Formation and support of a positive attitude of parents raising children with disabilities and children with disabilities (Kaluga region). Support program for a family with a disabled child Club program for parents of a disabled child

Marina Skopintseva
Parents' club, an effective form of accompanying the family of a child with disabilities

One of the main tasks of the FSES DO is to ensure equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of psychophysiological and other characteristics.

Children with disabilities experience an increased need to rely on adults; their fate largely depends on the position of the family and the adults around him. The family is a reliable foundation in solving certain issues: raising children, including them in social spheres, the formation of children with disabilities as active members of society. Therefore, in our work we apply a personality-oriented, humane-personal approach to children and parents.

In my work, I actively use non-traditional interactive forms of work with parents, based on cooperation and interaction. The use of interactive methods makes it possible to significantly deepen the influence of the teacher on the parents. In new forms of interaction with parents, the principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented.

In 2016, on the basis of a preschool institution began its work resource center, where one of the most effective forms of interaction with parents is the organization of work club "Let's help each other".Parent club Is a promising form of work with the family, taking into account the actual needs of the family, contributing to the formation of an active life position of the participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family and transferring experience in raising children.

The purpose of the club: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of upbringing, development, strengthening the health of children with disabilities, as well as helping families to adapt and integrate children with disabilities into society.

Club tasks:

providing psychological and correctional-pedagogical support to families in matters of education, upbringing and development of children;

the formation of parental skills for maintaining and raising a child, including protecting his rights and health, creating a safe environment, and successful socialization;

the formation of mutual trust in the system of relations between the educational institution and the family;

increasing the legal competence of parents in matters of state guarantees for families raising children with disabilities and familiarization with the basics of legislation in the field of protecting the rights of children;

educational work on the problems of developmental disorders of children and their correction;

promotion of the positive experience of family education.

Specialists of the preschool institution (teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist, music director, physical education instructor, pediatrician) contribute to the organization of the club's activities. Thanks to network interaction, we attract employees of the Rodnik social service center.

Preschool teachers and specialists teach parents to better feel and understand their child, build relationships competently, and be able to use the necessary tools and techniques.

For effective cooperation with parents, we take into account their personal problems, first of all, in order to earn their trust, liberate them, get an emotional response, which is not always possible to do traditional forms of work with parents. Communication within the family club creates a positive emotional atmosphere for both teachers and adults.

As part of the parent club, I organize meetings for parents interested in solving the problems of their children. In the context of informal communication, club members get to know each other, share their own experience of interacting with their child, meet with specialists, exchange thoughts about themselves and their work, participate in trainings and research.

I use various forms holding a parent club "Let's Help Each Other" such as:

Round table "Child's health", "Hello baby";


Psychological drawing rooms "Trust";

Discussions and mini-trainings, “How I imagined him before birth and how he is now”;

Workshops with specialists ”;

Joint festive events with tea drinking;

Game sessions of Lekoteka;

Participation in competitions;

The use of information technology: the production of brochures, booklets, memos.

In these meetings, I talk about the small achievements of children in the area of ​​emotional communication and development. Parents, in turn, talked about their problems, asked questions, made joint decisions, which helped parents acquire skills in resolving conflict situations with a child, they learned how to effectively interact with him, realize and optimize their parental position.

During the meetings at the Let's Help Each Other club, parents have the opportunity to meet each other, share experiences and support each other, and this gives the parents the feeling that “they are not alone”.

The result of the club's work is:

Inclusion of parents in the life of kindergarten, cooperation with teachers in matters of education and correctional work;

Parents see that there are families around them that are close to them in spirit and have similar problems;

Become convinced by the example of other families that the active participation of parents in the development of the child leads to success;

An active parental position and adequate self-esteem are formed.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the work of the club helps to strengthen the position of a family with a child with disabilities or a disabled child, as a partner and an active subject of the educational environment of a preschool institution.

Organization of the club for families raising disabled children

Abstract of the article: the experience of organizing a club for families raising disabled children is presented. The tasks of the club, directions and forms of work with parents and children, and the results of the work are described in detail.

Keywords: club, for families raising disabled children, adequate perception of the child.

Currently, the health of the child population in Russia is a serious social problem. Deviations in the state of health were found in 54% of Russian children who underwent examination by specialists within the framework of the All-Russian Children's Clinical Examination (2008).

The leading ones are disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, digestive organs, and allergic manifestations. Experts' observations show that 12-19% of preschool children are diagnosed with severe forms of mental disorders, and 30-40% are at risk for the development of mental disorders ().

The increase in morbidity among children leads to an increase in the disability of the child population. The contingent of disabled children under the age of 17 is constantly growing, and in the last 3 years alone it has increased by 16.3%.

Thus, there is a steady increase in the number of families with disabled children.

According to the data of the Department of Social Protection of the Population in the city of Veliky Ustyug, Vologda Oblast, as of January 1, 2010, there are 188 disabled children aged 0 to 18 years. During the academic year, 47 families raising a disabled child applied for various types of help to the BOU VO “Velikoustyug Center of PMSS” (hereinafter referred to as the Center). Of these, only 5 children attend specialized correctional educational institutions (classes, groups), in which they can be provided with qualified complex psychological, medical and social assistance. About 30% do not attend educational institutions, their parents (in the overwhelming majority are mothers) are forced not to work.

According to modern research (,), the qualitative changes that take place in families of this category are manifested at the psychological, social and somatic levels.

Psychological level. The birth of a child with developmental disabilities is perceived by his parents as the greatest tragedy. The fact of the birth of a child “not like everyone else” is the cause of severe stress experienced, primarily by the mother. Stress, which has a prolonged nature, has a strong deforming effect on the psyche of the parents and becomes the initial condition for a sharp traumatic change in the life pattern formed in the family (the style of family relationships, the system of relations between family members and the surrounding society, the peculiarities of the world outlook and value orientations of each of the child's parents).

Social level. After the birth of a disabled child, his family, due to the numerous difficulties that arise, becomes uncommunicative and selective in contacts. She narrows the circle of her friends and even relatives because of the characteristic features of the condition and development of a sick child, as well as because of the personal attitudes of the parents themselves (fear, shame). Trials of this kind undoubtedly have a deforming effect on the relationship of the parents themselves, and one of the manifestations of these changes is divorce.

Somatic level. The stress that parents have at the birth of a sick child can play the role of a trigger mechanism for somatic diseases in his parents.

The main problems of families identified in the course of counseling by the specialists of the Center are as follows:

· Difficulties arising in the process of teaching a child;

Problems of relationships among peers (healthy children are ashamed of a sick brother or sister, subject them to ridicule and humiliation; at school, kindergarten, on the street, healthy children point a finger at a sick child or intently, with increased interest, consider his physical disabilities; peers offend disabled child, do not want to be friends with him, etc.);

· Broken interpersonal contacts of a disabled child with loved ones, their attitude towards him (overprotection, or neglect of the child; rudeness, consumerism of the child in relation to loved ones);

· Underestimation of the child's capabilities by the specialists of the educational institution;

• distorted marital relations between the mother and the father of the child, which arose due to the child's defect;

· Emotional rejection by one of the parents of a disabled child;

· Comparative assessment of a disabled child in a family and a healthy child.

All this determines the urgent need for the provision of socio-psychological and correctional-pedagogical assistance to families in the process of socialization of disabled children. In such a situation, it is important to provide assistance through the creation of a friendly environment, psychological support for parents, individual support of families in difficult life situations, the involvement of families of disabled children in collective forms of interaction: joint creative activities, exchange of experience, specially organized classes. Such work can be organized by uniting families in a club.

Since 2008, on the basis of the institution, a club for families raising children with disabilities "Vera" has been operating. Why exactly a club? Analysis of the situation showed that this form of interaction is attractive

for parents:

· Free participation in club events (a parent can choose an event, a form of participation, be present with or without a child, etc.);

· A variety of events (the club form does not limit the choice of theme, method and venue, number of participants, etc.);

· The similarity of family problems, the possibility of open and non-judgmental discussion and communication;

· Receiving psychological support from each other and from specialists, developing the organizational and communicative abilities of parents;

· The ability to receive new information on specific requests (joint work planning);

· Development of children (communication skills, creativity, fine motor skills, etc.);

· Created conditions (the possibility of visiting leisure and cultural events, participation in excursions, trips).

for the institution:

· Attraction of families raising children with disabilities to the institution;

The principle of cooperation between parents and professionals, parents and children. It should be emphasized that parents will seek the support and help of a specialist, listen to him and follow his advice only when the professional sees in the parents not an “object of his influence”, but an equal partner in the correction process. In the same way, the relationship between a specialist and a child, parents and a child should be built according to the well-known principle of personality-oriented pedagogy - at the "eye level" of the child, using the "eye to eye" technique;

The principle of taking into account interests. In another way, it could be called differently - the principle of solving a problem through interest. This principle is applicable to work with both the child and the parents. As a rule, parents, turning to a teacher, want to help the child with something (for example, they taught him to speak, relieve heightened excitement, etc.).

Work in the "Child-Parent-Specialist" system involves several stages: organization of individual lessons; transition to subgroup work.

In individual lessons, the specialist implements a personality-oriented approach aimed at identifying, disclosing and supporting the positive personal qualities of each of the parents, which are necessary for successful cooperation with the child.

When conducting individual lessons, a differentiated approach in the process of correctional and pedagogical work is as follows:

1. Parents are confused (as a rule, these are parents for whom a tendency towards presumed interconnectedness is characteristic in building relationships with their child).

In the first lessons, they are not able to perceive the teacher's explanations, so the specialist works independently with the child, and asks the mother to record the entire course of the lesson. Initially, parents are only required to repeat the tasks at home, copy the teacher's actions and their sequence, sometimes adopting his behavior, intonation, etc. At the beginning of subsequent classes, the specialist asks to show how they did this or that exercise at home, what worked and what did not work out, in the latter case, determining (for oneself) the reason for the failure of the mother and changing the nature or type of task.

2. Parents complain or deny everything (these are parents for whom a tendency towards verbal interconnection or interconnectedness of the type of "silent co-presence" is characteristic in building relationships with their child). With these parents, the first classes are structured a little differently. The mother is invited to participate in certain episodes of the lesson with the child conducted by the teacher: for example, in rolling a car, a ball to each other, in carrying out outdoor games such as "At a bear in the forest", "Geese and a wolf", "Sparrows and a cat", "The sun and rain ”, hide and seek with a bell, etc. All three of them are actively involved: the specialist together with the child (as a whole) and the mother, on the contrary (as a play partner). After a few sessions, the teacher offers to change places (to stand up for the mother with the baby). The child has his back to the adult, who, wrapping his arms around the baby, holds his hands in his own and performs all the necessary movements with the child as a whole.

3. Parents are looking for ways to solve problems (these are parents for whom a tendency towards interconnectedness of the type of "influence and mutual influence" is characteristic in building relationships with their child).

They are ready to listen to the teacher, understand his explanations and complete assignments. Therefore, the specialist actively involves them in conducting the lesson, suggesting that they finish the exercise he has begun. Further, explaining his purpose, he invites his mother to complete the task on her own. In case of failure, the specialist comes to the rescue, completing the exercise with the child and explaining the reasons for the failure.

At the final stage of work with the parents, the teacher conducts subgroup lessons when two children and their mothers meet. The specialist organizes such classes only after he succeeds in forming cooperation between the mother and her child in individual lessons.

Research and survey data have shown that parents raising problem children often have difficulty walking with their child. Conflict situations arise both between children and between adults themselves. It happens that parents of normally developing children are unhappy that such a baby will play next to their child (lack of information about problem children gives them fear). Parents of a child with impaired psychophysical development are afraid that there would be a conflict situation between their child and other children, they do not know how to get out of it or how to prevent it.

Considering all this, the specialist aims to teach parents the ability to establish cooperation with another child, children with each other and adults with each other.

For a more effective achievement of the set goal, a teacher-psychologist is actively involved in conducting subgroup classes (it is possible to use game therapy, etc.).

The third direction - "Action"

The purpose of the activities carried out within the framework of this direction is the social self-realization of parents and their children, a change in the attitude towards them in society.

The forms of work are various socio-cultural activities that allow children with disabilities to adapt to standard socio-cultural situations: to do feasible work, find and use the necessary information, expand their possibilities of integration into ordinary socio-cultural life. These events contribute to the expansion of the creative potential of the disabled child and his parents and are aimed at developing communication skills, gaining experience of social interaction, and expanding the circle of communication.

All socio-cultural activities can be roughly divided into two groups. The first group includes activities for organizing family leisure: organizing and conducting excursions, trips, hikes, holidays, entertainment, tea parties, etc. When choosing certain types of leisure, the interests and spiritual and moral preferences of parents are taken into account, as well as the effectiveness of leisure activities ... At the same time, efficiency is understood as the implementation of the main social functions of leisure: compensatory, socializing, communication functions, creative self-realization, personality development.

A prerequisite for a leisure program is the educational aspect, that is, as a result of its development, the participant acquires certain knowledge, skills and abilities, acquires social experience.

The club implements the following types of leisure programs: excursions, trips, hikes, visiting holidays, performances, theatrical games.

Excursions, trips, hikes are associated with communication with nature, acquaintance with the hometown, its sights. For a child with developmental disabilities, the opportunity to stay in nature is extremely necessary to expand the living space, gain environmental knowledge, and improve health. Nature is the richest environment for the development of a child's sensory systems (hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste). Mastering natural landscapes effectively develops children's perception of space and teaches them to move and navigate in the external environment without fear. Communication with nature provides many positive emotions for parents and children, enables them to communicate, establish emotional mutual understanding, forms a community of feelings, moods, thoughts, views, fosters aesthetic feelings, love for their native land.

Play-play, theatrical play help the child to master the rules and laws of adults. Disabled children who do not attend preschool institutions are deprived of the opportunity to fully participate in play activities, take on a role, and communicate during play. The participation of children with disabilities in play activities forms the correct model of behavior in the modern world, increases the general culture of the child, introduces spiritual values, introduces children to literature, music, fine arts, rules of etiquette, rituals, traditions. In addition, theatrical activity is a source of the development of feelings, deep feelings of the child, developing the emotional sphere of the child, forcing to sympathize with the characters, empathize with the events being played out.

The degree of participation of children in the production is different:

Independent performance of the role;

Playing the role in parallel with the teacher, repetition of actions, replicas of the teacher to imitate (the role of the teacher is to set clear tasks for the child and imperceptibly transfer the initiative to the child);

Joint activities with a teacher in cases where the child cannot act independently. At the same time, the means of performing the role (facial expressions, gestures, speech) are chosen that are sufficiently expressive and understandable for the audience, aesthetic;

Participation in the play only as a spectator. Even if the child is only a spectator, dramatization has a positive effect on his perception: colorful costumes, a beautifully designed stage, special effects, a general elevated background evokes positive emotions, joy, laughter in children. The child gradually learns to adequately respond to surrounding actions, reveals his inner world.

We see the corrective role of dramatization in the following:

Development of attention (children focus attention, hold it for a relatively long time). New, unusual and interesting objects, phenomena and people develop the stability of the voluntary attention of children sitting in the auditorium. Children participating in the production are focused on the current action, follow the development of the plot and the order of their appearance on the stage, which contributes to the development of sustainable voluntary attention;

Development of thinking (children gradually learn the sequence of episodes, the names of the characters);

Memory development (children remember their role, the names of the main characters, characteristic features);

Development of speech (even non-speech children try to use sound combinations and babbling words, imitating characters);

Formation of endurance and self-control skills (the child learns to control his emotions, regulate behavior depending on the current action, the author's intention);

Emotional development. Some children with disabilities are deprived of emotional means of self-expression. It is difficult for them to arbitrarily smile, frown, lower the corners of the mouth, open their eyes wide, that is, express their state with the help of facial expressions. Theatrical performances encourage children to change their mimic state. Carried away by what is happening on the stage, children begin to smile, feel sad, worry about the characters;

Parents have the opportunity to observe their children in an unusual environment, see the dynamics of their development. This is a great psychological help for parents, since some cannot even assume that their children do not perceive themselves as lonely and rejected, they feel free in the presence of a large number of people. On the other hand, it is an opportunity to see your child in comparison with other children, to observe the relationship between children;

Dramatization allows children to form the experience of social ties, skills of behavior in society, since each work has a moral orientation. Thanks to motivated activities (even in an unreal, playful situation), children more easily master skills and means of communication. Participation in dramatization, in its psychological structure, is a simulation of real life situations.

A holiday is an artistic action, a show in which every child must participate actively (independently or with the help of an adult). The holiday makes it possible to unite children and adults into a large team, organizes them, unites them (charged with common action and emotions, the child begins to act in the same way as his neighbors, people around him).

In the process of preparing a room, the sensory load of all objects and decorations in the aggregate is taken into account. It is necessary that there is no overload of sensory stimuli, that they are combined and harmonized with each other, so that each child can see these decorations and he has enough time for this.

The theme of the holidays is different. In the process of planning a holiday, a reasonable approach and taking into account the characteristics of children are important. Overloading the holiday with special effects, costumes, bright attributes is unacceptable - all this will distract children from the holiday itself. Music, songs, 2-3 small joint games - all this can be realized within the framework of a small one-sided plot. All elements are united by a common rhythm; types of activity replace each other. The main requirement is that the level of difficulty should not be too high. At the end of the holiday, a surprise moment is very important - a gift, a small souvenir.

In the process of participating in the holidays, the child:

Speech is stimulated (they sing along familiar songs, pronounce individual words, phrases);

Communication is expanding (children pass objects to each other, take each other's hands, etc.);

Develops auditory, visual perception (listen to music, participate in various games with attributes);

Spatial representations develop (the child learns to navigate in the space of his body, in the surrounding space);

Coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, etc. develop.

The participation of a disabled child in holidays with peers and adults expands his social experience, teaches adequate interaction and communication in joint activities, and ensures the correction of violations of the communicative sphere.

The second group includes activities that stimulate the disclosure of the creative potential of families: participation in city, district, regional and federal competitions for children's and family works of various orientations, actions, publications in the media, etc. Such events increase the interest and creative activity of children and their parents, help to see the unusual in the ordinary, to demonstrate their talents and abilities. At the same time, it is important to create a situation of success, stimulation, encouragement for creative experience, so that children and their parents want and strive to be proactive, active and creative.

The main form of work is art therapy - this is any creative activity (drawing, fantasizing, designing), and, above all, one's own creativity, no matter how primitive and simplified it may be.

Each child can participate in art therapy work, which does not require him to have any visual or artistic skills. Art therapy is especially valuable for those children who do not speak well enough, find it difficult to verbally describe their feelings and experiences. The products of visual activity are objective evidence of the mood and thoughts of a person. Everyone (parents, children, teachers) should be involved in art therapy, but mostly parents with children. It is they who can introduce art therapy into daily communication with the child, make it a part of the child's life. There are several conditions that must be observed in this case:

· Creativity, any and in any form, should be a joy for the child, no compulsion is possible here. It is important to strive to ensure that the initiative for creativity comes from the child himself.

· The techniques of drawing with different materials, modeling and three-dimensional image, collage, etc. are used. Work in this direction is not like learning, it is needed to express thoughts, feelings and feelings on paper. Any production and use of any materials and methods of creativity for the main purpose of self-expression are encouraged.

· Children with disabilities need to be confident that any product will be welcomed and appreciated by others. For this, parents and teachers are working on the presentation of children's works in city, regional exhibitions and competitions.

Thus, the work of the club for parents of children with disabilities, which includes activities that ensure the successful participation of families in social relations, the development of the personal qualities of children and their parents, the formation of constructive forms of communication, allows us to solve the problems of socialization of families raising children with disabilities. The following data can be presented as the results of the work of the Vera club:

Over the past three years, 34 families raising disabled children have become permanent members of the club;

Organized 2 cycles of psycho-preventive classes under the program "Seven-I", which was attended by 12 parents; Based on the results of control diagnostics, 83% of participants in classes demonstrate an increase in respect for the child's individuality, normalization of the interpersonal distance of communication with him and control of his behavior;

Received consultations from specialists of 87 families raising children with disabilities;

Every year, about 20 disabled children are engaged in correctional and developmental programs at the institution;

6 excursion trips were organized; 8 holidays; 4 performances;

Club members are winners of 8 regional, district and city competitions for children's works.

The goals and objectives of the club


Providing social support to parents of children with disabilities in the rehabilitation, development and upbringing of disabled children;

Provision of psychological and legal assistance to parents of children with disabilities on the basis of a social rehabilitation center


1) Legal advice to parents.

2) Organization of joint leisure activities for parents and children with disabilities.

3) Teaching parents how to rehabilitate children with disabilities at home.

4) Psychological trainings.

5) Organization of active family outdoor recreation for parents and children with disabilities.

6) Lesson in a creative workshop, using the modeling of the system of social relations in a visual-effective form in special game conditions.

Club members:

- parents of children with disabilities living in the Vsevolozhsk region;

Children with disabilities between the ages of 1.5 and 18;

Center specialists (teacher-psychologist, lawyer-consultant, social teacher, etc.);


The work of the club is carried out on the basis of a social rehabilitation center for minors.

Events for parents and children are held free of charge, once a month.

Forms of the club's work: psychological trainings, leisure activities, consultations of the Center's specialists, excursions, etc.

Based on the results of each event held, the head of the club draws up a Certificate of Completion of Work, and draws up analytical reports on the results of the club's work on a quarterly basis and at the end of the year.


Funding is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the ICUSO "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors" and the KSV "MO Vsevolozhsky Municipal District of the Leningrad Region".

Expected Result:

- Improving legal literacy of parents of children with disabilities;

- Expanding the circle of communication between parents and children, overcoming social isolation, mutual assistance;

Overcoming stressful conditions by parents of children with disabilities without prejudice to mental and physical health;

Formation of an adequate attitude towards children with special needs;

Mastering the techniques of rehabilitation work with children at home;

Formation and organization of a healthy family life;

Organization of communication between children of different ages in order to enrich their social experience, as well as communication between their parents;

Instilling skills in organizing joint leisure activities for parents and children with disabilities.



Social Affairs Committee

MO "Vsevolozhsk Municipal District of the Leningrad Region"

Municipal government institution of social services "

"Social and rehabilitation center for minors"


Director of MCUSO "SRTSN"

Full name

Order No. ____ dated "____" ______ 2013


Parents' club

Children with disabilities

"We are together"

for 2013



The goals and objectives of the club


Providing social support to parents of children with disabilities in the rehabilitation, development and upbringing of disabled children;

Provision of psychological and legal assistance to parents of children with disabilities on the basis of a social rehabilitation center


1) Legal advice to parents.

2) Organization of joint leisure activities for parents and children with disabilities.

3) Teaching parents how to rehabilitate children with disabilities at home.

4) Psychological trainings.

5) Organization of active family outdoor recreation for parents and children with disabilities.

6) Lesson in a creative workshop, using the modeling of the system of social relations in a visual-effective form in special game conditions.

Club members:

- parents of children with disabilities living in the Vsevolozhsk region;

Children with disabilities between the ages of 1.5 and 18;

Center specialists (teacher-psychologist, lawyer-consultant, social teacher, etc.);


Organization of club activities

The work of the club is carried out on the basis of a social rehabilitation center for minors.

Events for parents and children are held free of charge, once a month.

Forms of the club's work: psychological trainings, leisure activities, consultations of the Center's specialists, excursions, etc.

Based on the results of each event held, the head of the club draws up a Certificate of Completion of Work, and draws up analytical reports on the results of the club's work on a quarterly basis and at the end of the year.


Funding is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the ICUSO "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors" and the KSV "MO Vsevolozhsky Municipal District of the Leningrad Region".

Expected Result:

- Improving legal literacy of parents of children with disabilities;

- Expanding the circle of communication between parents and children, overcoming social isolation, mutual assistance;

Overcoming stressful conditions by parents of children with disabilities without prejudice to mental and physical health;

Formation of an adequate attitude towards children with special needs;

Mastering the techniques of rehabilitation work with children at home;

Formation and organization of a healthy family life;

Organization of communication between children of different ages in order to enrich their social experience, as well as communication between their parents;

Instilling skills in organizing joint leisure activities for parents and children with disabilities.


Events of the club "We are together"

for 2013




Expected Result


"Law School of Parents"

Workshop for parents (benefits for families with children with disabilities)

Club leader,

lawyer-consultant, specialist of KSV "MO Vsevolozhsk municipal district of Leningrad region"

Improving legal literacy of parents of children with disabilities


"Brave knights and beautiful ladies!" (an interactive program dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8)

Club leader,

music director


"Healthy family"

Lesson in the gymnasium hall: teaching parents the methods of self-regulation.

Club leader,

senior honey. sister, educational psychologist

Overcoming stressful conditions by parents of children with disabilities without compromising mental and physical health


"School of caring parents"

Psychological training for parents by a teacher-psychologist, social teacher

Club leader,

educational psychologist

Formation of an adequate attitude towards their own sick children; teaching methods of rehabilitation work with children


"Let's give the earthly ball to the children!"

(collective trip to nature, family relay race dedicated to Family Day and Children's Day)

Organization of active family outdoor recreation for parents and children with disabilities

Club leader,

social teacher

Formation and organization of a healthy family life. Expanding the circle of communication between parents and children


Excursion to the Museum dedicated to the Day of Knowledge

Organizing joint leisure activities for parents and children with disabilities

Club leader,

social educator


"Workshop of good deeds" (making gifts)

Lesson in a creative workshop, using the modeling of the system of social relations in a visual-effective form in special game conditions.

Club leader,

labor instructor

Organization of communication between children of different ages in order to enrich their social experience, as well as communication between their parents during classes in a creative workshop


"Give good" (tea party dedicated to Mother's Day and International Day of Disabled Persons)

Organizing joint leisure activities for parents and children with disabilities

Club leader,

social educator

Expanding the circle of communication between parents and children, overcoming social isolation


"New Year's Adventures"

(family holiday)

Organizing joint leisure activities for parents and children with disabilities

Club leader,

music director

Instilling skills in organizing joint leisure activities for parents and children with disabilities

Communication club for disabled children

"Live like everyone else"

Club leader: Gordeeva Svetlana Ivanovna

Target: Development of socially significant qualities necessary for the adaptation and integration of people with disabilities into society, through the organization and operation of a communication club,providing comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assistance based on sensory stimulation.

Club tasks:

    • Overcoming the isolation of families with disabled children;
    • Social integration of disabled children into the environment of healthy peers;
    • Formation of new social ties;
    • Getting social skills;
    • Formation of skills of interaction with others;
    • Creation of conditions for the creative development of personality;
    • Creation of a positive emotional mood;
    • Relief of tension, anxiety;
    • Development of communication skills.

The target audience:

    • Disabled children living in families.
    • Families raising disabled children.
    • Healthy peers of disabled children and families with children who make up the social environment of families raising disabled children.

Directions within the club:

The program provides for the implementation, on an interdepartmental basis, of a set of sequential measures, including, inter alia:

formation of motivation in families raising disabled children and families with healthy children for interaction and mutual support;

education of families with disabled children of new social ties, creation of networks of mutual support for families raising disabled children and families with healthy children;

the acquisition by disabled children of social skills that contribute to their integration into the environment of healthy peers;

creation of a system of creative rehabilitation of disabled children by holding exhibitions of art and applied creativity with the simultaneous participation of children with disabilities and healthy children;

conducting individual and group developmental classes;

rehabilitation and provision of psychological and pedagogical services using sensory equipment.

Program description:

Positions of social work in relation to people with disabilities: a course has now been taken for their integration into society, in this the psychological atmosphere in the family is of no small importance. A network of rehabilitation centers is opening to help people with disabilities adapt in society; laws are being created that provide conditions for people with disabilities to live a full life in society, but at the same time, the process of social integration of children with disabilities is slow. As before, the majority of children with disabilities are in a situation of forced isolation. Children with disabilities experience significant difficulties in interacting with other children, families with disabled children are deprived of a real opportunity to establish constructive contacts with the social environment, therefore, a child with disabilities has only one way out: to sit at home and watch TV.

In this regard, there is a need to search for new ways of integrating people with disabilities into society. And the communication club, organized by the BU RA "USPN" Turochak region ", in this case is the best option for solving the problems of children with disabilities. So classes in the club give the child an opportunity not only to "go out", but also to acquire new knowledge, communication skills with others, and as a result, overcome their fears and complexes.

The communication club for disabled children is a cycle of events and creative activities aimed at achieving the set goals.

Work with a child and family is aimed at developing psychological and pedagogical characteristics and will be carried out in two directions: an individual child development program and group sessions.

Individual work will be carried out along the main lines of the child's development: social, physical, cognitive. The mode of training depends on the individual characteristics of the child, his interaction with the adults around him.

Group activities create the necessary space for interaction with other children and adults. Group lessons are developed for children taking into account their mental and physiological capabilities. Classes are conducted in a playful way, with the active participation of parents. Particular attention will be paid to the development of cognitive abilities, speech, emotional-volitional sphere, fine motor skills, dexterity and accuracy of movement. In our project, we assume that play and creative activities are the key methods, since playing, drawing, sculpting from dough and working with paper liberates a person, develops sensitivity and observation towards others, and therefore understanding; makes you struggle with complexes, teaches you not to dwell on your shortcomings.

Exercising in a sensory room will stimulate sensory development; compensation for sensory impressions; preservation and support of the individuality of the child through the harmonization of the inner world.

Taking into account the specifics of this category of people, group classes will be held at intervals of 2 times a month.

The final stage of the program in the decade of disabled people will be an exhibition of works in front of parents and other persons, an analysis of the work will be carried out. The event will end with a tea party for parents and children with disabilities. At the end of the work done in the Communication Club, the leader, together with disabled children and their parents, needs to draw up an album.

Expected results:

    • Improving social well-being and psychological climate in families raising disabled children.
    • Strengthening the physical and psychological health of children and adolescents with developmental and adaptation problems;
    • Improving psychological comfort and emotional well-being;
    • Improving the emotional state;
    • Reducing anxiety and aggressiveness;
    • Acceleration of recovery processes after illness;
    • Removal of nervous excitement and anxiety.

MKU "Social and rehabilitation center for minors" Nadezhda "of the Leninsk-Kuznetsk municipal district"


Director of MKU "Social and Rehabilitation

center for minors "Nadezhda"

Leninsk-Kuznetsky municipal district "

N.V. Pasynkov ___________________________

«________» _______________________________

Club program for parents raising children with disabilities


Compiled by:

Churilova M.V.,

social teacher

Karacheva E.Yu.,


Pos. Kleizavod

2015 g.

Explanatory note

The family is the natural environment that ensures the harmonious development and social adaptation of the child.

Families in which children with developmental disabilities are brought up face specific problems, experience difficulties in resolving them: incompetence in the upbringing and development of an abnormal child, parents' ignorance of elementary psychological and pedagogical knowledge for correctional education and upbringing of a child at home in an accessible way. its format; distortion of contacts with the surrounding society and, as a result, lack of support from society, etc.

The first, historically established, form of work of specialists (doctors, teachers and psychologists) with parents of children with developmental disabilities is the educational and educational direction. For a long time, when working with a family, attention was focused on the child himself, but not on the functioning of the family, not on its members who find themselves in a situation of psychological trauma, family stress and crisis.

A study of families raising a disabled child showed that parents of a sick child, with a high willingness to devote themselves to solving the child's problems, misunderstand (underestimate) the direct relationship between the state of the child and the whole family with the personal state of the parent, the importance of working with personal problems, so there is a need providing psychological assistance not only to a disabled person, but also to his relatives

The results of a questionnaire survey of parents to identify their interest in participating in the work of the Step Towards club showed that some of the parents surveyed do not express the need for psychological and pedagogical work with them and their families personally.

For parents who have a request to work with the specialists of the center, the group form of work turned out to be more in demand than the individual one. During the preliminary conversations, the parents expressed a desire to communicate with each other, as they have similar problems and are ready to share experiences and provide mutual assistance to each other.

That is, the multifaceted nature of the problems of a sick child forces parents to feel insufficient parental competence in matters of psychological and pedagogical influence on the child, which determines the content of their requests to specialists.

When drawing up the program of activities of the club "School for a parent of a special child", both the requests of the parents and the objectively available, but not indicated by the parents, need for personal psychological help and support were taken into account. The group form of work carries a powerful resource for solving problems, both pedagogical and psychological.

This program, leaving as a priority the issues of pedagogical education, includes the tasks of developing the psychological competence of parents in self-knowledge and cognition of the child, in the ability to help themselves in a stressful situation.

Purpose of the program

Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of upbringing, development and social adaptation of children with psychophysical disorders through psychological and pedagogical education; attraction of parents to cooperation in terms of common approaches to the upbringing and education of the child.


    to form in parents a positive perception of the personality of a child with developmental disorders;

    broaden the parents' vision of their parenting functions in

in relation to a child with disabilities;

    introduce parents to effective parenting methods

children's interaction, educational techniques necessary to correct the personality of the child;

    to form parents' motivation to interact with

by the specialists of the institution, participation in the meetings of the "Step Towards" club;

    promote the expansion of contacts with society, provide

the possibility of communication between parents with children with similar problems.

The program is designed for parents of children with disabilities. Participation in parenting meetings of other family members (grandmothers, grandfathers, other family members of a disabled child) is encouraged, given that they, as family members, influence the child and participate in his upbringing.

The term of the program is 1 academic year (then it can be continued).

Classes of the parent club are held approximately once a month (8-12 meetings).

The duration and time of one lesson is 1.5-2 hours.

It is assumed that the main composition of the group will be constant, this will allow parents to better understand the proposed material and to motivate parents for the practical use of knowledge in teaching and raising children at home.

The program is presented in the form of a list of topics of club meetings for parents and notes of the lessons of the "Step Towards" club (Appendices 1-6). During the academic year, the program can be adjusted depending on the requests and needs of the participants in club meetings.

Thematic lesson plan of the "Step Towards" club


lesson topic

targets and goals

"Acquaintance. Rights and benefits of disabled children and their families. Family parenting styles "


    Acquaintance with families raising disabled children.

    Presentation of MKU “Social shelter for children and adolescents“ Nadezhda ”, a story about the activities of the club“ We are together ”.

    Involvement of parents in cooperation in terms of common approaches to education and interaction with the child.


    Inform parents about the activities of the social institution.

    To acquaint the participants with the rights and benefits of disabled children and their parents.

    Provide information on parenting styles.

    Motivate parents to participate in the events held by the "We are Together" club.

    Create a favorable, welcoming atmosphere during the event using play techniques.

"Mother's love"



    Create an emotionally positive attitude to work together;

    Remove barriers to communication and move to open, trusting relationships;

    Show parents the degree of understanding of their child, help deeper understand their relationship with their children and emotionally enrich them.

"The body is like a mirror of the soul"


    Talk about the connection between emotional problems and a person's physical well-being.


    Contribute to the reduction of fatigue, anxiety, speech and muscle clamps, emotional stress.

    Contribute to strengthening emotional stability, improving mood.

"Why is my child angry?"


    Contributing to the improvement of parent-child relations and the formation of skills for effective interaction between mother and child


    to acquaint with the reasons for the appearance of aggressiveness;

    help the meeting participants in finding ways to overcome the aggressive behavior of children;

    to acquaint with the basic methods and techniques of interaction with children showing aggression.

"Children's provocations, or how to establish bans"


    Discussion of the problem of parent-child relations in the family, the rules for establishing prohibitions and the need for punishment.


    Discuss issues related to punishment, prohibitions, restrictions in the process of raising children.

    To work out the most acceptable ways of restrictions, prohibitions in the upbringing of children.

    Promote mood enhancement through communication games.

"Little manipulators"


    Contributing to the improvement of parent-child relations and the formation of skills for effective interaction between mother and child


    To acquaint the participants of the meeting with the concept of "child manipulation" and the reasons for its occurrence.

    Talk about the manifestations of children's manipulations and develop recommendations for solving this problem.

    Create an emotionally positive attitude to work together.

Lesson structure

The lesson consists of 3 blocks:

1 block: Introduction to the topic

The first block includes organizational and informational parts.

Organizational is aimed at creating an atmosphere of emotional closeness of the group members, inclusion in the topic of communication.

The informational part offers a mini-lecture on the indicated topic, which can be illustrated by watching video clips; recommendations for working with children in the practical part of the lesson; preparation of workplaces.

Block 2: Practical

It can be a workshop or a master class for parents, a child-parent workshop. Thus, parents learn practical skills for self-study with children. At the end of the parent-child class, the children return to their groups. In this regard, a child-parenting lesson involves preliminary thinking through organizational issues related to bringing children to class and returning them to groups after the practical part.

Block 3: Final

This is part of the active communication of all participants in the meeting and specialists about the information received and the experience gained, understanding what is happening, awareness of their response to specific situations, psychological and pedagogical interpretation of what was happening. The opportunity is given to reflect on one's position and style of interaction with the child.

The content and conditions for submitting information are of great importance for the formation of parents' desire to communicate with specialists and enter into cooperation for the sake of their child. Below is a list of techniques that can be used in different combinations in the structure of the lesson.

The content of the topic of the lesson can be revealed using different techniques:

    Mini-lecture - introduces the subject of the lesson, focuses on the issue under discussion, introduces new information on the problem.

    Parable - can be an epigraph or, conversely, a generalization to the topic; stimulus to the emergence of a discussion.

    Discussion - discussion of a topical issue; Typically, parents share personal experiences in solving problems or seek advice from the group.

    Watching videos to highlight the importance of the topic under discussion.

    Psychological exercise, training game - are included in any part of the lesson for a specific purpose. Beginning: to relieve tension, bring group members closer, to include in the topic of conversation. In the course of the lesson: to understand the topic under discussion through awareness of their states, sensations, emotions; mastering the techniques of relieving stress and harmonizing the emotional state. At the end: generalization of the topic or completion of the lesson (for example, a farewell ritual).

    Practical lesson (workshop) - mastering practical skills, acquaintance with correctional methods and techniques for working with children.

    Parent-child workshops - a joint productive activity that allows the parent to realize their positions, ways of interaction, cooperation with the child, their response to a situation when the child does not meet expectations; the practice of searching for methods and techniques to attract a child to activities, etc.

    Photo exhibitions for club activities, design of photo albums - information about the content of past club meetings, revitalizing the experience of participating in club activities, including those for children and parents; activation of positive emotions.

    Handouts (memo, manual, brochure, etc.) for the home methodical piggy bank - to consolidate the material, maintain interest.

Intended expected result

    The emergence of parents' interest in the child's development process, the desire and ability to see small, but important for the child, achievements.

    The participation of parents in the correctional educational process of the child with an understanding of the significance of this for their child; development of a sense of satisfaction from the successful application of their knowledge in the upbringing and development of a child.

    Increasing the activity of parents in matters of cooperation with the specialists of the institution; desire to participate in psychological and pedagogical events (club classes, psychological trainings, consultations, etc.).

    Expanding the circle of communication among the parents of the institution.


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