Maximum pulse during exercise. Pulse standards during sports

Choosing the level of activity of sports activities, you need to ensure that the maximum pulse is suitable for the age and type of occupation. Thus, controlling the intensity of training, it is possible to progress in the development of own physical abilities. It has long been proven that the effectiveness of training programs is raised if the process of urgent functional diagnostics (for example, pulsera) is used in the course of classes.

Standard Heart Frequency Frequency

The frequency of the pulse is customary to call the heart rate, although, if you go into all the details, this is not exactly the same, but for the purpose of controlling the heartbeat in a healthy person who is engaged in sports, these nuances do not have values.

There is no single standard here, the heart rate will differ not only by age, but also depending on the sexual belonging and even the complex. The general trend is such that the indicators of heart rate (heart rate) are stabilized by about 16 years and up to 40 years remain unchanged, and then due to aging the body gradually begin to increase. Exemplary physiological standards for persons at rest still exist, they are painted as follows in the following table:

Age (in years)Heart rate (in min.)Age (in years)Heart rate (in min.)Age (in years)Heart rate (in min.)
20 65-75 40-55 75-80 65-70 90-95
30-40 72-75 55-60 80-85 > 70 > 100

CSS in a state of rest is counted in the morning, you can immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. People have untrained, leading a sedentary lifestyle, the heart beats more often, and the more man trained, the less you need to beat his heart to supply all the internal organs.

Formula of calculation

If the pauls of rest (PP) can be found by calculating the number of eigen hearts per minute in the morning, then the maximum allowable pulse (MP) is calculated at physical exertion according to a special formula, which is simplified as follows: Permanent indicator 220 minus age in years. But a number of representatives of sports medicine proposes to calculate the pulse by sexual sign. Then more precisely MP separately for men and women can be calculated as follows:

  • for women MP \u003d 209 - (age × 0.9);
  • for men MP \u003d 214 - (age × 0.8);

Recalling the indicators of the maximum allowable pulse for some ages and bring them together, you can get the following table:

Age (in years)MP (in min.)Age (in years)MP (in min.)Age (in years)MP (in min.)
for womenfor menfor womenfor menfor womenfor men
20 191 198 40 173 182 60 155 166
25 186-187 194 45 168-169 178 65 150-151 162
30 182 190 50 164 174 70 146 158
35 177-178 186 55 159-160 170 75 141-142 152

The greatest level and pulse zones

After the maximum pulse is calculated, determine one of 5 pulse zones for a suitable load. In the frequency of heart abbreviations, it is possible to determine which intensity a person is engaged in and how efficient or destructive for it is one or another. It is especially important to follow the CSS people physically unprepared. This can be done with the help of a special pulsometer bracelet or a generally accepted calculation of the pulse on the wrist.

Newbies begin to engage from the smallest loads, increasing the intensity gradually. The first classes are carried out in the not traumatic pulse gap at 50-60% of the maximum possible heart rate. With such loads, blood pressure is normalized and prepared for more serious training. Only after the feeling appears that this level of the pulse for it is the norm, which is easily supported, can be moved to the following zone.

In the fitness mode of training, almost more intense and heart rate maintained at 60-70% of MP. With such an intensity, the condition of the heart and blood vessels is improved, stocks are mobilized from fatty depot and used as fuel. This level is perfect for improving the capabilities of the respiratory system. Only after fitness loads will be easily transferred, you can switch to the aerobic zone (70-80% of the maximum heart rate), most preferred for workouts for endurance. Fats are burned here less than in previous zones, and instead, the body uses glucose. If with loads in this pulse band, not exceeding the maximum, but also not dropping below the minimum, the size and number of blood vessels will increase with time, the elasticity of the heart muscle and the power of the heart will increase.

The next zone is anaerobic, it implies the achievement of the level of CSS 90% of the maximum possible. Loads here are high in the intensity, there is a further improvement in the condition of the heart and blood vessels, the respiratory system. Energy is produced without oxygen participation, because the fat "burn" ceases, and is mainly carbohydrates. Switch to the next level in the red line zone, the load in which the heart rate is implied to 100% the maximum possible, it is recommended only to professional athletes or during interval training.

Matching Table Load Zones

Zone nameDescription Zone loadAge in yearsPermissible pulse for this zone (wives)Permissible pulse for this zone (husband.)
50-60 Head of Heart or Zone Very Light ActivityUsed when charging or lightweight20 95-114 99-119
40 86-104 91-109
55 80-96 85-102
70 73-88 79-95
60-70 Fitness or Light Activity AreaGrowing overall endurance is used for fat burning20 115-134 119-139
40 104-121 109-127
55 96-112 102-119
70 88-102 95-111
70-80 Aerobic or medium activity zoneThere is a volumetric height of the heart, aerobic abilities are developed.20 134-153 139-158
40 121-138 127-146
55 112-128 119-136
70 102-117 111-126
80-90 Anaerobic or high load zoneExplosive force develops, muscle mass and power20 153-172 158-178
40 138-156 146-164
55 128-144 136-153
70 117-131 126-142
90-100 Red line or maximum load zoneThe limit development of force and speed is used by athletes to prepare for competitions20 172-191 178-198
40 156-173 164-182
55 144-160 153-170
70 131-146 142-158

These indicators mostly relate to people trained, and for a person suffering from hypodynamies, it will be enough easy physical effort and heartbeat with him can accelerate as if he is engaged in the red line zone.

To make it easier to sort out the table, its data can be explained on the examples of women 20 and 55 years:

  1. 1. In order for a 20-year-old woman, the training has become effective, you should move with such an intensity so that the pulse is at least 95 shots per minute (the minimum load in the recovery sector), but it is possible to increase the intensity to the heart rate, not exceeding 153 shots (maximum heart rate in aerobic zone). At interval training, the pulse during the maximum cannot exceed 191 punch.
  2. 2. For a 55-year-old woman, training begins to give an effect if the pulse exceeds 80 beats per minute, but it should not rise above 128 shots. Permissible short-term maximum - 160 shots per minute.

Finnish Physiologist Carwonen determined that 80% of the maximum load is the optimal maximum pulse rate during exercise for all ages.

The pulse value is considered the most objective indicator of the training intensity. Knowing what results can be achieved in a particular pulse zone, you can find out whether the intensity of the workout is suitable for achieving the desired results. Understanding what impact has a load on the body, you can determine whether training is allowed in this mode.

Whoever does not want to bother their thumbnail counts, there is a "conversational" method for determining the intensity of the classes. There is a way to determine the possibility of singing or talking during a workout. With light intensity during classes, you can sing, with an average - to maintain a conversation, and with high even the word to extract intelligible hardly.

This indicator is very important for the diagnosis, evaluation of the heart of the heart. This is the main component, which indicates the presence of different diseases. To know what should be the pulse in a healthy person, it is necessary to notice deviations from the norm on time and take appropriate actions.

Normal pulse in an adult

In medicine, there are specific values \u200b\u200bof this indicator, the heart rate in adults is formed depending on the age of a person, the state of his health. The pulse is the oscillation of the walls of the vessels, which arises due to the reduction of the heart muscle. For different states, its value will be different. This allows doctors, knowing which pulse is considered normal, evaluate the work of the heart.

The intervals between abbreviations (pulsation) in a healthy person are always the same, uneven strikes - this is a symptom of some violations in the work of the human body. Average indicator for an adult is 60-90 shots per minute, but there are situations under which a short-term change is observed. The main factors include:

  • stress;
  • age;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • hormonal emission.
  • Pulse - Norm for women

    Due to the physiological features of the female organism, their heart rate differs from men. As a rule, the indicator of girls at 7-10 shots is higher than that of guys, but it is not a deviation. The pulse is normal in women, provided that it is completely healthy and is in a state of relative rest, is:

    Pulse - norm by age in men

    The normal indicator of the guys is lower than women on average for 7-9 shots. The acceptable values \u200b\u200bof adult men and children of boys should be distinguished. The measurement of the pulse should be carried out taking into account the fact that a person did, as long as he has long been eating, time of day. Each of these factors can provoke higher or low indicators. Below is a table, which pulse is considered normal in men, provided that it is completely healthy:

    Normal blood pressure (systole. / Diastole.)

    Normal pulse in a child

    The children's body grows very quickly, so the indicators of its condition are measured more often. The normal pulse in the child changes together with increasing growth, weight. For example, the indicators of the norm decrease after 1 month of the child's life. In adolescents (starting from 12 years), the values \u200b\u200bare already the same as in an adult. The following normal indicators are recognized in calm condition:

    Normal blood pressure (systole. / Diastole.)

    From 1 month. Until a year

    Pulse when walking - norm

    This value is influenced by the usual, sports or therapeutic walking. Such walks are prescribed by many doctors as prevention, treatment of vascular diseases. The pulse characteristic will vary depending on the intensity of the load and age. This is the most sparing sport that does not have an additional impact on the joint, cardiovascular system.

    Normal pulse when walking in an adult should be about 100 shots per minute. In the untrained newbie, the value can pushing up to 120, this suggests that the patient has not yet been to perform long walks. By years, the norm when walking is:

    • 25 years - 140;
    • 45 years - 135;
    • 70 years - 110.

    Pulse rate alone

    This indicator helps to continue to track any changes that will occur with a person. Normal pulse in peace is the reference value of the heart. The speed of heartbeat may differ depending on the time of day (in the evening it above), body position. To draw up a graph, it is necessary to measure after a day at 10 am. CSS in an adult man at rest equals:

    • for men - 60-80;
    • for women - 68-90;
    • the elderly - 65;
    • in adolescents - 80;
    • children 1-2 years old - 100;
    • in the selection - 140.

    Normal pulse when running

    This is one of the most intense loading options for the cardiovascular system. Normal pulse when running corresponds to the goal. For example, for weight loss, a person should be during a run in the upper sector of the maximum allowable heart rate. If the goal is only strengthening vessels, the indicator should be at the level of 60% of the maximum. For a healthy person, the maximum value is calculated by a simple formula: 200 minus your age.

    For example, for a 25-year-old guy, the maximum permissible indicator of the heart rate without prejudice to the body will be 185 shots. For intensive fat burning, its norm will be 165-170 shots. If we are talking only to increasing endurance, the frequency of heart abbreviations should be 140-150 shots per minute. Under normal pressure, these indicators will be acceptable and will not cause the development of bradycardia, tachycardia.

    Normal pulse during pregnancy

    All girls during this period observes the increase in pulse waves, which is the norm. Entering the fetus is created additional load on the heart, which leads to more active blood pumping. This fact could not not affect the normal pulse during pregnancy. The amount of pulse waves grows by 10-15, the value will hold on at the level of 110 reductions in the heart per minute. If the girl is engaged in sports, the heartbeat can rise up to 140.

    The increase in the average heartbeat will be observed in the second trimester. The maximum values \u200b\u200bare fixed between 27 and 32 weeks, decreases 4 week before delivery. The average in this period will be at 70-80, but in the second half of pregnancy, the value can rise to 85-90. In some cases, due to the additional load of the heart rate, it grows in a position lying on the back to 120.

    Pulse under load - norm

    A person should initially write a value at rest. It should be measured by sprinkling a vein on hand or artery by neck. This will help you calculate the normal pulse during exercise. The intensity of activity can be different, for example, when walking the heart rate, it does not rise above 100, but running raises heartbeat rhythm significantly higher.

    The indicator of the norm for a person should be calculated individually, but there are averaged indicators that can be received for the starting point for comparison, for example:

    • with CSS 100-130, the load is relatively small for you;
    • 140-150 - average training intensity;
    • 170-190 - extremely valid values \u200b\u200bthat cannot be maintained for a long time.

    Pulse after eating - norm

    Eating influences blood circulation, the heart increases the influx of the stomach, so the heart rate increases slightly. On average, the oscillations from the state of rest amount to 5-10 shots. Some people after meals begin with signs of bradycardia, tachycardia, which indicates a violation of blood circulation or heart disease. Pulse after meal - the norm will be broken at:

    • diabetes;
    • obesity;
    • myocardial pathology;
    • pathological processes of the stomach;
    • deviations in the work of the thyroid gland.

    Normal pulse during sleep

    Day and night, the heart rate differ. Normal pulse during sleep below day almost one and a half times. There is a sleep phase when CSS reaches the lowest possible as possible - 4 in the morning. For this reason, the highest risk of infarction in the early morning. This is due to the activity of the wandering nerve, which at night will oppress the work of the heart muscle. Lailed pulse waves are observed in the first hours after awakening.

    Consider that for complete checks you need to measure the indicators on both hands. The heart rate should be the same if there are differences, this indicates the presence of circulatory disorders, difficult blood flow into the limb. Such a phenomenon occurs when:

    • stenosis of the mouth of the peripheral artery;
    • stenosis of the mouth of aorta;
    • arthritis.

    How to calculate the pulse rate during exercise?

    • 50-60 - extremely light workout;
    • 60-70 - Easy classes aimed at burning fat, increasing endurance;
    • 70-80 - average intensity, contributes to the growth of the impact volume of the heart;
    • 80-90 - intensive training that contributes to the growth of muscle body weight;
    • 90-100 - the maximum limit of developing force and speed.

    Example: Male 30 years old. 220 - 30 \u003d 190
    When training medium intensity:
    190 x 0.7 \u003d 133
    190 x 0.8 \u003d 152
    Norm: from 133 to 152.
    With intensive classes:
    190 x 80 \u003d 152
    190 x 90 \u003d 171
    Heart rate from 152 to 171.

    What is the norm?

    Normal heart rate rhythm with exercise of a healthy person increases from 50 to 70%, but should not exceed the last limit. The following factors affect the pulse frequency:

    • man age;
    • weight and height;
    • endurance;
    • chronic diseases;
    • eating (alcohol);
    • emotional condition.

    What are the indicators reaches a pulse with a high physical exertion?

    With a large load of heart rate reaches from 80 to 95%. The calculation of the permissible limit is considered by the formula: 220 - the age of a person.
    Example: Male 30 years old. 220-30 \u003d 190.
    190 x 0,80 \u003d 152 - Lower limit
    190 x 0.95 \u003d 180.5 - Upper limit
    Output: With intensive physical classes, cardiac abbreviations of 30 men should vary from 152 to 180.5 blows per minute.

    Online calculator

    Calculator Measurement of the pulse rate during exercise will allow you to determine:

    • cardiac frequency;
    • burning fats;
    • nORMA OF CSS in the age category;
    • pulse zones in exercises of various intensity;
    • maximum pulse frequency.

    Use the online calculator is simpler simple. Specify the following personal parameters: heart rate at rest and age, after which you view cards of heart abbreviations by most popular techniques.

    Within normal

    The normal pulse in an adult is 60-80 strikes in 1 minute, What is more is called tachycardia, less - bradycardia. If the cause of such oscillations becomes pathological conditions, then tachycardia, and bradycardia is regarded as a symptom of the disease. However, there are other cases. Probably, each of us ever came across the situation when the heart from excess feelings is ready to jump out and it is considered normal.

    As for the rare pulse, it is preferably an indicator of pathological changes from the heart.

    Normal human pulse changes in various physiological conditions:

    1. Slows down in a dream, and indeed in a lying position, but it does not reach this bradycardia;
    2. Changes during the day (at night the heart knocks less often, after dinner accelerates rhythm), as well as after meals, alcoholic beverages, strong tea or coffee, some drugs (CSS in 1 minute rises);
    3. Increases during intensive exercise (hard work, sports training);
    4. Raises from fright, joy, anxiety and other emotional experiences. The rapid heartbeat caused by emotions or intensive labor is almost always quickly and independently passes, only a person calms down or cease active activities;
    5. Heart frequency frequency increases with increasing body temperature and environment;
    6. Reduced over the years, however, then, in old age, it rises slightly. In women with the onset of Klimaks, in conditions of reduced influence of estrogen, more substantial changes in the pulse may be observed towards increasing (tachycardia due to hormonal disorders);
    7. Depends on the floor (the norm of the pulse in women is slightly higher);
    8. Different with specially trained people (rare pulse).

    It is mostly believed that in any scenario, the pulse of a healthy person is ranging from 60 to 80 blows per minute, and a short-term increase of up to 90 - 100 UD / min, and sometimes up to 170-200 rd / min is regarded as a physiological norm, If it originated on the basis of an emotional burst or intensive labor activity, respectively.

    Men, Women, Athletes

    The heart rate (heart rate) is influenced by such indicators as gender and age, physical training, human classes, an environment in which it lives and much more. In general, differences in the frequency of heart rate can be explained as follows:

    • Men and women in varying degrees react to different events (The bulk of men are more compossed, women are in most emotional and sensitive), so the heart rate in the weak floor is higher. Meanwhile, the norm of the pulse in women is very little different from that of men, although, if we take into account the difference of 6-8 beats / min, then the male representatives are lagging behind, they have less pulse.

    • Outside competition is pregnant women, In which a somewhat elevated pulse is considered normal and this is understandable, because during the nipping of the child, the mother's body must fully ensure the need for oxygen and nutrients itself and the growing fruit. Respiratory organs, blood system, heart muscle undergo certain changes to perform this task, so the heart rate increases moderately. A slightly elevated pulse in a pregnant woman is considered a normal phenomenon, if, in addition to pregnancy, there is no other reason for its increase.
    • Relatively rare pulse (somewhere near the lower border) is noted in people who do not forget about daily physical exercises and jogging preferring to the active leisure (pool, volleyball, tennis, etc.), in general, leading a very healthy lifestyle and watching your figure. They say about such: "They have a good sporting form," even if, by the nature of their activities, these people are far from professional sports. The pulse 55 of the strikes per minute alone for this category of adults is considered normal, simply their heart works economically, but at an incredited person such frequency is regarded as bradycardia and serves as a reason for the additional examination at the cardiologist.
    • The heart works even more economically skiers, cyclists, runners, rowers and adherents of other sports requiring special endurance, their pulse alone can be 45-50 shots per minute. However, the long-term intensive load on the heart muscle leads to its thickening, expanding the boundaries of the heart, increasing its mass, because the heart is constantly trying to adapt, but its possibilities, unfortunately, are not limitless. HCH less than 40 strikes is regarded as a pathological condition, ultimately develops the so-called "sports heart", which often becomes the cause of the death of young healthy people.

    The heart rate is somewhat depends on the growth and the Constitution: the high people have a heart under normal conditions slower than at low-spirited conifers.

    Pulse and age

    Previously, the CSS of the Fetal was recognized only at 5-6 months of pregnancy (heard a stethoscope), now the pulse of the fetus can be determined using an ultrasonic method (vaginal sensor) in a mix of 2 mm in size (norm - 75 ° C / min) and as it grows (5 mm - 100 UD / min, 15 mm - 130 ° C / min). In the course of pregnancy monitoring, heart rate is usually started to evaluate from 4-5 pregnancy weeks. The data obtained is compared with table standards. CSS Fetal for weeks:

    Pregnancy term (week) Css rate (blows in 1 minute)
    4-5 80-103
    6 100-130
    7 130-150
    8 150-170
    9-10 170-190
    11-40 140-160

    In the frequency of cardiac abbreviations of the fetus, you can find out its condition: if the kid's pulse changes upwards, it is possible to assume a lack of oxygen, But as hypoxia increases, the pulse begins to decline, and its values \u200b\u200bare less than 120 shots per minute already indicate a sharp oxygen starvation, threatening with undesirable consequences up to death.

    The norms of the pulse in children, especially newborns and kids-preschoolers, differ significantly from the values \u200b\u200bfor adolescent and youthful age. We, adults, and ourselves noticed that a small heart knocking more often and not so loud. To clearly know whether this indicator is within normal values, exists table standards of pulse by agewhich can use every person:

    Age Limits of normal values \u200b\u200b(UD / min)
    newborn (up to 1 month of life) 110-170
    from 1 month to 1 year 100-160
    from 1 year to 2 years 95-155
    2-4 years 90-140
    4-6 years old 85-125
    6-8 years old 78-118
    8-10 years old 70-110
    10-12 years old 60-100
    12-15 years old 55-95
    15-50 years 60-80
    50-60 years old 65-85
    60-80 years old 70-90

    Thus, according to the table, it can be seen that the rate of heart rate in children after a year has a tendency to a gradual decrease, the pulse 100 is not a sign of pathology for almost 12 years, and the pulse is 90 to 15 years of age. Later (after 16 years), such indicators may indicate the development of tachycardia, the reason for which is to find a cardiologist.

    A normal pulse of a healthy person within 60-80 beats per minute begins to register approximately from the age of 16. After 50 years, if everything is in order with health, there is a slight increase in the pulse (10 blows per minute for 30 years of life).

    Pulse frequency helps in diagnostics

    Pulse diagnosis, along with temperature measurement, history, inspection, refers to the initial phases of diagnostic search. It would be naive to believe that, by counting the number of heart abbreviations, you can immediately neuti disease, but it is possible to suspect a person and send a person to the examination is quite possible.

    Low or high pulse (below or above permissible values) often accompanies various pathological processes.

    High pulse

    Knowledge of the norms and ability to use the table will help any person to distinguish increased pulse oscillations due to functional factors from tachycardia caused by the disease. On the "strange" tachycardia may indicate symptoms, unusual for a healthy body:

    1. Dizziness, pre-corrupt states, fainting (they say that it is disturbed by cerebral blood flow);
    2. Pain in the chest due to the violation of the coronary blood circulation;
    3. Visual disorders;
    4. Shortness of breath (stagnant in a small circle);
    5. Vegetative symptoms (sweating, weakness, trembling limbs).

    The causes of the rapid pulse and heartbeat can be:

    • Pathological changes in the heart and vascular pathology (cardiosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, congenital defects of the valve apparatus, arterial hypertension, etc.);
    • Poisoning;
    • Chronic bronchopulmonary diseases;
    • Hypokalemia;
    • Hypoxia;
    • Cardiopsychoneurosis;
    • Hormonal disorders;
    • Damage to the central nervous system;
    • Oncological diseases;
    • Inflammatory processes, infection (especially with fever).

    In most cases, there is a sign between the concepts between the concepts, the sign is equal, however, this is not always the case, that is, they do not necessarily accompany each other. In some states (atrial fibrillation and fibrillation of atrial and ventricles, extrasystole), the number of heart abbreviations exceed the frequency of pulse oscillations, such a phenomenon is called a pulse deficiency. As a rule, the pulse deficit accompanies the terminal rhythm disorders during severe heart lesions, the cause of which inxication of cardiac glycosides, sympathomimetics, acid-alkaline imbalance, electric shock, myocardial infarction and other pathology with the involvement of the heart in the process.

    High pulse and pressure fluctuations

    The pulse and pressure are not always proportionally reduced. It will be wrong to think that the participation of heart abbreviations will definitely lead to an increase in blood pressure and vice versa. Here are also possible:

    1. Rapid pulse under normal pressure It may be a sign of vegetative-vascular dystonia, intoxication, increasing body temperature. The pulse will help folk and drugs that regulate the activities of the vegetative nervous system with IRCs, antipyretic drugs during fever and drugs aimed at reducing the symptoms of intoxication, in general, the impact on the cause - will remove tachycardia.
    2. Rapid pulse at elevated pressure It may be a consequence of various physiological and pathological conditions (inadequate physical exertion, strong stress, endocrine disorders, heart disease and vessels). Tactics of the doctor and patient: examination, clarifying causes, treatment of the main disease.
    3. Low pressure and high pulse can become symptoms of a very serious health disorder, for example, manifestation of cardiogenic shock during cardiac pathology or hemorrhagic shock in the case of a large blood loss, with the lower the hell and above the heart rate, the hardest condition of the patient. Definitely: reduce the pulse, the increase of which is caused by these circumstances, independently do not work out not only in the patient, but also in his relatives. Such a situation requires urgent measures (call "103").

    High pulse first emerged without any reason, you can try to calm down drops of hawthorn, mother-in-law, Valerian, Peony, Corvalol (which is at hand). The repetition of the attack should be a reason for visiting a doctor who will find out the cause and prescribe medication acting on this form of tachycardia.

    Low pulse

    The reasons for the low pulse can also be functional (about athletes mentioned above, when a low pulse at normal pressure is not a sign of the disease), or to flow out of various pathological processes:

    • Vagus influences (Vagus - a wandering nerve), a decrease in the tone of the sympathetic department of the nervous system. Such a phenomenon can be observed in every healthy person, for example, during sleep (low pulse under normal pressure),
    • With awesome-vascular dystonia, in the case of some endocrine disorders, that is, in a variety of physiological and pathological conditions;
    • Oxygen starvation and its local influence on the sinus node;
    • Sinus node weakness syndrome (SCC), atrioventricular blockades;
    • Myocardial infarction;

    • Toxicoinfection, poisoning with phosphorodorganic substances;
    • Ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and a 12-rosewoman;
    • Card-brain injuries, meningitis, edema, brain tumor, subarachnoid hemorrhage;
    • Reception of drugs
    • Side effect or overdose of antiarrhythmic, hypotensive and other drugs;
    • Thyroid hypofunction (mixedma);
    • Hepatitis, abdominal typhus, sepsis.

    In the overwhelming majority low pulse (bradycardia) is considered as serious pathology, which requires an immediate survey for identifying the cause, timely treatment, and otherwise - emergency medical care (sinus-node weak syndrome, atrioventricular blockades, myocardial infarction, etc.).

    Low pulse and high pressure - similar symptoms sometimes appear in hypertensive taking preparations to reduce blood pressure, which are simultaneously prescribed for various rhythm disorders, beta-blockers, for example.

    Briefly about measuring the pulse

    Maybe only at first glance it seems that there is nothing easier than measuring the pulse or in another person. Most likely, this is true, if a similar procedure is required to have a young, healthy, calm, rested. You can assume in advance that the pulse it will have clear, rhythmic, good filling and tension. Being confident that most people know the theory well and perfectly copes with the task of practice, the author will only briefly remind the pulse measurement technique.

    You can measure the pulse not only on the radial artery, any large artery (temporal, sleepy, elbow, shoulder, axillary, patery, femoral) will suit this study. By the way, sometimes we can find a venous pulse and extremely rarely pre -appillar (to determine such types of pulse, special adaptations and knowledge of measurement techniques are needed). In determining, we should not forget that in the vertical position of the body of the heart rate will be higher than in the position lying and that intensive physical exertion will accelerate the pulse.

    To measure the pulse:

    • Usually use the radiation artery, which is put on 4 fingers (the thumb should be on the back of the limb).
    • You should not try to catch the pulse oscillations with only one finger - the error is probably ensured by at least two fingers should be involved in the experiment.
    • It is not recommended to unnecessarily pressed on the arterial vessel, since its relocation will lead to the disappearance of the pulse and the measurement will have to begin again.
    • Measure the pulse is correctly needed for one minute, Measurement for 15 seconds and the multiplication of the result by 4 may result in an error, because even during this time, the pulse oscillation frequency may change.

    This is such a simple pulse measurement technique, which can tell a lot to a lot.

    What goals pursue a person who decided to do fitness? First, make your figure more slender, secondly, improve your own health. But in order to make training with the most efficient and at the same harm, do not harm health, the control of the pulse is needed during exercise.

    Why control the pulse during the fulfillment of exercise and how to do it right?

    In many fitness clubs, newcomers are offered to pass fitness testing before starting classes. This is necessary in order to determine the initial level of physical training of a person, as well as competently compile a plan of classes, which would take into account the individual punching zone of the novice.

    But what if your chosen fitness club does not provide such services? You can learn how to determine the degree of cardion.

    Why is the control of the pulse?

    Each person is individual. The optimal regime of physical classes should be selected taking into account age, gender, weight, health, emotions, physical training. To avoid excessively high loads on the heart and at the same time achieve maximum results, the control of the pulse is necessary.

    With the correctly selected mode of training and constant measurement of the pulse, you can not only reset extra pounds, strengthen the muscles, but also improve your health.

    Heart rate rate

    For an adult, the rate of heart abbreviations in 60-100 shots per minute is considered as an adult. An indicator of 100 beats per minute is the top threshold. The smaller the heart rate, the better the physical form. In people who are engaged in sports professionally, the heart muscle is simply so much that the pulse can be equal to 40-50 shocks per minute. This means that the heart muscle of a person who receives exercise regularly, a smaller amount of abbreviations are required to provide the organism with oxygen.

    How to determine your physical condition by controlling the pulse?

    The control of the pulse can be held at home, staying in calm state. This makes it possible to estimate the real physical form. Measure the heart rate is necessary in the morning, after awakening.

    Waking up, a person must count the number of shocks for one minute and write down or remember this indicator. After that, it is necessary to climb sharply, count the number of shots in 10 seconds and multiply the resulting result by 10. It will be the frequency of heart abbreviations during exercise.

    Now you can compare both results. The difference between them should be about 12-22 units. What it is less, the better physical indicators you possess.

    Measure the pulse accepted on the wrist. But this is not a prerequisite. You can measure the pulse and other large vessels: at the temples, on the carotid artery, at the elbow bend or in the groin.

    Now there are special electronic gadgets, which are called pulseers. This devices are useful to have with them and use during exercise.

    Maximum Pulse Indicators

    Know the maximum value of the heart pulse is necessary in order to determine the optimal with exercise, the individual pulse indicator and install its own "training zone". It is impossible to look sharply for its borders, it can negatively affect health.

    The maximum pulse is measured immediately after three-minute physical exertion.

    There is another way to determine the maximum pulse. This is the so-called age formula. To determine the maximum pulse, it is necessary to take its age from 220. Specialists advise the use of both the other ways. This will help to establish whether the individual person's individual pulse corresponds to medium indicators for its age. This difference is useful to take into account when drawing up an individual workout plan.

    Permissible physical exertion

    Having received information about your pulse and estimating its own initial physical form, you can proceed to the definition of the training zone. It should be within 50-90% of the maximum pulse value. For example, when classes, the frequency of heart abbreviations should be about 65-85% of the maximum pulse.

    Training zone

    Specialists know that there are four main training zones. This or that zone is chosen depending on the physical form of a person and its goals.

    Health area, or low load zone. Cardiac frequency should be 50-60% of the maximum pulse. Such a zone is recommended for newcomers, people who return to training after injuries, as well as those who have problems with the condition of the cardiovascular system.

    Zone of moderate load. It is this zone that is enough to burn fats. Cardiac frequency should be 60-70% of the maximum pulse. For training, a fast paced is chosen, which helps to quickly burn calories. This workout zone is suitable for people who do not have health problems.

    Aerobic zone, or a zone of high load. Cardiac frequency - 70-80% of the maximum pulse. Training are held at a high pace, but since in this zone the main source of energy is muscular glycogen, the purpose of training is not burning fats. Work in the aerobic zone is recommended for professional athletes.

    Zone anaerobic threshold. The cardiac frequency is 80-90% of the maximum pulse. This zone is characterized by the fact that the body of the athlete works at the limit. This is only vocational athletes with experience. For beginners, such loads are dangerous under health.

    If you learn to control your pulse and work in your workout zone, you can find a beautiful figure and excellent health.

    Tags: control of the pulse during exercise Pulse 102 impact per minute what to do Pulse 117 beats per minute what to do

    Permanent control of the pulse is important during training. Physical exertion provoke an increase in heart rate. However, it is necessary to ensure that this parameter is within the acceptable value. To understand whether it is necessary to know which maximum pulse can be in humans.

    Pulse parameter indicates heart rate frequency. Many people are interested in which pulse is considered normal for a person. In adults, there is a norm option - 60-80 shots per minute. In newborns children, the pulsation indicator can be at the level of 130-160, and professional athletes - 40-60 ° C. / min.

    With age, the norm decreases. However, in the elderly, the pulse frequency increases slightly. So, for patients over 60 years old, 70-90 shots are considered to be a normal parameter.

    The formation of heart disease depends on such features:

    • age category;
    • growth - in high people pulse is slower;
    • sexuality - in women heart pulsation frequency is higher than in men;
    • physical exertion - lead to an increase in the pulse;
    • time of day - at night the pulse slows down;
    • ambient temperature;
    • chronic pathologies - usually provoke an increase in the pulse frequency;
    • smoking, drinking alcohol and hot food - all causes an increase in cardiac pulsation.

    What affects the pulse

    The maximum pulse in humans is the maximum permissible parameters. They do not create stress and additional burden for the body.

    The limit pulse at rest in an adult should not be more than 100 shots. However, this parameter may differ depending on the characteristics of the body. The critical pulse for a person is the frequency of heart cuts, which creates a threat to life.

    If you know the maximum pulse rate, you can control your condition. If permissible indicators exceeding, you need to take measures in a timely manner. Factors influence the increase in parameters:

    • physical exercise;
    • disorders in the work of the endocrine system;
    • pathology of the cardiovascular system, an increase or decrease in blood pressure;
    • traumatic damage, bloodstures;
    • stressful situations;
    • tumor education;
    • defeat nervous system.

    Important: After training and stressful situations, the pulse is normalized after a while. The remaining factors need to be eliminated with the help of a doctor. The cardiologist will conduct the necessary research and will help take the pulse under control.

    Methods for determining the maximum pulse

    To calculate the heart rate, it is worth using the Martti Carvonen's Finnish physiologist. This method is considered effective and helps to determine the optimal pulse. The method takes into account the age of a person, sexuality and additional factors.

    When conducting computation, it is possible to obtain not only permissible parameters, but also the limit boundaries of the indicators.

    So, the doctor offers such calculations:

    Definition of pulse zone

    The frequency of the pulse during sports increases due to the increase in the impact of the load on the heart. This leads to more intensive work of the organ. In athletes, after loads, changes in CCC are practically absent.

    In untranslated people, the frequency of heart abbreviations will always be changed during exercise. However, this does not cause harm subject to a gradual increase in loads.

    Important: if a person has disorders in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, high-intensity training to him is contraindicated. In such a situation, it is worth practicing the medical gymnastics. Water procedures are also useful.

    To determine the most effective pulsation parameters for loads, it is worth choosing a suitable pulse zone:

    How to choose a pulse frequency for cardiotering?

    Such loads are used to improve the condition of muscle tissues, heart strengthen, vessels, respiratory organs. Cardiovers help stimulate metabolic reactions and run the fat burning process. Due to this, the mass of human body decreases.

    Usually, dancing, running, swimming and other loads, which help to saturate the organism with oxygen and normalize the respiratory body, are used to solve such problems.

    To solve the tasks set, you need to determine the optimal pulse parameter. Doctors argue that the maximum amount of fat is burned at a heart rate at 60-70% of the maximum parameter. This pulse zone is called "fitness".

    What to do under a critical indicator?

    If the heart rate parameter is approaching a critical mark, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Excess the indicator in 160 beats per minute represents a threat to the health and life of the patient.

    Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to take the horizontal position of the body. This will help to normalize the parameters faster. If possible, the influx of fresh air should be ensured. It is also worth drinking a half-table of cold water or perform exercises from respiratory gymnastics.

    The definition of pulse indicators is of great importance for assessing the state of human health. When exceeding the allowable marks in a calm state, you should urgently access the doctor. The doctor will conduct a thorough examination and establish the causes of problems.

    It is also necessary to determine the pulsation values \u200b\u200bwhen performing physical exercises. This will help you choose the most effective physical activity mode and avoid dangerous health effects.

    Control of own pulse during training is one of the best ways to monitor the degree of intensity of the workouts performed. Most athletes are engaged specifically with pulsometers, which is not mandatory. It is enough to use a simple stopwatch or follow the pulse by the clock in the gym. What uses the athlete, measuring the heart rate (heart rate), does not matter much more importantly, what should be the pulse in training.

    How to calculate a safe pulse for sports?

    The generally accepted estimated formula is to find the bottom and upper limit of heart rate. This means that the training is effective, during which the pulse is within the boundaries of these two marks - indicators of heart rate.

    The lower limit is calculated as follows: from the number "200" take away the age of athlete and multiplied by the indicator "0,6". If the training athlete is 25 years old, that is, 105 beats in 1 minute. When the pulse below this value is not recommended, since the benefits of training will be minimal.

    The upper limit is calculated by a similar formula. The difference lies in the fact that instead of "0,6" use the "0.8" coefficient, that is, for a 25-year athlete, this indicator is 140 shots in 1 minute. It is not recommended to go beyond the top border of the heart rate, as this leads to an increase in the load on the heart muscle.

    Athletes do not always take into account the coefficients when the upper and lower borders are preferred, because they prefer to do a maximum. They train to the limits of 170 and to 180 shots in 60 seconds, even taking into account the fact that it is much higher, if you take away the maximum permissible indicator 220 own age. And if the pulse comes to such limits, the training intensity should be reduced. Otherwise there is a chance to harm your own health.

    In order to be easier to navigate, not engaged in infinite calculations, you can simply use the table below, guided by which you can easily control the heart rate with one degree or another exercise intensity.

    Measuring the pulse in the stopwatch during the run - the task is practically unreal. And if the athlete is fond of Cardio, then he should purchase a pulsometer for running on the street, use the control devices built into exercise bikes and treadmills.

    When the goal of cardio is burning fat deposits, the pulse must be within 120 and up to 150 beats per minute. Bodybuilders should stick to a slightly different scheme to save the muscles. Cardio must be low-intensive, that is, as part of the classes with a duration of 50-60 minutes, the pulse must be in 120-130 shots mode.

    Pulse on force training

    Experienced athletes are not recommended to bring the pulse to the upper borders. The ideal heart rate is considered the limit in 120-140 beats per minute, Saved from the beginning to the end of the workout. It is necessary to avoid lowering the pulse below the lower bound indicator than and is due to the fact that the rest between the approaches should not be made more than a minute.

    It is not recommended to take a rod at the maximum pulse indicator. It is necessary to try to keep it within 130 shots all training. This will strengthen the heart muscle, increase the effectiveness and effectiveness of power training.

    To determine the pulse with loads at which you reach the maximum result, use the three steps described below. Using uncomplicated formulas, you will calculate your pulse and understand what degree of load you at the moment. This suitable for any workouts, such as running, cardio-training, etc.

    1. Determine your pulse at rest (Pulse rest, PP)

    Consider your pulse in the morning as soon as you woke up before starting to do anything. You can right in bed. Consider the pulse strikes within 60 seconds. This will be your rest paul.

    2. Determine your approximate maximum pulse (MP)

    Averaged and simplified formula Such: deduct from 220 your current age in years. A more accurate formula looks like this:

    Remember, this is just an approximate pulse.

    3. Determine the pulse under loads using the Formula of Carwonen

    The table below shows the average percentage of your maximum pulse for various loads, or training intensity.

    Since the pulse during loads is often within 60-80% of your maximum pulse, then use one or another value in the carwine formula below. This will be your pulse with loads in which you should train.

    So, we will collect all the data together in a single formula and calculate the pulse with loads using the Formula of Carvionna:

    Pulse with loads \u003d ((approximate maximum pulse - Pulse rest) * Intensity) + Pulse rest

    For instance,

    Age: 27.
    Gender: Woman
    Pulse rest: 70
    Newbie: average load (60-65% of the maximum pulse)

    1. Calculate the approximate maximum pulse (MP)

    Women: Maximum pulse \u003d 209 - (age in years * 0.9)
    Men: Maximum Pulse \u003d 214 - (age in years * 0.8)

    MP \u003d 209 - (27 * 0.9) \u003d 185 beats per minute

    2. Now consider MP - PP (maximum pulse minus peace pulse)- It will facilitate further computing

    MP - PP \u003d 185 - 70 \u003d 115

    3. Multiply the resulting number on% of the maximum load, in which we want to train and add a paul of rest

    (115 * 60%) + 70 \u003d 139 beats / minute

    (115 * 65%) + 70 \u003d 145 beats / minute

    Therefore, we calculated that the pulse with loads of 60-65% should be 139-145 beats per minute. Substituting any level of load from the table above, to this formula, it is easy to determine the pulse for any loads.

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