog. The urgency of surgery is dictated by the high risk of perforation of the walls of the esophagus, stomach or intestines, followed by the development of bleeding and peritonitis.

If an object unnatural for the body is found in the respiratory tract, an urgent operation is dictated by the rescue of the pet from asphyxia.

If in the stomach, intestines, esophagus

In veterinary practice, an operation to remove a foreign body from a dog is carried out by several methods. The simplest and most effective is the use of a gastroscope equipped with operational functions. With its help, the veterinarian-surgeon performs defragmentation of a foreign body and its removal. The disadvantage of this method is its high cost. High-tech equipment is available only in megacities.

If no fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity is found on the X-ray, there is no esophageal perforation, and no more than 3 days have passed since the object was swallowed, the veterinarian performs an intra-abdominal gastrotomy.

The esophagus is accessed through the stomach. During the operation, a gastric tube is inserted into the esophagus. After removing the foreign body from the dog's esophagus, the veterinary surgeon stitches the stomach, removes fluid from the abdominal cavity, and then stitches the peritoneum. If a perforation of the esophagus is detected, its walls are sutured first.

In the event that the owner did not apply immediately, the foreign body is in the digestive tube for more than 4 days, with perforation of the esophagus, as a rule, an intrathoracic esophagotomy is performed to save the animal's life. Operative access to the esophagus is carried out on the right side in the region of the 7th rib. After removing the foreign object, a vacuum drain is installed for a period of at least 5 days.

The dog underwent surgery to remove part of the intestine. The dog swallowed the sharp bone, resulting in intestinal perforation and peritonitis.

If a foreign body is found in the intestines of a dog, then it is removed by laparotomy. In some cases, the veterinary surgeon resorts to resection of a section of the intestinal tube if necrosis has occurred. In small pets, the intestine is sewn up with a one-story suture; during surgery, in large individuals, a two-story suture is used.

Postoperative care for the four-legged friend is carried out according to the generally accepted surgical technique with mandatory adherence to diet and antibiotic therapy.

For information on how bones are extracted from a dog's stomach, see this video:

If in the throat, larynx, trachea

If a foreign body is found in the dog's throat, the veterinarian can remove it using long surgical forceps or forceps. For this procedure, the jaw is fixed to the animal using a special yawner, which provides access to the larynx. Such a procedure is possible with a shallow occurrence of a foreign object. After extraction, the mouth is irrigated with an antiseptic solution. For this purpose, a solution of furacilin, potassium permanganate is used.

The owner should understand that untimely assistance in a situation where a foreign body is in the trachea of ​​a dog can lead to such serious complications as pleurisy, pneumothorax. Typically, the veterinarian will perform endoscopic removal of the foreign object. The operation requires general anesthesia.

In some cases, the surgeon resorts to a tracheotomy. Surgical intervention using a tracheotubus (a special instrument that is inserted into the dissected trachea) is most effective when a foreign object is located in the lower sections of the bronchial tube.

Removing a foreign object (rubber ball) with a forceps

If it is impossible to retrieve the swallowed object using an endoscope and a tracheotomy, the veterinary surgeon performs the operation, performing an operative access through the chest.


The following advice from veterinarians and experienced dog breeders will help the owner to prevent such a nuisance in a pet as swallowing or inhaling an inedible object:

  • On a walk, an animal prone to picking up inedible items should be taken on a leash.
  • It is necessary to exclude bones from the diet, which are often the cause of perforation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa.
  • Pet toys should only be of a safe size made of solid rubber.
  • The room where the dog is kept must be clean. The owner must regularly monitor that small items (toys, sewing utensils, parts of constructors and puzzles) are not in the vicinity of a curious pet.

Restless four-legged friends often become victims of their curiosity. Swallowing an inedible object is fraught with serious complications - from the development of aspiration bronchopneumonia to internal bleeding and the development of peritonitis.

Diagnosis is based on clinical examination, palpation and X-ray examination, including the use of a contrast agent. Treatment in most cases is operational. In the arsenal of veterinary surgeons, there are various methods of access to a foreign object, depending on its location.

Useful video

For symptoms, diagnosis and options for removing foreign bodies in dogs, see this video:

Dogs are naturally very curious. but sometimes their curiosity leads to disaster. This is especially true for dogs - "vacuum cleaners" that eat a lot of strange things. what items the doctors of our clinics did not get from the digestive tract of dogs - socks, underpants, bags, ropes, threads, needles, toys, bones, sticks and many other finds!

Foreign body symptoms in a dog are highly dependent on whether the object is in the mouth, throat or esophagus, stomach or intestines.

A foreign body in a dog's mouth is usually sticks or bones that are stuck between the dog's back teeth. One of the first signs is frequent jaw movement, profuse salivation, the dog rubs its muzzle with its paws, and there may also be slight bleeding from the mouth. Don't try to remove the stick or bone yourself! Even if you succeed in weakening the subject, it may move into the throat. Contact the nearest veterinary clinic "Your Doctor", a doctor's examination is necessary, and sedation may also be required to remove a foreign body from the dog's mouth.

A foreign body in a dog's throat often causes symptoms of sudden suffocation and nausea. this condition often requires urgent intervention! As a first aid, the owner can lift the dog by the hind legs and shake it; in an emergency, you can sharply squeeze the chest from the sides several times.

A foreign body in the dog's esophagus: signs - vomiting after eating, dehydration To check whether your animal is dehydrated or not, collect the skin fold at the dog's withers and release it, it should return to normal position quickly.

When a foreign body in a dog's trachea and lungs, the general oppression of the animal grows at an alarming rate. You must immediately consult a doctor!

A foreign body in a dog's stomach is more difficult to diagnose. Some foreign bodies can remain in the stomach for several years without visible problems. But if the foreign body moves, it can lead to intermittent vomiting.

A foreign body in a dog's small intestine usually causes indomitable vomiting, dehydration, and severe pain in the abdominal wall.

A foreign body in a dog's rectum: if these are sharp objects, sticks, bone fragments, needles, etc. - the dog is repeatedly hunched over, constipation is possible, blood in the stool. It is important for owners to follow the rule: never pull a foreign object that is protruding from your pet's rectum! It can be very dangerous, up to and including rupture of the intestines. Contact the nearest veterinary clinic "Your Doctor".

A foreign body in a dog. Causes and Symptoms

Almost all gastrointestinal foreign bodies are items that are consumed by animals. One exception is trichobezoars (hairballs). The threads and ropes swallowed by your dog are often wound around the root of the tongue. Examine your pet's mouth carefully!

Symptoms for which you need to contact your veterinarian:

  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Anorexia (no or decreased appetite)
  • Straining during bowel movements, constipation
  • Lethargy
  • Dehydration

A foreign body in a dog. Diagnostics

For diagnostics, a general blood test, a biochemical blood test, and a urinalysis are required. These findings help rule out other causes of vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and abdominal pain. It is imperative to perform X-rays using a contrast agent.

A foreign body in a dog that causes intestinal obstruction, prolonged vomiting, diarrhea can lead to significant metabolic changes in the body. In addition, a foreign body can perforate the organ wall and escape into the chest or abdominal cavity, leading to profound complications such as peritonitis, sepsis and death. Many foreign bodies are composed of toxic materials that are absorbed by the body - this leads to deep systemic diseases.

A foreign body in a dog. Treatment options

There are several treatment options available depending on your dog's condition. If you have recently swallowed a foreign object, you may try to induce vomiting. It is also necessary to drink mineral oil, which facilitates the passage of foreign bodies through the gastrointestinal tract within 48 hours.

Some objects can be removed with an endoscope. If the animal has symptoms such as vomiting of blood, severe pain, then intravenous infusion and the introduction of pain medications are necessary. Your veterinarian will suggest hospitalizing your dog for observation at the clinic. The decision about the operation is made, as a rule, on the basis of X-rays and ultrasound results. A blockage in the intestines or stomach can reduce blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract tissues, which may become necrotic. If the foreign body is in the stomach or intestines, the object is removed by making an incision in the intestines or stomach. If there are necrotic tissues and parts of the intestine, they are also removed.

After the operation, intensive therapy is carried out with intravenous fluids, painkillers and antibiotics are administered. Feeding the dog after the operation begins in 1 - 2 days. It is advisable to use special dietary rations for the first time.

A foreign body in a dog. Forecast

In most cases, dogs with foreign bodies that do not cause blockages have a good prognosis. However, in general, the forecast depends on several factors:

  • property location
  • duration of occlusion caused by object
  • size, shape and characteristics of the object
  • whether or not the object will cause secondary diseases
  • the general health of the dog before foreign body contamination

A foreign body in a dog. Prophylaxis

  • eliminate bones from the diet
  • don't let your dog chew on the sticks
  • watch the animal during games and walks, if the dog is prone to vagrancy wear a muzzle on it
  • Ask your veterinarian for advice on choosing toys that are harmless for your dog.
  • if the dog often eats strange objects, consult the doctors of our clinics, possibly a general metabolic disorder

And remember - your pet's life is in your hands.

When a foreign object enters the stomach of an animal, its work is disrupted, which is characterized by the absence of its peristalsis, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, the stomach becomes denser, and edema develops. In the place where a foreign body in a cat and a dog has got, ulcers develop, tissues begin to necrotize. In place of the necrotic tissue site, perforation of the stomach walls and, as a result, peritonitis occur.

If a cat or dog has swallowed a foreign body and it remains in the stomach, then irritating the mucous membrane, after a while a characteristic symptom appears - vomiting after eating. A foreign body with sharp angles causes severe pain, as well as a violation of the integrity of the walls of the stomach. Finding such an object in the stomach injures the walls, and the animal's feces are blackish with streaks of blood and mucus. In some cases, foreign bodies lie in the stomach for a long time, causing virtually no characteristic symptoms and obstruction. But during this period, the animal may periodically vomit, gradual dehydration occurs, the coat grows dull, anemia develops, the mucous membranes of the mouth turn pale. The animal becomes lethargic, apathetic, a characteristic gait appears less mobile. Visually, there is a feeling of a "hunchbacked back", this is due to constant pain in the stomach (P.Ya. Grigoriev, E.P. Yakovenko 1997; N.V. Danilevskaya, 2001).

With partial intestinal obstruction in animals, loose stools appear, periodically manifested vomiting of undigested (or semi-digested) food, there is a bubbling in the abdomen, soreness. Complete obstruction is characterized by the absence of defecation, when food is consumed, vomiting occurs after a while. The abdomen is tense, painful, there is a strong seething (I.V. Kozlovsky, 1989; F.I. Komarov, 1992; V.A. Gubkin 1995).

The main diagnosis of finding a foreign body in the stomach in dogs is X-ray and, as an auxiliary diagnosis, examination on an ultrasound machine.

X-ray examination with a suspicion of the presence of a foreign body in the stomach is carried out using a contrast agent, mainly barium sulfate is used in veterinary medicine.

X-ray examination technique. Before the study, it is necessary to maintain the animal on a 12-24 hour fasting diet. Diet reduces gas production and on x-rays, gas bubbles will not distort images, casting shadows and causing blackouts in images. Barium sulfate is diluted with milk or yogurt in an amount of 25-150 grams of the substance, depending on the weight of the dog or cat and the topography of the study. This mixture is fed, either freely, if the animal eats food, or forcibly using a probe or syringe 30-60 minutes before the study (L.P. Mareskos, 1999; G.V. Ratobylsky, 1995; G.A. Zegdenidze, 2000 ).

The pictures are taken in an upright position of the body or in a supine position on the right side. Several pictures are taken from different positions, if necessary, the pictures are taken after 30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours and 24 hours. This frequency gives the exact location of the blockage site of the gastrointestinal tract.

The method of X-ray examination with a contrast agent makes it possible to clearly determine the presence of a foreign body in the stomach, regardless of its size (Appendix 1) (K. Khan, C. Hurd 2006; G.A. Zegdenidze, 2000).

A study is also carried out using ultrasound diagnostics.

Ultrasound examination technique. Before the study, the preparation of the animal is carried out, it consists in a 12-18 hour starvation diet with the addition of activated carbon or drugs that reduce gas formation. The animal is laid on its right side, the wool is cut off at the place where the sensor passes, this is necessary for the image to be clearer (Appendix 2) (F. Barr, 1999; B.C. Kamyshnikov, 2000; A.Ya. Altgauzen, 1995).

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Dogs are very curious animals, especially during walks, when the animal tries to taste an unknown object. A foreign body in a dog that somehow ended up in the body causes discomfort. In some cases, such items can threaten with serious consequences, up to death.

In most cases, dogs with foreign bodies that do not cause blockages have a good prognosis. However, it all depends on the case and the object that ended up in the body. Only a doctor can adequately assess the danger of the situation that has occurred.

Situations are often observed when a dog, after swallowing an object, begins to choke. Due to the lack of oxygen, the animal can die.

Ruptures of the esophagus are also possible, leading to internal bleeding. In this case, it is quite difficult to save the dog, especially if the doctor's help was provided at the wrong time.

The most common areas of the alimentary canal in which foreign bodies "get stuck" are: the thoracic part of the esophagus just before the sphincter into the stomach, the body of the stomach and the pyloric canal, the duodenum.

The following items are especially dangerous for dogs:

  • cat litter;
  • batteries;
  • cotton swabs;
  • sharp objects (needles, knives, scissors, nails);
  • rubber bands;
  • threads;
  • tinsel;
  • magnets.

The most important thing is to pay attention to the well-being and behavior of the pet in time. It is the owner who knows all the habits of his pet. Any deviations should alert and cause a visit to a specialist in a veterinary clinic.


In most cases, the owner may not notice how and when a foreign object got into the dog's mouth. Signs that indicate a possible obstruction should be alerted:

  • Vomit. It occurs immediately after eating or drinking. It is associated with obstruction and blockage. The most important thing that should really alert you is the regularity of vomiting and the very eruption of food eaten.
  • Diarrhea. In liquid feces, blood streaks can often be seen. In the event that the dog's feces have turned black, this may indicate damage to the walls of the stomach and intestines. Black stools are a sign of internal bleeding. This symptom is especially observed if the dog has swallowed a needle.
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen. You can find out about this by looking at your pet. As a rule, the dog assumes a hunched position. The dog begins to whine when they touch the belly.
  • Lack of appetite. When a dog is not feeling well, it cannot eat properly. Especially it is worth paying attention to those dogs that previously had an increased appetite. Most often, the animal may not even go to the bowl and not react to favorite treats.
  • Weakness. Of course, fluid loss leads to dehydration. The owner knows his dog's behavior very well. The previously playful dog becomes lethargic. The dog is constantly lying and does not even want to go outside.
  • Behavior. There is a lack of interest in those things that were previously enjoyable. The dog no longer wants to play with its favorite toy or is not active.
  • Cough. A healthy dog ​​never coughs. This can only be observed if a foreign object is stuck in the pharynx and interferes with breathing.

The main thing to remember is that the dog's behavior will change in any case. This factor is hard to miss.

Foreign body in the esophagus of a dog

Walking your dog can be a problem. Anything can be scattered on the ground. The dog can taste any object.

ATTENTION! Foreign objects entering the esophagus can cause many problems.

Most often, pet owners are faced with the fact that their dog ate chewing gum. Take a look at the composition of any chewing gum. It contains almost the entire periodic table, which affects the health and well-being of the pet. The greatest danger is posed by the sweetener xylitol. If this substance is present in the composition, then it is necessary to immediately take the dog to the veterinary clinic.

Most often, small breeds of dogs encounter a foreign body in the esophagus. Fragments of bones, parts of teeth, branches and other objects that are not able to digest can get stuck. Pain is a characteristic feature of esophageal obstruction in dogs.

Foreign body in a dog's stomach

Sometimes the eaten objects can stay for months without showing themselves in any way. Sharp edges can easily injure the thin walls of the stomach. This threatens not only the health, but also the life of the dog.

Lipsticks are often a treat for dogs and can be found on the shelves of many women. If the dog has eaten the lipstick, it can lead to an upset stomach.

Foreign body in the intestine of a dog

Ingestion of an object in the intestines causes the most severe symptoms. As a rule, they appear almost immediately after a foreign body has entered the body.

Often there is a lack of stool, which should alert the owner. Weakness and lethargy are often observed. The dog may also try to go to the toilet, but it fails. In this case, the help of specialists is required.

In the throat, larynx, trachea

Foreign bodies in the pharynx in dogs can be bones, glass, needles, hooks, burdock, pins. Profuse salivation may occur. For a diagnosis, rabies is ruled out first.

Often the dog suffers from severe coughing, shortness of breath, choking.

With local anesthesia, a small operation is performed, which is aimed at removing a foreign body. After the operation, the dog must follow a special diet.

If help is not provided in time, the animal may die.

What to do: first aid at home

The main problem is the small amount of time allotted for a timely visit to the doctor. As a rule, the owner has only a couple of hours after he noticed the symptoms of a foreign body entering the animal's body.

Eaten objects often constrict blood vessels and block breathing, which is the cause of the dog's death before first aid is given.

If the object is not deeply stuck and is clearly visible in the throat, you can try to reach it with your hand or tweezers. This must be done carefully so that the foreign body does not pass further.

In the event that the owner witnessed how his dog ate something, it is worth trying to induce vomiting with a 1.5% hydrogen peroxide solution. The peroxide irritates the stomach wall, allowing the object to escape.

In the event that the dog has eaten a needle, it is necessary to let the pet swallow ordinary cotton wool. It will wrap around sharp edges to prevent damage to internal organs.

If your dog has eaten mouse poison, the first step is to induce vomiting with salt. It will also not be superfluous to put a cleansing enema. It is advisable to give the dog a laxative. It will work well if there is salt in the composition.

If your dog has eaten a mercury thermometer, the first step is to try to induce vomiting. A laxative is also a good solution. After all the measures taken, you must immediately visit a doctor. Many veterinarians advise soldering with milk.

Removal of a foreign object in the clinic

In order for the correct diagnosis to be made, the doctor first conducts a diagnosis. For this, the following methods are used:

  • x-ray;
  • palpation of the abdominal cavity;
  • radiographic examination;
  • endoscopy;
  • laboratory research.

It should be noted that it is X-ray that is the best diagnostic method. Thanks to this procedure, you can see stones, various objects and other foreign bodies that are in the dog's body.

If the owner doubts the diagnosis, then you should seek help from another veterinary clinic.

Only after the diagnosis has been made is it necessary to start treatment. Often, the ingress of a foreign body requires surgical intervention in order to sleep the life of the animal.

Pieces of rubber are often found inside the animal. This happens if the dog has played with favorite toys. Typically, the rubber is in the stomach or can get stuck in the larynx. In this case, a small operation is performed to remove this item.

Dogs gnaw on various objects throughout their lives. These may include polyurethane foam, which accumulates in the stomach or intestines. It can be removed with regular cleaning or special medications.

If the dog has swallowed a nail or other sharp object, then only surgery will help. An operation is in progress. During the operation, the veterinarian will open the intestinal wall and remove the object. If necrotic areas are found, part of the stomach or intestines is resected.

As soon as a puppy appears in the house, the owner is responsible for him and his health. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary items, especially small ones. This is done in order to prevent and prevent the ingress of foreign objects. In the event that the dog nevertheless swallowed something, you should not postpone the visit to the veterinarian, even if your beloved dog feels better for a while.

Dogs love to chew on bones, but sharp edges and debris can harm their digestive system. If the pet shows lethargy, coughs, refuses to eat, trembles in the stomach and body, and when the bowel is emptying, blood is visible - these may be signs of damage to the intestinal walls and other organs of the digestive tract by fragments of bones.

When the dog has eaten the bone and later shows signs of feeling unwell, it should be given first aid at home and then taken to the veterinarian.

Chicken bones of young broilers are not dangerous for dogs. They can be given boiled or raw. They are easily gnawed and malleable for healthy canine teeth. If your dog ate chicken bone from a supermarket poultry, don't worry.

Much worse for the health of the pet is the chicken bones of village layers, which have been raised for more than a year. The bones of poultry are tough and strong, and when broken, they have dangerous sharp edges that can cut the intestines or stomach of the dog, pierce the walls of the organs, cause internal bleeding and death of the animal. At the first symptoms of damage to internal organs, the dog should be taken to the veterinary clinic for X-ray.

The dog ate a fish bone

Fish bones are very thin and sharp. They are not visible on x-rays, they can only be detected by an experienced specialist. On the one hand, fish bones are not very life-threatening for a pet. They do not block the airways, do not lead to suffocation. However, when piercing, needle-like bones cause unbearable pain, the dog begins to whine, suffer from insomnia, refuse water and food.

If the dog has eaten a fish bone and it is stuck in the larynx, you can get it out with tweezers. To do this, one person fixes the mouth in an open position, the other, armed with sterilized alcohol with tweezers, must pick up, securely clamp the tip of the bone and pull it out of the larynx with one confident movement.

A dog that has swallowed a bone should not be offered solid food, because it can drive the bone even more strongly into the tissue, or break it. This will make it difficult to pull out the piercing object. If you cannot help your dog at home, you should always contact your veterinarian. Specialists use an oral dilator to examine the larynx.

Veterinarians strongly advise against giving long bones to adult dogs and puppies. They can simply be swallowed whole or gnawed into small pieces with sharp edges. And in fact, and in another case, harm to the health of the pet.

What dangers can await if a dog ate a long bone:

  • Infection from chicken, rabbit, beef or pork bones, if the killed animal suffered from infectious diseases. Even high boiling temperatures will not kill some types of bacteria in the bones.
  • Damage to the fragile enamel of milk teeth of puppies, and grinding of molars of adult dogs. The sharp edges of the tubular bone often damage the gums.
  • Bones and their fragments are not digested by the digestive tract of dogs, but are compressed into dense masses. This causes constipation, gas formation.
  • Sharp shards can choke the dog. Bone particles can injure the esophagus, stomach, intestines, cut the walls of organs, and cause peritonitis.

Dog owners should monitor the behavior and condition of the dog after they notice that the pet has swallowed a bone. If the dog begins to cough, up to gagging, wheezing, choking, feeling weakness, pain, difficulty swallowing, urgent help is needed.

What to do if your dog swallows a bone and gets sick:

  1. It is necessary to examine the mouth with a flashlight. If the bone has dug into the back wall of the larynx and is visible, try to pull it out with your hands or tweezers.
  2. If the pet coughs, small dogs are taken by their hind legs and lifted. Large dogs are tilted upside down. Foreign objects come out with a strong air stream when you exhale sharply.
  3. When the dog cannot clear its throat, chokes on a bone and suffocates, use the Heimlich technique. The dog is pressed with its back to itself, the hand, collected in a fist, is placed in front of the sternum. In the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe diaphragm, 4-5 sharp pressures are made with a fist. If after this the bone does not come out, an urgent hospitalization of the animal is required.
  4. For abdominal pain and blood in the stool, the dog is given 10 ml of vegetable oil from a syringe without a needle, which facilitates the release of bone fragments from the intestines.
  5. It is recommended not to give food and water to the dog for 3 days. A hunger strike helps to heal the damaged walls of the digestive tract.
  6. When the dog begins to feel better, and the blood ceases to come out with feces, a strict diet should be followed for several days. The dog is fed bread soaked in milk and oatmeal. Solid food is temporarily not given.

Opinions are mixed. Pets react positively to some types of bones.

Young healthy dogs do not suffer much from the swallowed bone and quickly recover from the damage. But nevertheless, with serious symptoms of ailments, it is imperative to consult a veterinarian in order to alleviate the condition of the pet and avoid complications.

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