How moxibustion affects the human body. Biological active points on the human body that are responsible for organs. Acupuncture massage technique. Arrhythmia is divided into

It is known that the method of moxibustion (mok-sa) and acupuncture, the so-called zhen-chiu, is used both to improve the health of the weak, the elderly, and to protect them from diseases. There are points, the irritation of which is accompanied by an increase in the tone of any system.
For example, the famous
  • nei-guan point tones up the cardiovascular system, or for example
  • points he-gu, tzu-san-li, zhao-hai, qu-chi, etc. increase the tone of the whole organism.
Moxibustion is especially recommended for preventive purposes, often in its original form, that is, to the scar.
A good choice of the place and time of cauterization provides a person with a significant extension and improvement of the quality of life.

How to cauterize the tzu-san-li point

It is believed that the tzu-san-li point has such a beneficial effect on the body that its moxibustion boosts immunity human, normalizes blood pressure, functions of internal organs, and balances all systems so well that a person enters into a state of stable harmony. They say that this point is really responsible for the most incurable disease - old age.

According to tradition, they burn (or, rather, warm up) this point wormwood cigars... Lit cigars slowly smolder, reaching a fairly high temperature. Such a cigar must be brought to the point of longevity at a distance where a beneficial warmth will be felt and at the same time you will not get a burn, you need to drive the cigar back and forth for about 10 minutes. So this point is warmed up. Just keep in mind: the room must be well ventilated.

You can cauterize the longevity point on both legs. Do this once a day. There can be 2-3 procedures in total, the interval between them should be 3-4 days.

Cauterization is allowed by tradition only in the first 8 days of the new moon, since it is believed that it is on these days that the body is able to achieve harmony and strengthen resistance to various diseases, thereby contributing to the prolongation of life. But there are contraindications for moxibustion: acute febrile conditions, cancer, heat intolerance, myocardial infarction.

general description

The Tzu-San-Li point is under the kneecap..

To find it, cover the knee with the palm of the same hand, with the point located opposite the little finger at the distance from the end of the middle finger.

In any case, you can easily establish its exact position according to the specific sensations that arise when pressing on it. Cauterization is performed with special wormwood cigarettes during the first phase of the moon daily.

It can be replaced by the following procedure: Fill half of the hazelnut shell with minced garlic and stick to the desired location. The technique is most effective if you bring the impact to the formation and "breakthrough" of the bubble and the release of a translucent liquid from it.

Where to get wormwood cigars for moxibustion and how to replace them

The selection of several modes for a person can be found in the sections: Denas and sports medicine, and Chronic fatigue, aging.

Detailed description .

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Acupuncture and moxibustion have been used to treat various diseases in China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, and other eastern countries. In China, this type of treatment is called zhen-chiu, therapy. In Europe, it began to be used much later, only in the 17th century, where it was called "acupuncture".
The techniques of acupuncture and moxibustion, passed down by traditional doctors from generation to generation, are distinguished by an exceptional variety. Moreover, each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. Despite the centuries-old positive experience of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment in China and other eastern and European countries, there is still no complete theory of their use.

The ancient Eastern theories of yin-yang, five primary elements, the doctrine of the energy "chi", as well as the rules "mother-son", "noon-midnight" and others are currently only of historical interest.
Many scientists tried to give a theoretical basis for reflexology at different times. So, according to the capillary theory, acupuncture leads to a change in capillary blood flow, which improves the exchange between blood and tissues. Modern data on the importance of the state of microcirculation in health and disease confirm the need to normalize it in the treatment of diseases of internal organs.

The tissue theory is based on the assumption of the release of certain substances when tissues are injured at the injection site of the needle, which stimulate biological processes, contributing to the recovery of the body.
According to the histamine theory, during acupuncture, the content of histidine and the histamine formed from it is normalized, as a result of which the permeability of the vascular walls changes, blood flow and metabolism are normalized. The importance of humoral factors in the mechanism of acupuncture is confirmed by modern research.

The introduction of the needle into the tissue and as a result, there is an increase in the breakdown of tissue molecules. Also, acupuncture changes the bioelectric characteristics of the skin. In this case, bioelectric currents arise, which have a therapeutic effect when the wavelength and frequency of their oscillations coincide with the same indicators of diseased organs. According to the "needle-antenna" theory, the body absorbs cosmic radiation, which leads to a change in energy metabolism. A specific feature of acupuncture, which distinguishes it from other types of reflex, including physical therapy, is that during acupuncture, irritation falls on an extremely small area - the area of ​​the acupuncture point. At the same time, not only the sensitive endings embedded in the skin (exteroreceptors) are exposed to irritation, but also proprio, baro, chemo and angioreceptors embedded in the subcutaneous tissue, muscles, ligaments, perineural and perivascular plexuses that occur along the needle (E.D. Tykochinskaya , 1979). The irritation of these various elements of deep proprioceptive sensitivity, apparently, explains the anticipated sensations that appear when the needle is inserted to a certain depth: bursting, aches, numbness, warmth, "the passage of an electric current."
Typically local, segmental and general reactions occur with acupuncture.
A local reaction to the introduction of a needle into the acupuncture point is expressed in a change in skin color, its blood filling, temperature, and the appearance of an edematous ridge at the acupuncture site. Electrophysiological studies at this time reveal a change in electrical potential and resistance.

An idea of ​​the metameric principle of body structure is essential for understanding the mechanisms of acupuncture. It is known that each metameter is innervated not only by one segment, but also overlaps with the upper and lower ones. In this regard, it is important to know the segmental autonomic innervation. So, the innervation of the head is associated with the lower cervical and upper thoracic parts of the spinal cord; heart and lungs - with the upper chest; liver, gallbladder - with the lower thoracic; kidneys and pelvic organs - with the lumbar spinal cord. These same sections innervate the skin, muscles and other organs and tissues.
Close connections of somatic and vegetative formations at the level of the spinal cord can create conditions for switching impulses from the somatic to the vegetative and vice versa.

The basis of the reflexology method is the teaching of points of influence (acupuncture). Since ancient times, the localization of points and the course of the meridians have not changed, but only supplemented.
- The points of influence were called differently: active points, "Chinese", "vital", biologically active points, biologically active zones, acupuncture points, etc.
The existence of such points on the body of humans and animals has been known since ancient times. According to I. Niboyet (1973), they are found from the moment of birth.

It is believed that the main elements of acupuncture points are nerves, whose histochemical characteristics are different, as well as blood and lymph vessels and connective tissue with a large number of mast cells.
The latter are the most reactive elements that play an important role in the metabolic processes of the body due to their secretion of heparin and histamine.
Heparin, histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and other biologically active substances, released into the intercellular substance, change the state of this substance, blood and vessels of the microvasculature.
The introduction of a needle into the tissue during acupuncture, the use of electropuncture or other methods of reflexology also contribute to a change in the electrolyte composition in the zones of acupuncture points. And, as you know, electrolytes are of great importance in the activity of the autonomic nervous system and regulate many metabolic processes.
The diameter of the points during sleep and severe fatigue is about 1 mm. Upon awakening, as well as in cases of emotional stress and illness, the diameter of the points can increase to 1 cm or more.
Based on the measurement of the electrical conductivity of the skin, a variety of devices are created to search for acupuncture points. Sometimes the localization of acupuncture zones is determined by measuring skin potentials or by a temperature gradient.
To find acupuncture points, anatomical landmarks have long been used (depressions, tubercles, bones, joints, muscles, etc.), but not everywhere there are clear anatomical signs. In addition, it was necessary to find such a unit of length that can be used to determine the distance from an anatomical landmark. For this purpose, an individual cun was used (the distance between two folds that are formed when the II phalanx of the middle finger is flexed).
The parts of the body were divided into a certain number of equal parts, which were called proportional tsuni.
At present, the systematization of acupuncture points is carried out either by areas of the body (Zhu Lian, 1959), or by meridians. Considering the fact that in the practice of acupuncture the meridian principle is being used more and more.
Moxibustion (warming up) in Chinese medicine

In the ancient medicine of the East, moxibustion (tszyu) was used for treatment as often as acupuncture (zhen). Often these two methods were combined: warming up acupuncture points after acupuncture; carrying out acupuncture of some points, and warming up others; warming up the needle inserted into the tissue and together enhance the effect.
In eastern countries, the technique of moxibustion with the formation of a bubble is still preserved; in European countries, only thermal moxibustion is currently used.
Of the large number of methods, united under the concept of "tszyu", the most common are three types: wormwood cigarettes, wormwood cones, wormwood balls, put on a needle handle.
This method of reflexology is widely used in the treatment of various chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (often together with acupuncture), skin diseases, myositis, neuritis and neuralgia, etc. Thermopuncture is especially indicated for weakened patients, children, and the elderly.
Despite the wide and long-standing use of moxibustion, the mechanism of its action has not yet been studied enough. R. M. Toyama (1975) indicates that moxibustion stimulates the body's defenses through the neuroendocrine, as well as through the reticulo-endothelial system. E. D. Tykochinskaya (1979) notes the primary effect of cauterization on humoral mechanisms that cause secondary changes from the higher regulatory autonomic centers.
The classical ancient Eastern technique of wormwood-cone moxibustion is used for treatment quite rarely, more often the technique of distant heat exposure to the points of the skin with smoldering wormwood cigarettes described by Zhu Lian (1959) is used.
Depending on the therapeutic purposes, wormwood cigarette tszyu is divided into three types: heat, pecking and ironing tszyu.
Thermal chiu method. The glowing end of a wormwood cigarette is installed above the area of ​​the acupuncture point at a distance of 1.0-1.5-2.0 cm, depending on the sensations experienced by the patient. Usually, a pleasant warmth is achieved, after which the cigarette is fixed at a certain distance. Depending on the decrease or increase in sensations, the distance may change. The time of the warm chiu is 5-10-15 minutes. This method has a calming effect and is used for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, neuralgia, myositis, skin diseases, etc.
The pecking chiu method. The glowing end of a wormwood cigarette either approaches the acupuncture point or moves away from it. The movements are similar to those performed when birds peck at grain (hence the name of the method). In this case, the burning sensation appears and disappears. The duration of the procedure is 2-5 minutes per point. The method has a stimulating effect.
Ironing Tszyu method. The end of the smoldering wormwood cigarette is set above the skin at a distance of 2.0-1.5 cm, and then the cigarette is moved along the pathological focus, sometimes a considerable distance. It is used most often for chronic pain syndrome, skin diseases.
In the folk medicine of the East, other methods of moxibustion are also used: direct application of a cone to the skin (with or without the formation of a burn), imposition of a cone or heating with wormwood cigarettes through a cut of fresh ginger, aconite cakes, salt, garlic, etc.
Tszyu's mechanism has not been fully disclosed. Some scientists (D.S. Ermakov, 1976) have shown that when burning, the source of the heat factor is infrared rays with a wavelength of 1 to 5.5 microns. A certain importance is attached to the smoke of smoldering wormwood cigarettes, which has (according to E.D. Tykochinskaya et al., 1966) a bactericidal effect.
Currently, various devices and devices are widely used for thermopuncture.

Moxibustion is a fairly effective and safe method, but it should be used with caution in the face, scalp, and large vessels.
The advantage of the method is that the patient can independently use Moxibustion after consulting a doctor.

The impact is carried out in several directions at once: general massage, reflexogenic massage, the effect on the spine is similar to manual therapy and osteopathy, the effect of needle rollers is similar to acupuncture points, etc.

Acupuncture points on the human body

Acupuncture, which is already five thousand years old, belongs to the main methods of treatment in Chinese traditional medicine. And, of course, the test of time is the best proof of its effectiveness and reliability.

Along with the term "acupuncture" can be found such names as "acupuncture", "acupuncture", "acupuncture" or even "zhen therapy".

A bit of history

The history of acupuncture began in ancient times, namely from the moment when a person, in an effort to reduce pain, began to rub (with a hand or various objects) painful places on the body.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that the birthplace of acupuncture is Ancient China, it is impossible: there is evidence of the use of acupuncture in Egypt, India and Nepal. However, since this method was most widely used in China and neighboring countries, today it is considered Chinese.

To Europe acupuncture and moxibustion, here called " acupuncture", Penetrated into the 17th century. thanks to missionaries. In Russia, the first attempts at using acupuncture date back to 1901.

The use of the acupuncture method in medical institutions of the USSR began around the end of the 40s. as a result of a successful exchange of experience between Soviet and Chinese doctors. Acupuncture received official recognition in 1957, together with the publication of the order of the USSR Ministry of Health, and it began to be actively used in the 60s.

At the moment, many medical institutions have a specially designated room, and sometimes there are whole acupuncture departments, where patients with a wide variety of diseases are provided with the necessary assistance.

What is the meaning of acupuncture, how does it work? According to what was said earlier, each biologically active point is associated with some organ. Therefore, its mechanical stimulation with a steel, silver or gold needle activates the flow of energy or, conversely, absorbs the excess of the energy flow.

When is acupuncture applied... WHO has confirmed the ability of acupuncture to have a positive effect on the body in more than forty types of diseases.

Diseases for which acupuncture is effective

  • hypertension, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteochondrosis, etc.)
  • neuralgia, insomnia, dizziness
  • emotional and psychological disorders (fears, depression, etc.)
  • gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, food allergies, peptic ulcer and gastritis, chronic diarrhea and constipation, anorexia and bulimia)
  • diseases of the ENT organs (emphysema, sinusitis, bronchitis)
  • endocrine system diseases
  • pain of various localization (headache, toothache, spinal pain, etc.)
  • decreased immunity
  • eye diseases
  • alcoholism, nicotine and drug addiction, etc.

How does an acupuncture session work?

The procedure begins with the fact that the acupuncturist feels the area of ​​the body where the needles will be pricked. This is done to determine the points - using an empirical method, for many hours, doctors learn to determine biologically active points on the human body by special heat and other radiation from them. Next, the doctor treats the skin area with alcohol and inserts the needles. Different acupuncture techniques determine the different ways of inserting the needles, as well as the depth of insertion. Depending on these factors, sedative and stimulating methods of influence are indicated.

Sedative method - strong, growing irritation of points - in turn, has two variations. The first - no more than 2-3 needles are inserted into the tissue with rotational movements to a depth of 1.5-8 mm, leaving them for a period from half an hour to two days; the second - the needles are inserted into 2-4 points with more gentle rotational movements. This method can even be applied to children.

Exciting method - weak, short-term, but at the same time rapid irritation of all points. The depth of needle insertion is from 3 mm to 1 cm, and the exposure period is from 30 s to 5 minutes.

What happens during a session from a biological point of view

For example, during an acupuncture session aimed at eliminating pain, after inserting the needle, stimulation of the muscle begins, which sends a signal to the central nervous system and thereby releases endorphins (morphine-like substances produced in the body during pain and stress) that block pain signals into the brain. So nothing supernatural: the ancient method of treatment has received a scientific basis today.

Since the needles used for the treatment are quite thin (as thick as a human hair), the acupuncture procedure is not painful. Some discomfort can be caused by the very moment of the injection. You may also experience slight numbness and slight itching.

The undoubted advantage of acupuncture over drug treatment is that drugs are often addictive, which forces you to increase the dose, and acupuncture has a therapeutic effect without harmful consequences.

Contraindications to acupuncture

  • skin diseases
  • pregnancy
  • malignant tumors


In ancient China, the local heating or moxibustion method was often used in combination with acupuncture. Moxibustion enhances the renewal of the qi flow at the acupressure points where heat is applied.

As a cauterizing agent, smoldering moxa is used - dry and mashed wormwood (sometimes with the addition of other medicinal herbs), rolled into a cigar. It is lit up, and the light is either brought closer to biological points or removed. It is not the useful properties of wormwood that are used, but its ability, after special processing, to give the optimal temperature (60-70 ° C) at the time of decay.

A standard wormwood cigar produced in China looks like a small firecracker, its length is 20 cm, diameter is 2 cm. One such cigar is enough for several sessions.

Moxibustion has an antispasmodic, sedative effect on the body and is even capable of halting physiological aging.

Diseases for which moxibustion is effective

  • gynecological disorders
  • rheumatism, arthritis
  • insomnia
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • diseases of the respiratory system and genitourinary system
  • colds and flu
  • cerebral palsy
  • post-stroke conditions
  • bruises, subcutaneous bruising, internal hemorrhage
  • metabolic disorders, etc.

Moxibustion will quickly relieve pain of various origins; will help a hot-tempered and irritable person to calm down; eliminates cramps, calms the nerves.

How to moxibrate

The cigar is set on fire and brought with a smoldering end to the desired point at a distance of 1.5-2 cm. The criterion for the correctness of the selected distance from the body surface will be a pleasant warmth radiating from the point throughout the body. There should be no burning sensation. If it is too hot, the cigar should be slightly moved away from the surface of the body.

Each point is burned for 2-3 minutes, maximum 5 minutes.

Prevention of colds requires 3-5 sessions, treatment of an already existing cold - 7-9 sessions. Preventive moxibustion can be done every other day, it is better to treat an acute illness with daily sessions.

Before starting moxibustion of the next point, it is good to pre-lubricate the chiu-therapy zone with Vietnamese "Star" or any available essential oil (for example, with eucalyptus or pine needles extract) and do a light massage. In this case, the moxibustion effect will increase.

You may not hold the cigar motionless over the point, but slowly circle over the surrounding area.

Moxibustion point of longevity

Such a point - tzu san-li - is located on the front of the leg, below the kneecap. Place three fingers (2nd, 3rd and 4th) under the knee - find the horizontal level of the longevity point. Now set the width of the big toe on the right foot to the right of the central meridian of the bone, on the left foot to the left. These will be the points of longevity. Longevity points need to be warmed up once a day for 10 minutes. It is advisable to carry out 2-3 procedures with an interval of 3-4 days.

Warming up should be done only in the first 8 days of each lunar month, since it is believed that it is on these days that the body is able to achieve harmony and strengthen resistance to various diseases, thereby contributing to the prolongation of life.

An important part of Zhenqiu therapy, that is, acupuncture, is.

Moxibustion in Chinese Medicine

Moxibustion methods

Moxibustion is performed either with a smoldering cigar made from wormwood leaves, or with a smoldering tourniquet.

Wormwood leaf cigars

Moxibustion carried out in three ways:

  1. heat exposure;
  2. the so-called "pecking" method;
  3. thermal effect with constant movements on a certain surface around a given point ("ironing").

Thermal impact

The first of these methods, i.e. thermal effect consists in bringing the smoldering end of the cigar close to the skin and gradually moving it away until the patient feels a pleasant warmth sensation in certain tissues.

Cauterization with a cigar

The smallest distance between the end of the cigar and the surface of the skin should not exceed 1.5 cm, the procedure lasts 5 - 10 minutes. This method is indicated in cases where a certain calming effect is desired (for example, for pain in the abdominal region).

Method of "pecking" moxibustion

Second method - "pecking" moxibustion consists in a continuous alternation of cigar movements up and down at a given point. It is used to achieve an exciting effect in collapse, paralysis.

The duration of the procedure is from two to five minutes. The strongest permissible sensation is burning warmth, but not pain at all.

Ironing method

Third method - "ironing" is as follows. Having brought the end of the cigar closer to the skin, they begin to move it over a relatively large area of ​​the body, like an iron. In this case, even a very close approach of the glowing end of the cigar to the skin does not cause a burn. The method is indicated for a large group of diseases: psoriasis, neuroderma, widespread eczema.

It can relieve pain associated with stomach or intestinal cramps. Duration of application is 10-20 minutes.

The widely used wormwood cigars were proposed by Dr. Zhu Lian in 1951, (for more details: Acupuncture in Chinese Medicine).

The Purpose of Moxibustion in Chinese Medicine

First of all, acupuncture and moxibustion in chinese medicine are intended to cause strong or weak irritation.

Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Chinese Medicine

The first of them have an inhibitory effect on the excited nervous system. They are used for excessively increased functional activity of certain internal organs, bones, tissues.

Sometimes the patient has uncontrollable vomiting, which does not stop even after the complete eruption of the contents of the stomach. This is explained by the weakening of the regulatory function of the higher part of the central nervous system under the influence of pathological changes.

In this case, the urgent use of strong irritation easily has an inhibitory effect on the excited part of the nervous system and leads to the cessation of vomiting.

Weak irritations have an exciting effect on the nervous system, enhance its function, thereby stimulating the body's resistance.

This leads to increased blood circulation. According to the concept put forward by Dr. Zhu Lian, the action of the excitatory and inhibitory methods is based on reflex influences on the central nervous system by transmitting impulses from peripheral receptors to it.

Traditional Chinese medicine originated relatively long ago, more than 2000 years ago. Even in those days, people prevented and completely cured various diseases using the basic techniques and knowledge of Chinese medicine. This medicine is based on the fact that diseases arise from an imbalance in the balance of vitality, this suggests that energy resources are wasted in the body irrationally.

Chinese medicine focuses its efforts on the treatment not of the organ itself, which was exposed to the disease, but of the whole organism. Traditional Chinese medicine does not involve surgical intervention, as it focuses on the body as a whole. Chinese diagnostics is based on a general examination of the patient, that is, an assessment of the complexion and tongue, how a person breathes, and so on. In addition, the Chinese conduct tapping, inquiries about complaints, on the basis of which the disease is determined.


Acupuncture is considered one of the main treatments in Traditional Chinese Medicine. This method is based on the impact of needles on the vital points of the body. In ancient times, these needles were made from bones or bronze, and now the needles are made from steel. They vary in length, sharpness, and thickness. At the places where the needles are inserted, massage is required. The needle must be inserted with two hands and rotated along the axis. Through the action of this method, pain is relieved, and equilibrium occurs in the body, which was previously disturbed.

During the period of acupuncture procedures, you should stop consuming sweet foods, alcohol, coffee and medicines. Some contraindications are inherent in acupuncture, namely, you should not carry out this procedure during an exacerbation of a chronic disease, an infectious disease.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, moxibustion involves heat. Usually this method of treatment is performed by burning wormwood, from which special cones of different sizes are made. The effectiveness of this procedure lies in the deep and shallow effect of heat. The heat, which is on the surface, has a sedative effect, and the deep one - toning.

In the first case, large cones are used, but the grass burns slowly. In the second, small-sized wormwood cones are used, but the combustion is intensified. In this case, the appearance of burns on the skin should not be allowed. No more than four small cones are superimposed on a point during toning. The time of this procedure depends on each person, primarily on his health.

The advantages of this method are the improvement of blood circulation and the work of the endocrine glands, pain stops, the secretion of gastric juice returns to normal and acidity is regulated, harmful substances are removed from the body faster, metabolism returns to normal. After moxibustion for 2 days, there may be fever, diarrhea, poor appetite and poor mood. A few days after the procedure, the first positive results will already be noticeable.


Chinese medicine has another direction - acupressure. It is based on the impact with the fingers on the vital points. Pressing is done with a fingernail or with a fingertip. It is used in the treatment of the digestive system, headaches, high blood pressure, joint diseases, and inflammation of the respiratory system. After acupressure, the patient's pain disappears, blood circulation and metabolism improve, cells are cleared of toxins, and muscle tension is relieved. At the same time, there is vigor and fullness of strength and energy.

Traditional Chinese medicine is rich in knowledge and experience in the treatment of many diseases. Its undoubted advantage is the use of natural and natural methods of treatment.

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Moxibustion treatment

We have already noted that moxibustion treatment is associated with acupuncture, both in modern literature and in sources that have come down to us, and that both methods are often combined and used simultaneously. This explains why the clinical trials we looked at in the previous chapter also included moxibustion.

The moxibustion process is also known by the older name moxibustion. This word comes from the name of the Japanese plant mogusa (Latinized form - moxa (moxa), similar to Chernobyl (artemisia vulgaris), a variety of wormwood, and the Latin word yoke (to burn or burn).

As follows from the origin of the word, acupuncture points used to be simply cauterized with "moxibustion", that is, a medicinal herb. Nowadays, the exposed points simply warm up, although the term moxibustion is still widely used. In my opinion, the term moxibustion is more appropriate in this case.

According to Professor Yuar, this method of treatment most likely has an earlier origin than pricking with stone needles, although the opposite point of view is found in modern Chinese publications. Traditionally, therapeutic moxibustion developed mainly in the northern regions of China. South Africa, on this basis, concludes that Stone Age man used moxibustion to relieve rheumatic pains that often occur in the damp cave that served him and in colder climates.

Of course, the healing power of warming fire has been known since the earliest times. And in the oldest collection of medical knowledge, The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine, we find references to the moxibustion method as a perfectly worked out procedure.

In addition, any method of warming up treatment presupposes knowledge of the points of influence on the human and animal body. Some points are excluded from the moxibustion treatment; they can only be used for acupuncture and vice versa. Both old and modern writings provide a list of these "forbidden" points.

In the old days, the points selected for therapeutic effects were also cauterized with red-hot iron rods. Today, this procedure is only used in veterinary surgery. In addition to iron rods, other means of cauterization were also used, usually from rolled leaves of medicinal plants (mulberry, ginger, aconite, wormwood, etc.). The points of irritation were either cauterized or warmed up by the smoldering leaves twisted in the form of sticks. details of curative moxibustion are taken from contemporary Chinese publications.

1. One session requires three to five wormwood cones or balls; they can be set on fire and applied simultaneously to different points on the surface of the body, or they can be set on fire and applied one after the other to the same point. In cases of chronic diseases, the dosage may be increased.

2. The stick burns for 4-5 minutes. If you want to get the effect of sedation, the stick is held over the appropriate point on the surface of the body. This procedure can be used, for example, to develop protective inhibition in the cerebral cortex. To achieve a tonic effect, the skin surface is lightly tapped with a smoldering stick, preventing overheating of the point on which the therapeutic effect is exerted. This is the so-called "pecking method".

3. In the case of cauterization treatment with a cone on a ginger base, a ginger leaf is first placed on the point of treatment, and then a cone is placed on top of it. If the ginger leaf dries up, it must be replaced with fresh one. Generally speaking, this method is used for abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting, and rheumatic pain in the limbs.

4. In the case of treatment with moxibustion through garlic, a clove of fresh garlic is placed on the points subject to therapeutic irritation. A small hole is made in the clove of garlic and the cone is placed on top. Generally speaking, this method is used as a pain reliever and in certain cases for the treatment of lung diseases (asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis).

5. In the treatment with moxibustion through salt, the point of application of the therapeutic effect is covered with table salt, and the cone is placed on top. If the salt overheats, replace it. This method is commonly used for abdominal pain, nausea and diseases caused by organic hypofunction. The purpose of the procedure is to compensate for the "lack of energy" in the affected organ.

Cauterization with cones and sticks should be dosed, it depends on the part of the body on which the therapeutic effect is exerted. For example, in case of irritation of points on the head, the usual dose is designed to warm up for 3-5 minutes using only sticks, but not cones. Other recommended dosages are as follows: on the chest - 3-5 minutes of constant warming up with cones or 3-10 minutes with sticks; on the body - 5-20 minutes of constant warming up with cones or the same amount of time with chopsticks; on the back - 3-10 minutes of constant warming up with cones or the same amount of time with chopsticks.

When carrying out moxibustion, the correct position of the patient's body is important in order to provide an optimal effect on points on the body surface. Modern writers warn against burns to the patient's skin, and thus the old, scarring method is now rejected, as is the sulfur burn. It is necessary to take care that sparks do not fly during the treatment session; windows should also be opened to prevent smoke from accumulating when lighting a cone or stick. The fact that sometimes smoke is produced is the only drawback of this therapy.

After the session is completed, all visible traces that may remain on the surface of the skin, in the worst case - slight redness, soon disappear. Even if a blister appears, it is pierced with a sterile needle and smeared with medicinal ointment.

The previously used direct moxibustion method left ugly scars on the skin, traces of which can still be seen today in the older generation in China and especially in Korea.

Modern medical science considers curative moxibustion as a method of stimulating the skin as a result of its warming up and, probably, exposure to chemical compounds contained in medicinal plants (garlic, ginger, etc.). This view is shared by many old school doctors, including Wang Xiaotai, who trained in both traditional and modern therapies.

We already know that internal organs respond to the vasodilator effect of skin stimulation. This is due to the close relationship between these organs and special areas of the skin: any disease of the internal organs gives off pain on the latter. On the contrary, any stimulation of certain areas and points on the surface of the skin stimulates the muscles and blood vessels and affects the corresponding internal organs. This functional relationship explains the therapeutic efficacy of moxibustion. The only small difficulty is to link the traditional moxibustion points with the theories of modern medicine and combine them into one common system.

Chinese Moxibustion: Burn Your Diseases

Many of us believe that the concept of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is synonymous with acupuncture, especially since even the Chinese term "acupuncture" (Zhen Jiu) literally translates as "acupuncture and moxibustion" (the word "moxibustion" is derived from the Japanese "Mogusa" (wormwood)).

In ancient China, it was seldom practiced to place acupuncture needles without treating patients with moxibustion, which involved burning certain herbs over the acupuncture points. Today, moxibustion is surprisingly successfully used simultaneously with acupuncture in the treatment of diseases ranging from bronchial asthma to arthritis. To do this, the leaves of wormwood (Artemesiae Vulgaris) are dried and burned using one of several methods.

The most common form of moxa use is the non-invasive wormwood cigar treatment. At the same time, the dried wormwood is compacted and wrapped in special paper in the form of a cigar-shaped stick that can be held in one place, moved in circles or brought to a specific acupuncture point with the movement of a sparrow pecking crumbs. The moxibustion practitioner places their finger near the stimulated point to provide a comfortable level of warmth and to protect the patient from the unlikely risk of burns.

The tip of the cigar is kept at a distance of 1-3 centimeters from the surface of the skin, which depends on the patient's well-being. Wormwood sticks can be used on their own to stimulate acupuncture points or be brought to points where acupuncture needles are already inserted. This simultaneous use of moxibustion with acupuncture needles enhances the therapeutic effect.

Wormwood cigars are mainly used to treat yang energy deficiency in the body. This type of energy controls movement and heat, so Yang deficiency manifests itself in Cold symptoms. The patient may feel cold or complain of cold extremities. For the very weak and people with a pronounced Yang deficiency, moxibustion is chosen as the main treatment due to the fact that it really adds "Yang Qi" to the body. Yang deficiency can also manifest itself in urinary incontinence or loose stools, although these symptoms should be carefully studied by the practitioner as they may have other causes.

Another popular use of moxa sticks is to rotate the gluteal baby. The cigar is brought to the outer edge of the little toes of both legs of the pregnant mother for 15 to 20 minutes a day. The best results are achieved when treatment is started at 34 weeks of gestation. Moxibustion is discontinued after fetal reversal. Stimulation of yang leads to movement, and prolonged cauterization can lead to the return of the embryo to breech presentation. Reversing gluteal babies with moxibustion is a very common practice in Chinese medicine and has been used successfully for centuries.

Another form of cauterization is heating the needle. In this case, a small roller of dried wormwood is attached directly to the end of the acupuncture needle. The wormwood is then ignited and slowly burned like an incense stick. The heat penetrates through the needle and is transferred deeply to the acupuncture point. This infusion of heat brings instant relief from rheumatic muscle and joint pain and is commonly used to treat arthritic pain.

Ginger Moxibustion combines the therapeutic properties of moxibustion and ginger, one of the most popular herbs in Chinese medicine. A TCM practitioner cuts off a 1 to 2 centimeter thick circle of ginger and makes tiny holes in it. Dried wormwood leaves are rolled into a cone 1-3 centimeters in size. Ginger is placed on the navel of someone who is suffering from diarrhea or abdominal pain. The cone is placed on top of the ginger and gently ignited with a small flame.

Ginger with a burning piece of moxa remains on the navel until the patient sweats and the navel area turns red. When the cone burns out, a new one is added. The slice of ginger should be changed after burning 5 moxa cones. In addition to getting rid of digestive problems, warming up with ginger is also helpful in treating joint pain.

Contact moxibustion is a method in which dry grass is rolled into a small cone (the size of a grain of rice) and burned directly onto the skin. Petroleum jelly can be applied to fix the cone on the body. Wormwood is ignited by lightly touching the top of the cone with the end of a burning scented candle. Tweezers are used to remove the cone when the heat gets too strong.

Contact moxibustion is usually used to stop heavy menstrual bleeding. For women suffering from excessive bleeding, moxa cones should be placed in the corner of the big toenail. Moxa is burned by only two-thirds to avoid scarring or blistering of the skin. During one procedure, 3-5 cones are burned on each thumb. In this, as in the vast majority of cases, contact moxibustion brings relief. Western technology, on the other hand, can offer little help.

Traditional asthma treatments require the wormwood cones to be burned directly onto the upper back. With this treatment, the cones are burned completely and may in fact lead to certain scars.

Moxibustion treatment, like acupuncture, is a complex and varied therapy. TCM practitioners can choose from a variety of methods and use those that suit their individual treatment style.

Moxibustion (Thermopuncture, Moxibustion)

Thermopuncture (moxibustion, moxibustion)- This is one of the methods of reflexology (moxibustion or warming), which consists in thermal effects on biologically active points of the body. This practice originated many years ago in the medicine of the East and in Chinese is called "czhen-tszyu" treatment (where "zhen" is acupuncture, and "tszyu" is thermo-puncture).

This method provides for the use of such heat sources when the thermal effect may have a limited area. Thermopuncture is carried out in various ways: contactless or remote, contacts or distant, as well as stimulation with hot needles or by heating needles already installed at the acupuncture point.

When is thermopuncture used?

Along with other methods of reflexology, thermopuncture can act as an independent method of treatment, and as an auxiliary one - in combination with other practices or in addition to drug therapy.

By acting on the meridians and biologically active points, this method is well suited for the treatment of various chronic ailments, as well as certain critical conditions. In addition, thermopuncture is a fairly effective prophylactic agent and is widely used in rehabilitation measures.

Thermopuncture helps in the treatment of a wide range of allergic syndromes, various types of pain, many neuroendocrine diseases of the skin, some psychosomatic and neurogenic disorders. Also, this practice is resorted to to normalize blood pressure, improve blood circulation, in order to rejuvenate the body, calm the nervous system and for problems associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In accordance with the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine, the effects of thermopuncture perfectly respond to symptoms that have arisen from a lack of energy or cold (regular colds, inflammatory diseases of the bones and joints).

The essence of the thermopuncture method

The method of thermal exposure is based on the principle of gradual prolonged heating of the skin at reflexogenic points and tissues adjacent to these points. Thermopuncture using low temperatures for a short period of time produces a weak stimulating effect.

By changing the temperature and duration of irritation, a therapeutic result occurs. Therapy is carried out due to the activation of the functions of various systems and internal organs, which are interconnected with acupuncture points, which are the objects of manipulation.

In ancient times, sulfur powder, a burning wick, and hot metal sticks were used to perform the thermopuncture procedure. In eastern countries, smoldering moxas have always been widely used. They were made from various dried herbs (juniper, wormwood, other medicinal plants), folded in a tube and wrapped in thin paper, forming a kind of cigar. In this situation, not so much the healing properties of herbs are of great importance, but their ability to create the required temperature (about sixty or seventy degrees) during the decay period.

Thermopuncture procedure

After a thorough diagnostic examination, and in accordance with each specific ailment, a reflexology specialist determines the method, number and duration of procedures. Doctors from China say: the longer the course of moxibustion therapy, the more effective it is.

The minimum duration of treatment with heat exposure is about ten sessions, the frequency of which is from daily procedure to two sessions per week. The duration of each exposure is approximately twenty minutes, or about half an hour.

When carrying out therapy by the method of thermopuncture, it is necessary to strictly observe some rules:

  • do not expose the burned areas of the body to wet for ten days;
  • do not drink alcohol for two months;
  • do not overcool;
  • do not overeat.

Types of distant moxibustion:

  • Until the affected area is reddened. During stable stimulation of the acupuncture point, the heat emitter is placed at such a distance from the skin that the patient feels a strong perceptible warmth on this part of the body. The duration of this procedure is from two to five minutes. In this case, the irritation of biologically active points occurs gently.
  • Before blistering. The ironing action involves heating not just the acupuncture point, but also a sufficiently large area of ​​the skin due to the non-stop movement of the heat emitter at a close distance from the skin, parallel to the area of ​​the body that is being heated.
  • Until a burn occurs. Direct contact moxibustion is rarely used due to the danger of burns. This type of thermopuncture consists in placing various substances on biologically active sites, which, during combustion, provide thermal stimulation.

The more significant the lesions of the skin in the acupuncture site, the more tangible and effective the result of therapy. Moxibustion is performed using wormwood balls of various sizes, which are determined by a specialist. The impact on one point is carried out from five to ten times and is determined by the type and degree of a specific disease.

After the session, water bubbles begin to form around the acupuncture zone for about half an hour, which disappear in three days. After ten days (rarely twenty, but not more than twenty-seven), redness forms around the biologically active point - this indicates that the place is inflamed, and will soon ooze.

There is nothing wrong with that, and everything happens as it should. Discharge can be in the form of ichor or purulent in nature. This process is determined by the severity of the disease and takes one or two months. From the moment the inflammation appears, a bactericidal patch should be applied to this area one to two times a day and do this until the wound closes. In its place, a keloid scar may remain, which persists for about ten years.

“Diseases that cannot be cured by herbs can be cured with needles, and in turn, those ailments that cannot be cured with needles can be cured by moxibustion,” say experts in the East on tszyu therapy.

Wormwood cigarette moxibustion technique

Nowadays, a convenient method of heat exposure to biologically active points is widely practiced with the help of tiny wormwood cigarettes (about five millimeters in diameter, about ten millimeters long), connected to heat-resistant gaskets, the thickness of which is about three millimeters.

The smoldering end of the cigar emits infrared radiation (wavelength from one to five and a half microns), which is directed to specific biologically active points. Such thermal irritation entails a local increase in the temperature of the skin up to 43-45 degrees Celsius, while a burn does not form.

There are three main ways to perform moxibustion:

  • 1. Sedative (calming) - static heating. The smoldering end of the cigar is brought to the patient's skin until a feeling of warmth develops. The duration of the procedure is from fifteen to twenty minutes.
  • 2. Exciting (tonic) - stabbing effect. The glowing end of the cigar is either brought to the surface of the skin or removed from the acupuncture point. The duration of the session is two or three minutes.
  • 3. Harmonizing - ironing thermopuncture (continuous movement of a wormwood cigarette along a biologically active area). The glowing end is placed at such a distance from the skin that the patient feels a pleasant warmth. The duration of the procedure is from fifteen to twenty minutes.

The thermopuncture technique practiced by Chinese doctors involves remote moxibustion. A cigar made from wormwood is set on fire and slowly rotated over the affected area of ​​the body. At times, to enhance the result, the wormwood cone is placed on a piece of ginger or a clove of garlic.

The moxibustion technique, which is popular in Japan and Korea, is a distant method. Medicinal plants are rolled into small balls and installed directly in the acupuncture zone, after which they are set on fire with the help of an aroma stick.

Contraindications to thermopuncture

This method of therapy has practically no side effects and has a very small list of contraindications. Heat treatment should not be used:

  • in the presence of benign or malignant tumors;
  • for diseases associated with the onset of fever;
  • with acute mental disorders;
  • in acute conditions that pose an immediate threat to human health and life (myocardial infarction, acute respiratory failure);
  • with some skin diseases.

Due to the fact that this method of reflexology has a rather tangible effect on the entire body, it is not recommended to use it for infants, women in position and elderly people over 75 years old.

Zhen-Tszyu treatment method (acupuncture and moxibustion)

In ancient times, the main method, with the help of which Chinese doctors treated patients, "Zhen-tszyu", was born. What it is? "Zhen" - acupuncture, "tszyu" - moxibustion.

The art of acupuncture

Tradition connects the appearance of acupuncture with the name of the famous sage Fu-Xi, who lived at the beginning of the III millennium BC. Tradition attributes to him the first observation of the heavenly bodies and the invention of the doctrine of yin and yang - the two principles of all things in the universe. According to legend, he taught people to build houses and bridges, fish with a net and take care of five domestic animals - a horse, a bull, a chicken, a pig and a ram. Fu-Xi was a great physician. He drew up prescriptions on how to avoid cold in winter and exhausting heat in summer, how to maintain healthy air and good blood in the body. But his main achievement in medicine was the creation of the doctrine of the vital channels and active points located on the human body.

Historical parallels: The estimated lifetime of Fu-Xi, the beginning of the III millennium BC, coincides with the lifetime of the known Egyptian patron of healing Imhotep (p. 35). Like him, Fu-Xi was not only a physician, but also an astrologer and builder.

"In ancient times," the legend tells, "when China was ruled by Fu-Xi, who is well versed in many sciences, one of his subjects had a headache." This man was so sick that he could not find peace either day or night. One day, while working on a field, he accidentally hit himself on the leg with a hoe and noticed a strange thing: the headache went away after this blow. Since then, local residents have deliberately hit themselves on the leg with a piece of stone for headaches. Upon learning of this, the emperor tried to replace the painful blows with a stone with pricks with a stone needle, and the results were good. Later it turned out that such injections, applied to certain places on the body, help not only with headaches, but also with other diseases. It has been observed that the impact on certain points of the body leads to relief from pain or discomfort. For example, the compression of the central fossa of the upper lip allows you to bring the patient out of the state of fainting, and the introduction of needles at certain points at the base of the first and second fingers cures insomnia.

Historical parallels: Methods of influencing the active points of the body are known in the medicine of other nations. Residents of South Africa, wanting to be cured of many diseases, scratch certain points on the body with a shell; When treating sciatica, the Arabs cauterize part of the ear with a heated metal rod; the Eskimos inject with a sharpened stone.

Many discoveries have been made in the field of biology and medicine, but one complex mystery has not been solved for several thousand years. This is the riddle of the "life channels" that run along the surface of the body.

Each channel is associated with a specific internal organ. The channels of the body, like the points on them, are invisible, but they really exist, since there is a constant mutual dependence between them and the internal organs. Exposure to internal organs through these points with acupuncture and moxibustion forms the basis of one of the main methods of treatment in Chinese medicine. The first literature data on the application of this method date back to the 6th century. BC. They are set forth in the "Canon of the Inner" ("Nei-Ching", about the 2nd century BC) - one of the oldest medical books in China.

Historical parallels:

In modern medicine of the East and West, the doctrine of vital channels and active points located on the surface of the human body is widely used. With the help of various devices in the area of ​​active points (often called BAT - biologically active points), electrical and magnetic phenomena, as well as radiation carrying certain information, were detected. Modern science tends to consider the qi energy concentrated in these points as a certain type of matter - electrical, magnetic, acoustic, light.

The first needles were made of stone. Later they began to make them from silicon or jasper, from bone and bamboo, from metals: bronze, silver, gold, platinum, stainless steel. There were 9 shapes of needles; among them were cylindrical, flat, round, triangular, spear-shaped, needles with a sharp and blunt end.

These needles were not only intended for acupuncture, they also served as surgical instruments. For example, a sharp "arrow-shaped" needle was used to open abscesses; a needle with a round end served to split muscles during operations; a thin needle with a blunt end was used to treat those patients who were afraid of injections: instead of an injection, they simply pressed on the appropriate points. For the treatment of children, "skin" needles were made, with the help of which shallow, superficial injections were applied. Modern needles are usually made of silver or higher grades of stainless steel. When injected, they do not destroy tissues, since they have a very thin shaft.


The active points were influenced not only, but also by moxibustion. This method is sometimes referred to in Chinese literature under such poetic names as "a wonderful needle with a thunderburn" or "night hunting with torches." In the old days, it was believed that moxibustion should cause a burn. “Outside irritation, inside effect,” says an old Chinese proverb. Moxibustion was performed using a heated metal stick, lighted sulfur powder, chopped pieces of garlic.

Modern doctors for treatment usually use moxa (wormwood), which gives when

smoldering only pleasant warmth. Traditionally, it is believed that the effectiveness of moxibustion increases with the shelf life of moxa. For example, for the treatment of a disease that arose 7 years ago, moxa was recommended, which was stored for at least 3 years. Cigarettes and moxibustion cones were stuffed with dried and tightly pressed wormwood; sometimes other medicinal plants were added to it. Moxibustion as a method of preventing and treating diseases has become widespread in Japan, Korea, Vietnam and many other countries of the East.

Teaching the art of "zhen-tszyu"

Comprehension of the art of "czhen-tszyu" was very difficult and took a long time. The student had to study not only the location of the active points on the "vital channels", but also the complex relationships between them. “The needle must be taken as carefully as the approach to the tiger” - teaches an old Chinese proverb.

The first state institution where traditional medicine was taught - the Imperial Medical School - appeared in China only in the Middle Ages. The school had 20 students, 1 teacher and assistant, 20 instructors and 20 needle makers. Of great importance for teaching was the creation of the first two bronze figures, which were cast in full human growth under the guidance of the doctor Wang Wei-i in 1027. All points and their names were marked on the surface of the figures. A deep channel for needle insertion corresponded to each point. The outside of the figure was covered with wax, and the inside was filled with water: if the student inserted the needle correctly, a drop of water appeared on the surface of the figure. A year earlier, in 1026, Wang Wei-yi had completed his Atlas of Points, which was the first officially adopted acupuncture guide. Since the XIII century. copying of figures began, the method of acupuncture went beyond China and began to spread in other states of Asia, then penetrated into Europe and America. In Russia, the first message about him was made in the late 1920s. XIX century.

Traditional Chinese medicine is widespread in the modern world. In 1980, the World Health Organization recognized acupuncture as a scientifically based method and recommended its use in the practice of treating various diseases.

How to remove herniated disc in China: an overview of treatment methods

Treatment in China should not be viewed only in terms of traditional techniques and minimally invasive procedures. Chinese clinics have all the necessary equipment and competent specialists who carry out complex surgical operations according to generally accepted world standards. This balanced approach provides a more effective treatment outcome.

Non-surgical methods of treatment

Traditional Chinese Medicine

The first stage of treatment is designed to eliminate pain and muscle tension.... For these purposes, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • acupuncture;
  • acupressure;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • stone therapy;
  • spinal traction.

After passing the first stage of therapy, the patient's blood circulation is normalized, metabolism is activated, nutrition of disc tissues is provided, inflammation and pinching of nerve endings are eliminated.

As a result, pain, muscle cramps and a feeling of numbness in the upper and lower extremities disappear without a trace.

The second stage is aimed at eliminating edema formed around the compressed nerve roots. For these purposes, procedures are prescribed that have a warming effect:

  • moxibustion with wormwood cigars;
  • warming up;
  • paraffin therapy.

At the last stage, rehabilitation therapy is carried out. with the help of special gymnastics and herbal medicine.

The cost of the course of treatment


Minimally invasive treatments

Minimally invasive surgeries are sparing procedures that provide less intervention in the body than open surgeries used for the same purpose. Thanks to the use of endoscopic instruments, after the operation, it is possible to keep the spinal column intact.

Main advantages:

  • practically do not leave scars;
  • bleeding is minimized;
  • local anesthesia;
  • quick rehabilitation.

You can get up and walk within a couple of hours after the operation. The hospitalization period lasts no more than 5-7 days.

Needle knife The most effective and popular method of treating spinal diseases. Applicable in China only. The needle knife allows you to make accurate punctures with a diameter of 0.4–0.8 mm without injuring the nerve canals.
Hydroplastics The manipulation is carried out using small punctures, through which a special solution is fed into the disc cavity under high pressure, which removes the affected tissue.
Radiofrequency ablation A probe with electrodes is inserted into small punctures, which are heated to a high temperature. The hernia is destroyed by heat.
Laser vaporization A relatively new method of treatment by means of heat. Helps to reduce the volume of hernia.
Laser reconstruction It differs from the two above in that during the operation, the cells of the cartilaginous tissue are stimulated, which contributes to the rapid growth of cartilage tissue, which fills the cracks and voids of the disc.

Spinal surgery

Microsurgical discectomy

Discectomy is performed using a microscope and laser and is performed through a small incision through which the nucleus tissue of the damaged vertebra is removed. As a result, decompression and release of the spinal nerve roots is achieved.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia for several hours. Relatively safe for elderly patients.

In the recent past, it was unsafe to carry out a complex operation to remove a hernia of the cervical spine, but with the advent of endoscopic microsurgery, such procedures do not pose a danger.

The likelihood of nerve damage during surgery and inflammation in the postoperative period is minimized.

The operation involves replacing the damaged disc with an artificial one (movable implant)... All actions of a neurosurgeon are monitored using an operating microscope or endoscope. To shorten the rehabilitation period, a laser reconstruction procedure is prescribed.

Patients begin to get up and start walking on the second day after the operation. Removal of stitches is carried out on the tenth day. You can return home in two weeks - on your own, without a cane, crutches and other means of support.

There are points on the human body that are responsible for organs that are biologically active, through which the choroid plexuses pass. The body temperature there is much higher than in other places.

And if you act on these points with the help of massage, then you can easily stimulate the production of special elements that normalize, maintain and improve health, and also participate in the body's self-healing.

Acupressure massage is considered an ancient method of treatment. Thanks to him, there is an effect on the biological points on the human body, which are responsible for the organs, as well as the internal systems of the body. In addition, the method helps to improve vitality or reduce nervous and muscle tension.

The advantages of acupressure are as follows:

  1. No pain is felt. Hence, the method can be easily used by people with a sensitive threshold.
  2. Human organs are restored.
  3. There are no complications, the skin is not disturbed, the likelihood of infection is excluded.
  4. The first changes can be felt after the first session.


Acupressure is considered a simple method of restoring strength and health, activating internal systems to fight an illness. All you need to do the massage is your thumb and forefinger.

Pressing on special points is necessary to stimulate the defenses of the human body in order to help heal the disease from the inside. It is safe, but there are contraindications that must be observed so as not to harm your own body.

You should not use the method when:

  • pregnancy;
  • organic heart disease;
  • skin and fungal diseases;
  • severe overwork.

Before using the method, it is necessary to consult with a doctor and clarify whether massage will negatively affect health in each case.

Rules for influencing hot spots

Having learned how to massage biologically active points on the human body, which are responsible for all organs, everyone will be able to carry out treatment aimed at:

  • calming the nervous system,
  • relieving fatigue and pain,
  • slow aging,
  • saving from excess weight,

These points are scattered throughout the body, which are determined by pressing the pad of the finger on the desired area and the occurrence of pain.

Rules for influencing biological points of a person:

  1. Sit or lie on your back.
  2. Get distracted from external stimuli and try to stay in silence.
  3. Put your index finger on the biological point.
  4. Press lightly on the skin while performing circular motions with your finger. At the same time, one cannot leave this point.
  5. The period of exposure to the point is different and ranges from a couple of seconds to several minutes.
  6. The number of presses during one session: 3 - 6 times.

The main massage techniques

Massage is a set of techniques that affect the human body, which are performed one after another without stopping.

As a rule, a performance technique is used, which is divided into 5 basic techniques:

  1. trituration,
  2. kneading,
  3. squeezing,
  4. vibration,
  5. stroking,

And it is done with:

  1. palms,
  2. bumps of thumbs,
  3. kulaks,
  4. pads of the second or third fingers,
  5. ulnar edges of the hand.

Stroking massage reception, which consists in gently sliding the hands over the skin, without displacing it and pressing in different ways.

Divided into:

  • planar,
  • enveloping,
  • cruciform,
  • rake-shaped,
  • comb-like,
  • gabled.

Rubbing works better than stroking because the hand displaces and pushes the skin in all directions, preparing the patient's muscles to avoid spasms and pain.

As a rule, it is performed:

  • circularly,
  • zigzag,
  • spiral,
  • longitudinally,
  • transversely.

Kneading is considered a difficult technique, however, and the most important, since it takes up most of the execution of all manipulations and performed in the form:

  • squeezes,
  • push ups,
  • squeezing,
  • shifting,
  • grabbing,
  • rubbing,
  • lifting,
  • felting,
  • pumping up,
  • pinching
  • pressing,
  • stretching.

Squeezing a technique acting on the skin of the body, on the upper layer of muscles, connective tissues and subcutaneous tissue.

Carried out:

  • the base or edge of the palm,
  • with the pillows of four fingers or with one thumb, slowly moving forward.

Vibration a technique that is desirable to use when the body is already warmed up by rubbing, and gently and gently:

  • palms,
  • fist,
  • phalanges of the fingers.

Dividing on the:

  1. Intermittent vibration: chopping, puncturing, whipping, patting, tapping.
  2. Continuous vibration: crushing, pushing, crushing, planing.

The massage begins and ends with stroking to relax the muscles a little. And do not forget that this technique is carried out after each manipulation. The main thing is not to massage the lymph nodes.

The location of points on the human body for the treatment of the digestive system

To improve and normalize digestion, as well as to remove toxins and toxins, it is required to put pressure on the biological points of interest on the human body responsible for this organ, located at the bend of the elbow, on the outside of the forearm. To do this, hold the elbow with one hand, and gently, with little effort, press on this point with the pad of the thumb.

For colic and constipation

To relieve an attack of pain associated with colic or constipation, you need to apply a soothing acupressure massage, which includes four points:

  1. On the abdomen, on both sides of the navel, at a distance of four fingers, which must be pressed simultaneously and only with the index fingers.
  2. On the big toe, in the corner of the nail that faces the other toes.
  3. On the outside of the leg, four toes below the knee bend and slightly downward, and then forward from the head of the fibula.
  4. On the inner side of the leg, below the knee on the palm, in the corner of the tibia.

With diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

Every second person suffers from diarrhea. The reason for this is the wrong diet, overwork, and even stress. Of course, you can take a pill, however, it is better to apply acupressure, which can protect the body from chemical interference.

The affection point is three fingers' width to the side of the navel. You need to put your palm on your stomach and press hard with your fingers for a couple of minutes. It is advisable to close your eyes and try to breathe as deeply as possible.

Nausea is easily relieved when the left hand lies on the inner side of the right, the little finger touches the edge of the hand, and the index finger is directed to the biological point, which should be gently pressed. This massage can also be performed on the other hand. There is a similar point on the brushes.

To do this, place your left thumb between your right index finger and thumb and massage. Then switch to the other hand. A point located on the inner wrist of the hand, between two tendons, three fingers wide from the base of the palm, will help get rid of vomiting.

Atlas of points on the human body for the treatment of vision

The attractiveness of each depends on the expressiveness of the eyes. To keep them clear, as well as eliminate pain, you need to use biological points located on the head, arms and legs. Which must be pressed gently.

By pressing on:

  1. The point, which is located on the border of hair growth in the frontal corners, can treat vision, relieve headache or dizziness.
  2. A point near the nose, not far from the inner corner of the eyes, can easily improve visual acuity, get rid of swelling and redness of the eyes, help with pain in the eyes, and also get rid of photophobia.
  3. The point located in the deepening of the inner edge of the eyebrows, where they converge, is used to treat any eye diseases. It also helps with hemorrhoids, headaches, nasal congestion, even during a depression.
  4. A point on the outside of the hand at the junction of the thumb and forefinger can quickly heal sore eyes, as well as get rid of a toothache. And also a runny nose, swelling in the neck and sore throat.

When applying massage for the eyes, you must first of all listen to yourself, to your own feelings and immediately stop in case of overwork.

Massage has 4 effects:

  1. massaging eyes with palms,
  2. light stroking,
  3. vibrating movements,
  4. gentle kneading movements.

Before starting, you need to warm up your palms, rub them and immediately touch the inner surface of the eyes. The main thing is not to be cold.

Whatever technique is used, everything must be tangible so that no harm can be done.

Location of points for the treatment of the respiratory system.

Knowing the location of biological points that help in the treatment of the respiratory system, you can easily cure a runny nose, cough, bronchitis and other diseases. As a rule, they are located on the head, neck, chest, arms and legs of any person.

  1. This point can be found between the ends of the eyebrows, which is often used for colds, as well as other respiratory organs. Also saves from headaches, hiccups and nosebleeds.
  2. Above the upper edge of the clavicle is a point that has a beneficial effect on the lungs, normalizes the condition of the trachea and throat.
  3. There is also a point under the nipple in the hypochondrium, thanks to which you can cure a cold, as well as relieve pain in the back of the head and pectoral muscles.

With a runny nose

You can also cure a runny nose with acupressure and preferably at the first symptoms. And it only takes a couple of minutes.

The main thing is to choose the right points and execution technique that are directly related to the nose:

  1. depressions near the wings of the nose,
  2. under the nostrils,
  3. tip of the nose,
  4. intersection of the middle of the eyebrow line and the bridge of the nose,
  5. earlobes
  6. near the auricle.
  7. from the back side of the wrist,
  8. on the crown
  9. at the beginning of the neck from the back.

The main thing is to take into account the points in which massage cannot be applied:

  1. body temperature above 37 degrees,
  2. the required biological point coincides with the mole,
  3. pregnancy,
  4. heart disease,
  5. there are skin irritations.

Acupressure massage is performed by tapping. Bend the thumbs and gently knock with the bones on the wings of the nose, as well as on the bridge of the nose. Perform 30 seconds - first, three not too strong blows on each side alternately, then one blow at a time.

Massage the points only with warm hands, press slowly, constantly, and in a circular motion. A runny nose will go away immediately, but we must not forget that this procedure helps if you simultaneously apply traditional methods of treatment.

In addition, it is desirable to use it as a prophylactic agent when an exacerbation of viral diseases begins.

When coughing

As soon as a cough appears, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Well, acupressure will be a wonderful addition to this.

Before starting a cough massage, you need to find biological points, which are most often located:

  1. in front, at the edge of the chest, at the base of the neck,
  2. on four fingers of the hand, except for the thumb. From the side of the palm, close to the fold, between the first and second phalanges of the fingers.
  3. from the side of the thumb, on the inner fold of the wrist,
  4. on the back of the hand, at the intersection of the lines that continue with the index and thumb.

Massage is done until the skin turns red and mild pain occurs. When strong, the pressure is relaxed and performed softer, but much more often. And preferably daily: once in the morning and twice in the evening, 5 minutes. And at the same time with rotational movements in a clockwise direction.

With bronchitis and pneumonia

Thanks to massage for bronchitis and pneumonia, the patient quickly recovers. You only need to know the healing points that really bring salvation.

They are mainly located:

  1. on the shoulder blades. In a depression under the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra.
  2. on hands. Starting at the center of the ball of the thumb, pull back 3 mm.
  3. on the throat. Where the collarbones meet.
  4. on the foot. Between the second and third toes. And also in the groove in the fold between the foot and lower leg. Press hard: 3 - 5 times, with rotational or reciprocating movements of the fingers or palms without displacement, counterclockwise for a couple of minutes. And do not carry out if the body temperature exceeds 37 degrees.

For pneumonia, acupressure is also used: light touch, stroking and deep pressure with your fingertips. In this case, it is strictly vertical and without displacement. Moreover, every day for 10 minutes. The patient is not required to feel pain or discomfort.

The most famous are the points located on the back of the hand, at the intersection between the index and thumb, in the center of the depression of the jugular cavity, in the lower part of the neck.

Finish the massage, preferably flexing the end phalanges of the thumbs.

The main thing is that all this is prohibited for patients with:

  1. cancerous tumor and hypertension of the third stage.
  2. blood disease
  3. tuberculosis,
  4. acute febrile condition,
  5. stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer.

With asthma

In asthma, acupressure is not just a general tonic, but a wonderful prophylactic agent. Moreover, it wonderfully complements drug treatment.

The purpose of such a massage is to restore breathing, since the airways are too narrow and do not allow air to pass normally into the body, as a result, suffocation begins. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and muscles, improves blood circulation. It is advisable to do it every day.

The technique consists of:

  1. stroking,
  2. kneading,
  3. trituration,
  4. vibration,
  5. pressure,
  6. pushing,
  7. cutting,
  8. thrusting.

The required points are located:

  1. between the spine and shoulder blades, one finger lower from the side of the upper edge of the shoulders,
  2. between the sternum and the collarbone,
  3. on the outside of the chest, three fingers down from the side of the collarbone,
  4. in the palm of your hand, near your thumb,
  5. at the crease of the wrist below the base of the thumb.

To relieve coughing, as well as reduce choking during an attack, it is required to press on the right and left sides of the body, between the shoulder blades, and on the back of the neck on each side and the thoracic vertebrae.

Put the patient on his back, do not use a pillow. It is required to press with your thumb on a point on the front surface, and in other four on three points, on the back of the neck and do all this at the same time.

You need to put a pillow under your head and use your hands to perform circular movements, gently pressing on the chest several times, then press vertically down to facilitate exhalation and then press on the stomach.

With shortness of breath

As a rule, shortness of breath is a violation of human breathing when it is impossible to breathe. Then a special acupressure comes to the rescue, you just need to know which points you need to use.

This point, located under the thyroid gland in the clavicle, is good for shortness of breath. It takes one to two minutes to press on it. The massage is performed in your free time, but preferably daily.

In the center of the crown, where the midline of the head and the line connecting the tips of the ears intersect, there is a point with which it is easy to get rid of this disease.

It is also worth pressing the tip of the little finger at the outer edge of the nail, until it hurts, holding it with your thumb and forefinger. At the same time, quickly and intermittently pressing every day in the morning, lying in bed or when an attack occurs.

When quitting smoking

When, when quitting smoking, sometimes you still want to take a cigarette, then you should use the help of three points, thanks to which you can easily get rid of tobacco addiction. In addition, such a massage can be easily done on your own, without resorting to financial expenses or someone else's help. Do it only three times during the day, 5 minutes.

  1. Under the thyroid gland, where the clavicle joins, there is a point that must be acted upon briefly, but intensely at least 15 times. Perfectly helps with shortness of breath, smoking cessation.
  2. There is also a point located in the deepest part of the auricle, which helps to relieve addiction to a cigarette and to find it, you need to feel the external auditory opening with your index finger, then move it 1 cm towards the back of the head and start pressing. As a result, there is an aversion to tobacco smoke.
  3. A point located behind the line of the wrist joint, on the extension of the axis of the little finger, also helps with tobacco addiction. At first, a light touch, and then a gradual increase in intensity.

Atlas of points on the human body for the treatment of the genitourinary system

Sometimes a person is worried about the genitourinary system and in order to cure everything, it is required to use biological points on the body, thanks to which you can easily cope with this disease.

Typically, they are found on the face, back, chest, abdomen and legs, which must be pressed gently.

  1. In the middle of the labial groove, there is a point that helps in the treatment of the genitourinary system. It also relieves headaches, muscle tension in the back of the neck, pain in the lower jaw.
  2. Under the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra there is a point used in the treatment of urinary incontinence, as well as other diseases of the genitourinary system. It also relieves diarrhea, headache, chills and fever.
  3. At the level of the navel, 0.5 cm away from the midline of the abdomen, there is a point that helps in the treatment of abdominal pain, as well as relieves bloating, vomiting and constipation.
  4. If you bend the knee, then in the middle of the bend there is a point, massaging which, you can cure urinary incontinence, difficulty urinating. As well as abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea.

With cystitis

Cystitis is considered an inflammation of the bladder. And if you apply complex treatment and acupressure at the same time, you can quickly cure not only an acute, but also a chronic disease. You only need to find a point located in the middle of the plexus between the big and second toes. And press on it with your thumb for 2 minutes. At the same time, breathe correctly and repeat up to four times in one session.

Even during treatment, two additional points help to which you need to press for 2 minutes, and are located:

  1. Above the inner bone of the ankle, at a distance of four fingers' width.
  2. On the bent knee, at the bend of the bone. The palm must move along the outside of the knee towards the foot.

With prostatitis

Moreover, during acute prostatitis, this point must be massaged clockwise, 2 minutes, three times a day. During chronic - it is also required to massage clockwise, 20 seconds, once every day.

The course of treatment is two weeks. Effective in combination with remedial gymnastics.

There is another point on the skin fold between the middle and ring fingers, which needs to be stimulated for 10 minutes, gradually increasing the pressure. You need to massage clockwise three times a day.

With urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a violation of the bladder constrictor response. And it happens if you drink a lot of fluids or freeze in a dream.

In this case, appropriate treatment is required:

  1. There are five points on the lumbar region on both sides, which you need to press, and then press on three points located in the sacral region.
  2. On the lower abdomen, and on the area above the bladder, you should also gently press with your palms.
  3. It is also worth pressing on both sides of the back of the neck, on the tubercle of the occipital bone, downward.

With congestion in the liver and gallbladder

Thanks to the liver, the human body functions. Therefore, gently massage to improve blood circulation and reduce pain. To complete the full course, you need to complete no more than 20 sessions.

You should start with a circular stroking, around the navel, while lightly touching the fingers of your right hand. It should be done easily, the hand should not touch the abdomen. This relaxes the abdominal muscles.

Then you need to grab the stomach with your hand for an easy warm-up. Then press on the abdominal wall with four fingers of the palm, trying to avoid sudden movements. And at the end, do the soft tissues of the abdomen, the kneading technique.

Location and massage of biological points with hearing loss

Massage of biological points quickly restores hearing, improves blood circulation, increases hearing acuity, eliminating tinnitus. It is best done on a daily basis, increasing or decreasing the intensity. It is required to rub your palms together to make them warm and soft. Then sit on a chair so that your back becomes straight.

Use only three fingers: thumb, forefinger and middle. Massage gently and gently until mild pain occurs. If done correctly, then after the massage the patient must feel calm and easy.

Allocate a couple of points that only benefit a person. The main thing is to prepare internally, calm down and tune in to a positive outcome before starting the massage.

They mainly work with points located:

  • between the eyebrows,
  • in the temporal region,
  • in the area of ​​the wings of the nose,
  • in the center of the chin fossa,
  • behind the ear.

Atlas of points on the human body for the treatment of the heart and blood vessels

A stressful life often leads to palpitations, discomfort and heartache. Therefore, it is required to use acupressure. The emerging symptoms can be easily eliminated by the influence of biological points on the head, chest, back and hands of a person.

  1. In the center of the crown there is a point that relieves dizziness and tinnitus. It also helps with shortness of breath, palpitations and arterial hypertension. In addition, it is often used for diarrhea, vomiting, urinary incontinence.
  2. On the chest, on the sides of the nipples, there are special points that are also used for hypertension.
  3. In the middle of the wrist fold of the hand, you can find a point that can easily relieve pain in the heart, palpitations, and solve the problem of insomnia. Additionally, it treats colds and infectious diseases.
  4. There is a point at the front edge of the calcaneal tendon that is often used when the heart is pounding. In addition, it helps with diseases of the digestive system, sore throat and nosebleeds, edema of the lower extremities, pain in the spine, lower back and legs.
  5. However, a point located on the chest between the pectoral and deltoid muscles, which quickly heals chest pain, is considered effective.

With arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is divided into:

  • tachycardia, when the heart rate accelerates painfully;
  • bradycardia, when the heart rate slows down.

And often does not pose a threat to human life, however, health suffers. And acupressure helps to improve this condition. For this, a special point is used, available on both hands. It is required to sit on a chair, keep your back straight. Put your left hand on the lower abdomen, palm up.

After that, press the point on the left hand with the thumb of the right hand, and best of all, straight down, for 4 minutes. Then, without lifting the massaging finger from the point, horizontally towards the vessels, massage several times to the elbow bend.

Massage with tachycardia begins lightly and gently, gradually increasing the pressure.

With bradycardia, you need to immediately press hard. Applying vibration and kneading at the same time. Then repeat a similar massage on your right hand. A point will help to save yourself from arrhythmia, which can be found if you count from the ankle up 6 cm, above the bone.

Press with small vibration movements for 30 seconds, 2 times a day. Among other things, as a preventive measure, this place is warmed up.

With cardeneurosis, heart palpitations, yeast in the hands

With cardeneurosis, heart palpitations, yeast in the hands, it is required to work with biological points located on the hands:

  1. If the elbow is bent at a right angle, then you can easily find the point used for trembling in the hands, heart pains and normalizing pressure.
  2. In the middle, on the skin fold of the wrist farthest from the hand, on the inner side of the hand, there is a point that helps with palpitations. And also saves from insomnia, headaches and weak immunity.
  3. There is a point above the bend of the wrist to help calm the outer lining of the heart. And also save from depression and insomnia.

With hypertension

Hypertension leads to undesirable consequences, which means that high blood pressure must be taken as seriously as possible. In this case, acupressure will help, which is considered a wonderful helper in this disease. At the same time, it quickly prevents arterial hypertension, climatic neuroses and dizziness, and also helps to get rid of tinnitus and palpitations.

The diagram shows the location of biological active points on the human body.

You need to sit down and relax. Using your index fingers, gently massage the biological points on your chest a couple of times a day for a month. Then take a break for 7 days and start treatment again.

It is also worth constantly working with points located behind the ear:

  1. In the center of the crown.
  2. Under the lower jaw in the place where the carotid artery pulsates.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia

During vegetative-vascular distortion, a spasmodic painful muscle contraction occurs, and in addition there is a deviation from the normal position of the body, causing pain and inconvenience. Moreover, it is impossible to relax in any way.

In a normal state, vasoconstriction is a correct physiological response to external changes. But due to this disease, an unmotivated vasoconstriction occurs, causing unpredictable changes in blood pressure with painful symptoms: headache, lethargy and nausea.

To overcome dystonia, you need to press on the point, easily finding it on your feet. You just need to grab the foot and press on the point with your thumb, using some effort. Perform 2 times during the day.

With hypotension (low blood pressure)

Hypotension is a disease when the pressure is below normal and is accompanied by dysfunction of the heart or cerebral circulation. Therefore, in order to normalize the pressure, you need to intensively press on the right points on the human body, which are responsible for the human organs.

To do this, with your thumbnail, little by little, but intermittently press the end of the little finger along the edges of the nail, which is clamped by the thumb and forefinger. It is advisable to do this in the morning in bed or when a feeling of lethargy arises. The point under the thyroid gland, where the collarbones join, also helps. The impact must be short in time, but preferably strong.

Video about biological active points on the human body and what they are responsible for

Massage on biologically active points on the face according to the Norbekov system:

Detailed description of reflexology:

A person has certain points on the body, by pressing on which, you can: relieve a headache, get rid of anxiety, or even cure insomnia. If you are the same person who prefers not to take a lot of medications, then this information is especially for you. A science called Reflexology suggests replacing the use of drugs in other, more interesting ways. Scientists in this field believe that a person has certain places on the body, by pressing on which, you can: relieve a headache, get rid of anxiety, or even cure insomnia.

Can you imagine? And this is not magic. And this is such an unusual science. And, as they say, there is only one way to check its veracity - to check how these same points work.

Well? Ready for a little experiment? Then let's go.

Against nasal congestion

We are sure each of you is familiar with such an unpleasant thing as a runny nose. However, usually, he comes - at the most inopportune moment. And it is capable of poisoning our lives quite strongly. If you think that there is nothing wrong with that. We hasten to dissuade you. Doctors believe that nasal congestion reduces quality of life more than unpleasant diseases such as lung disease and even heart disease.

It may seem incredible, but you can fight a runny nose with the help of self-massage. To do this, it is necessary to act on the points located in the grooves above the wings of the nose. Just massage two symmetrical points at the same time for 2-3 minutes. And you will notice how the unpleasant mucus in your nose begins to dissolve.

Relieve stress

If some of you do not know, then we are simply obliged to convey to you the following information. Severe stress causes not only moral depression, but also worsens a person's physical health. Namely, it contributes to the appearance of: insomnia, headaches, indigestion, a constant feeling of fatigue, colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

And you got it right now. You need to fight with him! And now we will show you a method that any person can master.

Feel for small indentations on the back of the head, they are located symmetrically, directly under the occipital bone, on the hairline, at the junction of the head and neck. But you can massage these points on the body one by one, not only at the same time. This is best done with the pads of the middle fingers, in a circular motion, clockwise.

To relieve anxiety, usually 5 minutes of such self-massage is enough. You will be surprised, but after such actions, you will really feel better. Try it!


What could be worse than a condition such as a headache or migraine? However, when this happens, it is simply impossible to think of anything else. Agree, you can cope with headaches without pills and special ointments. But, as you already guessed, this ailment also quickly disappears thanks to massage, some points.

One of them is located directly above the bridge of the nose. To find it, mentally draw a line connecting your eyebrows. The wonder point is right in its center. You can also relieve eye strain by applying pressure.

And also effective massage of two symmetrical points located above the outer tips of the eyebrows. On the body, these points are located on the hairline. If massaging these places does not completely remove the unpleasant sensations, then, for sure, it will reduce them significantly.

How to cheer yourself up?

Think about yourself in times of heavy workload at school or work. Surely, at this moment your best friends are lack of sleep and fatigue. Is that so? These two states do not allow you to cope with everyday tasks, at all - 100%. What is really there! You are barely on your feet.

If you have absolutely no time, lie down and rest during the day. Try to work on a point located in the notch above the upper lip. This is the so-called “vigor point”.

Another place, similar in function, is located right in the center of the palm. Massage it on both palms in turn, and instead of lethargy and drowsiness, you will feel how energy fills your body.

Well, in order to finally wake up, massage your earlobes with your thumbs and forefingers.

Toning massage of each point should be carried out, rather, with intense pressure for 30-60 seconds on each allocated place on the body. And that's it! Cheerfulness is guaranteed to you!

Toothache relief

Of course, acupressure will not heal bad teeth. But, if it is not possible to go to the dentist right now, self-massage may well help to survive even seemingly unbearable sensations.

The first point can be found between the thumb and forefinger. About a couple of centimeters from the edge of the membrane. You will recognize it by a small depression.

Another effective point for relieving toothache is located at the junction of the upper and lower jaws. With closed teeth, the muscles at this point will protrude slightly. With relaxed jaws, a depression is formed at this point. Symmetrical areas should be massaged - at the same time. Usually 2-3 minutes is enough to relieve pain.

But, if this does not help better, immediately run to the doctor.

So that your back does not hurt

It seems to us that most of our readers are pretty young people. However, it would seem, even at a young age, sometimes there is a feeling that you are an “old grandfather”. Well, the same thing when you sit for a long time, then stand up abruptly, and your back begins to ache.

Sound familiar? This pain is one of the common reasons for seeking medical attention. It can be associated with: vertebral discs, nerve endings, muscles and other important parts of the body. When you go to the hospital, of course, you can be offered a bunch of different treatments. Starting from stretching and ending with an operation.

Well, wait, maybe first we will try to overcome the back pain ourselves. Don't worry! It really works. Even studies have shown that for some people, acupressure is more effective than the "doctor's trick".

So let's get started

Place your left thumb on the web between your right thumb and forefinger.

The desired point is located just below the junction of the bones of the thumb and forefinger. Press on this point, above with your left thumb and below with your left index finger. Lower the rest of the fingers of your left hand. When you first press on a specific point, you will probably feel a slight pain or burning sensation. But, don't worry: this means that you are pressing in the right place and the pain will soon pass. You will see.

Getting rid of nausea

An unpleasant feeling when: breakfast, lunch or dinner, asking to go outside, can arise for a variety of reasons. Whether it's motion sickness on the road or just a spoiled product. Whatever it was. You would like to get rid of it anyway. We, of course, are not doctors, but we can help by telling you about all the same “magic points on the body”.

To get nausea to leave you alone, you need to find a special place. Step 3 fingers width down from the transverse crease on the wrist and press your thumb between the two large tendons.

Found it? Here it is, the point of the solution to your problem. Press firmly on both sides of your wrist with your thumb and forefinger or middle finger. Then, gently but firmly massage it in circular motions for a few minutes. You can feel relieved - right away. But sometimes it takes up to 5 minutes.

There is another effective, but less effective, way to suppress nausea. You need to pat one wrist on the other, while breathing deeply. Continue for a few minutes until you feel the nausea has stopped.

Some may think that patting or rubbing their wrists together is easier than finding and massaging the cherished point. But, as we have already said, in some cases this technique does not work. And in the end, nevertheless, you will have to "poke your fingers" a little.

Deep sleep

Many people suffering from insomnia are interested in: "Does a person have such a point that serves as a" switch of the body "?" I wanted and - fell asleep at one moment. No torment and endless counting of sheep, with closed eyes.

In fact, each person has as many as several of these "switches". By pressing on special points on the body, you can relax as much as possible, which will make it possible to get rid of the signs of insomnia.

The first point is a place located at a distance of 1 centimeter from the outer corner of the eye. You should massage it with your index and middle fingers, and you will not notice how reality mixes with sleep.

The second useful point in falling asleep is the area between the eyebrows. To activate it, you need to click on it several times with your index finger.

Well, if you want sleep to come almost instantly, you need to press on the points above the eyeballs with two fists. After that, lower your eyelids and try to see your own legs with your inner gaze.

General condition of the body

If you suddenly became interested - is there such a point that can tone your entire body? We assure you it exists!

And there is this - "miracle place", just above the eyebrows, in the middle of the forehead. It is also called the "third eye". Well, and if you thought that she possesses some kind of magical power. It's not like that at all! Massaging the skin of the forehead with small pressure, in this place, blood circulation in the body is significantly improved, muscle tension is reduced, and the work of the brain is perfectly stimulated.

Pressing on this point also allows you to - improve concentration, relieve headaches and help with eye fatigue. They also say that regular massage of this point will allow you to develop a sense of intuition. To be honest, we haven't tried it ourselves. But, if suddenly you succeed, then you, boldly, can be considered a powerful psychic.

Heart palpitations

Each of you may face an unpleasant situation when, out of breath, you cannot regain your breath and your heart is about to "jump out of your chest" or, on the contrary, stop. In addition, this state can be experienced after a hurried journey to school or an important meeting.

And it seems that after this time a lot of time has passed, but your heart still beats like crazy. Stop! Just do not rush now to run after sedatives, dispersing an already restless organ. For this case, we also found a point that will help you come to your senses.

The place responsible for the work of the heart is in the palm of your hand, under the thumb. If you bend your fingers, your index finger will dig right into it.

With an increased heart rate, massage this point in a circular motion, counterclockwise. In slow motion - clockwise. But, in general, that's all. Your heart is calm, and your body is glad that this time there were no pills.


We have listed just a few of the points in our body, the impact on which can help you in some situations. However, do not forget that depending on the intensity and speed of pressing, to a certain point, you can not only heal yourself or your friend, but also harm.

Let's remember the deadly Chinese martial art - "Dim Mag". It is a technique of influencing the very pain points on the human body. Some scientists who are studying this technique claim that its effect is comparable - "with a severe heart attack."

In other words, pressing on some places creates both positive and negative effects on human health. A blow struck at a certain point can lead, even - to death.

The art of "Dim Mag" is mentioned in many films. However, the most famous episode from the movie "Kill Bill 2". When Beatrix Kiddo kills Bill with a 5-finger kick. Fortunately, the heart is one of the body's protected organs. It is protected by: lungs, diaphragm and the entire chest.

All this puts Beatrix Kiddo's punch in a series of numerous techniques that are practically impossible to perform in real life. But, be that as it may, press on your body - be careful.

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