Proverbs in English and their counterparts in Russian. Famous English sayings and their Russian counterparts

Meet in books, especially in journalism and fiction. Native speakers can use them without realizing it. This is why the “formulaic language” is convenient because it serves as a convenient template with which you can easily express a thought.

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Difficulties in translating sayings and proverbs

When talking about the meaning of proverbs, sayings, idioms, riddles, puns and other works of oral folk art that should not be understood literally, the term “equivalent” is usually preferred over “translation”.

Some sayings can be translated literally, and their translation will be the exact equivalent of the original: Better late than never - Better late than never. But this is a rather rare case. More often it is better not to translate literally, but to pick up an equivalent from the Russian language. For example:

  • In English: Rome wasn’t built in a day.
  • Literal translation into Russian: Rome was not built in one day.

In films, literature, when the hero uses a proverb, it is often translated as the context requires. Sometimes it is better to translate verbatim than to take the equivalent from Russian folklore. For example, there is an English saying “Curiosity killed a cat” - “curiosity killed the cat”. The equivalent can be considered “the curious Barbara's nose was torn off at the bazaar”, since the meaning is, in general, the same.

But if in a film about a British spy, one MI6 agent reminds another that “curiosity killed a cat”, the line about Barbara would be inappropriate, it is better to translate it literally or replace it with a suitable expression that conveys the meaning.

Below are 53 popular sayings and proverbs in English. The first 10 are translated literally without any tweaks. The remaining 40 are literal translations and equivalents.

Sayings and proverbs in English, which are translated literally

1. Don’t judge a book by its cover.

  • Do not judge a book by its cover; not all that glitters is gold.

2. Strike while the iron is hot.

  • Strike while the iron is hot.

3. Better late than never.

  • Better late than never.

4. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

  • Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

5. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

  • Don't put all your eggs in one basket; don't put everything on one card.

6. My hands are tied.

  • My hands are tied.

7. It's the tip of the iceberg.

  • This is the tip of the iceberg.

8. Easy come, easy go.

  • Easy Come Easy Go; as it came and went; God gave, God took.

9. The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.

  • The forbidden fruit is always sweet.

10. You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

  • You can't make scrambled eggs without breaking the eggs.

Proverbs and sayings in English with Russian equivalents

11. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

  • Literally: the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
  • Equivalent: good where we are not.

12. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

  • Literally: when you are in Rome, do everything as the Romans do.
  • Equivalent: they don't go to someone else's monastery with their own charter.

13. Don’t make a mountain out of an anthill.

  • Literally: don't make a mountain out of an anthill.
  • Equivalent: Don't make an elephant out of a fly.

14. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  • Literally: an apple a day and no doctor needed.
  • Equivalent: bow for seven ailments.

15. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

  • Literally: Rome was not built in a day.
  • Equivalent: Moscow was not built right away.

16. You made your bed, now you have to lie in it.

  • Literally: you made the bed, you sleep on it.
  • Equivalent: who made the porridge, and that and disentangle it.

17. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

  • Literally: don't count the chicks until they're hatched.
  • Equivalent: chickens are counted in the fall.

18. Money doesn't grow on trees.

  • Literally: money doesn't grow on trees.
  • Equivalent: money doesn't grow on trees; money is not lying on the street.

In Russian, you can say about anything "... not lying on the road (street)", not only about money.

19. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

  • Literally: too many cooks spoil the broth (soup).
  • Equivalent: Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

This refers to the situation when too many people are doing work on one thing, interfering with each other.

20. Many hands make light work.

  • Literally: a lot of hands make the job easy.
  • Equivalent: take it together - it will not be overweight; when there are many hands, the work is done well.

21. Honesty is the best policy.

  • Literally: honesty is the best strategy (policy).
  • Equivalent: Honesty is the best strategy; the secret becomes apparent; murder will out.

22. Practice makes perfect.

  • Literally: practice leads to excellence.
  • Equivalent: practice leads to excellence; repetition is the mother of learning; practice makes perfect.

23. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

  • Literally: where there is will, there is a way.
  • Equivalent: who wants, he will achieve; there would be a desire, but there is a way.

24. Look before you leap.

  • Literally: look before you jump.
  • Equivalent: not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.

It's funny that there is a saying that contradicts this one: He who hesitates is lost. - He who hesitates has lost.

25. Beggars cant be choosers.

  • Literally: the poor don't have to choose.
  • Equivalent: Poor people don't have to choose; I would not live to be fat.

26. The early bird catches the worm.

  • Literally: the early bird catches the worm.
  • Equivalent: who gets up early, God gives him; who gets up early, luck awaits.

27. The cat is out of the bag.

  • Literally: the cat got out of the bag.
  • Equivalent: the secret is revealed; cards are revealed.

28. He who laughs last, laughs longest.

  • Literally: the one who laughs last laughs the longest.
  • Equivalent: Whoever laughs last laughs well.

29. It's better to be safe than sorry.

  • Literally: it's better to take care of it than to regret it later.
  • Equivalent: Measure seven times - cut once.

30. Old habits die hard.

  • Literally: old habits die hard.
  • Equivalent: Habit is second nature; old habits are difficult to break.

31. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

  • Literally: Don't bite off more than you can chew.
  • Equivalent: don't take more than you can take; don't bite off more than you can swallow.

32. Actions speak louder than words.

  • Literally: deeds speak louder than words.
  • Equivalent: judged not by words, but by deeds.

33. It takes two to tango.

  • Literally: tango is danced together.
  • Equivalent: both are always to blame for a quarrel.

This is what they usually say about people quarreling. It is impossible to start a quarrel alone, just as it is impossible to dance tango alone.

34. It's no use crying over spilled milk.

  • Literally: it's no use crying over spilled milk.
  • Equivalent: what's done is done.

35. Lost time is never found again.

  • Literally: wasted time is never rediscovered.
  • Equivalent: lost time cannot be reversed.

36. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

  • Literally: no moss grows on a rolling stone.
  • Equivalent: whoever does not sit still, he will not make good.

In the Russian language there is a similar saying “water does not flow under a lying stone,” but it cannot be called an equivalent, because the meaning is very different. Its essence is that a person needs to work in order to achieve something, but the meaning of the English proverb is different: a person who constantly changes occupation, place (rolling stone) will not make good (moss).

3 7 . First things first.

  • Literally: the main things come first.
  • Equivalent: first things first; first about the main thing; the first thing is the planes.

3 8 . Still waters run deep.

  • Literally: Calm waters have deep currents.
  • Equivalent: still waters run deep; someone else's soul is darkness.

Both equivalents do not quite accurately convey the essence of the saying. This means that if a person speaks little, this does not mean that he does not have deep thoughts.

39. If it is not broke, don’t fix it.

  • Literally: if not broken, don't repair.
  • Equivalent: works - don't touch; do not touch, otherwise you will break; best the enemy of the good.

40 . Curiosity killed the cat.

  • Literally: curiosity killed the cat.
  • Equivalent: Nosy Barbara in the bazaar had her nose ripped off; curiosity does not lead to good.

41. Learn to walk before you run.

  • Literally: learn to walk before you run.
  • Equivalent: not all at once; everything in its turn.

42. Do a little well and you do much.

  • Literally: do a little good and you get a lot.
  • Equivalent: less is more.

43. Out of sight, out of mind.

  • Literally: out of sight, out of thought.
  • Equivalent: out of sight - out of mind.

44. If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

  • Literally: if you scratched my back, I will scratch yours.
  • Equivalent: do good and it will come back to you.

45. Ignorance is bliss.

  • Literally: ignorance is a blessing.
  • Equivalent: happiness in ignorance; the less you know the better you sleep.

46. ​​Every cloud has a silver lining.

  • Literally: every cloud has a silver lining.
  • Equivalent: every cloud has a silver lining.

47 . Close but no cigar.

  • Literally: close, but not a cigar.
  • Equivalent: almost, but past; slightly misses the point.

Cigars were the traditional prizes in fair games. “Close but no cigar” means that you played well but did not win.

48. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

  • Literally: you can't stay with the pie and eat it at the same time.
  • Equivalent: You can't sit on two chairs.

49. Don’t cross the bridge until you come to it.

  • Literally: don't cross the bridge before you reach it.
  • Equivalent: everything is in its turn; solve problems as they come.

50. Lend your money and lose your friend.

  • Literally: borrow money and lose a friend.
  • Equivalent: to give in debt - to lose friendship.

51. A picture is worth a thousand words.

  • Literally: a picture is worth a thousand words.
  • Equivalent: it's better to see once than hear a hundred times.

52. Birds of a feather flock together.

  • Literally: birds of the same color stick together.
  • Equivalent: fisherman fisherman sees from afar; suit is matched to suit; his own unwilling brother.

53. No man is an island.

  • Literally: man is not an island.
  • Equivalent: one in the field is not a warrior.

The equivalent is not entirely accurate. It is understood that a person cannot be alone, he is by nature a part of a larger one. The expression is found in the epigraph to Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls (an excerpt from a sermon by the 17th century English poet and priest John Donne):

“There is no person who would be like an Island in and of itself, each person is a part of the Continent, a part of Land; and if a wave blows the coastal Cliff into the sea, Europe will become smaller, and so will it if it washes away the edge of the cape or destroys your Castle or your friend; the death of every Human belittles me too, for I am one with all Humanity, and therefore do not ask for whom the bell tolls: it tolls for You. "

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee “.

English proverbs and their Russian counterparts

A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. A thin world is better than a good quarrel.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A bird in the hands of two stands in the bushes.
A bully is always a coward. A bully is always a coward (a good fellow among the sheep, and the sheep himself is a good fellow).
A burden of one’s choice is not felt. It does not carry its burden.
A castle that parleys is half gotten. The claw is stuck - the whole bird is an abyss.

A cat may look at a king. The cat can look at the king (Free to the dog and to breach the lord).
A cock is valiant on his own dunghill. The rooster is brave on his dung heap (Every sandpiper in his swamp is great).
A cursed cow has short horns. God does not give a horn to a thirsty cow.

A drop of honey catches more flies than a hogshed of vinegar. A drop of honey can catch more flies than a barrel of vinegar.

A fool and his money are soon parted. The fool quickly parted with his money (The fool has a hole in his handful).

A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years. A fool can ask more questions in an hour than a clever one can answer in seven years.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. A true friend is known in trouble.

A good anval does not fear the hammer. A good anvil is not afraid of the hammer.

A good husband should be deaf and a good wife should be blind. A good husband should be deaf, and a good wife should be blind.

A good name is better than riches. Good is the name of the best of wealth.

A guilty conscience is a self-accuser. A bad conscience does not let you sleep.

A living dog is better than adead lion. A live dog is better than a dead lion (Better a dove in a plate than a wood grouse on a current).

A man can die but once. A person can die only once (Two deaths cannot happen, and one cannot be avoided).

A man is as old as he feels, and a woman as old as she looks. A man is as old as he feels, and a woman is as old as she looks.

A man is known by the company he keeps. Tell me who your friend is and I will tell who you are.

A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day. A foggy morning does not mean a cloudy day.

A sound mind in a sound body. In a healthy body healthy mind

A wonder lasts but nine days. The miracle lasts only nine days (Everything is boring).

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Separation makes the heart love stronger.

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. Scandals happen in the best families too.

Actions speak louder than words. Actions speak louder than words.

Adversity is a good teacher - Trouble is a good teacher

All bread is not baked in one oven. Bread is baked in different ovens (There are different people).

All is not gold that glitters. All that glitters is not gold.

All married women are not wives. Not all married women are wives.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Only one work without fun turns Jack into a stupid child (Mix business with idleness, you will live a century with fun).
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple a day - and a doctor is not needed (Onion for seven ailments).

An idle brain is the devil’s workshop. The devil finds work in an idle brain.

An old dog will learn no new tricks. The old dog will not learn new tricks (Teach the old - what to treat the dead).
Anything to make it tougher. Hour by hour is not easier.

Apropos of nothing. Neither to the village nor to the city.

Appearances are deceptive. Appearances are deceptive.

As the fool thinks, so the bell clinks. The law is not written for a fool.

Attheworld’send. To be, to be, to live, etc. at the devil's place.

Avoid someone or something like the plague. Like the devil with incense.

Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune

But one claw snagged, the bird is bagged. The claw is stuck - the whole bird is lost.

Brave against sheep, but himself a sheep against the brave. The good fellow is against the sheep, but the sheep himself is against the good fellow.

Bowed heads don’t get chopped off. A fault confessed is half redressed.

Be my guest and have a rest. You are welcome to our hut.

Better one small fish than an empty dish. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Better never begin than never make an end. Took up the tug, do not say that it is not hefty.

Beat the air. Pour from empty to empty, crush water in a mortar.

Barking dogs seldom bite. Barking dogs rarely bite (those who threaten a lot do little harm).

Beauty is but skin deep. Beauty is deceiving.
Beauty is in the eye of the gazer. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Beggars must be no choosers. A beggar doesn't have to choose.

Better bend than break. Better to bend than break.

Between friends all is common. Friends have everything in common.

Birds of a feather flock together. Birds of a feather. Birds of a feather flock together. The apple never falls far from the tree.

Brandishing fists after the fight never proves anyone's might. After a fight, they don't wave their fists.

Business before pleasure. First business, and then pleasure (Finished business - walk boldly).

Children are poor man’s riches. Children are the wealth of the poor.

Constant dropping wears away a stone. Drop by drop the stone is sharpened.

Creditors have better memories than debtors. Creditors have a better memory than debtors.

Dance to smb's pipe. Dance to someone else's tune.

Discretion is the better part of valor. Discretion is the best part of valor (God protects him).
Diamond cut diamond. Diamond is cut by diamond

Don’t cry out before you are hurt. Don't scream until you get hurt (Don't cry before you die)

Don’tlookagifthorseinthe mouth. They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don't put all your eggs in one basket (Don't put everything on one card).

Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs. Do not teach your grandmother how to suck eggs (Eggs do not teach a chicken).

Don’t trouble troubles till troubles trouble you. Do not disturb trouble until trouble disturbs you.

East or west home is best. East or west, home is best (Away is good, but home is better).

Every bullet has its billet. Each bullet has its own purpose (What will be, will not be avoided).

Every cloud has a silver lining. Each cloud has a silver lining (There is a silver lining).

Every dog ​​has his day. Each dog has its own day (There will be a holiday on our street as well).

Every man has his faults. Each person has their own flaws.

Facts are stubborn. Facts are stubborn things.

Fine feathers birds. In beautiful plumage, the birds become beautiful.

Fine words butter no parsnips. You cannot oil a parsnip with beautiful words (the Nightingale is not fed with fables).

First catch your hare, then cook him. First, catch a hare, and then you will cook dishes from it (Do not say gop until you jump over).

Fish begins to stink at the head. The fish rots from the head.

Forewarned is forearmed. Forewarned means armed (Warning is the same protection).

Friendship cannot stand always on one side. Friendship should be mutual.

Glutton: one who digs his grave with his teeth. A glutton is a person who digs his own grave with his own teeth.

God helps those who help themselves. God helps those who help themselves.

God is God but don’t be a clod. Trust in God, but don't do it yourself.

Gratitude is the heart's memory. Gratitude is the memory of the heart.

Gray hair is sign of age, not of wisdom. Gray hair is a sign of age, not wisdom.

Great cry little wool. There is a lot of screaming, but little wool (Much ado about nothing).

Half a loaf is better than no bread. Half a loaf is better than no bread at all.

Handsome is as handsome does. Handsome is the one who acts beautifully (not the one who is good-looking, but the one who is good for the cause).

Hard words break no bones. Cruel words do not break bones (Swearing does not hang on the collar).

He that is afraid of wounds, must not come near a battle. To be afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest.

He that would eat the fruit, must climb the hill. You can't get a fish out of the pond without difficulty.

He who borrows sells his freedom. The borrower is selling his freedom.

He who likes skiing downhill must enjoy skiing uphill. If you like to ride - love to carry sledges.

He who pays the piper calls the tune. The one who pays the piper orders the melody.
Don't laughsbestwholaughslast. The one who laughs last laughs well.

Not that loseth wealth, loseth much, he that loseth friends, loseth more: but he who loseth his spirit loseth all. The one who loses wealth loses much; the one who loses friends loses even more; but the one who loses his presence of mind loses everything.

Hell is paved with good intentions. Hell is paved with good intentions

He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition burns a picture to obtain the ashes. The one who sacrifices his conscience to his ambition burns the painting when he needs ashes.

Honesty is the best policy. Honesty is the best policy.

Honor and profit lie not in one sack. Honor and benefit do not live together.

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

Husband and wife live the same life. Husband and wife, one of Satan.

If a man is destined to drown, he will drown even in a spoonful of water. If a person is destined to drown, he will drown even in a tablespoon of water.

If life gives you a lemon, make lemonade. A piece of ham can be found in every pig.

If the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch. If the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch (The blind leads the blind, both do not see a single zgi).

If the cap fits, wear it. If the hat fits, wear it.

If wishes were horses beggers might ride. If desires were horses, then the beggars could ride on horseback (If only, but mushrooms grew in their mouths).

If you try to please all you will please none. If you try to please everyone, you will not please anyone.

If you wish to know what a man is, place him in authority. If you want to know what a person is, give him power.

Ill news travels fast. Bad news travels quickly (Bad news does not lie still).

Ill-gotten goods never prosper. Dishonestly acquired good never goes for the future (Stolen wealth disappears like the ice melts).

In every beginning think of the end. When starting any business, think about how it can end.

It is easy to be wise after the event. It's easy to be smart after the event (Hindsight is strong).

It is never too late to mend. It's never too late to get better.

It is not work that kills men, it is worry. It’s not work that kills people, but care.

It is too late to lock the stable-door when the horse is stolen. When the horse is stolen, it is too late to lock the stable doors (After a fight, they do not wave their fists).

It's a poor heart that never rejoices. That poor heart that never rejoices (He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief).

It's not a gay coat that makes the gentleman. A non-elegant jacket makes a person a gentleman.

Least said, soonest mended. The less is said, the faster it is corrected.

Let well alone. Leave the good alone (They do not seek good from the good).

Life is not all beer and skittles. Life is not only beer and skittles (The century drags on - everything will get).

Like a bull in chinashop. Like an elephant in a china shop.

Like father, like son. As is the father, so is the son (The apple falls not far from the apple tree).

Little wit in the mind makes much work for the feet. A bad head does not give rest to the legs.

Lost time is never found again. Lost time cannot be returned.

Make hay while sun shines. Prepare the hay while the sun is shining.

Man does not live by bread alone. Man does not live by bread alone.

Man proposes, God disposes. Man proposes and God disposes.

Many a true word is spoken in jest. A lot of the truth is spoken in jest.

Marriages are made in heaven. Marriages are made in heaven.

Marry in haste and repent at leisure. You marry in a hurry, then you regret for a long time at your leisure (You marry in haste and for a long flour).

Misfortunes never come singly. Misfortunes never come one by one (Trouble has come - open the gate).

Money makes the mare go. For money and a mare works (With money in the world, so a fool rides in a carriage).

Money spent on the brain, is never spent in vain. Money spent on developing the mind is never wasted.

Never swap horses crossing a stream. Horses are not changed at the crossing.

No bees no honey, no work no money. Who does not work shall not eat.

No fool like an old fool. There is no such fool as an old fool (Gray in the beard, the devil in the rib).

No man is a hero to his valet. No man is a hero in the eyes of his servant.

No news is good news. No news is good news.

No two minds think alike. How many drinks, so many sums.

None but the brave deserve the fair. Only the brave are worthy of the beauties.

Of two evils choose the least. Of two evils choose the less.

Once bitten, twice shy. Once bitten, he is doubly fearful (The frightened crow is afraid of a bush).

One cannot put back the clock. You cannot turn the clock back (You cannot turn back the past).

One cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. You cannot run away with the hare and at the same time hunt him with the hounds (they do not serve two masters).

One man's meat is another man's poison. What is food for one person, poison for another.

Patience is a plaster for all sores. Patience is a plaster for all wounds.

Patience is power; with time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes silk. Patience is strength. Time and patience turn the mulberry leaf into silk.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Practice makes perfect. Practice leads to perfection (Master skill sets).

Pride goes before a fall. Pride precedes the fall (the Devil was proud, but fell from the sky).

Promise little, but do much. Promise less, do more.

Sceptics are never deceived. The skeptic cannot be fooled.

Seeing is believing. To see is to believe.

Since we cannot get what we like, let us like what we can get. Since we cannot have what we want, let us want what we can have.

Spare the rod and spoil the child. If you regret the rod, you will spoil the child.

Strike while the iron is hot. Strike while the iron is hot.

The absent are always in the wrong. Those who are absent are always wrong.

The appetite comes with eating. Appetite comes with eating.

The chain is no stronger than its weakest link. The chain is not stronger than its weakest link (Where it is thin, there it breaks).

The course of true love never did run smooth. The path of true love has never been smooth.

The exception proves the rule. Exception proves the rule.

The face is the index of the mind. The face is a mirror of thoughts (What is cooked in the heart, will not hide on the face).

The girl looks fine but she isn’t mine. Masha is good, but not ours.

The leopard cannot change his spots. A leopard cannot change its spots (you cannot wash a black dog white).

The man who lives only by hope will die with despair. The one who lives by hope alone will die in despair.

The only real equality is in the cemetery. The only place where everyone is truly equal is the cemetery.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. To find out what pudding is, you need to taste it.

The shoemaker makes a good shoe because he makes nothing else. The shoemaker makes good shoes because he doesn't do anything else.

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

The weakest goes to the wall. The weakest moves to the wall (Smyrna will beat the dog and kochet).

The woman who tells her age is either too young to have anything to lose, or too old to have
anything to gain. A woman who does not hide her age, or too young and she has nothing to lose, or too old and she has nothing to look for.

There are two sides to every question. Every question has two sides (Every coin has a back side).

Time heals all wounds. Time heals all wounds.

To know everything is to know nothing. To know everything is to know nothing.

To be on one’s guard. Look at both, keep your ears open.

To be back at the bottom of the ladder. To stay, to be, etc. at the broken trough.

Train hard fight easy. It is hard to learn, easy to fight.

Trust but verify. Trust but verify.

Truth lies at the bottom of a well. The truth is hiding at the bottom of the well.

Velvetpawshidesharpclaws - Velvet paws hide sharp claws

Virtue is its own reward. Virtue is a reward in itself.

We must learn to forgive and forget. We must learn to forgive and forget.

Well begun is half done. Well started - half done.

What cannot be cured must be endured. What cannot be corrected must be tolerated.

What is bred in the bone will come out in the flesh. What is fed in the bone will manifest in the flesh (The wolf molts every year, but the custom does not change).

What is worth doing at all is worth doing well. If it is worth doing something, then it must be done well.

What the eye does not see the heart does not grieve over. What the eye does not see, the heart does not hurt about that (Out of sight - out of mind).

What the fool does in the end, the wise man does in the beginning. What the fool does at the end, the wise does at the beginning.

When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window. When poverty enters the door, love flies out the window (Hood Roman, when his pocket is empty, Martyn is good when there is altyn).

When the cat is away, the mice will play. When there is no cat, mice frolic (Cat from home - mice dance).
Where there’s a will, there is a way. There would be a desire, but there will be an opportunity.

Whom Gods would destroy, they first make mad. Whom the gods want to destroy, they first deprive them of their sanity.

Worry gives a small thing a big shadow. Disturbing thoughts create large shadows on small objects.

You can take the horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force it to drink (You cannot take everything by force).

You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. You cannot make a silk wallet from a pig's ear.

You never know what you can do till you try. You never know what you are capable of until you try yourself in business.

Zeal is fit for wise men but is mostly found in fools. Diligence is only necessary for the clever, but it is found mainly in fools.

I have always been interested in the question of translation and the search for analogies between Russian and English proverbs.
There is no dearer friend than a dear mother. Man "s best friend - is his mother.
As the mother is, so is the daughter. Like mother, like daughter.
Where the husband is, there is the wife.
Time does not come for a time. No one is a fool always, every one sometimes.

Nature is happy with spring, and the child is happy with the mother. The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.
As in people lead, so is life. Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
The bird - freedom, children - peace. Freedom is for the free.
There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland. There is no place like home.
As a writer is, so is a book. Like author, like book.
You can't line up heroes. It "s a bold mouse that nestles in the cat" s ear.
Life is short and time is fast. Life is short and time is swift.
The bee's food turns into honey, and the spider's food turns into poison. We are what we eat.
Inheritance is neither a gift nor a purchase. Have a card up one "s sleeve.
Every soul is happy with the holiday. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Love rules the world. It is love that makes the world go round.
Actions speak louder than words. Actions speak louder than words.
Judge not lest ye be judged. Judge not, that ye not judged.
The world is like a vegetable garden: everything grows in it. It takes all sorts to make a world.
As the mother is, so is the daughter. Like mother, like daughter.
Trouble rarely comes alone. It never rains but it pours.
Whoever gets up early, God gives him. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are. A man is known by the company he keeps.
Idleness is the mother of all vices. An idle brain is the devil "s workshop.
A grain by grain - and the chicken is full. Every little makes a micule.
Marriages are made in heaven. Marriages are made in heaven.
What's good for Tuesday doesn't always work on Wednesday. After meat, mustard.
A friend's eyes are the best mirror. A friend "s frown is better than a foe" smile.
The small pot will boil quickly. A little body often harbors a great soul.
Necessity for inventions is cunning. Necessity is the mother of invention.
A friend is one soul living in two bodies. Friendship cannot stand always on one side.
A person is a set of habits. Custom is second nature.
Better a tit in the hand than a pie in the sky. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
There is a reason, no reason - the pig grunts anyway. Allow a pig at table to sit and it "ll put on the table its feet.
People are not born with skill, but they are proud of their craft. He works best who knows his trade.
To what the soul lies, to that and hands will attach. Every man to his trade.
Not the friend who walks at the feast, but the one who helps in trouble. Prosperity makes friends, and adversity tries them.
The whole future exists in the past. The past is as the future present.
Appetite comes with eating. Appetite comes with eating.
They do not change horses at the crossing. Don "t change horses in mid-stream.
He who does not walk does not fall. He is lifeless who is faultless.
What the heart thinks about, the language speaks about. What the heart thinks the tongue speaks.
Promise little and do a lot. Be slow to promise and quick to perform.
Love wins over everything. Love conquers all.
You need to eat both fatty and lean. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.
Our place is sacred! The holy place is never empty.
Walk along the river - you will come out to the sea. Little by little.
An orphan house without a master. Good masters make good servants.
Beauty is not equal, but youth is the same. Beauty dies and fades away.
If you want to have a friend, be a good friend yourself. One can cross the whole land for a friend.
Good never grows out of bad. A bad penny always comes back.
The more you wander, the more desirable your home is. East or West, home is best.
Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy. Like parents, like children.
Look for the keys in your hands for happiness. Architect of one "s own happiness.
He enlisted, as he kissed his head. All promises are either broken or kept.
If you don't have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care of it. A friend in court is better a penny in purse.
Let everyone praise the bridge they are walking on. Every bird likes its own nest best.
Better bread and water than a feast with misfortune. A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast.
Our planet is in our hands. Better a lean peace than a fat victory.
Do not rush with your tongue, hurry with deeds. Actions speak louder than words.
Silence is gold. Silence is golden.
Everyone is kind, but not up to everyone. Every miller draws water to his own mill.
Where happiness leads, there the rooster rushes. Luck goes in cycles.
As it is to live, it is to be sung. Work done, have your fun.
You can't knock down an oak tree with one blow. Little and often fill the purse.
Not with measure - with faith. That never ends ill which begins in God "s name.
Everyone has their own business. Every man to his trade.
As the carpenters are, so are the chips. Like priest, like people.
To be afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest. Nothing venture, nothing have.
Extremes meet. Marriage goes by contrasts.
Without getting your hands wet, you can't wash. A cat in gloves catches no mice.
Times change. Times change.
Happy hours are not observed. All good things come to an end.
Dance, don't dance. Draw it mild!
The joy shared with others is doubly pleasant. Joys shared with others are more enjoyed.
The hardworking bee has no time to be sad. Busiest man find the most time.
Good health is more valuable than wealth. Health is better than wealth.
War attracts those who know it. War is the sport of kings.
As the seed is, so is the tribe. As a man sows, so he shall reap.
To each his own beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
A clever one changes his mind, a fool never. A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will.
Youth will take its toll. As the old cock crows, so doth the young.
Happy is he who is happy with children. He knows not what loveis that has no children.
They see who is walking by the dress. Fine feathers make fine birds.
In every heart there is both heat and cold. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings
Courage leads to success. Fortune favors the brave.
Every heart knows what pain is. Who has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet.
Brevity is the soul of the mind. Breavity is the sole of wit.
Another time, another burden. Let the morn come and the meat with it.
And all people, but everyone is a person on his own. Everyone for himself.
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
The fool's haste is not speed. Haste makes waste.
Out of sight, out of mind. Out of sight, out of mind.
Life is short, art is eternal. Art is long, life is short.
Business is time - fun is an hour. Business before pleasure.
Your shirt is closer to your body. Blood is blood.
Tradition has a gray beard. Custom is second nature.
The wealth of children is father and mother. Mother and father are child "s riches.
They do not look at a given horse's teeth. Don "t look a gift horse in the mouth.
Live and learn. Live and learn.
You can't get a fish out of the pond without difficulty. A cat in gloves catches no mice.
A dog that barks rarely bites. Barking dogs seldom bite.
Business is the salt of life. Business is the salt of life.
Whoever won time won everything. Time is money.
Work shows employee. The work shows the workman.
Christmas only happens once a year. Christmas comes but once a year.
This thing is for a hunter, and there is no price. To each his own.
To marry is not to wear bast shoes. Marry in haste and repent at leisure.
Happy is he who considers himself happy. He is happy that thinks himself so.
Wealth will disappear, but honor and good name will remain. An wound is cured, not an ill name.
There is no good without labor. No pains, no gains.
Evil cannot correct evil. Two blacks do not make a white.
Everything is useful that got into the mouth. Drinking tea with pleasure isn "t working without measure.
A family is strong when there is only one roof over it. One for all, all for one.
Different nations, but one family. It takes all sorts to make a world.
One person is almost no one. One man, no man.
Virtue is a reward in itself. Virtue is its own reward.
Together we will stand, apart we will perish. One man in the field is no warrior.
Every master in his own way. So many men, so many minds.
If you hurry, you will waste your time. Hastes trips over its own heels.
The evening will show what the day was. In the evening one may praise the day.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
There is great power in soft command. A soft answer turns away wrath.
Honor takes a word of honor. A clean hand wants no washing.
A cheerful mood is the best medicine. It "s a poor heart that never rejoices.
What is alive is cunning. It is enough to make a cat laugh.
Trade - whom it will help out, whom it will learn. If you sell the cow you will sell her milk too.
Everyone wants his own good. Every tub must stand on its own bottom.
Finished business - walk boldly. Business before pleasure.
To live is not a field to cross. Life is not a bed of roses.
For every sage, simplicity is enough. Every man has a fool in his sleeve.
They look like two drops of water. As like as two peas.
My home is my castle. My house is my castle.
A person is recognized by his friends. A man is known by the company he keeps.
What is the acceleration, so is the finish. Well begun is half done.
East or West, home is best. Being a guest is good, but being at home is better
Friends have everything in common. Among friends all things are common.
A child in the home is a source of joy. Child is man "s joy.
Without sourdough, bread is not kneaded. As you brew, so must you drink.
Everything will come to the one who waits. With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry becomes satin.
Live and hope! Hope springs eternal in the human breast.
A good husband has a good wife too. Husband an wife live the same life; they are indeed of the same breed.
The tree is known by its fruits. A tree is known by its fruit.
The farthest way is the short way home. There is no place like home.
They don't go to someone else's monastery with their own charter. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Everyone deserves it. A good dog deserves a good bone.
The good land is full of money; thin earth is empty money. As the tree, so the fruit.
To give birth to babies is not to break branches. Children are certain cares, but uncertain worries.
And Moscow was not built right away. Rome was not built in a day.
When it rains, it pours on everyone the same way. Life levels all men, death reveals the eminent.

English proverbs, sayings and idiomatic expressions of the English language and their counterparts in Russian.

Saying in English
“A Heart of Gold! - Golden heart!" Proverb this phrase reflecting some phenomenon of life. Proverb this is a whole proposal, also reflecting a life phenomenon. Proverbs and sayings are idioms, they cannot be translated literally. When translating an English proverb or saying, it is necessary to choose the one that is suitable in meaning and meaning. Idiom it is a stable phrase or phrase which cannot be broken into parts or words, since it carries meaning and meaning in the very form in which it is used. Stable (idiomatic) expressions are present in any language and bear the imprint of the cultural and historical development of the people.

Proverbs and sayings

A friend in need is a friend indeed. - Friend is known in trouble.

All is well that ends well. - All is well that ends well.

East or West, home is best. - Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

He laughs best who laughs last. - The one who laughs last laughs well.

One swallow doesn "t make a summer - One swallow does not make spring.

The devil is not so black as he is painted. - The devil is not so terrible as he is painted.

There is no smoke without fire. - There is no smoke without fire.

Two heads are better than one. - Mind is good, but two is better

Laughter is the best medicine. - Laughter is the best medicine.

The exception proves the rule. - There are no rules without exception.

After dinner comes the reckoning. - Do you like to ride, love to carry sledges.

Nothing succeeds like success. - Success contributes to success.

Silence gives consent. - Silent means consent.

Extremes meet. - Extremes meet.

A great ship asks deep waters. - A big ship is sailing.

Tastes differ. - Tastes could not be discussed.

Wise men learn by other men "s mistakes, fools by their own. - Smart people learn from other people's mistakes, fools learn from their own.

Birds of a feather flock together. - Birds of a feather flock together.

Empty vessels make the greatest noise. - Empty vessels make the greatest sound.

The rotten apple injures its neighbors. - Rotten apple injures its neighbors.

A good beginning makes a good ending. - Down and Out trouble started.
Down and Out trouble started. This Russian proverb can be interpreted as follows: Starting any business is difficult, then it will be easier.

Fortune favors the bold. - Cheek brings success.

Practice makes perfect. - The master's work is afraid.

Necessity is the mother of invention. - Necessity for inventions is cunning.

Praise makes good men better and bad men worse. - Praise makes good people better and bad people worse.

Appetite comes with eating. - Appetite comes with eating.

Curses as the chickens returned home. - Do not dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall into it.

Every cook praises his own broth. - There is nothing like leather.

Little strokes fell great oaks. - Patience and a little effort.

One nail drives out another. - Fight fire with fire.

Bad news travels fast. - Bad news comes faster than good news.

Second thoughts are best. - Seven times measure cut once.

A Heart of Gold! - Golden heart!

The following English proverbs and sayings can be compared with several variants of Russian proverbs.

A burnt child dreads the fire.

  1. A frightened crow is afraid of a bush.
  2. Having burnt yourself in milk, you will blow on the water.

The early bird catches the worm.

  1. Whoever gets up early, luck awaits.
  2. Whoever gets up early, God gives him.
  3. The early bird clears the sock, the late one rubs the eyes.

Proverbs and sayings requiring explanation.

Charity begins at home. In the UK, this idiom is interpreted as follows:

You should take care of your family and other people who live close to you before helping people who are living further away or in another country. - You must take care of your family and other people who live near you before helping people who live further away or in another country.

English proverbs and their Russian equivalents. The universal wisdom of life.

Proverbs are short statements of an instructive nature related to folklore.

From time immemorial, they kept the folk wisdom in themselves, passing it on from generation to generation. The value of proverbs lies in the fact that most of them remain relevant over the centuries, since despite the replacement of the scenery of life, the plot remains the same.

There are unique proverbs that do not transcend language and culture. The reason for this may be their local applicability, in other words, they work only for this people and this country.

However, the most interesting to study are those proverbs and sayings that are presented in two or more languages. And sometimes the equivalent from another language is not a translation.

It so happens that similar proverbs appear in different languages ​​almost in parallel. The explanation for this is the common life wisdom of all people in our world, regardless of race, faith and place of residence. Let's look at a few examples of such proverbs in English and Russian.

1. "The pen is mightier than the sword"- Literally: "The pen is mightier than the sword."

Meaning: Persuasion with words is much more effective than coercion, since the words spoken or written remain in the minds of people, even if the newspapers are burned or the poet is silenced.
Russian equivalent: What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.

2. "Actions speak louder than words"- Literally: "Actions speak louder than words."

The meaning of this proverb is obvious: No matter how eloquent a person is, his words will gain weight only when they are supported by real actions. You can endlessly talk about love for animals, but it is better to go to a shelter and take one of them with you.
Russian equivalent:"They do not judge by words, but by deeds."

3. "All that glitters is not gold"All that glitters is not gold.
Not every attractive item has a high value. Not every person who is pleasant to look at is a worthy person.

4. "All things are difficult before they are easy / are done"- Literally: "Everything seems complicated until it becomes simple / until it is done."

Meaning: any business that seems difficult at first becomes easy with experience. The world's brightest surgeons began with frogs in biology classes, the greatest writers with simple stories in school notebooks. One has only to start, and the mission will no longer seem impossible.
Equivalent: "The trouble is the beginning."

5. "An Englishman" s home is his castle "- Literally: "The house of an Englishman is his castle."
Meaning: a person is stronger on his territory, surrounded by familiar things and knowing where the revolver is.
Russian equivalent:"My home is my castle".

6. "A friend in need is a friend indeed"- Literal translation: "A friend is needed in times - this is a friend as he is."

Meaning: A true friend will always come to the rescue, even if for this it will be necessary to go around the Earth and return to Mars for you.
Equivalent: "Friends are known in trouble."

7. "A bird in hand is worth two in a bush"- Literally: "A bird in hand stands two on a bush."

A proverb that urges us to appreciate the pleasant little things that we possess, instead of suffering about great inaccessible benefits. Why be sad about the fact that you do not have an apartment in Paris, if your house in the taiga is so beautiful in spring?

A similar Russian proverb:"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".

8. "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"... - Translation: "People living in glass houses should not throw stones."

This proverb means not only a place of residence, study or work, but also human relationships. Before you spoil something, you should think about whether there is a chance that you will need it one day. Just as you should not quarrel with the parking guard, who, if you make friends with him, will guard the best places for you, you should also not rip out pages from library books that can save you on the exam.

Russian equivalent:"You did not drink the branch on which you sit", or "Do not spit in the well, it will be useful to drink water."

9. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"- Literally: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

Meaning: everyone has their own ideas about what is good and bad, beautiful and ugly, exciting and boring. Divergence of opinions is not a reason for conflict, but an excellent opportunity to look at this or that phenomenon from the other side, to consider it from a different angle.
Equivalent: "There is no dispute about tastes", as well as "There is no comrade for taste and color."

10."Birds of a feather flock together"- Literally: "Birds with the same feathers fly in one flock."

Meaning: we prefer the company of people who are similar to us, with whom we have something in common, so those with whom we have both taste and color become our friends. For this simple reason, one can safely draw a conclusion about a person by his immediate environment.
Equivalent: "Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are."

11. "The early bird catches the worm"... - Literal translation: "The early bird gets the worm."

A proverb that celebrates the larks' lifestyle. The sooner you wake up from a healthy night's sleep, the faster you will cope with all the tasks and receive a reward. Someone will create a proverb about you.

Russian proverb: "Whoever gets up early, God gives him."

12. "Never look a gift horse in the mouth".- Literally: " Never look into the mouth of the horse that was given to you. "(It is advisable not to look horses in the mouth at all. Why do this? Better go to bed early).

In other words, if they do good to you - do not look for flaws, love you - do not say that it is not enough, share a chocolate bar - do not turn up your nose just because it is with raisins.
The Russian proverb is almost the same:"They do not look at a given horse's teeth".

13. "God helps those who help themselves"- Translation: "God helps those who help themselves."

Meaning: Luck smiles only on those who work hard. Professional poker players do not rely on luck, they rely on their knowledge and experience, to obtain which they had to work long and hard.

Russian analogue: "Trust in God, but do not make a mistake yourself."

14. "Too many cooks spoil the broth"- Literal translation: "Too many cooks will ruin the stew."

Meaning: only one person should manage any activity, because many leaders with different opinions and methods will create a local disaster.
Russian equivalent:"Seven nannies have a child without an eye."

15. "Don" t count your chickens before they hatch "- Literally: "Don't count the chicks until they're hatched."

Meaning: do not talk about the fruits of your activity until they are ripe. Until you've finished the book, don't talk about her future success, until you've finished the picture, don't tell me how good it will be.
Russian equivalent:"Do not count your chickens before they are hatched".

16. “Bad news travels fast"- Literally: "Bad news travels fast."

Russian equivalent:"Thin rumor flies on wings", or "Bad news does not sit still."

This is not a complete list of equivalent proverbs of the Russian and English languages, in reality there are much more of them and we will return to them later, because they are part of an invaluable cultural heritage that has survived the change of eras and generations.

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