Discharge with a pungent odor during. After giving birth, an unpleasant smell of discharge appeared - how to live with it and how to be treated? Causes of unpleasant odor in discharge after childbirth

The woman has long been accustomed to critical days and to all kinds of their manifestations. Therefore, when faced with an atypical situation, anxious feelings arise. One cause for concern is discharge after menstruation with an unpleasant odor. A certain smell may be present, but it certainly does not have to be unpleasant. For some, such a problem is a reason for panic, while others prefer to wait it out, in the hope that everything will pass by itself. Which of them is right and when should you start worrying about your health? Let's figure it out in detail.

To talk about possible deviations or even pathology, you need to understand what is the norm. Someone, after all, the smell with sourness can be unpleasant, but for someone only the stench, as from rotten meat, is a reason to think about it. Not every smell after your period should be alarming.

Discharge from the intimate area is the norm, regardless of the day of the menstrual cycle. But the volume of these same secretions has a direct relationship with the cycle period. If a woman is not sick with anything and no changes occur to the body, then the discharge should not have a pronounced odor. A light "aroma" can be smelled only if you sniff the secretory fluid itself, but it is not strong enough to be felt from afar. However, this rule does not work in the case of menstruation.

If after monthly discharge with a smell, then this still does not mean anything, because during this period they can smell differently. It is much more important what exactly they smell. A certain mild smell from the intimate area is also considered the norm, regardless of the day of the cycle. He is more expressive and strong during his period, but he is by no means nasty.

Possible causes of bad odor

The most common causes of abnormal odor after your period are over are worth considering.

  1. Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene. Often, due to scanty periods, girls rarely change tampons with pads, and also do not wash often enough. As a result, an unpleasant odor appears from the intimate area (vagina) after menstruation.
  2. Towards the end of menstruation, less blood is produced and may partially stagnate. If it lingers between the folds of the vagina, then fertile soil is formed, where bacteria and bad odors develop.
  3. Pathogenic microflora develops very well in the secretory fluids that leave the vagina. This is especially true with stagnation of menstruation due to pathology or improper use of tampons (menstrual cup). The smell is not immediately felt, because it takes time to become stronger. At this point, menstruation will just end.
  4. Hormonal readjustment of the female body has a bad effect on local immunity. It becomes weakened, which leads to a deterioration in the protective properties of the mucous membranes. If the immune system is weakened by additional factors, then pathogenic microorganisms will develop more actively, which will disrupt the vaginal flora.
  5. Various diseases (there are a huge number of them) can also negatively affect what will smell from an intimate place. Only a gynecologist can determine a specific pathology.

These are the most common causes of an unpleasant smell after your period.

Hygiene problems

Even if a "smell" has appeared, this is not a reason for panic. Perhaps the problem lies in the field of hygiene, and pathology has nothing to do with it.

Intimate hygiene during critical days is an important point, to which many do not take responsibility enough. Due to non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene, an unpleasant odor often appears.

If it's all about hygiene, then a few days after the start of compliance with all norms, the problem should disappear. It is only required to regularly perform washing, using special means for this.

Sometimes girls take more absorbent pads than they really need. As a result, blood accumulates and bacteria begin to multiply.

Choosing the right padded tampons and washing yourself regularly can make smelly discharge after your period a thing of the past. Of course, all this will happen if the problem is purely hygienic.

Problems with the microflora of the vagina

In a normal situation, this microflora protects the genitals and helps them cleanse. For example, special lactobacilli produce lactic acid, which protects the cervical canal of the uterus from the penetration of bad microbes into it.

By the way, this is one of the main reasons for the appearance of a fermented milk smell from the intimate area, which is quite normal.

Due to problems with microflora, the penetration and development of infectious diseases such as candidiasis (thrush) is possible. In a similar situation, an unpleasant smell in an intimate place after menstruation will only become stronger.

There are many sexually transmitted diseases that can cause bad odor from the intimate area. True, it occurs not only after menstruation. Most often, this problem is caused by:

  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis.

These pathologies may well proceed without visible symptoms, except that a strange aroma arises. If bacterial problems are still connected, then after menstruation an unpleasant smell of rotten fish (rotten meat) appears. When it stinks rotten, then this is already a serious problem that cannot be dealt with without a gynecologist.

It does not always smell like something pronounced in infectious diseases. Therefore, you need to pay attention to possible additional symptoms:

  • general weakness and nausea;
  • discharge turns yellow;
  • itching and burning are felt in the genitals.

Pathological problems

Separately, I would like to dwell on the possible pathologies due to which bad-smelling discharge may appear.

It is the pathological processes that cause the greatest concern when a woman thinks about why an unpleasant odor appeared after menstruation. Let's consider the most common pathologies.

  1. Bacterial vaginosis. It occurs due to a change in the ratio of bacteria that are contained in the intimate area of ​​a woman. Concomitant factors are hormonal disruption and weakening of the immune system. Douching too often can also cause bacterial vaginosis. Quite often, due to this disease, you can smell a rotten smell from the intimate area after menstruation. There may also be a burning sensation in the intimate area and the color of the discharge may change.
  2. Candidiasis. Thrush appears due to the Candida fungus. The smell in this case will be sour. Hormonal imbalance is the factor that can provoke the development of this problem. Also, antibacterial agents and drugs can contribute to the appearance of this ailment. White bloom, cheesy discharge, itching and burning are the most common symptoms of thrush.
  3. Colpitis is usually caused by various fungi. The inflammation only gets worse during menstruation due to the blood in the discharge. Typical symptoms are vaginal itching and swelling, as well as discoloration of the discharge.

There are other diseases, but they are less common. The problem also lies in the fact that various pathologies have many similar symptoms, which prevents them from being diagnosed on their own. Only a qualified doctor can help in such a situation. The more pronounced the smell from the vagina after menstruation, and the more additional alarming symptoms, the faster you need to seek help.

What a specific smell says

If we talk about bad-smelling discharge after menstruation, then this is somehow abstract. Under various circumstances, their own aromas arise, thanks to which one can try to guess which of the pathologies is taking place. Consider the most common odors from the intimate area after critical days:

  • if it smells like fish, then most often it is bacterial vaginosis;
  • It smells like rot in infectious diseases and inflammation of the vagina. Usually accompanied by off-white mucus;
  • the aroma of acetone can speak volumes. Diabetes mellitus, other problems of the endocrine system, genitourinary diseases, metabolic disorders and much more provoke the appearance of the smell of acetone;
  • a sour smell is a sign of thrush. In this situation, discharge after menstruation with an unpleasant odor is accompanied by a white bloom;
  • if it smells like yeast, then this is also a sign of the development of thrush;
  • the smell of iron appears when the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​disrupted;
  • vinegar aromas indicate problems with the genitourinary system or hormonal imbalance;
  • the smell of sweat indicates problems with intimate hygiene;
  • it smells of ammonia when there is an imbalance in the microflora of the intimate zone and infectious diseases.

How and with what to be treated

Realizing that the smell after menstruation is not what it should be, a woman needs to think about its causes. The main ones were listed above. If by the nature of the discharge and additional symptoms it becomes clear that this is a pathology, then nothing can be done here on our own. Only a gynecologist can determine how to treat odorous discharge after menstruation, if they are caused by pathological processes.

Only knowing the symptoms and having the results of the appropriate tests on hand, it will be possible to say with confidence which pathology causes an unpleasant odor. The smell itself is not a problem, it is only a consequence, so you need to eliminate the root cause.

Regardless of the disease, the treatment plan will be approximately the same, but using different drugs. We are talking about complex measures that include antibacterial drugs. Most often, vaginal suppositories are used (each pathology has its own). Here you already need to rely on the expertise of the gynecologist and follow all his recommendations.

Preventive measures

There are a number of things you can do to reduce the risk of bad scents. The same measures can be used at the initial stage of the problem, when after menstruation the discharge smells bad, but the aroma is still faintly noticeable.

You need to do the following:

  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene with regular showering during menstruation and the use of an intimate gel;
  • do not wear tight-fitting clothing;
  • be examined regularly by a gynecologist (every 6 months);
  • change your underwear regularly (twice a day);
  • use barrier contraception during intercourse;
  • do not use douching;
  • choose the right hygienic tampons with pads, and change them regularly.

These simple rules will greatly reduce the likelihood of potential problems in the future.

Postpartum discharge is a kind of indicator of women's health. Therefore, if you begin to notice that the discharge has changed color to a more intense one, has become more abundant, has acquired an unpleasant odor after childbirth, you need to see a doctor in the near future so that he either dispels your doubts or prescribes appropriate treatment to eliminate the cause that caused these changes.

All nine months preceding the birth of the child, the woman is spared the so-called "critical days", but the postpartum period is characterized by abundant and prolonged discharge, which is called lochia.

The postpartum period lasts approximately two months after delivery. All this time, the inner walls of the uterus are restored and cleansed, which is accompanied by bloody discharge. This is a completely natural physiological process, which in itself does not pose any danger to a woman's health. However, if something interferes with the outflow of lochia (for example, lethargy of the uterus - when its smooth muscles are weak and not contracting enough), the discharge acquires an unpleasant odor - this may signal complications in the form of an attached uterine infection or serve as an impetus for inflammatory processes.

The restoration of the uterus and its return to its original size occurs the sooner, the more often the child is applied to the breast. On-demand feeding stimulates the production of oxytocin in the woman's body, causing the smooth muscle of the uterus to contract and clear it quickly. Therefore, the reproductive system as a whole in a woman who is breastfeeding recovers more quickly than in a woman who is not breastfeeding.

Another prerequisite for the rapid recovery of a woman's reproductive system is a stable bowel movement, it is necessary to diversify your diet with foods containing fiber in order to ensure daily bowel movements.

Frequent lying on your stomach causes the discharge of postpartum discharge to flow unhindered, so often roll over onto your stomach.

Allocations can change their color. If at first they were a bright bloody color, then later their color may change closer to brown. If they don't have an unpleasant odor, don't be nervous about it.

Prevention of diseases of the genital area in the postpartum period will be regular hygiene procedures. Each visit to the toilet should end with washing with warm water and soap (preferably for children) of the crotch area. If the stitches obtained during childbirth are still healing, after hygiene procedures, you should carefully and carefully dry this area by blotting it with a soft cloth.

All the time, while there is postpartum discharge, you should first use special postpartum, and then ordinary sanitary pads. Tampons should be set aside until regular periods occur, as they prevent the lochia from separating, which can trigger an infection. Throughout the postpartum period, a woman should monitor the nature of the discharge, changing the pads regularly every two hours.

An unpleasant smell can serve as a signal that an infection has entered the body and an inflammatory disease is developing. This symptom, along with fever, weakness and pain, should be the reason for immediate medical attention to determine the cause of the poor health and subsequent treatment.

During pregnancy, a woman is under the vigilant supervision of a doctor, the slightest changes in the state of health of the expectant mother and fetus are recorded, a course of procedures and adequate treatment are prescribed. After the birth of a child, a woman gives all her strength and time to the baby, forgetting about her ailments. And yet you should not forget about yourself, since the baby needs a healthy mother, and the spouse needs a wife. Therefore, you do not need to delay a visit to the doctor if you notice any abnormalities in your body.

A discharge with an unpleasant odor indicates the presence of an inflammatory process or infection in the vagina. The female body is designed so that a certain amount of liquid secretion is always released from the vagina. It is usually mild.

Normal vaginal discharge

Normally, no more than 5 ml of a slightly thickened mucous secretion of a transparent or slightly yellowish color is released from the vagina per day. Its smell is neutral, sometimes slightly sour, since an acidic environment is kept in a healthy vagina.

The reason for persistent discharge is the natural physiological process of cleansing the vagina. The composition of the secretions includes the secretion of the glands of the cervix, dead epithelial cells from the female reproductive organs, bacteria living in them.

The lactic acid sticks living in the vagina are responsible for disinfection in the vagina. They not only help cleanse the environment, but also maintain the balance of beneficial and opportunistic microflora.

In addition, thick mucus is periodically released from the cervix, which indicates that ovulation has occurred. Mucous discharge flows from this organ during intercourse.

Vaginal discharge with odor occurs before sex. The reason for them is the production of a special fat-like secretion by the genital glands in the clitoris, which begins at the moments of a woman's sexual arousal. The characteristic smell, sometimes quite pungent, which appears at these moments, is natural and plays a seductive role for the sexual partner.

This smell becomes extremely unpleasant when a woman does not adhere to the daily rules of personal hygiene, does not wash off with soap.

Speaking of natural vaginal discharge, one cannot help but think about menstruation. Within 5-7 days, bloody discharge comes out, sometimes with mucus and a characteristic bloody odor. If a woman does not adhere to the toilet twice a day, rarely changes her pads, an unpleasant odor appears in an intimate place, which gives off rot.

Causes of unpleasant vaginal odor

An unpleasant odor of discharge in women can also be due to:

  • inflammatory processes in the vagina;
  • developing oncology;
  • reproduction of pathogenic microflora;
  • genital infections.

Yellow vaginal discharge with a smell occurs with the intensive development of the inflammatory process (endotherm, andexitis) in the female organs. The reasons for their unsuccessful abortion, difficult childbirth. Weakened organs attack staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli.

Sometimes foul-smelling discharge is brown or brown. This indicates that erosion of the walls of the vagina, the cervix or the uterus itself has begun.

So, an unpleasant odor from the vagina often occurs due to the development of vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis). The reasons may be different: hormonal imbalance, uncontrolled intake of antibacterial drugs. As a result, the balance is disturbed, conditionally pathogenic microflora is actively developing.

The causative agent of vaginal dysbiosis is an overly active reproduction of the bacteria gardnerella. The result is a watery, grayish discharge. The foul odor of the discharge is strongly given off by rotten fish.

Usually, vaginal dysbiosis, in addition to unpleasant symptoms, does not cause much harm. But with a weakening of the immune system (after the flu, endured severe stress), inflammation of the walls of the vagina begins in the vagina. Vaginosis becomes vaginitis.

An unpleasant smell of discharge in women begins with an open form of gonorrhea, syphilis. The discharge itself is bright yellow or greenish in color; they look like stringy mucus. But these symptoms may not be present. Especially often the latent form occurs in the first months after infection.

Trichomoniasis is often a companion of such infections. Then the discharge is more liquid, with a grayish bloom. The causative agent of the infection is Trichomonas, a pathogenic bacterium.

"Bouquet" can complement chlamydia, also a genital infection, the development of which is provoked by the multiplication of chlamydia. Then the smell from the vagina becomes downright fetid.

In the presence of one or a combination of several such diseases, the external genital organs itch strongly; when urinating, there is a strong burning sensation in the vaginal canal. The more time passes from the moment of infection, the stronger the irritation of the vaginal walls. Severe inflammation and erosion gradually begin to develop.

Whitish viscous mucous membranes with curdled blotches of vaginal discharge, with a smell similar to sour cottage cheese, are found in women with candidiasis (thrush). The causes of the disease: prolonged use of antibiotics, inadequate intimate hygiene, weakened immunity.

As a result, Candida fungi, which are always contained in some quantity in the vaginal microflora, begin to multiply actively. With an increase in their number, first irritation begins, and then inflammation develops.

The danger of thrush is that it gradually spreads to other female organs. Also, in an advanced stage, Candida fungi germinate into organs that are not associated with the genitourinary system.

Can't be started - heal

If there is an odorless vaginal discharge, you should go to an appointment with a gynecologist. Based on the results of an external examination and analysis of a vaginal smear, the correct diagnosis is usually made.

The prescribed treatment must be completed. Inflammatory processes and genital infections, which some women try to get rid of on their own, do not disappear anywhere. They often become chronic.

They still have to be professionally treated in the future. But untimely intervention leads to irreparable consequences - infertility.

In cases of infection with sexually transmitted infections, in some cases, hospitalization is required. In addition to drugs that kill pathogenic bacteria, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial agents are prescribed.

In cases of vaginal dysbiosis, treatment is complex. It is aimed at suppressing opportunistic flora, stabilizing and creating a normal balance of microflora in the vagina.

In addition to the main drugs, drugs are prescribed, which include bifidobacteria.

In inflammatory noncommunicable diseases, treatment is based on restorative therapy. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial medicines are prescribed. In some cases, you should drink a course of antibiotics.

To restore the body's strength, immunomodulators and multivitamins are prescribed.

The correct treatment regimen brings good results.

In a month and a half, you can completely recover, the unpleasant odor from the female organs disappears.

The discharge itself acquires a normal consistency and color.

Herbs come to the rescue

An unpleasant smell of discharge in women, with the consent of the attending gynecologist, can be additionally treated using medicinal herbs and other folk remedies.

Many of them have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal, cleansing properties.

Healing willow bark

In many diseases of the genital organs, the bark and thin young twigs of the willow help. Traditional healers believe that this tree with a beautiful flowing crown is a female plant.

It is useful to drink a decoction and do sitz baths, douching from willow bark.

A decoction for oral administration is prepared as follows. A tablespoon of dry or fresh crushed bark of a plant is poured into a glass of boiling water.

A decoction for douching, a bath is prepared like this. 2 tbsp. Spoons of bark pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Then boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Strain.

Birch leaves and buds

Birch leaves and buds have healing properties for women's health. Decoctions of these parts of the tree are taken orally, the vapor of the leaves is used as sitz baths.

The decoction of the leaves is prepared like this. 6 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped fresh leaf, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Insist until the drug cools down. Take half a glass warm 4 times a day.

The decoction of the kidneys is prepared like this. Brew a teaspoon of fresh buds with half a glass of boiling water. Insist until it cools down. Take 2 tbsp. spoons three times a day.

You can use a fresh birch broom or a fresh leaf to prepare a steam for the sitz bath. The broom should be placed on the bottom of the basin and covered with boiling water. When the steam has cooled to such a temperature that you can sit in it, remove the broom.

If fresh birch leaves are taken, then they should completely cover the bottom of a small basin. Steam them with boiling water. When the water gets a little hot, you can sit in the tub. Discard the used leaves after the procedure.

Marigold flowers

Calendula flowers have anti-inflammatory properties. They can be taken orally in the form of infusions, and also used for douching infusions, as medicinal tampons in the vagina.

For oral administration, such an infusion is prepared. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of dried or fresh crushed flowers; brew them with a glass of boiling water. Insist half an hour, drain. Take 3 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.

For douching, the infusion is prepared as follows. 2.5-3 tbsp. spoons of chopped calendula flowers, steam 250 ml of boiling water. Insist until the medicine cools down. Strain, use warm (but not hot!).

Some herbalists advise treating female diseases of a bacterial nature with the help of calendula flowers. The medicine for this purpose is prepared as follows.

Take equal parts of meadowsweet and calendula flowers (1 tbsp each); pour a glass of boiling water. Insist a little. Then cook the infusion in a water bath over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Use warm for douching.

Oak bark and garlic

Oak bark is used only as a douching. To prepare the broth, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed raw materials; pour a glass of cold water. Then boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Allow another half hour to stand. Use warm.

Some herbalists advise making an ointment that has a good anti-inflammatory effect. To do this, collect pimples from oak leaves.

We note right away that vaginal discharge can be both odorless and odorless. Their color can range from bloody red to yellowish. Discharge with an unpleasant odor. The foul odor of vaginal discharge is the odor that annoys any normal clean woman. Trying to mask sour discharge with intimate deodorants can only make the problem worse.


A healthy woman should have genital discharge. Genital discharge should be moderate and slimy. Genital secretions should not have an unpleasant odor. In the second phase of the cycle (approximately 2 weeks before menstruation), the discharge should increase and the woman may experience, outside the state of sexual arousal, a feeling of slight moisture in the external genital area.

Normal discharge does not have an unpleasant odor, does not cause discomfort, does not cause itching, burning or irritation of the genitals. It is usually a natural scent that is not a result of neglect of personal hygiene and is not the least important factor in awakening a healthy sensibility. Vaginal discharge is composed of exfoliated cells of the vaginal skin and mucus that permeates its walls. The natural secretions of a healthy vagina have the consistency of milk and the smell of curdled milk.

Causes of unpleasant vaginal odor

Normally, a slight specific vaginal odor is inherent in the female genital organs, but if hygiene is observed, it is completely invisible. Its change occurs with inflammation of the vagina, which is often a consequence of infection. The mechanism is simple: in the course of their life, pathogens decompose nutrient components and emit gases with a very bad smell.

There are two main pathological odors

1. Sour discharge. With dysbiosis or thrush, the acidity of the microflora changes. The sourish unpleasant odor of discharge in women is precisely indicative of this problem. In addition to the indicated symptom, abundant discharge in the form of flakes, similar to curdled milk, is also disturbing. The vaginal mucosa is irritated and inflamed, and a burning sensation is felt inside it and in the labia. For treatment to be successful, smear microscopy and microflora analysis are required.

2. Rotten discharge. An unpleasant odor of discharge, reminiscent of stale and rotten fish, occurs with bacterial vaginosis. The disease has a second name - gardnerellosis. It manifests itself as a consequence of dysbiosis, and the smell is so intense that even those around you feel it. Bacterial vaginosis is fraught with serious complications: endometriosis, abscesses, bartholinitis, sepsis. To avoid complications, timely medical attention and antibiotic treatment are required.

Healthy female vaginal discharge has the following parameters:

  • Amount - about 1 - 4 ml per day (spot diameter on panty liners from 1 to 5 cm)
  • Consistency - thick (both slightly and very thick)
  • Color - from transparent or whitish to yellowish (both light and dark yellow)
  • Structure - homogeneous (like not very thick sour cream) and / or in lumps of 2-4 mm
  • Smell - from complete absence to sourish (normal vaginal discharge has an acidic pH of 4.0 to 4.5)
  • Itching is absent.

Normal vaginal discharge consists of: mucous secretions of the glands located in the cervix, sloughing epithelial cells from the walls of the vagina, the cervical canal and a large number of bacteria that normally live in the vagina and the lower half of the cervical canal.

The presence of lactic acid sticks and the acidic environment they create is a condition for the natural cleansing and disinfection of the vagina. The traditional advice of our grandmothers to flush the vagina for hygienic purposes does not stand up to scrutiny, because it destroys its own bacterial and lactic flora and creates ideal conditions for various infections. A healthy woman should never rinse (dry) the vagina, as this is an antihygienic and unsafe procedure.

In addition to milk discharge with the smell of curdled milk, transparent mucus from time to time appears in a healthy vagina in a significant amount. It is abundantly excreted from the cervix during ovulation, as well as during moments of intense sexual arousal.

In the foreskin of the clitoris, as well as in the immediate vicinity of it, at the base of the labia minora, there are small sebaceous glands that produce fatty substances that are abundantly secreted during sexual arousal. The intense smell of these genital secretions is usually associated with the sexual activity of the partner and has an exciting effect on the man.

If a woman does not wash the labia with warm water and soap, then redness and irritation of the skin may occur as a result of the fermentation of the mixture, formed from the fat secretions of the sebaceous glands, vaginal secretions and mucus coming from the cervix. It is clear, and without further explanation, what unpleasant odor of discharge spreads in this case. It must be remembered that sexual smells cause a completely opposite reaction from a partner if a woman neglects personal hygiene.

Speaking about the specific smells of genital discharge, one cannot fail to mention the smell of menstruation. The menstrual period requires redoubled energy from a woman in maintaining personal hygiene. With profuse bleeding, it is necessary to change the pads more often and wash thoroughly so that there is no blood that has an unpleasant odor on the genitals.

However, if, for one reason or another, the number of beneficial bacteria in a woman's vagina decreases, then the harmful bacteria take over. It is then that these or those diseases develop. Often, they are asymptomatic and their only symptom is discharge, itching, and an unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge. So, for example, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor can be with gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis).

In the case when the genital discharge is yellowish or greenish in color, thick and grayish, the genital discharge has an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by burning and itching, redness and soreness - most likely this is a sexually transmitted infection. Such infectious diseases can lead to very unpleasant consequences for the health and fertility of the female body.

Bacterial vaginosis- copious gray-white or yellow-green sticky discharge, with the smell of rotten fish.

Vaginal discharge with a smell, discharge with a fish smell, rot. - a signal informing that you should urgently visit a doctor and take tests, a smear on the vaginal microflora.

Therefore, if you observe discharge, itching, odor of the genitals - do not postpone a visit to the gynecologist!

If white discharge is caused by bacterial vaginosis, doctors recommend, in addition to drugs, drugs that normalize the composition of the vaginal microflora. For example, Multi-Gin ActiGel: its active part is a complex of bioactive polysaccharides obtained from a gel-like extract of aloe leaves. It blocks the attachment of pathogens to the vaginal mucosa and thus neutralizes them, helping to restore healthy microflora of the female reproductive system.

The production of a mucous secretion with a characteristic odor is the normal functioning of a woman's body. It is produced by specific glands in the vagina.

Normally, vaginal odor is mild and not unpleasant.... The change or increase in odor may depend on a particular phase of the menstrual cycle.

But if unfavorable factors begin to influence the normal physiological process, then as a result, unpleasant odors may appear in the intimate area. Most often, this indicates the presence of an infection. Since pathogenic microbes release specific gases that become a source of stench.

To avoid complications and eliminate discomfort, it is important for every girl and woman to know the causes of vaginal odor, how to treat it, folk remedies to get rid of such a problem.

Before determining how to eliminate the stench from the vagina, you should find out the cause of its occurrence.

It is important to understand that the release of transparent liquid mucus in small quantities without a strong odor is normal and does not require any treatment.

In some cases, it may appear due to metabolic disturbances and increased work of the glandular system. But if the smell is sharp and unpleasant, and with it other signs of the inflammatory process appear, this can be an alarming symptom.

The main factors that lead to its appearance:

It is possible to correctly establish the cause only by contacting a doctor. Timely examination and identification of provoking factors will help prevent complications and speed up the healing process.

In addition to the main reasons, there are additional ones:

Often after childbirth, the discharge smells like fish.... This phenomenon does not cause discomfort to either the woman or those around her. Over time, such discharge changes its brownish tint to transparent. The process lasts no more than two months.

If the discharge takes on a putrid odor, then an infection may have been introduced.... In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist. Sometimes a foul-smelling discharge can be released if intercourse occurs after menstruation.

Smells can vary in type. Based on this, you can determine the reason for their appearance:


The smell of fish or onions is the main symptom... But an unpleasant smell can be accompanied by the manifestation of other symptoms:

  • clear or yellowish discharge;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • sticking together of the labia minora;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages.

Treatment should be started immediately after the first symptoms are detected..

Timely measures taken make it possible to avoid the spread of infection and complications.

Before treating the smell of fish from the vagina, it is better to consult a gynecologist and pass the necessary tests. The doctor will quickly identify the cause of its appearance and prescribe the necessary treatment.

It is mainly carried out at home and includes:

  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • the use of lactic acid to restore acidity;
  • hormonal treatment;
  • taking bacterial drugs that provoke an increase in the formation of benign bacteria.

If there is no inflammatory process in the uterus or vagina, then effective recipes of traditional medicine will help to restore the normal microflora:

A healthy, balanced diet is essential in the fight against unpleasant vaginal odor:

Alternative methods can be used as an adjunct to drug treatment. But after agreement with the doctor and his permission. It is better to refuse such methods during pregnancy.

The presence of an unpleasant odor from the vagina means a violation of its microflora... Timely identification of the cause and treatment will help to quickly eliminate a delicate problem.

To do this, it is better to immediately go to a medical institution and undergo an examination. In the absence of inflammatory processes in the genitals, alternative methods of treatment are perfect.

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