Blood after cesarean sections in 2 weeks. How much is the selection after cesarean sections? Restoration after cesarean. Sharp discontinuation of discharge

In our time, many women face with a cesarean cross section, and this is explained by the fact that the number of pregnancies occurring with complications too increased. There are, of course, some of the future mothers who choose such a way of delivery, knowing about the reviews of the girlfriend, how painful is the process of natural appearance of a baby to light. Whatever the reasons were caused by the decision to carry out the operation, the main thing is that the Karapuz is born healthy, and no complications arose (neither by his mother).

One of the indicators of how correctly and without complications is restored by the female organism after the birth of the baby, are allocations, so getting ready to become a mom, you should definitely find out what they should be normal. In a conversation, women call them abundant monthly, correctly say - Lochi. This is a normal physiological process, in which the uterus, starting the process of abbreviation, pushes outwards together with the blood flow, dead endometrial particles, various placenta residues (all this can be seen in the form of lounges and blood clots). So the body is cleaned and restored.

With the discharge of women face no matter what kind of child was born, i.e. This is the norm of any kind of delivery. They are similar to menstruation (the same color of blood, bunches, painful pain at the bottom of the abdomen), but differ in abundance and durability. Of course, this is one of the unpleasant and uncomfortable natural consequences of childbirth, so all moms are very worried about the overall question: when are postpartum loches end?

The normal duration of the woman's discharge after childbirth

Know how much the specific allocations after childbirth need to be needed by any woman, at least in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner in case of deviations. After the cesarean section, the restoration of the body occurs longer, and if women who gave birth to natural way, come back in the norm in a month, then for the operation, this process is delayed on average for six weeks. How much exactly will you disturb the selection, it is impossible to say, because It depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but if after 2 months they did not stop - you need to urgently consult a doctor.

In our time, Caesarean section is the usual "procedure." First, the number of women, which, according to their own, decide to give birth just like this. Secondly, the number of pregnancies without complications decreases, so the cesarean cross section is increasingly conducting "according to the indications". It doesn't matter exactly how your baby will see the light, the main thing is that he is born healthy, and the operation or natural childbirth passed without complications.

Nowadays is the usual "procedure." First, the number of women, which, according to their own, decide to give birth just like this. Secondly, the number of pregnancies without complications decreases, so the cesarean cross section is increasingly conducting "according to the indications". It doesn't matter exactly how your baby will see the light, the main thing is that he is born healthy, and the operation or natural childbirth passed without complications.

Caesarean section is an operation in which surgically cut the uterus and take out a child from it, crossing and taking the umbilical cord, as well as removing the fetic bubble and the placenta. Then the cut is embroidered, and the wound impose a sterile bandage. A woman gradually comes out of anesthesia and comes in her life another difficult stage - the recovery stage. Many questions are worried about the new moth. When can I get up after anesthesia? How to care for the seam? How to eat? And many others.

Special attention and doctors, and the moms themselves turn to the selection after the cesarean section. After every generation (and natural and caesarean section) from the vagina, the so-called Lochi is distinguished from the vagina (these are postpartum sections). Many women are discharged after childbirth are called abundant monthly. In fact, a lot of similarities: and sings the abdomen, and highlighting red with clots. That's just one "monthly" one is much longer, and the nature of the selection has a property to change.

"Normal" selection after cesarean section

So, already are a normal process. Through the sexual paths, the remnants of the placenta and dead endometrial microparticles along with blood are displayed. In the first 2-3 days after the discharge operation, they have bright red and they are quite abundant. It is difficult to determine the "normal volume" of the discharge, because much depends on the operation and which complications were accompanied by a woman during pregnancy and in the period of childbirth. Gradually, the nature of the selection is changing. First, they are darker, purchasing a brown shade, and become serous-succained, then become liquid and brighten. Somewhere in 6-8 weeks of allocation should be stopped at all.

Absolutely normal are allocations with clots and lumps, especially after the cesarean section. Usually after the operation, the woman moves little, so the blood is going to the clots, and then comes out. Do not be afraid if, during breastfeeding, the selection is enhanced, and pain at the bottom of the abdomen appears - this is also normal, moreover, it is necessary for speedy recovery. The separation of "ejects" the uterus itself, shrunk, and it is reduced due to the hormone oxytocin, and oxytocin in turn is intensively emitted into the blood in the time of attachments of the baby to the chest. This is how everything is interconnected and clearly thought out by the mother-nature.

When should you beat the alarm?

Unfortunately, not always the postpartum period goes smoothly, especially after the cesarean section. Very often serious complications are happening, and the postpartum allocations are often helping them, so it is important to know about the norms and "deviations". So, you immediately need to go to the doctor if:

  • Allocations stopped too soon.As mentioned, after the cesarean section, they will last from 5 to 8 weeks. If the suckers are delayed in the uterus cavity, then they become an excellent environment for pathogenic bacteria, which can provoke either hematoma or inflammation in the uterine cavity.
  • Selection lasts more than 8 weeks,at the same time do not scare and do not change the color. With a bad reduction in the uterine of bleeding can be intensified, and they are very dangerous for the life of a woman, so if after a week of bleeding, they absolutely did not change - immediately contact your help.
  • Allocations have an unpleasant smell. In the first 2-3 days, the supreme smell of Lohi is normal, but if it is further enhanced, it already indicates pathology.

To avoid all sorts of postpartum complications, after the cesarean section, the woman is given antibacterial drugs, and if necessary, oxytocin is injected, which contributes to a better cutting of the uterus and naturally, painkillers.

How to take care of yourself?

And the woman itself must take care of his health after Cesarean section. To avoid problems with allocations, you need to follow the following instructions:

  • So that the uterus is better reduced - from time to time, go to the stomach, wear, regularly empty the bladder and intestines, spend a lightweight abdominal massage, apply the Ice abdomen (from 3-EX to 5 times a day for 5-10 minutes).
  • Carefully observe the hygiene of the genital organs: after each hike in the toilet, wash the outer genitals with clean warm water; take a shower daily; The first 2 weeks after the birth is better to use non-gaskets, but by diapers for creating an effect of ventilation; Change hygienic gaskets every 4 hours; In no case do not use hygienic tampons.

And most importantly: no "self-configuration". At the very first suspicion of "Nelid", contact a specialist.

We wish you easy recovery and good health!

Especially for Tanya Kivezhdiy

Involution of the abodes of a small pelvis and tribal tract after Cesarean section proceeds longer than after natural labor. Due to the seam on the wall, the uterus is reduced weaker. For this reason, the selection after cesarean section has some features.

All the difficulties of the postpartum period after the cesarean section suggest that a woman needs to be particularly closely monitoring the amount, changes in the color and smell of Lochi.

After separating the placenta in the uterus at the site of its attachment, an open wound surface is formed. Blood vessels bleed in the first days after childbirth very much. Lochi enhanced during walking, change of position and physical activity.

  • In the first 2-3 days of allocation is very abundant, up to 150-200 ml per day. Blood, scarlet colors with clots.
  • After 1 week, Lochi becomes suction, brown-colored.
  • After 2 weeks, the volume of succeeds decreases. In color, they become brown with admixture of mucus.
  • After 5 weeks, Lochi gradually go to no. Mozhoye yellow-mustard colors.
  • After a month and a half months, the selection becomes transparent or white. At this time, a woman needs to visit the gynecologist. Complete gynecological examination and choose a prevention method.

In place of the wound surface, the growth of leukocytes, granulocytes, macrophages is activated. These cells become a protective barrier for the occurrence of infection and inflammation. Thanks to this natural protection mechanism, the uterus cavity remains sterile in the first days after delivery.

When contact your doctor

Woman after the COP should especially follow the amount, color and smell of postpartum selection. And if some features are detected, then you need to consult a doctor to not start the inflammatory process.

That's what you need to pay attention to:

  1. If the selection in the first days after delivery is too meager (less than 100 ml per day). This happens after the planned operations of the COP, when at the time of the root separation of the cervix was not ajar. Therefore, the uterus is empty and postpartum lochs are delayed inside. It is necessary to pass the gynecologist, whether the cervical canal is expanded, whether there is a blood clots in the uterus.
  2. If the isolation is too abundant (more than 300 ml), or the loches are bloody and scarlet longer than 2 weeks. This may be due to blood clotting disorders, the seam break in the uterus.
  3. If the lochy after the cesarean section ceased earlier than in 3 weeks. This situation is fraught with the fact that blood clots remained in the uterus. They can lead to an inflammatory process. Too prolonged postpartum allocations (longer than 10 weeks) also do not mean anything good. This may indicate the protracted inflammatory process.
  4. If the isolations have impurities in pus on any period of postpartum recovery. This may mean that in the uterine cavity, an acute infectious inflammatory process is developing, endometritis or the suppuration of the seam on the stack of the uterus. It is urgently to turn to the doctor if the body temperature is above 39 degrees, with palpation, the pain at the bottom of the abdomen.
  5. If the selection is white curls, it indicates a thrush, dysbacteriosis. Which is often found after antibiotic therapy, which is carried out after the cesarean section.

Hygiene after cesarean section

Compliance with personal hygiene rules will help avoid complications related to postpartum discharges. And the knowledge of what contributes to the active cleansing of the uterus will help get rid of the loyal.

Fit after each visit toilet using intimate hygiene agents.

Change strips every 2nd hours. First use postpartum gaskets for the first few days.

GW contributes to the rapid removal of the loyalty from the uterus due to oxytocin, which is allocated during sucking.

During the movement, the uterus is reduced more active. Therefore, after the cesarean section, it is recommended to get up as early as possible and move from the first day after the operation.

The outflow of Lohi after cesarean section is slower than after natural labor. This creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in the uterine cavity. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully observe how much the selection is located after the cesarean section, and what character they have.

Cesarean section - a long-term operation, which is carried out in the absence of independent childbirth. Regardless of the natural or operational delivery, after the child appears to the world, the mothers begin - Lochi. Why do they appear how many last time and how to care for them during this period?

During surgery, the surgeon cuts not only the belly, but also the uterus. Therefore, the view is that women who gave birth to cesarean sections should not be allocations - erroneously. The first day after childbirth Mom is in intensive care, since she needs constant control. Doctors are watching the state of the uterus, because with insufficient reduction there is a risk of developing pathological bleeding. Also evaluate the cardiovascular system using the indicators on the monitor.

After a strip operation, the uterus is damaged and time is necessary to restore its inner mucous membrane. The healing process is accompanied by postpartum discharges (suckers) consisting of mucus, blood and dead epithelium. In the process of healing, the shade, structure and volume of selection changes. The same happens with natural childbirth, only the recovery period is faster.

Video - Caesarean section. School of Dr. Komarovsky


Postpartum discharge is a physiological phenomenon by which particles of placenta are derived from the body and removing endometrial residues.

  1. The most abundant allocations from the vagina in the first week and have a rich red color. Remind usual monthly, but in a much larger volume. Walking, breastfeeding feeding, changing body position reinforce blood outflow. For the first five days after the operation, blood discharge is about 500 ml are considered the norm.
  2. Then the lochy darken and acquire a brown tint. The appearance of clots is a normal phenomenon associated with the small mobility of the feminine. It is characterized by a specific smell similar to iron.
  3. By the fourth week, the selection becomes dark brown, their volume is significantly reduced. They become scarce and oscillations.
  4. By 2.5 months of allocation become transparent, mucous membranes. Do not deliver inconvenience, do not smell.

At what stage of the selection will be changed, the composition and volume depends on the individual characteristics of the woman who gave birth. But they should begin with red, go into brown, and end with mucous membranes and transparent discharges.

Active cutting of the uterus affects the intensity of selections in the initial days after the birth of the child. With a long operation, muscle fibers are damaged, which significantly complicates its abbreviations. To stimulate the uterine contractions, it is recommended to lie on the stomach as often as possible, regularly empty the bladder, apply the baby to the chest on demand. Milk sucking increases uterine cuts, accompanied by painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen.

How much is the selection after the cesarean operation?

In the first 6-8 days of allocation, especially strong, for this period there are most of the released fluid. In the second week, the number of discharge begins to decrease, and the end of the month is significantly reduced. On 5 weeks, Lochi becomes stitching, and a week later, they stop at all.

Postpartum discharge can last up to 1.5 months depending on the individual characteristics of the body of a woman, pregnancy, and childbirth themselves.

Not a single doctor cannot say exact figures of the beginning and end of the postpartum selection. But there is averaged statistics on which you need to even be ignored and when detecting deviations immediately consult a doctor.

Pathological discharge

The reason for the treatment of a specialist can be: a sharp discontinuation of the discharge within a few days after delivery, the appearance of unpleasant odor, the change in the composition of the selection, the appearance of itching. The causes of certain changes are presented in the table.

Change the smell of discharge

Unpleasant, purulent, sharp smell indicates inflammatory processes on the inner surface of the uterus or in a different endometrite. The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, reinforcing pain at the bottom of the abdomen, worsening the well-being of a woman.

Sharp increase in selection

Increasing the number of successes, their long-term not decreases indicate the beginning of the late hypotonic bleeding. It is after the long-term operation that it happens most often, since the uterus due to the resulting seam cannot be normally reduced.

Sharp discontinuation of discharge

The instant end of the postpartum lockey speaks of a possible beating of the uterus. In this case, there is a violation of the outflow of the separation from the uterus, leading to their stagnation. With untimely treatment, this leads to inflammation or endometritis.

Curl selection and itching

Unpleasant sensations in the vagina, itching, burning, changing the selection structure signals the thrush. Its development can be associated with the wrong hygiene born a woman or taking antibiotics.

Hygiene after cesarean section

In the maternity hospital, it is necessary to arrange warm water with the household soap several times a day. The first days need to use diapers, on the third day you can use large-sized gaskets. It is recommended to change them as far as filling, but at least once every three hours. For convenience, disposable panties are used. It is unacceptable to use tampons, in order to avoid the reproduction of microbes. The seam dressing is made daily, you can apply ice to increase uterine contractions. For the state of the seam, you need to follow very carefully so that it can not and not bleed. Otherwise, the doctor's inspection is necessary.

At home, regular beams should be continued until the selection becomes colorless up to about 8 weeks. It is forbidden to take a bath, paint and lead sex life before obtaining permission from the gynecologist. It is possible to resume former life only after the final recovery of the uterus and the cessation of oscillations.

Menstruation after cesarean sections

After the birth of a child in the female body, the production of a hormone prolactin begins, blocking the development of follicles in the ovaries and the stimulating formation of milk. In breastfeeding, menstruation usually occurs after 6-7 months, with active feeding can come in a year. In case of artificial feeding, monthly comes in 2-3 months. First they are irregular, and then the cycle is restored.

Postpartum allocations for each woman lasts a different amount of time, but usually do not exceed 1.5 months. Compliance with personal hygiene rules, regular change of gaskets prevent infection. Feeding a child on demand, lying on the stomach stimulate cutouts. Compliance with the prescriptions of doctors will help with ease to overcome the recovery period.

It is important to closely monitor the discharges and in case of an unpleasant odor, a sharp increase or stop contacting the gynecologist for advice.

In this article, I would like to consider such a delicate question as discharge after Cesarean, since not all patients are decided to ask him to consult him. And the topic is really very important. After all, it is according to the characteristics - their color, the volume, the smell can be accurately determined, whether everything is in order with the health of the women in labor. So, we will deal in more detail how many days there are allocations, what they should be normal, and which are talking about the deviations that occur in the body of a young mother, who suffered a cesarean section.

How much is the selection after cesarean sections

Terms - a very important point in this case. It is this information that allows you to control the restoration of the menstrual cycle.

In the norm of selection after Kesarev, it can continue until 7-9 weeks. It is just to completely shrink and "push out" from themselves the dead particles of the endometrium, which remain after the placenta separation. In this indicator, a small error is allowed. That is, if the selection after Cesarev ended the week before or, on the contrary, the week later - there is no reason for panic. Frames may vary. Ultimately, how many days are walking, depends exclusively on the individual characteristics of a separate organism and its ability to recover. The main thing is to follow them:

  • composition;
  • coloring;
  • volume;
  • smell.

Below I will tell you how these indicators should be normal. And now about what situations you need to show vigilance and turn to the gynecologist. It is important to mark very accurate how much you have selection after cesarean sections. When they ended too quickly (earlier than 5 weeks), it may say that endometrial particles cannot exit for any reasons. In this case, the rose of the purulent process in the uterus is high.

Have you already appealed to the doctor?


If the Lochi, on the contrary, is too long, there is a suspicion of infectious diseases of the organs of the sexual sphere and the abdominal cavity. Also exclude endometrite. All these diseases are treated with timely diagnostics. But if you do not resort to therapy, serious pathologies and complications can not be avoided.

It is also important not only how much time will be released after cesarean, but also their stability. Austion should state when the loching ended, and later began again. This may indicate any failures in the process of the Involution of the uterus.

Important! Be extremely attentive in terms of the duration of Lohi. Ignored deviations in this process often end with surgery.

What should be the selection after Cesarean

Lochi, which appear immediately after the operation, are very similar to conventional menstruation, only very abundant. But the secret is the same in color, it may include small bunches. Selection after cesarean can be intensified as a result of physical exertion, when palpation in the abdomen, as well as breastfeeding. The listed actions stimulate the cutting abilities of the uterus, due to the faster it comes out its contents.

Consider with a temporary breakdown, which normal sections should be released after cesarean:

  • The first week. During this period, the total volume of succeeds can vary within 500 ml. If the gasket is filled about 2 hours, we can say that at this stage the recovery process proceeds normally.
  • Week Two. The secreted secreted gradually darkens, becomes brown, smoothly decreasing in the amount.
  • Week fifth. Lochi acquire a light shade, a cargo consistency. The intensity also weakens.
  • Week eighth. Normal discharge appear, as before pregnancy, since the uterus by this time should almost completely complete the process of involution.

After surgical generics, the uterus is reduced worse than after the natural delivery. The reason for this is damage to muscle fibers during the operation. From this dependes the intensity and character of the loy.

Important! To exclude postpartum bleeding and speed up the involution of the uterus, I recommend to establish my patients as quickly as possible after the COP to stimulate the production of oxytocin in the body, which, in fact, is responsible for.

Types of selection after cesarean

As I no longer repeat, Lochi is a marker of the health of the feminine. After caesarean is gradually changed in terms of abundance, lugs, colors. Next, I will tell you what specifically their characteristics should alert a woman, and which relate to normal indicators.


If the suckers acquire such a color - this is one of the most dangerous signals that cannot be ignored. Selection after the cesarean surgery section of a greenish shade - a bright sign of the appearance of pus.

As a rule, they are accompanied by an unpleasant putrid smell and appear as a result:

  • taking place in the uterus of inflammatory processes, which are caused by injury to the childbearing organ or incomplete rejection of the fruit shell;
  • by rewarding the suckers accumulated in the uterine cavity;
  • infectious diseases.

In my practice there were cases when the patients did not appear green selection immediately, and a few months after childbirth, when Lochi stopped at all. As a rule, this is a sign of endometritis flowing in slow form. Even if there is no pain and discomfort at the same time, it is necessary to contact the hospital immediately. Green Lochi, especially foamy consistency, can also indicate availability trichomoniaza , gonorrhea, chlamydia or gardnerella . However, thrush also is often the cause of the problem. But it is necessary to figure out provoking factors, especially if, in addition to greenish secretion, you are worried about redness and itching of genital organs, which is characteristic of bacterial vaginosis and colport.


Brown discharges in the first week after cesarean section - a normal phenomenon. During the rest of the time, the Hife must be extremely attentive and to respond to any changes in a timely manner. So, if the lochy darkened, a rotten or sour smell appeared - go to the doctor. Often, similar symptoms speak of an infection present in the body or a complex inflammatory process. A visit to the gynecologist is also necessary if after the cesarean sections of the selection not only became brown, but also sharply increased their volume. As a rule, this is due to internal bleeding. The reason can also be the last, which did not fully move away and prevents the reduction of the uterus.

Consistency of Lohi is also very important - if they are brown and too liquid, perhaps you have vaginal bacteriosis. It has the meaning and temperature of the body - elevated to subfebrile or higher indicators, it indicates pathologies in the body.

Evidence of violations are also:

  • itching in the crotch area;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • student urination;
  • whitish flakes or pus in highlights;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • sleepy state.

Yellow selection

Lochi acquire a yellowish tint about three weeks after childbirth. If the uterus is shortened weakly, they can continue in this form to two months and not be an indicator of complications. During this period, the secret, as a rule, contains bloody inclusions, which indicates the continuation of the recovery period. Yellow discharges that appeared after cesarean section or ordinary genera are considered the norm if they are not very bright, are not accompanied by increased temperature and other unpleasant symptoms.

The presence of any pathological features signals the need to appeal to the attending physician. Dangerous include selection of yellow in which:

  • rises (even slightly) body temperature;
  • hurts the lower part of the abdomen;
  • noet loin;
  • mine impurities are observed in the fluid released;
  • there is an unpleasant odor;
  • felt burning and itching in the genitals.

The listed symptoms often indicate such a disease as the inflammation of the uterine endometrium (endometritis). In the postpartum period, the likelihood of its occurrence is especially high.


As a rule, the pink shade of Lohi says that the organism of the feminine has not yet been fully recovered. If the selection is acquired by a light or pale-scarlet shade, much later after the operation (in a month or more), perhaps some mechanical impact was carried out on the wound surface, as a result of which it was damaged. This often happens if the guinea, without waiting for the completion of the rehabilitation period, began to have sex.

To determine exactly why Lochi acquired such a shade, only a specialist can be able to use an ultrasound and inspection of the abdominal organs, as well as a number of analyzes. It is possible that the survey will show that these are the individual features of your body, and pink discharge is a normal phenomenon. On the other hand, they can talk about internal injury, discrepancies of the seams, the presence of polyps or erosion.


Becomes immediately after the white separation of the selection of white, if they are not accompanied by additional symptoms, the dangers are not carried. But you need to be attentive so as not to miss the alarming signs in the form:

  • redness in the intimate zone;
  • itching in the crotch area;
  • sour smell;
  • curl consistency secret.

If a patient comes to me with complaints about white discharge, which are accompanied by the listed signs, I send it to take a smear from the vagina or bacterial sowing of microflora. Only these analyzes make it possible to put an accurate diagnosis and subsequently select the right therapy.


When the black secret stands out in the first few days after the translation of the young mother from the chamber of intensive therapy in general, while the smell of the selection does not have, it does not occur pain - this is the norm. In this case, the cause of hormonal transformations occurring in the body of the Hife. But when they appear after some time after surgery, they are talking about the existing deviations.

With unpleasant odor

Consider in detail how can Lochi smell, and what it says about:

1. The smell of delight, which is associated with dampness and stale. At the very beginning of Lochi, they can smell blood, and when after birth, it takes about 10-12 days, these heavy notes may appear. If the fragrance is barely audible, it is considered the norm. When he, on the contrary, is too intense, sharp, gives discomfort, the reason is non-compliance with the rules of hygiene. It will help frequent arms and regular replacement of gaskets.

2. Smell sour or fish. Usually, gray or white discharges are added to it, which are a bright sign of microflora disorders. Antibiotics, antiseptics used for processing postoperative seams, or, as in the previous case, personal hygiene errors can cause it. White curls with sour smell can also point to vaginal candidiasis (thrush) and are treated with antifungal drugs.

3. Sniffle, sharp. An explicit sign of inflammatory processes occurring in the organs of the sexual system. Despite the fact that the probability of improving infection during the operation is extremely small (unless, of course, childbirth took a qualified specialist), but the risk still exists. Based on the localization of the pathogen, the woman in labor can develop: a puerpell ulcer, perimetritis, peritonitis, parameters, colpit or endometritis. The course of disease can be both acute and chronic. In the first case, inflammation develops rapidly, accompanied by strong pain, increased to critical indicators with temperature (above 39 degrees), the presence of a large amount of pus in the suckers. In the sluggish process, the accompanying symptoms are similar, but not so brightly manifest. The temperature in such situations does not rise above the subfebrile, the pain of the launder, the weakness is also felt.

4. The smell of Urin (urine). It often causes fistulas that connect the vagina with the bladder or urethra. Pathology can be caused by damage to tissues during surgical manipulations. As a result, Urin enters the selection than and provokes the appearance of an unpleasant fragrance. Fistulas may also declare themselves with the participation of urination, accompanied by thumbs, burning and pain.

Important! Any selection after cesarean with an unpleasant and unusual smell must cause concerns from a woman and be a reason to appeal to Dr.!

Bloody issues

After the cesarean section, the presence of blood in the discharge should not frighten the young mother. In this case, she only says that the process of healing of burst vessels and damaged tissues proceeds in accordance with the norm. But it is very important to pay attention to how long it lasts. If the bleeding does not pass even a week after the cesarean section, be sure to eliminate possible pathological bleeding, which opened as a result of the gap of the vagina or the cervix.

Rarely, such diseases such as hemophilia may also cause such phenomena. But, as a rule, the presence of such pathology in the patient a doctor knows in advance and undertakes the necessary measures to avoid complications.

Purulent discharge

Determine the existence of pus is easy. Lochi looks with opaque, homogeneous, have a yellowish or greenish tint and a sharp unpleasant smell. May be accompanied by a feverish condition and pain in the abdomen, which is very dangerous. After all, purulent discharges appearing after Cesarean - an explicit infection rate.

The fact is that the postpartum uterus is the perfect background for the development of inflammation and distribution of pathogenic microorganisms. After all, it is in a warm, wet environment, the bacteria multiply with an incredible speed. The presence of wounds and remnants of dead tissues is even more facilitated. And if the guinea does not have enough hygiene measures enough, the situation is extremely aggravated.

It is worth noting that the listed conditions favor that the infection can develop both in the generic paths and in the organs of a small pelvic or in the abdominal cavity, and cause more serious consequences in the form of suppuration in the uterus, for example. Self-medication in such cases is very dangerous and can lead to a minimum of the need for a re-operation.

You can even assume the probable causative agent of infection. If it is trichomoniasis, the secretion is foaming and yellowish. With gonor - greenish and liquid. Finally, determine the "culprit" can only be through laboratory studies.

Normal and deviation

So, after cesarean, selection can last up to 6 to 10 weeks. A deviation is allowed to smaller or most of 1 week. According to statistics, endometrial for full recovery requires approximately 8 weeks. Before the expiration of this period, there are exactly Lochi, not menstruation.

The duration of the discharge also depends on the presence of injuries of the reproductive system organs obtained in the process of surgical intervention. As the muscle tone is restored, the mucous layer is restored and, in general, the involution of the uterus is proceeded, the lochy can change the consistency, volume, color and other characteristics. For convenience, in the table, which indicators are considered normal in one or another period.

If you simply noticed that the selection after Cesarean came to no, you can assume that your body is fully recovered.

On the existing deviations indicate Lochi, which continue longer than the period above, and their characteristics do not correspond to what I pointed out in the table.

Be sure to contact the doctor in the following situations:

  1. Two months after the COP passed, and you still have bleeding. The situation described, requires an urgent uterus survey to eliminate the presence of placenta residues, endometrial particles, blood clots.
  2. In Lochi A mucus appeared. If no more than a month has passed after the delivery, there is no reason for panic. But the later timing of the jelly-like secretion should not be.
  3. There was an unpleasant smell. Above, I told in detail what this phenomenon could say. If you ignore it, the risk of sepsis will grow with incredible progress. In case of early circulation, the problem is easily eradicated with antibacterial therapy. In the launched cases, not avoid postpartum cleansing.
  4. Already in the first days after the appearance of crumbs, a transparent secret is distinguished at Mom. Such an indicator is the norm only at the final stage of recovery period. During the rest of the time, it indicates that the uterus is declining very weakly. The reason may be the spasm of the cervical canal, which must be diagnosed and eliminated.
  5. Lochi interrupted and soon began again. This can be caused by high physical exertion or injury of the reproductive system organs (for example, during sexual contact).

Opinion doctors

I share a quote of my colleague, an obstetrician-gynecologist with twentieth years of experience, Elena Sidorenko: "The first thing I am always trying to explain to my patients: allocations after Cesarean is not regulated. And do not panic when they are too long. On the contrary, there should be anxiety to be concerned, which ended very quickly, as this is a failure rate during the recovery process.

More should not be alarmed not even how long the selection go, and their characteristics after the cesarean section. Even if they continue for more than two months, but at the same time they do not have an unpleasant smell, gray, green or rich-yellow engines - excellent. After all, this suggests that your uterus is completely released from the particles of endometrial and dead cells, it comes to normal, there are no complications and infections.

Of course, a woman who has recently produced a baby must be very attentive to himself - do not lift weights, keep your body clean, eliminate bad habits. After all, by 80%, she itself affects its own state and reproductive health. "


Above, I described in detail what could be in their characteristics of the selection after Cesarean section, explained how much they go when begin and end. But it should be borne in mind that the terms listed by me and indicators may vary. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of the Gods. The main thing is to keep the situation under control and inform the attending physician about any changes in the character of the loy, especially in situations when they:

  • became very abundant with bright blood impurities;
  • acquired a green or gray shade and unpleasant odor;
  • ended and started after a while again;
  • steel white or watery;
  • stand out in too small volume;
  • coming together with blood clots.

In addition, such symptoms such as a sharp drop in blood pressure, weakness, scaffolding, disturbed urination, abdominal pain and lower back, redness and itching in the field of seams and genital organs are shown.

It is important to remember! If you lead a healthy lifestyle, adheries all the recommendations of specialists and comply with personal hygiene both before and after the cesarean section, the risk of any complications is practically absent.

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