Aluminum foil treatment: unique recipes. Foil treatment of diseases of the joints and spine: effective ways

Trying to get rid of diseases and their excruciating symptoms, people try almost everything on themselves available methods treatments, both traditional and folk. Patients who have felt all the "delights" of joint pathologies claim that their well-being has improved significantly after several courses of treatment with aluminum sheets.

While this sounds incredible, common household food foil can be medicinal. It will be truly indispensable for arthritis and salt deposition. For treatment, it is enough to wrap the affected joint with the shiny side of the foil. It should be treated daily until the pain disappears completely.

Thanks to high temperature, necessary for the production of this material, ensures its sterility and complete safety in contact with the skin. The procedure can be carried out not only with sheets of culinary aluminum foil, but also with copper or gold plating. Often, nevertheless, in medical purposes use an aluminum composition.

The principle of action on the body

Recent studies have clearly shown that therapeutic effect from the application of this method turned out to be more than positive. Doctors explain performance by the fact that each person has their own energy field.

If the body is subject to frequent stress and nervous strain, then this destroys the energy sheath and causes the development of diseases.

If you use the shiny side of the aluminum foil, then it:

  • reflects a person's own energy;
  • can enhance it several times.

Such physiological impact lies in bioresonance. During treatment with foil, the biocurrents return to the point from where they left. The procedure has a beneficial effect on cells and membranes. By shielding biocurrents, it is possible to restore their normal pulsation in systems and organs. In addition, the treatment of joints with foil is characterized by the effect of enhancing positive energy.

Patients firmly state that an aluminum sheet can relieve a person from almost any pain: from headache to joint pain.

Thanks to the directed positive energy, the diseased organ is able to heal, but under the obligatory condition that the treatment with foil becomes an addition to traditional ways therapy. Depending on the type of pathology and its severity, the doctor recommends the duration of the course.

Foil treatment can relieve pain:

  1. internal organs;
  2. soft tissues;
  3. relieve pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

If you apply it on scars after surgical intervention then it will help to restore the skin as quickly as possible.

Aluminum foil is especially indicated for the treatment of joint pathologies, because it will help relieve pain.

Methods for using foil

Many patients prefer to make foil treatment on their own, without contacting medical clinics... They noted that the disappearance or reduction of joint pain occurs quickly, regardless of where the sheets are applied.

You can use foil for treatment different ways... The most popular methods today are:

  • silver compresses;
  • circular sheet applications (usually used to treat the spine);
  • the imposition of bridges;
  • wrapping joints with sheets of any size;
  • full body wrap.

The foil is fixed with scotch tape, sticky plaster, a piece of cotton fabric. It is enough to wrap the surface of the affected area in 1 layer. To wrap the whole body, you can apply a layer-by-layer imposition of a thin sheet with the obligatory alternation of paper sheets or fabric. You will need to make from 3 to 7 layers.

The duration of therapy for each area of ​​the body will be different. If the patient suffers from pain in the joints of the legs and their joints, pathology of internal organs, then the session of exposure to metal will last 10-40 minutes. In some cases, this period is increased to 2 hours.

The foil is applied with the shiny side to the body, and the matte side can be used to regulate the energy frequencies. In addition, the foil can increase the effectiveness of compresses in the treatment of joints.

To do this, it is quite enough to wrap the affected area, previously lubricated with ointment, and then put on a special bandage.

"Silver Bridge"

The most popular method of joint treatment is the so-called "silver bridge". It is most often used at home. The essence of the treatment is that by connecting the healthy part of the body to the affected part with a "bridge", information and energy are transferred. As a result, after a while, the diseased area ceases to bother, and inflammatory process fades out.

To make a "bridge", you must:

  1. cut off a strip of wide adhesive plaster. Its width should be at least 5-6 cm, and its length should completely cover the affected area;
  2. glue strips of aluminum foil onto the plaster with the matte side (step back 1 cm from the edges). The width will be 5-6 mm. The distance between the stripes is equal to their width.

Stick "bridges" on sore spot vertically to the spine and not removed for 3 days. If the discomfort does not go away, then you can keep it for longer. As necessary, the adhesive plaster is replaced with a new one.

As soon as the treatment is over, the "silver bridge" is removed and the skin is gently wiped vegetable oil, decoction of herbs or mineral water... This will help improve trophism and additionally relieve inflammation.

Treatment of the joints of the legs and arms

If the patient suffers from pain in the fingers, then wrapping with aluminum sheet will help him to relieve the discomfort. Tie it with the matte side to the affected finger and leave for 60 minutes.

After this time, the foil should be removed, and after 2 hours, repeat the procedure. Thus, the treatment is carried out three times a day. The course will be 7 days. If necessary, if the doctor does not prohibit, it can be repeated. Thanks to this method, energy flows are influenced.

If the knee hurts or elbow joint, then for relief, a sheet of foil is applied to it and secured with an elastic or medical bandage. Doctors recommend applying a similar bandage for 10 hours. It is optimal to do this at night. Between procedures should pass from 7 to 14 days, and then repeat the treatment.

An equally effective method will be for other problems of the musculoskeletal system:

  • lumbosacral radiculitis;
  • gout.

A gout patient can relieve pain by holding the leaf on his feet.

On average, the procedure lasts 40 minutes, and after 2 hours it is repeated. After 10-12 days of such therapy, the patient will feel a noticeable relief of well-being.

Who is the treatment contraindicated for?

The amazing method of treatment with food foil has practically no contraindications. However, sometimes during the procedure it is necessary to achieve an increase in the temperature of individual areas of the skin.

In this case, additionally use a piece of cotton fabric, moisten it hot water, and the patient must be wrapped in a warm blanket. This creates a sauna effect. This method execution is prohibited:

  1. during pregnancy and lactation;
  2. at high level blood pressure;
  3. if the patient suffers from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  4. in case of illness and ulcerative lesions skin of any etiology.

It is important not to self-medicate and, before using the foil, still consult with your doctor and make sure that the procedure is safe.

This seemingly primitive method of therapy is in high demand today in many modern domestic and foreign clinics. It can be applied both as complementary treatment to the main therapeutic interventions, and independently.

The method is quite simple, affordable, low-cost and has a wide range of applications. Patients often report the high effectiveness of foil treatment. After the procedure, the pain disappears, and the person feels a surge of energy.

Aluminum foil is a unique material. Foil treatment was practiced in ancient China: the foil was applied to biologically active points responsible for the work of diseased organs.

Today you will learn how to get rid of aching joint pain using ordinary food foil! All thanks to its reflective properties with an incredible healing effect ... Treatment of joints with foil is perhaps the cheapest method, no doubt about its effectiveness!

Foil treatment

We owe a detailed description of the method of how one can be treated with the help of foil to the psychotherapist Wilhelm Reich. Foil can cure colds, sciatica, cervical osteochondrosis and even gout!

Foil applied to the sore spot reflects biocurrents to the energy meridian from which they emanate. This has a positive effect on the diseased organ associated with the meridian, and the pain disappears.

Treatment with aluminum foil is a simple matter. Cover the sore spot with foil, for example, the bones on the legs. Fix magic remedy bandage. The foil must be applied to the sore spot with the shiny side!

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My joints ached regularly, especially when the weather changed. Looking at the cloudy sky, I wanted to howl in pain! But the foil helped, after a week of such procedures, relief came. How glad I was to learn about this miraculous technique!

The foil treatment course gives a good result! Let your friends know the news, I hope this tool will help them.

Hello dear friends!

Have you heard of the aluminum foil treatment?

The same ordinary food foil in rolls that we use to bake different dishes or to wrap and store food can serve as amazing remedy to relieve all kinds of pain and even treat diseases.

It’s true, it’s such a miracle that heals everything or almost everything! It is a pity that very few people know about this.

First, I will tell you about my feedback on the treatment with foil and how I came to this, and then I will dwell on the indications for treatment with foil, on how to properly treat with aluminum foil and what are silver bridges.

Foil treatment. My experience

If it is more convenient for you to listen, you can immediately watch the video that I have prepared especially for you at the end of the post.

Once upon a time the employee's back ached, ached for a day or two. And then someone at work remembered that back pain is perfectly removed by foil. A chocolate was bought, the foil from the chocolate was attached to a sore spot on the back. The pain began to subside literally before our eyes, and after two or three days it disappeared altogether.

Then everyone forgot about this case.

And two years ago, something happened to my heel, I could not step on it in the morning. I tried to treat with some folk remedies, ointments, compresses, but to no avail. And then I remembered all the same about the miraculous foil, began, as it were, to wrap the heel with foil, put on elastic bandage and left everything until morning. It is not convenient to walk in this form all day, as the foil breaks and crumbles. But even during the night, in a state of almost rest, she was torn. This is how it happened treatment process, the foil pulled the pain into itself.

Slowly, imperceptibly, I forgot about the pain in the heel.

It is especially helpful in relieving any pain.

I woke up in the morning with a headache, making a foil bandage. From a roll of aluminum foil I roll a strip about 7 cm wide in several layers. I put it on my forehead and tie it with a handkerchief. While I am going to work, the pain goes away.

You can make such a foil headband by stapling the edges of the foil with a stapler and put it on your head. Then you won't need a scarf.

It also happens that in the evening after a hard day, the head hurts, again foil comes to the rescue.

My mother somehow fell on the street and hurt her leg badly. She made a compress, but was in pain all night. And in the morning I advised her to attach the foil. Miracle - the method did its job pretty quickly. The pain subsided within an hour, and the swelling and bruising quickly disappeared.

Foil also helps me perfectly to remove tiredness. Just take big leaf foil, namely a sun shade made of foil, which we sell everywhere, and I cover it like a blanket, lying on the couch for 15 minutes, and fatigue is gone.

For my mother, I made such a rug to relieve leg fatigue: I cut out 7 sheets of 21x29 cm from foil, i.e. the same as a printed sheet of paper. I put sheets of paper between the foil and stapled the edges with a stapler. We throw the rug on the floor, put our feet on it and relax in front of the TV. A foil mat perfectly relieves fatigue of the legs, and therefore the whole body, acting through reflex zones.

And for the prevention and treatment of diseases by internal massage of organs through the reflex zones on the foot, it is useful to massage the feet. I have special massage rollers and do them regularly every day. If interested, read on. Recommend!

Foil treatment indications

Pain treatment with foil

Foil has an amazing effect on biologically hotspots, warming them up, so as you already understood, the foil perfectly relieves any pain, be it a headache, joint pain, pain in the spine, pain in the liver or stomach, etc. Just put a piece of foil with the shiny side to the sore spot and fix it with either a bandage or an adhesive plaster.

Foil for fatigue

Foil removes tired, how to apply it in this case, I just described above.

Folk treatment with foil is gaining momentum more and more, it is used more and more often. People are treating everything and quite successfully. How to properly treat with foil, read below.

Foil treatment. Silver bridges

Of course, it is not always convenient to apply a large piece of foil to a sore spot, and simply relieving pain is one thing that happens quite quickly. And to treat different chronic diseases, need time.

The greatest effect in the treatment with foil is achieved by using the so-called silver bridges.

This innovative product was developed by Doctor of Science, Academician Irina Aleksandrovna Vasilyeva.

The essence of the method of treatment with silver bridges is as follows: usually in places of illness, the free flow of energy is disturbed, energy holes are created, and silver bridges help the energy to overcome the sore spot and relieve the disease.

What are silver bridges? These are just foil strips glued to an adhesive plaster according to certain rules. It is very easy to make such a bridge yourself.

We need food foil, adhesive plaster and scissors.

It is better to use a wide hypoallergenic adhesive plaster so that there is no irritation on the skin from it.

Need to be cut from foil narrow stripes 1 cm wide and slightly longer than the affected area. From the adhesive plaster, cut a strip 2 cm longer than the length of the foil strips.

We glue the foil strips onto the adhesive plaster at a distance of 5-7 mm from each other.

The silver bridge should always be glued to the sore spot (with rare exceptions) only in the vertical direction.

If the diseased area big size and one bridge is not enough to close it, make one or two more, glue next to the first one.

  • Sore throats,
  • Headache, dizziness
  • Diseases of the lungs, bronchi
  • Diseases of the esophagus, stomach ulcers, colitis, renal and liver failure, inflammation of the ovaries and bladder
  • Heart failure
  • Swelling of the legs, varicose veins, knee pain, osteoporosis, scaliosis
  • Pain in joints, spine, sciatica,
  • Otitis and cough
  • Mastopathy
  • Tumors
  • Stitches, scars
  • To correct blood pressure

And this is not the whole list. The bridges can be applied to any place where it hurts, and you will see the result very soon.

I recently cured a huge bruise on my leg after applying a silver bridge.

Silver bridges can even smooth out wrinkles, for this they are glued to the face at night.

Silver bridges, except in cases of use against wrinkles and for tumors, must be worn for three days without removing. And swimming with them is desirable. And after three days, it is imperative to change the bridges for new ones, since they have already worked their way.

When treating tumors, the bridges are changed every other day.

It is not always enough to put a bridge on the sore spot, you need to know the different points on the body that are associated with a particular organ and their functions.

For example, for blood pressure correction, the bridges are glued behind the ears, on the back in the area of ​​the beginning thoracic and on the stomach just above the navel.

If you stick the bridges on your back, then you have efficiency will increase, there will be such a surge of energy, and even by the evening you will not get tired.

I recorded my case on video and how the silver bridges helped me.

Cold and throat treatment with aluminum foil

Silver bridges will help you quickly cope with a cold, you need to stick them on your heels and put on socks. Better yet, wrap the heels with 5-7 layers of foil, laying paper between the layers. She acts with her warmth like mustard plasters, while there is no heat. You can keep the foil on your feet from 40 minutes to 2 hours. After a 2-hour break, the procedure can be repeated.

And for the prevention of colds and flu, I use it quite successfully, which I strongly advise you.

If your throat is sore, attach a strip of foil to it and tie it with a scarf. Such a compress can be kept for at least an hour, at least left overnight. Already in the morning you will feel relief.

Heel spur treatment with foil

Also in Soviet times we bought Indian elephant tea. Remember?

Even then, people used foil tea packaging on a velvety paper base to treat spurs. They folded it four times and put it in the sock under the heel.

Now you will not find such tea, but we do have food foil in a roll. A strip of it must be folded four times and laid with paper.

But keep in mind that foil alone is not enough. Treatment should be comprehensive.

Foil treatment for sciatica

For the treatment of sciatica, we use the same method as for the treatment of spurs, colds with aluminum foil and for the manufacture of a mat for fatigue.

Those. we make a belt from several layers of foil with paper pads.

You need to lie in such a belt every day for forty minutes. After a few days, the pain will disappear, and after two to three weeks the attacks of sciatica will leave you.

You can read about other unconventional methods of treating sciatica at home.

Foil joint treatment

Sore joints can be wrapped in foil and secured with a bandage. But the use of silver bridges is still more effective.

They need to be applied not only to the sore spot, but also in the groin and on the buttocks.

I will share recent results and personal experience, or rather the experience of my 75-year-old mother.

Lately she could hardly walk with a cane and cried from pain in her knees. I tried to be treated in a variety of ways: I drank medicines and made various compresses (from clay, golden mustache, salt, and others). Although, my mother did not have the patience to carry out the full courses of treatment, she felt a little better, she already forgot that the compress had to be put on.

I kept telling her to try using foil. Apparently that hour has come.

Mom listened to me strong pain she left almost immediately, and three days later my mother abandoned her stick and was almost running. But here's another interesting observation: the left knee still aches and my mother continues to glue the bridges. And the right one no longer hurts at all, while the bridges do not want to keep on their knees, it pushes them away, apparently says that they are no longer needed.

The cling film treatment method belongs to alternative medicine. It turns out that foil treatment is a technique that has come down to our days since ancient times. It is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of almost any disease.

The uniqueness of the method

According to scientists, there is an energy field around any person. When a person is in a stressful or tense situation, this field changes to the point of destruction. Foil is a kind of amplifier or reflector, which is not only able to reflect its own energy, but, moreover, to amplify it.

When positive energy is directed to a certain organ, it has a healing effect. According to adherents of foil treatment, with regular use of the product, you can once and for all forget about medications and restore the body as a whole. They assure that the foil treatment is so effective that it can get rid of the hated ailment.

With foil strips, you can walk from 15 minutes to several hours

Alternative medicine doctors say that foil treatment is used for both common headaches and serious violations organism. It can be used in the most different situations, among which pathologies can be distinguished:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • pain in joints, arms, legs, spine, fracture sites, as well as back and spine;
  • with bruises and wounds;
  • with salt deposits;
  • pathology of the genitourinary system;
  • heel spur;
  • application in cosmetology;
  • treatment of osteochondrosis.

Principle of operation

Foil treatment is not only an effective, but a simple method of combating joint diseases. First you need to purchase the aluminum foil itself. Suitable not only material in rolls, but even the usual chocolate.

The ways of using foil can be different, but let's talk about universal actions. Next, let's talk step by step about what needs to be done:

  • the foil is cut to the desired size;
  • foil is glued onto a wide tape;
  • the resulting strips are applied to the right place and are fixed with adhesive plasters.

According to the creators of this method, the first sessions should begin with a few minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure.

Another option may be the so-called "blanket", in which the patient is wrapped up to half an hour. In some cases, doctors recommend applying the product overnight or day. In the case of a heel spur, it should be carefully attached to the heel.

Methods of dealing with various problems spine and joints

With radiculitis, cervical osteochondrosis, myositis, it is necessary to fold a large enough piece of material several times. Then it is applied to the sore joint and fixed. The duration of the sessions varies from 10 to 12 times. If there is such a need. Then, after a couple of weeks, the procedure should be repeated.

It is important that during the procedure, the application of the foil was a shiny surface to the sore spot.

If we are talking about diseases of the joints and the spine, then the method is somewhat different. Unlike the first method, small circles of material are taken here.

With gout, when uric acid is not excreted, but begins to accumulate in the body, the foil is fixed with a bandage on the toes.

The effectiveness of the use of copper foil in the fight against ankylosing spondylitis has been proven.

Interesting information

When the foil is applied to the affected area, the reflection of biocurrents begins, which are emitted directly by the human body.

The method of treatment with food foil was discovered a long time ago and was described by the psychotherapist V. Reich.

It turns out that the biocurrents that are emitted by our body are reflected and returned back to the meridian, that is, from where they came from. This has a positive effect on the organ with which this meridian is directly connected.

So in a simple way can be eliminated pain that are simply unbearable. Needless to say, if the foil effectively fights colloidal scars remaining after surgery.

As you can see from the above, foil can be used not only in cooking, but also as a treatment for many pathologies. She is safe, and most importantly, effective method that will help in the fight against various diseases... Also this technique pleases with its pricing policy and the ability to use without leaving home. Get the remedy and get treatment, and also advise this method to others. Nevertheless, before being treated with foil, consult your doctor, because it is no matter how unconventional method treatment, which, like any technique, may have its limitations.


Aluminum foil treatment is simple and effective

I accidentally found out about the method of treatment with aluminum foil, which really helps to get rid of not only pain, but also eliminates the causes that cause this pain. How to be treated - read below.

Who discovered the method of treatment with aluminum foil

Recently I learned about the existence of a very simple and effective way to get rid of pains of various kinds. Moreover, as far as I understood, this does not come down to ordinary anesthesia, but is a rather unusual method of treatment, known for a long time. But I hadn’t heard of him, although it’s been a few years to me, oh, how many. And then I saw on the social network on my page.

This method was first described and applied by one of the founders of the European school of psychoanalysis, Wilhelm Reich, a student of Freud, in the first half of the last century. Then he was picked up by Chinese medicine.

For treatment, aluminum foil and a regular plaster are required, only a wide one. There are such rolls in pharmacies 10 cm wide and 10 meters long. In some cases, you will need paper or cotton cloth.

You can use regular food foil sold in stores, or you can use tea or chocolate bags, in a word, any aluminum foil will do. Some sources talk about the possibility of using copper foil, only it tends to oxidize strongly upon contact with human skin.

How to treat with aluminum foil

Such a silver bridge is being prepared. A piece of adhesive plaster is cut off, the length depends on the size of the diseased space. The aluminum foil is cut into strips of 1 cm splint and glued onto the prepared plaster after 1.5 cm so that 1.5 cm of free plaster also remains on both edges. Top and bottom - 1 cm each. The foil is glued with the mirror side outward. After that, the silver bridge is glued to the sore spot so that the foil strips are vertical. Such stickers stick to the body quite firmly, you can walk with them for several days. Keep in mind that jewelry accuracy is not required at all.

You can keep the foil on the body from 20 to 40 minutes, but preferably no more than 2 hours. True, our harsh people can keep it for days.

The effect of such treatment is explained by the ability of biologically active points of our body to emit biocurrents, thus signaling about a particular disorder that has arisen in the body. We perceive this signal as pain. The foil reflects the emitted signals back, thus producing an effect on the same point, which is redirected to the meridian responsible for the diseased organ, and the body itself begins to take measures to eliminate the disorder, activating immune system.

The range of application of the proposed method is very wide. It can be combined with drug treatment, or it can be used as independent way treatment if you are not a fan of pills. It won't get any worse.

You can treat with aluminum foil various forms osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis is a complex of degenerative disorders in the articular cartilage. Most often it is exposed intervertebral discs, distinguish cervical, chest and lumbar osteochondrosis... But all other joints are not immune from it.
For this reason, if a focus of pain occurs in any joint, you can safely use this method.

Even wounds, bruises and boils can be treated with aluminum foil. It is clear that you should not stick a silver bridge on the wound and boil, just put it with the reflective side on problem place and fix it with something. Although, in my opinion, it is better to use some other method for wounds, so as not to inadvertently introduce an infection.

But foil copes perfectly with gout, spurs on the legs and the deposition of salts in the joints. You can make sure for yourself on occasion - this does not threaten you with anything, except for improvement and getting rid of pain. The foil is applied to the sore spot, tied and left overnight. It is more convenient to tie with a bandage, but you can wrap it with a cotton cloth.

Foil can shoot toothache, for this, you should apply it to the cheek, for pain in the ear, the foil is applied to the ear. Some attach a silver bridge to the heart area to relieve pain - they say it helps. She takes off and headache if you tie the foil over your head. When coughing, it is advised to attach the foil to the chest. Some in this way even calm the aching liver.

It will also help with colds. To do this, the foil is applied to the feet and wrapped with a bandage or cotton cloth. Biologically active points are located on the soles of the feet, which are responsible for all organs of our body. Some sources advise applying 3 to 7 layers of foil on the feet, alternating them with paper or cloth. In my opinion, this is unnecessary, one layer is enough.

Today I had to check the effect of the foil itself. The granddaughter woke up with a temperature of 37.8 o. At the same time, nothing hurts, the throat is clean, the nose too. Only she got hot, that's why I put myself a thermometer. We measured it two more times, nothing changed. I didn’t go to school, nor did it go to the children's clinic. On Saturday, there is only a doctor on duty, and what complaints should I address? I began to give her aflubin and grammidin. The first stimulates the immune system, the second is an antiseptic, it should kill any infection. The temperature stubbornly held, but the disease did not manifest itself in anything else. Then I decided to try the foil to the soles of my feet.

I applied it, wrapped it in strips of fabric so that it would not fall off, and fasten it with a thread. She told me to lie down for half an hour without getting up. The granddaughter complained that her legs were hot. Half an hour later, they removed, indeed, there were small beads of sweat on the foil.

We finished the procedure at half past four in the evening, and at eight in the evening the temperature was already normal, 36.7 o. I do not know exactly what helped to normalize it, but the fact is obvious.

From all of the above, two conclusions follow:

1. Aluminum foil can be applied directly to the affected area in the form of a silver bridge or wrapped around the affected area.

2. Aluminum foil can be applied to acupressure areas located on the soles of the feet and interior surfaces hands.

You understand, it's not very convenient to use your hands - we constantly need them for other purposes. If you know exactly where the points responsible for a particular organ are located on your hands, you can attach foil to these places if you wish, but if you don’t know, then you should not bother.

I'm sure there is no need to rush to drink painkillers. Pain is a signal from an organ that something has happened to it. Painkillers muffle this signal, but the problem remains, it's just that the diseased organ stops telling us about it. It is much better to apply the proposed method in this case - it helps to solve the problem that has arisen.

Indications and healing properties of foil

For the first time about healing properties The Chinese recognized the foil, then rumors spread throughout Russia. The reflective property is inherent in aluminum paper, and it is this ability that is used in medical practice. What can be healed using foil?
In fact, a lot:
- migraine;
- pain in the bones of the legs;
- joint pain;
- pinching in the vertebral sections;
- colds;
- toothache; (find out others too)
- heel spur;
- varicose veins veins.

If you have symptoms such as bone pain on your legs, joint pain, pinching of the spine, then foil must be present in your first aid kit. The treatment process consists in applying pieces of aluminum sheet to biologically active points of our body. In turn, preventing the release of radiation that our body emits, the foil retains them, which has a beneficial effect on the source of pain. There is also an opinion that the healing effect of it comes due to the fact that the body does not have enough metal. By applying foil, metal molecules are absorbed deep into skin, replenishing the necessary balance.

You can list endlessly beneficial features foils, the most attractive are the following:
1. Availability of the method (everyone can buy foil and use it).
2. Foil activates metabolic processes in the body.
3. Helps break down excess uric acid and salts.
4. Cheapness of application.
5. Minimal contraindications.

Miraculous foil strips

It is often inconvenient to put small foil plates on the places where the source of pain is localized; you have to fix them in some way. In this case, it is better to use the "silver bridge" - these are thinly cut strips of aluminum sheet, which must be glued to the adhesive plaster and applied to the sore spot according to the appropriate rules. They are easy to make yourself: cut long strips 1-1.5 cm wide, slightly more area that requires treatment. Take a wide adhesive plaster, cut the required length, stick the cut foil tracks along it and attach to the source of pain.

Important: such bridges should be glued in the vertical direction!

If the surface area of ​​the required treatment is much larger than the resulting bridge, make a couple more of these strips and place them next to each other. The prepared bridges can be applied to any place where you feel pain. After applying the bridges, it is better to wipe the skin areas on which the strips were applied with a decoction of chamomile, or with ordinary sunflower (olive) oil to soothe.

Treatment of bones on the legs

It is worth noting that foil is not a panacea for all diseases, but it effectively eliminates pain and relieves inflammation. Many women complain of pain in the legs, namely in the bones. When you come home, take some time for your legs: wrap the affected areas with cling foil, put on a thin sock on top, or wrap your leg with a bandage. Better if this procedure will be done at night. The duration of treatment is 10-12 days. Bone pain is also possible due to excess salt in the body. It is important to revise your diet, try to eat more dietary food, then the combined action - diet and foil wrapping - will bring greater results. It is also best to wear orthopedic shoes, which will reduce the stress on the bones.

We treat sore joints

If you have a supply of aluminum paper at home, then the whole thing is small: start using it with benefits for the body. For treatment, for example knee joints, even a piece of chocolate foil that you ate with gusto is enough. The principle of preparation is the same: cut the pieces required size, stick on a wide adhesive plaster and apply to sore joints. A greater effect can be achieved by folding the foil several times. Additionally, it can be fixed on top with a plaster. The first sessions should not be long in time - 5 minutes, then the duration of the procedure can be increased. The course of treatment is 10-12 days, then it is worth taking a break. Application possible this method some time later.

Foil - a panacea for pinching the spine

Lower back pain is familiar to most people. With these unpleasant sensations it is quite difficult to lead a usual way of life: pain constrains movement, and if this process is started, then the consequences can be irreversible. And here again foil comes to the rescue, which will help get rid of the aching pain caused by the pinching of the spine. In this case, it is necessary to give rest to the lower back. Prepare the "silver bridges" mentioned above, apply them, or even better, if they help you to do this so that the load on your back is minimal, lie in bed and lie down for 10-15 minutes. The same procedures can be done if you are suffering cervical osteochondrosis or sciatica.

Important: the shiny surface should be applied face down, directly on the sore spot.

For treatment of a larger area, a thick fabric belt can be used, inside which it is necessary to attach "silver bridges". Such a device will better hold the foil and eliminate discomfort.

Contraindications and warnings

Aluminum, as an element, does not bring any significant harm to the body, but it is worth refraining from using paper in medicinal purposes(especially extensive wrap) if you have:
- pregnancy;
- heart failure;
- oncology, there is a tumor of any nature;
- there is an inflammatory process;
- skin diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis;
- if you are allergic, then it is necessary to apply the foil with special care, since the place on which it will be applied may turn red;
- you should not carry out procedures using foil if you have high or low blood pressure.

It should be remembered that folk remedy cannot replace drug treatment... But if you have chosen this particular method, you should maintain your innocence with the thought of the effectiveness of this method, then the therapeutic result will be noticeable. The immediate effect is not worth waiting for, but you will be rewarded for persistence. If you still cannot achieve what you want, contact a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Foil treatment reviews

Below are the testimonials of people who have used foil in non-traditional treatments.

Marina I., 38 years old:“Since the age of 35 I have had a problem with bones on my feet, I can’t wear high-heeled shoes, I feel pain and discomfort. I saw information about the medicinal properties of foil in women's magazine, decided to check, although initially reacted to similar treatment skeptical. I cut out a rectangle of foil 10 * 10 cm, attached it to the bone, trying to wrap it, then rewound it with a bandage, secured it and went to bed. The effect was, but not after the first application, I did 3 sessions. The pain is really gone. Now I sometimes pamper myself and wear heels. "

Oksana U., 45 years old:“My mother has been suffering for a long time. aching pain in the lumbar region. Periodically, there is a very strong pinching between the vertebrae. It is clear that in old age many suffer from this ailment, but I really wanted to help the mother overcome this pain. She categorically turned out to go to the doctors, they decided to apply alternative medicine, namely aluminum foil. Having found information on the Internet, I prepared bridges for my mother from ordinary foil, which was at home. I don't want to paint for a long time, I can only say that if the "aluminum savior", if not completely eliminated the pain in the lower back, then played a significant role in the treatment of pinched spine. "

Sergey T., 40 years old:“At one time, my wife read an article about medicinal properties foil, and recently I myself had to face this: the joints on my knees began to hurt. Previously, he was involved in professional sports, but due to an injury, he had to leave him. So, I used ordinary foil, which almost everyone has at home, cut strips out of it, glued them with a thick plaster and applied them to the knee. Walking, of course, was inconvenient, so I decided to do this procedure at night. I repeated it a couple of times, and the pain was gone! Sometimes it is still worth trusting alternative medicine. "

Anastasia, 68 years old:“I am a pensioner, my husband and I don’t have money for expensive medicines, so we use different folk and unconventional ways fight disease. With foil, we keep our joints at rest. To do this, at night we put silver bridges on aching joints, put on socks. Our joints are like those of young people! "

Galina, 51 years old:“Once I woke up from a sharp pain that radiated in all directions of the foot. She suggested that her source is thumb, as she repeatedly drew attention to the fact that he sometimes reacts to the weather: it hurts. I turned to the foil for help, was ready to spend the rest of the night with insomnia, as the pain was unbearable. But after 50 minutes, she began to subside, letting me sleep. The pain disappeared like a hand. I am for the use of alternative medicine! "

Summing up, it should be noted that foil is a rather demanded material and an assistant in every person's everyday life. It is an effective treatment for pain of various origins... Pricing also plays an important role: it costs several times cheaper than any other means designed to eliminate pain. All ingenious is simple! Health to you!

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