Analyzes before rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty: initial consultation and examination. When the choice is made

What tests are taken before rhinoplasty? This question is naturally puzzled by those who are going to have this operation, who are looking for recommendations on how to prepare for it, and who are also studying photos and reviews about rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty, especially in the open version, is a fairly invasive procedure, often requiring general anesthesia. In addition, this operation takes place in close proximity to the most important organ of the body - the brain. For this reason, the volume of analyzes before rhinoplasty is very significant and includes both laboratory types of examination and instrumental ones. However, all these types of examinations cost significantly less than the payment for the rhinoplasty itself.

Tests for rhinoplasty

When and what tests to take for rhinoplasty, what is the list of required types of examination? Most examinations before rhinoplasty should be done no earlier than 14 days before surgery. A standard set of analyzes and instrumental examinations is listed below.

Various blood tests are performed no earlier than 2 weeks before rhinoplasty:

What other tests need to be done before rhinoplasty? In addition to a variety of blood tests, a general urine test is also required, which must be taken no earlier than two weeks before the upcoming surgery. An ECG should be done no earlier than a month before the upcoming operation. If abnormalities are found, consultation with a cardiologist is recommended.

A chest x-ray or fluorography is valid for one year. It is also necessary to provide a CT scan of the paranasal sinuses, performed in 2 projections. In case of deviations, it is recommended to consult an ENT specialist. This type of instrumental examination should take place no earlier than one month before the upcoming operation.

Before rhinoplasty, you need to do an ultrasound of the legs, the results of this examination are valid for one month. In the case of deviations, a phlebologist's consultation is required. It is better to get a consultation from a therapist in the last turn, when there is already a full set of tests, on the basis of which the doctor is able to give a conclusion about the general condition of the patient and the admissibility of the operation. What tests are needed for rhinoplasty, you can also check with your plastic surgeon who prepares you for the operation, because the set of mandatory examinations can be changed in cases where the operation is performed in any specific way.

It should be remembered that even having successfully passed all the tests, you may encounter contraindications for rhinoplasty. Also, rhinoplasty is characterized by contraindications after surgery, which must be taken into account in order to achieve the best effect from the intervention.

Beauty is a promise of happiness

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Plastic surgery is an important step that must be approached very responsibly. One of the main stages is preparing the body for surgery. Today, no professional plastic surgeon will undertake the correction of appearance without a comprehensive preliminary examination, while the volume of research depends on the planned intervention.

Plastic surgery: two approaches

Translated from Greek "plastikos" means "to create a form", in Latin "plasticus" - "form, sculpt". When we talk about plastic surgery, we usually mean exactly the cosmetic correction of a woman's appearance.

However, this is not entirely true. The goals of the operation can be both aesthetic and reconstructive. For example, the elimination of congenital or acquired defects and deformities.

But even for the elimination of pronounced cosmetic defects (for example, post-burn scars, congenital and post-traumatic deformities), reconstructive plastic surgery performs more medical tasks. But cosmetic operations set themselves purely aesthetic goals. However, both those and other operations are aimed at improving the quality of human life and restoring his self-confidence.

What are the operations

The range of plastic surgery services today is extremely wide. From facial modeling - this is rejuvenation (facelift), eyelid plastic (blepharoplasty), nose plastic (rhinoplasty), ear plastic (otoplasty), lip plastic (cheiloplasty), chin plastic (mentoplasty, mandibuloplasty or genioplasty), cheekbone plastic , neck plastic surgery (cervicoplasty) and hair transplant, - until the methods of body shaping that are popular today: breast plastic surgery (mammoplasty), abdominal plastic surgery (abdominoplasty, liposuction), buttock plastic surgery (gluteoplasty), skin tightening after weight loss (panniculectomy, torsoplasty), shin plastics and inner thighs (cruroplasty and femurplasty), plastic surgery of the hands (brachioplasty), as well as intimate plastic surgery (plastic surgery of the hymen or hymenoplasty, plastic surgery of the vagina - vaginoplasty, plastic surgery of the external genitalia - labioplasty).

"Pros and cons"

Modern history knows cases when plastic lays the foundation for future success. Let's remember Marilyn Monroe, who was initially dissatisfied with her nose and chin, as well as Michael Jackson, who, according to various estimates, performed from 10 to 50 plastic surgeries. On the other hand, how can we know what would have happened if these operations had not been done?

Wouldn't Jackson's bright talent have manifested itself if he had a different shape of the nose, lips and chin?

We must not forget that plastic is primarily a surgical method, which involves the violation of the integrity of blood vessels and tissues, local or general anesthesia, sometimes - the use of implants, gels, medicines, etc. Like any operation, plastic surgery is fraught with complications. Small surgeries are performed under local anesthesia, but most of them are performed under general anesthesia, which can be an additional risk factor. Therefore, when thinking about an operation, it is worth carefully weighing the feasibility and risks.

What tests to take before the operation?

The purpose of the preliminary examination is to identify absolute contraindications to surgery, timely diagnosis of acute and chronic diseases and many other risks to exclude intra- and postoperative complications.

Mandatory are:

* general blood and urine tests (allow you to assess the state of the body, including the immune system, the presence of an acute and / or exacerbation of a chronic disease), coagulogram (study of the blood coagulation system to assess the risks of hemorrhagic complications);

* biochemical blood test (detection of violations of the main types of metabolic processes, assessment of the state of the hepatobiliary and urinary systems, etc.)

* blood test for HIV, syphilis and infectious hepatitis

* fluorography and ECG (state of the cardiopulmonary system).

Tests for blood group and Rh factor are carried out in case of urgently needed blood transfusion.

What if you have chronic medical conditions?

If you have a chronic condition, the standard set of tests is usually not enough.

So, if you know that you are suffering from a chronic infectious disease, it is necessary to examine the blood for the level of the corresponding antibodies, which will help your plastic surgeon assess the likelihood of an exacerbation of the infection in the pre- and postoperative periods. If you have previously experienced allergic reactions, do not forget to inform your doctor about it - this is a very serious reason for allergy diagnostics, because you will have a "meeting" with a whole range of medications and non-medications.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult and difficult operations in plastic surgery. Many cosmetic surgeons consider rhinoplasty to be the most surgically and artistically challenging of all plastic surgeries. This complexity increases among male patients because, as a rule, male patients have relatively nonspecific complaints and tend to be more demanding.

Rhinoplasty is the most common facial correction procedure among women and the second most common among men.

The art of cosmetic rhinoplasty begins with an initial examination. The surgeon must be able to visualize and predict the end result.

People who seek rhinoplasty are of a wide range of ages and nationalities. In addition, they can have an equally wide range of desired results from the procedure. The initial consultation provides an opportunity for the surgeon to assess both the physical and psychological condition of the patient. In doing so, the surgeon can determine if the patient is a suitable candidate for surgery. After this decision, the surgeon can begin preparing the patient for rhinoplasty.

Initial inspection

The pre-rhinoplasty consultation begins with an attempt to assess the extent of the physical deformity of the nose, as well as to present the extent of the necessary changes. The surgeon should try to understand the individual's personal motives for undergoing surgical correction.

A realistic understanding of expectations is essential to the success of rhinoplasty. Understanding the patient's goals is facilitated by the use of open-ended questions. Patients are asked to describe what they dislike about their nose and what they would like to achieve with surgery. Functional issues such as shortness of breath should be discussed along with cosmetic issues. During the consultation, the surgeon must determine whether he can achieve the patient's physical expectations through surgery.

If the surgeon considers the prospective patient to be a good physical and psychological candidate for surgery, the next step is to discuss the purpose and limitations of the procedure. The physician should inform the patient about the result that can be achieved with the surgery. The limitations of rhinoplasty must also be discussed.

The patient must understand the anatomical limitations (if any) that will affect the potential outcome of the procedure. The anatomical features of the face must be carefully studied in order to explain to patients what can be corrected and what is part of the individual anatomy.

Analysis of the structure of the face and nose

After the patient has had an initial interview, a complete, thorough examination is performed, which includes an analysis of the face and nose. Facial analysis is critical in order to diagnose the problem and determine the best course of action. There are established proportions and ratios for facial structures that make up an aesthetically pleasing face.

The nose is examined from all sides. The quality and properties of the skin, cartilage and bones are noted. Palpation is performed along the nasal dorsum, lateral sides, and the nasal septum. Palpation of the nose and septum provides the surgeon with valuable information regarding the shape of the cartilage / bone and its effect on the appearance of the nose. The surgeon examines the quality of the facial skin, the thickness of the subcutaneous tissue, and facial symmetry. After completing the overall assessment, the surgeon will mark and highlight the most striking features of the nose. These are, as a rule, those characteristics that led the patient to the need for plastic surgery, such as excessive size, deviations, or a hump of the nasal dorsum.

In frontal projection, the surgeon examines the width of the nose, any deviation from the midline, and the characteristics of the tip of the nose (symmetry and severity). In the projection from below, special attention should be paid to the triangularity, symmetry, width of the columella. The nasal base should be configured as an isosceles triangle with a rounded apex at the tip of the nose and thin sidewalls. Asymmetric orientation of the apex nostrils may indicate an anomaly in the inferior lateral cartilage. In lateral projection, the tip, length and profile of the nose are evaluated. Evaluation of the contour of the nasal dorsum should reveal any concavities, bulges or irregularities.

Intranasal examination is carried out using a nasal endoscope. If necessary, a decongestant is used to further evaluate the appearance of the nasal mucosa, nasal septum, and bones. The septum is checked for deformations and configurations that could affect the appearance of the nose.

Computer images

Computer digital images have become a popular and useful means of communication between doctor and patient to better understand the purpose of the procedure. The patient, however, must understand that computer images will not accurately represent or warrant surgical results. Computer visualization is only an educational tool.

When used correctly, digital imaging can give a potential patient a better understanding of the surgical goals and aesthetic ideals that the surgeon is planning for him.

At the same time, the surgeon can gain insight into the ideal aesthetic result that the patient desires.

Examination of preoperative photographic images for rhinoplasty allows for detailed anatomical analysis that complements the psychological examination.

Physical examination

The doctor will do a complete physical exam, including prescribing laboratory tests such as blood tests. The doctor will also ask questions about the medical history, including whether there is a history of nasal congestion, surgery, and what medications the patient is taking. If the patient has a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia, rhinoplasty is prohibited.

Foreign surgeons believe that a preoperative examination is not required for most patients, since healthy people turn to plastic surgery services. Most of the necessary clinical information physicians obtain from the patient's medical history and physical examination.

The tests that are required for rhinoplasty will vary depending on several factors. If the patients are young and healthy, the surgeon will probably need a complete blood count. If patients are over 50 years old or have heart disease, a preliminary electrocardiogram is needed. A biochemical blood test may be necessary if patients are constantly taking certain medications, especially antihypertensive medications. If patients have problems with blood clotting or anemia, it will be advisable to obtain a preoperative blood test. Most surgeons order a pregnancy test for all women of childbearing age, since pregnancy is a contraindication for surgery.

The vast majority of tests are performed as a precautionary measure to protect doctors and hospitals against frivolous lawsuits.

In Russia, the patient must provide the surgeon with the results of the following tests for rhinoplasty:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • a blood test for prothrombin;
  • blood test for RW, HIV;
  • blood group, Rh factor;
  • general urine analysis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • X-ray or computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses.

A variety of surgical interventions pose a certain risk to the client. But in order for the final result to have a positive result, you need to be very responsible and attentive to this issue. Further results will depend not only on an experienced and good surgeon, but also on the patient himself. The patient, in turn, must follow all the instructions, instructions and recommendations of the doctor.

Indications for rhinoplasty include various defects in appearance, for example, disproportionate size of the nose, congenital or acquired deformities, deviated nasal septum, too large or small wings of the sinuses.

Features and stages of preparation: a list of tests before rhinoplasty

The first step is to visit and consult a surgeon. He, in turn, must examine the patient and indicate the amount of work that he has to do. After such an examination, he can draw certain conclusions and appointments.

Only after consultation can the patient take the main tests before rhinoplasty - blood and urine tests - and undergo a hardware examination. He must also visit all the specialized doctors who are appointed by the surgeon. These include a therapist, cardiologist, anesthesiologist, dentist and others.

The next consultation with your surgeon should take place immediately before the operation itself. On it, the doctor must take a snapshot of the nose and markings.

The next stage is that the surgeon must give certain recommendations to the patient, according to which the operation will directly undergo. These recommendations should be followed.

  • For a few weeks before surgery, you should exclude the use of medications that thin the blood to eliminate the risk of bleeding during surgery.
  • Stop taking medications that affect your blood pressure. In the event that the patient needs to take them regularly, then it is worth consulting a doctor on this issue.
  • It is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol literally a month before the operation. Nicotine can most often lead to the formation of blood clots in the postoperative period.
  • Before the procedure, you should stop visiting the solarium, as well as shorten the time spent in the sun.
  • Stop taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

Analyzes before rhinoplasty include an assessment of the condition of the skin and defects on it. At the initial examination, the doctor pays attention to some features of the nose:

  • The presence of any skin diseases.
  • The thickness of the skin on the nose.
  • Obvious defects.

These factors directly affect the surgical plan for the upcoming operation. Thin skin on the nose can affect the result in such a way that the operated tip becomes too sharp or pointed.

A few hours before the operation, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Stop eating heavy food. Also during this period, a stomach cleansing is prescribed, which can be carried out with the help of special preparations or an enema.
  • You cannot use certain creams and lotions, or any other cosmetic products.
  • Shower and wear completely sterile clothing before entering the operating room. Usually, such clothes can be issued directly at medical institutions.

Its useful to note

During the next few hours after the operation, the patient will recover from anesthesia and should not take water, as it can cause gag reflexes. In this case, you can soak a cotton swab in water and slightly moisten your lips.

For one day, the patient is still left in the hospital, and after that they can be discharged, but only if he has no complications and the operation was successful. After discharge, the patient undergoes rehabilitation.

It is worth paying great attention to all the recommendations and wishes of the doctor so that the operation is successful and there are no complications after it. Also, during the entire rehabilitation period, the patient must take medications and undergo physiological procedures. Do not forget about regular visits to the doctor.

What are the required tests before the operation?

At the consultation, the doctor must give a list of tests that the patient must pass before the operation.

What tests need to be taken for rhinoplasty:

  • Biochemical and clinical blood test. Such analyzes determine the indicators of protein and glucose in the human body.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Analysis to determine blood clotting.
  • Analysis for the Rh factor.
  • STD testing.
  • Fluorography to determine the condition of the bronchi and lungs (required for any medical intervention).
  • A nomogram of the bones of the nose and maxillary sinuses makes it possible to find out the state of the cartilage and bone tissues.

Its useful to note

In some cases, additional tests are also prescribed, which are recommended to be passed by the patient before surgery. This happens when the doctor doubts the normal functioning of individual organs.

  • In case of disorders in the endocrine system, it is necessary to take a blood test to determine the level of certain hormones.
  • If there are problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, then an ultrasound examination is performed.
  • If there is a threat of postoperative complications, the patient can be sent for a consultation to the dentist.
  • Patients who have certain heart problems should not only have a cardiogram, but also an echocardiogram.
  • In case of disorders of the nervous system, it is necessary to send to a neurologist or psychiatrist.
  • If there is a suspicion of a neoplasm, it is necessary to undergo a computed tomography to determine the type of tumor.
  • In the event that there are problems with the vessels of the brain, the patient is sent for an EEG.

In order for rhinoplasty to be successful and the patient does not have complications in the future, it is necessary to properly prepare: take into account all the indications and contraindications for plastic surgery, pass tests and undergo a series of examinations. Let's consider the specifics of the preparatory stage of rhinoplasty.

Indications for rhinoplasty

Plastic surgery can be done if you are dissatisfied with the size or shape of the nose, or for medical reasons, when irregularities in the shape of the nose lead to breathing difficulties and health problems.

Indications for surgery:

  • excessive length of the nose;
  • large nostrils;
  • deformation of the nose as a result of injury;
  • congenital curvature of the nose;
  • impossibility of nasal breathing as a result of curvature of the septum or other disturbances in the shape of the nose.


  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx, throat and other organs of the respiratory system;
  • HIV, all forms of hepatitis and other incurable viral diseases;
  • hemophilia;
  • inflammatory processes in the field of correction;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels and lungs;
  • mental instability.

Features of preparation for plastic

In order to exclude the presence of contraindications and create all the conditions for the operation, it is necessary to undergo an examination, pass tests and follow all the doctor's recommendations, which will prepare the body for a serious intervention and reduce the risks.

The decision to carry out the operation is preceded by an examination by a doctor. The plastic surgeon conducts an open survey, which allows you to identify the reasons for the patient's dissatisfaction with his nose, in order to outline the direction of action for correction, and the condition of the tissues is assessed. Also, after consultation and examination, the doctor informs about possible anatomical restrictions that may not allow the desired effect to be fully achieved. The doctor provides each patient with a list of recommendations. A month before the correction, it is recommended to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, a week before you need to stop taking potent drugs, blood thinners, hormones. There are a number of specific drugs that are prohibited before the examination and for a month after the operation. At the consultation, the plastic surgeon provides a list of these funds.

What tests are required before rhinoplasty:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • on prothrombin;
  • on RW, HIV;
  • for hepatitis C and B;
  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses;
  • blood group and Rh factor.

Additional examinations

If the patient has any health problems, additional diagnostic procedures may be prescribed to him before the correction:

  • in case of violations of the endocrine system, tests are assigned to the level of hormones;
  • in case of violations of the gastrointestinal tract, an endoscopic examination of the stomach is prescribed;
  • if a mental disorder is suspected, an appointment with a psychotherapist may be prescribed;
  • if there is a suspicion of problems with the vessels of the brain, an EEG is performed.

In order for the plastic surgery to be successful and subsequently the patient does not face health problems, it is important to pay the utmost attention to the preparation period. Passing all the necessary tests, an open conversation with a plastic surgeon and examination will provide the necessary information for a successful rhinoplasty and help to avoid risks. For more information regarding this plastic surgery, visit our

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