Rational nutrition for pancreatic disease. Menu and diet for pancreatic disease

Healthy eating- the guarantee of longevity and eternal youth. Proper nutrition is especially important for pathologies of the pancreas, for example, pancreatitis. Scientific medicine has proven that only one strict diet, without the use of any medicines, is able to cure the disease or achieve its stable remission.

How diet helps treat inflammation of the pancreas

Diet food - the basis conservative therapy pancreatitis (or inflammation of the pancreas), especially if the inflammation is associated with diseases of the gallbladder and liver. The fact is that in case of inflammation, it is important to create functional rest for the gland, and this can be achieved only if the rules of dietary nutrition are observed. Right food that works favorably digestive tract, less affects the receptors of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, which reflexively leads to suppression of secretion and normalization of the secretion of pancreatic juice.

Important! At initial stages of inflammation, diet is the basis of treatment. It is prescribed by the attending physician, with whom you can always consult about the consumption of certain foods. Also, doctors recommend keeping a food diary, which records all the foods eaten during the day, and notes about the reaction to them of the digestive tract and the body as a whole. In a few weeks, together with your doctor, you will be able to understand which foods can be added to the diet, and which should be discarded due to intolerance.

What you need to know about diet

First of all, it is excluded from the diet fatty food... The fact is that fats can be broken down into constituent elements by the only enzyme in our body - lipase. Since this enzyme is produced exclusively by the pancreas, the intake of abundant food rich in fat causes a load in the work of this body. And if a healthy pancreas is able to cope with the increased load, then the patient is not able to do this, which further aggravates the inflammation.

In the second place, everything sweet is excluded. Food rich in glucose causes an increased production of insulin by the pancreas, which also has a negative effect on its functional state.

A diet for pancreatic disease also implies the exclusion of irritating foods: spicy, smoked, pickled, fried, spicy foods. They contain special substances that reflexively increase its work, which is undesirable in case of inflammation.

When a person is diagnosed with pancreatic disease, he certainly does not want to bring matters to surgical treatment... A person is ready for a lot in order to solve everything without surgery. In many cases, a diet for the pancreas can help him, the menu for every day for which we will consider further. Let's clarify the nutritional features, which products are recommended and which are prohibited, we will consider today.

Features of the pathology of the pancreas

One of the most common diseases damaging tissue pancreas is chronic pancreatitis... Most often it occurs after the transferred acute pathology... The disease is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission (remission).

The disease is based on inflammatory lesion pancreatic tissue. The consequence of this is a change in the secretory function of this organ, which leads to an imbalance in the work of the intestine, the appearance pain syndrome, arising against the background of compression of adjacent organs or blockage of the ducts with calculi, and so on.

Any pathological processes that in one way or another affect the tissue of the pancreas are very dangerous, because they disrupt the synthesis reactions of digestive enzymes, which leads not only to intestinal pathology, but also to numerous metabolic disorders, which will negatively affect the work of the whole organism.

Features of nutrition for chronic pancreatitis

Diet for the diseased gland is critically important. At strict adherence peculiarities of the diet, it is almost always possible to bring the quality of life to a satisfactory level and prevent the development severe complications, among which the most dangerous is pancreatonecrosis.

Official medicine prescribes table number 5 according to Pevzner for such patients. At the heart of health food lies the complete mechanical, thermal and chemical sparing of the organ.

Nutrition for pancreatitis should help suppress the secretory function of the organ. Therefore, the diet should be excluded or significantly reduced in fat and carbohydrates. At the same time, the amount of proteins must be slightly increased to compensate for energy losses.

Overeating is categorically unacceptable, because it leads to a sharp increase in the load on the pancreas, which is unacceptable. Food will have to be taken in small portions 4 or even 5 times a day.

The diet is absolutely complete in terms of the energy component. The total calorie content is about 2700 kilocalories. The nutritional value nutrition: proteins - 120 grams, fats from 60 to 80 grams, carbohydrates - from 20 to 30 grams.

It is very important to drink enough liquid. The patient is advised to drink at least a liter of water, but preferably no more than one and a half (if there are no restrictions for health reasons). In addition, you need to reduce the total salt intake, no more than 10 grams, preferably even less.

Fried foods must be excluded from the diet. Food must be either boiled or steamed. Any spicy foods that stimulate the activity of the pancreas are prohibited: peppers, onions, garlic, spices, seasonings, spices and the like.

What foods are allowed for the pancreas every day?

Below is a list of foods that should form the basis of nutrition for chronic cholecystitis:

Yesterday's bread from wheat flour, unsweetened cookies;
Mashed, viscous cereals, such as oatmeal, puddings, casseroles;
Pasta, dairy and fermented milk products;
The meat is not fatty varieties: beef, veal, rabbit, chicken breast and some others;
Vegetarian soups with mashed vegetables;
Recommended vegetables: potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, beets, rice, pumpkin, green pea;
Not sour fruit, preferably mashed, baked apples, fruit drinks using sweeteners, compotes, jelly;
Lean fish and some types of seafood;
Weak tea or coffee with the addition of low-fat milk, rosehip decoction, herbal teas.

Excluded Products

The foods listed below should either be absent in the diet, or their proportion should be reduced as much as possible:

Rye bread, butter dough;
Meat broths, fatty meats, concentrated soups, fatty dairy products;
Vegetables: White cabbage, garlic, horseradish, onion, radish, turnip, radish;
Sour berries and fruits: grapes, citrus fruits, figs, as well as any confectionery;
Cocoa, coffee, strong tea.

Below I will designate what can be sample menu with chronic pancreatitis.

Diet for every day of the week

What to eat on Monday?

Breakfast: oatmeal, weak and unsweetened tea.
Second breakfast: steamed potato cutlets.
Lunch: Vegetable carrot puree soup, boiled slave.
Afternoon snack: Baked fruits.
Dinner: Meatballs with vegetables.

Diet for day two - Tuesday

Breakfast: Omelet from chicken eggs steamed, compote.
Second breakfast: Baked vegetables.
Lunch: Boiled meat with pasta and vegetable soup.
Afternoon snack: Curd casserole.
Dinner: Mashed potatoes with vegetables, fruit juice.

Pancreatic Food - Wednesday Menu

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, tea.
Second breakfast: a glass of kefir or yogurt.
Lunch: boiled fish and vegetables, a glass of compote.
Afternoon snack: unsweetened cookies, a glass of jelly.
Dinner: squash puree.

Diet for the pancreas on the fourth day - Thursday

Breakfast: rice porrige, tea.
Second breakfast: Vegetable cutlets, a glass of rosehip infusion.
Lunch: Soup with mashed vegetables, steamed meat.
Afternoon snack: Omelet and tea.
Dinner: Boiled rabbit meat.

Nutrition for the pancreas on the fifth day - Friday

Breakfast: oatmeal, compote.
Second breakfast: a slave for a couple, herbal decoction.
Lunch: vegetable soup with chicken breast.
Afternoon snack: scrambled eggs, a glass of juice.
Dinner: fish and rice.

Food on the sixth day - Saturday

Breakfast: semolina and a glass of tea.
Second breakfast: curd casserole.
Lunch: steamed cutlets, mashed potato soup.
Afternoon snack: baked apples.
Dinner: meatballs with noodles, a glass of kefir.

Menu for the seventh day - Sunday

Breakfast: noodles and a glass of rosehip broth.
Second breakfast: cottage cheese with milk.
Lunch: Buckwheat soup, boiled meat, compote.
Afternoon snack: dry biscuits and jelly.
Dinner: fish roll and carrot juice.


Proper nutrition for the pancreas for each day of the week will be good help for the healing of this important organ of the human body. Chronic pancreatitis responds well to diet therapy. Eat right and stay healthy!

The pancreas is located near the stomach and is 15 to 25 centimeters long. Her work is closely related to gallbladder and duodenum... In the latter, through the ducts, it secretes enzymes that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This is how it aids in digestion.

The hormones of this organ - insulin and glucagon - are needed to maintain glucose balance in the body. Insulin suppresses blood sugar levels, while glucagon is responsible for the synthesis of glucose in the liver. Both of these hormones are actively involved in the metabolic processes of the body.

Fact: Glucose is considered one of the main sources of energy. Exposure to insulin promotes its absorption by muscles and some organs.

The first signs of disease

Pancreatic diseases are often asymptomatic. Often they come to light on planned medical examinations... There are many types of diseases of this organ, but they can all manifest with similar symptoms.

The very first sign of an ailment is pain in the left hypochondrium. The pain can be aching, pulling, acute, paroxysmal and depends on the type of organ damage. Often pain symptoms occur after eating fatty, fried or spicy foods, too much food, or after drinking alcohol. The pain may be accompanied by nausea or vomiting, stool disturbance, and decreased appetite.

One of the most common diseases is pancreatitis (inflammation of the gland), which has acute and chronic forms. Acute form characterized by sharp pains, fever, fever, nausea and vomiting. Chronic form manifests itself as periodic discomfort in the upper abdomen, especially after eating, nausea and stool disturbance. Its exacerbation is often caused by non-compliance with the diet for pancreatic disease.

Other common diseases of the gland are tumors and cystic formations that may have different shape, degree of malignancy, site of localization, etc.

Important! The development of diseases of this organ leads to disruption of the work of the gallbladder and duodenum, so their treatment must be carried out in a comprehensive manner.


Proper nutrition is an integral part of therapy for pancreatic disease in both women and men. Eating a diet reduces the stress on this organ, allowing it to recover faster. Nutrition is usually prescribed in such a way that the stomach can independently cope with the food intake, and the functions of the gland are performed at a minimum level. Thus, the energy that could be spent on food processing is spent on the restoration of the affected organ. That is why it is important to know what you can eat with a diseased pancreas.

With a more vivid manifestation of the symptoms of the disease, an increasing number of products are excluded. A strict pancreatic diet can last for a week. During this period, there is a decrease in the inflammation of the organ, the restoration of functions. Chronic illnesses means maintaining a lifelong diet, the degree of restriction depends on the severity of the disease. It is necessary to include in the menu and products useful for the pancreas - seaweed, broccoli, some dried fruits.

Advice. If you experience any discomfort in the digestive system the right decision there will be a refusal of heavy food for the near future, followed by a medical examination.

Diet for pancreatic disease relieves the patient's condition and prevents the worsening of the disease. The best way to steam food is to keep the greatest amount of food. useful properties and is easier to digest. All meals should be warm, and portions should be small. It is best to eat a little, but often with a sore pancreas. At acute diseases all dishes must be crushed to a mushy state.

Important. V severe cases illness (as a rule, this happens when acute pancreatitis) the patient is prescribed fasting. At the same time, special drugs are prescribed, which are administered intravenously and saturate the body with substances that are missing due to starvation.

How to eat after fasting with pancreatic disease, the doctor should inform. When fasting, the patient is allowed to take mineral water and weak broths of wild rose with a temperature of about 36 degrees.

Important! Only a specialist should compose a diet for a sick pancreas, determine what can be eaten and what needs to be prohibited.

Allowed and Prohibited Products

Foods that can be included in the diet for pancreatic disease:

  • vegetable soups (without cabbage) and cereals (except millet). When preparing meat soups, only low-fat varieties meat; you can proceed as follows: after cooking the meat, the broth is drained and poured fresh water, after which the rest of the ingredients are added;
  • dried bread, crackers;
  • fresh and boiled vegetables;
  • non-acidic fruits and berries;
  • steam lean meat and fish;
  • it is better to cook a steam omelet from eggs or cook them soft-boiled;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, milk;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • weak tea, rosehip drink, juices and fruit drinks from non-acidic fruits and berries.

Advice. To restore the gland, it is necessary a large number of water. Therefore, it is important to drink at least two liters. pure water per day.

Prohibited foods:

  • fresh bread, pastries;
  • thick soups, soups with sauerkraut, mushrooms;
  • spicy, salty, fried, fatty, spicy;
  • canned food;
  • sausages, fatty meats, fish and poultry;
  • boiled eggs, scrambled eggs;
  • dishes with millet groats;
  • sweet foods - cakes, chocolate, honey, jam, ice cream;
  • vegetables that promote gas formation and some others - sorrel, radishes, radishes, raw onions;
  • sour fruits and berries;
  • grape;
  • drinks with gas, coffee.

Advice. The menu should be varied and include foods that are good for the pancreas, enough vitamins and minerals.

Menu examples

The diet must be formulated correctly, the combination of products should not cause exacerbation of diseases. The menu for the pancreas can be prepared in advance, for example, you can make a menu immediately for a week. Approximate food options:

  1. Breakfast - milk porridge with rice; second breakfast - pumpkin puree; lunch - oatmeal soup and weak tea; afternoon snack - biscuit biscuits with low-fat kefir; dinner - buckwheat puree; a few hours before bedtime, you can drink jelly.
  2. Breakfast - weak tea with oatmeal or steam omelet; second breakfast - carrot pudding and rosehip drink; lunch - pumpkin soup and baked apples; afternoon tea - cottage cheese casserole and weak tea; dinner - carrot puree with steamed cutlets from chicken meat; at night - low-fat kefir.

As you can see from the example, there is nothing fatty, spicy and smoked on the menu, since these dishes can cause a deterioration in the condition. During a feast, it is better to give up fatty meat dishes and eat a little vegetable snacks and light salads, and also completely eliminate alcohol. Thus, one should not deviate from the compiled diet for the pancreas and not make changes in the menu. Also, it is not recommended to eat raw vegetables and fruits on an empty stomach (such as citrus fruits) to prevent irritation of the stomach lining.


Diseases of the pancreas are very dangerous and lead to diseases of other digestive organs. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on own health, eat right, regularly examine the body and consult a doctor when the first symptoms of disease occur.

Improper eating habits make all organs of the human digestive system suffer. One of the first to be hit is the pancreas. The diet prescribed during an exacerbation of the disease is intended to do the opposite. First of all, it offers peace, as well as the most gentle mode of organ function. During pancreatitis, diet is one of the main components of treatment. Specific recommendations help eliminate unhealthy foods from the diet and properly prepare approved foods.

Basic principles of the diet

Diet food for pancreatic disease is aimed at relieving the diseased organ from the excessive load so that it can recover sooner.

Food is served steamed, boiled, baked to avoid irritation of the stomach and intestines. Frying any food is prohibited. The food served should be warm, approximately body temperature.

The amount of easily digestible carbohydrates is sharply limited - sugar, confectionery, fresh baked goods are excluded from the diet. The amount of protein consumed, on the contrary, increases up to 30%, most of which is replenished with proteins of animal origin. The main requirement for fish and meat is that they must be dietary, not contain a lot of fat. Eggs are soft-boiled or steamed.

From fresh vegetables and fruits, you need to be careful about foods that contain coarse fiber, as it creates an additional load on the organs of the digestive system. So herbal products served in crushed form or in the consistency of mashed potatoes. Depending on the patient's condition, this restriction is removed over time.

The main requirement for a diet is regularity. Food should be taken at the same time every day. Thanks to this biological rhythm, the body prepares for food in advance, and the digestion process brings much more benefits. In the intervals between meals, only drinking water that does not need to be digested is allowed. But tea or juice is already food.

The energy value of food must correspond daily needs a person based on his weight, age and occupation. The number of calories is broken down into five meals, three of which are still the main ones.

In the evening, you need to eat no later than a couple of hours before going to bed, so that the body can fully process food.

Nutrition for exacerbation of diseases

Diet for the pancreas after leaving acute conditions is an integral part treatment process... How quickly a person gets back on his feet largely depends on adherence to the recommendations. Ignoring the diet will lead to aggravation of the condition and complications of the disease.

The chronic course of diseases of the pancreas is associated with nutrition. Unhealthy nutrition in a pathological process in the pancreas will lead to an exacerbation of the disease and hospitalization. Therefore, a properly selected diet is the first assistant in restoring the health of the organ.

What can you eat if your pancreas hurts

A diet for pain in the pancreas primarily excludes fatty, fried and spicy foods that irritate the surface internal organs digestive system. Because of this, a spasm of the ducts of the gland occurs and all problems begin.

  • if possible, go hungry for a day or two;
  • drink mineral water without gas (1.5-2 liters per day);
  • after that, try not to load the pancreas, eating mucous soups and cereals even up to a week;
  • if the condition improves, gradually introduce new dishes, observing the state of health;
  • Go to diet food as prescribed by the attending physician.

How to feed a child with an exacerbation of pancreatitis

Children's diet menu for the pancreas practically does not differ from the diet for adults. The flare-up period in younger children usually goes away much faster, however therapeutic diet it still lasts for a long period and should correspond to the age of the child.

Dietary diet children consists mostly of soups and well-boiled cereals. Porridge is prepared in water or diluted milk. Suitable for children vegetable purees, baked apples.

Animal fats and sweets are minimized. Meat dishes should be very light.

Diet for the pancreas: do's and don'ts

The diet for pancreatic disease is limited to table number 5. Consider what you can and cannot eat with pancreatitis. Despite the fact that many familiar products are eliminated from the daily menu, at home, the diet can be diversified by new combinations of products and methods of cooking.


According to the prescriptions of the diet, a list of foods allowed for pancreatic disease has been compiled, and the main recommendations are:

  • the first dishes that the patient begins to eat immediately after an exacerbation of the disease should be liquid or the consistency of puree;
  • only those types of fish and meat are allowed that do not contain a lot of fat (pike perch, perch, chicken, veal, turkey);
  • from dairy products, you can eat those that contain the lowest percentage of fat;
  • if possible, you should switch to vegetable oils as much as possible, especially flax, milk thistle, olive oil;
  • all vegetables can be consumed except radish and garlic;
  • fruits and berries should be of non-acidic varieties, dried fruits are useful;
  • dill, parsley, fresh and dried;
  • stale bread, homemade crackers, biscuit biscuits;
  • drinks - compotes and jelly, juices from non-acidic fruits and berries, herbal tea;
  • from sweets, honey and baked apples are allowed.

What foods to limit

Some familiar foods are not completely excluded from the diet, but their use is limited:

  • salt - up to 10 g per day;
  • butter and other refractory fats;
  • egg yolks (up to 2-3 pieces per week);
  • simple carbohydrates (sugar, jam, sweet pastries);
  • millet;
  • cinnamon and vanillin.

It is categorically impossible

Diet for pancreatic disease categorically excludes the use of alcoholic beverages any fortress.

It is forbidden to use any fatty foods:

  • fish, fatty meats and broths on them;
  • fermented milk products with a high percentage of fat;
  • dough products containing a large amount of fat, especially refractory.

In addition, the taboo is imposed on the use of such products:

  • sausages, smoking, canned food;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • white cabbage, radish;
  • garlic, horseradish, mustard;
  • hot spices, vinegar;
  • fast food;
  • chocolate, baked goods, ice cream;
  • flavors, preservatives, stabilizers;
  • coffee, strong tea, sweet carbonated water, cold drinks.

Treatment and diet for the pancreas with different diseases provide some differences. However, there are general principles as well.

After operation

In the early days, nutrition for diseases of the pancreas that ended in an operation is done intravenously through droppers.

With acute inflammatory process in the pancreas, tissue death, hemorrhage or purulent infection surgical intervention is required.

As you recover, the diet is replenished with liquid soups, cereals, and pureed vegetables. Further, bread soaked in milk, baked apples, steamed omelets are allowed.

Depending on the patient's condition, a week or two after the operation, he is transferred to a normal diet for diseases of the pancreas.

With irreversible processes in the pancreas

Diet for diseases of the pancreas with irreversible processes assumes that the restoration of the organ's functionality will no longer occur. The diet of such a patient changes on an ongoing basis for the use of the most gentle food.

At the same time, food should be varied and nutritious. But new dishes are introduced in small portions so as not to provoke a deterioration.

With stones

A diet for stones in the pancreas should provide a full outflow of pancreatic juice and bile, prevent the formation of new stones. The emphasis is on soft foods that do not irritate the lining of the intestines. Slimy porridges do this task well. Dishes are prepared using exclusively vegetable oils such as olive. Flax and chia seeds are added to the diet.

Other diseases

With an exacerbation of the pathology, it is recommended to fast for 1-3 days. Thus, the pancreas gets rid of the need to produce enzymes and rests. In the absence of vomiting, it is recommended to drink plain non-carbonated water and rosehip broth.

When it is already allowed to eat, the patient is fed with liquid slimy soups, porridge and vegetable puree soups. Such food has the most gentle effect on the digestive organs, including the pancreas.

As you get out of the crisis, the diet is replenished lean meat and vegetable side dishes prepared according to the requirements of the diet.

Why do doctors prohibit any alcohol

The first thing the doctor will say when recommending a new menu is to refuse any kind of alcoholic beverages. The percentage of alcohol and the dose are not even negotiated. Why is that? The answer lies in physiological effects alcohol on the body as a whole and its effect on the work of the pancreas. Seven out of ten patients suffering from pancreatic pathologies owe their condition to alcoholic beverages.

Once in the stomach and intestines, alcohol is transformed into acetaldehyde, which is known to be more toxic than ethyl alcohol... It destroys the mucous membrane of the organs, contributing to the spasm of the pancreatic ducts. Acetaldehyde kills the cells of the pancreas, which are responsible for thinning pancreatic juice. As a result, stones begin to form in the duct of the gland.

Such an influence does not contribute to the restoration of the organ, but rather aggravate the situation. In addition, the pancreas will be attacked by alcohol brought directly to the organ by blood. It destroys the cells responsible for the production of insulin and other hormones.

How long does it take to stick to a diet for various diseases

Diet food for pancreatic disease is prescribed immediately after an exacerbation or as soon as the disease is discovered. The diet will need to be followed throughout the year to avoid subsequent disruptions. If, due to non-observance of nutritional rules, an exacerbation of pancreatitis occurs, after the attack, you will have to count down the year again.

For diseases such as chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis, when pathological process it is impossible to stop, the diet is prescribed to the patient for life.

Approximate diet for a week

Make up for every day correct menu in case of pancreatic disease, it seems to be an important task. Taking into account all the wishes and recommendations of the diet, an approximate menu can be composed as follows:

  1. Breakfast # 1 is the first meal of the day, so it should be nutritious enough to provide the body with energy for the first half of the day. The main dish is porridge cooked in milk or water, always well boiled. Breakfast can be supplemented with a curd-based dish, for example, curd casserole or a steam omelet. Optionally, variety is added by fruits - fresh or baked, dried fruits.
  2. Breakfast No. 2 complements the first breakfast. This is a “planned snack” that doesn't have to be heavy. You can eat yogurt or other fermented milk product with fruit, such as a baked apple.
  3. Lunch is the second main meal, providing the body with energy for the second half of the working day. The basis here is made up of cereals and vegetables, supplemented with milk sauce, fish or meat dishes prepared according to dietary recommendations.
  4. An afternoon snack helps you get along from lunch to dinner. It should be lightweight. An afternoon snack can consist of compote, jelly, medicinal decoction rose hips with homemade biscuits or crackers.
  5. Dinner - last reception food for the day. In order for food to be digested before bedtime, the calorie content of dinner should be about a third or half of the main meal. Here you will find cottage cheese, tea, salads made from raw or boiled carrots and other vegetables that can also be steamed. Dinner can be based on milk or porridge, fruit dishes.

Diet for diseases of the pancreas plays a major role in recovery. The diet should be balanced, well thought out and tasty. Then positive results you won't have to wait long.

Today, doctors know many pathologies of the pancreas. But despite the long-term practice of their treatment, more than effective remedy than proper nutrition for pancreatic disease.

General food rules

It is impossible to imagine the process of treating any ailments of the pancreas without careful attitude and creating the most gentle conditions for the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, all patients must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Eat exclusively mechanically sparing food, that is, all foods that can irritate the intestinal mucosa in one way or another are completely excluded from the diet of patients, since this reflexively activates the secretory function of the pancreas. Therefore, only crushed foods, cereals, mashed potatoes, slimy soups, mashed soups, etc.
  2. Eat only chemically neutral food, that is, patients will have to say goodbye to spicy, salty and spicy foods.
  3. Avoid fried foods completely, as they take a lot of time and effort to digest. Instead, it is recommended to eat boiled, stewed, and even better steamed food.
  4. The pancreas loves lean food. Therefore, you should only eat low-fat foods, lean meats, fish, cheese, and so on.
  5. Take warm food. There is no place for hot meals and drinks on the table of those suffering from pancreatic diseases. The same is true for cold foods. Such a strict thermal regime is due to the fact that the use of cold or hot food stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and loads the diseased gland.
  6. Observe the fractional nutrition. All patients are strongly advised to eat at least 5 times a day in small portions. This will allow digestive system work in a measured rhythm and not experience overload.

Mashed dishes are the basis of nutrition for patients with exacerbations of pancreatic diseases

Attention! In diseases of the pancreas, nutrition and treatment are synonymous concepts, since without strict adherence to all the principles of proper nutrition, any therapeutic measures will not bring the desired results.

Usually, it is recommended to cancel food for exacerbation of ailments of the pancreas for several days, that is, for 2–4 days it is worth not eating anything at all, but only drinking a lot of warm non-carbonated water. Such therapeutic fasting will help the body and, in particular, the digestive organs to recover and again begin to perform their functions. It is very important to start eating right after such fasting days.

Important: for each patient, the doctor individually selects a diet and the degree of its severity. Also, depending on the patient's condition, he can recommend or, conversely, prohibit fasting days.

Prohibited foods

As a rule, patients with diseases of the pancreas are shown diet number 5, therefore, prohibited foods include:

  • fresh bread and baked goods;
  • meat, mushroom and strong vegetable broths;
  • conservation;
  • pickled foods;
  • spices;
  • mayonnaise;
  • chocolate;
  • mustard;
  • sausages, etc.;
  • Salo;
  • coffee;
  • confectionery;
  • juices and sour fruits, berries;
  • onions, radishes, radishes, ginger, legumes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • mushrooms;
  • alcohol;
  • chips, croutons, fast food, etc.

Attention! If, during remission, patients can pamper themselves with this or that delicacy, then they will have to give up alcohol forever. Even the smallest doses of alcohol taken on holidays or special cases, can provoke a sudden.

Allowed Products

Of course, at first glance, it seems that in the presence and, especially, with an exacerbation of pathologies of the pancreas, nutrition is limited to a miserable choice of foods. But this is not the case. :

  • cereals;
  • crackers;
  • yesterday's bread;
  • turkey, chicken, lamb, lean veal;
  • pike perch, cod, carp, perch;
  • biscuit biscuits;
  • jelly;
  • oat, rice, vegetable, pearl barley soup;
  • potatoes, carrots, zucchini;
  • baked apples;
  • yogurt;
  • jelly.

Important: despite all the restrictions, nutrition with a diseased pancreas should be balanced. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the body in the proper quantities receives the proteins, carbohydrates, fats and other compounds it needs.

Of course, the diet of patients with pancreatitis and other diseases is quite narrow, nevertheless, a creative approach and the application of some effort will significantly diversify it. Even from permitted food products, with the right approach, you can prepare many options for delicious, and, most importantly, healthy dishes.

Advice: do not be afraid to experiment, spend a little time and energy looking for new ideas, recipes and translating them into reality. Then diet will cease to be your worst enemy and turn into best friend pancreas.

Sample menu

Nutrition for pancreatitis of the pancreas or other pathologies may have different kind... Here are a few options in full balanced menu... During the 1st week of treatment and until the symptoms disappear, all food must be chopped to a puree state and adhere to the following menu.

Breakfast 1:

  • steam meat cutlets;
  • buckwheat or oatmeal, cooked in water;
  • tea with milk.

Breakfast 2:

  • fruit jelly;
  • cottage cheese.
  • vegetable soup;
  • lean meat soufflé;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • apple compote.
  • white bread crackers;
  • rosehip broth.
  • semolina;
  • steam omelet without yolks;

When the patient's condition improves significantly, most of the symptoms disappear, it is already allowed to grind the food less thoroughly. In such cases, the following option is an example of a menu.

Breakfast 1:

  • boiled lean meat;
  • the vinaigrette;
  • buckwheat porridge.

Breakfast 2:

  • cookies;
  • dried fruits.
  • boiled chicken;
  • vegetable soup;
  • salad;
  • boiled or baked potatoes;
  • Apple.
  • dried fruits compote;
  • cottage cheese.
  • boiled fish;
  • pasta;
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