The acuity of the child's visual is 3 years. The structure of the visual system. Video - Dr. Komarovsky about children's vision

Vision is one of the five organs of man's senses. With it, a person receives information about the world around him, recognizes objects and their location in space. Importance high level vision should not be overestimated, because with poor eyesight, the life of a person is very complicated. Especially important is the presence good vision For children, since a decrease in visual acuity can become a serious obstacle to the full development of the child.

Why do you need check?

Starting from the very period of newborn, children need to be regularly inspection of an ophthalmologist's vision. This must be done in preventive purposes,in order to prevent violations or impairment in the future in the future.

Eye diseases in many cases tend to progression. For example, myopia (or myopia), as a rule, can develop intensively in children in school years, when the visual eye load is enhanced. Also, there are also a preschool or junior children school age. Therefore, parents need to take all measures to improve the child's visual sharpness as soon as possible and prevent the development of blindness. As a rule, progressive myopia leads to irreversible changes central Departments retina, which significantly reduces visual sharpness.

Vision verification in newborns occurs according to the following graphics:

  • For the first time, the child's eyes inspect the ophthalmologist in the first hours after birth. FROM special attention Checked premature children, children with congenital pathologies or generic injuries, newborns after severe childbirth, since it is from this category of children who most often show hemorrhages or retina pathology.
  • First check by an ophthalmologistthis category of children is usually assigned a month after birth, if there are indications.
  • Healthy child for the first time to be examined In an ophthalmic office, it must 3 months after birth.
  • Next inspection in healthythe child is carried out in 6 months, and then at 12 months.

At 12 months, the child for the first time determine visual sharpness. Normally, it is equal to 0.3-0.6 diopters.

A table for visiting vision in children developed Orlov. This table is applied to children. preschool agewho have not yet learned to count

You will find pictures to verify vision.

Existing tables to verify vision

Cancer table

In modern times, a lot of tables have been created to test visual acuity in children.

The first table in which the child is checked with vision, as a rule, becomes Orlova table. According to this table, examination of the vision of children from 3 years, when they have not yet learned to read and write. In this table, pictures are used instead of letters, which the child is familiar well and which he can easily call.

To test the visual acuity in older children, there are already tables with printed letters. On the territory of the CIS countries most often use the Sivz or Golovin table. There is also, their foreign analogue - Table Smelllen.

In many tables, the determination of visual acuity is carried out at a distance not less than 5 meters. This distance is selected by ophthalmologists for the reason that the eye with normal refraction (so-called, emmetropy) at this distance the point of a clear vision is in infinity and on the retina, therefore, parallel rays are collected, forming a focused, clear image.

Read also about eye visometry.

Table Sivzueva

Table Sivtsieva is the most common table in the territory former USSRwhich is used to verify visual acuity in children.

The table received its name in honor of the Soviet ophthalmologist D.A. Sivseva. Table Sivzuevaactively applies to examining vision in children and adult patients in modern times.

With violations of vision, the position of the focal point changes. For example, at myopia, the focal point is located in front of the retina, and when the focal point is reduced to the retina. Thus, the image is not fixed in the center of the retina and objects seem blurred and fuzzy.

As a rule, refractive deviations affect visual sharpness and require correction. The stronger the refraction deviates from the norm, the more reduces the acuity of sight. However, there is no direct dependence between these values. If refractive is normal, but at the same time the patient sees poorly, it can talk about a possible decrease in the transparency of the optical effects of the eye. For example, the patient may show ambiopia symptoms, cataracts with crust or cornea.

In the right column, the patient's visual acuity is indicated if it is from the table at a distance of 5 meters. These values \u200b\u200bare marked with "V \u003d ...".The vision of the professional terminology of ophthalmologists is called the ability of the eye to see and distinguish between two remote points with a minimum distance between them.

In ophthalmology, it is assumed that the eye with normal urgency of view can distinguish two remote points with an angular distance between them equal to 1 angular minute (1/60 degrees).

Normal human visual acuity corresponds to the indicator V \u003d 1.0,that is, a person with 100% vision should be able to distinguish the printed signs of the first 10 lines. However, some examined may have visual sharpness, which is greater than the norm, for example, 1.2, 1.5, or even 3.0 or more. With the anomalies of refraction (myopia, hyperopiasis), astigmatism, glaucoma, cataract and other impairment, the acuity of the examined is reduced below the norm and acquires the values \u200b\u200bof 0.8, 0.5 and lower.

In the Sivzian table, the values \u200b\u200bof visual acuity in the first ten lines are characterized by increments of 0.1, the last two lines - at 0.5. In some non-standard variants, the Sivzian table uses, also, additional 3 lines with visual acuity values \u200b\u200bfrom 3.0 to 5.0.

But these tables are usually not used in the ophthalmic cabinets of modern clinics.

Read also about computer perimetry eyes.

Visual acuity on the Sivzian table is verified by the following instructions:

  • The patient must be from the table at a distance of 5 meters. Studies are conducted for each eye separately.
  • The right eye must be tightly closed with palm, so that he can not see the letters in the table. Instead of palm, you can use a piece of dense material (for example, cardboard or plastic). Thus, the acuity of sight of the left eye is examined.
  • Rows need to read in order, from left to right, top down. No more than 2-3 seconds are given to the sign recognition.

Determination of visual acuity on the Sivzian table is pretty simple. The patient, as a rule, has a normal visual sharpness, if it was able to read the letters in the ranks with V \u003d 0.3-0.6. Only one error is permissible. In the ranks below V \u003d 0.7 Permissible no more than two errors. The numerical value of visual acuity corresponds to numerical value V in the last row in which they were not allowed Errors over the norm.

With this table, only myopia is determined. Falnarity in the Sivzian table is not determined. That is, if the surveyed will see all 12 lines at a distance of 5 meters, this does not mean that it suffers from the disease. This indicates the sharpness of the vision above the average norm.

If the test result is unsatisfactory and deviation from the norm will be revealed, possible cause Reducing visual acuity in a child may be an anomaly refractive. In this case, the subsequent definition of refraction is necessary.

Table Snellina

table Snellina

Table Snellina (Snellen Chart) is one of the popular tables for checking visual acuity in children. In modern times, this table is especially common in the United States.

Table Smelllen was developed in 1862 by the Dutch Ophthalmologist Hermann Snellin. Russian analogue of this table is Table Sivzva.

The table includes a standard set of rows consisting of latin letterswhich is called optotypes (Test Types). The size of the letters, as well as in the Sivzian table, decreases with each row in the downward direction.

In the top row of the table, the largest characters are located, which are able to read a person with normal urgency at a distance of 6 meters (or 20 feet). Follow-up, the lower lines of a person with 100% vision is able to distinguish between 36, 24, 18, 12, 9, 6 and 5 meters, respectively. In the traditional diagram of Sellen, as a rule, 11 lines are printed. The first line consists of the largest letter, which can be E, H, N, or A.

The vision of the surveyed table is Smelllen checked as follows:

  • The survey is located at a distance of 6 meters from the table.
  • Palm or any dense material closes one eye, another reads the letters in the table.

The acuity of vision of the surveyed is usually verified by the figure of the smallest row, which was read without errors at a distance of 6 meters.

As a rule, if a person with normal urgency is able to distinguish between the lower rows at a distance of 6 meters, the value of the visual acuity is 6/6. If the surveyed is able to distinguish only the strings located above the line, which a person with normal urgency is able to read at a distance of 12 meters, then the acuity of vision of this patient is 6/12.

Orlova table

A table for vision of vision of Orlova is used to determine the visual acuity in children of preschool age. This table has lines with special pictures, the size of which becomes less with each row in the direction from top to bottom.

Orlova table

In the left side of the table, next to each line indicates the distance from which a child with normal urgency is capable of distinguish between characters.

Variation of Orlova Table

The distance is marked with the symbol "D \u003d ...". IN right side The tables indicate the visual acuity, if the child recognizes them at a distance of 5 meters.

Vision is considered normal if the child is able to recognize each eye of the text of the tenth string from a distance of 5 meters.

If a child's acuity is reduced, and it is not able to recognize the signs of the tenth string, then it is closer to the table for a distance of 0.5 meters and ask to call the top row symbols. The child's visual acuity is determined by the line in which the child will be able to correctly name all the characters.

Before the examination, it is desirable to show the pictures to understand that it is required from it and ask for the name of the pictures out loud.

Cancer table

The head table is also a fairly common table for checking visual acuity in children. Like the Sivzian table, it is used mainly in the CIS countries. The table received its name in honor of the famous ophthalmologist S. S. Golovin, who lived in the USSR.

Unlike the Sivzian table, in this table instead printed letters Symbols are used - Rings of Landalt. Rows B, also, twelve and rings printed in these lines, are reduced in size with each row in the downward direction. These rings have an equal and equal width in each row.

table of view of goluin

Indicators of visual acuityspecified on the right side of the table and marked with the symbol "V \u003d ...".

In the traditional head table, it is possible to determine visual acuity in the range of 0.1-2.0. The first 10 lines, as in the Sivzian table, are characterized by step in 0.1, the remaining two - at 0.5. In some embodiments, three unnecessary rows are additionally used to determine the visual acuity above the average norm. These lines differ in 1.0 step.

In the left side of the table indicates the distance in meters from which a person with normal urgency is capable of recognizing the character in this line. It is noted by the symbol "D \u003d ...".

The visual acuity is determined at a distance of 5 meters separately for each eye.



IN childhood Never ignore ophthalmological examinationssince it is at this age that seriously discovered serious eye diseaseswhich over time can lead to a noticeable impairment of vision and even to blindness, which can hinder normal development Child. Are now created different, on which the quality is determined peripheral vision, and sharpness, and other indicators. Especially with the meaning that such a disease is actively gaining momentum as.

What you see kids

From the date of appearance, vision helps the child gradually develop physically, mentally and emotionally, allowing him to receive visual information. Let first he sees quite a bit, then he gradually expands the field of view and studies the world around.

When vision develops

Although the eyes are physically able to see immediately after birth, the brain of the newborn is not yet ready to process all incoming visual information. Gradually his brain develops, and with him together - the ability to clearly see, which helps to understand and recognize the world. At the very beginning of life, the kid can only see your face, inclined above it, but a month after the month, his range is growing.

How vision develops

At the very beginning, the newborn baby can focus only on the facility at a distance of 20-30 cm from himself - that is, to distinguish your face when you hold it on your hands. In addition, the baby can notice the light, outlines and movement, but it all looks blurred for him. During this period, the most interesting thing for him is your face (a little later, the contrast patterns will be interested in).

At birth, the child does not yet know how to use both eyes at the same time, so his pupils can sometimes wander independently or converge to the nose. In the first or second month of life, the baby will learn to focus and watch the eyes behind the moving object. The rattle that you move in front of his face will harden it - he opens a new ability. Also kid can please such simple game With you - bring the baby to the face, look at him right in the eyes and slowly translate the view from the side to the side, and he will follow your eyes.

Even a newborn baby sees colors, but it is difficult for him to distinguish with similar tones, for example, red and orange. Therefore, very small children like black and white or contrast patterns. In the next few months, the Baby's brain learns to distinguish between colors. It will begin to prefer bright simple colors and more complex patterns. Help the development of the baby, showing it pictures, photos, books and toys. Also during this period, it will develop the skills of tracking the subjects.

The child develops the perception of depth. It used to be difficult for him to understand where it was the subject of which he was or shaped to stretch his hand and take it. By 4 months, the development of motility and parts of the brain responsible for vision allows it to coordinate its movements and grab the visible object. Help him to practice this, offering toys that are easy to take in your hand, like rattles (otherwise it will be enough other objects to which it is easy to reach - for example, your hair, earrings or glasses).

5 months

The child is better able to distinguish small objects and moving items. He can even understand what an object in front of him when only his part sees. The evidence that he begins to realize the constancy of items (to understand that things exist and then when he does not see them) - with what pleasure children play a hide and seek ("ku-ku"). Also, the baby begins to distinguish with similar shades.

8 months

If at birth, the child's vision was about 20/200 or 20/400, then by 8 months it was quite formed and has the same depth and sharpness as in adults. Although it is more interested in close objects, it may well distinguish people and objects at the far end of the room. By the way, to this age, the eye usually acquire their permanent color (in the future he can only change a little).

Your role

Make sure that with each inspection of the child the doctor paid attention to the eyes. The doctor can check whether the baby's eyes normally look and how well they move, there are no signs of vision problems. If you or your partner in the family had cases of problems with vision or eye diseases, tell me about this doctor. The examination of visual acuity using tables with symbols or letters is first carried out in 3-4 years. If a child is found any problems, the pediatrician can send it to the children's ophthalmologist. It is very important to diagnose and start treating eye diseases as early as possible, because at a later age it will be difficult or not possible to do.

Studies show that babies like the most human faces, not patterns or pictures. Therefore, give the child the opportunity to look at your face near (especially newborn). About one month, the baby begins to like any objects that are moving in front of his eyes. In stores for children, full of special developing toys, but the babies are pleased with simple toys or any objects from household goods.

Barefoot (or any other bright item) in the face of the baby from side to the side, then try moving it up and down. This will attract his attention, although you will follow the eyes of the vertical movement, the baby will learn only in 3-4 months. Pay attention to other things that attract the child - for example, birds or leaves on a walk.

Develop an interest in the child to flowers - first the main one, then more complex shades. For this purpose, bright mobile, color posters (hang such next to the changing table) and multicolored children's books.

When it is necessary to worry

The doctor will verify the vision of the child during a regular visit, but if something seems to you abnormal, tell us about it. For example, it may be such signs. The feet does not follow the object with two eyes, although it has already been 3 or 4 months old.
The eyes of the kid are not freely moving in different directions.
The child moves his eyes all the time and can not stop the glance at one point.
The child constantly mowers, one or both eyes rolled out.
One of the pupils seems white.
The child is too sensitive to the light, the eyes are constantly getting away.

If your child was born prematurely, he has a higher risk of problems with vision, such as astigmatism (blurred vision), myopia (myopia), retinopathy (abnormal development of eye vessels, which can lead to blindness) or stabinity (squint). Tell your doctor that the child was born prematurely.

For the development of the child, first of all, it is necessary that his bed stood in a well-lit part of the room.

The overall lighting source (window or lamp) should be from behind so that the light does not fall on the side or directly to the child's face, but reflected from the items located in the field of his vision. With the wrong position of the lighting source, the child draws a look at him, it is delayed at the same time, and he lies motionless for several minutes, fixing his eyes to the light.

It is harmful to sight and prevents the child to learn to fix the view on the subjects around him. In addition, in cases where the light source is located on the side of the bed (which often happens) and the child lies for a long time, turning his head in one direction, he can form some flattening of the head from this side.

For the development of skills to fix the eye on fixed objects and persons of people and translate the gaze after moving, the child must provide the appropriate toys and often talk to him for a long time.

The smaller the child's age, the less developed its visual reactions, the greater, colorful, large, well-lit toy should be to attract his eyes, and in a slightly older age and pleased.

Up to 2.5-3 months, the child does not stretch his hands to the toy, does not seek her to take, but only looks at her, so there is no need to hang her low. In addition, the child is born farnnicastic, and so that he does not oversail with eyesight, looking at the toy (it can be a story to the squint), it is necessary to hang it high, at 50-70 cm from his chest.

The little child is hard to find a toy with a look, and if he finds it, it considers not long. Therefore, in order to attract his eyes to the toy, you need to change its position somewhat: it is a bit lift or lower, closer to the face or remove it, swing it, and it sometimes has to be reused.

From three-, four-weekly child more often and more for a long time Stops the failure of the gaze on objects and faces and better trace moving. While it focuses on a toy or on the face of an adult, his movements will slow down.

By the end of the second month of life, the baby is already well watching all others. By three months, he may, without breaking down, trace a look at adults, who bypasses his bed or removes it for 2-4 m.

From the second month of life, the child gradually learns to focus on fixed objects, as well as to follow the moving, when lies on the stomach or is in a vertical position in the hands of an adult. Despite the fact that, lying on his back, he has already learned to record objects that are close to it, with a vertical position of the body, it does not manage to immediately.

Initially, he does not look at the face of a mother or father who hold him in his hands and talk to him, turns away and looks at another adult, who is more distant from him. But gradually it will learn to fix the look at the adult who keeps him in his arms.

The development of visual toddler reactions occurs mainly at the time when he looks at the face of the adult talking to him.

Some people think that the infant of the first second months of life is indifferent, talking to him or not. This opinion is incorrect. Frequent affectionate "Communication" surrounding with the child is necessary for him. At this time, the child develops eyesight, hearing, awakens a sense of joy. But we will say about it below.

Two-, a three-month-old child during wakefulness is mainly busy with the fact that he watches with people around him and concentrates the objects that attracted him. When a child is not looking at what, he turns his eyes from side aside, as if looking for what to see him.

He already reacts to some colors. If one toy stopped attracting the attention of the child, replace it with another, and you are easy to make sure that he noticed the resulting change, as carefully considers a new toy.

Such a view is the first type of child's independent activity, requiring only a small participation of others, adults. It promotes the development of attention from the kid and is very useful for him also in another respect: visual impressions are largely supported by active wakefulness and contribute good mood Child.

While in a well-lit part of the room, it happens more calm than if the place where it is in the intervals between sleep, is lightly lit.

Gradually, the child begins to distinguish and recognize some objects and faces. The child of the third month of life at the sight of the mother's chest pulls the head and tries to capture the lips of the nipple. If he got food from the bottle, then at the sight of it pulls his head or begins to produce sucks. By three months, some children are more rejoiced by the mother or some of the loved ones who usually take care of them than unfamiliar persons. This suggests that they recognize and distinguish these people.

The visual effects are largely affected by the development of the general movements of the child: in order not to lose sight of the subject that attracted his attention, the child is trying to preserve difficult for his age posture; If the subject moves, the child not only translates the eyes after him, but also turns his head into the appropriate side, and at an older age tries to turn and all the body.

Even the most attentive and thoughtful parents Without the participation of a specialist, they cannot appreciate how the baby is being forming the baby, whether child eyesight develops correctly, since it does not appear. Is development compliant spectator system child age - main questionwho ask the doctor's parents of the first-second year of life.

Photos and Comments Ophthalmologist Mihryakova Natalia Vladimirovna:

"Children themselves do not complain about vision, and not only because until 3 years, as a rule, do not speak poorly. The kid can not understand and tell that something is wrong with his vision. The problem is that children are nothing to compare with: they see this world for the first time, and believe that they see well. FROM talking baby Parents or doctors can chat and get some description of what the child sees. Pope and moms through the game can check the child's eyesight from the child - look at one eye on the toy, then another one, whether it can be seen? And very baby - they will not say anything. And then only the equipment can answer whether everything is fine.

Therefore, with very little children there is a rule: preventive inspection - Even if there are no complaints! After all, the stage of developing a child up to 3 years is one of the most important formation of a human visual system, because If the baby cannot adequately perceive the outside world, the articulation of the speech of the parents, then it is poorly formed by the skill of sound and word formation.

In addition, attentive parents may notice that the child is lying, it sits closer to the TV or puts the tablet to the eyes, as if can't see something. Then the inspection from the ophthalmologist is necessary for early detection and treatment of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, squinting, nystagma, ptosa and congenital defects development. If your child has already been diagnosed, then when you visit a doctor, a visual function is monitored and correction is assigned if necessary.

I want to focus on parents: if in some periods of the child, deviations were revealed - myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, squint, ambialy, then the ophthalmologist should be observed 2 times a year to assess changes, treatment. "

When inspecting B. maternity hospital Ophthalmologist can identify signs of some congenital diseases: Cataracts, Retinoblastoma, congenital glaucoma, PTOs, Nistagma. Also in the maternity hospital may suspect diseases - retinopathy premature and atrophy of the visual nerves.

For parents to understand that the vision of the child is formed and developing correctly, it is necessary to undergo a survey of 1, 6 months, 1 year, about 3 years, from 3-5 years and every year at school.

1 month. Vision check includes outdoor inspection Eye, assessment of the fixation of the view and tracking the subject, the study of the eye dna. The doctor can identify a small periodic deviation that disappears by 6 months.

6 months. Toddler leads to a planned inspection. To verify the visual system of the semi-annual child, the doctor conducts an outdoor inspection, the study of the eye dna, refractive on the plusotix device, determines the mobility of the eyeballs. At this age, it is possible to reveal a predisposition to myopia, hypermetropy and astigmatism.

Photo: Special Defraction Definition Device on Plusotix Device

1 year. After a year, a survey is carried out on which the presence of astigmatism, myopia or hyperopia is revealed. If no pathologies were revealed at the inspection, in the future it should be inspected from an ophthalmologist annually. The following surveys are held in 2 years and further before the kindergarten. If an ophthalmologist reveal problems with vision, then with little age Appoints spectacle correction and special eye workouts.

About 3 years old child ophthalmologic inspection You can already conduct a visometr: the baby answers the questions of the ophthalmologist - what items it sees on a special table to determine visual acuity. You can determine the structure of the child's eye on special instrument Auto texture. When identifying pathology is appointed point correctionSoft contact lenses and hardware treatment.

If the parents have concerns that the child's eyes are not all right, and the factor also takes place genetic predisposition to eye disease - In the family, someone had problems with eyes, then the visit to the ophthalmologist is not needed. After all, the earlier the problem will be detected, the easier it will be to be eliminated and adjusted.

In December 2016 - January 2017 In the clinic of the microsurgery "Eye" them. Academician Svyatoslav Fedorova can be advised by the children's ophthalmologist, as well as pass the in-depth diagnostics of view on 7 devices (including ultrasound eyes - the most informative way to identify most eye diseases), and if necessary, to receive treatment, write a recipe and order children's glasses for preferential Prices:

  • inspection and consultation of children under 3 years old - 990 r.;
  • comprehensive examination with advice for children over 3 years old - 1,950 p.;
  • vision checking and extracting recipe for glasses - from 630 r.;
  • discount on the hardware ophthalmic physics - 10%;
  • 20% discount on rims for kids and schoolchildren.

The visual system of the kid begins to function in the womb: It is proved that the fetus reacts to the light even through the wall of the mother's abdomen. But the formation of vision continues and after birth during the first years of life. It is important to monitor the development spectatic function Baby to notice the deviations and do everything to eliminate them. After all, children, devoid of ability to see from birth or from small years, it is very difficult to adapt in this world.

Vision assessment in children is made from the moment of birth. Immediately after the baby was born, the children's specialist checks the health of the newborn, including the ability to see. To do this, it shines in the eye to check the reaction of the pupil. If during the light he narrowed, it means that the visual apparatus works.

If the child was born healthy, then during the first year of life, his vision is checked three times:

  • In 3 months;
  • In 6 months;
  • In 1 year (by the first year, visual acuity can also be determined, which is normal at this age should be 0.3-0.6 diopters).

If the child was born premature, or the birth was very heavy, that is, the testimony for additional check Vision in 1 month. This is due to the fact that in difficult childbirth or at the birth of a poorly developed child, the risk of breaking vessels in eyeballs. Externally, they may not be visible, but hemorrhages in the retina are dangerous for sight. Therefore, to diagnose and eliminate them in a timely manner.

Why check the visual functions of the house?

If the baby was born healthy, and he successfully passed all the planned inspections from the ophthalmologist, there is no need to check the vision at home. But it is necessary to do this if:

  • Close relatives have hereditary vision problems. Regular home check can identify such diseases on early stages its manifestations, which will increase the chances of his cure;
  • You suspect that the baby does not see or sees bad (it cannot focus on the subject, does not notice the toys, nothing attracts his attention);
  • The child complains of itching and redness in the eyes, and after the TV or computer he has a headache;
  • When studying numbers and letters there is no success (the child is not visible as they are written), or previously signed to read the child suddenly ceased to distinguish the letters;
  • You and the child see the same items different colors or different brightness.

Attention! An independent vision verification in children is only a way to promptly detect the anomalies of the eye refraction. To diagnoses, and even more so to treat the eyes of the baby, only a qualified specialist can. Therefore, if the baby has not passed the test of visual abilities, immediately show his eye doctor.

Vision check at home in infants

Follow the correctness of the formation of visual function in the baby, parents can themselves. But this check is rather carried out for the personal calm of the Pap and Mom. Liberation from the planned inspection of the ophthalmologist self-diagnosis does not give.

How to understand that infants have vision normally? We describe that the child should do at a certain age. And you check whether your baby can do the same. If not - this is a reason to consult a doctor, without waiting for the medical examination.

  • In 1-2 months, the baby reacts to the light. If you bring a flashlight to his eyes, then pupils become narrow. To the second month, the baby already recognizes mom and tries to wish the subject of interest to his subject (however, while it does not work very well);
  • In 3-4 months, the baby knows how to focus. If you put a bright toy next to him, he will often look in her direction. If she is frightening, the child will pay, and if bright and interesting - he will try to smile first for the first time;
  • In 5-7 months, the eyes and ears are already working together. Therefore, the baby turns his head and is looking for a source of a sharp sound. He is worried if there is no mother in sight, he is increasingly interested in toys and constantly drags them into the mouth for "additional study";
  • At 8-10 months, the baby is not only looking for the eyes of interest to his subject (person), but also tries to get to him. He recognizes "his" and "strangers";
  • In 11-12 months, the baby is already interesting to consider toys in detail, he can even break them, disassemble the elements in order to study. If earlier the baby could miss when he wanted to take the subject, now his eyes greatly evaluate the distance to him. Therefore, enough toys and send them straightforwards in the mouth was much easier.

Tip! Do not just check the infant vision, and do everything to better develop it. To do this, make a children's room in contrastful tones. But the babies do not distinguish with shades, as they have a very weak color susceptibility, so the combinations of dark with light will be enough for development visual apparatus. Toys should also be bright, but not the motley. 2-3 colors will be enough for the baby to have learned to focus on separate items.

Vision verification in preschool children

Everyone remembers, just a year, an Okulist came to school and dispublished his poster with letters to the students. But how to check the visual acuity in the child at home, if he still does not know the alphabet? This will help the Eaglova technique and its famous table with pictures, which must be printed on the usual sheet (A4 format).

This method is great for children from 3 years. At this age, the kids know the names of all the pictures presented on the table. Sheet with pictures need to be postponed so that it is on the same level with his head. Ask a child to move away 2.5 meters from the table, as well as close one eye. Start checking:

  1. Show one of the figures in some medium line of the table and ask them to name. If the baby calls the figure, go to step 2, if not - to step 3;
  2. Show on the neighboring (in the same line the figure), if the baby calls it, alternately point to the remaining figures in a row, if it was mistaken at least once, go to step 3, and if not - to step 4;
  3. Climb the line above and show on the shape. If it is named, go to step 2. If not named - repeat step 3;
  4. This is the fourth step. If you reached it, it means that you found that line in the Table of Orlova, which the child sees from a distance of 2.5 meters with a single-tested eye. Look at what sharpness this line corresponds to (of course, all the lines above the child will see well). Then proceed to step 5;
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the second eye.

The correspondence table of visual acuity with the number of the smallest line, which sees the child at a distance of 2.5 meters (with the size of Table A4) is presented below.

Row number 1 (top) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (Lower)
Visual acuity 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,5 2,0

At the age of three years, the acuity of vision is at 0.6 conventional units. From 6-7 years old - 1.0, like an adult.

Attention! Children's eyes get tired very quickly, so do not check too long. Also make sure that the child can call all the pictures. Otherwise you might think that he has poor eyesight, but it is possible that the baby simply does not know how to call what he sees.

How to check the visual opportunities from schoolchildren

To check school children use the Sivzian table (the one with the letters). It is made up by analogy with the Orlova table. There, too, 12 lines, the top is the largest, and the lower is the smallest. Checking vision follows the same instruction that is given above (for preschoolers), only indicate you will not be on the pictures, but by letters. Deciphering the scan result is made along the same table. However, there are several nuances:

  • The Sivzian table must be printed not on one, but on three sheets A4, breaking it into 3 equal parts. Leists at the same time focus on the landscape version;
  • Turn the Sivzian table at a distance of 5 meters from the schoolchild.

Attention! No one prohibits applying this table for preschool children, for example, in 5 years. It is important only one condition - that the baby firmly knew all the letters.

Normal vision will be considered if each eye sees 10 lines from a distance of 5 meters. This corresponds to the sharpness of 1.0 conditional units (the rate for children from 6-7 years and adults). In preschool children, this coefficient may be lower.

If, after checking vision, you found out that your baby's visual acuity corresponds to the norm - congratulations. IN modern world Every tenth preschooler suffers from vision problems and every fifth schoolboy, not to mention adults, when the violation of the visual function is found at each second. If the check showed that the child sees not well, visit an ophthalmologist to make a plan to restore the visual ability.

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