How to make brown eyes. Change in eye color. There are many different ways to change eye color.

Eye color is a unique characteristic of a person, and it is difficult to change it without the help of lenses. You can correct an existing color using special types of shadows. You can also change your eye color for the day with colored contact lenses. There is also the possibility of a surgical change, however, at the time of this writing, this operation is still being tested. In this article, you will learn how to change eye color. It also includes advice on colored lenses and surgery.


Brightening eyes with shadows

    Understand how cosmetics can change eye color. Makeup can't turn blue eyes into brown or vice versa, but eye shadow can help you enhance the color you already have. You can make the eyes brighter, dimmer, paler - it all depends on the shadows you choose. Eyes of some shades (for example, brown and gray) can take on new tones due to shadows. In this part of the article, we will talk about how to correct eye color with cosmetics.

    To make blue eyes brighter, use shadows of warm tones. Orange shades (coral, champagne) are best suited for this. Your eyes will appear much brighter and richer than they are. If you apply blue shadows, the eyes will appear lighter and paler. Try the following combinations:

    • In everyday makeup, you can use neutral tones: brown, taupe, terracotta and any shades of orange.
    • In evening makeup, you can try metallic colors, including gold, copper and bronze.
    • Avoid too dark tones, especially if you have pale skin. It is better to use brown or dark brown eyeliner rather than black because brown will look less harsh.
  1. To Brown eyes seemed brighter, use cool colors. Almost all colors suit people with brown eyes, but cold shades, especially burgundy and blue, will help make the eyes brighter. Here are a few options:

    Accentuate greens or blues in gray eyes with blue or green shadows. Grey eyes adopt the color that is next to them, so with shadows you can give your eyes a bluish or greenish tone. If you want to emphasize gray tones, choose soot colors: gray, charcoal, black. Here are some tips on how to emphasize blue or green tint In eyes:

    • To brighten blues, apply eye shadow in the following tones: copper, melon, neutral brown, orange, peach, salmon. To make the eyes more expressive, apply a little blue to the inner corner of the eye.
    • To emphasize the green, use shades of the following colors: maroon, pink, plum, burgundy, red-brown, wine.
  2. If you want to make the color of green eyes more saturated, use burgundy or brown shades. These colors go best with green eyes. They create a contrast with the green pigment of the eyes, which makes the eyes appear brighter and more vibrant. For example, you can use burgundy shades for the exit, and sparkling brown or brown-gray for the day. Try the following colors:

    • All shades of burgundy will look good on you. If you don't like this color, go for pink eye shadow.
    • If you're not sure if you should color your eyes burgundy, try applying taupe eyeshadow and draw a line of burgundy closer to your lash line.
    • Black eyeliners look too sharp with green eyes. It is better to use charcoal, gray or maroon eyeliner.
  3. If you have brown eyes, emphasize the green and gold shades in them. Brown eyes have hints of green and gold, which means you can accentuate them with matching shadows. Here are a few options:

    • Don't use dark colors. They will hide greenish and golden hues, which will make brown eyes look cloudy.
    • To liven up greenish and golden undertones, use bronze, dusty pink or mauve shades. Swamp-colored shadows shade green especially well.
    • If you want your eyes to appear more brown, paint them with golden or green shadows.

Temporary change in eye color with contact lenses

  1. Go to the doctor for a prescription. Even if you have excellent vision, you need your doctor to fit the lenses to your eyes. The eyes have different shape and if you buy the wrong lenses, it will hurt to wear them. Sometimes the eyes just don't accept lenses. It is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe special lenses, especially if a person has dry eyes.

    Buy lenses in a trusted place. The miser pays twice, and this is also true in the case of lenses. It is better to spend money on more expensive ones than to buy cheap ones and regret it later. The eyes are a very sensitive organ, and a poor-quality product can cause significant harm to them.

    • It is best to buy lenses in an optician or in a medical center.
    • For people with poor eyesight There are corrective colored lenses.
  2. Decide how often you will wear lenses. Some lenses can be worn only once, others - several times. Because colored lenses are more expensive than regular lenses, it's important to consider how long you'll be wearing them. There are several types of lenses:

    • Disposable. They can be expensive and can only be worn once. If you want to wear lenses for one or two events, they will suit you.
    • Daily wear lenses that need to be removed at night. How often you need to replace them depends on the brand. Some last for a week, others for a month or even longer.
    • Extended wear lenses. You can even sleep with them, but this is not recommended. The longer the lenses are in the eyes, the higher the risk of infection. As with daily lenses, the length of time this type of lens is worn depends on the manufacturer. Some can be worn for only a week, others for much more.
  3. Buy lenses with a slight tint if you have light-colored eyes and only want to slightly correct the tone. They are also great if you want to enhance your natural color (even if you have dark eyes). Since these lenses are transparent, they are not recommended for people with dark eyes - the new color simply will not be visible.

    Buy opaque lenses if you want a completely different color or if you have dark eyes. These lenses are not see-through so they can completely change your eye color. They come in natural colors (brown, blue, gray, green, hazel), but there are also non-natural colors (white, red, cat eye, maroon).

    • In some opticians it is also possible to order a custom color and shade.
  4. Be aware of possible aesthetic problems. You will have to insert lenses into your eyes, which means they can move when you blink. If the lens moves to the side, your natural color will show through. People around you will immediately understand that you are wearing lenses.

    • This will be most noticeable with opaque lenses.
  5. Remember about possible problems with vision. The pupil and iris of the eye change in size as the intensity and direction of the light change. Contact lenses cannot do this. If you go into a dark room and your pupils dilate, you will lose some of your vision because the pupil will be partially covered by the colored part of the lens. If you go out into the sun, your pupils will constrict, and your natural eye color will be visible at the edge of the pupil.

    Keep your lenses clean. If you don't clean your lenses regularly and properly, you can get an infection. Some eye infections very dangerous and can lead to loss of vision. If you don't wear lenses, always keep them in a container. Purify them brine before dropping into the container. Change the solution in the container to fresh each time.

    • Always wash your hands before touching lenses.
    • Never wet lenses with saliva. There are many microbes in the human mouth.
    • Don't let anyone else wear your lenses, and don't wear someone else's, even if you sanitize them.
  6. Don't wear your lenses longer than you should and always take them out on time. This means that lenses need to be removed at night, even those that are designed for prolonged wear. You can sleep in such lenses, but if they are in contact with your eyes for a long time, this will increase the likelihood of infection. You can also remove lenses before showering or swimming in the pool.

    • Some lenses can be worn multiple times while others can only be worn once. Do not wear lenses longer than they are designed to last.
    • Lens fluid has an expiration date. Never use an expired product.
    • To prevent bacteria from accumulating on your lenses, replace your lens case every 3-6 months.

Changing eye color with Photoshop

  1. Launch the Photoshop application and open the image you want to edit. You can use any photo, but it's best to take a clear image with good resolution. To load a snapshot into the program, click "File" in the top menu and then "Open" in the drop-down menu.

    Zoom in on the area with the eyes. You can click on the magnifying glass icon. It's in the narrow sidebar on the left side of the screen, towards the bottom. If you can't find it, press the "Z" button on your keyboard. There are two ways to enlarge the area with the eyes:

    • Click on the eyes with the left mouse button. The image will enlarge. Keep doing this until the part with the eyes is large and clear.
    • Click on the area above the eyes on the left side. Drag the cursor to the bottom right edge. You will end up with a rectangular selection. If you release the cursor, the area with the eyes will increase.
  2. Select the iris with the lasso tool. If you can't find this tool, chances are you have other tools from the lasso group selected. Click and hold on the selected lasso tool (usually the third icon from the bottom) and select the icon that looks like a lasso from the drop-down menu. Don't worry if the selection isn't very neat - you can fix it up later.

    Open the Edit window and make sure you have the Add Color option selected. This window is on the same side as the other windows, including layers and color controls. Click on the window and check if the bird is next to the words "Add Color". The iris will change color.

    • The pupil may also change color. Don't worry - it can be fixed later.
  3. Move the Saturation, Hue, and Lightness sliders until you get the color you want. The hue slider will change color as you move it. As the saturation changes, the color will become brighter or paler. You can use the brightness slider to make the color lighter or darker.

    • The color may appear a little unnatural. Don't worry, this can be fixed too.
  4. Make sure you have an edit window open. Click on the layer window. You will see two layers: background and hue/saturation. You will need to work in the Saturation and Hue window where all the major changes will take place. The background is your original image.

  5. Using the eraser tool, process the area with the pupil and clean the area around the iris. Click on the eraser tool in the sidebar. Adjust the size if necessary. This can be done by clicking on the small dot and the number next to the brush tool. When you choose right size, gently wipe the pupil area. When done with this, treat the area around the pupil. Erase any excess if necessary.

    • Now the eyes should look like real ones, just a different color.

The iris of the eye is the outer part of the eye. choroid. Thanks to the pigment cells contained in this shell, the eye acquires one color or another. When the fibers of the outer layer of the iris have low density and a small amount of melanin, the color of the eyes is blue.

In the case of a denser arrangement of these fibers, the eyes will be lighter - a grayish-blue hue. At high concentration the melanin of the iris is darker, so the eye becomes brown. Green eyes are obtained with a moderate content of melanin and blue inner layer irises.

In order to change the color of the eyes, there are many ways, both technical and based on a psychological attitude.

Safe ways to change eye color

  1. Clothing can visually affect the color scheme of the eyes. Gray eyes will appear blue if blue is present in the garments. A wardrobe of green and lilac colors will help the owners of dull green eyes to make them brighter and more saturated.
  2. Women can highlight or change the color of their eyes with the help of cosmetics. So by outlining light eyes with eyeliner of a certain range, you can achieve a deeper, darker shade. For example, if blue and gray are mixed in the color of the eyes, when applying gray eye shadow or a contour pencil, the eyes will appear more blue, and when using blue eye shadow - gray.
  3. The color of the iris can change without lenses and all sorts of tricks, depending on the intensity of the light. Light eyes change color especially well.
  4. Regardless of the desire of a person, the iris changes its shade with age. In newborns, the eyes are darker, brighter, but in old age they brighten and fade.
  5. There are times when eye color changes due to illness. The iris may turn pale or vice versa become darker. Under certain inflammatory processes only one eye may change color, which is called heterochromia.
  6. For some people, the eyes can change with strong emotional experiences of any feeling, whether positive or negative. Anger, falling in love, fear, shock, joy, pain - the eyes of different people can react to any feeling.

The modern market does not skimp on fantasy and can offer lenses of the most different colors, with patterns and drawings. Lenses are colored and tinted. The former radically change the color of the iris, the latter only correct. Such lenses should be selected depending on your natural eye color. Owners bright eyes to introduce novelty, it will be enough to wear tinted lenses. If the eyes are dark, you need bright lenses that contrast noticeably with the natural color.

If you decide to change the color of the iris with lenses, then you need to remember:

  1. It is recommended to wear lenses no more than 8 hours a day.
  2. Lenses have a limited lifespan.
  3. To store lenses and care for them, you need special means.
  4. Before using lenses, you should follow safety rules: wash your hands, cut or clean your nails.

Before buying lenses, it is also useful to consult an ophthalmologist.

Many times in a row you need to say: “I have eyes (such and such) color”, “My eyes (name the color)”. It is necessary to fall asleep and wake up with this statement and believe that it is so.

You can also say rhyming phrases often. For example: “Eyes, eyes that nature has given, become blue like heaven”, or “Eyes, eyes that nature has given, become green like grass”, or “Eyes, eyes, be darker than the night.”

If psychological training did not bring due success, and there is not enough determination for drastic measures, there is an option to master Photoshop and look at the desired eye color in your photographs.

Meditation will help to do without operations and extra cash spending. To do this, you need to sit in a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes and imagine the desired eye color. You can visualize in your mind your face with a certain eye color. You can also close your eyes and imagine the darkness in front of your eyes the color of your natural eyes, and then mentally “color 9raquo; it in the right, desired shade.

You should do at least 10 minutes daily for a month. Despite the considerable controversy and unconfirmed this method, such exercises are available at home and will not harm either health or wallet.

Ways to change color without lenses associated with health risks

Prostaglandin is a hormone whose analogues are used in the creation of medical ophthalmic preparations. Such drugs can give the iris a darker shade. Before using this method, in order to change the color of the eyes, you need to know:

  1. Similar eye drops are medicine directional action used to reduce eye pressure at various diseases eye.
  2. Prolonged use of them for other purposes can significantly reduce blood supply and satiety. eyeball oxygen.
  3. Be sure to consult an ophthalmologist before using these drops!

A Californian scientist has developed a unique technique for correcting eye color with a laser. Its beam is able to remove excess pigments that make up the iris, and thereby change brown eyes to blue.

Despite the relative safety of this method, it has several disadvantages:

  • Incompleteness of the experiment and insufficient knowledge of long-term consequences.
  • The high cost of the procedure (about 5 thousand dollars).
  • Irreversibility.
  • The likelihood of acquiring factors such as double vision and photophobia.

For supporters radical measures Dr. Kahn created a method of surgical intervention, during which an implant of a certain color is implanted into the iris of the eye. If desired, the patient can later be removed. Initially, such operations were carried out to correct congenital defects of the membrane of the eyes, and may entail a number of negative consequences, including: cataracts, blindness, glaucoma, corneal detachment and more.

How to change eye color at home without lenses

Eyes always speak about the state of mind of a person. They reflect the character, feelings, attitude towards others. And if you want to change the color of your eyes a little, there is simple ways. It's not about purchasing lenses that can easily change the shade of the iris. Let's analyze non-standard ways that use improvised means: photoshop, clothes, shadows, eye drops, meditation.

Photoshop Magic: Modeling a New Eye Color

The popular Adobe Photoshop program helps to change the eye color in a photo. With simple mouse movements, you can correct the shape of the body, the tone of the face, the length of the hair. The eyes can acquire an unusual depth, which will be very effectively reflected in the overall image. Consider how to use Photoshop tools to get the desired shade:

  1. Launch Adobe Photoshop. The software version is not important, even using the most old issue programs, it is easy to change the shade of the iris.
  2. In the menu "File - Open" we find the desired photo in which you want to change the color of the eyes.
  3. Using the Lasso tool, select the required area of ​​the pupil, which we will change. This method is also available when using the Magic Brush function, but it is not suitable for all cases with photos.
  4. When the pupil is already selected, with the help of the right mouse click, select the item "Transfer to new layer". So we got the area we need to change.
  5. Similar actions should be made with the second symmetrical part, which is also visible in the photograph.
  6. The following are different ways to change the hue:
    • The first is to select “Brush”, find the desired tone on the palette, set the transparency to 30-50%, size to the area of ​​the entire layer, and with this tool click on the iris several times (until you get the desired result).
    • The second is to apply a transparent layer with the necessary shade. Use magnifying, reducing lenses that will show inaccuracies in color.
  7. The last step is to merge the visible layers to make a cohesive photo and save the results.

How to change eye color without lenses at home

Contact colored lenses are in a good way to change the tone of the iris, but they have significant disadvantages: high price, not a long service life, special care rules. For those who really want to change the shade of their eyes without leaving home, there are other methods that are cheaper and simpler. Sometimes the result can exceed all expectations. Consider the most effective ways changes in the color of the iris.

Visual method with the selection of clothes of the desired color

To determine what shade of clothing can affect the eyes, you need several plain scarves. different color attach to the neck, while covering the body. First, take a white accessory, then gray, blue, green, red, yellow, purple. Standing in front of the mirror, within a few minutes, everyone will be able to choose a color that changes the shade of the iris in one direction or another. Such changes occur as a certain shade is directed from the clothes to the face.

So, dull gray eyes can turn into pale blue when using bright blue, turquoise clothes. If the pupil is greenish, to enhance the color, you need to try on different outfits of light green, grassy and purple. hazel and Brown eyes will acquire a more saturated color if the clothes are made in dark colors (black, dark blue, burgundy). Experiment with clothes and create the perfect look.

Proper use of eye makeup

Women can easily change the shade of the iris with the right makeup. This is not about changing brown eyes to pale blue, but making their shade brighter, deeper and stronger is not difficult. To do this, use high-quality paints, pencils and shadows that do not crumble over time and do not lose their color. Consider step by step how to change eye color with the right makeup:

  • Apply a tone (cream, powder) on the eyelid and under the eye, which will hide imperfections and even out the color.
  • Next, color the eyebrows with a pencil of the usual color, blend, comb.
  • Apply a light shade of a neutral color (beige, nude) to the corner of the eye.
  • Next, frame the eye at the top and bottom with a pencil of the appropriate shade (brown and gray for green eyes, black and blue for blue eyes).
  • Add some shadows to upper eyelids and in a corner (of a color like a shade of eyeliner) and blend them.
  • Carefully paint over the eyelashes with mascara of the appropriate shade (black, blue for blue-eyed, brown for green-eyed).

Method of self-hypnosis and meditation

This method is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who believe in it and can often spend time alone with themselves. To modify the color of the eyes with the help of self-hypnosis and meditation, you need to determine for yourself a deserted quiet place, sit on a pillow or an easy chair and completely relax. All parts of the body should rest, and only one thought should be kept in the head - the eyes of the desired shade. In this case, a person must visually represent himself with the desired shade. This exercise should be repeated every day for 20-30 minutes.

Use of eye drops at home

Some hormonal drops can change eye color. This happens because intraocular pressure decreases, changing the shade of the retina and iris. But such hormonal preparations can affect not only the eyes, but also other human organs. Long-term use medical device, the iris may darken and not recover after stopping the use of drops.

Is it possible to change eye color permanently?

Over time, eye color automatically changes. Most children are born blue-eyed, by the year this shade changes, but it can still mutate for another 3-4 years. At the age of 10-40 years, the eye color remains the same if there are no big changes in a person’s life (for example, operations, nervous breakdowns). Closer to 50-60 years and older, the color of the iris is highlighted.

The development of new technologies allows you to change the color of the eyes using laser beams. American scientists have been working for decades to create new technology and they succeeded. On the iris laser beam unnecessary pigment is burned out, due to this, the color of the eyes can become blue. This operation is carried out for a considerable number of hours, and the result is not guaranteed.

The disadvantage of color change using a laser is the irreversibility of the process. It is impossible to return the brown, green, brown or gray shade of the iris. Negative side surgery is a possible deterioration of vision, the development of cataracts, cancer or glaucoma. The cost of such a change is from 5 thousand dollars, which makes it not very popular among those who want to correct their appearance. That is, to change the color parameters of the eyes, it is easier to buy several pairs contact lenses.

To choose the color of the shadows for your eye color, it is best to use the color wheel. The color that is on the opposite side of your eye color will be the one that perfectly accentuates the eyes. Colors that are to the left will help achieve a more natural result in makeup.


Save one of the images below to choose the right makeup palette for the perfect shade sets for blue, brown and green eyes. And we tell you which ones to use to slightly change the color of the eyes.

Blue eyes

  • Blue eyes are the easiest to change shade: depending on the shadows, lighting and clothes, such eyes can be gray, and bright blue, and blue. The most logical choice when buying shadows is lavender or purple: they will give the eyes a gray-blue undertone.
  • Bring out the richness of your eyes with warm eyeshadows with orange undertones such as coral or champagne. In this case, they will appear brighter than they really are. If you choose a shade of rust color, the eyes will become brighter and acquire a slight shade of electric blue. Mix these shadows with gray-blue-green or add some brown tones in the crease and in the outer corner of the eye for a more dramatic effect.
  • For daytime make-up, use more neutral tones: brown, taupe, terracotta, or any shade with an orange undertone. For evening makeup, try metallic shades: gold, copper, bronze.
  • Using blue or green shadows, you can give light eyes a steely gray tint. For the same purpose, try shades of black, charcoal or silver. Copper, melon, neutral brown, orange, peach and salmon will help achieve a blue hue. You can also add some blue shadows to the inner corner of the eye.

Green eyes

  • Mustard, warm peach, purple red, or brown will make green eyes pop. Pair these colors with chocolate eye shadows for an even more intense and unusual color. In addition, green-eyed girls can use any shades of purple or pink.
  • To give light blue eyes greenish tint, use the following shadows: dark burgundy, pink, plum, red-brown or wine (read how to apply these colors in makeup).

Brown eyes

  • It is best to emphasize brown eyes with wine-colored shadows. The most “safe” choice is warm brown tones. Rich blues or navy blues create a sensual, dramatic effect.
  • Cold colors will help make brown eyes brighter. People with brown eyes can wear eye shadow in almost all colors, but purple or blue will instantly make them more attractive. For everyday use, use brown shadows, and if you want to highlight the eyes, use silver-brown or orange-brown options. For evening make-up, try metallic: bronze, copper or gold. In addition, golden shades with a green tint would be a good solution. If you want a bolder make-up look, try blue eyeshadow, grey, green or purple.
  • If you have dark brown eyes or black eyes, try to take a chance - and use bright blue, purple, silver or chocolate shadows.
  • Hazel eyes have gold and green flecks that can be made brighter and more prominent. Don't use heavy colors. Use shadows in bronze, dusty pink, eggplant. Swamp color will emphasize green blotches. If you want your eyes to take on a deeper chocolate hue, use gold or green eye shadow.

Modern fashion trends are changing every day, becoming more unusual and interesting. To attract the attention of the stronger sex, girls are constantly experimenting with appearance and change the shade of hair and eyes, trying to find exactly the image that will not leave indifferent any man. Many today are interested in how to change eye color at home. That's what we'll talk about today.

eye shades

Each person's eye color is unique and depends on the pigmentation of the iris, which consists of the ectodermal and mesodermal layers. It is from the location of the pigments in these layers that the color of the eyes depends. It can be quite diverse, but among all the shades, the main ones can be distinguished:

The color of a person's eyes is formed due to the accumulation of melanin: the less it is, the lighter the shade will be. If there is a lot of melanin, then brown eyes will have an almost black tint.

To change the color of the eyes, it is necessary to change the amount of melanin, but without genetic or physical intervention, this is quite difficult to do.

It is quite possible to change eye color naturally. During use various methods care must be taken not to harm the eyes.

Ways to change eye color

Many girls often think about whether it is possible to change the color of the eyes without lenses, as well as the intervention of surgeons. To date, there are several options for how you can change their shade.

1. The color scheme of the iris can be changed quite simply with the right outfits.

2. Cosmetics is another tool available to all women that they can safely use while experimenting with appearance.

3. You can also change the color of your eyes with the help of lighting. V different time The eyes can change color during the day.

By choosing these simple and available methods, each representative of the fair sex will be able to give her eyes a different shade, make it brighter, richer and more beautiful.

The environment, the right lighting, the mood - all this determines the color of the iris.

Self-hypnosis and meditation

If a woman wants to change the shade of the iris, you can use other methods that are available to every girl. How to change eye color without lenses, and also laser correction? This can be done using the method of meditation, as well as a fairly popular method of self-hypnosis.

You can avoid laser correction and communication with surgeons with the help of meditation.

To achieve a good result, such exercises should be given for 10-20 minutes every day and meditate for three months. This method causes a lot of controversy among specialists, but despite this, in some cases it is quite effective and completely safe for the life and health of a woman.

Comfortably at home, to change the color of the eyes, you can still try the method of self-hypnosis. To do this, you need to sit in your favorite chair and repeat to yourself many times in a row that your eyes have a completely different shade.

If a girl has green eyes, but she wants them to turn blue, it should be said that they are blue. Falling asleep and waking up with this thought, the girl can slightly change the shade of her iris.

But this method is effective only if the woman sets herself achievable tasks. Changing the blue tint of the eyes to gray is quite possible, but with brown it will be much more difficult.


At home, every woman can easily and quickly change the color of her eyes with the help of ordinary cosmetics. Shadows - universal and safe remedy, which at correct use may enhance the brightness of the iris. With the help of shadows, it is impossible to radically change the color of the eyes, but they will help improve what nature has given a woman.

Blue eyes can be made a little brighter and more saturated with shadows of warm, orange tones. They will make the eyes more beautiful and bright. But when applying blue shadows, you get a completely opposite effect.

blue eyed girls daytime It is best to use shades of neutral tones. It can be terracotta, taupe, orange brown shades.

For an evening out, you should use cosmetics in golden, copper and bronze shades.

During makeup, you should also avoid dark shades, because they will look harsh and make the eyes look pale.

  • For brown.

Brown-eyed women can safely use shades of almost any shade, but blue, burgundy and other cool colors are most suitable for them.

Brown shadows are the perfect solution for everyday makeup, they will give the gas a special depth. To stand out from others, you can experiment with brown-orange and brown-silver shades.

For bold and self-confident girls, cosmetics of gray, green, blue, purple and burgundy tones are suitable. By choosing the right makeup, the fairer sex can make her eyes darker or lighter, depending on the desired result.

  • For the greys.

Gray eyes are a real blessing for women who love to experiment with their looks. Using cosmetics in green and blue shades, you can give your eyes a completely different shade, and they will not be gray, but will sparkle with new colors.

If a woman is proud of her gray eyes, you can make them brighter by using shades of black, charcoal or rich gray.

You can make a gray iris blue with brown, peach, copper, salmon shadows. To make your eyes more expressive, you need to apply a little blue shadow on the inner corner of the eye.

Pink, burgundy, burgundy, red-brown and maroon shadows will emphasize green blotches in gray eyes.

  • For the greens.

Brown and burgundy shades will make green eyes more expressive, give them liveliness and brightness. When experimenting with appearance, it is best for green-eyed girls to avoid black eyeliners, which will look too harsh. Maroon, gray and charcoal eyeliners are suitable for them.

Today, at home, you can also change the color of the eyes with the help of eye drops. Most often they are prescribed for glaucoma to reduce intraocular pressure. It is undesirable to use eye drops to change the eyes without a doctor's prescription, because this can harm your health.

Drops in their composition have a natural hormone, which, with prolonged use, changes the shade of the iris, and it can become darker from blue or gray, and in some cases brown.

It is undesirable to use such a drug simply to change the color of the eyes, since vision will suffer from this. Even those people who have health problems use drops strictly according to the doctor's prescription.


How to change eye color without lenses and harm to health? This question interests many of the fair sex. Today there are a huge number of different ways and methods that are not always effective.

You can change the color of the iris not only with the help of cosmetics, lighting, clothes, but also with food. Eye color can change the usual products that every hostess has in the kitchen.

Properly selected products affect not only the well-being of a person, but also the color of his eyes. Some foods can lighten the eyes, while others can darken them, but only if eaten regularly.

By choosing natural and environmentally friendly products, a woman can change the shade of the iris and make her eyes brighter and more beautiful.

At home, changing the color of the eyes is quite realistic, but for this you need to try and try all available and safe methods.

Other causes of eye color changes

During a person's life, the color of the iris can change its shade several times. This happens quite often, and for this there is different reasons. The amount of melanin that determines eye color can vary. In childhood, everyone has eyes of the same color, while growing up - a different one, their shade changes and becomes more saturated and bright.

Sometimes the shade of the iris can change depending on the products that a person consumes. Products can reduce or increase the amount of melanin produced in the human body. With a decrease in its production, the eyes become lighter, and if there is more of it, the iris darkens.

The eyes also change under the influence of various life situations as well as during illness. Most often, significant changes in the iris occur with Horner's disease, when the eyes brighten, and in inflammatory processes they become greenish. During illness, the color of the iris most often changes in blue-eyed people. stressful situations also affect the production of melanin, but a person cannot control this method of changing eye color.

Correct and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle life will help preserve the beauty and youth of the eyes. By changing lighting, cosmetics, clothes, a woman can give the iris the desired shade without drastic measures.

Alternative Methods

If at home it was not possible to change the shade of the iris, you can use other methods:

  • contact lenses;
  • laser correction.

With the help of contact lenses, the color of the eyes changes very quickly and easily, in just a few seconds. With their use, the eyes can be given any shade. Contact lenses can tire your eyes quickly, so it's best not to use this method unless absolutely necessary.

Laser correction - changes in eye color using special equipment. During this procedure, brown eyes can be made blue after burning out unnecessary pigment. This method should be used only if a person is completely sure of his desire to change the color of the eyes, because in the future it will be simply impossible to return the natural shade.

Having set herself the goal of changing the shade of the iris, a woman must understand that for this she will need to try hard and choose the right cosmetics and clothes. You can make your eyes lighter or darker by introducing certain foods into your diet that affect the production of melanin.

Do not use contact lenses or eye drops without emergency because they can cause many vision problems.

The iris of the eye is the outer part of its choroid. Thanks to the pigment cells contained in this shell, the eye acquires one color or another. When the fibers of the outer layer of the iris have a low density and a small amount of melanin, the color of the eyes is blue.

In the case of a denser arrangement of these fibers, the eyes will be lighter - a grayish-blue hue. With a high concentration of melanin, the iris is darker, so the eye becomes brown. Green eyes are obtained with a moderate content of melanin and a blue inner layer of the iris.

In order to change the color of the eyes, there are many ways, both technical and based on a psychological attitude.

Safe ways to change eye color

  1. Clothing can visually affect the color scheme of the eyes. Gray eyes will appear blue if blue is present in the garments. A wardrobe of green and lilac colors will help the owners of dull green eyes to make them brighter and more saturated.
  2. Women can highlight or change the color of their eyes with the help of cosmetics. So by outlining light eyes with eyeliner of a certain range, you can achieve a deeper, darker shade. For example, if blue and gray are mixed in the color of the eyes, when applying gray eye shadow or a contour pencil, the eyes will appear more blue, and when using blue eye shadow - gray.
  3. The color of the iris can change without lenses and all sorts of tricks, depending on the intensity of the light. Light eyes change color especially well.
  4. Regardless of the desire of a person, the iris changes its shade with age. In newborns, the eyes are darker, brighter, but in old age they brighten and fade.
  5. There are times when eye color changes due to illness. The iris may turn pale or vice versa become darker. With certain inflammatory processes, the color of only one eye can change, which is called heterochromia.
  6. For some people, the eyes can change with strong emotional experiences of any feeling, whether positive or negative. Anger, falling in love, fear, shock, joy, pain - the eyes of different people can react to any feeling.

Color contact lenses

The modern market does not skimp on fantasy and can offer lenses in a variety of colors, patterns and designs. Lenses are colored and tinted. The former radically change the color of the iris, the latter only correct. Such lenses should be selected depending on your natural eye color. For owners of light eyes, to bring in novelty, it will be enough to wear tinted lenses. If the eyes are dark, you need bright lenses that contrast noticeably with the natural color.

If you decide to change the color of the iris with lenses, then you need to remember:

  1. It is recommended to wear lenses no more than 8 hours a day.
  2. Lenses have a limited lifespan.
  3. To store and care for lenses, you need special tools.
  4. Before using lenses, you should follow safety rules: wash your hands, cut or clean your nails.

Before buying lenses, it is also useful to consult an ophthalmologist.


Many times in a row you need to say: “I have eyes (such and such) color”, “My eyes (name the color)”. It is necessary to fall asleep and wake up with this statement and believe that it is so.

You can also say rhyming phrases often. For example: “Eyes, eyes that nature has given, become blue like heaven”, or “Eyes, eyes that nature has given, become green like grass”, or “Eyes, eyes, be darker than the night.”

If psychological training did not bring due success, and there is not enough determination for drastic measures, there is an option to master Photoshop and look at the desired eye color in your photographs.

Meditation and visualization

Meditation will help to do without operations and extra cash spending. To do this, you need to sit in a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes and imagine the desired eye color. You can visualize in your mind your face with a certain eye color. You can also close your eyes and imagine the darkness in front of your eyes the color of your natural eyes, and then mentally “color” it in the desired, desired shade.

You should do at least 10 minutes daily for a month. Despite the sufficient controversy and unconfirmation of this method, such exercises are available at home and will not harm either health or wallet.

Ways to change color without lenses associated with health risks

Eye drops

Prostaglandin is a hormone whose analogues are used in the creation of medical ophthalmic preparations. Such drugs can give the iris a darker shade. Before using this method, in order to change the color of the eyes, you need to know:

  1. Such eye drops are a targeted medication used to reduce eye pressure in various eye diseases.
  2. Their prolonged use for other purposes can significantly reduce the blood supply and saturation of the eyeball with oxygen.
  3. Be sure to consult an ophthalmologist before using these drops!

Laser correction

A Californian scientist has developed a unique technique for correcting eye color with a laser. Its beam is able to remove excess pigments that make up the iris, and thereby change brown eyes to blue.

Despite the relative safety of this method, it has several disadvantages:

  • Incompleteness of the experiment and insufficient knowledge of long-term consequences.
  • The high cost of the procedure (about 5 thousand dollars).
  • Irreversibility.
  • The likelihood of acquiring factors such as double vision and photophobia.

Operational Impact

For supporters of radical measures, Dr. Kahn created a method of surgical intervention, during which an implant of a certain color is implanted into the iris of the eye. If desired, the patient can later be removed. Initially, such operations were carried out in order to correct congenital defects of the eye membrane, and can lead to a number of negative consequences, including: cataracts, blindness, glaucoma, corneal detachment, and so on.
