Thyme how to use it in medicine. Thyme on wine. How to brew and drink for various diseases: recipes

Thyme is a small shrub with creeping branches covered with pale pink fragrant flowers, known since ancient times. It was used as medicine from leprosy and paralysis in ancient Egypt, it was burned on altars to win the favor of the gods. To medieval knights going to war, ladies gave sprigs of the plant to give courage in battle. Yes, and evil spirits were scared away by this grass in Russia. Avicenna in his writings mentions the oil, which can give a person a memory, save from insanity. And this is all about thyme, or, as it is also called, creeping thyme and the virgin herb. You can meet the plant everywhere: it covers steppe areas, mountain slopes with a flowering carpet.

Thyme - composition and useful properties

Thyme contains a large amount of essential oils, tannins, mineral salts, resins, vitamins that can benefit the human body, it will help cure many diseases, refresh the skin of the face, and improve hair.

thyme for hair

A decoction of thyme is often used to make hair beautiful, silky, it will help make them strong. It is prepared from both dried and fresh stems and flowers. Take a tablespoon of thyme in a glass of hot water, bring to a boil, boil for no more than five minutes. The cooled solution is filtered, using it as a rinse after shampooing. With split ends oily hair you can mix a decoction of thyme with shampoo and use it until the hair becomes strong, shiny and their loss stops.

The mask, which is rubbed into the scalp, is prepared from a decoction of 4 tablespoons of thyme in two cups of boiling water. Strain, apply with massaging movements.

A few drops of thyme oil added to the shampoo will relieve your hair of oily sheen and eliminate dandruff.

Thyme for facial skin

Oil extract from thyme relieves inflammation on the skin, improves its condition. After checking for an allergy to thyme, you can add two to three drops of oil to your day cream. Under no circumstances should oil be used in its pure form.

Flabbiness, puffiness, inflammation of the skin, as well as enlarged pores are treated with a compress from the infusion of thyme. Moisten a napkin with a solution and, squeezing a little, apply to the face. Compresses can be changed every two minutes.

For oily skin types, steam baths for the face are recommended. A tablespoon of thyme is poured into two glasses of water and boiled for twenty minutes in an enameled saucepan. Then they tilt their face over the container and stay in this position for ten minutes. A steam treatment session can be carried out no more than twice a month. Contraindicated steam treatment with thyme for those who have capillaries close to their face and with acne activity.

To relieve inflammation in order to soothe the skin of the face, you can use a lotion with thyme, prepared from a glass of boiling water and two tablespoons of herbs. It is used even just for washing, but only freshly prepared decoction should be used.

The healing properties of thyme

The healing effect of Bogorodsk herbs on the human body is diverse. Therapeutic beneficial features thyme is actively used by traditional healers and pharmacological companies.

Thyme for cough and bronchitis

The benefits of thyme for ailments associated with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and accompanied by coughing is invaluable. Gargle with thyme, drink it as a tea to effectively fight laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma, and tuberculosis.

When coughing, drugs are usually used that have a powerful expectorant effect. And thyme has just such a property. As part of the well-known drug Pertusin - creeping thyme, which will strengthen the immune system due to its aseptic properties, if taken in a tablespoon three times a day.

An infusion with thyme for cough therapy is prepared simply: two tablespoons are poured with two glasses of boiling water, insisted for about two hours. Can be brewed in a thermos overnight and then consumed warm in the morning before breakfast. For a day, you need to drink four hundred grams of infusion, divided into three to four servings.

It is also used for gargling the throat and nasopharynx, and in case of loss of voice, hot compresses are made on the area of ​​​​inflammation from a cotton napkin moistened with infusion, over which they apply dry towel in order to keep warm.

thyme for men

Scientists have revealed the magnificent properties of thyme for recovery male power, in the treatment of impotence, prostatitis. Due to the content of selenium in thyme, which, entering the body of a man, contributes to the active production of testosterone. Sufficient quantity hormone increases potency, improves the quality of seminal fluid. The anti-inflammatory effect of thyme will relieve a common ailment of our time - prostatitis. It will help to take an infusion of one tablespoon per glass of boiling water three times a day before meals.

For stimulation vital energy, strengthening male strength, it is necessary to take baths with the addition of thyme decoction to it. The duration of the appointment is ten minutes.

Useful properties of thyme for women's diseases

Inflammations localized in the vagina, uterus can be stopped with the help of medical procedures, which includes baths, douching. To carry out these events, an infusion of thyme is prepared in a ratio of 1: 3, they are douched with it at bedtime. The plant will help not only eliminate developing infections urogenital area, but restore the work of damaged cells.

In addition, the strengthening of women's health will help to take a decoction of thyme twice a day for half a glass after meals.

Thyme for pressure

Blood pressure disorders are diagnosed with atherosclerosis, and here one cannot do without the use of tea with thyme. Drinking two hundred grams of healing tea three times a day can not only cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, but also calm the nervous system. But when using tea with thyme, you need to take a break for a month, because it is noted Negative influence plants per function thyroid gland, to increase heart rate per minute. And from insomnia, which often accompanies pressure problems, a magic pillow filled with thyme, oregano, St. John's wort, hop cones, valerian root will help. It is worth putting it next to you, and then the dream will be strong, the pressure will even out.

Thyme for alcoholism

Many recipes are offered by traditional medicine for the treatment of a disease such as alcoholism. And again, thyme will help get rid of the disease. Due to the presence of thymol in it, vomiting for alcohol abuse, use the following recipe: prepare a decoction of two tablespoons of the plant in two glasses of water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes. After filtering the solution, take it in half a glass throughout the day. After that, vodka is poured into a glass, its aromas are inhaled for several minutes, and then they are drunk. Within twenty minutes, a person will feel nausea, turning into vomiting. Similar procedures should be repeated for a week or two in order to develop an aversion to alcoholic beverages.

Other useful properties of thyme and its use in medicine

There are many reasons that provoke bloating, flatulence. One of them is overeating such products, which contain refined fats and carbohydrates, which contribute to enhanced gas formation. In such cases, before eating, it is necessary to drink an infusion with thyme half a glass daily four times. Treatment will increase gastric secretion, relieve intestinal spasms, strengthen the muscles of the digestive system.

insomnia, depressive states, nervous exhaustion removed by taking a decoction of creeping thyme, which is prepared in this way: a kilogram of fresh thyme flowers is poured into a ceramic pot, poured with one and a half liters olive oil. Having tightly closed the hole of the vessel with dough, first put it in the oven for an hour and a half, and then in a warm place for the night. Strained mixture is bottled, stored in a cool place. Daily medication - one tablespoon three times a day. Skin diseases that have arisen due to dysfunction of the nervous system are also treated.

Pain at migraines removed with compresses from the infusion of thyme, which are applied to the muscles of the back, neck, shoulders, when there is a clearly expressed pain syndrome.

Aggravation inflammatory processes in the joints caused by neurosis, stress, are also treated herbal tea. Baths, in which a few drops of thyme essential oil are added, will effectively help in these cases.

How does a person feel uncomfortable if he smells after. This is usually due to a lack of zinc in the body. Thyme can fill the gap, as it contains more than 20% of antibacterial substances. If every day you wash yourself with infusion of thyme, then bad smell disappear from the body.

Tea with thyme and its beneficial properties

Herbal infusion, which we use instead of tea, is prepared by brewing dry thyme (one tablespoon) with a glass of boiling water. Usually it is necessary to drink a drink after a thirty-minute infusion. It is possible to brew tea in a thermos overnight, but it is desirable to reduce the preparation time. Only fresh drinks can be consumed. Thyme is useful for women, men in preventive purposes to prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process of the genitourinary system. Tea will help strengthen the nerves, relieve stress. In season colds the drink will save you from cough, sore throat, inflammation vocal cords. Tea with thyme is able to strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Thyme is used for medicinal infusions, combining it with St. John's wort, chamomile, mint. You should not get involved in the constant intake of tea, you should definitely take breaks, because thyme weakens the function of the thyroid gland.

Benefits of thyme essential oil

Thyme oil can be made both at home and purchased ready-made in a pharmacy. To prepare an oily solution with their own hands, they take a kilogram of fresh creeping thyme flowers, pour them into a ceramic pot, pour one and a half liters of olive oil. The container is placed in the oven for an hour and a half, closing the vessel tightly with a dough lid. In conclusion, the oil is infused in a warm place for another twelve hours, then filtered and bottled.

Thyme oil is not recommended to be used in its pure form, because it can cause irritation, and if it gets on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, even poisoning. Therefore, it should be used only in combination with creams to improve the condition of the skin of the face, in the treatment of acne and other skin problems. By adding three to four drops of thyme oil to shampoo, you can strengthen your hair, make it silky, and get rid of head lice.

A few drops of thyme essential oil in the bath before going to bed will calm the nervous system, make you sleep soundly, and it will be of great benefit to the body - the skin will become tender, without a greasy sheen.

Inhalations with the addition of two or three drops of thyme oil will relieve the cough symptom and warm the throat.

Syrup with thyme: method of preparation, therapeutic effect

During the flowering of Bogorodsk grass, in the summer they cook medicinal syrup, which will be useful in the future. Leaves and flowers are finely cut, put in an enameled pan, poured with water at the rate of one hundred grams of thyme four hundred - liquid. Putting on a slow fire, bring to a boil, remove when half the moisture has evaporated. Then add a glass of honey and juice of one lemon to the solution. After mixing the finished product, put the container in a dark room. After two weeks, thyme syrup is ready. Now no colds, coughs are scary. Taking one spoon of the drug before meals three times a day, you can remove a dry cough, reduce sore throat. In addition, thyme syrup will help strengthen the immune system of not only a child, but also an adult.

Thyme for children

Medicinal herbs are much more useful than pills stuffed with various chemicals. When in the off-season the child begins to get flu, bronchitis, accompanied severe attacks cough, namely, syrup or tea with thyme will help cure the baby.

Inhalations with the addition of a few drops of essential oil of the plant for several days will reduce coughing and strengthen the entire body of the child.

With neuroses, tantrums, children are shown baths with the addition of thyme infusion. They will calm the baby, eliminate redness on the skin caused by disorders in the nervous system.

A bag of fragrant thyme, hung in the nursery, will have a beneficial effect on air quality, and will have an aseptic, bactericidal effect.

Thyme for pregnant women

For pregnant women, the use of tea, decoctions of thyme is absolutely not contraindicated, because these funds calm the nervous system, cheer up. Herbal tea will help eliminate organ spasms gastrointestinal tract saves you from diarrhea. But, nevertheless, before starting the use of thyme-based preparations, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. Moreover, you should limit the chaotic, increased consumption of herbal remedies, since this can only bring harm.

Contraindications in the use of thyme

In spite of great amount useful properties, for some categories of people thyme is contraindicated. This is especially true for allergy sufferers, for whom many herbs that contain essential oils can cause negative reactions in the body.

Thyme It is a low-growing shrub that spreads its stems along the ground. It can grow up to 25 cm and spreads a slight honey smell during the summer flowering period.

Thyme is a honey plant, a fragrant herb that has a lot of varieties. The most common name for the plant is creeping thyme or common thyme. It is also called incense, wild mint, virgin herb, fimbra, and Elena's herb.

As a medicinal raw material in pharmacology, ground parts of the plant are used.

Chemical composition of thyme:

  • Essential oil, consisting of 40 of thymol
  • Tannins
  • Triterpene compounds (oleanolic and ursolic acids)
  • Bitterness, ash
  • Gum
  • Flavonoids
  • Ascorbic, pantothenic acid
  • mineral salts
  • Niacin
  • Potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron
  • Manganese, boron, nickel, selenium, vanadium, molybdenum, tungsten, aluminum, cobalt, copper

What is useful thyme? Medicinal qualities plants are associated with a huge content of thymol, a derivative of phenol. However, unlike it, thymol has less toxicity and gently affects the mucous membranes, destroys coccal bacteria. Preparations containing thyme have pronounced expectorant, antimicrobial, diuretic, antihelminthic, analgesic and hypnotic properties. Popular expectorant preparations made on the basis of thyme are Pertussin, Melrozum.

In ancient times, thyme was popular and was considered a cult plant. In ancient Egypt, it was used for embalming, in Greece it was presented to the gods and decorated with icons with stems. The plant was considered a symbol of honor, military courage and male prowess. Before the battle, the warriors took fragrant thyme baths - they lifted the spirit and charged with strength.

Types of thyme

This plant is used not only in medicine and cosmetology. Graceful thyme is used for decorative decoration of the garden, flower beds, its new hybrids are constantly brought out.

Despite the existence of more than 170 plant species, the most common are:

Common thyme. It grows up to 15 cm in height and has pubescent leaves. The flowers are light purple or white (Alba variety), scarlet (Splendex variety). It has low frost resistance, some dwarf varieties are used for landscape design.

Citric. Subspecies of common thyme. It has yellow leaves, has a pronounced aroma with a hint of lemon. It is used in cooking as a spice to improve the taste of meat dishes, vegetables, side dishes from legumes.

Creeping. It is used as a medicinal raw material for the manufacture of diaphoretic, sedative, diuretic drugs. It grows wild on rocky slopes, forest glades, rocks, forming wide turfs.

Thyme has been widely used in perfumery. It is also used to preserve vegetables and is used in the production of alcohol. A small amount of thyme gives alcoholic beverages a bitter, tart taste.


Thyme: contraindications

Thyme has medicinal and beneficial properties, however, any therapy should take into account the contraindications of thyme, since the plant belongs to the category of medicinal.

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The use of thyme is excluded in such cases:

  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver, acute stomach ulcer
  • Decompensation (failure) of cardiac activity
  • Decreased thyroid function
  • atherosclerosis, arrhythmia
  • constipation
  • Emphysema
  • Asthma, coughing with difficult sputum
  • Diabetes
  • Heart attack, post-infarction condition
  • Allergy to plant components

Thyme contraindications cannot be ignored in the treatment of children - grass should not be used by babies under 3 years old. Abuse herbal infusions thyme can cause nausea, vomiting, allergic rash, hypothyroidism (malfunction of the thyroid gland).

Harm of tea with thyme

A hot thyme drink is medicinal, so you need to use it correctly, given the dosage. For a cup of tea, the required amount of dry herb is 1/2 tsp.

Do not drink thyme tea during heavy menstruation. The plant has the ability to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus, induce menstruation. Due to the abortive properties of the plant and the ability to increase blood pressure, it is contraindicated to use it during the period of bearing a child.

Thyme contraindications should be considered if there are heart problems. Tea from this plant causes an increase in heart rate, therefore, with arrhythmia, after a heart attack, the drink is excluded from the diet.

You can not drink tea from thyme with hepatitis, ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive system, thyroid diseases. If after drinking the drink signs of allergy appear (rash, redness, swelling), the thyme tea should be stopped.


What is useful thyme

This medicinal herb is the first remedy for coughs, bronchitis and colds of the upper respiratory tract. Thanks to its bronchodilatory, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties, thyme decoctions gently remove accumulated mucus, soften the throat, and relieve spasms. The use of thyme-based products for whooping cough, pneumonia, and tuberculosis is shown.

What is useful thyme? Grass is used in official and alternative medicine to treat the following list of diseases:

Thyme is used to strengthen the immune system, during periods of weakened tone and vitality. Fragrant thyme tea increases efficiency, strengthens the body after serious illnesses.

In the form of external compresses, thyme is used for healing skin lesions, dermatoses. Useful baths with thyme relieve joint pain, eliminate the symptoms of arthrosis, gout. The powder and juice of the fresh plant is used to treat inflammation. sciatic nerve.

Tea with thyme: benefits

A warm drink with thyme is a real “healer” for the body. It is used as an anesthetic, to combat worms, as an antibacterial and disinfectant.

The drink is used to treat respiratory diseases, is recommended for use in cystitis, prostatitis, to remove sand from the kidneys. Thyme tea has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves stress, eliminates depression. The drink is used to restore brain function after injuries and in recovery period after operations.

In alternative medicine recipes, thyme is used to make decoctions for alcoholism. The plant cleanses the liver, removes toxins and decay products of ethanol. It is believed that after a full course of thyme treatment, a person will experience an aversion to alcohol.

By drinking aromatic thyme tea, you can lose a few extra pounds. A healing drink removes fluid from the body, permanently eliminates the feeling of hunger. Thanks to these qualities, tea is used in addition to weight loss programs, excluding heavy, fried and high-calorie foods from the diet.

Thyme drink is also good for digestion. While drinking, tea improves the functioning of the digestive organs, fights putrefactive processes, eliminates fermentation, intestinal spasms. Affects the formation of healthy microflora, inhibiting the development pathogenic microorganisms.

Herb thyme: medicinal properties

By virtue of antiseptic properties thyme herb is added to warm baby baths. Such water procedures relieve diaper rash, prickly heat, have a calming effect on the nervous system. Children can use decoctions of herbs for rinsing with sore throat and stomatitis. However, remembering the contraindications of thyme, children under 3 years of age should not take it orally.

From the inflorescences and stems of the herb receive a healing essential oil, which includes 40 thymol and 20 carvacrol - a strong antiseptic. Scientists have proven that carvacrol is several times more powerful than the most popular antibiotics.

Herb thyme has 8 main medicinal properties:

  1. Heals and clears the airways
  2. Has anticonvulsant, wound healing and analgesic effect
  3. Strengthens immunity and improves metabolism
  4. Eliminates symptoms alcohol intoxication
  5. Has a positive effect on the genitourinary system of men
  6. Treats epidermal lesions
  7. Calms and relieves insomnia
  8. Heals joints, relieves muscle pain

thyme for men

The herb contains special mineral elements - molybdenum and selenium, due to which the use of decoctions and tea from thyme has a positive effect on the male genital area. Reception of decoctions eliminates the problems of early ejaculation, is prophylactic against impotence, improves sperm quality.

The plant affects the male genitourinary system. Reception of thyme normalizes its work, improves blood circulation urinary organs, provides a harmonious outflow of urine, relieves inflammation. Thyme as an additional treatment to the main therapy for prostatitis helps to achieve good results and a quick recovery for a man.

When applied externally, thyme helps men stop the process of baldness. For these purposes, the essential oil of the plant, which contains valuable ursolic acid, is used. The substance stimulates the development of hair follicles, activates normal hair growth. For maximum effect, thyme oil is mixed with alcohol and rubbed into the scalp.

thyme for women

Thyme teas and decoctions are tonic drinks for the body. What is useful thyme for women? For the weaker sex, it is a good sedative: it relieves the effects of stress, fatigue, eliminates depression, and severe headaches. Gynecologists recommend using thyme for inflammation of the appendages, herbal tea is indicated for painful menstruation.

Thyme is indispensable for women who dream of losing weight. It can be added to various meat dishes, salads, fish. Grass helps to quickly digest food, normalizes digestive activity. Thyme does not have the ability to burn fat, but it improves metabolism, removes water, toxins and toxins from the body and will help a woman to lose weight more easily.

It is useful to use decoctions of thyme for skin treatment. The herb will help overcome the problems of dermatological rashes, acne, remove protruding capillaries on the face, and narrow pores. The use of thyme masks rejuvenates the skin, eliminates sagging, puffiness, dryness.

A decoction of thyme is used for rinsing and washing hair. The procedures help to get rid of dandruff, cope with increased oiliness of the scalp and stop hair loss. To achieve a quick result, thyme oil is added to the shampoo and additionally rubbed into the scalp. You can also rinse your hair with a decoction of thyme - useful herb relieves dryness, gives hair strength and beauty.

It is an unusual creeping plant. This is the strongest healer of various diseases, fatal in particular. Useful properties and contraindications of thyme were noted in the old days. Then they were treated with various serious diseases that did not allow a person to survive. At the same time, the medicinal properties of the herb of the patients were put on their feet, however, this took a lot of time. In this article, we will look at the beneficial properties of thyme and its use in medical purposes.

The use of thyme

This creeping plant for the body bears great benefit. Therefore, it is applied traditional medicine. The well-known "Pertussin" (cough remedy) is based on the beneficial substances of the plant. Another useful properties of thyme (see photo in this article) can help a person with tuberculosis, asthma and bee stings. The huge benefits of the plant are noted in urology, neurology and gynecology. Essential oil has found wide application in cosmetology.

Healing provides the composition of the plant. It includes:

  • flavonoids and gum;
  • organic acids;
  • carotene and vitamins;
  • resin and tannins;
  • thymol and cymol.

This creeping plant is essential for the health of men and women. And weak tea is useful for children.

Useful properties and contraindications of thyme for men and women

This herb has useful qualities much more than contraindications. Healing properties herbs:

  • wound healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • expectorants;
  • disinfectants;
  • soothing.

Herb contraindications include stomach ulcers, gastritis and diabetes. Despite the enormous benefits of thyme in asthma, tuberculosis and pneumonia, a huge dosage of the medicine can cause great harm, despite all the beneficial properties of thyme. There are also contraindications for women - during pregnancy, only a doctor should select medicines from thyme. The composition of the herb can provoke a miscarriage.

Benefits for Women

The beneficial properties and contraindications of thyme for women are very interesting. It is worth mentioning right away that before starting treatment, they should be carefully studied. Useful substances perfectly tone up, stop uterine bleeding and relieve cystitis, insomnia. To do this, make healing infusions. To do this, insist in a glass of boiling water for about 2 hours 10 g of grass. After filtering, drink a couple of tablespoons of the drug three times a day.

In addition, the beneficial properties of thyme for women contribute to weight loss. The benefit of the plant is that digestion is significantly improved. For example, food will be easier to digest. Tea is very high-calorie, which means that the feeling of hunger after 2 hours will completely disappear. You can add a couple of tablespoons of medicinal thyme to a simple tea leaves. Although the body will be of great benefit from pure thyme tea. To do this, pour a spoonful of raw materials with boiling water (a glass), remove for a couple of hours to brew and consume warm. You can also add honey. This slimming drink should be used for 2 weeks, then a two-month break.

Benefits for men

Useful properties and contraindications of thyme for men are quite extensive. It helps a lot with urinary infections, prostatitis, baldness, weak potency and alcoholism. Healing drinks can remove inflammation from it prostate. To do this, to get rid of it, you should prepare tea.

To do this, put five thyme florets and 2 mint leaves in a simple tea leaves. Brew the mixture for 6 minutes and consume up to 4 times a day. Remember that prostatitis entails difficult bowel movements and swelling. Useful properties can hardly be overestimated, since it is able to cope with this pathology.

Prepare a decoction next recipe: Boil a spoonful of string, thyme, burdock and celandine in half a liter of water. Strain the product and pour into the bath. It must be used before cooling. In order for there to be a tangible benefit, the lower back must be completely in the water. Such procedures do not cause any harm.

It has been scientifically proven that the healing properties of this plant improve the quality of seminal fluid and relieve premature ejaculation. For this, the following recipe has been developed: 2 tablespoons of dried raw materials are poured into a thermos, where half a liter of boiling water is added, insisted for 2 hours and drunk in two doses. Benefits will be noticeable after 2 weeks.

The oil will also benefit male body. Its medicinal substances improve sexual stamina. To do this, simply rub the oil into the perineum and groin. Keep in mind that essential oils can be harmful to the skin.

Considering the beneficial properties of thyme for men, it is worth noting that its use is prohibited for people who suffer from ulcers, diabetes, thyroid diseases, arrhythmia and gastritis. In other cases, a small use will only bring health benefits.

Recipes for health

We have already considered some of the beneficial properties and contraindications of thyme. Healing decoctions and infusions will be good in the treatment of SARS, influenza, pneumonia and rhinitis. The creeping plant has found application in the elimination of putrefactive processes and gases in the intestines, as well as in the treatment of dysbacteriosis. The oil can be used for air disinfection.

Aromatherapy oil suitable one year old babies. Traditional medicine recommends that women use grass juice, as it relieves pain and inflammation of the appendages. In general, from thyme a huge amount healthy recipes.

Tea with thyme

Considering the beneficial properties and contraindications of thyme, one cannot fail to mention tea, which is mainly included in complex treatment. It is also recommended to use it in the prevention of neuroses and colds. Its use for human body is a disinfectant, expectorant and sedative action.

So, you can get rid of a cold with a hot drink made from St. John's wort, lingonberries and thyme, combined equally. Next, a spoonful of the composition is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused like a simple tea. At the same time, add honey to improve the taste. But if we consider the beneficial properties and contraindications of tea with thyme, then it is worth noting that this remedy can harm hypertensive patients, as well as exacerbation of ulcers.

But the healing properties of thyme and the rest vitamin plants help increase immunity, in addition to improving bowel function. For this tea, strawberry and currant leaves, rose hips, thyme are used. Take a spoonful of all the ingredients. Then steam 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, the drink is ready. It will only benefit you, harm can only be done if you are allergic to some components. The healing properties of thyme in this case help to restore appetite, relieve fatigue and improve human vision.

thyme oil

The oil of the plant is made from the whole herb, while the essential oil is made only from the flowers. It combines following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • soothing;
  • antihelminthic.

The beneficial properties of thyme for women and men are multifaceted - the components of the product perfectly treat various skin diseases, joint, stomach and headaches. Traditional medicine has always treated respiratory ailments with this remedy. For girls, essential oil is necessary to destroy various infections appearing in the urinary tract. In addition, it restores the menstrual cycle and helps to get rid of insomnia.

But this is not all the useful properties of thyme. So, if you rub essential oil into the scalp, it is possible to increase attention and restore memory. It is also used in cosmetology. Oil is treated problematic skin and also strengthen hair follicles.

Infusion for cystitis

The beneficial properties of thyme also apply to the treatment of cystitis. At this disease the plant depresses inflammatory process and soothes the pain. Brew the infusion according to the following recipe: brew a spoonful of herbs in boiling water (cup). Set aside for half an hour and consume a quarter cup before each meal. Also, a person can drink a medicinal composition from one part of essential oil, 2 parts of celandine and belladonna tincture, 7 parts of valerian. Apply 20 drops before meals. This medicine It will be good to help with pain in the bladder.

Tincture for lotions

Useful properties of thyme are suitable for the preparation of lotions and various rubbing. This tincture heals wounds, warms and stops putrefactive processes. Its benefits in rheumatism are indescribable. It is prepared from 150 ml of vodka and 30 g of grass. The container is stored in the dark, closed for 10 days. To prevent medicinal components from settling at the bottom, the tincture is regularly shaken. In order for the components to work, it is necessary to use the drug regularly. Lotions are made for at least 15 minutes.

Thyme during pregnancy

The main number of sources indicates that the herb is contraindicated when carrying a child because of the possibility of a miscarriage. But the beneficial properties of thyme are revealed with its proper use. For example, for girls in position, the healing components of the plant are needed to relieve anxiety and tension. If you combine the seeds of dill and thyme, lactation improves significantly. Health drinks the pregnant woman will be relieved of gases and diarrhea. You can also add a little honey to them. While the essential oil of the plant is used to enhance contractions during childbirth.

If a mother has studied the beneficial properties and contraindications of thyme tea, but is still afraid to harm her baby, then grass seeds can be added to salads.

Benefits for hair and face

The healing components of the herb hair are of great benefit. They reduce the secretion of sebum, in addition, strengthen the bulbs. Many healers for male pattern baldness advise rubbing ether into the head. To strengthen the hair, make a decoction: put 4 tablespoons of thyme in two cups of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After washing your hair with shampoo, pour the product into your hair and massage into your skin. You don't need to wash the grass.

For facial skin, the beneficial properties of thyme are hidden under a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. For combined and oily skin steam bath is great. Take a spoonful of herbs for her (you can take leaves, seeds and flowers), bring to a boil in a glass of water and, covered, steam your face for 10 minutes. It is worth noting that in this way a person can harm himself if his acne progresses and the capillaries are close. In all other cases, the condition of the skin of the face will improve.

Infusion for cough

Healing substances help the body cope with severe respiratory diseases and colds. Quite effective is the use of thyme for coughing. Make an infusion from a glass of boiling water and a spoonful of herbs. After an hour, filter it and use a couple of spoons three times a day. Children should be given 1-2 dessert spoons.

Recipes for alcoholism

Thyme is of great benefit in the treatment of alcoholism. Grass literally restores the body, however, this process will be quite unpleasant - the use of grass in this case causes vomiting, which is the main treatment for this disease.

A decoction must be made from a glass of boiling water and 15 g of thyme. In a water bath, the mixture languishes for 15 minutes, then the broth is drained and the same volume of water is added to the slurry. The remedy should be drunk several times in 70 ml, after which the patient should sniff vodka for about 5 minutes, then drink 25 grams. This will be stressful for the body. Next comes nausea.

A two-week use of thyme will cause a strong dislike for alcohol. The benefits of such treatment will be persistent and long-lasting.

Thyme herb has universal healing properties due to the essential oil that is included in its composition.

natural pharmacy offers a wide variety of medicines growing under your feet. Finding the right medicinal plant is very difficult. Many of them were considered sacred, as they managed to overcome the most severe ailments. Now scientists know what components medicinal plants consist of. They can accurately determine which of them can destroy the virus that caused the disease. And before like this healing qualities attributed a supernatural origin. Those who comprehended the great secret of healing with the help of herbs and plants kept it and passed it on from generation to generation. The same received from above amazing properties thyme herbs have been known to people since ancient times. They were cured of many serious illnesses.

Modern medicine uses more than 230 types medicinal plants, this quantity includes miraculous plant with a double name: thyme and thyme. traditional healers knew the benefits of thyme. This plant has several hundred species. Thyme is a low shrub with herbaceous shoots. Thyme ordinary and creeping - the most common types of thyme. This perennial plant, reaching a height of only five to twenty centimeters, has a strong smell. The leaves of the plant are very small, have an oblong shape. The flowers are small.

Thyme is a low shrub with herbaceous shoots

Thyme herb medicinal properties are universal due to the essential oil, which is part of its composition. Thyme is used to treat bronchitis, infectious bowel diseases and many other ailments.

Thyme, whose benefits are expressed in its diaphoretic properties, helps with flu and colds. People suffering from insomnia use the infusion of this herbal medicine, as it has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Thyme tea is essential for vivacity and a burst of energy.

Tea with thyme, the benefits of it for both children and adults are great. You need to drink it in the morning for vigor and a surge of strength. And in the evening, thyme will be able to calm you down after a hard day's work. On a cold winter day, healing tea will be able to warm, and refresh in summer. Tea helps to treat depression and migraine, is indicated for anemia.

Weed in the fight against alcohol

For arthritis and rheumatism, thyme is used externally in the form of lotions and compresses. To the attention of all alcohol lovers: thyme relieves addiction, because it causes disgust for alcohol. This plant contains thymol, which will cause vomiting if a person drinks too much. To do this, pour 15 grams of thyme herb with half a liter of boiling water and hold for 10 minutes in a water bath. Strain the infusion, dilute with water. Eat fifty grams with a small amount of vodka. Nausea appears from this medicine, after two weeks, drinking patients begin to wean from drinking alcohol, up to disgust. With a hangover, tea with thyme is used, it will be able to bring the body back to normal.

Thyme causes disgust for alcohol

There are several good recipes for various diseases that use thyme. Its beneficial properties are used in a tincture of eight tablespoons of thyme and half a liter of vodka. Help with stroke. Infuse for two weeks and take 3-5 drops three times a day. If memory is lost as a result of an injury or illness, it is easy to restore it by lubricating the head with a decoction of the medicinal thyme herb.

What is useful thyme? Thyme helps fight impotence. To prepare a decoction, you need to take dried thyme flowers and pour boiling water over them. Take half an hour before meals.

Cough treatment

Cough is a disease that affects both adults and children. Thyme is subject to asthma and bronchitis. To do this, you need to prepare such an infusion: pour one tablespoon of thyme herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for two hours. Strain and take three times after meals.

Thyme tea can help cure a cough

Additionally, you can rub the resulting infusion into the chest area and attach a smeared piece of paper with a layer of goat fat.

Tea with thyme will help with the appearance of sputum and its expectoration, cleanses the lungs and bronchi from accumulated dust and harmful substances, as a result of violation of the ecological situation.

Avicenna also used thyme in the treatment of his patients. Tea with the flowers of this plant reduces the time of colds and promotes the rapid recovery of the body. Thyme helps to strengthen the immune system.

Thyme has useful properties and contraindications: It can not be used for cardiosclerosis, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, liver and kidney diseases. Pregnant women should be especially careful with this medicinal herb.

Thyme is used as an expectorant, analgesic and antihelminthic

All types of thyme, of which there are a great many, produce a healing effect. This herb-healer grows in the forest, and on the sand, and on rocky terrain. Thyme is very unpretentious. Dry its ground part of the grass in a dark place. Used as an expectorant, analgesic and antihelminthic.

Thyme in cosmetology and psychotherapy

Not only medicinal tea is made from thyme, but also essential oil and honey are produced. Cosmetology successfully uses the medicinal properties of thyme, in particular, thyme oil. This plant confidently fights herpes, which causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort not only for women, but also for men. The essential oil of the plant has a beneficial effect on the condition of damaged and dyed hair, just three drops added to the shampoo with each shampoo are enough. Acne is perfectly treated with thyme.

Thyme essential oil fights acne and also eliminates itching

Lovers of travel and outdoor recreation, using thyme, will save themselves from mosquito bites and relieve itching from contact with these harmful blood-sucking insects.

And psychotherapists prescribe thyme tea for those who want to believe in themselves, as this plant saturates the body with additional energy. This plant will help people who underestimate themselves. By regularly drinking tea from thyme, the patient begins to feel more confident, he will be able to achieve his goals. A bath of brewed thyme relieves pain from sprains and bruises, heals infectious rashes on the skin. If rheumatism is completely tortured, you need to grind the thyme herb, heat it in a water bath and use it as a compress. If there is a strong excitement, you should drink a soothing tea with thyme.

Thyme tea has beneficial properties in the last period of pregnancy

The use of thyme during pregnancy

But before using this plant, it is necessary to carefully study the contraindications and possible complications that are associated with its use, since you can get benefit and harm from thyme. The attending physician should prescribe thyme as a diuretic if necessary. The plant contains vitamins C and B necessary during pregnancy. But due to its ability to increase blood pressure, thyme is used with great care so as not to increase the risk of miscarriage. But in the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy, thyme herb tea is recommended for consumption.

Other uses for thyme

To find thyme among many herbs, to use its medicinal properties and contraindications, the photo of the plant must be well studied. Chefs add this plant to many dishes, using its unique aroma and taste. Its flowers are collected in small buds, they are small pinkish and purple.

Sprigs of thyme are put in soups and main dishes to improve the taste of meat and fish. Thyme leaves are put in vegetable dishes, and potato and cabbage dishes with them will be especially fragrant and tasty. Thyme is used as a seasoning for smoking products. In home canning, both dry and fresh leaves of the plant can be added. Tomatoes and thyme are a very tasty combination, olives, mushrooms and eggplant with thyme are good.

Thyme is used as a seasoning for smoking products.

Thyme has medicinal properties and contraindications, but the strong aroma and pleasant taste of this plant allows you not to think about the dangers of its use.

Herb thyme has medicinal properties and contraindications, and will not be able to get rid of chronic diseases completely. But it will perform general strengthening and preventive functions, reducing the risk of serious complications.

With headaches, muscle and toothaches, hot tea with thyme will help and weaken all of the listed unpleasant conditions of the body.

Thyme has proven itself as a disinfectant for wounds and purulent lesions on the skin. It is good to have a cup of tea during exams, tests, passing certification in order to cope with great mental stress during these periods.

Thyme tea has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to remove accumulated toxic substances from the intestines, and stimulates the stomach. Athletes can be recommended to rub the muscles and joints with a decoction of thyme. To consolidate the effect of the medicinal properties of the plant, you should drink tea with it.

Thyme is a disinfectant for wounds

Undesirable effects of thyme tea

Thyme has no side effects, but there is an individual intolerance. But, as you know, any medicine, cosmetic product and plant can cause such a reaction. In everything, moderation is key. If this rule is followed, then aromatic tea with thyme will cause only positive emotions.

Children under three years of age should wait a little while drinking thyme tea.

Children under three years of age are not allowed to consume thyme

Collection and storage of grass

How to collect and preserve this wonderful plant? Collection must be done in the morning, at the very beginning of June, during flowering. Cut flowers and leaves with a knife. Then lay them out on paper and dry in the shade. Store in a cloth bag. It is impossible to store dry thyme grass for more than two years. Collecting thyme will bring a lot of pleasure to everyone. The plant spreads along the ground, you will have to bend low. What is not a way to lose weight. And no diet will need to be followed. During the collection of grass, the intoxicating smell emanating from the flowers will have a calming effect on the nervous system. Even if a person does not feel any fatigue, stress, pollution and poor ecology do their dirty work. Phytoncides coming from thyme will cleanse the lungs and saturate the entire body with energy. Calmness and positive energy are extremely important when collecting any medicinal herb. Such emotions are transferred to the plucked herbal medicine.

Thyme (creeping thyme) is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. Due to the large number of medicinal properties, the plant is used in folk and traditional medicine.

Our ancestors have known how to cook since ancient times. medicinal infusions and decoctions. Thyme makes a delicious vitamin tea. But there are a number of contraindications, which we will discuss further.

Among the people, you can hear many other names for thyme, depending on the region: the virgin herb, veres, pine pepper, muho fell, wild mint.

Now you can easily purchase ready-made dry grass in a pharmacy without wasting time collecting and drying.

Also in ancient egypt thyme was used as one of the ingredients for embalming.

Description of the thyme plant

Thyme photo and description

You can meet grass in a large territory of the SND. Thyme prefers rocky soil, sandy soils with a dry climate. It reproduces quickly and easily.

Also grows in North America, Africa, in a large part of Europe.
Thyme is a low shrub up to 40 cm high, creeping along the ground with numerous small pink flowers. But there is a flowering of white, or purple color.

The plant is cultivated in recent times gardeners often plant on their personal plot as decoration and to attract pollinators.

The leaves are hard, solid green, growing on short petioles. The fruit is in the form of a box, which contains a dark-colored nutlet inside. The fruits ripen from October. Flowering in warm climates lasts all summer.

Thyme - herb composition and nutrients

The herb is rich in vitamins and minerals, which have healing properties for many diseases.

  • Vitamin A is an antioxidant that protects cells in the body from exposure to outside toxins. It strengthens the immune system, which effectively prevents the spread of infection.
  • Vitamin C ( vitamin C) - normalizes the work of the endocrine and nervous system, participates in the process of hematopoiesis. It is also a strong antioxidant that prevents cell aging and inflammation.
  • Group of vitamins B (B1, B2, B5, B9) - contributes to the work of cardio-vascular system, digestion and restores nerve cells.
  • Vitamin B is responsible for metabolism in the body. A group of vitamins prevents the development of many diseases, in particular vision, respiratory tract, strengthen immune system and promote the development of white blood cells (leukocytes).

The composition of thyme also includes a number of other useful substances: essential oils, minerals, carotene, saponin, thiamine, tannins.

Microelements such as: potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium. Due to the large amount of essential oils, creeping thyme has a strong aroma.

The healing properties of thyme

Herb from thyme, in addition to preparing infusions and decoctions, is used as tea.

The decoction serves as an excellent expectorant for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, upper respiratory tract disease, whooping cough, pneumonia.
The decoction relieves sore throat and relieves cough.
Based on thyme, preparations are made for the treatment of tuberculosis.

Thyme helps people with rheumatism, high blood pressure(hypertension), arthrosis and arthritis, neurological diseases, makes the walls of blood vessels elastic.

Ingestion of decoctions inside acts as a diuretic and diaphoretic, promotes the removal of toxins from the body.

Based on creeping thyme, medicines are made for inflammation of the genitourinary system, and are taken for cystitis and pyelonephritis. An excellent remedy for the treatment of the gallbladder and biliary tract, cleanses the liver of toxins and restores its work.

Traditional medicine recommends taking the herb during the period general malaise body, impotence and weakness, to raise vitality and performance.
Doctors often prescribe a course of treatment after surgery.
When applied superficially, dermatitis and skin diseases are treated, with cuts and wounds, it relieves swelling.

In folk medicine, all parts of the herb are used: the root and the ground part.
From the leaves and stems, spicy additives are prepared for dishes (cheese, mushrooms, pork, smoked meats).
On the basis of crushed leaves, fruit vinegars are prepared and tea is drunk.
Before flowering, young leaves are plucked and prepared infusions and drinks, also crushed and added to salads.

Everyone known medicine"Pertusin" is made from thyme.

Thyme tea recipes

In addition to medicinal properties, many people like tea, due to the unique taste and aroma of flowers at the time of steaming, similar to peppermint.

Tea is drunk as a prophylaxis and to remove thirst on hot days, in addition, it will cheer you up and add strength.

Tea is taken as a remedy for colds, sore throats, as a cough remedy, prevents the appearance of bacteria.

Women with disabilities menstrual cycle, will help normalize it. During menstruation, it will greatly alleviate the condition and relieve pain.

Some popular tea recipes:

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped thyme herb pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Cover tightly and let steep for 15 minutes (a thermos is often used).
  3. Before use, strain and drink 1 glass a day.
  4. Honey is added for taste. But honey should not be added to hot tea, the temperature should not exceed 40-50 degrees.
  5. It is not recommended to consume more than 250 ml of tea per day.
  1. 1 teaspoon of dry crushed collection is poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Bring to a boil, let cool and drink before going to bed.
  • thyme
  • cowberry
  • St. John's wort
  1. All components are taken in equal proportions.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. ready crushed collection pour 1 liter. boiling water.
  3. Let it brew for 15 minutes and drink 1 glass a day.
  4. For sweetness, you can add jam or honey.
  1. Dry grass mixed with dry black tea in equal proportions.
  2. Brew and drink no more than 2 glasses a day.

thyme plant photo

The herb has medicinal properties in male diseases: prostatitis, ejaculation, problems with impotence in early age. This is achieved due to the content of metals in the grass: selenium and molybdenum. They restore the functioning of the genital organs and improve the quality of sperm.

Prostatitis is a disease of middle and old age. The plant improves blood flow and resumes the unhindered passage of urine through the genitourinary system. With prostatitis, they use decoctions, infusions and take thyme baths, which relieve pain.

Cosmetic products created from the essential oil of creeping thyme, which includes ursolic acid, will help to cope with baldness, this is especially true in our time. The acid restores the roots of the hair follicles.

There are purchased ready-made funds, or you can make your own. To do this, mix 5 drops of essential oil with 1 hour boat of 50% alcohol, or vodka and rub into the skin.

Alcoholism treatment

The composition of thyme includes the substance thymol, which, when interacting with alcohol, causes vomiting reflex. Similar symptoms can be partially observed when smoking.


  1. Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped thyme herb 250 ml of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Cool, strain and take 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day.
  3. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, or until an aversion to alcohol appears.
  4. The broth is prepared fresh every day.
  5. After using any alcoholic drink containing alcohol, after 30 minutes, a reaction occurs that causes vomiting.

Grass is taken as a prophylaxis and during the period of the disease, especially the genital organs and menstrual irregularities. Oil-based cosmetics rejuvenate the skin, making it smooth, supple and uniform.

Shampoos and balms based on creeping thyme restore hair, make it elastic, healthy and shiny.

Menopause is another unpleasant phenomenon in a woman's life. Collecting from the grass will make it easier to endure an unpleasant period, relieve nervousness, fatigue, and a sense of fear. The plant has sedative effect taken at bedtime.

If you have a problem with the skin, thyme recipes for surface application just for you. Prepared decoctions are applied to the surface of the skin with dandruff and peeling, redness and irritation, acne.

Useful substances prevent infection, accelerate the treatment of thrush.

For small children, thyme excellent tool for treatment skin diseases and irritation. Used for diseases: sweating, rheumatism, rickets, rashes allergic origin. As a rule, children are bathed in a bath of water, with the addition of a decoction of herbs. The bath also has a calming character, relieves irritability. If the child is irritable and does not sleep well, place a small bag of dry grass near his crib.

Thyme is part of many children's medicines and syrups that the doctor prescribes for coughs, bronchitis, and colds. The medicine relieves inflammation and pain. Mucus during coughing becomes wet and better departs, freeing the airways.

If stomatitis or tonsillitis is found, gargle with a decoction several times a day.
But ingestion of thyme by children under 6-7 years of age is prohibited for a number of reasons related to side effect. Upon reaching this age, ingestion is possible after agreement with the doctor and in the absence of allergies.

Thyme treatment during pregnancy

Thyme is not contraindicated during pregnancy, but should be taken orally after consulting a doctor.
The herb is an excellent stress reliever and sleep aid. Taking a decoction will help to cope with the feeling of fear that often haunts pregnant women, relieve fatigue.
The decoction is drunk for diarrhea and indigestion. But the reception should be limited to weak doses. Active substances contained in thyme can cause uterine tone and even provoke a miscarriage.

Compresses from fresh leaves will help relieve pain in the lower back, legs, back, joints.

It is allowed to take pregnant women who do not have signs of hypertension. The decoction can cause an increase in blood pressure.

It is also forbidden to take any of the following contraindications.

Medicinal properties and recipes of traditional medicine from thyme

Thyme useful properties and contraindications - photo

Consider the basic recipes from creeping thyme often used in traditional medicine.

Cough treatment

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes and take 50 ml 3 times a day.
  • thyme 3 tbsp. l.
  • mint 1 tbsp. l.
  • oregano 1 tbsp. l.
  1. All components pour 1 liter. boiling water.
  2. Cover and let steep for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Strain and drink a glass in the morning and evening.
  1. Aloe juice, chopped thyme and honey 1 spoon each.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly and consume.
  1. 2-3 tbsp. l. Pour thyme herbs with water and put on a small fire.
  2. As soon as the broth begins to boil, put a towel over your head and breathe over the broth for 15 minutes.
  3. Repeat 7-10 times throughout the day.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of grass pour 0.5 liters of water and put on fire.
  2. Before the first signs of boiling, the pan is removed, covered and allowed to brew for half an hour.
  3. Before use, the broth is filtered and drunk in a glass in the morning and evening 20 minutes before meals.

Tuberculosis and diabetes

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of grass pour 250 ml of water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Then close tightly and let it brew for 20 minutes.
  3. Strain and drink 100 ml 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of anemia, hypertension and eczema


  • thyme
  • blueberry


  1. Take 1 tablespoon of thyme and blueberries, pour 1 glass of water.
  2. Bring to a boil, cover and let steep for 1-2 hours.
  3. Drink during the day this container in several approaches.

Radiculitis and neuritis

  1. 1 st. Pour a spoonful of collection with 200 ml of boiled water.
  2. Insist 1 hour.
  3. Use 3 times a day, 50 ml.

Treatment of eczema and allergies - therapeutic baths

  1. 250 ml chopped herb thyme, pour 2 liters. boiling water and let it brew for 2-3 hours.
  2. Then add to warm bath water.
  3. Take the procedure for 15 minutes once a day for 2 weeks.
  4. Also, 10 drops of essential oil are added to the bath with water.

Compress for arthritis and rheumatism

  1. Used as the main ingredient fresh leaves thyme.
  2. The leaves are laid out in one layer on gauze, heated and wrapped around the sore spot.
  3. It is better to do a compress in the evening for the whole night.

Cataract treatment

  1. The crushed dry grass is ground to a powder and mixed with honey in equal proportions.
  2. Everything is thoroughly mixed and consumed in 1 tsp. 1 per day. Recommended before bed.

impotence treatment

  1. For treatment, an infusion of thyme will be prepared.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons of thyme into 250 ml of boiled water.
  3. Cover tightly and leave for 1-2 hours.
  4. Drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day.


Like any other medicinal herb except a large number medicinal properties, thyme has a number of contraindications. Any internal use must be accompanied by a doctor's permission.

Thyme is forbidden to take with such diseases:

Previously, the grass is placed in a bag, tightly closed and placed in an open area in the shade for 3-5 hours, it all depends on the temperature external environment. As soon as the color of the leaves turns from green to light brown, they are pulled out of the bag and air-dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated area.

Why do you need to put fresh harvest in the bag?

Within 4-5 hours after collection, the grass is steamed. An essential oil is released from the stems, which is absorbed into the leaves and the aroma of tea at the time of steaming is several times stronger than conventional drying. As soon as the collection is completely dry, it is stored in a tightly closed glass container for no more than 3 years.
