Why is WW2 so delayed. Olga torozova - the cookbook of the future mother. Buckwheat porridge with herbs

When the war (World War II) began for the USSR, hostilities on the world stage continued for about two years. This is the bloodiest event of the twentieth century, which will remain in the memory of all people.

World War II: when it began and why

Two concepts should not be confused: which designates this phenomenon in the USSR, and "World War II", which designates the entire theater of military operations as a whole. The first of them began on the famous day - 22. VI. 1941, when German troops, without any warning or announcement of their invasions, dealt a crushing blow to the most important strategic targets of the Soviet Union. It is worth noting that at that time the non-aggression pact between the two states was in force for only two years, and most of the inhabitants of both countries were confident in its effectiveness. However, the leader of the USSR, Stalin, guessed that the war was not far off, but consoled himself with the thought of the strength of the two-year treaty. Why did World War II start? On that fateful day - 1. IX. 1939 - Nazi troops also invaded Poland without any warning, which led to the beginning of terrible events that lasted for 6 years.

Causes and prerequisites

After the defeat in the First World War, Germany temporarily lost its power, but after a few years it regained its former strength. What were the main reasons for the unleashed conflict? Firstly, this is Hitler's desire to subjugate the whole world, to eradicate certain nationalities and to make the strongest state on the planet. Secondly, the restoration of the former authority of Germany. Third, the elimination of any manifestations of the Versailles system. Fourth, the establishment of new spheres of influence and the division of the world. All this led to the height of hostilities in different parts of the planet. What were the goals pursued by the USSR and its allies? First of all, it is the fight against fascism and German aggression. Also to this point can be added the fact that he fought with a violent change in the delimitation of spheres of influence. That is why we can conclude: when the war (World War II) began, it became a war of social systems and their manifestations. Fascism, communism and democracy fought among themselves.

Implications for the whole world

What did the bloody clashes lead to? When the war (World War II) began, no one could have imagined that everything would drag on for such a period of time: Germany was confident in its lightning-fast plan, the USSR and its allies in their strength. But how did it end? The war took a huge number of people: losses were in almost every family. The economies of all countries, as well as the demographic situation, suffered enormous damage. But there are also positive aspects: after all, the fascist system was destroyed.

Thus, when the war (World War II) began for the whole world, few were able to immediately appreciate its strength. These bloody events will forever remain in the memory of every person and in the history of many states, whose citizens fought against the terror and aggression of the fascists.

Required: 1 kg of potatoes, 60 g of dried mushrooms, 40 g of butter, 150 g of onions, 20 g of nut crumbs.

Cooking method. Peel the raw potatoes, make a depression where to put the mushroom mince, sprinkle with nut crumbs, put on a baking sheet, sprinkle with oil and bake in the oven. Serve with sour cream.

Cheese-garlic potatoes

Required: 2 large potato tubers, 120 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 chopped garlic clove, 60 g grated cheese.

Cooking method. Peel and wash the potatoes thoroughly, put them in the oven for 40-45 minutes. Then take out, cut each tuber in half, carefully remove the middle from the halves.

Grind the extracted potatoes thoroughly and mix with cottage cheese, garlic. Fill the halves of the tubers with the resulting mass, and sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Then wrap the potatoes in aluminum foil and put them back in the oven (for 15-20 minutes).

Czech potatoes

Required: 800 g potatoes, 40 g sweet pepper, 1 onion, 80 g feta cheese, parsley, thyme, 40 g butter, sunflower oil; for the sauce -100 g of curdled milk, dill, garlic.

Cooking method. Select large oval potato tubers, wash and peel well. Cut off the tops and spoon out some of the pulp. Lubricate the inner walls of the resulting cups with sunflower oil. Simmer potatoes (both cups and tops) in a little water until half cooked. Finely chop the pepper, onion and parsley, mix them with grated feta cheese, butter, thyme.

Fill potato cups with the resulting mass and close the tops cut off earlier. Place the potatoes in a pre-buttered dish.

Pour some water into the mold and bake the potatoes in the oven at moderate temperature. The finished dish is served hot, with a milk sauce made from curdled milk, beaten with finely chopped dill and crushed garlic.

On the plates next to the potatoes, you can put tomato circles decorated with parsley sprigs.

Diet pancakes

Required: 1 small zucchini, 0.5 cups of wholemeal flour, vegetable oil.

Cooking method. Peel and coarsely grate the zucchini, add flour - about half a glass (but it can be less or more - it all depends on how juicy the zucchini is). Salt and stir the dough. Spoon into a skillet with heated vegetable oil and fry on both sides until crisp.

Vegetable pilaf "Village"

Required: 2 cups rice, 1 onion, 2 carrots, 2 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper, herbs, garlic, vegetable oil.

Cooking method. Better to take a saucepan with a thick bottom. Sort the rice, wash, put on gas, salt and dry, stirring constantly, until all the moisture evaporates, while the rice should increase in volume. Then pour 3.5 cups of boiling water into a saucepan, cover and cook until tender over low heat. No need to stir. At this time, prepare the vegetables - fry the onions, chopped carrots, peppers and tomatoes in oil, and then combine them with rice. Stir and simmer together, covered for about 5 minutes.

Add chopped herbs and chopped garlic to the finished dish, let it brew a little and serve.

Vegetarian nut pilaf

Required: 2 cups of rice, 1 handful of dried apricots, raisins, 10-12 dates, prunes, 4-5 walnuts, 2 tbsp. l. honey.

Cooking method. In slightly salted water, boil rice until half cooked, add carefully washed and sorted raisins, dried apricots cut into strips, a few dates cut into strips and pitted and chopped prunes, as well as roasted crushed nuts (optional).

Bring under the lid to readiness, add honey, mix and let it brew.

Diet vegetable stuffed cabbage

Required: loose head of cabbage, 2 carrots, 2/3 cups of rice, 1 onion, garlic, vegetable oil.

Cooking method. Remove the upper large leaves from the cabbage head - 10-12 pieces, boil them slightly so that they become soft, beat off the petioles or cut them off. Prepare minced meat: boil crumbly rice, fry chopped carrots and finely chopped onions, combine with rice, add finely chopped garlic clove. Fill cabbage leaves with prepared minced meat, roll up and place in a deep frying pan or saucepan. Cover with water, add herbs, salt and simmer until tender.

Stuffed pepper "Autumn"

Required: 1 glass of rice, 1-2 carrots, 1 onion, 1-2 tomatoes, herbs, vegetable oil.

Cooking method. Prepare minced meat. To do this, cook loose rice and combine it with fried in oil, finely chopped onions and carrots and salt. Stuff the prepared pepper pods and place them in a saucepan or deep frying pan, cover them with water and chopped tomatoes, salt and simmer under the lid. Serve with the sauce and sprinkle with herbs.

Chinese Tomatoes

Required: 1 kg of tomatoes, 200 g of rice, 0.5 cups of water, 100 g of finely chopped tomatoes, vegetable oil.

Cooking method. For tomatoes, cut off the top from the side of the stalk and select the middle with a spoon. Chop the removed part of the tomatoes, fry in vegetable oil, add to the boiled rice. Fill prepared tomatoes with minced meat seasoned with salt and pepper. Place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Serve hot.

"Celery Tomatoes"

Required: 10 large tomatoes, 3 tbsp. l. rice, 2 carrots, 1 parsley root, celery, 2 onions, pepper, vegetable oil.

Cooking method. Chop carrots, parsley root, onion and celery into small cubes, fry in vegetable oil, add chopped tomato centers and rice, salt and mix. Stuff the tomatoes, place them in a deep frying pan greased with vegetable oil and bake in the oven. Serve tomatoes sprinkled with chopped dill.


All recipes from cereals, which are in the "Recipes for the first half of pregnancy" section, can be cooked in the second half, excluding cereals with mushrooms, excessively sweet and fatty dishes from cereals.

Buckwheat porridge with herbs

Required: for 2 cups of buckwheat - 1 tsp. salt, 3 glasses of water, some greens.

Cooking method. Pour water into a saucepan, salt and boil. Pour buckwheat into boiling salted water and, stirring, cook until thickened for 15-20 minutes. When the porridge thickens, cover the pan tightly and set for 1 hour to simmer. Then sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Buckwheat meatballs.

Required: for 1 glass of buckwheat - 100 g of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. sugar, 0.5 cups of crushed crackers, 0.5 tsp. salt and 2 tbsp. l. oils.

Cooking method. Pour cereals into boiling salted water (1-0.5 cups) and cook for 30-35 minutes. When the porridge thickens, add cottage cheese, wiped through a sieve or minced, eggs, sugar and mix. Then prepare meatballs from porridge, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan on both sides until golden brown. When serving, you can put a spoonful of sour cream on top of each meatball. The same meatballs (without sour cream) can be served with borscht and pickle.

Millet porridge with pumpkin

Required: for 1-1.5 cups of millet - 3 cups of water, 750 g of pumpkin, 1 tsp. salt.

Cooking method. Peel fresh pumpkin from the rind and grains, chop finely, put in a saucepan, pour 3 glasses of water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then add washed millet and, stirring, cook for another 15-20 minutes. Cover the thickened porridge with a lid and set for 35-40 minutes. Millet porridge with pumpkin can be cooked in milk, it will be tastier.

Meatballs on breadcrumbs and millet

Required: for 2 glasses of millet - 5 glasses of water or milk, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 0.5 cups of crushed crackers, 2-3 tbsp. l. oils.

Cooking method. Add salt, sugar to boiling water, add washed millet and, stirring, cook for 15-20 minutes. Then cover the pan with porridge and put it on for 25-30 minutes to steep. Allow the prepared porridge to cool slightly, and then, moisten your hands in cold water, cut the meatballs, roll them in flour or breadcrumbs and fry in a pan with butter. Serve meatballs with jelly, sour cream, butter and milk sauce.

Pumpkin-rice porridge "Baby"

Required: 1 kg pumpkin, 1 liter of milk, 1 glass of rice.

Cooking method. Peel 1 kg of pumpkin, cut into pieces, add milk (1 liter) and cook until half cooked. Then put rice washed in hot water (1 cup) into the pumpkin and salt; cover the saucepan with pumpkin and rice and cook until cooked. Serve with butter and sugar.

Peasant pilaf on vegetable broth

Required: 50 g of rice, 1 l of water, 20 g of butter, 100 g of vegetable broth.

Cooking method. Pour over the sorted rice with warm water, after 25-30 minutes, put in a colander, and when the water drains, fry for 2-3 minutes in a saucepan in oil and pour hot vegetable broth. Bring to a boil, immediately cover and place in the oven for 15-18 minutes. After removing the pan from the cabinet, stir the rice, add a little oil so that the cereals do not dry out or stick together, and salt.

Reply left the guest

G. K. Zhukov writes in his book: “The victory of our troops at Stalingrad
marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the war in favor of the Soviet
Union and the beginning of the massive expulsion of enemy troops from our territory. WITH
this time and until the very end of the war, the Soviet command completely
took possession of the strategic initiative. "
One cannot but agree with such an assessment. Assuming there was no
victory at Stalingrad, then it becomes clear that the Germans would have entrenched
The Caucasus, in the Volga region, they would undertake a new offensive against Moscow, and the war
would drag on for many years, full of hardships and suffering of our people,
Seeing our defeat, the Allies hardly stayed with us. They are already
delayed the opening of a second front in Europe, observing the course of events and
expecting who will be stronger - we or the Germans. It is possible that Germany
would achieve world domination, as Hitler dreamed, but this is not
occurred. After the Battle of Stalingrad, everyone realized that a turn had come, and
doubts about our strength disappeared. We started a new offensive phase in the war,
which led to the victory over Nazi Germany. This turning point took place after
What the battle on the Volga meant for the Germans, writes Lieutenant General Vsetfal:
“The defeat at Stalingrad horrified both the German people and
army. Never before in the entire history of Germany has there been a case of such
the terrible death of so many troops. "
After the liquidation of the encircled group of German troops at Stalingrad,
the Nazis themselves fled in panic from the Caucasus, fearing a new "cauldron".
Soviet troops, developing a winter offensive to the west, occupied Rostov,
Novocherkassk, Kursk, Kharkov and a number of other important areas. General operational
the strategic situation for the enemy deteriorated sharply throughout the Soviet
German front.
Some foreign historians distort the facts when they argue that
the victory at Stalingrad was achieved not by military art, but by our
overwhelming superiority in forces and means. Evaluating the value
The Battle of Stalingrad, Marshal A. M. Vasilevsky writes in his book “Case
all life ”:“ No matter how zealous modern bourgeois
falsifiers in malicious misrepresentation of history, they fail
erase from erase from the consciousness of humanity greatness
Stalingrad victory. And for our and for future generations forever
it remains indisputable that after the defeat at Stalingrad, Hitler's
the clique, despite all efforts, could not restore its former
the efficiency of her army, found herself in a deep military
political crisis. The Battle of Stalingrad is rightfully defined as
the largest military-political event of the entire Second World War ”.
To this can be added the opinion of the American President of the United States Franklin
Roosevelt, expressed in the letter presented to Stalingrad after the battle: “From
on behalf of the people of the United States of America, I present this letter to Stalingrad,
to celebrate our admiration for his gallant defenders, courage,
fortitude and dedication during the siege from 13 September 19442
years to 31 January 1943 will forever inspire the hearts of all free
of people. Their glorious victory stopped the wave of invasion and became a turning point
the point of war of the allied nations against the forces of aggression ”.

In the 90s of the last century, when the so-called. The “iron curtain”, and everything foreign, including the foreigners themselves, poured into us, I had my first conversation with a “living” American. It was during some kind of presentation, of which there were a great many at that time. The American (who, perhaps, was the sponsor of the event) was "licked" from all sides, he was embarrassed by this attention and, it seems, was glad to move away from this fuss for a while. I was also euphoric from our "democracy" and, trying to find common ground, began to say that during the war we were allies, and they, the Americans, helped us a lot in the victory over Nazi Germany. He looked at me in amazement. I decided that I misunderstood me, and asked the translator to clarify. Then he said with sincere conviction: "In World War II, we, the Americans, won the victory over Germany."

This is how I first learned that US citizens are convinced that they defeated fascism in World War II. And our Great Patriotic War is only our war. And the blood of our 20 million dead in the fight against fascism is water. And the defeat by our army of the main forces of Hitlerite Germany before the Allies entered the war is nonsense and Soviet propaganda. It was a little consolation that the British, just like the Americans, consider themselves victors in World War II. The British started it with Churchill.

Churchill attributed the merit of the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition to himself.

“It was Britain, according to Churchill, that played the leading role in the victory over Hitler. "Churchill's World War II, the first volume of which appeared in 1948, largely determined the tone of subsequent books on the war, especially in Western countries: Britain plays a central role in the conflict, its unyielding resistance paved the way for victory" (Norman Davis, modern British historian).

You fight, and we will see who is stronger

About how long the Americans delayed the opening of the "second front", probably only those who do not know anything about the war do not know. The anti-Hitler coalition included the United States, Britain and France. France might not have entered it at all: the French were divided in that war into anti-fascists and collaborators who fought on the side of Germany.

This is how a German general describes the defeat of the French volunteers in 1941 at Borodino. Yes, yes, so symbolically, ours and the French met again in the battle of Borodino more than a hundred years later. Before the battle, Field Marshal von Kluge addressed the French with a speech, saying that in the days of Napoleon, the Germans and the French fought side by side against a common enemy, now it's time to take revenge.

Alas, von Kluge and the French were out of luck - the revenge did not work.

“The next day, the French boldly went into battle, but, unfortunately, they could not withstand either a powerful counterattack of the enemy, or a severe frost and blizzard. They have never had to endure such tests before. The French legion was defeated ... A few days later it was withdrawn to the rear and sent west "(From the memoirs of General Blumenstreet).

Poor French. Just like in the days of Napoleon and Kutuzov. Well, okay, we remember the other French - the fearless pilots from the Normandie-Niemen, the patriots of the Resistance, our allies in the fight against fascism.

How the Soviet people - both at the front and in the rear - expected the opening of the second front! Help is about to come, it will become a little easier, the second front will divert the fascist divisions onto itself, and then we will chase the enemy from our territory. But the longer they delayed with the promises, the less they believed these promises in the trenches: one should rely only on oneself, on one's own strength.

Why was the opening of the second front postponed for so long? Everything can be explained simply: Britain and the United States were waiting to see who would be stronger - the Third Reich or the USSR? When in 1944 even they realized that the Red Army would win, then they opened a second front, less than a year before the complete surrender of Nazi Germany.

“Stalin understood perfectly well that Britain and the United States were no less interested in the defeat of the Red Army than in its victory. The weakening of the Soviet Union in the battle with the Third Reich to the very extreme corresponded to the true strategic interests of the future allies, and this was proved by the entire pre-war history. To play off two dictators, not to leave them a chance to disperse in peace - this is the essence, the quintessence of Western politics in the late 30s and early 40s. ... However, neither Britain nor the United States were interested in the final defeat of the USSR, since the complete defeat of the Russians would make the fall of the British Isles only a matter of time "(Medinsky's" War ").

Stalin did not believe from the very beginning that Britain and the United States would go to war. On the day that German troops crossed the border of the USSR, he said at a meeting in the Kremlin:

“Hess flew to England undoubtedly for an agreement with Churchill, and if he achieved any results on the part of the British, they would not open a second front in the West, which would untie Hitler's hands in the East. But even if such a conspiracy took place, we will still have other allies in the West. England is not all, - and then, after a pause, Stalin said - It will not be easy for us, it will be very difficult, but we have to withstand, we have no other choice ”(V. Karpov“ Marshal Zhukov ”).

Bluff, twist your arms, crush

In order to force America and England to come out of neutrality, incredible efforts were made by our diplomacy. It was also a diplomatic battle. The war-torn country had no political or economic means to force the United States and Britain into the war.

“All that was left was to bluff, twist hands, speculate, press - including psychologically, on a personal level. That is, to engage in what is cynically called "real politics" (Medinsky's "War").

When the Soviet ambassador to England Maisky sent an indignant telegram to Stalin that Britain was ready to give the USSR only six large bombs, he unexpectedly received a telegram from him. In it, Stalin wrote:

"Britain's passive-wait-and-see policy helps the Nazis ... Speaking between us, I must tell you frankly that if the British do not create a Second Front in Europe in the next three or four weeks, we and our allies may lose the case."

Why would Stalin start sending telegrams to the ambassador with such defeatist sentiments? It was a bluff. Stalin did everything. He knew that the telegram would be read and said what the head of state should never have said under any circumstances. He frightened the British with our defeat. “He went all-in,” writes Medinsky.

And then (September 5, 1941) Churchill sent a telegram to Moscow, in which he tried to explain why Britain could not open the Second Front.

“All our generals are convinced that this will only end in bloody battles, as a result of which we will be thrown back, and if we manage to gain a foothold on small bridgeheads, then in a few days they will still have to be abandoned. The French coast is fortified to the limit, and the Germans still have even more divisions in the West than we do in Great Britain, and they have strong air support. We do not have the number of ships that are necessary to transfer a large army to the European continent, unless we extend this transfer for many months. ... This could lead to the loss of the Battle of the Antlantica, as well as to the famine and death of the British Isles. "

So he justified himself and promised when our troops desperately defended Moscow in 1941, when the Soviet offensive collapsed near Kharkov in 1942, when Leningrad was dying in the blockade, when our soldiers defended every house in Stalingrad.

Stalin knew how to put pressure on Sir Churchill - this lord, aristocrat, haughty descendant of the Duke of Marlborough. It was necessary to humiliate his aristocratic dignity - to convict him of lies, dishonesty, infidelity to his word.

They miscalculated

To justify himself, Churchill even flew to Moscow himself. Then, in his memoirs, he explained this visit to Stalin, as always in the best oratory traditions of the Parliament of Lords.

“I pondered my mission in relation to this gloomy, sinister Bolshevik state, which I once tried so persistently to strangle at its birth and which, until the advent of Hitler, I considered the mortal enemy of civilized freedom. What should I have told them now? ... It was like taking a large piece of ice to the North Pole. Nevertheless, I was sure that I must personally ... talk about everything face to face with Stalin, and not rely on telegrams and intermediaries. "

Stalin received Churchill coldly. He said that the British are cowards and are afraid to fight, that they are liars, they do not know how to keep their words and do not fulfill their obligations. Churchill began to make excuses, and then offended. Stalin made the leader of the British Empire angry and blush like a boy. And then Stalin unexpectedly offered to drink "on the road".

This is how Marshal Golovanov recalls this feast.

“The table was small, there were about ten people, no more. Toasts followed and between Churchill and Stalin a kind of tacit competition arose: who would drink more. Churchill poured Stalin first brandy, then wine, Stalin - Churchill. I worried about Stalin and often looked at him. Stalin looked at me with displeasure, and then, when Churchill was carried out of the banquet by the arms, came up to me: “Why were you looking at me like that? When state affairs are being decided, the head does not get drunk. Do not be afraid, I will not drink Russia, but tomorrow I have it like a crucian carp in a frying pan will flutter! "

... There was a reason in Stalin's words, for Churchill got drunk in front of his eyes and began to say too much ... Nothing changed in Stalin's behavior, and he continued a casual conversation. "

“What else could Stalin do? To be nice? What opportunities did he have to get the allies to really take part in the war? We were constantly deceived. Roosevelt personally promised Molotov that he would open the Second Front in the fall of 1942. And also - he deceived. Churchill promised and deceived time after time, year after year. It was obvious that this "sweet couple" would not enter the war until the USSR wasted all its strength. They miscalculated. For our strength was only growing. As a result, the allies had to connect hastily in order to urgently "save Europe from the red hordes" who, having slipped through Berlin and Vienna, would immediately find themselves in Paris and Brussels. Well, then, in 1942, in Moscow, Stalin could only push Churchill morally "(Medinsky's" War ").

On June 6, 1944, the Anglo-American expeditionary forces finally landed on French soil. At this time, the main forces of the fascists were concentrated on the Right-Bank Ukraine, where 40 German divisions were transferred from France. Allied operation "Overlord" began 17 days before the start of our operation "Bagration" - the most brilliant in terms of design and execution of a military operation of the entire Second World War. The Germans were horrified to transfer more and more divisions to the East, but they could not stop the offensive of our troops, which had moved on the shortest direct road to Berlin.

V. Karpov, who wrote a book about Marshal Zhukov, met with veterans of the allied forces after the war. Talking about the crossing of the English Channel, they showed Karpov photographs of the positions of the Germans before and after their bombing strikes - solid craters. “We made a cocktail out of them,” they boasted.

“To our great regret, these brave soldiers did not know that during the difficult days of fighting, Soviet troops also attacked and diverted the main forces of the Nazis,” Karpov writes.

The Allies lost 700,000 soldiers in this war. We must not forget this. We can say that these brave warriors saved 700 thousand lives of our fighters. But it would be nice if they also remembered about us, about our millions who fell, who saved their lives. After all, when Normandy this year celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Anglo-American landing, President Obama again publicly declared that they, the Americans, won the Second World War. Only British and US flags fly over monuments to World War II soldiers throughout Europe. As if it was not we who saved the world from fascism.

(To be continued)

A terrible war with massive human losses began not in 1939, but much earlier. As a result of the First World War in 1918, almost all European countries acquired new borders. Most were deprived of part of their historical territory, leading to small wars in conversation and in the minds.

In the new generation, hatred of enemies and resentment about the lost cities were brought up. There were reasons for the resumption of the war. However, in addition to psychological reasons, there were also important historical prerequisites. The Second World War, in short, involved the entire globe in hostilities.

Causes of the war

Scientists identify several main reasons for the outbreak of hostilities:

Territorial disputes. The winners of the 1918 war, England and France, divided Europe with their allies at their own discretion. The collapse of the Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire led to the emergence of 9 new states. The lack of clear boundaries gave rise to great controversy. The defeated countries wanted to regain their borders, and the victors did not want to part with the annexed territories. All territorial issues in Europe have always been resolved with the help of weapons. It was impossible to avoid the outbreak of a new war.

Colonial disputes. The defeated countries were deprived of their colonies, which were a constant source of replenishment of the treasury. In the colonies themselves, the local population raised liberation uprisings with armed clashes.

Rivalry between states. Germany after the defeat wanted revenge. It was the leading power in Europe all the time, and after the war it was largely limited.

Dictatorship. The dictatorial regime has grown significantly in many countries. The dictators of Europe first developed their army to suppress internal uprisings, and then to seize new territories.

The emergence of the USSR. The new power was not inferior to the power of the Russian Empire. She was a worthy competitor to the United States and leading European countries. They began to fear the emergence of communist movements.

The beginning of the war

Even before the signing of the Soviet-German agreement, Germany planned an aggression against the Polish side. At the beginning of 1939, a decision was made, and on August 31, a directive was signed. The state contradictions of the 30s led to the Second World War.

The Germans did not admit their defeat in 1918 and the Versailles Accords, which oppressed the interests of Russia and Germany. Power went to the Nazis, blocs of fascist states began to form, and large states did not have the strength to resist German aggression. Poland was the first on Germany's path to world domination.

At night September 1, 1939 German special services have launched Operation Himmler. Dressed in Polish uniforms, they seized a radio station in the suburbs and called on the Poles to rebel against the Germans. Hitler announced aggression from the Polish side and began military action.

After 2 days, Britain and France declared war on Germany, which had previously concluded agreements with Poland on mutual assistance. They were supported by Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India and the countries of South Africa. The outbreak became a world war. But Poland received no military and economic aid from any of the supporting countries. If British and French troops were added to the Polish forces, the German aggression would be instantly stopped.

The population of Poland was delighted with the entry of its allies into the war and was waiting for support. However, time passed, and help did not come. The weak point of the Polish army was aviation.

Two German armies "South" and "North" with 62 divisions opposed 6 Polish armies from 39 divisions. The Poles fought with dignity, but the numerical superiority of the Germans proved to be the decisive factor. In almost 2 weeks, almost the entire territory of Poland was occupied. The Curzon line was formed.

The Polish government left for Romania. The defenders of Warsaw and the Brest Fortress went down in history thanks to their heroism. The Polish army lost its organizational integrity.

The stages of the war

From September 1, 1939 to June 21, 1941 the first stage of the Second World War began. Characterizes the beginning of the war and the entry of the German military into Western Europe. On September 1, the Nazis attacked Poland. After 2 days, France and England declared war on Germany with their colonies and dominions.

The Polish armed forces did not have time to deploy, the top leadership was weak, and the allied powers were in no hurry to help. The result was a complete docking of Polish territory.

France and England did not change their foreign policy until May next year. They hoped that German aggression would be directed against the USSR.

In April 1940, the German army entered Denmark without warning and occupied its territory. Norway fell immediately behind Denmark. At the same time, the German leadership was implementing the Gelb plan, it was decided to unexpectedly attack France through the neighboring Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. The French concentrated their forces on the Maginot Line, rather than in the center of the country. Hitler attacked across the Ardennes behind the Maginot Line. On May 20, the Germans reached the English Channel, the Dutch and Belgian armies surrendered. In June, the French fleet was defeated, part of the army was evacuated to England.

The French army did not use all the possibilities of resistance. On June 10, the government left Paris, which was occupied by the Germans on June 14. After 8 days, the Armistice of Compiegne was signed (June 22, 1940) - the French act of surrender.

Great Britain was to be next. There was a change of government. The United States began to support the British.

In the spring of 1941, the Balkans were captured. On March 1, the Nazis appeared in Bulgaria, and on April 6, already in Greece and Yugoslavia. Western and Central Europe was dominated by Hitler. Preparations began for an attack on the Soviet Union.

June 22, 1941 to November 18, 1942 the second stage of the war lasted. Germany invaded the territory of the USSR. A new stage began, characterized by the unification of all military forces in the world against fascism. Roosevelt and Churchill openly announced their support for the Soviet Union. On July 12, the USSR and England signed an agreement on general military operations. On August 2, the United States pledged to provide military and economic assistance to the Russian army. Britain and the United States on August 14 promulgated the Atlantic Charter, which was later joined by the USSR with its opinion on military issues.

In September, the Russian and British military occupied Iran to prevent the formation of fascist bases in the East. The Anti-Hitler Coalition is being formed.

The German army met strong resistance in the fall of 1941. The plan to take Leningrad could not be implemented, since Sevastopol and Odessa resisted for a long time. On the eve of 1942, the plan for a "lightning war" disappeared. Hitler was defeated near Moscow, and the myth of German invincibility was dispelled. Germany was faced with the need for a protracted war.

In early December 1941, the Japanese military attacked a US base in the Pacific. Two powerful powers entered the war. The United States has declared war on Italy, Japan and Germany. Thanks to this, the anti-Hitler coalition has grown stronger. A number of mutual assistance agreements were concluded among the allied countries.

From November 19, 1942 to December 31, 1943 the third stage of the war lasted. It is called the turning point. The hostilities of this period acquired enormous scale and tension. Everything was decided on the Soviet-German front. On November 19, Russian troops launched a counteroffensive at Stalingrad (Battle of Stalingrad July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943) ... Their victory served as a strong incentive for the next battles.

To return the strategic initiative, Hitler carried out an attack near Kursk in the summer of 1943 ( Battle of Kursk July 5, 1943 - August 23, 1943). He lost and went into a defensive position. However, the allies of the Anti-Hitler coalition were in no hurry to fulfill their duties. They were waiting for the exhaustion of Germany and the USSR.

On July 25, the Italian fascist government was liquidated. The new head has declared war on Hitler. The fascist bloc began to disintegrate.

Japan did not weaken the grouping on the Russian border. The United States replenished its military strength and launched successful offensives in the Pacific.

January 1, 1944 to May 9, 1945 ... The fascist army was driven out of the USSR, a second front was created, European countries were liberated from the fascists. The joint efforts of the Anti-Fascist Coalition led to the complete collapse of the German army and the surrender of Germany. Great Britain and the United States carried out large-scale operations in Asia and the Pacific.

May 10, 1945 - September 2, 1945 ... Armed actions are carried out in the Far East, as well as the territory of Southeast Asia. The United States has used nuclear weapons.

Great Patriotic War (June 22, 1941 - May 9, 1945).
World War II (September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945).

Results of the war

The greatest losses fell on the Soviet Union, which took the brunt of the German army. 27 million people have died. The resistance of the Red Army led to the defeat of the Reich.

Military action could lead to the collapse of civilization. War criminals and fascist ideology were condemned in all world processes.

In 1945 in Yalta, a decision was signed to establish the UN to prevent such actions.

The consequences of the use of nuclear weapons over Nagasaki and Hiroshima forced many countries to sign a pact banning the use of weapons of mass destruction.

The countries of Western Europe lost their economic dominance, which passed to the United States.

The victory in the war allowed the USSR to expand its borders and strengthen the totalitarian regime. Some countries have become communist.

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