Neck pain causes treatment. Neck hurts all the time. Conservative treatment for neck pain

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Causes of pain

Feelings that neck hurts, every third adult suffers. The structure of the neck is such that it is quite vulnerable to injury and various diseases. The constant movement and pressure of the head leads to pain and dysfunction of the cervical vertebrae. During the day, a person makes approximately 500 different neck movements. Nerves pass through the neck, transmitting impulses from the brain to the entire body. Most often, with pain in the neck, the cause should be sought in the muscles. These are the scalene, trapezius, and levator scapula muscles. They are involved in the movement of not only the head, but also the hands.

Pain in the neck, arm and back of the head - it may be osteochondrosis

In this disease, the nerve is compressed by articular surfaces or displaced vertebrae. Pain may radiate to the arm, back of the head, or temple.
The main reason for the development of osteochondrosis is a sedentary lifestyle. Pain in the head and neck is explained by the fact that the blood supply to the brain tissue is deteriorating. Sometimes the pain "shoots" in the hand.

For the diagnosis of osteochondrosis, one examination of the patient is often enough. But usually an x-ray is also prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.
Effective methods of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis are physiotherapy, cervical stretching with the help of special devices, manual therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants.

To prevent osteochondrosis of the cervical region, you should move more, give up bad habits ( smoking impairs blood supply to tissues), monitor your posture, as the incorrect position of the spine accelerates dystrophic processes in its tissues.

Muscles ache - blew

This happens often. Actions for pain in the neck caused by a draft are similar to those performed if the neck hurts after an uncomfortable sleep. You need to take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Your best bet is ibuprofen. This drug is very strong, at the same time it is most widely used for relieving muscle pain.

In addition, you should rub your neck with a cream with a warming and analgesic effect. Such a drug will improve blood circulation in the affected muscles. Over the neck should be wrapped with a warm scarf. It is best to do the procedure at night.
You can make a compress with vodka or calendula tincture. The tincture should be diluted three times with water, otherwise the alcohol will burn the skin. A cellophane tape should be applied over the cloth moistened with alcohol, and then wrapped around the neck with a warm scarf.
Usually such pain, even without any treatment, disappears within 2 to 7 days. If after a week the neck hurts, you need to visit a doctor.

Neck and head hurt - could it be hypertension?

The most common causes of pain in the neck and occipital part of the head:
1. If the back of the head and neck hurt in the morning, then this may be a sign of hypertension.
2. Often, a similar symptom is a sign of chronic stress. Mental tension often causes headaches, pain in the neck and shoulders. More often, such phenomena are observed in representatives of the weaker sex from 30 years.

3. Intellectual or physical overstrain, which often appears during prolonged work in an uncomfortable position. This phenomenon is typical for drivers as well as office workers.
4. Many diseases of the cervical spine cause pain in the neck and neck. In such cases, the pain appears more often when moving the head. Sprains, spondylitis, osteochondrosis, subluxations of the intervertebral joints - this is an incomplete list of all diseases.
5. Very severe pain in the neck and neck are caused by the growth of osteophytes - bone growths on the vertebral body. A similar disease is called spondylosis. Some believe that this is the deposition of excess salts. However, this is a false belief. In fact, the disease is caused by a change in the quality of elastic tissues. It usually affects the spondylosis of the elderly, but can also develop in younger people with a low level of physical activity.
6. Myogelosis - with this disease, muscle tissues become denser. Its signs are observed after a draft, with incorrect posture, with a long stay in an uncomfortable position ( e.g. after sleep) after stress. Myogelosis manifests itself in pain in the neck, shoulders, dizziness, pain in the back of the head.
7. Neuralgia of the occipital nerve - often causes pain in the neck and back of the head, in the ears, back and lower jaw. The pain pierces during coughing, turning the head, sneezing. Such patients try to rotate their head less to reduce pain.

Shoulder and neck pain

The reason for most of these complaints is a long non-physiological position of the body during sleep.
It also often happens to those who are used to carrying a heavy bag on one shoulder. Muscles spasm and movements become constrained, as they cause pain.
It is better to change the bag for a backpack, which evenly loads both shoulders and does not warp the figure.

To prevent such pain, you should constantly control your posture while sitting, walking and wearing something heavy. You should be especially careful while sleeping, as a bad pillow often causes pain in the shoulders and neck.
The neck and shoulder also hurt after shock loads during training. Muscles need to be relaxed and, at the first sign of stress, immediately remove it. All stretching exercises are very useful.

The child has

Neck pain in children and adolescents is most often caused by other factors than in adults. So, it may be cervical lymphadenitis - a complication of severe tonsillitis. The neck can also hurt with many infections, for example, polio, meningitis, pneumonia. It can be neoplasms, and hemorrhages, and abscesses.

With pain in the back of the neck, the cause may be acute torticollis or early rheumatoid arthritis.
If a child complains of neck pain for a long time, you should not try to solve the problem yourself. Perhaps a consultation with a pediatrician will help to quickly detect the disease and eliminate it.

Detection of the disease and competent treatment, including the use of physiotherapy, massage, medicines will help prevent the development of complications and eliminate the disease.

Pain when swallowing and fever

The neck hurts, it is difficult to swallow, the body temperature rises - these are symptoms of a subacute form of thyroiditis. Symptoms of the disease appear acutely - the condition worsens sharply, the head hurts, shivering, the patient becomes lethargic. The pain radiates to the head, ears, and worsens when turning the head. When probing the thyroid gland, it is clearly enlarged, probing causes pain, the heart rhythm goes astray, the patient sweats. The body in the projection of the thyroid gland is swollen and red. At the same time, nearby lymph nodes are in a normal state. The patient's body temperature increases to 38 and even 40 degrees. With such symptoms, you should immediately call an "ambulance" and send the patient for treatment to the hospital. Today, there are opportunities to completely cure the disease. It can last up to two years.

Sore and swollen neck

Swelling in the neck may be swollen lymph nodes. The cause may be nearby inflammation: a sore throat, a bad tooth, inflamed gums. Infectious mononucleosis, as well as measles, causes swelling and soreness of the lymph nodes in the neck, both on the lateral surfaces and on the front.

During pregnancy

Neck pain can also occur during pregnancy. The main cause of these pains is a violation of posture, which is necessarily observed in the second half of pregnancy. The head takes a more forward-leaning position, and the chin is directed towards the chest. This position causes the muscles of the neck to tense up, and it begins to hurt.

In a healthy person, the spine bends forward in the neck area. This phenomenon is called lordosis. In the position - the head is straight, the person feels comfortable, and the vertebrae are in place. If the head is slightly lowered forward, discomfort immediately appears - the muscles tense up. Often during pregnancy, pain in the neck is combined with pain in the back, shoulder blades, shoulders and arms, fingers may go numb. In most cases, the pain is caused by an uncomfortable bed or pillow. But sometimes it can be an injury, then you should contact an orthopedist. You need to be very careful about the position of the body while sitting, lying and walking. If the expectant mother is still working, then special attention should be paid to her work chair. It must be with a headrest so that you can fully lean on the back, including the back of the head.

A few simple tips to help avoid neck pain during pregnancy:

  • you should sit as straight as possible, and massage your neck or do exercises every 60 minutes,
  • do not bend the lower back in a sitting position. You can put a small pillow under the lower back with a thickness of up to 15 cm,
  • it is desirable to keep the head straight and not stretch the neck. To relax it from time to time, you should pull it back as much as possible, fix the position for 5 seconds, and then relax,
  • do the same exercise, only stretch your head as far forward as possible,
  • For comfortable sleep, you should choose a good pillow. It should completely fill the void between the head and the bed. In this case, the spine should be horizontal, not curved. It is most convenient to sleep on your side, placing a flat pillow under your stomach. You can also put it between your knees.

Pain with VSD

VVD - vegetative-vascular dystonia - is a fairly common disease among the population of developed countries. Ailments are caused by a malfunction in the work of vegetative functions: respiration, blood circulation, urination, sweating ... Vegetative-vascular dystonia affects the entire body and its manifestations are very diverse.
One of the manifestations of VVD is pain in the back, neck, hands, numbness of the fingers. Treatment with massage brings relief for a while, but soon the malaise returns.

If the neck hurts due to vegetative-vascular dystonia, the patient, along with pain, feels lethargy, fatigue, palpitations, a feeling of suffocation, pressure surges, headache. Most often, such patients have poor circulation in the feet and hands, so they are cold and may be wet. There may also be shortness of breath.

The causes of VSD can be heredity, disruption of the autonomic nervous system, stress, diseases of the endocrine glands, neurological disorders, physical overwork, or vice versa, a complete lack of exercise, as well as external factors, such as climate change or weather.

Which doctor should I contact for pain?

You should contact the following specialists:
  • Therapist,
  • Traumatologist,
  • ENT doctor.

What to do?

1. Charger. Lots of options. You can simply “write” numbers from one to ten with your nose in the air.
2. Take painkillers. They should not be taken on an empty stomach, as all pain medications adversely affect the gastric mucosa.
3. Rub especially painful places. This will help relieve muscle tension. You should press on the most painful places, press and hold your fingers for a couple of minutes.
4. Choose only chairs with high backs and firmly rest on them with your entire back.
5. Apply cold compresses ice wrapped in a towel) or vice versa rub with warming ointments. It's a matter of taste. Ice helps some, warm compresses for the night help others.
6. For pain in the neck, you should eat fatty sea fish, as well as 1 tablespoon of flax oil. These foods are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, they relieve inflammation and pain. Of course, one should not expect a miracle and the pain will not go away immediately after eating, but after a while it will definitely become easier.
7. Brew willow bark - it relaxes muscle spasms, relieves inflammation, pain. Willow bark contains a natural analogue of aspirin. Valerian will also help - it is wonderfully relaxing.
8. If the neck hurts due to osteoarthritis, then you should use glucosamine. It is produced in the human body, but in older people the amount decreases. Therefore, it is desirable to regulate its level artificially.
9. For the normal functioning of the cervical vertebrae, you should keep your head straight: the crown should be directed upwards. Even during work, do not lower your chin.


1. Position - sitting on a chair with a high back. The thumbs should be on the cheekbones, the others on the back of the head. Try to press your head on the fingers holding the back of your head. Hands should press on the back of the head. Press for 6 - 8 seconds, relax and press a few more times.
2. The position is the same. Smoothly and slowly move the head as far back as possible, the gaze looks forward, you can support the chin with your hand and set the direction.
3. Position - sitting, take your head back. Throw it back as far as possible, gently turn it to the left and right in this position, holding it at the end point.
4. Position - lying on a flat bed. Press the back of your head into the bed, look up at the ceiling. Fix the position and relax.
5. Position - lying on the back, on the bed, upper body ( head and shoulders) hanging from the bed. The palm under the back of the head, lower the head as much as possible down from the bed, turn it gently to the left and right sides.
6. Position - sitting on a chair. Turn your head to the right, then to the left, turn only in the direction that hurts. You can gently press on the head and help her.

Each exercise should be done up to 10 times. The order of them should not be changed, since they all complement each other.

Shiatsu massage

The patient sits on a chair, the massage therapist stands behind.
  • Put your palms on your shoulders and slowly press harder,
  • hold the patient’s forehead with the left hand, gently massage the muscles of the back of the neck with the right hand from top to bottom,
  • gently and not very intensively press the dimple at the base of the skull with your thumb, move towards the base of the neck, with the other hand make a similar movement on the back of the neck,
  • with both hands, slowly press on the muscles between the shoulder blades on both sides of the spine, you can press until discomfort appears,
  • to relax the hands, quickly massage the muscles of the hands from top to bottom several times.

Folk remedies

1. Apply a compress with alder leaves, burdock, cabbage or coltsfoot to the sore surface of the neck.
2. Cut nettles and apply to the sore surface of the neck every day at night.
3. Make warm lotions with chamomile, horsetail, elderberry. Greens can also be used for lotions in a steamed form.
4. Take 100 gr. lilac buds and 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka. Pour the kidneys with alcohol and keep in a dark place for 14 - 21 days. Do lotion with the drug on a sore spot, you can also do a massage.
5. Laurel oil can be purchased ready-made at a pharmacy. Mix 1 liter of warm water and 10 drops of oil. Dip the fabric in the preparation and make a compress for 20 minutes. Quickly relieves neck pain.
6. Take a young burdock root, finely chop, into 1 tbsp. raw materials take 200 ml of boiling water, let stand for 2 hours. Drink 100 ml. 3 times a day after a meal for 14 days.

After the impact

If a person has lost consciousness after a fall, a car accident, or hitting his head on the bottom of a body of water, he may have a neck injury.
Neck pain can be a sign of a cervical vertebrae fracture. But if the victim is given first aid correctly, he will recover and be healthy. But if help is provided illiterately, a rupture of the spinal cord may occur, which is already fraught with paralysis. At the slightest suspicion of a neck or spine injury, the victim should not be shifted and it is not even advisable to move his head. Wrong movement can cause death of a person.

When complaining of pain in the neck, you should carefully look into the mouth of the victim, gently raising his chin. If there are any foreign objects in the mouth, remove them. Then count the pulse and check if he is breathing. In no case should the head of the victim be tilted back, even if he is not breathing. The mouth should be opened only by moving the lower jaw.
If a person has not lost consciousness, you should ask him if there is a feeling of lethargy and tingling in the limbs, whether they move.
After that, of course, you need to urgently seek qualified medical help.

In the human body, everything is interconnected, and any disease or pain does not arise just like that, there must be some kind of push to blame for this. In the rhythm of modern life, a person is used to not treating pain and not going to a doctor, hoping that the pain will eventually go away by itself. Such an unpleasant ailment as neck pain often occurs in office workers, athletes and people with a sedentary or stagnant lifestyle, as well as after excessive physical exertion. When the neck hurts, of course, you don’t need to endure, because the sooner treatment begins, the faster you can get rid of pain and discomfort.

The structure of the neck

In the human body, everything is interconnected and, of course, the normal functioning of the neck is impossible without a healthy spinal cord and spine. The neck is the beginning of the spinal column and consists of seven cervical vertebrae. The movement of the head is possible due to a large number of muscles and ligaments, and when the work of one or another muscle is disrupted, in this case we can talk about pain syndrome. The composition includes the following components:

  1. Trapezius muscles - involved in the movement of the shoulder blades.
  2. Belt muscles - thanks to them, you can easily move your neck forward and backward, as well as tilt your head.
  3. The scapularis is the junction of the scapula with the spinous process.
  4. The extensor muscle is one of the longest muscles, running from the sacrum to the bones of the head, passing through the entire spinal column.

Muscle contraction is possible with the help of nerves and their neck includes three types:

  1. Motor nerves are able to contract on their own without any help.
  2. Sensory nerves are able to sense various movements and manipulations.
  3. The phrenic nerves supply the diaphragm.

With the help of blood vessels, the neck is filled with oxygen, tissues and cells are protected from death. Naturally, a violation of blood flow can lead to the appearance of tumors and other neoplasms.

Types of pain

Neck pain is characterized by various types and characteristic sensations. The neck in the human body performs an important motor function, it makes it possible to turn the head and increase visibility. It also connects the head and spinal column, keeping the body upright. If the neck hurts, then it can even be from an awkward movement, a sharp turn or tilt. This neck pain usually resolves fairly quickly. Sometimes unpleasant sensations do not go away to the end, a person gets used to them, not only the neck, but also the spine begins to ache - then you need to find out what kind of pain in the neck is:

  1. Acute pain may occur from a sharp turn or tilt. At this moment, the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the cervical region are clamped and the person feels that the nerves are compressed and strong pressure acts on them.
  2. Pain of a aching nature appears as a result of a long-term lesion of the spinal column, with spasms and overwork.
  3. Sometimes the pain appears suddenly and is not supported by anything.
  4. The pressing character has on the spine, arms, head, shoulders.
  5. Severe pain in the neck when moving the head.
  6. Numbness of this part of the body, decreased sensitivity.
  7. The neck hurts in front with concomitant diseases of the respiratory system.

The above types of sensations are the main ones when a person is faced with such an unpleasant symptom. Moreover, the pain can change and develop into a more severe form, affecting other parts of the body.

The reasons

The source of pain must be sought and it will not always be associated with the cervical spine. Modern medicine at the moment knows a lot about what can provoke this disorder, because without specifying the cause, it is impossible to prescribe an effective treatment. Causes of neck pain can be:

  1. Salt deposits in the cervical spine can cause neck pain. Cervical osteochondrosis and arthrosis are quite common diseases in both young and old ages. In view of such diseases, the crunch of the discs is clearly heard, in especially severe cases, the cervical region loses mobility, turning the head is very difficult.
  2. Spasms in the muscles. If the neck is sick and the reason for this is muscle spasms, the pain has a paroxysmal character. Mostly when turning the head it is felt more strongly. In this case, the pain may recede on its own or after taking painkillers.
  3. A hernia is a serious disease that affects the shoulder girdle, spinal column, the neck suffers less, but it accounts for the pressure exerted from the above parts of the body.
  4. Working conditions. Sedentary work, infrequent changes in body position increase the risk of violations.
  5. The occurrence of tumors. The emergence of tumors is one of the most dangerous processes. Naturally, modern medicine in this matter has given impetus to the removal and treatment of benign tumors, but the disease does not always want to recede and the tumor can develop into a malignant one. An examination in this case is required.
  6. Myelopathy is a disorder in the functioning of the spinal cord, as a result of injuries, infectious diseases and various inflammations.
  7. Concomitant diseases of the motor system, bones and cartilage.

There are a lot of factors and causes of occurrence and wondering: “why does the neck hurt?” a person is lost and does not know where to start the examination and diagnosis.


Any kind of pain in the body should be eliminated. What to do if your neck hurts? Of course, consult a doctor and, preferably, a qualified one, so that he makes a clear diagnosis and prescribes an effective treatment. The following experts can help:

  1. Traumatologist, orthopedist or surgeon.
  2. Therapist.
  3. Rheumatologist.

These are the main medical profiles who treat pain in the cervical region.

The beginning of diagnostics is the collection of blood and urine tests (biochemical and general) to detect pathologies in its various components. An increased level of leukocytes, the presence of free protein in the urine and much more - this is a fact of disruption of the work of many organs. When diagnosing a disease, such tests are taken necessarily.

The list of additional manipulations includes:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging. You can evaluate the work of muscles, nerves and blood vessels, check blood flow, evaluate soft tissues. MRI is a fairly informative research method.
  2. Computed tomography helps to examine damaged areas of the neck, examine the composition of discs, pathologies.
  3. Electromyography. Examines nerves and nerve irritations, with the help of an artificial stimulus that acts on the nervous system in the neck.
  4. The x-ray takes a clear photo of the area and seven vertebrae. It is performed in several projections at once for a more accurate examination.

With the help of such studies, which are carried out on modern equipment, you can easily identify all the sources and reasons why the neck hurts and what to do in this case.

The doctor also assesses the condition of the neck by examination and palpation:

  1. Assesses reflexes, stage of sensitivity, muscle contractions.
  2. Probes the neck to locate deformed parts.
  3. Examines the neck and head.

An effective diagnostic method is an ultrasound examination of the vessels of the brain and neck, which will record whether there are spasms in the brain, how blood flows and show any neoplasms.

When it comes to infectious diseases that affect the neck, it is also not worth delaying treatment in this case, because the infection can spread and be fatal. The doctor prescribes a bacteriological study that can identify the environment in which bacteria live and multiply.

An elevated level of leukocytes in a general blood test indicates that the body is fighting an infection.

With occipital neuralgia, pain in the neck occurs quite often - this indicates that the muscles, nerves and ligaments press on each other. It becomes difficult for the patient to perform motor and rotational movements of the head, neck numbness occurs. Diagnose such a disease on MRI and CT. When the cause is not established, the doctor may put the occipital neuralgia of the first degree.


After diagnosing neck pain and its causes, the doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. There are a lot of treatment methods at the moment, but the main and main ones always remain the same:

  1. Mandatory medicines.
  2. Gymnastics and therapeutic physical culture.
  3. Massage courses.
  4. Physiotherapy.

In addition, doctors also advise the use of traditional medicine. In most cases, it gives the desired effect and has a positive effect on the body.

Medical treatment

The following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Nimesil. They block pain and spasms, act quickly and retain their analgesic effect for a long time. Injections into the muscle will be much more effective than tablets and solutions.
  2. Narcotic analgesics - Morphine, Codeine. They are used only if NSAID therapy has not helped, as these drugs are very strong and have pronounced side effects.
  3. Vasodilators - they are able to improve the composition of the blood and the structure of blood vessels, prevent hemorrhage and improve blood flow.
  4. Chondroprotectors are substances that can improve the metabolism in tissues and organs that have undergone inflammation. With their help, the necessary amount of the necessary organic and inorganic components is supplied to the sore spot.

Such a question as what to do when the neck hurts will not get up if you follow all the doctor's recommendations in taking these funds.

Gymnastics and physiotherapy exercises

At times of severe pain, it is not recommended to perform gymnastic exercises, since the pain can only intensify, but as a prophylaxis against them during the relief period, you can perform. The following exercises will be helpful:

  1. Tilts of the neck to the shoulders. 2-3 sets of 20 times.
  2. Turning the head to the side. 2-3 sets of 20 times.
  3. Circular head movements. 2-3 sets of 20 times.

These are the main exercises that are performed with pain. They perfectly cope with it, harden muscles and increase blood flow.

Massage and manual therapy

In our time, there is nowhere without massage, so a course of 10 procedures will be quite enough to normalize the motor function of the cervical region, while tension in the muscles is removed. You can also perform massage on your own, with light movements knead the neck from the back of the head.

Physiotherapy methods

Physiotherapy methods are performed under the supervision of the attending physician and are considered effective in relieving pain. Apply electrophoresis, laser therapy and shock wave. Their action is aimed specifically at the nerves and tissues, recovery occurs after the third procedure.

You can get rid of pain in the neck, any treatment methods in any case give an effect. The pain gradually fades away and at one moment disappears completely and does not return for a long time. As a preventive measure, doctors advise moving more, doing exercises in the morning and eating right so that all the necessary trace elements enter the body.

Neck pain is a common complaint people have when visiting a doctor. The neck is made up of a large number of anatomical structures. Therefore, it is not surprising that she can get sick for a large number of reasons. For each of these causes, the treatment may be different, so there is no universal recipe for how to get rid of neck pain.

To choose the right treatment, you need to identify the causes of neck pain, especially if it bothers a person for a long time. It should be noted that the most common causes of pain syndrome - trauma and sprain - disappear within a few days.

If the pain in the neck lasts more than 3 months, it is considered chronic. In such cases, its origin is most often associated with problems with the spine.

Common causes of persistent neck pain include:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis - can cause painful irritation of the nerve roots or arthritis of the intervertebral joints.
  • A herniated disc in the cervical spine - can put pressure on the nerve root and irritate it.
  • Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine is an inflammation of the cartilage in the intervertebral joints.
  • Stenosis of the spinal canal in the cervical region - develops with degenerative processes in the spine (osteochondrosis), when the spinal canal can be narrowed by osteophytes or intervertebral hernia. At the site of stenosis, compression of the spinal cord can occur, causing pain in the neck, weakness in the arms and legs.
  • Stenosis of the intervertebral foramina is a narrowing of the holes through which the nerve roots exit the spinal canal. This narrowing can squeeze them and irritate them.

Rarer causes of chronic neck pain include:

  • Infectious lesion of the cervical spine.
  • Fibromyalgia is a disease that is difficult to diagnose and is characterized by pain in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments throughout the body, including the neck.
  • Tumor of the spinal cord.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis is a progressive arthritis that affects the joints of the spine and can cause pain and stiffness throughout the spine, including the neck.

Treatment at home

Most cases of neck pain can be alleviated or eliminated at home by following the advice of a doctor.

The simplest pain relief measures include:

  • Relaxation. At a time when the neck hurts, it is important to be careful and avoid exertion or movements that cause an increase in pain.
  • Cold or warm. Applying ice can act as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing swelling and pain. It is best to apply ice or cold compresses first, as they constrict the small blood vessels and prevent the swelling from worsening. After a couple of days, you can alternate the application of cold and warm compresses.
  • Massage is a safe and effective method of dealing with neck pain. Massage increases blood circulation in the muscles and reduces their tension, thereby increasing flexibility and relieving neck pain. In addition, massage increases the level of endorphins in the brain, which have an analgesic effect, improve mood, relieve depression and anxiety. However, it should be remembered that only a professional massage therapist should do a neck massage.

  • Posture improvement. If persistent neck pain is caused by poor posture, very simple changes can help, which include improving the ergonomics of the workplace. To do this, you need to place a chair, monitor, keyboard so that the body, neck and head are in a natural position. It is also helpful to learn how to sleep on your back, rather than on your side or stomach, with an orthopedic pillow and mattress.
  • Lifestyle change. If neck pain appears after a certain activity or physical activity, they need to be limited. For example, if a person spends several hours a day with their head bent and their neck stretched out in order to write messages on a smartphone, this activity should be reduced.
  • Simple painkillers. Many simple preparations can reduce inflammation and relieve neck pain. However, these funds should be used with caution, only after carefully reading the instructions. Examples of such drugs are paracetamol, ibuprofen.

This is not an exhaustive list of home remedies for neck pain. Any activity that leads to a healthy lifestyle will be good for the neck. For example, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise and smoking cessation will have a positive effect on pain relief.

If your neck hurts for more than 4 weeks, or you develop neurological problems (such as numbness or weakness in your arms or legs), you should definitely consult your doctor.

Conservative treatment for neck pain

Medical treatment for neck pain usually begins with conservative therapy, which may include the following methods:

  • Physiotherapy. Most conservative treatments include exercise therapy to strengthen the neck muscles and increase neck flexibility. The program of physiotherapy exercises is compiled by a doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the person and the cause of pain in the neck. First, the patient performs exercises under the close supervision of a rehabilitation doctor, then he can move on to homework.
  • Strong painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, including even narcotic drugs.
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a method in which electrodes are applied to the skin near a painful area, sending weak electrical impulses into the body. It is believed that these impulses can block pain signals that travel along the nerves to the brain.
  • Epidural injections of corticosteroids. This treatment involves injecting a solution of a corticosteroid drug into the epidural space surrounding the spinal cord. The purpose of this injection is to reduce inflammation of the nerves or other tissues caused by a herniated disc. With this method, the pain syndrome can be relieved so that the patient can return to normal activities and make progress in the exercise therapy program. However, epidural administration of drugs has its own risks, including the possibility of infection, and its use is limited to a few times a year.
  • Injections into the intervertebral joints. If neck pain is caused by irritation of the intervertebral joints, intra-articular injections of corticosteroids may relieve it.
  • Manual therapy. To reduce neck pain and increase its flexibility, you can use the services of a professional chiropractor.
  • Acupuncture is a widely used alternative medicine method that is often used to relieve neck pain. The introduction of special needles into the body at certain points stimulates the release of natural painkillers in the body, changes the secretion of neurotransmitters and hormones in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which can relieve chronic neck pain.

Surgical treatment of neck pain

If conservative therapy fails to relieve pain, surgery may be needed. This is especially true for problems caused by compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots.

The main indications for surgery for neck pain:

  • Removal of a damaged intervertebral disc and / or other structures that irritate the nerve root.
  • Stabilization of the cervical spine.
  • Spinal cord decompression.

The most common surgeries for neck pain caused by spinal problems are:

  • Anterior cervical discectomy and spinal fusion is an operation to remove the affected intervertebral disc and ensure the stability of the spine using a bone or metal implant, which is performed through an access on the front of the neck.
  • Replacement of the intervertebral disc with an artificial one is an operation that includes the removal of the affected disc and its replacement with an artificial implant.

If neck pain is caused by compression of the spinal cord, the following surgical interventions are performed:

  • Removal of the body of the cervical vertebra along with adjacent intervertebral discs. After removal, these structures are replaced with a bone graft, which creates the conditions for the vertebrae located above and below to fuse together, forming a solid bone.
  • A posterior laminectomy is an operation in which the surgeon removes the lamina of the vertebral arch.
  • Posterior laminoplasty is a surgery that repositions the lamina of the vertebral arch to create more space in the spinal canal.

Dear visitors of the site Farmamir. This article is not medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a physician.

Neck pain is an unpleasant problem that can ruin both mood and quality of life. The symptom occurs in 30-40% of the population, can lead to loss of movement and disability.

Based on the causes, the methods of treatment also differ. Early diagnosis and quality treatment, begun after the discovery of the problem, will help to forget about this unpleasant symptom.

Why does the neck hurt?

The etiopathogenesis (mechanism of development) of pain is divided into three main groups:

  • somatogenic;

This includes pain in trauma and inflammation, ischemic processes, mechanical tissue damage.

  • neurogenic;

Occurs when there is a violation of the structure and function of the central and peripheral nervous system.

  • psychogenic.

In this case, psychological and social factors play a role. Emotional activity can provoke a reflex muscle contraction, which leads to pain.

The pain may be acute or chronic. If the neck hurts sharply - most likely, this is a common reaction to injury. In order for the pain to stop, it is necessary to wait for the complete healing of the tissues or to accelerate this process. Chronic pain has a different mechanism of development - damage occurs constantly and maladaptation occurs. The body cannot cope with the damaging factor on its own.

The causes of pain are divided into two main groups: vertebrogenic (those associated with the spine) and non-vertebrogenic. They can develop by both somatogenic and neuropathic mechanisms. in the first case, the structures of the spine and muscles are involved in the process, and in the second case, the roots of the spinal nerves, peripheral nerve endings. The psychogenic mechanism turns on a little later and exacerbates the current situation.

Vertebrogenic pain in the neck can be divided into the following subspecies:

  • myogenic

Pain occurs when muscles are stretched or squeezed. Also, the cause may be a prolonged contraction of muscle fibers.

  • arthrogenic

Damage occurs in the joints connecting the vertebrae. The distance between the structural elements of the spine decreases, constant mutual damage occurs, which provokes pain.

  • discogenic

Occurs with protrusion of the discs, their displacement and the formation of hernias.

  • spondylogenic

The cause of pain in this case is damage to the structures of the vertebra, its tissues or processes. It can be a destructive process or a volumetric neoplasm that acts from the outside.

  • neuropathic

The neck hurts due to compression of the root or nerve ending. The reasons may be a volumetric neoplasm, hernia or hypertrophy of individual structures.

Pain in the neck of a non-vertebrogenic nature is divided into:

  • myofascial syndrome;
  • pain caused by psychological factors;
  • irradiation of pain during a pathological process in other parts of the body;
  • symptoms of inflammatory processes.

We will consider the individual causes of the pain syndrome below, but for now, check out the risk factors that can cause this symptom:

  • incorrect position at work;
  • lack of anatomical position of the spine during sleep;
  • low level of physical activity;
  • too much load on the spine;
  • overweight;
  • lack of a rational approach to nutrition;
  • disturbed drinking regime;
  • frequent stress;
  • bad habits (alcohol, nicotine).

Causes of neck pain

Consider the main causes of pain and the mechanism of symptom development in these conditions.


With this pathology, the connections between the joints of the spine are broken, disc protrusion occurs and hernias form. The condition occurs in those who have a hereditary predisposition, do not follow posture, nutrition and lifestyle. In addition to neck pain, a person feels general weakness and tinnitus. There are fainting and disturbances of consciousness. Soreness can respond in the arms, the back of the head and the area between the shoulder blades. Joints can make a crunch when turning the head, numbness is felt.

Pain in this disease is chronic and aching. It can reach such intensity that it becomes difficult to fall asleep. In the early stages, the process can be easily corrected, but the further the pathology progresses, the more difficult it is to correct it.

Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine

The disease has a destructive character - the intervertebral joints are destroyed, their structure is disturbed and bone tissue growths occur. The neck can hurt on one side, the pain also radiates to the upper limb, chest.

Infringement of blood vessels and nerve endings leads to impaired hearing and vision, a person gets tired more, feels memory loss and absent-mindedness. Lack of effective treatment can lead to complications and disability.

Herniated discs

Pathology begins with the bulging of the contents of the disk, and then - going beyond its normal anatomical position. Even a slight shift can manifest itself as a pronounced symptom. The spinal canal is narrow and all the nerve roots are in close proximity to each other. As soon as a hernia begins to appear, the neck and back hurt. If the patient tries to eliminate the pain with conventional painkillers, the symptom disappears, but the problem remains and, over time, again reminds of itself.

Neck muscle strain

Almost everyone has encountered this problem - prolonged tension in the cervical region or intense training after a while is reflected in severe pain in the muscles. The pain occurs acutely, often begins to disturb after sleep. on the damaged side of the neck, swelling and swelling are noticeable. It is difficult to turn the head, the patient tries to give his head the most comfortable position so as not to feel pain. The soreness will pass by itself, it is only necessary to give rest to the damaged area. to alleviate the situation, consult a doctor: he may advise a compress or ointment with an analgesic.


The disease is a complication that has not been treated. The disease is serious and can lead to a restriction of a person's motor activity. In addition to osteochondrosis, spondylosis can be caused by trauma. The patient feels pain constantly, it can move to the back of the head and collar region. Sometimes, the neck hurts pulsatingly, accompanied by stiffness and impaired rotation of the head.

To eliminate the disease, complex treatment is required, which combines the impact on the cause and individual symptoms of the disease.

cervical myelopathy

The patient's neck hurts in this case due to narrowing of the spinal canal. In order to recognize the pathology in time, it is necessary to pay attention to such symptoms: the patient feels weakness, numbness and tingling in the limbs. The condition is accompanied by impaired speech, coordination and balance. The gait becomes shaky, the position of the body in space is disturbed. If, recently, injuries, falls, accidents have been observed, it is most likely a myelopathy.


In this case, the neck hurts as a result of soft tissue damage. The mechanism of occurrence is strong flexion and subsequent extension. The patient usually feels pain after a fall or a fight. An injury can be recognized by this sign: the head protrudes somewhat forward and the physiological curves of the cervical spine are disturbed.


The causes of injury are blows, accidents, unsuccessful jumps into the water. The patient feels aching pain in the neck and neck. Motor activity is severely limited, soft tissues swell, hematomas and bruises appear.

infectious diseases

The inflammatory reaction, which is the response to an infectious disease, results in acute pain. The mechanism of development is an increase in lymph nodes. lymphatic vessels that press on the muscles and lead to their spasm. This condition is observed with angina, rubella.

An infectious disease for which neck pain is the leading symptom is meningitis. Pathology is accompanied by tension in the muscles of the back of the head, the patient cannot bend his head and it is in an unnaturally extended position.

Diseases of the internal organs

Some conditions of the internal organs can lead to irradiation of pain in the neck. This is facilitated by the features of innervation and reflex mechanisms. So, pain in the gallbladder, esophagus, heart can radiate to the neck. Also, pain is observed in pathologies of the thyroid gland, larynx, pharynx.

Some of the pathologies can proceed normally and are easily treatable. But, sometimes, the neck hurts with serious pathologies that require emergency care.

Other reasons

The neck may hurt after the patient has been in a draft or is very cold. This leads to muscle spasm, which is accompanied by pain. It also happens that a person simply “lay down” when he slept in an uncomfortable position. After long work, stress, or intense training, this symptom may also occur.

Types of neck pain

This symptom can be divided into the following subspecies:

  • cervicago

This is a sharp soreness and limitation of movements, which are also known as "neck back pain".

  • cervicalgia

Pain in the neck with diseases of the internal organs, spine and other causes. You can divide the pain depending on the cause, this is described above. Also, the type of pain depends on its nature: acute or chronic. There is a special commission for the study of neck pain.

She proposed to distinguish the following types of pain, depending on the stage:

1 stage

Short-term cervicalgia, which stops after some time on its own or after lifestyle modification. There are no symptoms that indicate structural damage. Methods of additional diagnostics and treatment are not needed.

2 stage

There are no signs of serious violations of the anatomical structures, however, the patient's daily activity is impaired: there is a need to take painkillers. The condition is amenable to correction after lifestyle modification and some exercise.

3 stage

Neurological symptoms appear, additional diagnostics and complex treatment are needed.

4 stage

There are signs of organic lesions. The patient is concerned about severe intense pain, which corresponds to tumors, myelopathy or systemic pathology. High-quality versatile diagnostics and specialized treatment are required.

Basic principles for the treatment of neck pain

How to treat neck pain depends on the specific situation and the mechanisms of the development of the disease. Also, the choice of method is influenced by the stage of the process, its nature. The attending physician can determine the tactics after a full examination and additional diagnostic methods.

The beginning of any treatment is lifestyle modification. It depends only on the patient and determines the success of other treatment procedures.

These methods also apply to preventive measures to prevent neck pain:

  • gymnastics and warm-up for the neck muscles, which relieves tension in the muscles;
  • general strengthening of the muscular corset of the back;
  • correct position at the table, during work and rest;
  • if you are engaged in sedentary work - get up periodically, do simple exercises;
  • put a roller under your lower back during prolonged sitting;
  • adjust the position of the monitor so as not to strain your neck. This applies to both the computer and the phone;
  • if you often talk on the phone - use a headset or speakerphone;
  • when working with documents, use a stand so that the papers are at eye level;
  • pay attention to your bed - give preference to an orthopedic mattress and pillow.
  • always use a seat belt when traveling - this is the prevention of injuries and sprains of the neck muscles;
  • make sure that your diet is balanced and rational. In addition to the normal combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, food should contain trace elements, minerals and vitamins;
  • drink enough clean water, in addition to tea, coffee and juices;
  • avoid stress or learn how to respond to them correctly;
  • give up nicotine and other bad habits.

Pain treatment should be comprehensive, affecting not only the symptoms, but also the cause of development. If the neck hurts, conservative methods, medicines, physiotherapy are used. In severe stages of some conditions, surgical treatment is recommended.

Medicines used to treat pain:

  • nonsteroidal drugs: diclofenac, ibuprofen, ortofen, nurofen - relieve inflammation, swelling and pain;
  • ointments to reduce pain: alizartron, menovazin;
  • muscle relaxants: baclofen, mydocalm;
  • glucocorticosteroids: dexamethasone. diphenhydramine, hydrocortisone;
  • vitamin injections.

Physiotherapy methods are also effective when the neck hurts. You must first consult with your doctor, because these methods are applied depending on the stage of the process.

The following methods are considered effective:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • therapeutic baths;
  • healing shower;
  • mud treatment.

Treatment of neck pain should be timely and of high quality - only then can you count on success and elimination of pain.
