Huge health benefits of cranberries. The benefits of cranberry berries. Cranberry Healing Recipes

Cranberries - Big Benefits in Small Berries

Cranberries are the fruit of a creeping evergreen shrub that is widely grown in the northern hemisphere. The most suitable soil for her is moist, swampy, on which the bush grows at high speed and gives a rich harvest.

From English, cranberry is translated as "cranberry". It owes this name to the amazing shape of its flowers, which look like a crane's head. For this reason, cranberries also have a second name, "crane" or crane.

The berries have a juicy red color, and the shape may vary slightly - from round to ovoid. They taste sour, but many people like them. Leading countries in the cultivation of plants of the Heather family, which include cranberries - Canada, USA, Sweden, Denmark, Belarus, from where the product is exported to other countries.

The chemical composition of the berry is very rich. It contains both vitamins with trace elements and acids, pectins, sugars, bioflavonoids, betaine and other organic substances.

Vitamin and mineral composition of cranberries

"Berry-crane" contains only 28 kcal per 100 g. Daily rate is no more than 50 g. It can be consumed separately, or added to various dishes, pastries, etc. Calorie content dried cranberries increase to 300 kcal per 100 g, due to the use of sugar syrup during processing.

Health Benefits of Cranberries

Cranberries are one of the most valuable foodstuffs among wild plants. They have many health benefits:

They are a powerful natural antioxidant, neutralize the action of free radicals, slow down the aging process and prolong youth;
help to increase the body's protective barrier against viruses, infections, bacteria, strengthening the immune system;
help reduce high fever... For this, patients often use cranberry tea, which promotes diuretic and diaphoretic action, at the same time, harmful
substances from the body and the fever goes down;
contribute to normal work Bladder, removing from it pathogenic microorganisms;
increase the strength of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots, crystalline plaques;
provide prevention;
normalize work gastrointestinal tract, have antibacterial action, which is the prevention of stomach ulcers and oncological diseases Gastrointestinal tract;
improve appetite and digestive process;
help cleanse the body of toxins and toxic compounds;
intensify intellectual and physical activity;
reduce blood pressure, improve functions of cardio-vascular system;
prevents the development of gum disease.

An important feature of cranberries is the presence benzoic acid in the composition, thanks to which the product can maintain its freshness long time without adding any preservatives. And after freezing cranberries, you can feast on them all year round... Most often, for freezing, the fruits are ground with sugar, and are regularly used to saturate the body with useful substances and prevent vitamin deficiency.

« Zhuravlina" is an valuable product, as for women's health and to preserve beauty.
To alleviate the condition in critical days... The berries are characterized by antipyretic and diuretic effects, due to which they relieve puffiness, improve appetite. The product reduces intense abdominal pain and improves the emotional background.


For those wishing to lose weight, it is best to eat fresh fruits, adding them to salads, cereals, smoothies, etc. This will speed up the metabolism and increase the absorption of useful components. Excess fluid will be excreted from the body, along with toxins and other decay products. The inclusion of cranberries in the diet will significantly speed up the process of losing weight.

For the treatment of cystitis

Cystitis is typical female disease, to recover from which without drugs cranberry juice will help. Experts recommend drinking a glass of the drink a day, without added sugar.

Cranberries contain bioflavonoids that prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria in the bladder and the attachment of E. coli to its mucous membranes. The product is rightfully called a natural antibiotic and has been successfully used both for the prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes. urinary tract.

To preserve and enhance beauty

The rich composition of the cranberry fruit is a female helper in the struggle for beautiful and radiant skin. Thanks to the presence ascorbic acid and tocopherol, which are real beauty vitamins, masks with the addition of cranberries help get rid of acne, age spots, cleanse the skin, make it more elastic, tighten the oval of the face, lighten.

Increased blood flow will allow you to refresh appearance skin and ensure its beautiful fresh color. As ingredients for masks for oily skin it is best to use cranberry juice in combination with egg white.

For dry skin type, a combination of cranberries with honey or olive oil... A mask with a mix of cranberry and grape juice will help get rid of inflammation, applesauce and dry milk. To provide maximum nutrition crushed crane with cream and egg yolk is applied to the skin.

Cranberries during pregnancy

Crane berry must certainly be present in the diet of a pregnant woman. It helps to get rid of many problems that accompany a mother-to-be while carrying a child.

Cranberries will improve the condition of the teeth, normalize the work urinary system, relieve swelling. For those who have impaired uteroplacental blood flow, this product will also help. A large amount of vitamins and minerals will provide the body of the mother and child with the balance of the necessary substances.

Cranberries: benefits for men

Freshly squeezed cranberry juice helps to eliminate inflammation of the genitourinary system, prevent the development of diseases, and is very effective in treating prostatitis. Strengthening potency - pleasant " by-effect»For those who like to feast on sour berries. For supporting male power, to enhance sexual desire, you need to drink 300 ml of cranberry juice a day.

Product renders on male body restorative action, promotes increased physical activity, gives strength and energy, accelerates recovery after heavy loads... The benefits of cranberries for a man's body are also in the normalization of hormonal levels and an increase in immunity.

Cranberries: contraindications and harm

Despite the great benefits of crane berries, in some cases, they can harm the body. First of all, this applies to allergy sufferers who have an individual intolerance to the product. Therefore, you need to start eating cranberries with minimal portions.

When should a crane be excluded from the diet:

When taking medications that reduce blood clotting. Active ingredients the composition enhances the effect of medications, which can provoke bleeding;
in combination with other foods containing a lot of oxalic acid. These include sorrel, beets, spinach, herbs, tomatoes. A high concentration of oxalic acid in the body can lead to a worsening of the condition when urolithiasis and increase the formation of stones;
stomach ulcer and duodenum at the stage of exacerbation;
with high acidity.

With the abuse of berries in the body, excessive salt deposition may begin, so you should always remember the measure. Babies under 3 years old, women during breastfeeding should also not eat cranberries. Those who suffer from any liver disease should consult a doctor regarding the use of this berry.

In contact with

The beneficial properties of cranberries have been valued at all times and have been a source of food for northern peoples. Whole villages followed her into the swamps, bringing home red, sour berries. She is loved not only by people; wild animals do not refuse her either. For example, a brown bear is not averse to eating juicy, vitamin berries. But before eating a berry, a modern person should know what a cranberry is: beneficial features and contraindications.

Wild cranberry is a member of the Heather family and is common in northern latitudes. This is a close "relative" of lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries. It is a small, green dwarf shrub with settling shoots. The berries growing in the swamp are rather small (up to 16 mm in diameter). In places where they grow everything is covered with a "red carpet".

The shape of the fruit is round, in some varieties it resembles an ellipse. The colors change with maturity. Unripe cranberries are pink with light sides and a dense texture, while ripe cranberries are bright red and juicy.

Cranberries are late berries that ripen in September-October. It is believed that a fully ripe berry is the one that overwintered under the snow. By spring, the sharply sour taste changes to sweetish. 90% of the cranberry consists of water, when picked, it bursts easily in the hands, and only 10% are active components.

Thanks to organic acids, the fruit is well stored and helps to preserve other foods. The Indians rolled pieces of meat in its juice and stored it for a long time.

Where does cranberry grow

Common cranberry is an inhabitant of ancient swamps, the age of which is estimated at millions of years. Her favorite places are peat, tundra and sphagnum bogs, which are located in damp coniferous forests, marshy lowlands. Cranberries grow in swamps only in ecologically clean places, where there is fresh water, forest air, and a lot of light. It bears fruit well in those parts where the foot of a person rarely steps.

Cranberries are harvested during summer, autumn and spring. "Summer" berry is hard, not ripe, contains a small amount of nutrients. "Autumn" takes on a purple color and juiciness: this is the time to collect useful berries. But there are lovers of the "spring" cranberry, which becomes sweeter, but practically not stored.

Hand picking is very difficult and time consuming. "Cranberry plantations" are found in different places. For a miracle berry, you need to go in good equipment: the viscous soil under your feet, mosquitoes, horseflies and the collection of each individual berry is not for weaklings. There are hand-held collection containers, but these are prohibited by environmentalists. Such devices injure bushes that may not recover. So the stock of berries is gradually depleted.

Any schoolchild will answer the question of where cranberries grow in Russia. Since we live in middle and northern latitudes, the sour berry is widespread in the northern regions: in Siberia, the Urals, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and the Far Eastern District.

A variety of wild large-fruited shrub common in Canada. The berry grows up to 25 mm in diameter. Based wild plant cultivated large-fruited varieties have been created that can be grown on your site.

Composition and nutritional value

Despite the significant water content in the composition, there are more than enough nutrients in the berry. The chemical composition of cranberries is a unique combination of vitamins and minerals that help people maintain immunity, restore strength and energy.
The benefits of the fruits are enormous, they contain:

  1. "Vitamin cocktail" from group B, K, A, PP, C. What vitamins are found in the greatest quantity in cranberries? Of course, this is ascorbic acid.
  2. Mineral complex consisting of macro- and microelements.
  3. A large set of organic acids: citric, malic, ursolic, chlorogenic, benzoic and others. It is they who give the cranberries a rich sour taste.
  4. Insignificant amount of sugars: glucose and fructose.
  5. Antioxidant set.
  6. Pectins and fiber (dietary fiber). The pectin content is quite high.

The healing properties of ripe cranberries are associated with this unique composition. With regard to the presence of carbohydrates, fats, proteins BJU, their content is extremely insignificant:

  • proteins - 0.5 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3, 7 g per 100 g of product.

Carbohydrates predominate, but they do not add a lot of calories to the product.

Calorie content

Having calculated how many calories are in cranberries, people who are prone to being overweight will certainly take into account its benefits and include in their diet, since 100 g contains only 25-30 kcal. But the number of calories in fresh and dried fruits differs by a significant amount. 100 g of dried cranberries are saturated with 300 kcal. And if you use dried berries for weight loss, then the result will be exactly the opposite.

Useful properties for the human body

Many people living in areas of the north are well aware of the benefits of cranberries, and why they help. It is usually frozen and used to prepare food or drinks at any time of the year. The miracle berry perfectly retains all its beneficial properties:

  1. Lowers fever and relieves inflammation. Effectively affects viruses, but in complex therapy... Able to enhance the effects of antibiotics.
  2. Strengthens the body's immune defense barrier. It helps well as a prophylactic agent during the period of "rampant" infections, reducing the likelihood of colds.
  3. Reduces content " bad cholesterol", Hindering education cholesterol plaques and brings a person's pressure back to normal by age. Helps in solving problems with vascular and heart diseases.
  4. Strengthens the nervous system and increases mental activity due to the content of potassium and B vitamins in the juice.
  5. Improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating the signs of heartburn, increasing appetite and intestinal motility due to the presence of dietary fiber and pectin.
  6. Helps with disorders of the genitourinary system, but is not the main, but an additional remedy for drug therapy.
  7. Participates in preventive treatment teeth: relieves gum inflammation, inhibits the development of caries. Previously, cranberries helped get rid of scurvy, which developed with a lack of ascorbic acid (teeth loosened and fell out).
  8. Stops growth cancer cells reducing the risk of malignant tumors thanks to the antioxidants in the composition.

The benefits of cranberries for the body are not limited to the listed properties. Exists folk ways treatment of various diseases, where northern berry is present in the composition of teas, broths, drugs.
Benefits are brought not only by the fruits, but also by the leaves. Decoctions from the leaves have antibacterial properties. They wash wounds, use for tonsillitis. Tea with leaves taken in the bath helps the body to get rid of toxins.

Useful properties for women

The fair sex also should not neglect the "gifts of the north." Cranberry for a woman's body brings the following benefits:

  • improves the condition of the hair, relieving its owner of split ends, strengthens the nail plate;
  • helps to get rid of extra pounds, because chemical composition berries are involved in the breakdown of fats;
  • is a prophylactic agent for problems of the genitourinary sphere: women often suffer from cystitis, they develop urolithiasis.
Cranberry juice is an essential dessert offered in some restaurants: it is drunk after a fatty meal. The drink breaks down fats and relieves stomach discomfort.

Useful properties during pregnancy

The benefits during pregnancy are obvious: cranberry fruit drinks or drinks can replace multivitamin complexes. They can be added to fresh berry juices for a full complement of vitamins.
Northern Berry helps during pregnancy:

  • fill the body of the mother and the unborn baby with useful components;
  • to raise immunity and reduce the risk of various infections;
  • in the first trimesters, reduce toxicosis due to an acidic drink;
  • in the last trimesters to relieve puffiness and "surges" of pressure.

The expectant mother does not need to eat fresh berries. It is much more useful to use fruit drinks, compotes, jelly. Sugar or honey can be added to drinks if desired to reduce the sour taste.
The berry is prohibited if a pregnant woman suffers from allergies or gastrointestinal diseases: with ulcers, gastritis, enterocolitis.

What are the benefits for men

The benefits of cranberries for men reduce the risk of prostatitis or prostate disease. Due to the enzymatic composition of the fruit, the risk of infections of the bladder and the genitourinary system in general is reduced.
There is a way to treat male impotence: a daily single intake of 300 ml of fresh juice. This will help solve the problem when combined with other treatments.

Benefits for children

Moms know how cranberries are good for children. Babies have poorly formed immunity, therefore, in the fight against infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi) it is best remedy... Taking syrups or fruit drinks with northern berries during a cold increases sweating and reduces fever, gradually removing signs of inflammation. It is a strong antiseptic that can fight microbial colonies. Its antitussive action is also known.
The beneficial properties of cranberries are aimed at:

  • fight against dysbiosis;
  • elimination of poisonous and toxic compounds;
  • treating skin problems such as dermatitis, eczema;
  • prevention of problems with teeth and gums.

They try to introduce the juice of one or two berries into the diet from 6 months, after diluting it with water. From one to three years old, children are allowed to drink drinks as a vitamin and prophylactic agent for colds, but only in a diluted form.
Cranberries should not be counted as a common treat. Diluted juice is a potent drink that is recommended for children in the amount of one glass per day.

The healing properties of cranberries

Traditional medicine has long adopted this valuable taiga fruit. But it is important to know in what diseases cranberries really become a reliable assistant and benefit. What does the “northern healer” treat from and what recipes can be safely used in case of emerging diseases?
Cranberries are used:

  1. To cleanse the intestines, removing stagnant feces and toxic compounds in their composition. The recipe is simple: you need to mix cranberry and beet juice in equal proportions and drink 3-5 sips 3 times a day. The same remedy is recommended for cramps and constipation.
  2. In case of a cold, in order to relieve inflammation, a composition is prepared from equal parts of aloe juice, cranberry, honey and vodka. Sugar is added as desired. The mixture is stored in a cool place and taken three times a day, 2 tbsp. l.
  3. In order to restore physical strength use cranberry juice half diluted with water. The drink is useful for people involved in sports or physical labor. He will give vigor due to the multivitamin complex in the composition.
  4. For hypertension, a mixture of cranberries (500 g) and sugar (150 g), diluted with 250 ml of water, helps. The composition is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and diluted in half with water. It is enough to take a glass of the drug per day.
  5. With diabetes, it will help to normalize the amount of sugar in the blood. To do this, grind a handful of cranberries, pour 250 ml of hot water and infuse the drink for an hour. Reception twice a day in a volume of 50 ml.
  6. As a prophylactic agent for problems of the genitourinary system, diluted cranberry juice (1: 3), 100 ml daily, is useful.
  7. From diarrhea created folk remedy based on berries and leaves in equal parts. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, pouring 500 ml of hot water. It is taken 4 times a day, 130 ml.

Cranberry treatment is useful as a prophylaxis of a disease, or it is used as an additional, supportive agent in drug therapy when the disease is already developing.

Dried frozen cranberries which are healthier

Due to the high content of organic acids, cranberries keep well. It is enough to put it in jars and pour a little sweetened water over it. This is the so-called soaked cranberry, which does not spoil for a long time.

Freezing also perfectly preserves all flavor and useful qualities red fruits. The benefits and harms of frozen cranberries are exactly the same as fresh ones. The northern berry is dried in modern dryers or ovens, slightly withering or completely removing moisture from the berries.

Which product is healthier: fresh or dried? After any processing carried out correctly, the berry retains healing properties... The only negative is getting a dried product, since it becomes quite high in calories. But first place in the ranking should be given to frozen fruits, which perfectly preserve the appearance and internal potential of a product rich in vitamins.

During the drying process, the door oven should be slightly opened so that excess moisture evaporates, and the temperature regime should correspond to + 40C. The dried product bounces when pressed, and does not crumble into dust.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice provides great opportunities for culinary fantasies: it can be used to prepare jelly, mousse, syrups, fresh juices, herbal teas, berry decoctions. But cranberry juice remains unrivaled. As our grandmothers said, and contemporaries agree with them that "there is nothing in the world more useful than fruit drink."

Morse is called a refreshing drink that contains:

  • 600 g cranberries;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

The ingredients are mixed and taken in the summer as a light, vitamin drink, and in the winter to prevent colds.

Cranberry harm

Cranberries have contraindications, since the product contains many organic acids with a sharp, sour taste. If a person is healthy and does not abuse berries, then the benefits will be fully manifested.

But with some symptoms, cranberry treatment will be not only harmful, but also hazardous to health:

  • with gastritis and liver diseases, manifested in an acute form;
  • during development peptic ulcer any part of the gastrointestinal tract and at any stage;
  • with weak tooth enamel, which will be actively destroyed due to acids;
  • when allergic manifestations or individual intolerance.

If a person has a lot of chronic diseases, then it is better to consult with your doctor or drink the juice in diluted form in moderation.

The northern berry is well absorbed by the body; it has grown in our open spaces and has been consumed by Russian people for many years. This is not an overseas fruit that can cause confusion or indigestion. Cranberries, which inhabit centuries-old swamps, give their power, strength and help to survive in the difficult conditions of the Russian climate.

The cranberry comes from the Lingonberry family. This evergreen, small shrub grows on swampy, damp banks and clearings, in coniferous forests. Since the end of the 19th century, this plant has been cultivated on an industrial scale. Plantations of this berry are found both in Russia and in countries of near and far abroad with a temperate and cold climate.

This evergreen shrub grows up to 30 centimeters tall. The roots are thin, adventitious. Stems are creeping, threadlike, thin, reddish-brown in color. They take root at the nodes. Flowering shoots are short, raised. Leathery leaves are small, ovoid, short-petiolate. The edges are folded down. From above, they are dark green and shiny. The underside is ash-white, covered with a network of veins.

Pedicels are long, slightly pubescent, one flower is formed on each. 4 flowers are formed in the leaf axils. The flowers are purple or pink, drooping. The berries are dark red, ellipsoidal or spherical, about 1.5 centimeters in diameter. Wild-growing cranberries are much smaller than cultivated ones. Some varieties of plantation berries reach 2 centimeters in diameter. Their taste is characteristic, sour with a slight bitterness; when fully ripe, sweetness appears.

Cranberries bloom in June. The first harvest ripens in September. The collection lasts throughout the fall. Cultivated cranberries ripen 10-15 days earlier than wild ones. The fruits are stored in a cold place until spring. The most useful are berries harvested before the first frost.
They are consumed fresh, grated, frozen, dried and soaked. Juices, jelly, jelly, preserves, cocktails, kvass, fruit drinks, pie fillings are prepared from cranberries, and are used as additives to salads and main courses.

In terms of the amount of nutrients, cranberries can give odds to most wild berries. 100 grams of berries contain:

  • Vitamin A - 0.02 grams;
  • vitamin B1 - 0.2 milligrams;
  • vitamin B2 - 0.2 milligrams;
  • vitamin B3 - 0.2 milligrams;
  • vitamin B6 - 0.09 milligrams;
  • vitamin B9 - 1 microgram;
  • vitamin C - 55 milligrams;
  • vitamin K - 1 milligram.


  • magnesium - 8 milligrams;
  • potassium - 120.5 milligrams;
  • sodium - 12.1 milligrams;
  • calcium - 14.5 milligrams;
  • phosphorus - 12.2 milligrams.

Trace elements:

  • manganese - 0.65 milligrams;
  • iron - 0.64 milligrams;
  • copper - 0.43 milligrams;
  • iodine - 5 micrograms.

In addition, cranberries contain such substances: boron, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel, chromium, titanium, tin, silver, zinc and other trace elements.

Phenolic compounds with oncostatic, antitumor and antiradiation effects are contained in berries in the following composition:

  • Tannins;
  • flavonols;
  • catechins;
  • leukoanthocyanins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • phenolic acids.

In addition, this plant is rich in organic acids such as:

  • Lemon;
  • oleanolic;
  • oxalic;
  • chlorogenic;
  • apple;
  • benzoic;
  • ursolic;
  • cinchona;
  • amber.

Benzoic acid keeps berries fresh for a long time.

Cinchona gives the berries a bitterness, it lowers cholesterol and relieves fever.

Ursolic acid has the properties of adrenal hormones, expands coronary vessels in heart.

Chlorogenic has antiseptic properties.

Oleanolic acid dilates the venous vessels, nourishes the heart muscle, and normalizes metabolism.

The total amount of acids in cranberries per 100 grams is about 3.3%.

The calorie content of cranberries is low. Fresh forest cranberry per 100 grams contains 35.4 kcal, cultivated berry contains 26 kcal. In frozen form, calorie values ​​are reduced to 15.3 kilocalories. Dried cranberries contain 309 calories.

The energy index of cranberries rubbed with sugar is 272 kilocalories.

100 grams of berries contain the following nutrients, how:

  1. Carbohydrates - 6.5 grams;
  2. mono- and disaccharides - 3.7 grams;
  3. proteins - 0.6 grams;
  4. fats - 0.2 milligrams;
  5. fiber - 2 grams;
  6. ash 0.32 grams.

Cranberries are 90% water.

The plant owes its medicinal properties to a large number of useful substances. They are found not only in ripe berries, but also in the leaves.

Vitamin and mineral complex strengthens the body. Proanthocyanids prevent the growth of bacteria, protect against gum disease, caries. Resveratrol has anti-cancer properties. The tannin contained in berries helps to resist infections, kills germs. Berries enhance the effects of many medications, such as antibiotics. Citric and malic acids normalize the microflora in the body, reduce the pH of the environment.

Cranberry has a refreshing, toning effect, increases physical, mental performance... It has a wound healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Berries are useful for rheumatism, cystitis, nephritis, polio, skin diseases, diabetes, hypertension and toxicosis. Cranberry stimulates the stomach and intestines, pancreas and liver. Cranberry prevents the appearance of plaques in blood vessels, the formation of blood clots, and reduces headaches.

Cranberry juice and infusion is used to remove age spots and freckles, treat wounds, burns, ulcers. Cranberry drinks are useful for flu, coughs, colds, high temperatures.

Fruit drink and cranberry syrup are useful for vitamin deficiencies, inflammatory diseases... They act as an anti-febrile remedy, lower the temperature, and quench thirst. At colds, sore throat, rheumatism, cranberries are useful in combination with honey.

Fresh berry

Fresh ripe berries contain the largest amount of nutrients. Unripe fruits contain less ursolic, benzoic and other acids, which provide the fruits with keeping quality. If the harvested cranberries are not fully ripe, they can be spread out on a paper towel. In a few days it will be fully ripe.

Dried cranberries contain slightly less vitamins, but in turn, they contain more dry matter, which is good for digestion. It is more high-calorie.


Frozen berries practically do not lose their beneficial qualities, the main thing is to store them correctly. They are used in the same way as fresh berries.

In some cases, cranberries can cause stomach upset in children. For children under 3 years old, cranberries can only be consumed after heat treatment as it is an allergen. It is not recommended for babies to use this berry.

Do not drink concentrated cranberry juice. It is better to dilute it with water and add honey or sugar there to taste.

Cranberries destroy tooth enamel. People with weakened enamel should use cranberries with extreme caution.

With exacerbated forms of liver disease, gastrointestinal tract, fresh cranberry is contraindicated, as it can do more harm than good.

Only honey should be added to the cranberries for diabetics, since sugar cannot be used in this case.

Allergy sufferers need to use cranberries with extreme caution, if a reaction occurs, for example, rashes or itching, berries should not be eaten.

Cranberries can be used both fresh and in the form of various juices, fruit drinks, jelly. The berries are ground with honey, sugar, added to various dishes. In this case, it is necessary to clarify whether it can be used with various issues with health.

For women

For women, cranberries can be used in almost any form.

  1. In diseases of the female genitourinary system, cranberry is used as an antiseptic, diuretic.
  2. It is used to treat gynecological and postpartum inflammations.
  3. It prevents the growth of pathogens, the formation of kidney stones, relieves inflammation of the bladder.
  4. Cranberries are used to remove age spots, freckles, whiten and exfoliate skin. For this, masks from cranberry puree, scrub from berries with seeds, cranberry juice, infusion and tea for rubbing the skin are used.

During pregnancy

It helps the absorption of nutrients, normalizes blood circulation. Regular use cranberry helps to avoid varicose veins, has a beneficial effect on the uteroplacental circulation.

For men

The main benefit of cranberries for men is the prevention of genitourinary infections. Berries should be consumed constantly, daily.

Several berries or Fresh Juice allow you to avoid problems with the genitourinary system, heart and stomach.

There are many options for taking cranberries, they can be used alternately, it can be juices, jams, jellies, compotes, fruit drinks and much more.

For kids

Children under 3 years old should not be given fresh berries, they can cause allergies. Cranberries can be added to the diet after heat treatment. Children over 3 years old can eat fresh berries in the form of smoothies, berry puree.

The best cranberry drink option for kids of all ages is cranberry drinks. From fresh berries you can make fruit drinks, jelly, juices, compotes.

Cranberry strengthens the immune system, relieves colds, relieves inflammation in the genitourinary organs and the gastrointestinal tract. Drinks quench your thirst. Cranberry juice improves the child's appetite, strengthens the immune system.

V folk medicine cranberry is used to treat diabetes, anemia, heart and vascular diseases, cystitis, scurvy, respiratory diseases, diseases digestive tract, lowering blood pressure, slimming. Quite a few recipes are known that are used to treat certain diseases.

Cranberries with honey

  • The cranberries need to be sorted out, washed and dried.
  • Then grind in a blender or meat grinder.
  • The resulting puree is combined with natural honey in a one-to-one ratio and mixed.
  • The mixture is transferred to a glass container with a lid and put into the refrigerator.

It is taken 50 grams, three times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

It helps against colds, is used for hypertension, heart disease, inflammatory processes v genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus.

Cranberry juice with honey

Take 20 grams of lime honey in a glass of juice. You need to take a drink in 100 grams 20 minutes before meals. It is used for sore throat, cough, acute respiratory and viral diseases.

With diabetes

In type 2 diabetes, berries should be included in daily diet nutrition of patients. Cranberries are low in calories and have a low glycemic index. It saturates the body with sugar contained in berries, while not overloading the pancreas. Cranberry heals trophic ulcers, improves blood flow, restores blood vessels, and eliminates edema. Healing fruit drink can be made from berries.

Mash the berries. Transfer to cheesecloth, squeeze out. Pour water into the gruel and boil. Then the mixture is filtered, wrung out, juice and sugar substitute or honey are added. You need to take half a glass before meals.

You can also make cranberry jelly.

Juice is squeezed out of the berries. Water is poured into the wringer. The mixture is boiled, filtered. The resulting ingredients are mixed and boiled again. A little dissolved gelatin, a sugar substitute, is added to the mixture. Poured into molds.

Under pressure

Regular consumption of cranberry juice lowers blood pressure. The juice is taken on an empty stomach for one and a half months. To enhance the effect, you can add an infusion of hawthorn flowers to the juice. For infusion, 200 grams of water and a spoonful of flowers are taken. The mixture is infused in a thermos, filtered and mixed with cranberry juice.

The most in a simple way the use of berries with hypertension is considered to be their addition to salads, second courses. From berries you can prepare fruit drinks, juices, grind them with honey. If you eat several berries a day, you can completely normalize blood pressure.

For heart and heart rate

For problems with the heart and blood vessels, cranberries are best used fresh, in the form of juice or grated with honey. It is used as a vasodilator, replaces statins, and protects against atherosclerosis. Berries reduce the amount of prothrombin in the blood, strengthen the walls of the capillaries.

Take 0.5 liters of boiling water for 80 grams of cranberries. The infusion is kept in a thermos for 2 hours. You need to take 100 grams before meals. Also, for the treatment of cystitis, you can use cranberry jelly and cranberries, ground with sugar.


The best way to lose weight is cranberry juice, which saturates the body with useful substances and improves their absorption. 50 grams of juice is mixed in a glass of mineral water and consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Must be taken within a week. In this case, you need to exclude fried, fatty foods from the diet. After a week, it leaves up to 3 kilograms.

Other recipes

Cranberry juice should be mixed with beetroot juice in equal parts. You need to take 50 grams three times a day. Used for colitis, constipation, gastritis with low acidity, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, vascular spasms, hypertension, sore throat, flu and obesity.

Cranberry leaf tea

  • 50 grams of dry leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  • Infused for 15 minutes and filtered.
  • The cooled broth should be drunk instead of tea, maximum 2 cups per day.

It is also used as a lotion on skin rashes and ulcers.

How much should you eat for health?

Not required to maintain health a large number cranberries. During the day, only a few berries are enough for a person. They strengthen the body and allow you to get rid of many health problems.

Cranberries contain benzoic acid. It is a natural preservative and antiseptic. It stops the development of bacteria in berries. There are several ways to harvest cranberries that do not affect the beneficial properties of the berry.


The berries are sorted out. You do not need to wash them. Soft, overripe berries are used for juice, fruit drink or in various dishes, and the whole ones are sent for storage. They are placed in wooden boxes and stored in a cool, ventilated, dark place. The beneficial properties of the berries are preserved for 3 months.


The berries are sorted out, cleaned of stalks and debris. They are washed with cold, running water. They are dried on a paper towel, poured into bags or containers and sent to freeze. Frozen berries are stored until the next harvest.

Soaked cranberries

For long-term storage, peeled and washed cranberries are placed in water. Enameled, wooden or glass containers are prepared. The water is boiled. The container is filled with cranberries and filled with cooled boiled water. After which it is covered with a lid and sent to the refrigerator or cellar. Pickled berries are used until the new harvest. With this storage, berries acquire wateriness, but they do not lose their beneficial properties.

Dried berries

Sort the cranberries, rinse, dry on a paper towel and put on a baking sheet. The berries are placed in an electric dryer or an oven preheated to + 60 degrees for 5 hours. From time to time they are mixed with a wooden spatula. Finished berries are stored in a glass container with a tight lid.


The cranberries are washed, crushed with a meat grinder, blender, mixed with the same amount of sugar or honey. The mixture is laid out in jars, closed with lids and sent to the refrigerator. In this form, it acquires a more pronounced aroma and taste.

Application and properties of Cranberries: video

Cranberry is a versatile plant for almost all diseases. The constant use of cranberries allows you to strengthen the body, make it more resilient, resistant to disease. Berries can be added to various dishes, making them more savory and healthy.

" Cranberry

Cranberry is a pretty famous berry... It grows in swamps in wildlife in the northern regions of our country. Ripens in autumn much later than other types of berries.

It has earned its popularity because of its many beneficial properties.

Cranberries are unique in terms of their composition, namely the presence of vitamins and minerals.

The berry contains:

  1. A whole set of vitamins such as K, A, PP, groups B and C. Most of all it contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
  2. Minerals (potassium, calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, boron, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, silver).
  3. Organic acids. The composition contains only natural acids of vegetable origin (citric, ursolic, chlorogenic, benzoic, oleanolic).
  4. Antioxidants and Catechins.
  5. Polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are only found in grains.

Cranberries are not even a high-calorie berry. It contains only about 30 kcal per 100 grams.

Protein, sugar, fats and carbohydrates are present in it in fairly small quantities. But it is high in fiber.

Product of the day. Cranberry:

Useful and medicinal properties for the human body

Cranberries are prized for their many health benefits. These include:

  1. Normalization of metabolic processes. Help in removing all toxins and toxic substances from the body.
  2. Decrease in high blood pressure.
  3. Strengthening the capillaries.
  4. Normalizes blood cholesterol levels. Prevents the formation of blood clots and plaques in blood vessels, it dilutes the blood well.
  5. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces high fever well for colds and flu. Helps the body fight its intoxication.
  6. Strengthening the immune system. Cranberry eliminates vitamin deficiency, being a kind of source for giving strength and vigor to the body.
  7. Prevention of the formation of malignant tumors in the body.
  8. Improving concentration of attention.
  9. Analgesic effect for headaches or pain in women during menstruation.
  10. Strengthening nervous system, hair and nails.

About the benefits of cranberries for the body:

Potential harm to health and contraindications

Along with other products, this berry has its own contraindications for use. These include the following indicators:

  • cranberry allergy... It manifests itself mainly in the form of allergic manifestations on the skin. It can be in the form of a rash, skin redness, itching. Therefore, it is contraindicated in women during the period of breastfeeding, as well as in children under 3 years of age;
  • having a stomach or intestinal ulcer... and different types gastritis. You can not eat cranberries during an exacerbation of these diseases;
  • low pressure(hypotension);
  • the presence of urolithiasis, gout, liver diseases.

Cranberry juice must be diluted with water before use.

Traditional methods of treating various diseases

Cranberries are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

For colds and flu

Cranberry has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, makes a person sweat. Thanks to this, it brings down the heat well.

Drinks from it quench your thirst. For colds, it is necessary to drink cranberry infusion.

Cooking method: berries (1 glass) crush and pour boiling water (1 liter). The resulting solution is brought to a boil, insisted, then filtered. They drink 1 glass several times during the day.

With hypertension

Berries, fruit drinks or jelly from them have a good diuretic effect on the human body. At the same time, potassium is not washed out of the body.

Additionally, potassium is found in the berries themselves. It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, keeps them in good shape, thereby helping to normalize blood pressure.

One of the recipes for a cranberry drink for hypertension: Crush 2 cups berries, add 0.5 cups granulated sugar, add 1 cup water.

Stir the resulting mixture, bring to a boil and strain. Dilute the mixture in the amount of a few teaspoons hot water and drink like tea.

Benefits for angina

In this case, cranberry juice is used.... They can be gargled and consumed internally. For rinsing, the juice must first be diluted with water by half.

When consumed internally, prepare next remedy : cranberry juice and beet juice, honey, vodka are mixed with each other in equal proportions.

The mixture is infused for 3 days, stirring occasionally every day. The finished composition is taken in 1 tablespoon about an hour before a meal.

With cystitis

Cranberry acts on the body as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antiseptic... The proanthocyanide contained in it prevents bacteria that cause cystitis from accumulating on the walls of the bladder.

To strengthen immunity and eliminate vitamin deficiency

Cranberry, due to its composition, helps to strengthen the immune system and saturate the human body with vitamins, especially in the spring.

Second drink option: cranberries grated with sugar (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water, infused. The finished drink is drunk like regular tea.

Cranberry is a rejuvenating berry:

Cranberries during pregnancy

Cranberries also benefit pregnant women. This can be explained by the large amount of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is able at this time to protect a woman from viruses and infections., well helps to strengthen the immune system.

A little honey can be added to enhance the benefits. It is necessary to consume cranberries in this form in the mode 3 through 3, that is, 3 days reception, 3 days off.

Also, cranberries are used as a remedy for the prevention of kidney and urinary tract diseases. Every month the uterus of a pregnant woman enlarges. This leads to stagnation of urine and the appearance of cystitis or urethritis.

To avoid these troubles you should drink diluted fresh cranberry juice every day... It helps to improve blood flow in the placenta, maintain tone blood vessels pregnant woman.

Pregnant women you should not eat cranberries in any form in the last stages of pregnancy... It increases acidity breast milk, it is harmful to the child. The timing of the discontinuation of admission is determined by the doctor.

Application in cosmetology

Cranberries have found their application in cosmetology. She copes well with skin diseases such as scrofula, psoriasis, lichen, allergic rashes on the skin, burns. In all these cases, cranberry lotions or ointment are used.

To prepare the ointment, you will need berries (2 tablespoons), petroleum jelly (50 g) and lanolin (50 g). The fruits are ground and squeezed. Vaseline with lanolin is added to the resulting juice. Stir until smooth.

Ointment for storage is placed in the refrigerator... Apply as needed, applying a thin layer to skin lesions.

In addition, cranberries are part of many cosmetics for face and body. It helps to gently cleanse the skin of dead cells and nourish it.

Processing methods

Cranberries can be eaten not only raw. There are quite a few ways to recycle it.

The most famous are:

  1. Cranberries, grated with sugar... To do this, 2 kg of ripe berries are ground with a blender and mixed with 3 kg of granulated sugar. It is stored enough long time in the refrigerator or just in a cool place.
  2. Cranberry Kissel... A solution of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of starch and 1 tbsp. cold water poured into water with sugar and crushed cranberries. Cook the mixture until it thickens for about 10-15 minutes. Then juice is poured into the resulting jelly, mixed and removed from heat. Kissel is ready to use.
  3. Cranberry jam... It can be cooked from only one cranberry, or it can be cooked with various additives, for example with apples. 1 kg apples, 1 kg berries, 2 cups chopped walnuts pour over the prepared syrup and put on low heat. The mixture is brewed for 30 minutes with constant stirring. The finished jam is transferred to sterilized jars and rolled up.
  4. Morse... Berries (0.5 kg) are crushed in a blender, squeezed out the juice. Water is poured into the remaining berries and boiled for 5-10 minutes. The resulting broth must be filtered and squeezed juice added to it. To taste, you can add sugar or honey to the fruit drink.

Cranberries keep well and fresh within a few months. For their storage, choose a well-ventilated and cool place.

The berries themselves must be ripe and well dried. In addition, cranberries can be frozen or dried, and their shelf life is increased.

Cranberries should be present in every person's diet.... It brings many benefits to humans, is a kind of natural antibiotic. But at the same time, one should not forget about some of its contraindications.

This small and cute berry has tremendous benefits for the body. Despite its miniature size, it contains a whole storehouse of vitamins! Today we'll talk about cranberries - how much you need to eat per day, can you give it to children, what contraindications it has, and much more.

The benefits of cranberries

Cranberry has collected a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. In this case, benefits can be obtained not only from fresh, but also from dry and frozen berries. So, what exactly is this product useful for?

Regular consumption of berries promotes, improves bowel function. In general, cranberries are rightfully considered one of the most useful wild berries. She and other ailments of an infectious nature. It contains a lot of vitamin C, thanks to which it gives a quick and lasting effect. Even medical experts recognize the fact that it is much easier to list what the berry does not heal than what it helps from. This gift of nature prevents the development and reproduction of cancer cells, especially in cases where the tumor is localized in the prostate, mammary gland and large intestine.

Who did not know, the second name of the cranberry is a rejuvenating berry. In it great amount antioxidants that prevent skin aging, prolonging youthfulness. For this property, she is very beloved in cosmetology, however, an internal technique will allow you to "freeze" age.

Chewing cranberries thoroughly can be prevented. The berry kills all harmful bacteria and prevents their reproduction. But every time you have to rinse oral cavity, as its juice with prolonged exposure can corrode the enamel, making the teeth sensitive.

Cranberries are capable of suppressing headache, relieve cough, lower the temperature. In men, the berry helps to increase potency and helps the strong half of humanity to bypass the diseases of the reproductive system. To feel the full power of nature, they just need to drink 300 ml of nectar daily.

By the way, with the help of cranberries, you can normalize your weight. It helps control appetite and normalizes metabolism.

The berry promotes high-quality formation of muscles and bones, normalizes appetite and has a positive effect on the skin. These qualities will be very useful not only for adults, but also for children, whose immunity often leaves much to be desired.

By the way, it is already known for certain positive influence cranberries for diabetics. Experiments have shown that in patients of the first type, when eating berries, the sugar level stopped increasing, and in patients of the second type, a significant decrease in blood sugar was observed. This action is due to the fact that the berry stimulates the work of the pancreas, and that, in turn, begins to produce insulin on its own. For the treatment of diabetes mellitus, you need to drink 240 ml of freshly squeezed berry juice daily for three months.

Cranberries are an excellent prevention against the appearance of plaques and blood clots. Regular consumption of berries helps to prevent stomach cancer and prevent ulcers (only in no case should you eat a berry on an empty stomach). Normalizes blood clotting. It has a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin.

Cranberry harm

The harm of this berry can only appear if it was taken by a person with contraindications. We will talk about who should not take it inside, as well as about the precautions a little later. For the rest, it can only be beneficial. However, you cannot overeat it either. In this case, the main thing is regularity.

Application of cranberries

Cranberries are applicable in many fields, from medicine to cosmetology. With its help, they organize the prevention of many diseases, since there are a lot of antioxidants in it. Lovers of natural cosmetics add berries to masks and lotions. Cranberries have found their vocation in cooking, they cook with it delicious pies, compotes and healthy fruit drinks.

Below we will look at different healthy recipes in which this berry is applicable.

Where does cranberry grow

There are three main types of cranberries: large, small and ordinary. By the way, the first is sometimes called the American variety. In Russia, for the most part, an ordinary and medium-sized berry grows. The place of residence of small-fruited, as a rule, is the tundra, forest-tundra, northern swamps and areas near the Arctic Circle. Common cranberries grow throughout Russia where there are swamps and wet hollows, with the exception of the Caucasus, Kuban and the Volga region. The berry is very fond of places with high humidity, served from a person.

Contraindications for cranberries

As already clear, cranberries are very useful product, however, even with it, you need to handle it very carefully and keep in mind the contraindications. First, measure is needed in everything - do not overeat it. It is always better to have insufficient vitamins than too many. In the first case, it is easier for the body to cope, but in the second, medical intervention is needed.

It is better to replace cranberries with another useful berry for people with a sick liver and high acidity of the stomach. With extreme caution, you need to use the berry in case of problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, refuse dried, frozen and raw cranberries. It is much better to cook compotes from it, and consume the berry itself boiled. This is due to the fact that getting into the stomach and intestines in its original form, it can irritate these organs.

During a cold, never consume cranberries and cranberries in tandem with sulfa drugs, as this can lead to the formation of kidney stones. For the same reason, the berry is not allowed for those suffering from gout and for those who already have urolithiasis.

Cranberries and hypotensive patients are contraindicated, as it greatly lowers blood pressure. Be careful if you have sensitive teeth, because this is an indicator of weakened enamel, and sour cranberries can make things worse. It is foolish, of course, to say that in this case the berry is contraindicated, but only after consuming it, you must rinse your mouth out to reduce acidity.

To prevent cranberries from causing harm, some rules must be followed when eating them:

  • never eat cranberries on an empty stomach;
  • even if dental problems do not bother you, always try to rinse your mouth after taking it;
  • to keep full vitamin complex, it is unnecessary to boil the berry, it is better to just fill it with hot water.

Is it possible for children to have cranberries

Just imagine, only 100 g of the product can nourish a child's body daily rate vitamins K, A, C and E, the third of the norm with vitamins of group B. There is a lot of vitamin PP in the berry, which takes an active part in the assimilation of vitamin C. Given its rich vitamin composition, the question is brewing, is it possible for its children? Of course it is possible, provided that the child has no contraindications and is not allergic to the berry.

It is highly advisable to adhere to the following standards.

  • For children from 0 to 1 year old. If you follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization, then newborn babies should not introduce brightly colored foods into the diet earlier than the main food. Those. not earlier than six months. If the child is on breastfeeding, then cranberries can be given no earlier than 7.5 months. Babies up to one year old can eat cranberries only after processing. For example, pre-steam the berries for about three minutes. You can grind cranberries and add to cereals or other mashed potatoes. It is also permissible to give juice or make fruit drink, previously diluted with water, in a 1: 1 ratio. The frequency of admission is no more than twice a week. The risk, due to which it is undesirable to give cranberries to babies under one year old, the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  • From one to three years. You can enter a berry crumbs into the diet, in an amount of 10-20 g per day (this is about a couple of tablespoons). However, there is also a restriction on the intake of fresh berries. It is better if you give it in the form of cooked fruit drink, jelly or compote, after scalding the berry with boiling water. During colds, it is permissible to quadruple the dosage.
  • Children over three years old. From this age on, you can give cranberries raw. Here you can already eat it as an independent dish, as well as in compotes, mashed potatoes and other types. It should be understood that all vitamins are preserved in the berry in their pure form, without heat treatment, unfortunately, not all children are aflame with love for its specific taste. If the child resists her, then you can resort to compotes and fruit drinks.

Cranberries during pregnancy

Cranberries during pregnancy are a real find for future mother... In addition to the general strengthening properties, which is very important not only for the woman, but also for the fetus, the berry helps, it dulls it very well. Regular consumption of the berry will help avoid edema, maintain the level of immunity at the proper level, and protect against the occurrence of many other ailments that can arise out of nowhere in a weakened body. The benefits of cranberries during pregnancy can be talked about indefinitely, they absolutely affect the entire body. But it is at this moment that the ladies are susceptible to the occurrence allergic reactions, so you need to eat it carefully and after consulting with your supervising doctor.

What can be made from cranberries

Many goodies can be made from cranberries, both fresh and frozen. Moreover, in addition to satisfaction taste, it becomes possible to saturate your body with useful substances. We bring to your attention several cooking options with this berry.

  • Cranberry jelly. You will need 400 g of berries, the same amount of sugar, 150 g of potato starch and about three liters of water. The berry must be sorted out and thoroughly kneaded with a crush. After that, the juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass. Squeezed berries are poured with water (hot) and put on fire for five minutes. Next, you need to fill it with sugar and add squeezed juice with starch previously diluted in it. Without stopping stirring, the jelly is brought to a boil, and then removed from the stove.
  • Cranberry cobbler. You will need a couple of tablespoons of cranberry juice, a third of a glass of lingonberry juice, about 50 g of creamy ice cream, ice and fruit to taste. A glass with an expansion upward is filled halfway with crushed ice, then all the ingredients are poured in, the chopped pieces of fruit are thrown in and everything is mixed. Serve the drink with a straw and a small spoon.
  • Cranberry kvass. Sort a kilogram of berries, rinse thoroughly and crush. Pour four liters of water and cook for ten minutes. After that, strain and cool the composition. Dilute the yeast and add to the total mass. Stir, pour into pre-prepared bottles, cork and put in a cool place for three days.
  • For this delicious drink you will need: a couple of glasses of milk, a glass of cranberries, half a glass of applesauce, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Bring the milk to a boil, add sugar and cinnamon and wait for a while. Remove from heat and refrigerate. Rinse the cranberries well and rub through a sieve. Mix prepared cranberry puree with applesauce. Gently pour in the milk and whisk quickly with a mixer to prevent the milk from curdling.

Cranberry recipes

  • With hypertension and atherosclerosis, you can prepare and consume the following infusion. You will need 10 g of berries and a glass of boiling water. Fill the berry with water and place in a thermos, then let it brew for at least four hours. Thoroughly strain the finished infusion and drink throughout the day, dividing the composition into three times, before eating.
  • For skin sores, you can use your own prepared ointment. Take a couple of tablespoons of fresh berries (you can also frozen, if you can't take fresh ones) and squeeze the juice out of them, passing the berries through cheesecloth. Combine "nectar" with 50 g of petroleum jelly and 50 g of lanolin. Mix everything thoroughly and place in a clean jar. Store the finished composition exclusively in the refrigerator. This drug is used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
  • With the help of cranberries, you can quickly and effectively cure periodontal disease. To do this, just take one berry and start rubbing its juice into the gums with your fingertips. You need to massage for about a minute and a half. Such a remedy not only restores the gums, but also relieves inflammation and kills all microbes.
  • Long-term cough, hypertension, kidney problems, tuberculosis, cystitis, ascites - all this can be cured with ordinary cranberry juice. To prepare it, you just need to squeeze the juice of the berry and mix it with honey. Despite the fact that it is undesirable to drink cranberry juice with kidney stones, it is he who is an excellent preventive measure against them. The same juice can be used to reduce the level bad cholesterol in the blood and prevent blood clots.
  • You can cook delicious and very useful workpiece from cranberries. To do this, in a 1: 1 ratio, berries and sugar are taken, everything is ground, heated to 90 ° C and sent to the jar. Further, the finished mixture can be used at your discretion. You can make fruit drink from it by taking a couple of spoons of mashed potatoes and pouring it with warm boiled water, or put it as a filling in pies.
  • A delicious candy in the form of a marshmallow can also be made from this wonderful berry. Rinse a pound of berries thoroughly and place in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour in a glass pure water and put on low heat. The berry should simmer until it becomes soft. After that, grind the composition to a puree state and add 800 g of sugar (you can take a kilogram if you want sweeter). Boil the mass so that most of the liquid comes out. After that, transfer to parchment and send to the oven to dry.

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