Great tiredness and drowsiness. Sleepiness, apathy and fatigue. Possible Causes of Constant Drowsiness

If a person has a constant, he feels very tired, constantly wants to rest or, at least, do nothing. It is quite natural that everyone who suffers from such a feeling wants to find out the reasons as soon as possible. constant sleepiness and fatigue. Under normal circumstances severe tiredness manifests itself as a consequence of significant overwork, mental and physical.

If physiological drowsiness develops, this means that the person has not rested for a long time, and the brain sends a signal that he really needs a respite and rest from the information he receives constantly. This is a state when a preservation regime is "turned on" in the body, the speed of reactions decreases, all external stimuli are perceived differently. The cerebral cortex and sensory organs are blocked to a dormant state.

Signs of such a condition are: decreased acuity of consciousness, yawning, decreased sensitivity of peripheral analyzers, which leads to dullness of perception. Also, a person's heart rate and secretion of the glands of external secretion decrease, the mucous membranes become drier.

Thus, if a person is tired, then increased sleepiness is a normal condition. But there are a number of conditions in which drowsiness and lethargy are a manifestation of a certain pathology, which can be a serious problem for a person.

There are many reasons why a person is sleepy. The main ones are as follows:

  • mental or physical fatigue;
  • lack of oxygen in the cerebral cortex;
  • increased inhibitory reactions in the central nervous system, their predominance over excitation, which can occur due to the influence of toxic substances or drugs;
  • postponed TBI;
  • pathologies of the brain, in which there is a lesion of the sleep centers;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • diseases of internal organs, in which substances accumulate in the blood that suppress the activity of the cerebral cortex.

Sometimes, to determine the causes of constant fatigue and weakness, you need to take into account some external circumstances. If a person states: “I get tired quickly, and I am constantly falling asleep, pressing on my eyes,” it is important to pay attention to the place in which he lives. In particular, are there any towers that provide mobile communications, power lines, etc.

Physiological sleepiness

If a person does not sleep for a very long time, then his nervous system includes a forced mode of inhibition.

Inhibition can manifest itself even during one day, when there is an overload of auditory, visual, pain, tactile receptors. In such a situation, a person can several times fall into a state of drowsiness or the so-called "trance", since the alpha rhythm of the cerebral cortex (daytime) is replaced by beta waves, which are manifested during fast phase sleep when a person falls asleep or dreams. By the way, it is this technique of immersion in a trance that is very often used by psychotherapists, hypnotists, as well as malefactors who practice a variety of fraud.

After meal

For many people, the question is, why do you want to sleep after dinner. This phenomenon can be explained quite simply - after lunch, most of the blood that is in the body circulates in the area of ​​the digestive system. Therefore, during the digestion of food, less blood enters the brain, which should saturate it with oxygen. At this time, the economy mode is activated, in which the cerebral cortex is not working as actively as usual.

The reasons why you want to sleep very much after eating may be associated with overeating. In this state, after eating, the stomach is forced to work very actively, so the blood rushes to the digestive organs as much as possible. But if a person wants to eat all the time, and he is used to gorge himself at night, such a habit, on the contrary, can worsen night sleep.

Lack of sleep

It goes without saying that a person cannot live without sleep. It is well known how much an adult should sleep: at least 7-8 hours a day. However, there are people who can sleep for less a short time.

It is a mistake to believe that a person can be forcibly deprived of sleep. All the same, it will turn off periodically for a short time, falling asleep for at least a few seconds. Therefore, those who claim that they constantly really want to sleep during the day need to rest at least 8 hours at night.

The effects of stress

Severe weakness and drowsiness also develops as the body's reaction to stressful situations... The first stage of stress is characterized by a high level of excitability, due to ejection and . But if stress factors act for a long time, the adrenal glands are depleted, the production of hormones and the peak of their release decrease.

Rapid fatigue and loss of strength is noted in people suffering from chronic adrenal insufficiency , rheumatic diseases, or in those who take glucocorticoids for a long time.

During pregnancy

Often, the causes of drowsiness in women are associated with. In the first trimester, women undergo active hormonal changes, manifested - these are the reasons for fatigue, drowsiness, apathy in future mother... In the last months of bearing a baby, there is a natural inhibition of the cortex due to the influence of placental hormones. That is why the woman sleeps more at night and suffers from sleepiness during the day. Pregnant women need to take into account that this condition is normal during this period.

Sleep plays a very important role in a child's life. After all, newborn babies and toddlers sleep up to six months almost all the time. At 1-2 months, the child sleeps about 18 hours a day, at 3-4 - about 16-17 hours, at 4-6 - about 15 hours. How much a baby sleeps up to a year depends on his nutrition, condition nervous system, as well as the daily routine in the family. On average, this is about 14 hours. The prolonged sleep of babies is explained by the fact that they are born with an underdeveloped nervous system. Consequently, almost constant sleep protects the child from overload, and his NS goes through the development process calmly.

Often, babies even eat in their sleep. Babies who are not yet 6 months old wake up due to internal discomfort - due to wet diapers, pain, hunger, etc.

Drowsiness in a baby is a pathology if he suffers from serious ailments. You need to pay special attention if the child sleeps a lot after an illness, in such cases:

  • vomits the child;
  • him loose stools which happens very often;
  • the baby has no stool for a long time;
  • high temperature does not pass;
  • the baby fell and hit his head, after which he is very lethargic, pale, or the skin becomes cyanotic;
  • the child does not respond to touch, voice;
  • the child does not want to eat - he does not take a breast or a bottle for a long time, does not urinate for a long time.

In such cases, you need to urgently call emergency care or take the baby to the hospital.

The same are the causes of the sleepy state in children over one year old. Also sleepy state the child can develop due to a number of somatic diseases, which will be discussed later.

This condition is also called pathological hypersomnia ... The duration of sleep increases, although there is no objective need for this. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the fact if the night's sleep remains the same long, but the person feels tired, he wants to sleep during the day.

The reasons for what to do should be determined by the doctor, since in such a situation, most likely, we are talking about the development of some pathology. You should be aware that severe drowsiness during the day warns of a serious illness in some cases. However, it will not be possible to determine the causes of this condition on your own - a thorough diagnosis is necessary.

Acute or chronic infectious diseases

If a person has severe asthenia or physical and mental exhaustion, this is often evidence of past illnesses, in particular infectious ones. At a time when the body is gradually rehabilitating after an illness, it needs more rest. Therefore, during this period, daytime sleep is very necessary for recovery. After all, it is during sleep that T-lymphocytes are restored. Scientists also talk about the visceral theory, according to which, during sleep, the body conducts a kind of test of the work of internal organs, which is very important after an illness.


It is a condition similar to asthenia. At anemia the patient's level goes down and, accordingly, the transport of oxygen by the blood to tissues and organs is impaired. As a result, the ability to work decreases, memory worsens, manifests itself, there is no strength and energy. Sometimes fainting occurs. Iron-deficiency anemia most often manifests itself with bleeding, in those who practice vegetarianism, in pregnant women suffering from iron deficiency, in the case of the development of chronic foci of inflammation in the body.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Another reason why it is noted oxygen starvation brain, this vessels. If the vessels are overgrown with plaques more than half, it develops ischemia , which leads to oxygen starvation of the cerebral cortex. If the disturbances in the blood flow of the brain are chronic, then the person develops not only drowsiness, but also a headache, memory and hearing are felt, decrease in memory and hearing, instability is noted when walking. Acute violation blood flow leads to (rupture of the vessel leads to hemorrhagic stroke, its thrombosis - to ischemic). It is important to know that the harbingers of this serious condition there may be drowsiness, tinnitus, impaired thinking.

Elderly patients often have slow development cerebral atherosclerosis , since the nutrition of the cerebral cortex deteriorates gradually. Therefore, the reasons for the loss of strength and drowsiness during the daytime in older people are often associated with this phenomenon. However, these reasons can gradually lead to inhibition of the vasomotor and respiratory centers medulla oblongata.

Idiopathic hypersomnia

It is a disease that most often affects young people. Since there are no other reasons why a person wants to sleep all the time, the diagnosis is established by the method of exclusion. In this state, there is a tendency to sleepiness during the day: when asking the doctor what to do, a person complains: "I want to sleep very much all the time."

Sometimes he falls asleep during the period of relaxed wakefulness. In the evening, a person falls asleep very quickly. It is very difficult for him to wake up, and the need to get up in the morning can even provoke aggressiveness. If you want to sleep all the time, and weakness also develops regularly, this condition can gradually lead to a decrease in working capacity and a break in social ties.


This disease is a variant of hypersomnia, in which the period of sleep during the day increases. Rest becomes more hectic at night. The patient has episodes of falling asleep at any time of the day that cannot be overcome. In this case, the following are noted: muscle weakness, , loss of consciousness. A person can see when he wakes up or falls asleep. At the same time, he constantly feels sleepy. At narcolepsy the patient is in phase REM sleep comes immediately, without first falling asleep slowly. This ailment haunts the patient throughout his life.

The cerebral cortex and its subcortex are very sensitive to various kinds of poisoning, both acute and chronic. This can lead to drowsiness, as well as taking a variety of medications, poisoning with toxic substances. In such states, a person sleeps a lot, day and night.


Alcohol poisoning is the most common. After alcohol comes the stage of excitement. After this stage with moderate intoxication passes, the stage of sleep is noted, when drowsiness, heaviness in the head, and lethargy develop.


When a person smokes, he develops vasospasm, which impairs the supply of oxygen to the cerebral cortex. This leads to the development of inflammation and irritation of the inner lining of the vessels. As a result, not only develop atherosclerotic plaques but subsequently they also crack. And this leads to thrombosis of the vascular bed, including cerebral arteries... That is why about a third of smokers constantly feel sleepy and symptoms of fatigue. However, even if a smoker quits this bad habit, during this period, such symptoms may also bother him.

Psychotropic substances

The use of a variety of medicines - tranquilizers , antipsychotics , antidepressants - leads to the manifestation of drowsiness, turning into a chronic form, if these drugs are used for a very long time. People who constantly take sleeping pills eg barbiturates, as well as large doses of sedative medications. In this case, the processes of inhibition in the central nervous system are activated, from which it "tends" to sleep.


These substances, especially morphine-like ones, are capable of provoking a drowsy state.

Central nervous system depression due to diseases of internal organs

If a person does not know what to do with constant fatigue and weakness, he must definitely go through thorough examination to diagnose or exclude diseases of the internal organs.

Chronic heart failure

As a result of this form of heart failure in a large circle of blood circulation, cerebral blood flow deteriorates, which leads to chronic starvation of the cortex. As a result, drowsiness, heaviness in the head, lethargy are noted. At the same time, sleep prevails in the daytime, at night you do not want to sleep, or there are difficulties with falling asleep, restless sleep.


At in humans, among other symptoms, there are signs of inhibition of the cortex, which leads to an increased need for sleep.

Kidney disease

With a variety of kidney diseases ( interstitial nephritis , glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis ) is noted renal failure in chronic or acute form... In this state, the patient retains nitrogenous toxins in the blood, which also provokes absent-mindedness, lethargy and too long sleep.

Liver disease

Due to the development of hepatic-cellular insufficiency in patients with liver cancer, chronic hepatitis, washing the blood from the products of protein metabolism is difficult. As a result, the blood contains increased concentrations substances toxic to the brain. In addition, in this state, synthesis occurs, sugar in the brain tissue decreases. Due to the accumulation of lactic and pyruvic acids, hyperventilation of the lungs and edema of the cortex occurs, which leads to a deterioration in blood flow to the brain. If the poisoning becomes more intense, drowsiness can gradually develop into a coma.

Intoxication due to infections


Manifestation neuroinfections is noted against the background of a number of diseases: flu , fungus , tick-borne ... In this state, a person is worried about headaches, drowsiness, lethargy. At the same time, specific neurological symptoms are also noted.


If happens dehydration as a result of severe loss of water and electrolytes due to diarrhea, vomiting, the total volume of blood that circulates decreases. As a result, both weakness and drowsiness are noted.

Malignant tumors

Unfortunately, sometimes the explanation for why you always want to sleep is intoxication and exhaustion due to decay products. malignant tumors... Therefore, the reasons, if you constantly want to sleep and do not have the strength, must be determined without fail, so as not to miss the development of a dangerous disease.

Bleeding, bowel obstruction, shock

When extensive bleeding , shock, intestinal obstruction, then the bulk of the blood accumulates in the abdominal cavity, and the blood flow to the brain deteriorates. Therefore, if a person comes to the doctor and asks to determine "the reasons why I want to sleep constantly," the doctor may prescribe an examination for the presence of hidden bleeding.

Mental disorders

Often tends to sleep those people who suffer from a variety of mental disorders - cyclothymia and others. This symptom is typical for neurological diseases.


The reasons why a person sleeps a lot can also be developmental. This defeat endocrine glands, which is characterized by the development of drowsiness, as well as a decrease in interest in life, poverty of emotions. This condition can develop after the transferred, as well as after removal thyroid gland.

If the production of thyroid hormones decreases in the body, this is reflected in all metabolic processes. Consequently, oxygen starvation of the brain develops, fluid accumulates in the brain tissue, due to which the convolutions swell and the integrative abilities of the brain deteriorate. Therefore, if during the examination a person says “I sleep a lot,” the reasons for this can sometimes be found by an endocrinologist.


With the development of this disease, which is also called adrenal insufficiency, it decreases, there is a decrease in appetite, severe fatigue, and instability of the stool. With kidney disease, if a person sleeps a lot, what does this mean, you should ask your doctor.


With this disease, vessels of various sizes are damaged, and an unstable carbohydrate balance is noted. Provided that the treatment is not carried out correctly and balanced, due to fluctuations and blood sugar are possible ketoacidotic , hyperglycemic , hypoglycemic conditions ... The cerebral cortex can also be damaged, encephalopathy can develop, which leads to daytime sleepiness. How to get rid of drowsiness and lethargy, diabetics should ask their doctor.

Brain trauma

After a head injury, concussion, cerebral hemorrhage, various disorders of consciousness are possible, in particular, stunnedness. This state resembles prolonged sleep and can turn into a coma.


This disorder is still one of the most mysterious. At lethargic sleep a person falls into a prolonged sleepy state, in which there is a suppression of all signs of vital activity - breathing is reduced, the heartbeat becomes very slow, reflexes of the skin and pupils are not determined. Lethargy is not pure sleep, but a strong suppression of the activity of the cerebral cortex, as well as all systems human body... A similar condition can develop with a variety of mental illness, nervous exhaustion, intoxication, dehydration, etc.

For those who are very tired and want to sleep, yawning is normal. Yawning is an uncontrollable reflex that consists of deep, slow inhalation and rapid exhalation. Thus, more oxygen enters the body, as a result of which the blood flow is activated. As a result, metabolic processes are normalized, the brain begins to work more actively. There are reasons for yawning physiological and pathological .

Physiological may be associated with a lack of air, decreased body activity, strong emotional stress, severe fatigue. Also, yawning can occur due to “ chain reaction”- when one person starts yawning, other people sometimes join him too.

Pathological the reasons are associated with the development of a number of diseases. In particular, a person may yawn, being in a light-headed state, as well as before epileptic seizure... Besides constant yawning may indicate:

  • hormone problems;
  • absent-minded ;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • problems with thermoregulation in the brain;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;

Therefore, with a constant manifestation of yawning, you need to contact a specialist.

What to do if drowsiness develops

The exact answer to the question of what to do if you want to sleep can be obtained only by visiting a doctor. Of course, if we are talking about the fact that a person always does not get enough sleep, after which he really wants to sleep, then in this case it will help good rest, as well as the correction of the daily routine. You should go to bed earlier in order to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Many of those who wondered what to do in order not to want to sleep felt much better after changing the regime, and the problem of what to do in order not to want to sleep at work was resolved on their own.

But if you are constantly worried about drowsiness, when you get enough sleep, it is important to get diagnosed and determine the cause of this condition. In this case, the doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment will be able to answer how not to want to sleep.

Those for whom the question of how to deal with chronic fatigue is relevant should not immediately take medications that are positioned on various sites as pills for fatigue and drowsiness. Such drugs should be prescribed by a doctor who forms general scheme therapy. Before using a folk remedy, it is also better to consult a doctor. Only after analyzes and examination, it is possible to determine which vitamins are lacking in the body, which minerals should be taken, etc.

Regular exercise can often help boost your energy levels. In people leading a mostly sedentary lifestyle, metabolic processes deteriorate, blood flow is stagnant, adrenal function worsens, therefore, production adrenaline slows down. As a result, sleep is disturbed, irritability is manifested. Therefore, physical activity is necessary every day - they need to be gradually increased.

How to get rid of constant fatigue depends on the disease in which such a symptom develops. The answer to the question, if a breakdown, what to do, can sometimes be found by donating blood for analysis, or by ultrasound procedure thyroid or pancreas. It is especially important to pay attention to the loss of strength in a child if close relatives are sick or have other ailments. If the reason for this standing is found correctly, the doctor will tell you how to remove such symptoms by prescribing the correct treatment. What to do with a breakdown in an elderly person also depends on the diagnosis. But it is important to consider that with a prolonged loss of strength, problems in the functioning of the immune system in people of any age may occur.

Therefore, timely and high-quality diagnostics, treatment of diseases are necessary if a person is sick, and full sleep, nutrition and exercise are very important for everyone at any age.


Health 05.06.2018

Dear readers, in our modern age we have to almost completely switch to mental work, which, as you know, is more tiring than physical work. When you spend all day fiddling with papers, checking documents, submitting reports or texting people, in the evening you are so tired that it seems as if you have been doing hard physical labor all day.

If mental fatigue continues for weeks or months, then for some reason you constantly want to sleep and feel very weak. This is how our body reacts to long-term work at the limit of its strength and capabilities - for a while it seems to stop giving us energy, forcing us to slow down and take a break.

But are the reasons for constantly wanting to sleep always associated with overwork? The human body can be influenced by various factors... It is important to understand why you want to sleep when it is time to stay awake, work, play sports and stay active.

Possible Causes of Constant Drowsiness

People who suffer from daytime sleepiness describe their state like this: they constantly want to sleep, and it is not known why severe fatigue appears, there is no energy and their eyes close as if by themselves. In such a state, there is no time for work. Nobody wants employees who fall asleep on the go. Their attention is reduced, they lose their professional qualities. And most importantly, they can accidentally fall asleep while driving, or, for example, fail to notice a pedestrian, which will lead to tragedy. Because of sleepiness, you can lose a good position.

So why do you want to sleep all the time? Let's deal with the reasons for this strange drowsiness.

Disruption of sleep and wakefulness

Many people underestimate the importance of adherence correct regime sleep and wakefulness. Ideally, we should sleep at least 8-9 hours - and only at night. Children and the elderly can sleep during the day - 1-2 hours. Some people have gotten used to naping for 20-30 minutes during the day, which gives a feeling of vigor almost until the evening. This is also the norm. If you work a lot, wake up several times at night (with a child, sick relatives), during the day you constantly want to sleep - and even a short nap helps you to relax and cheer up.

But when disturbances in sleep and wakefulness become habitual, there are signs of a malfunction, first of all, in the work of the nervous system:

  • after a night shift, a sleepless night, a person returns home and cannot go to bed to rest in a dream - an incomprehensible feeling of anxiety disturbs, I want to continue working, because for the body, day is the time of greatest activity;
  • character deteriorates, it becomes more difficult to agree with a person, he loses his former social skills, he is in a state of anxious reverie for a long time;
  • night sleep becomes inadequate due to anxiety and the habit of working after midnight, as a result, it is not possible to fall asleep soundly - neither day nor night.

But we are often inattentive to ourselves, we do not pay attention to the first alarm bells... Meanwhile, health problems grow like a snowball, and it can be difficult to understand why you want to sleep all the time and what has become the main reason, with which malfunctions began in the body - an irregular schedule or internal diseases.

Quote! The lack of quality sleep is a kind of springboard to the deterioration of the whole body. It is with lack of sleep that many health problems begin.

The external manifestations of lack of sleep are not as bad as the internal ones. The habit of staying up late or the need to work at night leads to an imbalance in the whole body. Not only the nervous system is under attack, but also immunity and other organs. People who constantly want to sleep often get ARVI, infectious diseases, complain of unreasonable abdominal pain, bad job Gastrointestinal tract and mood swings. Irritable bowel syndrome, weak immunity, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression - these and many other disorders often begin with a banal violation of the regime.

It is hard to imagine modern life stress-free. They are everywhere: at work, at home, even during leisure, situations arise every day that disturb the psycho-emotional balance of a person. Of course, a lot depends on the attitude to what is happening. If you react to every little thing, lose your temper, worry about situations that, alas, cannot be avoided, sooner or later the nervous system will begin to malfunction, which will primarily affect the quality of sleep and the degree of vigor in the daytime.

Stress wears out the body, accelerates our aging, and contributes to the development of many diseases. In medicine, there is such a concept "psychosomatics" - this is a subtle connection between malfunctions of the nervous system with diseases that, as it seems to us, arise suddenly and without any particular reason. We are all accustomed to stress, we do not consider them dangerous, but meanwhile many have not learned to protect themselves from their influence. And this is very important for maintaining health.

Here are some rules of protection against stress and problems that inevitably arise against the background of invisible stressful effects on the human psyche:

  • do not get annoyed over trifles: yes, it is unpleasant when a car suddenly breaks down and you are late for work, but you should not boil with irritation because of this - negative emotions undermine health, and gradually you get used to catching only the negative from the general picture of the world, not noticing the beautiful around;
  • do not communicate with whiners, pessimists, people who like to dump a mountain of negative information on others and see only the bad around - no matter how cruel it sounds, but it is better not to contact such interlocutors, because their desire to exaggerate gradually passes to others;
  • go in for sports to maintain a sense of self-satisfaction and self-confidence, and you will notice that it is difficult only at first, and then the body itself begins to "demand" physical activity;
  • do not eat "food waste", remember that food is something that is involved in the renewal and construction of new cells on a daily basis, and you cannot absorb junk food, because it poisons, deprives you of strength, energy, prospects for the future;
  • try to sleep at least 8-9 hours, do not sacrifice sleep for the sake of a good film, night work: regularly going to bed after midnight, you drive yourself into chronic sleep deprivation, because daytime sleep will never replace nighttime sleep;
  • constantly develop and go forward, do not allow yourself to be lazy for a long time: prolonged rest, monotony make a person lethargic, helpless, dull and uninteresting.

If you constantly want to sleep, analyze one day in your life: how often in 24 hours do you get irritated, cry, or maybe even yell at others? After a surge of negative emotions, a recession occurs. I really want to sleep, I have no strength to continue working. And here you really need to choose: either you change your attitude to stress, move away from negative factors, or let the negativity take over.

I suggest watching a video in which a specialist simply and clearly talks about how stress affects human health and literally "sucks out" all the strength and reserves of nutrients.

Drowsiness as a symptom of certain medical conditions

If a person constantly wants to sleep during the day, when others are alert and active, this may be a sign of the development of the following diseases:

  • anemia (low hemoglobin levels);
  • other blood diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • Crohn's disease, other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, poor absorption of certain nutrients;
  • hypertension;
  • dysbiosis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • infections, toxic effects on internal organs;
  • atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • oncological diseases.

These are just some of the diseases that can cause constant sleepiness. It is recommended to be examined, especially if daytime sleepiness is severe and appears suddenly.

Drowsiness and oxygen deficiency

You have probably noticed that when you are in a stuffy room for a long time, yawning appears, you want to sleep and your working capacity completely disappears. These are signs that the brain does not have enough oxygen to continue vigorous activity. In the fresh air, one thinks differently, and the problems seem not so insoluble.

But the lack of oxygen occurs not only when you are in a stuffy room and with rare ventilation. There are certain diseases that are accompanied by drowsiness. With a decrease in hemoglobin, which carries oxygen, weakness, drowsiness, and dizziness occur. Therefore, if you constantly want to sleep, the reasons for this condition may be associated with a banal oxygen deficiency.

Taking some medications

Some medications make you drowsy. Today it has become fashionable to get involved in sedatives, antipsychotics, drugs that supposedly help fight stress. In fact, tranquilizers and similar drugs only wear out the body even more, are addictive. No wonder they are sold only by prescription. This prohibition encourages many, pushes to circumvent the law - and they acquire such means through familiar or other cunning ways. But the dangers of psychotropic drugs are not publicly discussed. The truth is not profitable, it hits the wallet of pharmaceutical companies.

Tranquilizers are taken for serious reasons, such as when a person is depressed. But if you constantly want to sleep and your nerves are naughty, you should not take such drugs. We need to pull ourselves together, go in for sports, reconsider the way of life. Mild sedatives (motherwort, valerian) can be taken, but they can cause severe daytime sleepiness. Therefore, take plant sedatives in the evening, 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Additional symptoms

Drowsiness may be accompanied by additional signs:

  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • fickle mood, irritability, tearfulness;
  • abdominal pain, intestinal cramps;
  • shallow sleep, a feeling of fatigue that occurs immediately after waking up and during the day;
  • nausea, aversion to food;
  • stool disorders.

It can be difficult to say exactly why you constantly want to sleep. Sleepiness is common accompanying symptom and internal diseases, and nervous disorders, and banal overwork. Listen to yourself, try to analyze your lifestyle. Usually the person himself knows what provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. You just need to be able to hear the signals of your body.

But what if you want to sleep? Understand the causes of sleepiness. This is the only way to help your body restore its former activity. Banal actions help best: sports, proper nutrition, cold and hot shower, periodic change of habitual activity.

If you feel that sleepiness is covering you with renewed vigor, arrange for yourself a physical education minute. You will immediately feel energized. Get up, start doing banal exercises. Squats, arm swings are very invigorating. Or just rub auricles hands.

Be sure to ventilate the room 2-3 times a day. Without oxygen, the body lacks strength and energy, as a result, it begins to work in a mode of reduced activity. And in a dream, energy is consumed least of all, therefore, with a lack of oxygen and overwork, you always want to sleep.

Remember the importance of positive thinking. People who see something beautiful and unique in every day always have time for everything, they have enough time for sports, socializing with friends, and household chores. It's better to just not run negative thoughts into your head, yes, it is difficult, but possible. Otherwise, then it can be so difficult to get rid of the habit of being sad, lazy and feeling sorry for yourself.

Do not forget that constant sleepiness is a reason to go to the doctor. Start by passing the classic tests, determine the level of hemoglobin, the amount of vitamins and trace elements, do an ultrasound if there are complaints about the work of any organs. A holistic approach works best.

And for the mood, I suggest watching a wonderful short film "Confirmation" ... This film is the winner of the 2007 Cleveland International Film Festival.

see also


    To answer

Fatigue and drowsiness is a condition that does not necessarily indicate the development of a medical condition. We distinguish between feelings of physical and mental fatigue, although in many cases both types occur at the same time.

You should be concerned if you have persistent (chronic) sleepiness, lethargy and fatigue, which directly reduces your daily physical activity, weakens the ability of perception, memory and concentration. The reasons for this can be hidden in many diseases.

Lethargy is a common problem that can affect people of all ages, regardless of gender or profession. Despite the fact that we meet with her quite often, people usually do not pay enough attention to this, simply ignoring their condition. Fatigue in most cases is a manifestation of ordinary everyday phenomena such as overwork, sleepless night, the need to work for a long period of time without rest, severe stress. In these cases, the feeling of fatigue usually does not indicate the development of any disease. But it can lead to health consequences such as cardiovascular disease, depression, neurotic disorders, or insomnia.

    1. Chronic stress. In such a situation, the body releases a significant amount of cortisol, a hormone that, in excess, makes you feel tired or even exhausted.
    2. A large number of caffeine. One or two cups of coffee does not harm anyone, but the constant excess of this drink can have the exact opposite effect.
    3. Latent heart disease. Fatigue that occurs after simple work or walking can indicate severe heart failure, myocarditis, or other cardiac causes.
    4. Sleep apnea... Constant cessation of breathing during sleep is manifested by chronic morning fatigue. You may not even be aware that you have apnea.
    5. . Thyroid is responsible for all processes in the body, including the state of the nervous system, blood, muscles, bones and body temperature. When hypothyroidism develops, fatigue, lethargy, and mood swings appear.
    6. Lung disease (especially chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
    7. Urinary tract infections. The reasons for the loss of strength can be hidden in cystitis, and other urinary tract infections.
    8. Intolerance to certain foods.
    9. ... Vitamins are responsible for our energy levels, so when they are in short supply, we may feel tired.
    10. ... Vitamins (more precisely, their poor absorption), heavy menstrual bleeding or recent childbirth.

    We have listed only the main reasons for lethargy and feeling unwell... But each organism is individual, so you yourself must figure out the mechanism of the problems.

    Sometimes, in order to get rid of fatigue and hypersomnia, you need to slightly change your lifestyle and diet. Listen to the following tips.

    1. Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated.
    2. If you are physically exhausted, for example, after hard work or training, you need to replenish electrolyte balance... Try an amino acid supplement.
    3. Exercise regularly to increase your energy reserves. Moreover, thanks to physical exercise you can get rid of excess weight, which has a positive effect not only on well-being, but also on health in general.
    4. Visit your doctor and measure your hormone levels.
    5. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. In this case, go to bed at about the same time.
    6. Take vitamins D and B12. For this you can buy pharmacy preparations, or simply change your diet (introduce seafood, black bread, herbs, fish fat). It is advisable to get tested for vitamins by taking a blood test.
    7. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol if possible.
    8. Protect yourself from colds, genitourinary infections, stress.
    9. Take a contrast shower.


    Apart from the tips above, we recommend that you go through special treatment folk remedies. There are many herbs that can help combat lethargy. Many plants contain valuable vitamins, trace elements and amino acids that increase the strength of the body. In short, Mother Nature will help you become cheerful and cheerful again.

    Baikal skullcap

    Baikal skullcap is reliable remedy against loss of strength, fatigue and lethargy. To take advantage of it, you must make an infusion from the inflorescences of this plant. Just brew a teaspoon of raw materials in a glass of boiling water, strain after 5 minutes and drink a bit of honey. Skullcap has a positive effect on the central nervous system, reduces stress and constant tension, and honey contains the vitamins we need for normal well-being.


    Infusion of valerian root helps to improve sleep, due to which you can fully rest at night, and wake up full of energy in the morning. The plant helps with nervous cramps, tremors, insomnia and phobias. We advise you to take 40 drops of the tincture three times a day before meals.

    You can also grind valerian root, mix it with the same number of Scutellaria Baikal flowers, and prepare an infusion from this mixture (a tablespoon per glass of boiling water, keep under the lid for at least 10 minutes, drink in small sips in the morning and evening before bedtime). Such treatment should last 1-3 months (depending on individual indicators).


    Borage infusion contains vitamins, minerals, as well as biologically active substances that regulate the work of adrenaline-secreting glands, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. By the way, in the old days, flowers and leaves of this plant were added to wine to increase masculine strength and female libido. But borage will help to get rid of not only sexual impotence, but even chronic severe fatigue.

    Recipe for infusion: Pour 3 tablespoons of plant leaves into a thermos, add 1 liter of boiling water, close the lid and leave for at least 3 hours (you can go all night). The resulting infusion will be your daily requirement. The drug should be drunk instead of water at any time, as soon as you feel thirsty.


    Ginseng tea should be drunk after a busy day or after a serious illness. But if you have constant lethargy and trouble concentrating, we recommend taking a tincture of this herb. To do this, soak 100g of chopped root in a liter of vodka for 2 weeks, then add a glass of honey (these are additional vitamins for our strength). Drink a teaspoon of the finished drug in the morning and evening one hour after meals.

    Leuzea safflower

    Treatment of Safflower Leuzea is recommended for mental and physical exhaustion... It can also be used in cases where the patient has persistent depression and. The plant has a beneficial effect on potency and female fertility.

    Here is a recipe for a great tincture that contains everything essential vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and minerals:

    • 100g Leuzea roots;
    • 50 g catnip;
    • 250 ml of 70% alcohol.

    Cooking. Pour dried and crushed Leuzea roots into a jar, add catnip and alcohol. Close the container tightly and leave in a warm place for 6 weeks. After this time, filter the tincture and pour into bottles with corks.

    Dosage: the remedy is taken in a tablespoon 2-3 times a day for about three weeks, after this period you need to take a 12-day break and repeat the course of treatment.


    The infusion of lime inflorescence soothes, fights against nervous tension, contains vitamins important for the body. We recommend brewing linden in a thermos and drinking this wonderful tea every day.

    If you mix linden with lavender, then the effect of herbal medicine will be enhanced. These herbs will help balance the activity of the central nervous system and normalize sleep. For one serving of the healing drink, you will need 10g of linden and 10g of lavender. Herbs are brewed in a glass of boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. Drink tea three times a day (it can be sweetened with sugar or honey).


    Verbena treatment has proven its effectiveness and safety since time immemorial. Here is the simplest recipe based on this plant: pour 1 teaspoon of the herb with a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 10 minutes. Drink the strained drink once a day, one glass.

  • The constant feeling of fatigue, fatigue, drowsiness in women can be considered a kind of sleep disorder. These sensations accompany the whole day, do not allow to work fully, think, interfere with making decisions. Maybe this is how a person pays for a modern lifestyle, forcing us to constantly keep our finger on the pulse. However, constant fatigue and drowsiness in women is not only a result of overwork at work or at home, it can also be the result of health problems.

    Causes increased sleepiness from the point of view of medicine are varied

    In youth, we are cheerful and full of energy, we have time for everything, we easily solve any problems and do not leave ourselves enough time for sleep. Much changes with age: work, family, children, everyday difficulties, lack of rest. More problems and tasks with which she must successfully cope fall on the shoulders of a modern woman. Fatigue accumulates, and with it there is daily constant sleepiness and fatigue in women, but what are its causes?

    Causes of drowsiness in women

    There are a lot of reasons for the feeling of fatigue and hypersomnia. Perhaps every somatic or mental pathology of a woman is the cause of severe weakness and drowsiness. Let us dwell in more detail on the frequently encountered ones.

    Taking medications

    Very often, women's experiences, doubts, fears and anxiety do not give any opportunity to relax and fall asleep, so many of the ladies are forced to take sedatives or sleeping pills at night. Light sedatives (Persen, lemon balm) do not leave a trace in the morning and do not in any way affect awakening, performance, muscle tone. The situation is different with tranquilizers, strong hypnotics (Phenazepam, Donormil). Many of them have side effects in the form of severe weakness, drowsiness, apathy, fatigue, headache, loss of energy, which haunt a woman all day and cause hypersomnia.

    There are several groups of drugs, the side effect of which is increased drowsiness.

    Some hormonal drugs, hypoglycemic agents (against diabetes mellitus), muscle relaxants (Sirdalud) also cause muscle hypotension and desire to sleep. This is one of the reasons for the constant weakness and drowsiness in women.

    Lack of daylight

    Surely we all noticed how easy it is to get up in the morning, when it is spring or summer outside the window. The sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing, the mood is excellent, the performance is off scale. This is directly related to the low level of the sleep hormone - melatonin. The opposite situation, when in winter at 7 am it is still quite dark and cold. No one wants to crawl out from under the covers, much less get ready for work. Melatonin is elevated, and the body is confused, for which it needs to wake up if there is no light outside. In schools, offices, this problem can be solved using lamps daylight.


    The most common reason fatigue and drowsiness in women can rightfully be considered an iron deficiency in the body. This essential trace mineral is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, which in turn carries oxygen to the tissues. Lack of iron leads to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood and, as a result, a violation occurs oxidative processes, hypoxia. The main symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are:

    • drowsiness, weakness, fatigue;

    Anemia can be one of the causes of fatigue in women

    • dizziness, decreased blood pressure;
    • palpitations;
    • hair loss, brittle nails;
    • constipation, nausea.

    It is quite easy to diagnose this pathology, it is enough just to pass a general blood test. A hemoglobin level below 115 g / L will indicate anemia. It will be much more difficult to establish its cause. In women, the factors leading to the onset of anemia are: heavy menstruation, premenopause, anorexia, vegetarianism, gastritis or stomach ulcers. A therapist or hematologist deals with the treatment of iron deficiency in the body. The doctor will prescribe the necessary additional examinations, and then a course of iron preparations.

    Lower blood pressure

    What are the causes of nausea, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness in women? Hypotension is not uncommon in thin young girls. Its cause is more often a genetically determined decreased vascular tone, due to which the pressure drops below normal (less than 110/70 millimeters of mercury). Hypotension is especially pronounced with a sharp rise. This condition is called orthostatic hypotension, when pressure drops sharply when moving from a sitting (or lying) position to an upright position. The extreme manifestation of this pathology is fainting (collapse).

    Hypotensive people often complain of weakness and drowsiness.

    Hypotension in women may well be a temporary phenomenon associated with pregnancy, menstruation, severe physical or mental fatigue, stress, neurosis. You can improve vascular tone by correcting your lifestyle: compliance with the work and rest regimen, contrast shower, adaptogen preparations (eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass), taking vitamins, fresh air, playing sports.

    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

    Not only men but also women suffer from snoring. During the decline respiratory tract in a dream, a complete cessation of breathing may occur for a few seconds - apnea. It should be said that there can be up to 400 such episodes! If snoring, accompanied by the appearance of apnea, bothers a woman every night, then the cause of daytime lethargy and drowsiness does not need to be looked for for a long time, it is obvious.

    The body suffers from chronic hypoxia, that is, it suffers from a constant lack of oxygen, which is extremely harmful and dangerous for brain cells. All this leads to weakness, fatigue and the desire to rest during the day.

    Diseases of the thyroid gland

    Decreased thyroid function (hypothyroidism) is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • Drowsiness, severe muscle weakness, apathy, physical and emotional fatigue.
    • Dry skin, swelling of the face, limbs.
    • Violation of menstruation in women.
    • Chills, chilliness, tendency to constipation.


    Severe weakness in diabetes mellitus is observed with hypoglycemia

    It is common endocrine pathology in women, which manifests itself in a violation of the absorption of glucose by cells and tissues as a result of a lack of insulin (or a decrease in sensitivity to it). Controlled diabetes does not in itself cause drowsiness, but when blood sugar levels begin to drop, a life-threatening state of hypoglycemia occurs.

    Severe increasing drowsiness, nausea in a patient with diabetes mellitus can be a sign of a formidable complication - hypoglycemic coma!

    Taking antidiabetic drugs, a woman needs to closely monitor blood glucose levels, regularly visit an endocrinologist, and undergo recommended examinations on time.


    A rare state of falling asleep suddenly in an unusual location. It can occur against the background of cheerfulness, as well as complete well-being. It is characterized by the fact that a woman suddenly falls into a short sleep for several minutes, and then wakes up just as quickly. This can happen anywhere: at the workplace in the office, in transport, on the street. Sometimes this pathology is preceded by catalepsy - paralysis of the limbs with severe weakness. The disease is very dangerous in terms of unforeseen injuries, but it can be successfully treated with psychotherapeutic drugs.

    Narcolepsy is manifested by unexpected sleep attacks

    Klein-Levin syndrome

    An even rarer disease than narcolepsy. It is mainly found in adolescent boys under 19 years of age, but it is not excluded in women. It is characterized by a flow into deep dream up to several days without any precursors. After waking up, a person feels vigorous, very hungry, and excited. The cause of the disease has not been established to date, therefore it is absent adequate treatment.

    Brain trauma

    They are found in women of any age after car accidents, falls, blows, accidents at home. Depending on the severity of the injury, the duration of the acute period and treatment, constant daytime sleepiness, a feeling of severe fatigue after a short work, and emotional fatigue are possible.

    Mental illness

    In psychiatric practice, there is a whole arsenal of health deviations concerning emotional sphere women. These include: depression, psychosis, neurotic disorders, manic syndrome, neurasthenia, obsessive compulsions and more. Almost all of them are accompanied by changes in behavior, sleep disturbances, weakness, lethargy. The treatment is carried out by a psychotherapist, possibly with a neurologist.

    Diagnosis of increased drowsiness in women

    Finding the cause of such a common condition as severe weakness and drowsiness is quite difficult. They usually start with a visit to a therapist or neurologist. The doctor prescribes standard examinations to identify somatic pathology: a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test, an electrocardiogram. If you suspect the presence of endocrine or neurological pathology, it is necessary to consult a narrow specialist.

    In very rare cases, polysomnography is performed - a study of a woman's sleep indicators in a specialized center. If the structure of sleep is changed, then treatment is carried out by a somnologist.

    Methods for dealing with drowsiness

    If no abnormalities in the state of health are found, the woman has neither somatic nor mental illness, then the following measures can come to the rescue to eliminate the causes of drowsiness and weakness.

    • It is necessary to adhere to the correct daily routine: go to bed and get up at the same time, not sit up until night at the computer or TV.
    • Observe the mode of work and rest (take breaks during work to avoid severe fatigue).
    • Morning or evening jogging (walking) in the fresh air helps to increase strength and energy.

    Morning jogging provides the body with a charge of vigor

    • For some women, drinking caffeinated beverages in the morning is fine, but don't get too carried away.
    • Eliminate alcohol, nicotine, carbohydrates.

    A course of vitamins for women is also needed, which help a lot against fatigue and drowsiness. Adaptogens (lemongrass, ginseng) do an excellent job with low vascular tone.

    There are many conditions that lead to drowsiness. Listen to your body, pay more attention to how you feel, do not ignore important signals, consult a doctor in time, then weakness, drowsiness will not become your constant companions.

    Constant lethargy and drowsiness in a person during an active working day is a massive problem. modern civilization and a developed society. Most often, residents of large cities suffer from such symptoms.

    In the overwhelming majority of cases, external factors (or their combination) are provoking factors of regular sleepiness. Only after their exclusion can we talk about possible pathology or a disease requiring comprehensive diagnosis and appropriate treatment by a specialized specialist.

    External factors and lifestyle

    Typical provoking causes of weakness and drowsiness in this category include the following events and phenomena:


    A regular lack of the main element of air required for human breathing can lead to a wide variety of negative manifestations, the first of which is drowsiness.

    Most often, this problem manifests itself in closed rooms with a large crowd of people. Typical risk areas are home, office work.

    The brain is the first to react to a lack of oxygen, causing feelings of fatigue, sleepiness, yawning and headache during the day. In the medium term, transportation and metabolic processes with the participation of this element are disrupted during internal organs, which can lead to more serious pathologies.

    How to get rid of this negative factor? Be in the fresh air more often, regularly ventilate the rooms where you are constantly, in last resort, use an ozonizer, pay attention to the presence of a basic ventilation system and try to stay in areas completely isolated from the supply air as much as possible.


    In countries and regions with unstable and frequently changing weather, people are more likely to suffer from constant severe drowsiness. This is due to a sharp systemic change in atmospheric conditions, from which you constantly want to sleep and feel lethargy throughout the body.

    So, with a decrease in pressure, its arterial component decreases in parallel in men and women, which provokes a deterioration in the delivery of oxygen and other substances to the main organs and systems.

    Another facet of the problem is the formation of a negative psychological background in a person. Constant rains, a minimum of light and warmth, dirt, slush on the street and other atmospheric phenomena of a lingering nature act depressingly, especially if a person is prone to depression and stress. As a result, he will be haunted by bouts of weakness in the body and drowsiness during the day, from which it is rather difficult to get rid of simple ways.

    Magnetic storms

    Geomagnetic storms are directly related to solar activity - if a century ago, this negative factor was in the "obvious-improbable" section, now it is a scientifically proven fact.

    Particularly strong phenomena of a cosmic scale can not only affect the well-being of people, but even interfere with the work of radio electronics around the world. In recent decades, a branch of biophysics has been developing that studies the effect of geomagnetic storms on terrestrial organisms - heliobiology.

    Among basic negative symptoms the influence of magnetic storms on humans, drowsiness, palpitations, surges in blood pressure, severe depression and fatigue are especially prominent.

    This atmospheric-physical factor only indirectly affects hardened people who do not have health problems, respectively, to neutralize the manifestations, pay maximum attention general prevention body and be treated in time for any disease.

    Place of residence

    A significant external factor is the place of residence of the person suffering from drowsiness. A huge role here is played by the climate and terrain - for example, in the lowlands, special continental zones with increased aridity, on mountain ridges, certain negative symptoms can occur, especially in people who do not permanently reside in these groups of territories.

    This article is often read:

    Residents of large cities are also more likely to feel sleepy.back side medal of global urbanization with its accelerated pace of life and high risks occurrence of stress, especially in places of compact residence of hundreds of thousands of townspeople, predetermines the occurrence of characteristic chronic fatigue.

    V this case a person needs a regular full-fledged rest with vacation, in some cases - a change of residence with a choice of territory where the relief and climate are individually optimal.

    Lack of vitamins and minerals

    Another reason for increased fatigue and sleepiness is a lack of vitamins. Hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency are the cause of the formation a wide group a wide variety of pathologies, while provoking serious syndromes and even diseases.

    Drowsiness and headache are most often provoked by a lack of vitamins of groups B and P.

    In addition, lethargy, severe fatigue and, as a consequence, the aforementioned negative state, occurs against the background of a lack of a number of minerals, in particular iodine and iron.

    The solution to this problem is as trivial as possible.- This is a correction of the diet, with the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in rutin, iron, iodine and pantothenic acids, as well as the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes, especially in the autumn-winter period, when most fresh vegetables and fruits are simply not available.

    Poor or inappropriate nutrition

    Regular consumption of food and liquids daily supplies the human body with all the necessary substances, most of which are not synthesized by their own systems and organs.

    Insufficient, too abundant or improper nutrition can significantly worsen well-being, lead to the formation of pathologies and the formation of diseases.

    Several major risks:

    • Lack of vitamins in food and mineral may cause drowsiness;
    • Direct regular calorie deficit weakens the body as a whole - constant starvation causes a number of borderline states, one of which is drowsiness;
    • Too abundant and extremely fatty food makes the stomach work in mode maximum load, which impairs the functioning of adjacent systems and can lead to fatigue, drowsiness and other manifestations.

    Bad habits

    The two most common bad habits are tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption.

    In the first case nicotine provokes constriction peripheral vessels through which oxygen is transported to the brain, which can cause drowsiness.

    In the second, the systemic effect of alcoholic beverages on the body not only hits the liver and, by analogy with tobacco smoking, constricts blood vessels, but also forms the prerequisites for intoxication, which in turn have their own set of negative symptoms, from headaches to drowsiness.

    Such problems can be solved only by gradually abandoning the aforementioned bad habits - it is far from always easy to do this on your own, therefore, if necessary, contact specialized specialists for qualified help.

    Drugs that cause drowsiness

    A large number of medical supplies in the list side effects have influence section active substance on the central nervous system, where drowsiness is a typical negative manifestation. The most famous groups of such medications:

    • Antihistamines... Antiallergic drugs of the first generations (for example, Diphenhydramine, Tavegil) have many side effects and a pronounced effect of drowsiness;
    • Sedatives... Any sedatives, regardless of the composition, slow down the work of the central nervous system and form the prerequisites for drowsiness. Typical representatives are Persen, motherwort tincture, Fitoseed;
    • Antipsychotics... They have a direct systemic inhibitory effect on the work of the central nervous system, which causes a strong characteristic symptoms... Typical representatives are Haloperidol, Eglonil .;
    • Hypnotics... Like sedatives, they cause drowsiness even after the end of the direct action - their half-life from the body can reach a day. Typical representatives are Sonmil, Donomil;
    • Tranquilizers... The principle of operation of these drugs is to suppress fear, anxiety, emotionality by relaxing smooth muscles and the nervous system. Typical representatives are Relanium, Phenazepam;
    • Anti-cold drugs... In most modern combined funds against the symptoms of a cold, vasoconstrictor components are included, which cause a decrease in oxygen supply and drowsiness. Typical representatives are Flukold, Coldrex, Teraflu.

    Diseases and condition of the body

    Drowsiness can be caused not only by external factors, but also by diseases, pathologies and various syndromes; often drowsiness during the day warns of a serious illness.

    Hormonal Disorders

    Most often seen in women in view of physiological features the body, although sometimes they appear in men (most often with pathologies of the thyroid gland). Typical factors leading to hormonal imbalance include:

    1. Intense unbalanced physical activity;
    2. Abortion, gynecological problems, pregnancy;
    3. An extremely tight diet or obesity;
    4. Puberty with the formation of reproductive function;
    5. Other factors.

    The therapy process hormonal disruptions and violations depends on the specific pathology that caused the problem, is developed individually by a specialized specialist.

    Nervous exhaustion

    By nervous exhaustion, experts mean a symptomatic complex that forms a nonspecific syndrome. Typically, this condition manifests itself as psychoemotional disorders and cognitive disorders of the cognitive spectrum.

    In addition, typical physical pathologies can be diagnosed - from arrhythmias and changes in blood pressure to muscle spasms, neuralgia and pain syndrome with impaired peripheral vision.

    The first signs of nervous exhaustion include constant weakness with drowsiness.

    Treatment process nervous exhaustion depends on the cause of the syndrome. With its unclear etiology or an elderly person, nootropics, sedatives are prescribed.


    Depression is a well-known mental disorder characterized by motor retardation, drowsiness, deterioration of mood, anhedonia against the background of critically pessimistic thinking.

    As the world statistics show, it is depression is the most common affective and mental disorder in the world.

    The general prevalence in developed countries reaches 15-20 percent of the entire working-age population.

    It is almost impossible to solve the problem with depression on your own and effectively get out of it.... The psychiatrist will appoint an appropriate drug treatment, which includes tranquilizers and sedatives, and also recommend taking a course of psychotherapy.

    Endocrine disruptions

    A significant part of all problematic cases of constant drowsiness in women is caused by physiological endocrine disruptions - this is a regular premenstrual syndrome, as well as menopause.

    PMS is a symptom complex in the fair sex 2-8 days before the onset of menstruation, expressed in a number of temporary conditionally pathological disorders - from drowsiness and psychoemotional decline to aggressiveness, swelling, cephalalgias and even systemic crisis.

    Menopause, as a permanent phenomenon, is formed in women between 45 and 55 years of age and is associated with the involution of ovarian function, the disappearance of regular menstruation and a radical change in hormonal levels.

    Solving the problem in both cases- substitutional hormone therapy, and general recommendations to improve the body and keep all systems / organs of a woman in good shape.

    Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD)

    Vegetovascular dystonia in the modern sense is complex syndrome with extensive symptoms, which is the result of the combined effects of several diseases and pathologies of a chronic nature.

    Typical manifestations at the level of the autonomic nervous system include drowsiness, chronic fatigue, fluctuations in pressure - both arterial and intracranial. At the same time, the patient / patient feels bad, complains of frequent pain syndrome moderate strength, respiratory distress, etc.

    Complex therapy of the problem usually includes strengthening of blood vessels, limited physical activity, breathing exercises, massages, healthy image life. When the cause of the syndrome is found, if it is expressed by a specific disease, conservative drug treatment is prescribed.

    Iron-deficiency anemia

    Acute iron deficiency in the human body can cause corresponding anemia. It is expressed in a number of specific symptoms. So, a lack of hemoglobin (an iron-containing protein) disrupts the binding of erythrocytes with oxygen, as a result of which it is less well delivered to the cells of all major organs and systems of the body, provoking fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness and other manifestations of this spectrum.

    Solution- intake of vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as correction of the diet with the inclusion in daily diet buckwheat porridge, red meat, vegetables, fish, certain fruits and other products rich in iron.


    The most famous and widespread disease of the endocrine spectrum in the world is diabetes mellitus associated with impaired glucose uptake.

    This problem is complex in nature, can cause a huge number of pathologies and, in modern realities, cannot be completely cured - all efforts modern medicine in this aspect, they are aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in the body and reducing the risks of developing possible complications.

    Among the known manifestations of any type of diabetes, hunger, headache, periodic drowsiness, itching are usually noted. skin, muscle weakness, disruption of the heart and eyes.

    Chronic fatigue syndrome - symptoms and treatment

    Chronic fatigue syndrome - this complex of symptoms, combined into one concept, appeared in the everyday speech of doctors relatively recently; which can cause chronic fatigue and drowsiness. It is most common in developed countries and manifests itself in prolonged, persistent fatigue, which cannot be eliminated even after a good long rest.

    It is noteworthy that in the zone potential risk detection of the syndrome is found in almost all groups of the adult population living in large cities and metropolitan areas.

    The symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are not specific and can belong to a whole group of other pathologies and diseases. However, even if a comprehensive examination did not reveal any serious health problems, then CFS can be delivered in the presence of the following manifestations:

    • Profound systemic fatigue and drowsiness;
    • Multiple sleep disorders, including pathological;
    • Problems with short-term and long-term memory, reaction speed, memorization;
    • Attacks of apathy or aggression;
    • Feeling overwhelmed during the whole active day, immediately after waking up and before the night's rest.

    Effective treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is impossible without a comprehensive diagnosis of the whole organism. In a significant proportion of cases, manifestations of CFS cause chronic diseases in an erased form, impaired oxygen transport to tissues, mitochondrial dysfunction, problems with cellular metabolism, infections and viruses in an implicit form, etc.

    Here, therapy is needed based on an individual scheme prescribed by the attending physician. With absence obvious reasons as additional measures recommended:

    1. Unloading diet;
    2. Normalization of circadian rhythms;
    3. Massage, hydrotherapy, exercise therapy;
    4. Autogenic training, psychotherapy sessions;
    5. Separate symptomatic drugs - antihistamines, enterosorbents, tranquilizers, etc.

    How to get rid of sleepiness?

    • Treat all types of diseases in time, especially chronic ones;
    • Regularly undergo preventive examinations and basic complex diagnostics in this aspect;
    • Organize your daily and weekly rhythms... Allocate time so that you can fully rest for at least 8 hours at night. During the day, it is also advisable to take breaks not only for lunch, but also for general relaxation. 2 full days a week - weekend, no work stress;
    • Healthy lifestyle- trivial and efficient. Refusal of bad habits, regular moderate physical activity, jogging and swimming, other classical activities, known and promoted by doctors since Soviet times, significantly reduce the risks of developing chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • Eat right... Less fried, salted and marinated, cut back on foods with a lot of simple carbohydrates(for example, muffins). Introduce fruits and vegetables into the diet, do not forget about hot soups, red meat and fish. Eat fractionally, smashing daily dose for 5-6 meals, while not overeating in the evenings and before bedtime.
    • Massage, relaxation, aromatherapy and other similar aspects - as a pleasant, useful and really working addition.

    Vitamins for fatigue, weakness and drowsiness

    Vitamins are not drugs in the direct sense, they do not act immediately, showing a quick or even instant therapeutic effect. but this does not mean that they are not needed - when eliminating hypovitaminosis, with the help of vitamin and mineral complexes, it is possible to significantly reduce the risks of the formation and development of constant drowsiness in the medium term.

    As part of the selected complex preparation should be in enough the following elements:

    • Vitamin A... It improves the body's fight against infections of any type, protects mucous membranes, and supports the production of red blood cells, which are responsible for metabolic processes with iron.
    • Group of vitamins B. B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12- this large list of substances is responsible for great amount processes and systems are required for admission in case of constant drowsiness, fatigue, stress, depression.
    • Vitamins D, P and C... Immunity and healthy cell growth are a reliable barrier against any syndromes, pathologies, diseases.
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