Black elderberry - medicinal properties and contraindications of berries, flowers, how to make syrup. Black elderberry: medicinal properties and contraindications

Almost every one of us in our life has come across a plant called. This is truly a "treasury" nutrients... It is noteworthy that each part of the plant is saturated with medicinal properties and with correct use elderberry is able to give health and longevity to a person.

In the article we will get acquainted in detail with this storehouse of health, we will reveal its useful sides. Let's talk about when and how best to collect the elderberry, how to store it, use it, consider the basic recipes for making potions. And also learn about contraindications for use.

Black elderberry plant: its properties

it perennial, class dicotyledonous, resembling a shrub or tree in appearance. The size in height can reach from 2 to 5 meters, sometimes higher.

It blooms with yellow-white flowers, the fruits are beautiful, in appearance they resemble small berries with 2-4 seeds, dark purple in color.

The plant is unpretentious, easily multiplies and spreads by insects and birds, quickly takes root. Sometimes people have to deal with a lot of elderberry growth in their vegetable gardens.

Elderberry is distributed almost throughout Europe, in the north and west of Turkey and Iran, in the Caucasus and northern Africa.

Accumulator of useful components

The plant differs in that each part contains useful substances.

The flowers contain essential oils, glycosides, choline, several types of acids (ascorbic, valerian, malic, acetic, coffee). It also contains tannins, mineral salts, useful resins.

The roots contain tannins and saponins, the bark contains essential oils, phytosterols, choline, pectin derivatives, betulin. In fruits - a large number of vitamin C, carotene, tannins, rutin, a little essential oils... The leaves contain ascorbic acid, they also contain sambunigrin, carotene, essential oils.

Contraindications for use

The use of any medicinal plants must be approached with caution. It must be borne in mind that in some periods, plants not only do not benefit, but can also harm the body. Elderberry is no exception. In its parts, in addition to flowers, there is a small amount of harmful substances. But with the right moderate consumption elderberry will improve health and strengthen the body.

Ripen in August-September, then they can be harvested. It is necessary to dry the plant in a ventilated dry room at a temperature of 30-40 degrees.

  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • with concomitant diabetes mellitus;
  • with Crohn's disease.

The healing properties of the plant

Let's talk about how to use the properties of elderberry to treat a person:

  1. Tinctures on elderberry flowers will help get rid of edema and dry cough. They are usually dried in specialized industrial devices, since during normal drying the flowers lose some of their useful properties. Sometimes, when harvesting fruit for storage, a dried pad is used, since they work as an antiseptic and allow the fruit to be stored longer.
  2. External use. black is used as compresses, they are applied to damaged skin. Also, with the help of elderberry tinctures, various dermatological diseases- for example, furunculosis.
  3. In medicine, flower tinctures are used in the treatment of colds, flu, laryngitis, as a remedy for inflammation, for rinsing the mouth and throat.
  4. Fresh berries are used to treat rheumatism, and the roots and stems of the plant are also used for healing.
  5. Elderberry is used as a diuretic, decoctions are taken for constipation, and infusions are used to treat tuberculosis.
  6. As a means of increasing immunity, tea or elderberry compote is used. The drink stimulates metabolic processes, improves tone, makes the body resistant to seasonal diseases.
  7. around the house, it works as an antioxidant. If you are an inhabitant industrial city and live in a private house, a few elderberry bushes will help in air purification.
  8. Traditional healers offer recipes from black elderberry for the treatment of cancer, but scientists have proven that the use of plant berries is ineffective in the fight against cancer. Their use will not bring harm, but will have a strengthening effect on the body, but nothing more.

Recipes for making broths and infusions from elderberry

Consider several simple recipes for obtaining broths and tinctures from elderberry, which are offered by traditional medicine:

  1. Elderberry tea leaves are prepared as follows: one large spoonful of dried flowers is taken, poured with 1 glass of water and boiled for 5 minutes, then the liquid is infused for 1-2 hours. After cooling, it is necessary to strain the resulting broth. Take it 15-20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. This broth is used for constipation, arthritis and hemorrhoids. The course of admission is prescribed individually, depending on the goals of treatment.
  2. The flower tincture is prepared as follows: take a large spoonful of dry elderberry color and fill it with one glass of boiling water. You need to insist for about 20-30 minutes, then strain and use the tincture while still warm 15-20 minutes before eating, approximately 70 ml. This drink works as a diuretic.
  3. Tincture of berries to combat reduced pressure it is prepared like this: use one bunch of berries, pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. After cooling down, you can drink the drink in small portions throughout the day.
  4. Sweet lovers will like it Except pleasant taste, this product is good for treating gastrointestinal ailments.
  5. Compress for boils and eels is prepared from. Take 3 tablespoons of leaves and boil in milk, after cooling completely, you can apply them to the affected areas in the form of a compress.

And these are just a few recipes based on black elderberry. A truly rich composition and excellent healing properties allow her to occupy a leading place among medicinal plants that help humans!

  • It has long been believed that its black berries, with a purple tint, have numerous medicinal properties. They contain a complex of vitamins necessary for the human body and many organic acids involved in metabolic processes of life.

    For medicinal purposes, not only shrub berries are used, but also bark, leaves, flowers and even roots. Natural components of elderberry are used both fresh and dry.

    Dry berries are used to treat:

    • neuralgia;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • tumors;

    Dried, the fruit can be used to treat malaria. They also act as a diaphoretic and laxative on the body. Fresh berries are used in cosmetology and are a remedy against acne.

    They have a wide range of actions and have the following properties:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • diaphoretic;
    • diuretic;
    • expectorant.

    The bark in the form of a decoction is capable of bringing an analgesic effect, gently affecting the central nervous system.

    The roots of the plant are used as a diuretic and laxative.

    Infusions and decoctions from elderberry roots help in the treatment of:

    • neoplasms;
    • depressive conditions;
    • polyarthritis;
    • kidney;
    • skin diseases.

    The leaves have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects. For external use, they are used in the form of infusions for the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, pharyngitis and other diseases. Decoctions from the leaves help with bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, emphysema, sore throat, flu.

    Prescription for Cancer Treatment

    It was believed that black elderberries have miraculous property cure for oncological tumors. Many argue that with the help of this folk remedy, cancer was completely healed, and the tumor went away.

    Perhaps traditional medicine is effective where conventional medicine is simply powerless.

    The recipe for curing cancer is pretty simple:

    • take a liter jar;
    • spread a layer of berries 1 cm thick on the bottom;
    • sprinkle with sugar in the same ratio.

    The resulting concentrate is taken after eating a tablespoon 3 times a day. Before eating, you should drink about a glass of distilled water. The treatment continues for a month and a half, and then they take a break for 30 days. A month later, the course is repeated.

    This recipe can be used in preventive purposes tumor diseases one course per year.

    Take a glass of squeezed out and dilute in the same ratio with alcohol. Alcohol solution take one drop three times a day. Every day, the total dose is increased by one drop. After daily use reaches 40 drops, we begin to decrease the dose in reverse order.

    Facial Skin Care Recipes

    Elderflower lotion can be prepared to tone and rejuvenate the skin. A tablespoon of flowers is poured with boiling water (0.5 l). The broth is infused for a day, and then filtered. The resulting solution is used to wipe the skin of the neck and face.

    Peel is used as a remedy for acne. fresh berries, which is applied to the face instead of a mask and kept for 10-20 minutes.

    Elderberry for respiratory diseases and ARVI

    The natural remedy is useful for colds and coughs, as it has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

    1. Elderberry flowers (1 tablespoon) are poured with boiling water (200 ml) and left for 20 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered through cheesecloth and taken in 30 ml in the evening up to 3 times.
    2. Three tablespoons of flowers are poured with a glass of water and boiled over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Then filter and take inside 1/3 cup 3 times after meals. This broth is also used as a gargle for sore throat.
    3. V herbal collection it is recommended to add a few dried elderberries.

    This infusion is an effective prophylactic drug against acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections and good immunostimulant.

    Treatment of cardiovascular diseases

    Chopped bark and roots of elderberry (2 tablespoons) are boiled in 250 g of water over low heat. Then filter and apply three times before meals during the day. This recipe is recommended for the treatment of heart neurosis.

    Treatment of joint diseases

    Elderberry is also effective remedy with joint disease. Shrub flowers are mixed with nettle and parsley root (2 tablespoons of each ingredient). The mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water, and insisted for half an hour. The infusion is drunk in three doses during the day.

    For the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism, the following decoction is used:

    1. A tablespoon of flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water.
    2. The broth is infused for half an hour.
    3. Received herbal infusion divided into three parts and taken 10 minutes before meals.

    Healing baths using chamomile flowers are good remedy for joint pain. A herbal mixture is prepared in a 1: 1 ratio and poured with a liter of boiling water. The cooled broth is filtered and taken in a bath. The procedure takes 20 minutes.

    Collection rules and storage method for elderberry

    The collection takes place in May or early June. The collected inflorescences should not be dried in a natural way, because they can deteriorate and lose their useful properties.

    The berries of the medicinal shrub ripen by the end of August or the beginning of September. It is at this time that the black elderberry harvest season begins.

    Remember! It can be distinguished from black only during the ripening period.

    Berries are dried naturally in well-ventilated rooms where there is no moisture. Elderberries should be stored for 2 years.


    Natural components of elderberry have a huge spectrum of action in diseases of various etymologies. The plant, first of all, has preventive action, therefore, irreplaceable in the season colds.

    The constant use of berries as a decoction helps to strengthen immune system, improve blood circulation in the brain, cleanse cardiovascular system... The overall condition of the body improves, and you feel more energized and healthier.

    Legends were made about the black elderberry and they did it for a reason. Several centuries ago, they were known beneficial features of this plant.

    Our ancestors were sure that the black elderberry gives people health and longevity.

    In the Middle Ages, the elder was called the "witch bush"; people believed that evil spirits found refuge on its branches.

    Elderberry is considered a close relative of honeysuckle. This perennial shrub grows small fragrant berries of black or dark purple color. In nature, a red berry is still growing, but it is not used by humans for any purpose, because it is poisonous.

    Modern herbalists and herbalists, in the treatment of many diseases, prefer this shrub for its healing power and a rich composition of vitamins and minerals.

    On the territory of Russia, the shrub began to spread inland from the young regions. In the southern regions, the bush can reach a height of up to 10 meters, and in the central and northern regions, not more than 3.5 - 4 meters.

    Elderberry is a rather unpretentious plant, so the halo of its habitat is quite wide: from New Zealand to the Caucasus. The bush can propagate in several ways: using cuttings, seeds and layers. If you leave a broken twig on the ground, after a few years a young shrub will grow in this place.

    In order to obtain high-quality raw materials for medicinal needs, you need to properly collect and know how to dry elderberry.

    Inflorescences are large umbellate, with a specific odor of yellowish-white color. For medicinal purposes, all parts of the plant are used, but inflorescences and fruits are most often used. Flowers are harvested only after they have fully bloomed, and they need to be plucked with whole inflorescences.

    This should be done on a sunny and dry day after lunch, when the dew melts, but flowers are dried only in places without direct sunlight (in the shade). The berries ripen in autumn (at the end of September), they are harvested at this time.

    Dried elderberry flowers are suitable for use for 2 - 3 years, while berries are stored without losing their medicinal properties - 5 - 6 months.

    Many useful substances are contained in the inflorescences: these are several organic acids, essential oils, tannins, carotene, choline and much more. They are harvested without leaves and rough petioles. This should be done at the end of spring.

    The roots must be dug out at the end of autumn. They are washed, cleaned, dried and ground to a powdery state. The shelf life of the dry product is about 5 years. Store the substance in a linen bag in a dry, well-ventilated area. With high humidity, the product will quickly deteriorate and lose its medicinal qualities.

    Ripe berries contain a large amount ascorbic acid, glucose, carotene, fructose, dyes and free acids... Unripe fruits contain toxic substances.

    V fresh leaves contains carotene, vitamin C, A, essential oils, tannin, aldehydes.

    The bark of the bush contains essential oils, choline, phytosterols.

    V traditional medicine inflorescences and berries, bark, seeds and roots are most often used - much less often.

    Healing properties

    • Inflorescences... They are endowed with anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic and antibacterial properties. They are used as a diaphoretic and laxative. Elderberry flowers are successfully used to treat colds,. Broths are used to gargle. Also, infusions from inflorescences of black elderberry help with arthritis and rheumatism. Phytoncides contained in inflorescences "kill" malicious bacteria.
    • Berries they are used only in dried form, fresh fruits are poisonous, and when boiled and dried, the poison tends to collapse. With the help of berries hepatitis is cured, peptic ulcer not in acute stage, malaria and neuralgia. It is possible to use them in complex therapy some oncological ailments. The vitamins in the fruit stimulate the growth and reproduction of healthy cells. And biologically active ingredients prevent the development of disease-causing cocks. If you eat several ripe fruits a day, after a few months the vessels will clear and become more elastic.
    • Leaves are used as a fastening, diuretic and antipyretic agent. Some are used as a sedative and diaphoretic. A decoction of the leaves is recommended to drink for general strengthening of the body. Pure elderberry leaves steamed in milk can be applied to burns and diaper rash, bruises, skin inflammations and even to boils.
    • Bark used in the combined treatment of various kidney diseases, it helps with dropsy, edema and urethritis. With its help, they treat gout, rheumatism, arthritis, diseases of the skin. A decoction from the bark of a bush activates metabolic processes and significantly increases the body's defenses.
    • With the help of black elderberry, they increase immunity and improve blood composition.
    • Infusions from berries and inflorescences are used as prophylactic against rectal cancer and prostatitis.

    Nutritional value and calorie content

    Nutritional value per 100 grams of product:

    • 0.65 grams - proteins;
    • 0.5 grams - fat;
    • 11.5 grams - carbohydrates;
    • 0.65 grams - ash;
    • 79.8 grams - water.

    The calorie content of elderberry is quite low - 73 Kcal, so it cannot cause excess weight... Since the product is low in calories, it can be consumed by overweight people.

    Harm and contraindications

    Be careful!
    Elderberry has contraindications for use.

    Do not forget the fact that this plant is slightly toxic. Therefore, you should not use drugs based on it thoughtlessly. You cannot neglect this rule, under other circumstances you can cause irreversible complications to your health.

    • women who are expecting a baby and nursing mothers;
    • patients who have been diagnosed with chronic ailments gastrointestinal tract and ulcerative colitis;
    • people who have a disease such as diabetes insipidus;
    • age up to 12 years. It is strictly forbidden to give broths or infusions of elderberry to small children.

    If you have the slightest doubt about some other medical conditions, check with your doctor before taking elderberry-based medications.

    Methods of application in traditional medicine

    • Colds... For their treatment, you need to prepare the following broth from elderberry flowers: take 1 tablespoon of raw materials. We place it in an enamel bowl and fill it with a glass of boiling water. Then we put it on the stove and bring it to a boil, make the fire minimal and thus let the mixture simmer for another 10 - 15 minutes. After the brew has cooled, we filter it and take it 3-4 times a day, ½ cup before each meal.
    • Chronic constipation treatment... We take young leaves of the plant and boil them in honey. Received medicine take orally 1 tablespoon 2 times a day - in the morning and evening before bedtime.
    • Kidney disease and skin ailments... To treat these diseases, you need to make a decoction from the bark of the bush. We take a few tablespoons of chopped elderberry bark and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for several hours. Trays from the ready-made broth help with rheumatism and arthritis.
    • A powder is made from the roots and bark, which is used for treatment weeping ulcers purulent wounds and burns.
    • When using the leaves of the plant. We take 8 - 10 young leaves, place them in a clean dish and pour a glass of boiling water. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of sage there. We insist for 1 hour. Inside, use half a glass every day for a month.
    • Sore joints can be cured by applying a compress dipped in a potion of chamomile and elderberry flowers.
    • At strong and insomnia a bandage is put on the head, previously soaked in an infusion of the roots and flowers of black elderberry.
    • At climax a decoction of flowers is prescribed.
    • A brew of leaves and bark is taken at night as laxative.
    • For treatment cancerous tumors use a black elderberry extract. Wine extract made from ripe fruits must be taken orally. It helps well with skin cancer, and jam and jam - with stomach cancer.
    • With vitamin deficiency, osteochondrosis and weakened immunity prepare next remedy: Take ripe berries (1kg), place them in a clean enamel pot and fill them with sugar (1kg). We leave for a day in a cool room. We strain the resulting syrup and store it in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator. Adult patients take 1 dessert spoon before meals. Treatment course- 1.5 - 2 months.
    • Such female diseases, how erosion of the cervix, cervicitis and colpitis they are treated with a decoction prepared in this way: take 1 tablespoon of elderberry bark powder and boil it in 500 ml of water for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled, filter it and use it for douching. The procedure can be performed until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear (in critical days douching cannot be done).

    Traditional methods and remedies are effective only if the recommended dosage is not violated.

    In any case, do not forget about qualified medical care, without which the treatment may be incomplete and ineffective.

    Black elderberry is one of the most common, wild plants in Ukraine and middle lane Russia. It has a rich, valuable composition, while a paradoxical situation has developed in relation to it. The medicinal properties and contraindications of black elderberry have been studied and formulated insufficiently.

    The local population considers the plant to be poisonous, which is why the planting of the culture is systematically destroyed. Erroneous judgment leads to a decrease in the population of culture in places where people live: near settlements and dacha cooperatives.

    Features of black elderberry

    The shrub plant belongs to a large group of elder crops, which includes compact trees and grasses. Earlier, herbaceous, black, variegated elderberry belonged to the distinguished group of the Elder family of the Honeysuckle family. V last years the scientific classification of cultures has changed. Black, herbaceous and red elder, along with about twenty other similar plants, belong to the Adox family of flowering plants.

    Cultures have pronounced external differences. Elderberry (or red) is a shrub that bears fruit with bright red fruits. It is popularly recognized as a medicinal plant. Herbaceous is a perennial herb that grows up to one meter. Elderberry variegated - a herbaceous shrub with bright green leaves and white veins.


    Black elderberry. Botanical illustration from the book "Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen", 1887.

    Black elderberry is a small tree or shrub, reaching a height of no more than seven meters, but more often it grows up to two or three meters. It has a neat rounded crown formed by large elongated leaves. Their surface is dark green back side may look lighter. The bark is ash-brown, on old trees it is covered with deep cracks.

    The flowering period begins in May and lasts for two months. At this time, the shrub is covered with numerous inflorescences in the form of flat tassels, collected from small rounded flowers. They are beige or yellowish in color, hang down under their own weight and smell of a rich sweetish aroma.

    From August to September, fruits appear in place of flowers - three-piece berries. As they mature, they acquire a purple-black hue, become juicy, grow up to ten millimeters in diameter.

    Geography and distribution

    The plant has attractive decorative qualities, so it is often planted in gardens and parks. It is unpretentious, it grows almost everywhere, including in conditions of lack of sunlight... In its natural environment, it grows in the lower tier of the forest, being content with poor lighting that penetrates through the crowns of large trees. But with access to the sun, it grows more magnificently, actively, grows to its maximum height.

    The largest population of black elderberry is presented in Ukraine. In Russia, it grows in the middle and southern zone, it is often found in the Caucasus, in the Crimea. Its favorite habitat is deciduous forests near natural bodies of water. She is tolerant of shrub thickets, and she herself forms them.

    To find out where the black elderberry grows, you can carefully examine the vegetation of forest parks and wooded areas, especially on the banks of rivers, in old parks. As an ornamental and unpretentious plant, it is planted in gardens and cemeteries.

    Collection and procurement

    The beneficial properties of black elderberry have not been studied enough, therefore, in the issue of choosing raw materials, not everything is clear. The flowers of the plant and its fruits have indisputable benefits. They are recognized official medicine medicinal raw materials with a definite effect on the body. Other parts of the plant are also popularly used.

    • Flowers. The collection is carried out during the period of mass flowering of the culture. Elderberry flowers are collected whole, cutting off the entire brush with scissors, pruning shears. Dry in well-ventilated rooms at moderate temperatures. The slower the drying process, the better quality raw materials are obtained in the end. As they dry, elderberry flowers greatly lose in volume. At the exit, no more than twenty percent of their original mass remains. That is why herbalists consider them to be especially valuable medicinal raw materials, preferring to use them in the treatment of colds in children.
    • Fruit. The fully ripe, deep purple black elderberry is harvested. They require different drying conditions. It is optimal to use ovens with a set temperature of up to sixty-five degrees Celsius. Elderberries lose even more volume than flowers. Only fifteen percent of the original volume remains at the exit. However, during the harvesting process, the liquid from the tissues does not completely evaporate. This limits the shelf life of medicinal raw materials. It should be used within six months, and during storage it is necessary to regularly stir up the fruits, laid in breathable fabric bags, to prevent mold.
    • Leaves. Not used in mainstream medicine. The harvesting is carried out simultaneously with the flowers. The torn leaves are laid on paper, placed in the open sun. Slightly wilted, they are removed in the shade, where they are dried to the required state. At the exit, about twenty-five percent of the raw material remains.
    • Bark and roots. Medicinal raw materials with unconfirmed efficacy by science. It is rarely harvested, since it is not used in common treatment practices. In addition, regular harvesting worsens the health of the plant population. The bark is harvested in the spring, the roots in September, after harvesting the fruits. Raw materials are crushed, dried in an oven, hot room or in the open sun.

    Collecting flowers of black elderberry and its fruits does not negative impact on the state of planting culture. But harvesting bark and roots, regularly carried out in one area, can lead to the death of shrubs. To preserve the population, it is important to harvest the root and bark from some plants no more than once every three years.

    Composition and properties

    The medicinal properties of black elderberry are determined by the type of raw material. The composition of all plant organs is very different, as well as the effect on the body.

    • Flowers. Contains up to 0.03 percent essential oils, rutin and mucus. The latter has an enveloping effect, covering the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs. Also, the flowers contain tannins, which have an astringent effect in the intestines. The presence of sambunigrin glycoside is a controversial point in the use of raw materials in therapeutic practice. In the body, it breaks down into hydrocyanic acid and glucose, so there is an opinion about the toxicity of raw materials. However, practical confirmation of the danger or, conversely, the safety of flowers has not been received to date.
    • Leaves. Contain a spectrum of glycosides, including sambunigrin, and alkaloids. The composition contains toxic sanguinar and konyin, the latter belongs to the list strong poisons neuroparalytic action. But in small doses it demonstrates an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it possible to use medications from leaves in the form of external lotions for processing leather.
    • Fruit. Attractive vitamin composition... Along with sugars and organic acids, they contain up to fifteen milligrams of ascorbic acid per hundred grams of product, there are carotene and rutin. The latter substance has vitamin activity, affects the tone of capillaries, reduces their fragility, increases the elasticity of erythrocytes. V integrated action rutin preparations have hemostatic, anti-inflammatory activity. Also, the fruits contain tannins.
    • Roots and bark. The former are rich in saponins - substances with a diuretic, expectorant effect, and bitterness. The bark is loaded with choline, an essential nutrient involved in fat metabolism in the tissues. It also contains pectins and tannins with astringent and anti-inflammatory activity.

    Depending on the disease, use various bodies plants in therapy. The medicinal properties remain maximal with insignificant heat treatment raw materials. This is especially true for fruits, therefore elderberry jam is a dietary rather than medicinal product, since when cooking vitamin complex collapses completely.

    Elderberry application

    In official medicine, flowers and fruits of a medicinal plant are used. All parts of the culture are used in folk. Known medicinal properties black elderberry flowers, leaves, bark.

    Are manifested the following types exposure to medicinal raw materials.

    • Diuretic. All organs of elderberry possess, therefore, infusions are used in the treatment of a spectrum of diseases associated with impaired urine production and to stimulate its discharge.
    • Anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic. Flowers, leaves and bark are used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases. The fruits have a tonic effect, strengthen the immune system.
    • Laxative. Black elderberry syrup from fruits - famous folk remedy from constipation. Used in small dosages. Similar action, but at a much higher dose, are demonstrated by the roots and bark. They are rarely used as a laxative.
    • Pain reliever. The action is characteristic of flowers, therefore, their use in the treatment of colds and associated infectious, inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract justified.

    The multifaceted effect on the body allows the use of medicinal raw materials for the treatment of a number of diseases: with inflammation of the respiratory system, genitourinary system and kidneys, with neuralgia, in gynecological practice, for the treatment of chronic constipation.

    Infusion of flowers for drinking

    The composition has an anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect. Can be used from the first days of a cold or viral disease with increasing temperature and general malaise... It will help in the treatment of bronchitis, tonsillitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, complicated by difficult sputum discharge.


    1. Place the flowers in a thermos. Use two tablespoons.
    2. Leave to steep for forty minutes.

    Drink medicinal infusion follows during the day. Drink it in small sips as often as possible and stick to bed rest so that the disease quickly recedes.

    The same infusion is used as a diuretic in the treatment of kidney disease, Bladder... It can be used by patients with renal failure... The resulting volume of the medicinal infusion should be used within two days. Drink it warm, half a glass before meals, three times a day.

    Infusion of flowers for external treatments

    Medicinal infusion of flowers is used externally in gynecological practice. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is used for treating the vagina with colpitis, vaginitis.


    1. Place the flowers in a jar. Use four tablespoons.
    2. Pour five hundred milliliters of boiling water.
    3. Leave it to sit for twenty minutes.
    4. Strain.

    Apply infusion for douching and baths. Before the onset of menstruation, the course should be interrupted two days in advance. You can continue treatment after menstruation in two to three days.

    Laxative fruit infusion

    The use of black elderberry as a laxative will help with chronic constipation... You can prepare the product with water or with the addition of honey.


    1. Pour dried berries into a container. Use three tablespoons.
    2. Pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water.
    3. Cover with a lid, leave to infuse for twelve hours.
    4. Add honey before drinking.

    Take the product in a glass in the morning on an empty stomach. The medicinal infusion stimulates bowel movements and supports the immune system.

    Leaf poultices

    Leaves of the plant have anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate wound healing of various origins clean and complicated by bacterial infection.


    1. Crush dried leaves. Use 3 tablespoons of raw materials.
    2. Pour two hundred milliliters of milk.
    3. Simmer over low heat for ten minutes.
    4. Cool it down.

    Place the boiled leaves on cheesecloth and apply the resulting compress to the affected skin. The tool is effective for various injuries, including cuts and burns, boils, diaper rash. Helps relieve swelling and pain syndrome with hemorrhoids with prolapsed nodes.

    Infusion of the bark for edema

    According to Vladimir Makhlayuk, the author of the collection about medicinal plants and their use in folk medicine, it is the black elderberry bark that has a pronounced anti-edematous activity in various diseases kidneys. In this case, the drug acts selectively, without affecting the activity of the heart and without affecting the level of blood pressure.


    1. Grind the bark into powder, use a full teaspoon.
    2. Pour four hundred milliliters of boiling water over.
    3. Leave it to sit for three hours.
    4. Strain.

    The infusion should be taken up to four times a day, half a glass. It relieves swelling well, including those associated with insufficient kidney activity and caused by cardiac disorders.

    The medicinal properties of black elderberry are recognized by official medicine. The flowers and fruits of the plant are used to maintain immunity in case of colds, as an expectorant for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In folk medicine, other parts of the plant are also in demand: bark, roots, leaves. They are used when inflammatory processes in the kidneys as a diuretic, and the leaves stimulate the healing of wounds and burns.

    The drug "Black elderberry flowers", the instructions for the use of which we are interested in, is a remedy vegetable origin, which has a diaphoretic effect. I will consider in more detail the instructions for the use of this phytopreparation.

    What is the composition and form of release of the preparation "Black Elderberry Flowers"?

    The phytopreparation is a dried raw material of black elderberry flowers in the form of a powder, it is placed in cardboard boxes, their volume corresponds to 100 grams. This representative of the flora contains in its composition a glycoside that has a diaphoretic effect, in addition there is rutin - a flavone glycoside, some tannins have been identified, valeric acid, sulfur are present, and essential oils have also been found.

    Thanks to the listed substances, a medicinal effect is exerted on the human body. It is recommended to store black elderberry flowers in a dry place, protected from moisture and light. The expiration date of the phytopreparation is indicated directly on the cardboard box, in addition, there you can see the date of manufacture of this product.

    You can buy this herbal remedy in a regular pharmacy, while you do not need a doctor's prescription, but, nevertheless, a doctor's consultation is necessary before you start using a decoction or infusion of these flowers for medicinal purposes.

    What is the effect of the Black Elderberry Blossom?

    The phytopreparation has a diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative effect on the body, in addition herbal remedy has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and analgesic effects.

    What are the indications for the drug "Black Elderberry Flowers"?

    Among the indications when this phytopreparation can be used, it can be noted that the patient has colds, besides this herbal remedy is indicated for use as a diuretic for edematous syndrome in the patient.

    What are the contraindications for the drug "Black Elderberry Flowers"?

    Among the contraindications to the use of this plant material, it is possible to note the presence of hypersensitivity to any chemical compounds black elderberry flowers, in this situation it is recommended to refrain from using raw materials.

    What are the side effects of "Black Elderberry Flowers"?

    Among side effects there are only reactions of an allergic nature, for example, a rash may appear on skin, urticaria is not excluded, and some other symptoms, if their severity is significant, then it is better to refrain from using the raw materials of these flowers.

    If necessary, you should consult a competent doctor, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines, and will also give the patient an appropriate symptomatic treatment.

    Overdose of the drug "Black elderberry flowers"

    In case of an overdose of a phytopreparation, in particular, if a significant amount of a decoction or infusion is taken in excess of the indicated recommended dosage, it is better to rinse the stomach, and, if necessary, consult a specialist, especially if the patient feels any symptoms.

    What is the use and dosage of the medicine "Black Elderberry Flowers"?

    Elder flowers can be used to make medicinal infusion and a decoction, after which they must be applied orally about thirty milliliters up to five times throughout the day, or one hundred milliliters three times a day before meals.

    To prepare a decoction from this herbal remedy, it is recommended to pour 15 grams of flowers into a container, while it is better to use an enamel or glass container. Then you need to pour 200 milliliters of boiling water there, and place the dishes in a water bath on the stove, where there should be a minimum fire.

    Further, when about ten minutes have passed, the broth can be put to cool, after which the resulting drug should be filtered, for this you can use gauze or use a fine strainer. It is recommended to squeeze the settled cake and discard it.

    After that, it is recommended to bring the volume of liquid to 200 milliliters with ordinary boiled water, and the broth can be used as directed. In this case, it should be stored in the refrigerator, no more than five days, after which it is not suitable for use, as it will lose its qualities.

    To prepare an infusion from elderberry flowers, it is necessary to pour 30 grams of raw materials of this representative of the flora into a container, after which a glass of boiling water should be poured into it. Then the dishes are covered with a lid, in this form it should be infused, this will take time, in this case 30 or 40 minutes will suffice.

    After the specified time has passed, you can filter the infusion using a strainer or gauze, previously folded in two layers. Then you can apply it with therapeutic purpose not exceeding the proper dosage.

    You need to store it in the refrigerator compartment, while the shelf life will be limited, it is three days, after which it is not recommended to use it, as it will be lost medicinal properties infusion, otherwise you can harm the body.

    What are the analogues of the preparation "Black elderberry flowers"?

    Currently, there are no analogues of Black Elderberry flowers.


    Despite the fact that black elderberry flowers can be purchased in the pharmacy network without a prescription, you should consult with a specialist before directly preparing a decoction or infusion for medicinal purposes.

    It is not recommended to unauthorized use of herbal remedies, first you should consult with a qualified herbalist, and only if there are appropriate indications, you can treat with a decoction or infusion prepared from this medicinal plant.

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