Quickly remove eye fatigue - simple ways available to everyone. Folk recipes from fatigue and redness

Hello, dear readers! In the article, tell me how to remove fatigue from the eyes at home. Consider the main symptoms of such an unpleasant phenomenon that can help remove fatigue, share useful natural recipes. Follow our advice, and the result will not make yourself wait.

Despite the causes of the appearance of eye fatigue, the same symptoms are manifested:

  • migraine is present and pain in the eyes is felt;
  • there is an involuntary selection of tears;
  • you feel like a shell eye has become dry;
  • blushed mucosa due to extended blood vessels;
  • painfully turn the eyes;
  • a little bake;
  • eyelids become "heavy";
  • increased intraocular I. arterial pressure;
  • there is a turnover;
  • reduced vision;
  • began two items;
  • periodically, bright flashes appear before eyes, incomprehensible points.

Prevention measures from eye overwork

Now let's talk, what are the elementary measures of prevention and how to remove fatigue from the eyes using simple, effective councils on every day.

  1. Eat products in which there are vitamins A, B, E, D, trace elements, carotenoids and zinc. They positively affect the health of your eyes. Present in products: blueberries, carrots, beets, rosehip, spinach, apricots, corn.
  2. During the day, spend 2 times special. And after you close your eyes for 5 minutes and just rest.
  3. When returning home, immediately shoot your makeup. Wash yourself with toning water with or chamomile decoction.
  4. While working at a computer, rest in front of the TV every hour to make small breaks for 5-10 minutes. During this period, make gymnastics. It will help to relax your eyes.
  5. Make simple compresses and grasses from herbs.
  6. Practice Palming. Effective method Remove eye stress using certain actions with hands and complete relaxes. It takes only 5-10 minutes. To do this, sit comfortably, quickly pull the palms on each other, close your eyes and put your hands on them. Fully relax, think only about pleasant, beat off all the problems and meditation at this time. Discover your eyes, look slowly around.
  7. Conduct manual therapy. Eye will not hurt light massage Skin. This activates cells, blood circulation is improved.
  8. Make refreshing compresses with ice from water or herbal decoctions. Put it in the fabric and spend the skin around the eyes. Do not get drunk, do the procedures for no more than 5 minutes each.
  9. Prepare. Use 1 tbsp. l. Glass collection of water. Win on the water bath and strain. Warm decoction pour into a comfortable container, make it up to it and open your eyes. Repeat 10 times.

Gymnastics for female eyes

Such exercises can perform each, no contraindications.

  1. We smear the eyes. Start quickly blinking.
  2. Go to the window or exit the balcony. Look in the distance and concentrate on some subject. Then transfer the look at the object in step from you. Do it 5-10 times.
  3. Do not move your head, and describe the circle 10 times in a hourly arrow and in the opposite direction. Then make movements 15 times up-down, left-right.
  4. Repeat the same movements only with closed eyes.
  5. FROM maximum powerBut without pain, subject eyelids. After 15 seconds open. 10 repetitions.
  6. Gymnastics finished. Now simply lie down or learn back to the chair and rest 5 minutes with your eyes closed.

The best folk remedies

Potato compress


  1. Potatoes - 1 pc.
  2. Olive oil - 1 tsp.
  3. Cold boiled water - 1 l.
  4. Lemon - ½ part.

How to cook:Pre-prepare lemon water. Lemon Cut slices , put into deep dishes and fill with water. Let it insist for 3 hours, then write. Now prepare the compress itself. Clean potatoes and soda on a small grater. Add to Ne. olive oil. Place the mixture is placed on a small piece of bandage or gauze.

How to use:Put ready compresses on closed eyes. Rest so 15-20 minutes. After, remove and smear fresh lemon water.

Result:Helps to remove inflammation, dark circles and bags, passes redness of the eye proteins, the skin around is slightly lit.

Compress from Pshen


  1. Millet - 4 tbsp. l.
  2. Water - 2 tbsp.

How to cook:Rinse the millet and pour out into a small saucepan. Fill it with boiling water and boil on the maximum heat for 7-10 minutes. Film porridge. She will not need, only a decoction is needed. Wait until it cools up to a pleasant temperature for you.

How to use:Dry cotton woven disks and put on your eyes. Hold them 5-10 minutes. The procedure is better to do 1 hour before sleep.

Result:Eye overpowered to get pathnery, the feeling of fatigue and redness is due.

Multivitamin compress


  1. Chamomile collection - 100 g
  2. Collection of flowers Vasilka - 60 g.
  3. Water - 2 tbsp.
  4. Honey - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook:Mix chamomile with cornflower and pour with water. Put on a water bath and expect until boils. Remove and let it be cooled to a warm state. Only now add honey. So, he will not lose his healing properties.

How to use:Wool moisten in the finished mixture and place in the eye area for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure will be worked out mineral water.

Result:After use, swelling passes, the eyes stop the oven, movement ceases to be so painful.


Need to remember:

  • With the fatigue of the eyes you need to fight. Since the constant voltage of vision leads to ophthalmic diseases.
  • If you for a long time You are behind the computer monitor, driving or engaged in other activities, where your eyes are in constant voltage, make 5-minute breaks every hour. Practice exercises, watch in the distance. This will help relax them.
  • Folk remedies at home will quickly help remove fatigue from eyes.
  • Do not forget to visit the eyepiece for prevention every year.

See you in the next article!

Many modern people have poor eyesightwhich may gradually deteriorate due to their kind of activity and for other reasons. It may be connected with a bad environment, permanent work Through a computer, watching TV and the use of different gadgets.

Permanent loads lead to strong fatigue And redness in the eyes, which provokes health problems, such as loss of vision. It is possible to prevent all sorts of ailments if timely take certain measures to treat tired eyes. We will tell you in this article about folk remedies from eye fatigue.

Express recipes from eye fatigue

There are many different recipesallowing you to quickly get rid of redness, edema under the eyes and remove fatigue around the eyes at home.

Cold spoons

This is not a recipe, but just effective tool for fast removal swelling. Cool two spoons in the freezer and attach them to eyes through thin napkins. Spoons must be not ice, but just cold. Otherwise, you can cause irritation of thin skin in the area around the eyes.


Remove fatigue in the eyes can be a folk remedy based on ordinary cucumber. Cut the two slices of vegetable and put them forever, closing your eyes. The cucumber creates a soothing and softening effect, and swelling under the eyes and redness quickly disappear.


You can overcome the breakpoint around the eye with this product. If you want to look in the morning fresh, pour milk into a plate and get into it in a soft towel in it. Press it out and put on my eyes for a few minutes. Milk has a softening effect and makes skin more tender and silky. Eyes at the same time get cheerful radiance. It should be noted that the use of chilled milk is used.


It is great for combating the problem of swollen eyes. If you have a strawberry in the refrigerator, put a couple of berries on your eyelids and leave for a few minutes. You must feel relief and relaxation. Strawberry creates an antioxidant effect and helps to remove swelling under the eyes.

Tea bags

This famous folk remedy for fatigue in the eyes has tried many. It would seem who will treat the eyes of tea? Need to take already used mint bags or chamomile tea, cool them in the refrigerator and then put on the eyelids for about five minutes. Redness will disappear, the eyes will be fastened, and the swelling will disappear along with tea, drunk before getting rid of eye fatigue.

Soothing eye compresses for tired

If you are interested in how to remove fatigue around the eyes, be sure to try the various compresses that we will tell below.

Ice compress

The most simple and enough effective compressTo create which you need ordinary ice. Wrap the cubes into a thin fabric and apply to the swollen eyes for 30-120 seconds, but not more. It is impossible to apply the ice for a long time, since strong cooling contributes to the narrowing and reflex spa vessels, worsening blood circulation in this area. Be careful before you decide to relieve the fatigue of the eyes by people - consult your doctor.

If I do not, even a towel, moistened in cold water. Attach it to the tired eyes for 3-5 minutes. The cold eliminates the stress in the eye muscles and eliminates discomfort in the area around the eyes.

Raw potatoes

Juice potato juice is an excellent component for creating a compress that relieves fatigue under the eyes. You will need purified potatoes, grated. Put it into two gauze bag and start applying them to the eyes for a period of 10 to 15 minutes.

After conducting the procedure by folk remedies, the residues of the compress are removed with a wet cotton swab and covered with skin nutrient cream. Potato compress relieves redness and swelling due to lack of sleep.

Eye Herbs Compresses

To quickly get rid of eye fatigue, compresses are very effective medical herbs. We give the most popular and affordable recipes for eye compresses on herbs that will help to replace with the task, how to remove fatigue under the eyes of people's ways.

Lime color and chamomile

These herbs will help to remove fatigue and prevent barley. Any of these herbs in the amount of 1 spoons fill the glass of boiling water and put for 2-3 minutes to a slow fire. After cooking, wrap the container with it with warm tissue and leave for several hours to appease. When the remedy cools, it will need to be strain. You can use wood decoction to create compresses before bedtime, washing the eyes or freezing ice from it.


A decoction of blue cornflower is an excellent prophylactic folk agent against fatigue in the eyes. You need a glass hot water And a pair of spoons of dry flowers of cornflower. Fill grass hot water And leave for several hours. Apply the compress with this decoction to the eyes must be regularly - at least two or three times a week.

Green Parsushki.

The green parsley helps to fight the fatigue of the eyes and the darkened circles around them. For the compress you need to chop fresh green parsley and decompose it in two pouch from gauze, and then omit in boiling water. Allow small compresses to cool to normal temperature, Press the bags and attach for 8-10 minutes to tired eyes.

Compresses against redness and edema under the eyes

In addition to conventional soothing compresses, other recipes can be used to effectively help with swells and strong redness eye.

Birch infusion

You will need fresh birch leaves - 5-6 pieces, as well as a glass of mineral water without gas. Fill leaves with water and leave one day in open glassware. After that, you can try to mix the eyelids to this means against edema. The state of the eyes is quickly normalized, redness leaves and swelling will disappear.

Mint compress

If you want to overcome the edema of the eyelid under the eyes of folk remedies, you will certainly help this recipe: a glass of boiling water pour a large spoonful of leaves peppermint And put the mixture to a slow fire for about 5 minutes, and then leave the means to appear for half an hour, without removing the lid. After some time, the fluid must be strain, moisten it with cotton disks and attach them to the affected areas for 10-15 minutes.

Chamomile compress

Dry flowers of this plant should be wrapped with a cloth by making small bags. They must be omitted into the water and boil about 10 minutes. Start applying bags to swollen and blusted eyes every few days, and you will notice that your face will gain a more recent view.

Egg white

You can cook a mask from this product. Separate OT raw egg Protein and take it, and then add a hammelis extract to it (quite a bit). Apply a remedy for affected areas around the eye to remove inflammation, swelling and calming the skin.

Sea salt

Of sea salt You can prepare a wonderful compress from redness of the eyes and edema. Just moisten the woven tampons with a solution, slightly press them so that the liquid does not get into the eye, and put on the eyelids for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, treat the skin with some nutrient cream.

Melis and white bread

A little unusual compress is preparing from fresh greenery Melissa (two large spoons will be required) and breadfall. Moine bread juice and attach pieces to the field of edema. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes, and after it you need to wash cool water.

The eyes are not for nothing called the mirror of the soul, they can immediately understand, have fun or sad, there is a time for rest or it is an imbibonic luxury for him. Knowledge about how to remove fatigue from the eye will not only hide some nuances of their pastime, but also to improve the health of the "soul mirrors".

Eyes overvrace and get tired for several reasons:

  1. The use of electronic gadgets: smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. It is more complicated by the fact that many people are forced by their profession to spend almost the entire day at the computer, others use gadgets as a means of communication and "hang" the clock in them. Vision is spoiled from this, the mucousness dries, and the eyes are constantly getting away.
  2. Long-term TV viewing. Shimmering pictures on the screen will also harm the eyes.
  3. Bad ecology and improper lifestyle. Gazazy and dustiness of air, bad habits and the lack of the routine lead to serious violations vision.
  4. Non-shows. The lack of sleep affects the eyes not the best way. Swelling and are often.

Symptoms of overwork

Symptoms of tired eyes are expressed as follows:

  • redness of proteins;
  • bags, dark circles, edema of the lower age;
  • burning and rubbed in the eyes;
  • tear and dry eye;
  • the feeling of "stars" in the eyes.

Do not rely on fast deliverance from these symptoms, sometimes they can signal the beginning serious problemsTherefore, the visit to the ophthalmologist is not worth postponing.

Prevention of overwork

It is better to prevent overwork and observe simple prevention measures:

  1. With long-term finding in front of the computer, use high-quality high-quality liquid crystal monitor. At the same time, take breaks every 40 minutes. Eyes should be at a distance of 70 centimeters from the screen or on. Anti-glasses that can be purchased at the pharmacy will use the computer more secure.
  2. It is worth limiting the use of electronic gadgets, especially with small screens. Looking through movies from a phone or tablet with a small diagonal, you make your vision organs strain, as a result of which they quickly get tired.
  3. View the TV is not the best eye lesson. On a day you can be in front of the TV no more than 40 minutes and only at a distance of 1.5-2 meters.
  4. Full sleep: 7-8 hours of sleep per day - the key to healthy and rested eyelids.
  5. While reading, create optimal conditions: The light should not be dim or too bright, unacceptable reflection from pages. You can not read lying or when traveling in transport.
  6. You need to take care of your eyes from any contamination, damage and infections.
  7. After returning from the street of the eyelids and the face should be carefully flushed. Before bedtime, it is necessary to cleanse the eyes from decorative cosmetics.
  8. Once a year attend an eyepiece doctor for prevention.

From the eye. Down with fatigue

The question of how to remove eye fatigue from using gadgets or computer, inclipboard or misfortune, relevant to all generations, so we will try to answer it as fully as possible. So, quickly remove fatigue from tired eyes will help:

  • exercises;
  • massage;
  • stick.

Exercises can be carried out right during the working day, they will not take a lot of time and do not distract from work.

  1. Reduce the voltage and moisturize the mucous membrane will help correct blinking. First you need to slightly closed, and then wide open eyelids. Next often blinking is half a minute and repeat the first exercise several times. You can perform a similar gym for each eye alternately.
  2. To keep visual acuity for a long time, you need to perform exercises aimed at considering items at different distances. For example, you can first send the distance to the distance, on the clouds or tops of the trees, and then translate it to any object lying on your desktop. You can also draw a point on the glass and look alternately on it, then on nature outside the window. Such gymnastics quickly relieves fatigue with eyes.
  3. A good relaxing exercise is frequent blink for 15-20 seconds.

Massage of the Century

In a massage, not only the body needs, but also the eyes, because the day they get tired at no less, and often even more hands, feet or back. A session massage for the eyelids can arrange everyone, for this not need special skills, just follow the recommendations for the implementation of the procedure.

  • Scroll the palms to become warm.
  • Blank eyelids with palms, completely closed from the light. Sit so 3-4 minutes.
  • Then perform the circular massage movements in the corners of the eyelids and at the base of eyebrows index fingers both hands at the same time.

For the health of the eyes, the smallest finger of the hand is responsible - a little finger. Therefore, you can massage the pads of these fingers to remove the voltage from the tired ages.

Folk remedies for the fight against eye fatigue

Remove fatigue from face and eyelids with the help of a risk of various decoctions and informants:

  • From mint, linden and chamomile. On a teaspoon, the grasses should be added to a glass with boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. Woven discs, moistened in warm infusion, should be imposed on the eyelids to improve blood circulation.
  • Gauze bandages with coarse raw potatoes will be removed and get rid of the cutting.
  • Sticks from the beard of parsley and dill relax the eyelids and remove the circles under the eyes.
  • Silver from milk or juice cucumber will also give the eyes of a fresh look without bruises and edema.

Morning toilet accompany the eyelid with ice cubes or contrasting washes, then the hollow and tired look will not accompany you all the beginning of the day.

Do not forget about the importance healthy image life full sleep, compliance with the day mode, hygiene of reading and working with electronic gadgets, including with a computer, then your eyes will always look harsh and shining!

In accordance with statistical data, about 70% of our compatriots sooner or later, problems with vision appear. And if this is not avoided, then one thing remains to delay the appearance of problems. And to do it, you need to know how to remove the stress from the eye.

Key Eyes Care Rules

In order to do not collide with vision problems as long as possible, learn, first of all, to carefully care for your eyes. This will help you useful advicewhich are shown below.

Table. Eyes care tips.

Tip, photoShort description

The body should receive sufficient number Vitamins A and D. Although there are other vitamins that actively participate in visual processes is B2, C, E. Finally, do not forget about plant extracts, zinc.

Attend the ophthalmologist's office in preventive purposes At least once a year.

The light source during reading should be placed behind and a little top, the lighting itself should not be too bright. It is not recommended to read in a moving vehicle and bring the book for more than 30 centimeters to the eyes.

Try to protect your eyes from various infectious diseases, injury and damage.

On average, the eyes should rest approximately every 40 minutes if you watch TV or work at the computer.

On average, the eyes should rest approximately every 40 minutes if you watch TV or work at the computer.

Note! People who are forced to strain their eyes by the nature of the activity should be eliminated on time. This is especially true for those who work at the computer - in the evening because of this, the eyes begin to get to be wary and blushing.

Below we led 11 simple but effective ways Removing fatigue with eyes. Most of them (ways) part can be applied at home.

Method number 1. Petals Malva

You need to moisten the petals of Malva in cold milk, and then put on the eyes of fifteen minutes. By the way, for this can be used and ordinary milk - in it, pre-boiled and cold, should be mixed with cotton wheels and attach them to the eyes. After the above time, the compresses should be removed, and then washed with mineral water (slightly cool).

Method number 2. Dill or chamomile

Take dill or chamomile in the amount of 1 h. and pour ½ cup boiling water. Next, you need to insist 10 minutes, strain and divide into two parts. One part will be used cold, and the other is hot. Gauze napkins should be mixed with the influence, and then apply cold / hot compresses before going to bed, for 10 minutes. It is possible to use such contrasting grades not only if necessary, but also in peculiar courses (three times a week).

Method number 3. Decoration of Ryshovnika

2 h. L. The dried berries of the rosehip is brewed with a glass of boiling water, the resulting decoction warms on a weak heat for 5 minutes, after which 30 minutes insisted and focusing. Next, cotton swab is wetted in this brave and applied to the eye for 20 minutes.

On a note! This remedy can also be used for treatment.

Method number 4. Tea bags

For this express method, used tea bags are used (can be both cold and slightly warm). Packets need to be imposed on the eyes at the end of the day or even in the morning. For consupporting the efficiency of the method with bags, it is recommended for some time to lie down. In addition, it is desirable that simple black tea (without additives) applied.

Method number 5. Prenka.

Dreaming and reddened eyes can be flushed by the next decoction. Need 1 tbsp. l. Wash rinse, pour 0.5 l boiling water and cook for 6-7 minutes. The resulting decoction is merged and cold - it is necessary to rinse the eyes 30 minutes before sleep. You can also apply cotton swabs dipped in the agent, 5 minutes.

Method number 6. Moisturizing eye drops

These drugs are a kind of analogue of the tear fluid. They can be used regardless of the time of day - that is, when discomfort in the eyes feels.

Method number 7. Flowers Vasilka.

Crushed flowers in an amount of 1 tsp. Boiling water is flooded with half-hours and put 60 minutes in a warm place, after which they are pressed. The finished infusion overflows into a bottle with a plug. In this form, the tool can be stored for a maximum of two days. It is used like this: a swab, moistened in the nasty, the eyes are wiping twice a day.

Method number 8. Cucumber compress

Everything is simple here: you need to take 2 mug fresh cucumber And apply them to the eyes of about 15 minutes.

Method number 9. Raw potatoes

If the cause of eye inflammation is a banal lack of sleep, the problem can be eliminated by ordinary raw potatoes. A couple of medium potatoes takes, they are cleaned of the peel and rub on a small grater. The resulting cashem lays into the gauze bags that need to be applied for 15-20 minutes to the eyes.

Method number 10. "Commercial break"

Sometimes fatigue can be removed and a slight break. Relax, close a few minutes your eyes either focus on other subjects. In addition, you can perform a simple exercise: Apply your palms back side To the eyes (without a strong push), then remove them and open their eyes. It is important to repeat this procedure minimum 10 times.

Method number 11. Morgania

This method is good because it can be used at any time and in any setting - driving, at home or at the workshop. It is necessary to fright - intensively, often. Usually, the blink effectively relaxes the tired eyes.

Note! Removing any of the above compresses, always lubricate the skin with a special nutritional cream. In addition, if you encounter eye fatigue constantly, we recommend to visit the ophthalmologist's office as early as possible.

How to prevent eye fatigue. Step-by-step instruction

There are a lot of ways to avoid overvoltage of the eyes when working at a computer and, fortunately, almost all of them are cheap or even free.

Step 1. The monitor should be located at the right angle and on the correct distance (within 45-75 centimeters from the face). It is also important that the screen is somewhat lower than the eye level. Thanks to this corner, the position of the neck will be more natural, which means, and the eyes will remain in a position convenient for them (will look a little bit).

Step 2. Computer contrast must be enhanced, and brightness, on the contrary, reduce. With insufficient contrast, you will experience difficulties with distinction of color, and because of this, eye load will increase. He is too bright screen also negatively affects visual organs.

Step 3. Electrostatic particles emanating from the monitor must be eliminated. The fact is that they direct dust into the user's eyes, provoking tension and irritation. If the distance to the monitor is correct, it can solve the problem. Nevertheless, it is desirable to still process an antistatic monitor. And to do it follows every day.

Step 4. If you dial text with paper media on your computer, buy a special paper / books support. The stand must be located near the monitor so that you do not have to distinguish the look away. If you know how to dial the text without looking, try to look at the screen all the time in order to remove the errors.

Step 5. Now about lighting. It should be the same as the light coming from the monitor. Ideally workplace Must be lit by soft light, there should be no reflective surfaces. To reduce the load on the eyes you can use blinds or change light bulbs.

Step 6. If possible, buy an anti-glare screen. Obviously, such a screen is easier to put on a PC than on a laptop.

Step 7. Try to blink as often as possible. One of the reasons for overvoltage of the eyes is that a person blinks less often than usual. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly take breaks, sit with closed eyes for a few seconds for their moisturizing.

Step 8. You can use glasses. Talk to your doctor, what glasses you are most suitable. Prefer the fact that they have special protection from ultraviolet. By the way, it is also with protection that can be worn to work at the computer, even those who have no vision problems.

Step 9. It is desirable that the monitor has a high resolution. It is known that old monitors flicker very much, and therefore the eyes have to rebuild their image.

Step 10. If you have to work at night, you can use one of the programs that change color settings. IN daytime Modern monitors look good, but at night, when there are no sun rays, they (monitors) will be too bright. And with the help special Program This problem can be easily solved.

Video - how to quickly remove the eye stress

Common complaint modern people - Eyes fatigue. Folk remedies will help to return the eyes of a natural state.

Many of us spend time in front of the computer screen or work with a mass of printed documents. Such work is associated with a large load on the eyes. Exacels the situation of non-drying, poor lighting, contaminated and dry air. Permanent feeling Spectacular fatigue can be a precursor of problems with vision.

To prevent impairment of vision, it is important to take eye fatigue in time. Folk remedies will help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

What if you get tired

The cause of tired eyes may not only be external factors. This symptom also accompanies headaches, elevated or reduced blood pressure, hormonal changes. Such discomfort can be a sign of a number of diseases:

Sometimes the eyes get tired due to incorrectly selected lenses and glasses, as well as against the background of receiving some medicines.

To find out the cause of the ever-emerging fatigue of your eyes, consult a doctor-ophthalmologist. This will prevent further reduction in vision. The doctor will recommend special drops that moisturize and reassure their eyes.

If not illness, but increased load On the body of vision caused eye fatigue, folk remedies Will help solve the problem. Recipes are very diverse, and everyone can choose suitable.

Traditional recipe

Most famous recipe For tired eyes - tea compress. It is better to make it not from tea in bags, but from welding. Cool the welding, moisten two cotton disks in it. Or prepare a tea compress from welding, placing it in a gauze or a napkin.

Enter cotton discs or compress for closed eyelids and hold 15 minutes. As a result, fatigue will leave, the eyes will stop sick.

If you have only tea in bags at your hand, you can make a compress of them. Brew tea, cool the bags and apply to closed centuries.

Potatoes for eyes

Sattail on a shallow grater a few potatoes and squeeze through the gauze potato juice. This juice is mixed with flour and form cakes. Such a compress is posing for 10-20 minutes. Then remove the cakes and rinse the face with a cool lime decoction (but you can wash and conventional cool water).

Potato juice will not only remove fatigue from the eye, but also reduce inflammation and swelling.

Compresses from Romashki.

1 teaspoon chamomile pour half cup boiling water and insist 10 minutes. Then strain the infusion and divide it into two parts. Half will use for hot compresses, and the second - for cold. Moisten in the values \u200b\u200bof gauze napkins and take turns to the centuries hot and cold compresses. The whole procedure will take 10 minutes. Such compresses should be done before bed as needed or course (3 times a week).

The chamomile infusion has a soothing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal impact.

Cold compresses

If you need to quickly eliminate fatigue and swelling eyes, try to make a cold compress. It is advisable to prepare ice cubes in advance to get them out of the freezer if necessary. Just put on every eyelid on a piece of ice for each eyelid. If there is no ice at hand, you can use a towel moistened in cold water. Enter it on closed eyelids about 30 minutes.

Standard Eye Exercise

Tired eyes need a break. Relax, close your eyes for 2-3 minutes or move the look at major items. Make a simple exercise: without push attach the back side of the palms to closed eyes, Then remove the palms and open your eyes. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

In conditions, when there is no way to make compresses or even such an exercise, the blink will help. Blink often and intensively - it should relax the body of vision.

To the eyes are not tired too quickly, they need correct care. With prolonged work at the computer every 40 minutes, make a break so that the eyes relax.

Observe reading hygiene. Lighting should be moderately bright. When reading, do not bring the book to the eyes closer than 30 cm. You should not read in moving transport.

Eye health depends on the quality of nutrition. In the diet should be products rich in vitamins A and D.

If you started experiencing visual fatigue constantly, do not postpone the visit to the ophthalmologist.

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