The first signs and symptoms of uterine cancer. How to cure uterine cancer: all types of surgery and therapy

Most important step in this case, it is a regular preventive examination of the patient, which is carried out by a gynecologist, which will identify cervical cancer at an early stage, and increase the patient's chances of recovery.

Causes and signs of the disease

Exists various reasons the appearance of cancer of the uterine cervix, however, the main factor in the appearance of the disease is the papillomavirus, which is often diagnosed in humans. More than 10 strains of HPV (human papillomavirus) are considered oncogenic, and can cause not only a precancerous condition of the genitals, but also the cancer itself.

But you still need to remember that about 60% of the population of the entire country is infected with the papilloma virus, but not all carriers subsequently fell ill with cancer.

There are certain risk factors that contribute to cervical cancer (cervical cancer):

  • weakened immunity;
  • the beginning of entering into intimacy before the age of 16;
  • constant change of partners for PA;
  • smoking;
  • the presence of infectious diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse;
  • frequent childbirth or abortion.

All these factors can cause the development of oncology, one of which is cervical cancer.

And if during the course of the initial stage there are practically no signs of pathology or they manifest themselves with a slight feeling of discomfort, then with the development of cancer, there are the following manifestations pathology:

  • constant feeling of weakness;
  • constant fatigue;
  • uterine cramps causing bleeding;
  • abundant discharge, similar to mucus (sometimes small inclusions can be observed in them);
  • the appearance of bleeding in a woman immediately after sex, douching or examination on a chair;
  • weight reduction;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • change in the course of menstruation and the intensity of discharge;
  • an increase in body temperature, long time keeping at the level of 37-37.5 degrees.

Can cervical cancer be cured or is there no way to do it? In fact, it will be possible to completely cure cancer only if the patient noticed the changes that began to occur in her body in time, and turned to the doctor for examination and the appointment of therapy.

Treatment options

A neoplasm in the uterine cervix often appears in certain parts of this genital organ, consists of various tissues and can be varying degrees malignancy:

The cure of pathology is completely possible only with complex therapy, the choice of which directly depends on the stage of the course of the disease. It is worth knowing that if the tumor was detected even at the initial 1 st. and the patient received effective therapy, then we can say that uterine cancer is curable only in 90% of cases.

It is easiest to cure uterine cancer only at stage 1, when the spread on the affected genital organ has not yet begun cancer cells on the rest of the fabric.

In this case, organ-preserving treatment can be carried out in the following ways:

  • removal of the damaged area of ​​the neck with a scalpel;
  • laser evaporation;
  • removal by ultrasonic method;
  • cryodestruction - excision with liquid nitrogen.

Thanks to these methods, it will be possible to cure the tumor of the uterine cervix, preventing its spread to closely located organs.

With a slight ingrowth of a tumor (no more than 3 mm) into nearby organs, as well as in other stages, surgical intervention is required:

  1. Extirpation of the uterus in patients who want to have children (in this case, the appendages are not removed).
  2. Removal of the uterine cavity with appendages in postmenopausal women.

According to the indications, the doctor can also remove closely located lymph nodes. Also, when treating with the above methods, the patient may be shown radiation therapy.

At stages 1-2 of the disease, it is allowed to carry out non-surgical treatment with the help of radiation therapy, which is done by the following methods:

  • intracavitary irradiation - through the vaginal cavity;
  • remote irradiation - outside.

The choice of treatment in this case directly depends on the condition of the woman, her age and desire.

When wondering whether cancer can be cured in large, inoperable tumors, it is worth knowing that the patient is given radiation therapy first. If, after its completion, the tumor decreases in size, then at the next stage of treatment, it is possible to carry out an operation.

At difficult stages the course of the neoplasm, chemotherapy is prescribed. If there is a penetration of metastases into organs far from the uterus, then doctors are trying to cope with the tumor that has spread throughout the body with chemotherapy.

It is possible to completely cure cervical cancer only with the use of surgical or combination therapy (in this case, the first degree is completely cured). At the end of the treatment, the woman needs constant medical supervision, which requires every 3 months to see a gynecologist to take smears and other tests.

In an effort to get rid of cervical cancer, you should always remember that any self-medication is excluded, since then the chances of a favorable outcome will be missed.

Cervical cancer

Malignant neoplasms developing in the tissues of the uterus are of two types: adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Most often, middle-aged women (35-55 years old) suffer from uterine cancer. A direct link has been proven between the development of cervical cancer and the human papillomavirus.

Another concomitant factor is considered to be a woman's frequent change of sexual partners and abuse. hormonal contraception... Treatment of oncological neoplasms in the uterus is most often difficult due to late diagnosis this insidious disease.


On early stages signs of a tumor may be absent, or manifest as an implicit discomfort.

As the malignant process develops, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pathological bleeding from the vagina or mucous discharge with blood streaks;
  • vaginal bleeding after intercourse, douching and gynecological examinations;
  • change in the duration of menstruation:
  • pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated during intercourse;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • prolonged temperature not higher than 37.5 degrees (subfebrile temperature);
  • anemia.

All signs are nonspecific and may indicate other gynecological diseases... The duration of the symptoms is of decisive importance.

Vaginal discharge in cervical cancer is often irregular and may not be associated with menstrual bleeding(this is the first thing women should pay attention to).

Diagnosis of cervical cancer

Identification of the disease begins with a conversation between the doctor and the patient. The gynecologist conducts a detailed questioning about all the symptoms of the disease, examines the patient's anamnesis (information about all diseases transferred in the past is important).

Then a manual gynecological examination is performed, a smear is taken for cytology and, if necessary, a colposcopy is performed. Sometimes it is possible to determine the type of tumor (endophytic, exophytic or combined).

Then more detailed diagnostic procedures are carried out:

  • ultrasound examination, which allows you to accurately determine the size of the tumor (in recent times ultrasound tomography is also used to obtain a more visual image);
  • histological examination: a biopsy is performed for this or diagnostic curettage using an electrosurgical loop - scraping from the cervical canal and the walls of the uterus;
  • radiography to detect possible metastases in the lungs and other organs;
  • CT scan, also allowing to detect the spread of a malignant process along lymphatic system and detect changes in the liver and abdominal organs (if necessary, the study is carried out using contrast agents);
  • blood test (general, biochemical, as well as tests for tumor markers);
  • cytological examination(PAP test, aka Papanicolaou test);
  • lymphography (examination of the lymphatic system);
  • irriography ( X-ray examination rectum to detect the spread of the tumor).

PCR analysis is also used to detect the papilloma virus. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) allows not only to detect a virus, but also to determine its oncogenicity (activity and ability to provoke the development of malignant tumors).

The detection of the human papillomavirus (HPV) is not a direct indication of the presence of uterine cancer: this is only the basis for constant observation by a gynecologist and more serious relationship to your health. Women at risk should be diagnosed at least once a year.


Therapy for cervical cancer is carried out in a comprehensive manner.

  • surgery(hysterectomy: removal of the uterus, appendages, pelvic tissue with lymph nodes);
  • radiation therapy - external and intracavitary (carried out in combination with surgical intervention, or with chemotherapy at 3-4 stages of the disease, when radical excision is ineffective);
  • chemotherapy - drug treatment conducted by cytostatics;
  • immunotherapy (treatment with interferons that increase and modulate the body's immunity).

Can cervical cancer be completely cured, that is, without subsequent relapses? The answer to this question depends on the stage at which doctors began treating the disease. If a tumor is found on initial stage, successful treatment and long-term remission are possible in almost 90%.

All about the treatment of cervical cancer at home here.

Nutrition (diet)

Modern medicine confirms the fact that the combination of the main treatment with diet therapy accelerates recovery even in the case of such a serious illness as cervical cancer.

The basis diet food with uterine cancer, vegetables, fruits and berries should be grown in environmentally friendly conditions without the use of chemical additives. Studies have shown that daily food intake vegetable origin inhibits tumor growth. Preference should be given to fruits with bright colors and greens: these products inhibit malignant processes.

In many regions, it is quite difficult to follow a fruit diet in winter: in this case, it is necessary to increase the content of fresh vegetables and berries in the diet - carrots, beets, turnips, cabbage, pumpkins, cranberries, lingonberries.

It is also useful to include in the diet:

  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cheeses, yoghurts);
  • cereals (especially valuable is oatmeal, as well as sprouted wheat grains);
  • garlic and horseradish;
  • nuts of all kinds;
  • legumes.

It is better to cook food with steam or in the oven. Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw. It is also useful to drink decoctions of herbs from sage, yarrow, nettle, wormwood, plantain, St. John's wort. Phytopreparations have a depressing effect on cancer cells, increase the body's immunity, and also stop bleeding.

Some foods should be completely excluded from the menu:

  • smoked meats;
  • animal fats;
  • fried foods;
  • hot seasonings;
  • confectionery;
  • cocoa and chocolate;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • semi-finished products;
  • "fast food";
  • carbonated drinks.

A special menu with an abundance of vitamins and nutrients that restore strength should be adhered to at the stage of recovery after operations, radiation and drug therapy.

An example of a menu for uterine cancer:

Breakfast number 1: fresh carrot juice.

Breakfast # 2: buckwheat porridge with whole grain bread, green tea.

Lunch: pearl barley soup with vegetables, stewed beets, baked fish, tea with milk.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, avocado and green vegetable salad, fresh fruit juice.

Before bed: kefir or fruit juice.

In addition to diet, the correct organization of the daily routine contributes to recovery - full sleep, rest, stay on fresh air... It is advisable to spend the period of rehabilitation in a sanatorium-resort specialized institution.

Photo of cervical cancer at stage 3 here.


Patients, of course, are interested in the question - how long do they live with uterine cancer? Even the most qualified specialist cannot give a definite answer. The prognosis of survival is influenced by a large number of accompanying factors - the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, the state of the body, the state of the immune system.

At stage 1, competent surgical treatment in combination with the subsequent radiation therapy provides a survival rate of more than 85-90% of patients within 5 years.

If a disease is detected at stage 2, the chances are reduced to 60%, since malignant processes can already begin to spread to surrounding healthy tissues. In this case, a correctly compiled course of radiation and chemotherapy after surgical excision of the tumor is important.

The survival rate of patients with stage 3 cancer for 5 years is reduced to 35-40%, since there is metastasis of the tumor to nearby organs. Full recovery with a grade 3 tumor is unlikely.

At stage 4, only 10% of patients overcome the five-year period - subject to constant palliative treatment. The likelihood of death is very high: stop the spread of cancer cells by blood vessels and vessels excretory system is not possible, and multiple metastases quickly lead to functional failure of the lungs, liver and other organs.

Oncological diseases of the cervix pose a serious threat not only to the health, but also to the life of a woman, since in the early stages, when the disease is treatable, clinical manifestations remain hidden. Prevention of cervical cancer is a generally available and mandatory measure to reduce the risk of occurrence.

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The most common type of cancer among women is cervical cancer, the general and characteristic clinical manifestations of which are absent or nonspecific. Photos and ultrasound images allow you to get acquainted with this disease in more detail. Malignant cancer of the cervix.

The stages of cervical cancer may indicate more than just the onset of symptoms characteristic of this disease, but also on the deterioration of the patient's condition until the moment when irreversible processes v female body... The therapeutic treatment chosen depending on the degree of the lesion contributes in many ways.

The main problem in the development of oncology of the female genital area is the problem of diagnosing a tumor in the early stages. This pathology also includes uterine cancer of the 1st degree, which is latent and asymptomatic. Correctly chosen therapeutic tactics contributes to the complete cure of the disease. The uterus is.

A blood test for a tumor marker for cervical cancer is today used to determine not only a predisposition to pathological process, but also to identify the most effective tactics for the treatment of cancer. Cervical cancer is very common today and is diagnosed not only in women of age, but.

In stage 3 cervical cancer, regional metastasis plays an important role in prognosis. Only adequate treatment can prolong the life of sick women and avoid relapses of the disease and the transition to next stage... Cancer can be defeated only at the initial stages of its development, but even so.

The causes of cervical cancer are different, but HPV is the main factor in the development. In combination with other risk factors, some of its types can cause irreparable harm. women's health... This is one of the most formidable and common types of cancer in women around the world. It starts with.

One of the most common diseases of women reproductive organs is cervical cancer. Sometimes, due to the absence of symptoms, the diagnosis is made at a late stage, when metastases have already appeared. Therefore, some women, after completing complex treatment relapse may occur. Causes One of the indicators.

Vaccination against cervical cancer prevents infection with the human papillomavirus, which leads to this cancer. It must be done according to a certain scheme to achieve maximum efficiency. Currently, there is a steady growth oncological diseases, therein.

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that is located at the border of the transition of the cervical epithelium into the vaginal epithelium. Diagnosis of the disease in the early stages helps to heal the disease in about 87% of women. The most dangerous age for the development of the disease is years. It is extremely rare to diagnose it in young people.

Despite the fact that in modern conditions traditional medicine achieved unprecedented success in the treatment of oncological pathology of the cervix, any woman perceives this diagnosis with fear and doom. However, every woman and her family can make life after cervical cancer healthy and fulfilling. Oncology.

Recently, there has been a tendency for an increase in the number of oncogynecological diseases in older women age category and rejuvenation pathological conditions... Quite common among them is cancer of the body of the uterus, early diagnosis of which is an advantage in choosing a therapeutic method and c.

Invasive cervical cancer is considered one of the leading causes of death from cancer, which has latent or mild symptoms. Often this disease occurs due to the effects of viruses and predisposing factors on the body. Invasive cervical cancer is a compelling cause.

Modern medicine under leukoplakia means various degrees of keratinization of the mucosal surface, often in the range of the external genital organs or on outside cervix. Is cervical leukoplakia cancer? No, but this pathology can turn into a malignant tumor - squamous cell carcinoma. Therefore, leukoplakia.

The reasons for the origin of fibroids are not fully understood. The answer to the question - can fibroids develop into cancer, worries many modern women... Often women in adulthood suffer from a common disease - uterine fibroids. Most of them have no symptoms. However, in some cases there are abnormalities.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix is ​​a malignant tumor, the source of which is the epithelium, which covers the outer, vaginal part of the cervix (cervix, cervix). The cervix is part of uterus and is located in posterior fornix vagina, resembling appearance upturned neck.

Every woman should know the symptoms of cervical cancer. This will help her find the problem in time and immediately seek help from a doctor. Cervical cancer is unpredictable dangerous disease that affects women of any age. Treatment of this disease must be started at the earliest stages (zero and.

  • Evgeniy on Blood test for cancer cells
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The information on the site is provided solely for popular informational purposes, does not claim to be reference and medical accuracy, and is not a guide to action.

Do not self-medicate. Please consult your healthcare professional.

Uterine cancer

Cancer of the uterus is very common, currently occupying the fourth place among women after breast, skin and gastrointestinal tract... This form of malignant tumors usually occurs between the ages of 40 and 60 years.

Stage II - damage to the body and cervix;

Stage III - spread to the surrounding tissue or metastases in the vagina;

Stage IV - spread outside the pelvis, invasion into the bladder or rectum.

How is uterine cancer cured? The victory over the tumor is possible.

Today, cancer is considered the most common cause of death in the age group under 70 years old. Every year in the world, every fourth patient dies. Cancer of the uterus, one of the most common oncological diseases among women, ranks fourth; more than 500 thousand patients fall ill with it every year. A disease not recognized in time is not enough competent treatment can be fatal. However, in the arsenal of modern doctors there is a huge selection of reliable diagnostic methods, with which you can detect the disease at the earliest stage. Today, cancer of the uterus is being treated, and successfully - this is evidenced by inexorable statistics. Of course, there are patients with neglected forms disease. One of the reasons for this is the late visit to the doctor. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that at an early stage the disease is asymptomatic. A woman is often unaware that she is sick and comes to the doctor for some other disease.

Whether uterine cancer can be treated - this question is surely asked by every woman upon hearing an oncological diagnosis. Today it can be argued that uterine cancer is curable. Moreover, in case of a disease detected at an early stage, sparing methods of treatment can be used. Gone are the methods of therapy side effects which horrified patients. The latest chemotherapy drugs, in which undesirable effects are minimized, radiation methods that act only on the tumor, without affecting healthy tissues. Today, organ-preserving surgery is not uncommon. Moreover, women reproductive age may become pregnant after some time. For a successful cure, you need very little - attention to your health. It is enough to undergo a routine examination 1-2 times a year. But some women believe that nothing bad can happen to them, someone simply does not have enough time, and a visit to the doctor is postponed until later. And some are simply afraid of a possible examination. The reasons are different, but the result is the same - health risks. High-risk women should be especially alert.

Causes of the disease

Factors affecting the onset of the disease:

  • Late menopause, early onset of menstruation
  • Infertility, lack of childbirth, multiple abortions
  • Oral contraceptive use
  • Precancerous conditions: ulcers, erosion, inflammation, polyposis, fibroids, mucosal hyperplasia
  • Early start sexual relations, the presence of many sexual partners, venereal diseases, human papillomavirus infection
  • Diabetes, hypertonic disease, obesity
  • Malnutrition, smoking, overuse alcohol, large physical exercise
  • Hereditary factors

It may seem surprising today, but about the harmful factors that can cause oncological diseases, American researchers warned at the end of the last century. Improper nutrition, the presence of carcinogenic substances in products, unfavorable ecology, burdened heredity - unfortunately, the situation is only getting worse every year.

The worst thing is that some patients refuse to undergo treatment or, using different unconventional ways, try to be treated on their own, bombarding all kinds of healers with questions - is uterine cancer curable. As a result, the lack of qualified medical care and lost time lead to irreparable damage. But it is enough just to consult a doctor. Modern medicine has achieved amazing results, which is not surprising - oncology is currently one of the most priority directions... However, one cannot single out any particular method of treatment as the most effective. In the treatment of oncological pathologies, it is important A complex approach, and it is possible to choose the treatment tactics correctly only in specialized clinics. Only then should one count on a successful cure.

Five-year survival rate for timely treatment reaches 96%. But a disease diagnosed at a late stage is much less treatable and only no more than 60% of those who become ill survive.

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Can cervical cancer be cured?

The cervix is ​​the lower part of the body of the uterus that opens into the vagina. With the help of the cervix, the uterus connects to the vagina, being the birth canal at birth. Recently, scientists are concerned about the increase in the number of cases of cervical cancer, including in nulliparous women and even in girls. So can cervical cancer be cured? Of course - yes, if you see a doctor on time.

By different reasons the epithelium on the cervix is ​​reborn, formed precancerous conditions, which, if untreated, turn into cancers.

Cervical cancer is of two types - squamous cell. which is registered in 90% of all cases of the disease, and adenocarcinoma. which occurs several times less, and occurs mainly in women who have given birth. Sometimes there is a form of cervical cancer in which both squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma are present, resulting in mixed carcinoma.

Usually, precancerous diseases progress to cancer within one to several years. If you treat precancerous diseases, then you can prevent the further degeneration of pathology into a malignant neoplasm.

The maximum number of patients with cervical cancer is observed in women over 70 years of age. But doctors are worried about the tendency of cases of cervical cancer in young girls and even girls.

In regions where diagnostic measures aimed at detecting precancerous diseases are well developed, mortality from cervical cancer is markedly reduced.

71% of women with cervical cancer survive the first 5 years with adequate treatment.

Causes, cancer-causing cervix.

There are several factors that provoke the occurrence of precancerous diseases, and their overflow into cancerous forms.

1) Infection with the human papillomavirus, the infection is sexually transmitted.

2) Smoking provokes the accumulation in a woman's body of carcinogens that damage the DNA of cells, this provokes the development of cancer.

3) Low immunity. AIDS virus.

4) Lack of nutrition, lack of vitamins in the diet, lack of vegetables and fruits.

5) Promiscuous sexual intercourse.

7) The use of contraceptives for 5 or more years.

9) If a mother has cervical cancer, her daughter is at increased risk of developing it.

Can cervical cancer be cured?

First of all, to detect cervical cancer, the doctor prescribes a complex diagnostic procedures... If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the choice of treatment will depend on the prevalence of the malignant process, the degree of cancer, the patient's condition, and other objective indicators.

At the slightest suspicion of a neoplasm in the cervix, a woman is offered laser surgery or cryosurgery. In the early stages of cancer or in precancerous diseases, these two methods are most effective in curing the disease.

An electrical loop is used to remove the area of ​​the cervix with cancer. removal of part of the cervix in a wedge-shaped manner. With a relapse, or a woman's unwillingness to have children in the future, the uterus may be removed completely.

In patients in whom the process has gone too far, the removal of the body of the uterus with lymph nodes is performed, and then chemotherapy or external irradiation.

With stage 1-2 cervical cancer, 65% of women survive. The lower the stage of the cancer, the more likely it is to survive.

At 3-4 stages of cancer, the uterus with surrounding tissues and lymph nodes is removed. and then both external and internal irradiation are performed, and a course of chemotherapy is prescribed immediately. The survival rate for these stages of cancer is from 20% to 50%.

When the disease nevertheless progresses, gives relapses, the woman develops metastases either in the tissues of the ovaries, uterus, vagina, or in distant organs - liver, lungs, bones, lymph nodes. With local metastases, operations on extended removal of the uterus and surrounding tissues are effective and stop the disease in 50% of patients, while in distant metastases, chemotherapy improves in 25% of all cases.

The effectiveness of the treatment of such serious illness, like cervical cancer, depends on many factors: the patient's age, correctly selected treatment methods, early diagnosis cancer and precancerous disease.

If cancer is detected at the very initial stages, then surgical treatment contributes to the complete cure of the patient from a malignant neoplasm.

Diagnosis of cervical cancer.

First of all, a woman should definitely visit a gynecologist once a year, even if she does not feel any unpleasant symptoms and has no plans to have children. Very often, a woman turns to antenatal clinic v preventive purposes helps to detect cancer at the earliest stages and cure it completely.

During the examination of a woman, the doctor determines the state of the epithelium on the cervix; if there is any suspicion of a precancerous disease, the doctor prescribes a biopsy or a test for a cytological examination of a smear, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging.

Cervical cancer, prevention.

Prevention of cervical cancer is proper hygiene genital organs, prevention of early onset of sexual activity in girls and promiscuous sexual intercourse, timely treatment of chlamydia, cervical erosion, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the female genital area, reducing the number of abortions in women.

Of course, the prevention of cervical cancer includes regular observation of women by a gynecologist, preventive visit gynecologist for every woman at least once a year.

V last years a vaccine against papillomavirus in humans has been developed and is being administered, which is administered to girls in adolescence, even before the onset of sexual activity. This vaccine is able to prevent papilloma, which means it can prevent the development of cervical cancer.

Can cervical cancer be cured? Every woman knows the answer to this question. Cervical cancer is curable if a woman takes care of her health, regularly visits a gynecologist and follows simple rules of hygiene of the genitals and intimate life.

Cancer of the uterus can be cured

When faced with a diagnosis of uterine cancer, many women simply give up on themselves: they rarely leave the house, quit their jobs, stop communicating with friends, gradually withdrawing into themselves. However, this solution to the problem was incorrect initially. All is not lost! Uterine cancer is curable! Moreover, you can fight the disease using different methods:

In the early stages of the disease, uterine cancer can be cured with hormonal agents... This is explained by the fact that in most cases it is the violation hormonal background becomes the factor that causes the appearance of a malignant tumor. By eliminating, thus, the cause of the disease, you can achieve a successful cure of the disease.

Radiation therapy, being an effective way to fight cancer cells, has long been used in the treatment of various types of cancer. In case of uterine cancer, it is possible to apply such a procedure at the later stages of the development of the disease, together with the intake of anticancer drugs.

In uterine cancer, chemotherapy alone does not completely cure the disease, but it helps to contain it. further development in organism. So, with its help you can:

  • reduce doses and reduce the duration of radiation during the course of radiation treatment;
  • remove the residual effects of the disease in the body after radiation therapy;
  • influence the effectiveness of treatment for complications in the late stages of the development of the disease.

To date, the most effective method treatment of uterine cancer - surgery. Depending on the stage at which the disease is, as well as taking into account other concomitant factors (the age of the woman, the presence of chronic diseases, etc.), the removal of the uterus with appendages will help to cope with this problem.

What is the way out of this situation? One of possible options- undergo a course of treatment in Israel. In this country effective treatment cancer of the uterus has long and successfully been practiced, in particular, in the First medical center Tel Aviv (Ichilov clinic), for more details: At the moment, it is one of the few advanced medical institutions in the world that accepts foreign patients for treatment. Moreover, in addition to highly qualified medical care, patients are provided with additional services for booking air tickets, transfers, accommodation and emergency delivery. At the same time, the pricing policy of the Ichilov clinic, with high level training of specialists is very democratic, unlike German or Russian clinics.

Reprinting of materials is allowed only with the written permission of the publisher!

Uterine cancer is a malignant tumor of the uterus, which is often manifested by frequent uterine bleeding. Cancer of the uterus is one of the most common types of malignant tumors in women.

Causes of uterine cancer

The exact causes of uterine cancer are not yet known, however, it has been noticed that several factors increase the risk of developing this disease. Increased risk uterine cancer is observed:

  • Overweight women;
  • In women with;
  • In women with diabetes mellitus;
  • In menopausal women taking;
  • If started before the age of 12;
  • If onset at the age of over 55;
  • If the woman has never been pregnant;
  • In older women (the older the woman, the higher the risk of developing uterine cancer);
  • In women with;
  • In women being treated for breast cancer and taking Tamoxifen;
  • In women who have inherited a special gene that increases the risk of developing uterine cancer and bowel cancer;
  • In women who frequently drink alcoholic beverages.

Types of uterine cancer

The uterus is a muscular organ inner cavity which is covered with a special type of mucous membrane - the endometrium. Depending on from which cells the malignant tumor has developed, there are two main types of uterine cancer:

  • Endometrial cancer (adenocarcinoma)

It is a malignant tumor that grows from the lining of the uterus. 75% of cases of malignant tumors of the uterus are precisely endometrial cancer. This article focuses primarily on endometrial cancer.

  • Cancer of the muscle layer of the uterus (leiomyosarcoma)

This tumor is less common, in about 15% of uterine cancers.

Symptoms and signs of uterine cancer

The main symptoms of uterine cancer are. Uterine bleeding in uterine cancer may appear in different time cycle and are usually abundant enough.

If a woman has already entered menopause (menstruation stopped more than a year ago), then with uterine cancer uterine bleeding recur, which can give the false impression of a resumption of the menstrual cycle.

Sometimes, uterine cancer can show up in a scanty state that lasts for weeks.

In the later stages of uterine cancer, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Lower abdominal pain
  • with an unpleasant odor
  • Losing weight for no apparent reason
  • Increased fatigue, weakness

Diagnosis of uterine cancer

The gynecologist may notice signs of uterine cancer already during a routine gynecological examination... Uterine cancer may be indicated by an increase in the size of the uterus and a change in its shape (deformation).

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe the following examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the uterus
  • Hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy
  • Surgery for uterine cancer

Typically, in the early stages of uterine cancer, surgery is performed first to remove the uterus (hysterectomy). In order to reduce the risk of recurrence (re-growth of the tumor), doctors, as a rule, remove not only the uterus, but also the uterine appendages ( the fallopian tubes and ovaries), as well as lymph nodes that may have been affected by the tumor. There are separate articles on this topic on our site: and.

  • Radiotherapy

Radiation therapy for uterine cancer can reduce the risk of recurrence (re-growth of the tumor) after surgery, or it can be prescribed as self-treatment as well as in combination with chemotherapy.

  • Hormone therapy

Because endometrial cancer is extremely sensitive to hormonal changes in the body, drugs that lower estrogen levels and increase blood progesterone levels can slow the rate of tumor growth.

  • Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy drugs prevent cancer cells from dividing and tumor growth. These medications can be given as pills or droppers. Chemotherapy can use a single drug, or a combination of several drugs.

After treatment for uterine cancer

After completing the course of treatment for endometrial cancer, a woman needs close supervision by her attending physician. Regular check-ups and examinations will make it possible to detect cancer recurrence in time if the disease returns. Talk with your doctor about how often you need to see.

As a rule, after treatment for stage 1 uterine cancer, a woman is advised to see a doctor every 6 months in the first year, and then once a year.

After treatment for advanced uterine cancer, check-ups are required every 3 months for the first year, every 3-6 months for the second year, and then once a year.

If the cancer of the uterus has not been cured

In some cases, even despite adequate and modern treatment, uterine cancer has never been cured. In this case, the woman is prescribed supportive treatment, which helps to cope with pain and prolong life for as long as possible.

Today, cancer is considered the most common cause of death in the age group under 70 years old. Every year in the world, every fourth patient dies. Cancer of the uterus, one of the most common oncological diseases among women, ranks fourth; more than 500 thousand patients fall ill with it every year. A disease not recognized in time, insufficiently competent treatment can lead to death. However, in the arsenal of modern doctors there is a huge selection of reliable diagnostic methods, with the help of which the disease can be detected at the earliest stage. Today, cancer of the uterus is being treated, and successfully - this is evidenced by inexorable statistics. Of course, there are patients with advanced forms of the disease. One of the reasons for this is the late visit to the doctor. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that at an early stage the disease is asymptomatic. A woman is often unaware that she is sick and comes to the doctor for some other disease.

Whether uterine cancer can be treated - this question is surely asked by every woman upon hearing an oncological diagnosis. Today it can be argued that uterine cancer is curable. Moreover, with a disease detected on, sparing methods of treatment can be used. Gone are therapies, the side effects of which terrified patients. The latest chemotherapy drugs, in which undesirable effects are minimized, radiation methods that act only on the tumor, without affecting healthy tissues ... Today, organ-preserving surgery is not uncommon. Moreover, women of reproductive age may become pregnant over time. For a successful cure, you need very little - attention to your health. It is enough to undergo a routine examination 1-2 times a year. But some women believe that nothing bad can happen to them, someone simply does not have enough time, and a visit to the doctor is postponed until later. And some are simply afraid of a possible examination. The reasons are different, but the result is the same - health risks. High-risk women should be especially alert.

Causes of the disease

Factors affecting the onset of the disease:

  • Late menopause, early onset of menstruation
  • Infertility, lack of childbirth, multiple abortions
  • Oral contraceptive use
  • Precancerous conditions: ulcers, erosion, inflammation, polyposis, fibroids, mucosal hyperplasia
  • Early onset of sexual relations, the presence of many sexual partners, sexually transmitted diseases, infection with human papillomavirus
  • Diabetes, hypertension, obesity
  • Malnutrition, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, strenuous physical activity
  • Hereditary factors

Today it may seem surprising, but American researchers warned about the harmful factors that can cause cancer at the end of the last century. Improper nutrition, the presence of carcinogenic substances in products, unfavorable ecology, burdened heredity - unfortunately, the situation is only getting worse every year.

The worst thing is that some patients refuse to undergo treatment or, using various non-traditional methods, try to heal on their own, bombarding all kinds of healers with questions - is uterine cancer curable. As a result, the lack of qualified medical care and lost time lead to irreparable damage. But it is enough just to consult a doctor. Modern medicine has achieved amazing results, which is not surprising - oncology is currently one of the highest priority areas. However, one cannot single out any particular method of treatment as the most effective. In the treatment of oncological pathologies, an integrated approach is important, and it is possible to choose the treatment tactics correctly only in specialized clinics. Only then should one count on a successful cure.

The five-year survival rate with timely treatment reaches 96%. But a disease diagnosed at a late stage is much less treatable and only no more than 60% of those who become ill survive.

Unfortunately, the number of oncological diseases is only growing every year. In women, one of the leading places is uterine cancer. now it has increased, the female half of the population has a longer period of menopause, it is with this that doctors associate an increase in the incidence. The risk group most often includes women 40-60 years old.

What is uterine cancer

The uterus in women, like any other organ, has a three-layer structure. Internal - epithelial tissue, middle - smooth muscle and external - connective tissue. In the process of the development of the disease, a tumor forms on the walls of the uterus, and then, if no treatment is taken, it will begin to spread throughout the body.

Due to the multi-layered structure of the uterus, the tumor is different types and differs in the place of localization.

The reasons for the development of the disease

Doctors came to the conclusion that, to a greater extent, cancer of the uterine body begins to develop if this organ has been repeatedly exposed to many factors, among which I would especially like to highlight the following:

  1. Frequent abortions and tears during childbirth.
  2. Inflammatory processes, especially of a chronic nature.
  3. Dystrophic and degenerative changes epithelial tissue, which can occur as a result of hormonal exposure.
  4. Hereditary predisposition.
  5. The presence in the body of the human papillomavirus or genital herpes.
  6. Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.
  7. Early onset of sexual activity, that is, before the age of 18.
  8. Availability a large number sexual partners.
  9. Availability bad habits, especially smoking.
  10. Lack of personal hygiene.

Despite the fact that there are many reasons that can provoke uterine cancer, life expectancy with such a diagnosis will depend on many factors. If you consult a doctor in time, then this disease can be easily dealt with.

Diagnosing the disease

Any diagnosis begins with a doctor-patient conversation. A woman must be examined by a gynecologist, without thorough examination there can be no talk of any treatment and diagnosis.

The examination begins with an examination of the vagina, cervix using gynecological mirrors. In the presence of the disease, it is usually possible to detect changes in the tissues. Often, on examination, slight bleeding may begin, as injury to the tumor occurs.

If necessary, a rectal examination may be ordered to clarify how much the pelvic wall has been affected.

All these manipulations can be carried out with all the necessary equipment. It often happens that cancer at the initial stage is not recognized due to incomplete examination. With development ultrasound diagnostics this method was also used to detect cancerous tumors.

Since with the development of cancer, damage occurs lymph nodes, then an X-ray examination is also prescribed. In some cases, MRI, CT are prescribed.

All examinations are very important to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, because if a woman has uterine cancer, life expectancy will depend on the effectiveness of therapy.

A timely visit to the doctor will reveal the disease at an early stage. This guarantees a high cure rate.

Uterine cancer: symptoms and signs

Women throughout their lives need to monitor their health more carefully, and after 40 years, even more so, because it is at this age that the risk of developing cancer increases. Eae and all diseases, has uterine cancer symptoms and signs, so you need to pay attention to all deviations from the norm in the body. The trouble is that we are in no hurry to run to the hospital as soon as we notice suspicious symptoms. It's a pity, not only the quality of our life, but also its duration completely depends on this.

Most of the oncological diseases are so dangerous that they begin to show their signs only at later stages, so it often happens that when a person asks for help, nothing can help him.

It turns out that cancer of the body of the uterus manifests itself in different ways in different periods a woman's life. Let's try to figure it out.

Signs before menopause

If a woman is not yet at the menopause stage, then the following manifestations of this disease can be diagnosed:

  • Periodic bloody issues from the vagina.
  • Menstruation becomes either more rare and scarce, or, on the contrary, may come more often and abundantly.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.

  • Drawing pains in the lower back.
  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Purulent vaginal discharge.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.

Symptoms during menopause

When a woman is in menopause, her periods stop completely. At this time, the following symptoms should alert you:

  • Any spotting.
  • Sudden bleeding from the vagina.
  • Drawing pain in the perineal region.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Losing weight for no apparent reason.

If you find yourself with any of these symptoms, then you should not hope that everything will go away by itself. This is a rather insidious disease - uterine cancer, photos confirm this.

Cancer of the uterus also occurs in pregnant women, but this is rare. This is dangerous enough for a woman's life. In this case, if the diagnosis of uterine cancer is confirmed, the operation is inevitable. We'll have to terminate the pregnancy and start treatment.

Stages of uterine cancer

Most often, any disease goes through certain stages, this can be said about a malignant tumor in the uterus. Oncologists distinguish the following stages of uterine cancer:

  1. Zero. At this time, it is already possible to diagnose endometrial hyperplasia, which will certainly lead to the development malignant formation... It's only a matter of time, how quickly it will happen.
  2. First stage. The tumor develops only in the body of the uterus itself, but the localization can be different:
  • Cancer cells affect only the epithelial layer of cells.
  • The tumor begins to invade the muscle layer.
  • The carcinoma invades half of the myometrium.

3. Second stage. Cancer begins to affect the cervix, but does not go beyond the organ. But there are also varieties:

  • Only the glands of the cervix are involved in the process.
  • The tumor affects the stroma of the cervix.

4. The third stage of the disease. Uterine cancer is already going beyond the organ, photos confirm this, but again there are divisions:

  • Carcioma damages the serous membrane of the uterus and can spread to the ovaries.
  • Vaginal metastases appear.
  • Metastases develop in nearby lymph nodes.

5. The fourth stage is the most serious. The tumor already affects the bladder, rectum. Metastases appear outside the small pelvis.

When diagnosed with uterine cancer, the degrees are also different. This affects the prognosis of the course of the disease:

  1. High degree of differentiation.
  2. Moderate.
  3. Low.

Doctors note that the greater the degree of differentiation, the better the prognosis. Low grade tumors metastasize rapidly and are characterized by increased growth.

If you have been diagnosed with uterine cancer, life expectancy will depend on the stage and degree of the disease.

Cervical cancer

A malignant tumor can begin to develop not only in the uterine cavity, but also in the cervix, then they talk about cervical cancer. This disease also has its own stages of development:

  1. First stage. The tumor develops only in the cervix.
  2. Second. Has its own development options:
  • Penetration into the parametrium without going to the walls of the pelvis.
  • Vaginal variant, when the tumor affects its walls.
  • The tumor develops endocervically. It can even affect the body of the uterus.

3. The third stage is also characterized by the presence of three options:

  • There is an infiltration of the pelvic wall from one or both sides.
  • With the vaginal variant, the tumor passes into the lower part of the vagina.
  • Pelvic metastases appear.

4. Fourth stage. The following development options can be distinguished:

  • The tumor spreads to the bladder.
  • Cancer cells affect the rectum.
  • The tumor extends beyond the pelvis.

Different types of stages and variants of tumor development help doctors to give a clear idea of ​​the methods of treatment and its effectiveness.

Treatment for uterine cancer

At present, given the level of development of medicine, we can say that most cancers are not a death sentence for a patient. But this is only if the person applies for medical help.

Treatment of malignant tumors is carried out taking into account the stage of the disease, its localization. Most often, the main methods are:

If the treatment is started on time, then there is a high probability that you will succeed in the cervix, the photos demonstrate well full life women after surgery.

In the event that a woman seeks medical help too late, the success rate of treatment is significantly reduced.

Disease prevention

Only if you systematically visit a gynecologist and undergo an annual medical examination, then you can be sure that cancer will be detected at an early stage.

As soon as a woman begins to have a sex life, she should make it a rule to visit a gynecologist every year. Regular examination, smear examination, ultrasound of the pelvic organs can reveal precancerous conditions. If they are treated in time, then it is possible to prevent the development of tumors.

This can be prevented. Photos confirm that it is quite easy to identify such pathologies if you regularly undergo an examination. It is impossible to recognize the disease on your own and to properly prescribe medications for yourself, only a doctor should do this.

Most often, if inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are not treated, then over time they can easily develop into cancer. Our health is only in our hands, and no one except ourselves will take care of it.

The effectiveness of the treatment

The effectiveness of the treatment of cancerous tumors can be judged by repeated cases of the disease. Relapse usually occurs in the first three years after therapy. For many, when diagnosed with cervical cancer, after the operation, the vital activity of the body is normalized, the woman recovers and returns to her usual way of life.

If more than three years have passed after the operation, and everything is fine with you, then we can confidently guarantee that you are unlikely to relapse.

Prognosis for uterine cancer

Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee that after the treatment the tumor will no longer bother you. If the disease is detected in the early stages of its development, then about 90% of patients almost completely recover.

Considering that the quality of medical examination has now improved, a lot of work is being done on early detection of the disease, it can be guaranteed that the survival rate when cancer is detected will increase even more.

Even if you have stage III and IV cancer of the uterus, life expectancy, with proper treatment, increases significantly. Survival can be increased by combining radiation exposure with chemotherapy.

If a woman seeks medical help when metastases involve not only the uterus or cervix, but also neighboring organs, the forecast is not very encouraging. In this case, it is much more difficult to affect cancer cells.

We can conclude that the quality and duration of our life depends only on ourselves. Do not be afraid to visit polyclinics, a disease detected on time is treated much faster and more efficiently.

In the early stages, signs of a tumor may be absent, or manifest as an implicit discomfort.

As the malignant process develops, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pathological bleeding from the vagina or mucous discharge with blood streaks;
  • vaginal bleeding after intercourse, douching and gynecological examinations;
  • change in the duration of menstruation:
  • pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated during intercourse;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • prolonged temperature not higher than 37.5 degrees (subfebrile temperature);
  • anemia.

All signs are nonspecific and may indicate other gynecological diseases. The duration of the symptoms is of decisive importance.

Vaginal discharge in cervical cancer is often irregular and may not be associated with menstrual bleeding (this is the first thing women should pay attention to).

Diagnosis of cervical cancer

Identification of the disease begins with a conversation between the doctor and the patient. The gynecologist conducts a detailed questioning about all the symptoms of the disease, examines the patient's anamnesis (information about all diseases transferred in the past is important).

Then a manual gynecological examination is performed, a smear is taken for cytology and, if necessary, a colposcopy is performed. Sometimes it is possible to determine the type of tumor (endophytic, exophytic or combined).

Then more detailed diagnostic procedures are carried out:

  • ultrasound procedure, which allows you to accurately determine the size of the tumor (recently, ultrasound tomography has also been used to obtain a more visual image);
  • histological examination: for this, a biopsy or diagnostic curettage is performed using an electrosurgical loop - scraping from the cervical canal and the walls of the uterus;
  • radiography to detect possible metastases in the lungs and other organs;
  • CT scan, which also allows you to detect the spread of a malignant process in the lymphatic system and detect changes in the liver and abdominal organs (if necessary, the study is carried out using contrast agents);
  • blood test(general, biochemical, as well as tests for tumor markers);
  • cytological examination(PAP test, aka Papanicolaou test);
  • lymphography(study of the lymphatic system);
  • irriography(X-ray examination of the rectum to detect the spread of the tumor).

PCR analysis is also used to detect the papilloma virus. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) allows not only to detect the virus, but also to determine its oncogenicity (activity and ability to provoke the development of malignant tumors).

The detection of the human papillomavirus (HPV) is not a direct indication of the presence of uterine cancer: this is only the basis for constant monitoring by a gynecologist and a more serious attitude to one's health. Women at risk should be diagnosed at least once a year.

Video: All About Uterine Cancer


Therapy for cervical cancer is carried out in a comprehensive manner.


  • surgery(hysterectomy: removal of the uterus, appendages, pelvic tissue with lymph nodes);
  • radiation therapy- remote and intracavitary (performed in combination with surgery, or with chemotherapy at 3-4 stages of the disease, when radical excision is ineffective);
  • chemotherapy- drug treatment is carried out with cytostatics;
  • immunotherapy(treatment with interferons, which increase and modulate the body's immunity).

Can cervical cancer be completely cured, that is, without subsequent relapses? The answer to this question depends on the stage at which doctors began treating the disease. If a tumor is detected at an early stage, successful treatment and long-term remission are possible in almost 90%.

Nutrition (diet)

Modern medicine confirms the fact that the combination of the main treatment with diet therapy accelerates recovery even in the case of such a serious illness as cervical cancer.

The basis of dietary nutrition for uterine cancer should be vegetables, fruits and berries grown in environmentally friendly conditions without the use of chemical additives. Studies have shown that daily consumption of plant-based foods inhibits tumor growth. Preference should be given to fruits with bright colors and greenery: these products inhibit malignant processes.

In many regions, it is quite difficult to follow a fruit diet in winter: in this case, it is necessary to increase the content of fresh vegetables and berries in the diet - carrots, beets, turnips, cabbage, pumpkins, cranberries, lingonberries.

It is also useful to include in the diet:

  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cheeses, yoghurts);
  • cereals (oatmeal is especially valuable, as well as sprouted wheat grains);
  • garlic and horseradish;
  • nuts of all kinds;
  • legumes.

It is better to cook food with steam or in the oven. Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw. It is also useful to drink decoctions of herbs from sage, yarrow, nettle, wormwood, plantain, St. John's wort. Phytopreparations have a depressing effect on cancer cells, increase the body's immunity, and also stop bleeding.

Some foods should be completely excluded from the menu:

  • smoked meats;
  • animal fats;
  • fried foods;
  • hot seasonings;
  • confectionery;
  • cocoa and chocolate;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • semi-finished products;
  • "fast food";
  • carbonated drinks.

A special menu with an abundance of vitamins and nutrients that restore strength should be adhered to at the stage of recovery after operations, radiation and drug therapy.

An example of a menu for uterine cancer:

Breakfast # 1: fresh carrot juice.
Breakfast number 2: buckwheat porridge with whole grain bread, green tea.
Dinner: pearl barley soup with vegetables, stewed beets, baked fish, tea with milk.
Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, avocado and green vegetable salad, fresh fruit juice.
Before bedtime: kefir or fruit juice.

In addition to diet, the correct organization of the daily regimen contributes to recovery - good sleep, rest, stay in the fresh air. It is advisable to spend the period of rehabilitation in a sanatorium-resort specialized institution.


Patients, of course, are interested in the question - how long do they live with uterine cancer? Even the most qualified specialist cannot give a definite answer. The prognosis of survival is influenced by a large number of concomitant factors - the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, the state of the body, the state of the immune system.

At stage 1, competent surgical treatment in combination with subsequent radiation therapy ensures a survival rate of more than 85-90% of patients within 5 years.

If a disease is detected at stage 2, the chances are reduced to 60%, since malignant processes can already begin to spread to surrounding healthy tissues. In this case, a correctly compiled course of radiation and chemotherapy after surgical excision of the tumor is important.

The survival rate of patients with stage 3 cancer for 5 years is reduced to 35-40%, since there is metastasis of the tumor to nearby organs. Complete recovery in grade 3 tumors is unlikely.

At stage 4, only 10% of patients overcome the five-year period - subject to constant palliative treatment. The probability of death is very high: it is not possible to stop the spread of cancer cells through the blood vessels and vessels of the excretory system, and multiple metastases quickly lead to functional failure of the lungs, liver and other organs.

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