Belarus: the secret of anomalous zones. Abnormal Belarus: a guide to the most mystical places Anomalous zones in Belarus

I think you know that the Volyn woodland (like the Carpathian region) is traditionally considered a place of "dislocation" of all kinds of evil spirits. At the end of last year (2003), while collecting materials for reporting in the Dubrovitsky district of the Rivne region, I met an electrician Pavel Vinyuk, who, in fact, advised me to go to the village of Verbivka, almost near the Belarusian border. In his words, Lake Bolshoy Pochaevskoe (!) Is a classic "cursed place". A year ago, he was vacationing there in the summer with a friend and two girls. Oddly enough, according to Paul's assurances, the men did not drink alcohol, so they began to make fun of the tipsy young ladies, who, as if scalded, jumped out of the water, convincing that someone (or something) grabbed them by the ankles and attracted to the bottom. Paul's friend, according to him - a very big skeptic, went to the lake to swim immediately after the incident and, coming out of the water, had, to put it mildly, a pale appearance. He said that after swimming a few meters, he saw a luminous figure in front of him, which began to move just towards him.

REFERENCE Big Pochaev lake of karst origin in Dubrovitsky district of Rivne region, near the village of Verbivki. Length 2 km, width 0.7 km, area 0.62 km. sq., average depth - 4 m. The depression has an elongated shape. The shores are low, mostly swampy; overgrown with forest. The lake is fed by underground water sources, as well as by precipitation. The bottom is gently sloping, peaty. Vegetation - reeds, sedge. Perch, pike, tench, crucian carp are found.

A hydrological monument of national importance (since 1975). Located in the Dubrovitsky district of the Rivne region. Was under the jurisdiction of the Vysotsky forestry enterprise. Area 58 hectares. The picturesque lake of the same name is protected by the state. It is a nesting place for the gray crane and black storks (species included in the Red Book of Ukraine). Regulator of the water regime of the adjacent territory.

This happened between midnight and three in the morning. Having collected their things, the company hastened to retreat. That summer, if I am not mistaken, another company, returning by car from the lake after a night's binge, on a flat road under excellent weather conditions and a sober driver got into an accident. When the car demolished the reinforced concrete support, everyone in the cabin was alive. But the support, falling, crushed the car. Five people died (I may be wrong about the number of victims). Further, Paul told me that from time to time a strange glow is observed over the lake, voices and groans are heard, although he himself could not (and says - thank God!) Be convinced of this. In the village of Verbivka, I was told that indeed, especially on June nights, you can hear strange sounds like a moan. the locals heard them. And the old-timers tell the legend that once upon a time there was a large and rich settlement on the site of the lake, which was cursed for the vices of its inhabitants and sank under water in one night (well, purely Platonic Atlantis, about which in Polesie - no one sleeps , but they retell the plot with impressive accuracy, albeit in the language of local realities). Again, many argue that until recently, fishermen used nets to catch window frames and kitchen utensils. Geologists, however, do not deny the possibility of subsidence of such a large area of ​​land, since the entire Verbivka is on quicksand (or on karst).

One of the local residents, with whom I had a chance to communicate, assured that he had heard from his father about the earthquake, as a result of which the lake was formed. Another interesting detail.
Exactly in the middle of the reservoir, as the geography teacher of the local school said, there is a huge stone of an almost strict cubic shape, which seems to grow from year to year. It seems like some salts are being deposited. And to this stone across the lake there are several shallows-fords, along which you can cross the lake on foot. Hence, as the teacher suggests, the appearance of the drowned dead walking on water. Although, nevertheless, no one risks hunting on Bolshoi Pochaevsky. I was told there was one shooter who claimed to be a sailor. He took a gun, swam on a boat to beat ducks, but never came back. Neither him nor the boat was found.

By the way, one geologists-researcher from the Volyn State University (unfortunately forgot the last name and first name, therefore my search for this person was unsuccessful - most likely he no longer works at the university and left Volyn in general) put forward a hypothesis about the partially meteoric origin of the Polesie lakes. Very often, also, there are legends and pseudo-scientific "facts" about the remains of a large ancient ship allegedly discovered once in Polesie, which could only navigate the sea, but not along small rivers. And already well-educated people "remember" the fresh Herodotovo sea, which once splashed where the northern regions of Volyn and Rivne and the south of Belarus are now located.

It is difficult for me, a layman, to comment on all this in any way (however, if there is anything at all to comment on and, moreover, to research).

Alexander Sinkevich, 2004

It is clear that all the troubles in Belarus are from the evil one. KYKY has compiled a guide to the most mystical and energetically dubious regions of the fatherland. Vadim Chernobrov, a member of the Belarusian UFO Committee, a branch of the international association "Cosmopoisk", helped us to search for mysticism in Belarus.

Initially, there was an idea to make a guide to the mystical Minsk, but Vadim Chernobrov dissuaded us: “When everyone is rolled into the asphalt, it is difficult to see something under it. This applies to both Moscow and St. Petersburg - the farther from the capitals, the more anomalies. When they tell me, they say, there are 15 minutes, let's go somewhere, I have to explain that it takes several days to get to the most interesting places. There are many stories connected with anomalous Minsk, but I am skeptical about most of them. "

UFO Committee or "Ufokom" - This is an informal community of enthusiasts in Belarus, united by a common interest: research into the problem of UFOs and anomalous phenomena. “We are not an organization and do not have any other legal basis, although the issue of registration as a public organization has been repeatedly raised in the past,” say members of the UFO Committee, who call themselves a platform for Belarusian ufologists who carry out research activities in private as individuals. and at their own expense. That is, they are not hired here and, accordingly, they are not paid a salary. Since 2005, representatives of the "Ufological Committee" have taken part in the international movement "Cosmopoisk", being friends of the All-Russian Scientific Research Public Association. Also, close ties have been established with the Association "Ecology of the Unknown" (Russia), UNITA "Zond" (Ukraine) and a number of independent researchers.

Brest region: Pare, village of vampires (100 km from Pinsk)

Residents of nearby villages dissuade from traveling to Par, but they do not explain the reasons, and around the village itself they planted a not very wide, but dense aspen forest - you never know what. The most daring, wandering in Par out of curiosity, go to the local cemetery: the graves here are covered with cuts, large oak logs so that the deceased does not get up. The deck is not laid immediately, but after Easter, but at first the grave is “sealed” with a huge boulder, all with the same purpose. Modern graves are sometimes simply filled with cement - they still do not risk leaving them open. Here, ufologists recorded a ceremony: at night men went into the forest and chopped an oak cross 5-6 meters high, women at that time weaved multi-colored ribbons in order to decorate the cross with them. Local residents, according to the assurances of the researchers, do not differ from whom they defend themselves with crosses - they do not say: “They did this even under our fathers so that the dead did not return home from the cemetery. They will roll it over with an "oak" tree, and everyone will be calm ... "

Ethnographers treat the village with less fear than ufologists, but with the same trepidation: the village located in the very outback of the Pinsk Polesye is the only place where you can see the narubs preserved from pagan times.

Vitebsk Region: UFO Landing Sites


Anything anomalous and stretches to the Vitebsk region: here and black spots, and crop circles, and UFOs flock here almost flocks. At the same time, in recent years, ufologists have increasingly come across triangular UFOs, and since no triangular aircraft have been officially announced in Belarus, they rightly classify these objects noticed by eyewitnesses as anomalous. By the way, having analyzed the trajectory of UFO movement in Belarus over the past 26 years, ufologists have found that most of them are 90 percent! - a handful of people along the line leading from Brest to Vitebsk (via Minsk). One of the eyewitnesses told "Ufokom" about a meeting with a triangular UFO near the village of Luchesa, Vitebsk region. Some burgundy triangular objects were noticed by residents of the village of Tishkovo (northeast of Vitebsk). Locals say that "triangles" may turn out to be the new test equipment of the Russian army, but they are as afraid of this army as they are of the newcomers.

Grodno region: Golshany castle

Vadim Chernoborov brings the Golshany Castle with its White Lady to the top of the mystical places in Belarus. For many years he has been researching the events taking place in Golshany: “The inhabitants of the castle were always more afraid of the spirit of a rootless, poor and modest girl. Her fault was that she wanted the best way to feed her construction husband. " The story of the White Lady is as follows. In 1618, a team of builders funded by Pavel Stefan Sapieha built a church and a monastery under him. Unfortunately, one of the walls was constantly collapsing near the church. The most experienced bricklayers restored it, but the stones again crumbled for no reason. At that time, the practice of repairing buildings by embedding all living creatures in the wall was widespread, and it is good, if only cats. It was believed that while the mummy of the walled up alive is inside the building, it protects the stones from destruction with its psychic energy. The Magi, who were approached by builders who did not want to be reputed to be bunglers, advised to brick up a young woman in a wall (the construction is important, here you can't get off with a cat). Where can the peaceful masons get it? They decided that they would sacrifice one of the wives, and in order not to pull the terrible lot themselves, fate had to choose the victim - let it be the one who first comes to her husband at the construction site. Touched by life and grumpy wives, the foremen knew that their faithful would not rush to break their legs. The youngest came first ... The body of the unfortunate woman and they left to plug the hole in the wall. The wall and calmed down ...

There are more than enough stories about modern meetings with the Lady. So, a local resident, Alexander Vincentovich Lesnitsky, described in detail the following: “At about one in the morning I was returning home, I thought that someone had painted a tree with lime against pests. I went up - and this is a girl all in a white dress up to her toes, instead of a face - a dark spot. Hangs over the sidewalk and sways slightly in the wind. She raised her left hand and beckoned me. A terrible thing, I ran away ... And then my friend saw her, she beckoned him with her finger ... "

The director of the National Museum of Art, Cheslava Akulevich, with whom Cosmopoisk met, not only trusts the rumors about the Lady, but she herself has repeatedly witnessed her appearances: “I also did not believe at first, until a few years ago I saw her myself. I was alone in my cell, suddenly a gray translucent hand grows out of the wall and presses the light switch! .. It's good that you came with instruments for research, otherwise the psyche is at its limit. Our women quit, even male archaeologists refuse to work! "

Minsk region: Megaliths near Vileika (Steberaki market town)

Megaliths near Vileika were discovered by ufologists in the late 90s - the composition included five stones with similar patterns on each. The first and last stones depict a sign resembling a bow and arrow or a triangle on a crossbar. Moreover, all the stones were oriented strictly to the north, to the Pole Star. Belarus is full of megaliths, which many recklessly equate with the local Stonehenge. Alas, many of them may turn out to be simple clusters of stones that have nothing to do with mysticism, but researchers still hope for their astronomical purpose.

Mogilev Oblast: Chaussky Kurgan

Some ghosts "without a face" appear here so often that the locals are even supposedly used to it, and ufologists are called for help less and less often. Two mounds are located in the area of ​​the Stalka River. Locals say that the rains sometimes washed spears out of the mounds, and the shepherds were afraid to fall asleep nearby, because at night they allegedly heard moans and ringing. The Chausky region also attracts treasure hunters - there is a belief among local residents about gold buried under one of the hills. They say that at night gold came out of the earth - to dry out.

Bobruisk: Ghosts under New Alba

Mogilev, although it is close to the eastern lands, devoid of a mystical component, no, no, and yes, it will be born with ball lightning or a ghost. By the way, one of the first poltergeists in Belarus was registered in Mogilev. But the village of New Alba near Bobruisk is allegedly full of assorted ghosts of varying degrees of aggressiveness and, of course, flying saucers. One of the villagers told the ufologists that three pits with polished edges were still preserved in the forest near the village - allegedly the result of a flying saucer hanging over the forest. A local resident, who went into the forest to pick mushrooms, got lost and saw how a dazzling ray of light hit from the sky, turned out to be a witness of the “hang-up”: “She looked to the side and saw six tall men running nearby. They had lanterns on their foreheads like miners. Meanwhile, the light intensified, and the woman was overcome by sleep - she immediately fell asleep. Just before dawn, he wakes up and sees women in white coats in front of him, approaches them and asks how to get out to the house. And suddenly all the women disappear! And next to it there is a road leading straight to the village. " True, ufologists suspect that UFO and other unidentified phenomena may be simple visions of mushroom pickers who wandered through the swamps for a long time - no anomaly.

Gomel Oblast: Radioactive Anomalies

UFO scientists here associate many UFO phenomena with the proximity to the exploded Chernobyl nuclear power plant reactor, but local residents repeatedly report about luminous balls and star-shaped objects either in the yards or just in the sky. We will not list all the plates and other objects that the Gomel residents encountered, but simply cite an excerpt from a letter from a resident of the village of Narovlya, which he sent to ufologists in 2001: to the door, but no one entered the hut. I decided to go out and take a look. Released. It turned out to be very dark. Leaving the corner of the hut, I saw a luminous ball at the height of the trees. At first I thought it was the Moon. But very big. Returned home. I stood at the window and watched. A zigzag and sparkling arc began to run along the shell of the ball, like lightning, from east to west. A man appeared inside and began to transfer something from the western part to the eastern one. He descends, as if into a hatch, bends down, takes something and carries it in front of him in his hands. Bending down a little, he lowers into the hatch on the east side, does something there and goes back. He walked like that for a long time, and the ship sparkled and then calmed down. The man is dressed as in a jumpsuit, but he did not fit to the body, as he was filled with air. Then he sank into a hatch on the west side and never left. The shell of the ball became denser and stopped sparking. And suddenly another ball was ejected from the inside, it bounced 10 meters away and stopped abruptly, and the main one swayed like on shock absorbers, and fell silent in place. So they stood, and the smaller one moved quietly, forming a conical glowing tail, but not sharp. I flew low, quickly picking up speed. "

Belarus has its own "ghost hunters". A group of desperate romantics from the community of enthusiasts "Ufokom" has been guarding the "space security of the country" for more than 10 years.

They instantly respond to calls from eyewitnesses reporting UFOs or other unexplained things, and always try to find a scientific explanation for them. We propose to get to know Belarusian ufologists better and spend one day with them - during the last expedition to the Vitebsk region.

One of the active participants in the largest in Belarus community "Ufokom" Yevgeny Shaposhnikov immediately declares: he has not yet met miracles and sensations associated with anomalous phenomena in Belarus. Aliens, chupacabras, and noisy poltergeists are afraid to meet with ufologists on a narrow forest path. But there is a lot of evidence of mysterious phenomena from eyewitnesses. One of the most striking examples is associated with the exposure of the same Chupacabra.

We followed the trail to the very burrows, took pieces of wool for analysis, studied the style and geography of attacks. In one case, ferrets turned out to be chupacabras, and in the other, they were completely ordinary dogs. And still, one woman told us: her eyes are so red, her hair is red, it's 100 percent Chupacabra! We say: no, it's your neighbor's dog! She refuses to accept it. People want to believe in miracles.

The huge spiral circles in the snow, which caused panic among a geography teacher from a village in the Brest region, turned out to be the subject of creativity of local schoolchildren, and not at all aliens clearing the site for the future cosmodrome. And the mysterious glowing balls in the sky, which in recent years people massively mistake for group UFO flights, are nothing more than ordinary Chinese lanterns.

We recently went out on one occasion. People say that the shadow of a man descended over the field, and this lasted for about an hour. The whole village saw it. Our physicists have found out that vision is just the result of an optical phenomenon.

In search of meteorites and their fragments. Ufologists cooperate with the Institute of Geochemistry and Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences, conduct prospecting work officially and hand over all the samples found.

Ufologists do not always succeed in giving a logical explanation of mysterious things and phenomena. As well as to prove their paranormal nature. Most often, community members are called to the scene too late: when CCTV cameras already refuse to record miracles, and special devices, such as microwave sensors, contradict eyewitness accounts. But despite the skepticism inherent in the guys, they remain true to their romantic ideas.

It is interesting to find that one single plate that actually sat on the ground and left some traces. What if we find some artifact that will change the history of our planet? Or we find a diamond meteorite - and Belarus will become the richest country in the world! Or some kind of breakthrough alien technology! There should always be a group of such romantic people in any country who are looking for something inexplicable.

There are several dozen such enthusiasts throughout the country. Interest in the study of anomalous phenomena unites people of various professions, some of them can be very useful in a common cause. So, among the members of the Ufokom community there are candidates of historical and biological sciences, forensic experts, radio engineers. In general, anyone who is interested can come to ufology. Evgeny Shaposhnikov, for example, in another - real life - is engaged in advertising. He joined the community after he could not find a reasonable explanation for the story of his friends.

My friends, the policemen, were guarding the children's pioneer camp. One night they saw two teenage figures who opened the door of the club, where by that moment the disco had ended. We went to the door, and it was closed, there was a lock! We went inside, but there was no one in the club. I have known these people for many years, they would not lie, they have decent positions. Similar cases occurred in other regions of Belarus, and they cannot be explained by any optical phenomena.

Or, for example, triangular UFOs - they are very rare. Some discs-balls see everything, but triangles are very rare, and they appear exactly along certain lines. It is difficult to explain how exactly an equilateral triangle appears.

In search of "stone circles". In the forests, according to eyewitnesses, a whole city with stone roads should have been hidden. The find turned out to be not a circle, but a square. Ufologists examined versions of the ruined master's estate, a very old cemetery, and a paddock for horses.

Ufologists pay close attention to testimonies from two or more eyewitnesses. People who have single-handedly "dated aliens" are rarely credible. Recently, says Yevgeny Shaposhnikov, a man with an "implant in his leg" that was implanted in him by alleged alien beings called the community. An X-ray really shows through some foreign object, but the victim of the aliens does not allow himself to be operated on. A man believes that, having lost a source of information, he will die immediately. Such initially not entirely believable stories are the exception rather than the rule, the ufologist concludes.

More often than not, people who talk about the paranormal behave quite adequately. There are no drunks, drug addicts, as it immediately occurs to everyone. There are a lot of policemen who, due to their duty, go to many places and talk about what they saw only to us. If they write a report, everyone will laugh at them. There is a lot of evidence from the former military: they constantly look at the sky, because any star seems to them a satellite or a bomb. Therefore, they observe something interesting more often than others.

Evgeny Shaposhnikov is sure that in the life of every person there was at least one case associated with something paranormal. But there are truly "abnormal places" on the map of Belarus, where people encounter phenomena that are inexplicable to them more often than others. With suspicious regularity, ufologists are summoned to the Baranovichi district (there are many military bases and a large airfield, the source explains the popularity of this place).

Many unknown animals are seen by people in Polesie (perhaps this is due to the radiation reserve). And the ufologist calls the entire Vitebsk region extremely anomalous. There is something unusual going on all the time. The last trip there was associated with the "search for a portal to other dimensions."

Evgeny Shaposhnikov offers to go on an expedition with him and his team. TUT.BY publishes a first-hand story.

We are going to the Vitebsk region to look for portals to other dimensions. The topic of moving to parallel Universes is not new; one can recall the legendary Kitezh-Grad, which disappeared right before the eyes of the Mongolian army, and the peoples of Altai, who were leaving for Shambhala.

There are many legends about Belarusian prodigal places. Such places are usually called forests, in which people wander for many hours or days and cannot find their way back. And then, when they find the way, it turns out that they wandered for only 20 minutes. Or vice versa, it seems that they just crossed the woods, and friends are looking for you for the second day, even five kilometers from here.

They told us about one such old road in the Shumilinsky region. They say that a person passes the road here in half an hour, goes out of the forest onto the highway, and has already passed the whole day. And some even disappear along the way, getting lost in space-time anomalies. A rather large bow of the Western Dvina is located nearby. And where there is an onion - expect miracles, it has been said since ancient times.

Since there were two stories about this road at once and they were taken from different sources, we certainly decided to visit these mysterious places. And the favorite palindrome (a word or phrase that reads the same in both directions) of all ufologists immediately came to mind: "The path is small, but it is - to the portals." Let's check, maybe the palindrome was not invented from scratch.

We arrive in the Shumilinsky district in the vicinity of the village "R". We set up a modest camp on the shore of the lake and set off to interview the local population.

Sadly, but the main part of the ufologist's work is communication with eyewitnesses. In rare cases, we come across a mysterious artifact that can be studied in the laboratory. And you can only dream of climbing on an abandoned flying saucer or shaking a tentacle with your brother in mind.

While walking through the village "R", we found many interesting things. True, there was nothing abnormal in these things. The man in the spacesuit turned out to be an ordinary beekeeper, and a wild roar in the middle of one yard was not emitted by a spaceship, but by a combine harvester that had stopped there.

But on the outskirts we met an old man who told us a little about the old road. She says that it has been overgrown for a long time, for 30 years no one has been walking on it and no cars are driving. There used to be a village "T" from which people walked along this road to the highway. And then the village "T" was demolished and the road became useless. The old man did not hear anything about anomalies, but he says that it is easy to get lost there. And a little later we understood why.

We compare the data from the GPS with the old pre-war map and set off in search of the desired turn from the highway. It is already difficult to call this road a big one, only the path remains small. And soon she also dissolved in the impenetrable thick of field grasses. Here the machete would come in handy, but we don't even take knives with us. What if contact with aliens, and we have edged weapons? It will turn out ugly.

We make our way through the flooded meadows for several kilometers and get out to the edge of the swamp. The map shows that it is time to turn, and apart from the swamp there is nothing to the right. We find the littered trees and cross the swamp along them. And then the first discovery. We find an incomprehensible footprint in the mud, with a clear fingerprint. Either a man walked barefoot, or a bear. In principle, neither one nor the other should be here.

And then we find ourselves in a forest with huge spruces. Among them, one simply stands out as a princess-tree. Together you can only embrace her. The vertex is not visible at all, it is lost in the branches. We hug in turn with the tree, wish her many years of life and move on.

And soon we find ourselves in the real world of Tolkien. It's just a real hobbit village. Everything is in mounds and burrows. It turns out that we found a fox settlement. There are about two dozen fox holes here. And fresh footprints are everywhere.

And now, finally, we have before us the remains of that very road. We pass along it two hundred meters, and it rests against a swamp.

And while we were walking through the woods, it was already beginning to get dark and the rain began to fall. We decided to return to the camp. And in order to shorten the time, they decided to go directly. And here we grabbed our share of "fornication". It turned out that there was a continuous swamp all around. Wherever we go, everywhere we run into it. The swamp is picturesque, of course, but after half an hour of wandering, we are no longer up to its beauty.

An hour later, we somehow got out to the outskirts of a village. And here whole plots of land were turned up together with the trees. Yes, and a poor stork entangled in the wires. Some kind of horror.

And then they found a local resident and were already going to ask him a classic cinematic question: "Man, what year is it?" But they restrained themselves. We are ufologists, there are no miracles where we are. Both the village and the time turned out to be our relatives, and soon we got to the camp.

And there this cat on a cart was waiting for us again, but that's a completely different story ...

Anomalous and mysterious places in Belarus

A small country in comparison with Russia, Belarus also has an extensive network of anomalous places. The stories about some of them became public and excited many ufologists from different countries.In the Kosmopoisk catalog, about thirty anomalous zones of Belarus have been identified, some of them are being investigated, and some places keep their secrets.

Paré, vampire village (100 km from Pinsk, Brest region)

Residents of nearby villages dissuade from traveling to Par, but they do not explain the reasons, and around the village itself they planted a not very wide, but dense aspen forest - you never know what.

The most daring, wandering in Par out of curiosity, go to the local cemetery: the graves here are covered with cuts, large oak logs so that the deceased does not get up. The deck is not laid immediately, but after Easter, but at first the grave is “sealed” with a huge boulder, all with the same purpose. Modern graves are sometimes simply filled with cement - they still do not risk leaving them open.

Here, ufologists recorded a ceremony: at night men went into the forest and chopped an oak cross 5-6 meters high, women at that time weaved multi-colored ribbons in order to decorate the cross with them. Local residents, according to the assurances of the researchers, do not differ from whom they defend themselves with crosses - they do not say: “They did this even under our fathers so that the dead did not return home from the cemetery. They will roll it over with an "oak" tree, and everyone will be calm ... "

Ethnographers treat the village with less fear than ufologists, but with the same trepidation: the village located in the very outback of the Pinsk Polesye is the only place where you can see the narubs preserved from pagan times.

UFO activity in 2016

Putchin vampire

In fact, vampires are not sweet Edward Cullens, or even dramatic Louis. At least the Belarusian ones. Most often these are the deceased who were buried a year or several years ago. They do not lie in their graves: the deceased get up at night and come to drink the blood of their living relatives.

During life, vampires usually have a reputation as sorcerers. Previously, it was believed that such a deceased should be dug up and an aspen stake driven into his chest, and then it is desirable to burn the body. According to legend, the dug-out dead did not decompose, but were full of fresh blood.

Now almost nothing is heard about vampires, but only almost. In the village of Putchino, near Minsk, they remember the history of the last century. The horror was witnessed by a little girl playing with other children at the house where a man died a year ago. Suddenly the dead man appeared on the road and approached the house.

The man looked unhealthy: he was gray and decrepit. The children began to shout that "daddy" had come so that the mother would leave the house. Meanwhile, "Tyatya" grabbed one of his daughters and headed away.I would have left, but my mother nevertheless left the house and screamed. Apparently, she scared off her late husband: the vampire had disappeared. They say the girl fell to the ground, crying with fear.

Kovalevskoe ghost (Brest)

Ghosts and werewolves in the Kovalevo district of the city of Brest are known to local residents firsthand.

For a long time, from 1998 to 2003, a group of enthusiasts studying the issues of anomalous phenomena in the Brest region recorded numerous cases associated with the appearance of unidentified humanoid and bestial creatures in the homes of local residents.

One of the most popular visions was unambiguously recognized as a teddy bear that appears abruptly at the end of a long corridor and rapidly approaches the person looking at it. And all would be fine if the bear did not bite. It certainly looks like a massive psychosis involving a popular child character, however, circumstantial evidence suggests that the ghost actually exists.

A harmless children's toy for some residents of the Kovalevo microdistrict of Brest has become synonymous with horror. The ghost-bear appeared to the people at the end of the corridor, and it was impossible to take your eyes off him.A resident of Kovalev told the researchers of the portal that for her, the ghost bear had become something of a bait. Elena lay and looked, and he moved away towards the apartment kitchen and "pulled" her gaze.

Elena recited the prayer "Our Father", but it did not help: in the kitchen a woman saw a man. After that, something screeched shrilly, jumped on the lying mistress of the house and bit in the neck.Elena claims that after the incident, brown spots did not leave the neck for several days. The child, who had slept before, also complained of a bite in the neck.

UFO landing sites (Vitebsk region)

Anything anomalous and stretches to the Vitebsk region: here and black spots, and crop circles, and UFOs flock here almost flocks.

At the same time, in recent years, ufologists have increasingly come across triangular UFOs, and since no triangular aircraft have been officially announced in Belarus, they rightly classify these objects noticed by eyewitnesses as anomalous.

By the way, having analyzed the trajectory of UFO movement in Belarus over the past 26 years, ufologists have found that most of them are 90 percent! - a handful of people along the line leading from Brest to Vitebsk (via Minsk). One of the eyewitnesses told "Ufokom" about a meeting with a triangular UFO near the village of Luchesa, Vitebsk region.

Some burgundy triangular objects were noticed by residents of the village of Tishkovo (northeast of Vitebsk). Locals say that "triangles" may turn out to be the new test equipment of the Russian army, but they are as afraid of this army as they are of the newcomers.

Borisov "crop circles"

It would seem that aliens do not indulge Belarus with their attention, but everything is not so simple. Borisov became famous throughout the country for the most real pictogram. We are used to the classic crushed corn, but in Borisov the aliens chose a field with triticale for planting.

The circle was formed according to all the canons. In general, everything is like that of people, or rather aliens. The stems of the triticale were neatly crushed in a circle, laid in a clockwise direction. From the main circle in four directions diverged small "corridors", which were crowned with smaller circles. The most important circle was about 20 meters in diameter, and its "rays" were directed to the four cardinal points.Found circles on the morning of May 17, 2009. The next night, the locals organized night vigils - in the hope that the UFO would return, but this did not happen.

Paranormal mermaids (Gorodok, Vitebsk region)

Mermaids are one of the most popular anomalous creatures in Belarus.

Especially recently, when meetings with these seemingly fabulous characters have become more frequent. They also became more frequent in the Vitebsk region, especially not far from the wonderful forest lake. According to legend, in a forest lake near the town of Gorodok, Lucifer himself once flooded the temple, which brought a great curse on this area.

Today, the main characters of the cursed zone - mermaids - can be seen there not only at night, but also in daylight.

The lake, named as a saint, is located in the Gorodok forest. Finding it is not so easy, and is it worth looking for. Legend has it that the devil himself once drowned a church here. Therefore, from the bottom of the lake, they seem to fall into hell.And not only fish and toads live in it. Local mermaids are not at all like the kind little mermaid Ariel. They lure unlucky travelers and drown them in the lake.

It is difficult to resist the beauty: her bottomless blue eyes hypnotize. In addition, not only near the water you can stumble upon insidious creatures: sometimes mermaids appear in fields and forests. Then you can not expect death from water: most likely, the girl will simply tickle you to death.

Mozyr Red Swamp

Another insidious inhabitant of Belarusian reservoirs is water. Most often, the aquatic is described as a long-armed man with an impressive belly and tangled algae hair. But sometimes the aquatic ones can change their appearance.

Not far from the Red Marsh, at a consecrated spring, a water girl was seen in the form of a girl. An eyewitness was collecting water there, and a baby with sea-green eyes held out bright red berries in her palms. The water-girl was frightened away by a sound that sounded at a distance: someone else wanted to get some water.

Golshany castle (The Grodno region)

Golshany is rightfully considered the leader among the mystical places in Belarus. Two ghosts live here at once - the Black Monk and the White Lady. Moreover, the second is by no means friendly and far from as harmless as, for example, Sonechka from Mir Castle.

The White Lady can be understood: she was treated very cruelly. When the construction of the Franciscan monastery was underway, one of its walls collapsed all the time. The monastery had to be completed on time, otherwise the workers would not receive remuneration. They decided to secretly make a sacrifice so that the wall would no longer collapse.

We agreed to brick up the wife of one of the builders in the wall - the one that will bring the husband dinner first.The most beautiful of the girls got married recently, and out of great love she always tried to come to her husband early. No matter how he prayed that his wife would be late, the beauty hurried to her beloved with dinner. This doomed her to death, but the monastery was built on time.

The legend could remain only a legend, but not so long ago the restoration of the Olshansky castle took place, and the skeleton of a girl was found in one of the walls. After the bones were removed, the wall cracked and then completely collapsed.

The Black Monk also fell victim to love. He was not a monk, but dressed in monastic clothes in order to secretly meet with his beloved, Princess Ganna-Gordislava Golshanskaya. The princess's father, angry because of his daughter's relationship with a guy from the people, ordered to catch him and execute him. The poor lover was also walled up.

Restless and unhappy, he still wanders around the castle, where he met love and death.

“The inhabitants of the castle were always more afraid of the spirit of a rootless, poor and modest girl. Her fault was that she wanted the best way to feed her construction husband. " The story of the White Lady is as follows. In 1618, a team of builders funded by Pavel Stefan Sapieha built a church and a monastery under him. Unfortunately, one of the walls was constantly collapsing near the church.

The most experienced bricklayers restored it, but the stones again crumbled for no reason. At that time, the practice of repairing buildings by embedding all living creatures in the wall was widespread, and it is good, if only cats. It was believed that while the mummy of the walled up alive is inside the building, it protects the stones from destruction with its psychic energy.

The Magi, who were approached by builders who did not want to be reputed to be bunglers, advised to brick up a young woman in a wall (the construction is important, here you can't get off with a cat). Where can the peaceful masons get it?

They decided that they would sacrifice one of the wives, and in order not to pull the terrible lot themselves, fate had to choose the victim - let it be the one who first comes to her husband at the construction site. Touched by life and grumpy wives, the foremen knew that their faithful would not rush to break their legs. The youngest came first ... The body of the unfortunate woman and they left to plug the hole in the wall. The wall and calmed down ...

The director of the National Art Museum, Cheslava Akulevich, with whom Cosmopoisk met, not only trusts the rumors about the Lady, but she herself more than once witnessed her appearances: “I didn’t believe it either, until a few years ago I saw her myself. I was in my cell alone, suddenly a gray translucent hand grows out of the wall and presses the light switch! ...It's good that you came with instruments for research, otherwise the psyche is at its limit. Our women quit, even male archaeologists refuse to work! "

Map of anomalous zones of Belarus

Mir Castle

Mir Castle, located in the Grodno region, is known not only as a historical value and a place of tourist pilgrimage, but also as the abode of Sonechka, a rather harmless ghost. Sofia Svyatopolk-Mirskaya died innocently at a very young age - the girl was 12 years old.

Nikolai Svyatopolk-Mirsky once ordered to cut down the garden that grew near the castle and create a pond in its place. While the felling was taking place, one of the lumberjack workers died. When everything was finished, the worker's mother came to Nicholas, cursed him and the lake, saying that from now on people would die here - one for each cut down tree.

Sonechka was the first victim of the curse. A few years later, Svyatopolk-Mirsky himself followed her: his body was found on the bank of the ill-fated pond.Since then, the spirit of a restless girl has lived in the Mir Castle. And people do die: most often men drown in the lake.

Megaliths near Vileika (Steberaki market town, Minsk region)

Megaliths near Vileika were discovered by ufologists in the late 90s - the composition included five stones with similar patterns on each.

The first and last stones depict a sign resembling a bow and arrow or a triangle on a crossbar. Moreover, all the stones were oriented strictly to the north, to the Pole Star. Belarus is full of megaliths, which many recklessly equate with the local Stonehenge.Alas, many of them may turn out to be simple clusters of stones that have nothing to do with mysticism, but researchers still hope for their astronomical purpose.

Chausky burial mounds (Mogilev region)

Some ghosts "without a face" appear here so often that the locals are even supposedly used to it, and ufologists are called for help less and less often.

Two mounds are located in the area of ​​the Stalka River. Locals say that the rains sometimes washed spears out of the mounds, and the shepherds were afraid to fall asleep nearby, because at night they allegedly heard moans and ringing. The Chausky region also attracts treasure hunters - there is a belief among local residents about gold buried under one of the hills. They say that at night gold came out of the earth - to dry out.

Ghosts under New Alba (Bobruisk)

Mogilev, although it is close to the eastern lands, devoid of a mystical component, no, no, and yes, it will be born with ball lightning or a ghost.By the way, one of the first poltergeists in Belarus was registered in Mogilev. But the village of New Alba near Bobruisk is allegedly full of assorted ghosts of varying degrees of aggressiveness and, of course, flying saucers.

One of the villagers told the ufologists that three pits with polished edges were still preserved in the forest near the village - allegedly the result of a flying saucer hanging over the forest.A local resident, who went into the forest to pick mushrooms, got lost and saw how a dazzling ray of light hit from the sky, turned out to be a witness of the “hang-up”: “She looked to the side and saw six tall men running nearby. They had lanterns on their foreheads like miners. Meanwhile, the light intensified, and the woman was overcome by sleep - she immediately fell asleep.

Just before dawn, he wakes up and sees women in white coats in front of him, approaches them and asks how to get out to the house. And suddenly all the women disappear! And next to it there is a road leading straight to the village. " True, ufologists suspect that UFO and other unidentified phenomena may be simple visions of mushroom pickers who wandered through the swamps for a long time - no anomaly.

Sloboda poltergeist

Reports of poltergeists in Belarus are not so rare. Amazing things happened in the village of Sloboda, Minsk region. More precisely, it all started in the city itself.In the apartment of one family, the incredible began to happen: objects teleported, sometimes disappeared, and then appeared in other places. For example, money could disappear and then fall from the ceiling. An egg appeared in the air, which suddenly fell and shattered.

The mother of the family took her two daughters and went to the village of Sloboda to their mother, hoping to escape from the poltergeist, but anomalous phenomena followed.The worst thing began when objects began to teleport to the eldest daughter, then she was 11 years old. A nail and broken glass fell out of her mouth, and metal wires had to be pulled out of her ears with tweezers. At the same time, the mucous membrane was not damaged, and the girl could not swallow these objects on her own.

The woman's daughter spoke of seeing a certain white pillar giving orders.

The mother of the family blamed the ex-husband for what was happening. He constantly came to them, scandalized. A year earlier, he carried away from home and secretly returned back children's things. His mother was known as a witch.This case was dealt with by experts in the paranormal. They also experienced the devilry for themselves when they took the egg that appeared from the air and broke. After one of them got into a disaster, it was decided to stop the study.

Radioactive anomalies (Gomel region)

UFO scientists here associate many UFO phenomena with the proximity to the exploded Chernobyl nuclear power plant reactor, but local residents repeatedly report about luminous balls and star-shaped objects either in the yards or just in the sky.

We will not list all the plates and other objects that the Gomel residents encountered, but simply cite an excerpt from a letter from a resident of the village of Narovlya, which he sent to ufologists in 2001: to the door, but no one entered the hut. I decided to go out and take a look. Released. It turned out to be very dark. Leaving the corner of the hut, I saw a luminous ball at the height of the trees. At first I thought it was the Moon. But very big.

Returned home. I stood at the window and watched. A zigzag and sparkling arc began to run along the shell of the ball, like lightning, from east to west. A man appeared inside and began to transfer something from the western part to the eastern one. He descends, as if into a hatch, bends down, takes something and carries it in front of him in his hands. Bending down a little, he lowers into the hatch on the east side, does something there and goes back.

He walked like that for a long time, and the ship sparkled and then calmed down. The man is dressed as in a jumpsuit, but he did not fit to the body, as he was filled with air. Then he sank into a hatch on the west side and never left. The shell of the ball became denser and stopped sparking.

And suddenly another ball was ejected from the inside, it bounced 10 meters away and stopped abruptly, and the main one swayed like on shock absorbers, and fell silent in place.So they stood, and the smaller one moved quietly, forming a conical glowing tail, but not sharp. I flew low, quickly picking up speed. "

Vileika anomalies

Vileyshina in the late eighties - early nineties became a real airfield for UFOs. Local residents said that some balloons constantly appear in the sky.The balloons flew almost all year round as if on schedule. In summer they appeared at about 9-10 pm, and in winter - at 7-8.

There were other cases: residents of Sosnovka reported that they saw a red ball that went up, and this happened around midnight.

Residents of Dubrovka told how the objects "ransacked" the area with searchlights and did not even hesitate to land - in the forest or next to the farm. The objects, they said, were red, spherical. In general, the testimonies of numerous witnesses coincide.Now the "airfield" is apparently abandoned, since UFOs have not bothered the residents of Vileyshchina for a long time. Nevertheless, many ufologists continue to monitor this area.

Brest Bernardine Monastery

The once majestic Bernardine monastery has now become ruins. But you cannot call them simple and ordinary.One of the researchers of the history of Brest visited the ruins with his assistants, and both of them were amazed. As well as the researcher himself.The fact is that the girls heard the singing of the monastic choir, while they made their observations independently of each other.

It was impossible to confuse the human voices sounding in unison with anything else: the nearest place where the chants take place is at a decent distance, and the choir there is Orthodox. In addition, at the moment when the sounds were heard, the researchers were in the basements of the Bernardine monastery.

Loshitsa estate

A rather tragic story is connected with the estate located in Minsk. Lovers of the paranormal know the estate as the abode of the ghost of Jadwiga, who once ruled the house.Yadviga was the young wife of the not very young Eustathius Lubansky.

The beautiful and intelligent Jadviga was not only liked by him. The girl had a vivid and rather long affair with Musin-Pushkin, who at that time was the governor of Minsk. This connection could not please the husband of the beauty.

Once, after a quarrel with her husband, Yadviga left home in frustrated feelings and went to the river. Until now, no one knows whether the girl drowned herself, someone "helped" her or it was an accident, but the next morning her body was found on the shore.

Eustathius grieved at the death of his wife, lost his will to live and left for the Caucasus. But before that, he ordered to brick the window of Jadwiga's room, and planted a Manchu apricot in the park.The ghost of Jadwiga was repeatedly seen in the park, most often right next to the apricot. She is described as a woman dressed in loose white robes.

Stone crosses in the village of Zaozerye

The village of Zaozerye in the Belynichsky District is shrouded in a mystical halo.

There is its own stone "Stonehenge", named so with the light hand of journalists and researchers of the anomalous. Only in the role of megaliths there are large ancient crosses made of stone, over the origin of which both scientists and enthusiasts, carried away by anomalous natural phenomena, are guessing.

The complex is a kind of temple or burial ground with a large stone cross and stones scattered around in a certain system in the form of a cube, hemisphere, slab. On many of them you can see almost erased images of circles, crosses, lines, triangles. Of great interest to tourists who decide to spend their vacation in the Mogilev region, and see such mysterious sights, is a boulder in the form of a slab or plate.

It lies to the west of the cross: the most interesting is the shape of the signs carved on it. This is the "man-cross" and its reduced copy and other signs. Some believe that this is a fragment of a cross or megalith, unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to understand the meaning of the signs. It is believed that these may be ancient ideas of people about space and the universe, which go back deep into centuries.

There are also three boulders in the cross temple, imitating a human footprint. One of them is located at the "entrance" to the complex, and two are located at the edges. All the stones have long been overgrown with moss, and from time to time they go deeper into the ground until water and local enthusiasts dig them out.

Their origin is not clear, but one thing is certain: there are many such megaliths in Belarus. The Swedish archaeologist Almgren suggested that they were related to the cult of the deity: he expressed the idea that two thousand years before the birth of Christ there was a strict ban on drawings and images of the deity. Therefore, huge footprints can be a reflection of the way to "call" the deity in the temple.

Local historian Nikolai Telesh wrote that during his youth he often visited here and saw several high boulders. Teles believed that these were burials of the 12th century or more gray-haired antiquity, now overgrown with bushes and forest. And now this place in dense thickets evokes thoughts of something ancient and magical.

Modern scientists of Belarus, for example, Igor Sharukh, associate professor of the A. Kuleshov Mogilev State University, suggests that this is the most ancient pagan temple. And his colleague from the same university, Doctor of Historical Sciences, is sure that Stonehenge is a burial place from the Middle Ages. Many legends are associated with this place.

They say that once the stones were soft, like wax, because an animal or a person could leave such traces right in the stone. Some of the later, already Christian times, absurd legends boil down to the fact that these are traces of Christ or the Mother of God. The locals consider the water that flows down from the boulders during the rain to be healing, and the stones themselves are prophetic. Many believe that if you fall to a stone with a request or grief, the stone will "hear and help."

The statement that the well-being of people is often influenced by the geological features of the place where these people live has been heard more and more recently. You can hear that in some so-called dead and anomalous zones, not harmless things are happening for health, and it is better to stay on about these places further.

Alexey Matveev - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the State Scientific Institution "Institute of Nature Management" - told where is the truth, and where is fiction.

As he noted, geologists often use the term "fracture in the earth's crust." And just that very space on the earth's surface, where these faults pass, are often called geopathogenic zones. Sometimes you can hear the term "anomalous", "geoactive" zone, and sometimes just, as the people say, "a lost place." Such places are called so often because all living organisms that are there can experience completely harmless influences. Such zones are formed for purely natural reasons - the difference in voltage in the earth's crust. Somewhat less often, such zones may arise along the valleys of paleoreks, which disappeared in past epochs and are now buried in hollows that were formed during the invasion of large ice sheets into the territory of today's republic.

As the scientist noted, at first glance, the surface of such a place will be beautiful, whole and contain nothing supernatural. However, at the same time, complex geological processes begin to take place in the zones, due to which all sorts of gases, heavy metals, deep waters, which contain salts, radion and heavy metals, come out. For example, our republic is proud of drinking high-quality water. However, at the same time, along the fault zones, there are some areas where saline waters come to the surface.

In the valleys of Pripyat in southern Belarus near the villages of Chernotskoye, Konkovichi, Valovsk, Novopokrovskoye, Lomachi, as well as the village of Ostrov near the Dnieper, the water contains about five to seven percent of salt.

Road name

Length of the emergency section

Types of crossed faults

Brest - Minsk

Brest - Minsk

Super-regional fault

Brest - Minsk

Regional rift

Brest - Minsk

Intersection of super-regional and local faults

Vitebsk - Liozno

Subregional rift

Vitebsk - Liozno

Super-regional fault

Local rift

Access to Gomel from the highway Vitebsk - Gomel - border with Ukraine

Access to Gomel from the highway Vitebsk - Gomel - border with Ukraine

Local rift

North-western bypass of Gomel, 3 km

Local rift

Gomel, Tsentrolit-Uvarovichi, 4 km

Super-regional fault

Vitebsk - Gomel - border with Ukraine,

Intersection of regional and local faults

As noted by Professor Matveev, some anomalies of the geophysical field are also associated with the fault zone. For example, many have heard about the harmfulness of magnetic storms, during which many people feel unwell. What happens at this moment? The stress in the body that a person is experiencing at a given time can lead to many reactions, which leads to a deterioration in well-being.
According to geophysicist Karataev, permanent magnetic storms occur in the zones of such faults. At this time, a person and organs generate electromagnetic fields of their own, which, upon contact with anomalies in such zones, will contribute to malfunctions during the work of the body. It is precisely with this that morbidity in the geopathogenic zone is most often associated. It is for this reason that, while in such places, people feel bad, and with a long stay they can get sick. The most obvious signs of being in a geopathogenic zone are nightmares, depression, insomnia, the absence of a feeling of rest after sleep, a feeling of coldness, and ineffective treatment.

About seventy percent of road accidents occur in the dead.
According to the traffic police in Belarus, the most dangerous road sections were also identified, where the emergency danger is increased.
As Alexei Vasilyevich notes, these conversations are really well-grounded, since more than seventy percent of road accidents occur in the fault zone. With all this, the territory of the republic has not yet been fully studied, but this statistics is not questioned.

Only about 220 such sites are known, the length of which is from 0.1 to 1 kilometer. These areas may well fit in the fault zone, their width can also be measured in several kilometers. Drivers who pass through these places may have an inadequate response to geophysical anomalies. For example, it can be lethargy, some distraction and loss of orientation. Magnetic storms affect the body in the same way, which is very serious.

As the professor notes, in such zones it is quite logical to install special signs at the entrance, which would warn the driver that he is entering the zone of magnetic storms. There is also a table with some sections of the republic's roads, where the high percentage of accidents is fully explained by the zones of earth faults.

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