How does the gallbladder hurt - symptoms. Treatment of the gallbladder. Symptoms of liver and gallbladder disease

Can it hurt gallbladder and how does it manifest itself? We will give the answer to the question asked in the presented article. In addition, you will learn about the reasons for the inflammatory process in the gallbladder and how to treat such a pathological condition.

general information

Fortunately, not everyone knows how the gallbladder hurts. After all, such a deviation is characterized by rather unpleasant symptoms that can be eliminated only by drinking an anesthetic antispasmodic drug.

Before talking about why the gallbladder hurts, you should find out what this organ is.

As you know, the gallbladder is part of the digestive system. It is located directly below the liver and is connected to it by the bile ducts. This organ is small (approx. thumb human) and a shape resembling a small hollow pear. The main role played by the gallbladder is the accumulation, as well as the excretion of a special fluid that is produced by the liver. It should be especially noted that it is essential for the absorption of fats and the movement of food through the intestines. Within 2 full days in the liver of an adult, approximately 2 liters of bile can be produced.

How does the gallbladder hurt? Deviation symptoms (general)

The main symptom of the disease of such a digestive organ is the palpation of its enlarged size. In addition, people who have such a deviation very often complain of constant and rather severe pain in the region of the right hypochondrium. By the way, often such unpleasant sensations spread to the back, lower back, right shoulder blade and shoulder.

It should also be noted that where the gallbladder hurts, a person may experience a special tension in muscle tissue (in the upper abdomen).

At an early stage in the development of this deviation, unpleasant sensations are usually paroxysmal in nature. With cough, increased and deep breathing, as well as a change in the position of the body, they can be significantly amplified.

Now you know how the gallbladder hurts. Symptoms of such a deviation can either be long-lasting or last only a few hours. In addition, patients very often experience nausea followed by vomiting, which does not bring any relief. If the patient's work of the said organ is disrupted, then his body temperature may rise, dry mouth may appear, and the heartbeat will noticeably become more frequent.

If the gallbladder hurts (the symptoms were presented above), then you should immediately consult a doctor. The latter is obliged to conduct an examination and prescribe a treatment that will alleviate the patient's condition and eliminate the inflammatory process.

Why does the gallbladder hurt?

There are a lot of reasons why this organ hurts a lot. The main ones are the following:

  • inflammatory processes (the so-called cholecystitis);
  • metabolic diseases (cholelithiasis);
  • functional reasons without inflammatory processes, but with impaired motility of the digestive organ (that is, dyskinesia).

Let's consider all the presented deviations in more detail.

Chronic and acute cholecystitis

This disease is characterized by inflammation of the gallbladder (chronic or acute), which is accompanied by violations of biliary functions.

Does the gallbladder hurt in this case? The presented deviation is characterized by the following symptoms: aching pain and discomfort in the region of the right hypochondrium. As a rule, such discomfort lasts long enough long time and brings a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Most often, increased pain occurs after eating fatty and fried foods, as well as eggs, spicy snacks, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. Such a meal causes nausea in the patient, belching with bitterness or air, a bitter taste and dry mouth.


If a patient has a metabolic disease, how does the gallbladder hurt? Symptoms of such a deviation can spread to the entire abdominal cavity, and then concentrate in the right hypochondrium. Typically, the patient feels strong feeling nausea leading to vomiting. Moreover, at cholelithiasis patients often experience constipation.

As you know, the formation of stones is characteristic of such a deviation. Most often this occurs as a result of a violation metabolic processes. Currently, there are several groups of stones that differ in chemical composition: pigmented, purely cholesterol, purely calcareous and mixed (that is, lime-cholesterol-pigment). For diagnosing this disease it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination of the presented organ.

Biliary dyskinesia

“My gallbladder hurts. What to do?" - This question is often asked by gastroenterologists. After all, to endure the symptoms that accompany this deviation is not only impossible, but also dangerous to health.

Biliary dyskinesia is a disease of the digestive organ, which is characterized by a violation of its motor activity. As a result of such a deviation, the process of bile entry into the duodenum may be disrupted. In medical practice, there are two main types of presented pathology:

  • hypotonic, that is, the motor activity of the organ is significantly reduced;
  • hypertonic, that is, motor activity is increased.

To identify such a deviation, you should definitely contact a therapist and tell him about how the gallbladder hurts. Symptoms of this disease can manifest as follows:

How to treat diseases of the gallbladder?

An experienced gastroenterologist is the one to help you if your gallbladder hurts a lot. Treatment of this organ is prescribed only after a personal examination of the patient by a doctor. By the way, for staging more accurate diagnosis The doctor may recommend that the patient undergo an ultrasound examination. Using this method, you can easily identify the presence or, conversely, the absence of stones in the gallbladder, its inflammation, increase in size, etc.

Once a diagnosis has been made, the physician must prescribe effective treatment, which will not only relieve the patient of unpleasant symptoms, but also eliminate the inflammatory process that develops in this organ.

It should be especially noted that the therapy of cholecystitis (acute or chronic) is carried out only under the supervision of a gastroenterologist. The first thing the specialist prescribes is a strict diet. The patient is forbidden to eat fatty and fried foods, as well as fresh bakery and confectionery products, including chocolates, cakes, etc. In addition, the patient is not recommended to drink alcohol and carbonated drinks. Also, the patient should exclude spicy and spicy dishes from his diet, including fresh garlic, onions and peppers.

For special indications, which the attending physician is obliged to consider in each individual case, the patient may be prescribed various means and enzymes that normalize the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

After the period of exacerbation subsides, one should proceed to physiotherapy and treatment with mineral waters.

Surgical intervention

If as a result of therapeutic treatment it was not possible to alleviate the patient's condition, then doctors resort to surgical intervention. By the way, an operation to remove the gallbladder is also performed if there is calculous cholecystitis (with the formation of stones). The excision of this organ can be performed in a classical way with the help of abdominal intervention or in a low-traumatic way (laparoscopy).

It's important to know

With untimely and improper treatment of gallbladder diseases, the patient may develop quite severe complications in the form of a violation of the process of outflow of bile, infection inner content, purulent inflammation organ walls, biliary fistulas and subhepatic abscesses.

If the gallbladder began to hurt suddenly and you do not have the opportunity to visit the hospital, then it is recommended to refuse to eat any food and take an anesthetic drug. Tea will help alleviate the condition based on such medicinal plants, like flowers of calendula, chamomile, columns with stigmas of corn, sand immortelle, common tansy, peppermint leaves, dandelion roots, and wormwood herbs, great celandine and fruits of ordinary fennel.

If unpleasant sensations arose at night, then to alleviate the condition, you can lie on the left side of the body and apply light blows to the right side. This method will allow you to release part of the bile from the bladder, which will partially help eliminate pain.

Why do we need a liver and gallbladder

These organs are very important for human life. They are involved in metabolism circulation and digestion. Thanks to the liver, a variety of toxic substances are excreted from the human body.

Any disturbances in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder can lead to a disease that will take a very long time to treat.

As soon as a person suspects that he has a disease of the liver or gallbladder, it is necessary contact a specialist immediately so as not to start the disease.

The fact is that at an early stage of the disease, a person may not feel any symptoms. All problems appear when the disease is already progressing.

Symptoms of liver and gallbladder disease

Pain. Localized in the right side. The patient is concerned about the heaviness on the right side, as the liver is enlarged. The bile ducts and bladder become inflamed, which also leads to pain.

On the different stages disease pain may not manifest itself in the same way. She can be like dull and aching(with a chronic disease), and have a sharp character with spasms of the gallbladder or with the removal of stones from the bile ducts.

Attacks of pain can last from several hours to days. They may be accompanied nausea and even vomiting. The pain can be given in the forearm, and in the lower back, felt between the shoulder blades.

But pain are not present in all liver diseases, since this organ is devoid of pain sensitivity. The most severe pain a person experiences with hepatic colic. It may be accompanied very high temperature, reaching up to 40 ⁰ C.

Skin change

Jaundice. In the body of any person there is a coloring pigment of yellow color - bilirubin. In some liver diseases, its amount increases dramatically. This leads to staining of the patient's skin, the white of his eyes and mucous membranes in yellow. This symptom is manifested in hepatitis and blockage of the bile ducts by stones.

The tumor can put pressure on the gallbladder and its ducts, which will also lead to the closure of the channel. At the initial manifestation of jaundice, the patient's skin color becomes golden color, when running, it becomes a yellow-green hue.

Skin irritation and itching. In diseases of the liver and gallbladder, bile acids are often released in an increased volume, and they contain toxic substances that have an adverse effect on the skin, as its nerve endings are irritated. The person begins to itch intensely. The patient constantly experiences an unpleasant itch.

The main signs of liver disease

At the initial stage of liver failure, a person becomes lethargic, constantly wants to sleep, suffering from migraines and dizziness. If you do not pay attention to this problem, then the disease will begin to progress, the patient will have hallucinations, he will begin to rave.

All this can lead to a coma, and later to death. Such acute liver failure is a symptom of advanced hepatitis. Weight loss. It is observed in long-term progressive cirrhosis and in liver cancer.

Heat. This symptom does not occur in any liver disease. Most often, fever is observed with a liver abscess and with cholecystitis.

If any of these symptoms occur, you should definitely consult a doctor so that he can prescribe additional tests and establish the correct diagnosis. Only after that the doctor will be able to prescribe competent treatment.

Treatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder

Analyzes necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis of liver and gallbladder disease.

After all necessary analyzes and making the correct diagnosis, the doctor proceeds to treatment. To start, you need determine the cause of the disease and eliminate them.

After identifying the cause of liver and gallbladder disease, specialists should begin treatment.

Treatment of cirrhosis of the liver

The process can take quite a long time. The main thing is that the patient should consult a doctor in time, otherwise a neglected disease can lead to liver cancer. You should not resort to traditional medicine recipes on your own.

Some herbs can only make things worse. Any drug must be agreed with your doctor. The doctor himself may suggest adding folk remedies (honey, herbs) to traditional medicine, but all treatment should be carried out in a complex manner.

Often cirrhosis of the liver is a consequence of viral hepatitis. Therefore, first of all, the previous disease should be cured. Cirrhosis of the liver develops with alcohol abuse.

In this case, it is necessary to get rid of the addiction, normalize your diet, adhere to a special diet and use medications prescribed by the doctor to cleanse the liver.

chronic hepatitis. It is more difficult to diagnose than to treat. Recovery comes in the process of taking a variety of medicines and following a strict diet.

The patient must monitor nutrition throughout his life so as not to increase the load on the liver. Any deviations in the diet can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

Biliary dyskinesia

With this disease, the work of the gallbladder and bile ducts is disrupted. Inside the bladder and bile ducts there are muscles that help move bile through the ducts. When these muscles fail, dyskinesia occurs.

The causes of this disease may be hormonal disorders, congenital abnormal structure of the gallbladder and its ducts, giardiasis, gastritis, adnexitis, etc. Mostly women suffer from this disease.

A good specialist after making a diagnosis and identifying the causes of the disease, will appoint complex treatment to solve all problems. It is also necessary to get rid of the disease that caused dyskinesia and restore the functioning of the muscles of the gallbladder and bile ducts.

In this disease, a person experiences nervous disorders , therefore, during treatment, it is necessary to calm your nervous system. The patient should get enough sleep, create a convenient daily routine and a comfortable environment at home.

Only in this case, the treatment will be effective and the disease will recede. It is advisable to clean the liver during recovery, which will help get rid of toxic substances in the body.

cholecystitis and cholangitis. This inflammatory diseases. With cholecystitis, the disease is localized in the gallbladder. And with cholangitis, inflammation captures the bile ducts.

The disease occurs when sand and stones appear in the gallbladder and its ducts. It can also cause inflammation various microorganisms penetrating here from the intestines. After identifying the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to analyze the patient's bile for a more accurate diagnosis.

Treatment medicines, which relieve inflammation in the body, should be accompanied by a strict diet.

Cholelithiasis. This disease is characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder and its pathways. Often this disease is provoked by heredity. Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease are fever, manifestations of biliary colic and yellow pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes.

As with any disease of the gallbladder, a strict diet is necessary. In severe advanced cases, surgical treatment is performed.

Prevention of liver and gallbladder disease

In order not to get sick again after the treatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder, you should follow a diet, live a healthy life. Avoid any kind of inflammation and infection.

Do not run diseases of the liver and gallbladder. You need to carefully monitor your health and with the manifestation of any unpleasant symptom sure as soon as possible contact specialists.

Do not forget that many diseases of the liver and gallbladder in a neglected state can lead to oncology, and here doctors may already be powerless.

Liver. Gallbladder.
Date: Saturday, 14.03.2009, 21:46 | Post #1

Liver is the most massive internal organ in the human body.

The microanatomy of the liver, like any other organ, is specific in its structure, which is associated with the numerous functions that it performs.

60% of the mass of the liver is represented by special liver cells (hepatocytes), which are responsible for all its work.

The peculiarity of the liver is to simultaneously perform functions that have fundamental differences between themselves and are the most important for the body.

Among them, the most important are detoxification (destruction of toxic substances), excretory (secretion and excretion of bile), synthetic (synthesis of many biologically active substances) and energy (maintaining the energy balance of the body).

Liver diseases are directly related to the violation of its functioning, therefore, it is necessary to evaluate its activity using laboratory and instrumental methods research.

Once again, I would like to draw attention to the uniqueness of this body. His condition largely determines the health of our body as a whole. The liver is a unique chemical factory that transforms everything we ingest through digestive tract, respiratory system and skin, into substances vital for the body. The liver is the most important reservoir of blood, where the formation and accumulation of red blood cells and blood filtration take place.

This is the organ that is involved in more than 500 biochemical reactions, maintains the body's immune response at the required level, without it the digestion process and the synthesis of energy and living cells would be impossible. The liver plays the most important role in fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism substances.

In addition, she produces bile- this is the substance, thanks to which there is a normal distribution of nutrients and the removal of toxins from the body, because. blood enters directly into the liver, where toxins are neutralized without entering the general circulation, and are excreted from the body along with bile.

Many liver diseases initial stages are asymptomatic, without a planned annual examination, you can not pay attention to the changes taking place, because the liver is able to perform all its functions with 20% of the preserved healthy tissue.

With the development of diseases, symptoms such as pain or a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium appear, pain is constant, or during the day, aching in nature and aggravated by physical exertion, the appearance of fatty, spicy, fried foods in the diet. Most often, there is no appetite, belching, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, possibly vomiting, obesity appears and progresses.

But the appearance of general complaints is also possible - weakness, lethargy, decreased performance, unmotivated fatigue, often a headache, sometimes loss of consciousness. There may be hemorrhages on the skin, menstrual irregularities in women, impotence in men, and, in some cases, excessive weight loss.

When examining patients, hepatomegaly is very often detected (an increase in the proportion or lobes of the liver due to structural changes cells).

Also, fatty hepatosis (fatty infiltration of the liver), which is usually not suspected, is being diagnosed more and more often, this disease does not give obvious symptoms and is sometimes not captured by conventional biochemical tests.

The prognosis of these diseases is such that in 35-40% of cases, patients experience a transition to diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, and possibly provoking pancreatitis. Therefore, we consider it necessary to carefully comprehensive examination all their patients to detect and prevent latent forms of the disease.

Cirrhosis of the liver is a progressive chronic liver disease characterized by dystrophy and necrosis (necrosis) of the liver tissue, signs liver failure and portal hypertension (increased blood pressure in the portal system of the liver); accompanied by proliferation of connective tissue and deep violation structure and function of the liver.

Causes fatty hepatosis, hepatomegaly and liver cirrhosis are: chronic viral diseases (including hepatitis A, B, C, etc.), alcohol abuse, impaired immunity, metabolism, some hereditary diseases, the effect of hepatotropic drugs and toxic substances, diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas, and many others. . etc., including ugly, illiterate food.

In liver cirrhosis, due to inflammation or poisoning, liver cells die and are replaced by connective tissue, its functional ability to utilize harmful substances, and toxins enter with the bloodstream into any system of tissues and organs. Especially dangerous is the effect of poisons on the central and peripheral nervous systems. With cirrhosis, not only the appearance changes, but also the human psyche (it is difficult to work with such people and very difficult to live with).

Traditional medicine of the whole world, in the treatment of fatty hepatosis, hepatomegaly and cirrhosis of the liver, offers drug, substitution and syndromic therapy, which can slightly improve the patient's well-being, but inevitably leads to the progression of diseases, since any presence chemical substances in human blood adversely affects the altered liver.

Date: Monday, 16.03.2009, 20:18 | Message #2
Gallbladder. Inflammation of the gallbladder. Treatment of acute and chronic cholecystitis.

Many people have the misconception that the gallbladder is the source of bile, which is far from the case. Bile is produced in the liver, and the gallbladder is the storage reservoir. The most important function of bile is participation in the digestion of fats; without it, this process is impossible.

During the day, the liver produces about 1 liter of bile, which accumulates in the gallbladder and is consumed as needed. However, one should not discount the fact that the concentration of bile in the gallbladder increases tenfold compared to what it comes from the liver. This is due to the fact that the wall of the bladder is able to actively absorb water, and initially the basis of bile is water. Concentrated bile takes part in the process of digestion.

Cholecystitis- a disease characterized by inflammation of the wall of the gallbladder. Women suffer from this disease 3-4 times more often than men, it is most common in overweight people, but it is not an exceptional rarity in people with asthenic physique.

Acute inflammation of the gallbladder is characterized by the sudden onset of persistent, sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, periodically intensifying and possibly radiating to the back, as well as to the clavicle on the right. Most often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever, provoked by the intake of fatty, spicy, fried foods.

The chronic form of inflammation in most cases was preceded by an acute one, so its exacerbation in clinical symptoms is very similar to an acute attack. If this is a period of remission, then there are complaints of belching, a feeling of heaviness, fullness in the right hypochondrium after eating, intolerance fatty foods, very often accompanied by dull pain in the region of the right collarbone and in the back, which can be aggravated by physical exertion, walking, movement.

The inflammatory process in chronic cholecystitis can develop as a result of:

The impact of chemical factors - changes in the composition of bile when taking medications, malnutrition; reflux of pancreatic enzymes into the gallbladder in acute destructive pancreatitis.

Bacterial inflammation (streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, Klebsiella) by infection in an ascending or descending way with burns, injuries, operations, sepsis.

In some cases, it is a consequence of acute cholecystitis

There are two types of chronic cholecystitis: cholecystitis, which develops insidiously, slowly, and gradually over many months or years, and chronic cholecystitis, which occurs after a previous bout of acute cholecystitis.

In the first case, it was about the so-called primary chronic cholecystitis, in the second - about the secondary.

Primary and secondary chronic cholecystitis differ not only in the onset of the disease, but in the changes that develop in the bladder wall. In primary cholecystitis, the gallbladder wall remains thin and generally retains its structure. At the same time, with secondary chronic cholecystitis that occurs after a relative subsidence acute attack, the wall of the gallbladder is very thickened.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of an ultrasound examination, which reveals either the presence of calculi (stones) or signs of chronic inflammation in the form of compaction and / or thickening of the bladder wall.
Detection of stones indicates chronic calculous cholecystitis.

In the treatment of chronic cholecystitis in traditional medicine, antibiotics, choleretic drugs, antispasmodics are used, up to the use of narcotic analgesics, and in cases where treatment is ineffective, cholecystectomy is performed, i.e. surgical removal of the gallbladder. This, subsequently, can lead to the development of the so-called "postcholecystectomy syndrome", which turns the patient's life into a real torment.

“If you want to change the world, start with yourself”

Date: Wednesday, 18.03.2009, 20:13 | Post #3
Dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder

Biliary tract and gallbladder dyskinesias are inconsistent, excessive or reduced, or untimely work of the gallbladder and sphincters, which are functional diseases.

Gallbladder dysfunction is a violation of the contractility of the gallbladder, which is accompanied by pain such as biliary colic and is often combined with a violation of the emptying of the gallbladder.

Dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi is a violation of its contractility Sphincter of Oddi regulates the portioned flow of bile and pancreatic juice into duodenum.

Dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi can be a primary, but more often a secondary disease, can accompany peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, postcholecystectomy syndrome, and more.

Dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract can also be primary and secondary.

Primary dyskinesia is observed in the absence of organic pathology of the gallbladder or biliary tract. With its long course, stagnation of bile appears in the gallbladder, the colloidal structure of bile is disturbed, which contributes to the occurrence of an inflammatory process and stone formation. Dyskinesia of secondary genesis is observed if initially there was stone or acalculous cholecystitis, there is an anomaly of the gallbladder (kinks, stenosis, constriction of the gallbladder).

Primary and secondary dyskinesia of the gallbladder and sphincter of Oddi is more common in young, underweight women, and dyskinesia is often associated with the menstrual cycle.

Primary sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia is associated with quality of life, is very common in people with increased attention to their health and with reduced ability to work due to constant poor health.

Dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract is associated with a violation of hormonal regulation, unstable emotional background, peptic ulcer and cholelithiasis, pancreatitis of any etiology, the use of drugs that contribute to the occurrence of stagnation of bile in the gallbladder and spasm of the sphincter of Oddi.

Of the causes of dyskinesia, we note several points, although in fact the list is huge:
general neurosis;
endocrine diseases of the thyroid gland, obesity,
inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
in women - the use of hormonal contraceptives;
nature of nutrition, regimen, imbalance of food intake: frequent intake of spicy, fried, fatty, alcohol, insufficient intake of dietary fiber, large intervals between meals;

Allergic reactions, including food:
viral hepatitis:
organic diseases of the biliary tract, duodenum, pancreas.

There are two forms of biliary dyskinesia - hyperkinetic (spastic) and hypokinetic (atonic).

Hyperkinetic dysfunction of the gallbladder is characterized by recurrent acute colicky pain in the right hypochondrium, which can radiate to the right shoulder blade, shoulder, or to the left half chest. Pain comes on suddenly multiple repetition during the day, sometimes it can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, impaired bowel function, rarely there is a headache, sweating, palpitations. Nevertheless, there are usually no symptoms of an inflammatory process in blood tests.

Most patients note sleep disturbance, a sharp change in mood, irritability. When there are no attacks of pain, heaviness in the right hypochondrium may disturb.

Errors in nutrition, physical activity, stress, and menstruation in women can provoke seizures.

Hypokinetic dysfunction is manifested by constant dull pain in the right hypochondrium without a clear localization, a feeling of fullness, these symptoms are significantly aggravated by emotional stress, sometimes eating. In addition, there is a bitter taste in the mouth, poor appetite, belching, bloating and constipation.

In addition, there is also a mixed form of gallbladder dysfunction, which is characterized by a change from one form to another.

Traditional treatment of any form of this disease involves the appointment of conventional diets, taking drugs that affect the contractility of the gallbladder, the work of sphincters, removing pain syndrome. It does not solve the very cause of the disease.

Causes of liver disease

Diseases of this organ develop in humans for several reasons. As the most common among them, experts distinguish infectious factor (we are talking about hepatitis viruses), disease diabetes , impaired fat metabolism, as well as the constant abuse of alcohol by a person.

Often a person has a liver pain if he takes medication for a long period or comes into contact with toxins. In this case, pain in the liver occurs as a consequence of its poisoning. Symptoms of liver disease are also manifested in those people who have a hereditary tendency to such a pathology. The protective system of the body of a sick person begins to be mistaken for foreign cells of the liver and bile ducts, which is why the patient subsequently learns how the liver hurts.

However, in some cases, a person may not even guess why the work of the liver is gradually disrupted. So, sometimes the cause of the disease is the wrong approach to daily nutrition, constant adherence to strict diets , rapid set excess weight . What to do in this case, the specialist should tell, since self-treatment can lead to an aggravation of the situation.

Thus, not only serious illness and disturbances in the functioning of body systems, but also human habits and preferences, environmental conditions. In any case, preliminary diagnosis and the right approach to therapy are necessary.

Symptoms of liver diseases

If a person develops hepatitis , then we are talking about acute or chronic diffuse inflammation of the liver, which can have a different origin.

At acute hepatitis sometimes the symptoms are mild. Therefore, the disease is detected in the process of diagnosing other ailments. But basically acute hepatitis begins with the so-called preicteric stage. At this time, the symptoms of the disease may resemble those of flu . After about two weeks, the icteric stage begins.

A more formidable disease is acute toxic hepatitis . In connection with the intoxication of the body, the disease progresses very quickly. The skin of the patient, as well as his mucous membranes, become yellowish, the urine becomes brown, and the stool becomes whitish-brown. If there is acute manifestation diseases, then the development of pruritus, nosebleeds, heart rhythm disturbances is possible, and there are also individual signs of CNS damage.

When examining a patient with suspected acute hepatitis, the specialist reveals that his liver is enlarged, and there is slight pain on palpation. With the help of laboratory tests, the diagnosis is confirmed, and treatment is prescribed.

When making a diagnosis, it is important for the doctor to carefully study the history, since there is always a possibility that the patient viral hepatitis .

When diagnosing liver diseases, quite often all patients are diagnosed with chronic hepatitis . Symptoms of liver disease in this case are manifested by its increase, a feeling of heaviness or pain in the right hypochondrium. Signs such as itchy skin and jaundice are less common, with only mild yellowing of the mucous membranes and skin noted. But at the same time, a person has regular nausea, a decrease in appetite. In addition, a person is worried about an unstable stool, flatulence , a feeling of weakness. Affects the condition and nutrition: the patient does not tolerate fats well. That is why the diet for liver disease is very important.

In addition to the described forms of hepatitis, doctors in the process of diagnosis also determine other varieties of this disease: benign And aggressive hepatitis , inactive And active hepatitis , progressive recurrent hepatitis . Determine the form of the disease high precision allows for laparoscopy and taking material for biopsy liver.

At hepatosis the patient develops a violation of metabolic processes in the liver cells. Gradually develop dystrophic changes. There is no inflammation. Most often, patients are diagnosed fatty hepatosis , resulting from too frequent and abundant intake of fats in the liver. The result is fatty liver cells.

At running form hepatitis in humans can gradually develop cirrhosis of the liver . This disease has a chronic course, it is characterized by liver damage of a progressive type. There is a complete restructuring of the liver tissue, as a result of which all functions of the organ are disrupted, and a person manifests chronic liver failure . With cirrhosis of the liver, a person mainly complains of the manifestation general weakness, constant pain or a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium and pit of the stomach, feeling bitterness in the mouth , belching, weight loss, bloating . He has jaundice, redness of the palms, manifestation of the vascular network on the face, chest, palms. The liver with cirrhosis is enlarged, while its reduction is considered an unfavorable sign. The patient also has an enlarged spleen. Further development of the disease proceeds already with signs of portal hypertension. In humans, fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, as a result of which the abdomen increases, there is phlebeurysm rectum, esophagus, stomach, edema appears. Possible bleeding .

Basically, cirrhosis of the liver affects people who have been drinking alcohol regularly for many years. Cirrhosis sometimes develops against the background of infectious diseases, hepatitis C and B viruses.


Thanks to the intensive development modern medicine, as well as the adoption by doctors of methods of pharmacotherapy and other non-traditional means liver treatment is effective. Before prescribing drugs for treatment, the doctor clearly establishes the diagnosis and eliminates the causes that led to the development of the disease.

Treatment of cirrhosis of the liver and other pathologies of this organ is a painstaking and lengthy process. In this case, it is important for the patient to seek help in time and not miss the moment, since delay is fraught with the development of formidable diseases, in particular, liver cancer . Some patients believe that traditional medicine will be effective. But the treatment of the liver with folk remedies can be practiced only under the strict guidance of a doctor, and not independently. Practicing complex therapy, the attending physician may recommend treatment with herbs and other folk remedies (treatment of the liver, honey, oats, etc. is widely practiced).

Not less than important point in the process of treating the liver is a sparing diet. So, if a person develops fatty hepatosis, in which fatty liver cells occur, protein products should predominate in his diet. Developed fatty degeneration involves a strict restriction of the amount of fat in the diet. Patients who have developed hepatosis are not recommended to consume animal fats. At the same time, vitamins and drugs are prescribed to stimulate liver functions. It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle.

If the patient is diagnosed hemangioma or liver cyst , then the treatment of such formations depends on their location and size. In this case, it is important to accurate diagnosis, after which the doctor individually makes a decision on treatment.

As a drug treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract, depending on the characteristics of the disease, the so-called hepatotropic drugs . They are divided into three subgroups. Cholagogue preparations activate the secretion of bile and improve the process of its entry into the duodenum. Hepatoprotective drugs improve metabolic processes in the liver, allowing it to perceive pathogenic effects more stably, contribute to the restoration of the liver. Cholelitholytic drugs activate the dissolution process gallstones.

During treatment hepatitis different forms complex therapy is practiced, including various procedures and methods. In particular, apply medications which favorably affect the functioning of the liver, special diet and mode. At the stage of recovery, patients are prescribed physiotherapy and spa treatment.

At acute viral hepatitis to ensure the removal of toxic substances from the body, it is recommended to drink plenty of infusions and decoctions of herbs. Traditional medicine recommends using decoctions of common flax, chamomile, cinnamon rose hips, red clover, peppermint, oats, St. John's wort, and other herbs and plants. With viral hepatitis, it is recommended to take vitamins E and A, as well as oils and products that contain these vitamins. Treatment is practiced with black radish juice, milk thistle, sea buckthorn oil, etc.

With cirrhosis of the liver, the patient is prescribed a diet, alcohol is categorically excluded. If an active process occurs in the liver, then the patient is prescribed a course of treatment, which includes taking Cocarboxylases , b vitamins , folic acid , ascorbic acid , vitamins A , D . If the patient has symptoms that indicate liver failure, he is shown hemodez , 5% glucose solution , salt solutions . In the presence of a pronounced inflammatory process, corticosteroid hormone therapy is practiced, and Levamisole (Decaris) . Treatment must be under the supervision of a doctor.


Speaking about providing a sparing regimen for liver ailments, first of all, we are talking about the right approach to organizing human nutrition. A sparing diet allows not only to treat liver diseases more effectively, but also to normalize liver function, the processes of bile formation in the body, and restore metabolic processes. Patients who are at risk of fatty degeneration of the organ are shown a special diet for liver disease. As recommended products, cod, soy, cottage cheese should be noted, which contain a lot of lipotropic substances . People who show symptoms of liver disease are shown to eat low-fat foods. A person should not consume more than 80 g of fat per day, while every day it is recommended to consume vegetable oil, which provides a choleretic effect, and, therefore, treatment of the liver. If the patient has signs of a violation of the outflow of bile, he is shown to consume about 150 g of fat per day, and half of them should be vegetable oils.

It is not recommended to eat a lot of carbohydrate foods. In chronic liver diseases, fractional nutrition is practiced with dishes containing a full ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Food should be boiled or steamed. With hepatitis, the diet should contain a lot of easily digestible proteins.

It is strictly forbidden to eat fatty meat, smoked meats, rich broths, canned food, chocolate, sour foods, alcohol. If, for most liver diseases, a diet is required to be observed only at the stage of treatment and recovery, then with cirrhosis of the liver, it will be lifelong. Moreover, dietary restrictions in this formidable disease are especially serious.

gallbladder located under the liver, which is connected to the bladder by the bile duct system. Bile , produced by the liver, provides activation of the production of fats in the liver. The purpose of bile is to improve the absorption of fats and activate the movement of food through the intestines. On the walls of the gallbladder and ducts there is a layer of muscles that, by contracting, stimulate the movement of bile. If failures occur in such contractions, then a person is diagnosed dyskinesia , that is, a violation of the mobility of the biliary tract. Dyskinesia is manifested by periodic pain in the right hypochondrium.

If we consider gallbladder diseases in general, then dyskinesia is not considered a dangerous disease, however, due to the long progression of this condition, symptoms of gallstone disease may develop.

In gallstone disease, stones form in the bile ducts or gallbladder. Most often, this disease affects women of working age who have excess weight. Staying in the gallbladder, the stones may not cause concern to the patient, however, when they enter the bile ducts, an attack begins. biliary colic . A person suffers from severe pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth. The attack subsides if the stone went into the duodenum on its own. Otherwise, the bile ducts become clogged, and the result is an inflammatory process of the gallbladder - spicy cholecystitis . In this state, there already exists serious danger for life, so it should be treated immediately.

If the inflammatory process in the gallbladder proceeds gradually and slowly, then we are already talking about chronic cholecystitis . His treatment is carried out with an exacerbation of the disease. Also, the patient must constantly follow a sparing diet, you can practice treatment with herbs and other folk methods. With an exacerbation of the disease, doctors recommend eating a minimum of food for several days. Medications from several different groups are prescribed, which eliminate the main symptoms of the disease and allow the gastrointestinal tract to return to normal.

If a patient has a congenital fold of the gallbladder the disease may not appear at all. This is simply a feature of the shape of the gallbladder, which can be discovered by chance when performing ultrasound. But in some cases, the bend of the gallbladder is formed as a consequence of cholecystitis, cholelithiasis . Periodically, symptoms appear that provoke the bending of the gallbladder: this is poor digestion, nausea, and vomiting. Acquired inflection of the gallbladder must be treated. Initially, drug treatment is carried out, physiotherapy exercises and a diet are also practiced.

Treatment of the gallbladder is done only under the guidance of a doctor. If the therapeutic treatment does not give the desired effect, and the inflammation progresses, then in this case you have to turn to the surgeon.

In some pathologies of the gallbladder, it is possible exclusively surgery. So, surgery is often necessary if the patient is found gallbladder polyp , as well as gallstones . Although in the latter case, sometimes it is possible to do without surgery. In this case, practice modern methods treatment, as well as therapy with some folk remedies.

Often in the treatment of gallstone disease, the most acceptable method is the removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy). It is performed both by conventional surgery and by laparoscopic method.

Pancreas located in the human abdomen. The main function of this organ is to produce enzymes , which in the body take part in the process of processing fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Initially, the enzymes are secreted into the duct of the gland, later the enzymes are in the duodenum. This is where food digestion takes place. Also produced in the pancreas insulin responsible for the regulation of sugar metabolism. Therefore, its deficiency leads to the development of diabetes.

The main diseases of the pancreas are pancreatitis acute and chronic forms, as well as tumors . The symptoms of these diseases may be similar.

Diseases of the pancreas, as a rule, are manifested by pain in the epigastric region, which are given to the back under the left shoulder blade. These symptoms of pancreatic diseases are aggravated after a person has eaten a fried or fatty dish, drank a certain amount of alcohol. Therefore, an important point in the treatment process is the right diet. The person is also worried about vomiting, diarrhea, nausea. In addition, his appetite disappears, body weight is lost.

At acute pancreatitis an inflammatory process occurs in the pancreas. This disease can affect a person due to the use copious amounts alcohol, as well as a consequence of diseases of the gallbladder and duodenum. In acute pancreatitis, a person is in severe pain and needs medical attention. Treatment of the pancreas with folk remedies without a preliminary examination by a doctor in this case cannot be practiced.

The acute form often becomes chronic. At chronic pancreatitis the inflammatory process of the pancreas is long and sluggish. As the disease progresses, the gland tissue is gradually replaced by connective tissue. As a result, fewer enzymes are released, digestion of food worsens. In addition, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus increases, as insulin production also decreases.

In the treatment of the chronic form of the disease, it is important to follow a diet, practice taking medications that reduce the production of gastric juice, as well as products containing enzymes. In this case, it is also possible to treat the pancreas with herbs.

Tumors of the pancreas are divided into two types: pancreas cancer And hormonally active tumors . With oncological education, the patient develops jaundice, chronic pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, he is worried about very severe pain, and weight is reduced. Surgical treatment is practiced. With hormonally active tumors, it is initially determined during the diagnostic process whether the tumor is malignant or benign. After that, a decision is made whether to undergo chemotherapy or surgery.

It is important that the treatment of such diseases be comprehensive and carried out immediately after the diagnosis of the disease.

01 Major pathologies

To date, highlighted:

Any damage to the liver, if ignored, ends in cirrhosis, leading to liver failure. It is not difficult to recognize a violation of the functions of an organ.

02 Manifestation of diseases

There is nausea, turning into vomiting, heartburn, sweat has a very strong unpleasant odor, the skin becomes yellow, there is significant itching, which is difficult to remove with anything. Diarrhea develops, accompanied by a change in the color of the feces.

Additionally, the following disorders may occur: constant feeling of hunger or intense thirst, insomnia, fever may be replaced by chills. Acne appears, the condition of the hair worsens, turning into loss. Weight loss, vision deterioration.

Clinical picture:

  • pulling pains, a feeling of heaviness are characteristic of a sluggish inflammatory or infectious process, accompanied by an increase in the size of the liver, which leads to overstretching of the liver capsule, patients cannot indicate the localization of pain;
  • very severe pain in the right hypochondrium is characteristic of an acute inflammatory process, liver injury or blockage of the bile duct with a stone;
  • severe pain in the projection of the liver with a clear point localization indicates damage to the gallbladder or ducts outside the liver (the liver is not typical);
  • sometimes the disease is asymptomatic and is detected already at the stage of cirrhosis or liver failure, the most insidious course.

Manifestations of liver disease:

  • an increase in the size of the organ;
  • general weakness and malaise against the background of intoxication;
  • headaches and disruption of the thought process;
  • yellowness of the skin and sclera, with a problem with the liver, it is moderately pronounced, orange in color;
  • the occurrence of a rash;
  • purulent elements express a violation of the synthesis of immunoglobulins;
  • an allergic reaction is a consequence of intoxication of the body and can occur on any substances that were previously harmless to the patient;
  • hemorrhagic rashes in the form of small-pointed bruises all over the body, arising from the slightest impact from the outside, due to the fragility of blood vessels;
  • the occurrence of pastosity;
  • vessels become brittle, small hemorrhages occur;
  • violation of the chair;
  • the abdomen becomes disproportionately large and with a pronounced vascular pattern "jellyfish head";
  • with increased appetite, there is a decrease in body weight, bitterness in the mouth.

03 Etiology factors

Despite the fact that the liver is perfectly restored, in most cases without harm to health, there are situations in which destruction occurs with greater intensity, and a violation in lifestyle and bad habits only contribute to its defeat.

Viruses are the main enemies of the liver, which it practically does not block (hepatitis is not cured completely, it is only possible to achieve remission).

Toxic substances also cause liver damage. It does not matter in what form they enter the blood - through breathing, skin or nutrition. The longer their attack, the stronger the destructive effect.

Injuries to the abdomen also lead to liver damage.

04 Diagnostic measures

Ultrasound can detect hepatitis, cirrhosis, neoplasms, cysts, anomalies in development, an increase and a violation of the structure. Radioisotope study allows you to determine the functioning of the bile ducts and the vascular network.

Positron emission tomography is the most effective method. It is used more often to detect tumors and metastases in oncology. Computed tomography is performed for jaundice, cirrhosis, trauma and oncology.

Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to get a three-dimensional image of the organ, which is unacceptable with a pacemaker. Liver biopsy is performed for infectious and malignant diseases, cirrhosis and fever of unknown etiology.

05 Therapies

In oncology, the treatment is surgical. In inflammatory processes, antibacterial, antiviral therapy is prescribed.

In liver diseases, hepatoprotectors and drugs are used to help the liver resist aggressive factors and promote cell regeneration.

In severe and neglected situations, palliative care is used.

Any liver treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician, self-medication is unacceptable.

People suffering from liver diseases are prohibited from drinking alcohol, fatty and fried foods, onions and garlic, and smoking. It is recommended to steam and boil. Eat only fresh food and small portions throughout the day. Requires a sufficient amount of fresh herbs and vegetables. A good rest is recommended, the absence of hypothermia and physical overstrain. Avoiding contact with any infections will greatly improve the quality of life.

06 Disorders of the biliary organs

Diseases of the gallbladder are combined by a violation of the function of the organ to produce bile or remove it in sufficient quantities. Regardless of the nature of the disease, digestion suffers.

The most common pathologies:

  1. 1. Cholecystitis - an inflammatory process in the gallbladder, manifested by significant pain in the right hypochondrium, aggravation occurs after eating. Used drugs that promote the separation of bile, and anti-inflammatory drugs (phytotherapy is widely used).
  2. 2. GSD - manifests itself when the stone moves from its usual place and moves along the ducts, it is expressed by severe cutting pain, with mechanical blockage of the duct, yellowness of the skin occurs. Surgical treatment.
  3. 3. Dyskinesia is a violation of the outflow of bile. When eating fatty foods, there are pulling dull pain. They are removed by antispasmodics (No-shpa).
  4. 4. Cholesterosis - in the course of a person's life, the walls of the bile ducts are clogged with cholesterol. Long time the disease is asymptomatic. It is treated by adjusting the diet and a strict diet.
  5. 5. Polyps. If the duct is not blocked, the pathology does not appear. Treatment is operative.
  6. 6. Cancer. Occurs rarely. The gallbladder is removed and chemotherapy is given. A lifelong diet.

07 Necessary examinations

Most gallbladder disease does not show up on early stages which complicates timely diagnosis. And in the later stages, most diseases have a similar picture. Assistance in the diagnosis is provided by laboratory methods:

  • biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the liver;
  • analysis of the composition of bile obtained by probing;
  • palpation;
  • cholecystography.

In the absence of a need surgical intervention conservative treatment is applied.

Very common in the treatment of herbal medicine, especially teas choleretic action, with pain - antispasmodics. With viruses, antiviral therapy, with inflammation, antibacterial therapy. The diet is strict, the slightest error at the stage of treatment is unacceptable and leads to the return of the clinic. Mineral water is recommended.

Prevention consists in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, following a diet and diet, herbal medicine, physiotherapy, the absence of heavy physical labor and the exclusion of hypothermia.

From time to time, ultrasound is performed to monitor the dynamics of the disease. Remember: to cure any disease, you must consult a doctor in a timely manner.

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Pain in the liver

Liver pain has its own character - it is constant, aching, not sharp or dagger. You feel it all over the right upper abdomen - deep inside, not on the surface. Discomfort makes itself felt constantly, relentlessly, and not in spasms or waves. This means that you either drank poor-quality water (hepatitis A), or used someone else's infected needle (hepatitis B), or went over with a drink (alcoholic hepatitis), or as a result of a transfusion infected blood(hepatitis C). And if the skin turns yellow, and the urine resembles strongly brewed tea in color, then there is reason to suspect a form of hepatitis.

Infections, abnormal liver function, and gallstones are the main causes of pain in the right upper abdomen. Often these are diseases of obese women, those who are over 40 years old, who suffer from flatulence, or take birth control pills.

Infusion for pain in the liver and stomach. Rosehip, St. John's wort, yarrow, knotweed, mint, corn stigmas, immortelle, horsetail. Just take 5 grams per 2.5 liters of water. Boil 5 minutes. Insist 8 hours. Drink 100 grams three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Gallbladder disease

Newborn jaundice

The main causes of jaundice are: a) abnormally rapid breakdown of hemoglobin; b) liver disease; c) blocked hepatic ducts. Sudden onset of jaundice and anemia - this combination suggests hemolytic anemia, viral hepatitis, bile duct stones, or some kind of chemical damage to the liver. If the yellowish color develops gradually and becomes stronger over time, then a tumor in this area, cirrhosis of the liver, is not excluded. Do you have fever, chills and colic in your upper right side? Then jaundice is the result of a stone that has settled in the bile duct or passing through it. If the intensity of jaundice fluctuates from day to day, then you have an intermittent blockage from gallstones.

If your urine is of a normal color, there is a possibility of hemolytic anemia, but if it is the color of tea, then there is a suspicion of liver disease or jaundice due to blockage of the ducts.

If the stools are discolored or almost white, the sign of jaundice is the result of a blockage (the normal brown color of the stool is due to bilirubin that cannot leave the liver and enter the intestines).

If you feel sick and have lost your taste for cigarettes due to jaundice, this indicates viral hepatitis.

If you have lost a lot of weight Lately, and not just turned yellow, it is necessary to examine the liver, pancreas and neighboring organs. Malignant formations are possible!

If the abdomen is swollen and fluid is present in the abdominal cavity, cirrhosis of the liver can be suspected, especially if you abuse alcohol or have had hepatitis in the past.

Folk remedy for pain in the liver №1

Hepatalgia, pain in the liver. Fill a 1 liter bottle 1/3 with chopped horseradish. Pour enough alcohol, cork, bury in the ground. After two weeks, remove the bottle from the ground, strain the mixture. Use for rubbing in the area of ​​the liver opposite the kidneys 1 time per day. Other indications: pain in the bladder.

Folk remedy for pain in the liver №2

Pain in the region of the liver. Take 100 pieces of noble laurel leaves, 0.5 kg of honey, 0.5 l of water, 50 g of raspberry juice. Boil until reduced by 1/3. Drink warm before bed in a coffee cup.

Folk remedy for pain in the liver №3

Pain in the region of the liver. Take 25 g of barley straw, 3 g of wormwood herb, 1 tbsp. honey; pour 1 liter of water and leave until the morning. Boil for 5 minutes in the morning. Drink 2 tbsp. in the evenings.

Folk remedy for pain in the liver №4

Pain in the region of the liver. Take 2 g of St. John's wort and yarrow, sage leaves and sloe roots, pour 1 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes. Drink warm in a cup in the morning.

Naturopathy about liver diseases

Folk remedy for enlarged liver No. 1

For 100-150 pieces bay leaf take 5 tbsp. honey, pour 0.5 liters of water and cook until it has evaporated by more than half. Strain, drink 1 cup of coffee warm before going to bed and immediately go to bed.

Folk remedy for enlarged liver No. 2

Hepatomegaly, liver enlargement. Take 20 g of nettle roots and barley straw, 20 g of blackthorn flowers and centaury herb, 5 g of plow and budry full-color grass, 3 g of sage leaves, dandelion roots and European undergrowth grass, 2 g of sage leaves and wormwood ; pour all the herbs into 1 liter of cold water, leave for 5 hours, then bring to a boil, let it brew for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 3 times a day for a coffee cup.

Diseases of the liver and gallbladder according to the classification of I. Magyar are divided into primary and secondary. All of them are initially accompanied by common symptoms. In most cases, the development of pathology is accompanied by weakness throughout the body, then discomfort appears in the right hypochondrium, the color of the skin and mucous membranes changes, and then swelling develops, pain is increasingly disturbing, and the hormonal background changes.

Primary and secondary diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Liver is a special organ. Sometimes a person does not even have a clue where exactly his liver is located, even when it is already seriously ill. The same with the gallbladder: the absence of symptoms is by no means the absence of problems. These organs may not make themselves felt at all for a very long time. Meanwhile, there are many diseases of the liver and gallbladder, and their ability to remain invisible for a long time is very insidious and no less dangerous.

Systematization of diseases of the liver and biliary tract allows us to imagine the whole variety of causes and mechanisms of development, possible and known. medical science pathological processes in the liver (and there are more than fifty of them today).

Today's classification of diseases of the liver and biliary tract is based initially on the one proposed by the Hungarian scientist and physician I. Magyar, who considered it necessary to take into account the clinical picture, causative factors of the disease, as well as changes in the structure of the liver. Thus, the following main groups of diseases of the liver and biliary tract are distinguished.

TO primary disease liver include acute processes in the hepatic parenchyma (liver tissue):

  • viral hepatitis;
  • bacterial hepatitis;
  • hepatitis caused by protozoa;
  • toxic hepatitis.
  • cholangitis;
  • cholangiohepatitis;
  • liver damage due to cholecystopathy.

This also includes acute diseases of the liver vessels:

  • pylephlebitis;
  • pilethrombosis;
  • liver infarction;
  • hepatic vein thrombosis.

Secondary liver diseases include:

  • Liver damage in tumors, neoplasms, tumor-like diseases.
  • Liver damage during pregnancy.
  • Liver damage in endocrine diseases.
  • Liver damage in circulatory disorders.
  • Storage diseases (fatty liver, hemochromatosis, glycogenosis).
  • Diseases of the liver and nervous system (hepatolenticular degeneration).

Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract:

This is a classification of diseases of the liver and gallbladder, quite accessible for both general medical practice and for people interested in this issue, while being quite complete. In the world of scientific medicine, there are other options, as the classification of diseases is constantly being revised and modified. Nevertheless, the proposed version of the study of diseases of the liver and gallbladder fully satisfies the goals of familiarization with these pathologies.

What are the common symptoms of gallbladder liver disease?

Remember once and for all: if there are complaints, then you most likely already have a liver or gallbladder disease.

What kind of complaints should alert you first of all?

Common symptoms of liver and gallbladder disease are:

  • general weakness;
  • pain or a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • skin itching;
  • changes in urine and stool;
  • changes in the color of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • swelling;
  • changes in skin vessels (including a very important manifestation - " spider veins»);
  • changes in the nervous and hormonal systems.

Although diseases of the liver and biliary tract, as a rule, do not manifest themselves for a long time, long before the onset specific features liver pathology, weakness, malaise, pain in the joints, muscles, rashes or hemorrhages on the skin, changes in peripheral blood (anemia or other signs), signs of kidney damage that will show. Agree that these symptoms can make a person turn to a variety of specialists - a rheumatologist, dermatologist, hematologist, urologist.

Of the main signs of diseases of the gallbladder and liver, which indicate that you need to go to a hepatologist (a doctor specializing in pathologies of the liver and biliary tract), jaundice, itchy skin, enlarged liver, and enlarged spleen can be distinguished. Most of these symptoms, as a rule, manifest themselves already at a late stage of the disease or even after it has become chronic. Although jaundice is more often observed in acute hepatitis (viral, toxic), but with irreversible liver damage - - only at a late stage. In chronic hepatitis, jaundice is observed quite rarely - only with severe exacerbations of the disease. jaundice associated with skin itching liver diseases such as primary biliary cirrhosis and sclerosing cholangitis are often present. Jaundice with pruritus are signs of biliary tract disease, especially when combined with pain in the right side, with elevated temperature body.

The reason for the development of such a sign of diseases of the liver and gallbladder as jaundice, in most cases, is a violation of the outflow of bile, and this is much more often associated with mechanical causes, such as bile duct stones, than with direct damage to the liver cells.

What are the first signs of liver and biliary tract disease in humans?

Symptoms of liver and gallbladder disease, which appear first:

  • Yellowing of the skin, eye sclera and mucous membranes is most often observed in acute hepatitis (viral, toxic) and liver cirrhosis.
  • Skin itching, burning sensation, the appearance of a sensation of passage electric current in the spine or hot waves through the body may be due to problems with the liver.
  • Enlargement of the spleen can also be a consequence of liver disease.
  • Pain in the right hypochondrium. This symptom is rare, as a rule, pain is caused by a concomitant lesion of the gallbladder, bile ducts or located close to the duodenum, intestines.
  • Feeling of numbness in the muscles, coldness of the tips of the fingers on the hands and feet. These signs gradually appear as the disease deepens.
  • Changing the shape of the nails on the hands and feet. Their thickening and darkening indicates chronic liver intoxication.

One more alarm symptom, which is manifested in diseases of the gallbladder and liver, is pain, but pain does not always occur. Even with very severe liver damage - cirrhosis - pain may be absent. What is it connected with? The fact is that the liver tissue itself does not have nerve endings. But they are present in abundance in that thin capsule that covers the surface of an organ. Thus, only with a significant increase in the liver due to stretching of its capsule, dull pain is observed, which is usually accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. It should be remembered that similar sensations and pains (but only in the left hypochondrium) develop in case of an enlarged spleen. But pain in the right hypochondrium in chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver is rare and may be due to concomitant damage to the gallbladder or bile ducts, and sometimes to the pathology of the duodenum, which is also located here.

What are the symptoms of liver and gallbladder disease?

And now more about each of the signs that are observed in diseases of the liver and gallbladder in humans. To begin with, it is worth telling the most typical complaints, that is, those that can manifest themselves regardless of the cause of the disease.

Skin itching. The cause of pruritus is a violation of the neutralizing and excretory functions of the liver. Harmful and toxic substances enter the bloodstream, and with the bloodstream - into the skin. In this case, irritation of the nerve endings can be manifested by excruciating itching.

Jaundice. This symptom of liver and gallbladder disease manifests itself when the function of the organs is already so impaired that they are not able to process spent blood cells, bilirubin enters the bloodstream, and with it - into the skin and conjunctiva of the eyes, staining them yellow.

"Vascular stars". Characteristic "spider veins" are classified as hepatic signs indicating a far advanced pathological process - one or another stage of cirrhosis.

What other symptoms of liver and biliary tract disease are there that require a mandatory visit to a hepatologist?

bruises. In addition to the "asterisks", bruises are easily formed, which is a consequence of a violation of blood clotting. That is, the damaged liver can no longer produce enough substances that control blood clotting.

Change in stool and urine. These signs of liver and gallbladder disease are due to the fact that if there is a violation of the formation and secretion of bile, digestion is inevitably disturbed, since fats are no longer fully digested, while they partially leave the intestines unchanged. And since bile pigments also do not enter the intestines, discoloration of the feces occurs: it becomes pale yellow, and sometimes even white. Urine in diseases of the liver, on the contrary, darkens and becomes dark yellow, up to brown (which is most characteristic of hepatitis). However, one must also remember that with a diseased liver, the stool can sometimes be black - in case of bleeding from varicose veins and nodes of the esophagus or stomach (its upper sections).

Feeling of pain and/or heaviness. By itself, the liver does not hurt or hurts extremely rarely. However, when an organ at the expense of pathological process significantly increased in size, stretching of the superficial connective tissue capsule occurs, the nerve endings of which give a feeling of pressure, heaviness, and then pain. This is most characteristic of fatty degeneration of the liver or acute hepatitis. By the way, an increase in this organ is not only one of the most important features liver disease, which clearly indicates the presence of pathology, but also one of the first, which is determined already with primary examination. Less often, a decrease in the size of the liver is determined, which is asymptomatic - usually observed with cirrhosis.

Symptoms from the central nervous system. The functions of the brain and other organs of the central nervous system are invariably impaired in cases of severe and prolonged disease of the liver and biliary tract. Manifestations are most often fatigue, weakness, apathy, impaired memory and concentration, insomnia. The cause of all these symptoms, which are manifested in diseases of the gallbladder or liver, is the poisoning of the body caused by a decrease in the liver or biliary function. The cells of the nervous system, especially the brain, are very sensitive to insufficient neutralization of toxins and metabolic products. A frequent manifestation of intoxication of the nervous system due to hepatic pathology is neurasthenia. Symptoms - incontinence in emotions or, conversely, lethargy, physical and mental fatigue, sometimes touchiness, unmotivated anger. Frequent complaints about headache, dizziness, heaviness in the heart, sexual disorders. With obvious neurological symptoms, you need to think about possible pathology liver.

And what signs of diseases of the liver and biliary tract are manifested by the hormonal system?

Hormonal changes. With severe liver pathology develop clinical symptoms reflecting hormonal imbalances. They are diverse and often “lubricate” the overall clinical picture of the disease. So, in men, this can lead to a decrease in potency due to a violation of the exchange of sex hormones, in women - to menstrual irregularities. In patients with chronic liver diseases, protein metabolism disorders, muscle atrophy, and a general decrease in muscle mass are determined.

Edema. Due to increased load the walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity and stretch. As a result, varicose veins of the esophagus are formed. Due to violations of the water and electrolyte balance, edema in the legs may develop. With cirrhosis and fatty degeneration of the liver, blood is discharged through adjacent vessels of the esophagus, stomach and anterior abdominal wall; some of the fluid leaves the bloodstream and accumulates in the abdominal cavity (such an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen is called "ascites").

Now that you know what signs of liver and gallbladder disease in humans indicate a developing pathology, do not delay at the slightest suspicion, and be sure to undergo an examination by a hepatologist.

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Before discussing the gallbladder, let's find out the importance of the bile-forming function of the liver.

Of its many functions, one of the most important is the nutrition of the body. The liver produces bile, which is involved in digestion by helping the body digest and absorb fats.

Bile breaks down fats, turning them into soluble compounds. In this form, they are easily absorbed from the intestine into the blood and lymph.

Bile is secreted into the duodenum from the bile ducts and gallbladder when food enters the stomach. During digestion, liver cells increase the production of bile and its entry into the bile ducts.

The role of bile in the human body is not limited to the breakdown of fats into soluble nutrients. Bile helps to increase intestinal peristalsis, thereby helping it to move food, as well as get rid of undigested waste.

In addition, bile reduces the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.

Regulates bile secretion, as well as other processes in the liver, the central nervous system and endocrine glands.

like this complex mechanism bile-forming function of the liver and the importance of the normal functioning of the gallbladder.

How is the gallbladder

It is possible to separate the gallbladder, as well as the bile ducts, only conditionally, since these organs are interconnected components of one whole - the liver. Changes in one component inevitably lead to violations in others.

However, in order to distinguish the symptoms of gallbladder disease, let's get acquainted with its structure.

The gallbladder, pear-shaped, about 10 cm in size, is located under the lower edge of the liver. It contains up to 70 ml of bile, which is produced by the liver. Its bottom is directed downward and forward.

As a result of the contraction of the internal muscles located in the walls of the biliary tract, bile leaves the bladder. The motor skills (movement) of these muscles are controlled by the central nervous system.

Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract

Biliary dyskinesia

Cause - violation of the motor functions of the muscular layer of the walls of the gallbladder and bile ducts.

What contributes to pathology :

  • diseases of the nervous system, VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • infections, giardiasis, gastritis, colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders of the hormonal system;
  • congenital malformations of the structure of the biliary tract;
  • low physical activity and malnutrition.

Symptoms of the disease :

  • Pain in the right hypochondrium or in the pit of the stomach, intermittent, arising from a nervous or physical overexertion, as well as in violation of the diet. Usually the pain goes away on its own.
  • Constipation, diarrhea, bouts of nausea.

Treatment - streamline the daily routine and nutrition. Avoid overwork. Drink if necessary sedative medicine(tincture of valerian or motherwort). For pain - take no-shpu.

Be sure to undergo an ultrasound and complete medical examination to confirm an accurate diagnosis.

Forecast - usually favorable, since biliary dyskinesia is a functional disease. However, it creates conditions for stagnation of bile with irregular nutrition, abuse of fatty, spicy, smoked foods, alcohol, etc. Thus, it contributes to the development of inflammatory processes in the liver and biliary tract, as well as gallstone disease.

cholecystitis, cholangitis

Inflammation in the gallbladder is called cholecystitis, and inflammation in the bile ducts is called cholangitis.

Causes :

  • sand and stones in the gallbladder and ducts, which impede the outflow of bile;
  • acute hepatitis (inflammation of the liver tissue) of any origin;
  • microbes and bacteria that have entered the gallbladder from the intestines and / or by the hematogenous route (with blood) in case of tonsillitis, tuberculosis, gynecological and other chronic ailments.

What contributes to pathology? Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, abuse of fatty, spicy foods and alcohol, heredity.

Symptoms of acute cholecystitis :

  • paroxysmal severe pain on the right under the ribs or in the pit of the stomach;
  • heat;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • yellowness of the skin and dark color urine a few days after the onset of the disease.

Treatment – emergency medical care and examination in a hospital.

Forecast - satisfactory with timely and qualified treatment, diet and regimen.

Symptoms of chronic cholecystitis usually appear during exacerbations illness.

Body temperature may rise, bitterness in the mouth, belching, nausea, problems with stools (constipation or diarrhea) may disturb. It's a dull pain in the region of the liver, it may radiate to the back, right shoulder, and back of the head.

Chronic form cholecystitis often occurs without obvious symptoms.

Treatment : the diagnosis is made on the basis of the analysis of bile taken during duodenal sounding.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of the pathology. It can be - anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics - during an exacerbation, cholagogues, antispasmodics, etc.


Causes : bile stasis and deposition of cholesterol, bilirubin and lime salts.
Hthenpromotes the formation of gallstones , are factors such as:

Symptoms - hepatic colic when moving stones, fever, jaundice and discolored feces with blockage of the bile duct. If the stones do not move, the patient feels healthy.

Treatment : medical assistance in the removal of an attack or surgical removal of stones of the gallbladder and ducts.

Forecast not always comforting, since prolonged blockage of the biliary tract during the layering of infection can lead to purulent cholecystitis and surgical intervention.


With the gallbladder, they depend on the nature of the violations: functional - with dyskinesia of the bile ducts, or inflammatory - with cholecystitis, cholangitis.

Inflammation is promoted by infection with pathogenic microbes and factors that disrupt a healthy lifestyle.

Diagnosis and treatment of gallbladder diseases are carried out by medical specialists.

Prevention of pathologies of the gallbladder and ducts consists in observing the regime of rest and work, a rational diet, avoiding emotional and physical overload, as well as alcohol and smoking abuse.

Take care of yourself and your liver!

The main symptoms are jaundice, combined with the release of dark urine, discolored feces and skin itching, increased bleeding, development of ascites. All symptoms are due to a violation of various functions of the liver,

Jaundice in liver diseases is a consequence of a violation of the normal outflow of bile, caused either by a mechanical obstruction (tumor, stone), or by an increase in the permeability of the hepatic capillaries with lesions of the liver cells.

The content of bilirubin and bile acids in the blood increases, the skin and visible mucous membranes acquire an icteric hue, the content of bile pigments in the urine increases, the urine becomes dark. Bile acids, being deposited in the skin, cause irritation of the nerve endings and excruciating skin itching. Insufficient flow of bile into the intestine leads to discoloration of the feces, with a lack of bile, fat absorption does not occur. Undigested fat is excreted along with feces, giving characteristic appearance discolored fatty stools. Excessive concentration of bile acids in the blood is the cause of bradycardia and hypotension, often observed in patients with jaundice. Damage to the liver cells various diseases liver leads ultimately to the replacement of a significant part of the liver tissue with connective tissue, to the development of liver cirrhosis, while small branches of the portal vein are compressed, blood flow through the portal vein system becomes difficult, portal hypertension develops, Exit of the liquid part of the blood into the abdominal cavity due to difficulty in outflow through portal vein leads to the development of ascites. Absorption from the intestines is disturbed, the exhaustion of patients gradually increases. Damage to the liver parenchyma disrupts the synthesis of prothrombin, which is necessary for normal blood clotting, resulting in pathological bleeding. Progressive tissue damage leads to a violation of the neutralizing (antitoxic) function of the liver, accumulation of products toxic to the body occurs, and may develop hepatic coma.

Patients with liver disease should be closely monitored and cared for. Often the condition of patients worsens from the most minor violations prescribed mode. This applies primarily to diseases in which liver cells are affected. Gross violation diet, unacceptable physical activity can worsen the course of the process and cause the development of liver failure and coma.

The sister carefully monitors the patient's condition, his activity, well-being, mood. Often development clinical picture hepatic insufficiency is preceded by the appearance of unusual for the patient lethargy, depression, loss of appetite. The sister reports any change in the patient's condition to the attending physician.

It should be remembered that the sooner emergency care is provided for developing liver failure, the better the outcome. Of great importance is the observance of bed rest. Limitation of physical activity reduces the body's energy costs and thereby reduces the load on the affected liver; in addition, uniform warming of the body in bed improves blood circulation in the liver, which contributes to the restoration of its functions. Bed rest is indicated for all patients with parenchymal jaundice, despite the apparent well-being of their condition. In the treatment of liver diseases, diet is of great importance (see Medical nutrition).

The sister feeds the seriously ill, monitors the quality of food brought by relatives. Everything that the patient does not yet $ but, is subject to immediate return. If the disease is accompanied by the formation of ascites, fluid intake is limited, at the same time daily dose salt is reduced to

4-5 g. Often, with an increase in ascites, it is necessary to puncture the abdominal cavity. The nurse assists the doctor in this procedure. Prepares the necessary tools and medicines, makes sure that the patient must empty the bladder before puncture. After the puncture, the patient must comply with bed rest. In case of liver diseases, for therapeutic purposes, significant amounts of glucose are administered orally in the form of syrup, drip - in enemas, subcutaneously and intravenously. For better assimilation glucose at the same time subcutaneously injected 8 units of insulin. When administering insulin, it must be remembered that it lowers blood sugar levels and can cause signs of a hypoglycemic reaction (weakness, sweating, body tremors). Therefore, after the introduction of insulin, it is imperative to feed the patient, and when the first signs of hypoglycemia appear, give 2-3 pieces of sugar, inject 20 ml of a 40% glucose solution intravenously and call a doctor.

The sister carefully monitors the color of the skin and mucous membranes, the nature and color of the feces and urine of patients. The sister informs the attending physician about her observations, since any change in the intensity of the color of the skin and feces has a certain diagnostic and prognostic value. The nurse draws blood from the patient on an empty stomach to study the level of bilirubin and other liver tests. Excruciating skin itching with jaundice can be alleviated with a warm shower, wiping the skin with 1% menthol or salicylic alcohol, and taking antignathamine drugs (diphenhydramine, pipolfen). In patients with intolerable skin itching, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the hands, cut the nails in time to prevent the introduction of a purulent infection into the skin during scratching.

chronic hepatitis - chronic inflammation liver tissue; usually develops after acute hepatitis (Botkin's disease). The disease flows with periods of exacerbations and remissions. Patients complain of dull pain in the right hypochondrium, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, poor appetite, belching, weight loss, weakness. During periods of exacerbation, jaundice appears or increases, the temperature rises, and the general condition worsens significantly. A patient with an exacerbation of chronic hepatitis is subject to treatment in a hospital. Outside of exacerbation, the patient must follow a diet containing a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. It is recommended to consume 200-300 g of fresh cottage cheese daily, containing the amino acids necessary for the normalization of liver function - methionine and cysteine. The amount of fat should be limited to 60 g; this amount should include butter and vegetable oils. Refractory animal fats, spicy dishes, smoked meats are contraindicated. The use of alcohol is strictly prohibited. The patient drinks up to 1500 ml of liquid per day. Shown parenteral administration of B vitamins, especially vitamin B12, ascorbic acid. Often, chronic hepatitis is combined with a violation of the bile secretory function, so the use of choleretic agents and the use of mineral waters are indicated.

During the period of remission, the patient can perform light work that is not associated with hypothermia and even short-term physical stress. A patient with chronic hepatitis dispensary observation, in which the sister takes an active part, carrying out patronage, calling the patient for the next examination.

During the period of remission, sanatorium-and-spa treatment in specialized sanatoriums is indicated.

Cirrhosis of the liver is the outcome of chronic hepatitis, when, as a result of inflammation and dystrophy, the liver tissue is replaced by connective tissue. Due to atrophy of the liver parenchyma, its main functions are disrupted, portal hypertension develops, the spleen enlarges, ascites appears, and the salts are depleted. Patients with cirrhosis of the liver, complicated by ascites, are treated in a hospital and at home. The most important condition this is the reduction of physical activity to a minimum and a strict dietary regimen. Patients cannot fully serve themselves and need care, 3 meals include lactic acid products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese), low-fat fish and boiled meat, egg whites, non-sharp and low-fat cheeses, cereals and oatmeal soups. The total amount of proteins is adjusted to 200 g per day, since these patients usually develop protein degeneration. Patients should receive 500 g of carbohydrates per day, of which 200 g - in the form of sugar. Fats are limited to 40 g, the amount of table salt - up to 4-5 g. Group B vitamins, fresh fruits are shown. With an increase in ascites, a puncture of the abdominal cavity is performed. The sister helps the doctor at a puncture (see). Repeated punctures, if necessary and under appropriate conditions, can be performed at home. The sister helps the doctor with this, on the same day she visits the patient again, inquires about her well-being and condition.

Cholelithiasis. The essence of the disease lies in the formation in the gallbladder and bile ducts of the stone. The development of the disease is promoted by infections of the biliary tract, metabolic disorders, stagnation of bile in the gallbladder due to a violation of its contractility. The most important and main manifestation of the disease is an attack of hepatic colic; suddenly in the right hypochondrium appear acute, extending to the right shoulder and shoulder blade, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. An attack can last from several minutes to several hours; it is due to movement to it along the bile ducts. Often, after an attack, 1 jaundice appears due to the closure of the lumen of the common bile duct with a stone. With the addition of an infection and the development of inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), the temperature rises. An attack of hepatic colic requires emergency care. Drugs are administered that relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the biliary tract, primarily atropine. Heaters can be used only in the absence of signs of inflammation. The appearance of jaundice or symptoms of acute cholecystitis is an indication for immediate hospitalization of the patient in the surgical department of the hospital. If an attack of hepatic colic is suspected, the sister calls the doctor; without a doctor's prescription, it is forbidden to inject drugs to relieve pain. Attacks of colic alternate with light intervals, sometimes lasting for years, when the disease does not manifest itself.

The organization of the regimen and care should be aimed at preventing the progression and exacerbation of the disease. The most important thing is to follow a diet with a restriction of cholesterol-rich foods (brains, liver, kidneys, egg yolks), meat broths, pork, beef and mutton fat, fatty fish, smoked meats. Preferably, the products are served boiled. It is necessary to limit the use of flour dishes, cookies, pastry products, especially if cholelithiasis is combined with obesity. intake of herbal and butter should not be significantly limited. Fractional nutrition contributes to the timely emptying of the gallbladder - every 4 hours in small portions. Overload of the stomach and intestines, constipation, on the contrary, contribute to stagnation in the gallbladder. With constipation, eating wholemeal bread, foods rich in fiber (beets, cabbage, apples, plums) is indicated. If necessary, take laxatives recommended by your doctor.

Sufficient drinking (6-8 glasses per day) promotes the release of bile into the duodenum. Emptying the gallbladder is difficult in a sitting position, therefore, persons suffering from cholelithiasis, whose work is sedentary, should be advised to repeat gymnastic exercises associated with a change in body position and breathing exercises several times during the day. At the same time, diaphragm movements improve hepatic blood flow, bile secretion and increase intestinal motility. The volume of physical exercises is determined depending on the age of the patient, the severity concomitant diseases. In his free time, walking tours are shown. Of the medications in the interictal period, choleretic and antispasmodic drugs and various combinations of them are used to help relieve spasm of the biliary tract and a good outflow of bile. Cholagogues should be taken between meals.

Duodenal sounding is of great importance in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the biliary tract. With the help of probing, it is possible to make a microscopic examination of all three portions of bile and introduce the appropriate antibiotics directly into the duodenum. In addition, sounding contributes to a better outflow of bile. Duodenal sounding (see) is carried out by the sister in a hospital and an out-patient department. At home, as a choleretic treatment, daily intake on an empty stomach of half a teaspoon of magnesium sulfate, dissolved in half a warm glass, can be used. mineral water. The course of treatment is 10 days, followed by a repetition after 2 weeks. The so-called blind probing can be recommended: lying on the right side with a heating pad near the liver for 1.5 hours, drink a bottle of heated mineral water. To detect stones in the gallbladder and determine the contractile function of the gallbladder, intravenous or oral cholecystography is used, which greatly helps in the diagnosis of gallstone disease. For cholecystography (see) the patient is prepared in the same way as for fluoroscopy of the stomach. With intravenous cholecystography, a preliminary administration of 1 ml of the drug (bilignost) is necessary, since in some patients a severe intolerance reaction appears when the entire dose is administered.
