Folk recipe for ointment from sinusitis. Quick treatment of sinusitis in adults at home: pharmaceutical preparations, folk remedies

Unfortunately, a common cold does not cause concern and is not always cured completely. If you start the disease, there is a high risk of developing complications, namely sinusitis. When it is not possible to consult a specialist, you can cure sinusitis on your own, using medicines and folk recipes. The article details how to treat sinusitis at home, what pharmacy preparations and folk methods are the most effective.

Sinusitis in adults is an inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, spreading to the air cells. Pathological processes affect maxillary sinuses. As a result, the sinus is filled with contents, swells, which is the cause of the disease.

It is important! Treatment of sinusitis at home begins only after a visit to the doctor. You should make sure that pus does not accumulate in the cavities, otherwise the patient is treated in a hospital.


Symptoms of sinusitis in adults are pronounced:

  • nasal breathing difficult, distorted voice;
  • taste and olfactory perception are distorted;
  • swelling of the face;
  • fever appears;
  • worried about pain in the head and nose;
  • pain after pressing on the sinus;
  • greenish discharge from the nasal passages.

Important! If you have these symptoms, you should contact a specialist who will select the most effective methods treatment.

Basic rules of treatment

Can sinusitis be cured at home? Of course, if you follow certain rules and algorithm of actions. In adults, the treatment of pathology is complex and systemic:

  1. Primarily, effective treatment involves free outflow of fluid from the maxillary sinuses and nasal cavity. Apply vasoconstrictor drops and decongestant cold medicines.
  2. Regular rinsing and cleansing of the nasal passages quickly help to cure sinusitis at home. Herbal decoctions, a solution of sea salt and ready-made pharmaceutical preparations are considered effective. Before washing, you need to remove puffiness. The procedure is carried out 3-5 times a day.
  3. Treatment of sinusitis involves the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drops to restore the nasal mucosa.
  4. Treatment in an adult most often involves the appointment of antibiotics. The specialist determines the specific drug, dosage and course of administration.
  5. - warm compresses with honey (applied to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses). If the disease is accompanied by pain, compresses are made with painkillers - "Dimexide" or "Hydrocortisone".
  6. The patient needs plentiful drink, taking herbal decoctions that have an expectorant effect. Decoctions can be replaced with pharmaceutical preparations - mucolytics.

It is important! Considering that the disease is serious and dangerous with complications, before being treated for sinusitis at home, it is necessary to undergo an examination in the hospital.

Treatment with pharmaceutical preparations

If you are looking for an answer to the question - how to treat sinusitis at home - first of all, you need to ensure the outflow of fluid from the nose and moisturize the nasal mucosa. For this purpose, antiseptics are used.

The most affordable antiseptics for self-use

Name Application Note
"Dioxydin" The drug in ampoules is effective against most pathological microorganisms. Prohibited for pregnant women and during lactation.
Miramistin The composition includes chlorine, used for instillation and washing. Safe during childbearing and lactation. An antiseptic can provoke an allergy.
"Furacilin" Dissolve 2 tablets in a glass of water and rinse the nose. The course is from 5 to 10 procedures. It is advisable to avoid getting the solution inside.
"Chlorophyllipt" A product with a pronounced menthol flavor with eucalyptus. The solution is used 2 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy is up to 2 weeks. If it is unpleasant to bury your nose, you can use small cotton swabs moistened with a solution, they are placed in the nasal passages for a quarter of an hour.

What can you put in your nose?

After cleansing the nasal passages, as a rule, drops are used. In adults at home, competent treatment of sinusitis with drops in the nose is carried out as follows:

  • only vasoconstrictor drops are used, other drugs are prescribed in combination;
  • the duration of therapy is one week, otherwise addiction is possible, manifestation side effects;
  • drops are prescribed in the acute phase of the disease and to facilitate breathing.

Medications of a different spectrum of action for the treatment of sinusitis


In this group there are drops with different expiration dates:

  • short - 4-6 hours;
  • medium - 6-8 hours;
  • long - 10-12 hours.

It is important! The most effective treatment of symptoms of sinusitis at home with drops of the second and third groups "Galazolin", "Adrianol", "Nazivin", "Nazol".

Drops of antibacterial and antiseptic action

This group includes:

  • "Protargol".

Medicines are prescribed for sinusitis caused by bacteria. The duration of treatment is from one to two weeks. Scheme of application: 1 drop (1 injection) 4 to 6 times a day.


Universal drops that are prescribed regardless of the cause of the pathology:

  • "Interferon";

Drugs locally increase immunity, this helps to speed up recovery.


Drugs are prescribed to eliminate swelling, sneezing and discharge from the nasal passages:

  • drops containing hormones - "Flixonase", "Nasobek";
  • antiallergic medicines - "Sanorin", "Allergodil".


With the symptoms of the disease in adults at home, they most often fight with drops of combined action:

  • "Polydex" - has antibacterial and vasoconstrictive effects;
  • "Rinofluimucil" - has a vasoconstrictor and mucolytic effect;
  • "Vibrocil" - has a vasoconstrictive and anti-allergic effect.

It is important! Drops can only be used after washing.

bacteriophage solutions

As a rule, therapy for sinusitis requires the appointment of antibiotics. However, not every patient is suitable antibiotic treatment. In this case, solutions of bacteriophages are used (a bacteriophage is a substance that promotes the destruction of bacteria). With their help:

  • wash and moisturize the mucous membrane;
  • inhibit pathogenic microflora.

The use of bacteriophages is justified only for sinusitis of bacterial origin. In order to choose the most effective solution, it will be necessary to do bakposev and identify the causative agent of the pathology, the body's sensitivity to certain drugs.

It is important! Bacteriophages are effective against Staphylococcus and Klebsiella. The finished solution is stored in the refrigerator and before each use is heated to room temperature.

The most popular pharmacy, ready-to-use solutions for washing:

  • "Salin";
  • Aqua Maris.

If you compare the price range of drugs, it is much more profitable to purchase a saline solution.

It is important! It is forbidden to wash the nose when it comes to sinusitis in a child, since the procedure can provoke inflammation of the middle ear.

Auxiliary drugs

The prescription of additional medications requires acute form sinusitis, which is most often accompanied by high temperature, inflammation and discharge from the nose.

To eliminate the symptoms appoint:

  • antipyretic drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory agents.

So complex action possess "Ibuprofen", "Aspirin", "Nalgezin".

To reduce swelling, Loratadin or Cetirizine is prescribed.

The treatment regimen also includes mucolytic agents for thinning mucus and rapid outflow. Mucolytics are usually taken in conjunction with massage.

Antibiotic treatment

The first thing that comes to mind when asked how to quickly cure sinusitis is antibiotics. However, the appointment antibacterial therapy a specialist should be engaged, since effective treatment requires preliminary diagnosis and examinations. It is important to identify the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to antibacterial drugs. For this, bacteriological culture is done, with the help of which the causative agent of the disease is detected. Based on the results, a drug with maximum efficiency is selected.

It is important! Sometimes the sensitivity of the pathogen during the test is higher than in the body. In such situations, it is assigned antibacterial drug wide range actions. Such medicines are effective for yellow and green discharge, heat and fever, symptoms of an infectious process.

Folk recipes

Modern techniques suggest taking antibiotics, and when pus accumulates in a hospital, the patient is pumped out of the maxillary sinuses and injected with special medications that act directly on the focus pathological process. However, it is possible to identify the symptoms of sinusitis and treat at home.

Washing with home solutions

How to get rid of sinusitis on your own? First of all, regularly clean the nose of mucous formations and pathogenic microflora. The most effective folk remedies for sinusitis are solutions prepared independently. Pharmaceutical medicines can provoke addiction and allergies, and home solutions are made from natural, safe ingredients.

Recipes for solutions for self-preparation:

Active component Cooking Application
propolis and salt Dissolve 1 tsp in water at room temperature. salt, add 15 drops of propolis tincture Washing is carried out as needed, but at least 3 times a day
Honey Mix water at room temperature and honey in equal proportions
Sea salt Add 1 tsp to a glass of water at room temperature. pure sea salt (no flavor additives) Rinse the nasal passages at least 4 times a day
saline solution V warm water(250 ml) add 0.5 tsp. salt, a few drops of iodine are used as an antiseptic, and 0.5 tsp can be added to combat edema. soda. The nose is washed 3-5 times a day
herbal solution Prepare decoctions from any medicinal herbs and bay leaves Rinse the nose 4-5 times a day
Eucalyptus A few drops of eucalyptus can be added to herbal decoction. The product has a disinfectant effect The procedure is carried out 3-5 times a day

It is important! Treatment of sinusitis folk remedies supplement with menthol oil, they lubricate the area around the nose and apply on the forehead. The remedy eliminates nasal congestion and swelling.

It is important that the solution gets where it is needed. For this, the head is tilted forward and slightly to the side. The agent is poured into the upper nostril, and the solution is poured from the lower nostril. At the end of the procedure, the head cannot be immediately lifted up so that the accumulated mucus and fluid flow out.

Homemade nose drops

To the question - how to treat sinusitis with folk remedies - experts recommend paying attention to homemade nose drops.

The most effective drops for the treatment of sinusitis folk remedies.

Kalanchoe and cyclamen

The recipe is suitable for thinning and removing mucus. It is necessary to mix plant juice in equal proportions and add a similar amount of boiled water. The solution is instilled a few drops into each nostril.

Horse chestnut

Traditional healers on the question - what to do with sinusitis - recommend drops from inflorescences horse chestnut. For cooking, you need 100 g of fresh flowers, from which the juice is squeezed and diluted with the same amount of boiled water or saline. The nose is instilled as needed throughout the day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

It is important! Chestnut-based preparations are contraindicated in people prone to nosebleeds.

Propolis and oils

Excellent folk remedies at home for the treatment of pathology are propolis and vegetable oils. To prepare the product, use propolis tincture (40%) and sea buckthorn or olive oil(60%). The tool has a complex effect:

  • moisturizes the mucous membrane;
  • neutralizes pathogenic microflora.


If you are studying the question - how to cure sinusitis at home, you have probably come across recipes based on eucalyptus tincture. It is used in combination with washings, diluted with water or green tea, add 3-4 drops of propolis tincture and instill the nose.

Beet juice

You can use beetroot juice. It is instilled in its pure form or with the addition of honey and water.

The use of home ointments

How can sinusitis be cured with ointments. At home, ointments of vasoconstrictor or anti-inflammatory action are prepared.

  • Vasoconstrictor ointment - for preparation you will need 0.5 g of menthol, camphor and 20 g of petroleum jelly. Camphor in combination with cooling menthol has a powerful irritant effect, which leads to a decrease in puffiness.
  • Anti-inflammatory ointment - Vishnevsky ointment, Kalanchoe juice, cyclamen and aloe are needed for preparation. The agent treats the mucous membrane twice a day.

Inhalation is an effective method of treatment

How to treat sinusitis at home quickly and safely? Inhalation will help. This is one of the most effective ways not only get rid of the symptoms of pathology, but also forget about it forever. The procedure can be carried out traditional method using a pot and towel, or using a nebulizer.

The most accessible, well-known means for inhalation is potatoes. It is boiled in uniforms, slightly crumpled, add a little soda and breathe, covered with a towel for a quarter of an hour.

Herbal inhalations are also effective for sinusitis. For the procedure, decoctions of chamomile flowers, St. John's wort leaves, calendula inflorescences are used, bay leaves, mint or cloves are added. Essential oils of sage, eucalyptus, cedar, fir, rosemary are added to the finished broth.

Recipes herbal preparations for inhalation:

  • mint (3 tsp), plantain (2 tsp), celandine flowers and leaves (2 tsp);
  • yarrow leaves (3 tsp), chamomile inflorescences (2 tsp), St. John's wort flowers (1 tsp), celandine leaves and flowers (1 tsp).

Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with two cups of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes, the duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.

The traditional method of inhalation

A nebulizer is a modern device for inhalation, with which you can use different medications. For the treatment of sinusitis, drugs of a different spectrum of action are used:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • antimicrobial.

You can also use mineral water or an antiseptic solution.

Physiotherapy procedures - massage

In information on how to cure sinusitis with folk remedies, massage is often mentioned. In the process of exposure to certain points on the face, blood circulation is activated, metabolic processes are normalized, difficulty breathing and headache disappear. Of course, massage cannot be used as an independent therapy, but in combination with other techniques, it speeds up the healing process.

Massage is performed with two fingers - index and middle. First, strokes are done, gradually increasing the intensity of movements. Each biological point run for at least 5 minutes. Main points for massage:

  • forehead center;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • temple area;
  • on each side of the wings of the nose.

Warming up - use with caution

Warming up is the most controversial method of treatment, since it can not always be used. There are three types of heating:

  • compresses;
  • dry;
  • systemic.

For making a compress you will need to grate a black radish, wrap it in several layers of gauze and apply it to the sinus area.

The effect of the procedure is instant - a pleasant warmth is felt, which gradually turns into a fever. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. Then you need to drink tea and lie down under the covers.

For dry heating use hot bags of salt or sand. At the end of the procedure, it is worth avoiding hypothermia for an hour. The best time to warm up is before bed.

Systemic warming spend in a sauna or a hot bath. It is used at the first symptoms of sinusitis.

In what cases is heating contraindicated:

  • at temperatures above +37 degrees;
  • in the presence of pus.

In this case, the fever and fever will intensify, and the symptoms of sinusitis will be more pronounced.

Warming up the nose with a diagnosis of polyposis sinusitis is ineffective. It is forbidden to warm up with discharge from the nose with an admixture of blood. Under the influence of heat, the vessels dilate, thus, bleeding can be provoked.


Sinusitis - serious illness, symptoms and treatment in adults are usually individual and require specialist advice and supervision. If you decide to treat the disease yourself, follow certain recommendations.

Remember that self-treatment of sinusitis is quite risky, since improperly selected therapy can lead to the disease transforming into a chronic form. The most dangerous complications sinusitis - otitis, meningitis.

Sinusitis (sinusitis) - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses bacterial or viral nature. ... For the treatment of sinusitis folk remedies are excellent. Acute inflammation of the maxillary sinus (acute sinusitis) is usually manifested by nasal congestion, mucous or purulent discharge from the maxillary sinuses. Methods of treatment with folk remedies. Compress from sinusitis. Everyone knows that sinusitis is treated with folk methods. Before using folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis at home, a folk recipe can be discussed with a doctor. Distinguish inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus (sinusitis), inflammation frontal sinus(front). In Russian folk medicine, sinusitis (inflammation of the frontal and maxillary cavities) was treated with horseradish. Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane, and sometimes the bone walls of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. Causes of the disease. Treatment of sinusitis folk remedies.

Treatment of sinusitis at home
Symptoms and treatment of sinusitis at home folk remedies.

Sinusitis (sinusitis) is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses of a bacterial or viral nature. In 40% of patients, sinusitis is associated with bad teeth. It is characterized by difficulty in nasal breathing, purulent or mucopurulent runny nose, headache mainly in the area of ​​the superciliary arches.

The diagnosis is established after X-ray or computer examination of the sinuses. Often the process is bilateral, less often other sinuses (frontal, main, ethmoid) are also affected. The disease is preceded by a runny nose.

It is better to treat sinusitis with a specialist using a puncture or the "cuckoo" method. And the treatment of sinusitis at home with folk remedies will complement the treatment by a doctor.

Treatment of sinusitis folk remedies
For the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies, the recipes presented below are perfect.

Prepare carrot juice (a third of a glass), add 1 tsp to it. spoon alcohol tincture propolis and 0.5 teaspoon of flower honey (if the honey has thickened, it needs to be slightly warmed up in a water bath). Soak small cotton swabs with the resulting mixture and insert into the nose for 15-20 minutes 2-3 times a day. The rest of the medicine should be kept in the mouth on the side of the affected sinus for 2-3 minutes.
If there is a tendency to sinusitis, any runny nose should be treated immediately. To make it pass quickly and without complications, you can use following recipe. Take 100 g of olive or sunflower oil and 1 tbsp. a spoon with a top of chopped wild rosemary. Place for 3 weeks in a dark place, shaking daily. Strain and squeeze the herb. Instill 2-3 drops in each nostril for the first time, and then 1 drop 3-4 times a day for no more than a week. Acute runny nose disappears after a few days, chronic - after 2 weeks.
good effect gives self-massage, described in the section "Allergic rhinitis". Press on the indicated points forefinger within 1-2 minutes until a feeling of soreness. You can first rub rose or eucalyptus oil into the points.

A few more folk remedies for sinusitis
Here are a few more recipes for the treatment of sinusitis folk remedies.

Take the peel from the stem of the peony and 1 dry internode of the joint of the golden mustache, grind into powder. Mix with vegetable oil 1: 1 and apply to the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose on a gauze napkin for 15-20 minutes 1 time per day for 3-5 days.
With sinusitis in children, 2-3 drops of fresh red beet juice with the addition of honey can be instilled into each nostril. You can soak a cotton swab in fresh juice and lay in the nose for 10-15 minutes 2 times a day.
Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in 2 tbsp. spoons of warm boiled water. Take cotton swab, wet it with this composition and lay it in the nose for 20 minutes. If the baby is restless, then it is better to process the nostrils one by one.
3 art. spoons of finely chopped onion pour 50 ml of warm boiled water, add 0.5 teaspoons of honey, leave for 30 minutes, strain and instill 2-3 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day.

Rinsing the nose with sinusitis
To wash the nose with solutions, you can use the following recipes.

Stir in a glass of warm boiled water a quarter teaspoon of baking soda and 20 drops of alcohol tincture of propolis. From a disposable syringe or a small syringe, rinse the nose 2 times a day. Attention! When washing, tilt the head strictly back to prevent the ingress of washing liquid into auditory tubes.
Take 1 large leaf of a golden mustache, knead it, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain and use to wash the nose. This should be done in a sitting position, tilting your head straight back so that the washing fluid does not flow into the auditory tubes. It is better to rinse with a syringe or a disposable syringe. One procedure requires 50 ml of infusion. It is repeated 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.

If a person does not tolerate washing well, then you can replace it with cotton filters soaked in this infusion. They are injected into the nose for 20 minutes 3 times a day.

It is possible to inhale the infusion 1-2 times a day using a home inhaler. The duration of inhalation is 5 minutes. In this case, you need to pay attention to an important detail! The inhaled liquid must be inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the nose. Because only when you exhale, the aerosol enters the paranasal sinuses.

After washing in each nostril, put a piece of unsalted butter and lie down for 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment for sinusitis 10 procedures.
Treatment of sinusitis with propolis

P. V. Kovalik twenty years ago proposed a method of treating sinusitis with propolis. At first, the author conducted an experiment and, having convinced himself of the safety of the method, began to introduce it into practice. Used 20% alcohol solution propolis diluted 1:1 sterile peach oil. He injected such an alcohol-oil emulsion into the sinuses after puncture, 2-4 ml in 2-3 days. Recovery came faster without antibiotics and antiseptics.

For anesthesia during puncture of the maxillary sinus, propolis can be used, given its local anesthetic effect. This therapeutic agent may be of particular importance when administering anesthesia to children, adolescents, people with hypersensitivity to lidocaine, etc.

In addition, propolis can be used for sinusitis and in the form of inhalations. For the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract the method of aerosol inhalation with a 3% water-alcohol solution of propolis is recommended. This method is also successfully treated in cases where the inflammatory process is widespread and captures the mucous membranes of the nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, and sometimes the bronchi.

Acute sinusitis: cure at home

Runny nose, red from constant rubbing, nasal voice, constant headaches. Most likely, you have acute sinusitis, which interferes with your Everyday life. Of course, the help of a doctor is necessary, but there are alternative solutions that traditional medicine offers us.

Symptoms acute sinusitis
Acute sinusitis begins with a slight runny nose. There are transparent or purulent discharge, from one or both sinuses. But the discharge may stop due to nasal congestion. There are sharp pain in the upper part of the nose, the temperature rises, the cheeks and eyelids swell in places of inflammation. Characteristic features also are loss of taste and smell. Sick, acute sinusitis feel unwell, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances. If the above symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor!

Causes of acute sinusitis

Acute sinusitis may be the result of infectious diseases such as rhinitis, influenza, measles. Can cause disease inflammatory diseases teeth and gums, deviated septum. Even simple hypothermia with a weakened body can cause acute sinusitis.

Folk remedies for the treatment of acute sinusitis at home
Effective nasal rinse warm water with the addition of manganese and iodine, a solution of water with sea salt. Well help inhalation with menthol, potatoes, boiled in uniform. Can be inhaled fir oil, onion with garlic.

An excellent result can be achieved by dripping a few drops of butter before melting it. You can also drip juice onions, but be careful, you can damage the nasal mucosa.

Warming up is also very effective in the treatment of acute sinusitis. Two methods stand out. Wrap a hard-boiled egg in a cloth and press it against the sinuses of the nose (approximately between the eyebrows). The same procedure can be done with salt. Warm up ordinary table salt in a frying pan and wrap it in a cloth, apply it to the sinuses.
5 folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis at home

For quick treatment of sinusitis, it is best to combine doctor's prescriptions with folk remedies. One of the most effective ways is associated with herbal medicine, which does not allow diseases to progress.

From chronic sinusitis can be cured in 3 weeks with folk ointment. To prepare it, it is necessary to soar in a water bath in equal proportions alcohol, milk, honey, onion white bow, vegetable oil and crushed (preferably grated) dark laundry soap. Apply the resulting cooled mixture to a cotton swab and insert into each nostril 3 times a day for 15 minutes. If necessary, you can do a second course of treatment with a break of 10 days, also for 3 weeks.

This is not the only way to cure sinusitis at home. Melted honey, blue onion and potato juice are mixed and instilled into the nose, like regular nasal drops. It is best to store the drops in the refrigerator. The nasopharynx can also be washed with beet or lemon juice with water and salt, or with herbs, but always salted.

For the treatment of sinusitis in people of all ages, wax caps from honeycombs can be chewed for half an hour before meals. Depending on the degree of the disease, first chew the caps on a tablespoon, and to consolidate the result - on a teaspoon.

Sinusitis treatment with folk remedies

The result of treatment can be seen in 1-2 weeks if blue snowdrop juice is used as a medicine. In a ratio of 1:5, dilute the juice with water and drip 3 drops into each nostril. For best results, you can spray 20 ml of calendula tincture into the nose 2 times a day.

For the treatment of chronic sinusitis, put on fire 3 packs of bay leaves with water. After boiling in a handkerchief, soak the mixture and put on the forehead and bridge of the nose. To keep the napkin warm, cover your head with a cloth. Carry out the procedure until the solution is warm. It is best to do this at night, for one thing - clean your sinuses.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses. The cause of this disease can be infections.

After reading the article, you can get answers to all your questions about treatment, symptoms of the disease, prevention and medications.

What drugs and antibiotics can be taken? What folk remedies will help replace pharmacy remedies? We will answer these and other questions in detail below.

Symptoms and first signs of sinusitis

Usually, symptoms of the disease appear 5-7 days after infection with a viral infection. But how to distinguish sinusitis at home from another disease? This can be done by recognizing common symptoms and signs of the disease:

  • Headache
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin of the face
  • Sore throat
  • Feeling of nasal congestion
  • swelling of the face

The pain is aggravated by pressing on the cheek or nose. Also important feature- you can observe purulent discharge from the nose, which has an unpleasant odor.

Chronic sinusitis - symptoms

Most often, in patients with a chronic inflammatory process of the mucous membrane, the following are observed: symptoms:

  • Colorless nasal discharge or mucus that drains into the airways (postnasal nasal syndrome).
  • Nasal congestion or difficulty breathing.
  • Soreness and swelling around the eyes, forehead, cheeks and nose.
  • The sense of smell is reduced.
  • Tiredness or irritability.
  • Pain in the ear and throat.
  • Bad breath (halitosis).
  • Nausea.
  • Pain in upper jaw teeth.

Doctors advise for chronic sinusitis to do short preventive courses using folk remedies. This helps to improve the general condition of the patient and soon completely cure this ailment.

Sinusitis catarrhal - symptoms

You should immediately consult a doctor if symptoms of catarrhal sinusitis are detected, since the viral infection quickly spreads to other sinuses and because of this swelling and redness of the skin around the eyes, fever, and chills may occur.

The symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • With the accumulation of excess mucus in the maxillary sinuses under the eyes and in the cheekbones, a feeling of pain and a feeling of pressure appear.
  • Weakness appears.
  • Strong headache.
  • Also, some patients experience difficulty in nasal breathing.

Important: When taking a handful of drugs during treatment, do not forget about folk remedies that enhance the effect of tablets.

Causes of sinusitis in adults and children

Most common reason The occurrence of this disease is an untreated runny nose. In some cases, allergies can provoke the appearance of the disease.

When microbes enter the sinuses, the body, due to reduced immunity or allergies, cannot provide the necessary resistance to infections. Due to edema, ventilation in the sinuses stops and after that they gradually begin to fill with mucus. Pus, filling the sinuses, is absorbed into the blood and poisons the entire body. If the disease is not treated, it will become chronic.

Purulent sinusitis is dangerous?

With this form of the disease, pus spreads near the brain and eyes. This can lead to the development of serious complications.

Purulent sinusitis brings great discomfort to the patient and is accompanied by the following symptoms and signs:

  • Purulent discharge from the nose.
  • Erythema of the mucous membrane.
  • Periorbital edema.
  • facial erythema.

This type of disease is life-threatening even for an adult and requires immediate treatment with medicines and folk remedies. Pus poisons the body and the deterioration of the general condition begins. The presence of pus indicates the likelihood of a severe stage of sinusitis, when surgical intervention is required.

What is the difference between sinusitis and sinusitis?

These two diseases are very similar. Many of their symptoms and complications are no different from each other.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of one or more sinuses. According to the nature of the course, the disease is divided into acute and chronic sinusitis.

Sinusitis(unilateral or bilateral) is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which occurs due to complications after infectious diseases.

Methods of treating diseases, medicines and folk remedies are the same.

Prevention of sinusitis in a child

In order to prevent the occurrence of the disease, it is necessary to take into account the following preventive measures of sinusitis:

  1. At the first sign, immediately treat nasal congestion caused by allergies or colds.
  2. Avoid contact with people with colds or other viral infections upper respiratory tract for prevention. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after contact with infected people.
  3. Avoid cigarettes and try not to be around places where people smoke. Cigarette or any other smoke irritates the inflamed membrane in the nose and sinuses.
  4. If you have an allergy, then you should take all measures to prevent an allergic reaction.
  5. Try to breathe less dry air. You can buy a humidifier for home or work.

Make sure your child gets everything necessary vaccinations. For example, the pneumococcal vaccine can prevent ear and sinus infections. This is considered the best way prevention, and if the child still gets sick, the disease will proceed in mild form.

During the period of prevention, folk remedies are ideal, which can not only protect the body from germs, but can also cure the disease at an early stage.

Sinusitis than to treat?

Treatment of this disease is carried out with the help of drugs and folk remedies at home.

Treatment goals:

  • Improve mucus drainage and reduce swelling in the sinuses.
  • Relieve pain and pressure.
  • Eliminate a bacterial infection at the first sign.

You may also need surgery if you have been taking antibiotics or taking folk remedies for a long time, but the symptoms of the disease have not gone away. Only the attending physician can prescribe a course of treatment. Do not self-medicate, as this can lead to undesirable consequences.

Treatment of sinusitis at home - methods of treatment and preparations

You can treat the disease at home with the help of folk remedies and medicines (drops or washing solution).

Many doctors prescribe the following medications to their patients:

  • Painkillers. Many doctors advise taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen (paracetamol) in order to reduce pain and eliminate discomfort.
  • Decongestants. These drugs significantly reduce the amount of mucus in the sinuses. Some of them are available in the form of nasal sprays.
  • Steroids. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe inhalers for you.
    steroids to reduce swelling in the sinuses.
  • Antibiotics If the illness is due to bacterial infection then you should take antibiotics. Treatment of acute sinusitis is no more than two weeks.

Example good antibiotics wide spectrum for adults: Ampicillin, Ticarcycline, Levofloxacin, Gatifloxacin, Aminoglycosides: Streptomycin, Imipenem, Meropenem.

Solution for washing the nose at home with sinusitis

A saline solution for washing the nose at home helps to cope with the disease. Rinsing the nose with this solution gives positive results already in a couple of days. With this procedure, all germs, allergens and dust particles are removed from the surface of the nasal mucosa.

The most effective solution nasal rinse is salty water. saline solution(sodium chloride) for washing the nose at home can free the sinuses from mucus and reduce swelling. This procedure can be carried out independently even for children, the main thing is not to swallow the solution, but try to rinse their nose. If a child will wash the nose, make the solution less concentrated, add a little warm boiled water.

How to treat sinusitis at home quickly in an adult

There are several tips for quickly and simple treatment inflammatory process of the mucous membrane in an adult:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids (juices without sugar, tea, water, etc.). Also try to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, caffeine and sugary drinks.
  2. Spices such as mustard, hot peppers, curry, horseradish and wasabi will help clear the sinuses of mucus. Add spices to various dishes.
  3. Use a humidifier. If you have allergies, then such a device will help keep your house clean much longer.
  4. Use warm compresses prepared at home.
  5. The hot water vapor will help moisturize and clear your sinuses. You can also add a couple of drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil to the water.

Also, for a quick treatment of the disease in an adult at home, you can use the following methods:

  1. Washing the sinuses with salt water (saline) is the oldest and most effective folk remedy.
  2. Place a towel dampened with warm water over your face. This procedure will help reduce pain.
  3. Take a small bowl and fill it up hot water. Inhale hot steam for several minutes. With this procedure, you will be able to relieve your congested and swollen nasal passages.

Antibiotics for sinusitis in adults

Antibiotics are prescribed only if the treatment of an adult with drugs and folk remedies has not brought any result. Antibiotics may also be prescribed for complications or severe symptoms(formation of pus in the sinuses).

Amoxicillin. Doctors often prescribe it to patients as this medicine is effective and has few side effects. The drug should not be used if you are allergic to the components of amoxicillin or if you have been diagnosed with mononucleosis.

Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole prescribed to the patient if he is allergic to the components of amoxicillin.

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you can use only folk remedies so as not to harm the child and the expectant mother.

In the treatment of this disease, all the rules must be observed, since the acute inflammatory process of the mucous membrane can become chronic. During pregnancy, you need to rest as often as possible and observe bed rest. At the first sign, consult a doctor and start treatment.

The safest treatment for pregnant women is to rinse the nasal cavity with salt water (saline). This method will not harm either the child or the mother.

You can also rinse your sinuses with hydrogen peroxide and sea salt. Such a tool is very often used to clear the sinuses of mucus. Hydrogen peroxide and sea salt give the same treatment effect as saline.

Mix 6 ml of warm filtered water with 1/2 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Leaning over the sink, rinse nasal cavity solution and let it drain through your mouth.

If the remedy is used too often, then dryness and irritation may appear in the nasal cavity, and during pregnancy you need to be even more careful and prevent irritation.

Can sinusitis be heated?

Warming up the sinuses can only help early stages diseases. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, you can warm up the maxillary sinuses with inhalation or a red lamp.

The most common home treatment is to heat the inflammation with sea salt or a warming ointment. Please consult with your doctor before undergoing treatment, as in some cases this procedure is contraindicated for patients. Self-medication can lead to the opposite effect and only worsen the condition.

How does folk remedies treat sinusitis?

If the disease is initial stage and passes in a mild form, you can safely take up treatment at home with folk remedies. More severe stages of sinusitis are also treated at home, but the duration of treatment is much longer than medication.

Folk recipes for sinusitis in adults and children

We offer you proven ways to treat sinusitis in adults and children at home with the best folk remedies that were used by our grandparents.

  1. Castor oil. Gently rub the oil into the places where the sinuses are located. This will help eliminate the infection in the nasal passages of the child and the adult patient. This folk remedy will greatly facilitate breathing.
  2. Turmeric. This spice is widely used to treat infections and inflammations. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric with tea or warm water. Take a drink several times a day. The child may not want to drink such a drink due to the specific taste of turmeric, so you can add a spoonful of honey.
  3. Folk remedy with eucalyptus essential oil. Mix 5 drops essential oil eucalyptus with one teaspoon of caste oil. Gently massage the resulting mixture, avoiding the area around the eyes. To repeat this procedure required at least 3 times a day.
  4. Steam bath with herbs at home. Mix equal parts dried onion, dried garlic, sage, thyme, cumin seeds, cloves, and cinnamon. Add 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture to a bowl of boiled water. Cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the steam for 5-8 minutes. This method will help not only eliminate the disease, but also cure the cough.

Before using any of the above tips, be sure to consult your doctor. He must approve the folk remedies and appoint the correct complex treatment at home.

Consider folk remedies, methods and recipes for the treatment of sinusitis without a puncture at home, offered by readers of the Bulletin of a healthy lifestyle.

Propolis tincture helped to avoid punctures

Wrap cotton wool around two matches, dip first in propolis tincture, then in sterilized sunflower oil. Insert into the nose, walk like this for half an hour, do 3-4 times a day. At night, lubricate the nasal mucosa with thuja and eucalyptus oil and instill honey. These folk remedies contribute to the abundant discharge of pus in the morning, sinusitis goes away. (2005 No. 7, p. 3).

Home treatment of sinusitis with onions

The man was diagnosed with sinusitis, the doctor suggested making a puncture. The patient at first agreed, but then decided to cure sinusitis at home with onions. He finely chopped a quarter of an onion, wrapped it in gauze. This onion bag was applied to each nostril while inhaling. The remedy was used 3-4 times a day, although at first I felt a burning sensation in my nose. At the same time, he massaged the bridge of the nose and maxillary sinuses in order to enhance the discharge of many years of accumulation. On the 10th day, the nose was completely cleared. There were no more exacerbations of the disease (2005 No. 2, p. 29).

Kalanchoe - a very simple folk remedy for the treatment of sinusitis at home

In this recipe, you do not even need to squeeze the juice from the leaves. Finely chop the leaves of Kalanchoe, lay in the nose. Hold until sneezing starts. Repeat 3-4 times a day. After a few days, the nose clears up. But you don’t have to stop treatment altogether: at least rinse your nose with salt water every day (2005 No. 8, p. 27).

Recipe for sinusitis

Treatment of sinusitis at home in three procedures

This folk remedy helped with acute sinusitis, when doctors prescribed a puncture. Instead of a puncture, it was possible to cure sinusitis quickly and simply. Prepare the mixture according to this recipe: mix 1 tsp. honey, soda and sunflower oil. Lubricate the swab with this mixture and insert into the nostril. If to the right, then lie on the left side, and vice versa. Lie down for 20 minutes. After 3 or 4 procedures, all the pus came out without a puncture. (2006 No. 17, pp. 24-25).

Home treatment with garlic water

Finely chop one medium clove of garlic, pour 100 g cold water, insist at least an hour. Bury in the nose, lying down, this garlic water, several times a day. Sinusitis went away in a woman who had been suffering from this disease for five years and had made many punctures (2007, No. 20, p. 32).

Treatment of sinusitis without a puncture with butter - it doesn't get easier

This recipe is from the healer Vanga. He helped the woman soften and remove pus from the sinus in one procedure. Put in one nostril a piece of fresh butter the size of a corn grain, go to bed. The next night, put the oil in the other nostril, change the nostrils every night. After the first procedure, the woman had all the pus in the nasopharynx, in the morning there was no pain, no induration in the maxillary sinus (sinusitis was one-sided). (2007 No. 22, p. 30).

Treatment of sinusitis at home - tea with honey

This folk remedy can cure chronic sinusitis at home. Get a penicillin bottle. Half fill with liquid honey, half with strong brewed tea, add 17 drops of eucalyptus tincture, shake. Bury 3 times a day, 2 drops in the nose. The course of treatment is 1 month. Break 2 weeks and one more monthly course. (2008 No. 8, p. 33).

Drops in oil infused with herbs can be used for sinusitis in the form of drops and turundas.
The recipe is as follows: take 5 g of elecampane roots, burdock, horseradish, calendula flowers, lemon balm, St. John's wort, plantain, celandine, eucalyptus leaves, juniper fruits. Grind everything into powder in a meat grinder or coffee grinder, pour into a glass jar. Boil 150 g of corn oil for 5 minutes. Cool to 70-80 degrees and pour the powder from the plants. Close the lid, put in a warm dark place for 40 days. Then strain and add 5 g of flower perga, 5 g of propolis, 2 g of menthol powder (if not, then replace with 20 g of wild mint powder). Insist another 20 days.
This folk remedy was sent by a hereditary healer from Murmansk (2001 No. 7, p. 21).

Resorption of vegetable oil - in addition to the treatment of sinusitis, many diseases are cured.
Suck 1 tbsp. l. rast. butter, like candy 15-20 minutes. First, the oil becomes thick, then liquid, like water, then it must be spit out. The spilled liquid should be white color if it is yellow, the process has not been completed, the sucking time must be increased. This folk remedy cleanses all cells, tissues, the body throws out everything unnecessary (painful microflora, mucus, salts, etc.). (2001 No. 19, p. 11).

Treatment of sinusitis chestnut

Chestnut (chestnut must be horse, wild) peel (for this you can hold it in water for 2-3 hours). Scrape the shavings from the white chestnut core and insert them deeper into the nostril with a stick. Your nose will run profusely within an hour. The next day, do this procedure for the other nostril. The course of treatment is 1 week. Even chronic sinusitis should pass. (Recipe from the Bulletin of a healthy lifestyle 2001 No. 20, p. 18), (2002 No. 1, p. 18,).

Here is another chestnut treatment recipe. Very similar. Soak the chestnut for a day until it becomes soft. Then cut 2 candles out of it and insert into the nose. Walk around the house like that, mind your own business. From time to time, take out the candles, blow your nose and reinsert the chestnut. Soon the sinuses will be cleared, the pain will go away. Then get the chestnut completely and lubricate the nasal mucosa castor oil(Healthy lifestyle 2011 No. 22 p. 38,).

Urine and infusion of calendula. Gradually, chronic sinusitis will recede

In the morning, rinse the nose with fresh morning urine, and after dinner with calendula infusion, lubricate the inside of the nose with peach oil. (2002 No. 2, p. 18), (2002 No. 14, p. 8).

Alternative treatment of sinusitis with honey and a steam bath

This tool is suitable for those who have a steam bath. Spread dry body honey completely, it will take about 1/3 cup. Go to the steam room, sit and sweat until the sweet sweat is replaced by tasteless. Without rinsing, get dressed and immediately go to bed under a warm blanket with your head. Sweat under the covers for 1-1.5 hours. Then change your underwear and go to bed. Do this procedure 2 times a week. For three procedures, purulent sinusitis can be cured (2002 No. 16, p. 18-19).

Treatment with honey and onions

Prepare the mixture according to this recipe: mix equal amounts of honey, grated laundry soap, vegetable oil, alcohol, milk, onion juice. Heat the mixture on a steam bath until the soap dissolves, but do not overheat above 50 degrees. Soak cotton swabs in the solution and inject into each nostril for 15 minutes three times a day. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 20 days. If necessary, repeat after 10 days. With the help of this folk remedy, it was possible to cope with the disease, which lasted 40 years. (2002 No. 21, p. 27).

Adam's root - this folk remedy is painful, but effective

Buy at the bazaar Adam's root (common tamus, grows in the Crimea and the Caucasus), rub it frontal part and a carrier. First, a burning sensation will appear, then purulent discharge from the maxillary sinuses will go. This remedy is painful but effective. (2003 No. 2, p. 17) , (2003 No. 12, p. 19).


Moscow healer Pyotr Borbat considers the most effective folk remedy for treating sinusitis at home - the use of urine to wash the maxillary cavities. For each procedure, half a glass of urine is consumed. The treatment regimen is as follows: rinse the nose in the morning and evening for 5 days, rinse the nose only in the morning for 7 days, for the rest of your life 1-2 times a month. (2003 No. 5, p. 14).

Home treatment of sinusitis without puncture with onion oil

Pour 50 g of vegetable oil into a bottle, put it in a water bath, after boiling water, pasteurize for five minutes, cool. 1/2 tsp of this oil, mix 1/2 tsp of onion juice. Instill 5 drops in both nostrils three times a day. If there is a lot of blood, pus, then drip every 2 hours. Do not blow your nose for 15 minutes after the procedure. At night, drop a whole pipette of pasteurized oil without onion juice into each nostril. After 1-2 weeks, the sinusitis will disappear. The same remedy can quickly cure a runny nose (2003, No. 7, p. 26).

Honey zabrus in folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis

Zabrus are wax caps of honeycombs, you can buy from beekeepers. Folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis often use it. Chew zabrus during an exacerbation of sinusitis 4-6 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. The rest of the time - 1 time per day from September to June. After applying this method for 9 months, sinusitis disappeared in a patient who had previously had 22 punctures. (2003 No. 9, p. 27).

Inhalation with a decoction of flax for sinusitis. Warming with flax seed

2 tbsp. l. flaxseed pour 120 g of milk, boil for 10 minutes. The steam of this broth must be breathed until it cools. Heat flax seeds in a pan, wrap in a piece of cloth, warm the frontal and maxillary sinuses. Do 3 times a day. At the same time, instill freshly squeezed juice from burdock stems 5-6 times a day. (2004 No. 4, p. 23).

Treatment of sinusitis with compresses from a decoction of bay leaf

Pour 30 g of bay leaf (3 packs) with water so that it only covers the sheets. Boil. While the broth is hot, moisten a linen napkin in it, and wring it out slightly, apply it to the bridge of the nose and forehead. Top with a terry towel. When the napkin has cooled slightly, put another in the same way. Alternate hot wipes until the broth has cooled. This folk remedy for the treatment of sinusitis is used at night, portions of the decoction should be enough for three days. The course of treatment is 9 days (9 packs of Lavrushka). Successfully cured chronic sinusitis. (2004 No. 4, p. 25).

How to get rid of sinusitis with hot rinses

Heat unrefined sunflower oil in a water bath. Rinse your mouth with hot oil at night. As soon as you use 0.5 cups - go to bed. Starting in three days strong discharge sputum. Therefore, it is better to sleep half-sitting. The course is 10 days. After that, two days break. Then continue the treatment of sinusitis at home until the discharge stops.
(2004 No. 5, p. 27).

Alternative treatment of sinusitis with honey

It is good to warm up in a steam bath, put candied honey in the nose. Sit as long as you can, at least 15 minutes, the honey will try to flow out, you need to try to keep it - throw back your head, hold it with a cotton swab. For four such procedures, chronic sinusitis is cured (2004 No. 12, p. 6).

Here is another example of honey treatment, but a slightly different method is to make an ointment from honey and petroleum jelly (you can limit yourself to only honey). Wrap cotton wool on the matches, dip in the ointment and insert the match deeper into the nose, for 25-30 minutes, first into one nostril, then after 25 minutes into the other - a fresh match. The man did only 2 procedures, in the morning and in the evening. He sneezed, the pus came out, washed his nose with salt water. The disease is completely gone. He fell ill with sinusitis for the first time, so healing happened so quickly. For the chronic form, it is necessary to do the procedure longer. (HLS 2010 No. 19, article 11).

Treatment with honey and aloe juice

The woman had sinusitis of the left sinus of the nose. Doctors prescribed a puncture, but she decided to cure the disease at home without a puncture. I prepared a solution of aloe juice and honey 1: 1. Drip in both nostrils. No puncture required. (2010 No. 3, pp. 30-31).

Echinacea decoction

1 tsp echinacea pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Drink half a glass in the morning and evening after meals. Course - until 150 g of grass runs out. Repeated course in six months. This folk remedy for the treatment of sinusitis increases immunity, due to this it copes with the disease (2004 No. 13, p. 23).

Home treatment of sinusitis with cyclamen

Finely chop 1 g of cyclamen root, pour 50 g of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, do not strain. 1 tsp dilute infusion in 1 tsp. boiled water. Bury 2 drops in each nostril, 4-5 times a day, course 1 week. On the first day of using this folk remedy, there will be very strong nasal discharge (2004 No. 13, p. 23).

Another method of treating sinusitis is cyclamen. Squeeze the juice from the root of the cyclamen bulb. Dilute it with vegetable oil 1:1. Bury 2-3 drops into the nose. It will be hard to bake, you have to be patient, but this remedy helps a lot. (2010 No. 22, p. 40)

Another way to use cyclamen from sinusitis. Wash the root, grate on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. Dilute with boiled water 1:5. If the juice could not be squeezed out, pour the crushed root with an equal amount of water, insist for three days. shaking periodically. We squeeze and squeeze. Drops from cyclamen juice do not last long in the refrigerator, but the root itself can be stored all winter, wrapped in a damp cloth. Instill cyclamen juice into the nose, 1 drop in each nostril, once a day. It happens that once is enough to cure sinusitis. The full course of treatment is 1 week. The woman managed to cure all her friends with this method (2010 No. 7, p. 37-38,)

Healing drops from sinusitis

Squeeze juice from potatoes and blue onions. Take 1 part of each juice and 1 part of honey, mix. Bury a few drops 3 times a day. The same remedy can cure a runny nose quickly (HLS 2004 No. 16, Art. 25).

Complex treatment of sinusitis folk remedies

These recipes were offered by a professor, doctor of medical sciences. Simple folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis are best used in combination:

1. Twice a day, apply hot sand bags or hard-boiled eggs to the maxillary sinuses, hold until cool.
2. Rinse the nose with salted water, and preferably with salted infusions of chamomile or plantain several times a day.
3. Drink herbal teas as much as possible (with currant leaves, raspberries, lime blossom)
4. Take 100 g of sugar, water, crushed pine needles. Stir, put in the oven for 2 hours. Take 1 tbsp. three times a day
5. If sinusitis is caused by the growth of polyps, you need to buy flixonase medicine at the pharmacy. Inhale it twice a day through each nostril. You can sniff like this for up to six months - the growth of polyps stops, the swelling of the mucous membranes subsides (2004 No. 20, p. 11).

Paraffin heating

Soak your feet every day for 20 minutes hot water with mustard. With a drawing brush, apply warm paraffin to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.
These folk remedies for sinusitis are used for 10 days. On the 10th day, all the pus should come out. (2005 No. 1, p. 30).

Treatment of chronic sinusitis with honey and wine

Mix 600 g of honey, 350 g of aloe juice, and a bottle of red grape fortified wine. Mixture insist 5 days in a dark place. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. Even chronic chronic sinusitis passes. (2010 No. 20 p. 40).

How to cure sinusitis without a puncture in 1 night

The woman had symptoms of sinusitis. At work, she had an employee who constantly treated sinusitis with punctures in the hospital. The reader was very afraid of punctures, so she decided to treat sinusitis at home. Before going to bed, she warmed her legs in hot water, then warmed her face over the stove. Wetted a strip of gauze folded in several layers with menovazine. Closing her eyes, she put gauze over her eyebrows and the bridge of her nose. From above a film and a handkerchief. In the morning, without opening my eyes, I took off the compress, washed my face with warm water. A copious discharge came from the nose. Everything cleared up in a day.

After some time, another employee called her, warned that she would not come to work on Monday, because she would go to treat sinusitis with a puncture. The reader offered her his method, she did not believe. But on Monday she came to work very pleased, she said that she did not need an operation - in one night she cured sinusitis without a puncture with menovazine. (Healthy lifestyle 2010 No. 1, pp. 38-39).

Chronic sinusitis - treatment with celandine

Instill into the nose the juice of celandine, diluted 1:1 with water, 2-3 drops 2 times a day. (2010 No. 22 p. 36).
An ointment based on celandine also helps. Pour a handful of dry celandine into 100 g of vegetable oil, add 100 g of butter or interior fat. Heat to a boil, stirring constantly, then strain, add matchbox-sized wax and 0.5 tsp. crushed propolis. Heat up and stir. This ointment helped a woman cure chronic sinusitis. At the first sign of a cold, flu, it is worth lubricating the nose with this ointment from the inside - the disease recedes (HLS 2010 No. 1, p. 35).

Garlic inhalations for the treatment of sinusitis at home

Stir in 1 tsp. sunflower oil, baking soda, honey, 3-4 minced garlic cloves. Infuse this mixture for 5-10 minutes, then pour 1 liter of boiling water, preferably in a thermos. Breathe steam over a thermos. First, 2 minutes with your mouth, exhaling through your nose. Then two minutes with the nose, exhaling with the mouth (HLS 2010 No. 2, p. 31).

Sinusitis in adults - treatment with a steam room and a burning drug

This tool has helped many people to cure sinusitis, but for this you need to go to the steam bath several times (6-8) 2 times a week. First you need to prepare this mixture: mix the juice of five lemons with grated horseradish root. Before entering the steam room, you need to eat 0.5 tsp. this tool. You can’t drink anything, breathe through your mouth. Several procedures - and sinusitis in adults completely disappears. (Healthy lifestyle 2011 No. 18, p. 41).

A similar remedy for sinusitis is offered by the otolaryngologist M. Yu. Yandieva. Mix the juice of three lemons with 1/3 cup of grated horseradish. Take 1/2 tsp. every morning 30 minutes after breakfast. A course of 3 months - even a neglected chronic disease passes (HLS 2011 No. 21, pp. 16-17).

Healing Blend

The same otolaryngologist gives an example from her practice. For a long time she had a patient who tried to treat sinusitis different means, including folk. The effect of the treatment was very short-lived. Once a patient came to her office and said that she managed to cure sinusitis completely. The doctor did not believe her word, conducted a detailed examination, which showed that the disease had completely disappeared. the recipe is as follows: mix equal amounts of honey, grated laundry soap, vegetable oil, milk, onion juice. Steam the mixture in a saucepan in a water bath until the soap disperses, trying not to heat it above 60 degrees. Soak cotton swabs in this mixture and place in both nostrils for 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is several weeks. (Healthy lifestyle 2011 No. 21, pp. 16-17).

Alternative treatment of sinusitis with lard

The woman was looking for a remedy for sinusitis for a long time, until she found a folk recipe that helped her completely get rid of the disease. It is necessary to melt the pork fat, knead the dough with the addition of flour on this warm melted fat. After the bath, put a warm cake on the bridge of the nose, polyethylene on top, tie it up to keep it and go to bed. The next morning, the contents of her maxillary sinuses softened, all the mucus and pus came out. Three years later, the disease never returned. (Healthy lifestyle 2011 No. 24, p. 32).

Home treatment of sinusitis with propolis

Drop 20 drops of propolis tincture into a bottle (30 ml) with camphor oil. Insist 3 days in a warm place. Bury 1 drop 2 times a day in each nostril.
Severe runny nose heals clean camphor oil- in the morning and in the evening, lubricate the nasal mucosa with it, and before going to bed, lubricate the bridge of the nose and maxillary sinuses (HLS 2012, p. 41, No. 2)

Sinusitis is the result of not fully cured rhinitis. The disease affects the paranasal sinuses. In this disease, they fill with mucus or pus, causing nasal congestion and headache. In such a situation, you must definitely go to the doctor and buy medicines prescribed by him at the pharmacy.

However, industrial medicines can be supplemented with traditional methods of therapy. Decoctions of herbs, inhalations, homemade drops can help the patient. However, folk remedies for sinusitis in no way replace the achievements of traditional medicine.

Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies also requires prior consultation doctor. Compatibility is important various medicines and characteristics of the patient. Otherwise, herbs from annoying sinusitis will bring harm instead of the desired benefit. How to treat sinusitis folk methods, we will tell below.

Advantages of traditional medicine against sinusitis

Folk methods of treating purulent sinusitis are good because they act softer than industrial preparations. They relieve inflammation, relieve nasal congestion. A person can breathe normally for a while and get enough sleep at night (if he uses the treatment at bedtime). There are cases when alternative treatment is especially useful:

  1. In patients with a chronic form of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Usually they are used when the main symptoms of exacerbation are removed. Folk remedies save a person from signs of a prolonged inflammatory process. They relieve the feeling of heaviness in the sinuses, headache, nasal discharge, nasal congestion.
  2. If a person is sick with acute sinusitis - traditional medicine complements traditional ways treatment. She takes off unpleasant symptoms- the head stops hurting, the discomfort in the nose is eliminated. At the same time, antibiotics or antiviral drugs recommended by the attending physician eliminate pathogens.
  3. During the cold season - autumn, winter and early spring, this is a great way to prevent the occurrence of acute sinusitis. It is also an excellent prevention of exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.
  4. After the recovery of a patient with sinusitis, folk recipes allow you to restore immunity. They also normalize the functions of the paranasal sinuses and the nose itself. A person quickly returns to active life.

Features of self-treatment with folk methods

There are a huge number of methods for treating sinusitis with natural remedies at home. Each of them has its own pros and cons. But all methods of folk treatment are united by a number of principles.

  • Sinusitis is treated for a long time if applied exclusively folk therapy. Treatment can take from one to three to four months. Do not expect that traditional medicine will help you right away, it takes time to get the effect.
  • If the treatment is carried out for the first time, it is important to start it with small dosages of bee products, oils or medicinal herbs. The dose is increased gradually. This technique reduces the likelihood of allergies or idiosyncrasies (intolerance reactions).
  • Do you want to be treated herbal decoctions? You are absolutely right! Herbs from sinusitis significantly facilitate the course of the disease. However, you need to start the process with a decoction of any one medicinal plant. Over time, you can add other components.
  • For drops, inhalations and ointments, plants and other components must be collected in environmentally friendly places. They should also be properly dried and prepared for use. If such a solution is not possible, it is better not to risk it. Treatment is stopped. And the patient is obliged to see a doctor in order to adjust the therapy. Do not know where to collect herbs - buy ready-made fees at the pharmacy.
  • If the patient gets worse or recovery does not occur, complications appear, this is a reason to go to a specialist. Treatment is suspended. The treatment regimen is changed immediately.

The best ways of folk treatment of sinusitis

As mentioned earlier, the main ways to treat the inflammatory process in the sinuses are ointments, drops, inhalations and nasal lavage. ethnoscience knows many prescriptions for medicines for the implementation of medical procedures. Let us consider in more detail the treatment of sinusitis with well-known folk remedies - the most effective of them are given below.

Everyone heard that you can ride boiled egg through a handkerchief in the sinuses (a friend or acquaintance probably told). But you can eliminate inflammation and improve blood flow just as well in other ways. Homemade drops can be instilled on the nasal mucosa; also people do washes and inhalations.

Homemade ointments

With sinusitis, ointments are needed to anesthetize the inflamed areas and relieve swelling of the tissues. They also help restore the nasal cavity, regenerate the affected mucous membrane. It is a topical therapy. Here are some effective recipes:

  1. We take two tablespoons of ordinary aloe juice. Add dioxidine ointment (50 g) to it. We supplement the mixture with two or three drops of menthol oil.
  2. You can mix honey and sunflower, olive or corn oil as well as onion or garlic. Honey is melted - a water bath is used for this. One tsp is added there. garlic or onion juice, as well as one tablespoon of the selected oil. The ointment is ready.
  3. Is there Vishnevsky's ointment in the house? It is wonderful! One tablespoon of this remedy is enough for you. Just add onion juice, propolis, aloe juice and honey. Enough for 1 tsp. each component. The mixture will be more effective if it is heated.
  4. Laundry soap can not only wash hands or wash clothes. This is a wonderful medicine! It is mixed with propolis tincture for alcohol in equal proportions, honey and onion juice (in equal amounts). The product is heated in a water bath, and then thoroughly stirred. Use when cold.

All these ointments are used in the same way. They are impregnated with cotton swabs, which must be inserted into the nasal passage on the side of the sinusitis (in both with a bilateral process). At the same time, the person should lie with a small pillow under the shoulders so that the head is slightly thrown back. It will take about one and a half weeks to be treated in this way. Thanks to each of these remedies, the nose is well cleansed, and pus is drawn out of the affected sinuses.

Homemade nasal drops

You can buy pharmacy drops in the nose. But it happens that they do not help at all or cause allergies. Or you don't want to spend money on medicines. Then you can try the treatment of sinusitis folk herbal remedies— the most effective are praised by reviews on the network.


An example is Cyclamen. This is a small plant that is often found in rooms - women love to take care of them. Cyclamens have small roots and pink flowers. Moreover, each plant can give from ten to fifteen drops. medicinal product! The most useful part Cyclamen is the root. It is sold in markets and specialized stores, as well as in pharmacies.

To make drops, the root must be grated. Squeezed out of the mass healing juice. It is mixed with warm boiled water. For every 200 ml of water, one teaspoon of juice is enough. Moreover, it is not recommended to increase the concentration of the latter. Cyclamen juice in huge numbers- I.

Treatment with similar folk remedies for sinusitis lasts 7 days. Every day you need to bury the nose with 2 drops of the product - the procedure can be carried out in the morning or in the evening. And after that, a massage of the affected area is done. The patient needs to lie down or sit with his head thrown back.

As a result of therapy, the nasal sinuses are cleared in a person. Pus and mucus are removed. However, an allergy can become a complication of therapeutic measures. Therefore, Cyclamen is used with caution. It is also dangerous for pregnant women.

There is pharmacy remedy Sinuforte. It is also made using cyclamen root. The medicine perfectly drains the affected sinuses and removes the contents of the nose.

This liquid perfectly cures inflammation, including severe sinusitis. Moreover, it is often added to industrial drugs. The effectiveness of aloe juice is confirmed by modern medical science- This is a reliable folk remedy for the treatment of annoying sinusitis. It has a number of positive effects:

  • relieves swelling;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • promotes the process of regeneration of the damaged nasal mucosa.

That is why it is so often used in the manufacture of medicines to get rid of headaches and stuffy noses. Moreover, there are several recipes for sinusitis with aloe. Here are some examples:

  1. Just bury the extract of this plant in the nose. The procedure is repeated three times a day. Two drops are enough for each dose.
  2. A tablespoon of aloe extract is mixed with onion juice. These are also excellent homemade nasal drops. The sensation is not very pleasant: there may be a burning sensation.
  3. Celandine for sinusitis in combination with aloe juice and honey is also very effective. Such a remedy for sinusitis is instilled into the nose three times a day. The number of drops is determined individually.
  4. We mix the juices of Kalanchoe and aloe in equal quantities. Then add a pinch of salt and 1 tsp. ordinary honey. Bury twice a day, three drops in each nasal passage.

Other drops

If the patient does not tolerate aloe or cyclamen, the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies is still possible. But you need to take other components for their preparation. Here are some other examples of recipes:

  1. Chamomile drops. Here you will need 100 g of chamomile decoction. They add 1 tsp. Aloe extract. Moreover, they are instilled every day - twice two or three drops. This medicine allows you to destroy bacteria and restore the affected mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.
  2. If a person suffers from purulent sinusitis, hydrogen peroxide will solve the problem. A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution should be mixed with twice as much ordinary water. First, instill one drop daily. If there are no complications, the dose can be increased to two or three drops twice a day. And immediately after the procedure, you need to blow your nose.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil is also very effective - reviews confirm this. Sea buckthorn oil from sinusitis (3 tablespoons) mixed with onion juice (1 tsp). Instillations are done twice or thrice a day.
  4. Carrot juice is mixed with beetroot juice. Liquids for this are taken in equal proportions. Instillations are performed daily several times. Each time, two or three drops are applied in each nasal passage. If there is a burning sensation or tingling, beetroot juice is diluted with water in equal proportions.
  5. Protragolovye drops with silver. Silver is able to destroy harmful microorganisms. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it helps with inflammation - they are made in various pharmacy chains at the request of the user. They are treated for 14 - 21 days. An excellent drying and disinfecting agent for the nasal cavity and inflamed sinuses.

Making drops from sinusitis at home is not difficult. Moreover, they improve the patient's well-being after seven days. However, it is important to know some points.

To obtain an aloe extract, only the lower leaves of the plant are suitable, which must be healthy. Aloe must be at least three years old. Treatment of sinusitis with herbs is not suitable only for allergies and idiosyncrasies.

How and how to rinse your nose?

Traditional medicine from annoying sinusitis also suggests rinsing the nose. This method allows you to clean the affected areas from pus and mucus. Moreover, the solution for rinsing the nose can be made from various components. Let's give some examples.

  1. Chamomile decoction. Eliminates irritation and relieves the onset of inflammation. It should be brewed in much the same way as ordinary tea. A glass of boiling water is mixed with half a teaspoon. dry grass. When the broth is infused and cools down a bit, they wash their nose.
  2. Propolis. Another recipe for purulent sinusitis. Propolis tincture for alcohol (20 or 25 drops) is diluted with two glasses of water. Then 0.5 teaspoon of salt should be poured there. The solution is well stirred and the nose is washed.
  3. Treatment of sinusitis with celandine with salt. A similar mixture treats inflammation of the sinuses. The mucus is liquefied, the vessels are toned. Nose washed clean water with salt and celandine juice. Moreover, one teaspoon of celandine extract and half a teaspoon of tea are mixed with water (0.5 l).

Steam inhalation

An effective method of treating acute sinusitis is inhalation. Traditional medicine offers many options. Here are recipes for the treatment of sinusitis by inhalation:

  1. Do you love jacket potatoes? Weld it immediately! Then drain the water and mash the potatoes. Next, wrap yourself in a towel and breathe the resulting steam for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Boil a decoction of ordinary marigolds. Add eucalyptus oil there - one or two drops are enough. Breathe in steam for a quarter of an hour (you also need to cover yourself with a towel.
  3. Boil water (one liter is enough). There you need to add Eucalyptus oil and butter tea tree(four drops). Black cumin and ginger are also added (two drops each).

However, no matter what folk remedy for sinusitis at home you choose, be sure to clean both nasal passages. And after the drops that narrow the blood vessels, you need to wait 5-10 minutes. Only after that you can start the procedure. Also, during treatment, you can drink strawberries, plantain or St. John's wort from severe sinusitis - this is how mucus liquefies.

Also, the steam is inhaled exclusively through the nose. Inhalations should be done without haste, with extreme caution. Otherwise, you may get burned. at correct application relief will come.

Moreover, the steam used for inhalation heats up the face. Incorrect use of inhalation can cause burns.



Folk remedies for sinusitis include not only drops, ointments and inhalations, but also massage, as well as a set of exercises. It is important to massage the nose at the acupuncture points. Then blood circulation is activated. The nasopharyngeal muscles are strengthened, congestion is completely removed, the sinuses are easier to drain. Moreover, the duration of the massage is from five to ten minutes - this is done 2 - 3 times daily.

Breathing exercises (exercises)

Breathing exercises allow you to get rid of nasal congestion, provide air access to the sinus, and also get rid of the symptoms of rhinitis and sinusitis. Also, plus special exercises - absolute safety - everyone can use them. Even small children are treated in this way.

Other folk medicines

Traditional medicine against inflammation in sinuses nose is not limited to the mentioned means. You can use burnaki from sinusitis, as well as horseradish from sinusitis. Also, recipes for the treatment of severe sinusitis are made from radish, wax, herbal tinctures, etc.

If burnaks from sinusitis are not suitable, you can choose another effective method of treating aggravated sinusitis. Good Birch buds, thorn and lemon with horseradish or horseradish with lemon juice from sinusitis. Use horseradish or use cones conifers is also possible.

Bee products - propolis, honey and wax

Honey is very helpful. It is added to solutions for internal use. It is also used to make nasal drops and ointments, as well as a solution for rinsing the nose. Most popular recipes:

  1. One tablespoon of honey is dissolved with ordinary water (200 ml). Rinse your nose with this.
  2. If the feeling of dryness in the nose is tired, there is a burning sensation from vasoconstrictor drugs, the situation can be corrected. 1 tsp honey is mixed with ordinary glycerin (30 g). Cotton is dipped into this remedy and inserted into the nose. This is done in the mornings and evenings of every day.
  3. Propolis has excellent antiseptics. After all, bees use it to disinfect honeycombs. To do this, use an ointment with a propolis base - best of all, 20 percent. It is mixed with onion or garlic juice. This mixture is placed in the nose for a quarter of an hour daily.

Folk treatments for severe sinusitis include herbs. They are needed to strengthen immune system. So the body will quickly cope with the infection.

The nose is rinsed with calendula, yarrow, cloves and chamomile. It's famous natural medicines. A mixture of these herbs or any of them individually is brewed according to the same scheme:

  • brew 1 tsp. herbal collection;
  • insist 30 minutes;
  • filter;
  • cool down;
  • wash your nose twice a day.

Of the pharmaceutical preparations, Malavit will be an analogue of such a remedy. It is quite affordable. Although many users prefer to make the infusion themselves.

If sinusitis has begun, then herbal treatment means the need to take decoctions inside. Raspberry, currant and other teas are very useful for colds. Kuril tea is also good.

There are fees that are appropriate both as nasal drops and as an inhalation agent. One of them is easy to prepare. It is made from:

  • one part peppermint;
  • one part lemon mint;
  • two parts of ordinary plantain.

To make an inhalation, a tablespoon of the herbal mixture is poured with boiling water (500 ml) and infused for a quarter of an hour. After that, the tool is heated. Then 2 or 3 drops of eucalyptus oil are added there.

Essential oils

Such a tool perfectly moisturizes the affected areas (sea buckthorn oil). They also prevent the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria (eucalyptus oil, arborvitae, pine oil). They are appropriate for aromatherapy and inhalation. They are also included in homemade nasal drops and tinctures that are taken orally. Standard Recipes:

  1. Saline solution with 2-3 drops of common arborvitae oil. With this drug, the nose is washed when sinusitis torments.
  2. 4 or 5 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil are mixed with three drops of fir oil. The mixture is impregnated with pieces of cotton wool and laid in the nasal cavity for fifteen minutes.
  3. To disinfect the nose, cumin oil is suitable. They just lubricate the nasal passages from the inside. This is done twice a day.

Perfectly liquefies the nasal secretion and destroys bacteria. This famous treatment exacerbated chronic sinusitis folk remedies. It is applied to the nose area - applications are made.

Next, grind the radish in a meat grinder or blender and mix with bee honey. Then the area of ​​​​the affected sinus is lubricated with a mixture for ten minutes. Many believe that this is great for removing pus from the affected area.


If treatment of sinusitis is required with known folk remedies, the most effective methods only the doctor can choose. Perfectly cure sinusitis ordinary horseradish, aloe, a mixture of liquid honey and ordinary boiling water, chamomile, salt, etc.

People's effective remedy against sinusitis at home can be made in the form of tea for oral administration, composition for inhalation, nasal drops. They also do sinus lavage.

However, a home remedy for purulent sinusitis does not exclude the use of industrial drugs. Do you need to take an antibiotic or antiviral drugs, depending on the cause of the disease. But this is done in conjunction with a competent doctor: if the antibiotic is chosen incorrectly, the therapy will be harmful or simply useless. They are prescribed only after establishing the cause of the disease and the results of the diagnosis of the general condition of the body.

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