Coxsackie virus - what is it, symptoms, treatment in children and adults, photos and prevention. Research and vaccination. Common symptoms of the Coxsackie virus

About the Coxsackie virus hot ten answers to frequently asked questions

1. Can you meet only at resorts or in Russia too?

At the resorts, the chance to meet is higher, but in Russia there are isolated cases.
In the past month (July), I personally saw 5 patients with this infection, not related to recreation outside the city.
In St. Petersburg, there will be no widespread morbidity, but in southern regions the situation is no better than seaside and ocean resorts.

2. How can you not get infected?

No way!
If you are in the same room with the patient, or in the room where he visited, then you will definitely get infected!
Will you get sick or not is another question))
Adults are less common than children.
Healthy less often than sick chronic diseases.
Fans of personal hygiene are less likely than those who use soap and water only once a day.

3. What are the main manifestations?

Leading signs

1.Skin rash

Appears along with the rise in temperature
- drips with repeated increases
- rarely, but it happens that it appears only after the normalization of the state
- bubbles and pimples
- on the palms, soles and around the mouth especially
- on the feet, legs, around the knees and on the buttocks less often
--on the hands, forearms and around the elbows too
--may itch, especially in allergy sufferers and atopics
- never under the hair on the head

2. stomatitis
- pain in the mouth
- a bunch of drool
- inability to eat and swallow cold
- bubbles and spots on the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat

- no characteristic features
- does not disturb behavior and well-being in normal conditions
- strongly interferes with hot, stuffy and little drink

Possible Signs
-stomach ache

4. How can you help with fever?

Yes, all the same:
-drink every hour
-air conditioning
-Cool air
- wipes wet
- "Nurofen for children" in a dose per child's weight no more than 1 time in 8 hours
- paracetamol drug for the child's weight no more than 1 time in 6 hours

5. How to help with pain in the mouth and throat?

Cold food
-cold drinks
-ice cream
-cold watermelon (it is also drink)
- "Nurofen for children" in the above mode
-gel for the oral cavity as prescribed by the doctor

6. How to smear the rash on the skin?

- "Kalamin" or "Tsindol" as often as the child worries
-when very severe itching"Fenistil" gel additionally
- when combing and opening the bubbles "Povidone iodine" 1-2 times a day
- in case of suppuration "Bactroban" ointment every 6 hours before examination by a doctor

7. Do you need antiviral drugs?

And no.
Also no.
And these are also not needed.

8. How long will you have to be sick?

No complications 7-10 days
With complications - depending on the type of complication

9. What is the threat of the disease?

Sometimes there can be complications and very (very, very rarely) serious
In this regard, the disease is similar to chickenpox.

If there are symptoms other than the three leading ones, you should see a doctor within 12 hours.

If the top three symptoms persist without improvement by day 4 illness-see a doctor in 24 hours.

10. Can you lead a normal life?

Yes, after improvement in the condition and if the child's well-being and behavior is not disturbed.
And walk.
And swim.
And sunbathe.
And communicate with everyone who is not afraid (you need to take into account the risk of infection of other children), because the child is contagious for at least a week from the first symptoms.
And this is also possible)

The panic over the epidemic of enterovirus infection in the resort country of Turkey, beloved by Russians, also affects the everyday life of Vladimir residents. The mother of a child attending kindergarten No. 71, located on Oktyabrsky Prospekt in the city of Vladimir, contacted the editorial office of Zebra TV - a woman asked not to indicate her personal data because of fears that there would be "reprisals" against her family. She said that quarantine was officially introduced in the kindergarten on August 15 due to the confirmation of the Coxsackie virus in several children.

Allegedly, earlier in this preschool educational institution was rotavirus infection, almost two dozen children got into the "infectious diseases", but no one spoke about it. The parent associates the rampage of enterovirus in a particular kindergarten with the unsatisfactory, in her opinion, state of the catering unit and sanitary rooms. Well, the Coxsackie virus, according to the parents, appeared due to the fact that someone from the staff went to Turkey and brought him from rest - and through dirty dishes and the food got infected by the children.

A resident of Vladimir reports that due to the threat of infection, she is forced to temporarily leave work and stay with her child at home - and so, according to her, many parents did, fearing for the health of their children. The mother of the child from the 71st kindergarten claims that the children developed a characteristic red rash on the arms and legs. Infection with the Coxsackie virus, according to her, today is officially delivered to five inmates of the preschool educational institution by the infectious disease specialist of the department of the city hospital №2 on Tokareva.

The head of kindergarten №71 Tatyana Lebedeva confirmed to Zebra TV that there is quarantine in the kindergarten - but not in the entire institution, but only in one group. The same information was announced by the official representative of the Vladimir mayor's office, Alexander Karpilovich. He said that a group in one kindergarten in the city was quarantined due to the fact that four pupils fell ill with an enterovirus infection, but this is NOT COXACKS - there are a great many enteroviruses, children are infected, alas, quite often. According to Karpilovich, in the administration of the capital of the Vladimir region there is no information yet that in any educational institution of the city cases of the "Turkish horror story" have been recorded - however, the mayor's office, as they say, "keeps its finger on the pulse."

The press secretary was able to bring some clarity - where did the rumors about the Coxsackie virus in the Vladimir kindergarten come from? regional administration Rospotrebnadzor Marina Borisova. According to her, on Friday, the parents invited a district doctor, a doctor, to one of the inmates of the kindergarten, based on clinical picture, without hospitalization of a small patient and carrying out appropriate tests, questioned the diagnosis of "Coxsackie".

The representative of Rospotrebnadzor says that it is possible to confirm the disease with this particular type of enterovirus only in the department's laboratory, but not a single medical institution has not yet provided epidemiologists with information about the suspicion of the presence of this "foreign infection" in patients, as well as citizens individually to the laboratory for the installation accurate diagnosis did not apply.

Whether there are really little patients with a disease caused by the Coxsackie virus in the children's "infectious diseases" on Tokarev has not yet been officially confirmed. Specialists of Rospotrebnadzor assured worried parents that they would go to kindergarten # 71 for a check to make sure that the conditions of the children’s stay were in line with the standards. In connection with the data on the spread of the Coxsackie virus in Turkey, the department on its website gives explanations for tourists how to act in a situation when there is a desire to refuse a paid voucher because of fears of getting to a hospital bed.

Well, the health department of the administration of the Vladimir region reports that in 2016 56 cases of enterovirus infection were registered in the region33. In July of this year, an outbreak of the disease was recorded in one of the kindergartens in the Selivanovsky district.

Citizens should know that enterovirus infection is a group of diseases caused by several types of viruses (Coxsackie viruses, poliviruses, echoviruses) that are in the intestines of a sick child or a virus carrier and enter the environment with feces. V environment they live for a long time, as they tolerate adverse influences well. In the body of a child who has recovered, they can persist for several months.

Infection can occur by airborne droplets(when sneezing, coughing, with droplets of saliva from a sick child or a virus carrier), also by the fecal-oral route if personal hygiene is not followed. Most often, infection occurs through the use of unboiled water, through shared toys, if children take them in their mouths.

The disease begins acutely, with a rise in temperature, muscle pain, an increase in cervical lymph nodes; on the oral mucosa, tonsils, rashes appear in the form of bubbles. The child has sore throat when swallowing, pain when chewing. There may be a rash on the skin of the torso, palms, and feet.

Enteroviruses can infect the central nervous system and cause enteroviral meningitis. With intestinal damage, there may be loose stools... With liver damage, acute hepatitis can develop. Enterovirus infection can affect the heart muscle with the development of endocarditis.

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is urgent to show the child to the doctor. Mild forms of the disease do not require hospitalization. With the defeat of the central nervous system- development of meningitis, encephalitis, hospitalization is necessary. The disease usually lasts 5-6 days and ends with recovery. There are no lethal cases of enterovirus infection.

Prevention of enterovirus infection is simple - it is personal hygiene, washing hands before eating, drinking only boiled water or water from a factory bottle, thoroughly washing toys. For vacationers: while swimming, the main thing is not to swallow water. Well, there is no vaccine against enterovirus infection.

The Coxsackie virus has reached Russia. There are sick people in Moscow and the region. An infection that causes a high fever intestinal disorders and a rash, picked up and brought by children who recently had a rest in Turkey. In Podolsk near Moscow - due to suspicion of Koksaki - a private kindergarten was closed for quarantine. Should we wait for an outbreak?

This is Podolsk. Here, at number 7 on Welling Street, on the first floor, in one of the apartments there is child Center additional education"Stork". Something like a private kindergarten, that's why there are no signs. This is the first baby educational institution Moscow region, which closed immediately after the first cases of the Coxsackie virus appeared. Most likely, its leaders did it just out of fright. But this is the case when caution will not be superfluous. The main thing is to protect children.

The door of the establishment is indeed closed. No one answers the knock. We are calling the administrator of "Aistenka", Elena Borisovna. The lady is clearly annoyed by such attention.

"We wanted to ask about your" Aistenok ". They say you closed because of Koksaki, right? - Koksaki is not in Podolsk. - But you do not work? - We do not work in August at all. two of us children fell ill with acute respiratory infections. They took tests, and the tests were not confirmed. - Got it, thanks. - 07.29 Goodbye! "

On playground, where children from "Aistenok" usually walk, is also crowded today. But these are mainly mothers with their children. We talk with them.

“Have you heard about the Coxsackie virus?” “Have you heard that there is an epidemic in Turkey.” “And that he is moving to Russia?” “With sick children? No.

But in Mitino, in one of the kindergartens, there are already three cases. But the management does not undertake any organizational measures.

"The nurse called twice from the kindergarten, asked what we had in the end, I told her twice that we have Coxsacks, as a result, no disinfection of the group, no quarantine is put on us, until three sick people, we wait further," said Natalya Vylegzhanin.

But the Coxsackie virus is a really serious enemy. Its high contagiousness and virulence, that is, the ability to infect, complicates the fight. Almost everyone who has been in contact with the virus carrier, or used its utensils, gets sick. Coxsackie does not take either alcohol or bleach. Therefore, it is useless to chlorinate water in a contaminated pool. Only heat treatment or formalin. There is no vaccine against Coxsackie. And although in the overwhelming majority of cases this enteroviral disease passes without consequences, complications are still possible.

"Enteroviruses are, indeed, in mild form are in severe form. But the most severe form is the form with damage to the nervous system. These are viral menningitis, these are myelitis, lesions spinal cord, encephalitis. Here they can really pose a threat to life and require emergency action", - Andrey Devyatkin explained, chief physician Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 1 of Moscow, Chief Freelance Specialist for infectious diseases Metropolitan Department of Health.

Some other complications are reported by mothers of children who have recovered.

"We started having nighttime hysterics, the child was difficult to calm down, he did not perceive either mom or dad, he just fought in hysterics, and it could even continue whole hour", - said Ksenia Basharova.

"The youngest child, against the background of the disease, appeared atopic dermatitis, for a year now we have been fighting this disease, this is constant skin care, permanent medications, "complains Tatiana Sushkova.

It is clear that it is almost impossible to extinguish such an outbreak of the disease at the height of the holiday season. After all, for this it is necessary to completely close the direction, and this is tens of thousands of paid tours.

But the administrators of Turkish hotels could organize systematic work on disinfection of swimming pools, temporarily switch to disposable tableware in canteens. But they, as if in agreement with representatives of Russian travel agencies, simply keep silent about this problem. Just not to scare off tourists.

"We were sick for 11 days. No one has ever checked us. No one has ever called us, we are in the room or we are walking. In the same way, a friend with two children was resting with me. The same situation. It turns out that the hotel staff cannot ensure safety. healthy people, healthy children ", - said one of the guests.

And Russian doctors could be more active in conducting sanitary and educational work. So that those who have been ill, comply with quarantine, and healthy ones - safety measures. And additional control over kindergartens will obviously not hurt.

“We were told at the hospital that it is, in principle, not so dangerous, no, neither antibiotics work, there are no antivirals, it's like chickenpox, which needs to be cured. these rashes and for recovery gastrointestinal tract", - said Ekaterina.

So while everything depends on the degree of conscientiousness of the parents.

"We just visited the doctor yesterday. She said that on the 7th day the child ceases to be infectious. That is why at first we avoided visiting the playgrounds. That is, we walked somewhere to the side so as not to infect anyone," says Anastasia Churina.

V against Coxsackie. Each passenger, right in the cabin of the aircraft, immediately after landing, is checked with a thermal imager. High fever is the main symptom of infection. This is especially important for Yekaterinburg. Now, at least 50 thousand Ural residents are vacationing in Turkish resorts. About a dozen flights depart and arrive every day.

The sensational Coxsackie virus in Turkey in 2017 scared many tourists who ordered tours to summer rest... Although for several years there have been warnings about the danger of getting sick in Turkish resorts, only this year the disease has taken on serious proportions.

On this moment Rospotrebnadzor nevertheless recognized some resort cities in Turkey as dangerous in terms of medical problems, although the Turkish Ministry of Health still calls all the information received as speculation.

In any case, no one wants to lie with a high temperature and be isolated from entertainment instead of a carefree beach holiday. In addition, the disease is brought to Russia, Ukraine and other countries by rested tourists. Therefore, everyone should know how the Coxsackie virus manifests itself, how dangerous it is, and what actions to take if a disease is suspected.

What is Coxsackie virus, how is it transmitted?

The Coxsackie virus is a group of enteroviruses (about 30 serotypes) that enters the human body through the mucous membrane oral cavity and proliferating in the intestines. The virus is often called "Turkish chickenpox", but the disease has characteristic differences and sometimes occurs in a severe form with damage to the brain, heart, liver.

The virus is quite resistant external environment, pathogenic microorganisms feel great in the aquatic environment (drinking water, swimming pools), on fruits and die only when boiled or exposed to high temperatures. You can get infected with the virus by airborne droplets, contact (toys in kindergarten, dirty hands, swimming in the pool and the sea) and food (with dairy products, unwashed fruits, water).

Most often, children 4-10 years old get sick, but infection of adults is possible. The infection is not dangerous for babies up to 3 months old, they are protected from the disease by antibodies obtained with mother's milk. In this case, the disease can proceed quite easily and be diagnosed as acute respiratory infections, or lead to serious consequences and require hospitalization of the patient.

The incubation period for Coxsackie virus is 2-7 days. The patient is contagious to others from the first day of the onset of painful symptoms and remains dangerous in terms of infecting other people until complete recovery.

After the disease, stable immunity is formed, but only to a certain serotype of the virus. Therefore, there is every chance of re-contracting the Coxsackie virus of a different serotype.

Common symptoms of the Coxsackie virus

The Coxsackie virus causes symptoms characteristic of enterovirus infections... The classic picture of the course of the disease is as follows:

  • Onset of the disease: intoxication

Suddenly, the infected person's temperature rises to 39-40 ° C. Adults celebrate headache, weakness and drowsiness, aches throughout the body. In children, the Coxsackie virus often provokes vomiting and convulsions in the background high temperature... Babies refuse to eat, become whiny, and their heart rate increases. Often redness appears in the throat, increases submandibular lymph nodes. A characteristic feature viral intoxication is a white or yellowish coating on the tongue.

  • Rash period: mouth-hand-foot syndrome

After 1-2 days from the onset of hyperthermia, the patient's condition worsens, by inner surface cheeks and lips, watery vesicles with a diameter of about 2 mm form outside around the mouth. Their spontaneous opening leads to the formation of ulcers.

Unlike ordinary stomatitis, mouth ulcers in Coxsackie's disease have a bright red bottom.

During this period, profuse salivation, the child completely refuses to eat because of severe pain... Simultaneously with the rash in the mouth, the same bubbles appear on the skin. The palms and feet are dotted with small elements, single elements of the rash can be found on the buttocks, flexor surface of the forearms (from the wrist to the elbow).

Important! Unlike chickenpox, a skin rash with Coxsackie virus does not provoke itching and is not spread throughout the body. However, children may scratch watery blisters, which can lead to suppuration, especially in hot weather.

  • Convalescence period

5 days later the immune system begins to produce antibodies, T-lymphocytes rush to the focus of the viral infection: the symptoms of the disease begin to fade away, the patient's condition is gradually improving. The recovery period lasts 5-7 days, ulcers are tightened.

As a rule, the immune system completely destroys the virus. However, in rare cases (immunodeficiency, individual characteristics of the organism), Coxsackie lingers in the nerve endings, like the herpes virus. At the same time, chronic form disease or virus carrier.

Specific symptomatic forms of Coxsackie's disease

Depending on the predominant localization of specific rashes and the severity of symptoms, the Coxsackie virus in a child can proceed with atypical scenarios:

  • Flu-like form

Usually manifests itself with re-infection with the virus, the most easy option the course of the disease. The symptoms of the disease are similar to the manifestations of ARVI, therefore, Coxsackie's disease with such symptoms is called "three-day fever", "summer flu". The flu-like form is characterized by hyperthermia for 3 days, rashes on the skin and mucous membranes are single or absent. Recovery begins from day 4, severe consequences can not be.

  • Intestinal form

Coxsackie's disease with severe intestinal syndrome- occurs most often. The main symptoms of the disease: abdominal pain and diarrhea up to 8 times a day, accompanied by rumbling and bloating, for 3 days. In children, the Coxsackie virus with a predominant dyspeptic syndrome can provoke nausea and vomiting.

At the same time, the feces are watery, in rare cases mucus and blood splashes appear. Severe dyspepsia lasts up to 3 days, all symptoms completely disappear after 10-14 days.

Important! In children under 2 years of age, the Coxsackie virus, inhibiting the synthesis of the enzyme lactose, provokes intolerance to dairy products. Children react to milk intake with sudden vomiting.

  • Herpetic sore throat

Typical symptoms usually appear after 1-2 weeks. after infection with the Coxsackie virus. On the tonsils and mucous membranes upper sky(there are more elements of the rash around the tongue than on the tonsils) watery blisters first appear (this is what distinguishes viral infection from classic sore throat), and then small white sores form. Symptoms of the disease, provided they are not infected with the bacterial flora, disappear after 1 week.

  • Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

It develops after 2 days from contact with the infection. Painful symptoms first appear on one eye, and then on the other. The sensation of sand in the eyes is accompanied by photophobia and profuse tears, pain when blinking.

On the inner surface of the edematous eyelids, multiple hemorrhages can be found - red dots. Pus is often released from the eyes, however, the symptoms of viral intoxication (high fever, weakness, etc.) are weak. Full recovery comes in 2 weeks.

  • Enterovirus exanthema ("Boston fever")

Characterized by generalized spread skin rash... Watery blisters extend to all arms, shoulders, chest, and can be found on the head. The bursting bubbles quickly tighten up with a crust. Complications usually do not occur, with the exception of suppuration of the combed elements. After the healing of the exanthema, the skin often peels off and peels off, the nails come off.

Important! The Coxsackie virus, manifested by exanthema, is most similar to chickenpox. However, the bubbles pass much faster - by 3-5 days.

Severe forms of the disease

Spreading with blood, the Coxsackie virus can infect vital important organs... In this case, the disease is extremely difficult, often there is a threat to life.

  • Serous meningitis

The Coxsackie virus in Turkey in 2017 often proceeds with damage meninges... Wherein incubation period can be reduced to 1-2 days. Viral meningitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Sudden onset with high fever, severe headache and severe weakness, up to drowsy state and fainting;
  • Rigidity of the muscles of the back of the head - the patient cannot tilt his head forward and bring the chin to the chest;
  • Photophobia, indomitable vomiting without relief;
  • Complete lack of appetite, sore throat, sometimes cough and watery runny nose;
  • Dyspeptic syndrome - diarrhea, spastic pain in the abdomen, bloating;
  • Paresis is a decrease in strength in the limbs, severe muscle weakness.

Symptoms begin to fade by 3-5 days.

  • Viral heart disease

It is extremely rare - when infected with group B Coxsackie enterovirus. Most often, this form of the disease is diagnosed in newborns from 3 months. The virus can penetrate all the membranes of the heart, provoking pericarditis, endocarditis or myocarditis. Against the background of a high temperature, chest pain, shortness of breath occur, blood pressure decreases, the pulse quickens (tachycardia).

The patient is severely weakened, constantly half asleep. Often there are edema, arrhythmia, hepatomegaly develops, in severe cases protracted seizures... No emergency resuscitation death occurs within a few hours from the onset of the disease.

  • Poliomyelitis-like form

Against the background of fever, rashes and diarrhea, paralysis rapidly develops. However, defeat motor nerves not as deep as with the disease of the same name, muscle tone is fully restored after recovery.

Important! Unlike the Coxsackie viral lesion, paralysis in poliomyelitis develops gradually.

  • Viral myositis

An extremely rare form of the disease. The virus, which rapidly multiplies in the muscles, leads to pain in different parts body against the background of an increase in body temperature. However, most often the lesion is localized in the intercostal spaces.

The pain intensifies when breathing / coughing, movements (walking, turning the body) at regular intervals, therefore this form of the disease is called "fucking contraction". The name "pleurodynia" does not quite correctly reflect the viral lesion: pleura in pathological process does not turn on.

  • Hepatitis

The defeat of the liver by the Coxsackie virus in symptomatology is fully consistent with hepatitis. Against the background of an enlarged liver, there is an eructation of bile, heaviness in the right side, jaundice.

Photography can be frustrating

The virus can be transmitted to a child at birth

When a pregnant woman becomes infected in the first trimester, the risk of miscarriage increases by 20%. It is not known for certain whether the Coxsackie virus causes fetal malformations. However, in newborns from mothers who have recovered from some serotypes of the Coxsackie virus, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus by type 2.

The disease can manifest itself not only during the neonatal period, but also at 10-15 years old. It is also known for sure that in childbirth, a sick mother (there are symptoms of the disease) in 50% of cases transmits the infection to the child.

How to treat Coxsackie virus in children and adults? Do you need antibiotics?

The uncomplicated course of Coxsackie's disease - the absence of signs of damage to the meninges, heart and liver - does not require antibacterial therapy... Basically, treatment is reduced to symptomatic therapy:

  • You can lower the temperature with Ibuprofen (Ibufen syrup for babies, Mig-400 for adults), Paracetamol ( the best way for children, quickly remove the heat of the candle);
  • Drink to prevent dehydration and relieve symptoms of intoxication a large number of water (boiled!);
  • With diarrhea, it is advisable to take Enterosgel, Activated carbon(for adults up to 8 tab. At the reception), spastic pain in the intestine perfectly levels No-shpa;
  • To facilitate food intake and relieve pain in the mouth, gels used for teething in babies (Calgel, Dentinox) or a solution of Lidocaine in ampoules for lubricating lesions (lidocaine contained in gels can cause allergic reaction and reduce pressure if used too often);
  • For early healing and prevention of infection of ulcers in the mouth, Orasept, Ingalipt, Hexoral are used;
  • With severe anxiety and itching, admission is warranted antihistamines(the best for kids is Fenistil drops).

When treating Coxsackie virus, the severity of the symptoms of the disease should be taken into account, and general state organism. Features of the treatment of the disease:

  • The Coxsackie virus in adults usually proceeds mildly as an acute respiratory viral infection.
  • Antibiotics do not work on the Coxsackie virus! Reception antibacterial agents it is advisable only for suppuration of ulcers (Levomekol ointment, Bactroban), severe course diseases (for example, meningitis).
  • Reception antiviral agents useful only for weakened people.
  • Cold drinks and ice cream can help reduce pain in the mouth.
  • After each meal, rinse your mouth with boiled water. room temperature... An excellent addition would be dilution in a glass of water 1 tsp. soda or salt.
  • No one can predict the severity of the disease. Call emergency care obligatory for severe headache and tension of the occipital muscles, shortness of breath and severe tachycardia, semi-fainting and delusional states, as well as with a critical temperature and rare urination in young children or severe hyperthermia lasting more than 5 days without a tendency to normalize the temperature.
  • The introduction of immunoglobulin to patients is not justified. However, for people in contact with a sick person or who are in the focus of infection, the administration of immunoglobulin, although it does not exclude the disease, will help to transfer Coxsackie's disease in a mild form and prevent complications.
  • The patient is isolated for 1.5-2 weeks until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

Prevention of virus infection

Although the Coxsackie virus is extremely contagious - upon contact with a sick person, infection occurs with almost 100% probability - preventive actions are aimed at preventing the widespread spread of infection. Prevention includes:

  • Isolation of the patient for 1-2 weeks. Until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.
  • When in the foci of infection (for example, at a resort in Turkey), refuse to visit the pools, public events. Such restrictions especially apply to children.
  • Double wet cleaning daily in the room where the patient is, and regular ventilation.
  • The introduction of immunoglobulin to small children and pregnant women who were in the focus of infection.
  • Boiling water, washing fruit thoroughly and then pouring boiling water over it.
  • Compliance temperature regime and the shelf life of dairy products.
  • Disinfection of cutlery, toys, boiling underwear and bed linen of a sick person. For the patient, separate dishes and towels are allocated.
  • Frequent hand washing, treatment with alcohol-containing antiseptics.

Do not be irresponsible about summer infections, they often lead to serious complications... Most patients infected with the Coxsackie virus do not require hospitalization, do not have negative consequences and recover in 10-14 days.

The most severe disease occurs in children under 2 years of age and people with immunodeficiency. Babies are at high risk of developing dehydration, especially with vomiting and diarrhea. Also important is timely diagnosis viral infection and health care with the development of critical conditions. In a severe course of the disease, laboratory confirmation of the presence of the Coxsackie virus is necessary, but not all clinics carry out such an analysis.

A case of infection with the Coxsackie virus was recorded in a private kindergarten in the Odintsovo district.

According to media reports, a girl aged 1 year and 7 months contracted the disease in a private kindergarten in the village of VNIISSOK from a child who returned from Turkey.

It all started as a cold. The temperature kept close to forty three days, we knocked her down every time. Then small red dots poured out, which turned into blisters, especially palms and feet. My daughter was also struck by the mucous membrane. We treated with antibiotics for a week, passed a bunch of tests.

Now the condition, thank God, is normal, only the skin peels off the arms and legs due to blisters. We give drugs for the stomach after antibiotics, - said the mother of the child.

To assess the situation, there are hot lines for receiving telephone calls at the place of residence. If you feel unwell during your vacation or upon returning to Russia, you should immediately seek medical help.

Earlier, a number of media outlets published information about the outbreak of the Coxsackie virus in Turkish resorts. However, later in the Association of Tour Operators of Russia, they said that there was no talk of any epidemic of the virus, only isolated cases were recorded, which happens in the resorts of Turkey every year.

Several cases of the disease were recorded in August and in Russia: in Moscow, Podolsk and Tula. There are suspicions that the virus was brought after a vacation in Turkey.

Coxsackie virus: consequences, prevention

Coxsackie virus belongs to the group enteroviral diseases which are passed as intestinal infection, but an airborne transmission mechanism is also possible. This virus can also infect the heart - cause myocarditis and pericarditis, and cause meningitis. Usually, the disease is accompanied by a fever up to 40 degrees, an itchy rash all over the body and severe dehydration.

The infection settles on dirty surfaces, where it can "live" for a very long time. For this reason, kindergartens in which children use shared toys pose a particular risk: the disease can be transmitted from a sick toddler to a healthy one. Adults can also become infected with the virus if they have a weakened immune system. Prevention of the Coxsackie virus will help to avoid the disease:

  • You should wash your hands with soap and water after walking and using the toilet.
  • Use only peeled drinking water
  • Food must be treated with boiling water.
  • Don't use shared cutlery.

You should not allow your child to play with other people's toys, take dirty objects in your mouth, or contact sick peers. If the infection has occurred, the patient's environment should wear a medical mask. The sick person's clothing, handkerchiefs and bed linen should be washed as often as possible.

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