Social project "Life in motion". The relevance of disabled children, and children with disabilities are a serious tragedy and our pain. Projects for the development and implementation of the social project of the disabled

pensioners and disabled

social crisis


Methodological Center

"Support for disabled"

"Take a hand, friends,

so as not to disappear by one ... "

Kemerovo -\u003e Kuzbass-\u003e Russia -\u003e UN

1995 .- 2010

Social project "Support for disabled" The authors developed, above all, for themselves (andthe uniforms are in the crisis situation in which almost everything is now, from the first day of the offensive of disability)and for your colleagues in misfortune (The direction of the "scientific organization of its own life").

In support of disabled people, those who are trying to return to weak people faith in their own strength, and those who are trying to help weak (children, including children with disabilities, weak disabled; lonely elderly), Believing that always any help is good. However, Sibiryan people believe that assistance must be rendered, carefully studying the amount of human internal capabilities and the extent to implementing these opportunities in society. Self-testing defining (in numbers) The ratio of these two indicators allows you to develop an individual plan for optimizing the quality of life. Allows you to assist a person in developing its internal capabilities to the maximum limit of the capabilities of its body, without generating dependencies. Self-stabilization is useful, first of all the person himself.

The concept of the social project "Support for disabled", technology and the rules of social partnership, the structure and content of the project are published by Sibiryans in the collection of scientific works "Questions of General and Differential Psychology" Kemp. In the project five:

one). Disabled people - healthy people.

2). "Do not be afraid of bright words" - We tell me yourself and each other in civil society.

3). "Art of Unity" in civil society.

four). "Youth and K °" in civil society.

five). Woman in civil society.

© L.I. Cheremnyand members of the Communication Club "Sibiryan"

© Sports Federation of Disabled Childhood (SFID)Inwadrome

Visiting centers work with the population

Kemerovo Club of Communication "Sibiryan"

Public "Methodological Center" Support for Disabled "

director - V.V. Nifantov(km..n.)

"Take the hands, friends, so as not to disappear by one ..."

Adam J. Jackson.

there is "Fenom e.n "What came only in Siberia, we somehow discovered his travelers:

They walked on the hunt - Burning the blizzard.

See: Hut. Underpect door.

The door came out. Quietly entered.

In the stove, dry Lucin found.

Salt and firewood. And slightly cereals:

Those who were here for others, non-stingy!

... travelers, also leaving supplies,

After, sons for hunting by sending,

They punished: do not be bulky!

The grandchildren about Tom did not forget the Donyn ...

Ancestorswill not forget forever -

Only in Siberia is such a person.

Siberian "Fen aboutmen ": "Give to take!"-

After all, there is also SoulGOOD to give!

... we are this "Fen aboutmen " We tried to develop

Please help! Did you guessed about?

Still good people tell us

(But before we ask for goodbye for courage):

"Fen aboutmen " Siberian we are inheritance peace

Like salt and cereal, leave as means

IN "Magic life" Turn the life of people.

Write to B. "Spring" , we are waiting for you! Quick ...

Health and Joy We wish you

Perhaps we will very soon find out?

Children and parents would attract us

How many problems of old people will throw off the shoulders!

L.I. Cheremny (2001).

Gathered once over a cup of tea three neighbors (One of them is a disabled childhood without both legs - an invalid prisoner of four walls of his apartment).

They lit three candles, which they were accidentally found (Two - the same height, and the third is shorter, but also thicker).

They remembered here the neighbors of the words magic, written by an amazing person - Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava:

"Let's Speak compliments to each other:

After all, it's all - love wonderful moments!

Let's exclaim - to admire each other,

Highlighted words should not be afraid!

Let's understand each other with half

So, mistaken times, not mistaken again ...

Let's live, in all of each other, Potakaya,

There is more that life is short ... "

So our neighbors began to talk to each other the most affectionate words, which in any language a great set.

... unexpectedly for women high candles as if stretching their stearic "hands" to a low candle.

Then our neighbors tried to close their hands in a single handshake. That's what they did:

So formed symbolArt of single-independious agents at the place of residence, work / study, on hobbies or professional interests of partners. Physically strong partner (hand from above),socially active partner (hand on the right) And physically weak partnerwho lost faith in his strength or these forces not having (lonely old or child, first of all the child-disabled - hand on the left),only based mutual attractiveness Can help each other to live better. This technique of positive impact on each other can be called Laskotherapy.

Many years later. Around our neighbors began to form space of mutual attractiveness and mutual assistance. This space from November 1996 became a club of communication "Sibiryan » kemerovo (without legal entity and without fixed membership).

Club President - L.A. Romanov (Pensioner - teacher, psychologist-valeologist). Press Secretary of the Club - L.I. Cheremny (disabled childhood 1 gr., Medic, teacher, member of the United Russia party). Director of the Public "Methodological Center" Support for Disabled "- V.V. Nifantov(k. M.N. - Pensioner).

Formation program overcoming pensioners and disabled social crisis A group of active persons with disabilities of Siberia on the initiative of the chief physician of the Omsk prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise V.A. Yeshal (father of the disabled childhood)in November 1972, in the office of the hospital of the hospital of complex and primary prosthetics of this enterprise (Instructor of work therapy - L.I. Cheremnyh. She became the head of the authors of anti-crisis programs).

It was V.A. Ishal wrote amazing lines that became for the authors of the above-mentioned program The concept of all their further scientific and practical activities:

The word is not a simple - "disabled", the word rigid, cruel and evil ... Who does this soul get to the fate of another, damned threefold?

... do not rush to the tears,

Do not try a person to regret

After all, a different "cripple" Generosity soul

Maybe Antarctica needs to warm up!

He is without legs - goes!

Confident, beautiful!

He is without hands such a Divo cramming,

What other, "sleeper", is clearly unable!

It is not easy, of course learn

Not lame, without a leg to walk ...

But even harder, three times, - not to break,

Learn, not chrome- live!

For 10 years of work L.I. Cheremal across the Cabinet of Employ therapy passed over 12,500 people with disabilities. Of these, only 1196 people were able to overcome a terrible misfortune, find their place in life thanks to the unique experience of self-stabling.

Disabled are in the crisis situation (in which almost everything is now) From the first day of the offensive of disability. For 10 years of work L.I. A cerema instructor of work therapy across the Cabinet of Empty therapy passed over 12,500 people with disabilities. Of these, only 1196 people were able to overcome a terrible misfortune, find their place in life thanks to the unique experience of self-stabling. Then, in the city of Omsk, an attempt was made to apply the experience of these people with disabilities to representatives of other groups of socially unprotected population from among those who do not have restrictions on physical possibilities.

A memory arrives about two frogs, who fell into a crinke with milk. And when another 299 pensioners tried to put this unique experiment on themselves, it turned out that positive results are achieved only when "crinks" was still "milk" quite good quality - a friendly relationship of the surrounding pensioner or people with disabilities in mutual attractiveness and trust.

In 1982 L.I. Black for family circumstances moved to live in Kemerovo, not stopping work on anti-crisis programs.

Having studied the experience of self-realization of these 1196 "Frogs" and 299 pensioners, authors program (286 people)separated private from the total. And with the help of scientists and specialists of Siberia (more than 60 people) They tried to put the results of this experiment on their own scientific basis.

Posted by these results in the collections of scientific papers of the Kemerovo State Medical Academy and Kemerovo State University, authors program Received enough positive reviews.

Here is the abstract review of the 10th, the last publication of the authors program:

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Kemerovo State University Russian Foundation for Fundamental Studies

Problems of moral and moral development of personality and society

Kemerovo, 2004.

"Sibiryan" : V.N. Sorokin; B.V. Shushpannikov (Inv.III gr.); L.I. Cheremny (Inv.I. gr.); S.V. Sausages; P.I. Guzinman; E.L. Lantzman (Inv.II. gr.); L.A.Romanova; N.G.Sokolova; T.I. Nohrina; O.V. Chudinovsky.

"As soon as a person begins to feel like a person, it is necessarily incorporated into the imitation system - in social sa-module. In such a system, we, I do not know, are all my life. And those to whom we imitate, also, sometimes I do not know about it, become our "conductor-conductor" in conductive social self-education. This process imperceptibly affects the moral and moral condition and humans, and society.

At the same time, the choice of guidelines can be made only by the man. The basis of this choice is the desire to feel not only full, but also a full-fledged member of society. And therefore it is very important to form such social (and production) relations, in which there would be a sufficient number of positive well-known reference points for imitation, with which the internal capabilities of each personality are revealed to the maximum, reaching its full self-actualization. And this is the essence of the management of a social self-education system.

In nature, there is a very visual example of such a community, in which the place of one representative cannot be occupied by others.

This is a cedar cone, in which it is impossible to change the nuts in places - everyone has its own place. The permanent feeling that you are the only world that another thing never happened and will never, inspires the involuntary respect for the person to yourself.

At the same time, the thought arises that it is necessary to lead such a life so that you can not lose respect.

This method of self-actualization is conductive personal self-education.

Can I manage?

Of course, if the guidelines are understandable, are relevant and attractive.

When such self-education includes persons having a limitation of health-related possibilities (disabled) then completely unexpectedly(and for disabled, and for others) Their position in society varies significantly for the better. "

we - "Sibiryan"! So called us one of the scientific leaders of our unusual team - A.I. Shunduldi -d.T.N. , professor Kuzgtu (At that time, deputy head of the Kemerovo Regional Administration)thanks to which the Kemerovo group (L.I. Cheremnyh - teacher, disabled childhood 1 gr., A.P.Sluzhava - Doctor, V.V. Nifanta - Kand.m.n.) It was possible in November 1995 to take part in the conference of the Siberian Environment Facility in Novosibirsk.

It was there that was formed "Methodological Center for Disabled Support"(Director V.V. Nifantova)whose activity allows us to talk about a scientific basis today programs overcome by pensioners and disabled social crisisin the formation of society for everyone and for everyone - Civil society.

We continued our work, having received a sufficiently large number of positive reviews of scientists and the review of the department of organization and quality control of medical care, together with the specialists of the Russian scientific center of the rehabilitation and physiotherapy of the Ministry of Health of Russia (in June 1997).

At the proposal of A.I. Shundudludi we called a part of what they did "Doctrine" mutual assistance of the population and the interaction of the people and the state (As part programs overcoming disabled and pensioners of the social crisis) , harmoniously complementing the World Action Program for Disabled (UN resolution 32/57 dated 3.12.82)and standard rules for providing disabled opportunities (UN resolution 48/96 dated 20.12.93)the activity of pensioners and the people with disabilities, put on the scientific basis.

Training each other "scientific organization of their own life", "Sibiryan" wrote for each other "Books of Magic Life"based on the definition of Adam J. Jackson:

"... The difference between people living" magical life ", and those who lead the life of ordinary, lies not in their circumstances around them - it lies in their respect. The attitude is a brush for the mind, which we paint your life. We ourselves choose those colors that use. "

From the review of N.A. Barbarash - Dr. Mn, Professor, Head of the Department of the Kemerovo State Medical Academy for the Books of Magic Life prepared for the publication, V. Sorokina, L. Cheremny, S. Savenkova and P. Malakhov.

September 2005:

"" Books of Magic Life "are presented for a review as a family guide from mutual assistance to the interaction of those who, changing the attitude towards all and to everything, prefers to be loved and healthy, rich and happy!

Their main idea is to help lonely, elderly, sick, disabled and socially unprotected people, whom in Russia today, perhaps, more than half of the entire population. The authors in the figurative form are not only addressed to the mind of the reader, but also to its subconscious - intuition, imagination, deep floors of the "soul".

Having a direct or indirect attitude to medicine, the authors lead convincing modern data on the rich capabilities of the human body - regeneration processes, compensation, mental self-regulation.

These data are successfully illustrated by references to the works of known scientists, excerpts from these works. "Books" are addressed in principle to every family - men, women, children, they form a good and wise consciousness of the "primacy" of family happiness, its importance to the upbringing and fate of the child.

Unwittingly remember the words V. Ketlin of her novel "Courage": "We must want, you must really want, and then everything will come true - a meeting or happiness."

The motto "Do not be afraid of bright words!" Helps the reader to imbued with kindness and love for people, contributes to the absorption of self-regulation set forth in the books - charging for the soul, mind and body.

I consider the exit to the light of these books is extremely necessary and timely. "

Such a review could not inspire Sibiryan, such a well-known scientist. More in-depth search for scientific basis programs overcome by pensioners and disabled social crisis introduced disabled with three student diplomas of graduates of Kumpi 2005, which are included (with the consent of the authors)in the methodological basis program:

Olga Alferova: Ethnoculture as a factor of identification and socialization of the person.

Elena Tribunskaya: The possibilities of playing in the process of inculturation and social adaptation of "persons with disabilities".

Igor Kotelnikov: Cattle as a phenomenon of socio-cultural regulation of Russian society.

Thanks to these diplomas, the first compilation of five "Books of Magic Life" Edited by N.A. Barbarash.

conductive personal , grandmother ( together with the grandson)making a real feat.

For this is one of the methods of managing moral and moral development and individual, and society as a whole. When the grandson came from school, hardly having learned what the teacher said

Continuing to study the experience of self-stabilization, worthy imitation, "Sibiryan" found a unique example of a resident of the city of Kemerovo - an amazing grandmother, which all his strength, all his love gave the sick grandchildren.

Grandma had not only to learn the grandson crawling, crawling next to him (the same example for imitation). She had to teach him sit, stand. To teach the ability to go, she was lucky on the soft sands so that he would not break the knees. Another big job was worth it to teach him to speak, think, memorize. Suddenly, the grandmother has developed independently for his grandson. conductive personal The method of treating the delay in psychorette and intellectual development. By sending the grandson to study in the usual, and not to auxiliary school (where he may have experienced torment from classmates whose children's cruelty can compare unless with the "grandfather" in the army), grandmother ( together with the grandson)making a real feat.

So that this feat would not have to make other children with disabilities and their parents, these children must study everywhere with healthy children (Inclusive Education Movement)For this is one of the methods of managing moral and moral development and individual, and society as a whole.

When the grandson came from school, hardly having learned what the teacher said (to a large extent to the torture of classmates interferedThe grandmother very successfully facilitated him as a task of learning knowledge, producing certain reflexes from the grandson.

G.rupa FROMoral Partwork (the same as in adults)who are gradually (when children grow up) healthy people and disabled people.

However, the method conductive pedagogyapply not only to children.

2. Conductive social pedagogyin the treatment and prevention of social diseases with the participation of persons with disabilities, having a positive experience of independent social adaptation, deserves imitation by healthy people, for it in a certain way to stimulate them ("Disabled people can really be possible?").

Expand your palm: Your thumbs are figuratively represent your remaining or even unscrewed capabilities. The space between your fingers is your problems. Communicate your fingers with your fingers of your partner-disabled person - he will solve your problems with its capabilities, provided that you will seek to solve his problems.

You can choose to you such partners, together with which you can live a full-fledged life in the Micrareeic Fair Society formed.

Use in the educational process of computers (within the framework of the program "Electronic Russia - 2000 -2010)Mounted at home in children with disabilities, makes these children attractive for those classmates who do not have such an opportunity.

Thus, the problem of organizing communication of disabled children with their healthy peers, creating on the basis of mutual addition and mutual appeal, is completely painless. G.rupa FROMoral Partwork (the same as in adults)who are gradually (when children grow up)will wash a very sharp now the line between healthy people and disabled people.

"You, a person, you can do for your health and well-being more than any doctor, any hospital, any medicine and any exotic medical device."

These words J. Califano helped us make certain conclusions, and then start acting ("Ringing the oil", as made one of the frogs in a crink of milk).

It can be painfully to expect social assistance, which will never be enough for everyone. But we learned how to build our own well-being on mutually beneficial conditions, together with those who live next to us.

You can suffer from solitude in four walls of your housing in the city (and in the village too).

But we learned to push these four walls, expanding the living space as much as we want.

It is impossible not to remember the parable of two frogs in a crink of milk. One of them put the paws and drowned. And the other frog floundered, floundered and knocked down the oil for which it got out of the cryline, thus getting rid of trouble.

So many disabled people from the first day of disability fall into the conditions of the social crisis(which now hit the whole world). But it is beneficial to everyone that the larger number of disabled people can overcome trouble, find its place in life, to become full-fledged members of society.

Of course, this is useful, first of all, the disabled themselves.

Such an alignment of the forces will significantly reduce the cost of society for the provision of free social assistance for the disabled person - these costs lie down by tax burden on the entire population. This burden is constantly dried, for the number of people who need help, it increases every day, therefore an increase in the number of people with disabilitieswhere disabilities do not have a detrimental influence, beneficial to any society.

The extension of the active age of pensioners is also profitable, not only by them, but also the whole society as a whole.

What pensioners can help both disabled and young, healthy people?

Their professional experience is the national heritage that is now (Live and figuratively)leaves "Nowhere". Their wisdom and life experience in which young people with disabilities need, and young healthy people are currently practically not in demand.

Thus, pensioners who have extended their active age, and disabled people who have overcome trouble can help young and healthy people learn how to overcome the social crisis, realizing that disabled troubles can collapse on anyone, and old age is inevitably expecting everyone.

In addition, an example of people with disabilities foundits place in the life, which has become full members of society, can not fail to think to think of every healthy person. Sensible people cannot change the attitude towards themselves. "Can be disabled, really worse?".

Symbol of art of unity of like-minded people (and pensioners, and disabled, and young, healthy people) At the place of residence, the place of work / study, on hobbies or professional interests of partners is three hands closed in a single handshake.

Physically strong partner (hand from above), (hand on the right) can unite in G.rupa FROMoral P

Thus, the formation of a social partnership system begins in the family, continues among residents of apartment buildings and private sector quarters, on the territory of the neighborhood, district (urban / rural)municipality (urban / rural), region, in the interregional, national and interethnic levels, gradually forming a rehabilitation space for all.

Only father (hand from above), Mother (hand on the right) And baby (hand on the left), closering your hands in a single handshake with members of other three families (and those in turn, with members of three families, etc., etc.)may create conditions under which the art of unity transmitted from the hands - in hand, from the heart to heart (as a "live thread")and it will form a worldwide rehabilitation space. But for this you need to make their sublime I open the entire universe (symbol which "Sibiryan" saw in pigeon, soaring over the ground).Healthy people, forming such space (While they are healthy and young), Fill "Krinka Milk", thanks to which "frogs" (child orphan, disabled, lonely old or just a sick person)Inspagging into this "Krinka" will be able to overcome the trouble, provided that they themselves will actively strive for it. But only with the support of this initiative by the state with a system of municipal self-government, this "milk" becomes "sour cream", reducing the deadlines for the "peeling of the oil" - effort and person, and the efforts of its environment necessary to overcome the incisible trouble. And start the process of change for the better of your own life (and disabled, and pensioner, and healthy, young man)own hands (starting to "shoot down the oil in crinke with milk") It follows from self-diagnosis TOaborology J.test:

The author's "methodology for the participation of persons with disabilities in practical rehabilitation" "can act as an element of psychotherapy, increasing the motivation of persons with disabilities and their close to active participation in rehabilitation programs" (From the letter of the department of organization and quality control of medical care and the Russian scientific center of rehabilitation and physiotherapy of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 10-19 / 11091 of September 22, 1997).

Physically strong partner (hand from above),socially active partner - pensioner and disabled (hand on the right) and a physically weak partner who lost faith in his strength or these forces (lonely old or child, first of all baby disabled - hand on the left)can unite in G.rupa FROMoral Partworks, can form for themselves the space of mutual attractiveness and mutual assistance.

Motivation in determining Life quality index

"At least once in life fell into such a situation when it seemed to you that you live worse than everyone, as in hell? It seemed that your life was not worth a broken penny, you were so bad that you wanted to die? It could be at different times for various reasons: they did not receive from life what they wanted, someone somehow offended you, you were not accepted into some company, etc.

But we are sure that you have never even tried to think (Before making rapid actions, resort to drugs or something else): "Is everything really not really, do I really live worse than everyone?"

Creative attitude towards yourself, to those who live nearby, to their role in society and on Earth begins with small - with defining its capabilities (tests "A") and from determining how these possibilities are implemented in society (Tests "B").The numbers of our tests show their place in the general author's definition system. ANDnDEX E.independence BUTdapoty (Note - not adaptation, and adapitation with the active participation of both the person himself, and those who surround it).

Configure yourself to objectivity - do not mean and do not exaggerate your capabilities.

We want to offer you a method developed by us. ANDnDEX TOthickest J.exile (IKZH)which will help you learn a very accurate answer to the above question.

With our help, you can determine what you should do to change your life for the better.

Moreover, it will be a specific action, and not the general abstract phrases that write in cheap books about autotranengi and the rest of the "miraculous" means.

Another way will help you build a curve showing at what level your ICC was at different periods of time if you count it regularly.

As far as we are right - you decide, but even if you think we are wrong, you are still, please try to calculate your ikzh, at least once, just do it honestly, and then let's see ... "

The introduction of this technique is closely related to the method of "screening analysis of the quality of life of the population", designed for self-diagnosis of participants in the system of continuous social self-education.

Index quality of life (IKZH)

When testing, you need to choose the answer that you think meets your needs, desires and opportunities, and record (in the column selected for this) Answer. It is necessary to follow the data to the test to the additional instructions, if any.

You are offered to your attention in two series of only six tests, to answer which preliminary preparation is not needed. In brackets - the number of this dough in system testsoUR "Complex Index of Social Adaptation"(35 tests) - « Kisa » .

The computer program "Kisa" can be offered.

Tests series A:

Test-1.(6 "A"). How are you moving?

Full immobility (no function of moving) - 0.

Move within bed - 1.

Moving within the apartment - 2.

Move within the microdistrict - 3.

Unlimited movement - 4.

Test 2.(21 "A-1"). How healthy are you?

The test should be carried out in the morning, 20 minutes before breakfast, coffee, clearing the cigarette. Sit comfortably, smoothly and calmly breathing, after 7-10 minutes, calculate the pulse in one minute.

Then make calm inhale and exhale, hold down the nose and your mouth with your hand, notice the time that you can not breathe.

Evaluation of Pulse for men (Women have a pulse frequency on average 5 blows more than men):

more than 85 shots - 0.

76 - 95 shots - 1.

66 - 75 beats - 2.

51 - 65 shots - 3.

less than 50 shots - 4.

Respiratory Delay Assessment:

less than 10 seconds - 0.

10 - 29 seconds - 1.

30 - 59 seconds - 2.

60 - 89 seconds - 3.

90 or more seconds - 4.

Test 3.(25 "A-1"). How happy are you?

Make an attempt to decompose happiness to the components. There are from eight to ten major factors exhausting the circle of human aspirations (Health, Family Relationship, Sex, Income, Residence, Social Status, Work / Study, Hobbies ...) Position these factors in column 2 as they decrease their significance for you:


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |


1 | | 8 | |________________|

2 | | 7 | | |

3 | | 6 | | |

4 | | 5 | | |

5 | | 4 | | |

6 | | 3 | | |

7 | | 2 | | |

8 | | 1 | | |

TOTAL: | |

In column 3, the coefficients of significance for you of each factor are affixed.

In column 4 against them, put the rating on the 5-point system (5 - very satisfied, 4 - OK, 3 - so-so, 2 - badly, 1 - very badly).

Multiply the line in columns 3 and 4, write their works in column 5, then add all the numbers in it and the resulting amount is divided by 180.

Test results:

less than 0.3: You have had a life catastrophe - 0.

0.3 - 0.5: In your life, the crisis, you are unhappy - 1.

0.5 - 0.7: You live gray, mediocre - 2.

0.7 - 0.9: You live well, do not complain about life - 3.

more than 0.9: You are satisfied with life, happiness accompanies you - 4.

Test-5.(32 "B"). How educated are you?

Primary education - 0.

Incomplete secondary education - 1.

Full secondary education - 2.

Higher education - 3.

Several higher education, a scientific degree - 4.

Test -6.(33 "B").How much are you secured financially?

Lack of material support - 0.

Income in the amount of less than 2 sizes of minimum wages - 1.

Income in the amount of 3 - 4 sizes of minimum wages - 2.

Income in the amount of 5 - 9 sizes of minimum wages - 3.

Income in the amount of more than 10 sizes of minimum wages - 4.

Table calculationIKZH

Test: Evaluation

__1. "A"__|_______

__2. "A"__|_______

__3. "A"__|_______

__4. "B"__|_______

__5 B"__|_______

__6. "B._|_______

1) Fold the numbers in the Country Countries of the Test Series.

2) Fold the numbers in the columns of the "b" series tests.

3) Divide the amount obtained by the first action, the amount obtained by the second action - the result and will be your ICC.

If your IKZH equal to unity - You can talk about the optimality of your life.

If IKZH Less one - You must recognize that they are not active, and you need to pay attention to the domestic reserves.

Try to move more, lead an active and healthy lifestyle using culture as an active survival agent (food culture, respiratory culture, life and being culture). Be cordial and friendly with others, make altruistic actions - and "Vitamin happiness" will appear in your blood - endorphin, on the action similar to morphine, but does not cause a detrimental addiction to drugs.

If IKZH More units - You should strive for greater social activity, to ensure that others appreciate you - so that you can fully realize your opportunities in society.

Monitoring the quality of your life

For the quality of your life, we carefully follow the testing proposed by us. This testing is the basis of the "Microdistricular Map of Social Welfare of the Population" (The average microdistan points for each test are calculated).

The dynamics of this quality is more convenient to observe on the schedule:

It is necessary to draw the curve that we spoke at the beginning.

For example:

For greater clarity, we raised your capabilities on the chart. Not a shaded part are the prospects for your individual plan for improving ICC.

But this is also the diagram we use, selecting each other partners (In this case, the schedule also has the second, inverted reflection - from the bottom up) In order to members G.rupa FROMoral Parthnomy (« Gsp » ) complemented each other, forming a holistic social organism.

Testing yourself regularly (without looking at the same time in the results of previous testing)You can track the dynamics of the quality of your life.

We are ready to help you analyze the reasons for the improvement or worsening of this quality and develop an individual plan for optimizing the quality of your life.

Working in this way with us in the Internet Institute "Living thread » (

Our foreign colleagues in misfortune with whom we communicate with the help of the Internet believe that people with disabilities can be engaged in any state with a system of municipal self-government in any state. The continuation of such activities at the state level can not only supplement the worldwide program of activity against persons with disabilities, but also to create a competitive mechanism between states subscribed under this program.

From the review ON THE. Barbarash- d. M., Professor, head. Department of the Kemerovo State Medical Academy on the testing system proposed by Sibiryans.

April 1997:

"... The attitude of society to their representatives in need of support and assistance is the measure of moral and spiritual health of society as a whole.

The political and social crisis of today's Russia gave rise to confusion and depression in various layers of the population, against the background of which there was a fertile soil of confusion, angry and cruelty.

The heroic attempts to create a social support system for the most rescued representatives of our society, which have serious health problems, deserve the highest approval as a whole. "

Members of the Kemerovo Club of Communication "Sibiryan"

thank you for your attention!

Write to us: 650099 Kemerovo, GSP, and 1035.

Social projects are being created for solving some social problems, within which various issues are solved. But before considering social projects, it is necessary to decide what it is. What features do you have that are aimed at young people? What are you interested in? Social projects in school, examples of their implementation? Or projects oriented to elders? Say social projects for youth, examples of their implementation?


Under the social project, they understand a clearly formulated idea relatively defined or aimed at improving a aspect of social life. But besides the idea, he must offer another ways to implement it, responding to questions about when it is implemented, where, in what scale, who will be the main target group of the project. It will help you understand what he represents, an example of a social project that will be published below. Also, besides these issues, it is necessary to resolve the issue of financing (you can do without it, but it will be difficult). Usually financing paths 2: When it is funded by the project participants from their own funds or sponsorship from a subject with major financial opportunities.

Social projects include proposals for reforming the social security system, social protection, health care, overcoming the consequences of social and natural upheavals. Objectives in such projects are scheduled immediately and can be edited only when intermediate results achieve in order to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of activities. If we talk about social projects for young people, examples of their implementation, they are not very different in the total mass, but some features are there (although it can be said that they are general in one way or another for all projects).

What features are projects aimed at youth?

The most important feature is that they are directed exclusively for young people and aspects of her life. When creating a youth social project, it is necessary to take into account popular trends, needs, potential audience of the project. It should be described in detail every specific situations that must be improved, as well as all specific methods and their use. Examples of school social projects do not differ in principle.

What should the project match?

The project must comply with such conditions:

  1. There should be no contradiction in the extended ideas and methods of implementation.
  2. Must exist the possibility of implementing in these conditions.
  3. Must be created on a scientific basis using the scientific method during the development of each stage. We can say about social projects for schoolchildren, the examples of them should be able to interest these restless guys.
  4. Must give an answer to the social order, which originated in society.
  5. The implementation plan should be effective and such that will achieve the goal.
  6. It should be a social and cultural project, an example of which even at the stage of development will be able to interest the youth.

How to make a social project?

What should be in the project? Initially, it is necessary to choose a direction. Health, creativity, demographic issues, recovery, scientific or cultural education, popularization of sports or better attitude towards other people can be chosen as a work area of \u200b\u200bwork. After selecting the direction, it should be declared: so if science has been chosen, then as a specific purpose can be the popularization of radio electronics, design, physics, scientific method, creating a logical thought club or an astronomical mug.

After determining the purposes, it is necessary to think about the tasks - the most focused purposes. An example of tasks may be as follows: the advent of the qualities that will allow difficult adolescents from the risk group to settle in life as a normal citizen, or assistance in determining the place of study / work after graduation. When the direction, goals and objectives are defined, then the action plan should be discussed and the period of implementation, as well as a place where all the developments will receive life. The action plan should contain the most detailed list of actions in which it will be indicated that should be done to achieve goals. In order for you to have a better idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is required from you, you can familiarize yourself with four social projects for youth.

Next will go examples. But although they are written in them, for which they are directed (youth, orphans), they can be viewed as social projects in school. Examples will be and not very large-scale, but will allow you to familiarize yourself with the nominal component. It is advisable to connect a school psychologist to work.

An example of a social project for youth №1

Direction: marital relationships of young people.

Purpose. Reduce the number of people who are bred after staying in marriage, by preparing and explaining the duties and the rights of future spouses.

  1. Explain what marriage is what responsibilities and rights will be from each of the spouses.
  2. Help to distribute future responsibilities now, so that later the arrival.
  3. To help find the reasons why young people want to marry, and determine if they understand what it means.

We need a phased plan in which all the actions and their sequence are painted.

Term of implementation: indefinitely.

The implementation site: such a city.

Example for youth №2

Direction: support for motherhood and prevention of orphanhood.

Objective: providing refusal and minor siers who are undergoing treatment in the hospital.

  1. Attracting public attention to this problem due to the fact that most people are not informed about its existence.
  2. Collection of funds, material assistance, toys and medicines, for transferring to the hospital, with subsequent use to restore health from refusal and minor orphans.
  3. From the state budget or from charitable funds to improve the refusal or orphans, which are in medical medical institutions.
  4. Creating attention to the problem of children without parents in order to persuade people to adopt children.

In detail of the painted plan, which describes the details of the search for funds and their transfer.

Exteriorplace: Children's regional hospital of Samara.

Example for youth number 3

An example of a social project suitable for school or youth company.

Direction: youth with congenital disabilities and disability at universities.

Objective: Achieving the socialization of physically distingurable students.

  1. Facilitating the fullness of socialization of project participants.
  2. Interaction with organizations that exercise social protection for such people.
  3. Help in socio-cultural life.
  4. Assistance aimed at overcoming spiritual and physical loneliness.
  5. The provision of influence on the formation of an adequate relationship in society to young people with special needs.
  6. Creating conditions when youth with special needs will be able to quietly engage in creative activities.
  7. Realization of creative rehabilitation.
  8. Search, check and introduce new rehabilitation methods.

Detailed plan.

Term of implementation: indefinitely.

Location: University of such a city.

Social projects for schoolchildren, examples of their implementation may differ - for them you can choose help with disabled children, which are trained in ordinary schools.

As a result, these children with disabilities (ABS) have difficulty in self-service, communication and training. Any child with disabilities, even surrounded by love and care of the family, due to the lack of full contact with the world's world's peers and life experience, replaced by a specific way of existence in conditions of illness, remaining alone with himself, begins to experience a sense of loneliness, feel its inferiority. In our school, a volunteer group "Step towards", consisting of teachers and students. She set itself the goal - to influence the solution of this problem, at least for some children to organize conditions for development, as well as help families raising children with disabilities.

Psychologist scientists have proven that communication with children in need of help favorably affects the decline in aggressiveness and the development of tolerance in healthy children. In our society there are a number of problems related to the inclusion of a disabled child in school space at the place of residence: the presence of stereotypes and prejudices in a school environment in relation to disability; lack of information from schoolchildren on disability and the possibilities of their peer-disabled people; The lack of knowledge appropriate for training and techniques to work with a child with ABS under a non-specialized educational institution.

The presented project offers a way to overcome some of these contradictions.

Project goals:

  • Development of communicative competence of students, tolerance in the project in the project.
  • Organization of the environment promoting the socialization of children with disabilities (OBA).
  • Generalization and dissemination of interaction experience with children with ABS among other educational institutions of the city.

Project tasks:

In the future, we would like to create traditions of the interaction of children with ABS and their parents with a team of MBOU SOSH 1 and later on the basis of the educational institution of the Advisory Center for Parents and Children with ABS.

Stages of work are presented below:

2010-11 academic year:

Stage 1

  1. Collect information about children with disabilities and introduce this information to study;
  2. Determine the degree of awareness of the problems of such children studying 7-9 classes.

Initiation of the problem: Children were interested in the situation in the family classmate, whose sister is a disabled childhood.

Information Collection: Investigation of the relevance of problems with children who have deviations in health in our country and in our city. Questioning of our students about what they know about the problems of such people. We also wanted to introduce the results of our studies.

2 stage

  1. Introduce students with the problems of children with ABS;
  2. Create an initiative group of volunteer children who are ready to support children with HSA.

124 people took part in the survey. The survey showed that 74% of students have a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe lives of children with disabilities. And 57% admitted that they never thought that such people live nearby.

Acquaintance of students with the problems of children with ABS held in the form of the classroom "Children in trouble".

3 stages

  1. Acquaintance with the experience of assisting children with OVD.
  2. Contact organizations operating in our city with children with OVD.

We have formed a group of volunteers from students who responded to someone else's trouble and those who wish to support children with ABS (about 50 people).

Now we thought about how we can help such children? To do this, we decided to get acquainted with the experience of holding such events and learn about the needs of such children.

It turned out that various organizations have supported such children, but did not find information about how schools cooperate with disabled children. We also learned that the administration of our city is conducting events for such children, but children themselves are passive listeners, but not participants.

In our city there are "Society of the Blind", "Deaf Society", "Society of Disabled" and there is a Volga branch of the Volgograd Regional Public Charitable Foundation "Children in trouble", where more than 130 people with extremely severe diseases are registered; Children who cannot study at school, and therefore, experiencing problems with integration in society. It is a great need for our attention precisely seriously sick children, so we started to cooperate with them.

4 stages

  1. To identify the needs and capabilities of children registered in the Volga branch of the Volgograd Regional Public Charitable Foundation "Children in trouble". To plan work, we decided to explore the needs of these children. They appealed to Chairman of the Council of the Volga branch of Viola "Children in trouble" Nikolaeva Valentina Vasilyevna for consultation. During the conversation, they found out that children primarily need communication with healthy peers. Because of the weak motility, they need exercises and classes that contribute to its development.

So from the conversation with the Chairman of the Foundation, we learned that the parents of children also need consultations of specialists (children's psychologist, representative of the Pension Fund, Social Insurance)

5 stage, Shares

  1. Expansion of the circle of communication of children with disabilities at the expense of healthy peers and adults, the development of communicative behavior skills in the children's team.
  2. The development of the moral qualities of the personality of students' volunteers (responsiveness, readiness to assist, sympathy).
  3. Involvement in classes contributing to the development of motility through active activities.
  4. Organization for parents consulting professionals.

Promotion "Multicolored childhood"

The teachers of our school developed a scenario of the event in the form of "turntables". Sections were presented:

  1. Music box (familiarity of children with various musical instruments, the ability to take them in the hands and "create" an orchestra, viewing a presentation of the sound tool).
  2. City of Masters (making rag dolls-fag).
  3. Virtual city (creating blogs to communicate via the Internet).
  4. Games and toys (Testoplasty).
  5. Meeting of experts (guessing mysteries, knowledge of fairy tales, proverbs, sayings).
  6. Cheerful starts (sports).

Each child with disabilities was accompanied by a volunteer student to help proceed by sections, work in sections. While the children were busy, the parents accompanying them, the consulting assistance was proposed by the Chief Specialist of the Social Population Department in the Volga Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Volgograd Region - Vlasovoy Tatyana Vyacheslavovna, the teacher-psychologist Bureikovaya Polina Viktorovna, MOU VIEPP.

Deputies of the Volga City Duma were also invited from different parties who presented the books, puzzles, sports equipment in the Foundation in the Foundation "Children in trouble".

3. In addition, there was an exhibition-sale of crafts that school students were made in advance especially for the action "Multicolored Childhood", in order to collect funds for the treatment of a patient child. But the children with disabilities themselves made a school gift: showed an exhibition of the works of the Public Foundation "Children in trouble". The action ended with friendly tea drinking.

  1. Development of moral qualities of the personality of students' volunteers (responsiveness, readiness to assist, sympathy)

Share "New Year's congratulations"
It was conducted for seriously ill children who were not able to get out of the house. A group of children's volunteers in New Year's costumes under the guidance of a teacher represented a mini-performance.

  1. Creating a success situation for children with HSA.

Promotion "International Children's Day"

Children Protection Day. The action took place in the form of joint activities with students - School volunteers No. 1 with children from school for hearing impaired children

  1. concert numbers
  2. sports competition "Merry starts"
  3. staging a fairy tale.

During the stage, the fantastic "Relo" was brought to the execution of roles children with ABS.

2011-2012 academic year

  1. Organization environment promoting socialization through communication with healthy peers.
  2. The development of the moral qualities of the personality of students' volunteers (responsiveness, readiness to assist, sympathy).
  3. The inclusion of children with disabilities in various types of individual and collective activities, expanding their circle of interest, creative opportunities.
  4. Expansion of the circle of communication of children - disabled people at the expense of healthy peers and adults, the development of communicative behavior skills in the children's team.

Promotion "Multicolored childhood"

The action that has become traditional in our school. Looking forward to her and children with APV and healthy children.
Joint activities in the form of "turntables".

  1. Music Box.
  2. Merry artists.
  3. The world of origami.
  4. Virtual city.
  1. Organization of the environment promoting socialization through communication with healthy peers;
  2. Creation for children with disabilities of a favorable psychological environment, overcoming psychological discomfort in communicating with patients and healthy peers.

Promotion "New Year's congratulations"

New Year celebration. The meeting of children was organized by the 7th grade volunteers and their support in the hall. Volunteers-studying MBOU SOSH installed the "New Year's Fairy Tale" performance. Then children with ABS and study schools, holding hands, drove dance around the New Year tree. Children who could not move themselves, took military personnel and wore them on her hands around the Christmas tree in the New Year's dance. Each child received a New Year's gift. The event sponsored the parents of the school.

2012-2013 academic year

The development of the moral qualities of the personality of students - volunteers (responsiveness, readiness to assist, sympathy). The "seriously ill" children were congratulated at home, showing the New Year's insignments, they have at home by children-volunteers as Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and Cat.

In the process of work on the project, interaction with other organizations were organized: the Pension Fund, the Social Protection Office of the city of Volzhsky, the Insurance Fund, the Psychology Department, the military unit, partnership with the Volga Branch of the Volgograd Regional Public Charitable Foundation (VoVF) "Children in trouble" .

Each promotion has become an event in the lives of students and children with ABS; The experience of communication between the school team and children with OVD and their families accumulates, which significantly affected the quality of the shares; Due to the fact that many children with OVD attend meetings traditionally, the acquaintance with volunteers will develop into friendship. Having become closer to the interests and needs of children with ABS, we are more individualized to approach the choice of funds and methods.

After meeting with children with disabilities, according to the survey (93 respondents), it was revealed that:
For the first time, they thought about the need to assist and support - 63%
Tested sympathy and compassion - 84%
expressed the desire to continue communication with the aim of support - 46%
For the first time, they thought about the need to take care of their health - 56%.

On behalf of the parents: "We are overwhelmed with the feelings of great thanks for our children, they gave the opportunity to communicate with peers, presented a holiday, gave the opportunity at least a few hours to be in the" other "world. We will look forward to new invitations."

The school team received a letter of thanks from the Chairman of the Board of the Volga branch of Viola "Children in the troubles" Nikolaeva Valentina Vasilyevna.

The experience of the work of a creative group of teachers with children with ABS was recommended by the city administration to distribute in other educational institutions.

Tsarakova Tatiana Sergeevna,
Kirsanova Lyudmila Borisovna,
Chicrivzov Elena Vladimirovna,
teachers MBOU SOSH No. 1. F. G. Loginova

Social project "Revival"

Center "Revival".

Project goals:

1. Achieving the maximum social functioning of persons with disabilities

2. Achieving the psychological well-being of people with disabilities of all ages

Planned results.

· Adaptation of the disabled person in modern society

· Ensuring disabled jobs

· Expansion of the circle of communication

· Information and educational work

· Psychological advice

· Providing housing disabled

Groups of people in the interests of which the project is carried out:

people having disability I and II groups, from 16 years, in addition to disabled people with a diagnosis of intellectual failure or mental disorders.

Justifications of the need for this project.

People who have disability are limited in opportunities and cannot fully function in society, and some disabled people are completely cut off from the outside world and are forced to humbly wait for the end of their lives and often not in the best conditions. My project will allow people with disabilities to bring society benefit and take care of their physical and psychological state.

1. Distribution on those who will:

but. Living in the center

b. temporarily stay in the center

in. Visit the center according to the scheduled

2. To distribute those who will live with each other for the compatibility of temperatures and the nature of disability.

3. Determine: schedule and types of work (4-5 hours), resting time (communication), time of psychological and medical procedures.

1. With salaries of persons with disabilities, a tax of 13% is not charged;

2. From a disability pension charge every month for maintenance and services rendered:

but. Those who live - 80% of pensions

b. Those who come - 40% pensions

3. Reduced wage rate in disabled

4. tax reducing for those who provide disabled work.

6. Exemption from taxation of permanent sponsors.

7. State investments

Communication, work therapy, psychological and medical care in the aggregate will give positive results. Possible: partial recovery, psychological well-being in the disabled person and his family, receiving earnings. Center "Revival" is a chance for disabled people to become full members of society. Communicate with people who have the same health problems, get different types of help ...

This project is very important, both for people with disabilities with their families and for the state! Often people having disability I or II group practically deprive the possibility of functioning in society, they do not have broad knowledge of their rights and opportunities.

With the help of the center, an additional not expensive working force appears, all the rights of persons with disabilities will be protected.


The vulnerable segments of the population is in every society, and their debacy reflects the level of development of this society. People with disabilities are one of them, regardless of whether they were born with disabilities or became them due to circumstances. They are discriminated in society on the principle of lack of equal opportunities in such vital areas, as access to education, employment, public life, etc.

The disability has always been considered the problem of the person himself with a disabilities, which must be changed to himself, or will help him to change specialists through treatment or rehabilitation.

Social work as the most important section of activities in the field

service disabled in recent years is becoming increasingly relevant. Although the social concern of the state and society towards people with disabilities in Russia is always manifested.

Today, the problem of social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is becoming increasingly relevant due to the fact that their number has a steady tendency to increase, to change which our society will not be able to change in the near future. Therefore, the increase in the number of having disability should be considered as a permanent factor requiring systematic social solutions.

Undoubtedly, people having disability are tremendous difficulties during the entry into society, and they need comprehensive social assistance. Consequently, they become customers of social work and are under the close attention of social services.

The social project "Open World" was developed on the initiative of the Public Organization of the Soviet Administrative District of May Day Management Board of Omsk Omsk Regional Organization of the All-Russian Public Organization "All-Russian Society of Disabled Society" (OO Wari SAO PP Omsk).
The problem of socio-psychological adaptation of persons with disabilities to life conditions in society is one of the most important faces of a common integration problem. Due to major changes in the approaches to people who are disabled, this issue acquires additional importance and acute. Creating a leisure center "Open World" is caused by the need to involve all the disabled in a full-fledged life on a par with other members of society.
The project is aimed at promoting the integration of people with disabilities in society, creating favorable conditions for the satisfaction of spiritual, cultural needs and full-fledged pastime.
Target group of the project: Disabled in need of support.
Project Performers: Members of the organization OO Wari SAO PP Omsk, attracted specialists (coach, psychologist, medical worker, technical executive), social partners and volunteers.
To implement the project, it is necessary:
1. Develop and implement the activities of the Center for Cultural and Leisure Activities, aimed at expanding communication of people with disabilities;
2. Create a project team and a volunteer group on project implementation and social support for people with disabilities.
3. To equip the room for people with disabilities with new modern technical and gaming equipment (TV, sound-seeing system, microphone, camcorder, desktop sports games).
With a public organization of persons with disabilities, a comprehensive leisure center "Open World" will open, including:
1. Cinema;
2. Creative workshop;
3. Massive events;
4. Sports board games of the peoples of the world.
The duration of the project is 6 months. For the implementation of the project on the organization of the Leisure Center "Open World", 493,000 rubles are requested (four hundred ninety-three thousand rubles).


  1. Promoting the integration of people with disabilities in society, the creation of favorable conditions for meeting information, cultural needs and a full-fledged social and useful pastime, through the organization of the Leisure Center "Open World".


  1. To equip the room for people with disabilities with new modern technical and gaming equipment (TV, sound oxusive system, microphone, camcorder, desktop sports games).
  2. Contribute to overcoming the social isolation of people with disabilities, through the organization of cognitive leisure.
  3. Create a project team and a volunteer group on social support for people with disabilities and project implementation.
  4. Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the project implemented. Conduct an information company.

Justification of social significance

Nowadays, many words sound about mercy, about attention to people, especially those who need it more than others, are people with disabilities of health, which, like no other need to understand and protect. They differ from us with you, but they are the same, and even more, you need help in socialization and adaptation. People with disabilities are the full members of our community with you, and in our power to help them in their integration into society. Creating equal opportunities for people with disabilities, as the direction of social policy, is associated with the availability of not only education and work, but also various forms of culture, cultural and leisure activities. This activity is one of the substantial resources to optimize the social activity of people with disabilities, which has the ability to stimulate the process of socialization, inculturation and self-realization. Among the administrative districts of the city of Omsk, the Soviet district in terms of population is in 2 place. About 255 thousand people live in it. The number of people with disabilities is 8% of the total number. In Omsk, as in Russia as a whole, this is one of the most numerous, unsecured and poorly adapted groups. People with disabilities, especially lonely, constantly feel unclaimed, weak social security, cut off from society. They are divided among themselves. Involving them in public and cultural activities, moral support will help to overcome the complexity of unnecessaryness, fill in the real content of human rights to a decent existence. Therefore, there is a need to create a leisure center based on the Library Center "House of Family". The development of the project was preceded by a sociological survey, which made it possible to estimate the need for its development for a particular target group. The results of the study showed that people with disabilities in the district are experiencing the greatest need for communicating and mutual understanding, help and support, in leisure. Of the 128 (100%) respondents - 53% would like to visit concerts; 64% - meet with interesting people; 83% - participate in the evenings of rest; 71% - to watch and discuss movies and programs, 68% - to engage in decorative and applied creativity. Based on the results of the study, the main areas of activity of the Center were determined: a creative workshop, visiting festive events and concerts, meetings with interesting people, cinema hall, board games.
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