See what "Dulya" is in other dictionaries. The power of protection of the fig What does the fig mean among the Slavs

E. E. Levkievskaya

In the book:Slavic antiquities. Ethnolinguistic Dictionary, ed.

N.I. Tolstoy. T. 3. M., 1994, p. 26-27.

KUKISH, shish, fig, dulya - a gesture symbolizing intercourse and having obscene semantics. According to the rules of etiquette, the cookie is an indecent gesture intended to offend and humiliate the one to whom it is shown, as well as a way to express extreme rejection, a sharp refusal, mixed with contempt. In magical practice, the fig, along with other gestures denoting coitus and genitals, is a universal amulet that can drive away danger, especially the evil eye and evil spirits. Kukish is one of the gestures common among the East. and app. Slavs. Among the South Slavs, with the exception of the Slovenes, the kukish is almost unknown and is interpreted as a borrowing from the V.-Slavs. traditions. Yu.-Slav. gestures synonymous with the fig are "kur" - the middle finger raised up, when the rest of the fingers are pressed to the palm, as well as a gesture in which the left hand flatly hits the right hand bent at the elbow, raised up (see Genitalia). Protective value close to the cookie is the so-called. “horns”, or “shipak”, - Yu.-Slav. a gesture in which the little finger and index finger are raised up, and the rest are pressed to the palm. With this gesture, they drove away a mora, a vampire or a thing.

Kukish is a gesture that averts evil eye damage, as well as evil spirits. In order to protect herself or the child from the evil eye, it was necessary to imperceptibly fold the fig (V.-Slav.). In Polesie, in order to prevent the spoiling of the canvas, the hostess showed the fig through the crown to a stranger who entered the house, and when he left the hut, she showed the fig after him; sometimes, in such a case, two figs were shown through the threads (volyn.). According to Slovenian beliefs, so that no one jinxed the work when churning butter, one should spit into the churn and show the fiddle. The demonstration of the figurine for protective purposes was often accompanied by other warding off actions, for example, coal, salt, a piece of brick from the stove, etc. were thrown after the owner of the "evil" eye.

In the Polissya tradition, showing the fig was a means of driving away the whirlwind - when it approached, they folded the fig with the right hand; however, in some cases there was a ban on showing the fig to the whirlwind so as not to anger him even more. When meeting with a wolf, in order to drive him away from you, you should turn away, and show him the fig with your left hand (PA, bres t.); The figurine was also shown in order to drive the dog away (PA, Homel.). To protect oneself from possible evil when meeting strangers on the road, a more complex technique was prescribed (in the Rus. North it was called a seedling) - it was necessary, turning back to oncoming people, bend over and show them the fig between the legs (n.-rus.). According to the Polissya bylichka, even death drives away cookies - a woman could not die, because she showed the cookie to Death, who came after her, but when she unclenched her hands, she immediately died.

At the east and app. Slavs kukish - a way to identify a witch and a sorcerer, as well as to neutralize them. An fig or two figs showed the witch so that she could not spoil a person (woodland) or jinx a girl (s.-pol.), two figs showed the sorcerer so that he would not send hiccups to a person (Russian archangel.). Often, when meeting with a witch or sorcerer, it was prescribed to show the fig secretly - in the sleeve or in the pocket (white). It was believed that a sorcerer or witches could easily pass by a person who had two figs in his pockets, and they would definitely give themselves away in some way, for example, by starting to scold or bully this person (Ukrainian). In another case, in order to identify a witch, one had to go to the house of the alleged witch on the eve of Sunday, stand with her back to a blank wall, turn her head back, spit, blow and show the fiddle towards the wall. The next morning, the witch will come to this man and ask him why he showed her the fig (Ukrainian).

Often a demonstration of a fiddle to a source of danger was accompanied by a sentence like: “On tobo, shtob to a couple, but go” (PA, even.); “Razon tabe at the throat, dzyarkach teeth, salt at the vocha” (PDM: 141). In Polissya, showing the fig to the whirlwind, they said: “The axis of the tobydul, where the blow is, there you are” (PA, Zhitomir.), Or: “Vikhor, vortex, blow on the tabo” (PA, Homel.). A sentence with a mention of cookies could replace the corresponding gesture for protective purposes. For example, to prevent the so-called. “Heat” (a child’s illness that occurs when children of the same age meet), taking the child out into the street, the mother said: “God brought heat, and mothers are blown under the nose” (PA, Homel.).

There is one Polissian evidence that the fig could be not only a gesture, but also a specially made amulet, carved from wood and attached to a loom to protect the linen from the evil eye (PA, shaves.).

In medical practice, the eye disease “barley” was treated by bringing a cookie to the eye (V.-Slav.) and saying: “Eye-cookie, you have a bump” or: “Barley, barley, you have a cookie, / Buy whatever you want, / Buy an ax to yourself, / Cut yourself across. ”After that, they spat in the eye (Russian, SM 2 :271). Sometimes the patient himself did this, sometimes an outsider had to unexpectedly bring the fig to the patient's eye. Kukish is mentioned in some folklore texts. For example, in the field. Vesnyanka says that spring has brought "Cibuli to the girls, and blow to the lads" (PA).

Lit .: Baiburin A.K., Toporkov A.L. At the origins of etiquette. Ethnographic essays. L., 1990; RSev 1992:119; JTC: 288,461; Zech.MB:148; Chajk. SD 5:223; Mod.LMS :411.

In magical practice, the fig is a universal amulet that can drive away danger, especially the evil eye and evil spirits.
Kukish as a mudra allows you to close energetically from a potential enemy and is very effective in conflict and stressful situations. It is believed that it is better not to show the enemy an opening, but to hide it behind your back or in your pocket. This mudra will perfectly protect the child from energy vampires, the evil eye and damage, and will help defend his opinion.

FICK, shish, fig, blowing - gesture, symbolizing intercourse and having a devalued semantics. According to the rules of etiquette, the cookie is an indecent gesture intended to offend and humiliate the one to whom it is shown, as well as a way to express extreme rejection, a sharp refusal, mixed with contempt.

Kukish is one of the gestures common among Eastern and Western Slavs. Among the southern Slavs, with the exception of the Slovenes, kukish is almost unknown and is understood as a borrowing from the East Slavic tradition. South Slavic gestures, synonymous with kukish, are “kur” - the middle finger raised up, when the remaining fingers are pressed to the palm, as well as a gesture in which the left hand flatly hits the right hand bent at the elbow, raised up. The protective value close to the fig has the so-called. “horns”, or “shipak”, - Yu.-Slav. a gesture in which the little finger and index finger are raised up, and the rest are pressed to the palm. With this gesture, they drove away a pestilence, a vampire or a thing.

Kukish is a gesture that averts the evil eye and damage, as well as evil spirits. To protect oneself or a child from the evil eye, it was necessary to quietly fold the fig (V.-Slav.). In Polissya, in order to prevent damage to the current canvas, the hostess showed the cookie through the cross to a stranger who entered the house, and when he left the hut, she showed the cookie after him; sometimes in such a case they showed two figs through nits (volyn.). According to Slovenian beliefs, so that no one jinxed the work when churning butter, one should spit into the churn and show the fiddle. The demonstration of the figurine for protective purposes was often accompanied by other warding off actions, for example, coal, salt, a piece of brick from the stove, etc., were thrown after the owner of the "evil" eye.

In the Polissya tradition, showing the fig was a means of driving away the whirlwind - when it approached, the fig was folded with the right hand; however, in some cases there was a ban on showing the fig to the whirlwind, so as not to anger him even more. When meeting with a wolf, in order to drive him away from you, you should turn away, and show him the fig with your left hand (PA, Brest.); The figurine was also shown in order to drive the dog away (PA, Homel.). To protect oneself from possible evil, when meeting strangers on the road, a more complex technique was prescribed (in the Rus. North it was called a seedling) - it was necessary, turning back to oncoming people, bend over and show them the fig between the legs (n.-rus.). According to the Polissya bylichka, even death drives away the figurine - a woman could not die, because she showed the figurine to Death who came after her, but when she unclenched her hands, she immediately died.

Among the Eastern and Western Slavs, the kukish is a way of identifying a witch and a sorcerer, as well as neutralizing them. An fig or two figs were shown to the witch so that she could not spoil a person or jinx a girl, two figs showed a sorcerer so that he would not send hiccups to a person (Russian archangel.). Often, when meeting with a witch or sorcerer, it was prescribed to show the fig secretly - in the sleeve or in the pocket (bl.). It was believed that a sorcerer or witch could not calmly pass by a person who put two figs in his pockets, and they would definitely give themselves away in some way, for example, by starting to scold or bully this person (Ukrainian). In another case, in order to identify a witch, one had to go to the house of the alleged witch on the eve of Sunday, stand with her back to a blank wall, turn her head back, spit, blow and show the fiddle towards the wall. The next morning, the witch will come to this man and ask him why he showed her the fig (Ukrainian).

Often, the demonstration of the fig to the source of danger was accompanied by a sentence like: “On tobe, shtob to the pair, but go” (PA, roven.); “Razon tabe at the throat, dzyarkach teeth, salt at the vocha” (PDM: 141). In Polissya, showing the fig to the whirlwind, they said: “The axis of you is blowing, where you are blowing, there you are” (PA, Zhytomyr.), Or: “Vikhor, vortex, blowing on you” (PA, Homel.). A sentence with the mention of the fig could replace the corresponding gesture for protective purposes. For example, to prevent the so-called. “heat” (a child’s illness that occurs when children of the same age meet), taking the child out into the street, the mother said: “God brought the heat, and blowing under the nose of the masters” (PA, homel.).

There is one Polissian evidence that the fig could be not only a gesture, but also a specially made amulet, carved from wood and attached to a loom to protect the fabric from the evil eye (PA, shaves.).

In medical practice, the eye disease "barley" was treated by bringing a cookie to the eye (V.-Slav.) And saying: "Eye fig, you're in trouble" or: "Barley, barley, you're a fig, / You can buy whatever you want, / Buy yourself an axe, / Cut yourself across. Then they spat in the eye. Sometimes the patient himself did this, sometimes an outsider had to unexpectedly bring the fig to the patient's eye. Kukish is mentioned in some folklore texts. For example, in the field. stoneflies say that spring has brought "Cibuli to the girls, and blow to the lads" (PA).

"Barley, barley, you're a fiddle, you can buy a mare. The filly will die, the barley will dry up." Speak in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening on an empty stomach...

* "Barley, barley, you have a fiddle, you can buy whatever you want. Buy yourself a hatchet to flog yourself across."

“You don’t give a damn, but I’m full of boxes, and I’m full of bins and barns, a house of good, wallets with money, gold and silver. I am a prince and a merchant, I have a crown of happiness. Amen".

Gestures are the most ancient way of communication that arose even before the emergence of language and writing, and some movements of the palms and fingers have passed into the category of sacred symbols.

Their implementation was accompanied by mental work, when a conscious message drowns out the signals of the animal nature. Hands became the first magical tool, as they were considered both a source of power and a way to influence others at a distance. With the help of hands, you can change the world, and transformation is the essence of magic. The connection of gestures with magic and bioenergetics is undeniable, it is no coincidence that many finger figures resemble Western runes and Eastern mudras. They involve the subtle energy bodies of a person: ethereal, astral and mental.

Palms and fingers are potential magical helpers, even after centuries they can be used, for example, to protect against negativity. And in order not to get into an awkward position, figures from the fingers or the final movements of the fingers must be performed secretly.

Figa, shish or fig is a primordially Russian gesture. It was considered an effective means of magical protection against the evil eye. Later, the true meaning of the fig was lost, supposedly this gesture reflects the rude mores of the common people.

In the context of the anthropology of gestures, the fig has a phallic connotation, and expressions with the word “fig” are a kind of replacement for the obscene names of the phallus. But, according to parapsychologists and some scientists, swear words and their three-story types are nothing more than ancient pagan rituals of protective magic. Quietly twisting the fiddle when communicating with an unpleasant or hostile person is not just a belief, but a ritual that has been tested for millennia.

From the point of view of the occult, the arrangement of the fig is also not accidental. Four fingers are clenched into a fist, and the fifth is large, as if isolated, but at the same time gossip with the rest. This is the symbol of the pentagram. Four fingers - magical elements - Fire, Water, Earth and Air. And the thumb is the main, fifth element is the spirit.

By the way, some babies, completely unaware of the intricacies of repelling harmful energy attacks, intuitively put their fingers in a fig.

The demonstration of the middle finger of the hand has a similar meaning. Currently, this gesture is frankly offensive, but in ancient times it was also a "non-contact" means of protection from someone else's negativity.

Today, it is not ethical to show the fig, even in a conflict situation. However, to insure yourself, you can do it covertly. For example:

- going to the "carpet" to the angry bosses, put the fig in your pocket or behind your back. The punishment will be softer, and the extra negative will be reflected;
- entering into negotiations with an evil person, keep a fig in your pocket or behind a hollow outerwear;
- in addition to protection from people, kukish is a means of getting rid of ripening barley. If you spit on it and show it in the sore eye unexpectedly for the sick person, then the sore will pass without even having time to become inflamed. To sharpen barley, add: “You have a cookie, you can buy whatever you want. Buy a hatchet, go out into the yard, cut yourself lengthwise and across.”.

A modification of the fig is a cross in the form of a pair of intertwined fingers, index and ring, but this gesture is more often used in the West in order to ward off punishment for lying or perjury. It is used if you inadvertently have to lie to a person in the eye or gossip behind their back.

The “goat” or “horns” fingers (big, middle and ring fingers together, and the index and little fingers are straightened) is a rather mysterious gesture to which all sorts of occult meanings are attributed, but from the point of view of bioenergetics, it also repels negativity well.

The fingers (index and middle) exposed by the Latin letter V are a symbol of victory, including over evil forces. This sign resembles the Scandinavian runic sign Algiz, which carries the energy of protection.

Is pointing a finger indecent? Yes, but from the point of view of magic, the pointed index finger is the most "strong" and "sharp" in terms of energy. It is, as it were, a continuation and conductor of the will of man. It is no coincidence that in ceremonial magic one can do without a ritual knife, replacing it with one's own index finger (pentagrams are drawn with a knife, a protective circle is indicated, etc.). So, by talking about other people's illnesses and troubles, and pointing at himself, a person can program himself for a similar illness, and by pointing to others, break their energy shell.

Crossing arms is a natural human reaction for protection and self-preservation. Psychologists decipher this gesture as a sign of self-doubt. Is it so? More likely no than yes. Indeed, in essence, an attempt to isolate oneself from undesirable circumstances is normal, and the sight of crossed arms can mean not only anxiety, fear and other defense mechanisms of the subconscious in response to an expected danger from the outside, but also restraining one's own negative feelings at the moment.

In order not to use such well-known and "poorly proven" crossing gestures, you can use another, less familiar to others. The Vajra Arrow or “Thunder Arrow” is a mystical gesture that creates an effective protective energy barrier, and at the same time concentrates personal energy and strengthens the spirit. The method of execution of the Vajra arrow: the thumbs are connected by the side surfaces, and the index fingers are straightened and also connected together. The rest of the fingers are crossed.

The essence of the magic of gestures is presented in most detail in Eastern practices, and gestures of energy protection - in martial arts. Often such gestures are intricate, combined with exotic poses and movements, repeating the outlines of hieroglyphs that carry certain semantic loads, filling the space around the fighter with the appropriate energy structures. In fact, they are gestural versions of Indian mudras that have a sacred meaning, therefore they are not necessarily combined with combat.

Mudras are ritual and symbolic gestures of Eastern cultures, a whole “language of fingers”, where each combination embodies one of the ideas.

It would seem that the 21st century is in the yard, and we are talking about some kind of evil eye, amulets from envy. Meanwhile, we often come across the fact that we just boasted about something, shared sincere joy, and, almost immediately, your strength leaves you, like a pierced balloon in the air. Or fly on the wings of success - whether in love, in a career, in family relationships - and suddenly, for no reason at all, you run into some unthinkable obstacle, and everything falls out of your hands, the air around you thickens into a shaky dark mass. What's this? The answer is more than simple: human envy is the sister of the evil eye.

  • The whole body aches, you are shivering - all the signs of a cold are on your face, but there is neither an acute respiratory disease, nor a SARS;
  • Causeless weakness and dizziness - you just knock down from a breakdown;
  • Sudden headache, which no pills and massage take, increasing nausea;
  • You are tormented by nightmares and anxiety, and sleep becomes more torture than rest;
  • Depression out of the blue;
  • You are always sleepy and there is no way to focus on anything;
  • The whole world around fades, becomes incomprehensible and wildly annoying.

Checking the evil eye

If at least one of these signs suddenly hit you, do not dismiss them - check yourself. It won't take much time. Here are two easy ways. For the first you will need:

  • Matches;
  • Glass of water.

We burn three matches - preferably to the end, for which we first hold them by one side, then, when the fire goes beyond the middle - to the second. We throw them into a full glass of water. If the matches were left at the top - there is no evil eye, they float in the middle of the glass - they envied you very much, and you received an impartial “wishes” in the back that destroys the aura, drowned - a strong evil eye.

The second way will require the help of a loved one. Let him slowly read "Our Father" over you three times. If you yawn uncontrollably during prayer, the evil eye is on you. Strong.

Eliminate the effect of the evil eye

  • The easiest homemade way to eliminate the evil eye - wash with holy water, saying: “Lord, save and save”(preferably three times). Then, if you are a man, wipe with the wrong side of the shirt, if a woman - with the wrong side of the hem of the skirt.
  • If there is no holy water, wash your face with running water, slowly repeating three times:

    « Holy water, you have great strength, remove from the servant of God (name) all ailments, bodily and mental ailments, dashing and envious words, and take them away: for dark forests, unknown distances, swampy swamps inaccessible to humans, forest animals, birds migratory, creeping reptile. Amen»

    And also wipe off the wrong side of the shirt or hem. And best of all in both cases - the krizhma in which you were swaddled after baptism.

Important! If you read a similar prayer over a child who is not yet 8 years old, you need to say not “ from the servant of God", a " from the angel of God". Children up to 7 years old are angels. Make a mistake in the wording, the prayer will not be heard.

So that human envy no longer harms you and your loved ones, and the words and action of the evil eye return to the one who sent it, protect yourself with a talisman.

Rowan - a charm for all occasions

The power of mountain ash has been known since ancient times. Its red berries contain the strongest magic that gives a person peace, love, the gift of foresight, protection from diseases, a dashing word, a curse, an evil eye.

  • If you have a wedding on the line- put seven rowan berries in the left pockets of the bride and groom. They have to walk with them for at least a week. And it’s better if one of the young couple will have this amulet in their pocket at the wedding. And then no evil eye or damage will be able to hit the spouses. Even the evil eye-praise: “Oh, how beautiful you are!”, Which, at least, can make you dizzy or faint.
  • A rowan rosette on the left shoulder in the form of a brooch, ethnic-style jewelry made from both dried rowan berries and freshly picked ones - will save you from an envious person during an important meeting, date, hitting him with a hundredfold rebound. By the way, this is a great opportunity to look into the eyes of an envious person. It will be impossible for him to feel bad in your presence.
  • Beads around your neck or a rowan bracelet on your hand will create a cocoon around you, impervious to envy or any other "good" slander. If you hang them above the front door (on the inside of the house), in the bedroom, in the kitchen, the negative of the envious person that you bring into the house will immediately dissipate.
  • A rowan bouquet, placed at home in a conspicuous place, or on the desktop of your office, will disarm the envious person, absorb his negativity and return him back.

Important! Before breaking, and it is better to cut rowan branches, bow three times to the tree, asking him for help.

Rowan branches, when the berries began to crumble from them, cannot be just thrown away. They are buried, burying all troubles with them. Do the same with berries.

"Thursday" salt - a talisman against envy

This amulet is prepared in reserve - from a whole package of salt. To do this, on the day called Maundy Thursday (it is celebrated on the last - Holy - week of Great Lent before Easter), you need to pour salt into a pan or on a baking sheet, and, calcining it for 10 minutes - until it crackles slightly - read “Our Father” three times. Then pour into a canvas bag and store for a year. It will help you out of many troubles. And as a talisman, a handful of salt should be placed in a small bag, tightened with linen or cotton thread, and always carried with you: in your pocket, around your neck, in a bag - your choice.

Kukish, fig, shish, dulya - amulet-universal

Since ancient times, the figure of five fingers has been a powerful amulet against the evil eye. He averts his power, instantly returning it to the "well-wisher". You can just keep a fig in your pocket(left hand). You can quietly show it in the back of a suspicious person. Better yet, buy a figurine in the form of a figurine: made of silver, wood, tin or copper. And wear it as a pendant around your neck, or in the form of a keychain, a bracelet. But before you put on such a talisman, hold it overnight in a glass of water.
