Profuse sweating during sleep. Sweating at night - causes in women. Increased sweating during sleep in women as a symptom of the disease

Why do people sweat? This question has long been of interest to physiologists and doctors. If the amount of sweat produced by the human body is small, then this condition is rarely a concern. Much more unpleasant if sweating occurs at night, sweat is produced in large quantities and has a specific smell.

Excessive night sweats can have a number of causes

Sweating at night is associated with a number of problems that occur in the morning. You need to have time to take a shower in order not to feel comfortable when communicating with colleagues, friends, change bedding, buy a new, more effective antiperspirant. Why does heavy sweating occur at night? Is this normal, or is it a sign of illness?

Development mechanism

Normally, a person sweats all the time. This is a protective reaction of the body, helping it to get rid of the excess heat that the body produces. If the body temperature rises, and this can cause disturbances in vital important organs, the brain sends an impulse to the sweat glands, and they intensively produce sweat. Evaporating, it cools the body and at the same time removes harmful substances and slag.

The amount of sweat allocated by a person in the norm can be 500 ml per day. But some people have increased sweating various parts body (head, palms) and at a certain time (during the day, with emotional outbursts). The secretion of sweat is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system, which is active during the day. Rules the night parasympathetic system And nervus vagus, therefore, very heavy night sweats that do not go away may be a symptom of the disease.

Physiological causes of sweating

Not always increased sweat formation (hyperhidrosis) during night sleep is a disease, there are reasons why people sweat at night, feeling completely healthy:

  • primary hyperhidrosis. It is hereditary. It is sometimes called idiopathic because it is difficult to understand why a person develops night sweats. Usually its development is associated with emotional arousal, stress.
  • hygiene problems. Very warm blanket fever in the room, synthetic underwear that does not absorb moisture - can cause sweating during sleep.

A blanket that is too warm can cause increased night sweats.

  • Medications. Increased sweating at night occurs when taking certain medications that have this side effect.
  • Overweight. It is not always a sign of illness, not everyone has to be slender as a reed. Normal weight is considered to be at which a person feels good. But overweight cause the formation of fatty folds that make it difficult for sweat to evaporate from the skin.

Some sleeping pills and antidepressants can cause excessive night sweats.

Excessive sweating as a symptom of the disease

There is a group of diseases pathological conditions, in which sweating at night can be a sign of illness:

  • Sleep disorders. Insomnia can be caused physiological factors, but sometimes it is accompanied by fear, nightmares - this happens with mental, cardiovascular and other diseases. Increased production of adrenaline in such a situation causes excessive night sweating.
  • Sleep apnea syndrome. Its main symptom is snoring in a dream, with periodic breath holdings. This is very dangerous state which can lead to death. Violation of oxygen supply causes a reaction from the body. The pressure rises, the pulse quickens and sweating increases.
  • infectious diseases. Infections cause inflammatory processes in organs and tissues, they are accompanied by fever and sweating. It can be: viral and bacterial infections, diseases of organs and systems (endocarditis, osteomyelitis, AIDS, tuberculosis). Exactly night sweats often prompts to see a doctor for tuberculosis.

Increased night sweats can be observed with tuberculosis

  • Endocrine pathologies. Excess or lack of hormones can also cause sweating. It occurs against the background of hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus, in diseases thyroid gland, whose hormones enhance metabolic processes and heat generation in other pathological conditions.
  • Malignant tumors. Night sweats may be a sign malignant neoplasm(carcinoid syndrome, pheochromacetoma);
  • Diseases of the kidneys. Excess water in the body, with pathologies of the kidneys, is excreted with sweat.

Sweating in women

Often pregnant women complain: “I sweat a lot at night,” this is due to a change hormonal background organism. endocrine organs pregnant work in special treatment, metabolic processes are activated, more heat is released, and therefore the body tries to get rid of it with the help of sweat. Hormonal changes cause excessive sweating at night in women before menstruation.

Such a problem can also be observed during menopause, at which time a woman's body is being restructured. Therefore, they complain of hot flashes, increased sweating. It can be solved by prescribing replacement therapy hormonal means, but this should be done only if such a state interferes normal life female patients.

Excessive sweating in women can be observed with menopause

Sweating in children

Why does a baby sweat when he sleeps? In young children, heavy sweating during sleep is more often the norm. It is associated with sleep phases, the duration of which in babies differs from the sleep structure of adults. Teenagers sweat at night in the transition period, or because of experiences, vivid emotions. If the child is restless night sleep, and he gets out of bed sweaty, then you need to ask if he has problems with peers at school or in the yard.

Increased sweat formation, especially in the area of ​​​​the child's head - a sign of rickets! You need to see a doctor.

With rickets, the back of the head sweats more in the child, the hair in this area falls out. It is possible to distinguish sweating with rickets by other symptoms of the disease: the child does not sleep well, is irritable, the muscles are flabby, the stomach is flattened, it resembles the belly of a frog, etc. Treatment of rickets will help reduce sweating.

Treatment Methods

Many cosmetics, which allow you to reduce severe sweating, but not the underlying disease that caused it. Treatment heavy sweating you have to start by identifying the cause. There are various methods that can help.

Medical therapy

It is carried out after examination of the patient, and is aimed at treating the underlying disease. Depending on the diagnosis, antibiotics, antiviral, hormonal, psychotropic substances. Sleep disorders are treated with sleeping pills and antidepressants.

A good combination gives a good effect drug therapy from folk remedies if they are not contraindicated in the underlying disease.

Folk methods

From folk methods to reduce sweating, you need to highlight herbal tea from mint leaves, sage, oregano. It is very calming and relieves stress. Decoctions of sage and yarrow can be taken during the day or at bedtime. For rubdowns prepare a decoction of oak bark or use Apple vinegar.

If sweating at night is not associated with a disease, then it can be cured in conventional ways:

  • The room temperature during sleep should be maintained at 15-20 degrees Celsius.
  • Bed linen should be clean, with a pleasant smell, the blanket is not too heavy and warm. You can use bags of fragrant herbs, they help to relax and relieve stress.
  • Pajamas and underwear, it is better to choose from natural fabrics, they do not cause irritation and absorb moisture well.
  • Before going to bed, a bath with soothing decoctions is useful medicinal herbs(chamomile, string) or a warm shower, which must be completed with cool water to narrow the pores of the sweat glands.

Regular cold and hot shower will reduce excessive sweating

  • It is necessary to establish a diet, exclude spicy and sour dishes, tonic drinks (tea, coffee), alcohol.

Prevention of sweating includes comfortable sleep conditions, healthy lifestyle life, exclusion of bad habits and timely treatment underlying disease.

We must not forget that night sweats almost always indicate some problems in the human body that may be associated with external factors. If they are excluded, and sweating does not decrease and continues for a month, then you need to see a doctor and look for the true cause.

Ecology of Health: Have you ever wondered if it's normal to sweat while you sleep? In our article we will explain why this happens and how to deal with it.

If it's hot outside or you just got out of the gym, you won't be surprised to find yourself sweating more than usual. But have you ever wondered if it's normal to sweat while you sleep? In our article, we will tell you why this happens and how to deal with it.

Sweating is natural mechanism our body, whose function is to cool the body in time, for example, during extreme heat or exercise.

Of course, on a stuffy summer day or after a workout in the gym, no one will be surprised by excessive sweating, but sweating while sleeping is a completely different matter, because it can not only cause a lot of inconvenience, but also cause anxiety and anxiety.

Our article will help you answer many questions on this topic: you will find out the causes and symptoms of sweating during sleep and understand whether it is harmful to your body or not. So, is it normal to sweat while sleeping?

Why do I sweat while sleeping?

Sweating during sleep is a very unpleasant property. Indeed, who among us likes to wake up in the middle of the night in a puddle of sweat! To find out why you sweat while you sleep, you need to take into account all the possible reasons.

The first and most important aspect that you should pay attention to is the conditions in which you sleep, in particular the temperature of the room. However, heat is not the only external factor sweating during sleep: air humidity can also play an extremely important role. In addition, night sweats can be caused by an overly warm blanket or pajamas, an uncomfortable or old mattress, or extraneous noise in the room where you sleep.

If you often sweat at night, then in addition to monitoring the conditions and comfort of the body during sleep, you should also pay attention to your overall health. Have you recently switched to a new diet? Do you often feel tired and overwhelmed?

Night fever can be one of the flu symptoms: in this case, sweating is a normal reaction of the body to an infection. This means that excessive sweating during sleep can be caused by a fever, which in turn is a symptom of a cold or flu. However, if sweating continues for more than two or three nights, then you should seriously think about your health: perhaps this is a sign of some more dangerous disease.

One of the most common causes sweating during sleep is the onset of menopause, which is associated with significant hormonal changes in a woman's body. A sharp decrease in the production of estrogen (“female” hormones) can cause a malfunction of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for temperature control human body, as a result of which women often experience an unreasonable increase in temperature.

However, it cannot be said that hormonal disbalance can cause sweating during sleep only in the case of women, because the body of a man is also not protected from hormonal disorders.

Some of them, suffering from a lack of testosterone or taking drugs that block the production of " male hormone' may be subject to exactly the same problem. Many men may find it difficult to accept this fact, but the lack of androgens can actually lead to excessive sweating during sleep.

What else can make me sweat?

Many drugs can increase heartbeat promote the expansion of blood vessels, and this can cause increased sweating. Most often, these drugs are antipyretics or drugs for fever. As soon as we notice flu symptoms in ourselves, we immediately take aspirin, etc., without thinking at all that it can provoke a fever. Antidepressants are also classified as drugs that can cause excessive sweating.

Infectious diseases such as tuberculosis or AIDS can also cause you to sweat while you sleep. Fever, which usually goes hand in hand with sweating, usually occurs frequently in people with HIV. Hodgkin's disease, defeat lymph nodes, also referred to infectious diseases, which sometimes manifests itself in fever and sweating at night.

Consumption alcoholic beverages before bed is another reason why a person may sweat while sleeping. Of course, a glass of wine at night will help you sleep better, but recent medical research has shown that those who drink alcohol before bed are more likely to experience night sweats and headaches.

Besides, sweating during sleep can be caused by the consumption of spicy foods. Although you may not notice any changes while eating, your body may experience an increase in body temperature during the digestion of spicy food. According to doctors, caffeine can also cause an aggravation in those people who already suffer from excessive sweating.

Patients with hyperhidrosis also most often suffer from frequent and profuse sweating both day and night. If none of the above causes of sweating is right for you, get tested for hyperhidrosis. To do this, you will need to come to a consultation with a doctor and pass the necessary tests.

Natural remedies for night sweats

First of all, you should purchase a thermostat - a device for maintaining constant temperature body. Despite the fact that doctors recommend maintaining a certain body temperature, remember that everyone is different, and try to find a temperature that will be ideal for your body. If you sleep with your partner who prefers a higher or low temperature, try to use bed linen from different materials .

Try to remove from yourself everything that can cause stress and anxiety, because disorders of the nervous system can provoke active sweating both day and night. If you're getting married tomorrow or have a job interview ahead of you, don't be surprised if you're sweating more than usual. But if the sweating during sleep continues for several weeks, you should start worrying about your health.

Men who suffer from the so-called andropause, or male age-related menopause, can drink tea with black cohosh. Black cohosh- this medicinal plant from South America, which is used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. meadow clover - another medicinal plant that helps reduce sweating during sleep, although, according to medical research, clover is much inferior to black cohosh in its effectiveness.

This will be of interest to you:

Both men and women who are familiar with the problem of excessive sweating can take medicines based on sage And motherwort root because they have properties that can help fight night sweats. Sage tea is used to relax, relieve tension and stress, and motherwort, a mint-like plant, is considered the best remedy for the nervous system and circulation, and also helps to reduce sweating during sleep. published

Kalinov Yury Dmitrievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Sweating occurs in all people, regardless of the time of day. This is a natural function of the body, which is aimed at maintaining optimal body temperature. Even in cool weather, the body loses about 700-1000 ml of fluid, not to mention the warm season. At night, in a dream, a person also sweats, and this is normal. But there are times when in the morning the sheet and pillow are soaked through with excess sweat. It is important to find out why a person sweats so much in a dream, because increased sweating can be a symptom of a variety of diseases.

How much do you sweat at night?

Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

    Hard enough: pillow, sheet, blanket and hair are wet. 44%, 396 votes

    Suddenly there is a rush and head and shoulders sweat * 17%, 154 vote

    Slightly, sometimes the bed linen is a little damp. 17%, 152 vote

    Not much, only the T-shirt is wet. * 11%, 99 votes

    Very strong: the feeling that I wake up in a puddle. 11%, 95 votes


“I sweat a lot during sleep” is a fairly common complaint of men at the doctor’s office. Excessive sweating during sleep disturbs people at any age. It can be associated with external factors - stuffiness in the room, a hot blanket or the internal state of the body.

Increased sweating during sleep serious problem causing a lot of inconvenience. A man wakes up at night because he is hot, the pillow and sheets become wet. You have to get up, change bed linen, and then it is very difficult to fall asleep. As a result, a person does not get enough sleep, feels overwhelmed, which affects performance and general well-being.

People sweat all the time - morning, afternoon, evening and night. This is fine. But when a man wakes up in a sweat, this is considered a deviation. Increased sweating is a consequence, and the cause must be treated, so it is recommended to seek medical help.

Let's find out the causes of night hyperhidrosis - external and internal, and also find out what to do with night sweats?

Why do men sweat in their sleep?

Adult men sweat during sleep - this is the norm. But only in situations where the amount of sweat produced is within the allowable volumes. On average, this is 50 ml of liquid. And when a person wakes up, he does not feel the moisture of the body.

When the body is covered with profuse sticky sweat at night, and the pillow and sheets are covered with wet spots, you need to pay attention to your health. Especially in situations where such a picture is observed constantly.

However, it must be borne in mind that if in the sleeping room heat and/or humidity increased sweating may be due to these reasons. When the problem is not the climate, it is necessary to look for the cause of excessive sweating at night. Diseases that are accompanied by hyperhidrosis are not only dangerous for their complications, but can also be contagious.

Men sweat because of nightmares. They appear due to strong nervous tension, emotional experiences, unpleasant events during the day - a conflict with a girl, relatives, problems at work, physical trauma, etc.

If the cause is nightmares, you will need the help of a competent psychotherapist.

Causes of Excessive Night Sweating

When cold, sticky sweat covers the neck, face, and other parts of the body, this is just a symptom that indicates a malfunction in the body. The etiology of hyperhidrosis at night is diverse.

Hormonal imbalance. IN male body, as in the female, with the onset of a certain age, changes appear associated with a decrease in the concentration of testosterone - we are talking about the male menopause. Andropause is manifested by various symptoms, including increased sweating at night.

Diabetes - chronic illness, in which the utilization of sugar in the body of men is disturbed. At night, the concentration of glucose can drop sharply, which negatively affects the functioning of organs and systems, and may be accompanied by sweating. In medicine, this condition is called hypoglycemia.

When sweating during sleep, the following diseases can be suspected:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • cold;
  • angina;
  • Flu;
  • Cancer diseases;
  • neuropsychiatric disorder;
  • Astheno-neurotic syndrome, etc.

May also cause sweating unbalanced diet. The abuse of sweet, salty and spicy foods leads to increased production of subcutaneous fat, clogging of pores. The body, trying to "open" the pores and skin covering, begins to produce sweat quickly, which leads to excessive sweating at night.

Some medicines lead to excessive sweating. In this regard, the most dangerous drugs are sedative properties and antipyretic drugs.

External factors that provoke sweating at night

Before you go to see a doctor, you can independently figure out if the disease or the cause lies in other factors. Often, the pathogenesis of hyperhidrosis is based on external factors that are caused by bedding or underwear, the temperature in the sleeping room, etc.

Too warm blankets, pillows, terry bedding can cause sweating. Another reason may be night clothes made of non-natural material, which is poorly breathable and practically does not absorb liquids. In other words, the skin does not breathe, the effect of a steam room is manifested, which leads to a violation of thermoregulation and increased sweating.

Other causes of night sweats in men:

  1. High temperature in the sleeping room. Stuffiness in the room, especially at a time when a man is under a warm blanket, provokes increased sweating at night. Usually not only the back, chest and armpits sweat, but also the face, neck, head.
  2. Eating food just before bed. Eating at night is harmful not only for the figure, but also for the body as a whole. It is difficult for the stomach to digest food when a man is sleeping. This reveals the release of energy and fluid, which exits through the skin in the form. Excessive sweating provokes "heavy" food for the stomach and liver - fatty foods, sweets.

The consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to intense sweating.

Liquor expands blood vessels, which creates the illusion of warmth, the body is cooled by sweat.

What to do?

When it is not associated with pathologies, but provoked by external factors, then it is easy to get rid of the problem. When the room is hot, it is recommended to ventilate the room more often. The house can be hot in summer or winter when there is a lot of heating. You can open the hatch. It is recommended to buy a thermometer. The optimal temperature for sleeping is 18-22 degrees.

It is necessary to buy night and bed linen only from natural materials. It is better to buy two thin blankets than to hide behind one thick and voluminous one. This allows you to control the desired temperature.

You need to eat 2-3 hours before going to bed. Nutritionists talk about it. Compliance with the rule not only prevents nocturnal hyperhidrosis, but also promotes weight loss.

Here are some tips to help you stop sweating while you sleep:

  • Bathroom with essential oils before bedtime. Water treatment relieves fatigue, promotes relaxation, normalizes the emotional background;
  • Sports. Energy that finds no outlet daytime, appears at night as bad dreams. But before going to bed, activity should be reduced, because the body heats up due to the load, which is manifested by increased sweating.

Hygiene helps reduce the degree of hyperhidrosis. The less often a man washes, the more polluted the skin. The body tries to cleanse the pores, intensely secretes sweat.

Before going to bed, you can take a bath or a contrast shower.

Methods for the treatment of nocturnal hyperhidrosis

There are two ways to eliminate night sweats - folk and medical methods. In the second case, they use medical antiperspirants, Botox injections, taking medications, specialized creams, pastes, and other products that are focused on reducing sweating.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes that reduce sweat production. Well help baths based on oak and willow bark. We need two liters hot water add 200 g of ingredients, simmer over low heat for an hour, filter. Pour the decoction into a half-filled bath. The duration of the manipulation is 20-25 minutes.

Sweating at night while sleeping is a problem that worries many. But it is not always the result of a serious illness, in which you need to see a doctor. Sweating a lot is not a pathology at all. Therefore, in most cases, this problem can be solved independently at the household level.

Types of excessive sweating

Abundant sweating can be carried out through any parts of the body where sweat glands are present. In general, there are two types of this phenomenon:

  1. General hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating observed throughout the body, that is, in armpits, back, head, torso, inguinal folds, etc.
  2. Local hyperhidrosis - only the head sweats.

Another classification involves the division of hyperhidrosis, depending on the causes of sweating in sleep:

  • Primary - the cause is the individual characteristics of a person, his emotional mood (for example, if I sweat at night due to nightmares);
  • Secondary - in this case, sweating in a dream occurs against the background of any disease.

Provoking factors

To treat the problem, you must first understand why a person sweats at night. The main reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  1. Using a very warm blanket and other bedding. The blanket may not let the air through at all, so that even in winter it will cause sweating during sleep. Therefore, you need to carefully choose this product. Particular attention should be focused on the quality of this accessory if it is cheap and made using artificial fillers, such as synthetic winterizer. Also, if a person sweats a lot while sleeping, it can be caused by using sheets with terrycloths. They disrupt the thermoregulation of the body, which leads to excessive sweating.
  2. Heavy sweating during sleep may be due to poor nightwear. So, pajamas and other underwear made of synthetic materials and even silk and satin can cause heavy sweating at night. Therefore, it is worth changing this underwear to cotton and see if the situation changes.
  3. The temperature in the bedroom. Very often, increased sweating during sleep is associated with not very comfortable air temperature. Normally, the room should be about 20 degrees Celsius. Also, the room must be constantly ventilated before going to bed, so that it is enough fresh air. If this is not done, problems with the skin and other organs of the body will begin. As a result, this will result in excessive sweating, as well as other possible problems with skin.
  4. malnutrition and bad habits. Those who suffer from hyperhidrosis and consume spicy and spicy foods, chocolate, carbonated drinks and alcohol before bed are advised to avoid these foods. They dilate the walls of blood vessels, which increases local blood flow. In order to normalize the temperature of the blood, the body has to start the process of sweating.

Hyperhidrosis and internal diseases

If excessive night sweats persist after lifestyle changes, it is still recommended to see a doctor. After all, sometimes this problem is associated with serious malfunctions inside the body or even with the presence of hidden internal pathologies.

First of all, it should be noted that slight sweating at night - normal process, which provides thermoregulation of the body, maintains the temperature of the blood within the required limits. But sometimes there is a failure, and the sweat glands begin to work excessively.

So, if there is an infection in the body, a process known as fever begins. The body temperature rises significantly, so the mechanism of increased sweating is triggered in order, firstly, to maintain temperature values ​​​​within acceptable limits, and secondly, to remove toxins and other waste products of bacteria. If fever manifests itself, it is important to find out its causes. After all, it can be like a cold, or more serious illness(tuberculosis, AIDS). It is profuse sweating at night that forces specialists to prescribe a number of procedures, in particular, x-rays of the lungs, in order to exclude tuberculosis.

More a rare cause excessive sweating at night is the presence of oncological formation (lymphoma, pheochromocytoma and other tumors). The thermoregulation center is affected, which leads to malfunctions in its work. Often the patient lives for years with this problem and does not even realize that he has an oncological process. Of all types of tumor excessive sweating most often accompanies lymphogranulomatosis and other similar tumors.

The presence of excessive sweating during sleep can also indicate problems in endocrine system- metabolic disorders, hormonal failure, pathology of the glands. For example, this phenomenon may indicate the development of thyroid diseases, diabetes and other diseases.

Excessive sweating and other diseases

There are many other reasons that cause excessive sweating at night. For example, it may be associated with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. This manifests itself in tachycardia, respiratory arrest at night, hypertension and other phenomena.

Often, night sweats are associated with psycho-emotional deviations in the patient. For example, he may experience stress, anxiety, overwork and other problems. As a result of this, an excess amount of adrenaline is released, which must be removed with sweat drops to the outside. These are minimal disorders, but more serious ones are possible - hysteria, depression, schizophrenia, nervous exhaustion And so on. They also lead to serious disruptions in the thermoregulation of the body.

Autoimmune diseases are another cause of hyperhidrosis. The problem arises against the backdrop of acute rheumatic fever, multiple sclerosis, aortoarteritis and other pathologies.

calls sharp highlight adrenaline into the blood, leading to short-term stress. After that, the body begins to sweat excessively.

Some medications also stimulate night sweats. Most often, this is done by cytostatics, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs.

Measures to combat excessive sweating at night

If the problem of excessive sweating at night worries constantly, it needs to be addressed, because it causes some discomfort to the patient and his partner. To begin with, you can use the methods of independent struggle, and if they do not help, then you should consult a doctor. In general, all methods of treating this problem can be divided into several types:

  • folk methods of treatment;
  • medical approaches;
  • cosmetic techniques and tools.

Before you decide which of the above methods to use in your case, you need to try to understand why there was increased sweating during sleep. After that, it is worth eliminating the factors that caused it, and then treating the problem itself. But we must remember that permanent hyperhidrosis indicates a possible serious pathology. And this means that it is better to go to the doctors for a consultation. They will help you find out if there are any severe illness. If they are not there, to get rid of hyperhidrosis, you can follow the following recommendations:

  1. It is recommended to take a warm bath every time before going to bed. Thanks to this procedure, the pores will expand, and excess moisture will be removed from the body through them. Next, it is worth treating the skin with cooler water so that the pores narrow.
  2. Relaxing herbal baths are a great solution. They can also be taken in the evening.
  3. Analyze your diet. Eliminate spicy dishes from it in the evening. Dinner is recommended to be made as light as possible, excluding heavy foods. In addition, do not drink alcohol in the evening.
  4. Purchase sage herb and make a decoction out of it. The tool is recommended to use every day for a glass for two weeks. Thanks to the use of sage nervous system calms down, put in order, which is reflected in sweating.
  5. Another remedy for excessive sweating is a decoction of oak bark. Cooking medicinal product and rub it on the skin before going to bed. Alternatively, apple cider vinegar can be used.
  6. It is also worth choosing a good antiperspirant deodorant. Thanks to its use, the pores will narrow, which will positively affect the work of the sweat glands. It is necessary to choose the deodorant that is optimal in composition, and then sweating can be reduced by 10-20 times. It is best to use sprays, as they are convenient. But keep in mind that over time, the skin gets used to the deodorant, and it is no longer so effective.

Much more effective are many cosmetic products, as this industry does not stand still. So, with severe hyperhidrosis, you can make several injections of special drugs that will permanently relieve sweating at night. Injections are carried out in the armpits, palms, as well as in other parts of the body. At the same time, such an intervention will not be expensive. Usually, positive effect lasts up to six months, after which the injections are repeated.
