Mint's essential oil. Application in cosmetology. Mint's essential oil: properties and use methods. The composition of the essential oil of peppermint

Essential oil Mint is used in cosmetology and traditional medicine. It has a bactericidal impact. Therapeutic remedy gives a charge of cheerfulness, also helps the body to deal with ailment. Mint oil contains biologically active components: Menthol, Timol, Limonen. They strengthen immunity and improve well-being in respiratory and viral diseases.

The benefits of therapeutic agent

Peppermint oil use as an antiseptic and spasmodics. It also has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, toning and soothing effect. Due to the potent components, the tool strengthens the body and prevents bronchial spasms. Tea with mint oil improves the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the operation of the gallbladder. Healing drink Helps get rid of nausea. The smell of mint soothes. Oil is often used in folk medicine. It improves features internal organs, Strengthens the CNS, normalizes the work of the heart and has a positive effect on the vestibular device.

The advantage of the means and that it cleans blood vesselsThanks to which atherosclerosis warns. Mint normalizes the blood circulation of the brain. The plant is actively used in dentistry. It strengthens the teeth and gums, also ensures the prevention of dental diseases. Oil is added to pasta, dental powders. Such means help to get rid of caries and prevent periodontal disease.

Mint oil useful people engaged in heavy physical work. They are recommended tea with adding a pair of droplets medical agent. The healing substance normalizes the emotional background and increases the endurance of the body.

Remedy has a positive effect on female organism. It is used as painful menstruationFor this, two drops are added to green tea Or diluted orange Fresh.

Application in folk medicine

Main component of means - menthol. It improves metabolism in cells and ensures the prevention of diseases, the mint is valued for these properties. The use of mint oil in folk medicine due to this is very in demand:

Use in cosmetology

If the skin is prone to eel, it is recommended to make a dry and toning composition. You need to take 250 ml of water, add 10 drops of alcohol and 4 drops of mint. The tool is applied to the cleaned skin 2 times a day. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator no more than 14 days.

Medications with mint improve the turgor of the skin, also smoothed existing wrinkles. Properties and application of mint essential oil in cosmetology for face rejuvenation:

  • Recipe number 1. The handful of flour is poured with boiling water and stirred thoroughly. Must get a thick mixture. When it cools, you will need to add 5 drops of mint. The medicine is applied to clean skin, withstand 10-15 minutes.
  • Recipe number 2. This mask narrows pores and normalizes the work song hardware. It can be used when Cooperose. For preparation take 10 ml of grape oil, the same amount of almond oil and 10 g of clay powder. The latter ingredient is bred by water to sour creation of consistency, then the rest are added, 1 drop of lemon juice and 3 mint-drops are poured. The mask is applied to the cleaned skin, withstand 20 minutes. It levels the complexion, eliminates acne and prevents the appearance of a vascular mesh.
  • Recipe number 3. To cure to the art, you need to prepare the following composition. Mix 5 ml of lavender and mint oils (pre-warm). The medicine is applied 2 times a day.
  • Recipe number 4. Mount oil combines with olive in proportion 1:10. Such a means moisturizes sensitive skin around the eyes. It can be used every day.

For moisturizing the scalp, the essential oil of mint is used, the properties of this agent are due to the saturated composition. Menthol in combination with lemon feeds cells and normalize the operation of hair follicles.

Mint oil is used as follows:

  1. Several drops are added to the balm.
  2. Aroma industry is carried out, for which 4 drops are applied to the comb.
  3. For the preparation of a moisturizing mask take 20 ml of rapid oil and mixed with 3 drops of mint. The remedy is rubbed into the roots of the hair, the head is covered with polyethylene, withstand 15 minutes, after which they wash off warm water.

Aromatherapy restores the body after physical Loads and helps in the treatment of diseases. However, she will not be able to replace medicines. To gain strength, you need to add 20 drops of mint in the bath. No more than 6 drops add to the aromalamps. Pair of therapeutic means disinfect air. It is useful to inhale in the period of epidemics.

Application in cooking and in everyday life

The oil is part of syrups, food additives. Two or three drops can be added to water and drink an empty stomach. Healing Product Used in everyday life. When allergic, aggressive cleaning products should be used by mint oil. It is an antiseptic, so carefully cleans the surface and prevents the reproduction of fungi.

This substance has an antibacterial effect. It is used for washing linoleum, parquet, for which forty drops are divorced in 6 liters of water. Mint not only refreshes the air, it eliminates unpleasant odors.

Before use of mint oil, you need to make sure that there are no allergies. It is not recommended to mix many oils, otherwise they will damage to health. Mint is combined with such oils:

  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • menthol;
  • ginger.

Before using mint, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications. It is not recommended:

  • children under 7 years old;
  • pregnant women, nursing mothers;
  • people with hypersensitivity to Menthol.

It is important to comply with precautions. Mint can not be applied for a long timeSince it leads to a breakdown.

Manufacturing at home

Mint oil is very valued in cosmetology and medicine. For its preparation take dry leaves and inflorescences. The leaves and inflorescences are crushed, then poured into the glass container, poured with alcohol (on 50 g of raw materials 100 ml of vodka). To get a weakly concentrated agent, you need to wait 5 weeks. Periodic needs to shake the container. If you insist more than 7 weeks, the oil will be more saturated. Before use, it is required to strain.

Each woman dreams always look attractive, catch on themselves admiring the sights of the opposite sex and rejoice in their reflection in the mirror. But in reality, not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are satisfied with their appearance, and the skin of the face becomes often the object of discontent. Acne, dryness and peeling, mimic wrinkles, excessive pigmentation and other skin problems spoil not only appearance, but also the mood, cause permanent feeling discomfort and insecurity. In order to cope with these challenges, return the skin health and beauty, you can use different means and ways. Someone finds salvation for their skin in cosmetic salons, and someone prefers to carry out the face of the face independently, turning to the help of popular recipes.

Among the fans home cosmetology Various essential oils use in great demand, and mint oil has been specially popular in this regard - affordable and very useful productwho has proven itself as an excellent means to care for problem skin. Homework cosmetics With the addition of mint oil, it will help to calm the irritated skin, eliminate pigmentation, stop inflammatory processes and reduce the amount of rashes.

Mint oil can be used for all types of dermis, including for dry, mixing it with other esters or vegetable oils or with a certain set of products with softening and moisturizing properties. In addition, this tool is often used to care for mature skin - it helps to restore a healthy relief, smoothes small wrinkles, perfectly refreshes, tones and improves the complexion. One more an important feature malt ether is its ability to activate protective skin functions and protect it from external influencesthanks to which the dermis becomes less vulnerable to various infections and viruses.

Use of mint oil for face

Mint oil is a colorless or yellowish oily liquid, which has a pronounced flavor of menthol and slightly bitter taste. This product is obtained by steam distillation from land parts (stalks, leaves and flowers) plants related to the genus of mint, the most vivid representatives of which are mint pepper and meat meadow. The composition of this product includes various organic acids, tannins, vitamins and minerals.

The main component of the mint ether is menthol, which when applied to the skin excites receptors and causes a specific "chill". This substance has anesthetic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates the itching and irritation of the skin, restores the normal tone and stimulates the metabolic processes in the cells. In addition, cinell is contained in the etheric oil of mint, which has the ability to slow down the processes of aging in cells, and citrane, which performs the role of bleach and disinfect, as well as Fellandren, activating the synthesis of collagen fibers and improving capillary permeability. Thanks to her rich chemical composition Mint oil has a very beneficial effect on the skin, namely:

  • contributes to the normalization of sebum production;
  • gently cleans the skin from pollution and narrows pores;
  • drying the skin, eliminates acne, acne and acne;
  • removes irritation, itching, soothes, refreshes and tones the skin;
  • helps to fight S. age-related changes, smoothes shallow wrinkles;
  • controls water balance in the cells of the epidermis; eliminates dryness and peeling;
  • activates the protective functions of the skin, prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the cells;
  • helps get rid of OT viral infections, including herpes on the lips.

It should be noted that, despite a lot of advantages, mint oil is not devoid of contraindications to use. These include pregnancy, lactation period, the presence of extensive foci of inflammation on the skin, individual intolerance and allergies to smells. In addition, it should be borne in mind that mint ether, like other concentrated oils, is used in pure form only point (for example, in the treatment of gunbohydrates), in all other cases this product is necessary before applying to mix with basic oils and other auxiliary components.

Rules for use of mint oil for face

Mint oil - universal toolhelps to keep health, beauty and youth skin of the face. The unique composition of the aromatic ether allows you to use it as for the treatment of various dermatological diseasesand to eliminate a number of cosmetic flaws characteristic of different types Skin. But in order for home cosmetics with mint oil to be quite efficient and most safe as possible, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • Mint oil is not considered a strong allergen, but nevertheless it can often provoke unwanted reactions from the owners of sensitive skin. Therefore, all the prepared mixtures are made to the mint ether, it is necessary to test on the open area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • It is very important to observe the dosage of mint oil specified in the recipe (it is calculated exclusively with drops), since its exceedment can lead to increased sensitivity or irritation of skin cover, as well as to the appearance of burns.
  • As for the masks for the face, which includes a mint ether, they need to be applied to clean, slightly sparkled with herbal bath Skin (excluding skin sections around the eyes). In this case, the cosmetic mixture should be carefully driven into the skin pads of the fingers.
  • The time of action of mint masks is from 15 to 40 minutes, it is not recommended to exceed it even with good portability, since the reaction of the skin, subjected to a long-term effect of ether, can be unpredictable. During the procedures, light burning or tingling may be observed, which, as a rule, passes a few minutes after the mixture is removed.
  • Rush masks with mint oil need warm water, preferably without soap. Additional rinsing face with herbal influences or champs after removing the mask is not required. The cream at the end of the procedure is also not necessary to apply.

The frequency of using mint masks is 1-2 times a week depending on the type and condition of the skin. Wellness treatments It is not recommended to be carried out before bedtime, since mint oil can have an exciting effect on nervous systemIn particular, this applies to people suffering from insomnia.

Application of face mint oil

The malt ether for the person is used by analogy with other essential oils suitable for these purposes, namely mixed with base oils or added to ready-made cosmetics, preferably homemade cooking. A mixture of several drops of aromatic ether and warm vegetable oil (olive, almond or other) can replace nutritious cream, become an effective restoring mask for face or drughelping to fight acne, acne and other dermatological diseases.

As for the use of mint oil in its pure form, it can be carried out point, applying the specified means directly to the affected areas of the skin (acne, gunnock) twice a day for the first three days, after which the cavity must be carried out 1 time per day with an interval in 3-4 days. In the same way, you can use a mall ether when treating herpes on lips.

Cosmetic ice for problem skin

Using ice cubes with mint oil for wiping problem skin Persons after washing (1-2 times a day) will help to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, the pores narrows and give the face of mattness.

  • 200 ml mineral water without gas;
  • 10 g of white cosmetic clay;
  • 8-10 drops of mint oil.

Cooking method:

  • Mix kaolin (clay) with mint oil and scroll to homogeneity.
  • Add mineral water to the resulting mixture (introduce water with small portions, constantly stirring the mass).
  • Pour the finished solution into the container and shake well.
  • As soon as possible, until the clay has time to completely settle down on the bottom, burst the mixture on the molds for ice and place them in the freezing chamber.

Refreshing lotion for all skin types

This means Excellent cleans the skin from pollution and makeup, gives it a mattiness and restores a healthy complexion. Use the mint lotion can be daily.

  • 100 ml of Mineral Water "Borjomi";
  • 8 drops of malt ether;
  • 15 g of food soda;
  • 30 ml medical alcohol (50 %).

Cooking method:

  • Mix soda with essential oil and scroll so that no lumps are left.
  • Dig out the resulting mixture mineral water And add alcohol.
  • Pour the solution into the bottle and shake. Store the resulting lotion thus needed in the refrigerator no more than two weeks.

Face masks with mint oil

Nutrient mask for dry and sensitive skin

The regular use of this product refreshes and softens the skin, removes the traces of fatigue, helps to fight small wrinkles and levels the complexion.

  • 30 g of small oatmeal;
  • 100 ml of hot milk;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 15 ml of peach oil;
  • 2-3 drops of mint essential oil.

Preparation and application:

  • Fill oatmeal with hot milk, cover the lid and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Add pre-whipped yolk, peach oil and mint ether.
  • Apply a ready-made mixture on your face and cover it with a wet cloth.
  • After 20 minutes, wash the cosmetic mass with warm water or dairy serum.

Refreshing mask for oily and combined skin

Such a mask refreshes and tones the skin, relieves fatigue and eliminates the fat shine, and also contributes to the narrowing of the pores and prevents inflammation.

  • 1 small cucumber (fresh);
  • 15 ml of lemon juice;
  • 50 ml of kefira or sources;
  • 3 drops of mint oil.

Preparation and application:

  • Grind peeled cucumber in a blender.
  • Add lemon juice, kefir or yard and malt ether to the resulting cleaner.
  • Mix and apply a refreshing mask on the face.
  • After 20 minutes, wash the cosmetic tool with cool water.

Rejuvenating mask

This remedy helps to fight the age-related changes, smoothes small wrinkles and pulls faces.

  • 50 g of honey;
  • 50 ml of cream;
  • 20 g of potato starch;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • 3-4 drops of mint essential oil.

Preparation and application:

  • Mix starch with cream to homogeneity.
  • Add honey, olive and mint oil, mix and apply the finished mass on the face of the face.
  • After 30 minutes, wash the mask in the usual way.

Facial mint oil is a magnificent assistant capable of keeping the health and beauty of the skin, regardless of its type and structure. And his wonderful refreshing fragrance will raise you the mood and give a charge of cheerfulness.

All essential oils are extremely popular, so they are so often used in aromatherapy, cosmetology, folk healing, traditional medicine, everyday life. Among the ethers is especially valued by mint oil, which is famous for its coolness and ability to calm the nervous system. How else do the composition, which today can be freed everywhere? Let's study the main aspects alternately.

Malt ether

Not many know that the oil mixture is obtained by steam distillation of the top of the peppermint. According to mine external characteristics The ether is transparent, greenish or slightly yellowish. By smell of mint, you can confuse unless with Melissa. The oil smells is saturated and fresh, like the plant itself.

We got acquainted with the features, lay out properties and influence on the human body.

  1. Soothes the nervous system if used as aromatherapy. Normalizes psycho-emotional environment, helps to cope with depressive disorders and stress.
  2. It is used to remove pain, in particular spasms in the muscles. Easy pain in the joints and bundles.
  3. With great success, used with dental and headaches, frequent migraines. Removes the dependence on the weather, thanks to which a person feels much better.
  4. Effective with abdominal pain. It is also famous for its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal qualities. Disinfect purph cavity, eliminates an unpleasant smell.
  5. It is useful in asthenic disorders, easily eliminates nausea, dizziness, dizziness and heartburn. It affects neurons of the brain, stimulating them and improving memory.
  6. Is valued by people who have difficulties with respiratory system. Cleans airways From sputum and mucus, facilitates asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis.
  7. It has antipyretic and coiling qualities, therefore it is used to treat colds. Accelerates the outflow of bile, removes excess fluid and struggles with the ethnicity.
  8. Removes soreness menstrual cycle, increases hemoglobin performance. It is used by athletes to combat muscle spasms, lumbar pain and joints.
  9. Coverosis treats, restores the psyche with emotional loads, increases the supply of strength and energy. Remove chronic fatigue, Soothes and helps to fall asleep.
  10. It is responsible for the circulation of blood throughout the body, reduces the likelihood of spasms and fragility of vessels. It enriches oxygen cells, improves the work of the heart and cognitive abilities.

Restrictions to use

Each composition has its own list of prohibitions that should not be disturbed. Mint's ether is not among the exceptions, so you need to know what restrictions to use it is available.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to apply the remedy on the sensitive zone of the skin near the eyes. Epidermis in this area is dehydrated and does not have sufficient number muscles. Oil contributes to the irritation.
  2. If you have a detected allergic runny nose, you should refuse to use mint oil. Otherwise, the ether can cause bronchial spasms or breathing difficulty.
  3. The ladies who are at the stage of tooling the fetus or feed the child with breasts, before using the product being discussed, it is necessary to consult with the doctor. Contraindications are not excluded.
  4. If you do not transfer Menthol's aroma in the Spirit, you should not use this composition for any purpose. It is also prohibited to use by children to seven years.

Essential oils are useful to use for rejuvenation, most often mint extract add to masks for the skin of the face, head. The composition Lechit different problems, including inflammatory processes and fungus.

For face

  1. It is quite widely used mint ether to remove irritation, healing of microcracks, acne drying. To this end, it must be mixed with the lavender ether, by observing the ratio of 1 to 1. The resulting means is smelted locally.
  2. Also, the composition helps to remove the itch after insect bite, cure burns from contact with poisonous plants. To contribute to the fight against psoriasis and eczema, dermatitis, comedones, mint ether are connected to citrus oil in the same quantity. The skin is processed by means locally.
  3. The main value of the oil of this variety lies in the ability to increase the protective barrier of the epidermis. After use on the skin, an invisible film remains, which prevents the penetration of ultraviolet into the lower layers of the dermis and protects the face from wind, frost, poor ecology.
  4. Apply the ester S. huge benefit in the presence of vascular mesh and early stages acne. The difference between this ether from the rest is that it does not block pores and harsh ducts. Therefore, the production of skin fat is normalized, glitter disappears.
  5. To saturate the familiar cosmetics for the face with antiseptic and rejuvenating properties, 50 gr. Cream or lotion is enough to add 1 drop of ether.
  6. If for indefinable reasons you can not use the ether tea treeIt is replaced with mint oil. The air is connected to a pair of drops of tocopherol in ampoules, then rubs on problem areas.

For hair

  1. The ether of the peppermint is widely used in the medical orientation. Oil has good antispasmodic and analgesic properties. Product removes muscle spasms and painfulness. Ether oil is rarely prescribed to patients for treatment pain syndromes Various character.
  2. In addition to the described properties, the ether copes perfectly with strong headaches. To cope with the problem, you should connect 25 ml. Base oil with 2 drops of mint ether. Carefully stirrate the components and start lifting the composition into the temporal area by massaging movements.
  3. To cope with the symptoms of colds and significantly alleviate the patient's condition should be used simple recipe. The body temperature will also be reduced. To combat fever, mix in a suitable cup of warm mint oils (3 drops) and 30 ml. Coconut. Try the finished coil of the foot, neck and tibia.
  4. It should also be noted that the tool cooked from equal parts of the oils is greatly struggling with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and effectively eliminate toothpick. Walking out the edema on the guys. Throw the composition into the mucous membrane.
  5. Regular use of ether will help to eliminate spasms in the thick intestine. As a result, the stomach disorder passes, and the symptoms of the bloating are leaving. To cope with the problem, dreamed of 230 ml. water room temperature 1 drop of mint oil. Take a drink 20 minutes before meat.
  6. To get rid of unpleasant odor From the mouth should be prepared like a solution. Only the amount of ether must be increased to 3 drops. Wechit the oral cavity after waking up and before the departure to sleep.
  7. The product showed itself well in the fight against fears, elevated concern and nervousness. To improve the psycho-emotional human background, it is enough to fill the aromacon with the ether of the peppermint and wearing the decoration daily. As an alternative, the nose-soaked handkerchief is suitable. Inhale the fragrance regularly.
  8. As mentioned earlier, the product perfectly helps faster overcome coldsas well as cough. Oil is recommended to add to the baths, to do in its bases inhalation and all kinds of compresses.
  9. Most of the oil exhibits with nausea. The composition helps to recover faster after transferred surgical operation and chemotherapy. To do this, it is enough to enter 2 drops of ether into a glass with water. Take a drink twice a day. Also, the oil can be rubbed into the ear region. Such a move helps to fight nausea.

Mint Ether in Aromatherapy

  1. The systematic use of a mint product in aromaculons and aroma lamps helps to fight appetite. So you will not have once again Desires, something to eat. Alternatively, oil is recommended to rub on the wrists.
  2. Aromatherapy is considered excellent tool In the prevention and treatment of various viral ailments. A pleasant fragrance effectively purifies the respiratory tract, the distribution of the nasopharynk is reduced. The oil was well shown at bronchial asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis.
  3. Regular inhalation of mint ether helps to shoot nervous tension After heavy labor day. Psycho-emotional human background will noticeably grow. You become more stressful and calm, regardless of the situation. Wear an aromacon.

The air of the peppermint has unique qualities and a pleasant aroma. Oil showed itself in different areas. For proper use The composition can be achieved the desired results. A pleasant fragrance and unique composition allow a person to normalize mental and physical health.

Video: Mint Essential oil

Mint oil can become an indispensable assistant in maintaining the beauty and youth of the skin of the face. To do this, it is necessary to know the features of its use in cosmetology.

The content of the article:

Mint fragrance is very pleasant and loved by many, because it gives a feeling of freshness, helps to calm the nervous system, returns good mood And brings an indispensable health benefit. Esters derived from peppermint leaves are widely used not only in medicine, but also perfumery, as well as cosmetology for many decades. Before you start using this unique and invaluable product, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules and conclusions.

Useful properties of mint essential oil

Many years of experience using mint essential oil made it popular in the area folk Medicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology. This natural product is widely used in maintaining health and youth to improve work. gastrointestinal tract, elimination of depression and other psychological disorders. Bioenergy is sure that the mint oil is an excellent carifier of the aura, helps to open chakras, improves not only health, but also the fate of a person.

Mint's essential oil has a multicomponent composition and contains more than 2000 active substancesThe most valuable among which is menthol, vetiveryol, thymol, lemon, pinen and tolerant.

Mint is often used in cosmetology, as it looks perfectly behind the skin of the face and body, it also helps to significantly improve the condition of the hair and strengthen the nails. This oil Provides the following action:

  • the process of regeneration is accelerated skin cover upon receipt of the burn;
  • it turns out that stimulating action protective function epidermis;
  • such a defect is eliminated as pigmentation;
  • toned pale and tired skin;
  • restores the disturbed structure of the hair rod;
  • cured dandruff;
  • eliminate the fat shine of hair;
  • helps with fungal lesions, psoriasis and eczema;
  • removes itching and irritation of inflamed skin;
  • it helps with herpes, furunculese and acne.
Depending on which concentrations used mint oil, its impact on the skin will also change:
  • the undiluted oil has a toning effect - the blush appears accelerates blood, the pores are narrowed;
  • the oil in a diluted form has a soothing effect on the skin - the capillary mesh is narrowed, the skin is refreshing.

Contraindications of Mint Essential Oil

During the use of mint essential oil, you need to constantly remember the observance of dosages and not exceed permissible norm. If you neglect this advice, there is a risk of the appearance of a unwanted allergic reaction or other side effects.

For example, with aromatherapy, in case of mint oil abuse, severe begins headacheOpened vomiting. When the dosage disorder during the inhalation, an asthma attack is provoked (if there is a given disease) or bronchospasm. Application on the skin of mint oil in undiluted form causes strong allergic reactionwhich manifests itself in the form of hyperemia or rash.

If the essential oil of the mint will be used to care for the skin of the face, you must be extremely careful and not allowed to enter the eyes. If the oil falls on the cornea, there is a risk of developing a serious burn.

Strict contraindication to the use of mint oil is:

  • hypotension (low pressure);
  • age under 6 years of age;
  • breastfeeding, gestration;
  • the presence of predisposition to allergies.
After applying mint oil on the skin, a lung feeling of coolness, tingling and numbness, barely noticeable redness of the treated area appears. If some other signs are manifested, it is necessary to refuse from the use of this product.

Features of the use of mint essential oil

Mint's essential oil in the field of cosmetology is used in the diluted form outwardly. You can add a few drops of products to compresses, masks, cream and lotions. Also made of oil shampoo, soap, nutritious ice cubes. Mint oil can be diluted with almost any basic oil - for example, peach, sesame, jojoba is perfect. It is recommended to add and face cream, which is selected which, taking into account the type of skin.

Take inside oil mint, allowed in strictly limited quantity. This remedy helps with a stomach disorder, strong feeling Nausea and abdominal pain. IN this case You need to dissolve 1 drop of oil in 200 ml of warm water - ready tool Drinking at a time.

Depending on the procedure conducted, the amount of mint oil used is determined:

  • for appliqué - 10 drops of mint oil is taken on 10 drops of oil bases;
  • for a bath or sauna - per quarter. m. 3-5 drops of oil;
  • for aromalamp - by 15 square meters. m. 2-3 drops of oil;
  • for masks or other home cosmetics - by 20 g of bases 4-6 drops of oil;
  • for compresses - on 20 ml of alcohol 10-12 drops of mint oil.

Mint Essential Oil For Hair Care

Hair needs permanent care. Often, strands begin to break, become dry and lifeless, losing a beautiful shine and color, the problem of falling out. As a result of the violation of the blood circulation process of the scalp, the hair becomes very fragile, confused, quickly fat, dandruff may appear. Essential mint oil will help to get rid of these troubles.

This product is ideal for hair care prone to fatness and for mixed type Hair - dry on the tips and fatty roots. If this oil will be used to care for very dry curls, it is recommended to combine it with additional moisturizing components - for example, vitamin E, egg yolk or burr oil.

Mask with rapid and mint oil

  1. Repeated oil (100 ml) is mixed with mint (4 drops).
  2. The finished composition is applied on the scalp, after which it is evenly distributed over the entire length of strands.
  3. It is necessary to cover your head with a polyethylene and a warm towel.
  4. Mask is washed in 4-6 hours.
Mask with yolk and mint oil

The composition perfectly moisturizes hair and helps get rid of the problem of falling out:

  1. First you need to beat 3 egg yolk, then 1 tbsp. l. fresh juice Citrus, 4 drops of ether mint oil are introduced.
  2. All components are thoroughly mixed until the composition of the homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  3. The area of \u200b\u200bhair roots is abundantly lubricated with the resulting means, after which the mask is uniformly distributed along the length of the curls.
  4. For amplification useful action It is necessary to climb the hair in a layer of polyethylene and bite your head with a towel.
  5. Mask washed after 1-1.5 hours.

To revive loose and dull hair, it is recommended to add a few drops of mint oil into the shampoo to add a few drops of mint oil - 1 drop of oil is taken on 100 ml.

Mint Essential Oil For Skin Care

This unique natural product helps to care for oily leather Persons quickly eliminates such cosmetic defectsAs extended pores, acne rash, uneven pigmentation. You can get rid of these problems in a few days. Mint Essential oil is used to prepare masks, cosmetic ice, tonic, lotion, etc.

Mask with oatmeal and mint oil from wrinkles

To rejuvenate and improving the skin of the face, as well as the removal of small mimic wrinkles and peeling, it is recommended to use the following tool:

  1. It will take to take oatmeal (40 g), you can grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
  2. 100 ml of boiling water is added.
  3. After the mixture is swollen, 10 g of liquid honey is introduced and 2 droplets of mint essential oil.
  4. The finished mask is applied to the pre-cleaned face of the face in a warm form.
  5. After 20 minutes, the remnants of the means are washed, any moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.
Cleansing cosmetic medical

To return the tone of the skin, clean the pores and remove the fat brilliance, returning the skin of froth and natural blush, it is recommended to wipe the face with cosmetic ice cubes every day. You can make it yourself at home:

  1. Takes warm water (150 ml) and natural floral honey (0.5 hours l), eucalyptus oil (1 drop) and mint oil (1 drop).
  2. The components are well mixed until the composition of the homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  3. It is important to trace to completely dissolved honey.
  4. If acne appeared on the skin of the face, the composition can additionally add aloe juice (1 h. L.).
  5. The resulting composition is bottled according to the molds for ice and is placed in the freezer.
  6. Ice cubes are used every day for rubbing the skin of the face, neck and decollete area.
Mask with Kaolin and Oil Mint from acne

To remove inflammation and disinfection of the skin, it is recommended to apply the following mask:

  1. Red clay is mixed (2 art. L.) With lemon juice (1 tsp), linen Oil (15 g), butter of mint (2 drops).
  2. Added herbal decoction Chamomile, sage or calendula (20-40 ml).
  3. The composition must acquire consistency thick sour cream.
  4. The finished mask is applied to the cleansed face of the face, with the exception of the area around the eyes.
  5. After 15-19 minutes, the mask washed off with warm water.

Mint Essential Luba Care

This product has the ability to destroy herpes virus, accelerates blood and increases lip volume. To get such a result, you can add several drops of mint oil into a simple gloss or lip balm.

You can also make yourself prepare home balsam with mint oil. The main advantage of this cosmetic product is that it does not include harmful chemicals.

Home balsam is preparing according to the following scheme:

  1. It will take to take 4 tbsp. l. bee wax, 1 tbsp. l. tocopherol, 10 ml of almond oil, 5 h. Shea oil, 15 ml of cranberry juice (can be replaced by beetroot), 6-8 drops of mint oil and 3 h. Solid oil-cocoa.
  2. First, solid oil with wax melts on the steam bath.
  3. Liquid oils are added.
  4. The composition is mixed and is heated to 65? P.
  5. At the end is added tocopherol and cranberry juice.
  6. The resulting mixture is bottled according to pre-prepared jars and is left in the refrigerator to a complete cooling.
Depending on the time of the year, Balzam's consistency may change. For example, in the summer it needs to be more solid, so as not to break from the heat. For this purpose, the amount of wax increases by 10-20%. In winter, balm needs to be made soft, adding more liquid oils to its composition.

Mint's essential oil can become an excellent assistant in maintaining beauty, youth and health. But to achieve such a result, it needs to be applied to correctly so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.

For details on how to use the essential oil of mint for face and hair, see below:

Mint oil today is widely used in the area of \u200b\u200bcosmetology, in the care procedures for sensitive and oily skin with existing expanded pores and the inclination towards the appearance of rashes. Mint oil - excellent natural antisepticwhich helps to cope with any dermatological problems, increasing the protective properties of the skin.


Cosmetic action of mint oil on the skin of the face

  1. Cleans and narrows pores with a fatty skin type, contributes to the normalization of the production of a hasty secret.
  2. It has a dry effect, fights with acne and small stains after them.
  3. Mint oil eliminates any kind of irritation and inflammation on the surface of the skin.
  4. Improves the complexion of the face and reduces the manifestation of coperaosis.
  5. This essential oil refreshes and leads to the tone of fading skin with signs of fatigue.
  6. Saves water balance in the epidermis, preventing previously aging skin cells.
  7. Increases protective forces of skin cover.
  8. Mint eliminates the effects of sunburn.
  9. Helps in the treatment of herpes on the lips.

Video: Peppermint properties.

Application of face oil

The essential oil oil for the face is used as any other ether, namely, mixed with basic (fat) oils (on 1 tbsp. L. Bases 2 drops of ether) or added (2-3 drops) to any homemade cosmetics (creams, masks, lotions, etc.). Mint oil requires extreme caution during use, especially when sensitive skinAny dosage excess can cause skin irritation or burning.

Funny S. vegetable oilMint can replace the night nutritious cream or become an excellent restoring mask. The mixture can also be used as a method of combating acne, acne and other skin diseases.

In their pure form, mint oil can be used by the owners of the fatty and problematic skin of the face, causing it with point strokes on pimples and inflammation twice a day during the first three days, then the cavity produce once a day every 2-4 days. In the same way, essential oil can be used in the treatment of herpes on the lips.

Homemade Mint Oil Recipes

Toning cosmetic ice with mint oil.

Purified cool water - 200 ml.
Liquid rustic honey - 1 tsp.
Mint's essential oil - 3 drops.

In the glass dishes mix water and honey until the last dissolution of the latter. At the end add mint oil. This wonderful composition is pouring into ice molds and placed in a quick frost in the compartment. Ready cosmetic ice Wipe the face twice a day, first clearing it. A similar procedure helps to increase the tone of the skin, perfectly cleans it, gives freshness.

Refreshing mask with mint oil.

Oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.
Hot milk - 3 tbsp. l.
Mint's essential oil - 2 drops.

Pour flakes with milk and peel on a slow fire for a couple of minutes, cover the lid and leave cool until the porridge becomes a comfortable temperature. In a warm mass, add mint oil, stir and impose on a purified face. After 15 minutes, wash the room temperature and apply the usual cream suitable for the skin type. The procedure is carried out twice a week. Additionally, the mask smoothes and nourishes the skin, improves the complexion.

Cleansing mask with mint oil.

Yellow clay - 1 tbsp. l.
Cold water - 1 tbsp. l.

Grape oil - 2 h.
Almond oil - 2 h.
Lemon oil - 1 drop.

Clay powder breed water to not too thick mass (like thick sour cream), add cosmetic and essential oils. The mixture is imposed on a pre-purified face and hold 15 minutes. Rinse the composition of water temperature, and then apply cream with intense moisturizing effect. The mask improves blood supply, saturates the skin with oxygen, dries acne on the face.

Nutrient mask for dry skin with mint oil.

Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Mint's essential oil - 2 drops.

To the warm base oil add an ether component. The tool can be wiped with the skin in the morning and in the evening, or use as nutrient mask Or a night cream, applying it to the face for 15 minutes. Remains are removed with paper napkins.

Contraindications and precautions

  1. Allergic reactions and the presence of individual intolerance.
  2. You can not use the skin around the eyes.
  3. Period of pregnancy and lactation.
  4. Children under 7 years old.

Before applying a mint oil, it is important to make a test for skin sensitivity, causing a little means to the back of the wrist. If 30 minutes of signs of burning, redness or irritation are not observed, you can safely apply mint oil in cosmetic purposes. Otherwise, the use of this person may not be speech.

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