How to cure nervous exhaustion? Signs of nervous exhaustion. Signs of depression and nervous exhaustion - symptoms and diagnostics nervously physical exhaustion

Nervous exhaustion is a special psycho-emotional state of a person who is formed in difficult periods of life: stress, hard work, study, large amounts of information, especially negative nature, etc. The depletion of the nervous system noticeably reduces the quality of human life, worsening the overall condition and the possibility of fully Work, communicate and relax. It may be both a symptom and the cause of depression.

The reasons

Prolonged physical and nervous stress in combination with insomnia in the minimum periods are capable of spending the supply of internal reserves of humans, which results in the exhaustion of the body. For reasons of nervous exhaustion include:

  • Strong physical stress, such as women.
  • Overwork as a result of long work.
  • Frequent stresses and experiences.
  • High level of responsibility.
  • Suffered severe disease.
  • Surgical operations.
  • Emotional injuries.
  • Elevated mental load.

Due to the fact that a person has an emergency reserves, then not all of the above reasons can contribute to increased consumption of reserves. In addition, it is necessary to know that nervous exhaustion is a slowly developing condition of the organism, which in the first stage is manifested only by weakness, fatigue and light irritability. Gradually, it leads to depression, and in the absence of a normal recreation, it goes into serious nervous exhaustion.


Various signs of nervous exhaustion can manifest themselves or accompany each other. The main symptoms include:

  • Chronic (accumulated fatigue).
  • State of apathy, loss of interest in surrounding people and events.
  • Sleepiness, a sense of chronic lack of sleep, even after a long night rest.
  • Permanent negative thoughts.
  • Strong fatigue.
  • Short-term sleep, sensitive, not bringing rest and relief.
  • Nightmares.
  • Insomnia, despite the constant desire to sleep.
  • Anxiety and imperidity.
  • Reduced performance.
  • Excessive irritability practically on all external factors, ranging from tone voices and ending with eating smells and so on.
  • Strong headache, most often in the forehead and temples.
  • Painness in the joints or muscles.
  • Ringing in ears, auditory hallucinations.
  • Disorders of digestion, manifested by vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or diarrhea.
  • Violations of orientation in space and coordination of movements.
  • Violation of sexual function in men and women.
  • Frequent ARS or ORVI due to reduced immunity.
  • Racing hell, tachycardia, hypertension, arrhythmia, chest pain.
  • The appearance of sweating.
  • Feeling cold and numbness in the limbs.
  • Violation of the speech apparatus.
  • Sudden flashes of anger.

Symptoms of nervous exhaustion in women and men who are manifested by signs of vegetual-vascular dystonia (unstable blood pressure, tachycardia, etc.), may also be accompanied by a strong decrease in body temperature, in some cases up to 35 degrees. This indicates physical weakness due to the violation of the work of the CNS.

With nervous exhaustion, scattered attention may appear and the so-called "chronic forgetfulness" syndrome. A person becomes difficult to remember and assimilate even the most simple learning program.


  • Problems with communication. A person is very much to deteriate character, the perception of the surrounding world is completely changing and the emotional assessment of the events occurring. The patient becomes irritated, evil, problems appear in communication, including with the most close people and best friends. As a result, a person closes in himself and becomes a hermit.
  • Loss of personality. In severe exhaustion, the attitude towards life positions and life as a whole is changing, psychic diseases begin. Maniacal states arise, reckless ideas and obsessive attractions. The personality of a person begins to degrade up to madness.
  • Serious diseases. Heavy nervous exhaustion entails the development of dysbacteriosis, thrush, herpes, oral diseases. In addition, such disorders cause a violation of the work of an endocrine and a vegetative system of the body. Against the background of the depletion of the nervous system, diseases of the thyroid gland may occur, there are sharp jumps of blood sugar levels and cholesterol, as well as frequent changes in body weight.
  • Bad habits. Some people are trying to drown out experiences with alcohol, nicotine, drugs, etc. Such an approach will not facilitate the state, but only aggravates the situation, leading a person to a protracted depression, from which it is impossible to exit without medication and psychiatric therapy. The use of narcotic drugs threatens the development of severe dependence on which it is almost impossible to get rid of it.

Read also about how to quickly remove stress or nervous voltage by gentle methods


Nervous exhaustion can cause a great harm to man, so therapy is not always easy, in some cases, inpatient treatment is required. Different drugs are prescribed as drug treatment, including:

  • Nootrops (ceraxon, nootropyl, piracetam, befren, etc.).
  • Antidepressants.
  • Soothing (mother-in-law, Valerian, Phytosted, Novopalsit, etc.).
  • Vasodinating drugs (tanakan, mexidol, etc.).
  • Vitamin complexes (duovit, polivit, Milgamma, etc.).

All listed groups of medicines have a large number of contraindications and side effects, so the choice of drugs and dosages is carried out only by a doctor, depending on the general condition of the body and the severity of the disease.

In addition, the doctor during the diagnosis of nervous exhaustion may prescribe psychoactive drugs, braking the central nervous system (noshepsum, valium, hlozain, diazepam, ativan, etc.). These medicines have soothing, sleeping pills, antisiness and miororal properties, and also reduce the feeling of fear and anxiety.

In addition to traditional treatment with nervous exhaustion, homeopathic drugs are often used, such as NUCS ombomic, carb barite, liquidium, etc.


The lack of beneficial substances in the body leads to the imbalance of metabolism, and to the subsequent violation of the emotional state of the person. Proper nutrition, including the required amount of vitamins and trace elements, will help resume work when the nervous system is depleted.

The daily menu with nervous exhaustion should be diverse and included vegetable food, cereals and seafood. To reduce the load on the nervous system, it is necessary to reduce the use of oily food and simple carbohydrates, as well as salted products. In addition, semi-finished products, sausages, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and sharp seasonings should be excluded from the diet. From drinks, preference should be made fresh juice, infusion of rosehip and compotes.


Bad sleep, the wrong day of the day and frequent lack of sleep destroy the body and provoke the development of nerve diseases.

To prevent this, as prevention, you must follow the following rules:

  • Properly alternate resting time and work.
  • Provide a strong and healthy dream. To the night full-fledged rest, it is necessary to treat very seriously, since the permanent lack of sleep leads to overwork and fatigue.
  • Eat right.
  • Sporting - physical exertion remove stress, help relax and increase vitality.

Treatment with folk remedies

Overcome the disorders of the nervous system will help infraces and decoctions made from therapeutic herbs. Freshly sauced tea from Sage soothes, relaxes and helps to remove the tension. The decoction of the rose robberizes the body with vitamin C, which strengthens the human immune system, and the infusion of lemongrass helps to eliminate excessive nervous excitability. Astragal, mother-in-law, letter, Speert, Valerian, St. John's wort, also possess the soothing effect.

Have you faced with such a thing as nervous exhaustion? There is a disease synonyms: Asthenic neurosis, neurasthenia, nervous overwork, nervous weakness, chronic fatigue.

This is one of the forms of neurosis, which is very often found in our modern world.

Determine as the type of psycho-emotional state, which arises due to stress, increased intellectual or emotional load. Nervous exhaustion (nor) can be considered as a symptom and harbinger of deep depression.

This state has a negative impact on cognitive opportunities, memory, physical possibilities and other biological indicators.

In general, neither prevents person to work normally, relax, communicate with people - live!

Why nervous exhaustion occurs

If your body has not coped with a long stress, large loads (emotional and physical), or coped, but until a certain time, and then gave slack, it comes nervous exhaustion.

Causes provoking nervous exhaustion may be the most diverse:

  • an abnormal level of exercise, which completely exhausts the body;
  • regular mental activity associated with monotonous, boring work: corrector, operator, accountant;
  • irregular working hours;
  • the presence in the life of constant stimuli;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • unbalanced nutrition (which provokes a lack of vitamins);
  • infections;
  • surgical intervention;
  • injuries;
  • intoxication (alcohol, smoking, drugs, drugs);
  • somatic diseases;
  • in the period after pregnancy.

The above processes provoke chemical disorders in the brain.

The neurasthenic state, for more accurate characteristics, can be called "burnout" of the body forces.

The main symptoms of nervous exhaustion

Recognize this disease - it's not a lung case. And all because it is often confused, laziness, ill character or a somatic disease.

So it turns out that a person tries to cure depression, and in fact, eliminates not the cause, but a consequence (neurasthenia).

And the state naturally does not improve until you cure the root problem.

Allocate the following signs of nervous exhalation:

  • increased irritability, emotional instability, hot temper;
  • sometimes a person may even be very cheerful from the outside, but at the same time constantly talking about "nothing", not to realize its problems and mistakes;
  • impatient: the patient because of the expectation becomes very aggressive (noticed how do people carry queues in different ways?);
  • inadequate attitude towards large crowd of people;
  • loss of sense of humor;
  • constant feeling of weakness, fatigue: even after sleep;
  • regular headaches;
  • the inability to concentrate, constant distractions for external factors (light, sound, own thoughts);
  • ringing in the ears, fuzzy vision;
  • weight loss, appetite;
  • decline in attraction to the opposite sex or sex dysfunction;
  • insomnia: A person can not fall asleep from thoughts, suffer from nightmares;
  • elevated level of anxiety, phobia;
  • chronic forgetfulness, breach of coordination, speech;
  • labored breathing;
  • related diseases of the body: infections, back pain, or other problems, to which a person has a predisposition;
  • harmful habits as a symptom that a person is trying to overcome negative states;
  • low self-esteem, loss of confidence.

As you can see, this disease can "wear a mask" of many other violations in the body, due to the multifaceted manifestations.

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What diseases can you confuse nervous exhaustion?

Symptoms of nervous exhaustion in women and men are often similar to such diseases:

  • vision: Accommodation spasm;
  • infectious and skin diseases: chronic mononucleosis, herpes, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, tonsillitis (consequence of lack of immunity);
  • gynecology: Erosion of the cervix, thrush;
  • musculoskeletal system: Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, pain in muscles, joint problems;
  • cardiovascular system: arrhythmia, tachycardia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, discirculatory impaired brain;
  • blood formation system: low hemoglobin;
  • endocrine disorders: diabetes mellitus, sexual dysfunction;
  • GET: Functional disorders of digestion, nausea, vomiting, dysbacteriosis, chronic gastritis, ulcer.

It turns out that with neurasthenia, you can mistakenly go to a neurologist, therapist, an oculist, a dermatologist, an orthopedist ... All these doctors are likely to see "their" disease and treat it.

However, this will not eliminate your problem and the general condition is unlikely to improve. Crow something one thing - the malfunction fails.

It is desirable to seek help to a competent psychotherapist, if you know and realize that the causes of neurasthenia are really present in your life.

The consequences of nervous exhaustion

The body's condition after the offensive is unambiguously adversely affect the operation of actually all its systems (selectively).

For comparison, think if a car can start without gasoline? And the remote control with the inner batteries? A man, by its nature, will also "break" when one of its systems exhaust its stocks.

However, many make certain volitional efforts, or by virtue of the habit, are lifestyled, which causes more and more harm every day.

Alas, we are not eternal, and nervous exhaustion also comes to peak states:

  • apathetic depression, at which a person is unable to do anything;
  • aggravation of chronic diseases;
  • mental diseases (up to serious, associated personality violations or incorrect perception of peace, manic, obsessive states);
  • suicide;
  • social consequences: deterioration of relationships with loved ones, problems at work;
  • the inability to live fully and happily.

There is a suspicion that no one wants for themselves such states.

Of course, with the feeling of the first symptoms of nervous exhaustion, it is worth it to begin treatment. However, it is much easier to make everything for its part so as not to acquire nesture at all.

And believe me preventive measures are quite simple. They must enter into the habit of every person.

Preventive measures

And this is achievable under any conditions! A person is designed so that he can overcome a huge amount of obstacles and maintain a positive attitude.

So, you worth:

The main thing - take care of yourself and be attentive to all signals of your body! Do not bring problems to the extreme!

Treatment of neurasthenia

Usually, the treatment of nervous exhaustion and the elimination of its consequences and symptoms is carried out in a complex manner. Doctors can assign herbs and medicines that normalize the activity of the nervous system.

But the main thing is qualitative change in the usual, harmful lifestyle.

This is a normal sleep, full vacation, healthy eating, elimination of stress factors, water procedures, diet (not to reduce weight, but simply excluding harmful foods from the diet), regular vacation.

If you love and respect yourself, do not run problems and not to drive yourself work, then health will not suffer.

Do not be the enemy yourself!

Video: nervous exhaustion and his symptoms

A neurologist talks about the symptoms and causes of such a syndrome as nervous exhaustion. On the causes of the occurrence of the disease, about its frequent disguise and about the methods of treatment.

Nervous exhaustion in women and men is nothing more than emotional fatigue, provoked by frequent stresses, mad rhythm of life, pursuit of material benefits.

As a result, chronic fatigue, anger, apathy, discontent with themselves and others appear. The following describes the common signs of nervous exhaustion and the methods of its treatment.

How to recognize nervous exhaustion

It is difficult to determine, because exhaustion is often confused with physical diseases.

Symptoms of nervous exhaustion are often headaches, depression, stomach disorder, poor mood and so on. The hidden symptom causes the visible problem, while exhaustion remains in the body, flowing into a chronic form.

Causes of nervous exhaustion

The negative impact on the internal resources of a person has a constant nervous and physical stress. Possible reasons for exhaustion include:

  • Overwork at work.
  • Chronic stress.
  • Hypercability for everything that happens.
  • Transferred disease and surgical intervention.
  • Mental loads.
  • Physical stress, for example, childbirth.

Not all the reasons mentioned above provoke exhaustion. Each organism perceives what is happening in its own way, it all depends on the individual perception of one or another problem.

Symptoms indicating nervous exhaustion

Increased irritability

A person does not cope with negative emotions, he takes out of itself even the most insignificant situation. From a rapid reaction primarily suffer from close people.

Fast fatiguability

A person is experiencing a constant shortage of forces, even if he just woke up. Every day he struggles with a sense of breakdown and disadvantage. It seems that the strength left his body.

Permanent rush

A man with nervous exhaustion is unable to calmly stand in one place. He needs to constantly be in motion, sometimes chaotic and ill-conceived.

Pain in the head and muscles

Often the depletion of a psychological nature is accompanied by headaches that do not depend on external factors. Intellectual activity is zero.

It is difficult for a person to focus and cope with elementary tasks. It provokes forgetfulness and leakage from one thing to another.


Obsessive thoughts do not give a man to fall asleep, he scrolls in the head of unpleasant events and moments, is experiencing for what can not be.

If you managed to fall asleep, then a man sleeps sensitively, he is able to wake up the slightest rustle. After such sleep, a breakiness is felt.

Nervous condition is accompanied by:

  • fear
  • alarm
  • back pain
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • inflammatory processes.

The syndrome of chronic forgetfulness appears, it is difficult to remember simple information.

With nervous exhaustion, it is easier to cope at the initial stage, connecting relatives and other people interested in the speedy recovery.

Consequences of mental disorder

The symptoms of the disorder can not be ignored, they have consequences.

The disclaimed nervous system affects communication with others. Any situation is perceived in the bayonets, irritation and even anger appears.

A person refuses to communicate with close people, believing that it will be better for everyone.

The heavy form of exhaustion changes the attitude towards life, provokes mental problems. They are accompanied by obsessive manic thoughts, ideas. The identity degradation occurs.

It is no secret that psychic diseases provoke various diseases. Many women complain about the presence of candidias, herpes, the work of the endocrine system is disturbed. The depletion of the nervous system provokes a violation in the thyroid gland, weight fluctuates.

Disorders provoke to resort to harmful habits, like: smoking, alcohol and even narcotic substances. Such means only exacerbate the position leading to a protracted depression.

Treatment and recovery

On the psychological state of a person reflects the usual rhythm of life. Pay attention to the duration and quality of sleep, nutrition, rest, walking.

  1. The well-being of a person and his mood depends on the nutrition. The diet should be balanced containing vitamins and other elements that contribute to the development of protective functions in the body.
  2. Go to bed, only when you feel fatigue. Do not make yourself sleep if the body does not need rest. Do not contribute to the deep SNA reading books, watching TV and other things that can be done anywhere not in bed.
  3. Every day, without exception, walk in the fresh air. Give preference to evening hiking. Instead of sitting in a cafe, go with friends. Country workers, where you can actively and have fun. Exercise, practice yoga, swim in the pool. Physical activity soothes, configures to a positive.
  4. Do not let work take all your free time. Proper priorities correctly, spend your free time with benefit.

In some cases, the disease requires the reception of drugs. Antidepressants use only to appoint a doctor, otherwise you can aggravate the situation and undermine the health. Such drugs dulp the feeling of anxiety and fear. They have soothing, sleeping pills, antisomazable actions.

Balanced diet

Emotional state depends on nutrition, the lack of beneficial components leads to the belands of the psyche. Regular use of vitamins and minerals contributes to the improvement of the nervous system.

Make a variety into a daily menu, which should consist of vegetable food, croup and seafood.

Forget about simple carbohydrates, fatty food, pickles, semi-finished products, sausages, sweets, alcoholic beverages.

What to remember

  1. Alternate with rest.
  2. Provide a strong sleep, the lack of sleep leads to an irritation and other problems.
  3. Fit balanced. Go to the nutritionist, if you do not know how to make your own diet.
  4. Be active. Engage in sports, physical exertion remove stress.

When a person is healthy, he has a wonderful mood, sustainable behavior, thrust for life. As soon as he begins to feel an incomprehensible depressing state, he is more interested in anything, and the world surroundings cease to worry.

The brain can not completely relax, and in the body there is fatigue and impotence.

Any human body has an individual stock of the desired elements, vitamins, hormones. With the emergence of a strong stimulus, for example, stress, this inviolable stock begins to be spent. In the role of an irritant, there can also be a strong emotional state, poor rest, operation.

When the body fully spent the emergency resource, without eliminating the stimulus, the nervous system is exhausted, and in time, the full exhaustion of the body. In this case, assistance is needed not only doctors, but also special systematic treatment.

The reasons

Basic provoking factors:

  • Permanent insomnia.
  • Strong emotional tension.
  • Long influence of stressful state.
  • Depression.
  • Serious diseases requiring long-term treatment.
  • Overvoltage associated with mental and physical labor.

If a person is long in the stressful situation, it is quite possible to develop nervous exhaustion. Typically, such a state is observed as a result of a strong overwork of the human body. He just lacks time to restore forces.

It is known that during sleep, a person replenishes his forces that are drawn from a personal resource.

This state is developing as a result of several negative moments in the patient's life. Exhaustion may appear with constant lack of sleep, strong fatigue, lack of vitamins and useful trace elements.

Failure in the work of the central nervous system is called the beginning of depression, but the exhaustion itself may arise as its consequence.


Since it provokes such a state nervous and mental overvoltage, the symptomatics appears in the following points:

  • A person is constantly experiencing something for something, may unexpectedly chase, emotions are at the limit. Moreover, irritation can be caused not only by contact with people, but also just the current situation.
  • The feeling of constant fatigue and depression from the morning.
  • Intirement and irritation for any little things, right up to breakdown, because of the late person to meet.
  • The head hurts, if the person has no diseases are not diagnosed, the pain may well be triggered by nervous exhaustion.
  • Insomnia. A person disappears a dream, he constantly thinks about something, without being able to abstract from current problems and vague affairs. He is annoyed even sounds on the street, which, as he thinks, interfere with him to sleep.
  • Attention becomes scattered, the patient begins to rush between various matters, and it cannot be finished to end, the productivity of labor is reduced, which is why it feels even more depressed.
  • As a result of the inability, everything is accurately and properly taken and fulfilled, self-esteem begins to fall in person. He begins to feel like a loser.
  • A flash of chronic disease. The patient immediately appeals to the specialists in the clinic, with complaints about the symptoms on the part of the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular system. A competent specialist will be able to identify nervous exhaustion and send a patient to a psychologist.


The depletion of the nervous system often becomes the cause of depression. Sometimes it can be accompanied by a strong panic, which is why the patient's condition is only worsening. Over time, this can turn into a phobia. If this condition is not treated, psychoneurological diseases may develop in humans.

According to doctors, symptoms and treatment with such a diagnosis, mainly depend on the individual properties of the human body.

The condition can affect almost all organs and systems of the body:

  • Nervous system. Mental and physical exertion, insomnia, stress activate the emission of stress hormones in large quantities. And this negatively affects the health of the body.
  • A heart. Any stress hormones adversely affect the cardiovascular system. The patient felt pain in the heart area, the pressure "jumps", there is an arrhythmia.
  • Digestion system. Often the cause of such diseases like gastritis, colitis and stomach ulcer becomes inflammation of the nervous system. Failure in digestion, as well as, weight set or weight loss makes it a result of an infallible sleep and rest.

We listed some physical consequences of this disease. However, much danger can be expected from society, and from changing the quality of life. With strong fatigue, a person cannot work efficiently and be a good family man. All irritation, usually such people take over in loved ones.

Treatment of nervous power supply, medicines and folk methods

To understand the cause of this condition, you should visit a psychologist. He will also help to find a way out of the situation. Regular sessions appointed by a specialist will help to discharge the life situation that forces you to spin without rest.

Treat treatment is needed from leaving. Even better, if the patient goes to a sanatorium, where it will be able to fully sleep and relax. In addition, here you can pass the right study. If necessary, specialists will prescribe medication treatment, special exercises, sessions with a psychologist.

Changing lifestyle

If this problem is detected on time, it can be solved without the use of medicines. In this case, a person must completely change his lifestyle. When fulfilling all the recommendations, you can be confident in full recovery.

To be healthy, you should refuse bad habits. It has long been proven that the abuse of alcohol and smoking is significantly depleted by the body. It is much helpful to walk for about two hours a day in the fresh air. If you suffer insomnia, walks can be transferred to the evening.

In order for the body to be easier to deal with this state, you need to set the mode. Sleep at night should last eight hours, and you need to fall asleep and wake up at one time. No less important is the work schedule. Moreover, about night shifts and processing will have to forget until complete recovery.

It is very important to create around yourself a comfortable atmosphere that will help relax. Take the case that you will interest and distract from unpleasant moments. It can be listening to music, reading literature, meditation, yoga classes. Experts advise Geran to grow in the house. It contributes to the improvement of the environmental condition of the rooms, and also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Proper nutrition and vitamins

For the normal operation of the entire body, it is necessary to establish a balanced nutrition. Especially harmful to various foods, which is used on the go. It is better to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. The diet, mainly, should include fresh fruits and vegetables, dishes from croup, meat and fish. Equality products are very useful.

The treatment of nervous exhaustion is impossible without compliance with the dietary nutrition, the essence of which is reduced to a decrease in consumption of saline, acidic and smoked food. Diverse your diet with products, saturated with trace elements and vitamins.

It is known that the vitamins of the group A, D, E and B. Therefore, all products include a set of these vitamins, should be used at the time of treatment. With constant mental overloads or stresses, comprehensive vitaminity is recommended.

In this case, the doctor can prescribe special drugs with vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. These include: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), folic acid (B9), etc. In order to find the desired drug, you need to consult a doctor. In addition, the doctor will control your treatment.


Medicase therapy is also relevant with nervous exhaustion, the doctor discharges drugs whose action is aimed at improving the blood supply of brain cells. In comprehensive treatment includes antidepressants, vitamins, in some cases - nootropic drugs.

Nootropic agents enhance the nutrition of the brain, however, they require special use: only at the beginning of the day. Data drugs prescribe a doctor, as they have the action that stimulates the work of the nervous system. Take nootropics very carefully.

Preparations for improving metabolism in cerebral tissue help normalize brain cells. As a result of this process, human performance is restored. Vasodilatory drugs are needed to relieve pain in the head and improvement of cell power. Antidepressants are usually prescribed in rare cases.

Folk ways to restore

Often, drinks, teas and infusions on medicinal grasses are used as a folk treatment.

They wonder the nervous system perfectly and make sleep full. When exhausted, the decoction of such plants, like mint, chamomile, dyeing, etc.

Medicinal herbs can be bought not only in the pharmacy, but also in large stores. Vegetable means must be taken every day for one month. If necessary, therapy can be repeated, but after 15-20 days break.

The people's method is considered fairly effective. At the same time, the herbs should be taken to restore nerve and physical forces. There is a wide range of such plants on sale: lemongrass, chamomile, rosehip, St. John's wort and others.

Forecast and possible complications

With severe disease, the patient changes look at life. He appears obsessive thoughts and ideas with maniacal deviations. Gradually, a person begins degradation of a person. If not to treat nervous exhaustion, such a state can cause various diseases: thyroid gland, an endocrine system, weight oscillations.

First of all, you need to say that there are organic and functional diseases. The organic includes such lesions at which the structure of organs and tissues can be changed, which can be seen, measure and describe. This, for example, erosive ulcerative gastritis, endometriosis, diffuse fibroidomatosis of the breast, malignant tumors, anemia and many other diseases.

In each case, you can see changes in the appropriate structures of the body.

On the other hand, there are functional changesIn which there is no breakdown in the body that can be "swept." Such diagnoses and refers to the depletion of the nervous system, or cerebral syndrome.

It is not "depletion" correctly, but weakness. In physiology, "exhaustion" is called the refusal of the conditional reflex to be repeated at a high frequency of the experiment. The weakness of the nerves may be different, both in structure and for reasons.

What a cerebralism happens

As is known, the nervous system is divided into a central (head, spinal cord) and peripheral (nerves, plexus, ganglia). In addition, there is a functional division of the nervous organization in part:

  • animal, or somatic - deals with conscious movement and feeling;
  • vegetative, or vegetable. She, in turn, is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic departments.

The depletion of the central nervous system is found at various diseases and states. Most often, this state occurs after severe diseases (for example, diphtheria or meningitis), in which the entire body, and nervous structures were subjected to toxins.

In addition, a serious factor in the occurrence of cerebrastic is chronic stress, as well as alcoholism and drug addiction, in which cerebrals are secondary.

Signs of depletion of the central nervous system expressed in the following symptoms:

  • irritability;
  • plasticity;
  • mood lability;
  • bad sleep at night and drowsiness during the day;
  • reduced performance;

Of course, these symptoms are characteristic of many chronic diseases, so the doctor must eliminate the possibility of developing the disease.

Vegetative dysfunction

The depletion of the vegetative nervous system is most common. In this case, the vegetative or plant system lives as it were for "by itself", and "skew" is possible between the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts. The second, and well-known term is VD, or vegetative-vascular dystonia, which means the same. Symptoms of depletion of the vegetative nervous system can be very diverse. Subject to main:

  • high or low blood pressure;
  • pallor and cooling of the skin, or "tides" and throwing in the heat;
  • sweating, or dry skin;
  • constipation alternating with diarrhea;
  • pronounced meteo-dependence;
  • the emergence of interruptions in the heart.

Signs indicating the depletion of the nervous system will be incomplete if not mentioning the decrease in immunity. After all, the nervous system, as the main control of the body, is engaged in the protection of the body. And, in the event that if a "failure" occurred in the central apparatusThe following diseases may develop:

  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • immunodeficiency.

There is a lot of data that the strong and constant exhaustion of the nervous system can lead not only to severe illness, but even to death.

The easiest and most effective example of this kind is a permanent and long insomnia. If a person does not go to bed 4-5 days, then the likelihood of severe illness, and after week insomnia, the depletion of the nervous system will be so strong that the treatment will be useless.

How to cope with cerebrastic?

How to treat nervous system depletion correctly? First of all, you need to eliminate the traumatic factor. It may be stress, chronic intoxication (alcoholism), lack of sleep, or just a period of recovery after severe pneumonia. Cerebrasthenia treats unknown methods:

  • healthy and long sleep;
  • motor mode;
  • full nutrition;
  • positive emotions.

In therapy, physiotics, massage, sanatorium - resort treatment are used. Thalassotherapy, bathing, animal chat, long walks have a good effect.

What drugs are shown when the nervous system is depleted?

Drug therapy includes the appointment of adaptogen. These include the means like ginseng root, Eleutherokokka tincture, lemongrass. Mode can use coffee. If there is a good dry wine, you can use it, limiting it with one glass per day.

Under the cerebralism and depletion of the nervous system showing vitamins. First of all, it is necessary to prescribe neurotropic vitamins, or vitamins of the group "B". These include thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin, or vitamins B1, B6 and at 12.

In addition to these vitamins, it is important to take potassium, phosphorus and magnesium preparations for improving cardiac activity.

About prevention

Symptoms of depletion of the nervous system require mandatory treatment as soon as they appeared. To the exacerbation of cerebrasthenia leads chronic stress, and he arises due to:

  • permanent search at work;
  • bad and conflict conditions in the family;
  • monotonous, monotonous posture accompanied by muscular voltage;
  • long, chronic infections, including colds.

To have strong nerves, which will accurately fulfill all your orders, you need to try to get more positive emotions, to lead an active life, abandon the bad habits, as well as train your mind, and not to be lazy. And in the case of cerebrals and vegetation dystonia will never be your painful and annoying satellites.

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