Peach oil in the nose: benefits, harms, indications. Peach nose oil will bring back easy breathing

One of unpleasant symptoms, which are especially common with the onset of an autumn cold snap, is a runny nose - it interferes with living in a normal rhythm, and can become the beginning serious illness, for example, sinusitis or chronic rhinitis. It is important to start treatment on time, but everyone knows that many medications have a number of side effects... Frequent use of medication can be addictive or allergic reactions... Therefore, when starting the fight against the common cold, use natural products such as peach seed oil.

Useful properties of peach oil for the nose

For the production of oil from peach kernels, the cold pressing method is used, after which the liquid is filtered. Thanks to this method, the maximum set of nutrients, trace elements and polyunsaturated acids is preserved in it, which explains the active use of the product in cosmetology and medicine. In addition, it has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and vaso-strengthening effect - these properties help to quickly stop inflammatory processes in the nose.

Peach oil has a yellowish tinge, mild, mild taste and delicate aroma, so using it is not only useful, but also pleasant. Possessing a completely natural composition, the product practically does not cause allergies, with the exception of individual intolerance, which is very rare. This feature allows you to use the product even during pregnancy, and also makes it safe for babies.

Peach oil has a yellowish tint, pleasant aroma and delicate mild taste.

Important! Before use, it is worth checking the product for allergic reactions. To do this, do not a large number of on the elbow bend and wait a few minutes, or soak a napkin with it and inhale the vapors. If there have been no changes in well-being, the product is allowed to be used.

Applying peach oil for the nose

Cosmetic peach oil should not be consumed orally due to fragrances and preservatives that may be included in the composition

With the help of peach oil, almost all diseases of the upper respiratory tract can be treated, in addition, it is used as prophylactic against some respiratory diseases.

Important! Before using the product in medicinal purposes, make sure you buy pure natural and not cosmetic oil, which is not recommended for ingestion due to the possible presence of fragrances and preservatives.

Peach oil for a cold

Peach oil moisturizes the nasal mucosa and softens dried up secretions

Peach oil has been proven to be effective against the common cold. Action features:

  • softens dried discharge;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • liquefies mucus;
  • moisturizes the nasal mucosa;
  • suppresses inflammation.

The best result can be achieved if you start treatment immediately as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear, without interrupting the course until they disappear. Adults are advised to instill 2-3 drops of oil in each nasal passage 5-6 times a day. If rhinitis has chronic form, then the treatment should continue for at least 3 weeks. In the case when a runny nose is a sign of a disease colds, it is worth applying the remedy until it is eliminated.

Important! To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you can pre-rinse the nose with saline solution purchased at the pharmacy, or do it yourself by dissolving 1 tsp. salt in a liter of boiled water.

When thick green snot is emitted, indicating the presence of bacterial infection, prepare a mixture including essential oils lavender and tea tree as well as peach oil.


  • 1 tsp peach kernel oils;
  • 1 drop of tea tree essential oil
  • 1 drop of lavender essential oil.

3 drops of the composition are instilled into each nostril 3 times a day. For the same purpose, you can use a mixture obtained from 30 ml of peach oil and 10 ml of propolis tincture. Correct dosage will amount to 4 drops 3 times a day.

Acute or chronic rhinitis, the use of medications, as well as prolonged stay in a room with dry air can lead to the appearance of crusts on the nasal mucosa, which leads to discomfort and pain... In this case, you should lubricate the nose with peach oil from the inside, using cotton swab... Repeat the procedure 4 times a day.

Peach oil in a few days will soften and dissolve existing crusts, and also help to avoid the appearance of new ones, forming a light protective layer on the nasal mucosa and preserving its integrity.

Use a cotton swab to lubricate the inside of your nose with peach oil.

Video: how to properly rinse your nose

The use of peach oil for inhalation

Inflammations of the nasal mucosa are well treated with peach oil inhalations, but this method is not suitable for everyone - it is not recommended to breathe oil vapors for young children.


  • 1 tbsp. l. peach oil;
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 2 drops of essential pine oil.

It is not difficult to prepare a solution for inhalation - add 1 tbsp. l. peach oil in 0.5 liters of hot water. You can also pour 2 drops of lemon and pine essential oils there. Breathe in pairs for 10 minutes 2 times a day. This remedy will also help with coughing.

Inhalation with peach oil relieves inflammation of the nasal mucosa well

Peach oil for children

The absence of allergic reactions and side effects allows the use of peach seed oil to treat even newborn children. This remedy turns out to be especially useful in cases where vasoconstrictors for the nose are contraindicated for the baby, or a prolonged runny nose can lead to the development of otitis media. Peach oil is anti-inflammatory, which helps keep your baby's ears free from complications.

Pediatricians advise using peach oil for hygienic cleaning of the baby's nose, which is carried out using a cotton turunda slightly dipped in oil.

Also, children's doctors recommend resorting to the help of peach oil for redness and peeling of children's skin, giving Special attention folds and the most sensitive areas. The calming, toning and moisturizing effect will relieve the baby from unpleasant sensations associated with skin disorders.

Peach oil can be used when hygienic cleaning baby's nose, slightly moistening a cotton turunda with it

The use of peach oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It becomes more difficult to treat a runny nose during pregnancy and breastfeeding because of the risk of harm to the fetus or infant from medication. And the use of peach oil not only poses no danger, but, on the contrary, has a beneficial effect. This remedy ensures the intake of nutrients and vitamins into the body and helps to reduce the effect of the symptoms of respiratory diseases.

By the way, peach seed oil is useful during this period and for the fight against other diseases. Due to its soothing aroma, it can cause a calming effect in case of psycho-emotional disorders in pregnant women. In addition, the product helps to relieve uterine hypertonicity, which is often found in the second trimester of pregnancy. To prepare a special "potion" you don't have to make much effort.


  • 50 mg of peach oil;
  • 3 drops of rose oil;
  • 3 drops of palmarose oil;
  • 5 drops of lavender.

You just need to mix 50 mg of peach oil, 3 drops of rose and palmarose oil and 5 drops of lavender. Apply the product with your left hand in a clockwise circular motion, starting from the navel.

Reviews: peach nose oil

Peach oil makes breathing easier, relieves the first signs of illness and prevents its spread. It softens the nasal mucosa and reduces mucus production. Moreover, it practically does not cause allergies, which is very important for us. Peach oil can be dripped into a nose even for small children under one year old. In general, they began to be treated with peach oil. It turned out that it is really effective, relieves nasal congestion quickly enough, and without any chemistry. Good and effective remedy from a cold! I advise you to buy a pipette when buying oil, since there is no built-in dispenser on the bottle.


I dripped myself and treated sinusitis and helped the child to cure the snot. I did not cause any normal allergies, although I am allergic. The son is prone to allergies.

Lenka Sinister

It does not reduce swelling, it softens and moisturizes the nasopharynx, preventing drying out and re-disease. Good remedy.


So if you are a supporter traditional medicine do not want to poison the body drugs who have side effects, and do not rush to see a doctor, as soon as you notice the first symptoms of a respiratory illness, then you should stock up on a bubble of peach oil. It will help relieve minor inflammation, soften dried discharge, moisturize the nasal mucosa, after which you will breathe easily and freely again!

Patients suffering from colds are wondering if it is possible to drip peach cosmetic oil into the nose. Peach seed pomace - natural product, which has a large number of positive properties. Among the main ones are the elimination of inflammation, the fight against harmful microorganisms and restoration of damaged mucous membranes.

The oil is actively used in traditional and folk medicine due to the content of useful minerals and vitamins.

The benefits and harms of oil

Peach seed extract is used for the following diseases:

  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • angina;
  • pharyngitis.

Possesses a lot of useful properties. The effect on the respiratory system is antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral and disinfecting. Used as a therapeutic agent in adults, adolescents and children. Before use, consultation with your doctor is required.

If the patient has a sensitive mucous membrane to throat medications, they are replaced with oil.

The only harm that peach pomace can bring to the body is the appearance of allergies. This phenomenon is due to individual characteristics. human body... The composition may contain substances that are not perceived for one reason or another. In this case, it is better to refuse to use it.

Effect on the body during a cold

The effect of using the oil becomes noticeable after the first application. This is manifested in the following:

  1. The viscous mass liquefies the exudate.
  2. Soothes mucous surfaces, softening dry crusts and preventing the appearance of new ones.
  3. Restores injured mucous membranes, heals wounds and ulcers.
  4. Eliminates inflammation.
  5. Destroys microorganisms that contribute to the development of pathology.
  6. Relieves puffiness, restoring the person's ability to breathe.
  7. Restores the functioning of the immune system.

During a cold, a person suffers from nasal congestion. Peach oil not only liquefies exudate, but also promotes its rapid elimination. Together with harmful microorganisms, it is excreted. As a result of elimination of edema and inflammation, pain is reduced.

What kind of peach oil can be instilled into the nose

The peach nasal liquid must be of high quality. In order not to doubt the sterility of the product, you can clean it yourself. To do this, make a water bath or ignite the oil in a saucepan. In the second case, it is heated for 40 minutes.

Regardless of the option, heating the liquid should take place at a minimum heat.

Peach seed oil can be used not only for banal nasal congestion, but also for sinusitis and chronic rhinitis... It cannot replace the main treatment for such diagnoses. Peach oil is one of the components of the therapy. It acts as the final stage of treatment.

Instructions for use for adults and children

General scheme of nasal instillation with peach pomace:

  1. The nose is rinsed with water and diluted salt.
  2. After that, it is recommended to clear the nasal passages of mucus and dry crusts. To do this, you need to blow your nose well.
  3. In the supine state, the head is thrown back and 3-4 drops of oil are dripped into each nostril.
  4. In order for the liquid to spread over the mucous membrane, you need to lie down for 10 minutes.

The instructions for use are suitable for both adults and adolescents.

For adults

Peach seed extract is indicated not only as a treatment, but also as a prevention. To get rid of sinusitis, doctors advise to drip at least 3 drops into the nose. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times per day. Antibacterial drugs are required.

To get rid of a runny nose, drip 4-5 drops into each nostril three times a day. The course of treatment continues for 3 weeks. Peach oil can be injected in pure form or made drops with the addition of a decoction of St. John's wort or rose hips. If a person is diagnosed with an atrophic form of rhinitis, it is better to treat with turunda.

For children

Peach oil is a product based on natural ingredients. Therefore, it acts as an excellent solution to the problem in the form of a runny nose in childhood... Some doctors advise against using it for nasal instillation. The liquid turns into a film that prevents the baby from breathing properly.

Children are advised to reduce the dosage. To make it convenient to administer a reduced dose, it is recommended to use a conventional pipette. Treating congestion with peach oil can be replaced with nasal lubrication. This procedure is much easier for young children than for burying nostrils. In order for the liquid to get on the mucous membranes, it is necessary to wipe the nasal mucosa with a moistened cotton swab.


The first on the list is individual intolerance to the body. To determine possible reaction organism, a test is recommended. To do this, put a few drops of oil on the wrist and rub until you feel warm. With a damp cotton pad, wipe the skin on which the mass is applied, and inhale the smell.

An adverse reaction manifests itself in the form of many factors. it headache, skin rash, itching and burning. Inhaling the aroma of the oil, a person may experience choking and a sore throat. If at least one of the listed symptoms is present, the remedy is not used and other methods of treatment are sought.

If no signs appear within 30 minutes, then the emulsion has been accepted by the body.

Peach oil is not recommended for children under 2 years of age. Babies cannot hold their breath, so they do not control swallowing. As a result, a large amount of pomace can enter the body. Such situations end with the development of pneumonia.

Patients who have undergone rhinoplasty and other nose surgeries cannot use peach seed pomace.

If after surgical intervention enough time has passed, the issue is being discussed with the attending physician. Peach oil is not recommended for people with nervous or mental illness... It has a stimulating and stimulating effect, which is contraindicated in such states of the nervous system.

Peach is not only a delicious fruit, but also excellent remedy to maintain health, especially during colds. All over the world, this product is used by women at home as it helps to make appearance even more attractive. It is obtained from the seeds of the fruit with further refining (they contain about 40% oil). This natural product is great for facial care, but today we will focus on its more beneficial property. So, many people bury peach oil in their nose.


Transparent liquid of light yellow color perfectly reduces pain, heals microdamages and restores the nasal mucosa. It is also often used to prevent the onset of the common cold. To do this, you need to instill 2-3 drops twice a day. Peach oil in the nose is an excellent remedy for those whose habitual drops cause allergies, because this substance can be instilled into each nostril for 15 drops without harm to health. If your loved ones have tonsillitis, advise them to gargle with peach oil. And if you lubricate the surface of the throat with a bandage soaked in a bandage, the symptoms of the disease will disappear after a few days, and the infection will not go down further along respiratory tract... The oil is indispensable for the treatment of skin diseases, inflammation of the auricle. And if you mix a drop of tea tree oil, lavender and eucalyptus in 10 ml of peach oil, you can get a composition for the treatment of otitis media - moistened cotton tubes can be inserted into ear canals, thereby you stop the inflammatory process.


Peach oil is made only from selected seeds. Application for the nose becomes possible due to the viscous consistency of the product. Its composition is rich in all kinds useful microelements... So, it contains stearic, linoleic, oleic acid, B vitamins and other minerals.

Remedy for children

It is convenient to apply peach oil to a child's nose, as it has pleasant taste and practically odorless - such a medicine will be preferred even by the most capricious baby! And inhalations with this composition will help soften the throat and eliminate germs - just add a few drops of plant matter to boiling water. Peach oil in the nose is an indispensable option for parents whose children suffer from rhinitis, since not all drugs can be taken by babies. And since this remedy is completely natural, it can be used even by the smallest patients. Put some oil in your child's nose before cleaning to soften sinus crusts.

Other areas of application

Girls actively use peach seed oil to add a special shine to the hair, as well as to soften the skin around the eyes. Replace your usual makeup remover lotion with peach oil, and a great result will not keep you waiting: mimic wrinkles will be smoothed out, and eyelashes will look thicker even without the use of cosmetics. The oil actively saturates the skin with moisture, making it more elastic. In the cold season, when wounds form in the sinuses with frequent colds, peach oil in the nose is simply irreplaceable!

Not everyone knows that peach oil is used not only in cosmetic purposes, but also as a hygienic, medicinal and health-improving drug for the common cold.

Properties of peach nasal oil

The peach remedy is produced by cold pressing the pits of the fruit. The product is suitable for the care of the nasal passages, as it contains all useful material fruit unchanged.

The oil has all the properties of natural hygienic and remedy used for ENT organs. It:

  • cleans the mucous membrane, softening the crusts formed on it;
  • moisturizes the mucous membrane, especially during the period when the air in the premises dries up due to central heating;
  • liquefies and helps to remove mucus when respiratory diseases;
  • destroys pathogenic flora, helping to heal faster from colds and viral diseases;
  • protects the mucous membrane from the penetration of microbes during the period of viral diseases;
  • makes the vascular walls stronger and more elastic;
  • prevents the development of chronic ENT diseases: sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.

How to choose peach oil for your nose?

This natural remedy is of two types:

  • cosmetic;
  • medical.

What kind of peach oil can be instilled into the nose - the otolaryngologist chooses. Moreover, only he will be able to unequivocally say how useful a particular remedy is for treatment and what dosage is best to choose in each case.

This oil very rarely causes allergic reactions, but in order to rule out the possibility of them, it is best to consult a doctor in advance.

Can cosmetic peach oil be dripped into the nose?

For the purposes of recovery, it is definitely better to choose a medicine. In a cosmetic (especially effective given view and skin in general), foreign substances can be added that protect the agent from oxidation and give it a more pronounced odor, and the body's response to them is not always predictable.

In addition, using medicine, you can always know for sure that it is intended specifically to get rid of the disease, and you can use it purposefully, getting the maximum benefit from it.

But if there was no medical oil at hand, then you can drip cosmetic peach oil into your nose, because it also has good composition... Moreover, if it concerns the care of the nasal mucosa of an adult.

Where to buy peach nose oil?

In order to soften or cleanse the nasal mucosa, it is best to buy the product in special departments of pharmacies. The pharmacist needs to clarify the purpose of the product, because even in pharmacy chains, both medical and cosmetic oils are sold.

In cosmetic stores you can only buy cosmetical tools which may contain preservatives and flavors.

Therefore, if you need a drug for treatment during the ARVI period or for the care of delicate skin infant, then it is definitely better to opt for a pharmacy.

Features of the use of peach oil for the nose

This natural remedy there are no contraindications. Applying peach oil to the nose is safe, even for babies.

The oil is very delicate in structure and soft in composition. Therefore, they can clear the nasal passages of babies. To do this, a child under one year old is dripping oil one drop at a time. After instillation, allow the oil to be absorbed and then clean the nose with turundas moistened with warm water half and half with butter.

At the first sign of a runny nose, they do the same. But it is better to consult a pediatrician at the same time.

For children after a year, you can increase the dosage to 2-3 drops in each nostril.

From the age of 12, you can apply 3-4 drops three times a day. For adults, you can also lay turundochki with oil extraction for 15 minutes. This procedure is effective at the onset of the disease and to prevent complications.

If the mucus from the nose has become purulent, then, after consulting a doctor and excluding allergies to the constituent funds, for adults, you can prepare such a mixture for instillation: one drop of thuja oil per teaspoon of oil extract. The resulting mixture is used after washing the nasal passages. brine 2-3 drops three times a day.

Saline is prepared by dissolving 1/4 teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiled water. After using a mixture of oils, a profuse mucous discharge may appear: in this case, the nose is cleared again.

As well as use, peach is great for adults with pain in the nasopharynx. To do this, use the following recipe:

  • mix alcohol tincture propolis with oil extract from the fruit in a ratio of 1 to 3;
  • instill 2-4 drops in each nostril after rinsing with saline.

There is another way to use peach oil extract. As with, it is added to hot water to receive steam inhalation... With this method of application, water vapor penetrates faster and further into the nasal sinuses, enveloping the diseased organ. To achieve this effect, a few drops of the product are dripped into hot water. This can be done using a steam inhaler or simply by adding oil to a bowl of hot water: tilting your head over it, cover it with a towel and inhale the healing vapors.

Can I drip peach oil into my nose during pregnancy?

Organism future mother sensitive to internal changes, and to the state environment... Therefore, her ENT organs are primarily an indicator of how healthy she is and how well she feels.

There is even a special term - "runny nose of pregnant women": the expectant mother may have a somewhat stuffy nose, often there is swelling of the mucous membrane, unexpected discharge from the nasal cavity appears.

To relieve discomfort, as well as protect a woman and her child from viruses during SARS epidemics, it is advisable to use special care, protective and medicinal means... And the use of peach oil during pregnancy in the nose in this arsenal will be suitable option... It does not contain anything superfluous, practically does not smell (unlike) and perfectly helps with colds and dry mucous membranes.

Therefore, you can safely turn to this tool, after carefully checking the body's response to tolerance. You can first lubricate the inner bend of the elbow and see the result after 15-20 minutes. Then it is worth trying on the mucous membrane, lightly holding a cotton swab dipped in the preparation.

Applying such recipes of traditional medicine, one must remember that it is not always realistic to cure a disease without resorting to pharmaceuticals. In this case, the disease can get complications and become chronic. Therefore, consult a doctor for staging accurate diagnosis and never gets in the way of an appointment.

At all times, natural essential oils have been highly valued for their consistently excellent quality. vegetable origin... One of the best can be safely called peach oil. This product is made from peach pits using the cold pressing method and subsequent filtration.
The unique properties of the substance make it possible to use it in cosmetology and medicine, they not only cleanse the skin, but also instill peach oil in the nose. Beneficial features the product is due to its constituent vitamins C, E, A, P, macro- and microelements, many fatty polyunsaturated acids, which are indispensable for maintaining in normal condition skin of a newborn.

Application for the nose

Not everyone knows that it is beneficial to bury peach oil in a child's nose. Indeed, in addition to improving hair, nails and skin, the product provides healing effect for colds. It relieves the first symptoms of the disease, softens breathing and prevents the disease from spreading. Peach oil drips into the nose for respiratory diseases, chronic tonsillitis and rhinitis.

The natural origin of the substance allows it to be used regularly without fear of allergic reactions. This is especially true for those who are allergic to pharmacy products to soften the nose. The oil can be instilled into each nostril up to 15 drops daily for the entire week of the disease. There will be no harm from this. On the contrary, the agent helps to soften the irritated walls of the sinuses and prevents the formation of excess mucus.

It should be noted that peach oil is dripped into the nose even for babies under one year old. It is children who are most often susceptible to sinusitis and rhinitis. The product will not cause any harm and will not affect the development of the child. Young mothers are advised to regularly use peach oil to cleanse their baby's nose. The tool will allow you to carry out a standard set of morning hygiene procedures for a newborn baby. About five minutes before cleaning the baby's nasal cavity, two drops of oil should be dripped into each of his nostrils, and then the procedure should be started. It is recommended to bury peach oil in the nose to soften the crust in the sinuses. This procedure it is required to perform in the morning and in the evening.

Gargling with tonsillitis is also helpful. If this is difficult to do, then you can treat the child's throat yourself. To do this, wash your hands well in warm water with soap, wind on forefinger a soft sterile bandage, soak it with oil and then treat the baby's throat. The symptoms of tonsillitis will disappear in a few days. Putting peach oil in your child's nose and treating the throat can help prevent further spread of the infection through the respiratory tract.

The substance is absolutely irreplaceable for newborns due to its healing properties... It has tonic, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory properties. The tool is used for skin diseases, inflammations auricle, sore throat. It is recommended to make a balm based on the product, which also includes lavender and chamomile essential oils. This tool will keep the skin of a newborn baby in excellent condition.

A balm is also made from peach oil for treating the ear, throat, and nose of a newborn. To do this, add a drop of eucalyptus and lavender to ten milliliters of the base. The resulting balm is used to lubricate the tonsils, cotton swabs soaked in it are used to treat otitis media by inserting them into the ear canals.

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