What to read prayers from bad dreams. How to make a bad dream to come true, and good turned out. Powerful prayer-chaggings of the Blessed Virgin

Dreams reflect the real state in human life. In good health Human dreams are clean and beautiful. In adversity, chilling souls are often seen, sinister nightmares. The reason lies in the structure of the psyche, the feature of which is to transfer to the dream of all the events lived during the day.

Scary dreams exude a laityanin in the following situations:

  • during all sorts of ailments;
  • in depression and nervous disruptions;
  • during periods of stress;
  • in family troubles;
  • with loss of work;
  • when drinking alcohol or drugs.

The bad dream may also be involved because of bad conditions: a rigid bed, a cold or very hot room, a fume air, noisy background.

For a long time, the Orthodox prayer from bad sleep serves as salvation for sensitive Christians. It is quite natural to ask for help from the Lord, created the universe and humanity from the Great Love to them.

Morning prayer after nightmares

The nightmares donated at night leave an indelible hatching and sadness in the soul of an Orthodox Christian. Such a state leads to a despondency and gradual disorder in the affairs of worldly. But besides that, some dreams are things and are sent to the Most High person as a personal prophecy and predict a possible future. What if the bad dream has already had already dreamed?

Do not despair, for the way out of this situation is very simple. In order not to come true a bad dream, prayer read three times in the morning. It is necessary to repeal in front of the Lord and from the bottom of our hearts ask for forgiveness and protection.

The text of the prayer of the Holy Spirit

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

God, gracious Budy I feel sinful.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother Mother and all saints, have mercy. Amen

Glory to you, God, glory to you.

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Prayer for the glory of the Holy Spirit is the Pentecost's stimile and starting with Easter to these days they do not read it. Instead, it is recommended to use the prayers of the Blessed Trinity or the Lord.

The text of the prayer of the Blessed Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us.

The text of the Lord Prayer

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago. For yours is a kingdom and power and glory forever.


Evening prayers from bad dreams

It is known that people are often tormented by nightmares and lose sleep at all. Good prevention from bad dreams and insomnias will be evening prayers for sleep coming.

They will reassure the nervous system, give light thoughts and light dreams. Eveningly praying Almighty believer acquires a very useful habit for the health of the soul and body. Thanks to the protective prayer from bad dreams, the nightmares disappear over time, a full-fledged rest is returned, and, as a result, life tone and performance increases. The believer gains great deliverance and happiness, and also successfully implements itself in society and achieves previously intended goals.

Text of the evening tropar

Mighty us, Lord, have mercy for us; Somebaging a response is not smaller, this prayer is the sin of sin, we bring the sin: to have mercy.

Glory: Lord, have mercy on us, on the boost, Do not proceed at us beer, Below the lawlessness of our lawlessness, but the proud and now Yako prudettake, and save us from our enemy; You bless our God, and we are people of yours, VSI is your hand, and call your name.

And now: The doors of the doors of the hole for us, blessed by the Virgin, hoping on the hell, will not die, but yes you will get rid of you from the troubles: you bless the saving of Christianskago.

Each of us probably saw the bad dreams at least a few unpleasant times in his life. Sometimes we do not pay attention to them, sometimes they are upset.

From time to time, make seriously worry and nervous, especially if we dream of something relating to our loved ones. Let's try to figure out how bad dreams are shot.

The reasons

As a rule, disturbing, unpleasant, bad dreams will take off at night for several reasons.

1. It may be general overwork, and strong fatigue. In this case, the overloaded brain is simply trying to get rid of the accumulated negative and expresses it through nightmares.

If you have such a case, you should not pay special attention to the content of dreams. It is better to think about how to relax and what to do to derive your body from the dangerous state of stress.

2. Also, bad dreams are often shot by people nervous, anxious. When you are very worried about everything that happens in your everyday common life and take any trouble close to the heart, it is possible that soon you will wait for the night with anxiety. This is a serious problem that certainly requires a solution.

3. Sometimes disturbing dreams are symptoms of nervous disorders. When bad dreams are held constantly, without any visible reason, it is better to think about the appeal to a doctor or a psychologist.

Diagnostics when it was held in a timely manner will help not only get rid of nightmares who pursue at night, but also choose therapy.

4. A bad dream may well dream randomly, or under the effect of a horror movie view. In this case, the nightmare dreams once and does not bring much alarms.

5. The bad dreams are also possible. They are not at all worth paying attention. And even if it seems to you that the nightmare came true, you should not get upset too much.

So, the main causes of nightmares:

  • Strong fatigue.
  • Overall anxiety.
  • Long stress.
  • Nervous disorders.
  • Impressions experienced per day.
  • Accident.

What to do if a nightmare dreamed

But still, what to do if you had a bad dream? First of all, it is necessary to calm down and try to convince yourself that nothing terrible happened, absolutely.

It may be quite difficult to do, if you wondered something bad, relating to your expensive, close people or, especially, your child. Often soothe nerves and stop worrying helps prayer.

In the event that you saw a terrible dream and woke up immediately after that, try to calm down. For this you can drink warm milk or sweet tea. If you are subject to alarming states, or in the case when the nightmare is too scary, you can take a sedative.

If a bad dream had dreamed, many begin to worry, no matter how it would come true. Some dreams are really come true, but then the nightmare will dream as an impression of events taking place in reality.

Bad dreams in children

Every child at one time is the first time after nightmares and terrible dreams. Not always this alarming phenomenon speaks of some problems. Not really need to be especially worried because of this.

Bad dreams in a child age about three years can even be useful. They help the baby cope with the abundance of emotions and impressions received per day. If a bad dream has dreamed - this is normal. It is unlikely that you will ever be able to say that he came true.

But it happens that the child's bad dreams can serve as an indicator of serious problems. Such dreams can be a reflection of conflicts inside the family or with peers, overall anxiety and impressionability. Parents should pay attention to this.

If nightmares pursue your child every night for a long time, it is worth contacting the children's psychologist for competent advice.

Soothe the child frightened with a bad dream can be diverse in simple ways. It may be a cheerful song, and a favorite fairy tale, and prayer. If you teach your baby to pray, then prayer will help the best. For example:

Periodic nightmares have a small child may stop if you make sure that the baby does not scare anything in the room that it is not in nervous condition. It helps to leave the night in the room in the room in the room, night light.

Most often, the child does not remember bad dreams. Therefore, when the time of sleep comes, do not remind a child about the opportunity to see a bad dream. Otherwise, the baby can start worrying, and then he will most likely see him. Cases to come true a bad nightmare kid is practically no happening.

Pregnancy and bad dreams

Many future mothers see during pregnancy bad dreams. Especially often this happens if the pregnancy is not easy. In this case, the bad dreams are caused, most likely, the experiences of a woman. She is worried about the child all day, can not stop worrying and in a dream.

Pregnant women need to avoid stress and hassle. If the future mother is constantly afraid, as if the nightmare did not come true, it can serve as a new cause of bad dreams.

Sometimes there are bad dreams during pregnancy at all without any real reasons. Just anxiety finds just such a way out. But it is better not to ignore them. Try to convince your subconsciousness that it is only a nightmare and nothing more.

Dream, and let. You never know what to dream. Use various techniques to calm nerves before bedtime. It comes night, start. It can be meditation or prayer, which is closer. Prayer greatly helps a believer. It gives a feeling of security.

During pregnancy, no reassuring agent is advised. Many of them are prohibited. So try not to pay attention to bad dreams. In general, the nightmare will come true, not so much. So choose: meditation or prayer.

And more positive emotions. See good movies, read positive books. Walk more, spend the outdoor time, it is better to walk every day.

In order for an unpleasant sleep to come true, you need to understand what a terrible dream differs from things. An ordinary nightmare is remembered poorly, and indeed devoid of logic. But the meaning of the dream is usually well remembered and is presented in the form of a complete plot. According to belief, so that the nightmare does not embody in reality, it is necessary to tell someone about him during the day.

When pregnant, seeing a nightmare, you can waking up without getting up from the bed, say: "What I saw in a dream, I will not see the appearance." Remember that pregnant women are impressionable, and you at such a time can help daily prayers and society of loved ones and beloved people.

The approaching night should not scare you. Configure yourself to pleasant thoughts about the future child. Dream what you teach it when he will grow, how will it become. Believe that everything will definitely be fine.


what prayer you need to read if a bad dream has dreamed (for example, the dental loss)


Vasya Vasiliskina

What prayer I do not know, but I say in such cases (wherever the night, there and sleep) or (Samson Samson scores my dream). Maybe it's ridiculous, but I taught my grandmother.


If you are a believer man, you should know that you can believe in dreams - this is a superstition, and superstition is a sin.


I heard that I need to say to myself: "Wherever night, there and sleep," even before you get out of bed .... but this is not a prayer, of course.

Nastasya Eyvi

dreams about the loss of teeth say that something bothers you, maybe in the body somewhere failures.
Religion is not at all. Just try not to be nervous before bedtime and well to air the room.


I always say "where the night, there and sleep" and still "our" Father "of course


it is necessary to approach the window and say 3 times: how night has passed so and the dream will pass Amen and cross.

Azim Abasov.

I agree with Marisabel.
Well, finally, if you just be afraid of something, I will explain the prayer. This is primarily communication with God.
When you come to the doctor you have a problem. You explain what's the matter and ask to help.
So ask God to your heart and mind do not believe in such things .... that type of teeth will fall out or any such. Ask for protection and so that such problems do not touch.
Good luck!


some garbage, today, what, all the nightmares dreamed? ? Me too. And in general, many. But I do not read any prayers, I just do not pay attention.


When a bad dream dictates, I must say on the flowing water: "Where this water flows, let my bad sleep goes out." In the rollery water, water in the crane is quite suitable. I always helped me. Hoping and help you. And sweet dreams to you !!!

Elijah Lenkina

"Our Father", and when you wash off your water. I mean everything bad give water.


As I understand you. The very same thing is to dream of Niwing, then you walk for several days myself is not my own. Many have already been talked. I also heard that there is good dreams to tell water and in general it is better to tell many before dinner, then dreams do not come true!


in order for the bad dream to come true, read the prayer in the morning: let me, Lord, to this day, the Lord's great defense is a cross-graded cross. The cross is glad and the cross is preserved, we remember the key holy water, a cross towel duck, the vesting of the Lord dug off. God will resurrect, and the guise of him will rise, and it beats from his face hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear, I will disappear wax from the face of fire, so the bears will die from the face of those who love God, and the marked congestion. Amen. Amen. Amen. And turn around three times.

From Thursday to Misthanitsa (today) dreamed of a very bad dream. Webship, which will come true ... What can be done to sleep not come true?



First, it's not always a dream from Thursday to friday to come true as you dream.
Indeed, in most cases, death in a dream is to health in life.
Therefore, do not worry.
It is enough difficult to make sleep not come true. Personally, I in the morning (can be any other in the morning) to tell his clock, when wash it, and ask him to wash off with drowning water.
You can also pray for the night as you can for the health of your friends and loved ones.


They say If a bad dream, then 12 hours of the day do not need to tell about it ...


The death of a loved one will dream of his long and fruitful life !! ! So, do not fall in spirit !!!

Tapkin *

It just needs to "revise", reprogram, change the situation that is not like. It is not difficult to do this, having a sufficient number of energy, and entering the state of the names of the Magas "Snowstation" (this is not a dream in the usual understanding of this word.)
But it is desirable for a future to do it immediately after the "awakening".


After a bad sleep, I must say - Saint Samson Take your dream, where night is there and sleep. 3 times.


Nothing terrible that they told no. Just this you are worried people. When you fall to sleep, call your angel, and ask him to show the right dream. Perhaps death in a dream does not mean death in reality. Or maybe mean a bad state of affairs, failure in personal life.


Here I had a bad dream .. how to get rid of a nasty feeling ????))))))))


[Email Protected]

When the dream is bad, do not tell it until you make a read. Tent, pour into a glass of water, throw a pinch of salt and tell me: "As this salt will appear, so my sleep will look like water in the ground leaves, so my alarm will pass" Leave the glass stand until the salt is melting and pour water in Toilet or outdoor.

If the time has passed, you can try such a way - buy a millet, take seven hands and publishes into the street. Look where the birds and rash them are the same tassel of millet. The rash handful of saying the birds of happiness call, seven pests of the millet give. Each millet-grief is mine, the birds of happiness all millet woven, the lick flock, troubles and go away. Amen "Go home silently and not looking back, on the road do not greet you Do not spoke. Having come home to put a church candle from the icons and read 9 times "our own".

There is a claim from a possible bad

Mother The Mother of God got up early
Prayer about his son Christ read:
"Whether you, my beloved son,
Under the view of the Most High Creator, your god Father,
Everywhere saved, protected,
From any trouble to the famous time is intended. "
Angels prayer heard,
The Lord God passed all the words.
So I would be, God's slave (name), know this grace,
To avoid troubles in your home.
Lord, bless, Holy Trinity, help!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Over time, the Company has changed a point of view on what is dreams and how to interpret. It is necessary to take seriously and is it possible to tell bad dreams so that the dream does not come true. This process of rethinking led to the fact that the rules appeared under the conditional name "how to behave that the dream would not come true." And they relate to, including the publication of dreams.

What psychologists say

Dreams are worried about people, because In the dream, there is something that in real life may not happen. The value and understanding of this phenomenon changed as science develops. Therefore, the topic should be considered from a psychological aspect, what to do to not come true.

Sleep as a reflection of reality

A nightmare can dream of a variety of reasons as against the background of heavy experiences, and because a man was tight for the night. Psycho-emotional sphere - the patrimony of psychologists. From the point of view of psychology, an effective way to forget about fear is to tell him.

Therefore, it is best to go to a psychoanalyst who carefully listens and explain why it could dreamed. The specialist will help cope with the mood oppressed after nightmare.

Any system that is closed on yourself is doomed to self-destruction, it concerns human psyche. For people of impressionable and constant, their own bad dreams are excellent nutrient soil for the rapid growth of all sorts of fears. Therefore, the negative must be poured, in order to avoid accumulation. If this is not done, then the nervous breakdown or severe depression becomes a matter of time. Self-pressure will result in the likelihood of making a mistake - and then seen in the nightmare can come true.

From the point of view of psychologists, it is possible to tell the bad dreams. The main condition is to talk about such subtle matter only with those who:

  • close enough;
  • i agree to listen.

"If only a person got good enough" just about this situation.

Chanitate before those who do not want to listen, which means, not to get rid of the negative, but to multiply it.

Sleep like a hint over

There is a separate story of the attitude of the Christian religion to human dreams. It is believed that sleep is bad or good - the news that the highest strength of the believer sends. To prevent, instruct, tell, dismiss from rash or bad actions. Therefore, the task of a person is to comprehend the dream, resorting if necessary for help in an interpreter or a confessor. Prayer from bad dreams read before bedtime.

Cross or talisman

At the same time, Orthodoxy, to put it mildly, does not approve of fortune-telling, conspiracies and all sorts of sentence and excitement in any of his form. Since in this case a person entills the soul to otherworked forces. According to the canons of Christianity, it is impossible to interfere in the fishery of God, and even more so resorting for this to help mysticism. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to determine where to seek help - to religion or esoteric, so that bad sleep does not come true.

And it is completely unacceptable, from all points of view, to pronounce prayers to the passage with conspiracies and mix the sentence with faith in God. By the way, it is not for nothing at all times, before we wonder (it doesn't matter what) it was necessary to remove the cross.

All with regard to Orthodox faith can never be used in esoteric rituals. This concerns:

  • prayers;
  • sanctified and baptized water;
  • cross;
  • church candles;
  • icons, etc.

A conspiracy from bad sleep and other readings designed to ensure that such a dream can be combined with decoction and dry herbs, other natural substances, but they will never be accompanied by church attributes. Orthodox faith considers such a mixture of genres with a great sin.

For example, a Christian can be consecrated for disgusting bad dreams to consecrate a small icon, hang in the bedroom and pray. But it is unacceptable to go to the church to consecrate the amulet, the overag, the catcher of dreams and other esoteric attributes.

Who pray

If the nightmare has already dreamed, helps prayer from bad sleep, so as not to come true. She is pronounced by the Virgin Mary, Saint Cyprian, St. Justine and others. If one prayer does not help, it is recommended to go to the church and put three candles: two from the icons of the Mother of God, about the health of their own and their enemies, and the third of their health is the icon of "all saints."

Esoteric in the fight against bad dreams

Synonym Esoteric - mysticism, witchcraft, excitement. Astrology applies to the same area. Therefore, people calling esotericists are engaged in the same colleagues called fortunellers and meanings. It is believed that they have some secret knowledge, inaccessible to the uninitudinal, and with the help of their skills esoterica can dispel evil spells, remove damage, and including to drive a bad dream.

Silence or come true

Unlike psychology, Esoteric believes that in order for a bad dream to come true, the plot comes best. Gadlocks and goddes say that such dreams can not be told, because the thought expressed has a property to materialize, and after visualing it can be done. In this case, come true.

According to esoteric, the soul of a sleeping person travels in other worlds and can meet an evil spirit or other essence, a meeting with which is good does not promist. So that it does not happen, you need protection. Amulet, charm, mascot - it can be called this in different ways, but the essence and purpose is one thing: to escape the unclean power of his dreams so that nothing bad can dreamed.

The best wubble is the one that is made with your own hands or someone from loved ones. It is necessary to make them from those natural materials that grow where a person lives.

Keep me my talisman

Some precious and semi-precious stones can be driven by bad dream:

  • garnet;
  • amethyst;
  • moon rock;
  • malachite;
  • rhinestone;
  • chrysolite.

They are put in the headboard, and once a week is washed with running water. Pick the desired stone according to the sign of the zodiac.

It is believed that dreams from Thursday to come true on Friday. Astrologers say that this is true only in part. The patroness of Friday is the goddess of Love Venus, so only a dream filled with a romantic or love meaning will come true. Nightmares, dreamed of this night, do not come true.

The same applies to the nightmare, who dreamed from Sunday for Monday. What dreamed on the border of a sunny day (Sunday) and Lunar (Monday), in life foreshadowed something diametrically opposite.

In dreams, the interpretation of dreams is very often found when bad dreams of good and vice versa. And therefore, it is not necessary to indulge in disintegration or worry if the trouble dreamed. If it dreams too good - you need to be alert.

Long before the fortune telling began to call Esoteric, people as used to fought with bad dreams: could speak, wash off with water, etc. The nightmare was treated as a garbage or dirt, which were cleaned.

Believers associated with dreams have a household population. So, it is believed to say before dinner, which dreamed, it means to bring the trouble. In fact, in a primitive society, a person from the moment of awakening was so much affairs that distracted into extensive stories meant to waste time.

By the way, only one man out of ten is inclined to tell the nightmare nightmare and tell about what dreamed. This is the prerogative of weak gender.

And the woman get up to get up, melt the oven, put the bake bread, feed the cattle, cook food. There is not to dreams, otherwise you do not have time to do everything. But after lunch, you can relax.

There is another point of view that says that after lunch the sun in Zenith, and bright rays act like a spell from evil forces. Fire or sun accompany a conspiracy from nightmare.

Conspiracies in the sun and water

Folk conspiracies, spells and other verbal agents are necessarily combined with ritual actions and are divided into two groups. In the first bad sleep, it is driven by sunlight, in the second - washed off with water.

If you carefully look at the sentences concerning dreams, then a short sense - wherever the night, there and sleep. The terms are complemented by auxiliary words, combined with washbasin, oxidation, etc., but the essence remains alone. Therefore, the method is considered an effective way, in which after a terrible dream, speak this phrase three times. It is better to open the window so that the nightmare flew away from the dwelling.

The morning after bad sleep is better to start from a conspiracy accompanied by washing. Well acts dew healing herbs, if they grow nearby. At the same time, they say "where water, there and trouble".

Do not perceive nightmares as a serious omen. Most dreams reflect already experienced. But from negative, which accumulates from such dreams, you need to get rid of. Share is only one of the ways.

During sleep, the human body rests from psychological and physical tension. But even when a person is resting, his the subconsciousness is completely not turned off, and it works more slowly. It is precisely because the human subconscious occurs during sleep works, the personality has the opportunity to see dreams.

Good dreams allow you to wake up in an excellent mood, bad face and make you think about what you saw.

Why dream of bad dreams

There are several reasons that become primary sources of bad dreams:

  • overwork and strong human fatigue, which is observed on an ongoing basis;
  • man is nervous and disturbing in life;
  • the presence of nervous disorders in humans;
  • view before bedtime or late in the evening of horror films;
  • the subconscious reproduces a bad picture of purely by chance.

When a person is overwhelmed, his the brain is trying to get rid of the excess negative, information And it does it in this way. People having a weak nervous system, even small problems perceive very seriously, leading to the emergence of nightmarish dreams at night.

After watching the movie of the horror, a man can dream of a terrible plot, but it will only be once and will not happen next night.

If the nightmare dreams every night, while a person has a health problem with the health of the nervous system, then this signal cannot be left unattended. You need to seek advice to a psychologist.

What you need to do so that the nightmare does not come true

Nightmares at night - a factor that does not give a person to relax, symbolizes the presence of problems. Often, such dreams are things and have a specific value that can be decoded by software.

If a person is shot by nightmares, he can get rid of it in the following ways:

  1. Read prayers.
  2. Make rituals.
  3. Use conspiracies.
  4. Search for other methods solving the problem.

You can try each of the ways to get rid of unpleasant dreams at night to find out which one is valid.

Prayers from bad dreams

For an Orthodox person, prayer is an act of communication with God. Thus, people are asking for their creator of patronage, health, strength, good. Every believer man knows what you need read prayers before bedand then he can calmly, peacefully live the night.

If an unpleasant dream still visited a man at night, then you can read special prayers or "our father".

  • find the text of prayer from a terrible vision in a dream;
  • every morning, after a doned nightmare, read prayer;
  • reading the words of prayer, fully consciously think about that it is only a dream, he does not mean anything, you need to throw out empty information from my head.

Prayer will help a person peacefully calm down, slowly turn off all unnecessary thoughts, to fully realize the fact that we are under the custody of the higher forces.


To do not come true in real life, many people spend special rituals to help prevent this situation.

There are several rituals that are used to prevent nightmares:

  • make your own hand trap for nightmares;
  • put water near your own bed;
  • put your hands on the head, close your eyes, imagine that in front of the eyes is a waterfall and in words send their bad dreams there.

Before holding a magical ritual, you need to carefully read the algorithm of its implementation. One wrong action can deliver a lot more problems to a person than an ordinary unpleasant moment during a night rest.


In order for a person to do not dream of nightmares, he may read the magic plot for the night, which will save from unpleasant dreams. Often, people speak the water, then drink it and go to bed. Perform a water ritual on the following principle:

  • pour into the glass glass some boiling water (the glass should not be faceted);
  • put into water 3 grains of stone salt and 10 sugar;
  • say seven times a plot "Salt Solute, Sugar Sakharit, Water Drives, a bad dream assigns";
  • drink water from glass and go to bed.

This is only one of the options of the conspiracy, additionally, you can use more options:

"A good dream is Sunday, and the bad - inhibition of CRRs."

"The night in the morning is melting, so my bad dream let me fly away."

"Saint Samson, take the evil dream. I live long, and not be thin. In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. "

What else to do is that bad vision come true

So that a nightmarish dream is not coming true, it should not be interpreted. No one should know what concretely had a man.

Additionally, you can make magic rituals, perform rituals, read conspiracy. After a bad dream, special rituals need to be carried out, but it is also impossible to tell anyone. Can write an unpleasant feeling on a sheet of paper and simply burn it.

A person who had a unpleasant sleep was to unscrew the bedding inside out.

When you can not pay attention

Not every bad dream should be paid attention. Before panicing, a person must figure out the following facts:

  • at what day of the week a nightmare was dreamed, did the dream come from Thursday to Friday;
  • what cases in the life of a person took place whether there were no stresses;
  • what is the state of human health.

Often the bad dreams will be excluded because a person is nervous and experiencing and is experiencing something. It is in this case that an unpleasant dream should be ignored.

What days of the week do not pay attention to nightmares

Dreams who visited a person on Monday may come true, but in reality everything will be not so emotionally. From Thursday to Friday, a person has the opportunity to see the prophetic dreams and these nightmares have a property come true.

All other days of the week should not betray special attention to dreams, because, most likely they will not come true in real life.

In what other cases do not attach importance

If the bad dreamed after a quarrel, emotional stress, watching terrible cinema, then it is not worth paying attention to it.

When nude visited in a dream only once, then this is also not the reason for anxiety.

Random dreams will no longer repeat, and if the bad night had a night because of the nervous voltage, then you just need to get rid of the original problem.

How to get rid of unpleasant dreams

There are many ways that allow you to get rid of bad dreams.

The most popular and effective can be called the following ways:

  1. Normalization of its psycho-eratic state.
  2. Appeal to psychoanalyst.
  3. Attempts to set up yourself only for positive emotions.
  4. Exception of viewing the horror movie at night.
  5. Do not perceive everything too close to the heart.

These tips help get rid of nightmares, tune in to positive. Bad dreams are not a sign that everything will be terrible in life. Simply, you do not need to pay attention to nightmares, do not tell anyone about them And then this will not come true in reality. Often, bad dreams are an overprint of overwork and stress. If you remove these factors, then there will be no bad dreams.

As it often happens that we wake up in a cold sweat, without understanding that it was - a private nightmare, caused by discrepanied nerves and solar phobias, or bad and at the same time a prophetic dream.

Or vice versa, smile and do not want to open your eyes, so as not to knock out a beautiful dream vision. And so I want everything to be harmful to happen. And what scarecrow - rushed into oblivion.

This is how to do it, we will talk today and talk. Just remember that in any action you need to truly believe, then it will be the way you want. And further. If the same negative dream comes to you several times, it is not necessary to get rid of it, much more important - write it down and try to analyze, so that not only know where to wait for trouble, but and how they can get rid of real life.

How to make bad sleep not come true

If you have a dream, then immediately after awakening, say: where night, there and sleep. Then stand up and repeat the same phrase in the open window. Then, without talking to anyone, go to the bathroom, let the cold water, will breathe three times and hold your hands under running water, repeating three times the same words.

Then go to the kitchen, pour a glass of water and dissolve a teaspoon of salt in it. Take this way: as this salt melted, so my sleep will not come true. After that, turn to the sink with your back and splash this water through the left shoulder.

You can also waking up without getting up from bed and without looking out the window, say: good Sunday, and bad in half a crash.

If you are a deeply believer man, so that the bad sleep does not come true, read the prayer in the morning: Give me, Lord, to this day, the Lord's great defense is a cross-graded cross. The cross fearfully and the cross is preserved, we remember the key holy water, the cross towel duck, the drainage of the Lord dug out. God will resurrect, and the guise of him will rise, and it beats from his face hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear, I will disappear wax from the face of fire, so the bears will die from the face of those who love God, and the marked congestion. Amen. Amen. Amen. And turn around three times.

In no case, do not tell anyone the meaning of the frightened you. You can do it only in one case - if the person you are going to trust is the interpreter of dreams and can explain to you that this dream means, and how to avoid its consequences. True, there is a completely opposite opinion on this basis - some believe that a bad dream must be necessary to tell Troim people, then sleep allegedly will lose its strength. However, it is not worth discounting that fears and trouble treated in words and trouble are enshrined in real life, they get the right to exist and begin to "figure the flesh" in some way to materialize at the most inopportune moment. So it is better not to experiment and keep your bad dreams under our own control, and not "give their real world."

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