How to see images clearly with closed eyes. Astral vision: vision with closed eyes. Impaired color perception

Many esotericists, as well as scientists, are confident that a person can receive information about the world around him bypassing the visual analyzer. In other words, anyone can learn to see objects with their eyes closed. The ancient yogis talked about the existence of the third eye, which is located slightly above the center between the eyebrows. In Hindu teachings, the third eye, or Ajna chakra, was responsible for the development of clairvoyance and other paranormal abilities. Today this topic has not lost its relevance, and many people want to learn how to see with their eyes closed.

How to learn to see with your eyes closed

Some researchers in this field believe that all people have the ability to see with closed eyes, but this ability is in its infancy. Russian scientist Vyacheslav Bronnikov has achieved great success in researching the "direct vision" method. His students can read blindfolded and see through walls. You can also study the "method of alternative vision" at the school of V. Bronnikov. The scientist claims that anyone can open the third eye. Would you like to learn how to learn to see with your eyes closed? Then read on.

Opening the Ajna chakra

First of all, you need to understand that the third eye is located in the middle of the forehead, just above the middle line of the eyebrows. It is to this point that all your mental energy should be directed during meditations.

  • The chakra can be opened during meditation. Choose a time when no one will distract you. Sit in a quiet place, you don't have to sit in the lotus position, you can just get into a comfortable sitting position. You can play relaxation music or Indian mantras. Close your eyes, relax, forget about problems, worries and fears. Focus on your feelings. Watch your breath: take deep, slow exhales and breaths. When you feel that the mind is free of negative emotions, move on to working with the chakra;
  • Focus on the third eye area. The Ajna chakras are traditionally visualized in blue. Imagine a blue ball moving clockwise in the area of ​​our chakra. At first it will be difficult for you to keep your attention for at least 3 minutes, but gradually you will be able to concentrate on the chakra for 20-30 minutes. Exercise should be done daily;
  • When you have reached a high level of concentration on the charka, and you have practiced for a sufficient amount of time, do the following exercise: during meditation with your eyes closed, touch your index finger to the Ajna charka point. Press a little finger on this point, as if you want to open your eye;
  • The next step will be the direct practice of seeing with your eyes closed: begin to distinguish objects by color, then by shape. Then start studying distant objects or objects that are behind any obstacle.

Now you have the answer to the question: how to see with your eyes closed. At least you can already take your first steps in this field. Good luck!

So how to see with your eyes closed. To begin with, you must mentally tune yourself to the fact that your third eye exists, and you can develop it in yourself. Learn to completely relax, forget about your emotions, experiences and fears at this moment.

If you are in an emotional state, it will block spiritual power.

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If you think that seeing with your eyes closed is simply not possible, you are mistaken. We all have the so-called third eye. Most often, the ability to use it appears suddenly. Sometimes a person himself, not understanding what is happening to him, begins to see those things that he could not even imagine before. But, you can learn this on your own, it will take a lot of time, but then you will already know how to see with your eyes closed.

Almost everyone can open this gift of vision with closed eyes. Here are some tips. With their help, you can and begin to reveal your unawakened gift. But for this, you must have patience, be assertive in your desires, confidence that everything will work out and train a lot.

How to see with closed eyes

You should now focus on the chakras. They are very important, energy will pass through them, which is simply necessary in this situation. All six chakras should surround you and create a barrier against the penetration of negative energy. You will not learn to distinguish your chakras from negativity right away, but you should not stop, continue to train further. In the morning or after work, try to take time to meditate. It will help you relax, gain the necessary positive energy.

Start practicing and gradually you will learn to see with your third eye. Before each exercise, do not forget to relax, in this situation breathing helps a lot. Concentrate your attention on it.

Close your eyes and see

Inhale slowly through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, also slowly. Repeat the exercise until you feel that your body is completely relaxed.

With your eyes closed, touch your forehead with your index finger. This is where the third eye is located. Press down gently and gently. Gradually begin to distinguish colors with your eyes closed. You should focus your attention on one object, start looking closely at what color it has, but do not open your eyes or peep. It worked, great. You can rest.

Start practicing different subjects. Arrange workouts on different subjects. The more variety, the faster you will learn to see with your eyes closed.

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If you think that seeing with your eyes closed is simply not possible, you are mistaken. We all have the so-called third eye. Most often, the ability to use it appears suddenly. Sometimes a person himself, not understanding what is happening to him, begins to see those things that he could not even imagine before. But, you can learn this on your own, it will take a lot of time, but then you will already know how to see with your eyes closed.

Almost everyone can open this gift of vision with closed eyes. Here are some tips. With their help, you can and begin to reveal your unawakened gift. But for this, you must have patience, be assertive in your desires, confidence that everything will work out and train a lot.

How to see with closed eyes

So how to see with your eyes closed. To begin with, you must mentally tune yourself to the fact that your third eye exists, and you can develop it in yourself. Learn to completely relax, forget about your emotions, experiences and fears at this moment. If you are in an emotional state, it will block spiritual power.

You should now focus on the chakras. They are very important, energy will pass through them, which is simply necessary in this situation. All six chakras should surround you and create a barrier against the penetration of negative energy. You will not learn to distinguish your chakras from negativity right away, but you should not stop, continue to train further. In the morning or after work, try to take time to meditate. It will help you relax, gain the necessary positive energy.

Start practicing and gradually you will learn to see with your third eye. Before each exercise, do not forget to relax, in this situation breathing helps a lot. Concentrate your attention on it. Inhale slowly through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, also slowly. Repeat the exercise until you feel that your body is completely relaxed.

With your eyes closed, touch your forehead with your index finger.

How can you learn to see while blindfolded?

This is where the third eye is located. Press down gently and gently. Gradually begin to distinguish colors with your eyes closed. You should focus your attention on one object, start looking closely at what color it has, but do not open your eyes or peep. It worked, great. You can rest.

Start practicing different subjects. Arrange workouts on different subjects. The more variety, the faster you will learn to see with your eyes closed.

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Consider some of the symptoms of color sensation diseases.

Symptoms of diseases by sense of color

Impaired color perception

People who use LSD or other hallucinogens, as well as people with hangovers, often see things in strange colors. But if you have nothing to do with drugs, then color distortion of objects - known in medical parlance as chromatopsia - may be an early sign of diabetic eye disease.

Even small changes in blood sugar levels sometimes cause visual disturbances. In the case of a confirmed diagnosis of diabetes, color distortion complicates the process of self-monitoring of blood sugar levels when using colored strips that are dipped in urine. So there is one more reason to say no to the cake.

Very often, diabetic athletes experience clear changes in color perception after strenuous training or games. This could very well be an early sign of diabetic eye disease.

If most of the items you look at take on a yellow tint, you probably have symptoms from a type of chromatopsia called xanthopsia. Xanthopsia warns you of developing jaundice caused by a serious liver disease.

If you are taking digitalis (a medicine usually prescribed to treat certain heart diseases) and suddenly you start seeing objects in yellow color, and even with a kind of halo around, perhaps these symptoms are a warning about digitalis poisoning. Immediate medical attention is needed, since this condition is fraught with heart failure, cardioarrhythmia and is fatal.

Color perception in men

If your partner is a man who has always looked at life through rose-colored glasses, suddenly begins to complain that now everything appears in some bluish, sad color, perhaps it is not that he is in a state of depression. Who knows, what if he's taking too many stimulants to guarantee pleasure. When a man sees objects in a light bluish haze, which is often accompanied by increased color sensitivity, we are talking about one of the common side effects of using Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, used to treat sexual dysfunctions.

If you are being treated for a functional sexual disorder and you suddenly stop seeing in one or both eyes, stop taking the medication immediately and see your doctor as soon as possible. This may be a sign of non-arterial ischemic optic neuropathy, a condition that can lead to blindness. Men with retinal or other visual impairments should avoid these drugs.

Now you know the main symptoms of diseases by the sense of color.

Treatment of diseases by sense of color

Some of the signs described above require immediate medical attention, others do not.

How to see with closed eyes?

But if you have any doubts, it is better to visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. In the event that it comes to pain, changes in visual perception (especially accompanied by nausea and vomiting), or constant flashes of light, consult a doctor immediately. Well, no matter what condition your eyes are in, do not forget to regularly check your vision - a preventive physical examination often helps to maintain the correct function of the eyes and eliminate various types of medical problems. This is especially important for diabetics. The following is a list of specialists who can diagnose and treat eye conditions:

Ophthalmologist: a physician specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of symptoms of eye diseases and functional disorders.

Optometrist: although he is not a doctor with a higher education, he specializes in vision problems and prescribes the appropriate means - glasses, contact lenses, special simulators and treatment. Optometrists can recognize glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and prescribe medications for a variety of conditions.

Optician: also not a therapist, but selects suitable glasses and offers other optical assistance in accordance with the prescriptions of the ophthalmologist and optometrist.

Eye and photoreceptors

Vyacheslav Dubynin

The visual system is the most important sensory system in our body. We receive the lion's share of information through vision. And in order to work with visual signals, we have centers in the brain and a complex sense organ called the eye. There is a retina inside the eye, and in the retina there are photoreceptors - the very sensitive cells that perceive the visual signal. Physiologist Vyacheslav Dubynin on the structure of the eye, crystallin mutations and pigments of rods and cones.

Monkeys see faces of inanimate objects

Scientists have recorded the ability of rhesus monkeys to identify faces in photographs of inanimate objects. These are the first animals (after humans) that have been found to have this ability.

How can you learn to see with your eyes closed?

The ability to recognize faces in inanimate objects (in the moon, in patterns on the bottom of a gravy boat, in houses, in the clasps of bags) is called pareidolia and is peculiar to humans. Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) are social animals, and their ability to recognize faces, including humans, is well developed, although face detection in macaques is not as accurate as in humans.

Trust your eyes! Navigation and vision in nature

Selezneva N.V.

One of the sources of new technical ideas is the science of bionics, which applies knowledge about biological processes and phenomena in solving engineering problems. As a result of long and merciless natural selection, those individuals survived that best adapted to the conditions of existence and most rationally solved the problems of life support. Over millions of years, a gigantic treasury has developed, where each type of living organism is an example of the engineering creativity of Nature. Engineers of any specialty can use this wealth: builders, signalmen, instrument operators, information technology specialists. We also find a lot of useful things there, as developers of navigation systems.

Cat vision: how your cat sees the world

In his selection of images, artist Nikolai Lamm tries to capture the difference between the vision of cats and humans. While humans are able to see brighter colors during daylight hours, our felines have a significant advantage when it comes to peripheral and night vision.

What is the sight of dogs

Dogs, as you know, understand everything - just do not speak. Anyone who has ever looked into the eyes of a dog will no longer doubt this truth. But how do they see the world around them? How do we seem to them? In general, what are the true views of our younger brothers?

How does the brain discern beauty?

How do you tell what is beautiful and what is ugly? And does beauty really exist? Or is it all mind games? We dug up a bunch of research and found unexpected answers.

Why do we see faces of inanimate objects?

From the Virgin Mary on a slice of toasted bread to an open-mouthed face in a man's scrotum - why does our brain see these images?

Revealed the neural principle by which the human brain recognizes faces

For the first time, neurophysiologists have detailed the mechanism by which the human brain recognizes faces. It turned out that the principle of its operation is similar to the recognition of simpler characteristics, such as the colors and shapes of objects. For each specific feature, their own neurons are responsible, and their combined signal allows a person to analyze what he sees and find out, for example, whether this face is familiar to him or not. At the same time, scientists were able to establish what exactly the brain considers a "trait" only in the process of machine learning.

Why are Chinese people alike for us?

"All Chinese are alike," we think. "How similar are these Europeans to each other!", - exclaim, in turn, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. This inability to distinguish between people belonging to other races is common to most of us, and it is quite obvious. But the nature of this phenomenon arouses genuine interest among researchers.

How Chinese people recognize European faces

Why do all the Chinese look the same to us, and the close-up eyes of a European are able to tell us a detailed story of his life? It turns out that a face is also a text that requires its own reading technique, and psychologists say that this technique is different for different cultures.

How to write with your eyes closed, revision 4


The text size can be increased or decreased in the browser in two ways.

1. While holding down the Ctrl key, turn the mouse wheel;

2. While holding down the Ctrl key, press the plus or minus on the additional numeric block (on the right);

2.1. If you do not have an additional numeric block, for example, on a laptop, you can hold down the Ctrl key and press the Fn key and the letter that replaces the characters, see the manual for your model. It's easier to attach another keyboard.


If your computer is running Windows 10, you can start reading text with the built-in synthesizer right now. To start it, you need to press three keys at once, that is, by pressing the first, do not release, but press the next, and when we press the last, release everything at once. These keys are:

Ctrl + Win + Enter

The first two keys are more convenient to press with your left hand, they are on the left in the bottom row.

You can turn off the synthesizer with the same command.

Start reading document, command:

CapsLock + M (Russian letter b).

Stop reading, press the key:

You can disable NVDA by pressing the keys at the same time:
Insert + Q (Russian letter Y).

When the NVDA program is on, you can enter the settings menu with the command
Insert + N (Russian T),
And there you can find to read the built-in help.

That's it, the introduction is over, read the main text.


Eyes get tired while working at the computer? Do you have to squint, strain, worry that you do not see your commas, periods, other punctuation marks? This is familiar to me, I also suffered in the past. I dreamed that the computer would voice what he pressed, where the mouse pointer was pointing, what was the word under this pointer.

Today I have no such problems! Moreover, I personally work at a computer without a screen at all, I do not need it. A special program helps me with this - a screen reader or screen reader. In this case, you can use both a free option and one of the paid readers. Moreover, in terms of ease of use, the free option wins today!

How it works?

Let's say you already have everything installed and configured. You turn on your computer as usual, open your favorite site, for example, and start reading its pages. Start the screen reader either by clicking on its icon, or by pressing a key combination, and in the speakers or headphones the synthesizer's voice will sound everything that falls under your mouse pointer. The reader can start automatically when the computer is turned on. Then you don't have to launch it on purpose.

Press the down arrow on your keyboard and each time the synthesizer reads one line.

We set the pointer to the beginning of the story, pressed the command:

INSERT + DOWN ARROW on keyboard

and the synthesizer will read all the text in a row.

You stopped reading by pressing any key and you can read this place using the screen reader by words, by letters or by paragraphs. This is not for you to listen to the reading room, falling asleep from its monotonous muttering! Everything is in your hands here.

When you are typing, you can turn on the spelling errors mode. Then you will notice most of the mistakes and correct them in time.

What is needed for this?

If you have an assistant who will make the necessary settings, then let him read from this place. And when everything is set up, you will easily use it, having learned first what I have already mentioned, gradually expanding your skills in accordance with your needs.

First. Download and install the latest version of the screen reader from the official website or from the site

It is better to take a ready-made assembly, into which additional voices are directly embedded, on this page:

Despite the fact that some of the assemblies are made in the form of self-extracting archives, you can unpack such an archive to the right place and use it. Pay attention to the size of the archive file. The closer the voices are to the human voice, the more space they take up in the archive. And they are no longer for SAPI5, which is built into Windows, but use other engines. Go to add-ons and disable unnecessary extensions, especially those that require Internet access. If necessary, they can be easily turned on.

The portable assembly can be quickly installed with all the settings by calling the settings menu with the Insert + n command while the reader is running. Then choosing Tools \ Install from the menu. If you do not install it, you will have to manually create a shortcut for the program launch file and manually register shortcuts to launch it. When installed, such a shortcut is created on the desktop automatically.

Second. To develop initial skills, you can use the collection "Tula Aspects of the Blind":

you can download its local copy to your computer and train without Internet access.

the Welcome page lists the first keyboard shortcuts you need to master. You can read it and master everything right there. I highly recommend doing all this with your eyes closed, or turning off the screen, since the screen reader has his own logic for moving along headers, links and other objects.

Third. To launch the browser without a mouse, you need to register hotkeys for shortcuts in the shortcut of its launching file. To do this, open the properties of the shortcut on the desktop or in the Main Menu, click the desired letter, for example, the letter A in the Shortcut field, click Apply. Now, to turn on the browser, it is enough to press three keys at once: Control + Alt + f (Russian letter A, you do not need to switch the language). The keys are pressed with hold one after the other, after pressing the last key, all are released at once. To launch other programs, for example, your editor, your hotkeys are also configured.

If you pin the desired programs to the Taskbar, you can launch each of them by holding down the Win key and pressing the number in the upper number row. For example, the NVDA screen reader is pinned first, then the browser, then the text editor. Then pressing the Win +1 keys will launch the screen reader, pressing the Win +3 keys will launch the editor, and so on.

Everything is set up, we start using the screen reader.

First, we launch the screen reader with hot keys, if its autorun is not configured and it has not started itself:

Choosing a synthesizer:

Control + Insert + S

Use the up and down arrows to switch to another voice, press the Enter key to close this window. My favorite synthesizer is called RHVoice with Alexander's voice.

Adjusting the reading speed:

Control + Insert + Up or Down Arrow.

‘+ Relatedpoststitle +’

When the required speed is found, release the keys.

We customize the reading of punctuation if we do not want to hear quotes and other signs. Or, conversely, we want:

Insert + p (Russian letter z)

Pressing several times, select the desired mode.

Having started reading documents or websites, we start, for example, continuous reading:


The reader is no longer required, turn it off:

Insert + Q (Russian letter Y).

That, in fact, is all you need to get started. There is a help in the screen reader, there it is all described in more detail. The sites have training podcasts, those who wish can download and study.

For. To write, the above is, in general, enough. After clicking the link "Write a resume" or "Publish a new work", the focus of the cursor itself goes to the editor for writing. You can jump out of the editor by pressing the Escape key. You can quickly find this editor again by pressing the E key (Russian letter y). to enter the editor, press Space.

Over time, you will need to turn off the sound input of each letter:

Insert + 2 (number in the top row)

Leaving only the pronunciation of the entered word:

Insert + 3 (number in the top row)

And also do not forget to turn on the desired punctuation scoring mode, as described above.

Take care of your eyes!

I suggest assembling NVDA with a minimal set of add-ons.

Download the archive, then select "Extract" in the context menu, a folder will appear. Find the file in it:
and click on it, the NVDA screen reader will start.
Let me remind you that you can turn it off by pressing the keys:
Insert + Q.

If, with the screen reader turned on, press:
Insert + N
then the program settings menu will open, where you can read the help for it.

immediately after switching on, Alexander will speak at minimum speed.
It can be increased by holding the keys
Ctrl + Insert by adjusting the up and down arrows.

You can turn on the ring of settings with the command:
Ctrl + Insert + V

Pronunciation of letters is included. Disabled by command
Insert +2
digit in the upper number row.

After disconnecting, you will hear a key press sound like a typewriter. This works addon "Play sounds when typing". It can be turned off or deleted, then nothing will sound when pressed.

Continuation of stories:

Copyright: Alpatov Valery Leshnichy, 2016
Certificate of publication No. 216111800290

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Many people think that seeing with their eyes closed is simply not possible. But in fact, every person has a so-called "third eye", with the help of which he can see things that he did not even know about before. Anyone can independently discover such a gift. This can take a lot of time and patience, but the results are worth it.

How can you learn to see with your eyes closed?

In order to open the "third eye" it is necessary to devote several hours a day to exercise.

Exercises for "opening the third eye"

First, you need to prepare yourself and your body for the opening of the "third eye" - to learn how to get rid of negative emotions, experiences, fears that block the spiritual strength of a person. To do this, you just need to relax your body and forget about all the problems and worries.

Any emotions - positive or negative - still block a person's spiritual strength, so only calmness and relaxation will help tune you into the fact that the "third eye" exists.

Next, you need to focus on the energy centers - the chakras. Chakras are six rotating circles that form an energy field around the human body. Only after you learn to feel them and cleanse your body of all negative emotions will it be easier for you to work on discovering your new gift. And for this you need a lot of time (in the morning or after work) to devote to meditation, which helps to clear the mind, relax, and also gain positive energy.

Each exercise should begin by relaxing the breath. To do this, you need to breathe slowly through your nose and just as slowly exhale through your mouth until you run out of air in your lungs. Repeat several times.

Now you can start the exercises for "opening the third eye". So, with your eyes closed, try with your index finger to touch the middle of your forehead, where your "third eye" should be. Press gently and slowly on this point. Next, focus all your attention on one object, and, as if through your eyelids, try to see its color and shape. You can't open your eyes and peep. As soon as you have succeeded, you need to take a break and try to continue the exercise with a new object.

Once you learn to distinguish with your eyes closed, the color and shape of an object, you can begin to learn to bring objects closer, and study them in more detail.

After that, you can use your new gift for observing distant objects. All that is needed for this is to close your eyes and be transported to a long distance.

The blind can see

There is a lot of information about people who could see with their eyes completely closed. So, in the last century, the Indian writer Ved Mehta gained particular popularity in his homeland. At the age of three, he was completely blind. Blindness did not prevent him from going on hikes, cycling and traveling around the United States later, without the help of his relatives and friends. The famous French doctor Jules Roman, in his studies that he conducted after the First World War, proved that people born blind can see objects. And in 1960, the American press blew up the world with the news of a 14-year-old blind girl who could read books and magazines taken at random, and also accurately name the objects shown to her.

If you think that seeing with your eyes closed is simply not possible, you are mistaken. We all have the so-called third eye. Most often, the ability to use it appears suddenly. Sometimes a person himself, not understanding what is happening to him, begins to see those things that he could not even imagine before. But, you can learn this on your own, it will take a lot of time, but then you will already know how to see with your eyes closed.

What can be seen with closed eyes

Much. Almost everyone can open this gift of vision with closed eyes. Here are some tips. With their help, you can and begin to reveal your unawakened gift. But for this, you must have patience, be assertive in your desires, confidence that everything will work out and train a lot.

  • To begin with, you must mentally tune yourself to the fact that your third eye exists, and you can develop it in yourself. Learn to completely relax, forget about your emotions, experiences and fears at this moment. If you are in an emotional state, it will block spiritual power.
  • You should now focus on the chakras. They are very important, energy will pass through them, which is simply necessary in this situation. All six chakras should surround you and create a barrier against the penetration of negative energy. You will not learn to distinguish your chakras from negativity right away, but you should not stop, continue to train further. In the morning or after work, try to take time to meditate. It will help you relax, gain the necessary positive energy.
  • Begin to practice seeing with your eyes closed and gradually you will learn to see with your third eye. Before each exercise, do not forget to relax, in this situation breathing helps a lot. Concentrate your attention on it. Inhale slowly through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, also slowly. Repeat the exercise until you feel that your body is completely relaxed.
  • With your eyes closed, touch your forehead with your index finger. This is where the third eye is located. Press down gently and gently. Gradually begin to distinguish colors with your eyes closed. You should focus your attention on one object, start looking closely at what color it has, but do not open your eyes or peep. It worked, great. You can rest.

Start practicing different subjects. Arrange workouts on different subjects. The more variety, the faster you will learn to see with your eyes closed.

Most of what we know about the world around us is related to what we see with our eyes. The rest of the information we get on the basis of the other four organs of hearing, touch, smell and taste. But when compared with vision, they are rather poorly developed in people. What if we hadn't relied so much on our eyes, we could have seen so much more. For example, looking through walls to see the future and other amazing things. In addition, we understand that the eyes of different creatures see differently. This means that the way we see the world does not correspond to what it really is.

It is indeed possible to see without the aid of the eye. In different sources, this skill is called differently. For example:

  • third Eye,
  • alternative vision;
  • extrasensory vision;
  • astral vision;
  • other.

Thanks to such an amazing ability, one can feel objects, as it were, without relying on the eyes at all. You can see almost simultaneously:

  • everything that we usually see with our eyes;
  • everything behind the back;
  • everything behind walls and other objects.

It is on this that all the legends are based (on the basis of which many films have been filmed) about warriors who trained to fight with their eyes closed. They learned to navigate better without eyes than using their normal vision. No fewer legends are associated with the skill itself and those who want to master it. For example, that fairies fly in to those who are trying to learn this and gouge out their eyes.

But despite all this, there is scientific evidence for a similar phenomenon. You can even list the scientists who did this, for example:

  • Bronikov;
  • Pytyev;
  • Bekhterev;
  • Others.

They worked with children with visual impairments and those who do not. Subsequently, some even founded special schools in which their students demonstrated how they can navigate without eyes. Moreover, this applied to both blind and sighted children.

It was even argued that in this way you can see the internal organs. That is, you can do without harmful x-rays and other things. You can see what is underground. This means that you can search for treasures and deposits of useful metals. And such a skill as seeing the aura allows you to recognize people without asking them unnecessary questions. If you develop such vision in sufficient form, then you can read books without even opening them.

How to learn to see without eyes

In fact, the process is not easy and takes a lot of time and practice. The main thing here is to understand that this is possible, and not to stop halfway. To master this skill you will need:

  • Go through intense workouts;
  • An enormous supply of persistence;
  • Great persistence in achieving the desired goal.

The instruction looks like this:

  1. The first thing that is required of you is to prepare yourself to open the third eye. To do this, you need to relax one hundred percent, rid yourself of all negative emotions, experiences of fears and other things. All of this is a kind of block for spiritual strength.
  2. It is now important to focus on our chakras. For those who do not know the chakras, these are the spiritual centers of a person, consisting of six energy circles, which together make up an energy field around the entire body. Once you have mastered freeing your mind of negativity, working on opening your third eye will become much easier. Here meditation will greatly help you. They are able to clear the mind and help relaxation.
  3. Now start practicing seeing without eyes. The training complex should begin with relaxation breathing techniques. Try to exhale slowly through your nose until you run out of air. Continue to repeat this exercise.
  4. Now close your eyes tightly. Use your index finger to touch the middle of your forehead. This is where the third eye is located. Try to press gently on this point, as if you were trying to open your eye.
  5. Try to learn to distinguish colors without using your eyes. Concentrate on an object and try to see its color without eyes. This is where the ability to see objects without eyes should begin to come.
  6. After you have mastered the skill to distinguish the shape of surrounding objects without using your eyes, try to bring these objects closer in front of you and examine them in more detail. All the time, record the results on paper and check what you see with what you see with your eyes.
  7. You can now try the opposite. Try not to zoom in, but try to see what is far away. So it will be possible to consider everything that is in the distance, up to that in the neighboring city or even further away.

How to see through walls

Few are actually trying to learn to see through a wall. Although this is a common skill, it is quite possible to master. Previously, this was only available to yogis of the highest level. But for a couple of decades, their secrets have been revealed and available to mere mortals. So you can learn it too.

Indian yogis and enlightened monks from the Tibetan mountains developed this method for a long time and tried to keep it secret. The point is that you are trying to complete all the missing facts and details. It is much easier to understand everything with a specific example. Let's say you see a closet in front of you. Imagine in detail what its back wall looks like, which is hidden from your eyes, and what everything inside this cabinet looks like. The main advantage of this technique is that you can train at any time and in any place. For example, you see that a car has passed by. Try to imagine everything that is hidden from view. Internal details, mechanisms of people, objects that are invisible from the outside. At the same time, you should try to keep in consciousness everything that surrounds you, other cars, people, buildings.

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