Fungal skin and nail skin diseases. Mushrooms are striking the skin, hair and nails: a medical blog of the ambulance. Fungal diseases

Fungi, causing human skin, hair and nails in humans, is very resistant to external influences. They are numbered about 500 species. They can persist in scales of the skin and hairs have dropped many months and even years.

Pause mushrooms do not develop in the external environment. The place of their life is a sick person or an animal.

Among the pathogens, there are those who settle in the corneal layer of the skin, but they are able to affect not only the skin, but also nails (the hair is not amazed). These mushrooms cause epidermophia of large skin folds and stop.

A row of fungi affects the skin, as well as hair and nails; They cause three diseases: microsporia, triprophide and fav. The first two diseases are known under the overall name of a ringless deprived; Favus is called a pair.

These diseases are very infectious and relatively slowly treatable. Fungal diseases can affect both children and adults. At the same time, there is some selective impact of certain types of fungi, depending on the age of a person. So, children are most often ill to the microsporement of the scalp. Epidermofiytiy affects predominantly adults. Chronic trichophytics usually sick women and rarely men.

Infection with fungal diseases occurs when contacting a sick person or animal and with objects that have enjoyed the patient. The danger of infection with fungal diseases also occurs when the sanitary and hygienic mode of the hairdresser (unsatisfactory quality cleaning of the premises, the use of non-refective tools, dirty linen, etc.) is disturbed. Infection in these cases occurs through haircut machines, scissors, linen, where crossed hair, leather flakes and nail clipping.

Epidermofitiaonly people are ill. Among the diseases of the skin caused by fungi, epidermophilation ranks first. It is prevalent mainly among the urban population, strikes adults and very rarely meets children.

The most frequent manifestation of epidermofitis is the defeat of the stop (soles, interpal folds). There are epidermofy diseases of the skin of large skin folds, inguinal areas, axillary depressions, as well as nails. Hair, as a rule, is not amazed by epidermofy fungi.

Epidermofiytium - the disease is very contagious, which is promoted by a number of reasons: the lack of a systematic combating fungal infection in the conditions of production (non-fulfillment of sanitary rules when working in hairdressers, defective disinfection of tools and linen, etc.), insufficient personal hygiene, excessive sweating feet and human hands, General weakening of health, etc.

The source of infection is sick epidermofite. The infection is transmitted through infected with fungus underwear through a badly disinfected tool.

At the place of the location of the lesions of the defeat, this disease is divided into epidermofitios of stop and inguinal.

Epidermofitium Stop has several forms.

1. Most often in the third and especially in the fourth interpallated folds, on the side and lower surfaces of the third, fourth and fifth fingers there are cracks, reds, peeling.

2. On the surface of the skin or in the depths it appears bubbles that sometimes merge. Bubbles are revealed with the release of a frantic liquid, forming an abrasion, which then sneeze in crust. Bubbles are located mainly on the domestic arch and on the inner and outer edge of the stop. The same picture can be on hand and fingers, which is the reaction of the body to the disease of the epidermofite stop (allergic reaction).

With an erased (hidden) form of epidermofitilation, which is located in the intervals between the third and fourth and between the fourth and fifth fingers of the feet or in the field of the foot of the foot and its side surfaces, only limited areas of peeling are noted, and sometimes a small crack at the bottom of the interpal folds. The erased form of epidermofite, causing only a small itching, does not attract the attention of the disease and can exist for a long time, representing the danger in epidemiological terms. Such patients, visiting the hairdressers, baths, swimming pools, can distribute infection.

Packing epidermofilation usually affects inguinal folds, but maybe in the axillary folds, under the chest glands.

Nails are affected by epidermofitia. Most often in the process, the nail plates of the first and fifth fingers stop are involved. Nails acquire a yellowish color, sharply thicken, lose strength with a nail lie. Sometimes epidermofilation is manifested by the occurrence of yellowish brown spots on the nails and the peeling of the otologery skin.

It must be said that each of the listed forms of epidermofilation under adverse conditions may be complicated by inflammatory phenomena expressed in the attachment of the global infection. In this case, the foci quickly apply, redness arises, swelling, guns appear. The disease is accompanied by a sharp pain, burning, often the temperature is increasing.

A variety of epidermofitilation is rubrofitiya,rarely found at present.

In contrast to the epidermofitium, the nails of the fingers and legs can also be affected. Rubrogithic hair is not affected, (with the exception of the powder). Most often, the rubred is striking palms and soles.

In the microspory of the scalp, caused by a feline fungus, a small amount of peeling foci appears with a diameter of 3-5 cm. The foci of rounded outlines, with sharp boundaries, are not inclined to merge with each other. The skin in the foci of the lesion is covered with small whitish bison flakes. All hair on the foci is broken at an altitude of 4-8 mm.

In the microspory of the scalp, caused by the "rusty" fungus, there are numerous different magnitudes of the foci of the wrong shape, unrearly delimited from healthy skin, with a tendency to merge with each other. From the merger of individual foci are formed larger lines. Hair on them is broken, but not all. Among the broken (at an altitude of 4-8 mm) hair can be detected by the preserved hair. For a microsporia caused by the "rusty" fungus, the location of the foci on the scalp with the capture of adjacent smooth skin sections is characterized.

The foci of microsporia on smooth skin have the form of red round sharply delimited inflammatory spots. On the edges of the stains are visible small bubbles and crusts. With a microsporia caused by the "rusty" fungus, in addition to such stains, bright red peeling spots of various sizes are often observed, having a rings on one inside the other, the skin inside the rings has a normal appearance.

Microspor nails are not amazed.

Trikhophysucaused by fungal tricofitons. This disease is most often observed in children of school, and preschool age, but meets (in special form) and in adults.

Trikhophysu can affect a separate scalp, smooth skin, nails or all these sections together.

There are superficial and deep trico. Surface triprophides after curing traces does not leave.

Surface trico smooth skin more often happens in open parts of the body - on the face, neck, brushes, forearm. The skin appears round stains of the bright red color of the rounded shape, sharply delimited from healthy skin, the size of one-to-five-supported coin, with a leaning to a rapid increase. The central part of the hearth is usually painted more pale and covered with scales, and the edges are somewhat raised above the skin level in the shape of the roller (sometimes small bubbles can be detected). With a microscopic study of the scales in them, Trydhofiton fungus is found.

The surface triochophys of the scalp has a form of small and different in the form of multiple foci of peeling whiskers, with unwitting boundaries. On the foci of defeat, only part of the hair is broken. Hair for 1-3 mm towers above the skin level and look like a short. From here and the name is ringing deprived. Remains of individual hair, broken skin leather, have the appearance of black dots. On the foci of lesion, the skin is covered with small whitish gray scales.

Chronic Triphetics is most often observed in women. Began in childhood, this disease proceeds extremely slowly and in the absence of treatment lasts to deep old age. Chronic trihophythium striking the scalp, smooth skin and nails.

On the scalp of the head in patients with chronic tricoephyte find small lines, as well as small foci of peeling. The affected hair can be solitary, lowly broken, often at the surface of the skin ("black" hair).

More distinctly chronic tricophysics manifests itself on smooth skin, hips, buttocks, heads, shoulders and forearms. Skin lesions - in the form of pale, bluish-red, weakly peeling spots with unaware of outlines. These stains are little bothering patients and often remain unnoticed. In scales from the flakes of the skin in large quantities are contained trico fungi, which can cause a ringless deprived in people in contact with patients.

In chronic trihophythium, there is a change in palms, which lies in thickening of the skin, easy redness and peeling. Sometimes the same rashes are marked on the soles.

Nail trihophysia is observed in patients with a hairpiece of the scalp due to the transfer of fungi on the nails of the hands. Initially, stains appear and there are changes in the nail plate, in the future the nail begins to grow incorrectly. The surface of the nail becomes unevenly stacked by transverse grooves and deepening. The nail plate loses its shine and smoothness, becomes muddy, and then fragile and breaking. In some cases, the nail plate is thickened, and in others, breaking down, begins to collapse from the free edge. The remnants of the nail plate with uneven edges disfiguring fingers. Inflammatory changes in the skin around the affected nails are usually not observed.

Deep triotophysu is caused by fungi triotherophi, living in the skin of animals. A man infects from sick calves, horned cattle, horses. Unlike surface form, deep tricochy is acute.

When introducing truderofitons, acute inflammation is developing, which captures all skin layers. Therefore, deep tricochy is also called disruptable.

On the head, bright red spots appear on the head, and the signs of deep inflammation develop. Plots of inflammation, merging, form a solid focus, which like a burrow or tumor protrudes over the skin. The surface of the focus is covered with crusts. Hair within the affected area is easily falling out. After the uluses open, the disease in itself can end with recovery. The disease after cure leaves the scars, on which the hair does not grow. The course of the disease is long - 8-10 weeks and more.

At smooth skin, with deep tricoing, inflammatory bright red spots are formed, sharply delimited from healthy skin and towering over it. Foci of lesions are round or oval. They formed a lot of small merging guns. In the center of each gun sticks the hair, which is freely deleted.

Deep trihophia is more often developing in men in the field of beard and mustache, in children - on the scalp.

When the pair of the scalp on the skin, the yellow crusts of the round shape are developing on the skin, which are tightly covered by hair. The center of the crust is deepened, so that in shape of a crust resembles a saucer. When merging the crusts, extensive bugrid layers are formed, which protrude above the skin level. Each such crust is a cluster of fungi.

Under the influence of the harmful effects of the fungus, the skin under his crusts is very thinned, and the hair is destroyed and the hair is dying. It is very characteristic that the hair on the head retain their usual length, they do not rush, but as lifeless losing their shine and become dull, dry, as if dusty, acquire a gray color, reminding the wig. For pasta, persistent baldness in the place of lesion is characterized, which in the running cases can spread to the entire surface of the scalp, but the narrow band remains along the edge, on which the hair is preserved. In case of damage, the pair hair makes a kind of "mouse" smell.

Smooth skin is affected by a pair rarely, only in the presence of the scalp of the head. Red peeling spots are formed on the skin, and sometimes yellow crusts that can merge.

With the defeat of the pair nails, they thicken, acquire a yellowish color, become fragile and brittle. Basically, the same changes come as in the defeat of the nails of Trikhofy. As a rule, inflammatory changes in the skin around the affected nails are not observed.

Prevention of fungal diseases. The source of infection with fungal diseases are sick people and items that hit fungi from sick people, as well as sick animals. The transfer of fungi can occur through the ridges, comb, head brushes, hair clippers, shaving brushes, through a wedding and linens, clothes, gloves and many other items, if they used sick.

The greatest danger to children is the sick microsporests of the cat, especially homeless.

Flares of fungal diseases may arise in schools, nursery, kindergartens, where prevention measures were not taken in a timely time when the first case of the fungal disease appears.

Fungal diseases in children's teams are detected by regular medical examinations.

One of the decisive conditions for the success of combating fungal diseases is the isolation of the illness of healthy.

An important condition for the prevention of fungal diseases is the observance of the rules of personal hygiene.

In case of disease, the patient is not allowed to visit the baths, showers, hairdressers and other public service institutions. After washing his pelvis, the washcloth must be thoroughly wash with hot water with soap. A razor, soap, comb and soap device after use washed with hot water with soap. It is not recommended to use the tassel for embroidery, it is better to replace it with a cotton or clean cloth and burn them every time after shaving.

To wash the underwear of the patient, as well as to store dirty and wicked underwear, it is necessary separately from the linen of other family members, dirty underwear of the patient is collected in the bag and boiled in a soap solution in at least 15 minutes in the soap solution, and it is thoroughly coat.

The floor in the apartment was washed daily by hot water with soap, pre-bay with a 5% solution of chlorine by 1.5 - 2 hours.

To prevent the scattering of fungi, the patient must wear a hat for the night and put on the night of a hat, a shock that tightly closes the scalp, forehead and neck from behind. It should be changed daily. It is advisable to make several such hats or spheres of white canvas and store them separately. Before washing, used caps are boiled in soapy water for 15 minutes or soaked in a 5% solution of chlorine. At the end of the treatment of the cap, Kosinki must be burned.

Removed hair during the treatment of patients with fungal disease must be carefully assembled and burned.

It should not be allowed to accumulate dust in the room where the patient is located. Dust from household items must be woven with a cloth moistened in a 2% chlorine solution. Then the rag is better to burn. The room needs to be used more often.

Upper clothes, linen, which enjoyed the sick, must be passed on disinfection. If this can not be done, then clothes should be carefully cleaned with a brush, try to stroke a hot iron, and then ventilate within a few days in the sun or in the cold. The headdress, which enjoyed the sick, is better to burn (with damage to the scalp).

In addition to the permanent maintenance of a general sanitary order and cleanliness, hairdressing workers are obliged to refuse to maintain adults and children if they have signs of skin disease. Manicure do not have to serve persons with signs of nail diseases.

In the "sanitary rules on the device, equipment and the maintenance of hairdressers, approved by the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Physician of the USSR 19.06.72 GL. Vi, clause 23 indicates: "Visitors with altered skin (rash, stains, peeling, etc.) are serviced in the hairdresser only upon presentation of medical certificates about the contradictions of their disease."

The fight against fungal diseases cannot be successfully carried out only by the forces of medical workers. The entire population should be familiar with the outer manifestations of fungal diseases, the paths of infection, as well as measures to combat them.


You can get infected with fungi with a close contact with a sick person or a dog, a cat, and it is possible through items and things (towel, underwear, washcloth, etc.), which used the patient, as well as through the objects of animal care. Often, children are infected with mushrooms from homeless cats and dogs. Redness and peeling They may appear both on the body and on the scalp. After some time, hair can suffer - and hair can suffer both outside and from the inside.

One of the well-known skin damage is multicolored lichenin which the most surface layer of the skin suffers. The cameras have a round shape of various sizes with a color from yellow to light brown. When the foci can be merged into large spots. Ultraviolet rays are partially cured from this disease, however, as a rule, do not do without ointments and solutions with antifungal antibiotics.

Microsporia, Trikhophysu - These are also stains of the right shape, red, with peeling. In this scaway there is a large amount of fungus, which during bathing can be distributed to other areas of the skin. In the presence of foci on the scalp, eyebrows, hair begin to break at an altitude of 0.5-1 cm (this is already ringworm). They suffer mostly children who infect from kittens, puppies, guinea pigs and hamsters.

The treatment is the long-term local application of antifungal drugs that depress the reproduction of mushrooms, receiving antifungal antibiotics inside.


We are more often damaged in the elderly people. In healthy nails, fungams are difficult to get, because they need certain conditions - so that the nails are loose, laying. And such conditions a person creates with age when it appears. Damage to vessels worsens fabric nutrition, nails begin to suffer and become easy prey for pathogenic fungus. And maybe so: when a person greatly injured his fingers, nails. After some time, everything seemed to heal, but blood circulation in a damaged place will no longer be the same, which will become in a more mature agent for fungal damage.

Moreover, after 40-50 years, under the threat of such infection there will be a thumb and a little finger for those men and women who were worn in youth too close shoes. This usually leads to the dying of very small vessels. And as soon as the minor vessels of the hands and legs begin to suffer, then the nails are thickened, it is silent, which facilitates the penetration of fungus. At first, damage can also cover only the skin of the foot, and then spread to the nails of the leg.


Peeling skin on the head (what we call dandruck) - This is not necessarily pathogenic fungus provoking the disease. When dandruff appeared in addition to what happens usually, you can periodically (a couple of times a week) use shampoo with degtem or " Loword"(Or other - with antifungal agents). This will help improve the skin microflora, remove not only fungus, but also microbes.

Prevention of fungal diseases

  1. It is necessary to fully wash with soap, use separate towels for body, legs, etc.
  2. If the legs sweat greatly, it increases the risk of infection, and therefore it follows 2-3 times a week wipe after sole vinegar.
  3. Do not wear narrow shoes and sneakers with poor ventilation, in which legs constantly sweat.
  4. Do not wear other people's slippers.
  5. Socks change daily. Do not wear strange socks.
  6. In the bath, the pool to use slates.
  7. Special precautions must observe people with diabetesSince they are very vulnerable to fungal damage.
  8. Pay attention to the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It happens enough to treat gastritisAs the condition of the skin of the head is also improving.
  9. Pay attention to food. If it is significantly limited to fatty food, it can cause a deficit, from here there will be fragile nails. For beautiful hair, nails, leather will also be needed vitamin E, C ,. Plus a trace element.

About the treatment of fungus

  • In case of damage only, skin is needed disinfecting solutions that oppress the growth of fungi.
  • Ideally, it is necessary to get rid of the clothes that were used during treatment.
  • Shoes are desirable to be processed in a solution vinegar, formalin, leave for some time for complete weathelation.
  • Take anti-grib drugs in tablets per kilogram of weight.
  • For outdoor processing of damaged areas (with an occurrence of healthy skin), a solution and cream is used. This is not so aggressive, as can be with the processing of iodine.
  • Elderly should be borne in mind that the treatment process will be slow.

Fungal lesions (Mycoses) - a group of diseases based on skin infection, mucous membranes, nails, hair caused by pathogenic fungi. Common manifestations are peeling, wetting, inflammatory phenomena of the skin, layering of scales, strong itching, thickening and changing the structure of the skin, nails, hair. When combing, the addition of secondary infection and suppuration. Diseases are inflated, significantly reduce the quality of human life, delivering physical and psychological discomfort, cosmetic problems. A generalized fungal defeat of the whole organism may occur.


- this is a group of skin diseases, whose pathogens are nice mushrooms, the infection occurs when contacting a sick person or with objects, disgraced disputes; A portion of fungal diseases causes a saprophytic microflora, which is a pathogenic when the body's protective functions is reduced.


Keratomicosis is called fungal diseases, in which mushrooms are localized in the horn layer and do not affect skin appendages, keratomicosis, as a rule, low-contagious. These include such diseases as a deceponoid deprived, erythrazm and actinomycosis.

Freewood or multicolored lisha - one of the most frequently diagnosed fungal skin diseases. Clinically manifests itself in the form of pinkish-brown spots with a slightly low-telescope. It is localized on the skin of the neck, chest, back and shoulders, no inflammatory reactions on the side of the modified skin are not observed. Diagnose in adolescents and middle-aged people. Increased sweating contributes to infection with these and other fungal diseases. Foci of lesions have a fiest outline and a tendency to merge due to peripheral growth. The skin affected by this fungal disease is not able to skip the devastating ultraviolet for microorganisms. On the tanned skin, you can see the peeling top layer of the dermis, under which the secondary leukoderma develops. Usually peak recurrences fall on the spring. Diagnosed with a seven-shaped deprived of clinical manifestations and through samples with iodine - when lubricating the focus of lesions, scales acquire more intense color. To confirm the diagnosis and exclusion of other fungal diseases, the scope is conducted. The mushroom amazes the mouth of the follicle, and therefore it is not possible to achieve full cure.

The actinomycosis is a chronic fungal skin disease, its causative agent is a radiant mushroom, widely distributed in nature on cereal plants, therefore people working on mills, agricultural complexes and bakeries fall into the risk group. Perhaps the defeat of the internal organs, if the spores of the radiant mushroom fall through the mouth. The skin and fabric affected by fungal disease, infiltrate dense, inclined to peripheral distribution, can observe granulations along the edges. The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis, clinical picture and microscopy, if necessary, then a bacteriological study is carried out.

The therapy of actinomycosis should be complex, since this kind of fungus causes not only fungal skin diseases, but also affects the internal organs. Antibiotic therapy is shown after determining the sensitivity, irradiation of the affected areas, the transfusion of blood components and, in extreme cases, the surgical excision of tissues. Compliance with personal hygiene, the use of only its comb and hats, washing hands and bodies after contact with animals, as well as the treatment of diseases that reduce immunity are the only prevention of keratomicosis.


Dermatophytium is chronic fungal skin diseases with the lesion of the epidermis, in connection with which the inflammatory response from the skin is observed. The most common fungal diseases of this group - triprophide, microsporia, favus and copies Stop (epidermofite).

Triudophia caused by anthropophilic fungus causes surface lesions, and zoophilic trihophysics is manifested in infiltrative-valurating form. The source of infection is sick people, animals and items, the mushroom with disputes.

This fungal disease is characterized by limited rounded areas of lesion on the hairpiece of the head, hair fragility is marked and a slight peeling of the skin. In children, tricochy usually passes to the period of puberty, adults are more often sick with chronic forms. A middle-aged women fall into the risk group. Hypovitaminosis, endocrine disorders also increase the likelihood of disease when contacting the causative agent. Trikhophysu is striking the scalp, smooth skin and nails.

Microsporia is a fungal skin disease, clinically similar to trichophytics, externally manifests itself in the form of intersecting rings from bubbles, crusts and nodules, if the microsporia is affected by the pouring part of the head, then the foci have a tendency to transition to smooth skin. Itching and other subjective sensations are absent.

In microscopy, you can see the mushroom mycelium, characteristic of fungal lesions of skin and hair changes, but it is impossible to differentiate a microsporement from truderofy. If accurate differentiation is needed, then they resort to culture diagnostics.

Typically, the treatment of fungal diseases from the group of dermatophyters is carried out by physician physicists or dermatologists in the hospital. Anti-game drugs, such as fungoterbin, exifun, receptions are carried out daily to the first negative microscopic study, and then go to supporting doses. Hair in the lesions foci swear and treated with a tincture of iodine, and for the night they appliques with sulfur salicylic ointment.

Favus is a fungal disease that affects the skin, the scalp, nails and sometimes internal organs. The contagiousness of this fungal disease is average, predominantly children and women are most often observed with family foci of infection.

Clinically manifested by the appearance of scooles around the hair, scooled is a yellowish crust with a wedding pressure, the skin in the focus of the lesion is hyperemic. Over time, the scooles merge and form a single crust with an unpleasant stale smell. Hair dump and thin. With prolonged flow of fungal disease, hair loss and post-phase baldness is observed. The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical manifestations and cultural surveys.

With Favus therapy, a good effect gives a course treatment with modern antifungal drugs - ketoconazole, terbinafin, itraconazole, a course of treatment for at least a month, the dosage is selected based on the severity of the lesion. Hair in the focus of the lesions shake, for softening the scoundrels use salicyl ointment as appliques for the night. In the morning, the treatment of the scalp is carried out by iodine solutions.

Fungal diseases stop are widespread. People come to the risk group, with high sweating of feet, neglecting personal hygiene, athletes and visitors of the sauna, swimming pools, public beaches. Dry skin stop, a tendency to the formation of cracks, wearing rubber shoes and endocrine disorders contribute to the development of fungal diseases, since healthy intact skin is less sensitive to infection. With an erased form of fungal diseases, a slight peeling is observed, redness and itching in inter-felling folds, after contact with water, symptoms can be intensified. In the absence of treatment in the process, stop vaults are involved and the double-shaped shape of fungal diseases are diagnosed. The skin is thickened, reminiscent appears, sometimes hyperemia, patients make complaints to itching and burning.

In case of dishellied forms of fungal diseases, the stops are mostly affected by the arches of the foot, the stressful large bubbles with a dense film appear, on the grounds of the bubbles - non-charging painful erosion, the skin around the burial zone of the edema and hyperemic is clearly expressed by pain syndrome and itching. When contacting water cutting pain.

The internal form of fungal diseases is manifested by maceration, erosed cracks of different depths, pain and itching. Under the rubrinder stop, the affected skin is dry with a mucoid peeling, the skin drawing is brightly expressed, the lesion foci have a fibrous outline.

The diagnosis is based on clinical manifestations, patient poll and if required, a culture analysis is carried out to identify the exact type of fungus.

The treatment of fungal diseases of the stop depends on the pathogen, the damage zone and the severity of the process. Long-term reception of anti-grapple drugs, under the category of itraconazole, terbinafin takes long courses. Medicase treatment stop is carried out with anti-grab ointments. For skin treatment and nails, alternation of anti-grays and cooling missiles is shown, in the absence of erosions, iodine and furcin solutions are used. Additionally, laser treatment of fungal diseases of the stop is prescribed.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, washing the legs after visiting the saunas, pools, beaches, the fight against increased sweating, wearing cotton socks and shoes for the season is the only prevention of fungal diseases of the stop. Since healthy and clean skin is a natural barrier on the path of microorganisms and mycotic cells.


Candidiasis is a fungal skin disease, mucous membranes and internal organs. The causative agent is the yeast-like fungus Candida, a man's saprofit, which, when a decrease in the protective functions of the body begins to reproduce actively. The risk group includes children, senior people and having immunodeficiency states.

Candidoid fungal diseases of the skin of the mouth most often occurs in people with lower bite and hypersalization. Fungal diseases caused by the candidate mushroom may develop only in the presence of favorable conditions, this is an increased humidity and a warm environment. Clinically, clinical clinical snacks are manifested by light maceration and the presence of a white fly, when removing which you can see a smooth red-free erosion surface. The process is bilateral and rarely goes beyond how to fold the corners of the mouth.

Candidiasis of the skin is localized in the folds, more often found in people with overpressure of body, prone to sweating and in children when violating hygiene rules. The affected area of \u200b\u200bbright red, it has clear boundaries, wet, top covered with a white bloom, on the periphery is possible to detach the epidermis.

The exclusion from the diet of sweet food, swelling and simple carbohydrates is an important point in the treatment of candidiasis. Reception of prolonged antifungal drugs, such as fluconazole gives a good therapeutic effect. Mazi with Clotrimazole are locally used. In addition, it is necessary to treat the intestinal dysbiosis and normalize the work of the immune system.

The microsporia is a dermatomycosis flowing with the lesion of the skin, hair, the nail plates are affected relatively rarely.

The causative agent of Microsporum Canis. The incidence prevails in urban settlements. Children are predominantly ill. Unsatisfactory hygiene conditions, abundance of homeless animals, as well as high temperature and air humidity contribute to the spread of microsporia. There is an increase in incidence in the autumn-winter period. The duration of the incubation period is 5-7 days for zoonous microsporia, 4-6 weeks - with anthroponous.

Smooth skin microsporography

At the place of introduction of the mushroom, an edema appears, a towering red stain with clear boundaries. Gradually stain increases in diameter. A continuous towering roller, submitted by small nodules, bubbles and crusts, is formed along the edge. In the central part of the spot there is a permission of inflammation, as a result of which it acquires a pale-pink color, with a seven-like peeling on the surface. Thus, the hearth has a rings. The number of foci with a smooth skin microsporith, as a rule, is small (1-3). Their diameter ranges from 0.5 to 3 cm. The most often foci is located on the skin of the face, neck, forearm and shoulders. There are no subjective sensations or concerns a moderate itching.

Newborn and young children, as well as young women, severe inflammatory phenomena are often noted and minimal peeling.

In individuals inclined to allergic reactions (in particular, in patients with atopic dermatitis), the fungus is often masked by manifestations of the main process and is not always diagnosed in a timely manner. The use of local hormonal drugs only enhances the spread of fungal infection.

To the rare variety of microsporia should be attributed to the lesion of the skin of the palms, soles and nail plates. For the defeat of the nails, the isolated damage of the nail is typical of its outer edge. Initially, a dim spot is formed, acquiring white painting over time. Nail in the spray area becomes softer and fragile, and later it can collapse.

Scalp's scalp microsporee (dye)

The microsporement of the scalp (ringing deprived) is found primarily in children of 5-12 years. It is believed that the rarity of this form in adults is explained by the presence of organic acids in their hair that slow down the growth of the fungus. This fact indirectly confirms the independent recovery of children during puberty, when a change in the composition of the skin saline occurs. Interestingly, the microspor of the scalp (ringing deprived) is practically not found in children with red hair.

Scalp's scalp microsporee (dye)

The centers of the scalp microsist microsporia are located mainly on the top of the top and the temporal areas.

Typically present 1-2 large focus of a value from 2 to 5 cm, with round or oval outlines and clear boundaries. On the edge of large foci, there may be seferences - small chairs with a diameter of 0.5-1.5 cm. At the beginning of the disease at the site of infection, the peeling section is formed. In the first days, the mushroom is located only at the mouth of the hair onion. On the 6-7th day, the microsporus applies to the hair themselves, which become fragile, rolled over the level of surrounding skin by 4-6 mm and look like a trimmed (hence the name "ringing deprived"). The remaining hemps look dull, covered with a loaf of a grayish white color, which is a spore of the mushroom. If hemp "stroke", they deflect in one direction and, unlike healthy hair, do not restore their original position. The skin in the lesion focus, as a rule, is slightly reddened, swelling, the surface of it is covered with grayish-white small scales.


The disease amazes the skin, hair, nails. Sources of infection are patient with surface or chronic tricoephyte, as well as items that use the patient (combs, hats, underwear, etc.). Children are more often sick.

Surface Trichophia Smooth Skin It is characterized by the appearance of foci mainly in open areas of the skin. The foci is sharply excluded, oval or rounded outlines, on their periphery there is a border of small bubbles, nodules, crusts, and in the center - a seven-party peeling.

For surface Throathedral Head Small foci appear with fuzzy borders, grayish-pinkish color, with a small peeling. Most of the hair in the foci is broken at the level of the skin or 2-3 mm from it. Sometimes foci are determined in the form of black dots, as the hair is rolled at the level of the skin. Subjective sensations are absent.

Chronic adult triprophides

Chronic trico adults, as a rule, begins in childhood, it occurs as the surface triple thoughts of the scalp or smooth skin and does not pass, as usual, by the period of puberty. Fuck predominantly women. In the development of chronic tricoephyms, adults play the role of dysfunction of the domestic secretion glands (more often than sex), avitaminosis and hypovitaminosa A, vegetonurosis, which reduce the protective functions of the body.

Chronic trudgeophy of the scalp is characterized by the presence of diffuse or small-scale peeling in the occipital and temporal areas. In the same place, it is possible to detect the so-called black dots - "Hemp" hair broken in the mouth of follicles. Later, numerous small atrophic logs appear. On smooth skin, especially in the field of buttocks, the hips, on the background of the acricyanosis, gray thin scales are formed.

Trichophysia nail

Nail trihophysia - the defeat of smooth skin and the scalp is often combined with a change in nails that can be isolated. More often amazed nails on hands. On the free edge of the nail, grayish-white spots and stripes appear, then the nails thicken, become bug, uneven, lose smoothness, easily crumbling. Supported plate is not inflamed. Subjective sensations are absent.

With deep trihophytide on the hairpiece of the head there is a sharply bounded rounded shape inflammatory infiltration of blue-red color, protruding over the surrounding skin; By increasing in size, it can reach 6-8 cm in diameter. Around each hair in the lesion focus arises, after which the hair in the focal falls out, when pressed on the focus of extended inflamed hair follicles, pus droplets are highlighted; Palpation is painful. Regional lymph nodes can be increased, painful. Sometimes there is ailment, an increase in body temperature. Without treatment, the focus in 2-3 months is usually completely permitted and the scar remains in its place.

Favus is a chronic fungal disease caused by Trichophyton Schoenleinii, which affects hair, skin, nails, sometimes internal organs.
A similar fungus in Iran, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Some African States is common; In our country, single cases are recorded. Peel into the human skin through the microtraums of the horn layer of the epidermis.

Sources of infection: a sick person, through the things that he used (for example, hats, comb).

The development of Favus contributes to a decrease in the body's immune reactivity due to intoxication, chronic diseases, hypovitaminosis, as well as defective nutrition.

The fungus in the body can spread throughout and hematogenically. Children are predominantly ill; Among adults are prevailing women. The fungus intensively multiplies in the horn layer of the epidermis. A characteristic morphological element with a favorite is a scoundrel, which is a cluster of dispute and mycelium fungus, epidermis cells and fatty detritus. Scoundula is surrounded by leukocytes and exudate with destroyed epithelium.

There are several forms of Favus: typical - scoolese and atypical - squamous, impetiginous, etc.

Localization - with a scoundal form of Favus amazed by a sickness of the head, smooth skin, nails and occasionally internal organs.

Hyperemia (redness) appears on the scales of the head around the head of the affected hair, against the background of which the scoundula is developing ("dull shield") - a yellowish crust with a wedding pressing and hair in the center, we diffuse up to 3 cm in diameter. When removing it, a wet, slightly hypereminated recess. Scoundulas can merge, forming giant foci covered with dirty gray, unpleasantly smelling ("barn smell") crusts. The affected hair dump shall become "gray", reminding the bundle of the packley. Then the scar atrophy develops, while the hair falls out post-end baldness), while saving only in the edge zone of the scalp. Rubtsovo-modified skin is thin, smooth, shiny.

Favus smooth skin meets less often. It is usually affected by the skin of the body and limbs, where scoundulas are formed against the background of hyperemia around the gun hair.

The defeat of nail plates, predominantly fingers, is developing slowly. Nail plates are thickened due to subnamed hyperkeratosasis, crumbling, acquire a dirty color.

With the bay form, the scooles are not formed. Large-pointed scales, grayish-white (remind scales with psoriasis), atrophied skin is visible under them; Hair falls out.

Children also has an impetiginous form at which layered dirty-yellow peels are formed, penetrated with dim hair.


Epidermofitiy - fungal skin and nail skin disease. There are inguinal epidermofiytia and epidermophytia stop.

The pathogen - Epidermophyton floccosum affects the horny layer. The source of infection is a sick person. Transmission paths: Leaves: LPG, Mochlocks, Sponges, Kleenki, etc.

Predisposing factors - high temperature and increased environmental humidity; hyperhydrosis. Intra-community endemics are possible. Observed predominantly in men.

Localization - large folds, especially inhabited femoral and inter-fodded; Perhaps the defeat of other skin sites and nails stop.

Inflammatory spots in the epidermofitilation of rounded outlines, red-brown are located, as a rule, symmetrically, clearly excluded from the surrounding skin with a roller coated with small bubbles, pustlas, crusts and scales. As a result of peripheral growth, the stains can merge with each other, forming extensive foci of the festral outlines. Chronic. Subjectively - itching, burning, soreness, especially when walking.

Epidermife Stop (feet fungus)

Pathogen - TR. Mentagrophytes var. interdigitale; Located in the horny and grainy layers of the epidermis, penetrating sometimes to the cylinder, has sharply expressed allergizing properties.

Localization - the feet fungus is striking the skin and nails only stop, usually in adults; Often accompanied by allergic epidermofitis rashes.

Foot fungus is going on in the baths, shower, pools, sports halls, where dermatophytes fall on the skin of a healthy person, together with scales of patients suffering from mycosis. It is possible, intrameal infection in violation of the elementary rules of personal hygiene (wearing one shoes, stocking, etc.).

Characteristics of epidermofitilation (feet fungus)

Fight Fights: Localization

Erased shape of the fungus feet
Localization: folds between 5-6.4-3 fingers Symptoms: a small peeling, sometimes weak itch

Localization: Stop Watch Symptoms: A small erythema with peeling, sometimes thickening of the skin according to the type of absolescence, weak itch

Dyshydrotic shape Fight fungus
Localization: Stop Symptoms: Stressful Multi-Calibe Bubbles, Erosions, Cork, Frequently Strong itch

An etheregin form of the mushroom feet
Localization: folds between fingers
Symptoms: Maceration, Mocking, Herozing, Cracks, often Strong itch

Epidermofitiya (Figure Fungus)

The epidermofitium (feet fungus) may be complicated by the grinding inflammation of the leg, the development, primarily at the brushes, secondary allergic rashes, in which the elements of the fungus are never detected.

Nail fungus (onichomicosis)

With epidermofitilation (onychomicosis), basically nails I and V fingers stop are affected. In the thicker of the nail appear spots and lanes of yellow, which, slowly increasing, occupy the entire nail. Gradually develops more or less pronounced subband hyperkeratosis, as a result of which the nail thickens. Paints are absent.

Rubrinder (Figure Fungus) - the most frequent fungal disease stop. The Rubrinder strikes the main feet, can spread to brushes, large folds, especially inhabricted femoral, and other areas of skin cover with the increasing involvement of flush, and sometimes long hair. Rubrombosis pathogen - TR. Rubrum.

Infection occurs in the baths, shower, pools, sports halls, where dermatophytes fall on the skin of a healthy person together with the scales of patients suffering from mycosis. It is possible, intrameal infection in violation of the elementary rules of personal hygiene (wearing one shoes, stocking, etc.).

A number of factors are promoted by the development of the Mikosa Stop (Fungi): increased foot sweating, functional disorders of the lower extremities vessels, dry skin of a stop with the formation of cracks, especially in inter-flats, minor injuries, flatfoot, long-term supercooling or overheating of lower extremities, long-term use of rubber shoes, Violation of the endocrine system, a decrease in the immunological reactivity of the body, etc.

Localization of the Rubrombosis (Fungus Stop and Nail) - Leather and Nails Stop, skin and nails of brushes can be involved in the process, as well as smooth skin.

The lesion of the skin of the stop and the brushes is characterized by dryness and a small skin of the skin with an underlined pattern of skin groove and flour peeling of the latter. Sometimes the skin of the palms has a reddish-blue color. Initially, as a rule, the foot is amazed, the manifestations of Mikosa at the brushes appear later.

On the smooth skin, extensive foci with large outlines, the center of the cinestic and pink foci, is slightly peeling. According to the periphery of foci there is an intermittent inflammatory roller consisting of nodules, crusts, scales. The process is often involved in flush hair.

With the defeat of the nails of the stop and brushes in their thicker, grayish-yellow stains and strips are formed, gradually occupying the entire nail (onichomicosis). Nail can remain smooth, brilliant or deformed, crumbs and collapsed. In some cases, rubred is generalized in nature - all skin is affected, including the skin of the face, nails and flush hair.

Very often the cause of the skin of the scalp, peeling and inflammation, and often, on this background, and hair loss is a mushroom skin of the head. It is immediately impossible to understand that you "purchased" a fungal infection immediately, however, on a primary inspection, when contacting a specialist, the doctor quite easily identifies the cause of your concerns. Fungal diseases of the scalp today are successfully treated, although some require longer time and patience.

The fungus (mycosis), which affects the scalp's scalp, has many varieties. Symptoms of each type of fungus are different, therefore the therapy in different cases is individual. Often diseases are observed infectious nature, so it is easily transmitted in personal contact with patients or when using common things and hygiene items. The only prevention of fungal infections is the scrupulous observance of personal hygiene.

Symptoms fungus on the scalp.
The symptoms of the manifestation of fungal disease and therapy methods are determined by the type of fungus, which struck the patient. Meanwhile, the general symptoms of fungal infection can be called inherent in one degree or another of each variety, and indicating the presence of a disease. Among them:

  • The general condition of the hair has deteriorated, dryness, dullness, loss of shine, loss.
  • Peeling of the scalp, the appearance of individual peeling sites with inqualous contours and a rounded form.
  • On the affected areas, the hair is very much falls out, they have been rare, and they appear.
  • It is noted the appearance of pink plaques on the skin of the head, which stand out above the skin surface. On plaques, small bubbles can appear, covered by gradually grayish or yellowish crusts.
  • There is a breaking of hair at the base of the follicle, as a result of which black dots appear on the skin.
  • With the surface form of a ringworm, the heads of purulent lesions appear on the skin of the head.
Often, in cases of fungal damage to the scalp, doctors identify superficial or deep tricoephy (in the people of a ringless deprived) and microspore (microsporia). There is also another dangerous fungal disease called Favus (past), but it does not occur in us, it has a distribution mainly in the Middle East and Central Asia. In rare cases, tourists can be delivered.

Fungal diseases may leak (most often it happens) in a hidden form, so in the early stages of development, the disease is difficult to identify. The signal to the fact that it is necessary to beat the alarm, serves the appearance of a strong dandruff from a person who is not peculiar to.

Trikhophysia (ringing deprived).
Three thoughts or, as they say in the people, ringing deprived is perhaps the most severe fungal disease of the scalp. As a consequence of this disease, there is an intense hair loss, the formation of the jigs. Most often, the ailment overtakes children aged three to twelve years. The disease is very infection, is transmitted with direct contact with a sick person and direct use of his personal belongings. You can get infected in the same way from a sick animal, fortunately, it happens much less. There is a surface shape and a deep shape of a ringworm deeper.

When infected with a fungus causing the surface form of the disease, a person has the first signs of his signs after five to seven days after infection. The main features include the appearance of peeling areas on the scalp, hair fragility at the base of follicles (from 2 mm to 2 cm), which creates a type of black dots on the head. Moreover, on the surface of the hair, which is left on the head, there is a gray raid, which is a product of the fungus. The foci of lesion of the surface form of tricochy can reach two or three centimeters. In addition to the peeling, the lesions can be blushing, itching, they can occur on them.

When infected with a ringing deep form (infiltrative-purulent form), the incubation period is made up two months. At the very beginning, the disease does not give out of themselves. Two months after infection, the symptoms of general malaise, weakness and intoxication of the body are noted, there is also some swelling and soreness when palpation of lymph nodes, a certain increase in body temperature, allergic rash. The deep form of tricoephyt is characterized by the occurrence of the head of rounded tumor-shaped spots with china contours of red. The contours of each spot are peeling more intensively, they can have crusts and bubbles (vesicles), which, during pressing, purulent contents are separated. Simultaneously with these signs, nail deformation may be observed, the change in their color. Such symptoms require urgent treatment, since lesion foci will be intensively spread to other areas, which threatens the development of abscess and extensive inflammation.

Microspore (microsporia).
Microspore is observed for the most part in children and, accordingly, their family members. Sources of infection are sick people (infected with a rusty microsporum) and less commonly animals (fluffy microsporum), as well as items in common with sick use. This disease in the speed of distribution is in the first place among other fungal lesions of the scalp and hair. Microsporums under favorable conditions extend so quickly that can be compared with the epidemic. Symptoms of microsporia are similar to symptoms of surface trico, therefore, to accurately detect the form and type of disease, in addition to visual inspection, a laboratory study is required. On the scalp of the head, areas of the rounded shape with sharp outlines occur. These sites have peeling, hair fragility is also observed, the remaining hairs are covered with grayish raids. Inflammatory processes are expressed weak, the affected areas are edema and have purulent crusts. Nails are not affected with this disease.

Favus (past).
Sources of infection are the same as in the above fungal diseases. The disease is expressed in the appearance of the head in the scalp and on other parts of the skin of the body of crusts (shields and scooles) of a yellowish shade with the so-called indentation in the center, in which the hair is often growing. In the absence of proper treatment of education, extensive areas of lesion with crust are growing and forming. Under these herdes, skin atrophy develops and persistent baldness is observed. Under the damage to the scalp, the hair becomes dull, weakened, easily sharpened, and in general, have similarities with an old worn wig.

Causes of fungal infection of the scalp.
The main cause of infection is bacteria, fungi and viruses, affecting the scalp skin.

Diagnostics of the scalp fungus.
For accurate diagnosis of a variety of fungal lesions, in addition to visual inspection of the head of the head, a microde study is prescribed a broken hairs, and samples of peeling skin are taken. Broken hairs are exposed to a wood lamp in order to identify fungus. If the result is positive, the specialist prescribes bacteriological crops and culture analyzes to the patient.

Treatment of the scalp skin fungus.
With the appearance of itching, unusual dandruff, especially if you have no predisposing factors for its appearance (no hair care means, you did not have stress, etc.), you should immediately turn to a specialist. Only after the identification of the source of the symptoms, namely the species of fungus, should talk about treatment.

Therapy of the scalp fungus is directed primarily to the use of antifungal systems of system action. In this case, it is important to know that such medicines of the modern generation have high toxicity, despite the effectiveness. Therefore, they are contraindicated in renal failure, cancer, blood diseases, disturbed metabolism, vascular pathology of the limbs. Most often for the treatment of the mushroom, the skin of the head is prescribed such as clotrimazole, griseofullvin, miconazole, keratolic agents (ointments, pills), local means (balms and antifungal shampoos). No one month has a treatment, in particularly severe cases, hormone-containing drugs, antibiotics, as well as preventive tools for the development of dysbacteriosis can be patients.

Folk remedies for the skin of the scalp.
With light shapes of fungal lesions, the eucalyptus oil is effectively used, it calms the irritated and sodium skin. Several drops to distribute on a brush or ridge and comb hair, not traumating the scalp.

But the recipe for another effective means for removing itching and redness of the scalp. Compan the juice of garlic juice, olive oil (almond can be almond), lemon juice. Moisten in a mixture of sponge and neat movements to launch into the scalp. Top to bite with film and towel, withstand an hour. I must say that there is a slight pinching. An hour later, wash your head with shampoo, rinse with acetic water (liter of water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar). Such a procedure to do every time you wash your head. The relief occurs from the first time, and the condition of the hair is noticeably improved after the fourth procedure. The only disadvantage of such treatment is garlic smell. But it is felt only when the hair is wet.

Dilute vinegar and distilled water in a 1: 1 ratio. Daily lubricate the affected areas by this composition for one to two months. Real relief occurs on the third day.

To get rid of the dandruff, you can use the means: a tablespoon of the Pijmas ordinary pour 400 ml of boiling water, to insist two hours, strain. Nasty wash hair without shampoo for a month. Or rinse once a week with a decoction of lemon crusts. Remove the crust with four lemons, pour water liter. Cooking fifteen minutes on slow fire.

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