Meadow clover: medicinal properties of the plant and contraindications, application features. Description and medicinal properties of meadow clover

Red clover has medicinal properties - it contains many important nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C, niacin, thiamine, and magnesium. Moreover, red clover is good source isoflavones, which have a positive effect on the body.

Clover has long been used in medical purposes for the treatment of skin inflammation, whooping cough and respiratory diseases.

Meadow clover is used in traditional herbal medicine to treat the following diseases and disorders:

  • Acne;
  • Allergies;
  • Inflammation of the skin;
  • Diseases of bones and joints;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Detoxification of the body;
  • Diseases of the digestive system;
  • Eczema;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Fibroids;
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Headache;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Joint pain
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Vascular disease.

Drinking red clover inside

Ingestion of teas, broths and greens of red meadow clover helps to heal the body.

  1. Eases menopausal symptoms. Isoflavones found in red clover eliminate night sweats and hot flashes associated with menopause.
  2. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Isoflavones in the plant prevent bone loss by increasing markers of bone formation.
  3. Strengthens the blood vessels of the heart. Clover increases the amount of lipoproteins high density("Good" cholesterol). Makes the arteries flexible and strong, thins the blood, and prevents blood clots.
  4. Helps fight cancer. Isoflavones in red clover prevent growth cancer cells protecting against prostate and endometrial cancer.
  5. Red clover is traditionally used in folk medicine for the treatment of whooping cough and respiratory diseases. Herbalists suggest drinking tea brewed with red clover to help relieve coughs due to colds or flu. Red clover has antispasmodic and expectorant properties that make it useful as a treatment for coughs, bronchitis, and whooping cough. It has also been used as a medicine for colds, asthma, and tuberculosis.
  6. Strengthening immunity. If you consume red clover greens, you are much more likely to get a high dose of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful booster. immune system, and helps to stimulate the production of white blood cells. A healthy dose of antioxidants can be obtained from red clover leaves steeped in tea. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals that cause degenerative diseases and cell mutations. The general immune boost of red clover is involved in preventing viral and bacterial infections.
  7. Stops skin aging. Menopause is often accompanied by many problems such as loss of skin collagen, skin firmness and moisture. This is due to a drop in estrogen levels. Red clover slows down the aging process of the skin due to its estrogen-like effects, which helps to maintain youthful skin. It also provides adequate skin thickness, healthy keratinization and blood circulation to the epidermis.
  8. Treats infertility. Women suffering from low level estrogen, infertility, premature menopause and recurrent miscarriage, can use red clover as a remedy.

Topical treatment with meadow red clover

  1. Poultices made from red clover tea are applied to the site of irritation, relieving discomfort and speeding up healing.
  2. Accelerates the healing of wounds and burns. Local application red clover helps to heal skin damage faster.
  3. Hair Benefits: Strengthens hair. Red clover tea is an effective hair rinse that prevents dandruff and scalp irritation. This remedy softens hair, gives it shine and volume, makes it manageable.

How to use meadow red clover

For food

The flower heads and leaves of red clover can be eaten fresh and used in salads. The flower heads are rather sweet and pleasant taste... They can also be added to soups or stews.

During famines in the past, clover flowers were used to make cereals and bake bread.

Meadow red clover tea

Clover flowers work well for making tea on their own or in combination with other herbs.

  • you need to take one or two teaspoons with a slide of dried herb;
  • add clover to a glass of boiling water;
  • brew for 10 minutes, then strain.

The usual therapeutic dose is 3 to 4 cups per day.

Tincture of red meadow clover

How to make red clover tincture, ingredients:

  • Dry red clover flowers;
  • Diluted rubbing alcohol up to 40 degrees;
  • Dark glass jar with a lid;
  • Medical bandage or gauze;
  • Wide bowl.


  1. Place the flowers in a jar and fill with alcohol, which should completely cover them.
  2. Close the jar with a lid and place the container in a dark place.
  3. Leave to infuse for 6 weeks, shaking the jar periodically.
  4. Constantly check the alcohol level in the tincture. If there is a shortage of it, add still diluted alcohol to the container.
  5. After 6 weeks, open the jar and strain with gauze into a clean container (bowl).
  6. Pour the tincture into small glass bottles for easy use.

For adults only: 2-6 ml of tincture, three times a day, or drink one teaspoon of the tincture 2 or 3 times a day. Follow the instructions for use if you buy a tincture at a pharmacy.

Red Clover Compress

Prepare red clover tea and while it is still hot, dampen a cotton cloth in it. Apply to a sore spot for 5 minutes.

Contraindications for the use of red clover

Side effects from red clover are generally uncommon. They include painful sensations in the breasts, changes in menstruation and weight gain.

  1. Red clover extracts have been linked to interactions with blood thinning agents such as warfarin and some hormonal methods treatment.
  2. The plant contains coumarin, which can be converted to dicumarol when the herb is dried.
  3. Red clover should not be used before or after surgery.
  4. Recommended to be avoided by women with a history of breast cancer, pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  5. Women applying birth control pills and hormonal drugs should consult a doctor before using red clover. Women with an excess of estrogen in the body should use the plant with caution.
  6. People who are allergic to peanuts should avoid eating red clover as they are related plants.

Video - medicinal properties and contraindications of red clover

Red clover (shamrock), which is popularly called funny name"Kashka" is a fodder and melliferous plant, the distribution area of ​​which is the entire European part of Russia, the Caucasus, middle Asia, Western and Eastern Siberia, Far East.

It is known that about 200 botanical varieties of this herb grow in nature. But the most popular is the red (meadow) clover, which, with its bright appearance, is not only able to decorate a lawn or lawn, but can also become an excellent help in the struggle for human health and longevity.

Red clover meadow: description, composition, photo

Blooming clover fields create landscapes of incredible beauty. Red or crimson shades of round heads-inflorescences, bright green shamrock-shaped leaves, located on a straight stalk, densely cover the surface of the earth, creating a real living carpet. The plant belongs to perennials, reaches a height of up to 80 cm, blooms in early summer, and in August bears small spherical fruits, for which it belongs to the legume family.

Red meadow clover is rich in nutrients, making it a valuable pet food. But it contains many substances and compounds that are useful to the human body.

  • Clover contains a full complex of B vitamins, vitamin C, retinol, tocopherol.
  • It contains a lot of essential oil that relieves pain and inflammation.
  • There are flavonoids and glycosides that have a positive effect on blood vessels and the work of the heart muscle, have an antispasmodic effect.
  • There are fatty oils and organic acids - compounds that regulate human metabolism.

In addition, the plant contains tannins, salicylic acid, tannins, alkaloids, amino acids, fiber, a small amount of resins. Thanks to such a diverse composition, a seemingly simple porridge can be safely called a unique gift of nature, capable of both feeding and curing any living creature.

Red clover in folk medicine

In folk medicine healing qualities clovers are used to provide anti-inflammatory, astringent, blood-purifying, hypotensive, antiseptic, regenerating and fortifying action... Decoctions based on it have a mild diuretic and diaphoretic effect, which allows the plant to be used to relieve puffiness and in the treatment of colds.

Experienced naturopaths also know about the benefits of external use of the trefoil, which is especially pronounced in the treatment and prevention of joint ailments, as well as in the treatment of any kind of skin inflammation.

Useful properties for women with menopause

The composition of red meadow clover contains plant estrogens, which in their effect on the body are almost similar to female sex hormones. This property makes porridge a truly "feminine" herb that can cope with many unpleasant symptoms caused by unstable hormonal levels or the onset of menopause.

Why is the technique useful? dosage forms clovers for women?

  1. It soothes nervous system, reduces excitability and tendency to hysteria.
  2. Restores normal blood circulation to the mucous membranes, thereby eliminating the feeling of discomfort in the intimate area.
  3. Has a beneficial effect on the condition Bladder helping to avoid problems with deurination.
  4. Sex drive returns.
  5. The condition of hair and skin improves.
  6. Signs go away chronic fatigue, efficiency increases.

Important! Phytoestrogens help a woman feel better, return well-being and mood. However, an overabundance of these compounds can cause disruption. thyroid gland and negatively affect the entire endocrine system.

Red clover during pregnancy

As already mentioned, plant estrogens, which are part of red clover, can greatly affect the hormonal background of a woman. Some adherents natural treatment are sure that if you take broths of porridge strictly dosed and do not exceed the course of treatment, the plant will not harm the future mother, and during breastfeeding will even improve lactation. But most experienced herbalists do not advise using this herb during pregnancy, so as not to threaten the correct intrauterine development baby.

Clover, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are due to the presence of flavonoids and phytoestrogens in its composition, is recommended as active additive to food for some hormonal disorders associated with the onset of menopause. If stored improperly, medicinal raw materials can cause irreparable harm to health. Flowers of red and white clover used in folk medicine for the treatment of bronchi and diseases of the internal female genital organs located in the pelvic region. Meadow clover is used by pharmaceutical factories to prepare different forms and is recommended by official medicine for hormonal disorders.

Why is the plant useful

Meadow clover is used more often than white creeping clover, which contains the same useful components, but in smaller quantities. Fresh Juice white clover is used externally in folk medicine to treat skin diseases, wounds, burns. It helps with treatment rheumatic symptoms and will help stop the bleeding.

Red clover the largest number active components are found in the stems and roots, but for home treatment, if you turn to folk practice, collect flowers with upper leaves. The aerial part of the plant and the root contain:

  • essential oil;
  • isoflavones;
  • carotene;
  • coumarins;
  • trace elements;
  • various vitamins;
  • saponins;
  • steroids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • flavonoids;
  • phenol carboxylic acids;
  • quinones.

The benefits of red clover for female body due to the presence in it of four hormone-like substances that slow down the aging process. With individual intolerance, taking the extract can be harmful due to the large amount of phytohormones.

Preparations made on the basis of this herb can also be used by men. The benefit of the extract is that it suppresses testosterone production in adolescents suffering from oily seborrhea and juvenile eels. Clover supplementation is beneficial for young men who are oversupplied. male hormone leads to persistent acne and early baldness.

Any kind of clover (both red and white) folk healers recommended to use for healing the body. Infusion of flowers and upper leaves helps:

  • cleanse the body after chemical intoxication;
  • increase protective functions;
  • make up for the lack of nutrients with a poor diet;
  • remove an acute allergic reaction;
  • improve the condition skin with dermatitis, psoriasis and seborrhea;
  • remove from cells excess water and remove puffiness;
  • reduce the number of relapses in asthma;
  • improve health in menopause.

Although mainstream medicine believes that both red clover and white clover have minimal health benefits and may be harmful, women use this herb to reduce symptoms during menopause and receive significant relief from herbal medicine.

When should the plant be applied

White clover in official medicine not recommended for use, and research has not been conducted with it. Observations of the experimental groups allowed us to find out when you can get the undoubted benefit from taking the extract of red clover. Medicinal plant recommended for:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • osteoporosis;
  • the risk of cardiovascular complications;
  • liming vessels;
  • problems with visual-spatial function;
  • menopause;
  • bronchial disease.

Extracts prepared at home can be taken up to six months. So long-term treatment recommended if such pathological conditions the body, as precancerous diseases of the breast, excessive sweating and nervousness accompanying menopause.

Despite the presence of a large amount of hormone-like substances in the plant, clover extract will be useless for female infertility. Active ingredients cannot stimulate the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones.

Can grass be hazardous to health?

Clover extract can harm pregnant women, causing a risk of miscarriage. Nursing mothers, using an infusion of herbs rich in phytoestrogens, can harm the baby, causing him to have long-term disruption in the functioning of the organs of internal secretion.

Official medicine warns that the uncontrolled use of clover preparations long time in large volumes can cause profuse bleeding.

The active ingredient in the plant, coumarin, has the ability to strongly thin the blood, preventing the formation of platelets. This effect of the active substance can be dangerous with weak vessels and increased blood pressure which the clover is unable to regulate.

Only dry crushed raw materials, which were prepared with violations of technology, have the ability to strongly thin the blood. If, during drying, the flowers and leaves of the plant were affected by microscopic mold fungi, then the resulting raw material will contain toxic toxins, which, in combination with coumarin, strongly thin the blood. In order not to cause such harm to the body, it is recommended to use only fresh flowers and leaves for the preparation of various forms.

To get the expected benefits of red or white clover extract, you need to collect 100 inflorescences and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. This amount is enough to get daily dose phytoestrogens. The treatment with fresh flower extract can be continued until this plant blooms in the meadow.

For those who do not have the ability to constantly collect raw materials for daily consumption, it can be recommended to do alcohol tincture filling a glass vessel with flowers and filling them with vodka. To obtain safe dry raw materials, you need to collect clover flowers in dry weather and dry them in an oven at 60 ° C. Store medicinal raw materials in glass jars for one year.


Meadow clover (another name - red clover, popularly also called porridge, red-head, bee bread or stables) is a plant from the genus "Clover" of the legume family.

It is widespread in the old world - it grows throughout Europe, as well as in adjacent to it North Africa and Asia. It also grows on Far East and in Kamchatka.

What are medicinal properties flowers of red meadow clover, the benefits and harms of the plant, what do the reviews say and what are the contraindications to the use of the herb? Let's sort everything out on the shelves!

Where to look, procurement methods

It is a perennial (sometimes a biennial plant) can be found in meadows and glades, as well as along roads. Kashka prefers soils of medium moisture.

For decorative purposes, this plant is sometimes planted on lawns and household plots - it is unpretentious and at the same time has a spectacular and attractive appearance.

Also, this grass is grown in fields and pastures at farms in order to improve crop rotation or use it as livestock feed.

Flowering takes place from June to September, and the fruits ripen in autumn.- in September or October. Red clover is a real decoration of meadows, a valuable melliferous plant and an excellent source of useful vitamins and trace elements.

Collection and drying

Harvesting must be done during its maximum flowering.... To do this, you need to choose dry days and places away from the roads. It is not recommended to wash plant materials after harvesting before drying.

It is necessary to carefully cut off the flowering tops of the bushes together with the leaves surrounding them, while leaving a significant part of the shoot so that it can grow further.

Collected raw materials can be dried in the shade in a ventilated area... Another option is to place it in a dryer at a temperature of about 65 ° C.

Human health benefits

Clover is rich in nutrients- its flowers contain vitamins, essential oils, carotene and isoflavonoids.

Means made from it at home can be used:

There are many preparations made from gruel that are used to treat various diseases.

These include:

What is useful for women

Clover will help women in suffering from irregular and painful periods.

To get rid of these problems will help the regular use of a decoction prepared from the flowers of this plant.

In addition, meadow gruel products can be used as an adjunct therapy for oncological diseases mammary glands and ovaries.

They are also used for uterine bleeding, leucorrhoea, vulvitis.

During pregnancy, the use of traditional medicine made from red clover is contraindicated.

For men

Meadow gruel products can be used to restore potency and enhance sexual energy in men.

For kids

If a child suffers skin rashes clover baths can help.

In order to make them, it is necessary to prepare a decoction for external use according to the recipe, which is given below, and add the resulting product to the water when bathing the baby.

In what form to use


2 tablespoons of dried flowers are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, and then insist for 1 hour. After that, the infusion is filtered.

It should be taken 3 times a day, half a glass after meals.


For external use... Pour boiling water over the dried flowers: there should be 3 tablespoons of plant materials for 1 glass of water. After that, the broth must be boiled for 1 minute, and then let it brew for another 2 hours.

For oral administration... The flowers of the meadow gruel must be poured with boiling water so that 1 tablespoon of plant materials falls on 1 glass of water.

After that, the broth must be boiled for a minute, and then let it brew for 1 hour. They drink this remedy up to 3 times a day after breakfast, lunch and dinner, half a glass at a time.


Also you can make an alcoholic tincture(attention, there are contraindications!).

To do this, the flowers must be poured with alcohol or vodka diluted up to forty-degree fortress at the rate of 0.5 liters per 4 tablespoons of raw materials.

After that, the agent must be allowed to brew for 10 days.

Culinary recipes

Red clover heads can be used to make a refreshing drink, which also has medicinal properties.

To do this, pour the collected inflorescences with water at the rate of 1 liter per 200 g of plant material and boil for several minutes over low heat.

After that, the drink must be filtered and put into the refrigerator - it must be drunk chilled, adding honey to it.

Such a broth is perfect for drinking instead of water or juice, it is not only tasty, but also possesses useful properties clover.

Besides, this plant can be used in salads and soups and also as a side dish.

Salad with leaves

For 100 g of young leaves of gruel, you need to take 130 g of chopped boiled potatoes and the same amount - as well as one boiled egg... Salad should be salted, seasoned with vegetable oil and mayonnaise to taste.

Garnish for meat or fish

To prepare one portion, you need to take 250 g of clover leaves, simmer them over low heat in oil and water (200 ml of water and 50-60 g of oil). In the garnish, add cumin, pepper to taste, Bay leaf and salt.

After that, the resulting dish can be seasoned; mayonnaise is suitable for this, tomato sauce or vegetable oil.


How to cook clover cutlets will be described in the “Useful Tips” program:

Potential harm

What are the benefits of red meadow clover, what are the useful and healing properties colors, we figured it out, now it's worth talking about contraindications.

The use of gruel can cause side effects ... The most common of them are:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • muscle pain.

If one or more of these problems occur, it is recommended consult a specialist or refrain from using products from this plant.

Red clover treatment also has contraindications. The main ones include:

  • heart diseases;
  • stomach diseases;
  • the recovery period after a stroke;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • estrogen-independent forms of cancer.

Pregnant women should not use infusions, decoctions and other clover products., as they can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

You also need to keep in mind that clover can cause reactions of individual intolerance... In the event of severe allergic reactions, you should immediately stop using clover medicines.

moisten cotton swabs and apply them over the eyes for 20 minutes.

After this time, you can rinse your face with a decoction and, without rinsing it off with water, let the skin dry.

For hair care

3 large tablespoons of clover flowers need to be poured with 2 cups of boiling water, close the lid, let it brew for 3 hours.

The resulting product must be applied to the scalp., for best effect this should be done every day.

At regular use infusion of gruel will help strengthen the curls, give them a healthy look, shine and elasticity.

Opinions of those who have tried

shevva: And I used clover during breastfeeding, it improves lactation, milk becomes tender and fatty with it. I collect the grass myself during its flowering, usually in July. I'm going to try it soon for face and hand care.

Lezera: Meadow clover is affordable and effective remedy... I use decoctions from it to strengthen the immune system and with heavy periods. But during pregnancy, this herb should not be used. Recently my husband started drinking clover to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol. Let's see what the result will be.

svetik: I use clover to treat colds and sore throats. He helped me get rid of severe staphylococcal sore throat, while I drank it along with a tincture made from birch buds. It is sometimes difficult to find clover in pharmacies, but you should definitely do it!

Clover- this is the decoration of every flowering meadow, its spherical, deep pale pink flowers throughout the summer perfectly contrast with the green of the grasses. We are also talking about melliferous grass (many people, as children, tried to suck the sweet nectar from flowers).

In folk medicine, meadow clover is known as medicinal herb, the effects of which on health have been proven for generations. The advantage of the plant is that it does not have any unpleasant side effects, and the tea from it is quite tasty.

Effects of clover on health: properties that heals

Clover renders positive influence on the body both for external and internal use. The main therapeutic effects:

Where does clover grow: picking and drying

Lugovoi(Red) Clover grows in many places - in fields, gardens, meadows, open grassy areas. The plant is not demanding on growing conditions, it can bloom from the very lowlands to places high above sea level.

Due to the relatively abundant distribution of the grass and the duration of its flowering (almost all summer), everyone can make a reserve for later use. The entire aerial part of the plant has healing properties, but a greater percentage nutrients concentrated in flowers that are collected during peak flowering. Inflorescences that begin to dry out and acquire brown spots are not suitable for collection and harvesting. Only fully flowering tops should be collected, carefully cutting them off the plant (you can with several adjacent leaves).

Drying carried out by decomposing flowers in a thin layer in the shade or in a well-ventilated area.

It is important to keep the herb away from moisture and pests during storage, so you should put it in a closed jar and put it in a dry place. Then the clover will not lose its beneficial properties.

Clover tea recipes: how to brew

The preparation of meadow clover tea depends on whether it is used internally or externally.

Clover tea for indoor use. You need:

  • 2 tsp dried or fresh flowers;
  • 250 ml boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the raw materials and leave for 10 minutes, then strain and drink. V therapeutic purposes it is recommended to drink tea 2 times a day. For the prevention of health problems, 1 time is enough.

Clover tea for external use. You need:

  • 2 tbsp flowers;
  • 300 ml boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the raw materials and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes, then strain and use for washing wounds and localizations of skin diseases. Do not rinse with water!

What does meadow (red) clover help from: application

Diarrhea and gastrointestinal catarrh

For human health, the most useful is the disinfecting effect of the substances contained in meadow clover. Due to these effects, the plant is widely used to treat catarrh and unpleasant infections. digestive tract... Clover has a beneficial effect on problems such as:

  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal colic;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • food poisoning.

Of course, the treatment of such gastrointestinal disorders must be accompanied by an appropriate diet and increased fluid intake.

Detoxification of the body

The disinfecting effect of meadow clover is favorably combined with the effect of detoxifying the body and purifying the blood. Due to these properties, it is recommended to add this herb to cleansing tea blends. The plant has a beneficial effect on lymphatic system and helps to eliminate sedimentary toxins. Such effects help to relieve the condition of rheumatism and gout; clover tea is also recommended for diabetics.

Treatment of cough, rhinitis and bronchitis

The disinfecting and detoxifying effects of meadow clover are beneficial in treating respiratory ailments such as colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and flu. Active substances Plants help to neutralize infectious pathogens and eliminate burdensome toxins, shorten the duration, facilitate the course and accelerate the treatment of diseases.

Beneficial effect on the skin

Meadow clover is widely used to treat skin conditions such as some types of eczema, minor skin lesions, acne, rashes, etc. The main beneficial effect in these cases is the disinfecting effect, which helps to accelerate the healing of lesions, prevent their further spread and reappearance... From decoctions of dry and fresh clover flowers, baths, rinses or compresses are made.

Problems associated with menopause

Meadow (red) clover is an effective remedy for women's health with menopause. Clover is often found in herbal teas to relieve problems associated with climacteric... Many women confirm that after prolonged and regular use of clover tea or mixtures with its content, their health condition is noticeably improved, they feel more balanced. The herb helps to alleviate the unpleasant accompanying problems of menopause, in particular insomnia, hot flashes, sudden feelings of nausea, etc. However, in addition to its medicinal properties, red clover also has contraindications for women.

Contraindications and harm

As well as positive effects meadow clover on the state of health, it should be borne in mind and contraindications to its use. These include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding- the plant contains substances that have an effect similar to estrogen, which can cause a violation hormonal background during these periods (contraindication includes external use);
  • the use of meadow (red) clover for blood vessels, as there is a violation of blood clotting. Meadow clover promotes blood thinning, therefore its use is not recommended for people with liquid blood and before surgery(2-3 weeks before the planned intervention);
  • period after a stroke;
  • estrogen-dependent oncology.

Caution should be exercised by people prone to allergic reactions- they may have side effects in the form of rashes and redness of the skin. In all other cases, the use of meadow clover is completely harmless.

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