The best preparations for the normalization of the intestinal work. Natural tablets to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. What helps with diarrhea

The article is big, but after reading it completely, you will understand the reasons for problems with the intestine and get a variety of tools, how to establish cleansing.

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We told the most necessary proactive methods for the correction of constipation at home.

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What to consider the norm and pathology

The act of defecation itself is an intimate topic. Unfortunately, we are not accustomed to him as a simple physiology, followed by:

  • Always look back on what the chair looks like;
  • On time to gripe that you go to the toilet only 1 time every 3 days.

What does healthy intestinal emptying mean?

What should be regarded as constipation?

No chapes for 3 days? Reason for concern. The frequency of such episodes is increasing? Delays are up to 4 or more days? It is time to treat the function seriously.

Diseases of the digestive organs are visiting the section of therapy - Gastroenterology. In practice, gastroenterologists distinguish three types of constipation:

  1. If the feces are tight in the first portion and delivers painful sensations, and after the process occurs freely (the contents soften and acquires the volume), you are dealing with atonic constipation. This epithet emphasizes the insufficient power of the intestinal movements - weak peristalistic.
  2. If the mass is framed, pain or discomfort are missing or insignificant, but there is a drilling and colic in the stomach, the constipation is spastic. This means chronological disharmony in the intestinal movements.
  3. When man chronic constipationHe is experiencing both types of discomfort to which the specific texture of the roaming masses is attached. They become solid and dry, as if pebbles were sticking with one bunch. These pebbles occur due to increased suction of the fluid, while the food lump is long in the intestine.

Possible causes of constipation

We drink little clean water - from day to day. People are prone to erroneous judgment that any liquid is water. There is even a sweet soda and coffee, which, by the way, falls here, which also takes fluid from the body due to the diuretic effect.

Proper behavior other:

Drink clean water - at least 1.5 liters per day, without gas and impurities, between meals, or 20 minutes before meals.

We use insufficient fiber ( alimentary fiber). This deprives the intestine microflora of healthy conditions for breeding. And the food lump does not swell, and it is difficult to promote even active intestinal movements.

We are moving little. Another sedentary day at least provides us with a stagnation of bile. No bile - no peristaltics, omit already effective suction useful substances. In addition, well-trained press muscles maintain a light and fast defecation and stabilize the rhythmic intestinal movements.

We are furiously drink antibiotics - more often than need, or in excess doses. This disrupts the microflora structure and creates a niche for the growth of pathogenic microbes.

We are excessively easy and often we accept laxatives - instead of establishing the power and drink mode.

Contemporaries (especially women) abuse low calorie diets, where not only little food, but also catastrophically a little fiber. Among potentially dangerous diets - any strict protein, chocolate and drinking.

During pregnancy and shortly after the birth of the child. First, the constorus is promoted by nature, reducing the peristaltics so that it does not strengthen the tone of the uterus. Secondly, the uterus with the kid increases in size and presses the intestine, reducing its lumen. Thirdly, if there were gaps in childbirth or there are seams after surgery, they enhance spasm in the lower intestinal departments.

Constipation due to pathology of internal organs, nervous system or metabolism, in particular, with a bricken disease, with disorders in the work of the thyroid, Parkinson's disease, etc. The most formidable causes of constipation - intestinal cancer and injury.

Baby constipation can provoke all the listed causes, as well as flaws in a teaching to the pot, allergic and busting from the breast with the transition to the mixture.

What do we read between lines in the volumetric list of reasons?

Large optimism in finding a solution, how to establish the intestinal work in domestic constipation. Many factors depends on us! Successful treatment In the hands of a person - without drugs, due to change in the diet and a healthy lifestyle.

What are we mistaken in self-medication

Strong and coachable faith in laxatives is harmful. A couple of guttalax techniques make a person quickly and easily, he decides that the problem is under control - and takes the first step in the middle closed Circle "Podted on laxatives."

Why is an excess of laxative dangerous?

Our body is surprising reasonable. When we are actively, but artificially spur a function, the body will get off with a dose and will require it to increase it. Or protect yourself from the intervention of the most aggressive stimulator, having ceased to answer it.

Excitation - braking. So the body works. The more you quit, the deeper the body goes into unrequency. Such a "addiction" syndrome is especially pronounced when there is a synthetic drug substance.

What is our task?

Avoid constant reception of medicines, at least until it becomes clear that only regime measures are unsuccessful.

Therefore, an effective treatment for constipation and medication selection has certain stages.

How doctors pick a laxative

Do no harm! - the main commandment of a competent doctor. Selection of the laxative preparation during constipation begins with searching for ways, how to establish the intestinal work at home without drugs:

  1. First corrected the lifestyles of life: increase the volume of fiber and water. A significant part of people says goodbye to the problem of constipation after 4 weeks of regular performance of regime events.
  2. If stable emptying is not achieved by food methods, a second step is carried out: Choose a laxative preparation for retention of fluid in the food lump. The active substance prevents the assimilation of the fluid, the lump remains loose and volume - to promote it easier.
  3. The third step is to add a medicine that annoys the wall of the intestine. The irritation reaction includes enhancing peristaltics: the food lump passes faster to the exit. This stage is the fate of difficult chronicles, which are already well examined for long observation by the doctor. Most often, such people identify a serious pathology of the organs leading to the constation.

How to establish the work of the intestine without drugs

To establish the work of the intestine by nutrition, in our arsenal there is a wide range of gentle natural techniques:

  1. Fruit block in the morning;
  2. Gymnastics in bed immediately after awakening;
  3. Self-resolution belly, harmonizing peristaltics;
  4. Respiratory techniques for strengthening the press and active peristaltics;
  5. Oatmeal, wheat and other bran (psycholarium).
  6. As well as glycerin candles and herbal fees From the recipes of traditional medicine.

We describe in detail how to apply these effective means.

What is in the morning

If there are no stones in bile bubbleWe select the optimal food choleretic in the morning. So we stimulate bile outflow. It will strengthen the peristaltics and bring the urge to emptying.

Dietary christmas synthesis for the morning to choose from - an empty stomach (!):

  1. One tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 cup of acidified water;
  2. Small sips drink 100-200 ml of warm apple juice;
  3. Similarly - 200 ml is very warm water + 2 teaspoons of honey;
  4. We eat on an empty stomach until 2 apples breakfast, carefully chewing.

Another nice alternative - for fans of coffee.

Fragrant drink, like strong tea - participants in the list of fixing products. However, the quantity and time of use are crucial.

Do not be surprised by diversity medical nutrition With constipation. The diet for high-quality cleansing, for sure, will be tastier to the usual "suckon on the run."

In addition, the diet 3 is healthier in general, as it contains more antioxidants and dietary fiber. Prevention of atherosclerosis, oncology and obesity, strengthening immunity and nervous system - all this you will get automatically by choosing from permitted products.

Important! How much to drink on a diet during constipation?

On average, from 1.5 liters of pure water. Want to calculate more precisely? Schedule from 20 to 30 ml of water for each kilogram of body weight. It is convenient to fill the bottle in the morning and carry with you to drink in small portions between meals.

Learn about fixing products

A few words about "fixing products and dishes" - rice porrige, not quite ripe bananas, green varieties of pears, pomegranate, quince, strong black tea, iris, chocolate. This is an excerpt from the standard list. Treat it soberly - testing for yourself.

When you perform all the recommendations, how to establish the intestinal work in constipation at home, then the morning coffee as a food choleretic will accelerate the process of cleansing, and the pear or quince with yogurt is not sharpened to the problem.

Important fact about fermented milk products.

Of the two heroes - yogurt or kefir - it is worth choosing the last one. In the US, the strains of bacteria in a sour milk were deeply studied and came to the conclusion that for harmony in intestinal microflora, it was Kefir - an impeccable leader.

The ideal option, if we are preparing his houses - on purchased Zakovask, in a yogurney or a thermos. So we get rid of a variety of e-neck from store products and replenish the menu by the product of long-livers.

How to eat bran for fiber

Bran to increase the nutritional fibers in the menu are not shown to everyone. Be sure to consult your doctor.

If there are no contraindications how to properly use bran during constipation:

  1. During the day, eat 2 dessert spoons of a mixture of bran and linen seed, be sure to drink it with 1 glass liquid. Mix \u003d 1 part oat bran and linen seed shredded at a coffee grinder.
  2. Breweed with boiling water, eat with kefir / yogurt, fruit juice, as an additive in porridge - 2 hours before or after taking medication.

With a healthy stomach and intestines, add 1 part of wheat bran.

You can increase the dose of the mixture to 2 tablespoons - with insufficient effect.

What is psychology and how to take

Among the preparations of plant fiber, a psyllium is worth a mansion. What it is? The husk of the seed of medicinal plantain. It is sold in the form of flour or capsules in dietary online stores and pharmacy. In our opinion, it is beneficial to buy a scattle psyllium. The price is small in comparison with the benefit.

Wonderful advantage of psychulium - the presence of soluble fiber up to 70% of its total volume (and in total in psychlium great amount fiber - up to 85% per 100 grams of the product!).

Branbubbe wheat and oats contain a much less soluble fiber, but it is it that is the most valuable component to harmonize the intestinal microflora.

Psychium stunningly quickly and abundantly absorbs water - on 1 gram of flour to 45 milliliters of water! It is actively used in gluten-free and low-carb baking to enrich the dishes of fiber.

What is the average dose of psychulium?

1 teaspoon 1-3 times a day with a drink.

What is in the evening

Tasty and helpful alternatives, including from the list of folk remedies:

  1. Overnight slowly and thoroughly turn 1 medium carrots;
  2. We eat up to 3 tablespoons of the famous mixture of dried fruits. Prunes, black raisins, figs, dried in equal proportions are twisted on the blender. We eat up to 3-tablespoons for dinner, per hour and a half before sleep, best - with a glass of kefir;
  3. Plum juice before bed - up to the 1st cup;
  4. Oat decoction - 1 cup at night;
  5. Sea cabbage salad, for example, with egg and vegetable oil.

Change the priority of products

In contrast to the classic algorithm "Soup - Cutlets with Potato - Compote and Cupcake" We offer you to try out a completely different sequence of products in meals:

  • We eat fruit on an empty stomach (before meals) or separately from other products. That is 1 meal per day - exclusively fruit (!) Possible accompaniment is a glass of kefir;
  • We begin reception with salad. When they ate half, add 1st or 2nd dish (meat, side dish, soup);
  • We do not eat soups on potatoes, rice and noodle. Only vegetable recipes, accompanied by ground squirrel - meatballs.

We treat motion constipation

In search of a response, how to establish the work of the intestine during constipation at home, it is impossible to discount the gymnastics, self-massage and a natural pose during defecation.

Starting its morning food choleretic, it is beneficial to add it to a small charge.

  • "Fire Breathing" or pulling the belly from popular respiratory techniques;
  • Banal bike, still lying in bed - up to 6 minutes without stopping;
  • Dynamic Pose "Roller" from yoga;
  • And even just getting like a place, high raising her knees.

What is the benefit of physical education?

It enhances the intestinal peristalsis and strengthens the front abdominal wall. Want to cleanse? We make the rules of 10-15 minutes of charging for the press in the morning.

If you are weakened or in old age

Woke up, stretched and did not get out of bed?

Here it is - time for beneficial self-making:

  1. First, I stroke the belly (clockwise \u003d in the course of the intestine), gradually coming to the deep premium in a circle.
  2. Then gently moving a fist or back side Palm from the right hypochondrium to the pubic and from the left hypochondrium to the pubic.
  3. Several times the stomach in full exhale.
  4. We end up gentle gymnastics "roller": with a tag of his knees to the chin, press it, clasping the legs with your hands, and begin to slowly swing on the back - along the spine.
  5. After efforts, we relax for 3-5 minutes, and before the rise from bed slightly massaging both ears - to heat and pink.

A pleasant bonus of such equipment will be the overall improvement in the tone in the morning and even a slight weight loss if you do not go through the energies of food.

Always relate amplitude, frequency and well-being!

It is impossible to continue massage and movement through pain.

Another option comprehensive action - Strengthening the muscles of the press, the formation of the waist and the prevention of constipation. Vacuum in the abdomen, the right technique of which is shown in detail in the video:

Effective posture when visiting toilet

Ergonomics of seating during defecation is a well-studied area. Today it is proposed to effectively bring the person to the most advantageous posture - squatting.

Squattypotty (C) is a special setting under the toilet. It takes about the month of regular use to get used to it, and the bonus often becomes a decrease in hemorrhoidal nodes (if you have hemorrhoids 1-2 stages).

In a small video, it clearly explains how to establish the work of the intestine during constipation at home, using the trends of progress - with a support for a healthy physiology:

What medications doctors use

If your regime efforts do not bring a stable intestinal cleansing, the gastroenterologist will pick a laxative drug. Today is the services of patients:

  1. Prebiotics (for example, on the basis of lactulose - dofalak, norms, prechex, normolact, portalc): their task is the harmony of intestinal microflora;
  2. Medications for chemical stimulationthe walls of the colon (for example, on the basis of grass hay, bisakodil, slack, regulax, guttalaks): their minus when receiving more than 1-2 weeks - addiction and disruption of electrolyte equilibrium;
  3. Preparations with osmotic properties (Forlax, macrogol, forttrans, magnesium sulfate): Their task is to keep the liquid in the food lump, it stretches the intestine, it is actively shrinking and pushes food. Reception of drugs is accompanied by meteorism, colic and ration;
  4. Herbs from the arsenal of folk remedies: Crubble bark, hay, anise and others. Do not feel illusions from the word "phytotherapy": these are the same laxative preparations with osmotic or annoying actionwho have side effects and "addictive" with a debt.

Why is it important to establish cleansing

Digestive organs are a fundamental system of the body. Her breakdowns lead to different consequences, among which threatening Life status.

The first satellite of constipation is psychosomatics (psyche disease because of the pathology of the physical body). The second is a variety of skin diseases. The third is a provocation to malignant reincarnation of cells, especially in mature and old age.

That is why it is important not to let the fixing of the chair on samonek. Touch everything available methodsHow to establish an intestine at the constipation, and if there is no success at home - hurry to a thorough doctor!

Thank you for the article (17)

The intestine is part of the gastrointestinal tract, where digestion occurs, selection is generated. The main functions are the digestion of the food casket, the absorption of liquid and the beneficial substances, the synthesis of parts of hormones and vitamins, participation in the formation immune system man.

Intestine and his appointment

To find out how to establish the work of the intestine, you need to know what the problem is, in which part of the body there is a violation, with which it is connected, and only after a thorough diagnosis start to rehabilitate measures. The organ consists of two main parts - Tolstoy and fine intestine. The total length is about 4 meters (the intestine in the men's body is longer than in female).

Diameter different departments Not the same, the minimum value is 3 cm (thin part), and the maximum - 8 cm (thick department). Inner surface The organ is removed by the mucous membrane that promotes the promotion of the content on the path, and also protects it from damage. The mucous membrane is above a layer of fatty fiber, where lymphatic and blood components are located. The frame of all layers is the muscular shell, it contributes to stirring, promoting the content in the natural direction.

In men, the last intestine in the front wall in contact with the bladder and the prostate gland, in women with the uterus and the back wall of the vagina. Inflammatory processes in contacting organs can proceed, causing additional foci of pathology.

Intestinal function in the body:

  • Digestion of food with the participation of pancreatic enzymes.
  • Food cleavage to simple amino acids, monosaccharides, monoglycerides, etc. The process occurs on the walls of the small intestine, for which intestinal enzymes are distinguished.
  • In the thick intestine, water absorption occurs, the formation of fees and their evacuation.
  • Synthesis of hormones - pancrozimine, motilin, intestinal glucagon, neurotenzine, etc., the highlighted hormones regulate the processes of digestion and provide the functionality of other organism systems. The overwhelming number of hormones is highlighted in duodenalistician.
  • Synthesis of immunoglobulins (subpopulation of T-lymphocytes) - to provide cellular immunity.
  • Production of useful microflora, which is the inner panel of the body against microbes, bacteria. For example, bifidobacteria neutralize primary cancer cellsAnd the lactobacillia will stop the development of allergic reactions.

Symbiosis of man and bacteria

The intestine microflora is divided into groups:

  • Basic - lactobacillia, bacteroids and bifidobacteria (the latter are about 90% of the entire microflora).
  • Recognizing - Esteral Strains, Enterococci.
  • Final - staphylococci, protein.

With the help of bacteria, vital enzyme, regulating, metabolic processes in the human body occur. Microflora synthesizes a number of essential vitamins - C, PP, partially groups in, as well as indispensable amino acids. Thanks to the normal operation of microflora, there is a full absorption of trace elements - iron, calcium, vitamin D.

The disorder of the intestine is often associated with the prevalence of pathogenic microflora, which leads to the imbalance of vitamins, minerals, weakening the immune system, the braking of detoxification processes, appears the "irritable intestine" syndrome.

To restore normal microflora, it is recommended to eat as much fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. Efficual food products will bring invaluable help if they prepare them alone, acquiring milk and fristers. In this case, there is always confidence that kefir or rippy do not contain preservatives and other impurities.

  • Diversify the menus with acid berries, especially valuable are rosehip and cranberries. You can take them in any form, but it is preferable to make tea and drink throughout the day.
  • Walnuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower are mixed in equal amounts and crushed in a blender. For one-time reception take 2 tbsp. Spoons of mixture poured warm water and drink before meals twice a day. A full course of treatment takes 10 days.
  • Aira root and plantain leaves are mixed in proportion 1: 1. For infusion, 2 h. Spoons of the mixture are poured with steep boiling water, after insisting within 15 minutes, filter and drink 50 ml 30 minutes before meals (3-4 times a day). Course treatment 10 days.

Signs of intestinal imbalance

Specialist to find out how to establish an intestine, in each case, a diagnosis is required. There are many reasons for violations in functioning - from the banal intolerance to any product to a hidden illness. It is mistaken to assume that the GTS system is capable of digest and output any substance or product. Microflora, although stable, but not infinitely, at a certain point it comes to the imbalance.

Signs of intestinal disorders are:

  • Problems with chairs (diarrhea, constipation).
  • Pain in the stomach, especially at the bottom.
  • Swimming, meteorism.
  • Insulty urge to empty.
  • Emptying with great efforts, but small quantities.
  • Severity at the bottom of the abdomen.
  • AcneFrequent headaches.
  • Abundant sweat, nestable breathing.
  • Weakness, apathy, malaise, etc.

With prolonged ignoring, it may encounter an acquired disease, which significantly changes life and worsens its quality. If the primary means, diet do not help for one week normalize the state, then need to contact the doctor. A specialist, conducting a series of tests and analyzes, will reveal the cause of the problem and will give recommendations how to establish an intestine or direction for the treatment of a particular disease.

Common complaints

The main symptom of the gastrointestinal tract with which each person faces is a pain in the stomach. The body's response can be a sign of microflora, poisoning or illness. If the pains are not related to the pathology of the body, then the most frequent complaints are related to the following problems:

  • Constipation. The absence of evacuation of decay products from the rectum is a consequence of many reasons, for example, insufficient or unbalanced nutrition, irregular food intake, dysbacteriosis, a low-tech lifestyle, consumption of a small amount of water, etc. Long-term difficulty of defecation can lead to hemorrhoids, bleeding. Caliac masses are compacted, dehydrated and settle in the diverticulas of the rectum, which in turn causes intoxicating the body.
  • Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, ischemic colitis - viral or bacteriological diseases, bad habits, heredity, reduced immunity. The patient is experiencing frequent spasms, there is no dehydration, apathy, fast fatiguability.
  • Diarrhea - occurs in poisoning, intestinal infections. IN heavy cases It may be a consequence of cancer, parametrity or tuberculosis of the intestine. Symptoms arises due to the loss of the rectum of the absorption functions and there is an emergency evacuation of the liquid and the accumulated masses, even minor. On the infectious origin Diarrhea indicates an increase in body temperature. In the absence of treatment and recovery, the patient sharply decreases the body weight, immunity is weakened, hair falls out, skin Covers pale.
  • Neurogenic constipation - arises due psychological reasonsFor example, it is inconvenient to make emptying, being on a business trip, in a tourist trip. An uncomfortable position is often the cause of constipation, the consequences of a long abstinence are also poorly reflected in state of health, affect complications.

The physiological need of a person in the evacuation of the carts is individual, but options do not go beyond the scope of natural, namely - from 3 times within a day to 3 times a week, provided that there is no discomfort.

The reasons

The list of intestinal diseases is extensive, but the pathological paths are known:

Parts of pathologies can be avoided by compliance with the rules of hygiene (infection, worms), a change in lifestyle (moderate sport, hiking, rejection of bad habits, avoiding stress), revision of the menu ( unbalanced nutrition, rejection of the product), the remaining diseases require constant therapy.

For treating specialist

Therapy and diagnostics must be entrusted to the gastroenterologist. There are a number of methods responsible for the patient's request on how to check the intestine:

  • CT, MRI, ultrasound.
  • Radiography.
  • RectorOnoscopy.
  • Clinical,
  • Palpation of belly.

After clarifying the causes of violations in the intestinal work, the doctor appoints treatment taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Normalization of lifestyle and nutrition is the first steps aimed at restoring the functions of the organ and general status Health.

Motion value

Intestinal peristalsis Important component of healthy work organ. What it is? This is the ability of the intestine to the wave-like abbreviations, promoting the normal promotion of the contents from the upper departments to the rectum, followed by evacuation outside the body. The most frequent consequence of the violation of the intestinal reduction functions is constipation.

Weaken the peristaltics the same reasons that negatively affect the work of the intestine - a sedentary lifestyle, use of unhealthy food, harmful habits, etc. In the process of diagnostics, the gastroenterologist will definitely pay attention to this problem and as the intestinal peristalistic therapy is also boosting. It is recommended to reconsider the menu in favor of prevalence of plant food, croup, reduction of the number of semi-finished products, the exceptions of fast food, carbonated and stimulating drinks (strong tea, coffee, energy, etc.).

Diet to help

Correct meals and change food habits to most people who conceive how to establish the intestinal work. If the diagnosis did not reveal pathologies and only normalization of functioning is required, then experts recommend paying attention to the healing table number 3. It is prescribed during constipation, sluggish intestinal peristalsis, hemorrhoids, cracks.

Diet eliminates the following products:

  • Saturated broths (meat, fish).
  • Fatty varieties of fish and meat, any kind of smoked and canned food.
  • Fats culinary, animal origin.
  • Some types of cereals - Sago, Manka, Fig.
  • Bean, onions, mushrooms, garlic, radish, radishes, turnip.
  • Scrambled eggs, boiled eggs.
  • Confectionery, dough, chocolate.
  • Acute sauces, horseradish, seasonings, mustard.
  • Toning drinks - strong coffee, tea, cocoa.
  • Iiva, Dogwood, Kissel, Blueberry.

Diet to normalize the intestinal work allows the use of next products:

  • Vegetable broths and soups.
  • Meat and fish "second" broths.
  • Cheering soups on vegetable, weak meat (fish) broth.
  • Cereals - wheat, buckwheat, bumblen, millet. Porridge is boiled on water with a minimum salt.
  • Vegetables and garden greenery (zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, carrots, etc.). Cooking for a couple, boiling, baking. White cabbage, green pea - Only in boiled form, with the intolerance of any kind of vegetables, they are excluded from the diet. Potatoes are used in limited quantity.
  • Meat and fish low-fat varieties are served in baked, boiled or cooked on a pair. Milk sausages are allowed.
  • Efficious products - kefir, ryazhenka, fresh cottage cheese, cream. Smetane is added to the dishes.
  • Fruits and berries are welcome in large quantities. You can use both fresh and dried.
  • Eggs in the amount of up to 2 pieces per day (screaming the schuck, cooking for a pair, omelets protein).
  • Natural sweets - honey, grazing, marmalade, marmalade, confident, etc.
  • Bread out wheat flour 2 varieties of yesterday's baking, as well as grain, rye bread. Biscuit without impregnation, gallery cookies.
  • Creamy oil - limited, vegetable oil for refilling dishes.
  • Drinks are weak black and green tea, decoction of bran (wheat) and rose hips, fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Sample menu

To establish the work of the intestine during constipation, the most common violation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will help balanced nutrition.

  • Fresh vegetable salad (seasonal).
  • Oatmeal porridge or flakes (eliminate cereals fast cooking) On the mixture of milk and water (1: 1).
  • Vinaigrette (with intolerance to exclude cabbage).
  • Low-fat fish, boiled or paired + vegetables.
  • Omelet cooked for a pair.
  • or dried fruits, fastening tea with milk, fruit juice.

Dishes on the 2nd breakfast:

  • Apple or Pear
  • Ground carrots or a grated apple salad with carrots and sour cream.
  • Boiled beet without refueling.
  • Tea or decoction from rosehip.

Choice of dishes for lunch:

  • First dishes - vegetable soup, soup, ear based on low-fat fish, borsch, beetter.
  • The second dishes - chicken fillets steam, steam from diet meat and vegetables, chopped beef (pair preparation), stewed chicken and beets, fish with vegetables (steam option).
  • Dessert - natural marmalade, jelly from berries or fruits / dried fruits.

Skidnik: tea with sugar, decoction / infusion of rosehip, juice from fruit, baked apple, assorted dried fruit.

Assortment of dinner dishes:

  • Vegetable cabbage rolls or cutlets.
  • Buckwheat porridge with milk adding.
  • Chicken fillet with a garnish of seasonal vegetables.
  • Casserole from cottage cheese with dried fruits.
  • Tea, juice, decoction of wheat bran.

Cleansing the intestines is the key to normal well-being, productivity, health. In addition to the diet, it is recommended to perform a number of events:

  • Use sufficient number fluids (calculated by the formula: body weight x 0.03 \u003d Individual amount of water. where 0.03 - 30 ml of fluid per kilogram of the body). With increasing exercise The amount of fluid increases.
  • Replace coffee, tea, carbonated, alcoholic beverages on vitamin beams and herbal teas.
  • Power principle - fractional (4-5 times), small portions.
  • In the morning, an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water. Food reception after 30 minutes.
  • You can eat several dried dried fruits - prunes, dried dried fruits - prunes, kuraga, fig.
  • Two or three times a week, fitness classes are needed. In the absence of opportunity, long-term walking in an intensive pace are welcome.
  • Mandatory observance of the general rules of hygiene - washing hands before eating, after the street and visiting public places.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits before use thoroughly wash and scream with boiling water (if possible).
  • Massage abdomen, after morning awakening, light circular motions clockwise.

These simple methods stimulate the natural cleansing of the intestine, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is improving general health.

Medical guard

Finding out how to check the intestines and improve his condition, you should never deal with self-medication. All drugs are prescribed by a doctor after a thorough study of many indicators. The task of the gastroenterologist enters the cause of the imbalance that has arisen and eliminate it. Perhaps the patient will need to adhere to a certain diet without the use of drugs, prebiotics or probiotics.

Excessive use of laxatives, drugs with strains of microflora can be as perducted to act on the gastrointestinal tract, as well as uncontrolled reception any means. Typically, patients are prescribed such drugs for the intestinal operation:

  • "Hilak-Forte", "Enteroleptin".
  • "Phytolac", "Frutolak".
  • "Laktvitt", "Colorfort".
  • "Lactro Filter", "Depusors".
  • "Mukofalc", "Cheongin", etc.

Before proceeding with drugs, you need to contact a gastroenterologist for advice and diagnostics.

Effective folk remedies

About how to establish the work of the intestine, the traditional medicine knows. In the arsenal of its funds only natural components, most of them are taken in the form of decoctions, infusions, tea.

To popular I. affordable recipesThe time of cooking and raw materials includes such:

  • Wheat bran. Accepted in packed or dry form 1 tablespoon in the morning (preferably an empty stomach).
  • Seeds of plantain. Dry raw materials are grinding and take 1 tbsp. A spoon from 1 to 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • Herbs to improve the intestine - Fennel, Anis, Mint, Cruise Cora and pharmacy chamomile. The collection of herbs in equal amounts is poured with steep boiling water, insist and filter. Take warmth after meals during the day.
  • Tea from the collection of blueberries and cherry fruits. Dry ingredients are taken in equal amounts, boiled water. Tea strain and take during the day after each meal.
  • You can finish the day with the reception of the motioned prunes (3-4 fetas), you can drink water in which the fruits are swollen.
  • In the morning it is useful to eat oatmeal with dried fruits and nuts.

Folk, drug and therapeutic methods of normalizing the work of the GCC should be used to systematically and mutually complement each other. The intestinal restoration occupies for a long timeSometimes it is necessary to spend not one year to rehabilitate.

Medical statistics testifies - 90% of the population, including adults and children, suffers from gastroenterological diseases. The main factors for the development of pathologies are incorrect food Behavior, bad habits, psycho-emotional tensions and independent treatment.

In connection with the situation, a clear trend is traced - early appeal for medical care determines the high chances of full recovery and improving the quality of life. To normalize the intestinal work and the elimination of uncomfortable sensations will be required easually compliance Medical recommendations, patience and self-discipline.

Symptoms of digestion failures

Under impaired digestion, the complex is characteristic clinical symptoms From the head of the gastrointestinal bodies that are not related to severe lesions. In most cases, no significant treatment arises, due to changes in the intestinal motility and deviations from the secretory and suction function of the digestive tract. Therefore, the importance of early complex diagnostics and correction is difficult to overestimate, and the reason for the consultation is the appearance characteristic symptomaticsto which refers:

  • unpleasant odor of oral cavity;
  • nausea, belching, bitter taste;
  • unstable stool;
  • flatulence;
  • pain in the epigastric area.

Violations of the organs of the digestive tract without drug and behavioral correction lead to endocrine and allergic diseases. Therefore, the gastroenterological examination is primarily subject to patients with a stubborn flow of bronchial asthma, neurodermitis, anemia, metabolic syndrome.

Causes of intestinal disorders

The process of digestion takes place in the lumen thin gut and is carried out mainly by pancreatic enzymes. It is believed that the main cause of diarrhea or constipation is the lack of pancreas. Also isolated inflammatory and infectious processes that have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane and intestinal motorcy:

  • reduction of hydrochloric acid products and pepsin, arising from gastritis caused by heliobacter infection;
  • autoimmune inflammation, accompanied by disruption of the absorption of trace elements;
  • dyskinesia biliary tract at which there is a decrease contractile function gallbladder;
  • balance of microflora (dysbacteriosis), which causes the meteorism and the instability of the chair;
  • inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis), which is a consequence of infections, gliste invasions and chronic stomach diseases;
  • intoxication arising from food or chemical poisoning;
  • autoimmune lesions manifested by chronic inflammation of various departments of the intestine;
  • hepatitis.

Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of digestive organs is preceded by careful diagnosis, including innovative techniques: Laparoscopy, MRI, gastroscopy, rectoscopy, scintigraphy, endo - and colonoscopy. Also carry out a number laboratory studies Blood, feces, urine, liver samples. Complex programs Screening allow you to spend accurate diagnosis And reveal the disease in the early stages.

Modern medicine offers patients with minimally invasive interventions. During the gastroscopy, treatment is carried out peptic diseases, resection of polyps, stop bleeding. Newest surgical techniques Allowed to carry out organ-saving operations on the esophagus, various deposits of the intestines, liver, pancreas and a bustling bubble.

How to establish the work of the intestine during constipation

The norm of the stool frequency is the concept of individual and due to the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant pathologies and the characteristics of the body. The act of defecation every two or three days is a physiological norm. More rare recovery indicate chronic colitis, cholecystitis, irritable bowel syndrome and pancreatic dysfunction. To clarify the causes of the state, you must contact the gastroenterologist. The following tips will help facilitate defecation problems:

  • to create an additional volume in the intestine, it is necessary to drink an empty stomach of a glass of water temperature;
  • a relaxing effect has a fresh kefir, which is consumed shortly before night rest;
  • massage abdomen will be emptied.

The main condition for the proper work of the intestine is a balanced diet, from which sugar, baking, carbonated drinks, fatty meat and alcohol are recommended.

Preparations for the treatment of constipation

Improve the intestinal work will help the complex drug therapy. The treatment regimen usually includes drugs for the regulation of peristaltics, soft laxatives, antidepressants, hepatoprotectors, probiotics.

  1. Norma, lactulose, Duphalak - inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora, do not cause addiction and can be used for a long time.
  2. Suppositories Rectal glycerol, glycelax softening felling masses and produce a laxative effect. Used in patients after stroke, heart attack, during pregnancy and hemorrhoids.
  3. Pancreatin, Festal, Creon, Panzinorm - Improve digestion, maintain the work of the pancreas and liver. Enzymatic drugs are prescribed when uncoupled food, pain in the epigastric area and nausea.
  4. Acipol, Goodlak, Lines, Bifinorm, Hilak Forte - Regulate Balance intestinal microflora, normalizes its composition and acidity indicators. Against the background of drug intake, there is a natural synthesis of vitamins and the disturbed water-electrolyte balance is restored in the lumen of the small intestine.
  5. Esssential Forte, Carsyl, Liv 52 - hepatoprotectron. Usually prescribed in chronic constipation due to disorders in the liver. It has a choleretic, antitoxic and antioxidant effect, hepatocytes restore and normalize the composition of the blood.
  6. Motilium, trime, motilac - antispasmodics, increasing the tone of the sphincter and intestinal peristalsis; Remove meteorism, nausea and vomiting.

Modern pharmacology offers a large selection of drugs from constipation. It is important to understand that maximum effect It has comprehensive treatment based on an individual approach.

Folk remedies

The best women's vegetable oils are castor, vaseline, olive, flax. The means take on an empty stomach of no more than three days, which is associated with the high risk of pancreatitis development and reducing rectal sensitivity.

To normalize the metabolic processes and the work of the gastrointestinal tract, grind 300 g of scarlet leaves in a blender (before cutting the plant is not recommended to water within three days). Mix the workpiece with 500 g of honey and a bottle of red wine. The tool is taken according to the following scheme: 1 tsp. During the week, then 1 tbsp. l. Three times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. Duration of treatment - from two weeks to several months.

With constipation, accompanied by intestinal colic and flatulence, prepare a mixture of herbs taken in equal proportions: Yarrow, chamomiles aid kit, sage and hormour. Bill with steep boiling water (0.5 liters) one tablespoon of collection, let it brew and take 100 ml twice a day before meals.

To improve the peristaltic, it is recommended to drink a decoction consisting of crushed rhizomes of Aira, the crust of the crash, peppermint, nettle leaves, valerians and dandelion. Fall off the raw material in the thermos and pour boiling water (2 tbsp. L. Collection / 800 ml). After a few hours, tea is filled and use ½ cups 30 minutes before eating.

How to establish the work of the intestine at diarrhea

Diarrhea indicates disorders of electrolyte metabolism and suction of water in the intestine. The condition is manifested by frequent urges to defecation and a liquid chair. There are acute diarrhea arising against the background of infections and intoxication, as well as chronic diarrhea. The tendency to the liquid chair is due to the violation of the motility and inflammation of the intestinal walls of various etiologies, lack of pancreas, and also occurs on the background long reception Medicate drugs.

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the anamnestic data and the results of laboratory research. Therapy includes compliance with diet, correction of gastric and pancreatic secretion, course treatment Antibacterial drugs, restoration of the water and electrolyte balance.

Stubborn diarins contribute to the change in acid-alkaline equilibrium in the intestine and dehydration of the body, which leads to increased fatigueViolation of work of cardio-vascular system and reducing the quality of life.

Preparations from diarrhea

For symptomatic treatment, adsorbents, enveloping and binding: Enterosgel, Enterosan, Polysorb, Bacytatin. For the regulation of motility, the decrease in the secretory function and the improvement of suction is shown by the Imodium or Loperamide.

In diarrhea of \u200b\u200binfectious genesis, the course of treatment with antibiotics wide spectrum Actions, among which chinolines, sulfonamides, nitrofuran drugs are isolated.

To suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora, improvement of digestion and stimulation local immunity Prescribed probiotics of Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Biofimm, trilact, etc.

Folk remedies

To establish digestion will help rice decoctionWith enveloping, knitting and warning properties. The use of funds is shown pregnant and children, which is explained by the high nutritional value and safety of the product. Fill 2 tbsp. l. Washed cereals with water (500 ml) Bring to a boil and boil on a slow heat for 20-30 minutes. Let it cool and strain through fine sieve or gauze. The finished agent is used by 100 ml every three hours. For a child, the dosage is reduced to 50 ml.

The dried grenade peel has knitting and antiseptic properties, so the decoction quickly stops diarrhea, flatulence and pain syndrome. For cooking, we need a teaspoon crushed in a blender or a mortar and a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture is boosted on a water bath for at least 30 minutes, after which they give to stand and take 30 ml at least four times a day.

To eliminate the diarrhea, the fruits of blueberries are used, from which they are preparing kissel and decoction. Efficiency is due to the presence of pectin and tanning substances in berry.

Diet for intestines

In chronic intestinal atony, the bran of cereals (wheat, oats, rye) is shown. The product is sprinkled with boiling water or add to kefir and yogurt. The sea cabbage has proven well, which is used several times a day in the form of salad.

To eliminate constipation in daily diet It is recommended to turn on boiled beets, buckwheat and parl Crap, oatmeal, as well as fruits and vegetables with a large content of fiber: sauer cabbage, apples, peaches, citrus, carrots, tomatoes and fresh cucumbers. In chronic constipation, it is advisable to use a mixture of figs, prunes, kuragi, raisins, dates and walnuts With the addition of honey. Dessert is accepted half an hour before eating twice a day for 1 tsp.

In diarrhea, food with high pectin content is introduced into the diet: fruit purees, baked apples and pears. To replenish potassium, bananas, dried and boiled potatoes in the "uniforms" are shown. Prevent dehydration and loss of trace elements will help chicken broth, vegetable soups, kisins and compotes.

In case of intestinal diseases and tendency to diarrhea or constipation from the diet, it is necessary to eliminate fried foods, smoking, marinades, carbonated drinks, mushrooms and alcohol.

Acute chronic diarrhea It is a special danger to women who carry a child. During this period, high risks of intoxication and rapid dehydration, which leads not only to bad well-being future mom, but to malforms of the fetus. Therefore, with a diarrhea that does not buy household means and ordinary drugs (Loperamide, phthalazole, Maalox, regider), an immediate visit to the doctor is recommended.

Diarrhea in pregnant women contribute to circulatory disorders, including in the placenta. And with infectious and virus lesions of the intestine, protein metabolic violations and insufficiency of the secreter function of the pancreas are possible.

Prevention of intestinal diseases

Preventive measures are aimed at creating regular behavioral and food habits. It is recommended a complete refusal of alcohol and smoking, compliance with the day of the day and the prevention of stressful situations. To unconditional requirements include:

  • five-volume meals, where the caloric breakfast is at least 25% of the daily rate;
  • fruit and vegetable snacks between the techniques of main food;
  • compliance with the drinking regime, which involves the use of at least two liters of water per day;
  • timely detection and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine disorders;
  • flow of lack of vitamins, minerals, fiber synthetic and vegetable preparations.

To increase the muscle tone and stimulation of digestive processes, it is necessary to increase motor activity. Swimming, Aerobics and Hiking Walking Enhance the intestinal peristalsis and best affect psycho-emotional state.

Constipation or diarrhea indicate inflammatory processesIn the pathogenesis of which there are functional disorders of the gastrointestinal organs, infectious damage, metabolic diseases and autoimmune states. Therefore, with rapid or rare acts of defecation, accompanied by swollen, nausea and deterioration of well-being, an appeal for medical help is recommended. Detection of the causes of intestinal dysfunction and a competently composed treatment diagram will help prevent complications and return the quality of life!

Intestinal microflora is a set of various microorganisms that interact with each other. Some of the bacteria are vital for the human body. Some negative factors Can break the balance and provoke dysbacteriosis. Existing drugs for normalization consist of bacteria that allow you to restore biological equilibrium. Consider the most popular medicines from this group.

What function performs microflora?

The intestine of an adult is inhabited by more than 500 species of various bacteria of both useful and harmful. The first help to digest food, contribute to maintaining the protective forces of the body and oppress the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Conditional pathogenic bacteria are contained in smaller quantities and are able to provoke the development of alend under certain conditions. The right balance of microflora is needed for timely emptying with a decorated chair.

Normally attend the intestines should not. In the colon contained mainly enterococci, bacteria, intestinal wand. The situation-pathogenic row represents clostridium, staphylococci, protea, and a cinema wand.

The intestinal microflora forms immunity at the local level, is able to withstand viruses and ensure the resistance of the epithelium to toxic effects. Useful bacteria take part in the synthesis of vitamins and trace elements, activate drugs, help maintain ion balance.

What will the microflora violation?

An increase in the number of harmful microorganisms may cause the development of such a pathological phenomenon as dysbacteriosis. Usually, such a diagnosis is heard by the parents of the first year of life, but in fact the ailment occurs in adult patients. Special preparations will help to eliminate such a state to normalize the intestinal microflora.

The intestinal dysbiosis contributes to the rapid growth of conditionally pathogenic microflora. This over time leads to the pollution of the body by the products of the biology of bacteria and the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the urogenital and immune system. Negatively reflects pathology and on the exchange processes.

Causes of dysbacteriosis

The main factors capable of providing an imbalance in intestinal microflora include:

  • long use of certain medicines (antibiotics, sulfonamides);
  • chemotherapy;
  • psychological shocks (stress);
  • pathology of the intestine of infectious ethiology;
  • improper nutrition, abuse of harmful products;
  • disorders in the work of the endocrine, immune system;
  • (long starvation);
  • diseases of digestive organs (cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, ulcerative disease).

It should be understood that the dysbacteriosis is never developing as an independent disease, but only indicates the presence of other problems in the body. Therefore, therapy is usually beginning with the definition of the root causes of the alend.

How to restore the microflora?

The most pronounced therapeutic effect Remote medication drugsDesigned to restore normal intestinal microflora. They can be divided into three groups: probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics. Such drugs may contain living cultures of bacteria, substances for the reproduction of useful microorganisms.

One of the often appointed probiotics is Lines. Advanced analogs are trying to choose many patients, because the medication is quite expensive. But it is worth considering that the original means has a unique composition and a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Preparations from the group of prebiotics contain in the composition of the components necessary for independent reproduction of the useful microflora in the intestine. They are recommended to be taken usually in a complex with probiotics. However, we should not forget that even such useful medicines have their own contraindications and if improper use can cause serious violations In the work of the gastrointestinal bodies.

As part of synbiotics, in addition to several species useful bacteriaThis is necessarily contained substances necessary for the reproduction of "good" microflora - poly and oligosaccharides. Simply put, it is a combination of prebiotic and probiotic in one drug.

Lines: General Description

The "Linex" drug refers to complex probiotics and contains three types of useful microorganisms in the same time: bidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci. It is these bacteria that are necessary to create a "right" microflora in the intestines.

The drug is produced in the form of a capsules of the famous pharmaceutical company Sandoz (Germany). Also for children breast-age You can purchase a medicine in the form of a powder containing bifidobacteria.

Indications for destination

According to the instructions, the drug should be applied to the treatment and prevention of intestinal dysbiosis. The source of probiotics may be needed in the following cases:

  • frequent constipation;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • symptoms of dyspepsia;
  • belching;
  • high gas formation, meteorism.

Linex for children

With dysbacteriosis, almost all the kids of the first year of life are facing. To facilitate unpleasant, painful signs of pathology, experts recommend to give Linex to children. Analogs of cheaper, such as "acipol", "Normobakt", "Laktobaterin", mainly contain only one type of bacteria and do not have a comprehensive impact. Linex in the form of powder does not contain in the composition of lactose.

Is it possible to take antibiotics when treating?

Antibacterial therapy is a threat not only for pathogenic microflora, but also for useful microorganisms inhabiting the intestines. Quite often against the background of antimicrobial medicines, dyspeptic disorder is developing. To avoid this phenomenon, it will take timely normalization of intestinal microflora.

Preparations for 5-6 months) from a group of probiotics should be taken sufficiently long time. It is important to start therapy even during treatment with antibiotics. Linex and other probiotics are recommended to be taken after antimicrobial drugs at least after 2 hours.

For the treatment and prevention of microflora imbalance in infants, the drugs can be mixed with clean water and fasten the child with it during the day.

Probiotic "Acipol"

The presence of several components and high indicators of therapeutic efficiency are the main advantages of the probiotic "Linex". The price of this medicine is available, unfortunately, not to all patients and therefore the choice often falls on a cheaper analogue - "acipol". The preparation contains components for reproduction of useful microflora and lactic acid bacteria.

The action of the medication is aimed at suppressing growth pathogenic microorganisms, Mattering the gastrointestinal tract with useful bacteria, strengthening immunity at the local level and eliminating signs of dysbiosis. Azipol can be used to treat kids from three months. Probiotic is released in the form of powder and capsules for oral administration.

For the prevention of dysbacteriosis you can also choose the preparation "acipol". Price, patient reviews play a considerable role when choosing medicines to normalize microflora. It should be noted that "acipol" is considered one of the most affordable probiotics with multicomponent composition. Cost of capsules (30 pieces) - 290-330 rubles. In many cases, the tool turned out to be very effective.

What is the drug "Biovestin-lacto"?

The instruction positions the means as a unique probiotic, which includes lacto and bifidobacteria necessary for normal functioning Intestinal microflora, as well as substances that promote the reproduction of useful microorganisms. The manufacturer of the medication is "Bio-Vesta" (Novosibirsk).

In the process clinical trials It was found that the drug is able to adjust the state of intestinal microflora and successfully eliminate signs of dysbacteriosis. Bifidobacteria in the composition of probiotics prevent the growth of pathogenic microflora, they have high resistance to antibacterial drugs.

The tool is produced in liquid form. "Bike Lacton" takes half an hour before meals or an hour after the meal. The solution can be diluted in a small amount of water or milk (for children). The fluid temperature should not exceed 38-40 ° C. Otherwise, the drug will lose its healing properties.

Preparations for normalization of intestinal microflora during constipation

To restore stool in adults and children pharmaceutical companies Offer a huge amount of drugs. But not each of these funds can affect true cause pathological phenomenon. Some brought only temporary relief - drugs with an annoying or osmotic action. To eliminate not only symptoms, but also dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to pay attention to drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora, which also have a soft, softening chair, action.

Long-term stagnant nuts negatively affects the microflora state in intestinal tract. Useful bacteria begin to die and decompose, which contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Prebiotics are necessary to prevent such a situation and improve motility. The composition of these drugs includes unsecured carbohydrates, lactulose and inulines.

The ideal medium for reproducing useful bacteria is a lactulose - synthetic disaccharide, which passes through the entire gastrointestinal tract unchanged and reaches a large intestine, where the process of recovery and microflora growth occurs. At the same time, the substance is completely not suitable for the reproduction of the conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microflora.

Based on lactulose, drugs are produced to normalize intestinal microflora in children and adults. To the most efficient and safe include:

  1. "Lactusan";
  2. "Duhalak";
  3. "Prexan";
  4. "Lactuvit";
  5. "Forlax";
  6. "Normolact";
  7. "Norma".

These medicines can gently affect the problem and do not provide negative influence on the body as a whole.

"Duhalak": instruction

The price of the drug based on lactulose depends on the packaging volume. Most often, patients acquire Duhalak in bottles of 200 and 500 ml, the cost of which is 280 and 400 rubles, respectively. You can measure the required amount of drug fluid using a measuring cup that is attached to the bottle. 100 ml of syrup contains 66.7 g of lactulose.

The means relates to laxative drugs having a hyperosmotic effect. The increase in the number of lactobacillias, the decrease and stimulation of peristalsis occurs due to the lactulose, which is part of the drug "Duhalak". Instruction (the drug price is usually not specified in it) contains the necessary information about the proper use of the medication.

What do patients say?

Preparations for normalizing the intestinal microflora based on lactulose should be prescribed by a specialist. The therapy and dosage scheme will depend on the age category of the patient. Do not forget about contraindications with which it is necessary to get acquainted before the start of treatment. Throughout the course of therapy, it is important to keep drinking mode and drink at least two liters liquid per day.

Duhalak, like many other drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora, deserved reviews from patients mainly positive. Therapeutic action Medicines can be felt after 8-10 hours after admission. In the treatment of dysbacteriosis and constipation, the agent is often prescribed to children of the first year of life.

Often, people relate to the constation, as a minor symptom. However, constipation may indicate serious malfunctions. Constipation is insufficient, slow motion or difficult to emptying the intestines. Normally, the defecation in an adult can occur from three times a day to once every three days.

With long constipation, a person feels gravity and discomfort in the stomach, the skin can become yellowish from intoxicating the body with wheel masses. If the feces are very solid, when passing it can damage the intestinal walls, as evidenced by blood on feces. But why does someone suffer from constipation, and other intestines works like a clock?

Causes of constipation

The causes of constipation may be disorders in nutrition, consequences of antibiotics, stressful situations, sedentary lifestyle. In children, constipation may also be associated with the intentional suppression of the urge to defecation - if he experienced pain under this process. It happens that little child They scold that he "gave up" in the pants, and the baby considered that he was crowded for the fact that he was emptied. Subsequently, he tries to restrain himself and suppress the urge, thus developing a psychological constipation.

Popps often appear from changing power - with a large number of devices, sweet food, as well as in the absence of fiber. A change of ordinary lifestyle also leads to constipation - frequent departures and flights, work at night, violation of sleep and recreation. If the body is dehydrated, he also suffers from constipation. Constipation in pregnant women are frequent symptom Due to the physiological change in the body of the woman during the period of tooling the fetus. In the elderly, frequent constipation is associated with a decrease in the activity of intestinal perilstatics.

Meals - what can and can not eat during constipation

Diet with constipation comes down to eating with good assimilation, as well as products that have a large amount in its composition rough fiber. In this case, it is necessary to observe the drinking mode - drink at least two liters per day. So what do you need to eat when constipation?

  1. Fiber and dietary fibers are contained in raw vegetables, fruits, greenery, bran. Add a large bowl of vegetable lettuce, seasoned with a spoonful of vegetable oil and fiber contained in vegetables, as if the brush cleans your intestines.
  2. Beets, prunes, dried apricots, apples, pumpkin in any form possess a pronounced laxative effect. Eat more of these products to get rid of the constipation.
  3. Flax seeds are very good with constipation. You can add them to salads or is just like that. The oil from flax seeds is useful to take on an empty stomach in a tablespoon in order to establish an intestine job.
  4. Efficiency products are simply necessary in constipation. Often, constipation arises after taking antibiotics when useful intestinal bacteria died together with malicious bacteria. In this case, you need to drink kefir, ryazhenka and other fermented milk products that quickly go to the intestinal work. However, it is necessary to note that only fresh kefir can cope with constipation, which is not more than one and a half days. Kefir, which is more than three days, on the contrary, fastens.
  5. If you like bread, you need to abandon drinking yeast baking, but prefer her flour products from coarse grinding flour. It is better to eat rye bread, which after baking was set aside at least 10 hours. Fresh bread disrupts intestines and promotes constipation.

In addition to the use of the right and healthy products for the intestines, it is necessary to exclude that food from the diet, which slows down the intestinal perilstatic. These include:

  1. Products that contain a lot of starch - potatoes, semolina porridge, rice. Need to limit their quantity in the diet.
  2. It is necessary to eat smaller flour - bread, macaroni, etc.
  3. It is already said about Rice, however, I would like to note that rice and his decoction are used to fix the chair in diarrhea. Therefore, when constipation from rice (especially white) you need to completely refuse.
  4. Any kisins are contraindicated in constipation.
  5. Cocoa, coffee, strong tea (especially black), alcohol - all these products contribute to a decrease in intestinal perilstatics.
  6. Salted, sharp, smoked products can also contribute to the constation.
  7. Boiled milk in large quantities.

It is interesting! One misconceptional pediatrician who was asked to tell about the ways to combat constipation in children, noted interesting feature. He said that in prosperous families, where the child is surrounded by love and care, the kids suffer from constipation much more often. He explains this by the fact that fruits and vegetables from the peel, depriving the kid of coarse fibers often clean from the excessive care of Mom. And in large and problematic families, when the child is not paid so much time, the baby eats everything with the skin, providing herself normal work intestines.

To restore a healthy intestinal microflora, you need to put the course medicinal preparationsthat will help populate the intestines with healthy and necessary bacteria. Also, at hand, there must always be the means of first aid necessary for the intestinal emptying.

  1. Preparations with alive bacteria - Linex, Bifidumbacterin Forte, Primaofilus, Lactobacterin, Enterol, etc. All these drugs are different in their composition, operate with long-term use. They must be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Stimulating laxatives. This is the most common group of laxatives, which acts on the intestinal perilstatic. After receiving the drug in a few hours, the intestine begins to work hard, which contributes to the removal of feces outwards. But the effect of the drug may be accompanied by spasms in the intestine and, accordingly, pain. Among the drugs of this group - diphenylmethane, Bisakodil, Gutalax, sodium picosulfate.
  3. Phytopreparations. it various medicines Based on plant herbs. The most famous laxative plant is Senna. It prepares such drugs like Senade, Tisasen, Regulaks, Phytolas.
  4. Lactulose. Medicinal products With lactulose increase feces, as a result of which emptying occurs much easier and faster. Such medications need to be taken by drinking them with plenty of water, otherwise the effect may not be. Among similar drugs Norma, Duhalak, Portalk, Dinolac, etc.
  5. Clear. Microlax is a small enema with a special content that helps empty the intestine after 10 minutes after using the drug.

Along with these medical means Can be used to combat constipation of folk recipes and grasses from herbs. Yarrow, St. John's wort, immortelle, Melissa, Chicory, Senna, Eucalyptus, Sage, Chamomile, Green Tea - All these plants are able to restore the intestinal work and normalize its health. Herbs can be combined in decoction or cook useful composition Only from one plant.

Popps and solid stools indicate a failure in the body. It is very important to respond in time to the signal of the body and take timely measures. Otherwise, constipation can lead to unpleasant consequences and serious diseases. Watch your body and be healthy!

Video: Improved intestinal work with exercises

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