Why red eyes every morning. What to do if redness appears in the eyes after sleep? What diseases cause eye redness

A colossal load falls on the visual organs of each person. Mainly, if the work is connected with a computer, and spending free time, is reading your favorite book or watching movies and television programs.

Of course, this leads to changes in the appearance of the pupils and backs of the eye, which indicates the presence of diseases of this organ.

It is worth mentioning that most adults, in the morning after waking up, quite often face the problem of red eyes. The main thing is to remain calm in such cases. The reasons for the change in the color of the whites of the eyes can be the following:

  • not getting enough sleep;
  • staying in front of the computer until late;
  • overwork at work.

In order for the white of the eye after sleep to have a normal color, you need a full sleep, complete work on the computer for half an hour, before going to bed, and ventilate the bedroom before going to bed.

But, when the eyes have an inflamed red color for a long time, and not only after sleep, then you need to pay attention to this. After all, such a symptom may indicate the presence of a disease, and lead to visual impairment, or blindness.

Naturally, such a symptom does not always indicate the presence of an eye disease. Most often this happens due to banal, so to speak "everyday" reasons:

  • vasodilation in too bright sunlight;
  • overwork;
  • work in front of the monitor;
  • cold;
  • allergic reaction.

To remove redness, you must follow the rules of work in front of a computer monitor. And this is a good rest every forty-five minutes, with a change in the environment - walk a little and look out the window, leaving your eyes completely relaxed. This will disperse the blood in the vessels and the red eyes will disappear.

Elimination of allergic eye reactions

An allergic reaction of the body is manifested in most cases by prolonged reddening of the whites of the eye. Allergen tests can help determine the cause of an allergy. The main allergens are:

  • pollen of plants;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • smoke from cigarettes;
  • overstrain of the emotional background;
  • alcohol;
  • pet hair;
  • mold.

Also, an allergic reaction can manifest itself on contact lenses. By replacing the lenses with a product from another manufacturer, you can remove the manifestation of allergies. Or refuse to wear lenses in favor of glasses. Nowadays, choosing a stylish frame is not difficult.

Traditional medicine to eliminate redness of the eyes

In the recipes of traditional medicine, you can find methods to get rid of all of the listed factors of reddening of the whites of the eyes. Here are the most common ones.

Healing herbs - moisten cotton pads in a decoction of chamomile and put on closed red eyes.
From vegetables, they will perfectly remove redness - potatoes or cucumber. You need to put vegetables with a cut on the closed eyelid. You can also use pre-brewed ice cubes and tea bags.

But, it is necessary to use folk remedies, provided that there is no disease, and the symptoms appeared from external factors.

Why is self-medication of the eyes dangerous?

To help get rid of the redness of the whites of the eye after sleep, you can use various medicines and pharmaceuticals. There are several examples of such drugs:

  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes containing lutein;
  • tetracycline ointment.

It is worth recalling that self-medication can aggravate the situation. You can use medications only after visiting an ophthalmologist. He will conduct the necessary examination, possibly prescribe the necessary tests, and only after that he will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Types of eye diseases

The eyes are often prone to inflammatory and infectious diseases. Basically, the following ailments are diagnosed:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • blepharitis;
  • corneal ulcer, etc.

Each disease of the organs of vision requires immediate treatment, and only with accurate diagnosis and the right medication can you be cured for sure. It is best to entrust this process to an experienced ophthalmologist, and avoid consultation with pharmacists in pharmacies and a grandmother from the next doorway.

The main signs of the presence of various diseases are:

  • photophobia;
  • pain;
  • pain in the eyes and burning.

Each of these symptoms rules out allergies and fatigue. They appear individually or all at once.

The right approach to eye diseases

A doctor with sufficient experience will accurately diagnose the cause of the reddening of the white of the eyes in a short time, while prescribing the necessary treatment. It is worth noting that the likelihood of the need for surgery is high, but this is only in extreme severe cases. It should be remembered that the first step in treatment will be an urgent visit to the doctor, and then the correct treatment prescribed by him.

The human organs of vision are subject to great stress. Especially if you work at a computer, and in your free time you prefer to read or watch your favorite movies. Naturally, this affects the appearance of the pupils, proteins, etc., which may indicate the manifestation of certain diseases.

However, it is worth noting that many adults have met with such an effect as red eyes after sleep. In this case, you should not panic. After all, different factors can be the cause of the change in the color of proteins:

-Ÿ banal lack of sleep;

-Ÿ work late;

-Ÿ sitting at the computer before going to bed.

So that your eyes are not red after sleep, it is enough just to sleep the time necessary for a good rest, leave the computer at least half an hour before you go to bed and do not forget to ventilate the room.

But if you have red eyes all the time, and not only after sleep, then in this situation it is time to sound the alarm, because this may indicate the presence of certain diseases, some of which lead not only to a decrease in visual acuity, but can also cause complete blindness ...

When things are not so scary

Of course, this does not always indicate the presence of diseases of the organs of vision. In most cases, the reasons are more commonplace and even to some extent "everyday":

  • Ÿ bright sunlight, leading to vasodilation;
  • Ÿ fatigue;
  • Ÿ work at the computer;
  • Ÿ dust on the mucous membrane;
  • Ÿ cold;
  • Ÿ allergy to pollen, paint, etc .;

Don't forget about rest

To get rid of an unpleasant color, you should adhere to certain rules of work at the same computer. In most cases, remember to take breaks every forty-five minutes, leaving the workplace completely and allowing the organs of vision to fully relax. This will avoid stagnation of blood in the vessels.

How to identify an allergic reaction

If the gala is red constantly, then this may be, as mentioned above, a manifestation of an allergic reaction. Allergens can be identified through special tests. Most often, the organs of vision react to the following stimuli:

-Ÿ flower pollen;

-Ÿ some cosmetics;

-Ÿ stress, moral overload;

-Ÿ cigarette smoke;

-Ÿ a large portion of alcoholic beverages;

-Ÿ wool, including pets;

-Ÿ mold.

Quite often, people have an allergic reaction to conventional contact lenses. To get rid of it is quite simple - you need to change the lenses used for products from another manufacturer. Or even finally decide to wear glasses. Having picked up a stylish model that can add impressiveness is not a problem today.

Getting rid of the permanent red color of the eyes in any of the above cases is quite simple - traditional medicine gives a lot of advice on this matter. Let's consider the most popular and demanded ones.

  1. Compresses - cotton swabs are moistened in chamomile broth and applied to closed eyelids.
  2. A raw potato or cucumber is cut into slices and applied to closed eyelids for a few minutes.
  3. Ice cubes or pre-brewed tea bags are also great.

However, remember that these remedies should only be used if you know for sure that infections or any other diseases are not the reason why you have persistent red eyes.

You shouldn't be too independent.

It is possible to get rid of redness of the organs of vision by means of special medicines and means presented on the pharmacy shelves. In particular, the following can be distinguished:

-Ÿ narrowing blood vessels drops;

-Ÿ complexes of vitamins and minerals with lutein content;

-Ÿ tetracycline (namely ointment).

But in any case, if you decide to trust the achievements of modern pharmacology, it is not recommended to show excessive independence. Still, it is better to pre-consult with an ophthalmologist, who, after conducting examinations and identifying the true cause of the change in eye color, will select the most effective and adequate drug for you.

Various diseases of the organs of vision

The eyes are prone to a variety of diseases caused by inflammation or infection. In particular, the following are more common than other ailments:

-Ÿ conjunctivitis;

-Ÿ blepharitis;

-Ÿ glaucoma;

-Ÿ corneal ulcer and others.

All eye diseases require the earliest possible treatment, the effectiveness of which depends on the correct diagnosis and selected medications. And only experienced ophthalmologists can do this, but not pharmacists in a pharmacy, and even less your friends and colleagues.

The fact that you have this or that eye disease can be indicated by the following symptoms, which exclude banal fatigue or allergic reactions to various irritants:

-Ÿ photophobia;

-Ÿ burning or stinging.

How is the treatment carried out

The experience of the doctor will quickly diagnose the true cause of redness of the eyes and will be able to choose an adequate drug treatment. Although, it should be noted that in some cases, surgical intervention may also be needed, but there will be no cardinal and sad methods. In any case - first an urgent visit to the doctor, and only then treatment.

Eye redness is a familiar problem. It appears as a result of the expansion of the superficial vascular network in the eyes. The reasons for this phenomenon can be both harmless (fatigue, irritation to cosmetics), and serious diseases that require urgent medical attention.

Causes of redness of the eyes in the morning

Red eyes after sleep can be due to the following reasons:

  1. One-time random environmental factors, for example: bright daylight, strong wind, dry indoor air, tobacco smoke, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. As a rule, the problem of eye redness goes away in this case on its own without unnecessary intervention. It is recommended to wear sunglasses on sunny days. A humidifier must be installed in the room.
  2. The ingress of dust particles on the mucous membrane can also explain why the eyes are red in the morning. To cope with the problem, it is recommended to rinse them with plenty of cool running water during the morning wash.
  3. Foreign body that must be removed immediately, regardless of its size.
  4. Unsuitable, old or poorly cleaned contact lenses: Consult an ophthalmologist and temporarily replace lenses with glasses.
  5. After sleep, the red whites of the eyes are due to allergies: help consists in finding the allergen and eliminating it, as well as treating the underlying disease.
  6. Injury in the form of a scratch or impact. The redness will go away on its own after the wound has healed.
  7. Alcohol drunk the day before can also explain why your eyes are red after sleep.
  8. Increased stress on the organs of vision due to reading, TV or computer. All of these can cause tiredness and eye strain. To prevent this, it is necessary to control the time spent at the book, in front of the monitor or screen. A special eye exercise can also help.
  9. Not getting enough sleep. Perhaps this is the most popular reason why the whites of the eyes are red in the morning. To fix it, it is enough to get enough sleep, and the problem will go away by itself.
  10. Diseases in which fever appears, body temperature rises: for example, flu or SARS, runny nose. Together with recovery, the problem will go away on its own.
  11. Continuous crying. It is no secret that tears cause redness in the eyes. For it to pass faster, you need to go out into the fresh air and take a walk.
  12. Diseases of the eyes, such as blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelash follicles caused by a bacterial infection), conjunctivitis, corneal ulcer, glaucoma, uevitis (inflammation of the choroid of the eyes), asthenopia (rapid eye fatigue). In all these cases, the person must receive adequate and timely treatment.
  13. Psycho-emotional stress, stress. You need to consult with an experienced psychologist or psychotherapist, who will not only help relieve nervous tension and look at the world more calmly, but will also prescribe the necessary medications if necessary.
  14. Hypertension. An abnormally high blood pressure also causes red eyes in the morning. After its normalization, the symptoms of redness go away on their own.

So, the classic causes of red eyes in the morning have been listed. This list cannot be called complete, since everything is individual. There may be additional factors that are not typical for this problem, but still provoke eye redness.

Why is it dangerous?

There are many diseases that affect the appearance of the eyes. These are vegetative-vascular dystonia, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the spine, hypertension and much more. Therefore, it is important not just to get rid of redness in the eyes, but to undergo a comprehensive medical examination, which will help to identify the cause of the pathology and eliminate it.

Otherwise, red-eye is not a serious problem. It signals that you need to pay attention to health, daily routine, work and rest schedule, limit the time spent using modern gadgets.

What to do?

If the eyes turn red due to excessive stress, then it is necessary to enter pauses in work. With prolonged reading and working at the computer, you need to learn how to perform special exercises for the eyes, which will restore blood circulation in the organs of vision and relieve fatigue. After doing the exercises, you can apply cotton pads soaked in strong tea leaves to your eyes.

If a strong wind, dry indoor air or contact lenses are the culprit for redness, you need to moisturize your eyes with special drops.

Regular frequent redness of the eyes is a reason for the obligatory visit to an ophthalmologist. It is impossible to cure diseases of the organs of vision on your own, because often there is a need for the selection of antibiotics. To eliminate the problem, the doctor also prescribes vasoconstrictor and antiallergic agents, as well as rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs.

When is it necessary to visit a doctor?

If the eyes remain reddened for more than 2-3 days, and symptoms such as mucous and purulent discharge, itching, swelling, pain in the eyes and changes in visual acuity have joined this condition, you need to see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. The specialist will carry out diagnostic manipulations, find out the cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Self-medication of eye diseases is excluded. Each pathological condition has its own reason, having found out which the specialist and prescribes the proper treatment. Not all conditions require a banal correction of the daily routine and eye care, some of them need to be treated under the supervision of an ophthalmologist and in a hospital setting.


It is no secret that many people, at the first symptoms of any malaise, begin to self-medicate and self-prescribe drugs to themselves, without understanding the cause of the disease. As a result, they still end up with a doctor, but with complications and advanced pathology.

Some consult with a pharmacist in a pharmacy in order to get the coveted medicine and bypass the doctor's office due to being busy or banal unwillingness. But a pharmacist cannot examine a person and receive detailed information about his health only on the basis of a patient's complaints. This is also considered self-medication, which is dangerous to the health of the organs of vision.

To successfully cure the problem of redness of the eyes, you need to visit an ophthalmologist in time, who, based on the history, patient complaints and laboratory diagnostics, will be able to find out the etiology of the disease and choose an effective treatment strategy. The specialist will conduct visometry, refractometry, measure intraocular pressure and prescribe biomicroscopy. If necessary, Schirmer tests, tomography and much more can be performed.

Only a comprehensive diagnosis will help to find out the cause of red eyes after sleep and choose the appropriate treatment.


Treatment of redness of the eyes will directly depend on the cause of this pathological condition. Both medications and traditional medicine recipes can be used. Less often, there is a need for surgical intervention, usually this happens with glaucoma - a pathological increase in intraocular pressure.

Medication is chosen by an ophthalmologist, it consists in the use of the following means:

  • drops with the effect of vasoconstriction: Vizin, Murin;
  • complexes of vitamins for eyes with lutein: Lutein complex, Ocuwaite Lutein Forte;
  • moisturizing drops aimed at stimulating blood circulation: Vizin, Systane Ultra;
  • antibacterial agents in case of eye infection: Tetracycline ointment, etc.

With visual overstrain, puffiness and redness of the eyes and eyelids, you can use folk methods that will restore blood circulation and eliminate the existing symptoms of ailment:

  • compresses from tea bags;
  • applying ice based on herbal decoctions;
  • compresses with oak bark and chamomile;
  • compresses from grated raw potatoes or slices of fresh cucumber.


To keep your gaze clear and clean, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • to fully rest, alternating not only the mode of work and rest, but also enough sleep - at least 8 hours a day;
  • exclude possible irritants, such as allergens, preservatives, flavors and dyes, from their environment (they can be found not only in food, but also in items of care, cosmetics, etc.);
  • carefully follow the rules for the care and use of contact lenses;
  • take off makeup before bed.

There are many reasons for the appearance of red eyes in the morning, and only an ophthalmologist can find out why the problem arose in a particular case. If the redness does not go away for more than 2 days, and it is complemented by alarming symptoms in the form of pus, pain and swelling, you should urgently seek medical help.

Useful video about redness of the whites of the eyes

Red eyes after sleep, the reasons for which we will consider in the article, are an unpleasant symptom that causes discomfort and spoils the appearance. Redness is noticeable to others and can be perceived incorrectly, causing the wrong impression about the person. In order to avoid problems and consequences, find out why this happened and take action.

Redness can affect different parts of the organs of vision: the eyeball, mucous membranes, or the skin of the eyelids. The manifestation is often accompanied by other symptoms: edema, purulent discharge, swelling, discomfort, a feeling of sand or burning in the eyes, blurred vision, increased lacrimation, itching.

Signs often occur after sleep on awakening, since at this time of day the effect of light is pronounced, which is clearly felt after a dark night. Opening his eyes, a person exposes them, making them vulnerable to external factors. At night, the eyelids protected the eyeballs, the sensations were dulled, but in the morning hours they reappear and intensify.

Factors causing redness

Redness of the eyes provokes the influence of the following factors:

  • Wearing contact lenses. They partially cover the eyeballs, disrupt the natural respiration of the mucous membranes, and cause drying out. If you wear the lenses constantly, daily and most of the day, the result will be redness, itching, discomfort, and pain. Improper and careless wearing will worsen the situation: careless extraction, untimely cleaning.
  • Careless application of cosmetics. If eyeshadow or mascara gets into the eyes, it will irritate the mucous membranes and protein membranes - the sclera.
  • The presence of a foreign body: specks, eyelashes, particles of clothing. A small object will irritate the mucous membranes, provoke redness. The normal physiological reaction to a foreign body will be increased lacrimation, which is necessary to remove excess moisture and litter.
  • Injury. Workers of workshops, factories and industrial enterprises, children encounter this cause of the symptom. During the production process, it is possible for solid particles to enter the organs of vision. And the baby can inadvertently get his finger in the eye. Trauma will damage the mucous membranes or small vessels penetrating protein, provoke redness and hyperemia - tissue overflow with blood.
  • Exposure to unfavorable environmental factors: direct sunlight, heat or cold, wind, dust, smoke. They negatively affect tissues, irritating and damaging them.

  • Long-term work at the computer and similar devices, long reading, watching TV. The blinking of the monitor and small letters make the eyes tense. An increase in the tone of the eye muscles provokes a rush of blood to the eyeballs, because of which they begin to swell and redden. After increased stress and overstrain of the muscles, the head may hurt, and there may be a bursting in the forehead.
  • Constant lack of sleep, lack of sleep, insomnia. At night, when closed, the eyes relax, rest, and recover. If they are open at night, the process of regeneration and normalization of tone will become more correct, which will negatively affect the tissues of the organs of vision.
  • Alcohol abuse. The ethanol in alcohol alters the tone and functioning of the blood vessels. Frequent alcohol consumption damages the capillary walls, making them thin. Therefore, the "calling card" of many people suffering from alcoholism is red and puffy eyes.
  • Smoking. Firstly, nicotine adversely affects blood vessels, and secondly, tobacco smoke and the substances contained in it have an aggressive effect on the mucous membranes, irritating them.
  • Prolonged crying before bed. Crying, a person intensifies the release of tears, and the salt in its composition, which gets on the organs of vision in large quantities, has an irritating effect. The situation is aggravated by active friction of the eyelids.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene. If you do not remove cosmetics before going to bed, do not wash after waking up, do not promptly remove the mucus accumulating in the corners (people call it "dream books"), the eyes will redden and itch.

Diseases accompanied by redness

If, after sleeping in the morning, the whites of the eyes are red, this may be a signal of diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis- inflammation of the conjunctiva (a transparent membrane lining the mucous membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelids and the outer part of the sclera). The disease is common among children and develops due to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. With conjunctivitis, suppuration, hyperemia, pain, burning sensation, increased lacrimation are observed. The affected eye can become severely swollen and reddened, covered with purulent streaks. The pus will cause the eyelids to stick together, making it difficult and painful to open the eyes after sleep. The disease can be diagnosed in an adult, schoolchild or baby.
  • Blepharitis... In this disease, the inflammatory process affects the edge of the eyelid on both sides and starts after the penetration of infectious agents through the damaged tissue.
  • Uveitis characterized by inflammation of the vascular membranes of the eyeballs. Symptoms: watery eyes, redness, a feeling of a cloudy film or fog in the eyes, photophobia. The disease is dangerous and, in the absence of timely treatment, can lead to blindness.
  • Colds often accompanied by increased activity of the glands of the mucous membranes, secretion of mucus from the nose, lacrimation, redness of the eyes. The organs of vision are involved in the process, as they are located next to the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms go away on their own as they recover.
  • Hypertension... Increased pressure can affect large blood vessels and small capillaries that penetrate the organs of vision. With an increase in the level, redness of the eyeballs, increased heart rate, pulsation in the temples are observed.
  • Glaucoma- a group of diseases of the organs of vision, accompanied by changes in intraocular pressure (increase), disturbances in the field of view, decrease in acuity, gradual atrophy of the optic nerves. Typical manifestations: a veil or fog in front of the eyes, a cloudy image, pain and cramps, tension, iridescent circles when looking at light sources.
  • Allergy... If allergens get on the mucous membranes of the eyes or in the nose, reactions lead to reddish, watery eyes.

  • Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) diagnosed in adolescents and adults and is accompanied by a number of disorders in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Signs are numerous and affect many human organs, including the eyes.
  • Diabetes provokes the development of diabetic retinopathy - a complication that provokes damage to the retina of the eyeballs
  • Malignant tumors are common in young children. In the first stages, the child has no symptoms, then the affected eyeball enlarges, becomes covered with a vascular network, and begins to swell. With retinoblastoma (retinal cancer), the diagnosis can be made by photographs of the baby, in which the pupils will brighten, glow, reflect the flash of the camera.
  • Increased intracranial pressure observed with disorders of the brain, neoplasms.
  • Diseases of the cervical spine... Through the vessels passing through the neck, blood rushes to the brain and the organs of vision, and when they are squeezed, the eyes will experience a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients, and will not cope with the stress.

Dangerous consequences

In itself, redness in the morning after waking up is not dangerous, but the consequences depend on why the symptom arose. Redness sometimes signals serious disturbances in the functioning of the body's systems, and if problems are not addressed in a timely manner, the situation will worsen.

If redness accompanies eye diseases, the lack of treatment will provoke a decrease in visual acuity, up to blindness. When the organ begins to fester and swell, this signals inflammation. If not stopped in time, it will spread to the optic nerves and subsequently spread to the surrounding tissues.


If after sleep you often feel "sand" in reddened eyes, this is a reason to see a doctor. The ophthalmologist will conduct an examination and diagnostic procedures to examine the fundus, measure intraocular pressure. Methods used: refractometry, biomicroscopy, perimetry, Schirmer tests, visometry, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography.

If the ophthalmologist does not find any disturbances in the functioning of the organs of vision, he will refer the patient to other specialists: cardiologist, endocrinologist, allergist, oncologist, neurologist.


Treatment depends on the cause of the redness and may include the following:

  • Drops with a moisturizing effect: "Natural Tear", "System Ultra", "Vizin".
  • For bacterial infections, local preparations with an antibacterial effect are recommended.
  • If the eye hurts and begins to watery due to inflammation of a viral nature, drugs based on interferons - "Oftalmoferon" are prescribed.
  • It is useful to take vitamin complexes: Complivit Oftalmo, Aevit, Ocuwaite Lutein Forte, Askorutin, Lutein Complex.
  • Massage will help get rid of stress and fatigue. Wash your hands, warm your palms and touch their ribs to your eyelids ten times. Massage your closed eyes with your fingertips in a gentle circular motion. Stroking is helpful.
  • In addition to the main therapy, use folk remedies. Compresses made from teabags soaked in warm water are effective. Apply cotton pads soaked in herbal decoctions and ice cubes made from infusions to the eyelids. Plants such as oak bark, chamomile, sage, string, green tea are useful.


Preventive measures:

  1. When wearing lenses, follow the rules of care for them, regularly moisturize your eyes with specialized drops ("Likontin").
  2. Eyes can become sore due to environmental factors, so protect yourself by wearing sunglasses and blocking wind and dust from your eyes.
  3. Get enough sleep, sleep at least eight hours.
  4. Do not rub your eyes with unwashed hands.
  5. Eat right, take vitamins if you are lacking in nutrients.
  6. While working at the computer or reading, arrange rest, warm-ups.

For your information! Treatment and prevention can include gymnastics. Exercise should be done daily before going to bed and after waking up.

There are numerous techniques, but the technique developed by Norbekov has many positive reviews. The technique is as follows:

  1. Sit with your head straight, look up, then down.
  2. Move your gaze from left to right and vice versa.
  3. Draw with your eyes the figures of butterflies, circles, eights.
  4. Look at the tip of your nose for half a minute.
  5. Bring your finger to your nose and look at it. Remove your finger while continuing to hold your gaze. Move your hand without taking your eyes off it.

To properly treat redness of the eyes, you need to find out why the symptom arose. Redness can be a sign of eye and other diseases, so get tested, find out the diagnosis, and start the therapy prescribed by your doctor.

Sleep is vital for a person. After a full night's rest, the body gets new strength and energy.

Red eyes after sleep are not uncommon, but rather unpleasant. There are many reasons for this, ranging from the physiological characteristics of a person to the manifestation of serious ailments. In any case, if the problem is persistent, you need to seek the advice of a doctor.

In today's article, we will find out the cause of the reddening of the whites of the eyes after sleep, we will learn about diagnostic methods, ways to solve the problem and preventive measures.

Possible causes of redness in the eyes in the morning

Red eyes in humans appear due to an increase in capillaries. In a normal state, these vessels cannot be seen without special devices with magnifying glasses.

The causes of red eyes after sleep can be different. All of them are divided into external and internal.

If external reasons can be treated superficially, do not turn to specialists, then with internal things the situation is different. It is not always possible to cope with them without the help of an ophthalmologist.

All internal causes are directly related to various diseases. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Uveitis. This ailment is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. The reason is infection. Protein redness is the most prominent symptom. In addition, a person has heaviness in the eyes, cramps, pain, and vision deteriorates. If treatment is not started on time, the patient develops complications in the form of cataracts, complete loss of visual functions.
  • Various infectious diseases, for example, influenza, ARVI. In this case, strong pressure is exerted on the fundus, the capillaries increase. As soon as the ailment passes, the redness disappears.
  • Glaucoma. This disease usually affects the elderly. Eye pressure increases, the angle of vision decreases, a person can completely lose sight. For this ailment, doctors often offer laser or surgical treatment.
  • Conjunctivitis. The patient has purulent discharge from the eyes. This ailment must be treated without fail so that the disease does not go into the acute stage.
  • Hypertension. With increased pressure in a person, blood vessels in the eyes can often burst. To get rid of this problem, you need to normalize and control blood pressure.
  • Astigmatism. It appears when the eye lens is deformed. The person does not see objects clearly. Treatment is carried out in most cases with laser correction.

In addition to internal factors, there are external ones:

  • Constant eye fatigue. Especially often it manifests itself in people who spend a lot of time at the computer.
  • Reaction to strong wind or dust.
  • Improper use of contact lenses. If you use lenses, try to create the right microclimate in the room. Drying of air, long-term use of air conditioners and heaters is not allowed.
  • Seasonal allergic reactions.
  • Tears or intense stress.
  • Lack of sleep.

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What is the danger

Reddish eyes after sleep is a problem faced by many. If it is fickle, there are no accompanying symptoms, then you should not worry ahead of time. Perhaps a person just needs extra rest and good sleep.

But there are times when it is impossible to delay the visit to the doctor. With many ailments, irreversible processes can occur in the eye tissues that lead to serious problems.

In any case, you need to go through the necessary diagnostics, check the condition of the lens, fundus, capillaries. If you do not consult a doctor in time, you can face serious complications, up to and including loss of vision.

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What to do in such a situation

Redness of the eyes after sleep can be caused by external factors. What to do in this case? First of all, to eliminate the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon.

You also need to restore the condition of the capillaries. For this, eye drops and ointments are suitable. The most popular and effective are the following:

  1. Visin. Drops relieve fatigue, redness, moisturize the mucous membrane.
  2. "Optiv". A great replacement for tears. It moisturizes the mucous membrane well. It is worth instilling a few drops a day into the inner corner of the eye.
  3. "Vitabakt". Possesses antimicrobial, disinfectant effect. Can be used even for children.

For people who spend a lot of time at the computer, experts recommend using drugs of the "Artificial Tear" type. Drops will remove redness, heaviness in the eyes, moisturize the mucous membrane. You can use this tool several times a day.

  • "Askorutin". In common people, vitamin A.
  • Belladonna. Very often prescribed when conjunctivitis occurs.
  • Arsenic Album. Removes discomfort in the eye area, can help cope with blepharitis (an ailment in which there is excessive swelling of the eyelids).
  • "Aconite". Perfectly helps with mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the eye. Quickly relieves inflammation, redness.

Advice! If accompanying symptoms are added to the redness of the eyes after sleep (increased body temperature, burning sensation, itching, purulent discharge), you should immediately go to the hospital and consult an ophthalmologist.

When to see a doctor

In what cases it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist:

  1. The following symptoms are added to the redness of the eyes after sleep: headache, turning into a constant migraine, nausea, vomiting. These signs may indicate serious illnesses: glaucoma and hypertension, which often cause a heart attack or stroke.
  2. The redness does not go away within a few days. At the same time, drugs like "Vizin" do not give a positive effect.
  3. Discharge begins to form in the eyes, often purulent.
  4. A foreign body has entered the eye and cannot be removed on its own.
  5. a smear, which is examined under a microscope to detect bacteria or other microorganisms;
  6. lacrimal fluid intake;
  7. general blood analysis.
  8. In some cases, you may need to see other doctors (dentist, pediatrician, ENT).

    Opinion of doctors

    Doctors insist that if any changes in the eye organs appear, you should immediately consult a specialist. He will conduct a full examination, discover the cause, and prescribe treatment.

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