Independent ways to remove damage from yourself. A way to independently remove spoilage with salt. Wax from a powerful magical conspiracy

The ceremony is performed on the waning moon.
For work you will need: 12 church candles, incense, red and white cloth, one liter of water (water and white cloth are brought by the person who is damaged, water is taken non-carbonated), a teaspoon of salt, a bowl of water for pouring out wax, two mirrors of the same size and shape, a talisman for protection.
Before starting work with the spoiled one, place a wax candle on the altar table to your left. This is necessary to protect the magician himself when performing the ritual.
Cover the table with a red cloth. Place two mirrors on it opposite each other. Place seven candles in a row in front of them.
A person should sit facing the table, eyes closed, arms and legs should not be crossed. Give him three candles twisted together with a tourniquet and ask him to rub them between his palms for a few minutes, thus giving them his energy. Cover his head with a white cloth and begin the ritual.
Fumigate the room with incense. Then take one candle in your hands, light it, and use it to light all the others, starting with your protective candle. Seven candles in a row are lit from right to left. Then take the three candles your client was holding and light them together. Take a bowl of water in your left hand, add a teaspoon of salt to it, in your right hand - these candles, hold so that the wax from them drips into this bowl. And put the bowl itself on the head of the spoiled one, holding it with your hand. Hold this for a few minutes, then put the bowl on the table, and keep holding the candles over it, while reading the plot three times:
“Through the rivers, through the grasses,
Through the fords and drills,
Across the sea, across the bridge
The Angel is going to the churchyard.
In order to spoil, drain the ailment
And bury forever.
With a holy word drives
Yes, he drives out all evil
From the servant of God (name),
From his thoughts, from his deeds,
From his spirit, from his body.
From now on and forever.
After proofreading, clean the human biofield. To do this, with the candles that you hold in your right hand, make cross-shaped movements around him and above his head. Draw them from top to bottom on the four sides of the person and, if at some point the candles begin to crackle or smoke heavily, hold them around this place longer. Throw the remaining candle stub into the bowl.
Then start working with the water that the person brought you. Take a container of water with both hands and imagine how the liquid begins to fill with a bright white light. Lean over the water and say:
“I endow with the power of healing, I define for cleansing from corruption and ailments.
May this water be filled with the life-giving fire of recovery. Amen."
Carry a container of water from right to left over the burning seven candles.
Now you can remove the white fabric from the head of a person, and from that moment you can open his eyes.
Give the wax that you poured from the candles into the bowl to this client. It should be thrown out where a person's foot will not step (you can find a distant place where no one will pass, and best of all, so that another person does not take over this damage by stepping on the remains of wax, bury it in the ground). This wax can also be used if you have an ill-wisher or you know exactly who has corrupted you. To do this, wax is thrown to this person in the place where he often appears, with a strong mental and energetic message, thus a transfer of damage or illness from one to another is made. But this method is not safe, and it can only be used for fair purposes, and not just to direct negativity to another person.
At the end of the work, you extinguish (do not blow out) the seven candles that were burning on your table and give to the client. Starting the next day after cleaning, he should refill them, one candle a day.
On the ninth day after cleaning, the person should put on the protective amulet that you have prepared for him and wear it for at least forty days. (I recommend and prepare amulets on precious metals for clients.)
The person must drink the water that you spoke within three days from the beginning of the ritual.
Also, during these three days, the person from whom the damage was removed should not accept any treats, gifts from anyone, and should not give or lend anything to anyone. Since these days, the one who caused the damage will feel the so-called return flow on himself and, if possible, will try to re-contact with his victim.

The rite of removing spoilage may be necessary, since despite the fact that very few can cause really strong spoilage, with a combination of several factors, it still works even for ordinary people.

Among these factors are certain lunar days, large or, the presence of strong emotions and just his Majesty Chance.

If, as a result, damage "hangs" on a person, it can be removed in different ways. The most popular are various "manipulations" such as ritual or ceremony.

What is a ritual (ceremony)

In the generally accepted sense, a ritual or ceremony is a sacred act performed by a person with a purpose. As a rule, some kind of deity is invoked during rituals.

Accordingly, the ritual action has a religious character. In the case of the removal of damage, the situation is somewhat different.

A ritual or ceremony here is called almost any action that is performed in addition to reading a conspiracy. The invocation of the deity and the subsequent sacrifice (treba) in his glory does not always take place.

You can often hear that damage by rituals is not removed and this is really true if you put the meaning of a religious rite into the word "rite".

In the future, we will use the word "ritual" and "rite" to refer to the process of removing damage, which includes directly magical manipulations.

Who conducts the rite of removal of spoilage

Since the ritual or ritual of removing spoilage is far from safe, it is not recommended to carry it out on your own. It is much better to find a qualified magician or healer.

Unlike ordinary people, these people know how to protect themselves and the client from possible side effects. If you decide to start removing damage yourself, it is better to protect yourself before doing this.

The simplest and, one might say, hackneyed way is to imagine yourself in a luminous cocoon.

Then after work, be sure to wash your hands and take a shower. In this case, the water must drain from the very top of the head, that is, the head must also be wetted.

If a psychic conducts the ritual of removing spoilage, then you, as a client, are still recommended to wash your hands. This will help remove the negative that you could inadvertently "capture" again.

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From whom: Svetlana(sv ****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

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Don't skip past. Find a couple of minutes for this information.

By the way, there is no fundamental difference who exactly conducts the ritual. It can be a master of any tradition or just a witch-grandmother.

You will get the same result, only the ritual part will differ, that is, the very process of the magician's work.

Where is the ritual performed

Depending on who removes the spoilage, the ritual can be performed almost anywhere.

Adherents of the Slavic and shamanic traditions prefer to work in nature, while the Wiccans prefer to work at the altar.

Due to their specialization, they will conduct the ceremony right on the spot, since they do not need any special devices and ingredients.

Grandmothers-healers and most of the practicing esoteric energies work right at home so as not to go far and so that everything you need is at hand.

It should be noted that, depending on the nature of the ceremony, the venue will also differ. If you work yourself, you will naturally do it at home.

In this case, do not forget to take precautions, in particular, do an energy "cleaning" after work. This is not difficult.

Imagine a fireball in your hands, mentally heat it up, and expand to the size of the room. At this point, imagine that he burns all the negative waste.

If you work from home, do not invoke any entities, much less dark ones. Opening a door between worlds is relatively easy, but closing it is much more difficult.

How to conduct

There is no universal answer, since everything depends on the damage itself and on how to remove it. Here we will look at the ritual of removing spoilage using a wax doll.

You will need:

  • Your photo;
  • Wax candles;
  • Silver ring for attracting light energy to a person;
  • Chain to protect against the return of spoilage.

First, burn your photo in a wax candle flame, imagining all the negative going away. Gently collect the ashes and use the soft wax mixed with the ashes to form a small anthropomorphic chrysalis.

You've got a volt. But not every volt is dangerous.

To create a bond between you and the doll, anoint it with your saliva or blood, cross it and give it your name. The cross in this case serves rather as a protective sign, and not as an attachment to Christianity.

  1. Put a silver ring on Volt's head.
  2. Then place the doll on the chain, so that the chain is at the "waist" of the volt.
  3. The right end of the chain is clockwise and the left is around the bottom.

Make sure you can fasten the chain later. Before fastening the chain, say:

"With a chain of white braid, she took away the darkness forever"

Wrap the volt in black cloth and hide. When the week has passed, throw the package into a strong current.

It is very important to overcome the urge to collect jewelry. If you do this, then the damage will come back.

This ritual of removing spoilage itself takes about an hour, and given the time when the bundle lies in the dark - about a week.

One of the key requirements for carrying out this ritual of removing spoilage is that candles should be only wax and you should never take jewelry away.

Removing spoilage with salt is one of the simple and effective ways to combat witchcraft. For rituals, both ordinary and Thursday salt. The latter is more commonly used in traditional medicine and powerful rituals.

In the article:

Removing spoilage with salt - simple rituals for beginners

The use is not critical. Magicians are limited to the usual product that everyone has in the house.

Cleansing family members

They pass through neighbors who live in the same entrance (if the private sector - on the same street), ask to pour a handful of salt. You need to get as many piles as there are people in the family. The product is poured into a small bowl. With her, when preparing food, they are salted and sentenced:

Salt, salt, sprinkle, return peace to my family. Salt and water to the one who spoiled my family. Amen.

Each family member should eat dishes, then the protection will work.

How to keep your house safe

Often, damage is imposed not only on a specific person or family, but also on a house. As a result, every tenant in the apartment is exposed to the witchcraft curse.

For one of the rituals, salt is used (new bag). At midnight, alone, he pours the contents of the package into a bowl, the burning candles baptize the salt three times, repeating:

She christened the salt, saved the house from the inflamed anger. Amen.

The candle is extinguished with the left palm, and the product is scattered in all corners of the room for a day: the salt will absorb the negative energy that envelops the house. Then the spent crystals are swept up and thrown away along with a broom and a scoop. After the ceremony, houses are thoroughly wet cleaned.

Seven Day Rite of Evil Eye Removal

A seven-day ritual with salt is capable of independently removing damage and a strong evil eye. They use a method to remove the witchcraft influence from any person.

A little salt from a new pack is poured into an old frying pan, which you do not mind throwing away, and it is heated.

If a person removes damage from himself, in the presence of a cloud of negative energy salt will start to blacken, smell bad and crack... While it is heating up, they constantly repeat:

What went with the wind went into the wind. What went into the forest went to the forest. What went wrong with the people went to the people. What came from the land, into the ground and left.

The product is poured into a jar and placed in front of the person's image. For greater effect, the container is placed by the patient's bed. The ceremony is repeated every evening for a week. On the 8th day, the salt is thrown away along with a pack and a frying pan.

Thursday salt from spoilage

For the ritual of removing severe spoilage, it is used, which maximizes the effect.

An ancient rite of cleansing

A ceremony, plus of which is not only the neutralization of the evil eye or damage, but also the destruction of any negative program.

The ritual is held at any time, if possible - on Thursday. The conspiracy is not dangerous, there is no rollback. Can be used to work with children.

On average, one person affected by spoilage needs about 200 grams of Thursday salt. They draw a full bathtub of pleasant temperature water and whisper:

This is Monday, this is Tuesday, this is Wednesday, and this is clear water. You wash the roots and spices, wash me (name), the servant of God, the newborn, the prayer, the baptized, the communion. Water-water, wash it off from me and from my face, woman's, child's, senile, enviable, lethargic, take away the pendulum, give lightness. Amen. Amen. Amen.

They return to the salt and whisper:

God, our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Elisha in Jericho and thus made harmful water healthy by means of salt! You yourself bless this salt and make it an offering of joy. For you are our God, and to You we send glory, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When the prayer is read, they pour salt into the bathroom and wait for the mineral to dissolve. Then they are immersed in water. You can stay in the healing water for an unlimited time. After taking a bath, negative energy will go away with water.

Effective conspiracy against magical attack

Any witchcraft attack (damage, evil eye, curse, etc.) is eliminated by a simple ritual. It is especially suitable for people who have repeatedly become a victim of magical influence. To carry out the ritual, you need:

  • Thursday salt;
  • small vessel;
  • wax candle.

A dish with salt is placed on the windowsill. A candle is placed in the center of the vessel. They say the text of the conspiracy 9 times, having previously learned the spell by memory:

Unclean spirits, unclean power! Move away from (name)! Do not torment him, do not torment him either in the morning, not in broad daylight, or on a dark night. They came from the forest - go into the forest, from the water - into the water, from the white-haired girl, from the long-haired woman, from the peasant, from the river, from the envious, from the ghost. Salt the salt there! Come all there! Go where the wind does not wither, where people do not look under the stump, under the log, into the swamps of the swell, into the swamps of Seduchi, where horses do not ride, pedestrians do not walk, near rough streams, swift over rivers, over dark forests. Go all there! Do not break bones (name), do not pull the veins (name). Ugh!

When the words have been said the right number of times, they extinguish the candle, take the vessel and throw it away as far from the house as possible. Along with the discarded salt, spoilage will disappear.

A way to remove salt damage yourself

To carry out the ceremony, they go to the market and buy salt. Specially pay more than the pack is worth, refusing to change. The package is poured into a new frying pan and as many needles are added as there are members in the family.

Turn on the burner and let the contents ignite well. This method of removing spoilage with salt is effective if the effect was detected immediately and not severely. Stir clockwise from time to time.

If the salt gets dark, they take a frying pan and, turning to the left, go around the apartment. When the circle is made, go back and put the pan back on the fire. They draw 9 crosses with a twig on salt and pronounce for each.

In this article:

The cleansing ritual is a simple but very effective magical ritual that allows you to get rid of any negativity. With this tool, you can cleanse yourself, your inner energy, your loved ones, your home, etc.

The rite of purification through the power of fire

Most of the popular rituals to get rid of negative energy are carried out using the force of the fire element. In rituals, this power is often symbolized by the flame of a candle, this small flame allows the performer to clear his own thoughts, concentrate on the magical ritual of getting rid of any defilement.

Purification rituals are simple and safe, however, for such magic to work as efficiently as possible, intention, strength and will is required from the performer.

These are very important components of successful work.

House cleansing rite

This is a simple ritual that works on the power of the element of fire. He will help you cleanse your own home, get rid of negativity and evil. Light a candle, concentrate on its flame and try to feel how everything bad burns in this small fire. Approach with burning candles to the front door and go around the whole house with it, moving clockwise along the walls. At this time, you need to constantly look at the candle flame, think about how good it is at your house, how cozy, warm, and dear your home is. Try to feel the atmosphere of peace and love in your home, think that here you and the walls help you in all matters, you and all other residents.

When you feel confident that your home is really helping you, think that inside these walls you will be protected from any evil, from people with bad intentions, from negative energy.

As you move around the house, try to think about the fact that the candle flame really helps you protect your own home from evil, hatred, envy, and other negative feelings and emotions.


While walking through the rooms with candles, pay special attention to the fluctuations of the flame, if the fire at some point becomes restless, you will hear distinct crackling, which means that the negative energy effect is especially strong in this place. Stop for a while and read any cleansing spells or prayers you know.

When you go around all the rooms in the house, return to the front door, put a candle on the threshold and leave it there to burn out. Place the candle so that people who enter will not turn it over.

A candle can be used to cleanse not only your home, but also your own thoughts and feelings.

If something bothers you a lot, if you are tormented by doubts and fears, just light a candle, put it on the table, sit next to it and concentrate on its flame. Try to enjoy the contemplation of the sacred fire, admire its yellow tongues, and then simply tell the flame what you really care about, what prevents you from living and feeling happy. Tell sincerely about all the insults and pains, about doubts, about everything that weighs heavily on your heart. After that, just imagine that all your negative thoughts and emotions are a heap of rubbish that you threw away and gave to the sacred flame. Now you will definitely feel better.

Slavic rituals for cleansing

Our distant ancestors considered themselves in an inextricable connection with nature, which they identified with the Gods and the Mother of all things. Moreover, the Slavs considered themselves descended from the Gods, called themselves the grandchildren of Dazhdbog.

Few people know, but one of the most common cleansing rituals - rolling out with an egg is rooted in ancient Slavic rituals. This simple technique allows you to remove any energetic damage to the body and spirit. The rite is completely safe and, if used correctly, it can be used any number of times.

Rite of passage to protect the house

Our ancestors paid special attention to the issues of protecting the family and home from negativity. They believed that there should always be some object next to the front door that would catch the eye of everyone entering. It was this object that was supposed to absorb all the negative energy.

As such a defender, the Slavs used small wooden or straw houses, wreaths of various herbs and flowers, old clothes and shoes, as well as decorations with different seeds, fruits and berries, bags of herbs and stones-amulets.

The same item can be used today, it is enough just to know the basic properties of the listed items.

Salt to cleanse the negative

In many cleansing rituals, the Slavs used salt, which was considered one of the strongest means for collecting negative information.


An easy way to cleanse a room of any filth is to take a small amount of coarse salt, put it in plates or pots, and place it in all corners of the room. Leave the plates for a week, and then pour all the used salt into one bag and bury it outside. Never use waste salt in food, as you will take on all the collected negative.

Slavic ritual of cleaning an apartment with fire

Fire has always been revered by the Slavs, and bonfires were an integral part of any holiday. As an example, consider the holiday "Kupala". The bonfire was always led by a sorcerer or sorcerer, who chose from among the young men those who would maintain the sacred fire throughout the entire sacrament.

To cleanse yourself or a room with fire, light several candles, place them in a circle and read the words of an ancient conspiracy:

“In the name of Svarog the Father, in the name of Dazhdbog, and in the name of Perun the Thunderer. You, Svarog-Father, separated truth from falsehood, you, Dazhdbog, separated day from night, and you, Perun, separated Reality from Navi. I conjure (name), by the power of heavenly fire, by the power of fire that is between heaven and earth, by the power of earthly fire, but I conjure underground. Let all the dark charms burn out, all the whispers and slander, all the dryness of Navia in the Pekelniy Fire. May the said come true. Exactly".

Purification ritual with water and fire

Before performing this ceremony, place three or twelve church candles on the table. Water and Fire are the elements that are at the basis of the universe, therefore you need to handle them with all respect and respect. Sit down at the table and say the words in a whisper:

“Lord God, bless you for cleansing. I ask you, spirits of fire and water, help me to cleanse myself, take away all anger and misfortune from me, burn them in fire, drown them in water, so that they do not return to me, the servant of God (name). May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, move the candles from the table to the floor and sit in the center, reciting the Lord's Prayer nine times. Try to relax and watch the candles burn around you. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a boat in the middle of a large lake, feel the waves shaking your boat. If at this moment you feel a negative influence, which can manifest itself in nausea or other sensations, then you have a large amount of negative energy.


You need to stay inside the circle of candles until you feel relief. If it does not get better, then you can leave at any time, but at the same time, be sure to thank the forces of Fire and Water for their help and support.
This ritual should be carried out every day until you feel that there is no trace of everything negative and negative.

A powerful rite of cleansing

This is an extremely effective ritual that will help not only get rid of negative thoughts and feelings, but also teach you how to enter a state of meditation that can be successfully used in other magical practices.

To carry out the ceremony, you will need a silver vessel. It can be a goblet or a vase. If you do not have a suitable vessel made of silver, then you can replace it with a jug made of another material, but in this case you will need to put a silver coin on the bottom of the vessel (the presence of silver is a prerequisite for this ritual).

Pour water into the prepared vessel and place it on the windowsill or balcony so that moonlight falls into the water. The water should be under the influence of the moon for several hours. Then place the vessel in front of you and place both hands on its neck. Close your eyes and try to imagine moonlight touching your palms through the water. As soon as you manage to catch this first sensation, begin to transmit it to the whole body, as if moonlight is spreading throughout the body.

When you feel that you have taken all the energy flow from the jug, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Silver moonlight, you give strength, you bring purity. Cleanse me, servant of God (name), from all filth, from all evil, from envy and sorrow. May it be so".

Now scoop up some moon water with your palms and moisten the selected points on the body with it. Most often they choose: temples, forehead, solar plexus, neck, wrists, etc. When you feel that energy begins to flow into the body again, read the words:

“My mother Moon, strengthen my spirit, fill me with your strength, with light, creative power, cleanse me of everything dark, everything evil and unworthy. Cleanse, Moon, your child (name). May it be so".

Then lower your arms and say:

“I (name), pure, I am perfect, like a baby at the beginning of my life. Thank you, O Moon Goddess. Stay with me in my life, help me keep the lily of my soul in the silver of your rays. Exactly".

On my forum, I was asked (see the topic Prevention of love relationships) what to do if there is a suspicion of a working fight. In my opinion, you can carry out a ritual of removing the negative, it does not hurt. You can do this yourself, just look for an effect that is harmless in itself. For example, something using white magic prayers and rituals. Turn to the forces of light with a request to remove troubles and quarrels from your life together.

Ritual of removing the strife

The ritual will suit you better if you are a believer, because during the ritual you will appeal to divine forces and energies.

For the ritual, Tuesday or Thursday is suitable for you - one of these so-called. "Men's days", in which it is customary to carry out influences on men.

You need to go to church, put two candles next to each other and say:

“Like candles stand next to each other,
So it is to me (your name) with (name of the beloved),
Not to be parted forever. "

This is a simple slander of love and bonding that will help ease the breakdown.

For the second part, you need in the same church, take consecrated water and two thin church candles.

Put your joint photo in front of you. Take two faceted glasses, pour consecrated water into one. Now call the candles by your names and intertwine them, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“How these candles are intertwined,
Likewise, destinies (yours and his names) are forever united. "

Put the candles on the table and light both with one match. Let the candles burn until they burn out completely.

At this time, take two glasses, and pour the water from one to the other, saying:

"How this water flows,
Likewise, let grief and evil be removed from (yours and his names). "

Put down the glasses and continue with the following conspiracy words:

“As after a thunderstorm, the rain subsides,
So let all quarrels and disputes subside forever.
And may humility, patience and love descend.
From now until the end of time.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

These are all the simple actions that can help you rid your relationship of quarrels and conflicts.

And now I will answer a few questions about the action of the split.

If a quarrel is made, does it have a specific time frame?

In fact, the split is done in such a way that it would not have an expiration date. After all, the customers of the squabble want undesirable relationships between people to completely stop. Those. order a permanent split. In such squabbles, as a rule, the peak of negativity falls on the period until people completely disperse. But then the discord weakens, but this does not mean that the magic ceases to work. It's just that the action of disagreement becomes such that it would no longer allow reunification.

That is, such a situation is programmed by a magician for a year, two, or for life?

The main impulse goes on for about six months. During this time, people part with such mutual negativity and hatred that they cannot calmly look at each other. Then this negativity weakens a little, but it is very difficult to unite people again. It works at the level of reflexes, like if you burn yourself on a hot kettle, then check ten times before you take it again. Also here, the squabble captures a very unpleasant life experience that repels people from each other.

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