How to help a person after a long binge. Getting out of beer binge at home

Hello friends! And all those who first came here, hoping to find sobriety. Here it ends new year holidays, it is good if you managed to relax and gain strength for the whole year during these days.

But, for sure, some of you have not parted with the bottle, moreover, cannot independently get out of a multi-day binge.

Actually, this is what I wanted to talk about today (or rather, not me ... I just took the recommendation on one of the sites from the comments and corrected it a little), I think that all of the following will help you somehow minimize the loss of health associated with overuse during the holidays ...

Personal experience of a quick exit from a binge at home

The last time I went out on my own almost at home, without outside help, so my case may help those who have been drinking for more than a week.

It is understood that now you are still and while you can move, you need to force yourself to get to the nearest pharmacy and buy powders and pills there. Still crawl to the store and buy chicken legs, chicken or stock cubes to cook chicken stock.

Dose reduction after binge

Do not try to abruptly quit drinking after many days. Try to reduce the dose and drink no more than a glass at a time, always with a snack, before giving up alcohol altogether. It is better that these are spirits. Beer and wine are unlikely to help. If you can reduce your daily allowance to 300 grams, that will be good.

Medicines for getting out of binge

At the same time, start taking the purchased medicines to get out of the binge

The first in line is "Limontar". One tablet per glass of water, you can also add baking soda on the edge of a knife). Drink before meals while you can eat.

Then "Glycine". Take 4 times a day. Relieves headaches and regains consciousness.

All this must be started to drink at the same time when they began to reduce the dose of alcohol taken.

As soon as the dose is reduced, that's all - we refuse alcohol by the evening! Next, the most difficult stage begins, since on the first night of refusal, you need to fall asleep.

It's great if you have Phenazepam, however, you can't buy it openly, but active alcoholics always have it, but if not, then Donormil, although it may not be sold in a pharmacy either. Then any sedative, such as "Afobazol", or for REM sleep, which is in the pharmacy, only you need to drink it about 5 tablets.

Pressure! This is the most important point. It is necessary for someone to measure, and if it rises above 150, and the pulse is more often than 90, take "Anaprilin" (Indap, Egilok). Keep in mind that alcohol is contraindicated in case of taking these pills !!!

Sleep after binge

Try to sleep! Even if it doesn't work ...

The hardest first day ... No stress ... If the stomach can take food - eat. Only nothing sweet, spicy, fatty; in small portions several times a day.

Now your liver and stomach are overloaded, don't overload them. Eat the broth best of all. chicken offal what you bought in advance. Drink salty mineral water, releasing gases from it. It is not worth drinking a lot, the kidneys are not yet able to cope and the liquid can provoke high pressure and Keep on taking your medication.

"Glycine" - three times, "Asparkam" two tablets twice a day, you can "Cavinton" if you feel that the brain explodes from a rush of blood, "Aspirin" once and "Limontar" three times a day. Essentiale Forte or Hepa Merz helps very well for the liver. To calm the state of mind - "Phenibut" twice a day.

Of course, now even a minimal amount of alcohol can greatly alleviate the condition of an alcoholic and some advise to dilute a little vodka with water and drink, but this can simply be replaced: with kvass, kefir, ayran, because after taking the pills, alcohol is no longer possible.

Lie more, sleep as much as possible, without exertion, now everything should be quiet, calm and measured, and without calming ones you will definitely not fall asleep today. Watch your pressure.

The next days of getting out of the binge at home

Second day.

Drink, eat and take everything the same as yesterday. If you are tired of broth, cook, if you can, some steamed food.

Watch the pressure and, if it rises, knock down with pills. Start coming back to real life: watch TV, movies, listen to your favorite music, and so on.

On the third day

keep on taking medications and eating broths. If the stomach digests food normally, then you can eat some dumplings or boiled meat. Today, you can keep yourself occupied, such as doing laundry and cleaning at home. After a binge, this is relevant.

It is still important to sleep. If you do not sleep these days, there will be hallucinations. Ate, tidied up, wanted to sleep - just go to bed and sleep. Even one or two hours of sleep in the afternoon is a victory. Of course, Phenazepam helps the best ...

Fourth day

It should bring relief. If tremors in the hands continue, guilt rolls over, and weakness in the body, continue to take the pills. Today you can eat well and load yourself with housework, but do not forget to keep an eye on general condition, pulse and pressure. Drink plenty of water.

The rest of the days of getting out of the binge

V next days, it will become much easier, and you will already be able to independently choose the daily regimen for yourself. I felt better after eleven days, when the body worked as it should ....

I will add on my own.

Although there is a rationale behind this, everything described above is not a call to action. In any case, a specialist consultation is required. Getting out of a binge at home can end in failure without an outsider and medical care ... Any sane doctor will tell you about this.

Get drunk, get drunk - discord! Such recommendations may help if you drank for a short time, stand on your feet a little more and move around the apartment, but are absolutely contraindicated for those who lie after a long binge and cannot even crawl to the toilet.

The only way out is to call a doctor or team and urgent hospitalization in a drug dispensary. About any self-treatment, in this case, and there can be no question !!!

Remember this, stop drinking, so that you do not have to get out of the binge at home, and live a long time!

Good to all sobriety and health!

The addiction to alcohol gradually becomes a habit that is reborn into a serious, dangerous illness.

Immediately after waking up in the morning, the alcoholic habitually glances at the table where there is a bottle of alcohol. In the absence of vodka, wine tries to crawl to the cabinet, refrigerator, where the stash is hidden, in order to push in a hundred grams of a substance that will alleviate his grave condition!

By promising to have one last drink, most of the addicted to alcohol know that they are deceiving themselves.

It is desirable that at the time of the cessation of the binge, healthy relatives are next to the addict. They will help to overcome difficulties, will not allow friends who are in a hurry with the next dose of drink to improve their condition to the drunkard.

How to get out of binge at home

The first step on how to get out of a long binge at home is taking care of your family.

By the time an alcoholic wants to hangover, a set of mandatory remedies must be assembled to alleviate the condition.

The list is not impressive, some of the products can be found at home, the rest can be purchased without any problems at the nearest store:

  • mineral water;
  • freshly prepared cranberry juice;
  • kvass;
  • pure water;
  • cucumber pickle;
  • kefir;
  • light chicken, beef broth;
  • decoctions medicinal herbs: mint, valerian, motherwort.

You will have to give a lot of fluids so that toxins are removed from the body faster, the concentration of alcohol in the blood decreases.

Chicken broth when coming out of a binge - helps very well

It is not at all necessary to immediately collect these foods, however, the broader the proposed drinking diet, the more likely you are to defeat the terrible condition.

You cannot do without drugs that are approved for use without a prescription.

The first aid kit should contain:

  1. or known analogues sorbents;
  2. hepatoprotectors to improve liver function;
  3. diphenhydramine to normalize sleep;
  4. validol or, hawthorn tincture to restore heart rate;
  5. vitamins.

Take all medications after consulting a doctor - do not self-medicate!

By choosing best practices how to get out of the binge at home on their own, relatives should create optimal conditions for the patient.

Many alcoholics begin to feel sick in the morning after drinking brine, kefir, water, so you need to put a basin and a bucket by the bed so that you don't have to constantly run to the toilet.

Reducing the dose of alcohol

With prolonged consumption of alcohol, it is dangerous to stop drinking abruptly. The patient may not be able to cope with the breakdown that occurs in the body.

Sometimes it becomes a consequence of abrupt cancellation. You will have to gradually remove alcoholic beverages from the “diet”.

Usually, it takes addicts with varying severity of alcoholism from one to 2-3 days to reduce the dose. After the specified period, it is forbidden to return to any drinks containing alcohol.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the addict's organism, relatives choose the most appropriate dose reduction scheme:

  • dilution of vodka with clean water;
  • an increase in the time intervals between taking a small dose of alcohol;
  • replacement of strong drinks with weak ones, followed by a complete refusal after 2 days.

Having chosen any of the methods, you will have to strictly adhere to it in order to reduce the use of booze to zero by the end of the established period.

On the days of getting out of a binge, while reducing the dose, you will have to follow a number of tips offered by experienced drug therapists:

  1. consume up to 3 liters of liquid per day;
  2. use 8-10 tablets of activated carbon at a time to remove toxins;
  3. take a cool shower;
  4. in the evening before going to bed, be sure to take a bath with addition to water sea ​​salt go pine extract;
  5. go out into the fresh air.

With a decrease in the amount of alcohol, the state is unstable. Narcologists prohibit visiting the hot bath, sauna, taking cold and hot shower, go in for sports, physical work.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine offers effective methods of how to get out of the binge at home yourself.

Have appeared unique recipes long ago, when they did not know narcologists and. I had to stop the booze myself. It is desirable to adopt many methods from ancestors.

For quick cleansing stomach used proven solution... In a liter jar filled to the brim with filtered water, dissolve a teaspoon of soda and salt. Stir the liquid thoroughly, making sure that the components do not precipitate.

The prepared remedy is given to the addict. He should drink it in the morning. If vomiting does not start, you will have to press the tongue closer to back wall throat. Remains of food, alcohol dissolved in them, toxins come out of the stomach.

Second an effective detox drink is lemon compote... Take 3 washed fruits, cut the fruits together with the skin, send them into a liter of water, which should boil. Darken the drink under the lid for 15-20 minutes, strain, give a glass to drink throughout the day.

1-2 drops of ammonia are added to the water given to the patient periodically. Helps relieve hangovers, has a positive effect on the digestive tract.

At home, to alleviate the condition, various herbal decoctions are prepared.

There are several options for a refreshing drink:

  • 18 g velvet per 1 liter of water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. chamomile for 1 liter of water;
  • in 1 tbsp. water to brew 3 tbsp. l. dry thyme.

Warm milk with honey is an ideal remedy for recuperation.

Drinking is allowed in unlimited quantities in the absence of vomiting. When the condition has improved, you can try to offer the patient to drink a raw egg.


In an effort to defeat the binge on your own, it is necessary to stop drinking, restore the psyche, and normalize the work of organs.

Attention, efforts of relatives is not enough, sometimes professional knowledge is required.

If the condition worsens, the appearance of side effects from taking medications, an immediate call is required, this service is described in detail.

Video: Binge: duration, consequences, types, treatment at home (diet, drinking regimen) and in the clinic

Strongly carried away by alcoholic beverages, a person gradually enters into a binge without even noticing it. This condition occurs as a result of drinking alcohol for a long time (from two days to three months). His the main reason is an attempt to treat a hangover with a new drink. To help yourself or to a loved one, you need to know how to get out of the binge yourself at home. We will look at effective smoking methods.

It is most correct to get out of binge in specialized clinics under the supervision of doctors. But due to various circumstances, mainly financial, not everyone has such an opportunity. In this case, you can try to solve the problem yourself by resorting to folk remedies.

Getting out of binge at home

1. Desire to end binge drinking. The drinker must recognize the problem and decide for himself to quit drinking. No arguments and reproaches from relatives will help here. Without the willpower and desire of the patient, even doctors are powerless.

2. Gradually reduce the dose of alcohol. A sharp refusal from alcohol with binge is fraught with serious consequences up to death, since the body is in a state of shock. This is comparable to the withdrawal symptoms of drug addicts.

To get out of a long binge, doctors recommend giving up strong alcoholic beverages, replacing them with beer. For 2-3 days, all eaten food is washed down with a small amount of beer (100-150 ml). Followed by complete rejection from alcohol, but the amount of food should remain the same. Only after three weeks can the amount of food consumed be reduced.

3. Ammonium alcohol. The first 2-3 days of getting out of binge at home, you need to drink a glass of water with 4-5 drops before meals ammonia... This will help prevent stomach upset.

4. Drink plenty of fluids. Sweet tea, kvass, mineral or plain water, sourish natural juices and even brines. Can still be diluted in water mint tincture in a proportion of 20 drops per glass of water.

5. Medicines. To relieve hard drinking you will need: Activated carbon, essential and vitamins. These drugs are taken as directed. Activated charcoal is drunk two tablets three times a day. Medication helps the body get rid of toxins and keep the body in good shape.

6. Vivid emotions and workload. In a state of binge, it is very important to distract yourself from thoughts of alcohol. To do this, psychologists advise loading yourself with chores for several days in advance.

At self exit out of binge, some experts recommend raising the level of adrenaline in the blood - jumping with a parachute or doing other extreme sports. But this method is only suitable for people with good health who do not have cardiovascular disease.

These tips have helped many people to get out of the binge. But not every drinker has enough willpower to go through this difficult path to the end. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, then it is better not to waste time and seek help from doctors.

In order to get out of binge drinking at home on its own without complications, you should use only proven means and methods that will help an alcoholic overcome a long withdrawal symptoms... Drinking alcohol for several days, weeks, or months can lead to serious problems with health, but it is necessary to correctly withdraw from the state of intoxication with a true binge, so as not to further aggravate the situation.

What is binge

Continuous use of alcohol for a long time leads to severe intoxication of the body. Binge is a condition in which drinking man cannot overcome the painful craving for alcohol and independently return to a sober lifestyle. The hangover syndrome that occurs in the morning after excessive drinking alcoholic beverages, although it causes unpleasant feelings, but it is easily overcome by a healthy person. With prolonged binges, the hangover becomes a constant companion of the alcoholic and requires the next dose of alcohol.

It becomes more difficult to get out of the binge on your own as the duration of the period of alcohol abuse increases. How longer person drinks, the more likely he will need outside help to overcome addiction syndrome. The most severe stage of drunkenness requires a full course of treatment for alcoholism.

How to withdraw

To help a person get through a difficult period hangover syndrome, you should take into account his condition and the duration of the binge. Initial stage drunken alcoholism can be overcome independently at home, but if alcohol abuse continues for several weeks, the help of a narcologist is required. The main ways to overcome withdrawal symptoms are:

  1. Detoxification. It can be carried out both with the help of home remedies and with the help of medications.
  2. Physical impact. Walking on fresh air and moderate physical activity contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes.
  3. Psychological help... It is necessary to distract a person from thoughts about alcohol, to help overcome emotional dependence.
  4. Professional medical assistance. To cleanse the body of toxins, droppers are used, to improve the blood supply to the brain - drugs, antidepressants.

How to exit correctly

Getting out of a hard binge at home on your own should be a conscious and voluntary decision. Doctors recommend a gradual exit from a state of prolonged alcoholic intoxication by reducing the dose of alcohol. Abrupt cessation of ethanol intake into the body can lead to serious complications, up to death. In order to get out of the hard drinking at home yourself, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • to clear the stomach from the remnants of alcohol by washing, enema, artificial induction of vomiting;
  • to provide plentiful drink and full sleep;
  • stick to special diet, eat foods rich in vitamin C;
  • drinking alcohol is allowed only for the first 3 days.


Removal from hard drinking at home involves the use of the following methods and means to eliminate alcohol intoxication:

  • drinking fluid in a large number(promotes the accelerated elimination of toxins from the body);
  • taking activated charcoal (for optimal effect, it is necessary to take 8-10 charcoal tablets at a time);
  • drinking water with lemon, fermented milk products, broths;
  • taking diuretics (Furosemide, rosehip decoction).

How to deal with insomnia

Prolonged binge drinking is often accompanied by sleep disturbance due to increased psychoactive brain activity due to toxic ethanol poisoning. Oxygen starvation that occurs against the background of insufficient nutrition of neurons, leads to the death of nerve cells, which is the cause of psychosis in alcoholics. To normalize sleep after stopping alcohol use, are used following means:

  • sedatives;
  • decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • warm milk with honey.

How to restore the nervous system

Conclusion from binge drinking at home on its own assumes a voluntary basis, but the drinker still experiences stress, refusing the usual dose of alcohol. In order to help the alcoholic overcome psychological dependence and restore the disturbed nervous system, the following methods should be used:

  • therapy with the use of nootropic and vascular;
  • taking amino acid complexes based on glycine and glutamic acid;
  • practice of yoga, meditation, relaxation;
  • autogenous trainings.

What not to do

In order to safely get out of the binge on your own, you should know which methods that are suitable for improving well-being after alcohol abuse in a healthy person are not suitable for alcohol addicted people:

  1. Do not take a contrast shower. A sharp narrowing and dilation of blood vessels can provoke a heart attack or stroke.
  2. High physical exertion should be avoided. With oxygen deficiency, increased blood flow poses a risk to the heart.
  3. It is forbidden to take sleeping pills and psychotropic drugs without a doctor's prescription. Medicines can be addictive.

How to withdraw at home

You can use medical supplies or remedies prepared according to folk recipes at home. The goal of therapy is to normalize the work of all systems and organs that have suffered from the harmful effects of alcohol. Freeing the body of toxins will help restore blood supply to the brain and the addiction will gradually recede.

Folk remedies

In order to alleviate the condition immediately after waking up, you need to drink 1.5 liters of liquid. It could be mineral alkaline water, pickle, chicken broth. After you feel better, you should begin to detoxify the body. The most effective folk remedies for intoxication are:

  1. Aloe. Remove the peel from the leaves of the plant and pass them through a meat grinder. Add 200 g of honey to 300 g of the resulting aloe pulp. The product should be left to infuse for 3-5 days, then take 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours
  2. Oats. Pour 500 g of oat grains with water at a rate of 1: 2. Cook for 30 minutes. over low heat, then strain the broth and pour into a thermos, adding 100 g of calendula flowers. After the remedy has been infused for 12 hours, it should be taken in 1 tbsp. before eating.
  3. Velvet. Add 18 g of dried velvet flowers to 1 liter of boiling water and cook for another 3 minutes. The broth should be infused for 3-4 hours, take 5 tbsp. in a day.


Medications during overcoming alcohol dependence are indicated in the presence of pronounced pain:


Drug group

Name of drugs

Headache, nausea, malaise








Depression, aggression, insomnia





Heart pain, tachycardia, arrhythmia



Liver damage


How to help

To cope with a painful craving for alcohol, a person needs the moral support of loved ones. By helping the addict, you contribute to a faster and more productive recovery from addiction. The main condition for the withdrawal of an alcoholic is, on the one hand, empathy with him, on the other, constant control.

How to get out of a beer binge

In order to get out of a beer binge at home on its own without complications and does not lead to relapses, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • gradually reduce the amount of consumed beer drinks, while it is impossible to dilute them with water;
  • increase the intervals between drinking beer;
  • finally, you should stop taking beer no later than 4 days after the start of therapy.

How to get a woman out of a binge

The nature of female alcoholism is different from that of male alcoholism, and this should be taken into account when helping to get rid of addiction. This will help a woman psychological support from close people. The alcohol dose should be reduced gradually, following the algorithm:

  1. 1 day - 0.5 from the usual daily dose during a binge (no more than 20 g at a time).
  2. Day 2 - 0.5 of the dose on day 1.
  3. Day 3 - from 0.25 to 0 (depending on how you feel) from the dose of the second day.

How to get out quickly

The minimum period for which you can overcome the withdrawal syndrome on your own cannot be less than a day. It often takes a week for the addicted person to feel normal, and there is no need to take another dose of alcohol. You should not take drastic measures at home without medical supervision - this can result in negative consequences.

What to do after

Having achieved the goal and overcoming the binge syndrome, efforts should be concentrated in order to prevent relapse. To do this, it is necessary to exclude all provoking factors, such as communication with drinking comrades, the presence of alcohol at home. You should also diversify your leisure time by adding bright emotions to your life, or completely focus on work.


Many residents of our country know about the state of binge firsthand. Someone went through this difficult period himself, someone watched how close people suffer. It is not only an alcoholic with an already formed addiction that can find himself in a binge. Complex life situation often sends to the binge an ordinary person prone to alcoholism. Not everyone can get out of this state on their own - someone needs the support of loved ones, and sometimes they cannot do without hospitalization and qualified medical care.

What is hard drinking?

Intoxicating is called a pathological (unnatural for the body) condition in which a person has been drinking alcohol for several days without stopping, and the body suffers from severe intoxication.

The binge can last from 1-2 days to several days, the timing depends on many factors:

  • availability of money for alcohol;
  • free time (you need to go to work);
  • health status and the presence of chronic diseases;
  • getting into the police / sobering-up station;
  • compulsory hospitalization.

Psychiatrists and narcologists distinguish two types of such a condition: pseudo-drinking and true.

The first is the most common. When a person drinks unrestrainedly for several days due to severe grief, celebrates holidays for days, this is a pseudo binge. This also includes the frequent situations where a person uses every week on the weekend, and on Monday morning he always gets up and goes to work.

The true one is much more difficult. It happens to alcoholics on the 2-3rd. Here a person is already completely dependent on alcohol, he drinks not for pleasure (or to forget), but because he cannot imagine life otherwise. In this case, there is a strong, painful withdrawal syndrome, and regular "drunkenness" only gives relief for a short time.

Not every person can easily and relatively painlessly get out of the binge. The choice of means and methods to overcome this alcoholic nightmare, today there are many - sparing folk recipes, pills, dropper, etc. You can try to cope on your own, with the help of your family, you can go to the hospital and even call a narcologist home.

The choice of means for getting out of the binge depends on several factors: the duration of the booze, the amount and quality of alcohol drunk, the presence of concomitant diseases in a person.

At home

At home, the choice of ways to get out of the binge is quite simple, since there are few options. The main method here is self-detoxification and recovery from dehydration. That is, you just need to drink a lot of fluids. On the first day - first of all, mineral water without gas, also juices, fruit drinks, weak green or black tea - always with lemon. It should also be remembered that getting out of the binge quickly is not only difficult, but also dangerous.

Folk recipes

At home, such folk remedies are also used:

  1. Cool shower every hour. If the alcoholic is unable to shower on his own, you can put him in a bathtub and pour water on him so that it flows from the neck down the spine.
  2. From food the best remedy to remove toxins - thick beef broth (hot).
  3. Honey also helps - give a teaspoon every 20 minutes, you can dilute it in a small amount of milk. The last dose before bed total amount- six spoons.
  4. Decoctions of herbs are also actively used. The safest, but effective recipechamomile tea... You need to steam the broth from pharmacy chamomile, make hot foot baths and pour them over the head.
  5. After all procedures, it is necessary long sleep... If alcoholic insomnia prevents a person from falling asleep, it is allowed light sleeping pill on herbs.


Without pharmacy products a full-fledged way out of the binge is simply impossible. To neutralize as much as possible on your own harmful effect alcohol on a weakened body (especially for several days), a powerful complex therapy is needed.

You should start with sorbents. The simplest option is activated carbon, 1 coal pellet per 10 kg of weight. But doctors warn: it is impossible to arrange coal therapy more than 3 times, otherwise, together with toxins and products of alcoholic decay, the body will evaporate and useful material... After coal, you can go to "" or "Polyphepan".

To calm the nervous system, restore memory and thought processes, relieve irritability, return sleep, fit vitamin complexes... They must contain B vitamins (B1 and B6), as well as vitamin C... No-shpa and aspirin will help to cope with headaches, tremors, and aching joints.

  • "Clonidine" (soothes, reduces blood pressure, removes tremors - tremors of the limbs);
  • "Carbamazepine" (displays harmful products decay and relieves convulsions);
  • "Tiaprid" (antipsychotic, reduces alcoholic aggression) and etc.

Narcologist at home

A quick way to get rid of hard drinking at home is to call a narcologist. It is important to understand - to get a person out of a protracted drunkenness and remove everything side symptoms at home it is not always possible. And only if the patient's “alcohol experience” is not high, and the binge itself is relatively short.

But the “addict at home” has one important advantage - this method will help to assess in detail the patient's condition and, if necessary, make a decision to send the person to the hospital.

(cleansing) and sedation ( sedative effect) Are the two main methods a drunken alcoholic needs.

The narcologist, having come home to the patient, is obliged to conduct those medical procedures and give those drugs to provide it:

  • Intravenous vitamin B1 (thiamine) injections.
  • Dropper with glucose, saline or saline solution (magnesium sulfate on glucose, etc.).
  • Sedatives and anticonvulsants. Excitation will be removed by "Diazepam" or "", convulsions - "Carbalex", "" is often used as a sedative, etc.

On the video about getting out of binge drinking at home:

Inpatient treatment

Treatment in a special clinic is required if a person has gone not into a pseudo, but into a classic true binge. When the booze lasts more than a week, the amount of strong alcohol per day is more than a liter, the patient suffers from heart and stomach pains, hospitalization and medication cannot be dispensed with.

The very first stage of treatment is detoxification and infusion therapy(dehydration treatment). This is a dropper with glucose solution, vitamin B1 and intravenous diazepam.

The rest of the drugs are selected strictly individually, depending on the patient's condition, the presence of concomitant pathologies, mental state:

  • sedatives - to calm nerves, relieve tension and reduce alcohol cravings;
  • vitamins - to restore the body's work;
  • nootropic - to restore brain function, memory, attention, nervous activity;
  • psychotropic - to relieve anxiety, internal tension, restore sleep;
  • hepatoprotectors - for the treatment of an exhausted liver;
  • cardioprotectors - to restore heart function, normalize blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels,
  • diuretic tablets - to support the kidneys and ensure the rapid elimination of all toxins and ethanol breakdown products.

Regardless of how a person is trying to get out of a binge (on their own, with the help of relatives or under the supervision of doctors), it is important to follow several vital rules:

  1. In no case should you get a hangover. Whether it is necessary to do this when getting out of a binge is a popular question, but it is worth remembering that the next portion of alcohol briefly removes excruciating symptoms abstinence, but already after a short time the person wants to continue drinking. As a result, the minimum doses can only "finish off" the body with poison, and continue the binge.
  2. On the first day after the cessation of drinking, any exercise stress and a contrast shower. Everything internal systems work at the limit, and such an overload can even provoke a heart attack or stroke.
  3. Do not take the classic "heart" sedatives - Corvalol, Valocordin and the like. The consequences for the body can be unpredictable and very dangerous.
  4. It is forbidden to accept any psychoactive drugs without a doctor's prescription. In a state of abstinence by-effect it is impossible to predict such drugs; they can only be used under medical supervision.
  5. It is better to get out of the binge gradually, slowly reducing the alcohol dose.

In this regard, the opinions of doctors differ, but the majority still advocate a gradual dose reduction. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, it is not so difficult for a person purely psychologically than with abrupt termination booze. Secondly, the severity of withdrawal symptoms decreases. And with it - the likelihood of developing alcoholic hallucinosis, and other complications.

How long can it take to get out of a binge?

The binge can last from 2 days to several weeks, and it is impossible to guess the timing of getting out of it.

How quickly and with what consequences a person will return to a sober life depends on several factors:

  • the duration of the booze (than more days the alcoholic uses, the harder it is to stop);
  • the amount of alcohol (the larger the dose, the stronger the complications and the more painful the withdrawal syndrome);
  • Availability chronic diseases(exacerbation of chronic diseases may develop when quitting hard drinking);
  • the quality of alcohol (counterfeit alcohol at times increases intoxication and provokes the development of dangerous complications);
  • availability of medical assistance (droppers and appropriate medications maximize the speed of detoxification and recovery of the body of alcoholics).

Usually after a long binge it lasts from 1 to 6 days, in the most dangerous situations after a week of a terrible hangover, delirium tremens may develop.

Changes in the body

Withdrawal symptoms in drunken alcoholics are completely different from the usual hangover. healthy people, which occasionally can "go over". All diverse range unpleasant sensations the next morning, in addicted people, it is superimposed on disturbances in the work of the heart, disorders of the liver and pancreas, impaired functioning of the brain, diseased vessels.

The physical consequences of getting out of binge in patients with alcohol addiction- this is:

  • loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • pressure surges;
  • problems with coordination of movements;
  • (or appearance for the first time);
  • severe headaches;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments.
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