Seborrhea: scalp, face, symptoms and treatment of oily and dry seborrhea. Can seborrheic dermatitis be cured forever on the head?

70% of the world's population is faced with this unpleasant disease, how seborrheic dermatitis heads. The risk group mainly includes men who have reached the age of forty, who have problems with the sebaceous glands in the head area. However, young people and even babies can also undergo seborrhea.

Seborrheic dermatitis of the head is a pathology that occurs against the background of the inflammatory process of the skin in those places where they are located sebaceous glands... The disease often becomes chronic. Exacerbates in the spring or winter.

To say that seborrhea gives the patient discomfort is to say nothing, because a person who is faced with this problem truly suffers from severe itching of the scalp, pain from the resulting boils and hair loss that accompanies seborrhea.

The peculiarity of seborrheic dermatitis of the head is that it is very easy to confuse it with others. skin diseases, such as:

  • Eczema- on the head, the formation of papules, scales and crusts begins on the head;
  • Psoriasis- peeling appears on the scalp, but they do not cause such severe itching as seborrhea;
  • Lichen- scaling in the form of plaques forms on the scalp.

In this article, we will look at why seborrheic dermatitis occurs and how to treat it.

Causes of scalp seborrhea

In the sebaceous areas of the skin of every person lives a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia furfur. It is he who causes the development of seborrheic dermatitis of the head, if favorable conditions are created for this. What factors can contribute to this:

  1. Hormonal disruption in the human body

The point is that the functioning sebaceous glands depends on the full work of sex hormones. If a woman has low level estrogen and increased - testosterone, then the risk of developing seborrhea in her is very high. The same goes for men who have female hormone in the body prevails over the male.

In addition, problems with hormones can occur after childbirth, problems with the thyroid gland, due to pathologies of the organs of the genitourinary system.

  1. Nervous disorders, severe stress

As a rule, people who are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, psychosis, epilepsy and encephalitis face seborrheic dermatitis of the head.

  1. The presence of the immunodeficiency virus in the human body

Against the background of a decrease in immunity, a favorable environment arises for the vital activity of all living microorganisms in the human body, including for Malassezia furfur.

According to medical statistics, 40% of those infected HIV people suffer from seborrhea of ​​the head, and the percentage of those who have already been diagnosed with AIDS is 90%.

  1. Diseases digestive system

When some organ of the digestive system is functioning defectively due to illness (gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis), the intestinal mucosa automatically loses its ability to neutralize poisons, eliminate toxins and synthesize antibodies. Against this background, dysbiosis occurs and immunity decreases, as a result of which seborrheic dermatitis develops.

  1. Taking medications that contain components that stimulate the action of the fungus

Most often, these are preparations containing hormones, due to which the sebaceous glands begin to work harder.

  1. Abuse of the use of alkaline hygiene products

If you often use shampoos and balms, dye your hair, you can completely destroy the natural environment. skin scalp, because of which it will begin to peel off, dandruff will appear and seborrhea will develop.

Varieties of seborrhea on the head, photo

Seborrhea on the head can manifest itself in three main forms:

  • Bold- when casts of dandruff form on the head, sticking to the roots oily hair... Because of this, the hair cannot grow normally, it becomes thinner and falls out, leading to alopecia.

  • Dry- when the patient experiences a feeling of tightness of the scalp after each hair wash. Profuse dandruff appears, accompanied by severe itching.

  • Mixed- when an oily form of seborrheic dermatitis develops on one part of the scalp, and dry on the other.

Scalp seborrhea symptoms

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp completely depend on the stage of the disease:

  1. Light - only dandruff appears on the head
  2. Severe, in which the symptoms of the disease appear in the form of such complications:
  • The skin on the head turns red and itches severely;
  • When scratching the scalp, swelling and bleeding cracks may occur;
  • The scalp begins to peel off strongly, and scales form in the sebaceous zones, which, when severe inflammation may fester.

Examination for seborrheic dermatitis

If you experience any of the listed symptoms, then you urgently need to contact skin and venereal hospital for a dermatologist to examine you and prescribe the necessary laboratory tests:

  • Scraping off scales on the scalp, if any
  • A blood test to determine the level of glucose and hormones in it
  • Stool analysis for dysbiosis

If the test results indicate a concomitant pathology that could cause seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, then you will be referred to the appropriate specialists for comprehensive treatment.

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the head

Seborrhea treatment scalp is a complex multicomponent process involving several stages:

  1. Treatment of a disease that triggered the development of seborrheic dermatitis on the head
  2. Passing drug therapy, which helps to increase immunity
  3. Dieting
  4. The use of pharmacological and folk remedies
  5. Physiotherapy

We will not dwell on the characteristics of the treatment of diseases that caused seborrhea, because they may be great amount... Let's go straight to the description medications, which are prescribed to patients who are diagnosed with seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

How to treat seborrhea of ​​the scalp with medication

A patient with seborrheic dermatitis will be prescribed a wide range of drugs that need to be taken in combination. This list includes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antihistamines and hyposensitizing... They are filming inflammatory process and itching. Can be given as a pill or injection for treatment of dry scalp seborrhea... Most often these are injections from:
  • Clemastine
  • Chloropyramine
  • Loratadina
  • Calcium gluconate
  • Sodium thiosulfate

  1. Antifungal... They stop Malassezia furfur from functioning. Available as tablets, shampoos or ointments based on:
  • Clotrimazole
  • Ketoconazole
  • Fluconazole
  1. Glucocorticoid... Their action is also aimed at relieving skin inflammation in treatment of oily scalp seborrhea... Do not use without antifungal drugs. Most often, patients are prescribed:
  • Beclomethasone with clotrimazole or salicylic acid
  • Mometasone with salicylic acid

  1. Keratolytic... These medications soften the scales so they flake off the scalp. The most popular remedy having this effect is urea.
  2. Antibacterial. This group of drugs mainly includes antibiotics:
  • Metacyclin
  • Metronidazole

How to treat seborrheic dermatitis with diet?

  • Large amount of liquid. It can be juices, ordinary natural water, unsweetened tea, fruit drinks.
  • Low-fat meats - chicken, beef, rabbit and turkey, boiled or baked.
  • Steamed lean fish.
  • You can eat unlimited quantities of pumpkin, zucchini, squash, white cabbage and seaweed and asparagus. All other vegetables in the patient's diet may be present, but in very limited quantities.
  • Cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt.
  • Gooseberries, currants, cranberries, watermelon and sweet cherries.

Pharmacological agents for seborrheic dermatitis

Everything pharmacological preparations that are used in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp are divided into two main groups:

  1. Ointments:
  • Hydrocortisone, which relieves swelling and redness on the scalp;
  • Dexamethasone is an ointment that removes flaking of the skin and relieves itching. The same effect is exerted by Silkaren ointment and Belosalik Lotion;
  • Afloderm, soothing pain at the site of inflammation of the skin on the head. Emulsion Advantan has a similar effect;
  • Triderm is an antifungal agent that heals purulent wounds as effectively as salicylic ointment.

  1. Shampoos:
  • Friederm containing zinc pyrithione. This shampoo for the treatment of scalp seborrhea rub into the scalp until a thick foam forms, which should last on the hair for 5 minutes. Then the shampoo is washed off with warm water.
  • Antifungal shampoos Sebozol, Skin-cap, Keto plus and Sulsen, thanks to which the disease can be cured much faster if applied twice a week for 14 days.

Treatment of the scalp with seborrhea with folk remedies

Alternative scalp treatment with seborrhea includes the use of several medicines prepared on the basis of natural ingredients:

  1. Decoctions, in which you need to moisten a cotton swab and lubricate the sore skin on the head with it. They can be prepared from:
  • Chamomile, calendula flowers and plantain leaves
  • Elecampane, burdock leaves and hypericum flowers

  1. Tinctures, which are used for the dry form of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp in exactly the same way as decoctions. Tinctures can be made from:
  • Hypericum flowers
  • Walnut shells
  • Aloe and olive oil
  • Birch tar
  • Calendula flowers and castor oil
  • Propolis
  1. Creams to be applied three times a day. They can be made from:
  • Hypericum flowers
  • Olive oil
  • Cranberries
  • Calendula flowers

  1. Compresses, which are used for all forms of seborrhea of ​​the head. They need to be done once or twice a day. The duration of the compress should not exceed 20 minutes. After each procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the affected areas of the scalp with baby cream. Compresses can be made from:
  • Potato
  • Honey and Kalanchoe
  • Plantain and Yarrow
  • Coniferous resin and chamomile flowers

Note that treatment seborrheic dermatitis only with folk remedies will not give the desired result, since it is impossible to get rid of the fungus that caused seborrhea without a course of antifungal drugs.

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the head with physiotherapy

Modern medicine has made significant progress in the treatment of scalp seborrheic dermatitis.

The effect of drug therapy can be obtained much earlier if you additionally do any of the following list of physiotherapy procedures:

  1. Cryomassage, in which the scalp is exposed to extreme cold, which normalizes the sebaceous glands;
  2. Magnetotherapy - treatment is carried out using low-frequency magnetic waves;
  3. Electroporation - electrical impulse current affects hair follicles through lipid pores;
  4. Laser puncture - treatment of scalp seborrhea with laser radiation... This method is the newest and is not widely used yet.

Prevention of seborrhea of ​​the head

Preventive measures for seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp are to follow simple rules:

  • Don't have bad habits
  • Keep your body and hair clean
  • Eat right
  • Temper
  • Do not run the diseases you have

In simple words - lead healthy image life and listen to your body in order to timely contact specialists for help when the slightest symptom seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

Video: Seborrhea

This video is an excerpt from the TV show "It's great to live" with Elena Malysheva. In it, competent experts talk about the main causes of seborrhea in humans, not only on the scalp, but also on other parts of the body.

Seborrhea is a disease accompanied by a malfunction of the glands that produce sebum. Most often it is chronic and long years worries the person. How to treat seborrhea at home using folk or medication?

Types and symptoms

Dermatitis of the seborrheic type has the following classification:

  • Oily seborrhea. It appears when increased activity sebaceous glands located on the surface of the skin. In this case, patients observe profuse dandruff, which sticks together into dense flakes. Against the background of such changes, alopecia develops (hair falls out).
  • Dry seborrhea. The disease begins with a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the skin becomes too dry, flakes, and dandruff appears on it. With dry seborrhea, the appearance of the hair worsens: it becomes brittle, dull and thin. After washing the head, the patient feels discomfort. Red spots are found on the skin that flake and itch.
  • Mixed form. Accompanied by different symptoms characteristic of two forms.


The appearance of seborrhea on the head of an adult is explained by the following reasons:

The main reason for the appearance of seborrhea is called hormonal disorders in the body, which are often observed during puberty, during pregnancy or during menopause.

Treatment features

How to quickly cure each of the forms of seborrhea on the head? To get rid of this disease, it is necessary to provide an integrated approach to the problem. The combination of external agents and drug therapy aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the disease provides the best result. When choosing treatment methods, it is necessary to take into account the developing symptoms.

Drug therapy

If seborrheic dermatitis is detected, it is necessary to pass comprehensive examination at the endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. It is the normalization of the digestive system and hormonal balance in the body will lead to recovery. For this, the following drugs are prescribed for adults and children:

Application of ointments

It is impossible to cure seborrhea without external agents in the form of ointments. They help relieve symptoms and prevent them from recurring. Most effective ointments and creams:

Using shampoos

If seborrhea appears on the scalp, for successful treatment should apply special shampoos:

Traditional treatment

There are many home remedies available that will be effective against seborrhea. For them to help, you must complete important condition- Before using any medication, you should consult your doctor.

Dry form treatment

Such recipes are used traditional medicine:

Oily form treatment

For oily seborrhea, the following remedies must be used:


Rational nutrition is the only the right way get rid of seborrhea for a long time.

In order for the disease to disappear forever, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • All junk food should be discarded. The black list includes dishes cooked with frying or with the addition of a large amount of fat. You can not include in the diet foods containing artificial additives.
  • It is recommended to significantly reduce the amount of confectionery and flour products in the diet.
  • Only whole grain bread is allowed.
  • For the period of exacerbation, it is recommended to abandon foods that can provoke allergies. These are honey, milk, red berries, chocolate, nuts, seafood, citrus fruits.


You can prevent the development of seborrhea if you follow simple rules:

Proper treatment and prevention will help fight seborrhea and prevent relapses.

To determine the most effective therapy tactics, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will conduct the appropriate tests and diagnostic examinations.

If you are concerned about dandruff and itching, excessive oiliness or dry hair, scalp seborrhea treatment may be necessary. The disease is dermatological and is caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. Pathology is a consequence of changes occurring in chemical composition sebum.

The disease manifests itself as a result of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Effective treatments

Treatment is carried out in a comprehensive manner. Important proper care behind the scalp, but pharmaceutical preparations will also be required. You may need to undergo a course of treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

  • prescribe dietary menu recommending the use of eggs, fruits, vegetables, cereals, excluding spicy and salty dishes, seasonings, fatty foods;
  • physiotherapy is prescribed;
  • prescribe preparations containing zinc and sulfur, vitamins D, E, A, B to combat the manifestations of the disease;
  • with a severe form of the disease, appoint hormone therapy;
  • diagnosis and treatment of all diseases in the body;
  • prescribe drugs that will help restore the functions of the vegetative nervous system.

When symptoms of the disease appear, a person is recommended more long time stay in the sun, walk without covering your head, if there are no other contraindications.

Dry and oily seborrhea

Seborrheic dermatitis on the head is treated with a special ointment containing sulfur, salicylic acid and hormones as needed.

  1. Doctors recommend treating dry scalp seborrhea with 10% ointment that contains sulfur, rubbing it into the scalp for 5 minutes. This is done daily for about 8 days. On the ninth day, the hair should rest, and on the tenth day it should be washed with boiled water, using special shampoos containing tar, zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide.
  2. The next day, the hair is treated with a solution boric acid... You need 2 tsp. Dissolve boric acid in 200 ml warm water... The mixture is rubbed into the scalp before going to bed, then the head is wrapped in a towel until morning. Repeat the procedure every evening for 3 days, then take a break for a week, and on the tenth day you need to rinse your hair. For the treatment of dry seborrhea, it is necessary to repeat the procedure at least 2 more times.

If you are worried about oily seborrheic dermatitis, a solution of sulfate or thiosulfate acid is rubbed into the scalp.

Many people wonder how to get rid of seborrhea with folk remedies. You can achieve a good result in the treatment of oily and dry seborrheic dermatitis using medicinal plants. But there is no guarantee that the disease will not return. This also applies to all other treatments.

The main condition for the effectiveness of therapy is additional care, which will help to minimize the recurrence of the disease. Once a month or a month and a half, you need to use another drug so as not to get used to one and not to reduce its effect.

How to get rid of seborrhea

To cure seborrhea, you must:

  • relieve yourself of stress;
  • to deal with the elimination of immunodeficiency;
  • regulate hormonal levels.

  • multivitamin preparations;
  • antifungal agents;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • biogenic stimulants.

Seborrheic dermatitis is fungal disease, therefore, treat it with antifungal drugs. The doctor helps you choose the right remedy by examining the sensitivity to various antifungal drugs. Most often, Ketoconazole or Bifonazole is prescribed.

Sometimes the cause of the onset of symptoms of the disease is a lack of minerals and useful vitamins in organism. Therefore, you need to take multivitamin preparations that are prescribed by your doctor.

Biogenic stimulants will help to speed up the metabolism and increase the blood supply to the scalp.

Your doctor may prescribe scalp physiotherapy

Proper scalp and hair care is essential. It is better not to use styling products during an exacerbation, and buy shampoo and balm at a pharmacy.

Drug treatment

Experienced doctors will advise how to treat seborrhea with medicines. They usually prescribe corticosteroids:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Soderma;
  • Flumethasone;
  • Flucinara.

If the infection is caused by bacteria, a specialist will prescribe antibiotic treatment. If seborrheic dermatitis is severe, retinoid therapy is prescribed. The drugs can be used internally (for example, Retasol) and externally ( retinoic ointment).

For treatment, the drug Triamcinolone is often used, as well as other corticosteroids.

Good effect gives the following treatment regimen: within 2 weeks, Biofon is applied to the affected areas of the scalp three times a week, and Soderm is applied daily. Then for another 2 weeks, you need to continue the treatment only with the Biofon and apply it to the skin three times a day for 7 days. The course of treatment lasts 4 weeks.

Some experts believe that the treatment of seborrhea will be much more effective if you use zinc, which is found in shampoos, creams, aerosols. Sometimes cosmetologists advise using anti-inflammatory and absorbent masks for cleansing the face to treat the scalp.

Folk remedies

Many are worried about the symptoms, but not all immediately turn to doctors, but first try to get rid of the disease folk methods... Sometimes they help for a while, sometimes forever, all individually. We do not recommend self-medication and self-diagnosis. Even before using folk remedies, you should consult your doctor.

  1. Burdock roots can help with oily seborrhea.
  2. A remedy from oak bark... For a result to appear, you need to rinse your head with a decoction every 3 days for 2 months. To prepare the broth, you need to pour 1 liter of cool water 3 tbsp. l. oak bark, bring to a boil over the fire and simmer for another 10 minutes. The broth should be infused for half an hour, after which it is filtered.
  3. You can cure the disease by rubbing the infusion pharmacy chamomile... To prepare it, pour 2 tbsp of boiling water in a liter. l. chamomile inflorescences and cook for no more than 5 minutes.
  4. Rubbing aloe juice with alcohol helps many people. To prepare the infusion, add alcohol in a ratio of 5: 1 to pre-squeezed aloe juice. This mixture should be stored in a cool and dark place. It is rubbed into the head every other day for 3 months.

Burdock root can help fight seborrhea

No less effective are preparations of a thick consistency - pastes, creams and ointments, but if a person has oily skin, such remedies are not recommended. The only cream that can be used is with henna.

With dry seborrhea, special creams and oils are rubbed into the skin. This compensates for the lack of fat and increases the duration of skin contact with remedies.

It is very important that the oil is not rubbed in too much, as the hair breaks and pulls out. Oils and creams are rubbed in for 20 minutes, gently and thoroughly. It is best to take a small amount of oil, because its excess will lead to the fact that the hair will quickly become dirty, sweat production and skin thermoregulation will be disturbed. It is recommended to treat dry seborrhea with oil extracts from medicinal plants: violet tricolor, sown flax and others.

Burdock oil helps to cope with the symptoms of the disease: it is rubbed into the scalp, a hat is put on for several hours, and then the oil is washed off with a regular shampoo. These steps must be repeated 2-3 times a week for a month. Six months later, the course is repeated.

With dry seborrhea, you can do a head massage with sunflower, olive or burdock oil with addition lemon juice... The procedure is carried out 15 minutes before washing your hair. The oil is rubbed into the head with your fingertips along the parting.

A complex approach

Most reliable way treatment of the disease - combining pharmacy products and folk remedies. You should not prescribe a treatment course yourself. It is better to go to a dermatologist, he will not only tell you how to get rid of seborrhea, but also identify the causes of the disease.

  1. A common treatment for seborrheic dermatitis is vegetable oil(it can soften the scaly layer) and alkaline or potassium soap.
  2. Effective method treatment - steam bath. But many believe that frequent water treatments harmful for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis on the head.
  3. The doctor prescribes specials for the patient astringents- zinc acetate, mercury dichloride and zinc sulfate. These funds narrow the sebaceous excretory ducts.
  4. Often, in the case of severe seborrheic dermatitis, a person feels tired, because he is experiencing a severe iron deficiency. In this case, the use of preparations with iron and arsenic, which are combined with fish oil.
  5. Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is always accompanied by minor skin infiltration. To eliminate it, the doctor will prescribe a special ointment together with astringents.
  6. Among the most common symptoms are - severe itching and hair loss. Usually a slight thinning of the hair ends after complete recovery... To avoid hair loss during illness, doctors recommend rinsing your head 2 times a day. brine... But if a person has hyperemia, the use of the solution is not allowed.
  7. Potassium soap should be used after the redness on the skin has subsided.

When treating seborrhea of ​​the scalp, it is very important to observe correct diet.

Prevention of seborrheic dermatitis

During treatment, you do not need to dye your hair, do a perm, and it is undesirable to use styling products. You can only use special herbal dyes that will make the hair stronger and will not injure the skin.

While washing your hair, you need to massage with the fingertips, which will significantly improve blood flow.

Video: how to get rid of seborrhea on the head and body

In addition, it is also necessary:

  1. Wash thoroughly every combs and brushes used daily.
  2. Limit as much as possible animal fats, carbohydrates, salt, smoked and spicy foods, alcoholic beverages. The food should contain vitamins, vegetables and dairy products.
  3. If possible, then dry your head without using a hair dryer.
  4. Consuming vitamins constantly.
  5. Enough sleep.
  6. Exercise.

Video: how to recognize a disease

If you are prone to seborrhea, it is better to buy hair care products at the pharmacy. A dermatologist recommends washing your hair at least once every 5 days. But if the hair becomes oily very quickly, it is worth using shampoos for daily care more gentle than other shampoos.

Seborrhea is chronic dermatological diseases that occurs on areas of the skin that are more than others dotted with sebaceous glands. These are the hairy parts of the body (head, eyebrows, eyelash growth line, groin, in men - the area of ​​mustache and beard growth, chest, abdomen), axillary, elbow and knee folds, back, shoulders, auricles... The brightest clinical picture this disease gives seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

The onset of an illness provoke the yeast Pityrosporum ovale living on the surface of everyone's skin healthy person, but in some cases their number and activity get out of control. The vital activity of fungi negatively affects the condition of the skin, depending on the accompanying factors, causing either increased sebum production or its lack.

This is the similarity between seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, but dandruff only occurs on hairy areas of the skin. Seborrhea is a more complex form of dandruff aggravated by inflammation of the skin. This is due to the fact that with seborrhea, the scalp partially loses its antimicrobial properties.


The true causes of seborrhea are still not well understood.

Currently, the underlying cause of seborrheic dermatitis is considered to be a violation of hormone production, which can appear at any age due to various physiological and external factors. There is also a great role in the formation of seborrhea of ​​various neuropsychiatric disorders.

Prerequisites for the onset of seborrheic dermatitis:

  • Hereditary predisposition, manifested in decreased or increased sebum secretion.
  • Hormonal imbalance. It is noticed that in women suffering from seborrhea, the amount of the female sex hormone estrogen is significantly reduced, but their progesterone level, on the contrary, is increased.
  • Gynecological and urological diseases.
  • Taking steroid drugs.
  • Neurological diseases: infectious lesions of the central nervous system, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, epilepsy.
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands and pancreas.
  • Some malignant and benign tumors and neoplasms, especially associated with gynecological sphere(for example, polycystic disease).
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract).

The cause of seborrhea is often physiological hormonal changes associated with puberty. In this case, the disease goes away on its own along with the normalization of their production.


There are three types of seborrheic dermatitis:

  • Oily seborrhea: appears due to increased increase the amount of fat secreted by the pores. More often observed in women, especially during puberty (12-21 years). The disease is often accompanied by various vegetative neurotic states, affecting mainly the face and head. The skin with oily seborrhea of ​​the head looks inflamed, oily, shiny. Hair quickly loses its healthy shine and appears to be oiled with grease. The affected areas are usually covered with shapeless red spots, abundantly dotted with large boils. If oily seborrhea occurs on the scalp, it may develop an unsightly yellowish thick crust that resembles thick dandruff.
  • Dry seborrhea on the contrary, it is characterized by a decrease in fat production and visually very much resembles dandruff - the surface of the head and hair is dotted with scales different sizes, some of which can be easily separated and shaken off. This type of disease is accompanied by a gradual deterioration in the quality of the hair (they become dull and brittle, their number decreases). The male part of the population is more susceptible to dry seborrhea.
  • Mixed seborrhea observed in both men and women, and differs in the presence of signs of both types of malaise in the same patient.


It is possible to determine the appearance of seborrhea on the head by a number of symptoms characteristic of this disease.

Signs of seborrhea:

  • visual changes in appearance the affected epidermis - it becomes too dry or, conversely, too oily;
  • thickening of the stratum corneum;
  • thinning hair;
  • the appearance on the surface of the diseased skin area of ​​crusts, boils, acne;
  • itching, irritation;
  • discoloration of the affected part of the body - it acquires a red and sometimes maroon hue.

Since seborrheic dermatitis gives the patient serious physical and psychological discomfort, irritability often becomes one of its manifestations. In more severe cases there may be severe neurological disorders - depression, neurosis, neurasthenia.


A dermatologist or trichologist deals with the identification and treatment of this disease. The following diagnostic methods are used to confirm the initial diagnosis based on visual examination and patient interviewing:

  • blood tests: general, biochemical, for hormones;
  • analysis of feces for eggs of worms;
  • scraping from the surface of the skin to determine the pathogen;
  • general examination of the body to identify the primary disease (ultrasound thyroid gland, digestive tract organs).

Diagnosis of seborrhea is also necessarily accompanied by the identification of the underlying disease that caused its occurrence. For this purpose, related specialists are involved in the examination of the patient: endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, gynecologist, urologist, oncologist and others.


Seborrhea is not an indication for hospitalization, therefore, all treatment is carried out at home under the supervision of the attending physician.

To begin to treat seborrhea should be with the normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands, digestive organs and hormonal background, putting in order the state of the central nervous system.

Basic principles of therapy:

  • Of no small importance is compliance with the regime of life and nutrition, physiotherapy procedures. The patient is assigned diet rich fermented milk products, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, vitamins, minerals. Seafood, rye flour and wholemeal flour are welcome.
  • From the diet as much as possible sweets, pasta and white flour bread, strong tea and coffee are excluded, carbonated drinks, as well as foods saturated with dyes, preservatives and other chemical compounds... Dishes should be simple and digestible.
  • To maintain the health of the nervous system, the patient is prescribed medicinal baths, swimming, sports, stay on fresh air, especially before going to bed, moderate sunbathing.
  • Symptoms are helped to remove such procedures as cryomassage, darsonvalization, laser therapy, mud therapy.
  • Used as supportive therapy fortifying agents: magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, nicotine and ascorbic acid, calcium, iron.

To treat seborrhea on the head, use and medications... For this purpose, apply antifungal drugs and drugs aimed at treating the underlying disease. In severe cases of the course of the disease, corticosteroids are used.

When an infectious agent is attached, antibacterial drugs for system or topical application(depending on the severity of the inflammatory process of the skin).

If the cause of seborrhea is some gynecological disease accompanied by hormonal imbalance(for example, polycystic ovary disease), then as drug treatment among other things, contraceptive oral contraceptives are prescribed.

Identification and correction of the cause of the disease in most cases improves the patient's condition. However, in the treatment of seborrhea, local treatment is also necessary. For this purpose, various shampoos with medicines, ointments, talkers, lotions, etc. Choice active substance these funds depend on the type of seborrhea and the intensity of skin manifestations.

The main components of therapeutic shampoos for seborrhea:

  • Cyclopirox.
  • Selenium sulfide.
  • Ketoconazole.
  • Medical tar.
  • Zinc pyrithione.

Duration treatment course is approximately one month. Shampoos are often combined with different active ingredients.

At severe course diseases use keratolytic agents to soften dense scales. Subsequently, antifungal and antiseptic drugs are applied to the affected foci.

V local treatment seborrhea can also be used traditional medicine, for example, decoctions and infusions of some medicinal plants. But still, before using them, you must consult with your doctor.

After the relief of the main symptoms of seborrhea, proper scalp care with prophylactic use medicated shampoos is the key to preventing the recurrence of the disease.

Patients with seborrhea, even with the disappearance of the main symptoms of this ailment, are not recommended to dye and perm their hair, excessive infatuation drying the hair with a hairdryer and other styling methods. Hair care products should be selected with the utmost care.


With seborrheic dermatitis, complications are possible in the form of severe acne, which occurs due to clogging of the pores with products of increased sebum secretion - sebum and crusts that form on the surface of the head. As a result, infection of the sebaceous glands with bacteria that provoke the appearance of purulent wounds may develop.

In addition, with seborrhea, it is very difficult for air to reach hair follicles, due to which the patient begins to lose hair. After healing hairline is usually able to fully recover.


Measures to prevent seborrheic dermatitis are reduced to the timely detection and treatment of diseases of the endocrine, genitourinary, digestive systems, for which it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination every six months by an appropriate specialist.

Health care must be accompanied by well-chosen hair and scalp care... For this purpose, it is worth purchasing products with the most natural composition.

When the first signs of neurological disorders appear (insomnia, syndrome chronic fatigue decrease in performance), it is necessary to give the body a full rest, and if the symptoms persist for a long time - go to see a neurologist... V autumn-spring periods the diet should be replenished with multivitamin complexes; brewer's yeast, containing many useful trace elements for the body, is also useful as a prophylaxis.


Seborrheic dermatitis - chronic illness, exacerbated in spring and autumn, therefore complete cure is almost impossible... However, regular therapy and the implementation of all doctor's prescriptions can minimize periods of seasonal exacerbations of the disease.

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Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease that is localized in areas of the skin, with a large number of sebaceous glands (such places are the face, skin folds and scalp).

This skin inflammation affects up to five percent of all people. Wherein most of sick - men. The first signs of seborrhea appear in infancy, then in adolescence, and then seborrhea can make itself felt in the period from twenty to fifty years.

Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp

Types of seborrhea that can affect hairy part heads:

  • Oily seborrhea, in which the hair quickly becomes greasy and sticks together in strands. The reason for this type of seborrheic dermatitis of the head is the excessive work of the sebaceous glands. In most cases, this type of lesion occurs in young girls.
  • Dry seborrhea characterized by strong overdrying of the epidermis, up to the appearance of bleeding cracks on it. Occurs in adolescents.
  • Mixed(combines the manifestations of the previous two types)

Seborrheic dermatitis in infants is accompanied by the appearance of yellow scaly crusts on the head. Such formations quickly spread throughout the head. Moreover, they can affect not only the scalp, but also the cheeks, forehead and skin behind the ears.

The causes of seborrheic dermatitis on the head

Emergence this disease can be provoked by external and internal factors that provide Negative influence on the human immune system, disrupting the natural microflora of the skin.

The main cause of skin inflammation in the case of seborrhea is a fungus of the genus Malassezia, which lives in areas where more active work sebaceous glands. With seborrhea, the number of microorganisms increases, which leads to a certain manifestation on the skin.

External environmental factors that can lead to the development of a lesion include:

The list internal reasons development of seborrheic dermatitis includes:

  • Heredity. The fact is that in some cases it is transmitted at the genetic level hypersensitivity to waste products of a microscopic fungus.
  • Digestive system disorders... In this case, seborrheic dermatitis is a symptom of other health problems.
  • Disorders of the central nervous system which can provoke excessive sebum secretion.
  • Hormonal changes, which may be a consequence of hormonal changes or dysfunction of the endocrine system.
  • Decrease in protective properties immune system , what can happen with a lack of vitamins and minerals, stress, while taking some drugs, depressing immunity, etc.

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis on the head

The manifestations of such a lesion as seborrheic dermatitis are:


Symptoms of seborrhea can vary.

Based on the differences in symptoms, three types of this skin lesion can be distinguished:

  • Dry type. In this case, seborrhea makes itself felt by the appearance of whitish scales. Reddening of the skin appears on separation from the skin. This variety is characterized by difficulty in reaching the surface of the sebum, which leads to dry skin and clogged pores. All this leads to the appearance of acne, comedones and atheroma.
  • Bold type. This variety is most common in adolescents who have entered puberty. Develops against the background of changes in hormonal levels. Oily seborrhea is divided into thick and liquid. Liquid is most often found in teenage girls. In this case, a large amount of sebaceous secretion is separated when pressed on the surface. This is especially pronounced in the natural folds of the skin, for example, in the area of ​​the wings of the nose. In young men, thick seborrhea is most often observed, when sebum is much more difficult to separate and at the same time the secretion of the sebaceous glands has an unpleasant odor.
  • Mixed type. This type of lesion has symptoms of both types of seborrhea and is most often found in adults, mainly men. In this case, the dry or thick type is localized on the scalp, while the dry type affects the skin of the face. In some cases, the inflammatory process also affects the eyelids.

How and how to treat seborrheic dermatitis at home?

Treatment of seborrhea is carried out mostly at home, sometimes in addition to drugs and special means recipes from traditional medicine are used. In some cases, treatment can be difficult, since it is almost impossible to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands of the skin directly.

For the early elimination of all manifestations of seborrhea, the applied therapy should be comprehensive. In other words, treatment should be carried out using shampoos, special ointments, antifungal and strengthening drugs, and methods alternative medicine, and physiotherapy.

The list of the means used is determined by a specialist based on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the site of the lesion and the degree of its development.

The list of drugs and measures that can be prescribed for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis include:

All of the above funds in various combinations can be used for exacerbations of seborrhea.

It is worth noting that it is not enough to cure acute form... Sometimes therapy must be continued for a long time, in some difficult cases it is several months. Treatment can only be completed when all symptoms subside. Such a measure is necessary to prevent relapse.


An exacerbation, even in case of successful treatment, can occur again.

To avoid such a repetition, you should follow a few fairly simple rules to follow:

  • Use a special shampoo selected in conjunction with a dermatologist, tar soap and other hygiene products;
  • Observe the principles of proper nutrition;
  • Change your underwear often and wear only natural fabrics that allow your skin to breathe freely;
  • Reception vitamin complexes, which should include sulfur, selenium and zinc;
  • Normalization of the digestive system and prevention of the manifestation of concomitant seborrhea diseases.

At the first signs of a return of the disease, you must immediately seek help from a specialist. Remember, the earlier the treatment starts, the easier the exacerbation itself will pass and the less time it will take for all procedures.

Stories from our readers!
"I have been experiencing discomfort from dandruff and hair loss for a long time. Standard shampoos helped, but the effect was short-lived. And this complex was advised by a friend who used it herself. An excellent remedy!

The skin stopped itching, the hair combed well and was not so oily. The prolapse stopped quickly enough. I couldn't even dream of such an effect! Recommend."


Seborrheic dermatitis is a fairly common disease upper layers skin, which is manifested by the appearance of redness, itching and flaking. In most cases, it occurs in men. Most often affects the scalp, where the a large number of sebaceous glands.

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