Simple remedy: Is it possible to drip boric acid in the ear? Contraindications and duration of treatment. Boric Acid - Universal Antiseptic Boric Acid 3 In Ear Instructions

Boric acid is associated exclusively with ear problems, because at present this drug is used mainly as an antiseptic when combating inflammation of hearing organs. How to use this medication correctly? How to treat ear boric acid so as not to harm?

The disinfecting effect of the drug was opened in the middle of the 19th century, and since then it is actively used as an antiseptic and antibacterial and antifungal agent. Such a wide range of this substance is ideal for combating the most frequent ear problems.

  1. It delays the growth and pace of development of bacteria and fungi, acting on them at the cellular level. This substance effectively turns the protein, but only with direct hit on the colony.
  2. The acid in its pure form does not smell, and its coloring makes the use of "hygienic-aesthetic", since the substance does not leave traces on the underwear and surfaces.
  3. Boric acid for the ears is produced in the form of a pure powder and an alcohol solution. In their home treatment, it is better to use the last option, since the industrial preparation is divorced in safe proportions. If you create your own infusion of powder - there is a risk of mistaken in the ratio. In this case, you are guaranteed the strongest burning of the auditory channel.
  4. Solutions are of different concentrations. The medical industry produces form at 0.5, 1, 2 and 3%.

But boric acid is very toxic and should be applied solely externally. Because of its harmful effects, in Soviet times, the use of alcohol solutions and pure substances was prohibited for children, pregnant women and nursing.

When is it used?

Currently, boric acid solutions are used to treat the ears, but only for outdoor otitis. The toxicity and saturation of the alcohol tincture does not allow the use of this tool for combating inflammatory processes that have arisen near the drumpoint or for it.

Since the substance penetrates through the skin cells, lining the ear passage, and is immediately discouraged into the blood, and for a long time (up to 7 days) is derived from the body so that no overdose occurred is, it is important to strictly follow the appointments of the Laura and not get involved in an excessive instigation of the solution into an inflamed ear.

Use when Otitis

Boric acid at otitis is prescribed solely for the treatment of the outer form. With inflammation of the middle ear and damage or perforation of the eardrum, it is impossible to use this solution and even dangerous.

Usually, a 3% solution of boric acid is used to treat outdoor otitis. Due to expressed toxic effects, the drug cannot be applied longer than 7 days. Usually, with complex treatment during this time, inflammation must pass.

Use with sulfur traffic jams

A 3 percent alcohol boric acid solution is actively used by specialists and to eliminate sulfur traffic jams. Due to the anatomical features, improper cleansing of hearing aisters, as well as water from entering the sulfur can be accumulated in the aisles and cause hearing deterioration.

In such cases, ENT can recommend you to drip in the ears ready to preparation. Boric acid is not able to remove sulfur clusters by itself, but it effectively softens the plug and allows it to exit naturally, for example, during chewing.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

As already mentioned, the use of boring alcohol for the ears is unacceptable when carrying or feeding the baby's chest. If a pregnant woman got sick ear, she should not be self-treatment with the help of "grandfathers" methods, and not risking health and go for consultation to Laura.

The specialist will examine the state of the auditory body, determines the cause of inflammation and prescribe medications allowed in an interesting position. The main thing is not to pull and not allow the disease to develop to such forms that only antibiotics can cope with.

The question is whether it is possible to drip the baby into the ear boric alcohol, he will solve his attending pediatrician or children's ENT. Experts will proceed from the age of crumbs and localization of inflammation. But most often doctors against dripping boric alcohol to the child due to the high toxicity of the drug. Most likely, the specialist will replace the treatment of ear boric acid to a safer and efficient option.

Rules of treatment

Borny alcohol in the ear can be laid, swallowed with a cotton swab, and bury directly into the auditory passage.

For the compress on the ear with a boric acid on a piece of the rolling, it is necessary to cause 3-5 drops of the product and lay tight in the hearing pass of the patient's ear.

  • The use of boric acid in the form of compresses per day is repeated up to 3 times - no more often - since the substance is toxic and quickly and for a long time concentrates in the blood.
  • In addition, too active the use of the solution can lead to burn surfaces inside the auditory pass. Thus, if boric acid in the ear will be laid too often, another painful problem of the dermis will be added to the inflammatory process.
  • By duration, the treatment of ear borog alcohol compresses does not exceed 5 days. If the term has expired, and the pain in the auditory passage has not gone anywhere - contact the Laura's re-consultation.

But, since the treatment of the ears of the boron alcohol will be more efficient if the solution will fall directly to inflammation, the best yield with pain in the ear will instill the drug in the auditory passage.

How to bang?

  1. For injection in the ear, a 3% alcohol solution of boric acid is used.
  2. Before driving in the ear, it is necessary to warm in your hand so that warm droplets fall into the auditory pass. You can also type the solution into the pipette and place a tool with a liquid into warm water.
  3. For one ear, not more than 3 drops of boring alcohol should be used.
  4. Because of the rather aggressive impact on the skin, per day boring alcohol in the ears follows no more than 2 times.
  5. Before treating the ear to the boric alcohol, it is necessary to wash the auditory passage of hydrogen peroxide. A 3% antiseptic solution must be drunk in a patient's ear and lie on the opposite side of 10 minutes. After that, turn over so that the liquid flows down, and the sink and the available section of the auditory pass cautiously and carefully wipe the woven disk to remove all moisture from the skin.
  6. After the cleansing procedure with hydrogen peroxide in the auditory pass, you can bury a solution of boric acid that dosage, which the doctor or instructions for use indicated. So that the substance works well, you need to calmly lie around a quarter of an hour.
  7. After the procedure for injection of boric acid in the ear, the auditory passage should be covered with a piece of cotton by about 2 hours.

As a rule, with the initial stages of the development of outdoor otitis, the solution helps quickly: sufficiently drip boric acid in the ear of 1-2 days. After its use, the pain is noticeably subsided, because the substance stops the development of bacteria. To stop the inflammation to the end, you should continue to drip in the ear boric acid for another 2-3 days.

If the therapy by boric acid does not help, and the pain in the ear is enhanced, stop using the solution and consult a lore. Probably, the actions of this substance lacks to overcome inflammation, and you will need to receive antibacterial medicines.

For a better understanding of the qualities of this drug, it is necessary to consider this drug in detail and analyze what it represents.

On a note. In essence, boric alcohol is a white powder, just a weak odorless acid.

  1. It is used as neutral for the tissue of the body of the disinfectant and antiseptic substance.
  2. It is allowed to apply as a powder in various diseases of the skin.
  3. Externally as alcohol and aqueous solutions and ointments.

Indications for use

Boric acid in every way apply:

  • as a disinfectant in adults;
  • with eye diseases for curing conjunctivitis;
  • different skin diseases (dermatitis);
  • inflammatory processes in ().
  • patients with a negative change in the kidney function;
  • nursing mothers;
  • people with individual intolerance.

No need to apply the drug to large areas of the skin.

View and dosage when selling

Boric acid is sold in the form:

  1. Alcohol three-percent solutions (in bubbles of 40 ml and dispense vials of 10 ml, 15 ml and 25 ml).
  2. Powder For use externally (25 grams in jars).

For the preparation of the solution, we take 3 grams of powder and dissolve them in 4-6 tablespoons of boiling water. The active substance in these preparations is boric acid. The solution in the form of an additional component has 70% alcohol (in detail than boring alcohol differs from boric and salicylic acid, we told B).

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Duration of treatment

Boric acid preparations are used two or three times a day. As a rule, treatment passes within 4-7 days.

Action on the human body

When penetrating inside, the medicine is easily absorbed from the intestine to the blood. And the re-action is obtained from the skin and mucous membranes. In the blood vessels, the acid is not neutralized, and is moving unchanged, mainly highlighted by the kidneys (about 90%), and the rest is rejected by bile with bile (10%).

This substance is removed slowly, approximately half allocated in 30-35 hoursAnd the other part can be in the body up to 5 days.

The substance is annoying effect on the mucous membranes, destroys the kidneys and adversely affects the nerve cells of the brain.

Important! In children, due to the non-formed organism and a weak immune system, can cause poisoning and lead to intoxication.

What is it used for?

Drops in the ears

The preparation with boric acid is allowed to use for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the gaimor sinus, eczematosis changes in the ears and the outer surface of the hearing body. When inflammation in the ear for you can apply a alcohol three-percent boric acid solution.

The principle of the drug is to change the structure of proteins at the cellular level and the permeability of their shells, as a result of which they die.

Use funds when inflammation of the ear pass is permissible only if the eardrum is not injured.

What does the eyes treat?

Boric acid is often used in medicine in the treatment of different pathologies of organs of vision. Most often this the solution is used from conjunctivitis and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Despite fears, it is allowed to apply this eye to wash. They process the cavity of the eyelids and the eyeball with inflammatory processes.

How to use as an antiseptic?

Borne Acid is a universal disinfectant, which is used not only for sanitation, but also for cleansing from purulent wounds and rinsing genitals. As an antiseptic, two or three-percent solutions of this drug should be used.

Fighting pests

Boric acid when combating insects is applied in contact method. Powder - as an intestinal poison, is used in practice, mainly to combat cockroaches and ants.

It is laid out in places of accumulation of insects as bait both in dry and in a wet form. The manifestation of action occurs gradually, as the powder accumulates in the insect body about 7-11 days.

Features of the use of adults and children

The most common indication for adults and children is skin disinfection.

Note! Because of many side effects, partial restrictions on the use of this drug to children under 18 are made.

To learn about whether it is possible to use boric acid to treat the ears of children, you can.

Adults are currently being treated with skin inflammation, otitis and conjunctivitis. In the treatment of ear diseases, apply (cotton swabs, which are introduced in the ear). 10% solution with glycerin is used to lubricate thenels, and in the treatment of pediculosis use ointment.

The course of treatment prescribes a doctor and self-medication is better not to deal with the toxicity of the drug.

Instructions for the preparation of 3 percent mixture on alcohol

Preparation of the solution yourself:

  1. To obtain a three-percent acid solution, you first need to prepare a bubble, preferably with applied weight strokes. Initially, rinse it and slip. Pour 3,4 grams of boric acid into a measuring bottle and pour 120 ml of boiling water into it. Mix this mixture thoroughly.
  2. Then it is necessary to strain the solution via cotton or multi-layer gauze bandage.
  3. Pour into another prepared (sterile) bubble, close tight plug. Store on the top shelf in the refrigerator.

In what cases does it help the most successful?

In this regard, we propose to consider several categories of people who help boric acid helps most successfully.

Methods of use and application:

  1. With severe ear pain. Laying cotton swabs in the auditory passage.
  2. In conjunctivitis. Installing the lower eyelid eyes.
  3. From the smell and sweating of the legs. You should pour over the night in the shoes powder. And in the morning, pour the contents.
  4. From nail fungus on legs. Apply water baths with a weak solution of boric acid.
  5. Women in cosmetology. The drug is to clean the face, correction when removing wrinkles, therapy of the skin rash.
  6. In a junior age from acne. Cotton swab moistened in boric acid, wipe distressed areas.
  7. Young women for depilation. Daily use of the drug is locally within two weeks.

Side effects

It is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • tissue swelling;
  • increased temperature;
  • changes in the central nervous system;
  • pain inside;
  • rash;
  • cramps.

Replacing medicines

  • With ear diseases antibacterial: "Tsipromed", "Otofa", "Fuggestin".
  • Anti-inflammatory - OtIpaks, Otinum.
  • With eye diseases: Levomycetin, dexamethasone. With retinal dystrophy: Emoxipin, Taufon, Aktipol.
  • During dermatitis: "Eplan", "Skin-cap", "Zincap".

Boric acid is effectively a means for diseases of the ear. On our site you will find information on how to treat ears with the help with this tool, and you can also find out whether this medicine can be dripped into ears.

The careful use of boric acid contributes to improving health, and also helps to solve problems in some domestic issues, while the drug can be loose in a pharmacy. Observing security measures and only on the prescription of this medicine, it will bring the desired effect.

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Boric alcohol or acid that is sold in a pharmacy is cheap, but effective. It relieves pain in the ear. With proper use, it is possible to use without fears for a short period of time for the treatment of non-National Otitis in the initial stage, conjunctivitis and pediculosis. Boric acid in the ear drops and is inserted with Turund. There are a number of contraindications, so the use of the drug is recommended only after survey at the Laura. This is especially true for children.

In pharmacies, the boric acid itself is sold in the form of a powder, which dissolves in 70% boring alcohol, so it is often possible to see the name "Boric acid" on a bubble with an inorganic substance. In addition to the solution, which is treated, there is a boric ointment.

Trying to independently make the solution should not, since the acid has poisoning toxins. Wrong proportions will lead to a burn.

For compresses and injection into the ears, doses of 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3% and acid are suitable. From 5% should be refused.

Here are some properties of the drug:

In the USSR, the medication was considered almost a miraculous means due to its ability to kill the pathogenic flora. It penetrates the affected organs through the mucous membrane, wound or skin and does not allow microbes to multiply. Half of the drug is excreted in a day, the rest is within a week.

A little later, scientists find out that boric acid toxic, adversely affects the children's body. The kidneys are most affected. Vomiting may open, diarrhea, CNS seriously suffers, so a number of countries strongly limited the possibility of treatment with boric alcohol.

In modern Russia, boric acid can be purchased without a prescription, but without appointing Laura not worth using. Strictly follow the dosage.

In fact, opinions on whether boric acid is buried in the ears or inserted there in the form of moistened wool, diverge.

Some doctors argue that boring boric acid can really be in ear. However, it is the drops that can cause a burn, an unpleasant burning sensation, therefore it is better not to risk, but to use compresses, pre-warming up on a water bath or simply in hand.

Indications for use

The substance in the form of an alcohol solution relates to disinfectant and antiseptic means, which also has the effect of warming, so it is so popular in the treatment of uncomplicated otitis. A water-based solution is injected with adults in conjunctivitis and wet eczema.

Boric acid with 10% glycerin is used to disappear thenels. But as a medicine from lice use ointment.

Remember that the drug needs to be used only externally. In no case to drink it can not be drunk, as it will lead to a fatal outcome.

In Russia, boric acid is still appointed Laura in order to quickly remove diseases of the ears. The drug is buried in the ear or inserted with Turund, which allows you to quickly cure a non-negative otitis. The method is effective thanks to its ability to warm the patient's ear and kill microbes.

Instructions for use

Due to the founded contraindications, the drug is prescribed only by adults in combination with antibiotics for the treatment of otitis. It is allowed to be allowed to dig and insert Turundons into the ear shells, as well as make compresses.

In the instructions for a solution of boric acid, it is clearly stated that it should be not dripped, namely, turn wool in lumps, and then wet in heated substance and insert into the ear. Time is not specified. But, as a doctor, I can say that this is 2 hours a maximum. For children, this period is shrinking twice.

Tampon or Torunda

To warm the ear when otitis, follow a simple instruction.

  1. You need to buy in a pharmacy Wat and Borny alcohol 2%.
  2. In the water bath, 15 seconds warm the substance (7-8 drops).
  3. From the cotton ride a small oblong bulb resembling the form of an icicle.
  4. Insert into your ears and hold no more than 2 hours.

For a larger effect, use the hydrogen peroxide before applying. She will clean your ear, leaning sulfur and pus.

Flushing or cleaning of reservoir will prevent the sulfur accumulation in the ears.

Using compress

  1. Take the bottle, with a pipette, dial a small amount of medicine.
  2. Drip into each ear 1-2 drops.
  3. After that, insert the rollers in the ear (lumps) and keep 2 hours

The most frequent way in addition to the two described above is the use of droplets. Boric acid is buried in the ear, the use of other means is not required.

Adults who have passed inspection from Laura should use drops no more than 2-3 times a day at 2 o'clock.

Children from seven years without inspection of a pediatrician procedure is not recommended. Especially in the form of droplets. It is best to make a compress or enter the tampons in the ears.

With purulent otitis in adults, the amount of daily doses can be enlarged.

If they felt ailment, urgently call an ambulance. Boric acid is not the safest tool from all those represented today in domestic pharmacology.

What is the duration of treatment?

Otitis has many different types. Therefore, to not be deaf at all, go through the survey at Laura. And then proceed to treatment.

The duration of the use of borogon alcohol cannot exceed seven days, otherwise the body will be applied quite strong damage. The disease itself from the first day to the latter may occur from the week to two, depending on the presence or absence of pathologies.

Children's otitis proceed longer. Ears can shoot 3-5 days.

How to bother - step-by-step instruction

In order not to harm neither to yourself nor the child, follow the clear recommendations of the doctor who examined you or a child. Do not exceed a reasonable dose and do not try to buy a powder, mix with water and drop into your ears. Be sure to buy a ready-made 2% solution. In the case of severe ear diseases, a 3% acid solution is allowed by boring.

  1. Heat the substance in the water bath, measuring the pipette a small amount and placing in the glass dishes.
  2. Next, you should dial a pipette solution and drop 3-4 drops to each pass.

If you feel the burning, and after that, nausea, dizziness, pain in my head, urgently call an ambulance! The drug may well cause swelling of mucosa in overdose or high sensitivity.

Is it possible to use in childhood?

Boric acid is strictly contraindicated to children up to a year, that is, infants. And then, depending on the recommendation of doctors, you can use on your risk and fear.

In case of simple ear inflammation and in the absence of temperature, I usually assign inserting cotton lumps, which are wetted in a small amount of boring alcohol. It removes pain and warms well.

According to doctors, in general, with proper dosage, boric alcohol will not cause a negative effect. The medicine will help reassure the child and will give the opportunity to fall asleep in pain.

Use boric acid during breastfeeding is strictly prohibited. When lactation, the substance will fall into the body of the baby and will cause intoxication.

For diseases of the ears during pregnancy, the use of the drug should also be avoided.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is strictly contraindicated to people with urolithiasis and other kidney diseases. It is strictly forbidden to use boric acid during lactation and give children up to the year. Caution is used for children up to 3 years.

In case of poisoning, medication occurs chronic intoxication. Opened vomiting and diarrhea. Spots are formed on the skin. Rarely possible shock condition and coma, headaches, confusion of consciousness. All this speaks of overdose and influence on the central nervous system.

With long use, exhaustion, edema, eczema, female cycle disorder and anemia may come.

In cases of overdose, blood is urgently required.

Often the diseases of the ears are accompanied by acute pain and temperature. Mommies without consulting Laura get boring alcohol from stocks and eat children in the ears, from which in the end in children the temperature becomes so high that as a result, the simple otitis leads to cramps and complications on the ears. Parents, be attentive with medicines!

Analogs of the drug

The acid solution is a cheap preparation, but truly toxic. If you can replace it, it is better to do it.

To remove the painful effect in the ears, the drug Ottipaks or Phasex with a lidocaine and a fenage can be buried. The latter blocks the reproduction of bacteria and removes the swelling, lidocaine dulls pain.

Suitable for applying both adults and children.

As antibiotics, Sofradeks (drops for eyes and ears), Anauren and Combinil can be prescribed. The latter are available only by the doctor's prescription.


The diseases of the ears are different. Otitis can also be purulent, external and internal. Borish alcohol is able to remove some symptoms and light molds of otitis for a while, but without consultation, Laura cannot be engaged in self-medication, since boric acid can cause sharp reactions, poison the body.

Boric acid is known as orthobal, chemical formula H3BO3. It began to be widely used in medicine by the end of the nineteenth century, into the flourishing of the popularity of antiseptics, and all thanks to the French scientist Jana Batista Duma. It was he who opened the stunning antiseptic properties of Bohr. In its acidic action, boric acid is weak, so it does not annoy the wound, does not spoil the clothes, and most importantly - there is no smell and taste.

The view is a small crystalline substance without color, resembles the scaly. The market offers several issues of release and each is intended for the treatment of certain diseases: powder, alcohol and aqueous solutions, ointment.

Pharmacological properties of boric acid, precautions

According to the results of studies, the toxicologist scientists have been proven that all known Boric Acid is the strongest, aggressive poison, which is able to destroy the cells of the human liver, adversely affects the kidneys, easily penetrates the body through the skin and mucous membranes.

The drug is especially dangerous for the rapid child organism, it is very long been excreted and inclined to accumulate in the soft tissues of the human body.

In order to avoid negative consequences, the drug is used in treatment very carefully and not long. With serious human poisoning, the substance is striking the brain, mucous membrane and skin, in chronic cases - blood-forming and sex cells.

A particular threat to the drug is the health of the future mother and the fetus, even the minimum number of one-to-toxic dose into the mother's body causes a pathological change in the development of the child. The consequences of overdose are characteristic of nausea, strong peeling of the skin, headaches, confusion of consciousness, convulsions, it is possible to reduce the urges to the toilet, rarely shock.

When the described symptoms appear above, you need to access the doctor immediately.

Therapeutic properties of the drug and testimony for use

Boric acid is one of the few antiseptics, which has an antipeedicious effect. With the use of this substance, a lot of illness is treated, before it was prescribed, the solution was prescribed as rubbing for the primer during the Town.

Borny alcohol is the first preparation in the first-aid kit. He will cope with the inflammation of the middle ear. It is buried in the ears, or a more efficient option - a tampon impregnated with alcohol lay in the ear for about 30 minutes and close with cotton.

Most recently, the drug was massively used for disinfection purposes, was used in therapy for both adults and children. But the conclusion made by toxicorals restricted its application.

Currently, the agent is used to treat inflammation of the outer shell of the eye, skin, the cavity of the ear. It all depends on the form of the drug:

1. 2% aqueous solution - for washing with eye diseases;

2. 3% - suitable for rims in the problems of skin;

3. Alcohol solution from 0.5%, up to 3% solves problems with various types of ears inflammation;

4. In the postoperative period, insufflation from the powder is used;

5. The solution of 10% in glycerin is perfectly treated with diallos, and also helps in solving delicate female problems - inflammation of the vagina;

6. 5% Borne ointment - effectively copes with pediculosis.


Like all medicines, the drug has its own contraindications.

Its overdose and long use threatens with an acute toxic reaction, a sign of which can be: subtaching, skin rashes, headache, oliguria (reduced urine allocated), in some cases shock.

The substance quickly penetrates through the skin and mucous membranes into the blood, slowly comes out of the body, settling in organs and tissues and destroying them.

Boric acid at eye diseases

The remedy is present in the majority of well-known pharmacy drops for the eyes, of course, no one in the eye bursts the drug in its pure form. In order to avoid all sorts of side effects before using the drug, consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. Independent preparation and use of eye preparations are not recommended.

Recipes for treating fungus and skin problems

Boric acid effectively helps to overcome the nail fungus - while you can use a pharmacy boric ointment, a solution or powder.

1. From the powder make solutions for therapeutic baths (0, 5 teaspoon per liter of hot water), used to break the affected parts.

2. If the nail plate is affected, it is first sprinkled, cut into the maximum, spill, then treated with dry powder, rubbing the boring ointment or simply sprinkle with powder.

3. For the rapid effect, the roaming nail plate is usually processed twice a day.

Boric acid in cosmetology

The remedy is used in cosmetology purposes - heats and disinfect, lowering the fatty skin of the face, helps in treatment with acne and acne, is part of all sorts of healing chatters.

1. A 3% aqueous boric acid solution wipes fatty skin.

2. With a cotton wand dipped in alcohol solution, the acne is migrated.

3. Р Eguously wipe the skin of the face with 3% aqueous boric acid solution in combination with a colorless henna for whitening the skin and freckles.

It should be carefully taken to therapeutic agents with the addition of boric acid if negative reactions from the body appeared, immediately refer to the doctor and stop using the medicine.

Application in the farm

Incredibly, boric acid helps in the fight against garden pests - ants. The only thing that needs to be observed is safety, without special clothing and work gloves should not begin. She needs to sprinkle the habitats of these insects.

To combat cockroaches 1 boric acid bag mix with 1 boiled yolk and decompose the bait in the places inaccessible to animals and children. A week later, cockroaches will not.

It is used by the Bohr not only in the etnel of ants, it will help not one hostess in gardening beds. The aqueous solution of the substance is used as a stimulant in the germination of seeds, it is a beautiful mineral fertilizer, a guarantee of a high harvest, and also gives the effect in protecting garden crops from diseases.

How to increase the harvest with this substance?

It is necessary to spray the leaves of plants divorced in hot water, powder-shaped means (1 tablespoon of 10 liters of water). This is so inexpensive, but the effective drug involved not only in medicine, but also in garden matters.

Careful use of boric acid will help improve human health, as well as in solving certain household issues, with a means of each. In compliance with security measures and only on the recommendation of the attending doctor, the drug will bring expected benefits.

Boric acid is associated exclusively with ear problems, because at present this drug is used mainly as an antiseptic when combating inflammation of hearing organs. How to use this medication correctly? How to treat ear boric acid so as not to harm?

The disinfecting effect of the drug was opened in the middle of the 19th century, and since then it is actively used as an antiseptic and antibacterial and antifungal agent. Such a wide range of this substance is ideal for combating the most frequent ear problems.

  1. It delays the growth and pace of development of bacteria and fungi, acting on them at the cellular level. This substance effectively turns the protein, but only with direct hit on the colony.
  2. The acid in its pure form does not smell, and its coloring makes the use of "hygienic-aesthetic", since the substance does not leave traces on the underwear and surfaces.
  3. Boric acid for the ears is produced in the form of a pure powder and an alcohol solution. In their home treatment, it is better to use the last option, since the industrial preparation is divorced in safe proportions. If you create your own infusion of powder - there is a risk of mistaken in the ratio. In this case, you are guaranteed the strongest burning of the auditory channel.
  4. Solutions are of different concentrations. The medical industry produces form at 0.5, 1, 2 and 3%.

But boric acid is very toxic and should be applied solely externally. Because of its harmful effects, in Soviet times, the use of alcohol solutions and pure substances was prohibited for children, pregnant women and nursing.

When is it used?

Currently, boric acid solutions are used to treat the ears, but only for outdoor otitis. The toxicity and saturation of the alcohol tincture does not allow the use of this tool for combating inflammatory processes that have arisen near the drumpoint or for it.

Since the substance penetrates through the skin cells, lining the ear passage, and is immediately discouraged into the blood, and for a long time (up to 7 days) is derived from the body so that no overdose occurred is, it is important to strictly follow the appointments of the Laura and not get involved in an excessive instigation of the solution into an inflamed ear.

Use when Otitis

Boric acid at otitis is prescribed solely for the treatment of the outer form. With inflammation of the middle ear and damage or perforation of the eardrum, it is impossible to use this solution and even dangerous.

Usually, a 3% solution of boric acid is used to treat outdoor otitis. Due to expressed toxic effects, the drug cannot be applied longer than 7 days. Usually, with complex treatment during this time, inflammation must pass.

Use with sulfur traffic jams

A 3 percent alcohol boric acid solution is actively used by specialists and to eliminate sulfur traffic jams. Due to the anatomical features, improper cleansing of hearing aisters, as well as water from entering the sulfur can be accumulated in the aisles and cause hearing deterioration.

In such cases, ENT can recommend you to drip in the ears ready to preparation. Boric acid is not able to remove sulfur clusters by itself, but it effectively softens the plug and allows it to exit naturally, for example, during chewing.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

As already mentioned, the use of boring alcohol for the ears is unacceptable when carrying or feeding the baby's chest. If a pregnant woman got sick ear, she should not be self-treatment with the help of "grandfathers" methods, and not risking health and go for consultation to Laura.

The specialist will examine the state of the auditory body, determines the cause of inflammation and prescribe medications allowed in an interesting position. The main thing is not to pull and not allow the disease to develop to such forms that only antibiotics can cope with.

The question is whether it is possible to drip the baby into the ear boric alcohol, he will solve his attending pediatrician or children's ENT. Experts will proceed from the age of crumbs and localization of inflammation. But most often doctors against dripping boric alcohol to the child due to the high toxicity of the drug. Most likely, the specialist will replace the treatment of ear boric acid to a safer and efficient option.

Rules of treatment

Borny alcohol in the ear can be laid, swallowed with a cotton swab, and bury directly into the auditory passage.

For the compress on the ear with a boric acid on a piece of the rolling, it is necessary to cause 3-5 drops of the product and lay tight in the hearing pass of the patient's ear.

  • The use of boric acid in the form of compresses per day is repeated up to 3 times - no more often - since the substance is toxic and quickly and for a long time concentrates in the blood.
  • In addition, too active the use of the solution can lead to burn surfaces inside the auditory pass. Thus, if boric acid in the ear will be laid too often, another painful problem of the dermis will be added to the inflammatory process.
  • By duration, the treatment of ear borog alcohol compresses does not exceed 5 days. If the term has expired, and the pain in the auditory passage has not gone anywhere - contact the Laura's re-consultation.

But, since the treatment of the ears of the boron alcohol will be more efficient if the solution will fall directly to inflammation, the best yield with pain in the ear will instill the drug in the auditory passage.

How to bang?

  1. For injection in the ear, a 3% alcohol solution of boric acid is used.
  2. Before driving in the ear, it is necessary to warm in your hand so that warm droplets fall into the auditory pass. You can also type the solution into the pipette and place a tool with a liquid into warm water.
  3. For one ear, not more than 3 drops of boring alcohol should be used.
  4. Because of the rather aggressive impact on the skin, per day boring alcohol in the ears follows no more than 2 times.
  5. Before treating the ear to the boric alcohol, it is necessary to wash the auditory passage of hydrogen peroxide. A 3% antiseptic solution must be drunk in a patient's ear and lie on the opposite side of 10 minutes. After that, turn over so that the liquid flows down, and the sink and the available section of the auditory pass cautiously and carefully wipe the woven disk to remove all moisture from the skin.
  6. After the cleansing procedure with hydrogen peroxide in the auditory pass, you can bury a solution of boric acid that dosage, which the doctor or instructions for use indicated. So that the substance works well, you need to calmly lie around a quarter of an hour.
  7. After the procedure for injection of boric acid in the ear, the auditory passage should be covered with a piece of cotton by about 2 hours.

As a rule, with the initial stages of the development of outdoor otitis, the solution helps quickly: sufficiently drip boric acid in the ear of 1-2 days. After its use, the pain is noticeably subsided, because the substance stops the development of bacteria. To stop the inflammation to the end, you should continue to drip in the ear boric acid for another 2-3 days.
If the therapy by boric acid does not help, and the pain in the ear is enhanced, stop using the solution and consult a lore. Probably, the actions of this substance lacks to overcome inflammation, and you will need to receive antibacterial medicines.

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